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一、选择题25 题25分

1.从规约走向描述的里程碑词典是:OED (P.237)


Synonymous word group a common denotative component brings the words together.


Idioms are usually semantically opaque and are characterized by structural invariability.


Archaic words are words no longer in common use, however they are retained for special purpose, they are sometimes employed in poetry, business letters, legal documents, religious speeches, and prose, (marked arch. Or aic. ) whereas obsolete words just refer to the words completely out of current use . marked obs. (olete.) or dated in a dictionary.


Linguistic (or verbal )contexts or extra-linguistic (or nonverbal)can determine the meanings of words, esp. those of polysemous words.

1.Linguistic (or verbal )contexts:

Lexical context,

Lexical context refers to the lexical items combined with a given polysemous word.(see the examples of "make " on p.153 )

Grammatical context,

In grammatical context, the syntactic structure of the context determines various individual meanings of a polysemous word.(see the examples of "take " in various settings on p.153 )However, it is not sufficient to indicate all the individual meanings of a given word.(see the examples concerning the different meanings of the same pattern "get+n." on p.154 )

Verbal context

The verbal context, in its broadest sense, may cover an entire passag , or even an entire book, and in some cases even the entire social or cultural setting, as stated at the beginning of the chapter.

2.Extra-linguistic/context of situation:

1)The actual speech situation in which a word (or an utterance, or a speech event) occurs.(see the example of "operation" on p.155)

2) The entire cultural background against which a word, or an utterance or a speech event has to be set (see the example of "peasant" and "farmer" on p.156)


Componential analysis and semantic features


Motivation can be classified into three types:

1) Phonetic motivation;

Words motivated phonetically are called echoic words or onomatopoeic words, whose pronunciation suggests the meaning.

2) Morphological motivation;

We say that the word is morphologically motivated, for a direct connection can be observed between the morphemic structure of the word and its meaning.

If we know the meaning of the affix and the base, then we can immediately the meaning of this word.

3) Semantic motivation.

Semantic motivation refers to motivation based on semantic factors

The figurative usage can provide semantic motivation; the figurative meaning can be readily understood by those who know the literal meaning.


They are : 1) diachronic ; 历时角度2) synchronic.共时角度(P.110)

1) diachronic

The study of the growth or change in the semantic structure of a word, or the study of how the semantic structure of a word has developed from a primary meaning to the present polysemic state, i.e. with derived meaning springing from the original meaning. This way of study is called diachronic approaches.(primary meaning and the present polysemic meaning )
