




第I卷1页至4页,第II 卷5页至12页。


第I卷(选择题,共126分)注意事项:1. 答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔填写在答题卡上。

2. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,不能答在试卷上。

3. 考试结束,监考人只将第II卷和答题卡一并收回。

可能用到的相对原子质量:H—1 C—12 O—16 Na—23 Mg—24 Al—27 Fe—56 本卷有两大题,共21小题,每小题6分。


每小题只有一个....选项符合题意)1. 右图所示曲线不能表示下列哪项生理变化A. 水稻根细胞吸收K+的速度与呼吸强度的关系B. 酵母菌呼吸释放CO2的速度与O2浓度的关系C. 小麦种子在成熟过程中干物质的量随时间的变化D. 玉米幼苗吸收CO2的速度随光照强度的变化2. 下列关于种群、群落和生态系统的叙述,正确的是A. 自然选择使种群基因频率定向改变后,便形成了新物种B. 与农田生态系统相比,热带雨林生态系统全年的光能利用率更高C. 因为植物群落有分层现象,所以种植农作物时要合理密植D. 农田生态系统群落结构单一,恢复力稳定性低3. 右图是人体细胞中部分物质代谢的关系图,下列有关叙述正确的是A. 多糖经①形成C6H12O6的过程,可发生在肝脏和肌肉细胞中B. 若X代表丙酮酸,C6H12O6中的O经过②→③转移给H2OC. C6H12O6和脂肪形成的X,经⑤过程只能形成某些种类的氨基酸D. 通过②、④过程,C6H12O6和脂肪可以大量相互转化4. 生物体内的下列物质,除哪一项外,其余均具有特异的识别作用A. RNA聚合酶B. 限制性内切酶C. DNA探针D.标记基因5. 下列关于微生物的叙述,错误的是A. 在生产实践中,连续培养有助于延长细菌生长的稳定期,提高产量B. 多数微生物属于分解者,是生态系统必不可少的成分C. 根瘤菌是共生固氮菌,其固氮基因位于细胞质中D. 细菌均以C 6H 12O 6作碳源和能源,通过分裂生殖繁殖 6. 在两个容积不同....的容器中,一个盛有HCl 气体,另一个盛有H 2和Cl 2的混合气体。



全国2006年4月英语(一)答案答案及评分参考I. V ocabulary and Structure (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1.A2.D3.C4.D5.B6.C7.C8.A9.D 10.CII. Cloze Test (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)11.D 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.CIII. Reading Comprehension (本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)21.D 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.A 26.A 27.B 28.D 29.C 30.D 31.D 32.A 33.C 34.B 35.BIV. Word Spelling (本大题共20小题,每两小题1分,共10分)36. progress 37. insist 38. asleep 39. mirror 40. direct41. provide 42. flood 43.explore 44. pressure 45. indifferent46. topic 47. dispute 48. alike 49. climate 50. endless51. European 52. enjoyment 53. adapt 54. fourteen 55. safe[评分参考]多写、少写或错写一个或一个以上的字母均为错V. Word From (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)56. uses 57. avoiding 58. be made 59. using 60. higher61. leaving 62. to practice 63. surprised 64. will get 65. is suffering[评分参考]语法错误或拼写错误均不给分。

VI. C-E Translation (本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)66. There is so much water in the Atlantic that it is hard to imagine how much there is.67. Scientists know that the combination of extreme heat and pressure changes carbon into diamonds.68. In the back of their mind buyers always have the hope of finding something of great value for a bargain price.69. A large number of examples can be given of the way in which natural environments are being changed.70. You must realize that body language is very much tied to culture.[评分参考](1)主要语法错误(如动词时态、语态、虚拟语气、主谓一致、否定、疑问以及其他句型错误)或影响基本句意的重要用词错误扣1分。



全国2006年4月高等教育自学考试中国现代文学史试题一、填空题1.1918年《新青年》刊发的外国文学专号是(.易卜生专号 )2.“五四”文学革命时期戏剧界提出“爱美的”(Amateur)的口号,“爱美的”意为(非职业戏剧 )3.京派作家的创作所表现的主要内容是(乡村中国 )4.“七月”诗派的特点是( 以抗战现实为内容,以自由体为主要形式)5.关于杂文“鲁迅风”的争议发生在(B.抗战时期上海“孤岛 )6.开中国现代乡土小说先河的作家是(鲁迅 )7.鲁迅小说《铸剑》中的人物宴之敖(黑衣人)是一个( 复仇者形象 )8.《女神》中的多数诗篇写于(“五四”高潮时期 )9.郭沫若的历史剧《屈原》、《南冠草》宣扬的基本思想是( .舍身报国的爱国精神 )10.《潘先生在难中》反映的背景是(.军阀混战 )11.《缀网劳蛛》表现的主要思想是(带有宗教色彩的积极人生态度 )12.冰心于1931年发表的标志她小说创作新阶段的作品是( 《分》 )13.郁达夫表现“五四”青年性苦闷的小说是(《沉沦》 )14.受到周作人小品散文艺术风格影响的作家是( 冯文炳 )15.下列不宜用来描述《腐蚀》主人公赵惠明的词语是(追求肉体享乐 )16.在茅盾下列小说中,较多运用象征主义手法的是(《蚀》三部曲 )17.茅盾描写延安人民革命生活风貌的散文名篇是(《风景谈》)18.老舍创作的寓言体小说是(《猫城记》)19.老舍反映沦陷区人民生活的小说是(《四世同堂》 )20.沈从文的《湘西》是(散文集 )21.下列沈从文塑造的人物中“作为美的精灵与化身”的是( .翠翠 )22.下列沈从文小说中表现“湘西人性世界”的作品是(《柏子》 )23.曹禺在抗战初期创作的以革新一所医院腐败现象为内容的剧本是( 《蜕变》 )24.曹禺以暴露“损不足以奉有余”的“社会形态”为创作思想的剧作是(《日出》 )25.曹禺剧作《北京人》中“棺材”的象征意义是(封建阶级的灭亡 )26.20世纪40年代上海沦陷时期红极一时的作家是( 张爱玲 )27.20世纪40年代我国新歌剧最早的一部代表作是(《白毛女》 )28.下列赵树理小说的人物形象中个性最鲜明生动的是( 二诸葛、三仙姑 )29.赵树理的第一部长篇小说是(《李家庄的变迁》 )30.郭全海这个人物出自于(《暴风骤雨》 )二、多项选择题31.陈独秀的《文学革命论》一文,提出要建设的文学有(BDE )A.平民文学 B.国民文学C.通俗文学 D.写实文学E.社会文学32.下列关于老舍创作特色的正确表述有(ABD )A.现实主义、口语化 B.文化反思色彩、“京味儿”C.讽刺、浪漫主义 D.描写城市市民、幽默E.象征主义、抒情性33.下列属于田汉所创作的剧本有(CDE )A.《五奎桥》 B.《家》C.《丽人行》 D.《回春之曲》E.《南归》34.20世纪40年代浪漫主义代表作家有(BC )A.赵树理 B.徐讠于C.无名氏 D.路翎E.钱钟书35.抗战时期,揭露阻碍抗战、阻碍民族更新的黑暗势力和民族痼疾的长篇小说有(ACDE )A.《腐蚀》 B.《困兽记》C.《四世同堂》 D.《淘金记》E.《呼兰河传》三、名词解释题(本大题共2小题,每小题4分,共8分)36.象征诗派:(1)中国现代的象征诗派,是指"五四"文学革命后以李金发为代表的新诗流派。



2006年法语专四题答案第一部分:听写La Vieille Dame Sauvée Par Le Chien ErrantUne vieille dame avait rencontréun chien.Affamé,il l’avait suivie jusque chez elle mais n’avait pas pu entrer.Un règlement d’immeuble interdit la possession de tout animal.Mais elle lui donna un bon morceau de viande.Le lendemain et(tous)les jours qui suivirent,la vieille dame s’en alla rencontrer le chienàl’endroit oùelle l’avait vu la première fois pour lui dire qu’elle l’aimait et lui donner une pleine gamelle.Mais,un jour,la vieille dame ne va pas.Alors,le chien courut jusqu’àla demeure de son amie et se mitàaboyer.Les voisins lui lancèrent des pierres.Le chien resta et continuaàaboyer jusqu’àce qu’un voisin plus humain monteàl’appartement. Il défonça l’entrée et trouva la vieille dame inanimée.Elleétait mal tombée au moment de sortir pour aller nourrir son ami.Et elle serait morte si le chien n’avait donnél’alerte.听力Section A:BBCAC BBCACSection B:CACBC BCBBC第二部分:词汇近义词1-5D B A C B反义词6-10C(adorable的讨人喜欢不仅指外表,还有性格等,C“无法忍受的”这个意思更贴近。





1.行列式01k 221k ≠--的充分必要条件是( )A .k ≠-1B .k ≠3C .k ≠-1且k ≠3D .k ≠-1或k ≠32.若齐次线性方程组⎩⎨⎧=λ+=+λ0x 2x 30x 2x 2121有非零解,则λ=( )A .2B .-2C .2D .±33.若A=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛1234,B=⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛321654,则( ) A .AB 是2×3矩阵 B .AB 是3×2矩阵 C .AB 是2×2矩阵D .因为B 的列数不等于A 的行数,故AB 无意义4.若AB=AC ,能推出B=C ,其中A ,B ,C 为同阶方阵,则A 应满足条件( ) A .A ≠0 B .A=0 C .A =0D .A ≠05.设α=(1,2,4),β=(0,1,3),k 为任意实数,则( ) A .α-β线性相关 B .α+β线性相关 C .k α线性无关 D .α-β线性无关 6.设k 是数,α是向量,k α=0,则必有结论( )A .α=0B .k=0C .k=0且α=0D .k=0和α=0至少有一个成立7.设A 为n 阶矩阵,A ≠0,则( ) A .A 是正定矩阵B .秩(A )<nC .A 有两列对应元素成比例D .A 中任一行均不能由其余各行线性表出 8.x 1+x 2+…+x n =0的任一基础解系向量中的个数为( )A .1B .2C .n+1D .n-19.若矩阵A=⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛--3211,则A 的特征方程是( )A .3211+λ--λB .λ2-2λ-1=0C .3211-λ-+λD .λ2+2λ-1=010.若事件A ,B 满足B ⊂A ,则下列中不一定成立的为( ) A .A B=B B .A B ⊃ C .A A B =D .AB=B11.已知事件A ,B 相互独立,P (A )=43,P (AB )=41,则P (A B )=( ) A .41 B .31C .21D .3212.设离散型随机变量ξ的分布列为其分布函数为F (x ),则F(23)=( ) A .0.1B .0.3C .0.6D .1.0 13.设ξ~B (n,p ),则D ξ-E ξ=( ) A .np(1-p)B .np 2C .np 2(1-p)D .-np 214.设二维随机向量(ξ,η)的联合分布律为( )则有 A.61=α B .41=αC .31=α D .43=α 15.X 1,X 2,…,X n 是[θ,3θ]上均匀总体的样本,θ>0是未知参数,记X =∑=n1i i X n 1,则θ的无偏估计为( ) A .31XB .21X C .32XD .2X16.设总体X 是参数为λ的泊松分布,即X~P (λ),记X =∑=n1i i X n 1为样本X 1,X 2,…,X n 的样本均值,则总体参数λ的矩估计量为( ) A .X1 B .XC .2XD .(X )217.总体X~N (μ,4)的一个样本为X 1,X 2,X 3,X 4,记X =41(X 1+X 2+X 3+X 4),则 D (X )=( ) A .41 B .21 C .1 D .418.设总体X~N(μ,σ2),X 1,X 2,…,X n 为其样本,X 为样本均值,则有( ) A .)1n (t ~nX 2-σμ- B .)1,0(N ~)X (n σμ- C .)1,0(N ~nn X 2σμ-D .)n (t ~)n X (n σμ-二、简答题(本大题共2小题,每小题6分,共12分)19.设A=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛--523412101,B=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--250031321,求AB T .20.机器生产零件,其长度ξ~N (10.5,0.062),规定ξ落在10.05±0.12内为合格品,求一零件不合格的概率(已知Φ(2)=0.9772).三、计算题(本大题共2小题,每小题8分,共16分)21.计算n 阶行列式ab b b b a b bb b a bb b b a22.某种合金的抗拉强度Y (kg/m 2)与合金中含碳量X (%)的关系,由试验获得一组观测数据(x i ,y i )(i=1,2, …,9),整理后得∑∑∑∑========91i ii 91i 91i i91i i,55.60yx ,1824.0i2X ,5.426y,26.1x求Y 对X 的线性回归方程.四、证明题(本大题共2小题,每小题8分,共16分)23.证明当a=3时,方程组⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=-+=+++=++0x 2ax x 3x )2a (x 3x 21x x 2x 321321321有无穷多解.24.设总体服从区间[1,θ,+3]上的均匀分布,证明:θˆ=2X -4是θ的无偏估计. 五、综合应用题(本大题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分) 25.设λ>2,判别下列实二次型是否为正定二次型:f(x 1,x 2,x 3,x 4)=λ31322124232221x x 2x x 2x x 2x x x x +-++λ+λ+.26.二维随机向量的联合分布为求:(1)常数α;(2)ξ,η的边际分布;(3)ξ,η是否相互独立?此答案为参考答案,如有不妥之处请见谅。



2006年大连市初中毕业升学统一考试数 学题号 一二 三 四 五 附加题 总分 得分本试卷1~8页,共150分,考试时间120分钟。

请考生准备好圆规,直尺、三角板、计算器等答题工具. 一、选择题(本题8小题,每小题3分,共24分) 说明:将下列各题唯一正确的答案代号A 、B 、C 、D 填到题后的括号内。

1.如图1,在平面直角坐标系中,点E 的坐标是 ( )A .(1, 2)B .(2, 1)C .(-1, 2)D .(1,-2)2.在△ABC 中,∠C = 90°,A C = 3,BC = 4,则sin A 的值是 ( )A .34B .54C .43D .533.如图2,Rt △ABC ∽Rt △DEF ,则∠E 的度数为 ( ) A .30° B .45° C .60° D .90° 4.下列各式运算结果为x 4的是 ( )A .x 4·x 4B .(x 4)4C .x 16÷x 2D .x 4 + x 45.小伟五次数学考试成绩分别为:86分、78分、80分、85分、92分, 李老师想了解小伟数学学习变化情况,则李老师最关注 小伟数学成绩的 ( )A .平均数B .众数C .中位数D .方差 6.如图3,数轴上点N 表示的数可能是 ( ) A .10 B .5 C .3 D .27.如图4,点A 、B 、C 、D 、E 、F 、G 、H 、K 都是7×8方格纸 中的格点,为使△D EF ∽△ABC ,则点M 应是F 、G 、H 、K 四点中的 ( )8.图5能折叠成的长方体是 ( )得分 阅卷人 图 1E y x123-1-2-3-3-2-1321O 图 2?FEDC B A60°N图 31234-1图 4K H G FED CBA 图 5DCBA二、填空题(本题共7小题,每小题3分,共21分) 说明:将答案直接填在题后的横线上。






这个概念工具是指【】P12 A.理想类型 B.科层制C.社会行动类型D.理解社会学2.作为社会学科恢复重建的组织者和领导者,提出要建设中国自己的社会学的学者是【】P27A.许仕廉B.吴文藻C.费孝通D.孙本文3.《自杀论》一书是用一种社会事实(社会因素)去解释另一种社会事实(自杀)的范例,其作者是【】P9A.涂尔干B.孔德C.斯宾塞D.韦伯4.确定预定社会目标及其达到预定目标而采取的行动与手段,以及对社会目标、行动与手段的合理性可行性评价的过程,这是社会学的1【】P37A.描述性功能B.解释性功能C.预测性功能D.规范性功能5.根据一定的研究假设,在有控制的条件下,通过观察、记录、分析,发现或证实社会现象变量之间因果关系的一种研究方法,称为【】P44A.问卷调查B.实地研究C.社会实验方法D.非介入性研究方法6.职位和由职位发生的权利义务以及行为规范、行为模式的总和,是由个人与社会的结合而产生出来的而且比个人更具体的概念,称为【】P60A.角色B.地位C.身份D.职业7.“刮风不是文化,利用风力发电才是文化”,指的是文化的【】P82A.创造性B.习得性C.共享性D.累积性8.一种文化接受或吸收另一种文化的某些文化元素或文化丛,融入本文化的过程,是【】P972A.文化交流B.文化采借C.文化冲突D.文化融合9.再社会化又称作【】P114A.基本社会化B.继续社会化C.重新社会化D.反向社会化10.年轻一代用新知识、新观念影响前辈的过程,是【】P115A.基本社会化B.再社会化C.重新社会化D.反向社会化11.金钱借贷方面的合作属于【】P139A.传统合作B.自发性合作C.指导性合作D.契约式合作12.人们相距122厘米到365厘米之间,是属于【】P146A.亲密距离B.个人距离C.社会距离D.公众距离13.既得利益集团是指对什么享有支配权的社会阶层?【】P173A.行业特殊资源B.经济资源C.公共资源D.政治资源14.初级群体的规模一般在【】P159A.10人以下B.30人以下34C.50人以下D.10015. 表示【 】P162A.血缘关系B.领养关系C.亡故D.入赘16.公共部门在提供公共物品方面存在的缺陷一般统称为【 】P195A.效率低下B.市场失灵C.政府失灵D.社会不公平17.家庭制度中最重要的基础是【 】P208A.家庭财产继承制度B.婚姻制度C.生育制度D.亲子制度18.社会结构内部运作不协调和由于矛盾而产生的压力,叫做【 】A.社会张力B.社会危机C.社会失范D.社会失调19.某学者指出,在交通繁忙的市中心规划建设商业中心将造成城市发展的不平衡。



2006年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试4—英语试题(四)第一部分: 听力(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。

每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。



1. Where are these people?A. They' re at the boy' s home.B. They're in the classroom.C. They're at the teachers' office.2. How long will it take to get there if you go on foot?A. About 5 minutes.B. About half an hour.C. More than 2 hours.3. How were Mary's summer holidays?A. Tired.B. Busy.C. Happy.4. What have they decided to do?A. Visit.B. Play.C. Fly.5. What is the problem with the woman?A. She couldn't see the blackboard.B. She didn't hear clearly.C. She doesn't know the answer.第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





高三级综合科二轮测练题一第I 卷一、本大题共30道选择题,每小题3分,共90分,每小题只有一个正确答案,请将正确的选项用2B 型铅笔涂在答题卷第I 卷答题卡上。


1.2006年的冬季奥运会在甲城举行,有关该城的描述,不正确的是: A .意大利广播、电影和电视的发祥地,是意大利统一后的第一个首都 B .该城和米兰、热那亚被人称之为“工业铁三角” C .不是以旅游而闻名于世的意大利城市D .地处世界著名的新兴工业区,以发展轻工业为主 2.流经甲城的河流汛期是在: A .春季B .夏季C .秋季D .冬季3.冬奥会开幕式于当地时间(区时)2月10日20点举行,此时北京时间是: A .2月10日13时B .2月11日13时C .2月10日3时D .2月11日3时下图为a 、b 、c 、d 四种地理要素百分比的坐标示意图,读图完成4-5题。


如果a 、b 、c 、d 分别代表资金密集型、知识密集型、资源密集型和劳动密集型工业产值占深圳工业总产值的百分比,那么符合深圳市今后发展方向的产业结构应该是:A .线一代表的产业结构B .线二代表的产业结构C .线三代表的产业结构D .以上都不是5.如果a 、b 、c 、d 分别代表资金、知识、资源、劳动力四要素对工业区位的影响程度,则线二代表的工业部门最有可能的是:A .纺织工业B .电子工业C .钢铁工业D .飞机制造业 6.甲午战争以后,外国轮船沿长江最远可以到达A .南京B .九江C .汉口D .重庆 7.中共提出和平解决西安事变的主要出发点是A .改善国共两党关系B .粉碎国民党亲日派的企图C .从全民族利益出发D .支持国民党亲英美派的态度о甲8.1947年,中共决定以废除封建剥削的土政策代替减租减息的土地政策,其主要原因是A.农民渴望获得土地B.解放农村生产力的需要C.中国社会主要矛盾的变化D.巩固解放区政权的需要9.新中国第一次以世界五大国的地位参加的会议是:A.亚非国际会议B.第26届联合国大会C.日内瓦会议D.巴黎和会10.团结-批评-团结”的公式,适用于正确处理A.人民内部矛盾B.敌我矛盾C.民族矛盾D.阶级矛盾中国是一个产煤大国,是一个严重依赖煤炭能源的国家,同时也是矿难频发的国家。



2006年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试数学理试题参考答案(湖北卷)一、选择题:本题考查基础知识和基本运算.每小题5分,满分50分. 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A二、填空题:本题考查基础知识和基本运算.每小题5分,满分25分. 11.412.0.9413.18-或814.20 15.112r +, 三、解答题16.本小题主要考查平面向量数量积的计算方法、三角公式、三角函数的性质及图象的基本知识,考查推理和运算能力.解:(1)由题意得()()f x a b c =+(sin cos )(sin cos sin 3cos )x x x x x x =--- ,,22sin 2sin cos 3cos x x x x =-+2cos 2sin 2322x xx =+-π⎛⎫=+ ⎪4⎝⎭,故()f x的最大值为22π=π2. (2)由sin 20x 3π⎛⎫+= ⎪4⎝⎭得32x k π+=π4,即32k x k ππ=-∈8Z ,.于是32k d ππ⎛⎫=--⎪82⎝⎭,,d k =∈Z .因为k 为整数,要使d 最小,则只有1k =,此时2d π⎛⎫=-- ⎪8⎝⎭,即为所求.17.本小题主要考查二次函数、等差数列、数列求和、不等式等基础知识和基本的运算技能,考查分析问题的能力和推理能力.解:(1)依题意可设2()(0)f x ax bx a =+≠,则()2f x ax b '=+,由()62f x x '=-得32a b ==-,,所以2()32f x x x =-.又由点()()n n S n *∈N ,均在函数()y f x =的图象上得232n S n n =-.当2n ≥时,221(32)[3(1)2(1)]65n n n a S S n n n n n -=-=-----=-; 当1n =时,21131211615a S ==⨯-⨯==⨯-.所以65()n a n n *=-∈N .(2)由(1)得13n n n b a a +=3(65)[6(1)5]11126561n n n n =-+-⎛⎫=- ⎪-+⎝⎭,故1nn i i T b ==∑1111111277136561111.261n n n ⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=-+-++- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎢⎥-+⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦⎛⎫=- ⎪+⎝⎭因此,使得111()26120m n n *⎛⎫-<∈ ⎪+⎝⎭N 成立的m 必须且仅须满足1220m ≤, 即10m ≥,故满足要求的最小整数m 为10.18.本小题主要考查线面关系、直线与平面所成角的有关知识及空间想象能力和推理运算能力.考查应用向量知识解决数学问题的能力.解法1:(1)连AC ,设AC BD O AP = ,与面11BDD B 交于点G ,连OG .因为PC ∥面11BDD B ,面11BDD B 面APC OG =, 故OG PC ∥.所以122m OG PC ==.又1AO DB AO BB ,⊥⊥,所以AO ⊥面11BDD B . 故AGO ∠即为AP 与面11BDD B 所成的角.在Rt AOG △中,2tan 2AGO m ∠==13m =.故当13m =时,直线AP 与平面11BDD B所成角的正切值为ABOGDCP1A1D1C1O1B(2)依题意,要在11AC 上找一点Q ,使得1D Q AP ⊥.可推测11AC 的中点1O 即为所求的Q 点.因为1111111DO AC DO AA ,⊥⊥, 所以11DO ⊥面11ACC A. 又AP ⊂面11ACC A ,故11D O AP ⊥.从而11D O 在平面1AD P 上的射影与AP 垂直.解法2:(1)建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系,则(100)(110)(01)A B P m ,,,,,,,,,11(010)(000)(111)(001)C D B D ,,,,,,,,,,,.所以1(110)(001)(11)(110)BD BB AP m AC =--==-=-,,,,,,,,,,,. 又由100AC BD AC BB == ,知,AC 为平面11BB D D 的一个法向量.设AP 与平面11BB D D 所成的角为θ,则sin cos θθπ⎛⎫=- ⎪2⎝⎭AP AC AP AC ==.=解得13m =.故当13m =时,直线AP 与平面11BDD B所成角的正切值为(2)若在11AC 上存在这样的点Q ,设此点的横坐标为x ,则1(11)(10)Qx x D Q x x -=-,,,,,.依题意,对任意的m 要使1D Q 在平面1APD 上的射影垂直于AP ,等价于1110(1)02D Q AP AP D Q x x x ⇔=⇔-+-=⇔= ⊥.即Q 为11AC 的中点时,满足题设要求.19.本小题主要考查正态分布、对立事件的概念和标准正态分布表的查阅,考查运用概率统计知识解决实际问题的能力.解:(1)设参赛学生的分数为ξ.因为~(70100)N ξ,,由条件知,(90)1(90)P P ξξ=-<≥1(90)90701101(2)10.97720.0228.F φφ=--⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭=-=-=这说明成绩在90分以上(含90分)的学生人数约占全体参赛人数的2.28%.因此参赛总人数约为125260.0228≈(人).(2)假定设奖的分数为x 分.则()1()P x P x ξξ=-<≥701()110500.0951.526x F x φ-⎛⎫=-=- ⎪⎝⎭==即700.904910x φ-⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭,查表得7010x - 1.31=,解得83.1x =. 故设奖的分数线约为83分.20.本小题主要考查直线、圆和椭圆等平面解析几何的基础知识,考查综合运用数学知识进行推理运算的能力和解决问题的能力.解:(1)依题意得224a c a c=⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩,,解得21.a c =⎧⎨=⎩,从而b =22143x y +=. (2)解法1:由(1)得(20)(20)A B -,,,.设00()M x y ,. M 点在椭圆上,22003(4)4y x ∴=-. ①又M 点异于顶点022A B x ∴-<<,,.由P A M ,,三点共线可得00642y P x ⎛⎫⎪+⎝⎭,.从而00006(2)22y BM x y BP x ⎛⎫=-= ⎪+⎝⎭,,,.20006242y BM BP x x ∴=-++20002(43)2x y x =-++. ②将①式代入②式化简得05(2)2BM BP x =- .0200x BM BP ->∴>,,于是MBP ∠为锐角,从而MBN ∠为钝角,故点B 在以MN 为直径的圆内.解法2:由(1)得(20)(20)A B -,,,.设P 1122(4)(0)()()M x y N x y λλ≠,,,,,,则直线AP 的方程为(2)6y x λ=+,直线BP 的方程为(2)2y x λ=-.点M N ,分别在直线AP BP ,上, 1122(2)(2)62y x y x λλ∴=+=-,,从而21212(2)(2)12y y x x λ=+-.③联立22(2)6 1.43y x x y λ⎧⎫=+⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎬⎪⎪+=⎪⎪⎩⎭,消去y 得2222(27)44(27)0x x λλλ+++-=. 12x - ,是方程的两根.2124(27)(2)27x λλ-∴-=+ ,即2122(27)27x λλ-=+.④又11221212(2)(2)(2)(2)BM BN x y x y x x y y =--=--+,,.⑤于是由③,④式代入⑤式化简可得2225(2)27BM BN x λλ=-+ . N 点在椭圆上,且异于顶点A B ,,220x ∴-<.又0λ≠ ,225027λλ∴>+,从而0BM BN < , 故MBN ∠为钝角,即点B 在以MN 为直径的圆内.解法3:由(1)得(20)(20)A B -,,,.设1122()()M x y N x y ,,,, 则122222x x -<<-<<,.又MN 的中点Q 的坐标为121222x x y y ++⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,,()()222222121212121124224x x y y BQ MN x x y y ++⎛⎫⎛⎫⎡⎤∴-=-+--+- ⎪ ⎪⎣⎦⎝⎭⎝⎭.化简得()22121212(2)4BQ MN x x y y -=--+. ⑥ 直线AP 的方程为11(2)2y y x x =++,直线BP 的方程为22(2)2yy x x =--. 点P 在准线4x =上,12126222y y x x ∴=+-, 即21213(2)2x y y x -=+. ⑦又M 点在椭圆上,2211143x y ∴+=,即22113(4)4y x =-. ⑧于是将⑦,⑧式代入⑥式化简可得()()22121522044BQ MN x x -=--<. 从而B 在以MN 为直径的圆内.21.本小题主要考查函数、不等式和导数的应用等知识,考查综合运用数学知识解决问题的能力.解:(1)23()(2)e xf x x a x b a -'⎡⎤=-+-+-⎣⎦. 由(3)0f '=得23b a =--.所以()23()23e xf x x ax a -=+--,23()(2)33e x f x x a x a -'⎡⎤=-+---⎣⎦3(3)(1)e xx x a -=--++. 令()0f x '=得1231x x a ==--,.由于3x =是()f x 的极值点,故12x x ≠,即4a ≠-. 当4a <-时,12x x <.故()f x 在(]3-∞,上为减函数,在[]31a --,上为增函数,在[)1a --+,∞上为减函数.当4a >-时,12x x >.故()f x 在(]1a ---∞,上为减函数,在[]13a --,上为增函数,在[)3+,∞上为减函数. (2)当0a >时,10a --<.故()f x 在[]03,上为增函数,在[]34,上为减函数,因此()f x 在[]04,上的值域为[]3min{(0)(4)}(3)(23)e 6f f f a a ⎡⎤=-++⎣⎦,,,.而225()e 4xg x a ⎛⎫=+⎪⎝⎭在[]04,上为增函数,所以值域为2242525e 44a a ⎡⎤⎛⎫++ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦,. 注意到()222516042a a a ⎛⎫⎛⎫+-+=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭≥,故由假设知()2256140.a a a ⎧⎛⎫+-+<⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎨⎪>⎩,解得302a <<. 故a 的取值范围是302⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,.。





1. a. cahier b. ville c.reveil d .yeux2. a. merci b. tête c. regard d. cette3. a. sur b. usine c. assis d. cinq4. a. cette b. car c. comme d. accuse5. a. chef b. cache c. technique d. charge6. a eau b.cause c. aurore d. chose7. a voix b. loin c. soin d.besoin8. a .si b. fils c. usine d. assis9. a humble b. parfum c. chacun d maximum10. a habiter b. cache c. cahier d.hache2.在每小题的备选答案中选出错误的名词11. a. une chanson b. un chemin c. une chiffre d. une classe12. a. un ciel b. une cinema c. une cité d. un chocolat13. a. une clé b. un chien c. une climat d. un code14. a . un coffre b. un coeur c. un coin d. un colère15. a . une commerce b. un compte c. un concert d. une confiance16. a. une confiture b. un congé c. une conseil d. un contrat17. a . un coq b. une corps c. un costume d. un côte18. a. une coton b. un cou c. une couleur d. un couloir19. a. un couple b. une cour c. une cours d. une course20. a. un cri b. une crise c. une cuir d. une cuisineⅡ选择题。



2006 年 4 月 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้题及 答案
(4)按照”后进先出”原则组织数据的数据结构是 A)队列 B)栈 C)双向链表 D)二叉树
(5)下列叙述中正确的是 A)线性链表是线性表的链式存储结构 B)栈与队列是非线性结构 C)双向链表是非线性结构 D)只有根结点的二叉树是线性结构
2006 年 4 月 真题及 答案
一、选择题(每小题2分,共70分) 下列各题A)、B)、C)、D)四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选 项涂 写在答题卡相应位置上,答在试卷上不得分。 (1)下列选项中不属于结构化程序设计方法的是 A)自顶向下 B)逐步求精 C)模块化 D)可复用 (2)两个或两个以上模块之间关联的紧密程度称为 A)耦合度 B)内聚度 C)复杂度 D)数据传输特性 (3)下列叙述中正确的是 A)软件测试应该由程序开发者来完成 B)程序经调试后一般不需要再测试 C)软件维护只包括对程序代码的维护 D)以上三种说法都不对 参考答案
(10)数据库DB、数据库系统DBS、数据库管理系统DBMS之间的关系是 A)DB包含DBS和DBMS B)DBMS包含DB和DBS C)DBS包含DB和DBMS D)没有任何关系
2006 年 4 月 真题及 答案
二、填空题(每空2分,共30分) 请将每一个空的正确答案写在答题卡【1】~【15】序号的横线上,答在 试卷上不得分。
2006 年 4 月 真题及 答案
(7)在深度为7的满二叉树中,叶子结点的个数为 A)32 B)31 C)64 D)63
(8)”商品”与”顾客”两个实体集之间的联系一般是 A)一对一 B)一对多 C)多对一 D)多对多



2006年河南省普通高等学校 选拔优秀专科生进入本科阶段学习考试《高等数学》试卷题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分 核分人 分数一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共计60分)在每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,并将其代码写在题 干后面的括号内。

不选、错选或多选者,该题无分.1.已知函数)12(-x f 的定义域为]1,0[ ,则)(x f 的定义域为 ( ) A. ]1,21[B. ]1,1[-C. ]1,0[D. ]2,1[-解:B x x ⇒≤-≤-⇒≤≤112110.2.函数)1ln(2x x y -+=)(+∞<<-∞x 是 ( ) A .奇函数 B. 偶函数 C.非奇非偶函数 D. 既奇又偶函数 解:01ln )1ln()1ln()()(22==+++-+=-+x xx xx f x f A ⇒.3. 当0→x 时,x x sin 2-是x 的 ( ) A. 高阶无穷小 B. 低阶无穷小 C. 同阶非等价无穷小 D. 等价无穷小 解: 1sin lim2-=-→xx xx C ⇒.4.极限=+∞→nnn n sin 32lim( )A. ∞B. 2C. 3D. 5 解:B nn nnn n n ⇒=+=+∞→∞→2]sin 32[lim sin 32lim.5.设函数⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=+≠-=0,10,1)(2x a x xe xf ax,在0=x 处连续,则 常数=a ( ) A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 解:B a a a aexex f axx axx x ⇒=⇒+===-=→→→1122lim 1lim)(lim 2020.6. 设函数)(x f 在点1=x 处可导 ,则=--+→xx f x f x )1()21(lim( )A. )1(f 'B. )1(2f 'C. )1(3f 'D. -)1(f ' 解:xx f f f x f xx f x f x x )1()1()1()21(lim)1()21(lim--+-+=--+→→C f xf x f xf x f x x ⇒'=---+-+=→→)1(3)1()1(lim2)1()21(lim207. 若曲线12+=x y 上点M 处的切线与直线14+=x y 平行,则点M 的坐标( ) A. (2,5) B. (-2,5) C. (1,2) D.(-1,2) 得分 评卷人解: A y x x x y ⇒==⇒=⇒='5,2422000.8.设⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧==⎰202cos sin ty du u x t,则=dx dy ( ) A. 2t B. t 2 C.-2t D. t 2- 解: D t tt t dxdy ⇒-=-=2sin sin 222.9.设2(ln )2(>=-n x x yn ,为正整数),则=)(n y ( )A.x n x ln )(+B. x1 C.1)!2()1(---n nxn D. 0解:B xy x y x x yn n n ⇒=⇒+=⇒=--1ln 1ln )()1()2(.10.曲线233222++--=x xx x y ( )A. 有一条水平渐近线,一条垂直渐近线B. 有一条水平渐近线,两条垂直渐近线C. 有两条水平渐近线,一条垂直渐近线,D. 有两条水平渐近线,两条垂直渐近线 解:A y y y x x x x x xx x y x x x ⇒∞=-==⇒++-+=++--=-→-→±∞→2122lim,4lim ,1lim)2)(1()3)(1(2332.11.下列函数在给定的区间上满足罗尔定理的条件是 ( ) A.]2,0[|,1|-=x y B. ]2,0[,)1(132-=x yC.]2,1[,232+-=x x y D . ]1,0[,arcsin x x y = 解:由罗尔中值定理条件:连续、可导及端点的函数值相等C ⇒.12. 函数xe y -=在区间),(+∞-∞内 ( )A. 单调递增且图像是凹的曲线B. 单调递增且图像是凸的曲线C. 单调递减且图像是凹的曲线D. 单调递减且图像是凸的曲线 解: C ey ey xx ⇒>=''<-='--0,0.13.若⎰+=C x F dx x f )()(,则⎰=--dx e f e x x )( ( ) A.C eF exx++--)( B. C eF x+-)( C. C eF exx+---)( D. C eF x+--)(解:D C eF ed ef dx e f e xxxx x ⇒+-=-=⎰⎰-----)()()()(.14. 设)(x f 为可导函数,且xe xf =-')12( ,则 =)(x f ( )A.C ex +-1221 B. C ex ++)1(212C.C ex ++1221 D. C ex +-)1(212解:B C ex f e x f e x f x x x⇒+=⇒='⇒=-'++)1(21)1(212)()()12(.15. 导数=⎰batdt dxd arcsin ( )A.x arcsinB. 0C. a b arcsin arcsin -D.211x-解:⎰baxdx arcsin 是常数,所以B xdx dxd ba⇒=⎰0arcsin .16.下列广义积分收敛的是 ( ) A. ⎰+∞1dx e xB. ⎰+∞11dx xC. ⎰+∞+1241dx xD. ⎰+∞1cos xdx解:C x dx x⇒-==++∞∞+⎰)21arctan 4(412arctan4141112π. 17.设区域D 由)(),(,),(,x g y x f y a b b x a x ==>==所围成,则区域D 的面积为 ( )A. ⎰-ba dx x g x f )]()([ B.⎰-badx x g x f )]()([C. ⎰-b adx x f x g )]()([ D. ⎰-badx x g x f |)()(|解:由定积分的几何意义可得D 的面积为 ⎰-badx x g x f |)()(|D ⇒.18. 若直线32311-=+=-z ny x 与平面01343=++-z y x 平行,则常数=n( )A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5解: B n n n ⇒=⇒=+-⇒-⊥30943}3,43{}3,,1{. 19.设yx y x y x f arcsin)1(),(-+=,则偏导数)1,(x f x '为 ( )A.2B.1C.-1D.-2 解: B x f x x f x ⇒='⇒=1)1,()1,(. 20. 设方程02=-xyz e z确定了函数),(y x f z = ,则xz ∂∂ = ( )A. )12(-z x z B.)12(+z x z C.)12(-z x y D. )12(+z x y解: 令xy e F yz F xyz e z y x F zz x z -='-='⇒-=222,),,(A z x z xyxyz yz xyeyz xz z⇒-=-=-=∂∂⇒)12(222.21.设函数xy y x z +=2,则===11y x dz ( )A. dy dx 2+B. dy dx 2-C. dy dx +2D. dy dx -2 解:222xydxxdy dy x xydx dz -++=A dy dx dx dy dy dx dzy x ⇒+=-++=⇒==2211.22.函数2033222+--=y x xy z 在定义域上内 ( ) A.有极大值,无极小值 B. 无极大值,有极小值 C.有极大值,有极小值 D. 无极大值,无极小值 解:,6)0,0(),(062,06222-=∂∂⇒=⇒=-=∂∂=-=∂∂xz y x y x yz x y xz⇒=∂∂∂-=∂∂2,6222yx z yz 是极大值A ⇒.23设D 为圆周由012222=+--+y x y x 围成的闭区域 ,则=⎰⎰Ddxdy ( )A. πB. 2πC.4πD. 16π 解:有二重积分的几何意义知:=⎰⎰Ddxdy 区域D 的面积为π.24.交换二次积分⎰⎰>a xa dy y x f dx0(),(,常数)的积分次序后可化为 ( )A. ⎰⎰a ydx y x f dy0),( B.⎰⎰aay dx y x f dy),( C. ⎰⎰aa dx y x f dy00),( D. ⎰⎰ayadx y x f dy),(解: 积分区域},0|),{(}0,0|),{(a x y a y y x x y a x y x D ≤≤≤≤=≤≤≤≤=B ⇒.25.若二重积分⎰⎰⎰⎰=20sin 20)sin ,cos (),(πθθθθrdr r r f d dxdy y x f D,则积分区域D 为( )A. x yx 222≤+ B. 222≤+yxC. y yx 222≤+ D. 220yy x -≤≤解:在极坐标下积分区域可表示为:}sin 20,20|),{(θπθθ≤≤≤≤=r r D ,在直角坐标系下边界方程为y yx 222=+,积分区域为右半圆域D ⇒26.设L 为直线1=+y x 上从点)0,1(A 到)1,0(B 的直线段,则=-+⎰Ldy dx y x )(( )A. 2B.1C. -1D. -2 解:L :,1⎩⎨⎧-==xy x x x 从1变到0,⎰⎰⇒-=+=-+012)(D dx dx dy dx y x L.27.下列级数中,绝对收敛的是 ( )A .∑∞=1sinn nπB .∑∞=-1sin)1(n nnπC .∑∞=-12sin)1(n nnπD .∑∞=1cos n n π解: ⇒<22sinnnππ∑∞=π12sinn n收敛C ⇒.28. 设幂级数n n nn a x a (0∑∞=为常数 ,2,1,0=n ),在点2-=x 处收敛,则∑∞=-0)1(n n na( ) A. 绝对收敛 B. 条件收敛 C. 发散 D. 敛散性不确定解:∑∞=0n nn x a 在2-=x 收敛,则在1-=x 绝对收敛,即级数∑∞=-0)1(n n na 绝对收敛A ⇒.29. 微分方程0sin cos cos sin =+ydx x ydy x 的通解为 ( ) A. C y x =cos sin B. C y x =sin cos得分C. C y x =sin sinD. C y x =cos cos 解:dx xx dy yy ydx x ydy x sin cos sin cos 0sin cos cos sin -=⇒=+C C y x C x y xx d yy d ⇒=⇒=+⇒-=⇒sin sin ln sin ln sin ln sin sin sin sin .30.微分方程xxe y y y -=-'+''2的特解用特定系数法可设为 ( )A. x e b ax x y -+=*)(B. xeb ax x y -+=*)(2C. xeb ax y -+=*)( D. xaxe y -=*解:-1不是微分方程的特征根,x 为一次多项式,可设xe b ax y -+=*)( C ⇒.二、填空题(每小题2分,共30分)31.设函数,1||,01||,1)(⎩⎨⎧>≤=x x x f 则=)(sin x f _________.解:1)(sin 1|sin |=⇒≤x f x .32.=--+→xxx x 231lim22=_____________.解:=++=++--=--+→→→)31(1lim)31)(2()2(lim231lim2222x x x x x x xxx x x x123341==.33.设函数x y 2arctan =,则=dy __________.解:dx xdy 2412+=.34.设函数bx axx x f ++=23)(在1-=x 处取得极小值-2,则常数b a 和分别为___________.解:b a b a b ax x x f -+-=-=+-⇒++='12,02323)(25,4==⇒b a .35.曲线12323-+-=x x x y 的拐点为 __________.解:)1,1(),(0662632-=⇒=-=''⇒+-='y x x y x x y .36.设函数)(),(x g x f 均可微,且同为某函数的原函数,有1)1(,3)1(==g f 则=-)()(x g x f _________.解:2)1()1()()(=-=⇒=-g f C C x g x f 2)()(=-⇒x g x f . 37.⎰-=+ππdx x x )sin(32 _________.解:3202sin)sin(323232π=+=+=+⎰⎰⎰⎰πππ-ππ-ππ-dx x xdx dx x dx x x .38.设函数⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧<≥=0,0,)(2x x x e x f x,则 ⎰=-20)1(dx x f __________.解:⎰⎰⎰⎰--=--=+=====-211112132)()1(e dx e dx x dt t f dx x f xtx .39. 向量}1,1,2{}2,1,1{-==b a与向量的夹角为__________.解:3,21663||||,cos π>=⇒<==⋅>=<b a b a b a b a. 40.曲线⎩⎨⎧==022z xy L :绕x 轴旋转一周所形成的旋转曲面方程为 _________. 解:把x y22=中的2y 换成22y z+,即得所求曲面方程x yz222=+.41.设函数y x xy z sin 2+= ,则 =∂∂∂yx z 2_________.解:⇒+=∂∂y x y xz sin 2y x yx z cos 212+=∂∂∂.42.设区域}11,10|),{(≤≤-≤≤=y x y x D ,则________)(2⎰⎰=-Ddxdy x y .解:⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰-=-=-=--Ddx x dy x y dxdxdy x y 12101122322)()( .43. 函数2)(xex f -=在00=x 处展开的幂级数是________________.解: ∑∞=⇒=0!n n xn xe ∑∑∞=∞=-+∞-∞∈-=-==022),(,!1)1(!)()(2n n nnn xx xn n x ex f .44.幂级数∑∞=+++-0112)1()1(n n n nn x的和函数为 _________.解:∑∑∑∞=∞=-+∞=+++=-=+-=+-011111)21ln()2()1(1)2()1(2)1()1(n n nn n nn n n nx nx n x n x,)22(≤<-x .45.通解为xxeC eC y 321+=-(21C C 、为任意常数)的二阶线性常系数齐次微分方程为_________.解:xxe C eC y 321+=-0323,1221=--⇒=-=⇒λλλλ032=-'-''⇒y y y .三、计算题(每小题5分,共40分)46.计算 xx exxx 2sin1lim322-→--.解:23042320161lim3222lim81lim2sin 1lim2222xexxex xexxx ex xx xx xx xx -=+-=--=---→-→-→-→161lim 161322lim220-=-=-=-→-→xx xx exxe.47.求函数xx x y 2sin 2)3(+=的导数dxdy .解:取对数得 :)3ln(2sin ln 2x x x y +=,得分 评卷人两边对x 求导得:x xxx x xx y y2sin 332)3ln(2cos 2122++++='所以]2sin 332)3ln(2cos 2[)3(222sin 2x xxx x x x x x y x+++++='x x x x x xx x xx x 2sin )32()3()3ln(2cos )3(212sin 222sin 2+++++=-.48.求不定积分 ⎰-dx xx224.解:⎰⎰⎰====⎰-==-=π<<π-dt t tdt tdt t tdxxxtx t )2cos 1(2sin4cos 2cos 2sin4422sin 22222C x x x C t t x C t t +--=+-=+-=242arcsin2cos sin 22arcsin 22sin 22.49.计算定积分⎰--+12)2()1ln(dx x x .解:⎰⎰⎰+---+=-+=-+11112)1)(2(12)1ln(21)1ln()2()1ln(dx x x xx xdx dx x x⎰=-=+-+=++--=112ln 312ln 322ln 12ln312ln )1121(312ln xx dx xx.50.设),()2(xy x g y x f z ++= ,其中),(),(v u g t f 皆可微,求 yz xz ∂∂∂∂,.解:xv v g xu u g xy x y x f x z ∂∂∂∂+∂∂∂∂+∂+∂+'=∂∂)2()2(),(),()2(2xy x g y xy x g y x f v u'+'++'= =∂∂∂∂+∂∂∂∂+∂+∂+'=∂∂yv v g yu u g yy x y x f yz )2()2(),()2(xy x g x y x f v'++'. 51.计算二重积分⎰⎰=Dydxdy x I 2,其中D 由12,===x x y x y 及所围成.解:积分区域如图06-1所示, 可表示为:x y x x 2,10≤≤≤≤. 所以 ⎰⎰⎰⎰==10222xxDydy x dxydxdyx I10310323)2(105142122====⎰⎰xdx x ydx x xx.52.求幂级数nn nx n ∑∞=--+0)1()3(1的收敛区间(不考虑区间端点的情况).解: 令t x =-1,级数化为 nn nt n ∑∞=-+0)3(1,这是不缺项的标准的幂级数.xy x y =o12x y 2=图06-1因为 313)3(11)3(1lim1)3(1)3(1limlim11=--+-=+⋅-+-+==∞→+∞→+∞→nnn n nn nn n nn a a ρ,故级数nn nt n ∑∞=-+0)3(1的收敛半径31==ρR ,即级数收敛区间为(-3,3).对级数nn nx n ∑∞=--+0)1()3(1有313<-<-x ,即42<<-x .故所求级数的收敛区间为),(42-. 53.求微分方程 0)12(2=+-+dy x xy dy x 通解. 解:微分方程0)12(2=+-+dx x xy dy x 可化为 212xx y xy -=+',这是一阶线性微分方程,它对应的齐次线性微分方程02=+'y xy 通解为2xC y =.设非齐次线性微分方程的通解为2)(xx C y =,则3)(2)(xx C x C x y -'=',代入方程得C xx x C x x C +-=⇒-='2)(1)(2.故所求方程的通解为2211xC xy +-=.四、应用题(每小题7分,共计14分)54. 某公司的甲、乙两厂生产同一种产品,月产量分别为y x ,千件;甲厂月生产成本是5221+-=x xC (千元),乙厂月生产成本是3222++=y yC (千元).若要求该产品每月总产量为8千件,并使总成本最小,求甲、乙两厂最优产量和相应最小成本.解:由题意可知:总成本8222221++-+=+=y x y x C C C ,约束条件为8=+y x .问题转化为在8=+y x 条件下求总成本C 的最小值 .把8=+y x 代入目标函数得 0(882022>+-=x x x C 的整数).则204-='x C ,令0='C 得唯一驻点为5=x ,此时有04>=''C . 故 5=x 是唯一极值点且为极小值,即最小值点.此时有38,3==C y . 所以 甲、乙两厂最优产量分别为5千件和3千件,最低成本为38千元.55.由曲线)2)(1(--=x x y 和x 轴所围成一平面图形,求此平面图形绕y 轴旋转一周所成的旋转体的体积.解:平面图形如图06-2所示,此立体可看作X 型区域绕y 轴旋转一周而得到。



06年专四真题PARTⅠ DICTIONListen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN]In Sections A B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two.SECTION A CONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.did Mark get theretrain and by car. plane and by coach.train and by bus. bus and by plane.used to wear all the following EXCEPThair.. .is the meeting for new students to be heldthe third room on the right. the Common Room.a room at the other end. Room 501.Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.did Steve originally plan to dogo to a park near the beach. stay at home.see a new film. do some study.finally decided to go to see a film becausewas no park nearby. weather wasn’t ideal for a walk.would be easier to go to a cinema. hadn’t seen the film yet.did they plan to meetthe Town Hall. the bank.Steven’s place. the cinema.PART Questions 7 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.following details are true about the new device EXCEPThas colour. has a moving image.costs less money. is not on the market.didn’t Bill want one of themwanted to buy one from Japan. wasn’t sure about its quality.thought it was for business use. thought it was expensive.of the following statements is INCORRECT about the womanhad never read the magazine herself. knew who usually read the magazine. was quite interested in the new device. agreed with Bill at the end of the conversation.conversation is mainly aboutnew type of telephone. cost of telephone.features of the magazine. readership of the magazine.SECTION B PASSAGESIn this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and thenanswer the questions that follow.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. ,4t the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.the old days dogs were used for the following EXCEPTother animals. sheep.chickens. thieves away.of the following is CORRECTare now treated as part of a family.still performed all the duties they used to do.now keep dogs for the same reasons as before.old people are seen walking their dogs.passage is mainly aboutdogs can do. to keep dogs.and their masters. for keeping dogs.Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage. to the passage, the working conditions in the new placethe same as the speaker is used to. expected to be rather poor.just as adequate. not yet clear.is the speaker going to do in the new place. . down. .speaker expectschoices of food. ways to do washing.lighting facilities. types of drinking water.the passage we learn that the speakerunprepared for the new post. unclear about the conditions there.ready for all the difficulties there. eager to know more about the post.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.to the passage,when are children first expectd to study hard6 years of age. 6 and 10.10 years of age. 12 years of age.19. Parents who abuse their children tend to have the following problems EXCEPT problems. problems.problems. problems.of the following statements is CORRECT?and girls are equally energetic.have higher expectations for boys.parents lack skills to deal with their kids.parents are ill-educated and ill-tempered.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 21 to 23 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now. listen to the news. has happened to the Cubansset foot in Floria. were drowned.were flown to the . were sent back to Cuba.did the Cubans try to enter the .a small boat. an old truck.swimming. driving.Questions 23 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.many cities will have air quality monitoring systems installed by the ned of this yearcities. cities. C. 150 cities. D. 262 cities.Questions 24 and25 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.24. Altogether how many people were reported missingA. 68. . C. 150. D. 40.of the following details is INCORRECTtwo ferries sank on different days. accidents were caused by storms.two ferries sank on the same river. people were rescued from the first ferry.Questions 26 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.is the news item mainly aboutgovernment policies.’s support to the UN assistance mission.of an Australian consulate in East Timor.between Australia and Indonesia.Questions 27 to 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.27. The news item is mainly about a joint venture betweenUS company and a UK company. Swiss company and a UK company.Taiwanese companies. mainland company and a US company.will provide the distribution networks in the joint venture. . . Cola.Questions 29 to 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news. staged the protect on Saturdaysoldiers. peace camp. militants. D. The hardliners.30. Which of the following details about the news is INCOPPECTsoilders were killed last week. ,000 people participated in the protest.C. The protesters demanded a pullout from Gaza. Prime Minister rejected the pullout plan.Ⅲ CLOZEThere are many superstitions in Britain, but one of the most ( 31 )_held is that it is unlucky to walk under a ladder--- even if it means (32)_ the pavement into a busy street! (33)_ you must pass under a ladder you can (34)_ bad luck by crossing your fingers and (35)_ them crossed until you have seen a dog. (36)_ , you may lick your finger and (37)_ a cross on the toe of your shoe, and not look again at the shoe until the (38)_ has dried.Another common (39)_ is that it is unlucky to open an umbrella in the house---it will either bring (40)_ to the person who opened it or to the whole (41)_. Anyone opening an umbrella in fine weather is (42)_, as it inevitably brings rain!The number 13 is said to be unlucky for some, and when the 13th day of the month (43)_ on a Friday, anyone wishing to avoid a bad event had better stay (44)_.The worst misfortune that can happen to a person is caused by breaking a mirror, (45)_ it brings seven years of bad luck! The superstition is supposed to (46)_ in ancient times, when mirrors were considered to be tools of the gods.Black cats are generally considered lucky in Britain, even though they are (47)_ witchcraft.. it is (48)_ lucky if a black cat crosses your path-although in America the exact opposite belief , a commonly held superstition is that of touching wood (49)_ measure is most often taken if you think you have said something that is tempting fate, such as “my car has never (50)_, touch wood”31. A broadly B widely C quickly D speedily32. A running from B jumping off C stepping off D keeping from33. A If B As C Though D Unless34. A erase B remove C avoid D ease35. A keep B keeping C kept D to keep36. A Consequently B However C Comparatively D Alternatively37. A make B print C perform D produce38. A label B symbol C mark D cut39. A argument B superstition C opinion D idea40. A loss B difficulty C tragedy D misfortune41. A .house B household C home D circle42. A unwise B unintelligent C unpopular D unfortunate43. A falls B arrives C drops D happens44. A away B outdoors C indoors D far45. A when B as C if D though46. A have originated B be originating C be originated D originate47. A concerned about B related with C associated with D connected in48. A especially B specially C frequently D rarely49. A as B for C in D of50. A broken up B broken off C broken away D broken down PART IV GRAMMAR&VOCABULARY51. __dull he may be, he is certainly a very successful top executive.A AlthoughB whateverC AsD However52. If only I __play the guitar as well as you!A wouldB couldC shouldD might53. The party, __I was the guest of honour, was extremely enjoyable.A by whichB for whichC to whichD at which54. It’s high time we __ cutting down the rainforests.A stoppedB had to stopC shall stopD stop55. The student said there were a few points in the essay he __ impossible to comprehend.A has foundB was findingC had foundD would find56. Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone__ an opportunity to hear the speech.A ought to haveB must haveC may haveD should have57. I am surprised__ this city is a dull place to live in.A that you should thinkB by what you are thinkingC that you would thinkD with what you were thinking58. Susan is very hardworking, but her pay is not__ for her work.A enough goodB good enoughC as good enoughD good as enough59. It is imperative that the government __ more investment into the shipbuilding industry.A attractsB shall attractC attractD has to60. Land belongs to the city; there is __ thing as private ownership of land.A no such aB not suchC not such aD no such61. My daughter has walked eight miles today. We never guessed that she could walk__far.A /B suchC thatD as62. The statistics __ that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recent times.A provesB is provingC are provingD prove63. There are only ten apples left in the baskets, __ the spoilt ones.A not countingB not to countC don’t countD having not counted64. It was __ we had hopedA more a success thanB a success more thanC as much of a success asD a success as much as65. There used to be a petrol station near the park, __A didn’t itB doesn’t thereC usedn’t itD didn’t there66. It is an offence to show __ against people of different races.A distinctionB differenceC separationD discrimination67. A great amount of work has gone into __ the Cathedral to its previous splendour.A refreshingB restoringC renovatingD renewing68. The thieves fled with the local police close on their __.A backsB necksC toesD heels69. The economic recession has meant that job__ is a rare thing.A securityB safetyC protectionD secureness70. Many people nowadays save money to __ for their old age.A caterB supplyC provideD equip71. The tone of the article __ the writer’s mood at the time.A reproducedB reflectedC imaginedD imitated72. This is not the right __ to ask for my help; I am far too busy even to listen!73. The job of a student accommodation officer__ a great many visits to landladies.A concernsB offersC asksD involves74. Ou r family doctor’s clinic __at the junction of two busy roads.A restsB standsC staysD seats75. She was so fat that she could only just __ through the door.A assembleB appearC squeezeD gather76. After the heavy rain, a builder was called to repair the roof, which was __.A leakingB tricklingC drippingD floating77. The reception was attended by __ members of the local community.A excellentB conspicuousC prominentD noticeable78. Share prices on the Stock Exchange plunged sharply in the morning but __slightly in the afternoon.A regainedB recoveredC restoredD revived79. His brain has worked away on the idea of a universal cure.A richB quickC productiveD fertile80. The couple has donated a not__ amount of money to the foundation.A inconsiderableB inconsiderateC inaccurateD incomparablePART Ⅴ READING COMPREHENSIONTEXT AIn the case of mobile phones, change is everything. Recent research indicates that the mobile phone is changing not only our culture, but our very bodies as well.First. Let’s talk about culture. The difference between the mobile phone and its parent, the fixed-line phone, is that a mobile number corresponds to a person, while a landline goes to a you call my mobile, you get me. If you call my fixed-line phone, you get whoever answers it.This has several implications. The most common one, however, and perhaps the thing that has changed our culture forever, is the “meeting” influence. People no longer need to make firm plans about when and where to meet. Twenty years ago, a Friday night would need to be arranged in advance. You needed enough time to allow everyone to get from their place of work to the first meeting place. Now, however,a night out can be arranged on the run. It is no longer “see you there at 8”, but “text me around 8 and we’ll see where we all are”.Texting changes people as well. In their paper, “insights into the Social and Psychological Effects of SMS Text Messaging”, two British researchers distinguished between two types of mobile phone user s: the “talkers” and the “texters”-those who prefer voice to text message and those who prefer text to voice.They found that the mobile phone’s individuality and privacy gave texters the ability to express a whole new outer personality. Texters were likely to report that their family would be surprised if they were to read their texts. This suggests that texting allowed texters to present a self-image that differed from the one familiar to those who knew them well.Another scientist wrote of the changes that mobiles have brought to body language. There are two kinds that people use while speaking on the phone. There is the “speakeasy”: the head is held high, in a self-confident way, chatting away. And there is the “spacemaker”: these people focus on themsel ves and keep out other people.Who can blame them Phone meetings get cancelled or reformed and camera-phones intrude on people’s privacy. So, it is understandable if your mobile makes you nervous. But perhaps you needn’t worry so much. After all, it is goo d to talk. 81 when people plan to meet nowadays, theyA: arrange the meeting place beforehandB. postpone fixing the place till last minuteC: seldom care about when and where to meetD: still love to work out detailed meeting plans.82 According to the two British researchers, the social and psychological effect are mostly likely to be seen onA: TALKERSB; the "speakeasy"c. the “spacemaker”D. texters83 We can infer from the passage that the texts sent by texters areA: quite revealingB: well writtenc: unacceptable by othersd; shocking to others84 according to the passage ,who is afraid of being heard while talking on the mobile a: talkersb: the speakeasyc :the spacemakerd: texters85 an appropriate title for the passage might beA: the SMS effectb: cultural implication of mobile usec: change in the use of the mobiled: body language and the mobile phone!TEXT BOver the last 25 years, British society has changed a great deal-or at least many parts of it have. In some ways, however, very little has changed, particularly where attitudes are concerned. Ideas about social class-whether a person is “working-class” or “middle-class”-are one area in which changes have been extremely slow.In the past, the working-class tended to be paid less than middle-class people, such as teachers and doctors. As a result of this and also of the fact that workers’jobs were generally much less secure, distinct differences in life-styles and attitudes came into existence. The typical working man would collect his wages on Friday evening and then, it was widely believed, having given his wife her “housekeeping”, would go out and squander the rest on beer and betting.The stereotype of what a middle-class man did with his money was perhaps nearer the truth. He was-and still is –inclined to take a longer-term view. Not only did he regard buying a house as a top priority, but he also considered the education of his children as extermely important. Both of these provided him and his family with security. Only in very few cases did workers have the opportunity (or the education and training) to make such long-term plans.Nowadays, a great deal has changed. In a large number of cases factory workers earn as much, if not more, than their middle-class supervisors. Social security and laws to improve job-security,combined with a general rise in the standard of living since the mid-fifties of the 20th century, have made it less necessary than before to worry about “tomorrow”. Working-class people seem slowly to be losing the feeling of inferiority they had in the past. In fact there has been a growing tendency in the past few years for the middle-classes to feel slightly ashamed of their position.The changes in both life-styles and attitudes are probably most easily seen amongst younger people. They generally tend to share very similar tastes in music and clothes, they spend their money in having a good time, and save for holidays or longer-term plans when necessary. There seems to be much less difference than in previous generations. Nevertheless, we still have a wide gap between the well-paid (whatever the type of job they may have) and the low-paid. As long as this gap exists, there will always be a possibility that new conflicts and jealousies will emerge, or rather that the old conflicts will re-appear, but between different groups. 86, which of the following is seen as the cause of class differences in the pastA: Life style and occupationB: Attitude and incomeC:Income and job securityD: Job security and hobbies87 the writer seems to suggest that the description of __ is closer to truth A: middle –class ways of spending moneyB: working-class ways of spending the weekendC: working-class drinking habitsD: middle-class attitudes88 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a typical feature of the middle -classA: Desiring for securityB: Making long-term plansC: Having priorities in lifeD: Saving money89 Working-class people's sense of security increased as a resulf of all the follwoing factors EXCEPTA:better social securityB: more job opportunitiesC: higher living standardD: better legal protection.of the following statements is INCORRECTA:Changes are slowly taking place in all sectors of the British society.B:The gap between working -class and middle- class young people is narrowing. C: Differences in income will remain but those in occupation will disappear.D: Middle-class people may sometimes feel inferior to working-class people.TEXT CFor several days I saw little of Mr. Rochester. In the morning he seemed much occupied with business, and in the afternoon gentlemen from the neighourhood called and sometimes stayed to dine with him. When his foot was well enough, he rode out a great deal.During this time, all my knowledge of him was limited to occasional meetings about the house, when he would sometimes pass me coldly, and sometimes bow and smile. His changes of manner did not offend me, because I saw that I had nothing to do with the cause of them.One evening, several days later, I was invited to talk to Mr. Rochester after dinner. He was sitting in his armchair, and looked not quite so severe, and much less gloomy. There was a smile on his lips, and his eyes were bright, probably with wine. As I was looking at him, he suddenly tur ned, and asked me, “do you think I’m handsome, Miss Eyre”The answer somehow slipped from my tongue before I realized it: ‘No, sir.”“Ah, you really are unusual! You are a quiet, serious little person, but you can be almost rude.”“Sir, I’m sorry. I should have said that beauty doesn’t matter, or something like that,”“N o, you shouldn’t! I see, you criticize my appearance, and then you stab me in the back! You have honesty and feeling. There are not many girls like you. But perhaps I go too fast. Perhaps you have awful faults to counterbalance your few good points.”I thought to myself that he might have too. He seemed to read my mind, and said quickly,“Y es, you’re right. I have plenty of faults. I went the wrong way when I was twenty-one, and have never found the right path again. I might have been very might have been as good as you, and perhaps wiser. I am not a bad man, take my wordfor it, but I have done wrong. It wasn’t my character, but circumstances which were to blame. Why do I tell you all this Be cause you’re the sort of person people tell their problems and secrets to, because you’re sympathetic and give them hope.”It seemed he had quite a lot to talk to me. He didn’t seem to like to finish the talk quickly, as was the case for the first time.“D on’t be afraid of me, Miss Eyre.” He continued. “ you don’t relax or laugh very much, perhaps because of the effect Lowood school has had on you. But in time you will be more natural with me, and laugh, and speak freely. You’re like a bird in a cage. When you get out of the cage, you’ll fly very high. Good night.”91:At the beginning Miss Eyre 's impressions of were all EXCEPTB:sociable C: friendly D: changeable92,In "....and all my knowledge of him was limited to occasional meetings about the house,…”(the second paragraph),the word “about” meansA:around B:on C:outside D:concerning.93. why did say" ..and the you stab me in the back!" (the 7th paragraph).A: Because Jane had intended to kill him with a knife.B: Because Jane had intended to be more critical.C: Because Jane had regretted having talked to him.D:Because Jane had said something else to correct herself.94, From what told miss Eyre,we can conclude that he wanted toA: tell her all his troubles.B: tell her his life experience.C:change her opinion of him.D change his circumstances.95. At the end of the passage , Mr. Rochester soundedA:rude B: cold C: friendly D: encouraging.TEXTDThe ideal companion machine-the computer- would not only look, feel, and sound friendly but would also be programmed to behave in a pleasant manner. Those qualities that make interaction with other people enjoyable would be imitated as closely as possible, and the machine would appear to be charming, and informal conversational style would make interaction comfortable, and yet the machine would remain slightly unpredictable and therefore interesting. In its first encounter it might be somewhat hesitant, but as it came to know the user it would progress to a more relaxed and intimate style. The machine would not be a passive participant but would add its own suggestions, information, and opinions; it would sometimes take the initiative in developing or changing the topic and would have a personality of its own.Friendships are not made in a day, and the computer would be more acceptable as a friend if it imitated the gradual changes that occur when one person is getting to know another. At an appropriate time it might also express the kind of affection that stimulates attachment and intimacy. The whole process would be accomplished in a subtle way to avoid giving an impression of over-familiarity that would be likely to produce irritation. After experiencing a wealth of powerful, well-timed friendship indicators, the user would be very likely to accept the computer as far more than a machine and might well come to regard it as a friend.An artificial relationship of this type would provide many of the benefits that people obtain from interpersonal friendships. The machine would participate in interesting conversation that could continue from previous discussions. It would have a familiarity with the user’s life as revealed in earlier contact, and it would be understanding and good-humored. The computer’s own personality would be lively and impressive, and it would develop in response to that of the user. With features such as these, the machine might indeed become a very attractive social partner. of the following is NOT a feature of the ideal companion machineA:Active in communicationB: Attractive in personality.C: enjoyable in performance.D: unpredictable in behaviour97. the computer would develop friendships with humans in a (n) ---------way. A: quickB: unpredictableC: productiveD: inconspicuous.of the following aspects is NOT mentioned when the passage discusses the benefits of artificial relationshipsA:Being able to pick up an interesting conversation.B: Being sensitive to earlier contact.C: Being ready to learn about the person's life.D:Having a pleasant and adaptable personality.99Throughout the passage,the author is _____in his attitude towards the computer A:favourableB:criticalC: vagueD: hesitant100. which mgiht be the most appropriate title of the passageA:Articial relationshios .B: How to form intimate relationshipsC:The affectionate machineD: Humans and computersPART Ⅵ WRITINGSECTION A COMPOSITIONRecently a Beijing information company did a survey of student life among more than 700 students in Beijing, Guangzhou ,Xi 'an Chengdu , Shanghai , Wuhan,Nanjing ,and Shenyang . The results have shown that 67 percent of students think that saving money is a good habit while the rest believe that using tomorrow's money tody is better. What do you thinkWrite on answer sheet two a compositions of about 200 words.You are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what you opinion isIn the second part, support your opinion with appropriate details.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.You should supply an appropriate title for you composition.Marks will be awarded for content, organization ,grammar and apporpriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.SECTION B NOTE-WRITINGWrite on answer sheet two a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:You have got to know that you classmate, Michael ,is organizing a weekend excursion for the class. And you are thinking of joining the trip, write him a note expressing your interest in the excursion and asking for information on two details related to the excursion.Marks will be awarded for content, organization,grammar and appropriateness. PART IDICTATIONThe InternetThe Internet is the most significant progress in the field of commun ications./ Imagine a book that never ends, a library with million fl。







以下数据可供解题时参考:相对原子质量(原子量):H 1N 14 O16一、选择题(本题包括13小题。





2006年4月PART ONE (50 POINTS)I.Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1point each)1. It would be better to make a decision now, ______ leave it until next week.A. other thanB. rather thanC. less thanD. more than2. We’ll inform you as soon as tickets bec ome ______.A. valuableB. capableC. acceptableD. available3. The foreign company has been______ running this factory for decades.A. enormouslyB. effectivelyC. infinitelyD. extremely4. If you ______ my advice, you wouldn’t be in such trouble now.A. tookB. takesC. has takenD. had taken5. The meeting ______, we left the room quickly for dinner.A. overB. was overC. is overD. been over6. All the money ______, Frederick started looking for work.A. having spentB. has been spentC. having been spentD. had been spent7. ______ his talk when Mary ran out of the lecture hall.A. Hardly had be begunB. Hardly he had begunC. Hardly he has begunD. He hardly had begun8. The two sisters are _____ in many ways, not only in appearance but also in temperament.A. likeB. likelyC. alikeD. lively9. The purpose of the program is to provide training for employees so that they can work ______.A. lateB. laterC. latelyD. latest10. I hope my boy friend will be handsome, strong and ______ kind.A. above allB. in allC. at allD. after allII. Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point each)However careful one may be, he cannot possibly listen carefully to everything that he hears. There are 11 of reasons for this. One of them is the overload of messages most of us 12 each day. In addition to the numerous hours we 13 hearing other people speak, we may spend several hours listening to the radio or sitting in front of a television set. 14, it is impossible to focus our attention completely on what is said; our mind might be 15 elsewhere. Preoccupation with our personal concerns is 16 reason we don’t always listen carefully. A romance 17 sour or a good grade on a test may take prominence in our mind even as 18 is speaking to us. Furthermore, we are surrounded by all kinds of noises which interfere 19 listening. For example, voices at a party or 20 of traffic may simply make it difficult for us to catch everything that is being said.11. A. the number B. a number C. number D. numbers12. A. accept B. obtain C. receive D. possess13. A. put B. consume C. spend D. spare14. A. Besides B. Whereas C. Otherwise D. Nevertheless15. A. wondering B. swinging C. recycling D. wandering16. A. other B. some C. the other D. another17. A. gone B. going C. goes D. went18. A. anyone B. everyone C. someone D. few19. A. to B. with C. of D. about20. A. sound B. noise C. voice D. screamIII. Reading Comprehension (30 points, 2 points each)Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Many of today’s most trusted sales techniques were invented over a century ago by a young merchant named Eaton in Toronto. When he was young, Eaton worked briefly with his brothers in small-town stores. In 1869, he sep up his own shop in downtown Toronto. He had many competitors, but he was also ambitious and had a plan for success. He offered a unique style of trade, but as was expected, all the other shopkeepers laughed at him, believing he would eventually fail. However, Eaton was not a man to be easily defeated; he came up with a brand new notion of business –―Goods satisfactory, or money refunded.‖ He sold all his goods at fixed prices and only for cash.With a sharp sense of what the public wanted, he went out of the way to meet their needs. His business grew rapidly. He set up new branches and started mail order service that allowed people to buy from a list of his goods.Eaton’s list—advertisements of his day—was the first of its kind. It was distributed and read all over the country. It was the only way to access good-quality goods at reasonable prices for people living far away from big cites. It became part of their life. They even called it The Wishing Book. The secret of the list’s success was that Eaton gained the respect of this customers; they trusted him for good prices and quality goods. Probably because he remembered his miserable early days in Ireland, Eaton thought much of the welfare of his employees: better working conditions, shorter weekday hours than his competitors and Saturday afternoons off in the summer. In all this, he was a leader.21. The best description of Eaton is that ______.A. he was the richest merchant in TorontoB. he was a successful technical inventorC. he introduced new sales practicesD. he changed people’s ideas about businessmen22. Eaton’s succe ss lay primarily in that ____.A. he sold only good quality goodsB. he was the first person to provide good serviceC. he treated his employees better than any of his competitorsD. he won respect from his customers23. From the passage we can infer that ______.A. Eaton invented the idea of the internet shoppingB. Eaton drove other businessmen to failureC. Eaton never sold his goods on creditD. Eaton was defeated by his rivals24. The best title for this passage is _____.A. Good Goods, of Money RefundedB. Eaton, a Sales InventorC. Customers’ Respect, a Secret of SuccessD. Eaton’s list, a Welcome Event in Sales History25. Eaton’s List was important to people on farms because it was a convenient way of getting _____.A. good-quality goods at reasonable pricesB. goods at unreasonable pricesC. good-quality goods at unreasonable pricesD. poor-quality goods at reasonable pricesPassage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.The threat of a global outbreak (疾病大爆发) of bird flu makes it urgent for the international community to cooperate effectively. Wealthy countries will have to provide hundreds of millions of dollars for the testing and production of medicines necessary for treating patients suffering from bird flu. Developing countries, particularly in Southeast Asia, where the bird flu virus (病毒) has spread since 1997, must work out special programs so that farmers will not hide sighs of possible outbreaks. In addition, the way such farm birds as chickens and ducks are traditionally raised and marketed in the developing world should be changed; there should be more distance between the birds and their keepers. Countries should deal with the disease with joint effort. If one country is inadequately prepared, it will be a threat to every other country.The potential effects of a national outbreak of bird flu are enormous. Firstly, an outbreak may kill large numbers of people. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that an outbreak similar to the mild Hong Kong flu of 1968 could kill as many as 7.4 millions people. If it were as dangerous as the 1918 Spanish flu, which killed 50 million, the number would be much higher. Secondly, such an outbreak may cause great financial damage. The latest outbreak of bird flu, which began in December 2003, has cost Southeast Asia more than $10 billion and depressed its GDP by 1.5 percent. If a new outbreak of bird flu were to last for a whole year, $800 billion would be lost.Despite the 124 human cases and 63 deaths from bird flu since December 2003, the virus remains mainly a disease animals. However, the more animals that die of the disease, the more chances it has of spreading to people. Large numbers of dead or dying birds mean that more people will be exposed to the virus and change into a virus with new characteristics. If the international community works together efficiently, man can surely prevent such a virus and possibly save millions of lives.26. Faced with the threat of a global outbreak of bird flu, the international community should ________.A. establish new marketsB. work together effectivelyC. stop birds from flying to other countriesD. raise fewer chickens and ducks27. The second paragraph focuses on ______.A. World Health OrganizationB. flus in Hong Kong and SpainC. the economy of Southeast AsiaD. possible effects of a bird flu outbreak28. The number of people who have died of bird flu since 2003 is _______.A. 63B. 124C. 7.4 millionD. 50 million29. In the third paragraph, the author is mainly interested in _____.A. stimulating financial growthB. reducing economic damagesC. saving human livesD. protecting bird species30. The passage deals with all the following aspects bird flu EXCEPT _______.A. the origin and history of bird fluB. the importance of international cooperationC. the possible dangers of a national outbreakD. the significance of preventing it from spreadingPassage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.The long summer holidays are finally over and some parents are pleased. ―We worry more about their safety in the holidays,‖ explains one mot her from North London. If teenagers are not wandering around on public transport in a big and potentially dangerous city, they are chatting to strangers in an internet chat room! Well, that’s an extreme picture of the UK today, but many parents are worried about how much freedom they can give their children during the holidays and at weekends.Weekends are not the only time to worry! Newspaper are full of stories about too many school kids going to school by car because their parents do not want them to travel alone on a bus or train. This summer there were more frightening stories of teenagers disappearing with questionable friends that they met on the net. All the Media stories help increase parents fears, but is the UK really so dangerous?Many young people feel that life for their parents was easier. In the 1960s young people played in the streets more and traveled around town without their parents. ―At least our parents can keep tabs on us,‖ says 16-year-old Julia. ―So many people have mobile phones now and their parents ring to find out where they are. I use my mobile to get Dad to come to the station when I arrive late.‖ Mobiles are not just expensive toys; they help keep young people safe. Most significantly, they help keep young people safe. Most significantly, they make parents feel better. Only one problem is, though, that some young people have been attacked by thieves who want to steal their mobile phones.Young people like going out with friends, but they now need to learn how to get home safely. Five million young people in the UK between the ages of 9 to 16 use chat rooms to make friends, but they, too, need to be careful and never give their personal details to a stranger. Young people today have more opportunities to meet new people and go out at night more than their parents ever did. Now school, television programs and newspapers must help teenagers to enjoy their freedom and to be responsible for their own safety.31. Some parents are upset about the summer holidays mainly because their children______.A. wander around on bus in the cityB. chat to strangers in Internet chat roomsC. make questionable friends on the netD. are taken little care of by teachers32. For the sake of the safety, many parents send their kids to school ________.A. by carB. by busC. by trainD. by public transport33. Most significantly, mobile phones _______.A. enable parents keep a close watch on their kidsB. help keep teenagers safeC. make parents feel less worriedD. protect teenagers from being attacked34. Teenagers should never give any strangers ______.A. their mobile phone numbersB. their family addressC. their personal informationD. their parents’ names35. This passage is mainly about ________.A. freedom for teenagers in summer holidaysB. safety for teenagers in summer holidaysC. activities for teenagers in summer holidaysD. troubles for teenagers in summer holidaysPART TWO (50 POINTS)IV. Word Spelling (10 points, 1 point for two items)将下列汉语单词译成英语。











图 1DCBA折叠图 2TSRPQ2006年大连市初中毕业升学统一考试试测及参考答案数学本试卷1~8页,共150分,考试时间120分钟。


1.在平面直角坐标系中,点P(-2, 3)在()A、第一象限B、第二象限C、第三象限D、第四象限2、-a的相反数是( )A、aB、1aC、-aD、-1a3、下列各式运算正确的是( )A、235a a a+=B、235a a a⋅=C、236()ab ab=D、1025a a a÷=4( )A B、2 C D、1.45、如图1,将矩形沿对称轴折叠,在对称轴处剪下一块,余下部分的展开图为( )6、如图2,∠PQR等于138°,SQ⊥QR,QT⊥PQ。

则∠SQT等于( )A、42°B、64°C、48°D、24°7对于这个鞋店的经理来说最关心哪种型号鞋畅销,则下列统计量对鞋店经理来说最有意义的是( )A、平均数B、众数C、中位数D、标准差图 4D图 5图 68、如图3,若A 、B 、C 、D 、E 、F 、G 、H 、O 都是5×7方格纸中的格点, 为使△DME ∽△ABC ,则点M 应是F 、G 、H 、O 四点中的 ( )A 、FB 、GC 、HD 、O二、填空题(本题共7小题,每小题3分,共21分)说明:将答案直接填在题后的横线上。

9、今年4月某天的最高气温为8°,最低气温为2°,则这天气温t °的t 的取值 范围是________________________;10、在Rt △ABC 中,∠C=90°,AB = 5,AC = 4,则sinA 的值为____________; 11、如图4,在⊙O 中,∠ACB =∠D = 60°,AC = 3,则△ABC 的周长为_________;12、如图5,AB 是⊙O 的切线,OB = 2OA ,则∠B 的度数为______________;13、在如图6的数轴上,用点A ;14,请你猜测_______________;15、如图7是二次函数21y ax bx c =++和一次函数2y mx n =+的图象,观察图象写出y 2 ≥y 1时,x 的取值范围__________________________; 三、解答题(本题共5小题,其中16、17题各919、20题各10分,共48分)16、已知关于x 的方程220x kx +-=的一个解与方程131x x +=-的解相同。



2006年4月湖北部分重点高中联考卷本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共120分,考试时间100分钟 一、选择题(本题包括10小题,每小题给出的四个选项中,有的只有一个选项正确,有的有多个选项正确,全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分)1.根据热力学定律和分子动理论,下列说法正确的是 A .悬浮在液体中的微粒的运动是分子运动B .20℃的氢气和氧气,其氢分子和氧分子的平均动能相同C .热量可以从低温物体传到高温物体而不引起其它变化D .甲分子从相距固定的乙分子很远的位置向着乙运动,直到不能再运动,分子力对甲先做正功再做负功2.在一下列四个方程中,X 1、X 2、X 3、X 4各代表某种离子:( )A .X 1是中子B .X 2是质子C .X 3是α离子D .X 4是氘核3. 质量为m 的小物块,在与水平方向成a 角的力F 作用下,沿光滑水平面运动,物块通过A 点和B 点的速度分别是v A 和v B ,物块由A 运动到B 的过程中,力F 对物块做功W 和力F 对物块作用的冲量I 的大小是( )A.A B mv mv W 222121-=B. A B mv mv W 222121->C. A B mv mv I -=D. A B mv mv I ->4 如图,质量为3kg 的木板在光滑水平面上,质量为1kg 的物体放在木板上,它们之间有摩擦,木板足够长,两者都以4m/s 的初速度向相反方向运动,当木板的速度为2.4m/s 时,物块( )A.加速运动B.减速运动C.匀速运动D.静止不动5、中国国际烟花大会上,3万发烟花在西湖夜空绽放。

按照设计要求,装有焰火的礼花弹从专用炮筒中射出后,在4s 末到达离地面100m 的最高点,随即炸开,构成各种美丽的图案。

假设礼花弹从炮筒中射出时的初速度是v 0,上升过程中所受的平均阻力大小始终是自身重力的k 倍,g 取10m/s 2,那么v 0和k 分别等于A 、25m/s ,1.25B 、40m/s ,0.25C 、50m/s ,0.25D 、80m/s ,1.25 6.一列简谐机械波沿直线ab 向右传播,ab=2m ,某时刻质点a 处于波谷、质点b 在平衡位置且向上振动。

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1.有伺服放打器、执行机构、传动装置等组成的模块称 【 】 A .机械结构模块 B .测量模块 C .驱动模块 D .接口模块
2.使滚珠丝杠具有最大刚度的支承方式是 【 】 A .双推-双推 B .双推-简支 C .单推-单推 D .双推-自由
3.机械传动装置在机电一体化系统中是必不可少的,因为在电动机和负载之间经常需要 【 】 A .匹配转矩和转速 B .增加传动功率 C .缩小传动功率 D .维持转速恒定
4.用户可通过哪种方法来调节仪表放大器之增益? 【
】 A .内部电阻 B .外部电阻 C .输入电压 D .输出电压
5.于旋转变压器输出电压大小有关的因素是 【 】 A .转子位置 B .转子材料 C .转子直径 D .转子长度
6.为提高感应同步器鉴相法工作方式的灵敏度,需要使节距W 的尺寸 【 】 A .增大 B .保持不变 C .减小 D .取任意值
7.交流感应电动机,对应S=m S 时的转矩称 【 】 A .堵转转矩 B .负载转矩 C .额定转矩 D .最大转矩
8.直流电动机中, 称 【 】 A .电动机电磁时间常数 B .电动机机电时间常数 C .机械系统时间常数 D .电动机反电势系数
9.某三相步进电动机,转子40个齿,欲使其步距 1.5,应采用的通电方式为
【 】
A .单拍制
B .双拍制
C .单双拍制
D .细分电路
10.若考虑对系统响应速度的影响,采样-数据系统中的采样周期应选为系统最小时间常数的 【 】 A .(O.1~1)倍 B .2倍 C .5倍 D .10倍
11.在串联校正的比例-积分-微分(PID)控制器中,I 的作用是 【 】 A .改善稳定性 B .加快系统响应速度 C .提高无静差度 D .增大相位裕量

为完成协调运动,所有运动轴都必须 【 】 A .同时启动 B .同时停止
C .分时启动,分时停止
D .同时启动,同时停止
13.图示利用继电器触点实现的逻辑函数为 【 】 A .)()(A B C B C A ⋅+⋅⋅+ B .)()(A B C B C A +⋅++⋅ C .)()(A B C B C A ⋅+⋅++ D .)(A B C B C A ⋅+⋅⋅⋅
14.梯形图中二网络并联,采用的助记符指令为 【 】 A .OR B .AND
.AND STR 二、名词解释题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共


24.若根据滚珠丝杠副的结构参数查表得系数st b =3,试计算当外部轴向力asp F =20000N ,轴向预载荷力为3000N 时,该滚珠丝杠副的传动刚度是多少?

已知时钟脉冲为 8MHz,在lO 个编码器脉冲问隔的时间里计数器共计200000个时钟脉冲,试求电动机转速n 。

26.直流电动机T 型双极开关放大器电路如题26(a )图
(1)若其基极信号b u 的波形如题26(b)图所,试在该图中画出对应的电枢电压AB u 和电枢
电流AB i 的稳态波形。

(2)若要求AB u 、AB i 的均值都为零,试在题26(c)图中画出b u 的波形。


要求: (1)计算双拍制的步距角。


28.题28图“四倍频细分和辨向电路”,图中1DN 、2DN 为反向器。

1AT ~4AT 为单稳触发器。

(1)正向运动时,与或门1D 、2D 的输出脉冲。

(2)反向运动时,与或门1D 、2D 的输出脉冲。

29.某直流电机电枢电阻50,做电动机使用时电枢加110V 电压,空载电枢电流O.1A ,空载转速3000r /min 。

(励磁保持额定状态) (1)电机空载损耗功率为多少? (2)电机的反电动势系数为多少?
(3)若电机做发电机用,转速保持2000r /rain ,外接300 负载电阻,则其电枢电流为 多少?

(1)若1K =25,f K =0,求阶跃响应的最大超调量σ%( 定义:σ%=2
--e ⨯100% )和
调节时间s t (取△=±0.05). ‘
(2)当1K =25,欲使系统为最佳阻尼,确定f K 的值。

31.xy 平面内由(1,-1)点以v=2的恒速运动到(9,1)点,设采样周期为0.01s ,试求出 两点直线插补的递推计算式。



