教材分析本节课的教学内容是人教版新目标英语七年级下册Unit 4 I want to be an actor.第一课时。
信息技术英语教学案例范文English:In this information technology English teaching case, the focus is on teaching students about the basics of computer hardware and software. The lesson will begin with introducing students to the various components of a computer, such as the central processing unit (CPU), random access memory (RAM), hard drive, and graphics card. This will be followed by explaining the functions of each component and how they work together to make the computer function. Moving on to software, students will learn about the different types of software, including operating systems, application software, and utility software. They will also be guided on how to install and uninstall software on a computer. Throughout the lesson, students will engage in hands-on activities, such as disassembling and reassembling a computer, installing software, and troubleshooting software issues. By the end of the lesson, students will have a comprehensive understanding of computer hardware and software, as well as practical skills that they can apply in real-world situations.Translated content:在这个信息技术英语教学案例中,重点是教授学生电脑硬件和软件的基础知识。
信息技术与学科教学的整合(Integrating Information Technology into the Curriculum-IITC),已成为基础教育教学改革的新视点。
如教学 “ r v 1i g T a e 1n ”,笔者安排基 于网络的竞争
性 练 习 ,学 生在 练 习前 先选 择 竞争 对 手 ,在 线 抢答 ,看
3 1现代信息技术作为演示工具 .
教 师 将 英 语教 学 的 知识 点 制 作成 多 媒 体课 件 ,展示 谁先说出游玩的方式最多和游玩的地方最 多。角色扮演 给 学 生 ,力 求 图 、声 、文并 茂 ,特 别是 一 些直 观 形 体知 是 指利 用 现 代信 息技 术创 设 的 虚拟 情 景 , 由学 生扮 演 其 识 或 一些 教 学 重难 点 ,能够 化 静 为动 ,化 无形 为 有 形 , 中的某 一 角 色 的协 作 学 习 的过 程 。虽 然 实施 起 来技 术 难 化 抽 象为 具 体 , 以动 画 等形 式 动 态地 呈 现 知识 点 ,突破 度 比较高 ,但英语互动性强 ,学生积极性特别高,效果 难 点 , 同时 诱 发 学生 的学 习兴 趣 和求 知 欲 望 。把 现 代信 也 最佳 。如 中学 英语 活动 课 “ o n hp ig G i g So p n ”,利 用 息 技 术作 为 化 解教 学 难 点和 直 观 教学 的演 示工 具 , 目前 现代信息技术虚拟 2 个商场,每个 商场有不 同的促销手 在 多 媒体 辅 助 英语 教 学 中应 用 非 常广 泛 。不过 ,现 代信 段 。 由学 生 扮演 不 同的顾 客 ,虚拟 购 物篮 ,根 据不 同的 息 技 术如 果 仅 作为 演 示 工具 ,也 存在 很 大 的弊 病 , 就是 购物要求设计最佳的购物方案。 学 生 参与 性 不 强 ,往 往 跟着 多媒 体课 件 转 ,仍 然 是 被动 36 现代 信息 技术 作 为探究 工具 . 型 的 学 习 ,是 现代 信 息 技术 与 中学英 语 教 学整 合 的 最低
全国优秀英语教学案例----What's the Weather教学设计
全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计小学英语PEP4 Unit4 B What’s the Weather?信息技术与英语学科整合教学反思:本教学设计采用信息技术与英语学科整合的教学理念,并使用任务型活动方式,为学生提供了良好的英语学习环境和适当的资源,让学生在教学过程中自主学习,合作参与,并进行语言实践。
本课尝试运用信息技术于英语课堂教学中,通过设计What’s the Weather 这一课,我们有以下几点认识:1、注重生活化的教学设计,让学生参与体验,以学生为主体的活动安排。
课堂设计以谈论天气What’s the weather?为主线,在一定的语境和情景中安排了多样的学生活动:从而培养学生用英语做事情和用英语进行交流的能力。
ENGLISH ON CAMPUS2023年34期总第682期新课标背景下信息技术融合初中英语听说教学创新案例——以仁爱版初中英语七年级上册Unit3 Topic3 Section B“Food and meals”为例摘 要:理解性技能中的“听”与表达性技能中的“说”,是学生应熟练掌握的英语语言技能。
本文以仁爱版初中英语七年级上册Unit3 Topic3 Section B“Food and meals”为例,探讨信息技术与初中英语听说教学深度融合的方法与路径。
信息技术与初中英语整合教学设计一、教材分析本课是义务教育课程标准实验教科书中学英语七年级下册中的第六单元在农场里B部分的第一课时,教学内容包括Let's learn.和Let's chant.A部分已经学过一些小动物和它们的复数形式,本节课要学习的则是五种蔬菜及其复数形式和一首描述蔬菜的歌谣,使学生们学习了加es的复数形式,同时也为下节课农场中的Let's talk.的学习奠定了良好的基础。
三、教学目标:1、能听说、认读tomato cucumber potato onion carrot 及它们的复数形式。
2、能用简单的英语来描述这些蔬菜的特点,并且能用I like...I don't like...说英语歌谣。
教学难点:能读准cucumber和carrot的读音,并知道tomato和potato 的复数形式都是加es的。
教学准备:多媒体课件、各种蔬菜及蔬菜汁、吸管若干教学过程:一、Revision复习导入复习已经学习过的单词1、看图说颜色red green brown orange blue white pink purple等。
2、教师做动作复习形容词tall short long big small thin 等。
3、动物类单词变成复数形式goat-goats sheep-sheep hen-hens cow-cows cat-cats rabbit-rabbits等。
二、案例设计1. 教学目标(1)知识与技能:学生能够熟练运用网络平台进行英语阅读,提高阅读速度和理解能力。
2. 教学内容以人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 4 What’s the matter?为例,本单元主要围绕“寻求帮助”这一主题展开。
3. 教学方法(1)网络平台辅助教学:利用网络平台,如英语学习网站、在线阅读平台等,为学生提供丰富的阅读资源。
4. 教学过程(1)课前预习教师通过网络平台发布课文内容、背景资料等,学生自主阅读课文,了解文章大意。
三、案例实施1. 教师培训为了确保信息化教学的有效实施,学校组织教师参加网络平台应用培训,提高教师的信息技术应用能力。
2. 网络平台建设学校购置了英语学习网站、在线阅读平台等网络资源,为学生提供丰富的阅读材料。
初中英语及信息技术整合教学案例Module 9 Unit 2 My Hero设计者:XXXXXX教材分析】1.《My Hero》为外语教学与研究出版社出版中学教材《英语》(新课标)初二下Module9Heroes的Unit2内容2.本模块以英雄为话题,通过故事了解英雄人物,培养学生热爱英雄、研究英雄、争做英雄的好品质,并激励自己发奋研究,做有用人才。
【教学目标】一、知识目标1.理解并掌握下列单词:avoid,brave,excuse,thought,rewrite,bet,army,Canada,Canadia n,medical,treat。
First World War。
operate,n2.掌握并运用以下词组:one of the。
give one'slife to,so that,doing。
continue doing,in spite of二、能力目标三、情感目标1.通过对英雄人物的研究,了解他们身上的优良品格。
四川省“十一五”教育技术科研课题研究报告课题名称:信息技术与高中英语教学的有效整合课题编号: sc06-235课题负责人: xxx所在单位: 四川省荣县中学校四川省电化教育馆一、课题的提出中学英语课程与信息技术整合是当前教学改革的热点之一,也是课堂教学创新及实施素质教育的重要组成部分,然而,从英语课堂教学实际情况看,有的英语教师对这个问题还缺乏深刻的认识,甚至尚处在茫然状态。
传播学 的有 效性理 论要 求 ,教 学 过程 必须 选择 适 当的传 播媒 介 和有效 的传 播方 式传递 教学 内容 ,使信 息 接 收者 易于 接 受和领 会 。C I A 教学运 用计 算 机网络作 为传 播媒 介 , 具有 信息 量 大和有 效 性 强、 速度调 节和时 空异步 、 存取 及时 和 师生互动 等优 势。
重复性 。C I A 辅助 英语 教 学 既可 以重 复概 念讲 解、 过秘 寅 、 示 训 练测 试 , 能 以不 同形 式 反 映不 同条 件 、 同背 景 、 同层 次 的 又 不 不 同一 内容 。 程序性 。 A 辅 助英 语教 学将 传统 教学 的广播 式讲解 、 C I 分散式 练 习、 问式反 馈和 结论 性 评价 设计 为播 放 程序 , 以随时 调用随 提 可
际 能力。
二、 多媒 体 信 息 技 术 在 农 村 中 学 英 语 课 堂 教 学 中 的 基 本 原 则 1CAI 助 英 语 教 学 的 理 论 基 础 . 辅
新 课导 入阶段 : 刨设 教学 隋境 , 发学 习兴 趣 。运用 多媒体 的 激 声光、 形、 色 图象 的翻 滚 、 闪烁 、 格及 色彩 变化 、 响效 果 能迅 速 定 声 集 中学生 的注 意 力 , 他 们思 绪 带进 特定 的学 习情境 , 发起 学生 把 激 浓厚 的学 习兴 趣和 强烈 的 求知欲 ,更 能 有效地 开启 学生 思维 的大 门, 由被 动 到主 动 , 轻松 愉快 地 进入 新知 识的学 习。 新课讲 解 阶段 : 出重 点难 点 , 示 分析 过程 。运 用多媒体 的 突 展 动 态 画面 将抽 象 的 、 论 的 知识 形 象化 , 空 间 的、 以想 象 的知 理 将 难 识 内容化 , 由浅入 深 、 由易 到难 、 由具 体 到抽 象 , 示英语 语言 规律 展 和语 言 交际过 程 。
关键词:信息技术与初中英语教学深度融合;信息素养;强交互;教师主导-学生主体教学模式AcknowledgementsUpon the completion of this thesis, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have granted me invaluable help during the two years of my graduate study and in the writing of this thesis.First, I‘m deeply grateful to my respectable faculty supervisor, teacher. Ma Rui, who has devoted her precious time to closely reading and polishing the draft of this thesis throughout the preparation to the end, and generously gave me constructive criticism and invaluable encouragement, without her enlightening instructions, this thesis would have been impossible. Thanks for her kindness and patience, and encouraging comments and suggestions.I am also grateful to many professors and teachers in Education college in Tianjin Normal University who have given me lectures and helped me during the past two years. My sincere thanks and gratitude go to Professor Yu Jing, Professor Ji Xiaoting, Professor Zhao Shumin, Professor Ma Rui, and Professor from whom I learned so much precious knowledge during my graduate study.Special thanks should also go to my students for their enthusiasm and cooperation in the survey study.Finally, I would like to give my acknowledgments to my classmates and my roommates. Their help, care, support and incessant encouragement have helped me overcome many difficulties throughout the writing of the thesis.Table of ContentsChapter one Introduction (1)1.1Background of the Study (1)1.2 Aims of the Research (2)1.3 Significance of the research (2)1.3.1 Theoretical significance (3)1.3.2 Practical significance (3)Chapter Two Literature Review (6)2.1. Definition of Relevant Concepts (6)2.1.1 Information Technology(IT) (6)2.1.2 Deep Integration of IT into English Instruction (7)2.2 Studies Abroad (9)2.3 Studies at Home (12)2.3.1 Researches on Related Theories (14)2.3.2 Situation, Problem and Strategy of Implementing Integration (16)2.4 Review of Researches at Home and Abroad (17)2.5 Theoretical Framework (18)2.5.1 Audio-Visual Teaching Theory (18)2.5.2 Constructivism Theory (20)2.5.3 Teaching model Theory (21)Chapter Three Research Methodology (24)3.1 Qualitative Research (24)3.2 Research Questions (25)3.3 Case selection (25)3.4 Research Methods (26)3.4.1 Classroom Observation (26)3.4.2 Interviews (27)3.5 Instruments (29)3.5.1 Observation Scales (29)3.5.2 Interview Outline (29)3.5.3 Nvivo.12.0 (30)Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Results (40)4.1 Deep Integration points and Procedures (40)4.1.1 Overview of IT use (40)4.1.2 Case 1 Analysis (43)4.1.3 Case 2 Analysis (50)4.1.4 Case 3 Analysis (54)4.2 Interaction Analysis (58)4.2.1 Case 1 Analysis (59)4.2.2 Case 2 Analysis (62)4.2.3 Comparison between Case1 and Case2 (65)4.3 Interview Analysis (68)4.4 Summary (69)4.4.1 Integration Situation in Three Cases (69)4.4.2 Interaction in Case1 and Case2 (70)Chapter 5 Conclusion (72)5.1 Major Findings (72)5.2 Pedagogical Implication (73)5.3 Research limitations (75)5.4 Conclusion (76)References (78)Appendix I Triscripts of case 1 (82)AppendixⅡ (94)Appendix Ⅲ (95)Chapter one Introduction1.1.Background of the StudyWith the development of computer network in the 20th century, many countries realized that the development of social informatization has had a great impact on education, and began to actively explore the integration and development of information and education. The world's major countries began to attach importance to the construction of educational informatization. The Chinese government has made it clear in its Outline of the National Medium- and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020) (2010) that "information technology has a revolutionary impact on the development of education and must be given high priority".In November 2017, the Vice Minister of Education Zhanyuan Du put forward that China's education informatization has entered the 2.0 era and the transformation of educational ideas is imperative. We should pay attention to the training of teachers and students information literacy. The Ten-Year Development Plan for Education Informatization 2011-2022 (Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, 2012) clearly states that "We should explore and promote deep integration of information technology and disciplinary instruction to lead the innovation of both educational concepts and instructional models with the aid of information technology".More educators began to pay attention to the deep integration of information technology into English instruction, especially in high educationinstitutions. In addition, middle schools followed the government policy, taking measures and trying to find new instruction model and ideas of ―deep integration‖.Information technology not only effectively promotes the interaction between teachers and students in English class, but also enables students to apply multiple senses and actively participate in classroom activities. Speeding up the deep integration of information technology into English teaching is an inevitable requirement to improve students' comprehensive language ability and deep learning. So it is necessary to study and find existing problems and faults in the course of that middle school explores ―deep integration‖.1.2.Aims of the ResearchThis study takes three cases which demonstrate the deep integration of information technology into English instruction in a municipal English teaching and research meeting for junior high school teachers in Tianjin to conduct a case study. The three cases for ―integration‖ analysis and exploration include two periods of sample lessons and one teaching design explanation. The purpose of the case study is to see how middle school teachers understand ―deep integration‖, and whether ―deep integration‖ has changed teaching conc ept and teaching mode. The research findings are expected to provide constructive suggestions and strategies to optimize English teaching and promote the integration of information technology into English instruction.1.3.Significance of the research1.4.Theoretical significanceThis research is based on the theory and practice of the integration of information technology and English courses at home and abroad. The research measured and discussed new teaching model of“deep integration”.Through observation, interview and analysis of the teaching process of the research subjects, this study summarizes and explores the teaching law of English teaching after the integration of information technology, and perfects the relevant teaching theory of English teaching and the deep integration of information technology. 1.5.Practical significanceThe teaching and research activities/meeting, which is organized by the Teaching and Research Agency/Section, play a leading and nurturing role in basic education in China. The deep integration of information technology into English teaching is also a new subject for the teaching and research staff. The study can indirectly know t he middle school teachers‘ understanding and application of "deep integration" Besides, the study will be in cater of government requirement and identify the gaps to put forward feasible construction programs, which will optimize the deep integration of information technology into instruction in Tianjin. In the background of informatization, researchers intend to promote middle school English teaching quality of Tianjin through the study of the three exemplary cases.anization of the studyThis thesis consists of five chapters. Following the introduction, Chapter 2 reviews literature concerning the research topic. It contains three theories as theframework of this study. It also states different research results and opinions from previous researchers. In addition, it reviews some major findings from existing studies concerning information technology in English education. Finally, disadvantages and gaps in previous research are subsequently identified.Chapter 3 describes in detail the methodological approach used in this study in which research questions are raised. This chapter will also provide a specific description of the participants involved in the research as well as the research instruments used for data collection. In order to promote effective practice of information technology in English class, qualitative method was adopted and evaluation for this approach is offered. Case study is often seen as a qualitative approach to a quantitative one. Compared with quantitative research methods, it has the advantages of constructing new theories, interesting, effective and impressionable research results, and is considered to be a promising and valuable research method. The prominent research methods – video observation of teaching and structured interviews are identified and procedures of collecting and analyzing data are stated.In Chapter 4, the author will report the results of the study by means of analyzing the research data. These outcomes are based on the application of qualitative techniques.Chapter 5 summarizes the main research findings and makes a final conclusion, focusing on both English instruction and its deep integration with information technology. Moreover, limitations of the research and suggestions forfuture study are indicated.Chapter Two Literature Review2.1 Definition of Relevant Concepts2.1.1 Information Technology (IT)Chinese scholars Weisheng Liu and Hai Jiang (2018) believed that information technology (IT) refers to all technologies related to the processing, expression, communication, management and evaluation of information. Duzhan Yuan (2015) and others argued that IT has different meanings from different perspectives. From the essence of IT, IT refers to the sum of methods, tools and techniques that can maximize the development of function of human information sensory organs. From the viewpoint of the function and process of IT, IT refers to various technologies for collection, transmission, storage, processing and expression of information. From the perspective of the modernization of information technology, IT refers to the use of computers, networks, radio and television, such as hardware and software tools, the use of scientific methods of information such as graphic images processing technology.After decades of evolution, IT has developed into different siblings, mainly including computer technology, communication technology, sensing technology, microelectronics technology and so on.To sum up, the author believes that information technology is the sum of various technologies, methods and tools to expand the function of human information organs through the scientific use of computer, network and othermultimedia equipment which can collect, store, process, express, communicate, manage and evaluate the function of human information organs.2.1.2 Deep Integration of IT into English InstructionIn March 2012, China's Ministry of Education released the Ten-Year Development Plan for Education Informatization (2011-2020), which for the first time proposed that in order to realize educational informatization, we should make full use of the advantages of modern IT to realize "the deep integration of IT into teaching" (hereinafter referred to as "deep integration"). He Kekang (2006), a Chinese scholar, thinks that the "deep integration" proposed by the Ministry of Education differs from the traditional practice of educational informatization, namely, the implementation of "the integration of IT and curriculum". The integration of IT and curriculum is only a "progressive fix", which uses IT as an auxiliary tool to improve teaching approach and methods of teaching, or uses information technology to improve the teaching environment and teaching methods. The "deep integration" proposed by our country is to realize the structural change of the education system. He Kekang (2018) believes that the core of the education system is the school education system, and the classroom teaching structure is the main structure of the school education system, so if middle school achieve "deep integration", they have to use information technology to promote the structural change of classroom teaching. Then how can we realize the structural change of classroom teaching?In 2005, he proposed that the integration of IT and subject curriculumincludes three basic attributes, namely, the creation of a new teaching environment, innovative teaching methods and the transformation of traditional teaching structure. Zhang Tianyuan (2018), a teacher in Jilin, China, believes that the ―deep integration‖refers to that through integrating IT into the classroom teaching, teachers change the classroom content, structure and the whole curriculum system. Moreover, teachers could develop curriculum and create the information-based curriculum culture by using IT. In order to decrease gaps between subject education and IT, They mentioned a new type of curriculum with democratic cooperation between teachers and students, diverse organization and people-oriented class through interactive two-way integration of IT and curriculum. Besides, educators constructed a fusion-based and information-based curriculum structure to change dimensions of the curriculum, including curriculum content, curriculum resources and curriculum implementation.To sum up, the author believes that the definition of "the deep integration of information technology into English instruction" can be expressed as follows: through using scientifically and effectively IT, one can create a new teaching environment for innovative English teaching and learning methods. It will change traditional teacher-centered English teaching model, and promote the formation of classroom model including a teacher-leading role embodying the students' subjectivity. The target teaching method characterized by "independent inquiry, teacher-student interaction, and student-student cooperation" can advance students' deep learning of English and develop students' ability of independentlearning, innovation ability and thinking quality.2.2Studies AbroadIn 1959, IBM developed the first computer-assisted teaching system, after which the application and development of IT in education went through three stages: computer-assisted teaching, computer-assisted learning, and integration of IT and curriculum. In recent years, foreign scholars have paid close attention to the effective application of IT in the curriculum, the way of improving the students‘ learning efficiency and teachers‘ information literacy. Training of students' information literacy in United States, Britain, Japan, Australia and other developed countries developed better than the rest of countries, therefore the integration of IT and curriculum were carried out broadly and deeply.This part takes the United States, Britain, and Australia as examples to summarize the researches on integration among these countries. Britain is the first country in the world to propose the integration of IT into curriculum, with emphasis on improving the teaching efficiency in primary and secondary schools through the application of IT. In 1995, the British Government first proposed the concept of "information technology integration into curriculum", requiring schools to apply information technology to the teaching in compulsory courses (Chen Aiqin 2004). In 2000, the United Kingdom began to implement a new national curriculum standard. IT was not limited to computer science knowledge itself, but started to transfer to its function, its network resources and its use. The Britain government focused on improving students‘ability of using informationtools to assist in learning, communication and interaction. "Integrated learning system software" started to apply and did experimental research from 1994 in primary and secondary schools. In a short period of time, it has achieved some results, but in terms of the long-term popularization, it faced the problem of lack of funding sources. Moreover, it has yet to be considered whether the system can adapt to various disciplines and different audiences in various ways. "Integrated learning system software" brought some benefits for education in the UK, and it also increased the dependence of teachers and students (Lu Huan 2015).The result of the comparative study showed that the senior students made progress in learning after applying the software, but the younger students had bad performance in learning after the application of software.In BECTA 2005 Review - The Significant Progress of ICT in Education, the British Association for Education and Information Technology revisited the development of IT in the UK over the past three years. As can be seen from the report, IT was widely used in primary and secondary schools in the UK and has achieved remarkable results.At the same time, education informatization in The United Kingdom is no longer focus on the change of hardware equipment, but turn to accumulation of educational information resources, teachers' information literacy training and specific use of IT in the classroom. The development of educational informatization in Britain not only has good achievements, but also contains many problems and dilemmas. British academics have found that much training in ITand curriculum integration is ineffective because many schools did not understand ICT correctly. They knew that IT integration into curriculum is a kind of combination of technology and knowledge whereas they also thought purely that IT is a simple tool of knowledge learning, which showed that their understanding is relevant confusing.The United States has been at the forefront of exploring the IT integration into curriculum. In American education, the research on the integration of IT and curriculum focuses on conducting study in pre-class and post-class, and it rarely takes the teaching process as the starting point. In 1995, Bernie Dodge and Tom March from San Diego State University proposed the WebQuest teaching model, which focused on using Internet resources. In such kind of subject plans, students need to finish a specific task, a specific scenario, a problem, or a project that needs to be completed. In such programs, students are provided with Internet resources and are required to develop creative solutions through the analysis and synthesis of information. Morrison and Lowther (1998) proposed a model of integration of research-oriented technology with classroom teaching (iNtegrating Technology for Quiry) through a variety of cognitive, constructed practical methods. This is an integrated model of a student-centered learning environment based on a topic. It builds exploratory learning, problem-based learning and collaboration groups under a student-centric learning environment (Morrison et al, 2005). Li Rui (2013) analyzed research of applying IT in education in the United States within three years to explore the current situation and trends of ITapplications in the USA. The United States has been issuing one National Education Technology Program in every four years since 1996. America's education plan, released in 2010, suggested that the education system is no longer a gradual, patch-up-and-fix reform but a transformational shift.The Australian government attached great importance to the application and effect of IT in teaching in the process of educational informatization. The development process of integrated research in Australia could be divided into three stages: the emerging stage of integrated research (1985-1991), which focused on multimedia and audio-visual electronic distance learning; the stage of development of integrated research (1991-1997), which still focused on media research and the rapid development stage of integrated research (1998-2005), when the core content of the research is e-learning.In the process of integrated research, Australia has taken higher education as its main research object while ignored the elementary education and special education. At all stages, it insisted on exploring emerging technologies, and has mainly focused on the application of existing technologies.In recent years, the integration of IT and curriculum has been paid more and more attention from the major countries in the world, which is an important reform of education in the world.2.3 Studies at HomePan Yande (1999) who worked in the National Primary and Secondary School Computer Education Center in Beijing first put forward the idea of ITintegration into curriculum in China. This idea initially had been studied and promoted as a form of research topic. At the beginning of 1999, the National Center for Computer Research in Primary and Secondary Schools organized the opening session of the project "Computer integration into subjects" at Beijing Normal University, and "Curriculum Integration" began to be formalized. Although the research of IT integration into curriculum in China started late, it developed fast. After going through the stage of start and popularization, it entered the stage of deep integration, and has made certain practical and theoretical achievements.The author has retrieved 527 papers related to the topic from 2001 to 2019 through searching on the CNKI, choosing SCI, EI, core journals, CSSCI as original sources, taking ―curriculum integration‖ and ―information technology‖, or ―information technology‖ and ―deep integration into teaching‖ as theme. Among these papers, 476 papers are about curriculum integration while 50 papers are about deep integration into teaching. As shown in the figure 2-1, from 2001 to 2006, the number of papers about curriculum integration increased dramatically to the top, while in 2007, the number of papers constantly decreased until 2013. Since 2013, the number of papers about curriculum integration began to warm back but still descending in total. After 2015, there are a few papers about curriculum integration until at the end of the 2019. But in 2013, papers about deepFigure 2-1 Literature Tendency Chartintegration into teaching started to appear and the quantity continually rises until 2015. From the figure, we know that since the concept of ―deep integration of IT into instruction‖ has been mentioned, deep integration into instruction entered into study field. Moreover, the focus of integration transferred from colleges to middle schools gradually, from combining computer subject with other subjects to applying IT in normal subjects. Finally, ―deep integration‖ was popular in middle school education.2.3.1. Researches on Related TheoriesThe theoretical study of the integration of IT into curriculum is mainly carried out from the connotation, goal, characteristic, level, mode and principle of integration, which has made considerable achievements.Manning and Yu Shengquan (2002) refined the three stages of IT integration and curriculum into ten levels according to the different level of student participation in learning and the different levels of characteristics and functions of IT. And they compared these levels from teaching strategy, students' learning style, teacher's role, student's role, and teaching evaluation method.On the basis of summarizing the current situation of information IT into curriculum, He Kekang (2019) proposed specific objectives of integration of IT into curriculum. He thought that IT integration into curriculum is not only for auxiliary teaching or complementary learning as a tool, but to create a new teaching environment through using IT. Thus, a kind of teaching and learning method can be realized which is characterized by "autonomy, inquiry and cooperation". It can not only play teachers‘ leading role but also fully reflect the status of students' subject. Under this model, the students' initiative, enthusiasm and creativity can be fully showed and it will change traditional teacher-centered classroom fundamentally.Yan Wanhong and Chen Xinren (2012) put forward that the scope of IT auxiliary role has developed from a finite paradigm to a fusion paradigm, that is, from auxiliary to normal discipline integration. The integration of IT into foreign language curriculum requires teachers to use multimedia network technology in a moderate and rational manner for better serving language teaching. In order to integrate IT into the foreign language curriculum ecosystem, it must be integrated into the all teaching elements. IT should build a relationship with foreign languagecurriculum ecosystems with compatibility, consistency and balance to form a micro-ecosystem.He Kekang (2014) expounded the difference of "deep integration", computer-assistant teaching and IT integration into curriculum. The ―deep integration‖ lies in using IT to change classroom teaching system, including the transformation of teaching methods and teaching structure. He Kekang (2017) thought that one can understand "deep integration" accurately through grasping three basic attributes, that is, creating an information-based teaching environment, realizing a new teaching and learning method, and changing the traditional classroom teaching structure. "2.3.2. Situation, Problem and Strategy of Implementing of IntegrationIn the process of studying integration, many scholars have reflected on the integration method and practice. Based on current situation of practice in china's integration, Li Baoping (2005) summarized the main problems existing in the practice of integration. Teachers misunderstand IT as low level inadequate integration research and utilitarian evaluation index system. And they suggested that schools should give attach to teachers' ability of subject instruction and teaching experience. The specific subject teaching structure is the basis of exploring the effective way of IT integration into curriculumPeng Weiguo and Zhang Wenlan (2009) talked about the problems of IT and discipline integration from the perspectives of theoretical misunderstandings, cognitive misunderstandings and policy misunderstandings. Yu Lingling andZhong Zhixian (2013) revealed the problems of integration process from the perspectives of ideas, teaching modes and teaching design.Guo Xiaochun (2017) tried to discuss the problems in the process of integration from the aspects of dealing with the dual-subject relationship and present situation of resources integration. Interaction between students and multimedia has increased in English classroom more than interaction with teachers, which resulted in that teachers' leading position has been weakened. Teachers' understanding of integration remains in surface, and they thinks that it just need to pile information resources together mechanically, without noticing the inherent logic of curriculum design. Guo Xiaochun came up with three solutions, namely, "setting up authentic language scenarios, integrating English teaching resources and strengthening the training of English teachers‘ quality."2.4. Review of Researches at Home and AbroadFrom research abroad and at home, it can be found that the integration process in developed countries generally include two stages: the stage of educational information infrastructure and the stage of information technology integration into curriculum. Foreign research revolves around a central point that whether the application of IT in education has given birth to new educational ideas and improved learning efficiency. Although the educational information infrastructure in developed countries has become more and more completed and advanced, there are still problems in integration.In a large number of domestic researches on integration, the main researchers。
大 , E 的 特 点 之 一 是 要 使 学 生 町能 多 语 教学 的 关键 所在 多年 来 ,许 多英 晤教 师 术学科 车 身 的币 皿r ,而 H也对 其他 学科 的 l : 地 从 小 渠 道 , 以 不 问形 式 接 触 和 学 习 和 英 教 学坪 论] 作 者刘 此做 T 大 I , ‘ 作
在 新 英 语 课 程标 准
使 学 养 成 赵
传统 英语 教 学的 方式 碡 临变 革 ,学 习英 副程 大作 用 ,但 仍确 一 i 此缺 点 ,比 如 法单 好 的学 习 随和形 成有 效 的学 习策 略 是英 订 }
拄制 不 使等 。而 算机 的』 ,将 会弥 |程 的 重要 任 务之 应用 粜
来越 深 刻 可 以说信 息 技术 与课 程 整合 的理 学 科 的 整合 束 宴 现 艟的 大趋 势 。计 算机 刚 络技 术以 及 陶际 联 能
种理 想 的学 习 环 境 ,
4 信 自技 术 与 中学 英 P写 作 教 学 的 整
论 实践 世 f息 化是 当 今 世界经 济 和社 会发 逃 到 培养 大 批 具 有 2 t纪 基奉 英 #习技 lt i " 创新 思 维 、合 作精 神 人 际 变 挣 能 网 、局域 网 、校 网等 丰富 的网 L资源 改变 和 实践 能 的 创 新 人 才 的 一的 冈 为 信 r 统 的备 课和 教学 、 学习 模式 。 面对新 的 技术 和 互联 网能 做 到 : 传
q 说 的 能 力 显 得越 米 越 重 要 对 蜕的 能 偕 的教 学 氟
民主 、和
侣 导 “ 务 ’ 的 教 学途 任
被 动接 受 ,缺 少胆 向 的淘 通 .很难 激 发学 生
因为信息技术和互联网络能做到: 三、信息技术与英语课程整合环境下,要充分发挥信息技术作为“教学工具”的功能在教学过程中进行展示和创设教学情境,可以使学生在愉悦的氛围中获取知识。
例如在上olympic games时,我利用多媒体课件进行教学,从网上下载了张艺谋为中国申奥而拍摄的短片制作成课件,使学生对各种体育运动项目有了一个直观的感受,并能从短片中体会到运动健儿奋勇拼搏的精神,起到了很好的思想教育作用。
必备教 学前提 之一 。 树立 起学生对 自 要
己 的信 心 , 每 个 学 生 都 找 到 适 合 自己 让
才 能 发 展 的 独 特 领 域 , 必 须 正 视 学 生 就
中存 在 的 智 力 差 异 、 心理 差 异 、 格 差 异 人 等 客 观 , 每一个学生都得到充分的发展。 使 对 “ 生 ” 要 求 要 稍 高 于 他 们 现 有 的 认 优 的 知 和 思 维 水 平 , 在 拓 宽 他 们 思 维 的 广 重
声 ” 目的, 动学生完善人格 。 的 推 科 学 的 人 生 观 、 界 观 、 值 观 是优 世 价 良人格的重 要特征 , 是推 动 学 生 发 展 和 完 善 自 己 的 精 神 动 力 。 教 学 中 , 合 在 结 “ 生 自古 谁 无 死 , 取 丹 心 照 汗 青 ” 人 留 、 “ 牲 我 一 个 , 福 后 来 人 ” “ 中 华 崛 牺 幸 、为 起 而 读 书 ” 咏 志 诗 句 的 教 学 , 过 秦 等 通 桧 、 禧 太 后 、 当 、 完 用 等 出 卖 国家 慈 贝 李 民 族 利 益 而 遗 臭 万 年 的 知 识 教 学 , 养 培 学 生 积 极 的 人 生 观 、 界 观 和价 值 观 。 世 学 生 往 往 崇 拜 名 人 、 拜 英 雄 , 而 可 充 分 崇 因 发挥优 秀人物 的人格感 染力以感 染之 。 如介绍司马迁 、 罗斯 福 身 残 志坚 事 迹 , 帮 助 学 生 养 成 矢 志 不 移 的 顽 强 意 志 ; 绍 介
哥伦布 、 麦哲伦 等人事迹 , 培养学生克服 困难 、 于 探 索 的 品 质 ; 绍 邓 小 平 、 勇 介 彭 德 怀 等 革 命 家 的 光 辉 业绩 , 助 学 生 树 帮
料 的 收 集 、 览 、 比 活 动 , 挥 学 生 的 展 评 发 个 性 特 长 和 兴 趣 , 动 他 们 积 极 向上 、 调 勇 为人 先 的 内 在 能 动 性 , 助 学 生 形 成 敢 帮 于 拼 搏 的人 格 品质 , 以推 动 他 们 人 格 的 不 断完善。 三、提高教师素质 ,展示人格魅 力 提高教师素质 , 强师生情感交流 , 加 注 意 个 别 沟 通 和 指 导 , 有 效 地 提 高 教 能 育 教 学 效 果 , 是 指 导 学 生 构 建 优 良人 也 格 的 一 条 重 要途 径 。 师 生 交 往 过 程 中 , 在 教 师 要 以 遵 纪 守 时 、 学 善 思 、 谨 求 勤 严 实 、 观 地 认 识 和 评 价 自 己 、 蔼可 亲 等 客 和 优 良人 格 去 影 响和 感 染 学 生 , 挥 榜 样 发 的 示 范 作 用 。 在 把 师 生 置 于 平 等 的 地 要 位 、 重 学 生 的 个 性 和 人 格 的基 础 上 关 尊 心 学 生 、 导 学 生 , 学 生 在 轻 松 、 快 指 使 愉 的气氛 中反盛矫 正 自己的思想行为 , 从 而 更 有 效 、 主 动 地 发 挥 学 生 自己 的 主 更 动 性 、 极 性 和 创 造性 , 断 完 善 自 己 。 积 不 要 针 对 不 同 的 对 象 , 着 严 格 要 求 的原 本 则 , 意 表扬 和批 评 的 有机 结合 , 导 学 注 指 生 不 断 挖 掘 内在 潜 力 , 长 避 短 , 学 合 扬 科 理地使用大脑 , 改变 不良习惯 , 改进学习 方 法 , 断 提 高 学 习 兴 趣 , 发 学 习动 不 激 机, 鼓励 学 生 发 挥 个性 特 长 , 植 他 们 去 扶
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本节课的教学内容是人教版新目标英语七年级下册Unit 4 I want to be an actor.第一课时。
四为自我检测板块,包括本课语法功能要点(Grammar Focus)、课后探究活动、习题精选,还充分利用网络资源,将教材上的习题、游戏及欧美电影链入其中。
重点词汇:doctor, nurse, waiter, reporter, policeman,
policewoman, bank clerk, shop assistant,
重点句型:1. What do you do?
I am a teacher.
What does your mother
She is a nurse.