英文介绍中西文化差异 PPT

The western people’s opinion about loving is that “if we are well acquainted with each other ,let us go together.”And they will not contact loving with marriage.
Section one
Section two
Section three
Valurn countries
Care about the reputation in educating in the child.
• Group members : Liuchenxu Baishuangcheng Meiqibing Chenyihui Liliangxiu Duanqingqi
Using the encouraging language.
Pay great attention to individual quality and the emotional communication.
Eating and drinking
Section one
Section two
Section three
Our topic:
The culture difference between china and western countries .
Section one
Section two
Section three
Education Eating and drinking Loving and marriage

1.Greeting and Parting
• In China, When people meet acquaintances or friends, we always say ,“Have you eaten yet?” What are you going to do?”
when we talk to the westerns, we must avoid asking some questions like this:
“How old are you?” “Are you married?” “How many children do
4. Thanks and Responses
In China,“Thank you” is not frequently used between intimate friends and family members because it may imply a certain distance between the addresser and the addressee.
• In English, people often employ the following expressions to greet each other “Good morning/evening/afternoon. “Fine day, isn’t it? ”How is everything going?”,etc.
Different cultural factors may result in cultural differences.

餐饮产品由于地域特征、气侯环境、风俗习惯等因 素的影响,会出现在原料、口味、烹调方法、饮食 习惯上的不同程度的差异。正是因为这些差异,餐 饮产品具有了强烈的地域性。中西文化之间的差异 造就了中西饮食文化的差异。 Food products due to geographical features, climate, customs and other factors, will appear in raw material, taste, cooking method, the diet habits on the different degrees of difference. It is precisely because of these differences, food products with a strong regional. Differences between Chinese and Western cultures create a diet of Chinese and Western cultural differences.
中国人一般都很注重晚 餐,因为这一般是他们 一家人团聚的时间!!! Chinese are generally pay attention to dinner, because the general is their one family reunion time!!!
西方人的晚餐很简单,一般 有面包、汤、肉类配土豆或 意大利面、沙拉、甜品、饮 料。 Western dinner is very simple, usually have bread, soup, meat with potatoes, salad, dessert or Italy noodles, beverages.

While westerners names are written and spoken with the given name first and the family name last .
In east, chinese use In west, Although they
What can we see from it?
The Americans are “straight forwardness”, the Chinese take pride in “modesty”. In the response to compliments. Chinese are tend to efface themselves in words or refuse it, although they do feel comfortable about the compliments.
namely, their names, even first names .They demonstrate the sense
Otherwise, the
of intimacy and the
addresser may be
conception of”
considered as ill
Everyone is created
1.“I am afraid I must be off, I have to …”
2.“Well, it’s been nice to see you again. I do
enjoy our talk and the lovely dinner, but I must be going soon”.
中西方文化差异(最全完美版) 英文演讲 (课堂PPT)

Page 19
In China,the wedding main colors are red,which is representative of traditional Chinese festive colors.This also makes changing the joyous weddings.
Page 20
Western : The bride dress is usually white,the groom a black dress,the whole wedding was a solemn seriousness. West are the romantic type wedding,the entire wedding from start to finish to the full romantic.
Page 11
Chopsticks vs Knife and Fork
Page 12
they eat with separate plates
Sitting around the table
Page 13
二、The difference between Architectural art The different materials:Stone Vs Wood.
Page 5
We prefer noodles, rice,jiaozi as the main course
Page 6

Leader is always
After meeting,they need work with their fellow.
Western: Like the picture,it's really really simple.
China: On the contrary,ours is very very complex!To be honest,we have to say that relationship play an more important role than others in our life.
skill is important.
The way to express anger
When they have conflict with their partner,and then they are unsatisfied with their partner.
Western: They will express what he think,even if to do like this might make others feel uncomfortable. China: We won't express our angry easily,because to do this will be regard as being rude.
They will try their best
to found a method to
solve them.

中西医文化差异的英文PPTTitle: Cultural Differences between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine - An English PPTIntroduction:Slide 1: Cultural Differences between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western MedicineSlide 2: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)Explanation of TCM: Traditional Chinese Medicine dates back thousands of years and is based on the belief in balancing the body's energy or "qi." It encompasses various techniques such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, and massage.Slide 3: Western MedicineExplanation of Western Medicine: Western medicine, also known as conventional medicine, is based on scientific research, diagnosis, and treatment. It primarily focuses on anatomical and physiological factors of diseases and utilizes pharmaceutical drugs, surgeries, and other modern interventions.Cultural Differences:Slide 4: Holistic vs. Reductionist ApproachExplanation: TCM takes a holistic approach by considering the body, mind, and spirit as interrelated elements. Western medicine, on the otherhand, adopts a reductionist approach by analyzing and treating specific symptoms or diseases.Slide 5: Yin-Yang and Qi vs. Anatomy and PhysiologyExplanation: TCM emphasizes the balance between Yin and Yang energies and the flow of Qi. Western medicine emphasizes the study of anatomy and physiology, focusing on the structure and function of organs and body systems.Slide 6: Individualized vs. Standardized TreatmentExplanation: TCM focuses on individualized treatment, considering each person's unique constitution and imbalances. Western medicine often relies on standardized treatment protocols based on scientific research and clinical trials.Slide 7: Natural vs. Synthetic SubstancesExplanation: TCM mainly utilizes natural substances such as herbs and plants for medicinal purposes. Western medicine relies heavily on synthetic drugs and chemical compounds.Slide 8: Prevention vs. CureExplanation: TCM emphasizes preventive measures to maintain overall health and balance. Western medicine often focuses on diagnosing and treating diseases after they have occurred.Impact on Healthcare:Slide 9: Integration of TCM and Western MedicineExplanation: In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the benefits of integrating both TCM and Western medicine, particularly in countries like China. This includes complementary therapies where patients benefit from the strengths of both practices.Slide 10: Challenges and OpportunitiesExplanation: The integration of TCM and Western medicine presents both challenges and opportunities. These include the need for standardized research and evidence-based practice, cross-cultural communication, and mutual respect for both healthcare systems.Slide 11: Cultural CompetenceExplanation: Healthcare practitioners need to develop cultural competence to understand and respect patients' beliefs and preferences regarding treatment options. This ensures patient-centered care and better healthcare outcomes.Benefits of Cultural Exchange:Slide 12: Mutual Learning and UnderstandingExplanation: Exploring the cultural differences between TCM and Western medicine promotes mutual learning and understanding between different healthcare systems. This allows for the exchange of knowledge, techniques, and advancements.Slide 13: Enhanced Research and InnovationExplanation: Collaboration between TCM and Western medicine encourages research and innovation in both fields. Combined efforts canlead to the development of new treatment options and improved healthcare practices.Slide 14: Global Healthcare ImprovementExplanation: By embracing the cultural differences between TCM and Western medicine, it is possible to improve healthcare practices on a global scale. This can lead to better health outcomes, increased patient satisfaction, and reduced healthcare costs.Conclusion:Slide 15: Embracing Cultural Differences for Better HealthcareExplanation: The cultural differences between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western medicine provide unique perspectives and approaches to healthcare. By embracing these differences, we can foster a more inclusive and comprehensive healthcare system that benefits individuals worldwide.Slide 16: Thank YouExplanation: Any questions or discussions are welcome.Note: This is a suggested outline for the PPT content. You can expand on each slide according to your preferences and add relevant visuals or illustrations to enhance the presentation.。

In American culture, anyone can give a compliment or be complimented. Especially the women, who are the object of compliment or praising, may be complimented for the replacement of the hair style and the change of clothing. However, women’s appearance is even the focus of compliments. Regardless of her age, career and social status, she can be complimented. So are the men, children and elderly. When an American woman is complimented, she won‘t feel shy, instead, she thinks it is decent(体面的).
In Chinese culture, praises and compliments have a wider range. It is the same with the American culture that for abilities and achievements, also other serious praise, only those people with the talent evaluation(称赞) ability can praise others. Older can praise young man, but this is only an encouragement, not really compliments on their abilities and achievements. Meanwhile, the younger can praise the older and the lower can praise the superior(地位高的), but this is just a compliment, and this is flattering(谄媚 的) more to those complimented. Therefore, in our daily life, we have a lot of praises for other people's abilities and achievements but they have different meanings on different occasions(场合), not only serious praises, but also a compliment to make the relationship closer.

In Chinese culture, praises and compliments have a wider range. It is the same with the American culture that for abilities and achievements, also other serious praise, only those people with the talent evaluation(称赞) ability can praise others. Older can praise young man, but this is only an encouragement, not really compliments on their abilities and achievements. Meanwhile, the younger can praise the older and the lower can praise the superior(地位高的), but this is just a compliment, and this is flattering(谄媚 的) more to those complimented. Therefore, in our daily life, we have a lot of praises for other people's abilities and achievements but they have different meanings on different occasions(场合), not only serious praises, but also a compliment to make the relationship closer.

However, in the western countries, the above questions are just questions, not greeting at all. They may think you’re inviting them to eat dinner if you ask about their meals. Usually, they’ll just give each other a smile or greet with a “Hi.”.
Chinese culture is based on masses (collectivism). People placed country and family above your own self.
Conception II
• Western culture is adventurous and exploration based. Westerners like to discover new things, invention and expand outwards. For instance, bungee jumping is considered adventurous and common in western am afraid I must be off, I have to …”
2.“Well, it’s been nice to see you again. I do enjoy
talk and the lovely dinner, but I must be going
Greeting is the first step to form culture
In China, if we meet a friend in the street, we are used to say: “Hi, have you had your meal?” or “Where are you going?”.

Daily communication
Differences in education
The gap of teaching system between China and America is big.
• Chinese students always complain about their homework.Too much homework has limited the time to exercise and relax.They try their best to get a high mark.Homework comes the first to them.
Interpersonal • Chinese culture that
is based on humanism and
• Western culture is basedpoenople
science, which attempts to
resolve people and nature's
• Chinese culture is older than 5000 years, and Chinese people have developed their own music, musical instruments, painting techniques, traditional Chinese medicine, and not to forget, cooking methods etc – completely different when compared to Western culture.

talk and the lovely dinner, but I must be going soon”. • 3.“Thank you very much for asking me over. I hope
In a formal setting, westerners address men as "Mister" (Mr), married women as "Misses" ("Mrs."), and unmarried women as "Miss" ( "Ms."). These days many women prefer to be addressed using the abbreviations "Ms." , pronounced "miz".
In west, Although they
are different in age antly, namely, their names, even first names .They demonstrate the sense of intimacy and the conception of” Everyone is created equal”
• In English, people often employ the following expressions to greet each other “Good morning/evening/afternoon. “Fine day, isn’t it? ”How is everything going?”,etc.

• In their opinion, one should choose
清 溪 山 房 位 于湖南 省长沙 市浏阳 市小河 乡田心 村125号
his food only according to his need as
an independent individual and the
balanced requirement of all kinds of
Chopsticks vs Knife and Fork
清 溪 山 房 位 于湖南 省长沙 市浏阳 市小河 乡田心 村125号
清 溪 山 房 位 于湖南 省长沙 市浏阳 市小河 乡田心 村125号
清 溪 山 房 位 于湖南 省长沙 市浏阳 市小河 乡田心 村125号
Chopsticks vs Knife and Fork
Tea and Wine
清 溪 山 房 位 于湖南 省长沙 市浏阳 市小河 乡田心 村125号
清 溪 山 房 位 于湖南 省长沙 市浏阳 市小河 乡田心 村125号
清 溪 山 房 位 于湖南 省长沙 市浏阳 市小河 乡田心 村125号
Chinese people love tea while westerners prefer to drink red wine
清 溪 山 房 位 于湖南 省长沙 市浏阳 市小河 乡田心 村125号
清 溪 山 房 位 于湖南 省长沙 市浏阳 市小河 乡田心 村125号
清 溪 山 房 位 于湖南 省长沙 市浏阳 市小河 乡田心 村125号
清 溪 山 房 位 于湖南 省长沙 市浏阳 市小河 乡田心 村125号
清 溪 山 房 位 于湖南 省长沙 市浏阳 市小河 乡田心 村125号

• Differences in social etiquette between China and the West
• Differences in thinking styles between China and the West
• Differences in Chinese and Western Languages and Writing
Comparison of Chinese and Western Values
• Differences in Priorities: Chinese culture emphasizes collectivism and interpersonal harmony, while Western culture emphasizes individualism and personal freedom.
• conclusion
Theme Introduction
This speech will focus on the differences between Chinese and Western cultures, exploring how these differences influence people's values, behaviors,

• Knives and forks • Chopsticks
• China is a country with one of the lo ngest histories in the world.
• We have Profound Traditional Cultures ,especially comparing with the Western Countries.
• Have you eaten yet? • What are you going to do?
Greeting in English
• People often employ the following expressions to greet each other :
• Good morning/evening/afternoon. • Fine day, isn’t it? • How is everything going?
Parting in English
• Western people always find some reasons for their leaving. Such as:
• “I am afraid I must be off, I have to …” • “Well, it’s been nice to see you again. I do
characters of a horoscope • Red clothes(the red color
represents lucky) • Bridal sedan chair • Cross-cupped wine

Traditional Chinese clothes
Connotation (含蓄)of shape and color
• Express beauty of body ,to present body shape in a realistic way .
a typical English Breakfast
• In Britain, it sends out is “be away from distant point ”. • In China , it looks as one kind of habit action , • also demonstrates one’s high authority and lofty , making people be away from him or her.
Most of Chinese people ARE Buddhists
… OH Jesus…
British is christian
• When people sit cross-arms and legs, their hands covered in the mouth or chin.
However, British holds the individualism and is sensitive to privacies. Therefore,, do not refer to something, like age, income, marriage, and family. They prefer to talk about weathers.
The differences between China and Britain

While westerners always eating food in a scientific way. a dish should put how many condiment is serious
mixture China: the core is “Five flavors to reconcile” so the dishes are made up of many material
The culture includes many things, such as eating habit , education and so on , I will introduction something about it.
Chinese: what we pure for is tastes and the Structure
Or Yelling at them and using physical punishment.
How To React If Children Are Wrong ?
In the school:
Chinese schools have many requirements. For example, many schools ask students to wear the uniform. And when we are in class, We should sit straightly, listen quietly and take note.
Westerner: the core is “difference” so fish is fish and meat is meat without any other material
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Etiquette culture (礼仪文化) --- Compliments and Response
(称赞与回答) Chinese: “modesty” (谦逊)
Westerner: “straight forwardness”(直白坦 率)
Etiquette culture (礼仪文化) --- Asking personal affairs when asking others personal affairs, eg: name、 age、marital status、wages、personal life.
Cultural Differences between China and western country ----中西文化差异
Contents (目录)
1、Food and tableware culture (餐桌文化)
2、Etiquette culture (礼仪文化)
3、Number and color (数字与颜色)
Joy (快乐) Peace (和平) Success (成功) In western country
Vigour (活力) Alert (警戒) Danger(危险)
In China
Death (死亡) Failure (失败) Decay (腐朽) Surrender (投降) In western country
( 国外结婚仪式)
The wedding steps(婚礼步骤)
Wedding March(结婚进 行曲) Music stops (父亲引女入 堂并交予新郎) Wedding vow(誓言)
changing the rings(互换戒 指)
Family education different
Foreign wedding ceremony
新郎 groom 伴郎 the best man 男傧相 groomsmen 新娘 bride 伴娘 maid of honor 女傧相 bridesmaid 花童 flower girl 戒童 ring bearer 求婚 kneeling in wedding 神父 minister 引宾员 usher
Elegance(高雅) Purity(纯洁) Integrity (正直) Honesty (诚实)
Lucky numbers(幸运数字)
In China In western country
8:luck(幸运) fortune(财富) happy (幸福)
6 :safety and smooth (六六大顺)
chopsticks(筷子) spoon(汤勺) bowl(碗)
Western tableware(西方餐具)
knife(刀) fork(餐叉)
Etiquette culture (礼仪文化)
--- Greeting(打招呼)
In China: “Have you eaten yet?” “What are you going to do?”(”你吃了吗?“”你要去哪里“) In western country: “Good morning/afternoon/evening. " (”早上好;中午好;晚上好“)
American education hours tube tightly, American parents would set many rules, and the children the bassoon and the pine。 美国教育小时管得严,美国父母会立下许多 规矩,而孩子越大管得越松;
The traditional chinese food
The western food
The western food
bread(面包) milk(牛奶)
Chinese tableware(中国餐具)
“Fine day, isn’t it?" (”今天天气不错,对吧“)
Etiquette culture (礼仪文化) --- Addressing(称呼)
1、Calling names(称呼)
In China, the surname(姓) → the given name (名). While westerners, the given name(名) → the family name (姓)
4、Wedding culture(婚礼文化)
5、Education (教育)
6、 Architectural Culture(建筑风格)
What Eastern people care about is the deliciousness of food. According to their traditional idea, they tend to seek the relationship between two different objects, and make them change to each other.
Chinese: concerns (关心)
Westerner: right of privacy (隐私权)
Color (颜色)
Red(红色) White(白色)
Numbers (数字)
Lucky numbers(幸运数字) Unlucky numbers (忌讳数字)
In China
7:good luck (好运)
Unlucky numbers(忌讳数字)
IIn western country 13: the most unlucky
Chinese Traditional Wedding Ceremony (传统的中国结婚仪式)
说媒 Proposal 定亲 Engagement 迎娶 Wedding Ceremony 拜堂 Performing Ritual 喝交杯酒 Drink “cross cupped wine” 闹洞房 Celebrate Wedding in bridalchamber