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Part A 词汇练习
1. 航班号候机室行李领取处海关申报单
Flight number\ airport lounge\ baggage claim area \ customs declaration
2. 外币兑换柜台无线上网服务卫星、有线电视
Foreign exchange counter\wireless internet service\satellite television\cable television 3. 人事部人力资源部行政经理市场行政总监
Personnel Department\ Human Resource Department\ administration manager\ Executive Marketing Director
4. 中医自然资源吉尼斯世界纪录濒危物种Endangered Species Traditional Chinese medicine\ natural resources\Guinness world records\
5. 春联灯笼戏曲爆竹杂技武术
spring festival couplets \ lantern \ Opera \ firecracker \ acrobatics \ Martial arts
6. 贵宾国家元首高层领导人晚宴招待会鸡尾酒会
VIP\ head of state\ top leaders\ banquet\ reception \ cocktail party
7. 双边会谈峰会和平共处可持续发展生态环境石油危机
bilateral talks\ summit\ peaceful coexistence\sustainable development\ ecological environment \ oil crisis
Part B 单句口译练习I 1.现在是双方改变僵硬立场、表现灵活态度的时候了。
Now it is time to change the rigid stand between the two sides, and to show a
flexible attitude.
Both sides agreed to actively carry out exchangesand cooperation in the field of econo mic, trade, en ergy, scie nee and tech no logy, en vir onmen tal protecti on, AIDS prevention, law enforcement, and both sides engage in a strategic dialogue in econo mic and finan cial issues.
Our Iong-term central task is to focusing our efforts on developing the economy and impro ving the people's sta ndard of liv ing.
I believe the target that most State-ow ned en terprises get out of puzzledom in three
years will be realized.
5. 下面,我想就刚刚这位记者提出的关于农村改革会不会越来越棘手的问题再讲讲
Next I would like to make a point about the problem that the reporter has just
addressed and whether the reporter on ru ral reform will in creas in gly difficult.
6. 13亿人口的中国保持稳定和加快发展,对促进亚太地区和世界的稳定与发展,
China with a population of 1.3 billion remains stable and increasing development, which is significant in promoting stability and development of the Asia-Pacific region and the world.
7. 在这举国同庆的时候,我谨代表公司的全体同仁,向远道而来参加公司中秋联欢
At the time of this n ati on wide celebrati on, I on behalf of all my colleagues, exte nd
a warm welcome to all to participate in the compa ny's autu mn Gala guests .
8 .我很高兴有机会向诸位介绍中国书法这一宝贵的文化遗产对中国旅游业的贡
I am pleased to have the opport unity to in troduce what con tributi on Chin ese calligraphy, the valuable cultural heritage , has make to the tourism in Chi na.
9. I'm so grateful for the hospitality and honored by my receptio n at one of Chin a's
and the world's great uni versities.
10. You have outlined some of the difficult and ambitious reform programs in
state-ow ned en terprises and in the banking system, to be take n over the n ext three years
11. This has been a major engine of economic growth comparable to earlier
experie nee in n eighbori ng Southeast Asia n coun tries.
12. Now we have reached the point where we are more familiar with one another, I
hope we can move the relati on ship forward to the ben efit of both coun tries and explore ways in which we can expand and deepen our cooperation still further.
13. Nothing is more harmful to the peaceful settlement of these disputes than his
Actio ns.
14. All these matters must be dealt with within a broad and integrated perspective.
15. The decision was taken only after the most serious consideration and careful
weighing of its implications.