Truman show(楚门的世界)剧本最终稿
English duty report电影《楚门的世界》

其实人生就像一场戏,无论在虚 拟的世界还是在现实生活中,我 们都在扮演着属于自己的角色。 楚门给我们的启示就是要勇敢面 对新的生活,新的挑战,要去过 有意义的生活.
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He is not happy with his life. He wants to see the world. He wants to get away from his happy-happy, ever tidy , very happylittle island town at the seaside.
的人们,永远是一个“旁观者”,虽说在影片的 最后,因为楚门成功的摆脱自己的世界而欢呼, 但是欢呼之后,又能获得什么呢?
life is like a drama,not only in a virtual world,but also a true world ,we all act the role which belongs to ourselves. Truman tell us to face new life and new challenges bravely,and to live a meaningful life.
The audience of the world because Truman was moved by the struggle, both to meet the spy who desire privacy, but also live performance in The Truman Show to get happy. A media world to create happiness.But for another perspective for those addicted to soap operas made in the media people, will always be a " bystander" , although in the film's end , because the success of Truman hailed 观众世界因为楚门的抗争而感动着,既满 the world out of theirown, but after 足了窥人隐私的欲望,又能在楚门的真人表演秀 the cheering , but also 中获得快乐。一种媒体世界创造的快乐。不过换 access to what ! 作另外一种视角,这些沉迷于媒体制造的肥皂剧

Who’s written our script? (楚门的世界)The main characters(主要角色):毕楚门(Truman Burbank),克里斯托弗(Christof), 罗兰/施维娅(Lauren/Sylvia),美露(Meryl)prop(道具):一张桌子一把椅子一直放在舞台中央偏左,桌子里有报纸,圆盘,收音机,咖啡,咖啡杯,筷子左右为面向舞台的左右方向。
旁白念词时演员就要摆好姿势,旁白下场就开始表演,开场时站左边的人:美露,店主,操作员B(Camera man),其他人站右边开场白:楚门从右上,至中Truman: And in case I don't see ya'! Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Goodnight!从左下。
SCENE1 每一个场景都是旁白先上,然后演员就摆好造型。
Camera man 就一直跟着楚门。
Voice-over: Day 10909 action. At home美露,楚门从左上Meryl: Truman, you're gonna be late!Truman: Okay!(rush to his wife), let me say goodbye(a deep hug)Meryl: Enough my honey, bye.美露从左下。
Voice-over: At the Newspaper Stand店主从左上,坐在椅子上,从桌子中拿出报纸。
顾客从右上Customer: Dog Fancy please...Why thank you. Thank you very much.顾客从左下。
Truman: Morning!Winnie: Morning! Truman.Truman: Oh. Get a paper there, will you, Harold? Oh, and of these - for the wife. Love her fashion magazines.Winnie (: Will that be all for you, Truman?Truman: That’s the whole caboodle.Winnie (: Catch ya' later.导演坐在转椅上被推出来,从右上。

• Truman’s real father missed Truman so much that he could hardly contain himself. So he decide to play an unimportant role in the teleplay and bump into Truman. Truman recognize him, since then, everything became very strange in Truman’s untrue life.
←A trip to the Mount Rushmore, what a mini-president statuary /ˈstæ tʃu:ˌeri:/ and a tiny hill!
↑All the cars suddenly appeared to stop Truman from leaving the “Sea haven town”.
←Finally, Truman reached the end of the huge studio, the grand-new start of a true man!!
EVERYTHING is not true. Truman’s wife, friends, costumers, neighbors, workmates, teachers, are play a simple and untrue part in Truman’s life. The truth is TERRIFIED
Artificial rain→
• We prefer to believe the world is true. But when we are controlled by an unknown person who nearly means the God to you, we DO feel entirely lost and lonely. Truman couldn’t bear the “truth”, so he made up his mind and try to be recalcitrant [rɪˈkæ lsɪtrənt] .He used to be afraid of the artificial sea, but he defeat the deepest funk in his heart and escaped.

The Truman Show The Lunar RoomCHRISTOFWe've become bored with watching actorsgive us phony emotions. We're tired ofpyrotechnics and special effects. Whilethe world he inhabits is in somerespects counterfeit, there's nothingfake about Truman himself. Noscripts, no cue cards...It isn't alwaysShakespeare but it's genuine. It's alife.Truman's BathroomTRUMAN(to mirror cam)I'm not going to make it. You're goingto have to go on without me. No way,mister, you're going to the top of thismountain...Broken legs and all.The Lunar RoomCHRISTOFWe find many viewers leave him on allnight for comfort.Truman's BathroomTRUMAN(to mirror cam)You're crazy, you know that?InterviewMERYLWell, I mean, there is no--there is nodifference between a private life and apublic life. My--my life is my life, isThe Truman Show. The Truman Show is...alifestyle. It's a noble life. It is...atruly blessed life.Truman's BathroomTRUMAN(to mirror cam)I'm not going to get to the top. Allright, promise me one thing though: IfI die before I reach the summit, you willuse me as an alternative source of food.Eeeewwww, gross.InterviewMARLONIt's all true. It's all real. Nothing hereis fake. Nothing you see on this showis fake. It's merely controlled. Truman's BathroomTRUMANEat me, dammit. That's an order.Maybe just my love handles.I have love handles.....little ones.MERYL (O.S)Truman! You're going to be late!Okay!!(sighs)On Truman's PorchTRUMANGood Morning!MRS. WASHINGTONGood Morning!WASHINGTON KIDGood Morning!TRUMANOh! And in case I don't see ya'! GoodAfternoon, Good Evening, and Goodnight!(laughs jovially)Yeah...yeah...SPENCERGood morning Truman!TRUMANGood mornin', Spencer!PLUTO (the dog)(barks at Truman)TRUMANHey Pluto. Hey Pluto! Hey Pluto!SPENCERHey...c'mon, buddy. Get back here.TRUMANGet down! 'at a girl...I know... It's just me..SPENCERC'mon, Pluto!TRUMAN(re: light from sky)Truman's CarRADIOHere's a news flash just in: an aircraft introuble began shedding parts as it flew overSeahaven just a few moments ago.TRUMANNnnnnnn...RADIOWow. Luckily no one was hurt. But hey! Howdo you feel today?TRUMANMmm-mmm. (okay)RADIOThat's good. You thinking of flying anywhere?TRUMANNope.RADIOO-o-oh, good. (The weather?)Sit back and letthis music calm you down.Newspaper StandCUSTOMERDog Fancy please...Why thank you. Thank youvery much.TRUMANOhhh. Get a paper there, will you, Harold?Oh, and of these - for the wife.Loves her fashion mags.HAROLDWill that be all for you, Truman?TRUMANThat's the whole kit 'n' caboodle.HAROLDCatch ya' later.TRUMANOf course. Yeah...In Front of Chicken AdTRUMANGood morning.RON OR DON?Hey! Good morning, Truman.RON OR DON?Good morning, Truman.RON OR DON?Good morning, Truman!TRUMANHey! How are you guys?RON OR DON?Beautiful day, in't it?TRUMANAh...always.RON OR DON?Ah. And how's your lovely wife?TRUMANs'Good. Good. How about yours'?RON OR DON?Ohhh...Couldn't be better!TRUMANAhhhh...RON OR DON?Uh..nice talkin' to ya', Truman.TRUMANYou too, you too.RON OR DON?But we must go now.TRUMANHey, think about that policy!RON OR DON?Yes, we'll think about it.TRUMANOkay, that's two for one, that's a good deal.Doppelganger Special.At the Revolving Door, Truman's OfficeTRUMANHey, fella's, going in? Go ahead....Hey, whoa....I'm not that anxious to getthere.Truman's OfficeTRUMAN(on phone)Uh, could I have directory assistance forFiji, please? Fiji Islands...OFFICE NEIGHBOR(re: Newspaper article"SEAHAVEN THE BEST PLACE ON EARTH!") Truman, did you see this?TRUMAN(on phone)All right, sure ma'am, if--if uh..he's in a(whispering)Yes, uh..Fiji please. Do you have a listingfor a Lauren Garland?....unlisted....okay..Do you have a Sylvia Garland? S for Sylvia.None...okay, thank you.(hangs up phone)OFFICE NEIGHBORLet's see, Burbank, got a prospect in WellsPark for you to close.TRUMANWel-Wells Park? On uh...Harbor Island?OFFICE NEIGHBORYou...know another one?TRUMANWell, I can't do it. I uh...have anappointment. Dentist.OFFICE NEIGHBORReally?TRUMANYeah.(Toothy grin)OFFICE NEIGHBORYou're going to lose a lot more than your teethif you don't meet your quota. Truman. They'remaking cutbacks in here this month.TRUMANCutbacks?OFFICE NEIGHBORYeah. You need this. 'sides, half hour acrossthe bay, a little sea you good.TRUMANHey, thanks.At the DocksTRUMANHello! Ferry's still here, huh? Well, I'mheadin' to sea.TICKETPERSONOne way or return?TRUMAN(like duh)Return.TICKETPERSONHere you go, sir.FERRY STAFF(re: Truman's faint condition)Do you need any help, sir?TRUMANYou go ahead, I'll-I'll be fine.Truman's LawnMERYLI'm home, Truman! Look what I got for youat the checkout. It's a Chef's Pal. It's adicer, grater, peeler all in one. Neverneeds sharpening. Dishwasher safe.TRUMANWow. That's amazing!MERYLTruman. Missed a spot. Unfinished BridgeMARLONMm. THAT is a beer.TRUMANYou know, I've been thinking about gettin' out, Marlon.MARLONYeah? Out of what?TRUMANOut of my job. Out of this city. Off this island. Out.MARLONOut of your job? What the hell is wrong with your job? You have a great job, Truman. You have a desk job. I'd kill for a desk job.(re: beer)Here ya' go.(continuing)You should try stocking vending machines for a living.TRUMANNo thanks.MARLONNow there's excitement.TRUMANDon't you ever get restless? Itchy feet?MARLONWhere is there to go?TRUMANFiji.MARLONWhere the hell is Fiji? Near Florida?TRUMAN(using golf ball as Earth)See here?MARLONTRUMAN(finger on one point of ball)This is us...and all the way around here..(finger slides around toopposite point)Fiji.MARLONMmmm... (Oh...)TRUMANcan't get any further away before you startcoming back.....You know, there are stillislands in Fiji where no human being has everset foot?(question to Andrew Niccol: is Fiji a reference to Lister's, a character on the British Sci-fi comedy "Red Dwarf," dream of building a farm in Fiji?)MARLONhoo..So, when're you gonna go?TRUMANIt's not that simple. It takes money.Planning. Can't just..up and go.MARLONRight.TRUMANI'm gonna' do it. Don't worry about that.You know, bonus time's just around the corner.MARLONHmmm. Hey, you comin' for a drink?TRUMANNo. Can't..Flashback to OceanI don't like the look of that weather, son.I think we should head back.YOUNG TRUMANOh no, Dad.KIRKNo..we should go back.YOUNG TRUMANJust a little further. Please.KIRKOkay.YOUNG TRUMANYeah.THUNDER(boom)YOUNG TRUMANDaddy!BeachTRUMANUgh. Ha ha ha ha ha! Ahhhhhhhh! Truman HomeMERYLYou're soaked! Where have you been?TRUMANI figured we could scrape together eightthousand dollars--MERYLEvery time you and Marlon get together something--TRUMANWe could bum around the world for a yearon that.MERYLAnd then what, Truman? We'd be where we werefive years ago. You're talking like ateenager.TRUMANMaybe I feel like a teenager.MERYLWe have mortgage payments, Truman. We havecar payments. What? We're just going towalk away from our financial obligations?TRUMANWe need adventure..MERYLI thought we were going to try for a baby.Isn't that enough of an adventure?TRUMANThat can wait. I need to get away. Seesome of the world. Explore!MERYLYou want to be an explorer...This'll pass.We all think like this now and again.Let's get you out of these wet clothes,huh? And into bed.Security GarageSECURITY GUARDYou never see anything anyway. They alwaysuh..turn the camera, music and...youknow, the wind blows and then the curtain moves.You don't see anything.Newspaper StandTRUMANOoohhhhh...and I'll pick one of these upwhile I'm at it.HAROLDFor the wife.TRUMANShe's gotta' have 'em.HAROLDAnything else?TRUMANThat's the whole ball o' wax.HAROLDSee ya' later Truman.On the StreetTRUMANDad?........Hey. What're you doing? Hey!Oh! Oof! Ah! Move out of the way! Stopthem! Oh! Oh. Oof. No no wait! Stop! Stop!Hey! Open the doors! Open the...! Somebodystop the bus! Stop the bus! Somebody stop it! Truman's Mother's HouseMOTHERIt doesn't sound insane at all, Truman.I see him ten times a week, in a hundreddifferent faces. You know I almost hugged aperfect stranger in the salon last Thursday.TRUMANIt was dad. I swear! Dressed like a homelessman! And you know what else was strange? Abusiness man and a woman with a little dog cameout of nowhere and forced him onto a bus.MOTHERWell! It's about time they cleaned up the trashdowntown before we become just like the restof the country.TRUMANThey never found Dad's body. Maybe somehow...MOTHEROh no...!TRUMANI'm telling you, if it wasn't him, it washis twin. Did dad have a bother?MOTHERTruman, you know perfectly well that yourfather was an only child, just like you.No sweetie, you're just feeling bad becauseof what happened. You, sailing off intothat storm....But I never blamed you, Truman.And I don't blame you now.Truman's BasementMERYLWhat're you doing down here?TRUMANFixin' the mower....I saw my father today.MERYLI know....(in response to Truman'sparanoid look)Your mother called. You REALLY shouldn't upsether like that.TRUMANDid you want--? What did you want?MERYL(super happy)I made macaroni!TRUMANI'm not hungry.MERYLYou really oughta' throw out thatmower. Get one of those new Elk Rotaries.The Truman BarWAITRESS(re: Truman holding redsweater)What's he doing?WAITRESSSee, they got rid of her, but they couldn'terase the memory.WAITRESSThe memory of who?WAITRESSshh shh shh shh shh shh...Flashback: In Front of Truman's College (Go Seahorses)CHEERLEADERS (O.S.)S! E! A! H! O! R! S! E! S!MERYL(stumbling into Truman)Ow! Ouch!TRUMANOh! Ohhhh!MERYLOuch!TRUMANYou okay?MERYLExcuse me! Hi!TRUMANHi!MERYLOh..I'm so sorry I fell on you.TRUMANIt's okay.MERYLI'm just--I've just..been a klutz all day.TRUMANIt's all right.MERYLI think I...sprained my ankle. I could be...sorry...I'm so sorry for falling on you likethat.TRUMANIt's all right.MERYLI--I'm Meryl.TRUMANHi. It's... Truman.MERYLHey, nice to meet you...College DanceTwentieth Century Boy plays here.LibraryMERYLLet's go.TRUMANShh.MERYLYou can study later. C'mon.TRUMANNo. I gotta' commit this to memory.MARLONC'mon, Truman. Let's go for a brewski. C'mon. C'mon.TRUMANYou're going to hafta' copy off me so be careful.MERYLNo..? ...Better person than I am. I'll see you later, kay? Bye.TRUMANBye.MARLONSee ya' later, loser.TRUMANOw! Shhhh! *sigh*....... Hi...Konichiwa?LAURENWhat?TRUMANYou take Japanese.LAURENOh! Yes. Yes..TRUMANLauren, right?....It's on your book.LAURENLauren. Right. Right.TRUMANWell, I'm Truman.LAURENYeah. I know. Look, Truman, I'm not allowedto talk to you. You know.TRUMANYeah, well, I can understand, I'm a pretty dangerous character.LAURENI'm sorry. It's not like that.TRUMANA girl's gotta' be careful.....It's a boyfriend,right?LAURENNo, it's not like--TRUMANOf course not. Is it--was it Meryl, the girl I was with? We're not--we don't--we're--we're--we're just-- we're friends. It's how I look. Not your type.LAURENNo. (that's not it)TRUMANI like your pin. Was wondering that myself.LAURENMm.TRUMANWould you wanna maybe, possibly..sometimego out for some pizza or something? Friday? Saturday? Sunday? Coming Tuesday?....(re: Lauren's note "NOW")We have finals tomorrow...LAURENYeah, I know. If we don't go now, we won't havethe chance. Do you understand? So what are yougonna do.BeachTRUMANWoohoo! Please keep your hands inside thecaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!...This is my favorite pizzaplace. Tony! I wanna large, extra plankton.LAURENWe have so little time. They're going tobe here any minute.TRUMANWho are they?LAURENThey don't want me talking to you.TRUMANThen don't talk.They kiss.LAURENTruman.TRUMANWhat do they want?LAURENListen to me. Everyone knows about--everyone knows everything you do. 'Cause they'repretending, Truman. Do you--Do you understand?Everybody's pretending.TRUMAN__?__.LAURENNo no no, ah, my name's not Lauren. No no.My name's Sylvia.TRUMANSylvia?LAURENYeah.LAUREN'S FATHERLauren, sweetheart. Out again?TRUMANHey, wait a minute. Who are you?LAUREN'S FATHERI'm her father!LAURENWhat? I've never even seen you before today.LAUREN'S FATHERC'mon, sweetie. Please, honey.LAURENHe's lying! Truman, please! Don't listen to him! Everything I've told you is the truth!LAUREN'S FATHER's fake. It's all for you.TRUMANI don't understand.LAURENAn--and the sky and the sea, everything. It's a set. It's a show.LAUREN'S FATHERPlease. It'll be all right.LAURENPlease don't listen! He's going to lie to you!Everyone's arguing at once.TRUMANI really would like to know what's going on!LAUREN'S FATHERSchizophrenia. It's episodes.TRUMANIt's what? (?)LAURENPlease! No!LAUREN'S FATHERYou forget it, forget everything.LAURENDon't do it! Don't Truman!LAUREN'S FATHERDon't worry. Don't worry! You're not the first.You're not the first.LAURENTruman!LAUREN'S FATHERShe brings all her boyfriends down here.LAURENWhat's he saying? Truman, he's lying!Get out of here. Come and find me.LAUREN'S FATHERDon't worry. We're going to Fiji.TRUMANSee you in school!LAUREN'S FATHERFiji. We're moving to Fiji.TRUMANFiji?.....(re: Sylvia's sweater)Sylvia! Hey!Truman BarWAITRESSWell, why didn't he just follow her to Fiji?WAITRESSHis mother got sick. Really sick. He couldn'tleave her. He's kind. Maybe he's too kind.WAITRESSI can't believe he married Meryl on the rebound.BARTENDERExcuse me....It's sad, we've already got this onthe greatest hits tape.WAITRESSCan I borrow that?Truman's BasementTRUMAN__?__.Truman's CarRADIOAnd it's another beautiful day in paradise,folks, but don't forget to buckle up out therein radio land. remember...a good driver....gogo go go go go go driver good driver really goodgood good good good driver good driver goodriver goo goo goo...(TRUMAN plays with knob)Wait for the cue __?__ wait for the cue. Standby one.Stand by to watch him. Stand by(static...)He's heading west on Stewart. Stand by all extras. Lynn,he'll be on you in about 90 seconds, props make surethe copies out. Okay, he's making his turn ontoLancaster Square...(screams)Oh my God! He knew we were following, something's wrong,uh, change frequencies!(Feed back, everyone on thestreet reacts)Ouch! Huh, sorry about that, folks, I guess we pickedup a police frequency or something. It sometimeshappens and it can drive you crazy. Okay, it'sclassical climb, back on the air, and we've stillgot some great music up ahead. But hey! Don't forgetto buckle up. Remember safety. A good driver is asafe driver. A safe driver is what? Yes! Haha!*click*Omnicom BuildingSECURITY GUARDUh, do you need help?TRUMANUh, yeah, um, I have an appointment at uh...Huh?...What's that stuff he's...? Just tell me what's...SECURITY GUARDIt's nothing. We're remodeling.TRUMANThose people...SECURITY GUARDIt's none of your business, sir.TRUMANIf you don't tell me what's happening I'll reportyou!Mini-marketTRUMANMarlon!MARLONTruman? What're you doing here?TRUMANI gotta' talk to you.MARLONIt's a bad time, okay? I'm way behind on--TRUMANI'm on to something, Marlon. Something big.MARLONYou okay? You look like shit.TRUMANI've gotten mixed up in something.MARLONMixed up in what?TRUMANThere's no point in trying to explain it, buta lot of strange things have been happening.Like, like.. at your company. There were people getting on the elevator, there was no--there wasno backing on it.MARLONHeh.TRUMANI looked out, there was people there. And the--on the radio, on the way to work, it started to,like, follow me around! Kept talking about everything that I'm doing! You know what I mean?MARLONNow, Truman, if this is one of your fantasies, I've got no time to--TRUMANI think this is about my dad.MARLONYour dad?TRUMANI think he's alive. Yeah. I'll tell you about itlater. I think I'm being followed.MARLONBy who?TRUMANIt's hard to tell. They look just like regularpeople.MARLONHow about those two?TRUMANI dunno.MARLONmm-hmm...TRUMANWatch, it's those unpredictable actions...(or they can't follow unpredictable actions...)Truman claps twice.TRUMANAnything happen?MARLONNo.TRUMANMm-hmm. We gotta' get out of here. You ready to go?MARLONNo, I just can't--...I told you I can't.TRUMAN(makes a disgusted noise)MARLONYou're going to get both our asses fired, youTRUMANOkay, then! Let's do it!MARLONWhat?TRUMANWhatever you say! I'm game!MARLONWhat? What're you talking about?TRUMANYessirree! Birthday comes but once a year! Hah hah... Beach at SunsetTRUMANMaybe I'm being set up for something. You everthink about that, Marlon? That your whole lifehas been building towards something?MARLONNnnnn-no.TRUMANWhen you would haul chickens in the summer forKaiser, what was the furthest you ever got offthe island?MARLONWe went all over. Never found a place like this,though. Look at that sunset, Truman.TRUMANHmm?MARLONThat's the Big Guy. What a paintbrush he's got.TRUMANJust between you and me, Marlon--I'm going awayMARLONYou are? Really.TRUMANYeah.Truman's Living RoomMOTHER(re: photo album)*sigh* Little little clown.'N carrot top, remember this? Awww...TRUMANWe should be getting you home, mother.MOTHEROh, hold on a minute, here's us at Mount Rushmore.Remember, Truman, when dad was still with us? Itwas quite a drive. You slept all the way there!TRUMAN(re:Mount Rushmore) It's so small.MOTHERThings always do dear, when you look back on them...MERYLLook, Truman. The happiest day of our lives.TRUMANMmmm...MERYLLook! Jean, Joey, Joanne...MOTHERDoesn't she look beautiful, Truman? Well, shestill does! And there's lots of pages left overfor baby photos. I would like to hold a grandchildin my arms before I go. And you know I reallyshould be getting Truman to--MERYLNo no no no no, you stay, relax, enjoy yourself.Your favorite show will be coming on.TRUMANYou sure?MERYLBesides, we have something to discuss...MOTHERA certain person's birthday...TRUMANOohhh...I see.T.V.And there'll be another episode of I Love Lucysame time tomorrow, but right now, it's time forFilm Classics. Tonight we present the endearing, much-loved classic, "Show me the Way to go Home."A hymn of praise to small town life where we learnthat you don't have to leave home to discover whatthe world's all about. And that no one's poor whohas friends. Full of laughter and love, pain andsadness, but ultimately redemption. We share thetrials and tribulations of the Abbot family. Notethe touching performance of Ronald Griereed (?) asUncle Buddy. And that scene with the bowl ofcherries is going to have you splitting your sideswith laughter all over again. And there'll betears, too, when David and Jennifer are reunited.But enough from me, let's join the Abbots in __?__Village.At this point, Truman notices Meryl crossing her fingers in one of their wedding photos...Happiest Day?Truman's HomeMERYLThank you, sweetie.TRUMANI need to talk to you.MERYLI'd love to, but, I'm really late.TRUMANWhat's your rush?MERYLSurgery. There was that--that elevator disasterdowntown. It was on the news, last night. This--this cable just snapped. This elevator ju--it justplummeted down ten flights with nonunion workers.Just monstrous. You know, that..that's right next door to where you work. Can youimagine if you had been in there? It's not evenworth thinking about. Anyway, I have an amputationon one of the young women who that elevatorShe's very young. It's very..sad. Anyway, um..wishme luck.TRUMAN(slyly)I'll cross my fingers for you.HospitalRECEPTIONISTAh, excuse me! Excuse me. May uh...May Ihelp you?TRUMANWell, uh....yes. I'm looking wife.Nurse Burbank. It's very important.RECEPTIONISTYou know what, I'm afraid that that's um...that's not possible. She's in pre-op.TRUMANOkay, fine. Can you pass along a message?RECEPTIONISTI'll try.(giggles nervously)TRUMANCan you tell her: I had to go to Fiji, and thatI'll call her when I get there.RECEPTIONISTWhen you...when you get to Fiji?TRUMANYou got'll tell her.TRUMANThank you so much........(re: man in the waywith a large cart)Oh! Sorry! Here, let me help you with that.DOCTORHe's here.NURSEWhat do we...?DOCTORShh shh shh...scalpel...I'm now making my primary incision just... above the right... knee.NURSEOh! Er...SECURITYThis isn't going to be pretty. Unless you're family...TRUMANExcuse me...NURSEGood job.DOCTORI'll just let someone else clean up here. Travel Agent's OfficeAGENTI'm sorry to keep you.TRUMANThat's okay.AGENTHow can I help?TRUMANI would like to book a flight to Fiji.AGENTWhen would you like to leave?TRUMANToday.AGENTI'm sorry. I don't have anything for at leasta month.TRUMANA month?!AGENTIt's the busy season. You want to book the flight?TRUMANIt..doesn't matter. I'll..make other arrangements.Okay.Bus StationENGINEERLast call for Chicagoooo! All abooooard!Thank you. Windy city, here we come!On the BusTRUMANHi, how you doin'?...hello...sisters...LITTLE GIRLMom, isn't that...?GIRL'S MOTHERShh...LITTLE GIRL...Truman...?GIRL'S MOTHER...face the front.ENGINEEREverybody off. We've got a problem.BUS DRIVER(too sincerely)'m sorry, son.Truman BarBARTENDERWell, his father was from Chicago, wasn't he?WAITRESSNo no no no no no. His dentist was from Pensacola.His father was from Des Moines.BARTENDERBut, how come he wants to go to Chicago?WAITRESSHe's not going to Chicago. He's not going anywhere.He has to have it out with Meryl.Truman's CarMERYLTruman? Honey, are you okay?TRUMANYeah.MERYLTruman.(starts to say something)TRUMANEh! Shhh....In just a moment, we'll see a ladyon a red bike, a man with flowers, and a Volkswagenbeetle with a dented fender.MERYLTruman.TRUMANLook!dy...Flowers!...TRUMAN AND MERYL...And...MERYLTruman, this is silly.TRUMANThere it is! There it is! There's that dented beetle!Yes! Whooooooooooo! Ha-ha! Ha.......Do you wannaknow how I did that? I'll tell ya'. They're on a loop.They go around the block. They come back. They goaround again. They just go 'round and 'round!(almost singing)Round and round!MERYLYou know, I invited Rita and Marlon for a barbecueon Sunday. I'm gonna make my potato salad and--TRUMAN--I need to remind you that we need more charcoal.TRUMANAre you listening to a word I'm saying?MERYLYou're upset because you want to go to Fiji, is thatit? Okay. Okay. Go. I think we should save for afew months, and then, go. There! You happy now? I'mgonna take a shower.TRUMANLet's go now. I'm ready to go now, why wait?MERYLWhat?TRUMANEarly bird gathers no moss, rolling stone catches theworm, right? Ha ha ha!Driving in CirclesMERYLTruman!TRUMANWhere shall we go? Where. Shall. We. Go?MERYLTruman, where are we going?TRUMANI don't know. I guess we're being spontaneous.MERYLOh!(giggles nervously)TRUMANSomebody help me! I'm being spontaneous! Forget(nervous laughter, quick glancesdirectly into the camera)No...TRUMANWhat about Atlantic City!?MERYLOh, no, you hate to gamble.TRUMANThat's right, I do, don't I?MERYLSo, why would you want to go there?TRUMAN'Cause I never have! That's why people go places.Isn't it?MERYLTruman. Truman I think I'm going to throw up.TRUMANMe too!Suddenly Jammed StreetTRUMANBlocked at every turn. Beautifully synchronized,don't you agree?MERYLYou're blaming me for the traffic?TRUMANShould I?MERYLTruman, let's go home.。
楚门的世界(The Truman Show)中英文台词对照

Broken legs and all.
We find many viewers leave him on all night for comfort.
观众通宵收看 视他如良友
You're crazy, You know that?
你发神经 知道吗?
Well, for me, There is no difference between a private life And a public life.
我知道 但仍然怕
Come on, pluto.
来 阿冥
Holy cow.
What is it?
那是什么lash just in.
An aircraft in trouble began shedding parts
We've become bored with watching actors give us phony emotions.
我们看戏 看厌了虚伪的表情
We're tired of pyrotechnics and special effects.
While the world he inhabits...
未必是杰作 但如假包换
It's a life.
I'm not going to make it.
You're going to have to go on without me.
你自己去吧 不要等我

Two Options
A. an ideal world but it has been arranged by a wire-puller; B. a real world where you may need to face some challenges off and on.
Truman’s cost was too much---losing freedom, truth of the real world, he looked like a fool or white rat in the lab and a bird in a cage. No one could stand such tragical life.
I only want to record the whole life of an
ordinary person, and tell what I think is a true story. The audience is my god. Everything I do is to meet their desires.
Truman lived in a huge studio and was the only hero in a live soap opera(纪实性肥皂剧, 电视真人秀),which was made by the director Christof. Every minute Every moment
Christof: I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life. The world, the place you live in, is the sick place.
《楚门的世界》经典台词(中英双语对照)The Truman Show

《楚门的世界》经典台词(中英双语对照)The Truman ShowWas anything real?有什么是真实的么?We're tired of pyrotechnics and special effects.我们看厌了花哨的特技。
He was born in front of a live audience.他就是出生在直播现常Dice me, slice me or peel me?你想把我切了还是削了?The world stood still for that stolen kiss.他的初吻受到全球瞩目。
Please, don't listen to him. He's gonna lie to you.不要听他,他是骗你的。
You were real. That's what made you so good to watch…你是真实的,所以大家才这么爱你……We accept the reality of the world with which we're presented.每个人都会接受眼前的现实。
Next time he'll be charged.他这次命大,下次就得提出起诉。
Let me out. lf you want to destroy yourself, do it on your own.让我下车,你疯了,你想自杀就别拖我下水。
guewhat l'm saying is that life is fragile.我想说的是生命很脆弱。
But the point is, l'd gladly walk in front of traffic for you.重点是,我甘愿为你牺牲。
No way, mister.You're going to the top of this mountain, broken legs and all.你不能放弃,就算跛着脚也要爬上高峰。

楚门的世界英语观后感300词"The Truman Show" is a profound film that explores the intricacies of reality, perception, and the pursuit of truth. Directed by Peter Weir, it stars Jim Carrey in the titular role, offering a thought-provoking commentary on the media, society, and the individual's quest for authenticity.The film centers around Truman Burbank, a man who lives in a seemingly perfect world, unaware that he is the star of a reality TV show watched by millions. His every move is captured by cameras and broadcast to a global audience, making him a household name. However, as Truman begins to notice suspicious inconsistencies in his surroundings and meets a fellow castaway who challenges his reality, he starts to question the nature of his existence.What makes "The Truman Show" so compelling is its exploration of the concept of reality. It challenges the viewer to question their own perception of the world andwhat constitutes "real." Is reality truly objective, or is it shaped by our own experiences, beliefs, and the media? The film suggests that our reality is often constructed by external forces, and Truman's journey is a symbol of the individual's struggle to overcome these limitations andfind true freedom.Jim Carrey's performance is出色,captivating the audience with his emotional range and comic timing. His portrayal of Truman's journey from confusion and despair to enlightenment and resolution is remarkable, making thefilm's themes resonate deeply.The film's director, Peter Weir, employs innovative cinematography and a thought-provoking screenplay to create a world that is both captivating and unsettling. The use of cameras and lighting creates a sense of claustrophobia, highlighting Truman's isolation and the constricting nature of his reality. The film's soundtrack, composed by Mark Isham, enhances the emotional impact of the film, further immersing the viewer in Truman's world."The Truman Show" also comments on the role of the media in shaping public opinion and perception. Itcriticizes the media for manipulating reality to fit itsown agenda, often at the cost of individuals' privacy and well-being. The film asks us to be more critical of the information we consume and to question its motives and authenticity.In conclusion, "The Truman Show" is a film that challenges our understanding of reality and the role of the media in shaping it. It encourages us to question our own perceptions and to seek truth and authenticity in a world that is increasingly shaped by external forces. JimCarrey's出色表演and Peter Weir's innovative direction make this film a timeless classic that continues to resonatewith audiences worldwide.**《楚门的世界》观后感**《楚门的世界》是一部深入人心的电影,它探讨了现实、感知和追求真理的复杂性。

• • • • • • 一则荒诞无稽的人生寓言 一部颠覆人们世界观电影 对惟利是图、践踏人权的社会现象的强烈讽刺 激励人心、发人省思的黑色喜剧 以讽刺的手法向人们展示了被媒体渗透了的世界 有力地批判了“媒体万能”的价值观,用类似“乌托邦” 的虚拟的完美世界寓意着“笼中鸟”式的生存悲哀 · The Story Of A Lifetime · The Air. Unaware. On · The World is Watching · like to watch! We · Watch What Happens
1.That is a beer. You know, I'm thinking aboub getting out,marlon. Yeah?Out of what? Off_______,off_______,off______. Out of your job?What the hell's wrong with your job? You have a great job,Truman,you have a desk job.I'd kill for a desk job.You should try____________. No,thanks.Now,there's _____.Don't you ever get antsy?Itchy feet? Where's there to go?______.
《楚门的世界》用一个近乎残忍的故事,以一种寓言式的叙事,给了 大家一个耐人寻味的回答。 很显然,楚门只属于楚门的世界——一个被操纵的虚拟世界。他的出生、 成长,一切的喜怒哀乐,如果不出意外的话,包括他的死亡,都将在一个被 人为操纵和设计好的舞台上上演,并被无以计数的生活于光鲜富足的现代世 界的男男女女们驻足观看。他们与楚门融为一体,一起经历着成长的历程, 离开楚门,他们的生活将无以为继,世界将大乱,生活将没有意义。 但一场被设计好的持续了三十年之久的旷古未有的真人秀,却终因楚门 的疑心和探求欲被击碎了。在楚门历经了人造的风暴、雷电、巨浪的考验后, 承载着他走向真相的船,无情地撞破了那个蓝得刺眼的美丽但却虚假的天空。 在那一刹那,一个神话结束了,一个阴谋被置于阳光之下。更为重要的是, 这深深的撞击,证明只要人性尚存,心灵是无法被永远操纵的。 然而,楚门又绝不仅仅属于楚门的世界。他同时就是生活在这个弥漫着 电子硝烟的世界里的你和我。 从出生,到成长,到死去,我们对世界的认识,从来是都是局限的,我 们永远无法做到像万能的上帝那样,可以对这个世界了然于胸。我们不得不 借助于各种载体来超脱我们的肉体樊篱,从而使得心灵可以通达久远的过去, 遥想漫长的未来,想象异邦的人世间,以满足我们无限的好奇心和知识欲望。 在这个意义上,我们不得不赞同麦克卢汉的至理名言:“媒介是人体的延 伸”。
The Truman Show楚门的世界PPT

Truman’s wife:Interestimpelled act (even) regar dless of freedom of Trum an
受利益与名誉所驱使,不断阻碍 楚门寻求自由的路。
Truman’s friend:
• liar • Selfish
CHRISTOF:You're afraid. That's why you can't leave. It's okay, Truman. I understand. I have been watching you your whole life. I was watching when you were born. I was watching when you took your first step. I watched you on your first day of school. heh heh. The episode when you lost your first tooth. heh heh heh. You can't leave, Truman. You belong here...With me. Talk to me. Say something. 'ell, say something, goddamnit! You're on television! You're live to the whole world!
Full shot 全景
close shot 近景
medium shot 中景
பைடு நூலகம்
extreme close-up 大特写
Chart 2 famous movie lines

”编剧 Andrew Niccol(1991)▲4分钟看完《楚门的世界》01何为真实?你所见所感所知的,就是所谓的真实吗?活了三十年,才发现身边所有的一切都是假的。
妻子呢,很“敬业”,但演技不“专业”,随处硬塞的广告植入多到连观影的我都心生好奇……▲上下滑动查看更多“The last thing that I would ever do is lie to you…”然发小则一直演技在线,特别是这句“作为朋友,怎也不会欺骗你”,辅以从小到大的回忆杀,足以瞒天过海,而后营造的22年后的父子重逢也赚足了观众和不明真相的Truman的眼泪!02即便现实并不美好,我们也不会选择一个完美无可挑剔的虚假世界。
TRUMAN:Who are you?CHRISTOF:I am the creator of atelevision show that gives hope and joyand inspiration to millions.TRUMAN:And who am I?CHRISTOF: You're the star.TRUMAN:Was nothing real?CHRISTOF:YOU were real.....这是真人秀节目的制作者Christof和Truman片尾处的对话。

TheTrumanShow_楚门的世界电影观后感900字Watch a movie called "Truman show" of the film, I was deeply moved by the courage to dream.This movie is mainly about Truman is a very ordinary person, but from birth to live a life by the television monitoring bureau, he did not know.His ex girlfriend is an actor on the show, but she doesn't want to have to try and cheat Truman, he said the truth, can hardly believe truman.He found himself by many people at the beach in the evening, tracking rises Chaoyang strange phenomenon, he found the show he tricky, in order to get rid of the surveillance, the pursuit of their own freedom and dreams, think of an unmanned surveillance to Fiji's life, but has been a television repeatedly obstructed, unable to escape. For example, one day he was in a boat and wanted to leave, and the director was able to intimidate him with the lightning storm made by the machine. When he stood back on the ship, he found that all the walls were around, and found a high staircase, a door appeared in front of him, and he finally realized that everything around him was false, he lived in the world of director.The director said to him, "you can't get out of this door. If you go out of this door, your life will be unsafe. You're going to stay in my world. Truman can 'do not want to, so he opened the door, confidently walked out, he was finally free.Truman is an ordinary person, ordinary like living in us. He had a lot of desires, and he was easy to please. Therefore, he sometimes tread on air, sometimes rusangkaobi, most of the time were helpless depressed, at a loss. At this time, the talenteddirector was in use again, and he constantly made new stimulation, making his long drama become ups and downs and attract people's appetite. He in Truman happy gave him some trouble, when depressed, is to seize the opportune moment to open it a slim chance of survival. He let the blonde like romantic novels as suddenly appeared in the Truman line of sight, open his erotic valves, letting her sudden departure, which plunged into a bottomless abyss of soul; he let Truman had never met 'late father' suddenly appeared, exaggerated funny scenes so that it was tears, but also earned the audience's tears; he let Truman bosom friends to care for him, when the bad mood to enlighten him, to feel it 'in the desert oasis' renewed confidence, although the friend is just an actor, and are carrying a large segment of the words......In fact, in my opinion, the most important thing to convey in this film is still the pursuit of freedom. The program calling as a real person, not what is actually true, if you say Truman is not true, then we might imagine, if not for the program group arrangement Truman's father died at sea, if not the teacher blindly defeated Truman's spirit of adventure, if Truman started life in the real world so, he really so afraid of the sea? Is it really just a little employee? Do you really live an ordinary life? The so-called reality, but is a doll under the arrangement of the crew, he was born from a set of acting in the script, but he played too heart, no one taught him how to go out. There are a few lines in the film that are very classic, for example, we have always accepted the reality presented to us. The world outside is as deceitful as the world I gave you, and there is a same lie. Yes, but grew up after will feel right, how many people in the world is not the same as Truman? When a great dream of their own, but withthe increase of age, under the pressure of public opinion or the limitation of realistic condition, they gradually be broken off at the beginning of that pure spirit, so they want more is to accept and adapt to these facts, then do not love their own thing. I said his heart, making originally not gay people, it seems that this world is the real world? What is the difference between the Truman and life in the world? In fact, when Truman turned across the door, I think the movie sent us more is a kind of positive energy, while the other side of the door is dark, but this time the Truman heart must shining the light of freedom, that freedom is not only physical freedom is freedom of the soul, is the desire and pursuit of a on the inside of the original, it is in this complex society we need to be clear, do not forget the beginning of the heart, the party must always, no matter in what position, we can not forget the faith and enthusiasm, his heart only in this way, we can not be bound to the social reality, get real freedom.。
The Truman Show

Out of my job. Out of Seahaven.Off this island. Out.
What the hell's wrong with your job?You've got a great job. A desk job.
- One way or return?- Return.
There you go, sir.
- Do you need any help, sir?- You go ahead, l'll be fine.
Hey, fellas.Going in? Go ahead.
- Go ahead.- l'm not that anxious to get there.
Could l have directory assistancefor Fiji, please? Fiji lslands.
Wow ... that's amazing.
Truman ... you missed a spot.
That is a beer.
- l'm thinking about getting out.- Yeah? Out of what?
楚门的世界 电影《楚门的世界》的详细介绍

In order to put him limited in the island, the creator Christof, He arranged a shipwreck(海难) of Truman’s father. since seeing his father die on a boating accident, Truman’s been terrified of water. So ,he did not have the courage to leave the town by sea.
“ l think what distresses you,
really, caller, is that, ultimately,
Truman prefers his cell,
as you call it.”
你不安,其实另有原因, 就是楚门甘愿坐你所谓的监狱
Finally, Truman stopped his play , He walked out of the door, looking for a real life, No matter what will be waiting for him. Truman :You never had a camera in my head! 你无法在我的脑
He began to re-recognize his life.
Soon after, he found
more strange things.
He found a lot of strange things, not only his
dead father, but also his mother, his wife and best friend. “Everybody seems to be in on it. 人人都似乎在串谋”
楚门的世界 (The Truman Show)

楚门的世界 (The Truman Show)《楚门的世界》是一部让人思考的电影,它引发了我对现实和自我认知的思考。

《楚门的世界》英文剧本The Truman ShowThis is the full transcript of The Truman Show. It in no way intends toinfringe upon the rights of the writers, producers, distributors, exhibitors,etc., of the movie.The Lunar RoomCHRISTOFWe've become bored with watching actorsgive us phony emotions. We're tired ofpyrotechnics and special effects. Whilethe world he inhabits is in somerespects counterfeit, there's nothingfake about Truman himself. Noscripts, no cue cards...It isn't alwaysShakespeare but it's genuine. It's alife.Truman's BathroomTRUMAN(to mirror cam)I'm not going to make it. You're going to have to go on without me. No way, mister, you're going to the top of this mountain...Broken legs and all.The Lunar RoomCHRISTOFWe find many viewers leave him on all night for comfort.Truman's BathroomTRUMAN(to mirror cam)You're crazy, you know that?InterviewMERYLWell, I mean, there is no--there is no difference between a private life and a public life. My--my life is my life, is The Truman Show. The Truman Show is...a lifestyle. It's a noble life. It is...a truly blessed life.Truman's BathroomTRUMAN(to mirror cam)I'm not going to get to the top. All right, promise me one thing though: IfI die before I reach the summit, you will use me as an alternative source of food. Eeeewwww, gross.InterviewMARLONIt's all true. It's all real. Nothing hereis fake. Nothing you see on this show is fake. It's merely controlled.Truman's BathroomTRUMANEat me, dammit. That's an order. Maybe just my love handles.I have love handles.....little ones.MERYL (O.S)Truman! You're going to be late!TRUMANOkay!!(sighs)On Truman's PorchTRUMANGood Morning!MRS. WASHINGTONGood Morning!WASHINGTON KIDGood Morning!TRUMANOh! And in case I don't see ya'! Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Goodnight! (laughs jovially)Yeah...yeah...SPENCERGood morning Truman!TRUMANGood mornin', Spencer!PLUTO (the dog)(barks at Truman)TRUMANHey Pluto. Hey Pluto! Hey Pluto!SPENCERHey...c'mon, buddy. Get back here.TRUMANGet down! 'at a girl...I know... It's just me..SPENCERC'mon, Pluto!TRUMAN(re: light from sky)Oh my God!Truman's CarRADIOHere's a news flash just in: an aircraft in trouble began shedding parts as it flew over Seahaven just a few moments ago.Nnnnnnn...RADIOWow. Luckily no one was hurt. But hey! Howdo you feel today?TRUMANMmm-mmm. (okay)RADIOThat's good. You thinking of flying anywhere?TRUMANNope.RADIOO-o-oh, good. (The weather?)Sit back and let this music calm you down.Newspaper StandDog Fancy please...Why thank you. Thank you very much.TRUMANOhhh. Get a paper there, will you, Harold? Oh, and of these - for the wife. Loves her fashion mags.HAROLDWill that be all for you, Truman?TRUMANThat's the whole kit 'n' caboodle.HAROLDCatch ya' later.TRUMANOf course. Yeah...In Front of Chicken AdTRUMANGood morning.RON OR DON?Hey! Good morning, Truman.RON OR DON?Good morning, Truman.RON OR DON?Good morning, Truman!TRUMANHey! How are you guys?RON OR DON?Beautiful day, in't it?TRUMANAh...always.RON OR DON?Ah. And how's your lovely wife?TRUMANs'Good. Good. How about yours'?RON OR DON?Ohhh...Couldn't be better!TRUMANAhhhh...RON OR DON?Uh..nice talkin' to ya', Truman.TRUMANYou too, you too.RON OR DON?But we must go now.TRUMANHey, think about that policy!RON OR DON?Yes, we'll think about it.TRUMANOkay, that's two for one, that's a good deal. Doppelganger Special.At the Revolving Door, Truman's OfficeTRUMANHey, fella's, going in? Go ahead....Hey, whoa....I'm not that anxious to get there.Truman's OfficeTRUMAN(on phone)Uh, could I have directory assistance for Fiji, please? Fiji Islands...OFFICE NEIGHBOR(re: Newspaper article"SEAHAVEN THE BEST PLACE ON EARTH!") Truman, did you see this?TRUMAN(on phone)All right, sure ma'am, if--if uh..he's in a coma he's probably uninsurable! (whispering)Yes, uh..Fiji please. Do you have a listing for a Lauren Garland?....unlisted....okay.. Do you have a Sylvia Garland? S for Sylvia. None...okay, thank you.(hangs up phone)OFFICE NEIGHBORLet's see, Burbank, got a prospect in Wells Park for you to close.TRUMANWel-Wells Park? On uh...Harbor Island?OFFICE NEIGHBORYou...know another one?TRUMANWell, I can't do it. I uh...have an appointment. Dentist.OFFICE NEIGHBORReally?TRUMANYeah.(Toothy grin)OFFICE NEIGHBORYou're going to lose a lot more than your teeth if you don't meet your quota. Truman. They're making cutbacks in here this month.TRUMANCutbacks?OFFICE NEIGHBORYeah. You need this. 'sides, half hour across the bay, a little sea you good.TRUMANHey, thanks.At the DocksTRUMANHello! Ferry's still here, huh? Well, I'm headin' to sea.TICKETPERSONOne way or return?TRUMAN(like duh)Return.TICKETPERSONHere you go, sir.FERRY STAFF(re: Truman's faint condition)Do you need any help, sir?TRUMANYou go ahead, I'll-I'll be fine.Truman's LawnMERYLI'm home, Truman! Look what I got for you at the checkout. It's a Chef's Pal. It's a dicer, grater, peeler all in one. Never needs sharpening. Dishwasher safe.TRUMANWow. That's amazing!MERYLTruman. Missed a spot.Unfinished BridgeMARLONMm. THAT is a beer.TRUMANYou know, I've been thinking about gettin' out, Marlon.MARLONYeah? Out of what?TRUMANOut of my job. Out of this city. Off this island. Out.MARLONOut of your job? What the hell is wrong with your job? You have a great job, Truman. You have a desk job. I'd killfor a desk job.(re: beer)Here ya' go.(continuing)You should try stocking vending machines for a living.TRUMANNo thanks.MARLONNow there's excitement.TRUMANDon't you ever get restless? Itchy feet?MARLONWhere is there to go?TRUMANFiji.MARLONWhere the hell is Fiji? Near Florida?TRUMAN(using golf ball as Earth)See here?MARLONMmmhm..TRUMAN(finger on one point of ball)This is us...and all the way around here.. (finger slides around toopposite point)Fiji.MARLONMmmm... (Oh...)TRUMANcan't get any further away before you startcoming back.....You know, there are stillislands in Fiji where no human being has everset foot?(question to Andrew Niccol: is Fiji a reference to Lister's, a character on the British Sci-fi comedy "Red Dwarf,"dream of building a farm in Fiji?)MARLONhoo..So, when're you gonna go?TRUMANIt's not that simple. It takes money.Planning. Can't just..up and go.MARLONRight.TRUMANI'm gonna' do it. Don't worry about that.You know, bonus time's just around the corner.MARLONHmmm. Hey, you comin' for a drink?TRUMANNo. Can't..Flashback to OceanKIRKI don't like the look of that weather, son.I think we should head back.YOUNG TRUMANOh no, Dad.KIRKNo..we should go back.YOUNG TRUMANJust a little further. Please.KIRKOkay.YOUNG TRUMANYeah.THUNDER(boom)YOUNG TRUMANDaddy!BeachTRUMANUgh. Ha ha ha ha ha! Ahhhhhhhh! Truman HomeMERYLYou're soaked! Where have you been? TRUMANI figured we could scrape together eightthousand dollars--MERYLEvery time you and Marlon get together something--TRUMANWe could bum around the world for a yearon that.MERYLAnd then what, Truman? We'd be where we werefive years ago. You're talking like ateenager.TRUMANMaybe I feel like a teenager.MERYLWe have mortgage payments, Truman. We havecar payments. What? We're just going towalk away from our financial obligations?TRUMANWe need adventure..MERYLI thought we were going to try for a baby. Isn't that enough of an adventure?TRUMANThat can wait. I need to get away. See some of the world. Explore!MERYLYou want to be an explorer...This'll pass. We all think like this now and again.Let's get you out of these wet clothes, huh? And into bed.Security GarageSECURITY GUARDYou never see anything anyway. They alwaysuh..turn the camera, music know, the wind blows and then the curtain moves. You don't see anything.Newspaper StandTRUMANOoohhhhh...and I'll pick one of these upwhile I'm at it.HAROLDFor the wife.TRUMANShe's gotta' have 'em.HAROLDAnything else?TRUMANThat's the whole ball o' wax.HAROLDSee ya' later Truman.On the StreetTRUMANDad?........Hey. What're you doing? Hey!Oh! Oof! Ah! Move out of the way! Stopthem! Oh! Oh. Oof. No no wait! Stop! Stop! Hey! Open the doors! Open the...! Somebody stop the bus! Stop the bus! Somebody stop it!Truman's Mother's HouseMOTHERIt doesn't sound insane at all, Truman.I see him ten times a week, in a hundred different faces. You know I almost hugged a perfect stranger in the salon last Thursday.TRUMANIt was dad. I swear! Dressed like a homelessman! And you know what else was strange? A business man and a woman with a little dog came out of nowhere and forced him onto a bus.MOTHERWell! It's about time they cleaned up the trash downtown before we become just like the restof the country.TRUMANThey never found Dad's body. Maybe somehow...MOTHEROh no...!TRUMANI'm telling you, if it wasn't him, it washis twin. Did dad have a bother?MOTHERTruman, you know perfectly well that yourfather was an only child, just like you.No sweetie, you're just feeling bad becauseof what happened. You, sailing off intothat storm....But I never blamed you, Truman. And I don't blame you now.Truman's BasementMERYLWhat're you doing down here?TRUMANFixin' the mower....I saw my father today.MERYLI know....(in response to Truman'sparanoid look)Your mother called. You REALLY shouldn't upset her like that.TRUMANDid you want--? What did you want?MERYL(super happy)I made macaroni!TRUMANI'm not hungry.MERYLYou really oughta' throw out that mower. Get one of those new Elk Rotaries.The Truman BarWAITRESS(re: Truman holding redsweater)What's he doing?WAITRESSSee, they got rid of her, but they couldn't erase the memory.WAITRESSThe memory of who?WAITRESSshh shh shh shh shh shh...Flashback: In Front of Truman's College (Go Seahorses)CHEERLEADERS (O.S.)S! E! A! H! O! R! S! E! S!MERYL(stumbling into Truman)Ow! Ouch!TRUMANOh! Ohhhh!MERYLOuch!TRUMANYou okay?MERYLExcuse me! Hi!TRUMANHi!MERYLOh..I'm so sorry I fell on you.TRUMANIt's okay.MERYLI'm just--I've just..been a klutz all day.TRUMANIt's all right.MERYLI think I...sprained my ankle. I could be... sorry...I'm so sorry for falling on you like that.TRUMANIt's all right.MERYLI--I'm Meryl.TRUMANHi. It's... Truman.MERYLHey, nice to meet you...College DanceTwentieth Century Boy plays here.LibraryMERYLLet's go.TRUMANShh.MERYLYou can study later. C'mon.TRUMANNo. I gotta' commit this to memory.MARLONC'mon, Truman. Let's go for a brewski. C'mon. C'mon.TRUMANYou're going to hafta' copy off me so be careful.MERYLNo..? ...Better person than I am. I'llsee you later, kay? Bye.TRUMANBye.MARLONSee ya' later, loser.TRUMANOw! Shhhh! *sigh*....... Hi...Konichiwa?LAURENWhat?TRUMANYou take Japanese.LAURENOh! Yes. Yes..TRUMANLauren, right?....It's on your book.LAURENLauren. Right. Right.TRUMANWell, I'm Truman.LAURENYeah. I know. Look, Truman, I'm not allowedto talk to you. You know.TRUMANYeah, well, I can understand, I'm a pretty dangerous character.LAURENI'm sorry. It's not like that.TRUMANA girl's gotta' be careful.....It's a boyfriend, right?LAURENNo, it's not like--TRUMANOf course not. Is it--was it Meryl, the girl I was with? We're not--we don't--we're--we're--we're just-- we're friends. It's how I look. Not your type.LAURENNo. (that's not it)TRUMANI like your pin. Was wondering that myself.LAURENMm.TRUMANWould you wanna maybe, possibly..sometimego out for some pizza or something? Friday? Saturday? Sunday? Coming Tuesday?....(re: Lauren's note "NOW")We have finals tomorrow...LAURENYeah, I know. If we don't go now, we won't have the chance. Do you understand? So what are you gonna do.BeachTRUMANWoohoo! Please keep your hands inside the caaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!...This is my favorite pizza place. Tony! I wanna large, extra plankton.LAURENWe have so little time. They're going tobe here any minute.TRUMANWho are they?LAURENThey don't want me talking to you.TRUMANThen don't talk.They kiss.LAURENTruman.TRUMANWhat do they want?LAURENListen to me. Everyone knows about--everyone knows everything you do. 'Cause they're pretending, Truman. Do you--Do you understand? Everybody's pretending.TRUMAN__?__.LAURENNo no no, ah, my name's not Lauren. No no. My name's Sylvia.TRUMANSylvia?LAURENYeah.LAUREN'S FATHERLauren, sweetheart. Out again?TRUMANHey, wait a minute. Who are you?LAUREN'S FATHERI'm her father!LAURENWhat? I've never even seen you before today.LAUREN'S FATHERC'mon, sweetie. Please, honey.LAURENHe's lying! Truman, please! Don't listen to him! Everything I've told you is the truth!LAUREN'S's fake. It's all for you.TRUMANI don't understand.LAURENAn--and the sky and the sea, everything. It's a set. It's a show.LAUREN'S FATHERPlease. It'll be all right.LAURENPlease don't listen! He's going to lie to you!Everyone's arguing at once.TRUMANI really would like to know what's going on!LAUREN'S FATHERSchizophrenia. It's episodes.TRUMANIt's what? (?)LAURENPlease! No!LAUREN'S FATHERYou forget it, forget everything.LAURENDon't do it! Don't Truman!LAUREN'S FATHERDon't worry. Don't worry! You're not the first. You're not the first.LAURENTruman!LAUREN'S FATHERShe brings all her boyfriends down here.LAURENWhat's he saying? Truman, he's lying!Get out of here. Come and find me.LAUREN'S FATHERDon't worry. We're going to Fiji.TRUMANSee you in school!LAUREN'S FATHERFiji. We're moving to Fiji.TRUMANFiji?.....(re: Sylvia's sweater)Sylvia! Hey!Truman BarWAITRESSWell, why didn't he just follow her to Fiji?WAITRESSHis mother got sick. Really sick. He couldn't leave her. He's kind. Maybe he's too kind.WAITRESSI can't believe he married Meryl on the rebound.BARTENDERExcuse me....It's sad, we've already got this onthe greatest hits tape.WAITRESSCan I borrow that?Truman's BasementTRUMAN__?__.Truman's CarRADIOAnd it's another beautiful day in paradise,folks, but don't forget to buckle up out therein radio land. remember...a good driver....gogo go go go go go driver good driver really good good good good good driver good driver goodriver goo goo goo...(TRUMAN plays with knob)Wait for the cue __?__ wait for the cue. Standby one. Stand by to watch him. Stand by(static...)He's heading west on Stewart. Stand by all extras. Lynn, he'll be on you in about 90 seconds, props make surethe copies out. Okay, he's making his turn onto Lancaster Square...(screams)Oh my God! He knew we were following, something's wrong, uh, change frequencies!(Feed back, everyone on thestreet reacts)Ouch! Huh, sorry about that, folks, I guess we pickedup a police frequency or something. It sometimes happens and it can drive you crazy. Okay, it'sclassical climb, back on the air, and we've stillgot some great music up ahead. But hey! Don't forgetto buckle up. Remember safety. A good driver is asafe driver. A safe driver is what? Yes! Haha!*click*Omnicom BuildingSECURITY GUARDUh, do you need help?TRUMANUh, yeah, um, I have an appointment at uh...Huh?... What's that stuff he's...? Just tell me what's...SECURITY GUARDIt's nothing. We're remodeling.TRUMANThose people...SECURITY GUARDIt's none of your business, sir.TRUMANIf you don't tell me what's happening I'll report you!Mini-marketTRUMANMarlon!MARLONTruman? What're you doing here?TRUMANI gotta' talk to you.MARLONIt's a bad time, okay? I'm way behind on--TRUMANI'm on to something, Marlon. Something big.MARLONYou okay? You look like shit.TRUMANI've gotten mixed up in something.MARLONMixed up in what?TRUMANThere's no point in trying to explain it, buta lot of strange things have been happening.Like, like.. at your company. There were people getting on the elevator, there was no--there wasno backing on it.MARLONHeh.TRUMANI looked out, there was people there. And the--on the radio, on the way to work, it started to, like, follow me around! Kept talking about everything that I'm doing! You know what I mean?MARLONNow, Truman, if this is one of your fantasies, I've got no time to--TRUMANI think this is about my dad.MARLONYour dad?TRUMANI think he's alive. Yeah. I'll tell you about it later. I think I'm being followed.MARLONBy who?TRUMANIt's hard to tell. They look just like regular people.MARLONHow about those two?TRUMANI dunno.MARLONmm-hmm...TRUMANWatch, it's those unpredictable actions...(or they can't follow unpredictable actions...) Truman claps twice.TRUMANAnything happen?MARLONNo.TRUMANMm-hmm. We gotta' get out of here. You ready to go?MARLONNo, I just can't--...I told you I can't.TRUMAN(makes a disgusted noise)MARLONYou're going to get both our asses fired, youknow that.TRUMANOkay, then! Let's do it!MARLONWhat?TRUMANWhatever you say! I'm game!MARLONWhat? What're you talking about?TRUMANYessirree! Birthday comes but once a year! Hah hah... Beach at Sunset。

By carol
deliberately 故意的 documentary nature 纪实的
surreal 超现实的 hint 暗示
spontaneously 自然的
30 years ago, TV production company adopted a baby, so they deliberately develop him to be the hero of the world's most popular documentary soap opera——The Truman Show. The company achieved great success for this. But that was only one person had no idea,he israma - Truman.
What he can’t believe is that his wife who is claimed to be a doctor is not a doctor. Truman begins to doubt his life in this world, including his wife, friends, father and all the people are lied to him, a fear arises spontaneously from the heart .
After learning from a painful experience, Truman decided to escape from this small town, seeking the true life and loves. However, he has underestimated this soap opera producer, director and the supervised manufacture power authority in a body‘s Christopher’s strength. Christopher designs all approaching to be perfect, nearly 30 years he firmly controlled Truman in this surreal world .
truman world 楚门的世界 电影PPT

Starting as a comedy, I am always taken by how well the film moves to become more and more interesting but yet never loses sight of those audience members who have come for the basic story. Hence it delivers an enjoyable and engaging central narrative that, plainly put, makes for a comic and involving yarn – we grow to care for Truman and this makes the ending an emotional and satisfying one even if some viewers will bemoan the fact that (to them) it appears 'open ended'. That it is also a very thought-provoking affair is only a bonus, with the satire working on many levels. Of course by seeming to tackle so many subjects and issues in such a short running time, the film never really gets its teeth deep into any one of them but this is not a major problem because it leaves us to do that in our heads after the film finishes.
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Who’s written our script? (楚门的世界)The main characters(主要角色):毕楚门(Truman Burbank),克里斯托弗(Christof), 罗兰/施维娅(Lauren/Sylvia),美露(Meryl)prop(道具):一张桌子一把椅子一直放在舞台中央偏左,桌子里有报纸,圆盘,收音机,咖啡,咖啡杯,筷子左右为面向舞台的左右方向。
旁白念词时演员就要摆好姿势,旁白下场就开始表演,开场时站左边的人:美露,店主,操作员B(Camera man),其他人站右边开场白:楚门从右上,至中Truman: And in case I don't see ya'! Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Goodnight!从左下。
SCENE1 每一个场景都是旁白先上,然后演员就摆好造型。
Camera man 就一直跟着楚门。
Voice-over: Day 10909 action. At home美露,楚门从左上Meryl: Truman, you're gonna be late!Truman: Okay!(rush to his wife), let me say goodbye(a deep hug)Meryl: Enough my honey, bye.美露从左下。
Voice-over: At the Newspaper Stand店主从左上,坐在椅子上,从桌子中拿出报纸。
顾客从右上Customer: Dog Fancy please...Why thank you. Thank you very much.顾客从左下。
Truman: Morning!Winnie: Morning! Truman.Truman: Oh. Get a paper there, will you, Harold? Oh, and of these - for the wife. Love her fashion magazines.Winnie (: Will that be all for you, Truman?Truman: That’s the whole caboodle.Winnie (: Catch ya' later.导演坐在转椅上被推出来,从右上。
Truman: Goodbye. And in case I don't see ya'! (不动)Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Goodnight!在楚门说到一半的时候,导演按一下遥控器,所有在台上的演员就不动。
Christof:We've become bored with watching actors give us phony emotions. So we have Truman show, Truman’s true man’s show. The world is counterfeit, but he is real. It isn't always Shakespeare, i t’s a life. (手掌向外,自然指向楚门) Truman Burbank, as himself.楚门从左下。
店主(带报纸),Camera man从右下。
Voice-over: No scripts, no cue cards. Truman has been the actor without awareness from the birth. He can’t be a true man till the death, if the light were blocked. Day 10910 action Truman: Lady, you`re so…pretty, I am Truman, Truman Burbank.Sylvia: Yeah, I know. Good evening Truman.Truman: Good evening! And in case I don't see ya'! Good Afternoon and Goodnight! (Pause) And I know you are Sylvia, here on your coat, and I like it. (作交谈状)旁白从左上,从左下。
Voice-over: that’s about how a man and a woman mix together……so let’s see the things afterward.Sylvia: How do you feel, Truman?Truman: I am wondering myself, can`t really tell.Sylvia: Truman, I’ve got something to tell you……一声巨响(门),老爹(伪)从右上Mr. David: Lauren, sweetheart. Out again?Truman: Who are you?Mr. David: Her father.Sylvia: l’ve never seen him before. Truman, don't listen to him! Truman, listen. lt's all for you. The sky and the sea, everything is a set! Please, don't listen to him. He’s gonna lie to you.Truman: I don`t understand.Mr. David: Schizophrenia. We've tried it all. Don’t worry, you're not the first. She brings all her boys down here.Sylvia: Truman, he's lying! Get out of here. Come and find me.老爹(伪)拽着施维娅从右下。
Truman: fake……楚门从左下。
SCENE 3 旁白从左上,从左下。
Voice-over: on the way home, Truman is absent-minded in driving. But he soon finds that there are much more things to thought of……悠扬的音乐突然变成杂音,然后没了声音。
Broadcast: Wait for the cue, wait for the cue。
Christof: He's heading west on Stewart. Going to turn right.楚门看向四周。
Operator A: he’ll be on you in about 90 seconds, Bob, lead that dog away.楚门十分惊慌,从椅子上跌下。
Christof: Oh God! He knew we were following, change frequencies!楚门慌不择路,跌跌撞撞的跑下台,从左下。
SCENE 4 旁白从左上。
Voice-over: Run, run. He has no alternative but to come home. Home is always warm and safe.But when it is disguised on purpose, will it be Truman’s steady nest?旁白从左下,交话筒给楚门。
Truman: Listen. I’m being followed.Meryl: Who?Truman: i t’s hard to tell. The radio starts followin g me, talking about everything I’m doing. Meryl: This is one of your fantasies.Truman: Dare you follow with me.楚门拉美露起来,走到舞台中间偏左一点。
Meryl: Truman...Truman: In just a moment, we'll see a lady, with a man following her, and a boy with upside-down newspaper in handsMeryl: Truman.演员从右上,斜穿舞台从左下。
Truman: Look! Lady...Flowers!...等了几秒。
Meryl: Truman, this is silly.同上Truman: There it is! There it is! There's that boy! Yes! Ha-ha! Ha.......Do you wanna know how I did that? I'll tell ya'. They're on a loop. They go around the block. They come back. They go around again. They just go 'round and 'round! (Almost singing)Round and round!M: That`s coincidence! Well, Truman, stop playing detective games. Look what l got free at the checkout. Naturalcocoa beans from Mt. Nicaragua. No artificial sweeteners. l've tasted other cocoas. This is the best.Truman: What does this do with anything? Tell me what's happening! (肢体语言要大)Meryl: Well, you're having a nervous breakdown, that's what's happening.Truman: I see, you`re part of it, right?Meryl: No, Truman, please. There isn`t any "it".Truman: That`s enough! Goodbye, and in case I see you again, good evening and good night!楚门从右下。