The house needs attention but the roof is sound. sleep: deep and peaceful To have a sound night’s sleep
5. good, but not excellent a sound piece of writing 6. physical punishment to give sb. a sound beating
He Hamleted at a chance and regretted for it. 机会到来时他犹豫不决,过后又后悔了。 Hamlet 原是沙士比亚(王子复仇记) 中主人公名,用此人优柔寡段性格来比 喻类似情况。译时抽象化了。
We insist that international trade should not be a one-way street. 我们主张国际贸易不应该是有来无往。 One-way street 原意是“单行道” 引申“有来无往”。
(二)英语中有些词是中立的本身不表示褒贬 义,但在一定的上下文中可能有褒贬的意味, 译时要相应地表达出来。 The president promised to work to repeat state and federal laws that discriminate Against women. 总统承诺将力求废除歧视(贬义)妇女的州法 及联邦法。 By a 6-3 vote, the court held that this official discriminate did not violate the Constitution. 法院以六票对三票的裁决的认定,政府对这个 问题上才去的区别对待(中性词)的办法并不 违反宪法。
4-1. Brindley had begun on his own account, out of interest, to survey the waterways that he travelled as he went about his engineering projects for mills and miners.
汉语叙事顺序是按照事情发生的 顺序进行的。
1-3. The Industrial Revolution began with such machines; the millwrights were the engineers of the coming age. 而工业革命就是从这些机械开始的。修造磨坊的匠人就是开创新时代的工程师。 1-4.James Brindley of Staffordshire started his self- made career in 1733 by working at mill wheels, at the age of seventeen, having been born poor in a village. 斯塔福郡的詹姆斯 •布林德雷,出身于一个贫苦的农村家庭;一七三三年,他十七岁, 就着手改良磨坊的车轮,从而开始了那自我奋斗的生涯。 having been born poor in a village表示原因,说明他为什么十七岁就开始干活。 2-1. Brindley 's improvemenபைடு நூலகம் were practical: to sharpen and step up the performance of the water wheel as a machine. 布林德雷所作的改良是很实际的:改善并加强水车的机械功能。 2-2. It was the first multi-purpose machine for the new industries. 这是为新工业提供的第一部多功能机器。
chapter four-商务英语英汉翻译教程
Part 1. Relationship between the meaning of English and Chinese words
Differences: Chinese-相比英文,汉语词义严谨固定, 词的含义范围较窄,词义上下的依赖性比较 小。 English-英文词义灵活多变,词的含义范围 比较窄,词义上下的依赖性较大,英语一词 多义的现象较汉语多。
CISISU-Business English for the Seniors 16
Part 3. Characteristic meaning in Business Discourse
CISISU-Business English for the Seniors 12
Part 2. Cultural meaning of words
2.英汉语中都有但文化内涵不同的词 1)There are only five minutes left, I need to go to the rest room. 译文:只剩五分钟了,我需要去下卫生间。 2)To reduce loss and increase overall profits, the CEO told his product managers to get rid of all the dogs. 译文:为了减少亏损,全面增加利润,公司的首席 执行官告诉产品部经理们要销毁所有的次品。
CISISU-Business English for the Seniors 15
Part 3. Characteristic meaning in Business Discourse
新编英语教程4(李观仪)-练习册汉译英1-10单元 Unit 11.每当他午夜下班回家,他总是蹑手蹑脚地上楼,以免吵醒邻居。
Every time he returned home from work at midnight, he would tiptoe upstairs, trying not to disturb his neighbours.2.为了与新来的邻居建立一种和睦的关系,格林先生不失时机地主动帮她把行李搬进屋子。
To establish some kind of rapport with his new neighbour, Mr. Jones lost no chance in offering to carry her luggage into the house.3.米勒博士向我们推荐的文章集中论述了空气污染问题,同时也提到了诸如水污染,噪音污染和视觉污染等问题。
The article recommended by Dr. Miller centres on the problem of air pollution;meanwhile, it touches upon other issues such as water pollution, noise pollution and visual pollution.4.要不是她的朋友时常鼓励她、帮助她,她将一事无成。
If it had not been for the constant encouragement and help from her friends, she couldn’t have accomplished anything.5.几天前他还对这项计划嗤之以鼻,可是他现在却以高涨的热情去努力落实这项计划,这真是令人难以理解的转变。
It was only a few days ago that he was full of contempt for the new project, but he is now working hard with zest for its realization. What a baffling change!6.从她的自传可以断定,她对那名钢琴师始终怀有着一种复杂的感情。
英汉翻译教程 第四章 翻译的技巧
1. How to explain that I was not a proud owner seeking admiration for his vehicle, but a tourist who had broken down?【译文】真不知道怎么说好呢?我又不是一个得意的车主,专门让人家欣赏我的车子来着,而是个路途中有了难处的游客。
2. It is actually very, very old and was not always as beautiful as it is now. It is not certain how the Earth began. Probably it began as a huge globe of gas and dust. The globe became smaller and denser. … Today the outer layer or crust is cool and hard, …【译文】实际上,地球已经非常、非常古老了,它起初并不总像现在这样美丽。
地球变得越来越小,越来越密,……今天,地球的外层或地壳已经冷却硬化,……3. Special equipment assures that the computers will not be disturbed by power interruptions that last less than two hours.【译文】在停电两小时以内的情况下,有专门设备能保证计算机正常工作。
4. It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, nor horror, nor any of the emotions that she had been prepared for.【译文】那表情不是生气,不是惊讶,不是不满,不是嫌恶,也不是她原先准备应付的任何一种感情。
The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed.2.研究结果表明,无论我们白天做了什么事情,晚上都会做大约两个小时的梦。
Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we may have done during the day.3.有些人往往责怪别人没有尽最大努力,以此来为自己的失败辩护。
Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their best.4.我们忠于我们的承诺:凡是答应做的,我们都会做到。
We remain tree to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do; we would do it.5.连贝多芬的父亲都不相信自己的儿子日后有一天可能成为世界上最伟大的音乐家。
Even Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull.6.当局控告他们威胁国家安全。
第4章 句子的英译(新编汉英翻译教程 陈宏薇)
在汉英翻译中,要牢记以上汉英语言之间的差异,记住英语是主语显著语言(subject-prominent language),英语句子构建在主谓轴(subject-predicate pivot)上。
《大学汉英翻译教程》 第四章 句子的英译与常用技巧
【例2】科学是老老实实的学问,来不得半点虚假,需要付出艰巨的 劳动。(郭沫若:《科学的春天》) Science means honest, solid knowledge, allowing not an iota of falsehood, and it involves herculean effort and grueling toil. 【分析】译文中增译了“herculean effort”,用来和“grueling toil” 一起来表示艰巨的任务的意思,增加了这个词语,使得译文更充分 的传达除了艰苦的劳动之意。 【例3】还有些人不能进领导班子或者不能重用,例如,……革命意志 严重衰退,饱食终日,无所用心的,等等。(邓小平:《邓小平文 选》第二卷) There are also others whom we should not recruit into leading bodies or place in important posts. They include:...and persons whose revolutionary will has waned and who are content to eat three square meals a day and do nothing. 【分析】“饱食终日”这个词语在译文中采用了增译法,划线部分为 与之对应的译文。
【例3】所以,人们对于大自然,全都一致并深深地依赖着。 Hence people are all heavily dependent on nature for survival. 【分析】“全都”已经包含了“一致”的意思了,所以,译文 中“一致”并没有再次译出。
【例4】他暗暗下定决心:一定重新做人。 He made up his mind to turn a new leaf in his life. 【分析】“暗暗下决心”不必译成“he made up his mind secretly”,在英文中“make up one’s mind”就可以表达暗暗下 定决心了,如果加上“secretly”反而会让人觉得奇怪。因为下 决心本来就是一种心理活动,所以就不存在“openly”和 “secretly”之分了。
第4章 句子的英译(新编汉英翻译教程 陈宏薇)
在汉英翻译中,要牢记以上汉英语言之间的差异,记住英语是主语显著语言(subject-prominent language),英语句子构建在主谓轴(subject-predicate pivot)上。
英语本科段自学考试英汉翻译教程Unit 4 Economy.doc
Unit 4 EconomyLesson 10 (E—C)A Golbal EconmyRsident Clinton realized—as all of us must—that today’s economy is global. We live in an era in which information, goods and capital sped around the globe, every hour of every day. Whther we like it or not, all of our fortunes are tied together. We are truly interdependent.America supports international trade because we believe fundamentally that trade will enrich those nations who embrace its discipline. The great promise of trade is its potential to promote mutual prosperity—and to strengthen the bonds between sovereign nations.The U.S. and China both demonstrate the potential of trade to improve the lives of our people. You know better than I the great achievements of the Chinese economy over the past two decades. In 1977, the sum total of Chinese imports and exports was less than $15 billion, putting China’s share of world trade at 0.6 percent. The most populosus country in the world, China ranked a distant 30th among exporting nations. By 1993 China’s exports and imports totaled nearly $200 billion. China had become the world’s tenth largest exporter.Since 1978, when China began opening its econnomy to imcreased foreign investment and trade, aggregate outpou has more than doubled. The strongest growth has occurred in the coastal areas near Hong Kong and opposite Taiwan, where foreign investment and modern production methoods have spurred productin of both domestic and export goods. Per capita GNP has grown at an average rate of 7.6% from 1980-1992.The numbers are interesting, but how has this affected the people of China? In the last decade, telephone connections rose more than 60%. Electrical production more than doubled to 621 million kilowatt hours. In short, China has improved the economic well-being of its people.The people of the United States also have experienced the benefits of world trade. Since World War II, the U.S. has been the world’s largest econnomy and, in most years, the world’s largest eporter.But the importance of trade in our economy had exploded in the past three decades. In 1970, the value of two way trade was equal to just 13% of the U.S. economy. Last year, that figure, at 28%, was more than twice as high. In just the last seven years, jobs supported bu U.S. exports (goods and services) have risen by 4 million, to a total of 11 million. That’s almost one out of ten American jobs. Last year U.S. trade equalled $1.8 trillion dollars.Nor is the importance of trade likely to diminish for either China or the United States. China will continue to depend upon lucrative export markets to earn the foreign exchange it needs to develop and grow. At the same time, China’s imports will supply the much needed machinery and technology to fuel its continued development.For the United States, new commercial opportunities will grow most rapidly in the emerging markets. We estimate that three quarters of new eport opportunities over the next twenty years that’s an incredible $1.9 trillion in potential exports—will come in the emerging markets of Asia and Latin America. This means jobs for American workers and a higher standard of living for the American people.(Ecerpted form “Remarks by Ambassador Kantor at the University of International Business and Economics”, 1995)译文:一个全球性的经济正如每个人必须认识到的那样,克林顿总统认识到当今的经济具有全球性质。
英汉汉英翻译实训教程Chapter Four Chinglish精品文档
在英语中的意义相当于汉语的“爱管闲事的 人”,绝对没有褒扬一个人的意思,而学习者 经常用它表示“大忙人”。
Chapter Four
没有注意 词类转换
句式使用 过于单一
。 主动,因而不能省略
Chapter Four
a. The development of our relations has made us not only close friends but also brothers.
“Time flies like arrow.”
学习者经常把一些英语词汇按汉语习惯来 翻译,完全不顾英语语法规则,生搬硬套。
Chapter Four
(1) 如果他发生什么意外,请通知我。 误: If he happened anything, please let me know. 正: If anything happened to him, please let me know. (2) 事故就发生在校园外。 误: The accident was happened just outside the campus. . 正:The accident happened just outside the campus.
英译汉教程Unit_4_conversion_课后习题答案Unit 4 Conversion(转换法)Drills 4.1.1a.16. 绝不允许违反这个规则。
《新编英语教程》第四册练习册 汉译英答案
Unit 31.Holding out his work-gnarled hands, the old fisherman with a weather-beaten face started totell us about the hardships of his life on the sea.2.The little girl is apparently badly injured . She’s been crying for hours and she’s still moaning.3.As the Nobel Price went onto the platform escorted by the chairman, the whole hall rockedwith cheers and clapping.4.When the dance party was in full swing, music and songs swirled all around the ballroom.5.For reasons that are not quite understood, there has been a revival of strong interest intraditional Chinese drama, such as Beijing Opera and Shaoxing Opera, among the college students.6.The traffic downtown was held up for a while because crowds of people swarmed into thestreets to watch the annual holiday parade.7.When he saw his heart-broken parents, the young man felt so ashamed of himself for causingso much trouble to the family that he went on his knees and begged their forgiveness.8.He was very excited at the sight of his son, whom he had not met for a long time, getting offthe ship. But it was quite out of his expectation that his son pretended not to see him; and turning his back to his father, the young man walked off right away.9.The two neighboring countries stopped the decade-long war and signed a peace agreement.From then on, their economic exchange and bilateral trade developed by leaps and bounds. 10.As soon as the winners of Nobel Prize of physics appeared before the faculty and students, thehall broke into a sea of cheers. And his speech was punctuated by deafening clapping.Unit 41.You are not likely to grasp an article on logic unless you think actively while reading.2.Acording to the author, one of the most effective ways to read a good book is by writingbetween the lines while reading.3.He was so absorbed in one of his cloning experiments that he wasn’t aware of my entering thelaboratory at all.4.I don’t think happiness consists in obtaining what you need; I believe happiness consists indoing what you can for society.5.Air pressure, oxygen and temperature are among the conditions indispensable to the survivalof the astronauts on the moon.6.In a certain sense, postgraduate students are also researchers.7.He would rather set down what he has observed, important or trivial, in his notebook thancommit it to his memory, because he believes in the remark that “The worst pen is better than the best memory”.8.He was supposed to explain to the students why sharp observation and logical thinking wereindispensable qualities to research work, but his talk was more confusing than clarifying.9.According to his theory of foreign language learning, one can better learn English in a state ofrelaxation than in a state of concentration.10.Planning and outlining are only a prelude to writing. Drafting , revising and editing arenecessary steps required of thesis writing..Unit 71.They had been waiting in anguish until the news came that the police had rescued theirkidnapped daughter.2.The emotional old man opened the letter his son sent him from overseas. The harder he triedto control his trembling hands, the more trembling they became.3.They saved the sheep from the grip of the wolf, but in hurt them very badly to see thewounded sheep writhing in pain.4.He ran all the way to the railway station without stopping; and when he arrived there, he wasout of breath with sweat trickling down his cheeks.5. A student downpour sent the pedestrians scurrying for shelter in the stores along the streets.6.Seeing the wounded buffalo struggling in pain under the attack of the lions, the hunter shot itdead out of pity.7.Although their experiments failed again and again, their enthusiasm, instead of ebbing away,was rising.8.It never occurred to them that their new partner was such a mean person. A swelling feeling ofrage and contempt rose in them when they met again.9.Although he was well prepared, he felt an involuntary chill on his back at the thought offighting in the boxing ring with the world champion.10.When the doctor told him that it was only a minor operation that would take no more than anhour, there was an incredulous look on his face.Unit 91.I really doubt if the treated drinking water will truly provide sufficient minerals that areessential to human health.2.As to how the splendid Maya Culture disappeared all of a sudden from the earth, it remains amystery hard to solve.3.When it was made plain that it was a big rat that had caused the breakdown of thetransmission system, we all felt relived. Soon the system was brought to its normal operation.4.He was almost driven to despair when he learned that he was considered too old to take part inthe space voyage. He had spent three years preparing for this long-dream-of trip.5.The trip turned out to be a disaster, for the only means of transport available in that area weredonkeys. We spend most of our time joggling on the backs of these animals, almost stifled by the heat and swirling dust.6.He was not a very popular professor among the students because he would invariably wanderoff his topic during the course of his lecture and drag the class into the time of break.7.The prominent collector declared that his collection included some invaluable paintings thatno one could afford to buy.8.To save the life of the little boy stung by a scorpion, the villagers used all the means and waysavailable to reduce the effect of poisoning.9.The annual Ice Sculpture Festival in this town attracted all manners of people from all overthe country.10.Some countries were reduced to extreme poverty brought forth by war and natural disasters.For the matters, a U.N. official insisted that developed countries should take their responsibility to make new contributions to the economic development of the developing countries.Unit 101.We need not have subscribed to the Yahoo Internet service, because the university did thesubscription free of charge for its faculty and postgraduate students a week ago.2.I simply had no idea of whom my grandmother was referring to when she was talking about ayoung man with glasses from her neighborhood who brought her a train ticket with his own money and walked her onto the train.3.His situation was desperate as he was now felt to the tender mercies of his creditors.4.The president declared resolutely that these regulations applied to everyone without exception,be it a teacher, student or administrator.5.The boy confronted his teacher’s accusation with a firm voice and denied the charge that hehad cheated in the final exam.6.Cultural traditions have a strong binding power. For example, many Westerners keep to thecustom of getting married only in June.7.In the era of market economy, the concept of “Consumer First” should be reinforced by themanufacturer.8.“The style is the man”, as the saying goes. I believed that a writer’s personality is, to a largeextent, embodied in his or her style of writing.9.In this country, conventions allows women to wear skirts, but not trousers, to say nothing ofjeans.10.Not all people think alike. Take architecture for example. People may see a building in adifferent light and from different angles. Some may appreciates its exterior appearance and others appreciate more about its interior decoration.Unit 121.It was not until quite a while later that I remembered she had hinted vaguely in a letter to methat she would not like to live in a foreign country for long and would come back and settle down in her motherland.2.After the release of 17 British passengers, the British Prime Minister continued to express hisconcern over the safety of the other British passengers still onboard the hijacked airliner.3.We all found Mr. Smith a bit weird, for every time at the mere mention of roses he would flyinto a temper.4.To her great distress, the so-called diamond necklace of the British royal family, which costnearly all her savings, turned out to be nothing but an imitation.5.It was out of everyone’s expectation that he rounded off his basketball career by entering thebusiness of fur trading.6. A Western dinner differs from a Chinese dinner in many ways. For example, a Western dinnerusually begins with a soup and ends with a dessert.7.On the eve of the Chinese Spring Festival, the streets are crowded with children in theirholiday best, letting off fireworks.8.Every citizen in a modern society is supposed to know the law and obey the law. No one is anexception.9.Now and again, the villagers would see the old fisherman sitting on the big rock, who, staringat the little island in the distance, seemed lost in his memory, with an occasional bitter smile on his lips.10.“If you dare to bring the matter up to the board of directors, I’ll…” he broke off, with a hint ofthreat in his voice, his eyes fixed on her in hostility.Unit 131.With the successful birth of the animal cloning technology, there is far more to cloning thanthe biological and medicine sciences.2.The father and his son look alike, and in terms of personality, the son is an exact replica of thefather.3.We should never overlook the possible global consequences of a regional war. We must bearin mind that it was the regional conflicts that sparked the two world wars of the 20th century.4.Many countries in the world were thrown into the debate over the moral implications of thelegalization of the practice of euthanasia.5.The Hurricane Michi of 1998 rendered homeless tens of thousands of residents in CentralAmerican countries.6.It was very moving that many drivers with official licenses in this country have signed anagreement to become organ donors after death.7.In international relations, conflict would be sure to arise if a nation, be it big or small, shouldviolate the United Nations Charter and disrupt the world order which is established according to the UN Charter.8.The children of this “Project Hope” school work very hard, with the determination to live upto the hopes and expectations of the organizations and individuals that provide financial support, and to become useful citizens of the country as soon as they can.9.In many urban families in China, the parents impose much too great expectations upon theirby sending them to evening or weekend classes of various kinds against the will of the children.10.This school attaches great importance to the all-round development of their students, andencourages them to develop healthy interests of their own.Unit 141.Panic seized her when Mrs. Scott was told that a pertinent who had escaped from a nearbymental hospital was looking everywhere for her.2.The inventor attributed his indefatigable energy and quick thinking to his habit of taking a napfor an hour after lunch.3.She didn’t believe what was said in the medical report, and scanned the doctor’s face for asign of hope.4.Hearing that his only daughter was seriously injured in a car accident, the old man slumpedinto the chair and moaned.5.The wounded soldier hid himself in the woods, keeping a sharp eye open for anythingdangerous.6.As soon as the snowstorm was over, the children rushed out into the yard and scooped up thesnow with their hands to build a huge snowman.7.When the air raid siren sounded, it came to her in a flash that her two-year-old daughter wasstill sound asleep in the attic.8.For all those years of living abroad, in the depths of his memory was some kind of guiltyconscience that he had for an English teacher of his hometown middle school, whom he once insulted in public.9.No matter how hard they had tried and what means they had used, for some unaccountablereason the experiment never succeed.10.In order to extricate itself from heavy debts, the corporation closed all the factories whichmanufactured products with poor sales records.。
新编汉英翻译教程 第四章(Shortened)
4.1.3 增补主语
汉语中,主语隐含不显或无主语的情况时常可 见。译成英语,则必须依照英语的规则,将主语增 补起来。增补主语的原则,一是要推敲语境,二是 要考虑英语语法习惯和行文的需要。
⑴ 到了济南府,进得城来,家家泉水,户户垂杨, 比那江南风景,觉得更为有趣。 When he reached Jinan and entered the city, there were flowing streams by every house and willow trees by every door, which delighted him even more than the scenery of the south. ⑵起大风了。 It's blowing hard.
⑶幸亏这些青年妇女,白洋淀长大的,她们摇得小 船飞快。小船活像开了水皮的一条打跳的梭鱼。 It was lucky that all these young wives grown up by the river: their boat went like the wind. It shot forward like some flying fish, hardly skimming the water.
最高级形容词。 a. When they talk to the press, the Shanghai citizens use more and more adjectives of the superlative degree. b. You can hear Shanghai people using more and more adjectives of the superlative degree when they talk to the press. 译文a紧随原文句子结构,主、谓语的选择与原文完 全对应。译文b则不同,其中can hear替代了原谓语 “使用”,是因为句中的主语不再是“上海人”,而 是泛指人称代词You。两个译文都与原文意义相符, 且符合语法规范。不同的是,译文a仅仅陈述事实, 语气比较客观;而译文b从旅游观光者的角度表达, 带有一定的感情色彩。
2.I’ll buy it.【译文】我不懂。
(三)知识面广1.John can be relied on,he eats no fish and plays the game.【译文】约翰为人可靠,他既诚实又正直。
2.The Security Council has been seized of the question since then.【译文】安理会自那时以来就一直受理这个问题。
3.Nyaungu was actually the boundary between the two Japanese divisions.【译文】良字实际上是日军两个师的结合部。
1.the peasant uprisings in the history of China【译文】中国历史上的农民起义【解析】不能根据英国的ALD及其香港出的汉译翻成“中国历史上的农民叛乱(或叛变)”,而应译为“农民起义”。
2.The enemy killed one of our comrades and we killed an enemy agent.【译文】敌人杀害了我们一位同志,我们宰了一个敌特。
lecture 4 英汉互译教程
4). The happiness --- the superior advantages of the young women round about her, gave Rebecca inexpressible pangs of envy. (Vanity Fair Chapter 2 ) 丽贝卡看见她周围的小姐那么福气,享受种种优越 的权利,有说不出的眼红。 5). The forty years, 1840-80, brought almost ten million migrants to America. 从1840 至1880这四十年中,近一千万移民移居 美国。
2). 原来悟空手疾眼快,正在那混乱之时, 他拔下一根毫毛,叫声“变!”就变成他的 本相。 As Sun Wukong was deft of hand and quick of eye, he plucked one of hairs from his body in the midst of the fray and shouted “Change!” It changed into his own double.
人造材料通称为合成材料。许多人造材料正 在代替某些天然材料,这或者是由于天然物 产的数量不能满足日益增长的需要,或者往 往是由于人们选择了合成材料的一些物理性 质并加以突出而造成的。因此,合成材料在 拟用的领域将具有极大的用途。
汉语的分句或流水句,译成英文的时,常常要化简 为繁,组合成复合句或长句 1).因为距离远,又缺乏交通工具,农村社会是与 外界隔绝的。这种隔绝状态,由于通讯工具不足, 就变得更加严重了。 The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media.
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I. 作业讲评
1. 此乃千载难逢的好机会,你一定要抓住。
You must seize this opportunity. It is a chance of lifetime.
2. 地质勘探队员们历尽千辛万苦,找到了不少新矿藏。
After innumerable hardships, the prospecting team discovered a lot of new ores.
3. 该港的吞吐量两年间翻了一番。
The handling capacity of the harbor has doubled in two years.
4. 这种机器的耗油量是那种新机器的九倍。
The fuel oil this type of machine uses is nine times that of the new type.
5. 采用新技术使生产成本一下子降低了25%。
The adoption of the new technique reduced (lowered) the cost of production by one quarter.(25%)
6. 今年上半年汽车进口12.5万辆,比去年同期增长1.75倍。
In the first half of this year, the import of motor vehicles reached 125,000, increasing 1.75 times compared with the same period of last year.
7. 作为出口主体的国有企业今年出口278.3亿美元,比去年减少了3.4%。
As the major force of China’s export, China’s state-owned enterprises exported US$27.83 billion worth of goods, a reduction of 3.4 percent
compared with last year.
It is reported that, during the January-Jane period, the gross value of industrial output of Dalian, a coastal city in Liaoning Province, topped 5.8 billion yuan, chalking up 15.8 percent from the same period of last year while occupying 35.8 percent of the annual budget.
Incomes realized from sales reached 4.9 billion yuan, 7.9 per cent higher than that of the previous year.
Exchange earnings through export hit $530 million during the first six months, up 15.2 percent from that of last year, accounting for 37.9 per cent of the annual year.
Abuse of power seriously damaged the Party’s image among the people.
Given the seriousness of economic crime, anti-corruption efforts should be stepped up, and transparency in management be increased.
It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January.
Milk must be kept in a cool place, or else it will go sour.
He is absent today because of illness. ( because he is ill)
6. 中国正在实施的西部大开发战略会创造很多的就业机会。
China is carrying out a strategy for the massive development of western areas, thus creating a lot of job opportunities.
Continuous lying in the mind leads to the destruction of human thought and character.。