Use of ASME B WHT 版焊后热处理要求

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Use of ASME B31.1-2014 and B31.3-2014 in Alberta

PWHT requirements

ASME B31.1-2014 和 B31.3-2014使用(阿尔伯塔省)


译者:孙明菊 QQ:274245152


This Information Bulletin IB15-008 Rev. 1 supersedes IB15-008 issued June 25, 2015.


This information bulletin is issued to bring awareness of code changes and provide guidance to designers, owners and fabricators regarding the use of ASME B31.1-2014 Power Piping Code which was published on August 15, 2014 and ASME B31.3-2014 Process Piping Code which was published February 27, 2015.

发出此信息公告为引起对于标准更改的关注,并为使用2014年8月15日发布的ASME B31.3-2014工艺管道和2015年2月27日发布的ASME B31.1-2014动力管道的设计方、业主和制造商提供指导。

ASME B31.1 Power Piping Code and ASME B31.3 Process Piping Code establish rules for preheat and post weld heat treatment (PWHT) and provide exemptions from PWHT based on a material’s P Number, thickness, strength, and in some case alloy content. These rules were not consistent in earlier editions (prior to 2014) of these two codes in terms of preheat requirements, preheat temperatures, the thicknesses that require PWHT, the definition of the thicknesses that require PWHT, the material properties that turn on the PWHT requirements, the holding temperatures, the holding times, the heating and cooling rates, and the terminology used to describe the requirements.

ASME B31.1 和 ASME B31.3基于材料的P Number,厚度,强度,合金含量(某些情况下)制定了预热和焊后热处理的规则以及焊后热处理的免除。这些规则与这两个标准的早期版本(2014年以前版本)并不一致,在以下方面有不同:预热要求,预热温度,需进行焊后热处理的厚度要求,需进行焊后热处理的厚度定义,化学成分导致需焊后热处理,保温温度,保温时间,加热和冷却速率,和用


To eliminate inconsistencies for preheat and PWHT, changes have been made to technical requirements and format in the 2014 editions of the ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 Codes. To achieve consistent rules for materials by P Number (P1, P3, P4,

P5A, etc.), these piping codes have been revised in many places.

为了消除预热和焊后热处理的不一致,2014年版的ASME B31.1和ASME B31.3中已经在技术要求和格式上作了修改。为了实现材料用P Number(P1,P3,P4,P5A等)分类后要求一致,这两个管道标准在许多地方进行了修正。 Revisions include:


Preheat temperature increase (e.g. P1 and P3 in both codes);


PWHT holding temperature (e.g. P5A and P5B in ASME B31.1 and P3, P4, P5A, P5B, P6, P9A, and P10I in ASME B31.3);

 焊后热处理保温温度(例如P5A以及P5B在ASME B31.1和P3,P4,P5A,P5B,P6 P9A和P10I在ASME B31.3);

PWHT holding time (increased for P9A, and P9B in ASME B31.3);

 焊后热处理保温时间(P9A和P9B在ASME B31.3有所升高);

The thickness that requires PWHT (revised for P1 in both codes);


The governing thicknesses for exemption from PWHT (e.g. P3, P4, P5A) ;

