




____________________________________( Long time no see!/ How are you?)

2.早晨,你在上学的路上碰到你的老师(Mr Brown),你会怎么跟他打招呼?

____________________________________(Good morning, Mr Brown./ I am glad to see you , Mr Brown/ Nice to see you)

3.当别人向你说“How are you?”你应该怎样回答:

____________________________________(Fine, thanks. And you?)



____________________________________(How do you do?)

2.你打算把Kangkang介绍给Jane 认识,你会如何介绍?

Jane, ____________________________________(this is my friend, Kangkang/ I’d like you

to meet kangkang.)


Hello, ____________________________________(my name is Kangkang. )


1.当有人跟你说see you later, 你要如何回答:

____________________________________(see you later)


____________________________________(I am afraid I have to go now)



____________________________________(Thank you/It’s very kind of you)


____________________________________(Thank you)

3. 当你向他人救助时,对方也正在忙,无法给你提供帮助,你会怎么对说。

____________________________________(Thank you all the same.)

4.当有人对说:Thank you时,你要如何回答:

____________________________________(It’s my pleasure./ You’re wele./ That’s Ok. / That’s all right/ Not at all.)


1. 当有人跟你说:Sorry时,你要如何回答:

____________________________________(Never mind./It doesn’t matter./ It’s nothing/That’s OK/ That’s all right)


____________________________________(I’m sorry



____________________________________,kangkang?(Will you e to my party?/ May I invite you to my party?/Would you like to e to my party?/ How about ing to my party?/ Why not

e to my party?


____________________________________(I’d love to ,but I have no time.)


________________________________,kangkang?( would you like to have a piic with me) 七.请求允许


____________________________________(Would you mind me opening the window?/ Would you mind if I open the window?)-- Of course not./Certainly not.


____________________________________(Would you mind not smoking in public?)


____________________________________,kangkang( could/May I use your bike?) 八.祝愿和祝贺


_______________________________(Have a good trip./ Have a good time./Enjoy yourself)


____________________________________(Good luck./ I wish you success/ Best wishes)

3.人家跟你说Happy birthday. 你要怎么回答:

____________________________________(Thank you)

4.人家跟你说Happy New Year.,你要怎么回答:

____________________________________(The same to you)



____________________________________,Kangkang(Can I help you?/ May I help you?What can I do for you?/ Would you like me to help you)


____________________________________(Could you help me with the box?)


Hello, ____________________________________( Can I help you?/ May I help you?What can I do for you?/ Would you like me to help you)



____________________________________,Kangkang?( Are you free tomorrow?/ Will you be free tomorrow?)


____________________________________(When shall we meet?/ Where shall we meet?)


____________________________________(Let’s make it 7 o’clock.)


I’d love to, __________________________________(I have no time)



Hello, __________________________________kangkang? (may I speak to/ I’d like to speak

to )


__________________________________(This is Jane./ This is Jane speaking)


Hello, ____________________________?( Who is that?/ Who is speaking?


__________________________________ ,please.(Hold the line / Just a moment)


__________________________________(Sorry, I’m afraid you have the wrong number)


__________________________________(Can I leave a message?)



__________________________________(Help yourself to some fish。)


__________________________________(May I take your order, sir)

3, 你去饭店吃饭, 服务员问你要吃点什么,他会怎么问:

__________________________________(What would you like (to have)?)Would you like something to eat/drink?



__________________________________(What 's the matter?/What’s wrong with you?/ How are you feeling?Anything wrong? )


__________________________________(You should see a doctor./ You shouldn’t eat too much candy.


__________________________________(I’m sorry to hear that.)



__________________________________(What size would you like/ What size do you need)2.你去商店要买一件衣服,服务员问你需要哪一种类的衣服,他会怎么问:

__________________________________(What kind of clothes do you need/would you like)3.你想问一下服务员那件外套多少钱,你会怎么问:

__________________________________(How much is the coat)


__________________________________(Can I try the pants on ?)


1. 你不知道去银行的路怎么走,你可以这样询问路人:

". Excuse me, ______________________________ ?(Where 's the bank/could you tell me how to get to the bank?/Which is the way to the bank ?/Could you tell me the way to the bank?/How can I get to the bank?/ could you tell me how I can get to the bank?)

2 . 你想问一下,从这里到火车站的距离,你会怎么问:

Excuse me, ____________________________?(how far is it from here to the station )



____________________________?(What’s the weather like in London?/How is the weather in London?/in spring,summer,autumn,winter


____________________________(What a nice day! It is sunny today.



____________________________(I beg your pardon?/ Sorry, I can’t follow you./ Can you speak more slowly?)


____________________________(What’s this in English?)



_________________________(Remember/Don’t forget to bring your camera.)



____________________________(You had better go to see the doctor./ You should have a good rest/)



____________________________(Let’s go to the park./What about having a piic./ Why not go to a movie?)



____________________________(I agree with you./ I think so.)

2. 如何表达不同意他人的观点

__________________________(I don’t agree with you./ I don’t think so.)


__________________________(I like basketball best./ My favorite sport is basketball.)不喜欢I don’t like …at all.


__________________________(It’s hard to say.)I like it very much.


__________________________(I can swim./ I am good at swimming.)



__________________________(Good luck./ I wish you success./e on.)



__________________________(I am going to be a doctor when I grow up.)二十四,责备,禁止


__________________________(Don’t smoke in public)


__________________________(Don’t eat in class.)



__________________________(I am sorry to hear that.)


__________________________(What a pity!)



__________________________(Don’t worry./ Take it easy./Calm down.)


__________________________(I am sure you will win next time.)二



__________________________(What’s the time./ What time is it?)


__________________________(How often do you go to the library?)



__________________________(How does your mother go to work, Jane?)


__________________________school. ( I usually walk to )



__________________________,Kangkang?( What shape is your present, / What’s the shape of your present,/ What does your present look like,)



__________________________(What color are your shoes,Kangkang?)



__________________________(What’s the desk made of)



__________________________(How much is the T-shirt?)



__________________________(What size are your shoes?/ What size shoes do you wear?)



__________________________(How long is the bridge?/How wide is the bridge?How high is )三十四,数量


__________________________(How many students are there in your class, Kangkang?)



__________________________(Why are you late for school, Kangkang?)



__________________________,Kangkang?( What does your mother do/ What’s your mother/ What’s your mother’s job)


__________________________,Kangkang?(Where does your mother work)



八年级上物理经典易错题71例(带答案)可打印 1、小明搬新居,在测量窗户玻璃的长度和测量窗帘的长度时应分别选用分度值是多少的刻度尺?()A.cm,dm B.mm,cm C.um,mm D.mm,m 2、测量一个人的脉搏时,1min跳动了75次,这个人的脉搏跳动一次所用的时间是_____S. 3、一个做匀速直线运动的物体,8S内通过的路程是20m,那么它在前1.75s时的速度大小是() A.12.5m/s B.2.5m/s C.0.4m/s D.1.25m/s 4、小李骑车从家到学校的平均速度是5m/s,小陈骑车从家到学校的平均速度是4m/s,这说明() A.上学时,小李骑车比小陈快 B.小李家到学校的距离比小陈家到学校的距离远 C.小李到学校所用的时间比小陈到学校所用的时间少 D.任何时候小李骑车的速度都比小陈快 5、物体在一条平直公路上运动,已知该物体在第1s内运动了2m,第2s内运动了4m,,第3s内运动了6m,第4s内运动了8m,以此类推,则物体在整个过程中() A .先做匀速直线运动,后做变速直线运动; B .先做变速直线运动,后做匀速直线运动; C .一定做变速直线运动; D .一定做匀速直线运动 6、日常生活中我们常用两种方法来比较物体运动的快慢,请借助如图中的短跑比赛来说明这两种方法: a图表明__________________________________

; b图表明______________________________________ . 7、三个做匀速运动的物体A、B、C,速度大小分别是:V A=180m/min,V B=12m/s,V C=3.6km/h,其中运动速度最快的是______,运动最慢的是______. 8、飞机沿直线,快慢不变地飞行了15min,通过的路程是270km,则它的飞行速度是______km/h,合______m/s. 9、在学校的橱窗里贴出了一个通知,如右图所示,小聪和小明积极的谈论这个问题: (1)降落伞下落得越慢,说明其运动速度越________ (2)要测量降落伞的下落速度,要测量物理量有_____、_____; (3)用的实验器材是:________、________; 4)请你帮他们设计一个用来记录实验数据的表格. 5)在这次比赛中也可以通过相同___________比较__________来判断降落伞下落的快慢. 6)如果要想在比赛中取胜,可以对降落伞进行改造,请你帮他们出谋划策:____________________________ 10、小明家离学校600m远,他步行到学校要花10min,那么他步行的平均速度为() A.60 m/s B.6 m/s C.1 m/s D.1 m/min


高考英语最新情景交际及习惯表达知识点易错题汇编附答案解析(2) 一、选择题 1.––Can you tell me the subtle difference between the words “fragile” and “delicate”? ––______. Let’s refer to the dictionary. A.You’ve really got me there.B.You bet. C.You can say that again.D.You don’t say. 2.Hav ing failed in the driving test again, she’s feeling a bit ______ and needs cheering up. A.once in a blue moon B.down in the dumps C.as cool as a cucumber D.on top of the world 3.- May I help you? You seem to be having some problems. - _________, thanks. I think I can manage. A.All right B.No problem C.It’s all right D.No way 4.--Do you think it’s possible for the team to hit their target for fourth quarter? --_____! The majority of them are not that enterprising. A.No doubt B.No problem C.Not a little D.Not a chance 5.—I ’ m travelling to Iceland next week. Would you tell me about your experiences there?—______. Let’s talk about it over coffee. A.By all means.B.Take your time. C.That’s all right.D.It’s up to you. 6.-Ken, can I get you anything to drink? -______. A.You are welcome B.No problem C.I wouldn’t mind a coffee D.Doesn’t matter 7.—Why didn’t you pay the accommodation rent? —The rent? That isn’t ________ till Sunday. A.sure B.okay C.due D.late 8.—Our manager failed to promote his new product at the trade fair. —No wonder he is_________these days. A.on cloud nine B.off the top of his head C.down in the dumps D.economical with the truth 9.—Could you please turn down your music? -—Oh,____________,I didn't mean to disturb you. A.never mind B.you said it C.far from it D.pardon me 10.—Why don't we go for a swim? I hear there are lots of tropical fish. —_________. I can use my new video camera; it's waterproof. A.My pleasure B.Good idea C.It doesn't matter D.You are welcome 11.—So you think I’m not honest? —.That’s not what I mean. A.Just forget it B.You’ve really got me there


中考英语情景交际单项选择试题汇编 .—I think students should have mobile phones to call their parents. —_____. They often use them to play games instead. A. I hope so B. I don‘t agree C. No problem D. Good idea . —I‘ m very sorry, Allen. I can‘t find your favorite CD. ——_____, Torn. I‘ll go and buy another one. A. It doesn‘t matter B. Don‘t say that C. Sure D. You are kidding . .—Could I borrow your camera?— ___________,but please give it back by Saturday. A. I am sorry B. Of course C. Certainly not D. No, thanks —I’ll go to France for a holiday next month.—Great! __________! A. Good luck B. Best wishes C. Glad to see you again D. Have a good time — She used to have long straight hair, but now she’s got short curly hair. —_________!A. Thanks B. People sure change C. Don’t worry D Good idea — Would you like to go for a bike ride on Sunday afternoon? —_______. I haven’t been outdoors these days. I can’t wait! A. Sorry, I can’t B. Sure, I’d love to C. Not at all D. Forget it — Oh! We’ve just missed the 8 o’clock film. — ________. It’ll be on again in one hour. A. My pleasure B. Have fun C. Don’t worry D. Good idea — I‘m sorry that I shouted at you this morning. — ________, but please don‘t get angry so often. A. All right B. No problem C. Never mind D. With pleasure — Don‘t keep water running when you wash hands.— ________. A. I hope so B. I‘m afraid not C. Sorry, I won‘t D. It‘s nothing —I have just got my driver’s license.—______! A. Good luck B. That’s right C. Just so-so D. Congratulations


人教版备战2020年中考英语专题复习——语音和情景交际(真题)(I)卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 (共50题;共100分) 1. (2分)选出划线部分发音不同的单词() A . open B . empty C . umbrella 2. (2分)下列单词中,不含有与字母i相同读音的单词是________。 A . fine B . this C . white 3. (2分)Which "a" in the following words makes a different sound from the others? A . date B . name C . grade D . match 4. (2分)“I”和“O”是() A . 元音 B . 辅音 C . 元音字母 D . 辅音字母 5. (2分)下列各组字母中不含元音字母的是 A . stpu B . xzyt C . oquy D . vwxi 6. (2分)f A . r B . v

C . z D . w 7. (2分)—How about going for a drive now? —______. I have been at home the whole day. A . I'm sure B . I see C . I think so D . I agree 8. (2分)—Happy Thanks-giving Day! —_______. A . Thank you B . The same to you C . You are welcome D . Not at all 9. (2分)—Will you carry the box for me? —Sure, A . no good B . no problem C . no idea D . no way 10. (2分)-- Hurry up, or we will miss the sea lion show in the Ocean Park. -- . We still have fifteen minutes before the show begins A . Take it easy B . Good luck C . I guess so D . Take care 11. (2分)—I think everything will be free in 20 years. — But I think everything will be much cheaper. A . Me, too


初中物理经典错题-----密度部分 1.盛氧气的钢瓶内氧气的密度为 6kg/m3, ,工人使用氧气进行焊接用去了1/3,瓶内氧气的密度为( ) A 6 kg/m3, B 12kg/m3, C.4 kg/m3, D 无法确定 2.一个铜球在酒精灯上烧了一会,铜球的质量和密度将( ) A 不变、变大 B、不变、变小 C 不变、不变 D 变小、不变 3.一个瓶子能装下1kg的盐水,它一定能装下1kg的( ) A 水银 B 水 C 煤油 D酒精 4.三个质量相等的实心铅球、铁球和铝球,分别放入盛有等量水的相同的量筒中,三只量筒中水面最高的是( ) A.三水面一样高 B.放入铅球的量筒 C.放入铝球的量筒 D.放入铁球的量筒 5.三个同样大小、质量相等的空心球,它们分别由铝、铁、铜制成,球空心部分的体积最小的是( ) A.铝球 B.铁球 C.铜球 D.一样大 6.有三个质量和体积均相同的小球, 一个为铜球,一个为铁球,一个为铝球,则 _________一定为空心球。可能为空心球. 7.小新和小杨同学分别设计了一种实验方案,请在方案中的空白处填空: 方案一:(1)用调节好的天平测出空烧杯的质量m1;(2)向烧杯中倒人一些食用油,测出它们的总质量m2,则这些食用油的质量为;(3)再将烧杯中的食用油倒人量筒中,测出食用油的体积V;(4)计算出食用油的密度ρ= . 方案二:(1)将天平置于水平台后,立即调节平衡螺母,使横梁平衡;(2)用天平测出装有适量食用油的烧杯的总质量m1;(3)将烧杯中的一部分食用油倒人量筒中,记录量筒中食用油的体积V;(4)测出烧杯及剩下食用油的总质量m2;(5)计算出食用油的密度ρ= . (1)请分别找出两种方案中的不足之处: 方案一:;方案二:; (2)你准备选择方案来做实验,为顺利完成该实验,该方案中不足之处应改为: 。 压力、压强部分 1.下列说法中正确的是() A.物体的重力越大,产生的压力越大; B.受力面积越小,产生的压强越大; C.压强与物体的重力成正比,与受力面积成反比; D.在压力相同情况下,受力面积越大,产生的压强越小。 2.有三个相同材料制成的圆柱体,高度相同,它们的质量比为m1:m2:m3=2:3:5,把它们竖直放在水平面上,则水平受到的压强之比为( ) A. 2:3:5 B.5:3:2 C.1:1:1 D.15:10:6 3、重为100牛的长方体放在水平地面上,与地面的接触面积为0.1米2,现用一个大小为20牛的力竖直作用在物体中央,则物体对地面的压强( )。 A.一定是200帕 B.可能是1000帕 C.可能是800帕 D.可能是200帕 4.质量为7.9kg的正方体铁块放置在面积为0.5m 2的水平面桌面上,它对水平桌面产生的压强是________(ρ铁=7.9*103千克/立方米) 5.将一重100N,边长为20cm的均匀正方体,放置在水平的边长10cm桌面正中,则正方体对桌面的压强为_______


情景交际易错题集锦 一、单项选择情景交际 1.— Tom, we will play a football match against Class1 this afternoon. — ______. I'm looking forward to your good news. A.Congratulation B.Cheers C.Good luck D.Have fun 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情景交际。句意:——Tom,今天下午我们要和一班进行足球比赛。——祝你好运。期待你的好消息。A. Congratulation祝贺;B. Cheers干杯;C. Good luck祝你好运;D. Have fun 玩得开心。结合句意可知,此处是指听话人希望说话人能够赢得比赛,故用“祝你好运”符合语境,故选C项。 2.-When he is invited to a party, he is always making trouble or upsetting others. -Just as people who know him say,______. A.he is really the top dog B.he is always pulling our leg C.he is always a wet blanket D.he really has green fingers 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情景对话。句意:——当他被邀请参加聚会的时候,他总是惹麻烦或者让人心烦。——就像认识他的人说的那样,他总是一个令人扫兴的人。 a wet blanket令人扫兴的人或物; the top dog领袖人物; pull our leg同我们开玩笑; green fingers园艺技能,根据句意, 故选C。 3.--Oh, this is so annoying. Where on earth did I put my keys? -- You never ________ . A.learn your lesson B.bite your tongue C.eat your words D.cross your fingers 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查习语。句意:——哎呀,烦死了。我到底把我的钥匙放哪儿了?——你从来不吸取教训。A. learn your lesson从中吸取教训;B. bite your tongue欲言又止;C. eat your words食言;D. cross your fingers祈祷好运。根据语境可知第一人经常找不到钥匙,所以第二人说“你总是不长记性(从来不吸取教训)”,故A项正确。 4.— OK, I'm at the crossroads you told me about, ?


专题一 情景交际之攻关训练 ( )1.Excuse me, _______ ——It ’s near the park. A.How do you go to the hospital? B.May I ask you the way ? C. How can get to the hospital? D.Where is the hospital? ( )2.I don ’t pass the final exam. ——_____ A.Well done B.I ’m sorry to hear that. C.Really D.Don ’t worry.( )3.Thank you for your help. ——_______ A.No,thanks. B.It doesn ’t matter. C.You are welcome D.It ’s kind of you.( )4. Don ’t be late again,Liu Fang.——__________ A.No, I will. B.Yes,I won ’t . C.Sorry,I won ’t. D.Yes,I will.( )5. I ’ll go to Mount Huang for my summer holiday. —— _________ A.Be careful B.You are luck C.Have a good time . D.Help yourself. ( )6.Could you finish the task in a day? ——______,I have something else to do. A.I could not. B.Yes,I think so. C.I ’m not afraid so. D.I ’m afraid not.( )7.—Would you mind opening the door? It ’s hot outside.________. —_____________. A. Certainly not B. Yes, please C. Sorry, I won't D. Thank you ( )8.—I ’m sorry for bei ng late, Miss Green. —___________. A. That's right B. You are welcome C. It doesn't matter D. You should be sorry ( ) 9. —Hello! May I speak to Lily, please?—_____,I ’ll go and get her. A. Speaking B. Hurry up C.I don't think so D. Hold on, please ( )10.—What's the woman in a white hat? —____________. A. She is my teacher B. She is a cook C. She is thirty D. She is a girl ( ) 11.—Your new sweater looks very beautiful, it fits you very well. —__________.A. I ’m glad to hear that B. Thank you C. No, no, yours is better D. You are right ( ) 12.—I am nice talking to you, thanks a lot. —____________.Bye. A. Me, too B.A11 right C. So do I D. Thank you ( )13.—Nice to meet you ! —___________ A. Thank you! B. How do you do ? C. Nice to meet you, too! D. The same to you! ( )14.—Where is Sally from, Mike? —_____________ A. I am from China B. She is from America C. He is from England D. You are from Japan ( )15.—Would you like to go shopping with me, Kangkang? —_____________ A. No, I ’d like to B. No, I can ’tC. Sorry, I ’m afraid not , I have to do my homework D. Yes, I like ( )16. —_____________ —It ’s sunny today.A. How was the weather yesterday? B. How are you doing? C. What fine weather! D. What ’s the weather like today?( )17. —What does your mother do?—_____________ A. She is a teacher. B. She is fifty. C. She likes reading. D. She works in a hospital. ( )18. —Hello, who ’s that speaking?—_____________ A. That is Jane. B. This is Kangkang speaking. C. I ’m Mike. D. She is Maria. ( )19. —Your T-shirt looks beautiful, Judy! —_____________ A. Don ’t say that. B. Thank you very much. C. It ’s not beautiful. D. I don ’t think so. ( )20. —Are you sure you can do well in the final exam? —_____________, I ’ve got everything ready. A. No, I ’m not sure B. It ’s hard to say C. Yes, I think so D. I hope not ( )21. —_____________ —It ’s a nice city. A. Where is Xingyi? B. How do you go to Xingyi? C. How far is it? D. How do you like Xingyi? ( )22. —Happy new year. —_______________. A.That ’s OK B. All right C.The same to you D. Right ( )23.—May I speak to Mary, please ? —_______________. A.Yes, you are right B. Speaking C.Thank you D. She is fine ( )24. —Sorry, Sir. I made a mistake again. —_________. Practice more and you will do better. A.Never mind B. I ’m not sure C.You ’re welcome D. Don ’t mention it ( )25. —My father is ill in hospital, I ’m looking after him. —___________. A. Not at all B. I ’m afraid C.I ’m sorry to hear that D. It doesn ’t matter ( )26. —Don ’t smoke here, please. —_____________. A. No problem B. Never mind C. Sorry, I won ’t D. Sure ( )27.. —___________ is it from here to Xing Yi Hotel ? —About twenty minutes ’ walk. A.How far B. How long C. How often D. How soon ( )28. —Could you please pass me the dictionary ? —_______________. A. Yes, could B. Sure, here you are C. No, I couldn ’ t D. No, that ’s no problem ( )29.—Let ’s go swimming __________ going hiking, shall we ? —Good idea. A.as well as B. in order to C. in addition to D. instead of ( )30.—Hello, may I speak to Jane? —_________ A. Who are you? B. What ’s wrong? C. This is Jane speaking. C. She is Jane. ( )31.—I ’ll go to Hong Kong for a trip next weekend. — Great! _______ A. Good luck! B. Have a good time! C. Best wishes! D. Glad to see you again. ( )32.—You have a beautiful voice. I love your songs. —____________ A. No, I ’m not. B. Thank you. C. It ’s OK. D. That ’s all right. ( )33.—Are you confident about the basketball match against Class 9, Yangyang? —_________ I ’ve got everything ready! A. Of course not. B. It ’s hard to say. C. Sure, I am. D. I am afraid not.


【例1】物体重为0.5N,把它放入盛有水的烧杯中,溢出重为0.3N的水,则它受到的 浮力() B. 0.5N C.可能为0.2N D.可能为0.4N 【例2】与容器底部紧密接触的物体A的体积为100cm3,浸没在水中,如果往水中加入 一些食盐,请问物体A受到的浮力如何变化() A.变大 B. 变小 C.不变 D.无法确定 【例3】小明从学校旁边的小商店买了瓶饮料,饮料瓶子的形状如图所示,开始满瓶的饮料 给小明喝了一些后,问剩余的饮料对瓶底的压力与剩余饮料自身的重力关系是 () A.压力大于重力 B.压力小于重力 C.压力等于重力D.无法确定 【例4】如图所示的装置,已知物体A重为60N,在水平拉力F的作用下,物体以 0.2m/s的速度做匀速直线运动,物体与水平地面之间的摩擦力为12N,若 滑轮组的机械效率为80%,则在4s内拉力F所做的功是 J。 【例5】如图,金属球A下吊着一个金属球B,恰好悬浮于水中.现沿杯壁往容器中 加入一定质量的水,结果金属球B() A.上浮B.下沉C.悬浮 D.以上均不对 【例6】如例五图所示,气球A下吊着一个金属球B,恰好悬浮于水中.现沿杯壁往容器中加入一定质量的水,结果金属球B() A.上浮B.下沉C.悬浮D.以上均不对 【例7】下列说法正确的是() A.受摩擦力的作用的两个表面一定受弹力作用 B.摩擦力一定与物体运动方向相反 C.在光的反射过程中,入射角等于反射角 D.在平面镜成像过程中,物距等于像距 E.导体电阻一定时,导体两端电压与通过该导体的电流成正比 F.把装在盆里的水泼出去,这是利用了盆的惯性 H.将锤柄在石墩上撞击几下,松动的锤头就紧套在锤柄上,这是利用了锤头的惯性 I.刘翔冲过终点线后,还得向前运动一段距离,这是由于刘翔受到了惯性的作用 J.某一物体温度降低的多,放出热量就多 K.温度高的物体比温度低的物体含有热量多 L.温度总是从物体热的部分传递至冷的部分 M.1牛的水可以产生100牛的压力 N.1牛的水可以产生100牛的浮力 【例8】热气球以速度v匀速上升至H高度时,吊篮中突然掉出一只质量为m的小球,此后 热气球上升速度将v;若不计空气对小球的作用力,且假设小球落地时与地 面碰撞过程中机械能没有损失,则小球落地后再上升的最大高度将H(选填 “大于”“等于”“小于”) 【例9】“蹦极”是一种富有刺激性的勇敢者的运动项目,如图所示,一根弹性橡皮绳的一 端系住人的腰部,另一端系于跳台。当人下落至图中Q点时,橡皮绳刚好被拉直, 那么在人越过Q点继续向下的过程中,人的动能的变化情况是() A.不变B.变大C.变小 D.先变大后变小 【例10】如图所示,物体A重为100牛在水平桌面上,滑轮和绳子重力以及滑轮轴处摩擦不计.当B物体重为10牛时,它恰好能匀速下滑.若在物体A上再叠放一个重为100牛的物体C,用一个水平向左的力拉物体A使其向左匀速运动,则这个力的大小应是() A.5牛B.10牛C.15牛D.20牛 【例11】有两个用相同材料制成的圆柱体A和B,A的高度是B的高度的3倍,将A竖直放在水平地面上,B竖直放在A上,如图甲所示,这时A对地面的压强与B对A的压强之比为3:2,若将A、B倒置后仍放在水平地面上,如图乙所示,则A对B的压强与B对水平地面的压强之比是() A.1:3B.1:2 C.4:1D.1:1 【例12】A和B是两块完全相同的砖,分别立放和平放在水平桌面上, B砖上放有圆柱形玻璃容器,容器中盛有水,如图所示,容 器接触B砖上表面1 5 面积,容器壁厚度和容器本身重忽略不 A F


【英语】情景交际易错题荟萃 一、单项选择情景交际 1.——I'm going to Paris next week. ——____________! So am I A.Wish you good luck B.What a coincidence C.Don't mention it D.Good trip 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查情景交际。句意:——我下周要去巴黎。——太巧了!我也要去。A. Wish you good luck“祝你好运”;B. What a coincidence“巧合,一致”;C. Don't mention it“不要客气”;D. Good trip好旅行。两个人不约而同,要去同一个地方,所以这是一种“巧合”。故选B。 2.If the boss is angry when he comes in, don't tell him about the customer's complaints. You'll just be _________. A.killing the fatted calf B.seeing the handwriting on the wall C.hitting your own feet of clay D.adding fuel to the fire 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查习语。A. killing the fatted calf热情款待;B. seeing the handwriting on the wall不祥之兆;hitting your own feet of clay自找麻烦;D. adding fuel to the fire火上浇油。句意:如果老板进来时很生气,你把顾客的投诉告诉他,这只会火上浇油。根据句意可知此处表示“火上浇油”,故D项正确。 【点睛】 习语是江苏单选的必考考点,也是难度较大的一个知识点,因此平时对习语的积累很关键, 本题中四个习语的意思为:A. killing the fatted calf热情款待;B. seeing the handwriting on the wall不祥之兆;hitting your own feet of clay自找麻烦;D. adding fuel to the fire火上浇油。 根据句意“如果老板进来时很生气,你把顾客的投诉告诉他,这只会火上浇油。”可知D项正确。 3.-What do you think of the book? -It's ______ a book.It serves as a really good guide to job hunters. A.other than B.more than C.rather than D.less than


初三物理经典易错题 集锦 一、物理概念(物理量):比热(C)、热量(Q)、燃烧值(q)、内能、温度(t)。 二、实验仪器:温度计、体温计。 三、物理规律:光在均匀介质中沿直线传播的规律,光的反射定律,平面镜成像规律, 光的折射规律,凸透镜成像规律,物态变化规律,内能改变的方法,热量计算公式:Q=cmDt 及燃烧值计算Q=qm,分子运动论。 第一类:有关物理量的习题: 例1:把一杯酒精倒掉一半,则剩下的酒精() A. 比热不变,燃烧值变为原来的一半 B.比热和燃烧值均不变 C. 比热变为原来的一半,燃烧值不变 D.比热和燃烧值均变为原来的一半 [解析]:比热是物质的一种特性。它与该种物体的质量大小无关;与该种物体的温度高 低无关;与该种物体吸热还是放热也无关。这种物质一旦确定,它的比热就被确定。酒精的 比热是2.4×103焦 /(千克?℃),一瓶酒精是如此,一桶酒精也是如此。0℃的酒精和20℃的酒精的比热也相同。燃烧值是燃料的一种性质。它是指单位质量的某种燃烧完全燃烧所放 出的热量。酒精的燃烧值是 3.0×107焦/千克,它并不以酒精的质量多少而改变。质量多的 酒精完全燃烧放出的热量多,但酒精的燃烧值并没有改变。所以本题的正确答案应是B。 例2:甲、乙两个冰块的质量相同,温度均为0℃。甲冰块位于地面静止,乙冰块停止 在10米高处,这两个冰块()。 A. 机械能一样大 B.乙的机械能大 C.内能一样大 D. 乙的内能大 [解析]:机械能包括动能、势能,两个冰块的质量相同,可以通过它们的速度大小、位 置高度,判断它们的动能和势能的大小,判断物体内能大小的依据是温度和状态。根据题意,两个冰块均处于静止状态,它们的动能都是零,两冰块质量相同,乙冰块比甲冰块的位置高,乙冰块的重力势能大。结论是乙冰块的机械能大。两个冰块均为0℃,质量相同,物态相同,温度相同,所以从它们的内能也相同。选项B、C正确。 第二类:有关温度计的习题: 例1:两支内径粗细不同下端玻璃泡内水银量相等的合格温度计同时插入同一杯热水中, 水银柱上升的高度和温度示数分别是() A. 上升高度一样,示数相等。 B. 内径细的升得高,它的示数变大。


最新情景交际易错题及解析 一、单项选择情景交际 1.— Betty, could I use your laptop? —Sorry. My laptop is_____.It keeps breaking down. A.over the moon B.in the black C.on paper D.on its last legs 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查短语辨析。句意:——Betty我可以使用你的笔记本电脑吗?——不好意思。我的笔记本电脑快不能用了,它老是死机。A. over the moon非常高兴;B. in the back盈余;C. on paper理论上;D. on its last legs奄奄一息、快不能用了。根据后文It keeps breaking down.可知,笔记本是快不能用了,故选D项。 2.We all think he is , who is not enthusiastic about anything we do. A.a black sheep B.a dark horse C.a green hand D.a wet blanket 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查习惯用法。A. a black sheep害群之马; B. a dark horse黑马; C. a green hand新手; D. a wet blanket扫兴的人或物。句意:我们都认为他是个令人扫兴的人,对我们做的任何事都不感兴趣。结合句意可知答案为D。 3.If the boss is angry when he comes in, don't tell him about the customer's complaints. You'll just be _________. A.killing the fatted calf B.seeing the handwriting on the wall C.hitting your own feet of clay D.adding fuel to the fire 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查习语。A. killing the fatted calf热情款待;B. seeing the handwriting on the wall不祥之兆;hitting your own feet of clay自找麻烦;D. adding fuel to the fire火上浇油。句意:如果老板进来时很生气,你把顾客的投诉告诉他,这只会火上浇油。根据句意可知此处表示“火上浇油”,故D项正确。 【点睛】 习语是江苏单选的必考考点,也是难度较大的一个知识点,因此平时对习语的积累很关键, 本题中四个习语的意思为:A. killing the fatted calf热情款待;B. seeing the handwriting on


初三中考情景交际题训练: 一.问候 1.你与你的好朋友很久没有见面了,一见面你会说什么? ____________________________________( Long time no see!/ How are you?) 2.早晨,你在上学的路上碰到你的老师(Mr Brown),你会怎么跟他打招呼? ____________________________________(Good morning, Mr Brown./ I am glad to see you , Mr Brown/ Nice to see you) 3.当别人向你说“How are you?”你应该怎样回答: ____________________________________(Fine, thanks. And you?) 二.介绍 1.在正式场合下,Kangkang把你介绍给他的好朋友认识,你会怎么打招呼? ____________________________________(How do you do?) 2.你打算把Kangkang介绍给Jane 认识,你会如何介绍? Jane, ____________________________________(this is my friend, Kangkang/ I’d like you to meet kangkang.) 3.假设你叫康康,请做一句自我介绍: Hello, ____________________________________(my name is Kangkang. ) 三.告别 1.当有人跟你说see you later, 你要如何回答: ____________________________________(see you later) 2.你去参加晚会,但是因为某些原因,你对你的朋友说,你不得不走了,你怎么表达? ____________________________________(I am afraid I have to go now) 四.感谢 1.当他人帮助你了,你会怎么对他说? ____________________________________(Thank you/It’s very kind of you) 2.当有人表扬你的新衣服很漂亮时,你要如何回答? ____________________________________(Thank you) 3. 当你向他人救助时,对方也正在忙,无法给你提供帮助,你会怎么对说。 ____________________________________(Thank you all the same.) 4.当有人对说:Thank you时,你要如何回答: ____________________________________(It’s my pleasure./ You’re welcome./ That’s Ok. / That’s all right/ Not at all.) 五.道歉 1. 当有人跟你说:Sorry时,你要如何回答: ____________________________________(Never mind./It doesn’t matter./ It’s nothing/That’s OK/ That’s all right) 2.当你做错事情时,你会说什么? ____________________________________(I’m sorry 六.邀请 1.明天是你的生日,你打算邀请康康来你的晚会上,你会如何邀请他? ____________________________________,kangkang?(Will you come to my party?/ May I invite you to my party?/Would you like to come to my party?/ How about coming to my party?/ Why not come to my party? 2.你的朋友邀请你去他的晚会,你很想去,但是你没有时间,你怎么说?
