综合教程IIUnit 5综合练习配套训练

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C. each accusing other ✓D. each accusing the other
解析:委员会成员在争吵,每个人都在指责对方为错误负责。 accuse sb. of
12. ____ of the twins was arrested, because I saw
both at a party last night.
and found ____ natural and necessary to use rock
music in a theat来自百度文库ical context.
A. both
B. them both
C. that✓ D. it both
解析:他出生在摇滚时代,是一个真正的流行乐迷,他发现 在喜剧的环境中使用摇滚音乐很自然,也很必要。it做形式 宾语,to do是真正的宾语。both …and…连接两个形容词。
A. three times the size as✓ B. three times the size
of C. three times that is D. three times what is
解析:粗略的看,这个城市的新区大约是旧区的三倍大。 倍 数 表 达 : A is X times + the size (length, width, height)of B
2. At the end of ____ these clothes shocked many
people by their aggressive, anti-fashion style.
A. the seventy ✓B. the seventies
C. the seventies’
D. the seventies’s
A. another ✓B. some other
C. other one
D. different ones
解析: 店主:女士,您喜欢这款鞋子吗? 格林夫人:不。给我看看其他的。
14. Alan sold most of his belongings. He has scarcely ____ left in the house.
解析:花12美元买了3条5美元的领带。 数字+连字符+单数名词
7. As a matter of fact, Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves ____ those of Kuwait. A. come second following B. come second with
2. Imagine the _f_ru__st_r_a_ti_o_n_ of a patient who cannot speak, but can hear and understand what is being said about him. (frustrate)
3. The i_n_s_ta_l_la_t_io_n__ of a new gas central heating system in the office will take about a week. (install)
A. None
B. Both ✓ C. Neither
D. All
解析:这对双胞胎都没有被逮捕,因为我昨晚在聚会上看见 他们两个。两者都不。
13. Shopkeeper: “Do you like these shoes, Madam?”
Mrs. Green: “No, show me ____.”
✓C. 20 per cent more than that in 1990
D. more than 20 per cent that in 1990 解析:去年大学入学人数为9000,000,比1990年高出20%。 注意比较的对象。同类进行比较。
10. Born into the rock era, he was a true pop fan,
✓C. on second thoughts D. on the second thought
解析:我做完没有去参加他的聚会,因为我再三考虑,最后 改变了主意。on second thoughts为惯用,意为“再三考虑, 重新斟酌”
4. At a rough look, the new area of the city is about ____ the old one.
解析:在七十年代末,这些衣服因为激进、反时尚的风格令 人大为震惊。
3. I didn’t go to his party last night, because ____ I changed my mind. A. on a second thought B. by second thoughts
C✓. another fifty D. more fifty dollars
9. College enrollment was 9,000,000 last year. That was ____. A. more than 20 per cent in 1990 B. 20 per cent more than 1990
find it +adj. + to do sth
11. The committee members are quarreling, ____ of being responsible for the error. A. one accusing the other B. one accusing another
5. There are five ____ on the team. A. seven-feet over tall players
✓B. over-seven-foot-tall players
C. over-seven-feet-tall players D. seven-foot tall over players
C. are only second to ✓D. are second only to
解析:事实上,沙特阿拉伯的石油储备仅次于科威特。 second only to 仅次于
8. Lee contributed fifty dollars, but he wished he could contribute ____. A. one other fifty dollars B. the same amount also
A. everything ✓B. anything
C. nothing
D. something
解析:艾伦卖掉了大部分的私人物品,他家里几乎没有什么 东西剩下的了。
scarcely anything = almost nothing
15. Victor certainly talks a lot and he’s never
1. Eventually they achieved a reduction in hours to
A. a 52-hour week
B. a 52 hours week
C. an hour 52 week
D. 52 hours week
解析:最终,他们的工作时间减少到每周52小时。 a fifty-meter-long pool 10-hour sleeping time a five-year-old boy 数字+连字符+单数名词
解析:这支队伍有五名身高超过七英尺的球员。 数字+连字符+单数名词
6. “Did you buy anything at the clothing store?” “Yes, I bought three ____ ties for just twelve
A. five-dollar B. fives-dollar C. five-dollars D. fives-dollars
4. The accident left him _p_a_r_a_ly_z_e_d___ from the neck down. (paralyze)
5. The committee’s ___d_i_s_m_i_s_sa_l___ of their complaints annoyed them. (dismiss)
interested in what ____ has to say.
A✓. anyone else
B. no one
C. nobody
D. somebody other
解析:维克多当然会说很多话,他对别人说的话从来不感兴 趣。
1. Despite of years of official _in_d_i_ff_e_r_e_n_c_e, the state nursery school campaign now seems at last to be making progress. (indifferent)