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• 在美国,没有阅读能力的年轻人的数量大约有四分之一,这简直令人难以置 信。
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• The number of the young people in the United States who can't read is incredible about one in four.
• 断句:The number of the young people/ in the United States /who can't read /is incredible /about one in four.
• 这个假设是基于这样一种谬论:人性中存在着天生的惰性(天生的惰性存在 于人性中)。实际上,除了不正常懒惰的人以外,没有多少人愿意挣只比最 低生活费多的钱,也很少有人愿意无所事事,而不去工作。
• 1、这里的断句非常重要,使用“这样”来代替后面的部分,使比较难以捉摸 的句子变得更加明白。
• 2、这里注意下介词in的翻译 • 3、rather than 一般翻译成“而不是”
• 解析:这样短句符合中文的语法顺序。但是这些短句翻译出来后往往不知所 云,所以在遇到短句的时候,我们用的原则就是:再短的句子也要有逗号, 而短句的翻译方法就是剥洋葱。
• 剥洋葱译法:在短句中,将次要成分先翻译出来,然后再翻译主要成分,先 次后主符合中文的语序。
• The number of the young people/ in the United States /who can't read /is incredible /about one in four.
• This assumption rests on the fallacy /of the inherent laziness in human nture:/acutally, aside from abnormally lazy people,/ there would be very few /who would not want to earn more than the minimum, and/ who would prefer to do nothing /rather than work.
断句后发现:后面两个who引导的定语从句都是用来修饰very few这个词组, 她和上节讲的“循环套用”有区别,它是多个并列的定语从句来修饰一个中心 词,形成并列套用的定语从句
它和循环套用结构的区别在于,中心词后所有的定语从句都是用来修饰它的 ,它们之间是并列关系。这种句子采用后置译法(因为中心词后的句子超过 了八个单词),而且关系词只要翻译一次即可。
• This assumption rests on the fallacy /of the inherent laziness in human nature:/acutally, aside from abnormally lazy people,/ there would be very few /who would not want to earn more than the minimum, and/ who would prefer to do nothing /rather than work.
• This assumption rests on the fallacy /of the inherent laziness in human nture:/acutally, aside from abnormally lazy people,/ there would be very few /who would not want to earn more than the minimum, and/ who would prefer to do nothing /rather than work.
• 这个假设是基于这样一种谬论:人性中存在着天生的惰性。实际上,除了特 别懒惰的人以外,很少有人愿意只挣比最低生活费多的钱,也很少有人愿意 无所事事,而不去工作。
European's today, like Americans 200 years ago, seek a world where strength does not matter so much, where unilateral action by nations is forbidden and where all nations regardless of their strength are protected by commonly agreed rules of behavior.
译文:当今的欧洲人,就和两百年前的美国人一样,寻找这样一个世界,在 那里,武力并不是最重要的,禁止由国家发起的单边运动,所有国家不论实 力,都受到普遍公认的行为准则的保护。
分析:这句话由where引导的三个并列的定语从句,他们共同修饰的单词是a world,形成了并列套用的定语从句。翻译时候我们采用后置译法,关系词 where只译一次。