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微电子封装工艺中,起到热、电和机械连接作用的无铅焊料合金组织中金属间化合物的形态和分布直接影响着该合金的连接性能。本文以共晶配比附近的Sn—Ag 合金为研究对象,通过改变成分配比和凝固速率系统研究了其凝固过程中金属间化合物相(Ag。Sn)的析出规律。结合显微组织观察、热分析和热力学计算,从凝固过程两相竞争生长的角度揭示了块状金属间化合物Ag。Sn的形成机理。采

用高温时效模拟焊点的高温服役过程,阐明了在持续高温环境下合金组织中金属间化合物相的演化规律。最后探讨了第三组元及异相纳米ZrO:微粒的掺入对合金组织中金属间化合物的析出控制及强化机理。上述研究包括的主要内容和获得的结论是:通过改变冷却介质,系统研究了亚共晶、共晶和过共晶Sn-Ag合金在不同凝固速率下其组织中金属间化合物的形成规律。结果表明:只在缓冷过共晶合金凝固组织中有块状金属间化合物Ag。Sn的析出。在较快凝固速率下,三种合金组织均呈现亚共晶组织特征,即由初生13一Sn枝晶和由Ag。Sn相与B—Sn相共晶体所构成。这归因于非平衡条件下的动力学过冷使合金凝固过程按亚稳伪共晶反应进行。提高凝固速率对合金组织的影响为:一方面,符合经典共晶合金枝晶生长规律,其B-Sn枝晶得到细化,即:d=3.7t043(其中d为13-Sn枝晶二次枝晶间距,凝固速率在0.08.-一104 Ks。1的范围内)。另一方面,符合弥散强化原理,在共晶体区域中析出纳米Ag。Sn相提高了其显微硬度。在低速凝固速率下,发展了一种通过合金凝固时的名义热容曲线来确定固相体积转变过程,进而确定组织中块状金属间化合物体积分数的有效方法,结合定量金相分析和热力学计算,揭示了过共晶合金组织中块状金属间化合物Ag。Sn的形成机理,即:凝固时,合金熔体中的共晶Ag。Sn相因与初生Ag。Sn相有共同的晶体结构,会在小过冷度下依附于后者生长并成为块状金属间化合物Ag。Sn,并且该块状相的体积分数值随着合金凝固速率的提高而增大。







The formation and distribution of Intermetallic Compounds(IMCs)in the

microstmcture of solders which acts as the thermal,electronic and mechanical connections,directly affect the soldering performance during micro—electronic packaging process.In the present paper,near eutectic composition Sn-Ag alloys were selected and the separation of IMCs in the solidification processes of them

Was systematically explored by changing the content of ingredient and the subsequent solidification rate of the alloy melt.The formation mechanism of bulk A93Sn IMCs in solidification Was clarified according to the competitive growth of two eutectic phases by

means of metallographic analysis,calorimetric measurements and thermodynamic

calculation.nle evolution of IMCs in the microstructure of the solders working under 11i曲.temperature environment was investigated by high—temperature aging treatment.As last,the governing of IMCs and the corresponding strengthening effect Was discussed in view of the addition of the third component and Zr02 nanoparticles in the solder.More

details were given as follows.

formation mechanism of IMCs in hypoeutectic,eutectic and Firstly,the

under different solidification rates Was systematically hypereutectic Sn—Ag alloys

solder.珏e results indicate that the investigated by changing the cooling medium of the

bulk A93Sn IMCs only formed in slowly-cooled hypereutectic alloy.All solidified alloys exhibit typical hypoeutectic features,that is,primary B-Sn dendrites and lamellar eutectic structure of(p-Sn+A93Sn),which could be explained by the actual

metastable pseudoeutectic reaction resulting from the kinetic undercooling in the condition of the non-equilibrium solidification.The influence of applied solidification rate on the alloy structure fits well to the prediction of classical theory of dendrite growth in eutectic system:the Secondary Dendrite Ann Spacing(d)of the p_Sn dendrites decreases with increasing the solidification rate and can be described by d=3.7f娶43.It is also found out that those A93Sn nanoparticles distributing in eutectic zone is benefit to improve the microhardness of alloy,which agrees well with the

prediction of Dispersion Strengthening Principle.

volume fractions of bulk A93Sn IMCs in

A new valid determine the

formation the solidified microstructure of the solder,Was firstly developed from the

rate of solid phase from the measured apparent heat capacity data during the slow cooling process.The thus obtained fractions of bulk A93Sn IMCs in the hypereutectic

