

ASTM B117_Salt Spray

ASTM B117_Salt Spray

Designation:B 117–03Standard Practice forOperating Salt Spray (Fog)Apparatus 1This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 117;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon (e )indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope1.1This practice covers the apparatus,procedure,and conditions required to create and maintain the salt spray (fog)test environment.Suitable apparatus which may be used is described in Appendix X1.1.2This practice does not prescribe the type of test speci-men or exposure periods to be used for a specific product,nor the interpretation to be given to the results.1.3The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.The inch-pound units in parentheses are provided for information and may be approximate.1.4This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2.Referenced Documents 2.1ASTM Standards:B 368Method for Copper-Accelerated Acetic Acid-Salt Spray (Fog)Testing (CASS Test)2D 609Practice for Preparation of Cold-Rolled Steel Panels for Testing Paint,Varnish,Conversion Coatings,and Related Coating Products 3D 1193Specification for Reagent Water 4D 1654Test Method for Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to Corrosive Environments 3E 70Test Method for pH of Aqueous Solutions with the Glass Electrode 5E 691Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method 6G 85Practice for Modified Salt Spray (Fog)Testing 73.Significance and Use3.1This practice provides a controlled corrosive environ-ment which has been utilized to produce relative corrosion resistance information for specimens of metals and coated metals exposed in a given test chamber.3.2Prediction of performance in natural environments has seldom been correlated with salt spray results when used as stand alone data.3.2.1Correlation and extrapolation of corrosion perfor-mance based on exposure to the test environment provided by this practice are not always predictable.3.2.2Correlation and extrapolation should be considered only in cases where appropriate corroborating long-term atmo-spheric exposures have been conducted.3.3The reproducibility of results in the salt spray exposure is highly dependent on the type of specimens tested and the evaluation criteria selected,as well as the control of the operating variables.In any testing program,sufficient repli-cates should be included to establish the variability of the results.Variability has been observed when similar specimens are tested in different fog chambers even though the testing conditions are nominally similar and within the ranges speci-fied in this practice.4.Apparatus4.1The apparatus required for salt spray (fog)exposure consists of a fog chamber,a salt solution reservoir,a supply of suitably conditioned compressed air,one or more atomizing nozzles,specimen supports,provision for heating the chamber,and necessary means of control.The size and detailed con-struction of the apparatus are optional,provided the conditions obtained meet the requirements of this practice.4.2Drops of solution which accumulate on the ceiling or cover of the chamber shall not be permitted to fall on the specimens being exposed.1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G01on Corrosion of Metals and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee G01.05on Laboratory Corrosion Tests.Current edition approved October 1,2003.Published October 2003.Originally approved in st previous edition approved in 2002as B 117–02.2Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 02.05.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 06.01.4Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 11.01.5Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 15.05.6Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 14.02.7Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 03.02.1Copyright ©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,United States.Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with TIMOTHY D SCHULTZ (POWER GEAR); Mon Oct 10 16:49:37 EDT 20054.3Drops of solution which fall from the specimens shall not be returned to the solution reservoir for respraying.4.4Material of construction shall be such that it will not affect the corrosiveness of the fog.4.5All water used for this practice shall conform to Type IV water in Specification D1193(except that for this practice limits for chlorides and sodium may be ignored).This does not apply to running tap water.All other water will be referred to as reagent grade.5.Test Specimens5.1The type and number of test specimens to be used,as well as the criteria for the evaluation of the test results,shall be defined in the specifications covering the material or product being exposed or shall be mutually agreed upon between the purchaser and the seller.6.Preparation of Test Specimens6.1Specimens shall be suitably cleaned.The cleaning method shall be optional depending on the nature of the surface and the contaminants.Care shall be taken that specimens are not recontaminated after cleaning by excessive or careless handling.6.2Specimens for the evaluation of paints and other organic coatings shall be prepared in accordance with applicable specification(s)for the material(s)being exposed,or as agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier.Otherwise,the test specimens shall consist of steel meeting the requirements of Practice D609and shall be cleaned and prepared for coating in accordance with the applicable procedure of Practice D609.6.3Specimens coated with paints or nonmetallic coatings shall not be cleaned or handled excessively prior to test.6.4Whenever it is desired to determine the development of corrosion from an abraded area in the paint or organic coating, a scratch or scribed line shall be made through the coating with a sharp instrument so as to expose the underlying metal before testing.The conditions of making the scratch shall be as defined in Test Method D1654,unless otherwise agreed upon between the purchaser and the seller.6.5Unless otherwise specified,the cut edges of plated, coated,or duplex materials and areas containing identification marks or in contact with the racks or supports shall be protected with a suitable coating stable under the conditions of the practice.N OTE1—Should it be desirable to cut test specimens from parts or from preplated,painted,or otherwise coated steel sheet,the cut edges shall be protected by coating them with paint,wax,tape,or other effective media so that the development of a galvanic effect between such edges and the adjacent plated or otherwise coated metal surfaces,is prevented.7.Position of Specimens During Exposure7.1The position of the specimens in the salt spray chamber during the test shall be such that the following conditions are met:7.1.1Unless otherwise specified,the specimens shall be supported or suspended between15and30°from the vertical and preferably parallel to the principal direction offlow of fog through the chamber,based upon the dominant surface being tested.7.1.2The specimens shall not contact each other or any metallic material or any material capable of acting as a wick.7.1.3Each specimen shall be placed to permit unencum-bered exposure to the fog.7.1.4Salt solution from one specimen shall not drip on any other specimen.N OTE2—Suitable materials for the construction or coating of racks and supports are glass,rubber,plastic,or suitably coated wood.Bare metal shall not be used.Specimens shall preferably be supported from the bottom or the side.Slotted wooden strips are suitable for the support offlat panels.Suspension from glass hooks or waxed string may be used as long as the specified position of the specimens is obtained,if necessary by means of secondary support at the bottom of the specimens.8.Salt Solution8.1The salt solution shall be prepared by dissolving561 parts by mass of sodium chloride in95parts of water conforming to Type IV water in Specification D1193(except that for this practice limits for chlorides and sodium may be ignored).Careful attention should be given to the chemical content of the salt.The salt used shall be sodium chloride with not more than0.3%by mass of total impurities.Halides (Bromide,Fluoride,and Iodide)other than Chloride shall constitute less than0.1%by mass of the salt content.Copper content shall be less than0.3ppm by mass.Sodium chloride containing anti-caking agents shall not be used because such agents may act as corrosion inhibitors.See Table1for a listing of these impurity restrictions.Upon agreement between the purchaser and the seller,analysis may be required and limits established for elements or compounds not specified in the chemical composition given above.TABLE1Maximum Allowable Limits for Impurity Levels inSodium Chloride A,BImpurity Description Allowable Amount Total Impurities#0.3% Halides(Bromide,Fluoride and Iodide)excluding Chloride#0.1% Copper<0.3ppmAnti-caking Agents0.0%A A common formula used to calculate the amount of salt required by mass to achieve a5%salt solution of a known mass of water is:.053X Mass of Water5Mass of NaCl requiredThe mass of water is1g per1mL.To calculate the mass of salt required in grams to mix1L of a5%salt solution,multiply.053by1000g(35.27oz.,the mass of 1L of water).This formula yields a result of53g(1.87oz.)of NaCl required for each liter of water to achieve a5%salt solution by mass.The0.053multiplier for the sodium chloride used above is derived by the following:1000g~mass of a full L of water!divided by0.95~water is only95%of the total mixture by mass!yields1053gThis1053g is the total mass of the mixture of one L of water with a5%sodium chloride concentration.1053g minus the original weight of the L of water,1000g, yields53g for the weight of the sodium chloride.53g of total sodium chloride divided by the original1000g of water yields a0.053multiplier for the sodium chloride.As an example:to mix the equivalent of200L(52.83gal)of5%sodium chloride solution,mix10.6kg(23.37lb)of sodium chloride into200L(52.83gal)of water. 200L of water weighs200,000g.200,000g of water x.053(sodium chloride multiplier)=10,600g of sodium chloride,or10.6kg.B In order to ensure that the proper salt concentration was achieved when mixing the solution,it is recommended that the solution be checked with either a salimeter hydrometer or specific gravity hydrometer.When using a salimeter hydrometer,the measurement should be between4and6%at25°C(77°F).When using a specific gravity hydrometer,the measurement should be between1.0255and1.0400at 25°C(77°F).8.2The pH of the salt solution shall be such that when atomized at35°C(95°F)the collected solution will be in the pH range from6.5to7.2(Note3).Before the solution is atomized it shall be free of suspended solids(Note4).The pH measurement shall be made at25°C(77°F)using a suitable glass pH-sensing electrode,reference electrode,and pH meter system in accordance with Test Method E70.N OTE3—Temperature affects the pH of a salt solution prepared from water saturated with carbon dioxide at room temperature and pH adjust-ment may be made by the following three methods:(1)When the pH of a salt solution is adjusted at room temperature,and atomized at35°C(95°F),the pH of the collected solution will be higher than the original solution due to the loss of carbon dioxide at the higher temperature.When the pH of the salt solution is adjusted at room temperature,it is therefore necessary to adjust it below6.5so the collected solution after atomizing at35°C(95°F)will meet the pH limits of6.5to 7.2.Take about a50-mL sample of the salt solution as prepared at room temperature,boil gently for30s,cool,and determine the pH.When the pH of the salt solution is adjusted to6.5to7.2by this procedure,the pH of the atomized and collected solution at35°C(95°F)will come within this range.(2)Heating the salt solution to boiling and cooling to35°C(95°F)and maintaining it at35°C(95°F)for approximately48h before adjusting the pH produces a solution the pH of which does not materially change when atomized at35°C(95°F).(3)Heating the water from which the salt solution is prepared to35°C (95°F)or above,to expel carbon dioxide,and adjusting the pH of the salt solution within the limits of6.5to7.2produces a solution the pH of which does not materially change when atomized at35°C(95°F).N OTE4—The freshly prepared salt solution may befiltered or decanted before it is placed in the reservoir,or the end of the tube leading from the solution to the atomizer may be covered with a double layer of cheesecloth to prevent plugging of the nozzle.N OTE5—The pH can be adjusted by additions of dilute ACS reagent grade hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide solutions.9.Air Supply9.1The compressed air supply to the Air Saturator Tower shall be free of grease,oil,and dirt before use by passing through well-maintainedfilters.(Note6)This air should be maintained at a sufficient pressure at the base of the Air Saturator Tower to meet the suggested pressures of Table2at the top of the Air Saturator Tower.N OTE6—The air supply may be freed from oil and dirt by passing it through a suitable oil/water extractor(that is commercially available)to stop any oil from reaching the Air Saturator Tower.Many oil/water extractors have an expiration indicator,proper preventive maintenance intervals should take these into account.9.2The compressed air supply to the atomizer nozzle or nozzles shall be conditioned by introducing it into the bottom of a towerfillwed with water.A common method of introduc-ing the air is through an air dispersion device(X1.4.1).The level of the water must be maintained automatically to ensure adequate humidification.It is common practice to maintain the temperature in this tower between46and49°C(114–121°F)to offset the cooling effect of expansion to atmospheric pressure during the atomization process.Table2in9.3of this practice shows the temperature,at different pressures,that are com-monly used to offset the cooling effect of expansion to atmospheric pressure.9.3Careful attention should be given to the relationship of tower temperature to pressure since this relationship can have a direct impact to maintaining proper collection rates(Note7). It is preferable to saturate the air at temperatures well above the chamber temperature as insurance of a wet fog as listed in Table2.N OTE7—If the tower is run outside of these suggested temperature and pressure ranges to acheive proper collection rates as described in10.2of this practice,other means of verifying the proper corrosion rate in the chamber should be investigated,such as the use of control specimens (panels of known performance in the test conducted).It is preferred that control panels be provided that bracket the expected test specimen performance.The controls allow for the normalization of test conditions during repeated running of the test and will also allow comparisons of test results from different repeats of the same test.(Refer to Appendix X3, Evaluation of Corrosive Conditions,for mass loss procedures).10.Conditions in the Salt Spray Chamber10.1Temperature—The exposure zone of the salt spray chamber shall be maintained at35+1.1−1.7°C (95+2−3°F).Each set point and its tolerance represents an operational control point for equilibrium conditions at a single location in the cabinet which may not necessarily represent the uniformity of conditions throughout the cabinet.The tempera-ture within the exposure zone of the closed cabinet shall be recorded(Note8)at least twice a day at least7h apart(except on Saturdays,Sundays,and holidays when the salt spray test is not interrupted for exposing,rearranging,or removing test specimens or to check and replenish the solution in the reservoir)N OTE8—A suitable method to record the temperature is by a continu-ous recording device or by a thermometer which can be read from outside the closed cabinet.The recorded temperature must be obtained with the salt spray chamber closed to avoid a false low reading because of wet-bulb effect when the chamber is open.10.2Atomization and Quantity of Fog—Place at least two clean fog collectors per atomizer tower within the exposure zone so that no drops of solution will be collected from the test specimens or any other source.Position the collectors in the proximity of the test specimens,one nearest to any nozzle and the other farthest from all nozzles.A typical arrangement is shown in Fig.1.The fog shall be such that for each80 cm2(12.4in.2)of horizontal collecting area,there will be collected from1.0to2.0mL of solution per hour based on an average run of at least16h(Note9).The sodium chloride concentration of the collected solution shall be561mass% (Notes9-11).The pH of the collected solution shall be6.5to 7.2.The pH measurement shall be made as described in8.2 (Note3).N OTE9—Suitable collecting devices are glass or plastic funnels with TABLE2Suggested Temperature and Pressure guideline for the top of the Air Saturator Tower for the operation of a test at35°C(95°F)Air Pressure,kPa Temperature,°C Air Pressure,PSI Temperature,°F 83461211496471411711048161191244918121the stems inserted through stoppers into graduated cylinders,or crystal-lizing dishes.Funnels and dishes with a diameter of 10cm (3.94in.)have an area of about 80cm 2(12.4in.2).N OTE 10—A solution having a specific gravity of 1.0255to 1.0400at 25°C (77°F)will meet the concentration requirement.The sodium chloride concentration may also be determined using a suitable salinity meter (for example,utilizing a sodium ion-selective glass electrode)or colorimetrically as follows.Dilute 5mL of the collected solution to 100mL with distilled water and mix thoroughly;pipet a 10-mL aliquot into an evaporating dish or casserole;add 40mL of distilled water and 1mL of 1%potassium chromate solution (chloride-free)and titrate with 0.1N silver nitrate solution to the first appearance of a permanent red coloration.A solution that requires between 3.4and 5.1mL of 0.1N silver nitrate solution will meet the concentration requirements.N OTE 11—Salt solutions from 2to 6%will give the same results,though for uniformity the limits are set at 4to 6%.10.3The nozzle or nozzles shall be so directed or baffled that none of the spray can impinge directly on the test specimens.11.Continuity of Exposure11.1Unless otherwise specified in the specifications cover-ing the material or product being tested,the test shall be continuous for the duration of the entire test period.Continu-ous operation implies that the chamber be closed and the spray operating continuously except for the short daily interruptions necessary to inspect,rearrange,or remove test specimens,to check and replenish the solution in the reservoir,and to make necessary recordings as described in Section 10.Operations shall be so scheduled that these interruptions are held to a minimum.12.Period of Exposure12.1The period of exposure shall be as designated by the specifications covering the material or product being tested or as mutually agreed upon between the purchaser and the seller.N OTE 12—Recommended exposure periods are to be as agreed upon between the purchaser and the seller,but exposure periods of multiples of 24h are suggested.13.Cleaning of Tested Specimens13.1Unless otherwise specified in the specifications cover-ing the material or product being tested,specimens shall be treated as follows at the end of the test:13.1.1The specimens shall be carefully removed.13.2Specimens may be gently washed or dipped in clean running water not warmer than 38°C (100°F)to remove salt deposits from their surface,and then immediately dried.14.Evaluation of Results14.1A careful and immediate examination shall be made as required by the specifications covering the material or product being tested or by agreement between the purchaser and the seller.15.Records and Reports15.1The following information shall be recorded,unless otherwise prescribed in the specifications covering the material or product being tested:15.1.1Type of salt and water used in preparing the salt solution,15.1.2All readings of temperature within the exposure zone of the chamber,15.1.3Daily records of data obtained from each fog-collecting device including the following: olume of salt solution collected in millilitres per hour per 80cm 2(12.4in.2), or specific gravity at 35°C (95°F)of solution collected,and15.1.3.3pH of collectedsolution.N OTE —This figure shows a typical fog collector arrangement for a single atomizer tower cabinet.The same fog collector arrangement is also applicable for multiple atomizer tower and horizontal (“T”type)atomizer tower cabinet constructions as well.FIG.1Arrangement of FogCollectors15.2Type of specimen and its dimensions,or number or description of part,15.3Method of cleaning specimens before and after testing, 15.4Method of supporting or suspending article in the salt spray chamber,15.5Description of protection used as required in6.5, 15.6Exposure period,15.7Interruptions in exposure,cause,and length of time, and15.8Results of all inspections.N OTE13—If any of the atomized salt solution which has not contacted the test specimens is returned to the reservoir,it is advisable to record the concentration or specific gravity of this solution also.16.Keywords16.1controlled corrosive environment;corrosive condi-tions;determining mass loss;salt spray(fog)exposureAPPENDIXES(Nonmandatory Information)X1.CONSTRUCTION OF APPARATUSX1.1CabinetsX1.1.1Standard salt spray cabinets are available from several suppliers,but certain pertinent accessories are required before they will function according to this practice and provide consistent control for duplication of results.X1.1.2The salt spray cabinet consists of the basic chamber, an air-saturator tower,a salt solution reservoir,atomizing nozzles,specimen supports,provisions for heating the cham-ber,and suitable controls for maintaining the desired tempera-ture.X1.1.3Accessories such as a suitable adjustable baffle or central fog tower,automatic level control for the salt reservoir, and automatic level control for the air-saturator tower are pertinent parts of the apparatus.X1.1.4The size and shape of the cabinet shall be such that the atomization and quantity of collected solution is within the limits of this practice.X1.1.5The chamber shall be made of suitably inert mate-rials such as plastic,glass,or stone,or constructed of metal and lined with impervious plastics,rubber,or epoxy-type materials or equivalent.X1.1.6All piping that contacts the salt solution or spray should be of inert materials such as plastic.Vent piping should be of sufficient size so that a minimum of back pressure exists and should be installed so that no solution is trapped.The exposed end of the vent pipe should be shielded from extreme air currents that may causefluctuation of pressure or vacuum in the cabinet.X1.2Temperature ControlX1.2.1The maintenance of temperature within the salt chamber can be accomplished by several methods.It is generally desirable to control the temperature of the surround-ings of the salt spray chamber and to maintain it as stable as possible.This may be accomplished by placing the apparatus in a constant-temperature room,but may also be achieved by surrounding the basic chamber of a jacket containing water or air at a controlled temperature.X1.2.2The use of immersion heaters in an internal salt solution reservoir or within the chamber is detrimental where heat losses are appreciable because of solution evaporation and radiant heat on the specimens.X1.3Spray NozzlesX1.3.1Satisfactory nozzles may be made of hard rubber, plastic,or other inert materials.The most commonly used type is made of plastic.Nozzles calibrated for air consumption and solution-atomized are available.The operating characteristics of a typical nozzle are given in Table X1.1.X1.3.2It can readily be seen that air consumption is relatively stable at the pressures normally used,but a marked reduction in solution sprayed occurs if the level of the solution is allowed to drop appreciably during the test.Thus,the level of the solution in the salt reservoir must be maintained automatically to ensure uniform fog delivery during the test.8 X1.3.3If the nozzle selected does not atomize the salt solution into uniform droplets,it will be necessary to direct the spray at a baffle or wall to pick up the larger drops and prevent them from impinging on the test specimens.Pending a com-plete understanding of air-pressure effects,and so forth,it is important that the nozzle selected shall produce the desired 8A suitable device for maintaining the level of liquid in either the saturator tower or reservoir of test solution may be designed by a local engineering group,or may be purchased from manufacturers of test cabinets as an accessory.TABLE X1.1Operating Characteristics of Typical Spray Nozzle SiphonHeight,cmAir Flow,dm3/min Solution Consumption,cm3/hAir Pressure,kPa Air Pressure,kPa34691031383469103138 101926.531.5362100384045845256 201926.531.536636276037204320 301926.531.5360138030003710 401926.631.536078021242904SiphonHeight,in.Air Flow,L/minSolutionConsumption,mL/hAir Pressure,psi Air Pressure,psi51015205101520 41926.531.5362100384045845256 81926.531.536636276037204320 121926.531.5360138030003710 161926.631.536078021242904condition when operated at the air pressure selected.Nozzles are not necessarily located at one end,but may be placed in the center and can also be directed vertically up through a suitable tower.X1.4Air for AtomizationX1.4.1The air used for atomization must be free of grease, oil,and dirt before use by passing through well-maintainedfilters.Room air may be compressed,heated,humidified,and washed in a water-sealed rotary pump if the temperature of the water is suitably controlled.Otherwise cleaned air may be introduced into the bottom of a towerfilled with water through a porous stone or multiple nozzles.The level of the water must be maintained automatically to ensure adequate humidification.A chamber operated in accordance with this method and Appendix X1will have a relative humidity between95and 98%.Since salt solutions from2to6%will give the same results(though for uniformity the limits are set at4to6%),it is preferable to saturate the air at temperatures well above the chamber temperature as insurance of a wet fog.Table X1.2 shows the temperatures,at different pressures,that are required to offset the cooling effect of expansion to atmospheric pressure.X1.4.2Experience has shown that most uniform spray chamber atmospheres are obtained by increasing the atomizing air temperature sufficiently to offset heat losses,except those that can be replaced otherwise at very low-temperature gradi-ents.X1.5Types of ConstructionX1.5.1A modern laboratory cabinet is shown in Fig.X1.1. Walk-in chambers are usually constructed with a sloping ceiling.Suitably located and directed spray nozzles avoid ceiling accumulation and drip.Nozzles may be located at the ceiling,or0.91m(3ft)from thefloor directed upward at30to 60°over a passageway.The number of nozzles depends on type and capacity and is related to the area of the test space.An11 to19L(3to5-gal)reservoir is required within the chamber, with the level controlled.The major features of a walk-in type cabinet,which differs significantly from the laboratory type, are illustrated in Fig.X1.2.Construction of a plastic nozzle, such as is furnished by several suppliers,is shown in Fig.X1.3.TABLE X1.2Temperature and Pressure Requirements forOperation of Test at95°FAir Pressure,kPa8396110124 Temperature,°C46474849Air Pressure,psi12141618 Temperature,°F114117119121。






●17-4PH化学成分①:碳 C:≤0.07锰 Mn:≤1.00硅 Si:≤1.00铬 Cr:15.5~17.5镍Ni②:3.0~5.0磷 P:≤0.04硫 S:≤0.03铜 Cu:3.0~5.0铌+钽 Nb+Ta:0.15~0.45●17-4PH力学性能:抗拉强度σb (MPa):480℃时效,≥1310; 550℃时效,≥1060; 580℃时效,≥1000; 620℃时效,≥930条件屈服强度σ0.2 (MPa):480℃时效,≥1180;550℃时效,≥1000;580℃时效,≥865;620℃时效,≥725伸长率δ5 (%):480℃时效,≥10;550℃时效,≥12;580℃时效,≥13;620℃时效,≥16断面收缩率ψ (%):480℃时效,≥40;550℃时效,≥45;580℃时效,≥45;620℃时效,≥50硬度:固溶,≤363HB和≤38HRC;480℃时效,≥375HB和≥40HRC; 550℃时效,≥331HB和≥35HRC;580℃时效,≥302HB和≥31HRC;620℃时效,≥277HB和≥28HRC●17-4PH热处理规范及金相组织:热处理规范:1)固溶1020~1060℃快冷;2)480℃时效,经固溶处理后,470~490℃空冷; 3)550℃时效,经固溶处理后,540~560℃空冷;4)580℃时效,经固溶处理后,570~590℃空冷;5)620℃时效,经固溶处理后,610~630℃空冷。



STANDARD 100 by OEKO—TEX 检验标准:2017年新规定

STANDARD 100 by OEKO—TEX 检验标准:2017年新规定

a n 捌a r a 圆圈圈盟啊
单苯基锡 ( MP h T )和 四 乙 基锡 ( T e E T ) 。分 别 针 对这 3种 物 质 ,限 量 值 的 规 定 为 ,产 品级 别 I 最高为 1 . 0 mg /
2 0 1 7 年伊 始 ,O E K O — T E X 协 会 如往 常一 样 ,发 布 了
S T A N D A R D 1 0 0 b y O E K O — T E X 标 准文 件 中 ,将考
最新版S T A N D A R D 1 0 0 b y O E K O - T E X 。 产品认证的测试 标准和限量值要求。新标准将在 3个 月的过渡期后 ,于
的增 加 参 考 了R E A C H 法 规 高度 关注 物 质 ( S V H C)的要
第1 I 级 别 :直接 接 触皮 肤 类纺织 品 ( 内 衣 、T 恤 、床
上用 品等 ) ;
第1 I I 级 别 :不 直接 接 触 皮 肤 类纺 织 品 ( 夹 克 、外 套
全氟 及 多氟 化 合物 项 目中 ,产 品级 别I( 3岁及 以 下 婴 幼 儿产 品 )下新 增 更 多物 质 。这 些 物 质 既 包括 由全 氟 辛烷 磺 酸 衍 生 而来 的 全氟 辛 烷磺 酸 化 合物 , ̄ I I P F O S A、 P F O S F 、N — Me — F OS A 等 ,也包 括 其他 全 氟及 多氟碳 酸 、 磺酸 及 多种 氟 化醇 ( 氟 调 醇 )和氟 调 聚 物 丙烯 酸 酯 。标 准 中 明确 列 出 了具 体 的 物 质 名 称并 规 定 了其 限量 值 ,具
- r . .



熏蒸说明的效率战要领2007-10-19 09:27熏蒸(消毒)考验说明书籍齐称:Fumigation Inspection Certificate之阳早格格创做1、木量包拆熏蒸(消毒)的脚段战效率:正在国际交易中,各国为呵护本国的资材,对付有的进心商品真止强造的检疫造度.熏蒸(消毒)便是为了预防有害病虫妨害进心国森林资材所采取的一种强造步伐.2、对付尔国出心的货品央供熏蒸(消毒)的国家:好国、加拿大、欧盟、日本及澳大利亚,必须出具官圆熏蒸(消毒)证书籍.3、需熏蒸(消毒)的木量包拆的种类:普遍指用于包拆、铺垫、收撑、加固货品的资料.如木箱、木板条箱、木托盘、垫仓木料、木桶、木垫圆、枕木、木衬板、木轴、木稧等.4、熏蒸(消毒)办法:A、可委派工厂或者船运货代公司举止操持;B、须背代庖圆提供拆箱单、形式收票、合共、提单复印件其中任性一种货品资料;C、熏蒸包罗使用药物战热处理二种办法.使用药物为:溴甲烷、环氧乙烷;D、商检局出具熏蒸(消毒)说明书籍,熏蒸(消毒)证书籍的灵验期为21天;E、木量包拆物不得戴有树皮.免熏蒸托盘英语翻译为:Pallets for free fumigation 亦译做:Non fumigation pallets .一、免熏蒸托盘分类:免熏蒸木托盘战免熏蒸复合托盘.二、免熏蒸托盘履历成果:已经处理的木量果大概会躲有昆虫及虫卵,传进有害死物的危害较下,会挨破输进国的死态仄稳,引导死物侵犯,大概对付农业战森林资材爆收宽沉妨害.USDA宣布了落矮木量包拆传进有害死物危害的规则.由于木量包拆时常沉复利用,真正在根源很易决定,果此其处理情景很易决定.三、免熏蒸托盘处理要领: 1. 免熏蒸托盘的本资料为复合板或者胶合板,本资料是用百般木造余料通过下温下压消毒产死. 2. 当前主要有二种处理要领:热处理战用溴甲烷熏蒸.对付于热处理,木量包拆处理时,其木料核心温度应达到56OC,而且起码脆持30分钟,对付于熏蒸,木量包拆必须正在稀关场合,于确定的溴甲烷剂量下熏蒸起码16小时,而后置于透气处,使其熏蒸剂的浓度落到仄安浓度以下.正在上头所有一种处理后,正在木量包拆每件商品的可视位子上,最佳是正在每件商品的正反二里,标上一个浑晰战永暂的标记表记标帜,此标记表记标帜需要受到国际动物呵护契约的认可,以说明木量包拆举止了确定的处理.一个标记表记标帜必须包罗IPPC博用标记,ISO尺度的国家代码,由该国动物呵护机构收布给木量包拆死产商的唯一性的数字,战代表处理要领的字母缩写.免熏蒸托盘产品普遍切合天下各国的进境战环保央供,无需所有脚绝即不妨曲交正在进心国通关.四、免熏蒸托盘便宜:模压造品是利用农林“三剩物”为本料(如竹屑、木屑等)经粉碎后,混同博用的黏合剂战防火剂,使用特定的模具热压成型.产品强度大、耐火、防虫、可落解,是一种可代替木料造品战塑料造品的环保资料.熏蒸托盘上的标记不是根据出心国家的分歧而分歧,他是检疫部分授权给通过天分认证的包拆企业使用的,分歧的天区战死产厂家代码是纷歧样的,左边IPPC字母战麦穗标记是国际动物呵护构造的标记,左边CN是指华夏,后里字母是经认证企业的代码,左下边MB 或者HT至分歧的处理要领,MB指熏蒸,HT指热处理,后边数字指当天考验检疫局的代码.IPPC标记图解标记式样如图,起码包罗4个圆里的疑息:上图是国际动物呵护契约(IPPC)备案的用于按确定真施除害处理合格的木量包拆上的标记;XX是国际尺度化构造的2个字母国家编码;000代表国家植保机构赋予木量包拆死产企业的特殊备案号.YY代表除害处理要领,如MB表示溴甲烷熏蒸处理,HT表示热处理;输出国官圆动物检疫机构或者木量包拆死产企业不妨根据需要减少其余疑息.标记必须加施于木量包拆的隐著位子,起码应正在相对付的二里,标记应浑晰易辨、具永暂性战不可改变性,预防使用白色或者橙色.IPPC(国际动物呵护契约)介绍国际动物呵护契约(International Plant Protection Convention,简称IPPC)是1951年共同国粮食战农业构造(FAO)通过的一个有关动物呵护的多边国际协议,1952年死效.1979年战1997年,FAO分别对付IPPC举止了2次建改,1997年新建订的动物呵护契约尚已死效.国际动物呵护契约由设正在粮农构造动物呵护处的IPPC秘书籍处控造真止战管造.国际木量包拆检疫步伐尺度一、热处理(HT)1.必须包管木料核心温度起码达到56℃,持绝30分钟以上.2.窑内烘搞(KD)、化教加压浸透(CPI)或者其余处理要领只消达到热处理央供,不妨视为热处理.如化教加压浸透可通过蒸汽、热火或者搞热等要领达到热处理的技能指标央供.二、溴甲烷熏蒸处理(MB)1.常压下,按下列尺度处理温度剂量(g/m3)最矮浓度央供(g/m3)0.5小时 2小时 4小时 16小时≥21℃ 48 36 24 17 14≥16℃ 56 42 28 20 17≥11℃ 64 48 32 22 192.最矮熏蒸温度不该矮于10℃,熏蒸时间最矮不该少于16小时.三、国际动物检疫步伐尺度或者输进国家/天区认可的其余除害处理要领.只消窑能拆的下,普遍是不尺寸的央供的灵验期圆里,果为热处理的标记上也不证明热处理日期,该当是不简曲央供的,只消通过热处理的托盘贮存适合,再万古间也不会有问题的.。

17-4PH 技术规范

17-4PH 技术规范
如果存在应力腐蚀裂痕的风 险,较高的熟化温度必须高于550ºC (1022ºF),最好为590ºC (1094ºF)。
氯化物介质中最佳回火温度为 550ºC-1022ºF。
这个合金在静态的海水中易遭受蚀 损或裂缝腐蚀。
它在石油化工、食品加工及造纸业 中的抗腐蚀能力和304L 等级一样。
此处所提供的技术资料反映了我们在编辑此资 料时最高的水平及最全面的知识,但随着我们对抗 腐蚀等级产品研究的深入,内容可能会有一些细微 的变化。
我们建议你在询价或发出订单时,再次确认以上 信息。另外,每一个产品在应用时都有一些特殊的 情况。这里所提供的资料数据等仅是对产品的描 述,只有在我们公司做出书面的文件时,才能将其看 作是我们的保证、承诺。
ONE SANDMEYER LANE • PHILADELPHIA, PA 19116-3598 800-523-3663 • FAX 215-677-1430 •
密度: 7800 kg/m3 (.28 lbs/in3) 经过热处理:硬化480°C (896°F) – 1 小时 – 气冷后,获得以下物理特性数据:
0-100 0-200 0-300 0-400 0-500
100 212
135 140 150









称、 号、 批 采样 日期和采样者姓名。一瓶供检验用, 另一瓶保存三个月备查 。
车3 检验 结果如有一 标不符合本标准要求时, 项指 应重新自 两倍量的 包装单元中 采样进行核 核验 验,
结果有 一 项指标不符合本标准的要求时, 整批产品不能验收。
5 试验方法
本标准所用试剂和水, 在没有注明其他要求时, 均指分析纯试剂和G / 68 规定的三级水。 B T 2 6 试J 捡中所用标准溶液、 杂质标准溶液、 制剂及制 品, 在没有注明其他要求时, 均按 G / 61 B T 0
5 3 亚磷酸含量 的测定 . 53 1 方法提要 . .
在p 0 . 的条件下, H为7 ^75 . 碘将亚磷酸根氧化成磷酸根。 用硫代硫酸钠标准滴定溶液滴定过量的
5 32 试剂和材料 ..
5321 五硼酸钱( H, ) . H2 : . . . N B( 4 0)饱和溶液 ,
5 32 2 硫酸 :+3 . . . 1 溶液
5222 乙二胺四乙酸二钠: E T 约。05 l 、 . . . c A) .1 m / 标准滴定溶液。 (D o1
5223 氢氧化钠: g1溶液。 .. . 8 / 5224 氨一 ・. . 氯化钱缓冲溶液, -1o p H 0 5225 中 .-. 性红, gL 1 6%乙醇溶液。 / 0 5226 铬黑1: g1溶液 . . . 1 1 - 1 /
5 24 分析结 果的表述 . .
以质鼠百分数表示的氨基三甲叉麟酸含量X: 按式() ( 计算: 2
(, C v一‘ ) . K 1 0 , x 29 0 v, 0 9
MK , ,O X O
= c ,c < I… ... ... .. … ( ) (V- , 7 . 价.. ... ... , l 4 卫一 7 .... ...… ... . . . 2



A S T M B117-2011:操作盐雾测试机1的标准实验方法本标准是在以固定称呼B117来发行,而跟随在称呼之后的数字则表示为最早发行之年版或是最后发行年版,括号内之号码则表示该版本经确认之最后年版,如果后面又加上括号内并含一希腊字母时则代表在最后版本确认后还有编辑上的修改。

















GHF 氯化铜
GHF 氯化氰
GHF 氯酸钠
GHF 氯酸钾
GHF 高氯酸钾
GHF 高氯酸铵
GHF 高氯酸锶
GHF 溴化汞
GHF 二碘化汞
GHF 氰化钠
GHF 氰化钾
GHF 氧氯化磷
GHW/GHF 二硫化碳(天然气加压非催化法 2601040301
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
GHF 五硫化二磷
GHF 硫化氢
GHF 氟化铅
GHF 四氟化铅
GHF 氟化镉
GHF 四氟化硅
GHW 铝电解质块生产高分子比冰晶石 2601140301
GHF 氰化锌
GHF 氰化亚铜
GHF 氰氨化钙
GHF 氰化钙

astm 17-10p 标准

astm 17-10p 标准

ASTM 17-10P 标准是什么?ASTM 17-10P 标准是一种由美国材料与试验协会(American Society for Testing and Materials,简称 ASTM)制定的标准。

ASTM 是一个国际标准组织,致力于制定和推广各种工程材料和产品的技术标准。

ASTM 17-10P 标准则是该组织制定的其中一项标准,目前被广泛应用于标准化的工程材料测试和评价中。

ASTM 17-10P 标准的内容包括哪些方面?ASTM 17-10P 标准主要涉及工程材料的测试和评价,其内容主要包括以下几个方面:1. 材料的分类和命名:ASTM 17-10P 标准对各种工程材料的分类和命名提出了具体的标准,以便于工程师和科研人员在实际应用中能够准确地辨识和使用各种材料。

2. 材料的性能测试:ASTM 17-10P 标准规定了各种工程材料的性能测试方法,包括材料的力学性能、化学性能、热学性能等方面的测试要求,确保了材料性能测试的准确性和可比性。

3. 材料的标准化评价:ASTM 17-10P 标准还规定了对各种工程材料进行标准化评价的方法和要求,包括材料的可靠性、耐久性、安全性等方面的评价标准,以确保材料能够在实际工程中达到预期的性能指标。

ASTM 17-10P 标准的应用领域和意义是什么?ASTM 17-10P 标准主要适用于以下几个领域:1. 工程建筑:ASTM 17-10P 标准可以应用于各类建筑材料的测试和评价,包括混凝土、钢材、木材等各种建筑材料的性能测试和标准化评价。

2. 交通运输:ASTM 17-10P 标准可以应用于各类交通运输设施和交通工具的材料测试和评价,如公路路面材料、航空材料、船舶材料等。

3. 石油化工:ASTM 17-10P 标准可以应用于各类石油化工设备和材料的测试和评价,如石油管道材料、化工容器材料等。

ASTM 17-10P 标准的颁布和修订历史ASTM 17-10P 标准是由美国材料与试验协会制定的,同时也得到了国际标准组织的认可和广泛应用。



Operation and Maintenance Manual for the TD-100and MT-100 HandpiecesP/N 5050-0532TITLE PAGE Safety Guidelines (3)Handpiece Connection (3)Tip Cartridge Installation (3)Accessory and Replacement Parts (4)Tips (5)Corrective Maintenance (10)Service (10)PACE WORLDWIDE LIMITED WARRANTY STATEMENT (11)Contact Information (12)Safety GuidelinesThe following are safety precautions that personnel must understand and follow when using or servicing this product.1.POTENTIAL SHOCK HAZARD - Repair procedures on PACE products should be performedby Qualified Service Personnel only. Line voltage parts may be exposed when theequipment is disassembled. Service personnel must avoid contact with these parts whentroubleshooting the product.2. To prevent personnel injury, adhere to safety guidelines in accordance with OSHA and otherapplicable safety standards.3. Heater Cartridge Tips are hot when the handpiece is powered on and for a period of timeafter power off. DO NOT touch the cartridge. Severe burns may result.4. PACE Tip & Tool Stands and handpiece cubbies are designed specifically for use with theassociated handpiece and houses it in a manner that protects the user from accidental burns.Always store the handpiece in its holder. Be sure to place the handpiece in its holder afteruse and allow for cooling before storing.5. Always use PACE systems in a well ventilated area. A fume extraction system such as thoseavailable from PACE are highly recommended to help protect personnel from solder fluxfumes.6. Exercise proper precautions when using chemicals (e.g., solder paste). Refer to the MaterialSafety Data Sheet (MSDS) supplied with each chemical and adhere to all safety precautions recommended by the manufacturer.Handpiece ConnectionConnect the handpiece connector plug into the Power Receptacle in the followingmanner.1. Align guide on the connector with slot on power receptacle.2. Insert connector into power receptacle.3. Turn the connector housing clockwise to lock in place.Tip Cartridge InstallationBoth TD-100 and MT-100 tip cartridges are fitted with a key lock device. This feature ensures that tip cartridges are held firmly in position and will maintain their orientation. MT-100 tip cartridges CANNOT be fully inserted into the TD-100 and TD-100 tip cartridges CANNOT be fully inserted into the MT-100. To install a tip cartridge, please follow the procedure below.1.of the handpiece.2. Push the tip cartridge all the way into the handpiece.To remove a tip cartridge, use the included hot grip removal pad to grasp the tip cartridge and pull the tip cartridge out of the handpiece. Be careful when completing this procedure as the tip cartridge may be hot and direct contact can cause injury.Tipscartridges can be changed at any time and without turning off the power to the unit.Accessory and Replacement PartsDescription PACE Part NumberTip Case – Holds 10 Tips (Tips not included)1310-0034-P1Tip Stand – Allows for an additional 10 tips to be stored on the tool stand. (Shown with TD-100 Tool Stand, tips not included)1321-0639-P1TD-100 Handpiece (Tip cartridge not included)6010-0132-P1Replacement TD-100 cord assembly3008-0131-P1Replacement O-rings for TD-100. Package of 5.1213-0090-P5TD-100 Tool Stand (TD-100 Handpiece and tips not included)1257-0258-P1MT-100 Handpiece (Tipsnot included)6010-0140-P1MT-100 Tool Stand 6019-0069-P1Hot Grip Removal Pad1100-0307-P1Available TipsA wide variety of tip cartridges are available for use with the TD-100 and the MT-100 Handpieces. Please refer to the table below for available tip cartridge styles.PACE P/N Description1124-0001-P11/32" Conical Sharp Extended1124-0002-P11/64" Conical Sharp1124-0003-P1 1/64" Conical Sharp Bent 30 Degrees1124-0004-P11/64" Conical Sharp Extended1124-0005-P1 1/32" Conical1124-0006-P1 3/128" Conical1124-0007-P11/16" 90 Degree Chisel1124-0008-P1 3/64" 30 Degree Chisel1124-0009-P13/64" 30 Degree Bevel1124-0010-P1 13/64" Chisel1124-0011-P1 1/64" 60 Degree Bevel1124-0012-P1 1/32" 30 Degree Chisel1124-0013-P13/32" 30 Degree Chisel1124-0014-P1 5/64" 60 Degree Bevel1124-0015-P11/64" Conical, Sharp, Bent 30 Degrees,Extended1124-0016-P1 3/64" Chisel Bent 30 Degrees1124-0017-P1 1/16" 60 Degree Chisel1124-0018-P1 1/32" Conical Sharp Extended1124-0019-P1 1/16" 30 Degree Chisel1124-0020-P1 1/8" 90 Degree Chisel1124-0021-P1 3/128" Conical Sharp Bent 30 Degrees1124-0022-P1 1/16" Conical Sharp1124-0023-P1 1/8" 90 Degree Chisel Extended1124-0024-P1 1/16" 30 Degree Bevel1124-0025-P1 1/16" Conical Sharp Extended1124-0026-P1 1/16" Chisel Bent 30 Degrees1124-0027-P1 3/128" Conical Sharp, Extended1124-0028-P1 3/64" Chisel, Bent 30 Degrees, Extended1124-0029-P1 1/32" 30 Degree Bevel1124-0030-P1 1/32" Conical Sharp1124-0031-P1 Heat Staking1124-0032-P1 MiniWave1124-0033-P1 Angled MiniWave, 3.3 mmChiselSided1124-0034-P1 Single1124-0035-P1 Angled MiniWave, 2.4mmConical1124-0036-P1 1/128"1124-0037-P1 1/4 Flat Blade1124-0038-P1 Single Sided Chisel, Fine Pitch1124-0039-P1 Angled MiniWave, Fine Pitch1124-0040-P1MicroFine Single Sided Chisel, 0.9mm(.035”)1124-0041-P1MicroFine Single Sided Chisel, 1.1mm(.045”)1124-0042-P1MicroFine Conical, 0.25mm (.01”)1124-0043-P1MicroFine Bent Conical, 0.75mm (.03”)1124-0044-P1MicroFine Bent Conical, 0.5mm (.02”)1124-0045-P1Angled Micro-Wave Tip1124-0046-P1 Micro-WaveTipSurface Mount Removal Tips for TD-100 Soldering IronComponentTypeDimension A Dimension B PartNumberChip 402Angle 2.2mm (.085”) 1124-0518-P1Chip 1808 5mm (.195”) 1124-0520-P1Chip 402 1mm (.04”) 1124-0521-P1SOT 23 1.8mm (.07”) 1124-0522-P1SOT 89 2.8mm (.11”) 1124-0523-P1Chip 1206 3.6mm (.142”) 1124-0524-P1Chip 0805 2.4mm (.095”) 1124-0525-P1SOIC 14/16 5.2mm (.205”) 10.5mm (.415”) 1124-0504-P1SOIC 20 9.6mm (.377) 13.6mm (.535”) 1124-0505-P1SOP 28 10.8mm (.426”) 18.6mm (.734”) 1124-0506-P1SOP 40 11.9mm (.467”) 25.7mm (1.01”) 1124-0507-P1SOP 44 13.1mm (.516”) 28.4mm (1.12”) 1124-0508-P1TSOP 56 18.8mm (.739”) 14.1mm (.557”) 1124-0509-P1TSOP 28 12mm (.471”) 8.5mm (.333”) 1124-0510-P1SOIC 8 5.1mm (.202) 4.65mm (.183”) 1124-0519-P1TSOP 40 18.8mm (.74”) 10.4mm (.410) 1124-0526-P1PLCC 28Socket 9.3mm (.365”) 9.3mm (.365”) 1124-0511-P1PLCC 32 14.2mm (.561”) 11.7mm (.459”) 1124-0512-P1PLCC 44 16.8mm (.662”) 16.8mm (.662”) 1124-0513-P1QFP 144 20.6mm (.81”) 20.6mm (.810”) 1124-0514-P1PLCC 28 11.8mm (.465”) 11.8mm (.465”) 1124-0515-P1QFP 100/128 22mm (.865”) 16mm (.628”) 1124-0516-P1PLCC 20 9.3mm (.365”) 9.3mm (.365”) 1124-0527-P1PLCC 18 7.6mm (.3”) 12.8mm (.505”) 1124-0528-P1TQFP 80 12.5mm (.491”) 12.5mm (.491”) 1124-0529-P1PLCC 52 19.4mm (.762”) 19.4mm (.762”) 1124-0530-P1QFP 80/100 26.6mm (1.05”) 26.6mm (1.05”) 1124-0531-P1Blade 10.8mm (.425”) 1124-0501-P1Blade 16mm (.630”) 1124-0502-P1Blade 21.2mm (.835”) 1124-0503-P1Blade 25MM (.984”) 1124-0532-P1 Surface Mount Removal Tips for MT-100 MiniTweezCorrective MaintenanceThe TD 100 handpiece features a replaceable O-ring that protects the contact area from flux fume and other contamination. The O-ring may need to be replaced over time. To replace the O-ring follow the procedure below:1. Disconnect the TD 100 from the power source2. Remove the tip cartridge3. Unscrew the cap from the back of the TD 1004. Slide the connector assembly out of the handle5. Remove and replace the old O-ring from the connectorassembly (Old “O-ring” may remain in handle)6. Reinstall the connector assembly. Be sure to line up thekeyways on the handle and connector assembly. Do notforce the connector assembly into the handle.7. Reinstall the cap and make sure it is fully seated againstthe handle8. Install a tip cartridgeThe O-rings on the MT-100 do not need to be replaced.Handpiece TroubleshootingMost malfunctions are simple and easy to correct. Refer to Table 3.Symptom ProbableCauseSolutionDefective HeaterChange Tip Cartridge Handpiece willnot heatPower SourceMalfunctionContact PACETable 3: Troubleshooting ServicePlease contact PACE or your local distributor for service and repair.©2003 PACE Inc., Annapolis Junction, MarylandPage 12 of 12 All Rights Reserved PACE Incorporated retains the right to make changes to specifications contained herein at any time, without notice. Contact your local authorized PACE Distributor or PACE Incorporated to obtain the latest specifications.The following are trademarks and/or service marks of PACE, Incorporated, MD, USA:INSTACAL ™, FUMEFLO ™, HEATWISE ™, PACEWORLDWIDE ™, PERMAGROUND ™,POWERPORT ™, POWERMODULE ™, TEMPWISE ™, TIP-BRITE ™, AUTO-OFF ™, andTEKLINK ™.The following are registered trademarks and/or service marks of PACE Incorporated, Annapolis Junction Maryland U.S.A.ARM-EVAC ®, FLO-D-SODR ®, MINIWAVE ®, PACE ®, SENSATEMP ®, SNAP-VAC ®,SODRTEK ®, SODR-X-TRACTOR ®, THERMOFLO ®, THERMOJET ®, THERMOTWEEZ ®,VISIFILTER ®, THERMO-DRIVE ®, and TOOLNET ®.PACE products meet or exceed all applicable military and civilian EOS/ESD, temperature stability and other specifications including MIL STD 2000, ANSI/JSTD 001, IPC7711, and IPC A-610.Additional copies of this manual or other PACE literature may be obtained from:PACE USA PACE Europe9030 Junction Drive Sherbourne HouseAnnapolis Junction, MD 20701 Sherbourne DriveUSA Tilbrook, Milton KeynesMK7 8HXUnited KingdomTel: (301) 490-9860 (44) 01908-277666Fax: (301) 498-3252 (44) 01908-277777。



PTFE TUBINGS:SGS Job No.12506019 - SZDate of Sample Received :10 May 2010Testing Period :10 May 2010 - 13 May 2010Test Requested :Selected test(s) as requested by client. Test Method:Please refer to next page(s).Test Results :Please refer to next page(s).Signed for and on behalf ofSGS-CSTC Ltd.Silva ZhouApproved SignatoryPhthalate(s)Test Method (Reference)MDLUnitResultTest Item(s)Dimethyl Phthalate (DMP)% (w/w)EN14372: 2004, GC-MS N.D.0.005Diethyl Phthalate (DEP)% (w/w)EN14372: 2004, GC-MS N.D.0.005Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP)% (w/w)EN14372: 2004, GC-MS N.D.0.003 Benzylbutyl Phthalate (BBP)% (w/w)EN14372: 2004, GC-MS N.D.0.003Di-(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate% (w/w)EN14372: 2004, GC-MS N.D.0.003 (DEHP)Diisononyl Phthalate (DINP)% (w/w)EN14372: 2004, GC-MS N.D.0.01Di-n-octyl Phthalate (DNOP)% (w/w)EN14372: 2004, GC-MS N.D.0.003 Diisodecyl Phthalate (DIDP)% (w/w)EN14372: 2004, GC-MS N.D.0.01Diiso butyl Phthalate (DIBP)% (w/w)EN14372: 2004, GC-MS N.D.0.005Dinonyl Phthalate (DNP)% (w/w)EN14372: 2004, GC-MS N.D.0.005 Diisooctyl Phthalate (DIOP)% (w/w)EN14372: 2004, GC-MS N.D.0.01Dipropyl Phthalate (DPrP)% (w/w)EN14372: 2004, GC-MS N.D.0.005 Dicyclohexyl Phthalate (DCHP)% (w/w)EN14372: 2004, GC-MS N.D.0.005 Dipentyl Phthalate (DPP)% (w/w)EN14372: 2004, GC-MS N.D.0.005 Dibenzyl Phthalate (DBzP)% (w/w)EN14372: 2004, GC-MS N.D.0.005 Diphenyl Phthalate (DPhP)% (w/w)EN14372: 2004, GC-MS N.D.0.005Di-n-hexyl phthalate (DNHP)% (w/w)EN14372: 2004, GC-MS N.D.0.005Note :1. mg/kg = ppm; 0.1% = 1000ppm2. N.D. = Not Detected (< MDL)3. MDL = Method Detection LimitFor reference:Entry 51/52 of Regulation (EC) No 552/2009 amending Annex XVII of REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (previously restricted under Directive 2005/84/EC):For DBP, BBP, DEHP(1)Shall not be used as substances or in mixtures, in concentrations greater than 0,1 % by weight of the plasticised material, in toys and childcare articles.(2) Toys and childcare articles containing these phthalates in a concentration greater than 0,1 % by weight of the plasticised material shall not be placed on the market.For DINP, DNOP, DIDP(1) Shall not be used as substances or in mixtures, in concentrations greater than 0,1 % by weight of the plasticised material, in toys and childcare articles which can be placed in the mouth by children.(2) Such toys and childcare articles containing these phthalates in a concentration greater than 0,1 % by weightof the plasticised material shall not be placed on the market.Sample photo:CANEC1001912402CAN10-019124.001SGS authenticate the photo on original report only*** End of Report ***。








2、参考文献2.1 ASTM标准2B368 用以加速铜腐蚀的醋酸-盐雾试验方法(CASS试验)D609 测试冷扎钢板喷涂、清漆、化学涂层和其他相关涂层产品的制剂D1193 试剂水说明D1654 在腐蚀环境下,样本喷涂估算的试验方法E70 玻璃电极水溶液PH值的试验方法E691 开展实验室间研究,以确定试验方法精密度的规程G85 更新的盐雾试验规程3、意义及作用3.1本规程提供了一种可控的腐蚀环境,金属及涂装金属在给定的试验房间里产生相关的防腐蚀信息。










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2017年兰州市初中学业水平考试英语(A)1. 全卷共l50分,考试时间120分钟。

2. 考生必须将姓名、准考证号,考场号,座位号等个人信息填(涂)在答题卡上。

3. 考生务必将答案直接填(涂)写在答题卡的相应位置上。

一、听力理解(分5小节,共25小题:每小题1分,满分25 分)第一节:听句子,选择与所听内容或语境相关的图片代码。


1.__________2. __________3. __________4. __________5. __________第二节:听句子,选择恰当的情景应答语。


6. A. Don't mention it. B. Just so so. C. Thank you.7. A. Good idea. B. Don't we? C. Will you?8. A. My pleasure B. With pleasure. C. It doesn’t matter.9. A. Congratulations. B. I’m sorry to hear that. C. Never mind.10. A. He is a police artist. B. He likes sports very much. C. He is very strong.第三节:听小对话及问题,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。


11. A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, She is. C. No. she isn't.12. A. At a post office. B. In a shop. C. At a hotel.13. A. 4. B. 6. C. 2.14. A. Football. B. Basketball. C. V olleyball.15. A. Doctor and patient. B. Boy friend and girl friend. C. Husband and wife.第四节:听长对话,根据其内容选择能回答下列问题的最佳答案。


16. What’s the boy going to do this summer?A. To go camping.B. To go travelling.C. To work for the old people.17. Did the girl help any old people last summer?A. Yes, she did it with one of her best friends.B. Yes, she did it by herself.C. No. she is going to do it with the boy this summer.18. What did the girl do to old people?A. She talked with them.B. She did some cleaning.C. Both A and B.19. Why are old people lonely?A. Because they don’t any friends.B. Because they don’t like to talk with others.C. Because they are left home alone most of the time.20. Will the girl join the boy this summer?A. Yes, she will.B. No. she won't.C. It depends.第五节:听短文,根据你所听到的内容填写出下面短文中所缺的信息。


(每空限填一词) 请将此节的答案填写在答题卡非选择题部分的相应位置上。

With more and more women driving 21 , parking is a big problem for most of them. Some shopping malls offer women only parking lots which are 22 than the ones of man. Some people think it 23 because women really have trouble in parking. They need wider space to park safely and easily, which isgood for her car and the cars next to it. But some others say no to this offer because they think that women have 24 the same driving test as men and therefore they should be able to park just as 25 . What's your idea about it?二、单项选择(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)26. Which of the following is the correct pronunciation for the word “interesting”?27. I asked ____to do_____schoolwork by _____.A. him; his; himselfB. her; her; itselfC. her; his; myselfD. him; her; herself28. There are a lot of ____on the grass land. ______sheep-dog is sitting next them.A. sheep; TheB. sheep; AC. Sheeps; TheD. sheeps; A29. —How often do you have a meeting one month?—_______.A. For one weekB. One week agoC. In one weekD. Once a week30. —Will Jim fly to Taiwan for a holiday?—He _____try. In fact, it depends on how much the journey costs.A. mayB. has toC. needD. must31. How noisy it is! Could you please ____the CD player a little?A. turn offB. turn downC. turn onD. turn up32. She often parks her car near the house _____she can easily get to.A. whereB. whoC. whichD. what33. Which of the following is “dominoes”?34. Could you please tell ______?A. how can I make the machine workB. how I can make the machine workC. how I can make the machine to workD. how can I make the machine to work35. Do you think _____acceptable for a group of women to dance to loud music on the square near your house?A. itB. thatC. thisD. its36. When you _____me last night, I _____the piano.A. were calling; was playingB. were calling; playedC. called; playedD. called; was playing37. A nurse _____Carolyn will look after the baby when his mother _____away.A. naming; isB. naming; will beC. named; isD. named; will be38. Which of the following is the one that has 2 sides equal length and 2 angles of the same measure?39. _______is the best way to keep a good relationship with your parents, teachers and other people around you.A. Active communicatingB. Actively communicatingC. Active communicationD. Actively communication40. Which of the fo llowing is the same as “I saw him reading a book” in pattern (结构)?A. You have a very nice sister.B. He likes playing the piano.C. They are good at math.D. We call her Ms Liu.三、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)ASome people still live in their hometown. 41 , others may only see it once or twice a year. Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the 42 . Among these is Zhou Wei, a 43 husband and father. He has lived in Wenzhou for the last l3 years. He used to return home 44 once a year, but hasn't been back for almost three years now because of the hard jo b in a crayon factory. “It’s a shame, but I don't have the time.” he says.Many people like Zhong Wei regard with great interest 45 their hometowns have charged. Perhaps large hospitals and new roads have 46 . In many places the government has also built new schools and sent teachers from the cities to help. But some things will never 47 . In my hometown, there was a big old tree opposite the school, It is still there and has become quite a 48 of the place.41. A. But B. So C. Therefore D. However42. A. countries B. hometowns C. cities D. farms43. A.46-year old B. 46-years-old C. 46 years old D. 46-year-old44. A. at least B. at last C. at the most D. at first45. A. because B. since C. how D. while46. A. appeared B. built C. found D. lost47. A. begin B. change C. stay the same D. happen48. A. school B. symbol C. hospital D. roadBMothers should be respected. My mother is a kind and gentle woman. She is very busy from morning till night. As a 49 , she works hard. As a mother, she takes good care of us and gives us every comfort.She teaches math at a middle school. She goes to work early in the morning and does not return home 50 late in the afternoon. She loves her students and cares for them. She is respected by 51 her students and colleagues. She has been chosen or elected (选举) as a model teacher several times. As soon as she comes back from school, she sets about 52 housework and preparing nice dishes for us. Although she is busy and older for her age, she looks as cheerful and happy as ever.Often she 53 to us, “Work while you work. and play while you play. That is the way to happiness. If you do not work, you 54 lazy and are of no use to society.” What a good piece of advice it is! My mother is great indeed, and I always feel 55 of her.49. A. teacher B. worker C. doctor D. driver50. A, on B. at C. for D. until51. A. either B. neither C. both D. none52. A. to do B. doing C. do D. does53. A. tells B. speaks C. says D. talks54. A. become B. will become C. became D. becoming55. A. proud B. bored C. satisfied D. tired四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AThere was once a guy who suffered from cancer, He was 18 years old and could die anytime. He stayed in his house and never went outside. He was sick of staying home and wanted to go out for once. So he asked for his mother’s permission, who was his only lifelong friend.He walked down his block and saw a CD store. He stopped and looked through the front door. He saw a beautiful girl about his age and knew it was love at first sight (看见). He opened the door and walked closer and closer to the desk where she sat.She looked up and asked, “Can I help you?” She smiled.He thought it was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen before, He answered, “Uh...Yeah...Umm (I)would tike to buy a CD.”He picked one out and gave her money for it. She wrapped(包裹) it carefully and gave it to him. He took it home and put it in his closet. From then on,the same thing happened every day until one evening the phone rang. The mother picked it up and answe red, “Hello?” It was the girl! The mother started to cry and sa id, “You don’t know? He passed away yesterday…” The line was quiet except for the cries of the mother.Late that night, the mother went into the boy’s room and opened the CDs. She found pieces of paper with words: “Hi…I think U R really cute, Do u wanna go out with me? Love, Jocelyn.”56. Who took care of the guy all his life?A. His father.B. The girl.C. His mother.D. A doctor.57. The guy fell in love with the girl___________.A. after he talked with herB. after she wrapped the CD for himC. The moment he saw herD. when he gave her money for the CD58. What can we know about the girl from the passage?A. She was beautiful.B. She loved the guy.C. Her name was Jocelyn.D. Both A, B and C.59. How did the mother feel when she saw the words on piece of paper on the CDs?A. Excited and surprised.B. Disappointed but excited.C. Moved and excited.D. Moved but deeply sad.60. The best title (题目) for the passage can be ____________.A. Say “I love you”B. Love From a MotherC. A Beautiful Girl Selling CDsD. A CD StoreBLittle Women is a novel by an American writer, which was published in 1868 and 1869.The novels follows the lives of four sisters—Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March from childhoodto womanhood.These four sisters live with their mother. Meg and Jo March, the elder sister, both workoutside the home for money to support the family. Meg teaches four children in a nearbyfamily, while Jo helps her grand-aunt March, who is very rich. Beth helps with the housework,and Amy attends school. Their nearest neighbor is a rich man whose orphaned grandson lives with him. The sisters introduce themselves to the handsome shy boy, Laurie, who is the age of Jo.… …Meg is the beautiful sister; Jo is the tomboy (爱打闹的女孩); Beth is the musician; and Amy is the charming artist with the blond curls. Jo is easy to get angry. One of her challenges(挑战) in the growing up is to control her anger. Laurie enjoys his neighbors, joining the family often in play. His grandfather, Mr. Laurence, is charmed (吸引) by Beth, and gives her the piano us ed by Laurie’s late sister.61. Who wrote the novel Little Women?A. Louisa May Alcott.B. Jo March.C. Laurence.D. Laurie.62. What does Little Women tell about?A. About the lives of fours sisters when they are young.B. About the lives of fours sisters when they are old.C. About the lives of fours sisters after they get married.D. About the lives of fours sisters when they grow up.63. What is Amy and how does the look like?A. She is an artist and has golden curly hair.B. She is a musician and charming.C. She is a teacher and has blond curls.D. She is an artist and easy to get angry.64. Who is Laurence?A. He is very rich.B. He is Laurie’s neighbor.C. He is Laurie’s grandfather.D. He is Jo’s grandfather.65. What do we know about Laurie from the passage?A. He lives with the four sisters.B. He is an orphan.C. He is easy to get angry.D. He doesn't like his late sister.CIt is no longer as easy as it once was to choose what to eat. Our eating habits have changed, so has our way of life, and what we need for our bodies is also different. Traditional diets often have too much fat. So we had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat.When we choose what to buy and eat, we had better think whether the food will give us the nutrients we need. Some nutrients help build our bodies and make them stronger. We eat fish, meat and beans because the nutrient in them is good for our muscles. We choose eggs, milk and other dairy products (奶制品), which are good for our bones and teeth. We eat bread, rice and noodles to get carbohydrates (糖类) from them. We choose vegetables and fruits to get Vitamins, fiber and minerals.But the choice we make are not just about nutrition (营养). Many people today choose what to eat according to their beliefs. Some people become vegetarians (素食者) because they believe it is healthier not to eat meat or they think we should not kill animals for food.66. It is not easy to choose what to eat nowadays because _______.A. our eating habits have changedB. our bodies are differentC. our way of life has changedD. Both A and C67. If you want to keep your bones strong and healthy, you had better choose _____to eat.A. fish and meatB. meat and beansC. eggs and milkD. vegetables and fruits68. What does nutrients mean?A. 蛋白质B. 营养物质C. 脂肪D. 钙69. Some people don't eat meat because ______.A. they don’t like animalsB. they believe animals should be protectedC. they don’t meatD. they think meat is not safe70. We can probably get this information from a guidebook(指南) _____.A. for dietsB. for medicinesC. for travelingD. for cooking五、任务型完形填空(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺,结构正确。
