2020年中考英语书面表达万能模板08 通知(含真题及范文)

1. 体裁解读


2. 写作攻略

通知的内容一般包括:标题、日期、称呼语、正文和落款。通知的正上方通常要有一个标题,口头通知常用Announcement,书面通知多用Notice。书面通知还需要在最后一行写下日期,要低于落款。口头通知往往要有称呼语,如Boys and girls,ladies and gentlemen,Dear friends等。通知的正文一般包括被通知的对象、事由、时间、地点等。口头通知一般不用落款,书面通知需要落款,写出发通知的人或单位名称,落款一般写在通知的右下角。







1. 时间:7月1日下午2点;

2. 地点:学校操场;

3. 内容:文化展览、节目表演等。

提示词:戏曲opera n. 表演performance n.

注意:1. 词数80~100;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 信中不能出现与本人相关的信息;

4. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Mike,

I know you are interested in Chinese traditional culture. _____________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________



Li Hua 【思路分析】



Dear Mike,

I know you are interested in Chinese traditional culture.

Now, I have a piece of good news to share with you. There is an activity about Chinese traditional operas at 2:00 p.m. on July 1. It will be held on the playground in our school and all the teachers and students will attend. On that day, a culture show and many wonderful opera performances will be put on. It’s a chance for you to lea rn more about Chinese traditional culture. Come and join us! I think we’ll have a great time.

I’m looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua 【写作亮点】





All the students,

There is going to be _______________(事件) at _______________(地点)on

_______________(时间). / We are having a(n) _______________ at _______________ on _______________. It will begin at _______________ (具体

时间). Everyone can _______________. You can _______________ (可以进行的


Welcome to take part in _______________ on time. Please come on time. Thanks.

_______________(落款) _______________(时间)



All the students,

We are having an English party at the Great Hall on Sunday. It will begin at 4:00 p.m. Everyone can show his excellent performance then. You can sing, tell stories in English or give an English speech at the party.

Welcome to take part in the party on time . Thanks .

English Club April 12th, 2015

模板② 口头通知


Boys and girls/Ladies and gentlemen,

May I have your attention, please? Now I've got a piece of good news to tell you. We're going to _______________(事件). We'll walk/ride/go by bus to _______________(交通方式). It's about _______________ away from _______________(距离). As we'll be away for the whole day, please remember the following








_______________(注意事项). I think we'1l _______________.

That's all. Thanks for your attention. 【模板范文】


具体阐述通知 的内容

结束语,表达愿望 吸引注意力


表达期望 表示感谢

Boys and girls,

May I have your attention, please? Now I've got a piece of good news to tell you. We're going to have a school trip this Sunday. We'll walk to Qianfo Mountain. It's about 3 kilometers away from our school. As we'll be away for the whole day, please remember the following things. Take enough food and drinks with you and wear comfortable shoes. The most important thing is to keep safe. I think we'll have a nice trip.

That's all. Thanks for your attention.


1. 表示引起注意

attention n.注意,留心announcement n.通知

2. 表示意愿

decide v.决定hope v.希望

mind v.介意make up one's mind to... 下决心……

3. 与活动相关

pay a visit to 参观;看望hold v.举办

activity n.活动spend v.度过,花(时间)

in memory of 纪念introduce v.介绍

celebrate v.庆祝party n.聚会



1. May I have your attention, please? 请注意啦!

2. Attention please. I have an announcement to make.


3. I have something important/new/bad/interesting to tell you.


4. I have the honor of announcing that...



1. We are having a(n)... about...


2. There is going to be an important talk on the playground at 14:30 on May 20.


3. In memory of ..., a(n)... will be held. 为纪念……,将举行……

4. We will pay a visit to... 我们将会参观……

5. The British Museum has a long history which has collection of over 13 million objects.


6. Do not forget to take... because we will...


7. The expert will give a talk on...



1. Do be present on time! 请务必按时参加!

2. I hope you can take an active part in...


3. That’s all. Thanks for your attention. 就是这些,感谢倾听。





All the students,


__________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________

Students' Union 【思路分析】




All the students,

In order to make our city more beautiful, we are going to plant trees in Beishan Park, We'll meet at the school gate at 8: 00 tomorrow morning and take the school bus there together. Please wear your uniforms and take your lunch. You must be on time.

Students’ Union


这篇短文使用了大量的固定句式和短语,为文章增色不少,如:In order to;plant trees;at the school gate;take the school bus;on time.等;采用祈使句,使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理;同时语言流畅,内容完整,是一篇不错的范文。






3. 旧奖牌须收回。




3. 邮件必须写在答题卡指定的位置上。


__________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________




Dear Morrison:

It is true that we have got your name wrong. I am sorry for making such a mistake.

We have decided to have made a new model for you after discussing it. It will be sent to you before June 25th. Meanwhile, we will offer you a free air ticket as compensation. You can fly to Shanghai from anywhere over the world within two years. But the old model must be taken back. If you have anything else, please contact with us anytime.

Thank you for supporting our work and wish you a good trip!

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Hua

Writing 1



1. 活动目的:缓解压力,放松心情,增进同学感情;了解城市文化;

2. 时间安排:下周日上午7:30在校门口集合,乘大巴游玩,下午6:00返回;

3. 路线安排:学校——东湖——黄鹤楼——木兰天池——学校;

4. 请在下周二下午5点之前报名;

5. 补充一两点个人的想法。


1. 词数:60—80;

2. 内容要连贯得体。

参考词汇:sign one’s name报名

Mulan Great Lake 木兰天池

Yellow Crane Tower 黄鹤楼


__________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________




The Students’ Union is going to organize a special activity next Sunday. Students feel stressed these days, I think the activity can make us relaxed. We can not only get along well with our classmates, but also know the culture of the city.

We’ll meet at the school gate at 7:30 am and take the bus to the East Lake, then we’ll go to the Yellow Crane Tower. We can e njoy the beautiful scenery. After that, we’ll go to Mulan Great Lake to have a picnic in the afternoon. We’ll take the bus back to school at 6:00 pm.

If you are interested in this activity, please sign your name before next Tuesday at 5pm. It’s also neces sary for you to bring your ID card in order to buy tickets.

Wish you a wonderful time!

The Students’ Union


这篇习作的层次清晰,内容饱满,表达流畅。文中使用了非常好的短语,例如is going to,make sb. relaxed,not only... but also,at the school gate,after that,have a picnic,take the bus back to school,interested in,in order to,Wish you a wonderful time等。而We can not only get along well with our classmates, but also know the culture of the city.,We’ll meet at the school gate at 7:30 am and take the bus to the East Lake, then we’ll go to the Yellow Crane Tower.,It’s also necessary for you to bring your ID card in order to buy tickets.等多种复杂句式的运用更是为文章增色不少。

Writing 2


要点:1. 下周六上午8:00在北门集合,乘大巴去“幸福农场”摘荔枝,下午4:30返回;

2. 享受乡村自然美镜,感受干农活的乐趣;

3. 请在下周四下午6:00前去办公室报名;

4. 你可以带上……;另外……

注意:1. 80词左右;

2. 文中不得出现能透露考生身份的任何信息。

参考词汇:荔枝lychee报名sign one’s name幸福农场Happy Farm

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________



June 25

In order to enrich the life of the residents, the Community Union is going to organize a special activity for next Satur day.We have organized a bus trip to Happy Farm for foreigners, where we plan to pick lychees. We will gather at the Nort h Gate at 8 am and return at 4:30 pm next Saturday. During the trip, we can appreciate natural scenery in the countrysid e and have fun in farming work. Of course, you can take an umbrella so as not to get sunburnt. Besides, your safety shoul d be taken into consideration.Sign your name in our office before 6 pm next Thursday if you are interested.

Wish you a wonderful time!

The Community Union

Writing 3






注意:1. 词数70左右;

2. 意思连贯,语言通顺;

3. 开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:make a speech, have a debate(辩论), exchange experience, visit, take part in, keep a diary

Welcome to the English Summer Camp

Dear students,

The English Summer Camp will be held _________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________


Welcome to the English Summer Camp

Dear students,

The English Summer Camp will be held during the time July 15 to July 18 in the school auditorium. There will be many activities, such as speech, discussing, English learning communication, teachers and students English party and view Yiyang city. Everyone is welcome to take part in it and a diary is to be required after the English summer camp ends.

Students’ Union

July 2, 2019


篇一:英语应用文写作之通知 应用文之通知 通知主要是把一些重要情况告知给相关的读者或者听众,通知的内容就是文章的主体,主要包括通知的对象,事由,时间,地点,注意事项及要求等;一般来说,书面通知都需要有发出通知的时间及落款,位置就在正文下方,通常是右下角。其中,可以用比较长、容量大的语句,这样可以体现得正式、也可以用短句,节奏明快,通俗易记。 例1:你们学校在下周五(11月9日)19:00在校报告厅举行一场学术讲座,主要讨论如何有效学习英语。目前在美国西北大学任教的johnson教授将应邀讲话。请你写一个通知,希望大家踊跃参加。词数:60词左右 academic lecture effectively/ in an effective way lecture hall/ auditorium 要点转换: 图片已关闭显示,点此查看 there is going to be a lecture about how to learn english. we’re going to hold a lecture to discuss ways to learn english. a lecture about learning english effectively is going to be held at 7 p.m. next friday. prof. johnson from northwest university, u.s.a. will give us a speech about effective english learning next friday… 连句成篇 remember to be there on time. a lecture to discuss ways of effective english learning is to be held in the school hall at 19:00, nov. 9th (next friday). prof. johnson from northwest university, u.s.a. will give us some valuable advice, which will be very useful and helpful to us. and all the students are expected to be present on time. 怎样写通知 通知一般用于上级对下级\组织对成员布置工作\传达事情及召 集会议等。通知就其形式而言,可分为书面通知和口头通知两种形式.对通知的考查侧重于对通知格式及通知正文时态的应用等方面。写好一份通知,需要掌握下面三点: 一、通知的形式 通知有多种分类。从形式上可分为书面通知(written notice)和口头通知(announcement)。书面通知用词正式,用大词较多,同时,用于书面化,可以使用一些长句;而口头通知以言简意赅为主要特点,用词表达较为口语化。 二、通知的结构 通知一般由标题、正文和结尾三部分组成。标题部分就是标题语;正文包括事情、通知对象、要求、时间、地点等;结尾部分主要包括落款和发通知的具体日期。英文通知的格式一般是将notice(每个字母都大写)写在通知正文上面一行的正中间。发通知的日期一般写在通知正文的左下角。 三、通知的书写 1.发出通知的单位和对象在一般情况下用第三人称,如要求同学们按时到会,不说“we must to?”或“you should?”,而应写成:all the students are requested to be there on time. be expected/ supposed to do. 2.在语言上,口头通知的句型应该做到口语化,多用简单句和祈使句,语言上尽可能用


2020中考英语书面表达及范文(十)书面表达(10) 紧张的初中学习生活就要结束了,你即将迎来一个轻松的暑假。请根据下面方框内的提示写一篇短文,谈谈你的假期计划。 暑假计划 1、好好休息,学会放松 2、读书,因为读书既有趣又能学到很多知识 3、陪父母聊天,帮他们做家务 4、参加社会活动,了解社会 5、…… 注意: 1、词数80~100; 2、文中不得出现真实的地址和姓名; 3、方框内容不必逐字翻译,可适当发挥。 参考词汇:知识 knowledge, 社会活动 social activities _____________________________________________________________ _____________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________

_____________________________________________________________ _____________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________ 书面表达参考答案 书面表达(10) The summer holiday is coming. I'm going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself. I will read more useful books because reading more books is not only interesting but also can make me learn more knowledge. I will try to spend more time in chatting with my parents and help them to do some housework. I am going to take part in the social activities so that I can know more about the society. If possible, I'd like to go to Shanghai for a visit of the World Expo. I'm sure I'll have an interesting and meaningful summer holiday.

【通用版】2020年中考英语复习:书面表达 试题与范文汇编(附2020年中考英语作文预测与范文10篇)

【通用版】2020中考英语复习:书面表达试题与范文汇编(附2020年中考英语作文预测与范文10篇) 1. 小明和小华是在“手拉手”活动中结成的一对学习伙伴。前不久,小明来信向小华询问如何学好英语。 请你以小华的名义给他写封回信。 内容包括: 1.学习英语的基本方法(listen carefully; speak much; read widely; learn...by heart; practise writing;...); 2.你的体会和其他建议。 词数:80词左右。信的开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Xiao Ming, I'm glad to receive your letter. In your letter you asked me about how to learn English well. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. 你的生日快乐吗?你上次生日是怎么过的?请用英语写一篇短文介绍你的上次生日。 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. 写一篇有关你和你就读的学校开展体育活动的短文。 要求:所写短文必须包括以下提示要点;意思表达清楚,文句通顺、连贯,单词拼写正确,标点无误;至少写出7个句子,字数80左右。(不包括已经给出的句子)。 要点:1.学校每年秋季举办运动会。去年运动会上你获跳远第一名。 2.同学们通常有早锻炼、做眼保健操、课后有时打篮球或踢足球。 3.介绍你最喜欢参加和观看的运动项目。 4.运动有益于身体健康,你准备进行更多锻炼。 My School Sport I study at No. 2 Middle School. ________________________________________________


2018高考英语写作专题(15)(通知)含参考范文 15 通知 Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.(称呼语及开场白)________________. (正文部分,说明具体通知事项) All the teachers and students are required to attend it. Please take your notebooks and make notes./Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discussion in groups. Make sure you’ll come on time and don’t be late.(说明通知对象和注意事项)___________________ Please come and join in it./ Everybody is welcome to attend it./I hope you’ll have a nice time here.(重申希望大家参加之情)_______________________________ That’s all. Thank you.(结束语) 口头通知 口头通知要注意以下几点: (1) 要有称呼用语。如:在正式场合用的Ladies and gentlemen,对学生用的Boys and girls 等。 (2) 要有开头语。常用的开头语有: May I have your attention, please? Be quite. There is something important I have to tell you. You need to know. I have something to tell you. (3) 时态问题。口头通知是要告诉大家即将进行的活动,因此要以一般将来时为主。 (4) 人称问题。口头通知常用第二人称表示被通知的对象。 (5) 要有结束语。常用的结束语有: That’s all. Thank you. Any questions? Does everyone understand? 书面通知 书面通知具有以下特点: (1) 书面通知的正文上面的正中有NOTICE或ANNOUNCEMENT 标志。


中考书面表达2020年中考备考必背 10篇初中英语必考书面表达,附高分范文模板,考前背熟,考试时往里套! 中考书面表达题考查学生在特定情景中综合运用语言进行书面表达的能力。《义务教育英语课程标准》对“写”的五级目标要求为: 1. 能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材。 2. 能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师的指导下进行修改。 3. 能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系。 4. 能简单描述人物或事件。 5. 能根据图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。 考点分析 通过分析近三年全国各省市的中考书面表达题,我们发现:中考书面表达题基本以有控制的写作为主,即除提供话题或标题外,一般都会提供写作要点或提示写作内容、给出首句、规定大概词数等。话题大多贴近学生生活,让学生有话可写,如日常活动、人际交往、家庭、朋友与周围的人等;体裁以记叙文和应用文居多,其次是说明文和议论文;提示方式有表格、思维导图、文字、图文等;词数一般为80-100。 评分标准 多数省市书面表达题总分为15分,按五个档次给分。评分时,评分老师先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。故同学们在写作时内容要点应齐全、高级词汇应多用、句型及语法结构应正确、上下文应连贯、语言应得体、单词拼写和标点符号应正确、书写应规范。 各档次的给分范围和要求: 一档(13-15分): 所写内容要点全面且按照任务要求进行了适当的发挥,内容丰富。应用了高级语言结构和词汇,用词准确,句子通顺,行文连贯,表达清楚,语法结构正确,没有或有个别单词拼写和标点符号错误,具备较强的语言运用能力。 二档(10-12分):


2020中考英语书面表达及参考范文 【牛刀小试】 【能力选练】A 【2019山东菏泽】书面表达(满分20分) 亲爱的同学.你的初中学习生活马上就要结束了了.请你以"My English study为题 谈一下三年来学习英语的心得体会。 1、要点包括:你在英语学习中所遇到的困难、解决的办法以及学习感悟。 2,字数要求: 不少于80字。 My English Study ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 【参考范文】 My English Study How time flies! My three-year middle school life will be over soon. Looking back. I have many memories of my English study. When I entered the middle school, I had so many difficulties with my English. I was not able to understand the teacher in class, and I couldn't master the words and phrases. For a time I wanted to give it up. Later, with the help of the teacher and my classmates, I listened to the teacher carefully in class, kept on reading English every day and spoke English as much as possible. Step by step I made great progress in English. In a word, only when you develop interest in studying English can you learn it well. 【评分说明】 1、本题为开放性试题,所提供范文仅供参考;在符合题目要求的前提下.允许考生自

2020年中考英语书面表达万能模板08 通知(含真题及范文)

1. 体裁解读 通知是一种使用范围很广的应用文。通知一般分为口头通知和书面通知两种。书面通知的语言简洁明了,要求明确。口头通知使用的语言具有明显的口语特征,通俗易懂。 2. 写作攻略 通知的内容一般包括:标题、日期、称呼语、正文和落款。通知的正上方通常要有一个标题,口头通知常用Announcement,书面通知多用Notice。书面通知还需要在最后一行写下日期,要低于落款。口头通知往往要有称呼语,如Boys and girls,ladies and gentlemen,Dear friends等。通知的正文一般包括被通知的对象、事由、时间、地点等。口头通知一般不用落款,书面通知需要落款,写出发通知的人或单位名称,落款一般写在通知的右下角。 写通知时可以遵循以下步骤: 第一步:给出开场白,吸引注意力,点明时间、地点; 第二步:阐述通知的具体内容以及需要注意的事项; 第三步:写结束语,表达期望。 下面是我们典型有关通知的作文:(以便大家感知一下) 假如你是李华,你们学校将举行"弘扬中华传统文化——戏曲进校园"展演活动,你打算邀请你的美国朋友Mike参加。请你根据以下提示用英文给他写一封电子邮件。 1. 时间:7月1日下午2点; 2. 地点:学校操场; 3. 内容:文化展览、节目表演等。 提示词:戏曲opera n. 表演performance n. 注意:1. 词数80~100; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 信中不能出现与本人相关的信息; 4. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Mike, I know you are interested in Chinese traditional culture. _____________________________________


2020湖北省中考英语真题分类汇编:08书面表达 目录 一、黄冈 二、黄石 三、随州 四、武汉 五、咸宁 六、襄阳 七、宜昌 八、鄂州 九、荆门 十、孝感一、黄冈 七、书面表达 62.同学们,在初中三年的英语学习中,我们从课本中学习了有关“Family”、“Be polite to sb.”、“Protecting the environmment”、“V olunteering”等话题和功能。假定你是李磊,请参考这些话题和功能,依据以下要点提示,写一篇题为“I’m Proud of My Family”的英语短文,向校报投稿,讲述你的家庭故事。 要点提示: 1、家人相亲相爱,努力学习、工作; 2、邻里和睦,礼貌待人; 3、爱护环境,从我做起: 写作要求 l、词数90左有(短文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数); 2、根据要点提示,适当发挥; 3、短文中不得出现真实的姓名及校名。 参考词汇:Work hard; be friendly to each other, get on well with; protect the environment;be volunteers I’m Proud of My Family My name is Li Lei.I have a happy family. There are four people in my family: my parents, my sister and I.

【答案】My name is Li Lei. I have a happy family. There are four people in my family: my parents, my sister and I. My family love each other. (My parents love us and we love our parents.) My parents both work hard. My sister and I study hard at school, too. My family are kind and friendly to our neighbors. We are all polite to each other. We get on well with each other. My family try our best to protect the environment in our daily life. My mom and my sister usually bring a bag to go shopping. My father is used to taking the bus to work. I never order takeaway food. My family are glad to be volunteers at any time. My parents often help the children in poor areas. (My sister helps in the school library twice a week.) Sometimes I read newspapers to the old people. What a happy family! I’m proud of my family! 【解析】 这是一篇话题作文,根据材料中的相关信息讲述一下你的家庭故事。所提供的材料中命好了题目:I’m Proud of My Family。主要从1、家人相亲相爱,努力学习、工作;2、邻里和睦,礼貌待人;3、爱护环境,从我做起:这三个方面去介绍。时态为一般现在时,人称为第一人称。注意作文中必须包含材料上的所有信息,并适当发挥。写作时,避免使用汉语式的英语,尽量使用我们熟悉的句子或短语。语法要正确,表达要符合英语习惯,注意时态、时间状语的搭配及主谓一致问题。写作中适当使用连词,注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系,表达具有条理性。 【高分句型一】 My family try our best to protect the environment in our daily life. 我的家人尽力保护我们日常生活中的环境。该句话运用了:try one’s best to do sth. 尽力做某事。protect the environment:保护环境。 【高分句型二】 My father is used to taking the bus to work. 我父亲习惯乘公共汽车上班。 这句话运用了:be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事。 总之,本文运用了大量的简单句,虽然没有复合句,但是这写简单句把作者的一家人的生活描写的入情入理,就像是发生在我们的眼前一样。

2023年中考英语高分作文答题模板写作技巧-09 应用文之通知(通用版)

09 应用文之通知 2023年中考英语高分作文答题模板写作技巧(通用版) 第一部分应用文之通知体裁解读及写法点拨 一、体裁解读 通知一般分为口头通知和书面通知两种。书面通知的语言简洁明了,要求明确。口头通知使用的语言具有明显的口语特征,通俗易懂。 二、书面通知和口头通知写法点拨 标题 口头:Announcement;书面:Notice 称呼语 Boys and girls;Ladies and gentlemen; Dear friends 正文: 四个W:who,what,when、where 落款 口头通知无落款;书面通知有落款 日期 口头通知无日期:书面通知有日期 第二部分应用文之通知万能黄金模板 万能模板1 书面通知

(落款) (时间)注: ①具体阐述通知的内容 ②结束语,表达期望 模板内容可根据题目要求和具体情况取舍。 万能模板2 口头通知 Announcement Boys and girls/Ladies and gentlemen, ①May I have your attention,please?②Now I've got a piece of good news to tell you. We're going to (事件)We'll walk/ride/.go by bus to (交通方式)It's about away from . (距离)As we'll be away for the whole day, please remember the following things. .The most important thing is (注意事项)I think we'll . ③That's all. Thanks for your attention. 注; ①吸引注意力 ②通知的具体内容,表达期望 ③表示感谢 模板内容可根据题目要求和具体情况取舍。 第三部分必备词汇与套用句型 必备亮点词汇 attention n.注意,留心announcement n.通知decide v.决定 hope v.希望mind v.介意hold v.举办


2020中考英语“抗击新冠肺炎疫情战疫”书面表达写作模拟训练(6篇) 1.通知 假定你是鄂尔多斯市康巴什第一中学的李华,受学校委托为全体学生写一则通知,告知他们受新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的影响,学校延期开学。 要点如下:1. 严禁学生假期到校,没有学校通知,不准提前到校; 2. 远程教育、在线心理辅导; 3. 如有调整,另行通知。 注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 参考词汇:心理的psychological教育部Ministry of Education新型冠状病毒novel coronavirus NOTICE Prevention and control of the novel coronavirus is the top priority at present. According to the announcement of Ministry of Education, the new term opening date will be postponed. Maybe after March 16th. Before that, students are not allowed to go to school. Everyone is required to work out regularly and keep healthy. Online education, including online psychological guidance, will be provided during our absence from school. Please take it seriously. If there is any change, we will keep you informed ahead of time. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【经典例句】 ①Boys and girls, may I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.同学们,请注意。我有事情要通知。(常用于口头通知的开头) ②In order to enrich students’ school life, the Students’ Union is going to ..., which mainly focuses on ...为了丰富学生的校园生活,学生会计划……主要聚焦…… ③ Everybody is required to attend it on time.要求全员按时参加。


2020中考英语书面表达及范文(五)书面表达(5) 某学校展开以"How to behave well?"为主题的英语作文比赛,请你以一名初中学生的身份写一篇60--80词的短文参赛。 内容包括:1. 守时,不说脏话;2. 礼貌待人,热心助人;3. 遵守交通规则,不乱扔垃圾;4. …… 注意:1.文中不能出现校名和自己的姓名;2. 内容可适当扩展。 How to behave well? _____________________________________________________________ _____________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________

_____________________________________________________________ _____________ 书面表达参考答案 书面表达(5) How to behave well? As a student in Yibin, we should behave well. First, I think it's very important to do everything on time and keep promises. Never lie to others or say dirty words. Next we should be polite to others and ready to help people in need. Then we'd better not talk loudly in public. Don't throw litter or spit about. And remember to obey traffic rules. Finally, learn to work with others. We need good team work in our life.


中考英语书面表达万能模板万能模板 1. 体裁解读 这两中考作文对于演讲稿的考查越来越多,它要求学生对这种题材作文要有全面掌握。 发言稿是参加会议者为了在会议或重要活动上表达自己的意见、看法或汇报思想、工作情况而事先准备好的文稿。它可以用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等。发言稿可以分为演讲稿、倡议书、欢迎辞、欢送辞等形式。 发言稿具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,它可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在感情上产生共鸣。 2. 写作攻略 发言稿的基本组成部分有三个:称呼语、正文和结束语。正文部分提出话题、论述、然后得出结论或者发出倡议。 发言稿的写作可以遵循以下步骤: 第一步:自我介绍并点明发言主题; 第二步:阐述问题或列举现象,进行总结或提出解决办过 第三步:礼貌性结束。 写作模板 模板①演讲稿 Boys and girls/Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning/afternoon/evening. I am ___________(自我介绍). It is a great honor for me to make a speech on ___________(演讲题目)/ Thank y ou for giving me the opportunity to make a s pe e ch here.The topic of my spe e ch is___________(演讲题目).In my opinion, as ___________, ___________ is important. First, we should ___________ (做法一). Then, we'd better ___________(做法二).What's more, ___________(做法三). I hope I have made myself understood. Thank you for your listening. 【模板范文】 Boys and girls, Good morning. I am Li Lei. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to make a speech here. The topic of my spe e ch is"How to keep heal t hy".In my opinion,as mid dle school students,keeping heal th y is important.First,we should do more exercise such as playing ball games,running,swimming and jumping rope.Then,we'd better pay a tt ention to our diet.Don't eat too much meat and sugar but more vegetables and fruit.And keeping enough sleep is also important.What's more,we should keep ourselves happy.As people often say,"Smiling makes people younger.” I hope I have made myse l f understo o d.Thank you for your listening. 模板②倡议书


应用文08 通知类 真题回顾 (2018·全国卷Ⅱ)你受学生会委托为校宣传栏“英语天地”写一则通知,请大家观看一部英文短片Growing Together,内容包括: 1.短片内容:学校的发展; 2.放映时间、地点; 3.欢迎对短片提出意见。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【参考范文】 NOTICE Boys and girls, May I have your attention, please? Recently, an outstanding movie will be shown in our campus. Welcome to join us and enjoy it! Here are some relevant details about it. To begin with, the name of the movie is Growing Together, which is about the development of our beloved school. It is believed that the movie will be not only meaningful but also interesting. Besides, please note that it will be shown in the library from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon on June 9th.What's more, every one of you will be welcome to take part in it, enjoying the movie, having a heated discussion afterwards and giving your own comments. Hopefully, you would make it to our activity. I have the confidence that you will have a great time then. The Students' Union

2020年浙江中考英语真题分类汇编 专题 书面表达 (学生版)

专题六书面表达 目录 一、浙江杭州 假定你是李平,最近收到意大利朋友Linda的电子邮件。以下是邮件的一部分,请你阅读后回复,词数80左右。 二、浙江嘉兴/舟山 假设你是李华。你在某英文网站上看到一则招募中国志愿者(volunteer)的广告。请根据该广告中所提供的两个志愿者项目,选择其中一个,结合自己的实际情况,给项目负责人写一封电子邮件,表达你希望参加这个

项目的愿望,并阐述理由。 注意: (1)邮件中必须包含招募广告中的信息,可适当发挥。 (2)文中不得出现与你身份相关的信息。 (3)词数: 80~100。邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir/Madam, I’m Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I want to be a volunteer. _________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Looking forward to your early reply! Yours, Li Hua 三、浙江绍兴 学校是否有必要设立“无作业日”?对此,你在班中进行了调查。请你根据下表内容写一篇短文在英语课上交流,并阐述你的观点和理由。 注意:①短文必须包括表中所有内容,可适当增加细节; ②词数:80-100; ③短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。


2020-2021年人教版英语中考英语书面表达(word)1 一、中考英语书面表达(含答案详细解析) 1.书面表达 难忘的初中生活即将结束。你们班计划举行“告别初中生活”的主题班会。假如你是班长,根据以下提示,用英语写一则通知。要点如下: 1. 时间:6月26日下午3:00. 2. 地点:六楼会议室 3. 活动内容: 1)对老师用话语表达谢意;2)与同学交流自己的将来的梦想;3)师生合影,互赠留言等等。 参考词汇:look back at , say goodbye to, express thanks to , talk about, take photos.. 备注:词数100左右,通知开头已拟好,不计入总数。 Boys and girls, The wonderful middle school life will go to the end._______________________ 【答案】Boys and girls, The wonderful middle school life will go to the end. In the past three years, we have studied and stayed together. Looking back at the days we spend together, how sweet we feel. In order to keep the happy times in our hearts for ever, we are going to have a class meeting on the afternoon of June 26 next week. The theme of the class meeting is saying goodbye to our middle school life. It will be held in Conference Room on the Sixth Floor. We are going to have some meaningful activities. To express thanks to our teachers, we each should say a thankful word to our dear teachers. We can chat freely with our classmates and teachers about our plans of the summer vacation. We can even talk about the dreams of our future. Then, we are going to take some photos with our teachers and classmates. In the end, we may give our wishes to each other. Don't be late! That's all. Thank you! 【解析】 【详解】 这篇短文使用了大量的固定句式和短语,为文章增色不少,如In order to,look back at,be going to,have a class meeting,say goodbye to,talk about,the dreams of,take some photos,in the end,each other,be late等。而复杂单句结构In order to keep the happy times in our hearts forever, we are going to have a class meeting on the afternoon of June 26 next week./ To express thanks to our teachers, we each should say a thankful word to our dear teachers.和Then, we are going to take some photos with our teachers and classmates.的运用,丰富了短文内容,使表达多样化,是本文的亮点。在学习中注意总结牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章表达更有逻辑性,也更富有条理。 【点睛】 书面表达题既不是汉译英,也不是可任意发挥的作文。它要求将所规定的材料内容经整理后展开思维,考查运用所学英语知识准确表达意思的能力。所以,考生不能遗漏要点,要
