
全面关照生命 Through All the Life
7. 不断更新- 不断更新-在一生中不断磨练,学习新的知识,提高自己的能力。 Sharpen the saw -to continuously learn and increase your abilities at every stage in your life.
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Seek First Understand …Then to be Understood 知己解彼,异位思考
Synergize 扬长补短,创造和谐
Think Win / Win
Put First Things First
Be Proactive 积极主动
Begin with The End in Mind 以终为始,目标明确
个人的成功: 个人的成功:从依赖到独立 Private Victory:From Dependence to Independence
1. 积极主动- 积极主动-主动创造有利环境。 Be proactive - to create an advantaged environment. 2. 以终为始,目标明确-开始就设立明确的目标,坚持到 以终为始,目标明确- 底去实现目标。 Begin with the end in mind - to have the clear goal in mind at the starting stage and strive all along to reach it. 3. 要事第一-把最重要的事放在第一位。 要事第一- Put first things first - always deal with the most important things first.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People精品文档19页

习惯5: 知彼解己(Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood)
同理心倾听 站在对方的角度 有效的沟通 适时扮演知音 表达也要讲技巧
采取主动:不要找借口 化消极为积极 不要说“我办不到” 行动胜过“感觉” 别让问题制服了你 用心扩大影响圈 先从自己做起 不怕犯错,只怕不改过 作出承诺,信守诺言
习惯2: 以终为始 (Begin With The End In Mind)
习惯3: 要事第一(Put First Things First)
轻重缓急体系 别让琐务牵着鼻子走 勇于说“不” 有效授权
一致:理想与使命,角色与目标,工作重点与计 划,欲望与自制
平衡:健康,家庭,个人发展等的平衡 有重心:做第二象限的事情 重人性:考虑人际关系的得失 能变通:可调整 携带方便:随时可供参考修正
互赖期:从“我们”的观念出发—我们可以自主, 合作,共创前程.
产出与产能必须平衡(P/PCBalance) 产出:是你希望获得的结果 产能:是你借以达到目标的资产或本领
习惯1:主动积极(Be Proactive)
采取主动 人必须为自己负责 个人行为取决于自身,而非外在环境 理智可以战胜感情
习惯6: 统和综效(Synergize)
敞开胸怀,博采众长 开辟变通方案 尊重差异 化阻力为助力 重视个人参与
自我防卫:损人己或损己利人 彼此尊重:妥协 统合综效:利人利己

The 7 Habits of Highly EffectivePeopleHabit 1 :Be ProactiveYour life doesn't just "happen." Whether you know it or not, it is carefully designed by you. The choices, after all, are yours. You choose happiness. You choose sadness. You choose decisiveness. You choose ambivalence. You choose success. You choose failure. You choose courage. You choose fear. Just remember that every moment, every situation, provides a new choice. And in doing so, it gives you a perfect opportunity to do things differently to produce more positive results.Habit 1: Be Proactive is about taking responsibility for your life. You can't keep blaming everything on your parents or grandparents. Proactive people recognize that they are "response-able." They don't blame genetics, circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior. They know they choose their behavior. Reactive people, on the other hand, are often affected by their physical environment. They find external sources to blame for their behavior. If the weather is good, they feel good. If it isn't, it affects their attitude and performance, and they blame the weather. All of these external forces act as stimuli that we respond to. Between the stimulus and the response is your greatest power--you have the freedom to choose your response. One of the most important things you choose is what you say. Your language is a good indicator of how you see yourself. A proactive person uses proactive language--I can, I will, I prefer, etc. A reactive person uses reactive language--I can't, I have to, if only. Reactive people believe they are not responsible for what they say and do--they have no choice.Instead of reacting to or worrying about conditions over which they have little or no control, proactive people focus their time and energy on things they can control. The problems, challenges, and opportunities we face fall into two areas--Circle of Concern and Circle of Influence.Proactive people focus their efforts on their Circle of Influence. They work on the things they can do something about: health, children, problems at work. Reactive people focus their efforts in the Circle of Concern--things over which they have little or no control: the national debt, terrorism, the weather. Gaining an awareness of the areas in which we expend our energies in is a giant step in becoming proactive.Habit 2: Begin with the End in MindSo, what do you want to be when you grow up? That question may appear a little trite, but think about it for a moment. Are you--right now--who you want to be, what you dreamed you'd be, doing what you always wanted to do? Be honest. Sometimespeople find themselves achieving victories that are empty--successes that have come at the expense of things that were far more valuable to them. If your ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step you take gets you to the wrong place faster. Habit 2 is based on imagination--the ability to envision in your mind what you cannot at present see with your eyes. It is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There is a mental (first) creation, and a physical (second) creation. The physical creation follows the mental, just as a building follows a blueprint. If you don't make a conscious effort to visualize who you are and what you want in life, then you empower other people and circumstances to shape you and your life by default. It's about connecting again with your own uniqueness and then defining the personal, moral, and ethical guidelines within which you can most happily express and fulfill yourself. Begin with the End in Mind means to begin each day, task, or project with a clear vision of your desired direction and destination, and then continue by flexing your proactive muscles to make things happen.One of the best ways to incorporate Habit 2 into your life is to develop a Personal Mission Statement. It focuses on what you want to be and do. It is your plan for success. It reaffirms who you are, puts your goals in focus, and moves your ideas into the real world. Your mission statement makes you the leader of your own life. You create your own destiny and secure the future you envision.Habit 3: Put First Things FirstTo live a more balanced existence, you have to recognize that not doing everything that comes along is okay. There's no need to overextend yourself. All it takes is realizing that it's all right to say no when necessary and then focus on your highest priorities.Habit 1 says, "You're in charge. You're the creator." Being proactive is about choice. Habit 2 is the first, or mental, creation. Beginning with the End in Mind is about vision. Habit 3 is the second creation, the physical creation. This habit is where Habits 1 and 2 come together. It happens day in and day out, moment-by-moment. It deals with many of the questions addressed in the field of time management. But that's not all it's about. Habit 3 is about life management as well--your purpose, values, roles, and priorities. What are "first things?" First things are those things you, personally, find of most worth. If you put first things first, you are organizing and managing time and events according to the personal priorities you established in Habit 2.Habit 4: Think Win-WinThink Win-Win isn't about being nice, nor is it a quick-fix technique. It is a character-based code for human interaction and collaboration.Most of us learn to base our self-worth on comparisons and competition. We think about succeeding in terms of someone else failing--that is, if I win, you lose; or if you win, I lose. Life becomes a zero-sum game. There is only so much pie to go around, and if you get a big piece, there is less for me; it's not fair, and I'm going to make sure you don't get anymore. We all play the game, but how much fun is it really?Win-win sees life as a cooperative arena, not a competitive one. Win-win is a frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. Win-win means agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial and satisfying. We both get to eat the pie, and it tastes pretty darn good!A person or organization that approaches conflicts with a win-win attitude possesses three vital character traits:1.Integrity: sticking with your true feelings, values, and commitments2.Maturity: expressing your ideas and feelings with courage and considerationfor the ideas and feelings of others3.Abundance Mentality: believing there is plenty for everyoneMany people think in terms of either/or: either you're nice or you're tough. Win-win requires that you be both. It is a balancing act between courage and consideration. To go for win-win, you not only have to be empathic, but you also have to be confident. You not only have to be considerate and sensitive, you also have to be brave. To do that--to achieve that balance between courage and consideration--is the essence of real maturity and is fundamental to win-win.Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be UnderstoodCommunication is the most important skill in life. You spend years learning how to read and write, and years learning how to speak. But what about listening? What training have you had that enables you to listen so you really, deeply understand another human being? Probably none, right?If you're like most people, you probably seek first to be understood; you want to get your point across. And in doing so, you may ignore the other person completely, pretend that you're listening, selectively hear only certain parts of the conversation or attentively focus on only the words being said, but miss the meaning entirely. So why does this happen? Because most people listen with the intent to reply, not to understand. You listen to yourself as you prepare in your mind what you are going to say, the questions you are going to ask, etc. You filter everything you hear through your life experiences, your frame of reference. You check what you hear against your autobiography and see how it measures up. And consequently, you decide prematurely what the other person means before he/she finishes communicating. Do any of the following sound familiar?"Oh, I know just how you feel. I felt the same way." "I had that same thing happen to me." "Let me tell you what I did in a similar situation."Because you so often listen autobiographically, you tend to respond in one of four ways:Evaluating:You judge and then either agree or disagree.Probing:You ask questions from your own frame of reference.Advising:You give counsel, advice, and solutions to problems.Interpreting:Y ou analyze others' motives and behaviors based on your ownexperiences.You might be saying, "Hey, now wait a minute. I'm just trying to relate to the person by drawing on my own experiences. Is that so bad?" In some situations, autobiographical responses may be appropriate, such as when another person specifically asks for help from your point of view or when there is already a very high level of trust in the relationship.Habit 6: SynergizeTo put it simply, synergy means "two heads are better than one." Synergize is the habit of creative cooperation. It is teamwork, open-mindedness, and the adventure of finding new solutions to old problems. But it doesn't just happen on its own. It's a process, and through that process, people bring all their personal experience and expertise to the table. Together, they can produce far better results that they could individually. Synergy lets us discover jointly things we are much less likely to discover by ourselves. It is the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. One plus one equals three, or six, or sixty--you name it.When people begin to interact together genuinely, and they're open to each other's influence, they begin to gain new insight. The capability of inventing new approaches is increased exponentially because of differences.Valuing differences is what really drives synergy. Do you truly value the mental, emotional, and psychological differences among people? Or do you wish everyone would just agree with you so you could all get along? Many people mistake uniformity for unity; sameness for oneness. One word--boring! Differences should be seen as strengths, not weaknesses. They add zest to life.Habit 7: Sharpen the SawSharpen the Saw means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have--you. It means having a balanced program for self-renewal in the four areas of your life: physical, social/emotional, mental, and spiritual. Here are some examples of activities: Physical:Beneficial eating, exercising, and restingSocial/Emotional:Making social and meaningful connections with others Mental:Learning, reading, writing, and teachingSpiritual:Spending time in nature, expanding spiritual self throughmeditation, music, art, prayer, or serviceAs you renew yourself in each of the four areas, you create growth and change in your life. Sharpen the Saw keeps you fresh so you can continue to practice the other six habits. You increase your capacity to produce and handle the challenges around you. Without this renewal, the body becomes weak, the mind mechanical, the emotions raw, the spirit insensitive, and the person selfish. Not a pretty picture, is it?Feeling good doesn't just happen. Living a life in balance means taking the necessary time to renew yourself. It's all up to you. You can renew yourself through relaxation.Or you can totally burn yourself out by overdoing everything. You can pamper yourself mentally and spiritually. Or you can go through life oblivious to your well-being. You can experience vibrant energy. Or you can procrastinate and miss out on the benefits of good health and exercise. You can revitalize yourself and face a new day in peace and harmony. Or you can wake up in the morning full of apathy because your get-up-and-go has got-up-and-gone. Just remember that every day provides a new opportunity for renewal--a new opportunity to recharge yourself instead of hitting the wall. All it takes is the desire, knowledge, and skill.The 8th Habit®:From Effectiveness to Greatness In today's challenging and complex world, being highly effective is the price of entry to the playing field. To thrive, innovate, excel, and lead in this new reality, we must reach beyond effectiveness toward fulfillment, contribution, and greatness. Research is showing, however, that the majority of people are not thriving. They are neither fulfilled nor excited. Tapping into the higher reaches of human motivation requires a new mindset, a new skill-set --a new habit. Dr. Covey's new book, The 8th Habit®: From Effectiveness to Greatness, is a roadmap to help you find daily fulfillment and excitement.。

Seek first to understand Then to be understood
Diagnose before you prescribe Trust is built on understanding Your private performance must square
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Executives
பைடு நூலகம்
7 Habits of Highly Effective Executives
Be proactive Begin with the end in mind Put first things first Think Win/win Seek first to understand then to be
Sharpen the Saw
Don’t be too busy sawing that you can never sharpen the saw
Take time for self-renewal
Physical self-renewal Spiritual self-renewal Mental/Intellectual self-renewal Social/emotional self-renewal
(This is where you
management – keep want to spend your
it small)
Not important but Not important, not
(Stay out of this one) (This is entertainment, control it carefully)
高效能人士的七个习惯 -7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Empathic Listening Challenge
Synergy is when two or more people produce more together than the sum of what they could produce separately.
PG: 48
Valuing Differences
Tips for Valuing Differences
An activity that you or others feel requires immediate attention.
An activity that you find valuable and that contributes to your mission, values, and high-priority goals.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
1 2 3
Be Proactive
Take responsibility for your life.
Begin With the End in Mind
Define your purpose and mission in life.
Your facilitator is: _________________ ____

Keywords from《the 7 habits of highly effective people》《高效能人士的七个习惯》关键词第一部分:自我探索self-exploration品德与技巧Character & personality思考thinking—行为behavior—习惯habit—命运destiny思维定式paradigm 思维转换paradigm shift习惯habit :知识knowledge + 技巧skill + 意愿desire滤镜map原则principle 自然法则laws of nature?由内而外from inside to outside成熟模式mature continuum依赖Dependent 独立independent 互赖interdependent产能/产出平衡P/PC Balance效能efficiency第二部分:个人领域的成功,从依赖到独立Self-mastery,from dependence to independence 习惯一Habit 1:积极主动be Proactive四大天赋four talents:自我意识self-awareness 独立意志independent will 良知conscience 想象力imagination】自由选择freedom of choice刺激stimulate 反应react积极主动proactive 和消极被动reactive责任Responsibility 与职责duty关注圈circle of concern 和影响圈circle of influence承诺commitment各个级别的承诺level of commitment愿望Wish 希望想like 尝试try 要want 承诺~习惯二Habit 2:以终为始begin with end in mind两次创造create twice:智力创造mental create 和体力创造physical create意愿desire * 行动action = 成功successSMART 原则:SMART principle1 确定的s pecific2 可衡量的m easurable3 可实现的a chievable4 现实的r ealistic5 有时间限制的t ime%生命的核心center of life配偶husband/wife-家庭family-金钱money-工作job-名利-享乐happy-敌人enemy&朋友friend-宗教religion-自我self使命宣言Mission Statement心灵演练visualization习惯三Habit 3:要事第一put first thing first管理management 和领导leadership勇于说“不”say NO重要importance 和紧急urgent:时间管理time management -- 4D原则4D principle规划做d o it later 立刻做d o it now放弃做d on’t do it 授权做d elete第四代时间管方法六标准six standards of time management和谐一致Coherence、平衡功能balance、围绕中心focus、以人为本people、灵活变通flexibility、便于携带Portability自我管理四步骤four steps确认角色set role-选择目标choose targets-安排进度plan-每日调整adjust everyday帕累托法则80/20 rule!第三部分:公众领域的成功,从独立到互赖Public Victory,from independence to interdependence习惯四Habit 4:双赢思维think win-win情感账户emotional bank account人际关系六种模式six relations1.双赢win/win2.损人利己win/lose3.独善其身win4.损己利人lose/win5.两败俱伤lose/lose6.无交易no win or lose|勇气courage 和体谅consideration双赢五要素five elements in win/win relationship1双赢品德2双赢关系3双赢协议Win/win character connection contract4双赢体系system和5双赢过程process习惯五Habit 5:知己解彼Seek first to understand, then to be understood沟通是生活中最重要的技能Communication is the most important skill in life绝大多数人都是带着答复的目的去倾听Most people listen with the intent to reply沟通的元素:10%语言+30%声音+60%肢体语言:Communication involves:10% language + 30%sounds+ 60%body language先诊断后开方Diagnose before you prescribe.倾听的层次listening at one of four levels:1、听而不闻Ignoring2、敷衍了事Pretend Listening3、选择地听Selective Listening4、专注地听Attentive Listening5、同理心地听/移情聆听Empathic Listening四种自传式回应Four Autobiographical Response1、价值判断evaluating—2、追根究底probing3、好为人师advising4、自以为是interpreting适时扮演知音:理解和感知understanding and perception同理心三字诀Three points of Empathic:等、问、换wait a moment & shift同理心包含四个发展阶段Empathic listening involves four development :重复内容mimic content重整内容rephrase the content表达感情reflect feeling重整内容并表达感受rephrase the content and reflect the feeling#同理心雷达(Empathic RADAR):了解realize、评估assess、决定decide、行动act、检讨review有效表达的基本方面The essence of making effective presentations:品格ethos、情感pathos、理性logos。
7 HABITS(高效能人士的7个习惯)

Habit 3 Put First Things First 要事第一
Performance Results:
Execute Strategy
Apply effective delegation skills
Focus on important activities 事务
The timeless principles taught give people the foundation to achieve unheard of levels of effectiveness in their lves at work and at home.
The proof is in the process
The results are real and measurable.
By making people effective, your organization can be effective.
培训的效果是真实而可衡量的 只有员工高效,组织才能高效
These guiding principles set the stage for profound personal growth and engage others on the path to success.
要想取得最佳的绩效,必须先连接个人在组织 能发挥多大的作用。遗憾的是,富兰克林柯维公司 的“执行力调查”(XQ调查)数据显示:仅有 40%的员工认为他们在工作中充分发挥了自己的激 情和才干。
✓ 在生活和工作中都获得更好的成绩 ✓ 发展重要的关系,加强合作,提高产能 ✓ 通过专注于最重要的事务,提高生产力 ✓ 实现健康的工作与生活平衡
高效能人士的七种习惯 SEVEN HATITS

paradigms. Almost every significant breakthrough in science
is first a break with tradition, old ways of thinking, or old paradigms.
Begin withThe real Challenge is not to manage time, but to manage Uself. To gain control of your self. To gain control of your time advancing
Mission Statement
A powerful document that expresses your personal sense of purpose and meaning in life;
it acts as a governing constitution by which you
(how to)
(want to)
•Knowledge is understanding what to do and why to do •Skill is knowing how to do
•Desire is motivation or wanting to do it

Be an “actor” not a “reactor” Focus on your circle of control
Begin with the End in Mind
All things are created twice, first in our mind then in actuality
The whole is greater than the sum of the parts
Value the differences Share the goals, share the wealth Look for ways to partner
Sharpen the Saw
You can create your own self first in your mind, then with a plan in actuality
Develop your own personal mission statement
Decide where you need to be first, then put together the action plan
Don’t be too busy sawing that you can never sharpen the saw
Take time for self-renewal
Physical self-renewal Spiritual self-renewal Mental/Intellectual self-renewal Social/emotional self-renewal
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Executives

高效能人士的七个习惯(经典必读)美国著名管理学大师史蒂芬•柯维(Stephen Richards Covey )的《高效能人士的七个习惯》是福布斯“有史以来最具影响力的10大管理类书籍之一”。
其中,高效能人士的七个习惯分别为:1、积极主动:be proactive2 、以终为始:beging with the end in mind3 、要事第一:put first things first ;4、双赢思维:think win/win ;5、知彼解己:seek first to understand, then to be understood6、统合综效:synergize ;7、不断更新:sharpen the saw今天将为大家带来关于七个习惯的详细解读,经典不容错过,希望大家都能成就自己的职场高效习惯!习惯一:积极主动个人愿景的原则最令人鼓舞的事实,莫过于人类确实能有能力主动努力,以提升生命价值亨利•戴维•梭罗主动积极即采取主动,为自己过去、现在及未来的行为负责,并依据原则及价值观,而非情绪或外在环境来下决定。
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People(成功人士的七个习惯)

Be Proactive 积极主动 Begin with the End in Mind 以终为始 Put First Things First 要事第一 Think Win/Win 双赢思维 Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood 知彼解己 Synergize 统合综效 Sharpen the Saw 不断更新
Habit 习惯
• Habit is the intersection of knowledge, skill and desire. 习惯是知识,技能和欲望的混合体.
• Knowledge is understanding what to do and why to do it. 知识是懂得该做什么和为何要做.
• An activity is important if we find it valuable and it contributes to our mission, values and goals. 一件重要的任务是视为有价值的和对我们的使命,价 值观和目标有贡献的.
Habit 3 - Put First Things First 要事第一
• Characteristics of win-win are:
– Seeks mutual benefit.
– Is cooperative, not competitive.
• Studies have shown that only 7% of our communication is by words we say, another 38% by our sounds and how we say words, and 55% by our nonverbal and body. 研究证明,人与人之间的沟通,7% 是通过所说的文字,38% 是通过声音和语气,55% 是通过肢体语言.
高效能人士的七个习惯The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People讲解

全面观照生命 习惯七:不断更新 ——平衡的自我更新的原则
人生最值得的投资就是磨练自己,因为生 活与服务人群都得靠自己,着是最珍贵的工 具。 工作本身并不能带来经济上的安全感,具 备良好的思考、学习、创造与适应能力,才 能立于不败之地。拥有财富,并不代表经济 独立,拥有创造财富的能力才真正可靠。
与我们所爱的人、朋友,我们 的同事和谐一致,或曰统一, 是七个习惯最高的、最美好的 成果。
个人的成功:从依赖到独立 习惯三:要事第一 ——自我管理的原则
重要之事绝不可受芝麻绿豆小事的牵绊。 ——歌德(Goethe)德国诗人
有效的个人管理方法六标准: 1.一致 2.平衡 3.有重心 4.重人性 5.能变通 6.携带方便
公众的成功:从独立到互赖 情感帐户存款(Emotional Bank Account)
人际关系六种模式 利人利己(赢/赢) 损人利己(赢/输) 损己利人(输/赢) 两败俱伤(输/输) 独善其身(赢) 好聚好散(无交易)
公众的成功:从独立到互赖 习惯五:知彼解己 最重要的原则,那就是:知 彼解己——首先寻求去了解对方,然后 再争取让对方了解。这一原则是进行有 效人机交流的关键。
积极主动 试试看有没有其它可能性 我可以选择不同的作风 我可以控制自己的情绪 我可以想出有效的表达方式 我能选择适当的回应 我选择 我情愿 我打算……
习惯二:以终为始 ——自我领导的原则
太多人成功之后, 反而感到空虚;得到 名利之后,却发现牺 牲了更可贵的事物。 因此,我们务必掌握 真正重要的愿景,使 生活充满意义。
You are not alone! 你不是一座孤岛! 所谓感情帐户,储存的是增进人际关系不可或 缺的“信赖”,也就是他人与你相处时的一分 “安 全感”。 存入六种感情存款: 理解别人 注意小节 信守承诺 阐明期望 诚恳正直 勇于道歉

高效能人士的七个习惯是指由美国的作家史蒂芬·柯维(Stephen Covey)在其畅销书《高效能人士的七个习惯》中提出的七个习惯。
1. 私人胜任力(Be Proactive):高效能人士通过积极主
2. 以终为始(Begin with the End in Mind):高效能人
3. 要事第一(Put First Things First):高效能人士注重管理时间和优先级,将重要的事情放在首位,有效地组织和
4. 双赢思维(Think Win-Win):高效能人士寻求与他人建立合作和共赢的关系,尊重他人的需要和利益。
5. 理解他人(Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood):高效能人士注重倾听和理解他人,培养良好的沟通和人际关系。
6. 协同合作(Synergize):高效能人士通过合作和团队合作实现共同目标,发挥团队的力量和创造力。
7. 不断提升(Sharpen the Saw):高效能人士注重自身的终身学习和个人成长,保持身心健康和平衡。

让我们试试其他可能性 我无能为力
我可以想出有效的表达 他们不会接受我的
我可以选择不同的风格 我就是这样一个人
操之在我 Vs. 受制于人
让我们考虑替代性方案 没有我们能做的事
我能够选择一条不同的 途径
这就是我的做事方式, 我无法改变
我选择 我更喜欢
我不能 我必须
习惯1:操之在我; 习惯2:确立目标; 习惯3:掌握重点。
集思广益 6
利人利己 4
3 掌握重点
1 个人的成功
2 确立目标
你这一生有任何成就、贡献和值得怀念的事吗? 你是个称职的丈夫、妻子、父母和亲友吗? 你是个令人怀念的同事和伙伴吗? 你对关心你的人有什么影响?P
激励你深刻地思考人生 督促你反躬自省 帮助你看清什么对你是最重要的 开阔你的视野 使你牢记自己的目标和价值取向 使你每天朝着长期目标努力
有哪些东西是我最珍视并想拥有的? 我究竟是什么样的人? 有哪些品格是我想拥有或仿效的? 我想为社会创造什么财富?留下什么传承? 练习
付诸实践 Action is power!
对自己的性格和行为负责 不要等待什么事情发生或某个人去关心你 通过采取实际的,可行的对策去同不好的环境
抗争 不要浪费时间和精力于你无法改变的事情上 发现错误后,立即承认,纠正,并从中学到东
Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。
高效能人士7个习惯 BEA版 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Public Victory
Habit 4: Think Win/Win Habit 5 : Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Habit 6 : Synergize
Sharpen the Saw
Habit 1- Be Proactive
Production (P):
The desired results.
The Seven Habits – An Overview Private Victory
Habit 1 : Be Proactive Habit 2 : Begin with the End in Mind Habit 3 : Put First Things First
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The Seven Habits – An Overview Private Victory
Habit 1 : Be Proactive Habit 2 : Begin with the End in Mind Habit 3 : Put First Things First
Self evident Eternal Natural Laws Principles of Effectiveness - Integrity, humility, courage, justice, patience, simplicity, forgiveness, tolerance.. Superb Results : Align our paradigms with principles of effectiveness. When we understand these principles, they empower and enable us. Eg: As a DRE, you exercise courage, patience, integrity in dealing with the customer, then you have control over the case
高效能人士的七个习惯 -7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Reactive Behavior
Reactive Behavior
Proactive Behavior
Proactive Behavior
Proactive Challenge
Think about tomorrow and anticipate one thing that will push your reactive buttons. Decide what you can do to be proactive in this situation. Do it.
1. Judge
2. Probe
3. Advise
Do’s of Empathic Listening
1. Reflect Feeling
2. Reflect Meaning
3. Use Empathic Listening Starters
Empathic Listening Starters
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood®
HOW DO I LISTEN EFFECTIVELY? • Practice Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood • Use Empathic Listening®
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
1 2 3
Be Proactive
Take responsibility for your life.
Begin With the End in Mind

1.Be Proactive
2.Begin with the end in mind
3.Put the first things first
4.Think win-win
5.Seek first to understand,then to be understood
7.Sharpen the saw
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Keywords from《the 7 habits of highly effective people》
●品德与技巧Character & personality
●思维定式paradigm 思维转换paradigm shift
●习惯habit :知识knowledge + 技巧skill + 意愿desire
●原则principle 自然法则laws of nature
●由内而外from inside to outside
●成熟模式mature continuum
依赖Dependent 独立independent interdependent
●产能/产出平衡P/PC Balance
第二部分:个人领域的成功,从依赖到独立Self-mastery,from dependence to independence 习惯一Habit 1:积极主动be Proactive
●四大天赋four talents:
自我意识self-awareness 独立意志independent will 良知conscience 想象力imagination
●自由选择freedom of choice
●积极主动proactive 和消极被动reactive
●责任Responsibility 与职责duty
●关注圈circle of concern 和影响圈circle of influence
●各个级别的承诺level of commitment
愿望Wish 希望想尝试try 要want 承诺
习惯二Habit 2:以终为始begin with end in mind
●两次创造create twice:
●智力创造mental create 和体力创造physical create
●意愿desire * 行动action = 成功success
●SMART 原则:SMART principle
1 确定的s pecific
2 可衡量的m easurable
3 可实现的a chievable
4 现实的r ealistic
5 有时间限制的t ime
●生命的核心center of life
●使命宣言Mission Statement
习惯三Habit 3:要事第一put first thing first
●管理management 和领导leadership
●勇于说“不”say NO
●重要importance 和紧急urgent
●时间管理time management -- 4D原则4D principle
●规划做d o it later 立刻做d o it now
●放弃做d on’t do it 授权做d elete
●第四代时间管方法六标准six standards of time management
●自我管理四步骤four steps
确认角色set role-选择目标choose targets-安排进度plan-每日调整adjust everyday
●帕累托法则80/20 rule
第三部分:公众领域的成功,从独立到互赖Public Victory,from independence to interdependence
习惯四Habit 4:双赢思维think win-win
●情感账户emotional bank account
●人际关系六种模式six relations
6.无交易no win or lose
●勇气courage 和体谅consideration
●双赢五要素five elements in win/win relationship
Win/win character connection contract
习惯五Habit 5:知己解彼Seek first to understand, then to be understood
●沟通是生活中最重要的技能Communication is the most important skill in life
●绝大多数人都是带着答复的目的去倾听Most people listen with the intent to reply
Communication involves:10% language + 30%sounds+ 60%body language
●先诊断后开方Diagnose before you prescribe.
●倾听的层次listening at one of four levels:
2、敷衍了事Pretend Listening
3、选择地听Selective Listening
4、专注地听Attentive Listening
5、同理心地听/移情聆听Empathic Listening
●四种自传式回应Four Autobiographical Response
●适时扮演知音:理解和感知understanding and perception
●同理心三字诀Three points of Empathic:等、问、换wait a moment & shift
●同理心包含四个发展阶段Empathic listening involves four development :
重复内容mimic content
重整内容rephrase the content
表达感情reflect feeling
重整内容并表达感受rephrase the content and reflect the feeling
●同理心雷达(Empathic RADAR):了解realize、评估assess、决定decide、行动act、检
●有效表达的基本方面The essence of making effective presentations:品格ethos、情感
●一对一沟通one to one
习惯六Habit 6:统合综效Synergize
●敞开胸怀,博采众议open-minded and inclusive
●尊重差异valuing the differences
●整体大于部分之和The whole is greater than the sum of the parts
●沟通三层次Three level of communication:互相提防defensiveness、互相尊重mutual
●争执Dispute+妥协compromise≠第三条道路the third alternative
Think win-win+ Methods+ sharing + innovation+ understanding +communication= the third alternative
●消极协作减效negative synergy
第四部分:自我提升和完善Self-renewal and Improvement
习惯七Habit 7:不断更新Sharpen the saw
●自我提升和完善的四个层面Four aspects of self-renewal:
身体physical:锻炼Exercise、营养Nutrition、压力调节Pressure Control
精神spiritual:实现价值Realized Value、忠诚loyalty、学习Leaning、冥想Meditation 智力intellectual:阅读Reading、想象Imagine、规划Plan、写作Writing
社会/情感social/emotional:服务Serve、移情Empathize、统合综效Synergize、内在安全感Inner Sense of Security
●平衡更新balance in renewal
●螺旋上升spiral rising。