英语作文调查报告 A survey report about




英语作文调查报告写本班学生饮食,150字全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Food Survey Report on My ClassmatesHi everyone! For my school project this term, I decided to do a survey on what kinds of food my classmates like to eat. I made up a questionnaire with different food categories and asked everyone to check off their favorites. I'm going to share what I found out!DrinksLet's start with drinks since those are really important, especially on hot days when we need something to quench our thirst. The most popular drinks were milk, juice, and water. A ton of my friends picked those! Sodas and sports drinks didn't get as many votes though. I think that's because our parents don't really like us having too many sugary beverages.Fruits and VeggiesOn to fruits and veggies next! The top favorite fruits were apples, bananas, and oranges. Those are pretty classickid-friendly fruits. Lots of us also liked grapes, strawberries, and watermelon when it's in season. For veggies, the winners were carrots, broccoli, and corn. I was surprised corn was so popular since it's not always a veggie that kids go crazy over. Least favorite ended up being brussels sprouts - no surprise there!Main DishesThese are usually the center of our meals, so I was really curious to see what main dishes everyone liked best. Pizza was the overall number one top pick! I guess kids just universally love pizza. Spaghetti, chicken nuggets, and hamburgers were also very popular. For lunches, most people said they enjoyed sandwiches, whether it was peanut butter and jelly, turkey, or ham and cheese.SnacksSnacks are always great to have for after school or to bring for a fun treat. Cookies, crackers, and chips ranked highest for our class's favorite snacks. Fruit snacks and granola bars were also pretty common picks. A few people picked veggie straws or pretzels as their preferred snack which I thought was interesting!DessertsLast but not least, desserts! This might have been the most agreed-upon category. Ice cream was definitely the number one dessert that everyone seemed to love. Cake, brownies, and cookies were also at the very top of the list. Even healthy-ish desserts like frozen yogurt and rice pudding got some votes from my health-conscious friends.So that's the scoop on what kids in my class like to eat and drink! There were definitely some common trends but also some unique favorites that made it onto people's lists. Doing this survey made me realize we have a pretty varied group when it comes to our tastes in food. Maybe I'll do another survey next year to see if anything changes!篇2The Eating Habits of My ClassmatesHi there! My name is Alex, and I'm a 4th grader at Sunny Hill Elementary School. Today, I'm going to tell you all about the eating habits of my classmates. I did a little survey and asked everyone what they like to eat and drink, and boy, did I get some interesting answers!Let's start with the food part. You won't be surprised to hear that pizza is a big hit with my friends. I mean, who doesn't love anice, cheesy slice of pizza? Tommy, who sits next to me, told me that his favorite kind is pepperoni pizza. He says he could eat it every day if his mom let him!Another popular food among my classmates is burgers. Sarah, the girl with the cute pigtails, loves cheeseburgers from the local diner. She says the secret is to add lots of ketchup and pickles. Yum!Now, let's talk about the drinks. You might be shocked to learn that quite a few of my friends prefer water over sugary sodas or juices. Jessica, the girl who's always reading books, told me that she drinks at least four glasses of water every day. She says it's good for her health and keeps her hydrated.However, not everyone is a fan of plain water. Some of my classmates like to mix things up with flavored waters or sports drinks. Ryan, the kid who's always running around during recess, loves drinking Gatorade after gym class. He says it helps replace the electrolytes he loses when he sweats.And then, there are the soda lovers. Quite a few of my friends enjoy a nice, cold can of Coke or Pepsi every once in a while. Mason, the kid with the cool sneakers, says he likes to have a soda with his pizza. He says it's the perfect combination.One thing that surprised me was how many of my classmates enjoy drinking milk. I always thought milk was for babies, but apparently, it's still a favorite among kids our age. Emily, the girl with the beautiful braids, told me she drinks a glass of milk with every meal. She says it's good for her bones and helps her grow big and strong.And let's not forget about fruit! While not everyone in my class is a fan of fruits and veggies, there are a few who really enjoy them. Tyler, the kid who's always playing sports, loves apples and oranges. He says they're a great way to get some energy before a big game.So, there you have it, folks! Those are the eating habits of my classmates at Sunny Hill Elementary School. We're a diverse bunch, with all sorts of different tastes and preferences. But at the end of the day, we all love good food and drinks that make us happy.I hope you found this report interesting and informative. Who knows, maybe you'll even try some of the things my friends like to eat and drink! Until next time, happy eating!篇3Survey on Eating Habits of Kids in My ClassHi there! My name is Emma and I'm a 4th grader at Oakwood Elementary School. For our class project this semester, we had to do a survey about something interesting and then write a report on what we found out. I decided to survey the kids in my class about their eating habits because I thought it would be really cool to see what kinds of foods we all like and don't like.To do my survey, I made up a list of 10 questions to ask everyone about what they eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. I also asked about their favorite foods, least favorite foods, and whether they eat vegetables or not. Then I went around the classroom and interviewed each of my classmates one-by-one during our free period.The results were really fascinating! I collected a lot of interesting data about what we all eat. Let me break it down for you:BreakfastFor breakfast, the most popular foods were cereal, eggs, pancakes, and toast. 16 out of the 22 kids said they eat cereal for breakfast at least a few times per week. 12 kids said they have eggs pretty often too. I think those are good breakfast choices because they give you protein to start your day off right. Only 2kids said they skip breakfast, which isn't a good idea because breakfast is the most important meal of the day!LunchAlmost everyone in my class gets the school lunch instead of packing their own. 19 out of 22 students buy the cafeteria lunch most days. From what I could tell, the favorite school lunch foods are pizza, chicken nuggets, and the sub sandwiches. The veggie choices like salads and steamed broccoli aren't as popular. But my friend Alex said he actually really likes the salad bar at school!I need to try getting a salad for lunch sometime.DinnerDinner at home is when things get a little more adventurous for my classmates. All sorts of different dinner foods were mentioned like spaghetti, tacos, stir fry, baked chicken, hamburgers, salmon, and more. It seems like most families tend to make a bigger, hot meal in the evenings. My favorite dinner foods are my mom's homemade mac and cheese or her spaghetti with meat sauce.SnacksWe all loooove our snacks! Literally every single person I surveyed said they eat snacks every day after school. Chips,cookies, granola bars, fruit snacks, yogurt, apples with peanut butter...we snack on all kinds of goodies. My personal favorites are string cheese and Goldfish crackers.Fruits & VeggiesWhen I asked about fruits and veggies, I was impressed that 17 out of the 22 students said they eat at least 1 serving of fruits or vegetables every day. Lots of kids mentioned eating things like baby carrots, apple slices, oranges, grapes, and bananas. A few said they don't really like eating fruits or veggies that much, but most of us seem to be getting at least some in our daily diets.Favorites & Least FavoritesMy survey also asked what everyone's favorite and least favorite foods were overall. The top favorite foods were pizza, mac and cheese, ice cream, chicken nuggets, and french fries. No surprise there - us kids tend to love junk food! The least favorite foods were vegetables like brussels sprouts, asparagus, spinach, and beets. A lot of people also said they don't like fish very much.So those were the main findings from my classroom survey! I had a lot of fun going around and asking everyone about thekinds of foods they eat. It was really interesting to see the differences and similarities in my friends' eating habits and diets.Overall, I think the kids in my 4th grade class actually eat relatively well and have decently balanced diets. We get lots of our favorite treats and junk foods, but most of us also eat healthy things like fruits, veggies, dairy, grains, and lean proteins pretty regularly too. There's definitely room for improvement when it comes to eating more vegetables and cutting back on chips and sweets a little. But for a group of 9 and 10 year olds, I don't think we're doing too bad!Thanks for reading my survey report. I hope you found it insightful and interesting to learn about the eating habits of me and my classmates. Let me know if you have any other questions!篇4What My Classmates EatHi! My name is Jamie and I'm in 4th grade. For my class project, I decided to find out what kinds of foods my classmates eat. I made a survey with questions about their favorite foods, what they eat for different meals, and if they eat healthy stuff like fruits and veggies.First I asked everyone their favorite food. I got a lot of different answers! The top favorite foods were pizza, chicken nuggets, ice cream, and French fries. A few people said broccoli or apples were their favorites but most of the answers were things like candy, chips, burgers, and other fun snack foods and restaurant meals.Next I asked what they usually eat for breakfast. A lot of kids said cereal like Cocoa Puffs or Lucky Charms. Some eat Pop-Tarts, waffles, or pancakes. Others have eggs, bacon, or sausage. My friend Timmy said he just has a Pop-Tart on the bus every morning. A few kids don't eat breakfast at all before coming to school.For lunch, pretty much everyone gets the school lunch. It's usually a sandwich or chicken nuggets with a fruit cup and veggie like carrots or green beans. Some people's parents pack their lunch though. Lots of lunchboxes had PB&J sandwiches, chips, a cookie or granola bar, and an apple or orange. My friend Sarah brings leftovers from dinner the night before.The last meal I asked about was dinner. This one had some of the most interesting answers! Miguel said his family loves tacos or enchiladas for dinner. Emily's mom makes spaghetti or meatloaf a lot. Some kids eat fish sticks or frozen chickennuggets at home. Hannah said they do a lot of crockpot meals like stew or pot roast.Quite a few people mentioned their family's favorite restaurants too. McDonald's, Taco Bell, and pizza places were very popular. Ethan's family orders Chinese takeout every Friday night. Isabella goes to her grandma's house for Sunday dinner and has foods like fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and mac and cheese.My last question was about fruits and veggies. I was surprised that the majority of kids said they do eat these healthy foods as sides or snacks. Popular fruits were apples, bananas, oranges, and grapes. Many said they eat carrots, broccoli, celery, and cucumber. A few said their parents have to force them to eat vegetables though.So in summary, my classmates tend to eat stereotypicalkid-favorite foods like chicken nuggets, pizza, snacks like chips and cookies, and fast food. But they also have some healthier choices worked into their meals from fruits, veggies, andhome-cooked dinners. There was a pretty big variety in everyone's answers based on their family's culture, traditions, and preferences.Overall it was really interesting to learn about all the different foods my friends eat at home and their favorite dishes. Food is such an important part of our lives and it was cool to see how children my age experience it. Maybe I'll even try some new recipes inspired by my classmates' favorites!篇5Title: What My Classmates EatHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 4th grader at Oakdale Elementary School. For our class project this semester, we had to do a survey about the eating habits of the kids in our class. I thought it would be really boring at first, but it turned out to be pretty interesting!First, we had to come up with the questions for our survey. We decided to ask things like:-What's your favorite food?-What's your least favorite food?-Do you eat breakfast every day?-Do you eat vegetables and fruits every day?-Do you drink soda/juice or just water and milk?-Do you eat fast food often?-Do you eat snacks between meals?Then we went around the class and had everyone answer the questions. It took a while because there are 25 kids in our class, but everyone was really excited to share what they like to eat.Here are some of the findings from our survey:Favorite FoodsThe number one favorite food in our class was pizza! 12 out of the 25 kids said pizza was their favorite. After that, the next popular favorites were:Chicken nuggets (6 kids)Spaghetti (4 kids)Tacos (3 kids)Least Favorite FoodsThe food that got the most votes for least favorite was broccoli. 10 kids said they really don't like broccoli! Other unpopular foods were:Brussels sprouts (5 kids)Liver (4 kids)Beets (3 kids)BreakfastWe found that only 13 out of the 25 kids eat breakfast every single day before coming to school. The other 12 said they sometimes skip breakfast or only have a little snack instead of a full meal.Fruits & VeggiesWhen we asked about eating fruits and vegetables daily, 17 kids said yes they do eat some every day. But 8 kids admitted that they don't eat any fruits or veggies most days.DrinksFor drinks, it was pretty split. 14 kids said they mainly drink water, milk or 100% fruit juice. But 11 kids said they drink sodas and sugary fruit drinks more often than just water or milk.Fast FoodOn the question of how often they eat fast food, only 5 kids said they rarely or never eat it. 12 kids said they get fast food around once a week, and 8 kids said they have it a few times a week or more!SnackingWhen asked if they snack between meals, 21 out of 25 kids said yes! The other 4 said they only have set meals and don't really snack much.So those were the main results from our class survey! We learned that a lot of the kids in our class don't necessarily have the healthiest eating habits all the time. There's a lot of sugary drinks, fast food, and snacking going on. And several kids aren't getting fruits, veggies, or even breakfast every day.Our teacher said this is pretty typical for elementary school aged kids. She said as we get older, it's important to try to develop better habits and make more nutritious choices to have energy and stay healthy.I thought doing this survey was really fun and interesting. It made me more aware of my own eating habits too. I'm going to try to eat more fruits and veggies and less junk food from now on. Maybe I'll even start liking broccoli someday!Those are all the details about our class eating survey. It was an awesome project to work on and I hope you found my report helpful and informative! Let me know if you have any other questions.篇6My Class's Eating Habits Survey ReportHi everyone! My name is Emma and I'm in 4th grade. For my school project this semester, I did a really cool survey about what kinds of foods my classmates like to eat. I made up a questionnaire with lots of different questions and handed it out to everyone in my class. Then I tallied up all the answers to see what the results were. It was really interesting to learn about my friends' eating habits! Here's what I found out:The first question I asked was about favorite fruits. The most popular fruit in my class is apples, with 8 out of 20 students saying apples are their #1 favorite fruit. Bananas came in second with 5 votes. Oranges and strawberries tied for third place with 3 votes each. Only 1 person said their favorite fruit is grapes. I was surprised that more people didn't pick strawberries since those are my absolute favorite!Next up was favorite vegetables. Carrots were the runaway winner with 9 votes! I guess a lot of my classmates have great eyesight. Broccoli got 4 votes, corn got 3 votes, and then a few different veggies like spinach, green beans, and peas each got 1 vote. Interestingly, 2 people said their favorite vegetable is french fries! I had to remind them that french fries don't really count as a veggie.When it came to favorite protein foods, chicken nuggets dominated with 11 votes. I'm not surprised since those seem to be every kid's favorite! Hamburgers came in second with 5 votes. Only 2 brave souls said their favorite protein is Brussels sprouts. And then there was 1 vote each for hot dogs and fish sticks. No one in my class picked tofu as their favorite, which I thought was weird since tofu is so yummy!The question about favorite snack foods had some crazy results. Incredibly, 8 students said their favorite snack is broccoli!I could hardly believe it. Potato chips got 5 votes and cookies got4 votes. One person voted for seaweed snacks as their favorite and another chose granola bars. Strangely, no one picked ice cream as their top snack food choice.When asked about their favorite drink, 12 out of the 20 students said milk or chocolate milk. I guess my class really has strong bones! Four people voted for fruit juice and 3 said their favorite drink is water. Only 1 person answered soda as their #1 drink. Our teacher would be really happy to hear that!Finally, I asked about everyone's absolutely favorite food in the entire world. Spaghetti was the clear winner with 6 votes. Pizza came in second with 5 votes. Two students said their favorite food is salad, which stunned me. Don't they know howboring salads are?? There were also 2 votes for tacos, and 1 vote each for cheeseburgers, fried chicken, mac and cheese, and believe it or not, beets!Overall, I learned that my 4th grade class has a surprisingly healthy set of eating habits, at least according to this survey. Lots of fruits, veggies, chicken, and milk. Though there was also plenty of love for fun foods like chicken nuggets, pizza, and spaghetti too. Doing this survey was so much fun and really interesting. I can't wait to take it again next year and see how my classmates' answers change as we all get older. Maybe next time more people will say their favorite food is beets? Who knows! Thanks for reading my report.。



做一个调查表至少五句话英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Making My Own SurveyHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm in the 5th grade. Our teacher Ms. Roberts just gave us a really cool assignment - we have to create our very own survey and ask people questions about a topic we're interested in. I'm super excited because I love finding out what people think about different things.The first step was to pick a topic for my survey. I had so many ideas swirling around in my head! At first I thought maybe I could do a survey about everyone's favorite foods. But then I remembered Timmy is allergic to peanuts, and lots of people have food allergies, so that might not be a great idea. I didn't want anyone to feel left out.Then I thought maybe I could do a survey about the best games to play at recess. That could be fun to find out what games are most popular. But I worry it might lead to arguments if Michael's favorite game of kickball gets more votes thanEmma's favorite game of four square. I don't want any fights to break out on the playground!Finally, I decided my survey should be about something nice that everyone can agree on. That's when it hit me - I'll do a survey about what makes a good friend! Thinking about qualities like being kind, telling the truth, and looking out for each other makes me really happy. I'm sure my survey will put smiles on everyone's faces.Next up, I had to actually write out the questions for my survey. I wanted to make sure I covered all the bases when it comes to good friends. Here are the questions I came up with:What is the most important quality in a good friend?Would you rather have a friend who is funny or a friend who is a good listener?Is it ever okay for a friend to tell a little white lie to avoid hurting someone's feelings?What is something nice you have done for a friend recently?How would your friends describe you as a friend?I tried to mix it up with different question types - some multiple choice, some open-ended responses. I can't wait to see all the different answers!After I finalized my questions, I created a cool design for my survey with my favorite colored pencils and markers. I drew smiley faces and hearts all over to remind people this is all about friendship. I even printed each survey on a different bright color of paper to make them look fun and inviting.Now for the best part - actually asking people to take my survey! I started with my family members. My mom said the most important quality in a friend is someone who is loyal and has your back no matter what. My dad's answer was a little different - he said it's essential for a friend to be honest and tell you the truth, even if it's hard to hear sometimes. My little sister just said she looks for friends who are nice and not mean. Fair enough!The next day, I took my surveys to school and asked my classmates to fill them out during our free period. Jake said he would much rather have a funny friend to crack jokes with than someone who just listens all the time. But Sarah felt the opposite - she wants a friend who will lend an ear when she needs to get something off her chest. Most people said they have told a little white lie before to avoid hurting a friend's feelings, like sayingthey liked an ugly gift. Though honesty is important, we all agreed being kind and sparing someone's feelings is okay sometimes.I got so many sweet responses when I asked what nice thing people had done for a friend recently. Ella said she made her best friend a get well soon card when she was home sick. Michael shared his snack with his friend who forgot his lunch one day. It was awesome to see how caring and thoughtful everyone could be.The last question, about how friends would describe you, had some hilarious answers. Adam jokingly wrote "smelly" but then crossed it out and said "loyal." Jessica said her friends would call her a "mom friend" because she's always looking out for everyone. Sammy hoped his friends would say he's fun and adventurous. Such a wide variety of responses!Once I had collected all of my surveys, I tallied up the results and made some graphs showing the most common answers. Ms. Roberts was really impressed when I presented my findings to the class. She said I clearly worked hard and put a lot of thought into creating an interesting, kid-friendly survey.This project helped me realize that there are so many different qualities that make someone a good friend. Whilebeing honest, trustworthy and kind are important, it's also great to have friends who are funny, good listeners, and can cheer you up. I feel so lucky to have such an amazing group of friends who each bring their own unique traits to the table.Most importantly, I learned that asking people about friendship and what it means to them is a nice way to spread positivity and appreciation for our friends. We should never take great friends for granted! I'm definitely going to keep doing surveys like this, because there's nothing better than celebrating the wonderful people in our lives.篇2Creating My Own SurveyHi there! My name is Emma and I'm a 4th grader at Oakwood Elementary School. Our teacher, Mrs. Roberts, recently gave our class a really fun assignment. She asked us to create our very own survey on any topic we wanted! I was so excited because I just love asking people questions and finding out what they think about different things.The first step was deciding what I wanted my survey to be about. I spent a few days thinking about potential topics that would be interesting to my classmates. At first, I thought maybe Icould do a survey about everyone's favorite snacks or TV shows. But then I realized those kinds of surveys had been done many times before. I wanted my topic to be unique and creative.Finally, I settled on a topic that I thought would be perfect - pets! I have a dog named Rufus who is my very best friend. I was curious to find out how many of my classmates have pets, what kinds they have, and what they like or dislike about caring for a furry, feathery or scaly buddy.Once I had decided on my topic, the next step was coming up with the actual survey questions. I wanted a good mix of different question types - some yes/no, some multiple choice, and some open-ended. Here are the 5 main questions I included:Do you currently have a pet?If yes, what type of pet do you have (dog, cat, fish, bird, reptile, other)?What are some of your favorite things about having a pet?What are some of the most challenging things about taking care of a pet?If you don't currently have a pet, would you like to get one in the future? Why or why not?I tried to make the questions clear, specific, and not too long or confusing. I also aimed to avoid any questions that could make my classmates uncomfortable or bring up sad memories if they had lost a pet before.After finalizing my survey questions, I went around during recess time and asked every single one of my classmates to fill it out for me. I was shocked by how eager most of them were to take my survey! I guess they were just as curious about each other's pets as I was.While some people joked around a little with some of their answer choices (a few silly friends said their "pets" were dragons or unicorns), most took it pretty seriously. I was so happy that everyone cooperated and answered all of the questions honestly and thoughtfully.Once I had collected all of the completed surveys, it was time to tally up and analyze the results. I was amazed to find that over half of my classmates have at least one pet at home! The most common pet was dogs, followed by cats, fish, and then a few kids had small furry pets like hamsters or guinea pigs. Only a couple of students had birds or reptiles as pets.For the open-ended questions, I saw some really cute, funny, and sometimes surprising responses. A lot of kids said theirfavorite things about having pets were getting to play with them, cuddle them, and have a built-in best friend. But several students also mentioned the less glamorous aspects of pet care like having to scoop litter boxes, clean out cages, and deal with pet hair all over the house!Overall, I absolutely loved the experience of creating and conducting my very own survey. It really opened my eyes to how diverse my classmates' experiences and perspectives can be, even on something as simple as pet ownership. I'm so grateful to Mrs. Roberts for giving me this fun assignment. Who knows, maybe I'll grow up to be a famous researcher or data analyst someday!篇3Making a Survey FormHi there! My name is Emma and I'm in the 5th grade. Our teacher Mrs. Wilson gave us a really fun assignment to work on this week. We have to create our own survey form with at least 5 questions all written out in English. I'm so excited because I love learning English and this is a great way to practice!First, Mrs. Wilson had us get into small groups to decide what topic we wanted our survey to be about. My group has me,Michael, Sophia, and Jake. We tossed around a few ideas like our favorite foods, TV shows, or sports. But then Sophia said "Why don't we do a survey about our favorite things to do after school?" We all thought that was a great idea since we all have such different after school activities.Next, we had to decide what kinds of questions we wanted to ask. We knew we needed at least 5 sentences in English. Michael suggested asking "What is your favorite after school activity?" as the first question. That was a perfect way to start! For the second question, I said we could ask "How many days per week do you do this activity?" Jake and Sophia both thought we should have a question about why they enjoy that particular activity so much.Sophia mentioned that surveys usually have multiple choice questions along with some open-ended ones. So for the fourth question, Jake recommended we give a few multiple choice options like "sports, art/music, academic clubs, or video games" and have people check which one fits their favorite activity best. That was a really smart idea! For the fifth and final question, I proposed we ask "If you could pick any new after school activity to try, what would it be and why?" By having an open-endedquestion at the end, people could write out a more detailed response in English.Once we had our 5 questions figured out, it was time to put everything together into an actual survey form. Mrs. Wilson showed us some examples and told us to make it look nice, clear, and organized. We decided to put a catchy title at the top like "What's Your Favorite After School Activity?" We put lines next to each question so people could write their answers. For the multiple choice question, we just had to list out the different options with little boxes to check.I was in charge of writing out the introduction paragraph that would go along with the survey questions. I tried my best to use proper English sentence structure, spelling, and grammar. Here's what I wrote:"Hello! We are 5th grade students working on a fun project about after school activities. We would love for you to take this short survey and answer the questions in English to the best of your ability. This will help us practice our English skills. Thank you for your help!"Doesn't that sound good? I worked really hard on making it sound polished and easy to understand. I can't wait to bring our completed survey into class tomorrow!The last step was to go around our school and actually have people take the survey. We went to the hallways during lunch and recess to catch students from other grades. We also stopped teachers and even the principal to get their responses too. It was so interesting to see all the different after school activities people wrote down. We got such a wide variety of answers!When we went over the survey results together as a class, we learned that playing sports like soccer, basketball, and dance were some of the most popular after school activities. But we also had a good number of people who wrote about being in the band, art club, science olympiad, and other academic groups. There were even a few students who said their favorite thing was just going home to play video games or read books! No matter what activity it was, you could tell people really enjoyed and looked forward to those after school hours.Out of all the "new activity" ideas people wrote down for the final open-ended question, my favorite response was "I would love to try rock climbing because it looks adventurous and fun but also requires a lot of skill and concentration." I thought that was such a great answer. I might actually look into taking a rock climbing class myself because that does sound like an awesome after school option!Overall, I had a total blast working on this survey project from start to finish. It combined so many skills like brainstorming ideas, working together as a team, writing out grammatically correct sentences in English, designing and organizing the layout, interacting with people to get responses, and analyzing the data. Mrs. Wilson said we all did such an impressive job, especially with formulating those 5 key survey questions in English. She could really see how much our English writing has improved.I feel so proud of what my group accomplished with this assignment. We made a high-quality survey form entirely in English, from the questions to the introduction paragraph and everything in between. We worked hard but also had fun every step of the way! I can't wait for our next chance to practice more English skills. Maybe we'll even get to make another survey soon. Let me know if you need any tips!篇4Making a Survey: An Adventure in QuestioningHi there, friends! My name is Jamie and I'm a 4th grader at Oakwood Elementary School. Today, I'm going to tell you all about the super cool project I did for my class - making a survey!What's a survey, you ask? Well, it's kind of like a big list of questions that you ask people to learn more about what they think or like or do. My teacher, Mrs. Parker, taught us that surveys are really important for finding out information.She said, "Scientists and researchers use surveys all the time to gather data from a bunch of people. Then they can analyze the results and learn new things!" I thought that sounded like a fun detective mission, so I couldn't wait to make my own survey.First, Mrs. Parker said we had to pick a topic we wanted to learn more about. I chose video games because I love playing them with my friends. My best buddy Michael picked his favorite sport, basketball. Lizzy decided to do hers on what snacks kids like best.Next, we had to come up with at least 5 questions about our topics. Mrs. Parker reminded us to make the questions clear and not too long or confusing. She said questions should only ask one thing at a time.Here are the questions I wrote for my video game survey:What is your favorite video game?How many hours per week do you play video games?Do you prefer to play games on a console, mobile device, or computer?What is your favorite game genre (type of game) like action, puzzle, adventure etc.?Do you like to play multiplayer games (games with more than one player) or single player games better?Once I had my questions ready, it was time to create the actual survey page. Mrs. Parker showed us how to set it up on the computer so there were boxes to check or fill in for each question. She said this makes it easier for people to just click their answers.I also got to pick fun graphics and colors for my survey to make it look really eye-catching and awesome. I chose images of my favorite video game characters and made the background bright green. Designing it was my favorite part!After that, it was finally time to share the survey with people and collect responses. Mrs. Parker had each of us send our surveys to our families first. I emailed mine to my mom, dad, brother, aunts, uncles, and even my grandparents!Then we brought our surveys to school and had all the other kids in our class take them during computer time. We couldwatch the results get tallied up in real-time, which was so exciting. I couldn't believe how many people said their favorite games were action-adventure ones just like me!Once we had tons of responses, the last step was to analyze all the data we gathered. Mrs. Parker taught us how to make cool graphs and charts that organized the results in a way that's easy to understand. Looking at the graphs for my video game survey, I learned that a ton of kids love multiplayer games but there's still a pretty big group who prefer single player too.This whole survey project was such an awesome experience from start to finish. I had a blast coming up with my questions, designing my survey, sharing it with people, and checking out all the results at the end. Who knew learning could be this much fun?I definitely want to make more surveys in the future about all kinds of different topics. Collecting data and seeing what people think is like being a curious explorer or scientist yourself. Kids, if you ever get the chance to make your own survey, you've got to go for it! Getting answers to your questions is an adventure.篇5Making a Survey For SchoolHi there! My name is Emma and I'm a 4th grade student. Today I want to tell you all about the survey I made for my class project. It was so much fun and I learned a lot!First, my teacher Mr. Johnson told us we had to make a survey about something we're interested in. He said a survey is a list of questions that you ask people to get information about what they think or do. I really like animals, so I decided to make a survey about pets!Next, I had to come up with at least 5 questions to ask. That was the hardest part! I thought really hard and finally decided on these questions:Do you have any pets?If you have a pet, what kind is it?What is your pet's name?What is your favorite thing about having a pet?If you don't have a pet, would you like to get one someday?I worked really hard on making the questions clear and easy to understand. My teacher helped me a little bit with the wording.After I had my questions, I asked my parents to let me survey them first to practice. My mom said she doesn't have any pets but would love a cat someday. My dad has a dog named Rufus and he said his favorite thing is playing fetch with him in the backyard. Getting to practice the survey on them first helped me get ready for the real thing.Then it was time to survey my classmates! Mr. Johnson had everyone go around the room and we all asked each other the pet survey questions. I had a clipboard to write down everyone's answers.I found out that 12 out of the 22 kids in my class have a pet. The pets included 8 dogs, 4 cats, 2 fish, 1 hamster, and 1 bird. Some of the really funny pet names were Muffin, Tank, and Sparkles! A lot of kids said their favorite thing about pets is that they're fun to play with. And most of the kids who don't currently have a pet said they want one in the future.Doing the survey was really interesting and I learned that most of my friends like animals as much as I do. It made me really want to get a pet too!After we collected all the survey answers, Mr. Johnson taught us how to make a graph to show the data. I made a bar graphthat showed how many kids had each type of pet. It helped visualize the results really clearly.The last step was to write up a report about what I learned from the survey data. I said that based on the results, pets are very popular among kids in my class. Dogs and cats are the most common, but some kids have more unusual pets too. Most kids seem to like having pets to play with and take care of. And even kids without pets would like to have one as a friend in the future.Making this survey was a lot of work, but it was also a lot of fun! I got great practice asking questions, collecting data, making graphs, and analyzing the results. Surveys help you learn about what people think and do in a very clear way.I really enjoyed this whole process and can't wait for my next survey project! Who knows, maybe I'll make one about everyone's favorite books or video games. A survey can be about almost any topic.I hope you liked learning about how I made my pet survey. Surveys are a great way to get information and I think everyone should try making one. Thanks for reading, and let me know if you have any pets too!篇6Making a Survey FormHi there! My name is Sarah and I'm in the 4th grade. Our teacher, Mrs. Johnson, just gave us a really fun assignment. We have to make our very own survey form and go ask people questions! I'm super excited because I love learning about what other people think.First, Mrs. Johnson said we need to pick a topic that we're curious about. She gave us some ideas like favorite foods, sports, TV shows, or video games. I decided to do my survey on pets because I really want to get a puppy and I want to find out what kind of pet is most popular with kids my age.Next, we had to come up with at least 5 questions about our topic. Mrs. Johnson said good survey questions are specific and have multiple choice answers to pick from. Here are the questions I wrote:Do you have a pet?a. Yesb. NoIf you have a pet, what kind is it?a. Dogb. Catc. Fishd. OtherIf you could get any pet, what would you want?a. Dogb. Catc. Rabbitd. Hamstere. OtherWhat is the best thing about having a pet?a. They are fun to play withb. They are cute and cuddlyc. They keep you companyd. OtherWhat is the hardest part about taking care of a pet?a. Feeding themb. Cleaning up after themc. Playing with them enoughd. OtherOnce I had my questions ready, I made a form on the computer to print out. I gave it a title at the top that said "Pet Survey" and put all the questions and answer choices in a list. I made sure to leave a blank line next to each question so people could circle or write their answer.The next day, I took my survey forms to school and asked my friends to fill them out during recess. I also asked some older kids and even some teachers! I got about 25 surveys filled out in total.After I collected all the surveys, I had to tally up the results for each question. For the first question about whether people have a pet, 17 said yes and 8 said no. For the second question about what kind of pet, dogs were the most popular with 9, then cats with 5, fish with 2, and 1 person had a guinea pig.For the third question about what pet they would want, dogs won again with 14 votes, then cats with 5, rabbits with 3, hamsters with 2, and 1 person said they would want a snake! Looks like dogs are definitely the favorite.The fourth question about the best part of having a pet was a close one - 10 people said playing with them is the best, 9 said they are cute and cuddly, and 6 said they like having a companion. No one picked the "other" option for that one.Finally, for the hardest part of pet care, the number one answer was cleaning up after them with 13 votes. Then feeding them with 7 votes, and playing with them enough with 5 votes. No one selected "other" for that question either.Overall, my survey showed that most kids my age have a pet or want one, especially a dog. We like playing with our pets and think they are really cute and fun. The hard part is cleaning up after them, but I guess that's a small price to pay for so much furry friendship!I had a lot of fun doing this survey project. I can't wait to show Mrs. Johnson my results and tell the class what I learned. Who knows, maybe my survey will help convince my parents that a puppy is the perfect pet for me! Thanks for reading, and let me know if you have any pets too!。



学生做家务调查报告英语作文模板My Household Chores Survey ReportIntroductionHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 4th grade student at Oakwood Elementary School. For our class project this semester, we had to conduct a survey about household chores and then write up a report on our findings. It was a lot of work but I learned so much from speaking to my classmates about their responsibilities at home.The Survey ProcessFirst, I worked with my teacher Mrs. Martin to come up with a list of questions we wanted to ask other students about the chores they do. Some of the questions were:What kind of chores do you have to do at home?How often do you do these chores?Do you have assigned chores or do your parents ask you as needed?Do you get an allowance or rewards for doing your chores?Do you think the chores are fair for your age?How do you feel about doing chores?Once we had the questions ready, each student in the class took the survey home and interviewed one family member, either a parent or older sibling. We were told to take good notes on their responses.Over the next week, everyone conducted the interviews and brought their notes back to class. Mrs. Martin compiled all the data into a spreadsheet so we could analyze the results as a group. I was so excited to see what everyone else's families expected from them at home!Survey FindingsLooking at the data, it was clear that the most common chores for elementary kids were:Making their bedCleaning their roomLoading/Unloading the dishwasherTaking out the trash/recyclingFolding and putting away laundryInterestingly, a lot of the older siblings reported having to do yard work like mowing the lawn or raking leaves too. I guess parents give bigger chores to bigger kids!Most families had assigned chores that kids had to do daily or weekly without being asked. Only about 25% of the students said their parents just told them to do random chores whenever they needed help.As for allowance, it was an even split - half the families gave an allowance or rewards for completed chores while the other half considered chores just a regular family responsibility with no payment. The kids getting an allowance said it really motivated them to stay on top of their jobs.When asked if they felt their chores were fair for their age, a huge 80% of students said yes! They felt the tasks were reasonable expectations. The other 20% thought they had too much to do compared to friends and siblings.Finally, we asked how students felt about doing chores in general. Responses varied quite a bit, but some common trends were:Disliking chores but understanding they were importantPreferring certain chores over othersFeeling a sense of pride and accomplishment when all chores were finishedAppreciating chores as a way to help out their familiesWishing rewards were given more often for a job well doneMy ThoughtsPersonally, my family has a chore chart that rotates responsibilities weekly. One week I'll have bathroom duties while my brother takes out the trash. The next week we'll swap. I really like this system because it keeps things fair and ensures we're both helping out equally.My parents do give us a small allowance, plus chances to earn extra for bigger jobs like washing the car. I have to admit this allowance definitely keeps me motivated to get my chores done without being nagged!While I may complain about having to do chores sometimes, I know it's not that much work compared to all my parents do around the house. Chores teach me responsibility and the value of hard work. Plus, I feel really good when my chore is done and I can check it off the list. It's satisfying to look at a clean, organized space and know I made it that way through my own effort.Overall, this survey showed me that household chores are a normal part of every family's routine. The type of chores and rewards may differ, but the idea of kids contributing to the household work is very common. I'm just glad my family's expectations seem to be fair for a kid my age!ConclusionWell, that's my report on our Class Chores Survey findings! I had a lot of fun conducting the interviews and analyzing the responses. Maybe I'll even become a survey researcher when I grow up? For now, it's time for me to go clean my room before my mom's inspection tonight. A clean room is a happy room! Thanks for reading.。



调查报告英语作文范文Investigation Report。

Title: The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers' Mental Health。


Social media has become an integral part of modern life, especially for teenagers. With the rise of platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, young people are spending more and more time online, connecting with their peers and consuming vast amounts of information. However, the impactof social media on teenagers' mental health has been atopic of much debate. In this report, we aim to investigate the effects of social media on teenagers' mental health and provide recommendations for parents, educators, and policymakers.Methodology。

To gather data for this report, we conducted a survey of 500 teenagers aged 13-18 from diverse backgrounds. The survey included questions about their social media usage, mental health status, and perceptions of their own well-being. Additionally, we interviewed mental health professionals and educators to gain insights into the potential impact of social media on teenagers' mental health.Findings。



关于环境污染的调查报告的英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Investigation Report on Environmental PollutionHi everyone! Today, I want to share with you all about the investigation we did on environmental pollution. It’s super important to take care of our planet, so let’s learn more about what we found out!First, we visited a local river and found that it was full of trash. There were plastic bottles, bags, and even old tires floating in the water. This pollution is harmful to the fish and other animals that live in the river. We need to make sure to dispose of our trash properly and not litter!Next, we went to a park and saw that many people were using pesticides on their plants. These chemicals can seep into the soil and water, hurting the plants and animals that rely on them. It’s important to find natural ways to take care of our gardens and avoid using harmful chemicals.We also noticed that many cars were emitting a lot of smoke into the air. This pollution can cause health problems for people and animals, and contribute to climate change. We should try to walk, bike, or carpool whenever we can to reduce air pollution.In conclusion, we need to take care of our environment and make sure to reduce pollution. Remember, we only have one Earth, so let’s all do our part to keep it clean and healthy. Thanks for listening to my report! Let’s wo rk together to protect our planet!篇2Title: Investigation Report on Environmental PollutionHello everyone! Today I want to talk about environmental pollution. I did a little investigation and found out some interesting things.First, I asked people in my neighborhood about what they think causes pollution. Many said that cars and factories are big polluters because they release harmful gases into the air. Some also mentioned littering and not recycling as major causes of pollution.Next, I went to a nearby lake to see if there was any pollution there. I was sad to see trash floating on the water and oil slicks on the surface. This made me realize how important it is to keep our water clean.I also talked to some experts about the effects of pollution on our health. They told me that air pollution can cause respiratory problems and even lung cancer. Water pollution can make us sick if we drink contaminated water. It’s really scary to think about how pollution can harm us.After my investigation, I decided to take action to protect the environment. I will start by reducing my use of plastic and recycling more. I also want to spread awareness about the importance of keeping our environment clean.In conclusion, pollution is a serious problem that we need to address. Let’s all do our part to protect our planet and keep it clean for future generations. Together, we can make a difference! Thank you for listening to my report.篇3Title: An Investigation Report on Environmental PollutionHi everyone! Today, I want to talk to you all about environmental pollution. I recently did a little investigation on this topic and I want to share my findings with you.First of all, I found out that pollution comes in many forms, such as air, water, and land pollution. Air pollution happens when harmful gases and particles are released into the air by cars, factories, and other sources. Water pollution occurs when chemicals and waste are dumped into rivers, lakes, and oceans. And land pollution happens when garbage is not properly disposed of and ends up littering our streets and parks.During my investigation, I also learned that pollution can have a big impact on plants, animals, and people. Pollution can make the air we breathe dirty and cause health problems like asthma and allergies. It can also harm plants and animals, making it harder for them to survive.But don't worry, there are things we can do to help reduce pollution! We can recycle our trash, use less plastic, and walk or bike instead of driving whenever possible. If we all work together to protect our environment, we can make a big difference.In conclusion, environmental pollution is a serious issue that we all need to be aware of. By taking small steps in our daily lives,we can help make the world a cleaner and healthier place for everyone. Let's all do our part to protect our planet!篇4Title: Investigation Report on Environmental PollutionHi everyone! Today I'm going to share with you our class's investigation report on environmental pollution. We all know that environmental pollution is a big problem that affects our planet. So, we decided to do some research to learn more about it.First, we surveyed our classmates to see what they knew about environmental pollution. We found that most of them were aware of pollution caused by cars, factories, and littering. However, many of them didn't know about other sources of pollution such as deforestation and plastic waste.Next, we went outside to observe our surroundings. We noticed that there was a lot of garbage on the ground, especially near the school gate. We also saw some factories nearby emitting smoke into the air. It made us sad to see how our environment was being affected by pollution.After that, we interviewed some adults in our community to get their opinions on environmental pollution. They told us that they were concerned about the effects of pollution on their health and the health of future generations. They also mentioned the importance of recycling and reducing waste to protect the environment.In conclusion, our investigation showed us that environmental pollution is a serious problem that we all need to work together to solve. We learned the importance of taking care of our planet and making efforts to reduce pollution in our daily lives. Let's all do our part to keep our environment clean and healthy! Thank you for listening to our report.篇5Title: A Survey Report on Environmental PollutionHi everyone! I'm here to report the results of our survey on environmental pollution. We, a group of primary school students, conducted this survey to find out how people feel about the pollution in our environment.Firstly, we asked people about the types of pollution they are most concerned about. The majority of them said air pollution is the biggest problem, followed by water pollution and soilpollution. They mentioned that the dirty air makes them sneeze and cough, the polluted water is bad for animals and plants, and the contaminated soil affects the growth of crops.Next, we asked people what they think causes environmental pollution. Most of them pointed fingers at factories, vehicles, and littering. They said that factories release harmful gases and waste into the air and water, vehicles emit exhaust fumes that pollute the air, and littering makes the environment dirty and unpleasant.We also asked people how they are trying to help reduce pollution. Many of them said they dispose of their waste properly, recycle items like plastic bottles and paper, and use public transportation or bicycles instead of driving cars.In conclusion, our survey shows that people are aware of the environmental pollution problem and are taking steps to address it. However, more efforts are needed to protect our environment and make it clean and healthy for everyone. Let's all work together to make a difference!That's all for now. Thank you for listening to our report!篇6Title: A Report on Environmental PollutionHello everyone, I am a student from the Green Earth Club and today I want to share with you about our recent survey on environmental pollution.We visited different places like parks, rivers, and streets to see how clean or dirty they are. We found out that many people are throwing trash everywhere, especially plastic bottles and paper. This is not good for our environment because it can harm animals and plants.We also saw that some factories are releasing dirty smoke into the air, causing air pollution. This can make people sick and make it hard for us to breathe properly.In the rivers, we noticed a lot of garbage floating on the water. This can contaminate the water and harm the fish and other animals living in it.After our survey, we talked to our classmates and teachers about what we saw. We decided to take action by organizing a clean-up event in our school and spreading awareness about the importance of keeping our environment clean.We hope that more people will join us in protecting our Earth and making it a better place for us and future generations.Let's all work together to reduce pollution and preserve our beautiful planet!That's all for now, thank you for listening!篇7Title: An Investigation Report on Environmental PollutionHi everyone! Today I'm going to share with you the results of our investigation on environmental pollution. We had a big project for our school and we wanted to find out more about how pollution is affecting our planet.First, we talked to some experts and they told us that pollution comes from many different sources. One big source is cars and trucks that release harmful gases into the air. Another source is factories that produce a lot of smoke and chemicals. Even plastic waste that is not properly disposed of can cause pollution in our oceans and rivers.Next, we went out into our community to see how pollution is impacting us. We noticed that there was a lot of litter on the streets and in the parks. We also saw some dirty rivers and lakes that had trash floating in them. It made us sad to see how our beautiful environment was being ruined by pollution.To help solve this problem, we learned that we can all do our part to reduce pollution. We can recycle our trash, use less plastic, and carpool or use public transportation instead of driving our own cars. We can also participate in community clean-up events to keep our environment clean and healthy.In conclusion, we found out that environmental pollution is a big problem that affects all of us. But if we work together and take action, we can make a difference and protect our planet for future generations. Let's all do our part to keep our environment clean and green! Thank you for listening.篇8Title: Investigation Report on Environmental PollutionHi everyone! Today, I want to share with you the findings from our investigation on environmental pollution. We decided to do this project because we know how important it is to take care of our planet.First, we went around our school and neighborhood to see how clean or dirty the environment was. We found out that there was a lot of litter on the ground, like candy wrappers, plastic bottles, and even old toys. It made us sad to see all the trash everywhere.Next, we talked to some people in our community to find out what they thought about environmental pollution. Many of them said that they were worried about the air and water getting polluted, and the impact it could have on our health.We also did some research online and learned that pollution can come from factories, cars, and even our own homes. We realized that we all need to do our part to reduce pollution, like recycling, using less plastic, and planting more trees.In conclusion, we need to work together to protect our environment and keep it clean and healthy. Let's all do our part to make a difference! Thank you for listening to our report.篇9Title: Investigation Report on Environmental PollutionHi guys! Today I want to share with you all the information I found out about environmental pollution. I did a little investigation and found out some interesting things that I want to tell you about.First of all, do you know what environmental pollution is? Well, it's when harmful substances are released into the environment and cause damage to plants, animals, and people.There are many types of pollution, like air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution.I found out that one of the major causes of environmental pollution is the burning of fossil fuels, like coal, oil, and gas. This releases harmful gases into the air, which can cause health problems for people and animals. Another major cause is the disposal of waste, like plastic bottles and bags, which can end up in our oceans and harm marine life.I also learned that we can all do our part to reduce pollution. We can recycle our waste, use public transportation or carpool to reduce emissions, and save energy by turning off lights and appliances when not in use.So, let's all do our part to protect our environment and keep it clean and safe for everyone. Together, we can make a difference!篇10Title: An Investigation Report on Environmental PollutionHi everyone, I'm here to report on our investigation about environmental pollution. We went around our neighborhood toobserve and gather information about the different types of pollution affecting our environment.First, we found out that air pollution is a big problem. Many cars in our area release harmful gases into the air, which can make people sick and damage the environment. We also noticed factories releasing smoke and fumes into the air, making it dirty and hard to breathe.Next, we looked at water pollution. We saw that some people were throwing trash into rivers and lakes, which can harm the animals living there and make the water unsafe to drink. There were also some factories dumping chemicals into the water, which is very dangerous and can make people and animals sick.Lastly, we investigated land pollution. We found a lot of litter on the streets and in parks, which can attract pests and harm the natural beauty of our surroundings. We also saw that some people were throwing plastic bags and bottles on the ground, which can take hundreds of years to decompose.In conclusion, environmental pollution is a serious problem that we all need to work together to solve. We can start by reducing our use of cars, recycling our trash, and picking up litterwhen we see it. Let's all do our part to keep our environment clean and healthy for future generations. Thank you for listening!。


The third one although part-time have benefit, there are also some disadvantages. Students should be a reasonable allocation of time,ensure that not to delay the study during part-time.
From our survey, we learned that the purpose of university students’ part-time, 80% is to make money and only a remaining 20% of the students is to make friends, exercise and increase their own experience. The use of part-time income is mainly to reduce the cost of living at home as a burden , the second is as pocket money,than only 7% of the students are used to make friends .
Report on students about part-time
To:university students From:Susa Date:Dec.4, 2011
Intrቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱduction
We did a survey about part-time of the university students last week.Our respondents are the Numerical control 1032 and the graduates,about 80 people in our survey.Our aim is to understand students' part-time status, income, causes, advantages and disadvantages,and so on.



英文调查报告范文关于中学生英语学习全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: A Survey Report on High School Students' English LearningHi everyone! Today I want to share with you all about the survey I did on our classmates' English learning. I asked 50 students from different grades and classes about how they feel about learning English in school. Here are some interesting findings!First of all, most of the students said that they like learning English because it is fun and interesting. They enjoy watching English movies and listening to English songs. Some students even said that they want to travel to English-speaking countries in the future, so they see learning English as a way to communicate with people from different cultures.However, some students also mentioned that they find English grammar and vocabulary difficult to remember. They said that they often mix up tenses and have trouble with spelling and pronunciation. Some students suggested that they needmore practice exercises and games to help them improve their language skills.When asked about their favorite English teacher, many students mentioned teachers who are enthusiastic and creative in their teaching methods. They said that these teachers make learning English fun and engaging, which motivates them to study harder.In conclusion, most of the students have a positive attitude towards learning English, but they also face challenges in grammar and vocabulary. They appreciate teachers who make learning fun and engaging. To improve their English skills, students suggest more practice exercises and games in the classroom.That's all for my report! Thank you for listening, and let's keep on learning English together!篇2Title: A Survey Report on Middle School Students' English LearningHi everyone! Today I'm going to share with you the results of a survey we conducted about middle school students' Englishlearning. We asked 100 students from different schools about their thoughts and experiences with learning English. Let's dive into the findings!First of all, we found that 80% of the students think English is an important subject to learn. They believe that it will help them communicate with people from around the world and improve their future career opportunities. However, some students mentioned that they find English grammar and vocabulary difficult to learn.When it comes to their favorite English activities, 60% of the students enjoy watching English movies and TV shows. They think it's a fun way to improve their listening and speaking skills. Meanwhile, 30% of the students prefer reading English books and articles to expand their vocabulary and knowledge.In terms of the challenges they face in learning English, 40% of the students said they struggle with speaking fluently. They feel shy and nervous when practicing English with their classmates or teachers. Additionally, 30% of the students find it hard to remember complex grammar rules and words.To overcome these challenges, 50% of the students suggested that having more interactive and engaging activities in English classes would be helpful. They want to play games, dogroup projects, and have conversations in English to make learning more enjoyable. Moreover, 20% of the students recommended watching more English videos and listening to English songs to practice their listening skills.In conclusion, most middle school students value learning English and understand its importance in today's globalized world. However, they face challenges such as speaking fluently and remembering complex grammar rules. By incorporating more interactive activities and using multimedia resources, teachers can help students improve their English skills and make learning more enjoyable.That's all for the survey report! Thank you for listening, and I hope you find these insights helpful for your own English learning journey. Let's keep practicing and improving together!篇3Title: Survey Report on Middle School Students' English LearningHi everyone! Today I want to share with you the results of the survey I conducted on middle school students' English learning. I asked some of my classmates about their opinionsand experiences with learning English, and here is what I found out!First of all, most of the students I interviewed said that they think English is an important subject to learn. They believe that knowing English can help them communicate with people from all over the world and can also open up more opportunities for them in the future.When it comes to their favorite way of learning English, many students said that they enjoy watching English movies and TV shows. They believe that this helps them improve their listening and speaking skills in a fun and engaging way. Some students also mentioned that they like practicing English with their friends, either by talking to each other in English or by playing games that involve using English words.On the other hand, some students find English grammar to be quite challenging. They said that remembering all the rules and exceptions can be difficult, especially when they are trying to write essays or reports in English. However, they also mentioned that they find it helpful to practice writing regularly and to ask their teachers for help when they have questions.Overall, most students seem to enjoy learning English and are motivated to improve their skills. They understand theimportance of being able to communicate in English and are willing to put in the effort to become more proficient in the language.In conclusion, English learning is an important part of middle school education, and it is encouraging to see that students are actively engaged in the process. By continuing to practice and study English, they will be better equipped to succeed in their future endeavors. Keep up the good work, everyone!That's all for my survey report. Thanks for reading!篇4Title: A Survey Report on High School Students' English LearningHello everyone! Today I want to share with you the results of the survey I conducted on high school students' English learning.I asked 100 students from different schools about their English learning habits, difficulties, and opinions. Let's take a look at what they said!First of all, most students agreed that English is an important subject and they understand the significance of learning it. However, many students mentioned that they find Englishgrammar to be the most challenging part. They also feel nervous when speaking in English and have difficulty understanding native speakers.When it comes to study habits, the majority of students said that they study English for at least an hour every day. They like to watch English movies, listen to English songs, and read English books to improve their language skills. However, some students admitted that they often procrastinate and don't practice speaking enough.In terms of resources, students rely heavily on textbooks, online resources, and language apps for their English learning. They find online platforms like Duolingo and YouTube to be helpful in improving their listening and speaking skills. Some students also mentioned that they attend English tutoring classes to get extra help.Overall, the survey results show that high school students are actively engaging in English learning and trying their best to improve. They have identified their weaknesses and are working on overcoming them. With determination and regular practice, I believe that they will continue to make progress in their English language skills.That's all for the survey report! Thank you for listening and keep up the good work in your English learning journey! Let's continue to strive for excellence in mastering the English language!篇5Title: A Survey on High School Students' English Learning HabitsHi everyone! I did a survey on high school students' English learning habits, and I want to share my findings with you all.Firstly, I found out that most students spend about 1-2 hours a day studying English. Some students study for longer periods, especially before exams. Some students also mentioned that they watch English movies or TV shows to improve their listening skills.Secondly, most students prefer to study English with friends or classmates. They often do group study sessions or practice speaking English together. Some students also mentioned that they use language learning apps or websites for additional practice.Thirdly, I found that many students struggle with grammar and vocabulary. Some find it hard to remember new words or understand complex grammar rules. However, most students believe that practice makes perfect, and they keep trying to improve their English skills.Lastly, I asked students about their future plans involving English. Many students expressed their desire to study abroad or work in an English-speaking country. They believe that having good English skills will help them in their future careers.In conclusion, high school students have different ways of learning English, but they all share the same goal of improving their language skills. By studying hard and practicing regularly, they believe that they can achieve success in their English learning journey. Thank you for reading my survey report!篇6Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to talk about a survey I did on how middle school students learn English. I asked a bunch of my friends in different grades and here's what they said.First off, most of my friends said that they learn English in school. They have English classes a few times a week where theylearn grammar, vocabulary, and reading and writing skills. Some of them also have speaking and listening practice.A lot of my friends said that they enjoy learning English because it's fun to learn about different countries and cultures. They like watching English movies and TV shows, listening to English songs, and even chatting with people from other countries online.But some of my friends said that they find English difficult. They struggle with grammar rules, pronunciation, and spelling. They also find it hard to remember all the vocabulary words they need to know.When I asked my friends how they study English outside of school, a lot of them said they use English learning apps and websites. They watch English videos on YouTube, read English books, and practice speaking with their friends.Overall, most of my friends said that they think learning English is important because it can help them in the future. They said it can open up opportunities for them to travel, study abroad, and even get better jobs.So, that's what my friends had to say about learning English in middle school. It seems like most of them enjoy it and see thevalue in learning a new language. Thanks for listening to my report!。



有关于环境保护的调查报告英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Investigation Report on Environmental ProtectionHello everyone! Today I want to share with you all about the important topic of environmental protection. I did a survey to find out more about what people think and do to protect our environment.Firstly, I asked people about their awareness of environmental protection. Most of them said that they know it's important to protect the environment, but they don't always know how to do it. Some of them mentioned things like recycling, saving water, and planting trees.Next, I asked about what actions they take to protect the environment. Many said that they try to reduce waste by recycling and reusing things. Some mentioned that they use less plastic and try to walk or ride a bike instead of driving a car. A few people said they volunteer to clean up parks and beaches.I also asked about the biggest environmental issues they are concerned about. The most common answers were air pollution, water pollution, and deforestation. People are worried about how these problems are affecting wildlife, climate change, and our health.In conclusion, it's clear that people care about the environment and want to protect it. We all need to work together to make a difference. Remember, even small actions can have a big impact on our planet. Let's keep spreading awareness and taking action to protect our environment for the future generations.That's all for my report. Thank you for listening! Let's all do our part to protect the environment. Bye-bye!篇2Title: A Survey Report on Environmental ProtectionHello everyone! Today, I'm going to share with you the results of the survey we conducted on environmental protection. We asked our classmates some questions about how they feel and what they do to protect the environment. Let's take a look at the findings!First of all, we asked our classmates if they think it's important to protect the environment. A whopping 98% of the students said yes! They believe that it's crucial to take care of our planet for future generations.Next, we asked what actions they take to protect the environment. Many students said they always remember to turn off lights and electronics when not in use. Some students also mentioned that they bring reusable bags when they go shopping to reduce plastic waste. It's great to see so many of us making small changes to help the environment!We also asked our classmates how they feel when they see people littering or polluting the environment. The majority of students said they feel sad and angry. They think it's not right to harm our planet in that way and wished everyone would do their part to keep the environment clean.In conclusion, it's clear from our survey that our classmates care about the environment and are taking action to protect it. Let's continue to spread awareness and make a positive impact on our planet. Together, we can make a difference!That's all for now. Thank you for listening!篇3Title: A Survey Report on Environmental ProtectionHi everyone! Today, I want to share with you all the information I gathered from my survey on environmental protection. I asked my classmates and teachers some questions about how they feel about protecting the environment. Let's see what they had to say!First, I asked them why they think it's important to protect the environment. Most of them said that the environment is where we live, and if we don't take care of it, we won't have a nice place to live in the future. They also mentioned that animals and plants rely on a clean environment to survive, so it's important to protect it for them too.Next, I asked them what they do to help protect the environment. Some of my classmates said they always recycle paper and plastic, while others mentioned that they pick up trash when they see it on the ground. One teacher said she likes to plant trees in her garden to help reduce air pollution.I also asked them if they think people are doing enough to protect the environment. Most of them said no, and that more needs to be done to reduce pollution and waste. They also mentioned that everyone needs to work together to make a bigger impact.In conclusion, my survey showed that people understand the importance of protecting the environment, but there is still more that can be done. It's up to all of us to do our part to protect the environment for future generations. Let's all work together to make a difference!That's all for my report on environmental protection. I hope you all learned something new from it. Thanks for listening!篇4Hello everyone! Today I'm going to share with you a report about environmental protection. I did a survey in my school and here are the results:First of all, I asked my classmates if they think it's important to protect the environment. Almost everyone said yes! They know that we need clean air, clean water, and a healthy planet to live on. They also mentioned that we need to protect the animals and plants that live in our environment.Next, I asked them what they do to help protect the environment. Some students said they always recycle their trash and try to use less plastic. Others said they like to plant trees and participate in clean-up events in their communities. One studenteven mentioned that they turn off the lights and electronics when they're not using them to save energy.I also asked my classmates if they have any ideas for how we can improve environmental protection. One student suggested that we should all use reusable water bottles instead of plastic ones. Another student said they think we should reduce our use of paper by using digital devices more often.Overall, my classmates are very aware of the importance of environmental protection and are taking steps to help make a difference. It's great to see so many young people caring about our planet and working together to make it a better place for everyone. Let's all do our part to protect the environment and keep our planet healthy! Thank you for reading my report.篇5Title: A Survey Report on Environmental ProtectionHey guys! Today I want to talk about something super important - environmental protection! I did a survey with my friends and family to find out what they think about it. Let me tell you all about it!First of all, most of the people I asked said that they care a lot about the environment. They know that things like pollution, deforestation, and climate change are really bad for our planet. Some of them even said that they try to do things like recycle, use less plastic, and save energy to help protect the environment.But you know what? Some people said they still don't do enough to help the environment. They admitted that they sometimes forget to recycle, or they take long showers, or they drive their cars too much. We all need to do better, right?When I asked about what they think the government should do to protect the environment, most people said that they should make stricter laws and regulations to control pollution. They also said that the government should invest more in renewable energy sources like solar and wind power.Overall, my survey showed that people care about the environment and want to do more to protect it. We all need to work together to make sure our planet stays healthy and beautiful for future generations. Let's all do our part to protect the environment! Go green! ✌️That's all for my survey report on environmental protection. Thanks for listening, guys!篇6Title: Environment Protection Survey ReportIntroduction:Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you the results of a survey we conducted about environment protection. We asked people of all ages about their opinions and actions on protecting the environment. Let's see what they had to say!Survey Results:1. Do you think it's important to protect the environment?- 90% of the people surveyed said yes, they believe it's very important to protect the environment. They mentioned things like saving the planet for future generations and preserving nature's beauty.2. What do you do to protect the environment?- 70% of the people said they try to reduce, reuse, and recycle as much as possible. Some of them also mentioned planting trees, picking up trash, and using eco-friendly products.3. Do you think there are enough efforts being made to protect the environment?- Surprisingly, 40% of the people said no, they think more needs to be done to protect the environment. They suggested things like stricter laws, more education, and better ways of recycling.4. What can we do to protect the environment?- The most common answers were to reduce waste, use less plastic, and plant more trees. Some people also mentioned supporting companies that are environmentally friendly and spreading awareness about the importance of protecting the environment.Conclusion:In conclusion, it's clear that people care about the environment and want to make a difference. By taking small steps in our daily lives and advocating for change, we can all contribute to a healthier planet. Let's continue to work together to protect the environment for future generations! Thank you for listening to our survey report.Keep the Earth clean and green!篇7Title: A Survey Report on Environmental ProtectionHi everyone, I am writing a report about environmental protection based on a survey conducted in our school. Let's explore the importance of protecting our environment together!Firstly, we asked students about their knowledge of environmental issues. Most of them were aware of problems such as air pollution, deforestation, and plastic pollution. They also understood the role of recycling and reducing waste in protecting the environment. It's great to see that many students care about our planet!Next, we asked students how they contribute to environmental protection in their daily lives. Some said they always bring a reusable water bottle to school, while others mentioned picking up litter in the schoolyard. A few students even participate in tree planting activities on weekends. It's inspiring to see how much we can do to make a difference!We also inquired about the challenges students face when trying to protect the environment. Many mentioned the lack of recycling facilities in their neighborhoods, while others expressed concern about the use of plastic packaging in stores. Some students also pointed out the difficulty of convincing others to change their habits for the environment. It's clear thatwe need more support and resources to overcome these challenges.In conclusion, the survey has shown that students are aware of environmental issues and are willing to take action to protect our planet. However, we need to address the challenges they face and provide more opportunities for them to make a positive impact. Let's work together to create a cleaner and greener world for future generations!That's all for my report, thank you for listening! Let's continue to spread awareness and take action for environmental protection!篇8Title:Investigation Report on Environmental ProtectionHi everyone! Today I want to share with you about the investigation report on environmental protection that our class recently did. We all know that protecting the environment is very important, so we decided to find out more about what we can do to help.First, we interviewed our classmates to see if they know about environmental protection. Most of them said that theyknow it’s important to recycle and not litter, but some didn’t know much else. We also asked them if they have any ideas on how to protect the environment better. Some said we should plant more trees, use less plastic, and save water.Next, we went around our school to see how clean it is. We found that there was a lot of litter on the ground, especially near the playground. We decided to organize a clean-up day to pick up the trash and make our school look nice again.After that, we did some research online to learn more about environmental protection. We found out that there are many small things we can do every day to help the environment, like using reusable bags and turning off lights when we’re not using them. We also learned about the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling.In conclusion, we all need to work together to protect the environment. We can start by picking up trash, saving water, and using less plastic. Let’s all do our part to make the world a cleaner and greener place for everyone!That’s all for our investigation report on environmental protection. Thank you for listening!篇9Title: A Survey Report on Environmental ProtectionHello everyone! Today, I want to share with you a survey report on environmental protection. As we all know, taking care of our environment is very important to ensure the health and well-being of our planet.First of all, we asked people about their daily habits related to environmental protection. Most of the respondents said that they try to reduce, reuse, and recycle as much as possible. For example, they use reusable water bottles, bring their own bags when shopping, and separate recyclables from regular trash.Next, we asked about the importance of protecting the environment. A majority of the people surveyed agreed that protecting the environment is crucial for the future of our planet. They mentioned that air and water pollution, deforestation, and climate change are serious problems that need to be addressed.Furthermore, we inquired about the ways in which people contribute to environmental protection. Some of the common responses included participating in clean-up events, planting trees, using public transportation, and conserving energy at home.In conclusion, it is clear from the survey that people are aware of the importance of environmental protection and are taking steps to contribute in their own small ways. However, there is still much more that can be done to ensure a sustainable future for our planet.Let's all work together to protect our environment and make the world a cleaner and greener place for generations to come. Thank you for listening!篇10Title: A Survey Report on Environmental ProtectionHello everyone! Recently, our class conducted a survey on environmental protection. We wanted to find out how much people know about environmental issues and what they are doing to help protect our planet.First of all, we asked people about their knowledge of environmental problems. Many of them mentioned pollution, deforestation, and climate change as the main issues affecting our environment. Some even talked about plastic pollution in the oceans and the importance of recycling.Secondly, we inquired about what actions people are taking to protect the environment. Some said they always recycle and use reusable bags, while others mentioned conserving water and electricity. Many also mentioned using public transportation or biking instead of driving to reduce carbon emissions.We also asked people about their thoughts on government policies and regulations related to environmental protection. Most agreed that stricter regulations are needed to prevent further damage to our planet. They also mentioned the importance of educating the public about environmental issues.In conclusion, our survey showed that people are aware of the environmental problems we are facing and are taking steps to protect the environment. However, more needs to be done to address these issues effectively. It is important for everyone to work together to protect our planet for future generations.Let's all do our part in preserving the environment! Thank you for reading our survey report on environmental protection.。

survey report 调查报告

survey report 调查报告

Research Survey ReportIntroductionThis is a research report about individual decision making. I would like to find out differences and similarities of individual decision making between Australians and other international people. And I would mainly focus on the following four questions: Who choose your university study?Who decide the one you will marry?Who decide your future job?Who decide you to buy a car?MethodsIn general, there are twenty participants in the survey, including ten Australians and ten international people.ResultsThrough the survey in Methods part, I can find out that:1.About the first question, all Australians and international people can decided what they will learn in university, no exceptions.2.About the second question, there is only one international person married the one his/her father arranged for him/her. And there is only one Australian married the one chosen by others. All of the rest participants can decide who they will marry.3.As for what they will do in the future, there are two international people will listen to their parents( one to father and the other to mother). Other eight international people and all Australians can make decisions by themselves.4.As for the fourth question, eight international people will be decided to buy a carby parents( six by father and two by mother), and two international people candecide for themselves. As for Australians, half of them listen to their parents( four to father and one to mother), the other half listen to themselves.ConclusionsMain similarities: All international and Australian participants can decide what they will learn in university. And most of them can decide their future spouse andwork.Main differences: As for the fourth question of “ buying a car ”, it seems that more international people will listen to their parents than Australians.Through the comparison and contrast from chart data, I can draw the conclusion that Australians have more right to self-determination than other international people.。



调查报告英语范文篇一:调查报告英语作文Our school has made a survey---“Don’t keep your worries”.Here are the results.About fifty percent of the students in our school are worries about their have so much homework to do every they feel stressed too thirty percent of the students think their parents are too strict with ’s difficult for them to get along well with their other twenty percent of the students say they are weak in complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or after school activities.Dear teachers,would you please give us less homework and more time to relax ourselves?Dear parents,we want to take more exercise to keep will do our best and we want to a time to study and a time to play.Our school has made a survey---“Don’t keep your worries”.Here are the results.About fifty percent of the students in our school are worries about their have so much homework to do every they feel stressed too thirty percent of thestudents think their parents are too strict with ’s difficult for them to get along well with their other twenty percent of the students say they are weak in complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or after school activities.Dear teachers,would you please give us less homework and more time to relax ourselves?Dear parents,we want to take more exercise to keep will do our best and we want to a time to study and a time to play.Our school has made a survey---“Don’t keep your worries”.Here are the results.About fifty percent of the students in our school are worries about their have so much homework to do every they feel stressed too thirty percent of the students think their parents are too strict with ’s difficult for them to get along well with their other twenty percent of the students say they are weak in complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or after school activities.Dear teachers,would you please give us less homework and more time to relax ourselves?Dearparents,we want to take more exercise to keep will do our best and we want to a time to study and a time to play.Our school has made a survey---“Don’t keep your worries”.Here are the results.About fifty percent of the students in our school are worries about their have so much homework to do every they feel stressed too thirty percent of the students think their parents are too strict with ’s difficult for them to get along well with their other twenty percent of the students say they are weak in complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or after school activities.Dear teachers,would you please give us less homework and more time to relax ourselves?Dear parents,we want to take more exercise to keep will do our best and we want to a time to study and a time to play.Our school has made a survey---“Don’t keep your worries”.Here are the results.About fifty percent of the students in our school are worries about their have so much homework to doevery they feel stressed too thirty percent of the students think their parents are too strict with ’s difficult for them to get along well with their other twenty percent of the students say they are weak in complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or after school activities.Dear teachers,would you please give us less homework and more time to relax ourselves?Dear parents,we want to take more exercise to keep will do our best and we want to a time to study and a time to play.Our school has made a survey---“Don’t keep your worries”.Here are the results.About fifty percent of the students in our school are worries about their have so much homework to do every they feel stressed too thirty percent of the students think their parents are too strict with ’s difficult for them to get along well with their other twenty percent of the students say they are weak in complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or after school activities.Dear teachers,would you please give us lesshomework and more time to relax ourselves?Dear parents,we want to take more exercise to keep will do our best and we want to a time to study and a time to play.篇二:英语调查报告格式a survey about the patriotic emotion of university students nowadays, china is developing very fast. and this is a greatchance for us to catch up with those world powers. but we are also faced with manyproblems. for instance, our national security can`t be guaranteed, and our motherlandhas not been unified. so, it`s really of vital importance for us chinese to love ourmotherland, especially our youngsters, who are the hope of our organize this investigation in order to find out the current condition of howuniversity students love our country. according to the results, we want to put forwardsome useful suggestions for the patriotism education in university. and we hope ourinvestigation could be helpful for our patriotismeducation. firstly, we makequestionnaires concerned with patriotism. then we distributed them to our classmates.after they finished doing them, we take them back and get our conclusion from theiranswers. after we got the statistical data according to the answers to thequestionnaire, we made the graphics below to reveal the results. some of the graphicsare shown below. statistical results of question 1:statistquestion 2: ical results ofstatistical results of question 3:statistical results of question 5:statistical results of question 6:the results of our survey show to us that the contemporary college students havegood patriotic feelings. we have relatively deep understanding of patriotism and mostof us are willing to accept patriotism education. we are concerned about the history,tradition and production condition of china. we also enjoy the achievement after the reformand opening up of china. few of our college students tend to escape joining the army,and what is encouraging is that almost all the students are proud of our race andcountry.thank you for your appreciation ! thank you. members:篇二:调查报告范文2 (英文)1. introductionlibrary is always a symbol of the university. it provides college students withmanypurposethe survey sets its goal at investigating how well the college students can takeadvantage of the resources provided in our school library. then, we hope to give somesuggestions to our school library so that it can be improved in some aspects.subjectsin order to make the survey more persuasive, we did the research among studentsin our university including both undergraduates and postgraduates. 157 copies ofquestionnaires in total were handed out and 150 were collected back which areeffective. interviewees are from different majors and different grades. 41 of themare freshmen, 42 are sophomore, 21 are junior students, 30 are senior students and6 are postgraduates.time and placetime: the survey takes about one week, from november 10th to november 16th, XX.the questionnaires were distributed on november 10th and collected back on november11th.place: hebei polytechnic universityinstrumentquestionnaires are used to collect data. considering the questionnaire in englishmay bring some trouble to the interviewees with different english levels, we adoptthe chinese version instead of the english one(see english and chinese versions inappendices). 1the interviewees are selected at random to make the data more reliable. forinstance, the questionnaires are given to the students studying in classrooms andto those staying in dormitories. what’s more, students from all grades are made sureto participate in this investigation.2. data collection and analysison 10th november, we investigated 157 students, among whom 150 returned theirquestionnaires. the rest did not return or finish for some reasons. to ensure the validity of the survey, the six members in our team were dividedinto three groups to hand out the questionnaires, going to different places andinvestigating different students. most of the interviewees were willingly to helpus with the survey. they finished the questionnaires carefully. among thequestionnaires returned, some questions were not answered, and some were answeredcasually, which brought us some trouble when we did the data collection. in general, most of the information we collected was useful and accurate.data analysis on the use of booksthe analysis on the use of books is based on question 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and10.frequency analysisaccording to question 2 and 4, we get a result as follows (see figure 1).figure 1 2result:as it can be seen from figure 1, most students go to library once or twice a week.some students go there more than five times a week. the freshmen and junior studentsgo to the library more frequently. reasons:1) the freshmen have more spare time and they are curious about the library where they can find almost all the books andperiodicals they are interested in.purpose analysisquestion 5 is designed to know the college students’ purposes of going to the school library. figure 2 3figure3result:figure 2 and 3 reveal that the sophomores and the junior students can make fulluse of the resources in the library. their purposes are clear: they hope to improvethemselves on all aspects. while the freshmen have less pressure, so they prefer theperiodicals just for entertaining and widening their horizon. the seniors andpostgraduates like to read periodicals because they want to help with homework oressay writing and know more about currentbook variety analysisbased on question 9, we get figure 4 :on borrowing booksaccording to the statistics based on question 7 and 8, we learn that % of the students borrow less than 10 books in one semester while % borrow more than30. 70% say that they can finish reading most parts of the borrowed books beforereturning them. this is a good phenomenon. sincedifferent people have different plansfor study, sometimes they don’t need to finish the whole. instead, some parts ofbooks are enough.on facilities and reading roomsin consequence of question 6, it is known that students like to go to the naturalscience 5篇三:英语调查报告范文英语调查报告范文英语>调查报告>范文(一)目前,高等学校在职业教育方面存在着一些突出问题,学校教育与学生就业及市场对人才的需求相脱节,教学实效性较差,教学工作处于尴尬局面。



使用手机调查报告英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Use of Mobile Phones for Survey Research: A Student's PerspectiveAs a student living in the digital age, I can attest to the ubiquity of mobile phones in our daily lives. These handheld devices have become indispensable tools for communication, entertainment, and even conducting research. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in utilizing mobile phones as a means of collecting data for survey research. This essay will explore the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones for surveys from a student's perspective.Advantages of Using Mobile Phones for SurveysIncreased Accessibility and ReachOne of the primary advantages of using mobile phones for surveys is the increased accessibility and reach they offer. With a significant portion of the world's population owning and carrying mobile devices, researchers can potentially reach a broader and more diverse range of participants. This isparticularly beneficial for students conducting research projects with limited resources, as traditional survey methods likeface-to-face interviews or mail-in questionnaires can betime-consuming and costly.Cost-EffectivenessConducting surveys via mobile phones can be acost-effective alternative to traditional methods. Students often operate on tight budgets, and the use of mobile phones can help reduce expenses associated with printing, postage, and travel. Additionally, many survey platforms and apps designed for mobile devices are available at low costs or even free for educational purposes.Real-Time Data CollectionMobile phone surveys allow for real-time data collection, which can be advantageous for time-sensitive research projects. Students can quickly distribute surveys and receive responses, enabling them to analyze data and make informed decisions more efficiently. This real-time aspect can be particularly useful for projects with strict deadlines or those requiring immediate feedback.Multimedia IntegrationModern smartphones offer multimedia capabilities that can enhance the survey experience for participants. Researchers can incorporate images, videos, or audio elements into their surveys, making them more engaging and interactive. This multimedia integration can be beneficial for studies related to fields like visual arts, music, or media studies, where participants may need to provide feedback on specific multimedia content.Disadvantages of Using Mobile Phones for SurveysPotential Sampling BiasWhile mobile phones offer increased accessibility, there is a risk of sampling bias when using this method for survey research. Not everyone owns or has access to a smartphone, and certain demographic groups may be underrepresented or excluded from the sample. This can lead to skewed or unrepresentative data, which may compromise the validity and reliability of the research findings.Technological LimitationsDespite the advanced capabilities of modern smartphones, there are still technological limitations to consider. Smaller screen sizes, varying operating systems, and connectivity issues can affect the survey experience and potentially lead toincomplete or inaccurate responses. Additionally, some participants may have limited data plans or poor network coverage, which could hinder their ability to participate in mobile phone surveys.Privacy and Security ConcernsPrivacy and security concerns are often raised when conducting surveys via mobile phones. Participants may be hesitant to share personal or sensitive information through their devices, fearing potential data breaches or misuse of their information. As students, we must ensure that appropriate measures are taken to protect participants' privacy and maintain the confidentiality of their responses.Distractions and MultitaskingMobile phones are notorious for being sources of distraction, with notifications, messages, and other apps constantly vying for users' attention. When participating in a survey on their mobile device, respondents may be more prone to multitasking or becoming distracted, which could lead to rushed or inaccurate responses. This potential issue highlights the importance of designing surveys that are concise, visually appealing, and engaging to minimize distractions.ConclusionThe use of mobile phones for survey research presents both advantages and disadvantages that students must consider carefully. While mobile phones offer increased accessibility, cost-effectiveness, real-time data collection, and multimedia integration, concerns such as potential sampling bias, technological limitations, privacy and security issues, and distractions should not be overlooked.As students conducting research projects, it is crucial to weigh these factors and determine whether the benefits of using mobile phones for surveys outweigh the potential drawbacks. In some cases, a combination of traditional and mobile survey methods may be the most effective approach to ensure representativeness and data quality.Ultimately, the decision to use mobile phones for survey research should be based on the specific needs and objectives of the study, as well as the target population and available resources. By carefully considering the advantages and disadvantages, students can make informed choices and leverage the power of mobile technology to conduct meaningful and insightful research.篇2Mobile Phone Usage Survey ReportIntroductionIn today's world, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. From communication to entertainment, these handheld devices have revolutionized the way we interact with the world around us. As a student, I have witnessed firsthand the profound impact that mobile phones have had on my peers and myself. Intrigued by this phenomenon, I decided to conduct a survey to gain a deeper understanding of mobile phone usage among students.MethodologyTo gather comprehensive data, I designed a survey questionnaire that encompassed various aspects of mobile phone usage. The survey was distributed electronically to a diverse group of 200 students, ranging from high school to university level, across multiple educational institutions.The questionnaire covered topics such as:Average daily usage timePrimary purposes of using mobile phones (e.g., communication, social media, entertainment)Preference for specific mobile applications or featuresImpact of mobile phone usage on academic performanceAwareness of potential risks and concerns (e.g., addiction, cyberbullying, privacy)Results and AnalysisThe survey yielded insightful results, shedding light on the intricate relationship between students and their mobile devices.Average Daily Usage Time:The data revealed that a staggering 78% of students spend more than 3 hours per day on their mobile phones. Among this group, a significant 32% reported using their phones for more than 5 hours daily. These findings highlight the substantial amount of time students dedicate to their mobile devices, potentially impacting other aspects of their lives, such as studying, socializing, and physical activity.Primary Purposes of Using Mobile Phones:Social media emerged as the most prevalent use of mobile phones among students, with 92% of respondents citing it astheir primary activity. Communication through messaging apps and voice calls ranked second, reported by 84% of participants. Entertainment activities, such as watching videos, playing games, and listening to music, were also widely popular, with 76% of students engaging in these activities regularly.Preference for Specific Mobile Applications or Features:When asked about their preferred mobile applications, messaging apps like WhatsApp and social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok topped the list. Additionally, a significant number of students expressed their fondness for streaming services like Netflix and Spotify, highlighting the growing demand for on-the-go entertainment.Impact of Mobile Phone Usage on Academic Performance:Interestingly, 62% of students acknowledged that excessive mobile phone usage had negatively impacted their academic performance. They cited factors such as decreased concentration, procrastination, and disruptions during study time as major contributors to this issue.Awareness of Potential Risks and Concerns:While the majority of students (88%) were aware of the potential risks associated with mobile phone usage, such asaddiction, cyberbullying, and privacy concerns, only 42% reported taking active measures to mitigate these risks. This discrepancy suggests a need for increased education and proactive measures to address these concerns.Conclusion and RecommendationsThe survey findings have provided valuable insights into the intricate relationship between students and their mobile devices. It is evident that mobile phones have become an integral part of students' lives, serving as a hub for communication, entertainment, and social connection.However, the excessive usage of mobile phones, coupled with the potential risks and negative impacts on academic performance, raises concerns that need to be addressed. To strike a healthy balance, I propose the following recommendations:Awareness and Education Campaigns:Educational institutions should implement comprehensive awareness campaigns to educate students about the responsible and ethical use of mobile phones. These campaigns should highlight the potential risks associated with excessive usage, cyberbullying, and privacy concerns, while also providingpractical strategies for managing mobile phone usage effectively.Developing Self-Regulation Skills:Students should be encouraged to develop self-regulation skills to manage their mobile phone usage effectively. This could involve setting time limits, establishing designated "phone-free" zones or periods, and cultivating mindfulness practices to reduce dependence on mobile devices.Integrating Technology in Education:Rather than banning mobile phones altogether, educational institutions could explore ways to integrate technology into the learning process. This could involve leveraging educational apps, online resources, and interactive platforms that engage students while fostering responsible mobile phone usage.Promoting Alternative Activities:To counterbalance the excessive time spent on mobile phones, students should be encouraged to engage in alternative activities that promote physical, mental, and social well-being. This could include participating in sports, joining clubs or organizations, or engaging in outdoor activities with friends and family.Collaboration between Stakeholders:Addressing the challenges posed by mobile phone usage among students requires a collaborative effort involving educational institutions, parents, and technology companies. By working together, these stakeholders can develop comprehensive strategies, implement industry guidelines, and foster a culture of responsible mobile phone usage.In conclusion, the survey on mobile phone usage among students has provided valuable insights and highlighted the need for a balanced approach. By implementing targeted interventions, promoting self-regulation skills, and fostering a culture of responsible technology use, we can empower students to harness the benefits of mobile devices while mitigating potential risks and negative impacts.篇3Mobile Phone Surveys: The Future of Data CollectionAs a college student, my mobile phone is permanently glued to my hand. From scrolling through social media to streaming video lectures, this device is an integral part of my daily life. However, mobile phones have become much more than just away to stay connected – they are increasingly being used as a tool for collecting data through surveys and research studies.The Rise of Mobile SurveysTraditional survey methods like telephone interviews, mail-in questionnaires, and in-person focus groups are becoming outdated and inefficient. People are less likely to respond to landline calls or take the time to fill out paper forms. Enter mobile surveys – a convenient, cost-effective alternative that meets people where they are: on their smartphones.With over 6 billion smartphone subscriptions globally, the potential reach of mobile surveys is staggering. By leveraging apps, SMS, and mobile-optimized websites, researchers can easily access a vast, diverse pool of respondents from all walks of life. The ubiquity of smartphones transcends geographic boundaries, age groups, and socioeconomic status, allowing for more representative and inclusive data collection.Advantages of Mobile SurveysAs someone who has participated in several mobile surveys, I can attest to their numerous advantages over traditional methods. Firstly, the convenience factor is unparalleled. I can complete a survey during my daily commute, while waiting inline, or even during a dull lecture (sorry, professors!). The flexibility to respond anytime, anywhere increases participation rates and reduces the burden on respondents.Moreover, mobile surveys often incorporate engaging multimedia elements like images, videos, and interactive features that traditional paper-based surveys simply cannot match. This enhanced user experience keeps respondents interested and attentive, leading to higher-quality data.Another significant advantage is the ability to capturereal-time, location-based data through GPS and other sensors built into smartphones. For example, a survey about dining preferences could use geolocation to ask specific questions when the respondent is near a restaurant, providing more accurate and contextual responses.Privacy and Data Security ConcernsOf course, with any data collection method, privacy and security are paramount concerns. As a student, I understand the importance of protecting personal information, especially in the digital age. Mobile survey platforms must implement robust encryption, data anonymization, and secure storage measures to safeguard respondents' sensitive information.Additionally, transparency regarding data usage and obtaining explicit consent from participants is crucial. Reputable survey providers should clearly communicate how data will be used and provide opt-out options for those who are uncomfortable sharing certain information.The Future of Mobile SurveysLooking ahead, the future of mobile surveys is promising and dynamic. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect more advanced features and capabilities. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) could potentially be integrated into surveys, providing immersive, interactive experiences that simulate real-world scenarios.Furthermore, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning could revolutionize survey design and analysis. AI algorithms could adapt survey questions in real-time based on respondents' previous answers, leading to more personalized and insightful data collection. Natural language processing could also be used to analyze open-ended responses, reducing the need for manual coding and enabling faster insights.However, with these advancements come new ethical considerations and potential biases. AI-powered surveys may inadvertently perpetuate existing societal biases or discriminateagainst certain groups if not carefully designed and tested. Researchers must remain vigilant and prioritize inclusivity, fairness, and transparency in their survey methodologies.ConclusionAs a student living in the digital age, I firmly believe that mobile surveys are the future of data collection. Their convenience, reach, and engaging features make them an attractive option for researchers across various fields. However, it is crucial to address privacy and ethical concerns while embracing technological advancements that can enhance the quality and efficiency of data collection.Ultimately, mobile surveys represent a powerful tool for gathering insights that can shape our understanding of human behavior, preferences, and attitudes. As future researchers and decision-makers, it is our responsibility to leverage this technology responsibly and ethically, always prioritizing the well-being and privacy of participants.。



英语作文:高考英语作文:中学生双休日活动调查报告Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today I am here to present the survey report about the activities of secondary school students on their weekends.We conducted a survey among 500 secondary school students around the country, and the results are as follows.About 78% of the students said they spend their weekends doing homework and preparing for exams. Among them, about 52% said they spend more than 10 hours on their studies.About 17% of the students said they spend their weekends doing sports. Among them, about 10% said they join in some sports activities with their friends.About 5% of the students said they spend their weekends on entertainment activities like watching movies, playing computer games or shopping with their friends.Based on the survey results, we can draw a conclusion that most of the secondary school students prefer to spend their weekends on studying, which is beneficial for their study. But we also suggest that students should have more leisure activities during their weekends to make their life more colorful.Thank you for your attention.给大家早上好!今天我在这里向大家介绍一下关于中学生双休日活动的调查报告。



撰写中国学生专业选择调查报告英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: A Survey Report on Chinese Students’ Major ChoicesHi everyone! Today, I want to share with you a super cool report that I did on Chinese students’ major choices. I asked a bunch of my friends and classmates about what they want to study in college, and here’s what I found out:First of all, a lot of students said they want to study computer science. They think that coding and programming are super interesting, and they want to learn how to make cool apps and games. Some of them even want to work for big tech companies like Microsoft or Google when they grow up.Next, a bunch of students said they want to study medicine. They want to become doctors or nurses and help people when they’re sick. They think it’s a really important job and they want to make a difference in the world.Some students said they want to study art and design. They love to draw and paint, and they want to learn how to makebeautiful things. They dream of becoming famous artists or fashion designers one day.There were also students who said they want to study business. They want to learn how to run their own companies and make lots of money. They think it would be really exciting to be a CEO and make big decisions.Overall, I think it’s really cool that we all have different interests and passions. I can’t wait to see what we all become in the future! Bye for now!篇2Title: Survey Report on Chinese Students' Major ChoicesIntroduction:Hi everyone, I recently conducted a survey about the majors Chinese students choose in university. I talked to many students and asked them why they chose their major. Here's what I found out!Most Popular Majors:The most popular majors among Chinese students are engineering, computer science, business, and medicine. Manystudents said they chose these majors because they are practical and can lead to good job opportunities.Reasons for Choosing a Major:I asked students why they chose their major, and here are some of the reasons they gave:- Interest: Some students said they chose their major because they are interested in the subject and enjoy studying it.- Future Career: Many students said they chose their major based on the job opportunities it can provide after graduation.- Family Expectations: Some students said they chose their major because their parents wanted them to study a certain subject.- Influences from Others: A few students said they chose their major because their friends or relatives were studying the same subject.Challenges Faced:Many students mentioned that they faced challenges when choosing a major. Some of these challenges include:- Pressure: Some students felt pressured to choose a major that would lead to a high-paying job.- Uncertainty: Some students were unsure about what major to choose and felt overwhelmed by the options available.- Lack of Information: Some students said they didn't have enough information about different majors and career paths.Conclusion:In conclusion, choosing a major is a big decision for Chinese students. It's important to consider your interests, future career goals, and personal values when making this decision. Remember, it's okay to explore different options and seek advice from teachers, parents, and career counselors. Good luck with your major choice!That's all for now, thanks for reading this survey report on Chinese students' major choices. Bye!篇3Title: A Survey on Chinese Students' Major ChoicesHello everyone! Today, I want to share with you a report about a survey on Chinese students' major choices. We asked 2000 students from different grades and schools about what major they want to choose in the future. Let's take a look at the results!First of all, the survey showed that the most popular major choice among students is computer science. Many students said they love technology and want to work in the IT industry in the future. Some of them even dream of becoming a famous programmer or software engineer!Secondly, many students also expressed interest in the fields of medicine and engineering. They want to help people by becoming doctors or engineers who can build amazing things like bridges and skyscrapers. These students are very smart and hardworking, and we believe they will achieve great success in their chosen fields.On the other hand, some students said they are still not sure about what major to choose. They are undecided because they have many interests and can't decide which one to pursue. We want to tell these students that it's okay to be unsure, and they should take their time to explore different options before making a decision.In conclusion, the survey results show that Chinese students have diverse interests and goals when it comes to choosing a major. Whether it's computer science, medicine, engineering, or something else, we believe that all students have the potential tosucceed in their chosen fields with hard work and dedication. Thank you for listening to our report!篇4Title: Survey Report on Chinese Students' Major ChoicesHey guys, today I want to share with you a survey report on Chinese students' major choices. You know, choosing a major is a big deal for us students. It will determine our future career and life. So, let's check out what the survey reveals!First of all, the most popular major among Chinese students is Computer Science. Many students are interested in programming, coding, and all things tech-related. They believe that this major will lead them to a well-paid job in the IT industry.Next up, we have Business Administration. A lot of students choose this major because they think it will give them a good foundation for starting their own business in the future. They want to learn about management, marketing, and finance.Another popular major is Medicine. Many students dream of becoming doctors and helping people with their medical knowledge. It's a challenging major, but it's also very rewarding.Engineering is also a favorite among Chinese students. They like to solve problems and create new things. They believe that studying engineering will open up many career opportunities for them.On the other hand, there are some less popular majors as well. For example, Arts and Humanities. Some students choose this major because they are passionate about literature, history, and culture. They want to pursue their interests even though the job market might be tough.In conclusion, choosing a major is a personal decision. It's important to follow your interests and passion when making this choice. Remember, your major will shape your future, so choose wisely!That's all for today! Stay tuned for more interesting survey reports in the future. See you next time! Bye-bye!篇5Title: Chinese Students' Professional Choice Survey ReportHey everyone, I'm so excited to share with you the results of our recent survey on Chinese students' professional choices. Weasked students from different grades and schools about what they want to study in the future, and here's what we found out!First of all, let's talk about the most popular choice among students. Can you guess what it is? That's right, it's computer science! Many students are interested in coding, programming, and creating new software. They think it's cool to work with computers and technology.Next up, we have the medical field. Lots of students dream of becoming doctors, nurses, or pharmacists. They want to help people and make a difference in the world. It's amazing to see so many young minds eager to care for others.Another popular choice is business and finance. Some students want to become entrepreneurs and start their own companies. Others are interested in finance and economics, and they want to work in banks or investment firms. They believe that money makes the world go round!Now, let's talk about the less popular choices. Surprisingly, very few students are interested in the arts and humanities. It seems like not many kids want to become artists, musicians, or writers. Maybe they think these professions are not as stable or well-paid as others.Overall, it was fascinating to see the diversity of interests among Chinese students. Some want to pursue traditional careers like teaching and engineering, while others are drawn to more modern fields like AI and robotics. Everyone has their own dreams and aspirations, and it's important to support each other in achieving them.That's all for now, folks! Thanks for reading our report on Chinese students' professional choices. Remember, it's never too early to start thinking about your future career. Who knows, you might just discover your passion sooner than you think!篇6Title: Survey Report on Major Choices among Chinese StudentsHello everyone! Today I want to talk about a survey I did on the major choices of Chinese students.I asked 100 students from different schools and grades what major they want to choose in the future. Here are some of the results:First of all, many students want to choose major in Science and Technology. They think it is cool to be a scientist or engineer.They also believe that these professions have a good future and can make a lot of money.Secondly, some students want to major in Art and Design. They love drawing, painting, and creating beautiful things. They dream of becoming famous artists or designers someday.Thirdly, there are students interested in Business and Economics. They want to be entrepreneurs and start their own companies. They think it's exciting to make money and be their own boss.Lastly, there are also students who want to study Education and Psychology. They enjoy working with kids and helping others. They believe that being a teacher or counselor is a meaningful and rewarding job.In conclusion, there are many different majors that Chinese students are interested in. It's important to choose a major that we are passionate about and that suits our skills and interests. So, what major do you want to choose in the future? Let me know in the comments!That's all for my report. Thank you for listening! Bye-bye!。

环境保护调查报告 英文版

环境保护调查报告 英文版

环境保护调查报告英文版The Survey Report about Environmental ProtectionI’ve made a survey and find that the environmental problems around us are becoming more and more serious with the rapid development of industry and agriculture. There is no denying the fact that environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing mankind today. Wherever we go today, we can find the phenomenon of environmental pollution. The whole ecological balance of the earth is chancing. Massive destruction of environment has brought negative and even poses a great treat to human’s existence.Guilin is a beautiful tourism city. “The landscape of Guilin is the best of haven” is the best summarization. Though Guilin is beautiful, but it hidden a kind of “peculiar color “. Becau se there are some people pay no attention to the hygiene of environment, leading some disharmony “spot”. Under my teacher’s guidance, I’ve made a survey about the environment around us.White PollutionThe invention of paper has been made the civilization of mankind developing rapidly. However, the white and cleanpapers have made terrific pollution to the surrounding environment.First, there are a mess of white,yellow, green……paper in our class and school’s landfill every day, making us dazzling which piled up there.Second, the disposable goods are convenient to use in our modern life, but there are many problems should not be ignored have appeared. The disposable goods not only waste the resources, but also pollute the environment. For example, we go the canteen to have meals, a lot of students are used to using disposable lunch-box and chopsticks in order to convenient to use. As a result, there will be more disposable goods discarded, thereby resulting in more environmental pollution.Water PollutionThe water is one of the most important resources that mankind rely for existence. With the fast development of industry and agriculture, the waste water is being poured continuously into rivers and seas. The water resource was polluted more and more serious, the edible water to human beings is becoming less and less.Air PollutionIf there is no air, human can’t live in this planet. Just like fish can’t live without water. In order to pursue the development of economy, the environment has paid the heavy price. The cars give off poisonous gas and the smoke from factory chimney pollutes the air. The badly polluted air can cause illness, and even death. After all, what is the point of economic growth if mankind’s lives are adversely affected by worsening environmental pollutions?There is no short run other than protecting environment absolutely tanking. All of us should join in. The environment is everything around us, it concerns everyone, our gestures and expressions can’t leave it. Protecting the environment should start from myself, from now on. There are many little things we can do for the environmental protection in many aspects in our daily life. For example, taking public transportations, going on foot, riding on a bicycle, using less disposable, don’t d ropping litter carelessly, saving water and electricity gas energy, food and water. If everyone can act on doing something to protect our common homeland, we shall have a cleaner and nicer planet in the future.。



关于调查的英语作文I recently took part in a really interesting survey about people's preferences in entertainment. It was so cool to see the different answers people gave. Some people loved watching movies, while others preferred listening to music. It just goes to show that we all have our unique ways of relaxing.Another survey I found fascinating was one thatexplored people's eating habits. It was surprising to learn that so many people ate fast food regularly. But then again, with our busy lives, it's not hard to see why. Still, it made me think about how we could make healthier choices, even when time is tight.Then there was a survey on travel preferences. Some people loved going to the beach, while others preferred exploring mountains. It just depends on what kind of adventure you're looking for. Me? I'm a bit of both. I love the calm of the sea, but I also love the thrill of hikingin the mountains.One survey that really stood out to me was aboutpeople's pet preferences. It was so cute to see all the different types of pets people owned. From dogs and cats to hamsters and even lizards, everyone has their own special pet pal. It just makes me happy to know that animals bring so much。



英语作文万能模板调查报告Investigation Report。

Title: Investigation Report on the Impact of Social Media on Teenagers' Mental Health。


Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, especially for teenagers. With the rise of platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, teenagers are constantly bombarded with images and information that may have a significant impact on their mental health. This investigation report aims to explore the relationship between social media and teenagers' mental health, including the potential negative effects and possible solutions.Methodology。

To conduct this investigation, a survey was distributed to a sample of 500 teenagers aged 13-18 from different socio-economic backgrounds. The survey included questions about their social media usage, the impact of social media on their self-esteem, body image, and overall mental well-being. Additionally, interviews were conducted with mental health professionals and educators to gain insights into the potential effects of social media on teenagers' mental health.Findings。



英语作文调查报告的三段式结构My Class Investigation ReportHi there! My name is Lily and I'm a 5th grader at Sunny Hill Elementary School. For our class project this semester, we had to do an investigation and write a report about it. Our teacher, Mrs. Thompson, gave us a few topics to choose from and my group picked "Favorite After-School Activities." We thought it would be fun to find out what kids in our school like to do when they're not in class.Part 1: IntroductionTo start our investigation, we first had to come up with a plan. We decided the best way to get information was to create a survey with questions about after-school activities. Some questions we included were:What's your favorite after-school activity?How much time do you spend on that activity each week?Why do you enjoy that activity?Would you recommend it to a friend?We made paper copies of the survey and also created an online version to share with parents via email. The introduction part was easy since it just involved making the survey questions.Part 2: BodyThe body or main part of our investigation was collecting all the survey responses. We split up and went around to different 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classrooms during lunch periods to have students fill out the paper surveys. We also posted the online survey link to the school website and parent communication app.After a couple weeks of collecting responses, we had over 200 surveys completed! I was impressed so many students took the time to share their thoughts with us. When I looked through the responses, I noticed some really popular after-school activities:Sports - Lots of kids wrote that they played sports like soccer, basketball, baseball/softball, and swimming after school. Sports were probably the #1 most popular activity.Video Games - Another highly mentioned activity was playing video games. I guess it's no surprise that kids love gaming these days!Art - Drawing, painting, music lessons, and other artistic activities seemed to be favorites too.Hanging Out With Friends - Going to friends' houses, having sleepovers, or just hanging out and playing at the park was also something a lot of students enjoyed.We made cool graphs and charts showing the percentages of how many students picked each of the popular activities. Seeing all the numbers and data really helped bring our investigation together.Part 3: ConclusionFor the final conclusion part, we had to summarize the key findings from our after-school activity investigation. Here's what we wrote:Based on the surveys from over 200 elementary students, the most popular after-school activities include sports, video games, art/music, and spending time with friends. An overwhelming 75% of students reported participating in at least one sport or physical activity outside of school hours. Video games were enjoyed by 63% while creative activities like art and music lessons had a 58% popularity rate. Finally, simply hangingout with friends either at home or a local playground was an important pastime for 49% of kids.Overall, our investigation showed that elementary students have a wide variety of interests and hobbies they pursue when not in the classroom. However, sports and active recreation stood out as the clear #1 choice, followed by digital media entertainment and creative/artistic outlets. Social interaction also plays a key role in how kids spend their free time.We concluded our report by stating that after-school activities are an important part of childhood development and keeping kids healthy, happy, and engaged. I'm really glad our group got to do this fun investigation!That's my overview of the three-part report we did for our class project. Writing the introduction to explain our plan was simple. Collecting all the data in the body through surveys was probably the hardest part since it took a lot of work. And the conclusion let us summarize the main findings in a clear way. I hope you enjoyed reading about our after-school activities investigation! Let me know if you have any other questions.。

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英语作文调查报告 A survey report about
Through this investigation report, I learned that with the rapid development of industrial and agricultural production, unprecedented material wealth has been created for mankind, but at the same time, the environment has also paid a heavy price. Ecological destruction and environmental pollution have posed a serious threat to human survival and development. Whenever the wind blows, the sky is filled with yellow dust, and sometimes white plastic bags are flying in the air. Make people go out very embarrassed. Therefore, solving environmental problems has become an urgent major task. I am in Tangxia Town, although more than 500 sanitation workers fight against white pollution day and night every day. However, to change this situation, the efforts of sanitation workers alone are far from enough. We must also improve our awareness of environmental protection. Environmental pollution and destruction are not caused by one person, so protecting the environment should be the behavior of the
whole society. Each of us has the obligation to protect the environment.
At the same time, I also learned that we are the masters of society, and improving the earth's environment is the bounden responsibility and obligation of our generation. We should strive to enhance the awareness of environmental protection and save resources. If everyone in the world destroys it every day, the earth will become a garbage dump; If everyone in the world protects the environment every day, we can create a better world. Let's join hands and work together to protect the earth and our common home.
To this end, we suggest starting from ourselves, starting from small things, to achieve:
Do not litter and waste, and put the waste into the designated dustbin.
Our school has already set up a garbage sorting and storage place, so we should actively participate in and publicize it.
Don't waste, including not wasting a piece of paper, a drop
of water, a penny.
Try not to use plastic bags, and actively use renewable supplies to reduce white pollution.When you find that there are behaviors destroying the environment around you, you should take the initiative to stop them!。
