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1.Now my father _____ his bike to work every day instead of driving.

A.ride B.rode C.rides D.will ride



考查点:一般现在时的用法。解题思路:every day意为“每天”,表示经常性,习惯性的动作,故该句子要使用一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数,故答案选C;选项B、D时态错误;

2.It is reported that half of th e China’s population __________ working in cities in 2015 to make money.

A.Are B.is C.was D.were




句意:据报道,2015年中国有一半的人口在城市上班挣钱。考查主谓一致及时态。population常与定冠词the连用。作主语用时,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。当主语是表示人口百分之几时,谓语用复数。再由in 2015可知应用一般过去时。故选D。

3.—Hi, mom, exciting news! I am the only one of the students who elected (当选) as president of the students’ union.

—Oh, you are so lucky to get the honor and then work hard!

A.were B.was C.are




句意“-嗨,妈妈,振奋人心的消息,我是学生中唯一被选为学生会主席的人。-哦,得到这个荣誉你很幸运,然后努力工作吧”。根据句意可知,表示过去被选为学生会主席,用一般过去时,排除C;且当先行词被the only one of the修饰时,从句的谓语用单数,故选B。


If you don't go, I won't either. 你如不去,我也不去。

It won't do them any good, but it won't do them any harm either. 这对他们没有好处,但也没有坏处。

5.________ Mary ________ Jack is listening to the report carefully, because they are both interested in it very much.

A.Neither; nor B.Either; or C.Both; and D.Not only; but also



试题分析:句意:不仅玛丽而且杰克认真听取了报告,因为他们都对它非常感兴趣。Neither; nor既不,也不,连接并列主语时,遵循就近原则;Either; or 或者,或者,连接并列主语时,遵循就近原则;Both; and两者都,连接并列主语时,谓语动词使用复数形式;Not only; but also不但,而且,连接并列主语时,遵循就近原则。根据because they are both interested in it very much可推知玛丽和杰克都认真听了,再结合后面的is就可知该选D。


6. of the coats made of cotton. They feel comfortable.

A.Two-thirds; is B.Two-thirds; are

C.Two-third; is D.Two –third; are



试题分析:句意:这些衣服的三分之二是由棉布制成的,他们感觉起来很舒服。基数词+序数词的适当形式,表示分数,作主语时,根据其后接的词而定,如果为不可数名词,则相当于单数,如果其后接的为可数名词复数形式,则相当于复数,根据句意及结构,故选B 考点:考查分数的用法。

7.If you ________ too much ice cream, you will feel sick.

A.eats B.eat C.to eat D.eating



试题分析:句意:如果你吃太多的冰淇淋,你将感觉生病。此处用连词if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表示一般将来时,因为主语是you,故谓语用动词eat, 故选B。


8.(题文)Neither Tom nor I________ interested in playing WeChat.









9.A smile ____________ nothing, but gives much.

A.costs B.spends

C.cost D.spend



考查动词辨析。句意:微笑无需付出,却给予很多。spend花费,Sb. spend some

money/some time on/doing sth.主语是人,经常与on连用,跟动词用动名词形式;cost花费,Sth. cost sb. some money,主语是物,人和钱作其宾语。本题中a smile是物,用cost。主语A smile是单数名词,因此谓语动词要使用第三人称单数形式;故本题选A项costs。

10.______________ something wrong with my bike. Can I use yours?

A.It is B.It was C.There is D.There was





考查there be句型的用法。句型There is something wrong with sb/sth.意思是某人或某物有问题。根据下文“Can I use yours?”一般现在时,可知此句使用一般现在时,故排除D(一般过去时),用there is(一般现在时)。选C。

11.Mr Jiang isn’t as busy as before because there no home robot to help him.A.used to be B.may be C.used to have D.may have




句意:江先生不如以前忙,因为过去没有家用机器人来帮助他。used to be过去是, may be可能是, used to have过去有,may have可能有。There be句型,表示存在,意为“有”。根据Mr Jiang isn’t as busy as before可知此处指的是过去,故用used to be。故选A。

12._______my friends I am interested in football and Messi is our favorite star. A.Both; and B.Either; or C.Neither; nor D.Not only; but also 【答案】D



我和我的朋友都对足球感兴趣,梅西是我们最喜欢的球星。本题考查连词及主谓一致。Both;and两者都,谓语动词用复数;Either;or或者…或者…,句意和后半句不符;Neither;nor两者都不,句意不符;Not only; but also不但…而且…,主谓一致遵循就近原则,
