2Some Circuit Simpli¯cationTechniquesDrill ExercisesDE2.116k64=12:8−;12:8+7:2=20−;20k30=12−[a]v=5(12)=60V[b]p5A(del)=(5)(60)=300W[c]i A=60=30=2A i C=3(64)=(80)=2:4Ai B=5¡2=3A p10−=(2:4)210=57:6WDE2.2[a]v o(no load)=200(75)=100=150V[b]75k150=50k−,therefore v o=200(50)=75=133:3V[c]i=200=25;000=8mA,p25k=(8£10¡3)2(25;000)=1:6W[d]Maximum dissipation at no load since v o is maximump=v2o75;000=0:3W2728CHAPTER2.Some Circuit Simpli¯cation TechniquesDE2.3v30=6+4(0:825)=9:3V;i30=v3030=0:31Ai6=i30+0:825=1:135A;i10=0:825+0:31=1:135A¡v30¡6i b+v20¡10i10=0¢::v20=9:3+16(1:135)=27:46Vi20=27:4620=1:373A;i5=i6+i20=2:508Ai30=0:31A;i6=1:135A;i10=1:135A;i20=1:373A;and i5=2:508ADE2.4Problems29i =7212=6A [a]v =7212(8)=48V ;i 120V =120¡57:620=3:12A [b]v a =6(9:6)=57:6V ;p 120V (del)=120i a =374:40WDE 2.5[a]110V source actingalone:R e =10(14)24=356−i 0=1105+35=6=13213Av 0o=µ356¶µ13213¶=77013V 4A source actingalone:5−k 10−=50=15=10=3−10=3+2=16=3−30CHAPTER2.Some Circuit Simpli¯cation Techniques 16=3k12=48=13−Hence our circuit reduces to:It follows thatv00a=4(48=13)=(192=13)Vandv00o=¡v00a(16=3)(10=3)=¡58v00a=¡(120=13)V¢::v o=v0o+v00o=77013¡12013=50V[b]p=v2o10=250WDE2.670-V source acting alone:v0=70¡4i0bi0s=v0b2+v010=i0a+i0b70=20i0a+v0bi0a=70¡v0b 20Problems31¢::i 0b=v 0b 2+v 010¡70¡v 0b 20=1120v 0b +v 010¡3:5v 0=v 0b+2i 0b ¢::v 0b =v 0¡2i 0b¢::i 0b =1120(v 0¡2i 0b )+v 010¡3:5or i 0b =1342v 0¡7042¢::v 0=70¡4µ1342v 0¡7042¶orv 0=322094=161047V 50-V source actingalone:v 00=¡4i 00bv 00=v 00b +2i 00bv 00=¡50+10i 00d ¢::i 00d=v 00+5010i 00s =v 00b 2+v 00+5010i 00b=v 00b 20+i 00s =v 00b 20+v 00b 2+v 00+5010=1120v 00b +v 00+5010v 00b =v 00¡2i 00b¢::i 00b =1120(v 00¡2i 00b )+v 00+5010or i 00b =1342v 00+10042Thus,v 00=¡4µ1342v 00+10042¶orv 00=¡20047V Hence,v =v 0+v 00=161047¡20047=141047=30V32CHAPTER2.Some Circuit Simpli¯cation Techniques ProblemsP2.1[a]p4−=i2s4=(12)24=576W p18−=(4)218=288W p3−=(8)23=192W p6−=(8)26=384W[b]p120V(delivered)=120i s=120(12)=1440W[c]p diss=576+288+192+384=1440WP2.2[a]From Ex.3-1:i1=4A,i2=8A,i s=12Aat node x:¡12+4+8=0,at node y:12¡4¡8=0[b]v1=4i s=48V v3=3i2=24Vv2=18i1=72V v4=6i2=48Vloop abda:¡120+48+72=0;loop bcdb:¡72+24+48=0;loop abcda:¡120+48+24+48=0P2.31R eq=16+110+115=1030=13;R eq=3−v(2+8+5)−=(20)(3)=60V;i(2+8+5)−=60=15=4A P5−=(4)2(5)=80WP2.4[a]R eq=2+2+(1=4+1=5+1=20)¡1=6−i g=120=6=20Av4−=120¡(2+2)20=40Vi o=40=4=10AProblems33 i(15+5)−=40=(15+5)=2Av o=(5)(2)=10V[b]i15−=2A;P15−=(2)2(15)=60W[c]P120V=(120)(20)=2:4kWP2.5[a]R eq=R k R=R22R=R2[b]R eq=R k R k R k¢¢¢k R(n R's)=R kR n¡1=R2=(n¡1)R+R=(n¡1)=R2nR=Rn[c]One solution:700−=200−+500−=1000=5+1000=2=1k−k1k−k1k−k1k−k1k−+1k−k1k−[d]One solution:5:5k−=5k−+0:5k−=2k−+2k−+1k−+0:5k−=2k−+2k−+2k−2+2k−4=2k−+2k−+2k−k2k−+2k−k2k−k2k−k2k−34CHAPTER2.Some Circuit Simpli¯cation TechniquesP2.6[a]12−k24−=8−Therefore,R ab=8+2+6=16−[b]1R eq=124k−+130k−+120k−=15120k−=18k−R eq=8k−;R eq+7=15k−1R ab=115k−+130k−+115k−=530k−=16k−R ab=6k−P2.7[a]For circuit(a)R ab=15k(18+48k16)=10−For circuit(b)1 R e =120+115+120+14+112=3060=12R e=2−R e+16=18−18k18=9−R ab=10+8+9=27−For circuit(c)48k16=12−12+8=20−20k30=12−12+18=30−30k15=10−10+10+20=40−R ab=40k60=24−[b]P a=20210=40WP b=144227=768WP c=62(24)=864WProblems35P2.8[a]5k20=100=25=4−5k20+9k18+10=20−9k18=162=27=6−20k30=600=50=12−R ab=5+12+3=20−[b]5+15=20−30k20=600=50=12−20k60=1200=80=15−3k6=18=9=2−15+10=25−3k6+30k20=2+12=14−25k75=1875=100=18:75−26k14=364=40=9:1−18:75+11:25=30−R ab=2:5+9:1+3:4=15−[c]3+5=8−60k40=2400=100=24−8k12=96=20=4:8−24+6=30−4:8+5:2=10−30k10=300=40=7:5−45+15=60−R ab=1:5+7:5+1:0=10−P2.9[a]R cond=845(0:0397)=33:5465−R total=2(1=2)R cond=33:5465−P loss=(2000)2(33:5465)=134:186MWP calif=800(2)¡134:186=1465:814MWE±ciency=(1465:814=1600)£100=91:61%[b]P calif=2000¡134:86=1865:814MWE±ciency=93:29%[c]P loss=(3000)2¢2¢(1=3)¢845¢(0:0397)=201:279MWP oregon=3000MW;P calif=3000¡201:279=2798:7MWE±ciency=(2798:70=3000)£100=93:29%P2.10i10k=(18)(15)40=6:75mAv15k=¡(6:75)(15)=¡101:25V i3k=18¡6:75=11:25mAv12k=¡(12)(11:25)=¡135Vv o=¡101:25¡(¡135)=33:75V36CHAPTER 2.Some Circuit Simpli¯cation TechniquesP 2.11[a]v 1k =11+5(30)=5V v 15k =1515+60(30)=6Vv x =v 15k ¡v 1k =6¡5=1V [b]v 1k =v s6(1)=v s =6v 15k=v s75(15)=v s =5v x =(v s =5)¡(v s =6)=v s =30P 2.1260k 30=20−i 30−=(25)(75)125=15A v o =(15)(20)=300V v o +30i 30=750V v g ¡12(25)=750v g =1050VP 2.135−k 20−=4−;4−+6−=10−;10k 40=8−;Therefore,i g =1258+2=12:5A i 6−=(40)(12:5)50=10A;i o =(5)(10)25=2A P 2.14[a]40k 10=8−i 75V =7510=7:5A 8+7=15−i 4+3−=7:5µ3045¶=5A15k 30=10−i o =¡5µ1050¶=¡1A[b]i 10−=i 4+3−+i o =5¡1=4AP 10−=(4)2(10)=160WP2.15[a]v9−=(1)(9)=9Vi2−=9=(2+1)=3Ai4−=1+3=4A;v25−=(4)(4)+9=25Vi25−=25=25=1A;i3−=i25−+i9−+i2−=1+1+3=5A;v40−=v25−¡v3−=25¡(¡5)(3)=40Vi40−=40=40=1Ai5k20−=i40−+i25−+i4−=1+1+4=6Av5k20−=(4)(6)=24Vv32−=v40−+v5k20−=40+24=64Vi32−=64=32=2A;i10−=i32−+i5k20−=2+6=8Av g=10(8)+v32−=80+64=144V:[b]P20−=(v5k20−)220=24220=28:8WP2.16[a]Let i s be the current oriented down through the resistors.Then,i s=V sR1+R2+¢¢¢+R k+¢¢¢+R nandv k=R k i s=R kR1+R2+¢¢¢+R k+¢¢¢+R nV s[b]i s=2005+15+30+10+40=2Av1=2(5)=10V v2=2(15)=30V v3=2(30)=60V v4=2(10)=20V v5=2(40)=80VP2.17[a]v o=2525(20)=20V[b]v o=255+R eR eR e=(20)(12)32=7:5k−v o=2512:5(7:5)=15V[c]v o25=2025=0:80[d]v o25=1525=0:60P2.18[a]No load:v o=R2R1+R2V s=¾V s¢::¾=R2R1+R2 Load:v o=R eR1+R eV s=¯V s¢::¯=R eR e+R1R e=R2R LR2+R L¢::¯=R2R LR1R2+R L(R1+R2)But R1+R2=R2¾¢::R1=R2¾¡R2¢::¯=R2R LR2³R2¾¡R2´+R L R2¾¯=R LR 2³1¾¡1´+R L ¾or ¯R 2µ1¾¡1¶+¯R L ¾=R L ¯R 2µ1¾¡1¶=R L Ã1¡¯¾!¢::R 2=(¾¡¯)¯(1¡¾)R LR 1=(1¡¾)¾R 2=þ¡¯¾¯!R L[b]R 1=(0:9¡0:7)0:63(126)k −=40k −R 2=(0:9¡0:7)(0:7)(0:1)(126)k −=360k −P 2.19[a]Let v o be the voltage across the parallel branches,positive at the upperterminal,theni g =v o G 1+v o G 2+¢¢¢+v o G N =v o (G 1+G 2+¢¢¢+G N )It follows thatv o =i g(G 1+G 2+¢¢¢+G N )The current in the k th branch is i k =v o G k ;Thus,i k =i g G k[G 1+G 2+¢+G N ][b]i 6:25=1142(0:16)[4+0:4+1+0:16+0:1+0:05]=32mAP 2.20R e =48£103=500−¢::XG =1500=2mS i 1=2i 2=2(10i 3)=20i 4i 2=10i 3=10i 4i 3=i 48=20i4+10i4+i4+i4=32i4¢::i4=832=0:25mAR4=v gi4=40:25£10¡3=16k−i3=i4=0:25mA ¢::R3=16k−i2=10i4=2:5mAR2=v gi2=42:5£10¡3=1:6k−i1=20i4=5mAR1=v gi1=45£10¡3=800−P2.21[a]i o=120=40k−=3mA[b]v a=(3)(20)=60Vi a=v a100=0:6mAi b=4¡3:6=0:4mAv b=60¡(0:4)(15)=54Vi g=0:4¡54=30=¡1:4mAp75V(developed)=(75)(1:4)=105mWCheck:p4mA(developed)=(60)(4)=240mWX P dev=105+240=345mWX P dis=(¡1:4)2(15)+(1:8)2(30)+(0:4)2(15)+(0:6)2(100)+(3)2(20)=345mWP2.22Apply source transformations to both current sources to geti o=¡66=¡1mAP2.23[a]¢::v o=1(240)=120V;i o=120=24=5A2[b]p300V=¡12:5(300)=¡3750WTherefore,the300V source is developing3.75kW.[c]¡10+i6−+7:5¡12:5=0;¢::i6−=15Av10A+4(10)+6(15)=0;¢::v10A=¡130Vp10A=10v10A=¡1300WTherefore the10A source is developing1300W.[d]X p dev=3750+1300=5050Wp4−=100(4)=400Wp40−=(7:5)2(40)=2250Wp6−=(15)2(6)=1350Wp42−=(5)2(42)=1050WX p diss=400+1350+2250+1050=5050W(CHECKS)P2.24Applying a source transformation to each current source yieldsNow combine the20V and10V sources into a single voltage source and the5−,4−and1−resistors into a single resistor to getNow use a source transformation on each voltage source,thuswhich can be reduced to¢::i o=(1:25)(8)=1A10P2.25First,¯nd the Th¶e venin equivalent with respect to R o.P2.26100−k25−=20−¢::i=400=5A60+20v0o=20i=100V100−k60−=37:5−i=50025+37:5=8Av00o=37:5i=300Vv o=v0o+v00o=100+300=400V P2.27i0o=10025=4A15−k30−=10−i00o=¡5025=¡2A¢::i o=i0o+i00o=4¡2=2A P2.2815=2i0¢+50i1+3i0¢Problems4715=2i 0¢+12i 02i 0¢=i 01+i 02;i 01=27=26A;i 0¢=51=26A¢::i 02=1213A;v 0o=9613V ¡2i 00¢=5i 001+3i 00¢¢::i 00¢=¡i 001i 002=i 00¢¡i 001=2i 00¢4i 002+(8+i 002)8=¡2i 00¢¢::i 002=¡6413A;i 001=3213A;i 00¢=¡3213A ¢::8+i 002=4013A ¢::v 00o=8µ4013¶=32013V ¢::v o =v 0o +v 00o =9613+32013=32V48CHAPTER2.Some Circuit Simpli¯cation TechniquesP2.29[a]The evolution of the circuit shown in Fig.P2.29is illustrated in the following steps:[b]Starting at the left end of the circuit and working toward the right end,aseries of source transformations yields:Problems49V R=4 4R (2R)=V R8P2.30[a]The evolution of the circuit in Fig.P2.30can be shown in two steps,thus:[b]Moving from left to right,a series of source transformations yields:50CHAPTER2.Some Circuit Simpli¯cation Techniquesv o=V R=84R(2R)=V R16Problems51 P2.31Eq.(2.34)v o=12V R(Switch1)Eq.(2.35)v o=14V R(Switch2)Eq.(2.36)v o=18V R(Switch3)Eq.(2.37)v o=116V R(Switch4)Given V R=16V:Switch Position v o12340000v o=0V000V R v o=116V R=1V00V R0v o=18V R=2V00V R V R v o=116V R+18V R=3V0V R00v o=14V R=4V0V R0V R v o=14V R+116V R=5V0V R V R0v o=14V R+18V R=6V0V R V R V R v o=14V R+18V R+116V R=7VV R000v o=12V R=8VV R00V R v o=12V R+116V R=9VV R0V R0v o=12V R+18V R=10VV R0V R V R v o=12V R+18V R+116V R=11VV R V R00v o=12V R+14V R=12VV R V R0V R v o=12V R+14V R+116V R=13VV R V R V R0v o=12V R+14V R+18V R=14VV R V R V R V R v o=12V R+14V R+18V R+116V R=15V52CHAPTER2.Some Circuit Simpli¯cation TechniquesThis page intentionally left blank。
工程电路分析 课后答案(英文原版)
− 0.08 1 0
i (t )dt
∫ [− 2 + 3e ]dt
− 0.08 0 -0.08
∫ [− 2 + 3e ]dt
0.1 3t 0 0.1 0
= − 2 + 3e −5t
+ − 2 + 3e3t
= 0.1351 + 0.1499 = 285 mC
Engineering Circuit Analysis, 6th Edition
x n e − ax dx
n! a n +1
where n is a positive integer and a > 0,
we find the energy delivered to be = 18/(200)2 =0 - 1800/(200)3
Engineering Circuit Analysis, 6th Edition
t −100 t (c) Pabs = 30∫0 idt + 20 3e
360 e −100t
t = 8 ms
= 72.68 W
t = 8 ms
= - 36.34 W
t = 8 ms
t −100 t = 3e −100t ′ dt ′ + 60e −100t 90e ∫ 0
Engineering Circuit Analysis, 6th Edition
Copyright ©2002 McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
电工学原理与应用第七版英文版答案1、Actually, we don't know whether this news comes from a reliable()or not. [单选题] *A. source(正确答案)B. originC. basisD. base2、Tony is a quiet student, _______ he is active in class. [单选题] *A. soB. andC. but(正确答案)D. or3、How _______ it rained yesterday! We had to cancel(取消) our football match. [单选题] *A. heavily(正确答案)B. lightC. lightlyD. heavy4、He often comes to work early and he is _______ late for work. [单选题] *A. usuallyB. never(正确答案)C. oftenD. sometimes5、_______ is on September the tenth. [单选题] *A. Children’s DayB. Teachers’Day(正确答案)C. Women’s DayD. Mother’s Day6、Last week they _______ in climbing the Yuelu Mountain. [单选题] *A. succeeded(正确答案)B. succeedC. successD. successful7、They took _____ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. [单选题] *A.efficientB.beneficialC.validD.effective(正确答案)8、_________ along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience. [单选题]*A. TravelB. Traveling(正确答案)C. Having traveledD. Traveled9、I’d like to go with you, ______ I’m too busy. [单选题] *A. orB. andC. soD. but(正确答案)10、We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let's have _____ one this month. [单选题] *A.otherB.the otherC.moreD.another(正确答案)11、It’s reported that there are more than 300?_______ smokers in China. [单选题] *A. million(正确答案)B. millionsC. million ofD. millions of12、I _______ Zhang Hua in the bookstore last Sunday. [单选题] *A. meetB. meetingC. meetedD. met(正确答案)13、Her ideas sound right, but _____ I'm not completely sure. [单选题] *A. somehow(正确答案)B. somewhatC. somewhereD. sometime14、--What are the young people doing there?--They are discussing how to _______?thepollution in the river. [单选题] *A. come up withB. talk withC. deal with(正确答案)D. get on with15、I will _______ at the school gate. [单选题] *A. pick you up(正确答案)B. pick up youC. pick you outD. pick out you16、—______ pencils are these?—They are Tony’s.()[单选题] *A. WhatB. WhereC WhoD. Whose(正确答案)17、We have ______ homework today. ()[单选题] *A. too manyB. too much(正确答案)C. much tooD. very much18、--Which is Tom?--He is _______ of the two boys. [单选题] *A. tallB. tallerC. the taller(正确答案)D. the tallest19、I haven’t met him _____ the last committee meeting. [单选题] *A. forB. since(正确答案)C. atD. before20、I usually read English _______ six o’clock _______ six thirty in the morning. [单选题] *A. from;?atB. from; to(正确答案)C. at; atD. at; to21、The trouble turned out to have nothing to do with them. [单选题] *A. 由…引发的B. 与…有牵连C. 给…带来麻烦D. 与…不相干(正确答案)22、The house is well decorated _____ the disarrangement of a few photos. [单选题] *A. exceptB. besidesC. except for(正确答案)D. in addition to23、20.Jerry is hard-working. It’s not ______ that he can pass the exam easily. [单选题] * A.surpriseB.surprising (正确答案)C.surprisedD.surprises24、62.--There is? ? ? ? ? sale on in the shop today. Let’s go together.--Please wait? ? ? ? ? ?minute. I’ll finish my homework first. [单选题] *A.a; theB.a; a(正确答案)C.the; aD.the; the25、David ______ at home when I called at seven o’clock yesterday evening. ()[单选题] *A. didn’tB. doesn’tC. wasn’t(正确答案)D. isn’t26、Ordinary books, _________ correctly, can give you much knowledge. [单选题] *A. used(正确答案)B. to useC. usingD. use27、My daughter is neither slim nor fat and she’d like a _______ skirt. [单选题] *A. largeB. medium(正确答案)C. smallD. mini28、3.—Will you buy the black car?No, I won't. I will buya(n) ________ one because I don't have enough money. [单选题] *A.cheap(正确答案)B.expensiveC.highD.low29、I have to _______ my glasses, without which I can’t read the book. [单选题] *A. put upB. put awayC. put downD. put on(正确答案)30、Tom didn’t _______ his exam again. It was a pity. [单选题] *A. failB. winC. pass(正确答案)D. beat。
电气工程及其自动化专业英语苏小林课后答案【篇一:电气工程及其自动化准耶英语】/p> characterize描绘…的特征,塑造人物,具有….的特征property 性质,财产equal in magnitude to 在数量(数量级)上等同于 convert 转换converter 转换器time rate 时间变化率mathematically 从数学上来讲differentiatev 区分,区别in honor of 为纪念某人 name in honor of为纪念某人而以他命名electromotive force ( e m f )电动势voltaic battery 伏打电池,化学电池an element 一个电器元件interpret 口译,解释,说明potential difference/voltage 电势差/电压 expend 花费,消耗instantaneous 瞬时的,促发的passive sign convention 关联参考方向the law of conservation of energy 能量守恒定律 reference polarity 参考极性electron 电子 electronic 电子的 electric 电的,电动的 time-varying 时变的 constant-valued 常量的metallic 金属的be due to 是因为,由于,归功于building block 模块coulomb库伦,ampere安培,joule焦耳,volt伏特,watt瓦特,work 功变量u(t),i(t)是电路中最基本的概念。
我们从初等物理可以得知所有物质是由基本组成部分原子组成,而原子又包括电子(electron),质子(proton)和中子(neutron)我们都知道电荷e是带负电的电子,在数量上等于1.60210*1019 c, 而质子携带同等电荷量的正电荷,相同数量的质子,电子使原子呈现电中性(neutrally charged)。
0 = ¡26i1 ¡ 90i2 + 124i3
[a] Solving, i1 = 5 A; therefore the 80 V source is delivering 400 W to the circuit.
[b] Solving, i3 = 2:5 A; therefore p8− = (6:25)(8) = 50 W
v1 + v1 ¡ v2 = 4:5
54 CHAPTER 3. Techniques of Circuit Analysis
v2 + v2 ¡ v1 + v2 ¡ 30 = 0
12 8
Solving, v1 = 6 V v2 = 18 V Thus, i = (v1 ¡ v2)=8 = ¡1:5 A v = v2 + 2i = 15 V
DE 3.8 Use the lower node as the reference node. Let v1 = node voltage across the 7.5 − resistor and v2 = node voltage across the 2.5 − resistor. Place the dependent voltage source inside a supernode between the node voltages v and v2. The node voltage equations are
Techniques of Circuit Analysis
Drill Exercises
DE 3.1 [a] 11,8 resistors, 2 independent sources, 1 dependent source
已知电流 i=dq/dt 的,将该变量代入上式,可以消除方程中的积分。由此可得到一个二阶微 分方程
L d 2q dq q +R + =e 2 dt dt C
练习答案 1. Use the information from the reading passage to complete the answer below. (1) It has an effect on total line voltage. (2) Their individual characteristics are unchanged. (3) Current is commonly used as reference. (4) They will be in phase. (5) The difference of XL and XC must be determined. (6) They are the Pythagorean Theorem-based formula, phasoral layout and triangulation. (7) It represents total impedance. (8) It refers to the fact that XL and XC are equal, and line voltage and current are in phase. 2. Fill in the following blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary. (1) triangulation (2) Impedance (3) reactive (4) capacitors (5) inductive (6) Resistive (7) magnetic (8) electromotive 3. Select the best choices to complete the article. (1) transformer (2) down (3) generated (4) little (5) current (6) resistance (7) less (8) low (9) Direct (10) alternating current
i1 + i2 = i DE 5.5 v1 = 0:5 £ 10
6 t 0+
240 £ 10¡6 e¡10x dx ¡ 10 = ¡12e¡10t + 2 V
t 0+
v2 = 0:125 £ 106 v1 (1) = 2 V; W =
240 £ 10¡6 e¡10x dx ¡ 5 = ¡3e¡10t ¡ 2 V
v (t) v (0+ )
Z dy R t dx =¡ y L 0+
¯v(t) µ ¶ ¯ R ¯ ln y ¯ =¡ t +
v (0 )
v (t) R =¡ t ln + v (0 ) L v (t) = v (0 )e
+ ¡(R=L)t
Vs v (0 ) = ¡ Io R = Vs ¡ Io R R
60(240) = 48 mH 300 [b] i(0+ ) = 3 + ¡5 = ¡2 A 125 Z t (¡0:03e¡5x ) dx ¡ 2 = 0:125e¡5t ¡ 2:125 A [c] i = 6 0+ 50 Z t [d] i1 = (¡0:03e¡5x ) dx + 3 = 0:1e¡5t + 2:9 A 3 0+ i2 = 25 Z t (¡0:03e¡5x ) dx ¡ 5 = 0:025e¡5t ¡ 5:025 A 6 0+
v (0+ ) = ¡9:6 + 38:4 = 28:8 V [b] v = 0 when 38:4e¡1200t = 9:6e¡300t
电路 电路原理 尼尔森Riedel 第九版 课后习题答案第 章
V (ω) = Vm
1 jω
ejωτ /2 − e−jωτ /2
= j2Vmπδ(ω) sin
ωτ 2
2Vm ω
ωτ 2
(Vmτ ) sin(ωτ /2) ωτ /2
© 2010 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.
+ ej2t
− 4ej2t}
1 πt
3e−j2t − j2
− 4e−j3t j2
4 × 4 + 9 = 25 V.
The current in the 25Ω resistor is 1 A. The current in the 3Ω resistor is 1 + 3 + 1 = 5 A. Therefore,
the voltage across the 40Ω resistor is 25 + 3(5) = 40 V.
of i4:
i1 = 4i2 = 4(8i3) = 5(32i4)
i2 = 8i3 = 5(8i4)
i3 = 5i4
NOW use KCL at the top node to relate the branch currents to the current supplied by the source.
6 A. Therefore the voltage across the 32Ω resistor is 40 + 6(4) = 64 V.
The current in the 32Ω resistor is 64/32 = 2 A. The current in the 10Ω resistor is 6 + 2 = 8 A.
vg = (8)(10) + 64 = 144V
The current in the Thus, the power
20Ω resistor dissipated by
is i20Ω = the 20Ω
(5)(20 resisto6r
+ is
P20Ω = (1.2)2(20) = 288W
DE 4.4 [a]
vn vn ¡ vo + = 0; 4500 63;000 Thus vo = 15vp ;
therefore vo = 15vn ; vp = 0:4Rx 15;000 + Rx vp = 0:32 V; 123
So when Rx = 60 k−;
vo = 4:8 V
0 0 ¡ va 0 ¡ vo + + in = 0; Ra Rb
in = 0
Therefore 0 vo va =¡ ; Rb Ra
0 vo =
Rb va Ra
Assume vb is acting alone. Replace va with a short circuit. Now vp = vn = vb Rd Rc + Rd in = 0
Rd Ra =
Rb Ra + Rb vb ¡ va Rc + Rd Ra therefore Rd (Ra + Rb ) = Rb (Rc + Rd ) Ra Rc = Rb Rd
Rd [b] Ra
Ra + Rb Rc + Rd
Rb ; Ra
Rd Ra = Rb Rc ; Rd When Ra
vb = 0 V; vb = 0 V; vb = 2 V; vb = 2 V; vb = 8 V;
vo = 18 V (sat)
vo = 40:5 ¡ 8va = §18
:¢: 2:8125 · va · 7:3125 V P 4.4 [a] ia = 120 £ 10¡6 = 20 ¹A 6
250 250 va ¡ vb = ¡50(0:1) ¡ 10(0:25) = ¡5 ¡ 2:5 = ¡7:5 V 5 25 [b] vo = ¡50va ¡ 2:5 = ¡10 V; therefore 50va = 7:5; va = 0:15 V [d] vo = ¡50va + 10vb = ¡5 + 2:5 = ¡2:5 V vo = ¡50va + 2:5 = ¡10 V; 50va = 12:5; va = 0:25 V 10vb = 20; vb = 2:0 V vn = vp vo = ¡5 + 10vb = 15 V; [c] vo = ¡5 ¡ 10vb = ¡10 V; 10vb = 5; vb = 0:5 V
1 2 Cvmax = 0.30(100)2 = 3000 µJ = 3 mJ 2
60(240) = 48 mH 300 [b] i(0+ ) = 3 + −5 = −2 A 125 t [c] i = (−0.03e−5x ) dx − 2 = 0.125e−5t − 2.125 A 6 0+ 50 t [d] i1 = (−0.03e−5x ) dx + 3 = 0.1e−5t + 2.9 A + 3 0 i2 = 25 6
CHAPTER 6. Inductance, Capacitance, and Mutual Inductance di2 = 31.68e−4t − 40e−5t dt
20i2 = −0.20 − 19.80e−4t + 20e−5t 5ig = 9.8 − 9.8e−4t 8 dig = 62.72e−4t dt
6 Inductance, Capacitance, and
Mutual Inductance
Assessment Problems
AP 6.1 [a] ig = 8e−300t − 8e−1200tA v=L dig = −9.6e−300t + 38.4e−1200tV, dt t > 0+
v (0+ ) = −9.6 + 38.4 = 28.8 V [b] v = 0 when 38.4e−1200t = 9.6e−300t or t = (ln 4)/900 = 1.54 ms [c] p = vi = 384e−1500t − 76.8e−600t − 307.2e−2400t W dp = 0 when e1800t − 12.5e900t + 16 = 0 [d] dt Let x = e900t and solve the quadratic x2 − 12.5x + 16 = 0 x = 1.44766, x = 11.0523, t= t= ln 1.45 = 411.05 µs 900 ln 11.05 = 2.67 ms 900
Assessment Problems
AP 15.1 H (43; (1/R1 C ) R1 = 1 Ω, .·. C = 1 F
1 = 1 rad/s; R1 C R2 = 1, R1 .·. AP 15.2 H (s) =
1 .·. R1 = √ = 1.414 Ω 2
ωo 1000 = = 125 rad/s Q 8
© 2010 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.
1 = 31.83 (0.5 × 10−6 )(62,831.85)
AP 15.4 For a 2nd order Butterworth high pass filter H (s) = s2 √ s2 + 2s + 1
电路英文试题及答案1. What is the unit of electrical resistance?A. VoltB. AmpereC. OhmD. CoulombAnswer: C2. In an electrical circuit, which of the following is not a passive element?A. ResistorB. CapacitorC. InductorD. Voltage sourceAnswer: D3. The total resistance in a series circuit is calculated by:A. Adding the reciprocals of each resistor's resistanceB. Adding the resistances of each resistorC. Multiplying the resistances of each resistorD. Subtracting the resistances of each resistorAnswer: B4. Which law states that the algebraic sum of all the currents meeting at a point is zero?A. Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL)B. Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL)C. Ohm's LawD. Faraday's LawAnswer: B5. A transformer is used to:A. Convert AC to DCB. Step up or step down voltageC. Rectify AC to DCD. Filter signalsAnswer: B6. What is the function of a diode in a circuit?A. To amplify signalsB. To block current flow in one directionC. To provide a variable resistanceD. To store energyAnswer: B7. The frequency of an AC signal is given by:A. VoltageB. CurrentC. PowerD. PeriodAnswer: D8. What is the formula for calculating the power in a DC circuit?A. P = IVB. P = V^2/RC. P = I^2RD. All of the aboveAnswer: D9. In a parallel circuit, the total resistance is less than the resistance of the smallest resistor. True or False? Answer: True10. What is the function of a capacitor in a circuit?A. To block AC and allow DCB. To block DC and allow ACC. To store energyD. To provide a variable resistanceAnswer: B。
1. Put the following into Chinese.(1)Ohm’s law states that the voltage across a resistor is directly proportional to the current flowing through the resistor. The constant of proportionality is the resistance value of the resistor in ohms.流过电路里电阻的电流,与加在电阻两端的电压成正比,与电阻的阻值成反比。
(2)Many materials, however, closely approximate an ideal linear resistor over a desired operating region.不过,许多材料在规定的工作范围内非常接近理想线性电阻。
(3)It should be noted that an ideal voltage source (dependent or independent ) will produce any current required to ensure that the terminal voltage is as stated, whereas an ideal current source will produce the necessary voltage to ensure the stated current flow.应该注意:一个理想电压源(独立或受控)可向电路提供任意电流以保证其端电压为规定值,而电流源可向电路提供任意电压以保证其规定电流。
(4)A different class of relationship occurs because of the restriction that some specific type of network element places on the variables. Still another class of relationship is one between several variable of the same type which occurs as the result of the network configuration, i. e., the manner in which the various element of the network are interconnected.一种不同类型的关系是由于网络元件的某种特定类型的连接对变量的约束。
因此, 时,电路的初始条件为
设 的解为
式中 为方程的特解,满足
式中 。由初始条件可得
7-29RC电路中电容C原未充电,所加 的波形如题7—29图所示,其中 , 。求电容电压 ,并把 :(1)用分段形式写出;(2)用一个表达式写出。
解:首先求出 以左部分的等效电路.断开 ,设 如题解4-17图(a)所示,并把受控电流源等效为受控电压源。由KVL可得
把端口短路,如题解图(b)所示应用网孔电流法求短路电流 ,网孔方程为
画出戴维宁等效电路,接上待求支路 ,如题解图(c)所示,由最大功率传输定理知 时其上获得最大功率。 获得的最大功率为
图(a1)中节点数 ,支路数
图(b1)中节点数 ,支路数
t=2 ms时
7—20题7—20图所示电路,开关合在位置1时已达稳定状态,t=0时开关由位置1合向位置2,求t0时的电压 .
7-26题7—26图所示电路在开关S动作前已达稳态;t=0时S由1接至2,求t0时的 .
英语电子技术英语40题1. Which of the following is a common component in an electronic circuit?A. ResistorB. CapacitorC. TransistorD. All of the above答案:D。
选项A“Resistor( 电阻)”、选项B“Capacitor( 电容)”和选项C“Transistor( 晶体管)”都是电子电路中常见的组件,所以选择D“All of the above( 以上都是)”。
2. In an electronic device, what is used to store electrical energy?A. BatteryB. InductorC. CapacitorD. Generator答案:C。
选项A“Battery 电池)”主要是提供电能;选项B“Inductor(电感)”通常用于滤波等;选项C“Capacitor( 电容)”能够存储电能;选项D“Generator( 发电机)”是产生电能的设备。
3. What is the function of a diode in an electronic circuit?A. To amplify the signalB. To rectify the currentC. To store the chargeD. To control the voltage答案:B。
选项A“To amplify the signal(放大信号)”是三极管的作用;选项C“To store the charge( 存储电荷)”是电容的作用;选项D“To control the voltage( 控制电压)”通常由稳压器实现。
而二极管的主要功能是B“To rectify the current 整流电流)”。
电气工程及其自动化专业英语课后练习题含答案Chapter 1: Introduction to Electrical EngineeringExercise 1.11.What is electrical engineering?2.List some common applications of electrical engineering. some famous electrical engineers.Answers:1.Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that dealswith the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.mon applications of electrical engineering include powergeneration, transportation systems, communication systems,lighting systems, and control systems.3.Some famous electrical engineers include Nikola Tesla,Thomas Edison, Michael Faraday, James Clerk Maxwell, and Samuel Morse.Exercise 1.21.What is the difference between DC and AC?2.What is the purpose of a transformer? some common electrical units.Answers:1.DC (direct current) is the flow of electric charge in asingle direction, whereas AC (alternating current) is the flow of electric charge that reverses direction periodically.2.The purpose of a transformer is to transfer electricalenergy from one circuit to another by means of electromagnetic induction.mon electrical units include voltage (volts), current(amps), resistance (ohms), power (watts), capacitance (farads), and inductance (henries).Chapter 2: Circuit AnalysisExercise 2.11.W hat is Kirchhoff’s current law?2.What is Kirchhoff’s voltage law? some common circuit elements.Answers:1.Kirchhoff’s current law states that the total currententering a junction must equal the total current leaving thejunction.2.Kirchhoff’s voltage la w states that the total voltagearound a closed loop must equal zero.mon circuit elements include resistors, capacitors,inductors, diodes, transistors, and operational amplifiers.Exercise 2.21.What is the difference between an open circuit and a shortcircuit?2.What is a series circuit?3.What is a parallel circuit?Answers:1.An open circuit is a circuit that is not complete and doesnot allow the flow of current, whereas a short circuit is acircuit that has a very low resistance and allows the flow ofcurrent to bypass the normal path.2.A series circuit is a circuit in which the components areconnected end to end so that the same current flows through each component.3.A parallel circuit is a circuit in which the components areconnected in parallel so that the voltage across each component is the same and the total current is divided among the components. Chapter 3: ElectromagnetismExercise 3.11.What is an electromagnetic wave?2.What is Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction?3.What is Lenz’s law?Answers:1.An electromagnetic wave is a wave that is composed ofelectric and magnetic fields that are oscillating at right angles to each other and to the direction of propagation.2.Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction states that achanging magnetic field induces an electromotive force (EMF) in a conductor that is proportional to the rate of change of themagnetic field.3.Lenz’s law states that the direction of the induced EMF issuch that it opposes the change that produced it.Exercise 3.21.What is a solenoid?2.What is the Lorentz force law?3.What is magnetic hysteresis?Answers:1.A solenoid is a coil of wire that is used to create amagnetic field when an electric current is passed through it.2.The Lorentz force law states that a charged particle that ismoving through a magnetic field experiences a force that isperpendicular to both the direction of motion and the direction of the magnetic field.3.Magnetic hysteresis is the tendency of a magnetic materialto remn magnetized even after the external magnetic field isremoved.ConclusionIn conclusion, electrical engineering is a fascinating field that involves the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. It is used in many common applications, such as power generation, transportation systems, and communication systems. To besuccessful in this field, it is important to have a good understanding of circuit analysis, electromagnetism, and other key concepts. These exercises should help to reinforce your understanding of the material and prepare you for future challenges in this field.。
i = 0:6 mA; p = 0:6t mW
10 · t · 25 ms:
v = 10 V;
i = 0:6 mA; p = 6 mW
25 · t · 35 ms:
v = 75 ¡ 2500t V; i = 0 mA; p = 0 mW
35 · t · 60 ms:
v = ¡50 + 1000t V; i = ¡0:4 mA; p = 20 ¡ 400t mW
pabs = p100V + p40V = 3100 W
pdev = pabs = 3100 W
DE 1.7 [a] vl ¡ vc + v1 ¡ vs = 0; ilRl ¡ icRc + i1R1 ¡ vs = 0
isRl + isRc + isR1 ¡ vs = 0
[b] is = vs=(Rl + Rc + R1)
DE 1.8 [a] 24 = v2 + v5 ¡ v1 = 3i5 + 7i5 ¡ (¡2i5) = 12i5 Therefore i5 = 24=12 = 2 A
[b] v1 = ¡2i5 = ¡4 V [c] v2 = 3i5 = 6 V [d] v5 = 7i5 = 14 V
Problems 3 [e] p24 = ¡(24)(2) = ¡48 W; therefore 24 V source is delivering 48 W. DE 1.9