派 遣 函

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX公司(落款及印章)XXXX年XX月XX 日派遣函标准格式(英文)Letter of DispatchWe hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport No.XXXXX ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company. Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal) XXXX(year)XX(month)XX(day)(date)欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。

XXXXXXXXX(公司名称)XXXX年XX月XX日派遣函标准格式(英文)Letter of DispatchWe hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport No.XXXXX ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company.Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal)XXXX(year)XX(month)XX(day)(date)。

Dear Sir or Madam,
This is to certify that Ms./ Mr.(被派遣人英文全名,英文名必须与护照一致),XXXX (被派遣人职务)of XXXXX (被派遣人所在学校/单位正式英文全称)with a salary of RMB. XXXX(被派遣人月收入), will participate the ELT T eacher Training Programme in the United Kingdom for three weeks.
Sincerely yours,
Address: XX(门牌号),XX Street(路名),XX District(区),XX City(市),XX Province(省/自治区/直辖市), P.R. China, XXXXXX(邮编)(学校/单位地址)Tel: 86-区号-领导电话
Fax: 86-区号-领导传真

有限公司年月日派遣函标准格式(英文)Letter of DispatchWe hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company.Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal)XXXX(year)XX(month)XX(day)(date)。

由于本公司业务需要,现决定派遣XXXX先生(小姐/女士)于XXXX年XX 月XX日至XX月XX日前往XXXX[国家名称]XXXX[城市名称]参加(/进行)XXXXXX [活动内容,商务目的]。
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX公司(落款及印章)负责人职位:亲笔签名:XXXX年XX月XX日派遣函标准格式(英文)Letter of DispatchWe hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport No.XXXXX ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company.Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal)XXXX(year)XX(month)XX(day)(date)。
派 遣 函

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX公司(落款及印章)XXXX年XX月XX日派遣函标准格式(英文)Letter of DispatchWe hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport No.XXXXX ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company.Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal) XXXX(year)XX(month)XX(day)(date)。


申请人信息如下:特此证明!单位电话:0755—备注:红色部份根据申请人真实情况填写!!!!单位全称:深圳市XXX饰工程有限公司负责人名字:打印负责人签名:亲笔签名开立日期:2020年4月11日请用公司台头信纸打印并加盖公章,此信息不要保留CertificateTo whom it may concern,This is to certify that below persons work in our company. We agreethat he/she go to America from Jul.15,2013 to Aug.02,2013 for business meeting at American XX company’s invitation. All costs during the trip will be covered bythe company. We confirm that he/she will abide the local laws and regulations and return to China on time. Our company will bear all legal responsibility if he/she refuse to come back. After coming back he/she will be still work in our company.Your kind concern of taking into consideration their visa applications will be much appreciated.Thanks &Best Regards.Any Questions,please feel free to contact us.Tel. NO.:XXX—XXXXXXXXCompany name:Person in charge:Signature:Date:THANKS !!!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考。

[派遣方单位名称][日期]English Dispatch Letter:Dear [Recipient's Name],Due to the work requirements, our organization is now dispatching [Name of Dispatched Person] to [Destination] to carry out [Specific Task or Activity]. The dispatch period is from [Start Date] to [End Date].During the dispatch period, [Name of Dispatched Person] will carry out relevant work on behalf of our organization and communicate and cooperate with you. Please give your support and assistance to ensure the smooth progress of the work.If you have any questions or need further communication, please feel free to contact us.Thank you for your cooperation and support.[Name of Dispatching Organization][Date]。

Sample: Dispatch Letter派遣函模板The letter should be printed on the company letter head.请采用含公司抬头的公文信笺..The date of the letter issued派遣函签发日期.ToVisa Officer,South Africa Embassy in Beijing致南非驻北京大使馆Sub: Dispatch Letter for (Name of the applicant and his designation)主题:xx申请人的派遣函(含申请人的名字和职位)Dear Sir,Company profile: Please briefly explain about the company in China and the products you are dealing in.中方公司的简介: 请简单地介绍中方公司在中国的概况和经营的产品。
We are invited byThe name of the inviting company and its address where the applicant is going to visit .我们被某某公司邀请去参观(请指明邀请公司名称和地址)Applicants personal detail including the full name, passport number, designation in China,salary etc.申请人的个人详情需包括拼音全名,护照号.职务,薪资等.Purpose of the visit of applicant in detail mentioning their work schedule and profile while in South Africa.具体说明申请人的访问目的和具体在邀请国的工作内容。
中英文的派遣函 .doc

中英文的派遣函Sample: Dispatch Letter派遣函模板The letter should be printed on the company letter head.请采用含公司抬头的公文信笺..The date of the letter issued派遣函签发日期.ToVisa Officer,Greece Embassy in Beijing致希腊驻北京大使馆Sub: Dispatch Letter for (Name of the applicant and his designation)主题:xx申请人的派遣函(含申请人的名字和职位)Dear Sir,Company profile: Please briefly explain about the company in China and the products you are dealing in.中方公司的简介: 请简单地介绍中方公司在中国的概况和经营的产品。
We are invited byThe name of the inviting company and its address where the applicant is going to visit .我们被某某公司邀请去参观(请指明邀请公司名称和地址)Applicants personal detail including the full name, passport number, designation in China,salary etc.申请人的个人详情需包括拼音全名,护照号.职务,薪资等.Purpose of the visit of applicant in detail mentioning their work schedule and profile while in Greece.具体说明申请人的访问目的和具体在邀请国的工作内容。

******有限公司******* Co., Ltd.(公司名称英文版)派遣函至领事馆签证官阁下:兹有我公司**先生(性别:*;出生日期:*****;护照号:******;),在我公司********有限公司担任***职务,工作*年,月薪*****元,他将于****年**月**日至****年**月**日前往***(国家名)参加**活动,此次所需费用由我公司全部承担——我公司保证其遵守贵国的法律法规,按时回国并仍担任原职务,请贵领事馆给予签证的方便。
Dear Sir or Madam:This letter is written to certify that Mr.**(Gender: male; Date of Birth: 05-30-1977; Passport No.:****;)is employed by*******************Co. Ltd., as**(职位英文名). He has already got this job for*years, and has a salary for****RMB per month, he will be assigned to travel to****(国家名)for ****(去的目的)purpose from (时间例如:September 10, 2013 to September 16, 2013. )All expenses will be covered by our company—And we also guarantee that he will abide by the laws and come back on schedule and resume his position in our company, please kindly issue him visa after your checking up.Yours truly证明人:Reference:证明人职位:Post:**********有限公司******** Co., Ltd.地址: 四川省成都市*****Address:*****,Chengdu,Sichuan电话:(028)******Tel:(028)*******传真:(028)*******Fax: (028)********。

派遣函中英文(范本派遣函中英文(范本,使用公司抬头纸)表2XX,XX ,2007To Egypt Embassy, Beijing, China,CONFIRMATION OF EMPLOYMENTThis letter is to confirm that Mr./Ms. XXX, Sex M, Born xx/xx/xx(日月年), Currently holds the position of sale representative in this company since she/he has joined in the company from XXXX(年月). We agree to send him/her to joint the Interbuild 2007 and Egypt/China Trade & Investment Conference. Her/His business travel cost to the Egypt will be covered by Egypt government. Her salary is XXXX RMB per month. We guarantee Mr./Ms. XXX will conform to local laws during her/his stay in the Egypt and are in no doubt of her/his prompt return to her /his duties in China upon completion of her/his planned itinerary.Name of company: XXXX Co., LtdADD:T el: 0086-xx-xxxxxxxx Fax: 0086-xx-xxxxxxxx派遣函兹证明申请人XXX出生于X年X月X日,性别X,从XXX年X月X日起在本公司工作,任本公司XXX职务,月薪人民币XXXX元.公司派遣XXX赴埃及开罗参加Interbuild 2007建筑展及埃中贸易投资洽谈会,机票、3晚酒店等费用由埃及政府提供.我公司保证其在埃及期间遵守当地法律,并在商务活动结束后按期回国,继续在我公司任原职.如XX未征得主办方许可未按期回国,我单位愿承担相关责任及法律纠纷所引起的费用。

(单位派遣函/费用证明/在职证明英文模板, 用单位A4正式公函红头纸打印)(单位抬头)The Embassy of (前往国家) in Beijing,/The Consulate-General of (前往国家) in Guangzhou / Nanning,This is to certify that Mr./Mrs. (姓名), (职务及工作单位), is joining a(团组人数)-member delegation and will pay a (停留天数)-day (访问目的) to(前往国家)in (出访年、月). All the expenses, including health insurance, will be borne by (出访费用支付单位). I assure that he/she will return to his/her postin China right after this mission.I write to support the above-mentioned person to realize the visit to(前往国家).(负责人中文签名)***(负责人姓名拼音)****(负责人职务)****(单位英文名称)****(单位公章)(签字日期)单位地址:Address:电话:Tel:传真:Fax:注意:1.此为样式,出访团组请根据具体情况作相应改动,请用英文填写并打印;2.建议每人一份,并由团组成员所属单位出具,所属单位正职领导签字(本人出访由副职代签,不可使用签字章),盖单位公章;3.广州方向签证抬头为The Consulate-General of(前往国家)in Guangzhou,北京方向签证抬头为The Embassy of (前往国家) in Beijing;4.前往欧洲申根国家,需列明到访的所有申根国家及总天数,前往非申根国只写该国停留天数。

有限公司年月日派遣函标准格式(英文)Letter of DispatchWe hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport No.XXXXX ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company.Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.)XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.)XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.)XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal)XXXX(year)X X(month)XX(day)(date)。
Dispatch Letter (英文派遣函)

********************** (派遣单位英文抬头)**************************(派遣单位的英文地址)Tel: +86-***-******** Fax: +86-***-********Dispatch LetterVisa Section of Consulate General of ****(出访目的国), ****(受理签证的领馆所在城市)Dear Visa Section Officer,Our company is *************** (派遣函签发单位的单位简单情况介绍)We would like to confirm that the following person is working in our company as ****** (被派遣人的职位)and he has been working in***********(被派遣人在派遣单位的工作部门)since ****** (入职年月). His salary is ********** (月薪或年薪).As the guest invited by ******(邀请签发方单位名称),************** (邀请方的单位地址,电话), he will go to your country for ************ (出访目的或内容、出访的起止日期以及滞留在受访目的国天数). His details as below:Name Sex Date of Birth Passport No. Date of Expiry Place of Issue XXX Male 26th Mar,1972 E01545169 1st July,2022 Zhejiang We hereby declare that we shall be responsible for the following items for him.1.All expenses for this trip to including the cost of air tickets, traffic expenses, insuranceand accommodation will be covered by ********* (邀请方的名称或者派遣方自己的名称,具体看实际的费用承担方是谁);2.He will abide by laws and rules of your country;3.He will return to China on time, and continue his work in our company.Thank you in advance!Yours Sincerely,On & behalf of***************************** (派遣单位名称)(派遣单位有权签署人的中文签名与公司公章)******** (派遣单位签署人的中文拼音名)******** (派遣单位签署人的职位)。
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网艺出国签证中心客服随时帮您解答. 浏览5228 发布时间10/04/21派遣函中英文(范本,使用公司抬头纸)表2
XX,XX ,2007
To Egypt Embassy, Beijing, China,
This letter is to confirm that Mr./Ms.XXX, Sex M, Born xx/xx/xx(日月年), Curre ntly holds the position of sale representative in this company since she/he has joined in the company from XXXX(年月). We agree to send him/her to joint the I nterbuild 2007 and Egypt/China Trade & Investment Conference. Her/His business travel cost to the Egypt will be covered by Egypt government. Her salary is XXX X RMB per month. We guarantee Mr./Ms.XXX will conform to local laws during her/ his stay in the Egypt and are in no doubt of her/his prompt return to her /his duties in China upon completion of her/his planned itinerary.
Name of company: XXXX Co., Ltd
Tel: 0086-xx-xxxxxxxx Fax: 0086-xx-xxxxxxxx
兹证明申请人XXX出生于X年X月X日,性别X,从XXX年X月X日起在本公司工作,任本公司XXX职务,月薪人民币XXXX元.公司派遣XXX赴埃及开罗参加Interbuild 2007建筑展及埃中贸易投资洽谈会,机票、3晚酒店等费用由埃及政府提供.我公司保证其在埃及期间遵守当地法律,并在商务活动结束后按期回国,继续在我公司任原职.如XX未征得主办方许可未按期回国,我单位愿承担相关责任及法律纠纷所引起的费用。
XX/ XX /2007。