光伏逆变器测试实验室 PV inverter testing lab
在光伏发电系统中,光伏逆变器(PV Inverter)将太阳能电池板
有两个重要的电流参数:PV 电流和组串电流。
PV 电流指的是每个太阳能电池板(PV 模块)输出的电流。
PV 电流是衡量每个电池板产生电能
通常,多个 PV 模块会串联在一起,以提高系统的电压水平。
在光伏逆变器中,PV 电流和组串电流是关键的输入参数。
通过监测和分析 PV 电流和组串电流,我们可以了解太阳能电池板的工作状态,评估系统的发电能力,并及时发现可能存在的问题。
光伏逆变器测试流程The testing process of photovoltaic inverters is a crucial step to ensure the safety and efficiency of these devices. 光伏逆变器的测试过程是确保这些设备安全和高效运行的关键步骤。
There are several steps involved in the testing process, each of which plays a critical role in ensuring the overall performance of the inverter. 测试过程涉及多个步骤,每个步骤在确保逆变器整体性能方面发挥着关键作用。
From input testing to output verification, each phase of testing serves to identify any potential issues that could affect the functionality of the inverter. 从输入测试到输出验证,测试的每个阶段都旨在识别可能影响逆变器功能的潜在问题。
The first step in the testing process involves input testing, where the inverter is subjected to various input voltage and frequency levels to ensure it can handle different conditions. 测试过程的第一步涉及输入测试,其中逆变器会受到多种输入电压和频率水平的影响,以确保它能够处理不同的条件。
This phase of testing is critical as it helps to determine the inverter's ability to withstand fluctuations in input power, which is essential for its reliability in real-world applications. 这个测试阶段至关重要,因为它有助于确定逆变器抵御输入功率波动的能力,这对其在现实应用中的可靠性至关重要。
二、实验原理:一个光伏并网逆变器由两部分组成,最大功率点追踪部分(从光伏阵列获得最大功率MPP P ),和DC-AC 变换部分(将直流电dc P 变换为交流电ac P )。
(一)最大功率点跟踪效率(MPP-tracking efficiency )MPPT 效率,包括MPPTstat η与MPPTdyn η,指一段时间内,逆变器从太阳能电池组件获得的直流电能与理论上太阳能电池组件工作在最大功率点在该时段输出的电能的比值。
静态最大功率点跟踪效率MPPTstat η,表征当太阳能电池输出特性曲线一定时,逆变器在多大程度上可以跟踪到太阳能电池的最大输出功率。
而动态最大功率点跟踪效率MPPTdyn η可以用来衡量当太阳能电池输出曲线复杂多变情况下,逆变器对最大功率点跟踪的响应速度。
MPPT 效率的数学计算公式为:00()()MM T dc MPPT T MPPP t dtPt dt η=⎰⎰ 其中,()dc P t 表示逆变器从太阳能电池获得的实时功率;()MPP P t 表示太阳能电池理论上提供的实时的最大功率点功率。
(二)转换效率(Conversion efficiency )转换效率concv η是指,一段时间内。
其数学表达式为:0()()MM T ac conv T dcPt dt Pt dt η=⎰⎰ 其中,()ac P t 表示逆变器AC 输出端子输出的实时功率;()dc P t 表示逆变器DC 输入端子输入的实时功率。
(三)总效率(Overall efficiency )总效率t η表示,一段时间内.逆变器交流输出端输出的电能与理论上太阳能电池组件工作在最大功率点在该时间段输出的电能的比值,从定义可知:00()()MM T ac t conv MPPT T MPP P t dtP t dt ηηη=⋅=⎰⎰ 理论上的最大功率点跟踪效率、转换效率和总效率的计算公式如上所示,但是在实验过程中,无法得到()ac P t ()dc P t ()MPP P t 的表达式,只能测得其瞬时值,因此无法通过以上表达式计算出各个效率。
光伏逆变器测试参数1.引言1.1 概述光伏逆变器作为太阳能光伏发电系统中的关键设备之一,具有将直流电转换为交流电的功能。
以下是对文章1.2文章结构部分的内容的展示:1.2 文章结构本文主要分为三个部分:引言、正文和结论。
光伏逆变器检定规程(中英文版)Title: Photovoltaic Inverter Verification ProtocolTitle: 光伏逆变器检定规程English: The verification protocol for photovoltaic inverters is essential to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the equipment.It is necessary to follow a series of steps to verify the performance and compliance of the inverters with industry standards.中文: 光伏逆变器检定规程对于确保设备的准确性和可靠性至关重要。
English: The first step in the verification process is to conduct a visual inspection of the inverter to check for any physical damage or defects.This is followed by a functional test to ensure that the inverter operates correctly under various operating conditions.中文: 检定过程的第一步是对逆变器进行外观检查,以检查是否有任何物理损坏或缺陷。
English: The next step is to measure the electrical parameters of the inverter, such as voltage, current, and power.These measurements are compared to the specified values in the manufacturer"s documentation to ensure that the inverter meets the required specifications.中文: 下一步是测量逆变器的电气参数,如电压、电流和功率。
CGC 北京鉴衡认证中心认证技术规范CGC/GF001:2009并网光伏发电专用逆变器技术要求和试验方法Technical Specification and Test Method of Grid-connected PV inverter(送审稿)200X-X-XX发布200X -X-XX实施北京鉴衡认证中心发布目次前言 (III)1 范围 (1)2 规范性引用文件 (1)3 术语和定义 (2)4 产品分类 (3)4.1 产品型式 (3)4.2 输出功率型谱 (3)5 技术要求 (3)5.1 使用条件 (4)5.2 机体和结构质量 (4)5.3 性能指标 (4)5.4 电磁兼容性 (5)5.5 保护功能 (6)5.6 通讯 (7)5.7 自动开/关机 (7)5.8 软启动 (7)5.9 绝缘耐压性 (7)5.10 外壳防护等级 (7)6 试验方法 (7)6.1 试验环境条件 (8)6.2 机体和结构质量检查 (8)6.3 性能指标试验 (8)6.4 电磁兼容试验 (9)6.5 保护功能试验 (9)6.6 通讯接口试验 (11)6.7 自动开/关机试验 (11)6.8 软启动试验 (11)6.9 绝缘耐压试验 (11)6.10 环境试验 (12)7 检验规则 (12)7.1 检验分类 (12)7.2 出厂检验 (13)7.3 型式检验 (13)8 标志、包装、运输、贮存 (13)8.1 标志 (13)8.2 包装 (14)8.3 运输 (14)8.4 贮存 (14)附录A(资料性附录) (15)附录B(资料性附录)防孤岛效应保护方案的选取 (17)前言北京鉴衡认证中心是经国家认证认可监督管理委员会批准,由中国计量科学研究院组建,专业从事新能源和可再生能源产品标准化研究和产品质量认证的第三方认证机构。
第八部分:参考资料(50字)1. 光伏并网逆变器技术规范(GB/T xxx)2. 光伏并网逆变器质量检验通则(GB/T xxx)3. 光伏电站工程建设及检验规范(GB/T xxx)注:以上字数仅为参考,实际写作时可根据需要增加或减少。
太陽能逆變器之加州能源效率測試計算說明太陽能逆變器(PV inverter)銷售至美國加州(California)除符合安規、電磁干擾和併網標準外,還必須符合美國加州能源委員會(CEC, USA, California Energy Commission)所制訂的能源效率規範。
以下是CEC能源效率的計算方式:1. 以功率分析儀量測逆變器的輸出與輸入端功率,其功率準確度應達到±0.5%以上。
2. 分別在“額定輸入直流電壓(Vdcnominal)”、“最大輸入直流電壓(Vdcmaximun)”和“最小輸入直流電壓(Vdcminimun)”三種條件下,各別記錄其在額定最大輸入功率的10%, 20%, 30%, 50%, 75%, 和100%六種條件下18個轉換效率。
其中轉換效率= 輸出功率(Poutput) / 輸入功率(Pinput) X 100%3. 欲銷售至加州的逆變器,會在CEC的官方網站上列出三個轉換效率,分別是:o峰值效率(Peak Efficiency): 指上述18個轉換效率中最高的效率。
o標稱平均效率(Nominal Average Efficiency): 指三種輸入直流電壓在50%, 75%,和100% 的輸入功率下所記錄下共9個轉換效率的平均值。
o CEC加權效率(Weighted Efficiency): 由於太陽能模組在一天當中所接受到的日照情況,會隨季節、時間和天候情況有所不同,經由權重分配計算,模擬出實際加州太陽光對太陽能面板所產生的電能效率之改變,這也是CEC能源效率報告中最重要的轉換效率值。
CEC的加權效率是依據直流輸入最大功率的10%, 20%, 30%, 50%, 75% 和100%六種條件下,以權重值分別為4%, 5%, 12%, 21%, 53%,和5% 的權重分配所計算出的加權效率值。
中国计量院鉴衡认证中心 太阳能光伏专用资料
![中国计量院鉴衡认证中心 太阳能光伏专用资料](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ac166683d4d8d15abe234e12.png)
内容 Contents
• 鉴衡认证中心介绍 About CGC • 光伏产品认证体系 Introduction of certification program for PV products • 认证工作主要成果 Major progress on certification • 未来展望 Prospects
认证技术委员会职责 Technical committee
• 该委员会主要负责为认证活动提供技术支 持,对认证工作进行监督,包括认证规则 的制定,检测方法的协调解决,以及认证 结果的评价。 It is responsible for examining and approving standards of certification and coordinating and solving major technical difficulties/disputes that might occur in the process of certification.
• 鉴衡认证中心是经国家认证认可监督管理 委员会批准,由中国计量科学研究院组建, 致力于风能、太阳能等能源产品研究及产 品认证的第三方机构 • Organized by NIM with the authorization of CNCA, China General Certification Center (CGC) is a non-profit organization (NPO) endeavor to the investigation of wind, solar product standards and product certification.
太阳能光伏产品金太阳 认证介绍
Introduction of national certification program for PV products
光伏系统是一种将太阳能转化为电能的装置,由太阳能电池板(Photovoltaic Panel),逆变器(Inverter)和电池储能系统(Battery Energy Storage System)等组成。
四、试验结果与分析4.1 发电效果的测量结果根据试验过程中的测量数据,得到了不同光照条件下的发电效果数据。
以下是部分数据的示例:光照强度(W/m2)输出电压(V)输出电流(A)电能转化效率(%)100020.1 5.215.78 120022.3 5.816.47 150025.6 6.517.54从上述数据可以看出,光伏系统的发电效果随着光照强度的增加而提高。
4.2 恶劣天气条件下的表现试验中也模拟了恶劣天气条件下光伏系统的性能表现。
光伏逆变器的源程序光伏逆变器(PV inverter)的源程序通常涉及复杂的控制算法、电力电子技术和通信协议。
以下是一个非常简化的伪代码示例,描述了光伏逆变器可能会执行的一些基本操作:c// 伪代码,非真实逆变器控制程序// 初始化变量和系统配置void initialize() {// 设置MPPT(最大功率点跟踪)算法参数// 配置PID(比例-积分-微分)控制器参数// 初始化通信接口(如Modbus, CAN等)// ...}// MPPT算法,用于确定光伏板的最佳工作电压和电流void mpptAlgorithm() {// 读取光伏板当前的电压和电流float currentVoltage = readPVVoltage();float currentCurrent = readPVCurrent();// 使用某种MPPT算法(如扰动和观察法)来计算新的电压或电流参考值float newVoltageRef = calculateMPPTVoltage(currentVoltage, currentCurrent);// 设置逆变器以尝试达到新的工作点setInverterVoltageReference(newVoltageRef);}// PID控制器,用于调节逆变器输出以匹配电网要求void pidController() {// 读取电网电压和频率float gridVoltage = readGridVoltage();float gridFrequency = readGridFrequency();// 计算与电网同步所需的相位角和电压幅值调整量float phaseAngleAdjustment = calculatePhaseAngle(gridFrequency);float voltageAmplitudeAdjustment = calculateVoltageAmplitude(gridVoltage);// 使用PID控制器调整逆变器输出电流的频率、相位和幅值以匹配电网adjustInverterOutput(phaseAngleAdjustment, voltageAmplitudeAdjustment);}// 主循环,不断执行MPPT和PID控制算法,以及其他任务void mainLoop() {while (true) {mpptAlgorithm(); // 运行MPPT算法以优化光伏板输出pidController(); // 运行PID控制器以匹配电网要求// 执行其他任务,如通信、故障诊断、系统监控等...communicateWithExternalDevices(); // 与外部设备通信(如智能家居系统)diagnoseFaults(); // 检测并处理任何故障情况(如过温、过流等)monitorSystemStatus(); // 监控系统状态并记录数据以供分析或故障排除使用delay(controlLoopTime); // 等待一段时间再次执行循环(控制环时间间隔)}}int main() {initialize(); // 初始化系统配置和变量mainLoop(); // 进入主控制循环,不断运行控制算法和其他任务...return 0; // 通常这里不会返回,因为主循环是无限循环的...但为了形式完整性还是加上这一行。
GoodWe HT系列光伏逆变器用户手册说明书
![GoodWe HT系列光伏逆变器用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9c9dae34f342336c1eb91a37f111f18583d00cac.png)
User Manual Grid-Tied PV InverterHT Series(225-250kW)V1.1-2022-07-20Copyright Statement User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20The information in this user manual is subject to change due to product updates or other reasons. This manual cannot replace the product labels or the safety precautions unless otherwise specified. All descriptions in the manual are for guidance only.TrademarksNoticeand other GoodWe trademarks are trademarks of GoodWe Company.All other trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned in this manual are owned by GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.No part of this manual can be reproduced or transmitted to the public platform in any form or by any means without the prior written authorization of GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.Copyright ©GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd., 2022. All rights reservedContent User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20 CONTENT1 About This Manual (1)1.1 Applicable Model (1)1.2 Target Audience (1)1.3 Symbol Definition (2)1.4 Updates (2)2 Safety Precaution (3)2.1 General Safety (3)2.2 DC Side (3)2.3 AC Side (4)2.4 Inverter Installation (4)2.5 Personal Requirements (4)3 Product Introduction (5)3.1 Application Scenarios (5)3.2 Supported Grid Types (5)3.3 Circuit Diagram (6)3.4 Appearance (8)3.4.1 Parts (8)3.4.2 Dimensions (10)3.4.3 Indicators (11)3.4.4 Nameplate (12)4 Check and Storage (13)4.1 Check Before Receiving (13)4.2 Deliverables (13)4.3 Storage (14)5 Installation (15)5.1 Installation Requirements (15)5.2 Inverter Installation (18)5.2.1 Moving the Inverter (18)5.2.2 Installing the Inverter (18)6 Electrical Connection (21)6.1 Safety Precautions (21)User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20Content 6.2 Connecting the PE Cable (24)6.3 Connecting the PV Input Cable (25)6.4 Connecting the AC Output Cable (28)6.5 Communication (30)6.5.1 Connecting the Communication Cable (30)6.5.2 Installing the Communication Module (34)7 Equipment Commissioning (35)7.1 Check Items Before Switching Power ON (35)7.2 Power On (35)8 System Commissioning (36)8.1 Indicators and Button (36)8.2 Setting Inverter Parameters via LCD (37)8.3 Setting Inverter Parameters via App (40)8.4 Monitoring via SEMS Portal (40)9 Maintenance (41)9.1 Power Off the Inverter (41)9.2 Removing the Inverter (41)9.3 Disposing of the Inverter (41)9.4 Troubleshooting (42)9.5 Routine Maintenance (48)10 Technical Parameters (49)User Manual V1.1-2022-07-2001 About This Manual1 About This ManualThis manual describes the product information, installation, electrical connection, commissioning, troubleshooting, and maintenance. Read through this manual before installing and operating the product. All the installers and users have to be familiar with the product features, functions, and safety precautions. This manual is subject to update without notice. For more product details and latest documents, visit .1.1 Applicable ModelThis manual applies to the listed inverters below (HT for short):1.2 Target AudienceThis manual applies to trained and knowledgeable technical professionals. The technical personnel has to be familiar with the product, local standards, and electric systems.01 About This Manual User Manual V1.1-2022-07-201.3 Symbol DefinitionDifferent levels of warning messages in this manual are defined as follows:1.4 UpdatesThe latest document contains all the updates made in earlier issues.V1.0 2022-05-04• First Issue.V1.1 2022-07-20• Updated technical parameters and electrical connections.User Manual V1.1-2022-07-2002 Safety Precaution 2 Safety Precaution2.1 General Safety2.2 DC Side02 Safety Precaution User Manual V1.1-2022-07-202.4 Inverter Installation2.5 Personal RequirementsUser Manual V1.1-2022-07-2003 Product Introduction3 Product Introduction3.1 Application ScenariosThe HT inverter is a three-phase PV string grid-tied inverter. The inverter converts the DC power generated by the PV module into AC power and feeds it into the utility grid. The intended use of the inverter is as follows:PV String Inverter Cabinet The grid structures supported by HT series GW250K-HT, GW250KN-HT, GW225K-HT and GW225KN-HT are IT, as shown in the figure below:3.2 Supported Grid TypesInverterTransformer ITL1L2L3PE03 Product Introduction User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20 3.3 Circuit DiagramThe circuit diagram of GW250K-HT , and GW225K-HT are as follows.User Manual V1.1-2022-07-2003 Product Introduction The circuit diagram of GW225KN-HT, and GW250KN-HT are as follows.03 Product Introduction User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20 3.4 Appearance3.4.1 PartsGW250K-HT , and GW225K-HTGW225KN-HT, and GW250KN-HTUser Manual V1.1-2022-07-2003 Product Introduction03 Product Introduction User Manual V1.1-2022-07-203.4.2 DimensionsUser Manual V1.1-2022-07-2003 Product Introduction 3.4.3 Indicators03 Product Introduction User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20 3.4.4 NameplateThe nameplate is for reference only.Technical parametersSafety symbols and certification marksContact information and serialnumberUser Manual V1.1-2022-07-2004 Check and Storage4 Check and Storage4.1 Check Before Receiving4.2 DeliverablesCheck the following items before receiving the product.1. Check the outer packing box for damage, such as holes, cracks, deformation, and others signs of equipment damage. Do not unpack the package and contact the supplier as soon as possible if any damage is found.2. Check the inverter model. If the inverter model is not what you requested, do not unpack the product and contact the supplier.3. Check the deliverables for correct model, complete contents, and intact appearance. Contact the supplier as soon as possible if any damage is found.04 Check and Storage User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20 4.3 StorageIf the equipment is not to be installed or used immediately, please ensure that the storage environment meets the following requirements:1. Do not unpack the outer package or throw the desiccant away.2. Store the equipment in a clean place. Make sure the temperature and humidity are appropriate and no condensation.3. The height and direction of the stacking inverters should follow the instructions on the packing box.4. The inverters must be stacked with caution to prevent them from falling.5. If the inverter has been long term stored, it should be checked by professionals before being put into use.User Manual V1.1-2022-07-2005 Installation5 Installation5.1 Installation RequirementsInstallation Environment Requirements1. Do not install the equipment in a place near flammable, explosive, or corrosive materials.2. Install the equipment on a surface that is solid enough to bear the inverter weight.3. Install the equipment in a well-ventilated place to ensure good dissipation. Also, theinstallation space should be large enough for operations.4. The equipment with a high ingress protection rating can be installed indoors or outdoors.The temperature and humidity at the installation site should be within the appropriate range.5. Install the equipment in a sheltered place to avoid direct sunlight, rain, and snow. Build asunshade if it is needed.6. Do not install the equipment in a place that is easy to touch, especially within children’sreach. High temperature exists when the equipment is working. Do not touch the surface to avoid burning.7. Install the equipment at a height that is convenient for operation and maintenance, electricalconnections, and checking indicators and labels.8. Install the inverters far away from noise-sensitive areas, such as the residential area, school,hospital etc., in order to avoid the noises bothering people nearby.9. Install the inverter away from high magnetic field to avoid electromagnetic interference.Ifthere is any radio or wireless communication equipment below 30MHz near the inverter, you have to:• Install the inverter at least 30m far away from the wireless equipment.• Add a low pass EMI filter or a multi winding ferrite core to the DC input cable or AC output cable of the inverter.Mounting Support Requirements1. The mounting support shall be nonflammable and fireproof.2. Make sure that the support surface is solid enough to bear the product weight load.3. Do not install the product on the support with poor sound insulation to avoid the noise generated by the working product, which may annoy the residents nearby.05 Installation User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20Installation Angle Requirements• Install the inverter vertically or at a minimum back tilt of 10 degrees.•Do not install the inverter upside down, forward tilt, back forward tilt, or horizontally.User Manual V1.1-2022-07-2005 Installation Installation Tool RequirementsThe following tools are recommended when installing the equipment. Use other auxiliary tools on site if necessary.05 Installation User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20Step 1 Put the mounting plate on the wall horizontally and mark positions for drilling holes.Step 2 Drill holes to a depth of 65mm using the hammer drill. The diameter of the drill bit should be 13mm.Step 3 Fix the mounting plate on the wall or the bracket.Step 4 Install the handles or the hoisting rings.Step 5 Grab the handles to lift the inverter or hoist the inverter to place it on the mounting plate.Step 6 Tighten the nuts to secure the mounting plate and the inverter.5.2 Inverter Installation5.2.2 Installing the Inverter5.2.1 Moving the InverterMounting on the wallUser Manual V1.1-2022-07-2005 Installation Mounting on the plateUser Manual V1.1-2022-07-2006 Electrical Connection 6 Electrical Connection6.1 Safety Precautions06 Electrical Connection User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20User Manual V1.1-2022-07-2006 Electrical Connection≤≤20mm≤Dimensions of the AC OT terminals after crimping:112mm06 Electrical Connection User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20 6.2 Connecting the PE CableUser Manual V1.1-2022-07-2006 Electrical Connection 6.3 Connecting the PV Input CableConnecting the DC Input CableStep 1 Prepare DC cables.Step 2 Crimp the crimp contacts.Step 3 Disassemble the PV connectors.Step 4 Make the DC cable and detect the DC input voltage.Step 5 Plug the PV connectors into the PV terminals.06 Electrical Connection User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20 Devalan DC ConnectorUser Manual V1.1-2022-07-2006 Electrical Connection MC4 DC Connector06 Electrical Connection User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20An AC circuit breaker should be installed on the AC side to make sure that the inverter can safety disconnect the grid when an exception happens. Select the appropriate AC circuit breaker in compliance with local laws and regulations. Recommended AC circuit breakers:Select and Install RCD depending on local laws and regulations.Type A RCDs (Residual Current Monitoring Device) can be connected to the outside of the inverter for protection when the DC component of the leakage current exceeds the limit value. The following RCDs are for reference: Step 1 Make the AC output cable.Step 2 Dismantle the AC cover and take out the rubber ring. Step 3 Cut the rubber ring to right size.Step 4 Crimp the AC cable OT terminalStep 5 Connect the AC output cables and install the cover.User Manual V1.1-2022-07-2006 Electrical ConnectionSingle-core cable:06 Electrical Connection User Manual V1.1-2022-07-206.5 Communication6.5.1 Connecting the Communication CableRouterRS485 networking scenarioConnect the RS485 port of the inverter to the Data Logger. The total length of the connection cable is less than 1000m.Keep the communication cable away from power cables to prevent the communication from being interrupted.If more than 2 inverters are connected and also connected to the data logger, at most 20 inverters are allowed on the daisy chain.InverterInverterInverterConnecting the RS485 Communication CableUser Manual V1.1-2022-07-2006 Electrical Connection06 Electrical Connection User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20Connecting the Remote Shutdown and Emergency Power Off Communication Cable Remote Shutdown and Emergency Power Off networking scenario Remote Shutdown or Emergency Power Off Remote Shutdown: For Europe only.Emergency Power Off: For India only.Remote Shutdown or Emergency Power OffRemote Shutdown or Emergency Power OffUser Manual V1.1-2022-07-2006 Electrical Connection06 Electrical Connection User Manual V1.1-2022-07-206.5.2 Installing the Communication ModulePlug a Bluetooth module into the inverter to establish a connection between the inverter and the smartphone or web pages. Set inverter parameters, check running information and fault information, and observe system status in time via the smartphone or web pages.User Manual V1.1-2022-07-2007 Equipment Commissioning7 Equipment Commissioning7.1 Check Items Before Switching Power ON7.2 Power OnStep 1 Turn on the AC breaker between the inverter and the utility grid.Step 2 Turn on the DC switch of the inverter.PV08 System Commissioning User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20 8 System Commissioning8.1 Indicators and ButtonModel without LCDModel with LCDUser Manual V1.1-2022-07-2008 System Commissioning 8.2 Setting Inverter Parameters via LCDLCD Button DescriptionStop pressing the button for a period in any page, the LCD will get dark and go back to the initial page, which means the parameter in that page has been saved successfully.08 System Commissioning User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20 LCD Menu IntroductionThis part describes the menu structure, allowing you view inverter information and set parameters more conveniently.First level menu Second level menuUser Manual V1.1-2022-07-2008 System Commissioning08 System CommissioningUser Manual V1.1-2022-07-208.3 Setting Inverter Parameters via AppSolarGo AppSolarGo App User ManualSolarGo is an application used to communicate with the inverter via Bluetooth module, WiFi module, Wi-Fi/LAN module, 4G module, or GPRS module. Commonly used functions: 1. Check the operating data, software version, alarms of the inverter, etc.2. Set grid parameters and communication parameters of the inverter.3. Maintain the equipment.For more details, refer to the SolarGo APP User Manual. Scan the QR code or visit https:///Ftp/EN/Downloads/User%20Manual/GW_SolarGo_User%20Manual-EN.pdf to get the user manual.8.4 Monitoring via SEMS PortalSEMS Portal is an monitoring platform used to manage organizations/users, add plants, and monitor plant status.For more details, refer to the SEMS Portal User Manual. Scan the QR code or visit https:///Ftp/EN/Downloads/User%20Manual/GW_SEMS%20Portal-User%20Manual-EN.pdf to get the user manual.SEMS Portal User ManualSEMS PortalUser Manual V1.1-2022-07-2009 Maintenance9 Maintenance9.1 Power Off the InverterStep 1 Issue a command to the inverter for halting the grid via SolarGo APP.Step 2 Turn off the AC switch between the inverter and the utility grid.Step 3 Turn off the DC switch of the inverter.9.2 Removing the InverterStep 1 Disconnect all the cables, including DC cables, AC cables, communication cables, the communication module, and PE cables.Step 2 Handle or hoist the inverter to take it down from the wall or the bracket.Step 3 Store the inverter properly. If the inverter needs to be used later, ensure that the storage conditions meet the requirements.9.3 Disposing of the InverterIf the inverter cannot work any more, dispose of it according to the local disposal requirements for electrical equipment waste. Do not dispose of it as household waste.09 Maintenance User Manual V1.1-2022-07-209.4 TroubleshootingPerform troubleshooting according to the following methods. Contact the after-sales service if these methods do not work.Collect the information below before contacting the after-sales service, so tha the problems can be solved quickly.1. Inverter information like serial number, software version, installation date, fault time, fault frequency, etc.2. Installation environment, including weather conditions, whether the PV modules aresheltered or shadowed, etc. It is recommended to provide some photos and videos to assist in analyzing the problem.3. Utility grid situation.User Manual V1.1-2022-07-2009 Maintenance09 Maintenance User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20User Manual V1.1-2022-07-2009 Maintenance09 Maintenance User Manual V1.1-2022-07-20。
b.进行模拟测试之前,需把电感L2和L3的2脚从PCB上断开,如下图:图31.1 交流过电流测试测试方法:图4 交流过电流测试图a.按图3、4连接线路;b.把控制面板上的AC_I的端子拔掉,在AC_I的端子的2、4脚加入对应等效电流的交流电压信号。
交流过电流整定值24A对应的等效交流电压为4.8Vrms.c.电网频率为50Hz,加入对应频率的交流电压信号,从整定值的90%缓慢(0.1V 步长)增加到过流保护点,记录此时电压V1,换算成电流值;d.交流电压信号跳变:从0V开始跳变到V1+0.2,从0V开始跳变到过流保护整定值的110%,从0V开始跳变到过流保护整定值的150%,分别测量保护动作的时间;e.电网的频率设为60Hz,重复c~d步骤;判定标准:1、交流过流,保护装置能正常动作(查看GB信号变为高电平),并且LED屏上显示故障一致;2、保护点在保护整定值的5%内,整定值最大不超过150%;3、保护动作时间在0.5秒以内。
1.2 直流过欠压保护测试方法:图5 直流过欠压测试图a.按图3、5接线路;b.把控制面板上的Solar_Vdc端子拔掉,从PV-OV/UV端子外加直流电压信号,1脚为正,2脚为负。
pv实验流程-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分:随着能源需求的不断增加和环境问题的日益严重,太阳能光伏(Photovoltaic,简称PV)技术作为一种可再生能源的重要代表,受到了广泛关注和研究。
可以根据给出的文章目录,写出以下内容:1.2 文章结构本篇长文按照以下结构展开:引言部分包括概述、文章结构和目的三个小节。
光伏逆变器防孤岛效应实验概要英文回答:Photovoltaic Inverter Anti-Islanding Effect Experiment Outline.Objectives:The main objective of this experiment is to test the anti-islanding protection mechanism of photovoltaic (PV) inverters. Anti-islanding is a safety feature that prevents the inverter from continuing to operate when the grid connection is lost. This is important to prevent the inverter from energizing the grid with electricity from the PV system, which could pose a safety hazard to utility workers and the general public.Materials:Photovoltaic (PV) inverter.PV module.Load (e.g., light bulb)。
Multimeter.Oscilloscope.Grid simulator (optional)。
Procedure:1. Connect the PV module to the inverter.2. Connect the inverter to the load.3. Connect the grid simulator to the inverter (if using).4. Turn on the inverter.5. Monitor the inverter output voltage and frequency.6. Disconnect the grid from the inverter.7. Observe the behavior of the inverter.Expected Results:When the grid is connected, the inverter should operate normally, providing power to the load. When the grid is disconnected, the inverter should immediately cease operation.Data Analysis:The inverter output voltage and frequency should be recorded before and after the grid is disconnected. The data should be analyzed to verify that the inverter is operating correctly and that the anti-islanding protection mechanism is functioning properly.Conclusion:The experiment will demonstrate the importance of anti-islanding protection in PV inverters. By testing the anti-islanding mechanism, we can ensure that the inverter will not pose a safety hazard in the event of a grid outage.中文回答:光伏逆变器防孤岛效应实验概要。
基于维纳过程的光伏逆变器寿命评估方法祝勇俊; 孙权; 朱其新; 胡惠轶【期刊名称】《《电测与仪表》》【年(卷),期】2019(056)020【总页数】6页(P115-119,152)【关键词】光伏逆变器; 维纳过程; 可靠性评估; 寿命估计; 剩余使用寿命【作者】祝勇俊; 孙权; 朱其新; 胡惠轶【作者单位】苏州科技大学电子与信息工程学院苏州215009; 南京工程学院自动化学院南京211167【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM2020 引言光伏逆变器作为太阳能发电系统中最重要的核心部件之一,将光伏组件发出的直流电力逆变成所需求的交流电力,具有最大功率跟踪控制、故障保护等功能[1-2];其逆变效率、输出电能质量、平均无故障时间(Mean Time Between Failure,MTBF)等性能直接决定着光伏发电系统的整体效率、工作可靠性、使用寿命以及发电成本等[3]。
美国桑迪亚国家实验室(Sandia National Labs,SNL)通过统计调查研究,其结果表明光伏逆变器是引起发电系统故障的最主要原因,且其失效率高达51%[4]。
文献[8]采用Coffin-Manson模型开展绝缘栅双极型晶体管(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor,IGBT)模块的寿命评估。
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® T ÜV , T U E V a n d T U V a r e r e g i s t e r e d b r a n d m a r k s . A n y u s e a n d a p p l i c a t i o n r e q u i r e s p r i o r a p p r o v a l . P 1S B 046z h e n G C 12081.0光伏逆变器测试实验室PV inverter testing lab光伏逆变器一站式认证服务One-stop PV Inverter Certification ServicePRODUCTS •ELECTRICALTUVdotCOM,展示企业与产品的竞争优势TUVdotCOM.The visible difference.TUVdotCOM 使您的产品在激烈竞争中与众不同。
您可以随时随地通过该平台进行查询,所有经德国莱茵TÜV 测试的产品、服务、公司、体系或人员信息将一览无余,充分展示客户产品及公司体系的质量和安全性。
The TUVdotCOM Internet platform makes the difference visible: All products, services, companies, systems, personnel certifications tested by TÜV Rheinland–extremely well documented and globally-accessible.我们是全球光伏产品检测和认证的领导者,拥有近30年的丰富经验我们全球光伏产品测试网络拥有250多名专家,为全球各个地区提供专业服务我们全球6所顶尖光伏产品检测中心拥有最强的测试能力和最大的测试容量我们的光伏逆变器实验室采用国际先进的自动化仪器设备实现快捷、高效、专业检测服务我们光伏逆变器实验室通过了全球CB 认证体系IECEE 的认可,是中国第一家CBTL 认可的光伏逆变器测试实验室,同时获得CNAS 、CGC 、TAF 、OSHA 、SCC 、DAkkS 等多项资质认可TÜV Rheinland is a global leader in the provision of testing and certification services for PV products, with nearly 30 years of experienceOur unique global network backed by more than 250 experts provides professional service to various regions of the worldWe have six world-class solar energy assessment centres with the strongest testing capabilities and capacity worldwideOur PV inverter testing lab uses advanced automatic equipment to achieve fast, efficient and professional testing resultsOur lab has been accredited by the IECEE under the CB scheme. It is the first CBTL certified testing laboratory for PV inverters in China, and is recognised by CNAS, CGC, TAF, OSHA, SCC, DAkkS, etc.德国莱茵TÜV ,全面提升产品品质TÜV Rheinland improves your products’ quality 服务流程Service procedure我们的服务Our services德国莱茵TÜV ,您值得信赖的合作伙伴TÜV Rheinland is your reliable partner我们拥有140年悠久历史,是国际领先的技术服务提供商我们遍布全球的专业团队及服务网络为您提供一站式便捷服务我们的检测认证得到国际买家的高度认可,助您进一步开拓全球市场我们能够帮助您提高客户对产品质量和安全的信心,保护并提升您的品牌认知度获得我们的认证可证明您的光伏逆变器已通过国际测试标准,符合相关法规要求,保障您的产品拥有高品质、安全性与可靠性,可增加您的竞争优势,并能帮助您降低责任风险We are a leading technical service provider worldwide with 140 years of experience Our global network and team of experts provide you with one-stop servicesOur test marks are well recognised by overseas buyers, thus providing you with greater global market accessWe can help you to boost customer confidence in the quality and reliability of your products, thus protecting and adding recognition to your brandOur certification proves that your PV inverters have already passed international testing standards and complied with related regulation requirements, which guarantees the high quality, safety and reliability of your products, thus increasing your competitive advantage and reducing liability risk电气安全测试 电磁兼容测试 并网测试能效测试 性能测试可靠性测试 环境测试 功能安全无线测试绿色解决方案Electrical safety testing EMC testingGrid connection testing Energy ef ciency testing Performance testing Reliability testing Environment testingFunctional safetyRF/Bluetooth/Zigbee/WiFi/FCC testing Green Solutions测试标识Our marks测试标准Testing standard光伏逆变器是光伏发电系统的核心部件,也是保证光伏系统长期稳定运行的关键所在。
Photovoltaic (PV) inverters are critical components of PV power systems, ensuring that they have long and stable life spans. Your PV inverters must meet related standards to perform safely, with high levels of ef ciency and reliability.全球市场准入Global market access电气安全 SafetyIEC/EN 62109-1, IEC/EN 62109-2 IEC 62103, EN 50178, AS 3100 UL 1741, C22.2 No. 107.1- 01无线测试 RF/ Bluetooth/ Zigbee/ WiFi/ FCC testingEN 300 220, EN 300 330, EN 300 440 EN 300 328, EN 301 489-1/3/17, EN 50371 FCC Part 15, RSS-210, RSS-GEN并网测试 Grid connectionIEEE 1547, IEEE 1547.1VDE-AR-N 4105, VDE 0124-100, BDEW VDE 0126-1-1+A1, CEI 0-21, CEI 0-16 RD 1663, AS 4777.2/3, G83/1-1, G59/2 PV 501, PV 502, JIS C 8962, JIS C 8980 JET GR0002-1-2.0, JET GR0003-1-2.0 EN 50438, IEC 61727, IEC 62116 CGC/GF 004: 2011, etc. 电磁相容性 EMCIEC/EN 61000-6-1/2 IEC/EN 61000-6-3/4 IEC/EN 61000-3-2/12 IEC/EN 61000-3-3/11能效 Energy efficiencyCEC, EN 50530, IEC 61683 功能安全 Functional safetyEN 62109-1 Annex B EN 60730-1 Annex H德国莱茵TÜV 的一站式检测、认证及相关技术服务可以全面提升光伏逆变器的品质,实现全球市场准入。
TÜV Rheinland’s one-stop testing, certi cation and technical services can improve the quality of your PV inverters and ease your access to global markets.德国 Germany意大利 Italy英国 United Kingdom 法国 France 西班牙 Spain 匈牙利 Hungary 丹麦 Denmark希腊 Greece 美国 USA 加拿大 Canada 巴西 Brazil 阿根廷 Argentina 墨西哥 Mexico 南非 South Africa中国 China 日本 Japan 韩国 Korea 印度 India 台湾地区 Taiwan 澳大利亚 Australia 新西兰 New Zealand。