

第 页, 共 8 页
666300-XXX-C (zh)
在空气压力很低时, ARO隔膜泵甚至也能泵送大量物料, 而且物料相容性的选择范围很广。请参看型号和选项 表。ARO隔膜泵具有抗失速设计和空气马达/流体段模块 化的特点。 气动双隔膜泵利用气室中的压差, 交替造成流体室内的 吸入压力和流体正压力, 阀门控制部件确保流体正向流 动。 当施加空气压力时, 泵的循环开始, 它会连续泵送物料不 断满足需求。循环将建立并维持管路压力, 一旦达到最 高管路压力 (分配装置关闭), 循环停止, 并根据需要, 重 新进行泵送。
用所安装的94810消声器测试。 这里公布的泵体声压级已被更新为一个等量连续声压级 (L Aeq) , 该声压级满足使用四个扩音测量位置的ANSI S1.13-1971, CAGIPNEUROP S5.1标准。
1 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 铝 316不锈钢 Kynar 聚偏氟乙稀 碳钢 8 - 9 - E - G - 硬440不锈钢 热塑性聚酯弹性体 三道橡胶 腈
参看从第4页到第7页上提供的关于零件识别和成套修理 零件信息中的零件视图和说明。 指明应备有某些ARO "智能零件", 用于快速修理, 减少 停机时间。 成套修理件被划分两类, 以实现修理两种独立隔膜泵 的功能: 1. 空气段, 2. 流体段。流体段则为了与典型 物料选项匹配, 被进一步划分。 在修理, 拆卸和重新装配时, 要提供清洁的工作面, 防 止敏感的内部运动机件受到污垢和杂质的污染。 保持良好的维修活动记录, 包括泵的预防性维护保养 计划的记录。 在拆卸之前, 通过将泵完全颠倒, 清空积在出口集合 管内的物料, 排出泵内的物料。

英格索兰隔膜泵说明安全操作及保养规程1. 引言英格索兰隔膜泵是一种常见的工业泵,广泛应用于化工、制药、食品等行业。
2. 安全操作规程2.1 泵的启动和停止在启动和停止英格索兰隔膜泵之前,必须确保以下安全操作:•检查泵的电源和仪表,确保正常工作;•检查各种阀门的位置,确保泵的进出口阀门处于打开或关闭状态;•确保泵的进出口管路连接正确并且紧固;•检查泵的密封装置,确保无漏气现象。
2.2 泵的维护和保养定期的维护和保养有助于延长英格索兰隔膜泵的使用寿命和保持其性能稳定。
3. 注意事项在操作和保养英格索兰隔膜泵时,需要注意以下事项:•在操作泵之前,务必仔细阅读产品说明书,并按照说明书的要求进行操作;•避免使用过大的流量和压力,以免损坏泵的部件;•当泵运行时,不得打开密封装置或接触转动部件;•不得使用泵输送无法耐受的化学物质;•定期检查电气设备和接线,确保安全可靠;•在清洗和维修泵时,务必断开电源,防止触电事故发生;•若发现异常噪音、振动或漏液现象,应立即停止使用并进行检查和维修。

重。如果发生喷射事故, 请务必立即联系有资质的医
务人员及时处理。 警告 误操作风险。流体进口压力远远高于设计的工作 压力范围时, 请勿使用调节器。进口压力过高可能造
警告 = 危险或不安全的作业, 可能会造成严重的人 身伤害, 死亡或重大财产损失。
1. 拆卸喷枪或分发装置, 清除系统中所有微粒。 2. 插入冲洗栓 (21), 顺时针方向转动, 直到接触到垫圈
y 检查隔膜是否受损, 需要时加以更换。
(4) (参见第 5 页中的图)。
3. 最多转动两圈。这将使球从底座上分开, 从而使物材 自由流动 (未调节流量)。请勿进一步转动, 以免损害 设备。
3 垫圈 (7/16" 内径)
(4) Y79-716 [C]
651790-XXD-B (2.125" 长)
(1) 96348-3 [SS]
4 垫圈 (1.162" 外径 x 0.125" 厚的) 5 止推轴承 (1.173" 外径) 6 调节螺丝 (5/8" - 24, 左手调节)
(1) 93485-1 [C] (1) 93484-1 [C] (1) 93486-1 [C]
y 请参考最适用的典型安装图。 y 为了达到最佳的压力控制, 请将调节器安装在离喷枪
y 正确区分调节器的进口(INLET) / 出口(OUTLET)(流
y 安装调节器前, 请先冲洗供料管。 y 远程型调节器需要最大 100 p.s.i. (6.9 bar) 的信号压


安全操作规程1. 启动前的检查•检查隔膜泵是否连接正确,管道是否安装紧密。
2. 正常工作时的操作•确认泵体安装在水平的底座上,并牢固固定在位置上。
3. 关机后的操作•停止隔膜泵的运转,将进出口阀门关闭,将隔膜泵内的剩余介质放空。
1. 定期检查阀门检查出口处阀门是否正常关闭,进口处阀门是否正常启动。
2. 清理隔膜泵使用过程中,若出现严重堵塞,应该及时清洗泵的内部和管道。
3. 换膜隔膜泵使用一段时间后,隔膜会磨损或者发生老化,就需要更换。
4. 更换密封环或起扭矩若出现密封圈导致泄漏,应及时停机更换密封环。
5. 定期润滑需要定期润滑各个摩擦部件,如泵头、节渗、轴承等部件,保证其能够更加灵活地运作。

shift signal that avoids stall-out.Provides faster pump trip-over with more flow.Faster trip-over with less pulsation and superior laminar material flow.2.) Compressed air flows to the large side ofthe Simul-Shift Valve, pneumatically mov-ing the valve to the position shown.3.) Compressed air also flows to the large endof the Major Air Valve(C), pneumaticallyshifting it to the left.2.)Large ends of Simul-Shift Valve(A) andMajor Valve (C) are vented to exhaustpilot signal.3.)Constant compressed air supply acting onthe smaller areas of the Simul-Shift Valveand Major Valve shifts both valves to theright and hold them in position until thenext cycle beginsBig Delivery. High-Performance. The maker of the best-selling 1/2-inch diaphragm pump in the world,just got better!by air pressure or fluid back pressure. They can handle materials that are abrasive and/or shear sensitive.They can also be run dry without damage to the pump.104104-N02Pump Speed Control48104104-N04Pump Speed Control48104104-N06Pump Speed Control48104255Repair Kit3523644-400Over Run Control4959916-1Pneumatic Liquid Level Sensor4859916-2Pneumatic Liquid Level Sensor4861113Wall Mount29, 31, 33, 49 612041-X1:1 Ratio Piston Pump28612042-11:1 Ratio Piston Pump2861412Siphon Tube4961879Muffler29, 4962133Wall Mount4762274Air Line Lubricant49635040Over Run Control49635043Over Run Control49637010Fluid Section Service Kit33637010-4Fluid Section Service Kit33637010-6Fluid Section Service Kit33637081Fluid Section Service Kit28637083Fluid Section Service Kit28637084Air Section Service Kit28637118-C Air Section Service Kit8, 10, 12, 18, 20 637119-XX-C Fluid Section Service Kit18637124-XX Fluid Section Service Kit20637140-XX Fluid Section Service Kit35637141Air Section Service Kit35637161-XX-C Fluid Section Service Kit8637165-XX Fluid Section Service Kit10, 12637176Fluid Section Service Kit33637226Repair Kit40637227-B Repair Kit41, 42637228Fluid Section Service Kit33637316Air Section Service Kit33637334Repair Kit35637335Repair Kit35637338Air Section Service Kit38637339Fluid Section Service Kit38637339-1Fluid Section Service Kit38637428Air Section Service Kit4, 6, 16637434Air Section Service Kit22, 24637377Air Section Service Kit30637378-X31Fluid Section Service Kit30637379-X31Fluid Section Service Kit30637427-XX Fluid Section Service Kit6, 16637429-XX Fluid Section Service Kit4637432-XX Fluid Section Service Kit22637433-XX Fluid Section Service Kit24637440-X Dual Inlet/Outlet Kits765109Siphon Tube47651100Pneumatic Material Agitator47651103Pneumatic Material Agitator47651851Drum Cover4966073-1Air Line Connection Kit4, 6, 16, 30, 33, 35,40, 41, 4266073-2Air Line Connection Kit8, 1866084-1Air Line Connection Kit10, 12, 2066100Wall Mount4766312Air Line Connection Kit22, 2466333-B Wet-Sol, Quart4966334-B Wet-Sol, Gallon49 6661AX-X-C1" Non-Metallic Pump8 66610X-X-C1" Metallic Pump18 6661TX-X-C1-1/2" Non-Metallic Pump10 66615X-X-C1-1/2" Metallic Pump20 6662AX-X-C2" Non-Metallic Pump12 666250-X-C2" Metallic Pump22 666300-X-C3" Metallic Pump24 66779Siphon Tube47 66779-1Siphon Tube47 66779-2Siphon Tube47 66779-3Siphon Tube47 66971Drum Cover47 66975Cycle Counter47 67055-B Drum Cover47 67072Countdown Batcher47 67078Flange Connection Kit9 67079Flange Connection Kit11 67080Flange Connection Kit13 67142Wall Mount39, 47 67161-2Mini-Batch Counter48 67165-1Solenoid Actuation Kit48 67165-2Solenoid Actuation Kit48 67166-1Solenoid Actuation Kit48 67166-2Solenoid Actuation Kit48 67168Cycle Sensor47 67169Cycle Sensor47 67174-15Screened Inlet Kit21, 48 67174-20Screened Inlet Kit23, 48 67388Wall Mount5, 47 76763Wall Mount7, 17, 47 94422Drum Cover47 CBW Connector48 CHW Connector48C28121-600Air Line Treatment Combo28C28453-810F-R-L Trio43C28463-810F-R-L Trio43 DAB05-X-X-X Drum Pump Packages34H254SS-024-D Air Control Actuation V alve48H254SS-120-A Air Control Actuation V alve48LP3001-1Grease Package41LP3003-1Grease Package42LP310X-X-B Oil Packages40MQ3728-024-D Air Control Actuation V alve48MQ3728-120-A Air Control Actuation V alve48MQ3729-024-D Air Control Actuation V alve48MQ3729-120-A Air Control Actuation V alve48NM2202X-X1-X312:1 Ratio Piston Pump30NM2304A-X1-X114:1 Ratio Piston Pump32NM2304B-X1-X1X4:1 Ratio Piston Pump32PD03P-X-X3/8" Non-Metallic Pump4PD05P-X-X-B1/2" Non-Metallic Pump6PD05X-X-B1/2" Metallic Pump16PH10A-XSS-XXT3:1 Ratio Dia. Pump38P237AX-EU Centrifugal Pump43P29231-610Filter-Regulator38P35A1-EU Centrifugal Pump43SB10X-X-X Pulsation Dampener44SB20X-X-X Pulsation Dampener45SB30X-X-X Pulsation Dampener45MODEL DESCRIPTION PAGE MODEL DESCRIPTION PAGEModel3/8"1/2"1" 1-1/2"2" Maximum Flow10.614.447100145 GPM (LPM)(40.1)(54.5)(178)(378.5)(548.8) MaximumDischarge100100120120120 Pressure(6.8)(6.8)(8.3)(8.3)(8.3)PSI (BAR)Fluid Ports3/8" (F) - In/Out1/2" (F) - In/Out1" ANSI/DIN Flange1-1/2" ANSI/DIN2"ANSI/DIN Inlet/Outlet1” (F)Threaded Flange Flange (BSP Available)Materials Polypropylene Polypropylene Polypropylene Polypropylene Polypropylene of Groundable Groundable PVDF PVDF PVDF Construction Acetal AcetalPVDF PVDFPump 4.2 (1.9) PD03P-XDS-X 6.3 (2.9)PD05P-XDS-X-B20.3 (9.2) Poly62 (28.1) Poly62 (28.1) Poly Weight 4.3 (1.9) PD03P-XES-X 6.7 (3.0)PD05P-XES-X-B28.5 (12.9) PVDF92 (41.7) PVDF92 (41.7) PVDF lbs. (kg.) 4.5 (2.0) PD03P-XKS-X 6.8 (3.1) PD05P-XKS-X-B28.8 (13.1) Poly w/85 (38.5) Poly w/85 (38.5) Poly w/4.6 (2.1) PD03P-XLS-X7.2 (3.3) PD05P-XLS-X-B Cast Iron Center Cast Iron Center Cast Iron Center3.4 (1.6) PD03P-XPS-X 5.2 (2.4)PD05P-XPS-X-B37 (16.8) PVDF w/115 (52.1) PVDF w/115 (52.1) PVDFw/3.5 (1.6) PD03P-XRS-X 5.4 (2.5)PD05P-XRS-X-B Cast Iron Center Cast Iron Center Cast Iron Center MaximumSolids1/163/321/81/41/4 Inches (mm)(1.6)(2.4)(3.2)(6.4)(6.4) Best PD03P-ARS-PAA PD05P-ARS-PUU-B6661A3-3EB-C6661T3-3EB-C6662A3-3EB-C Selling PD03P-ARS-STT PD05P-ARS-PAA-B6661A3-344-C6661T3-344-C6662A3-344-C Models PD03P-AES-DTT PD05P-ARS-PTT-B6661B3-344-C6661U3-344-C6662B3-344-C (BSP PD03P-ALS-KTT PD05P-AES-STT-B6661A4-444-C6661U4-444-C6662B4-444-C Available)PD05P-ALS-KTT-B6661B4-444-CPD05P-AES-SST-BRecommendedFilter/P29122-600P29122-600P29221-610P29241-610P29241-610 RegulatorAir Line Kit66073-166073-166073-266084-166084-13/8" Non-Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:10.6-g.p.m. (40.1-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: 0.022-Gallons (0.083-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/4 - 18 P .T .F . SAE Short Fluid Inlet:3/8 - 18 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 3/8 (3/8 - 19 BSP , parallel)Fluid Outlet:3/8 - 18 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 3/8 (3/8 - 19 BSP , parallel)Max. operating pressure:100-psi (6.9-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/16-in. (1.6-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)PD03P-XDS-XXX 4.2 (1.9)PD03P-XES-XXX 4.3 (1.9)PD03P-XKS-XXX 4.5 (2.0)PD03P-XLS-XXX 4.6 (2.1)PD03P-XPS-XXX 3.4 (1.6)PD03P-XRS-XXX 3.5 (1.6)Maximum dry suction lift:8.5-f t (2.6-m) PTFE (Teflon ®) fittedAccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66073-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose.Service Repair Kits |Kit No. 637428 (air section)Kit No. 637429-XX (fluid section)*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Ordering MenuPD03PX X SX X XModelSeriesD StandardCenter Section MaterialP Polypropylene Fluid ConnectionA 3/8" N.P .T.B 3/8" BSPFluid Caps/Manifold MaterialD Groundable Acetal(single port)E Groundable Acetal(multiple port)K PVDF(single port)L PVDF(multiple port)P Polypropylene(single port)R Polypropylene(multiple port)Hardware MaterialS Stainless SteelSeat MaterialD Acetal K PVDFP Polypropylene S Stainless SteelBall MaterialA Santoprene ®C Hytrel ®S Stainless SteelT PTFE (Teflon)V Viton ®Diaphragm MaterialA Santoprene C HytrelT PTFE (Teflon)/Santoprene ®V Viton--Hytrel®, Teflon®and Viton®are registered trademarks of the DuPont company.Santoprene®is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company, licensed to Advanced Elastomer Systems, L.P .3/8" Non-Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsNON-METALLIC1/2" Non-Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:14.4-g.p.m. (54.5-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: .039-Gallons (.15-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/4 - 18 P .T .F . SAE Short Fluid Inlet:1/2 - 14 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1/2 (1/2 -14 BSP , parallel)Fluid Outlet:1/2 - 14 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1/2 (1/2 -14 BSP , parallel)Max. operating pressure:100-psi (6.8-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:3/32” (2.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)PD05P-XDS-XXX-B 6.3 (2.9)PD05P-XES-XXX-B 6.7 (3.0)PD05P-XKS-XXX-B 6.8 (3.1)PD05P-XLS-XXX-B 7.2 (3.3)PD05P-XPS-XXX-B 5.2 (2.4)PD05P-XRS-XXX-B 5.4 (2.5)Maximum dry suction lift:7.9-ft (2.4-m) PTFE fittedAccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66073-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose.Service Repair Kits |Kit No. 637428 (air section)Kit No. 637427-XX (fluid section)Wall Mount | 76763*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Ordering MenuPD05PX X SX X XBModel SeriesD StandardCenter Section MaterialP Polypropylene Fluid ConnectionA 1/2" N.P .T.B 1/2" BSPFluid Caps/Manifold MaterialD Groundable Acetal(single port)E Groundable Acetal(multiple port)K PVDF(single port)L PVDF(multiple port)P Polypropylene(single port)R Polypropylene(multiple port)Hardware MaterialS Stainless SteelSeat MaterialD Acetal K PVDFP Polypropylene S Stainless SteelBall MaterialA Santoprene C Hytrel*S Stainless SteelT PTFE (Teflon)U Polyurethane V VitonDiaphragm MaterialA Santoprene C Hytrel*T PTFE (Teflon)/Santoprene U Polyurethane V Viton---* Hytrel replaces Nitrile producing superior chemical compatibility and diaphragm life1/2" Non-Metallic Dimensions and Flow Charts637440-3 (N.P.T.PVDF) 637440-6 (BSP PVDF)NON-METALLIC1" Non-Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:47-g.p.m. (177.9-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: 0.17-Gallons (0.64-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/4 - 18 N.P .T .Fluid Inlet:1 - 11-1/2 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1 (1 - 11 BSP , parallel)1” ANSI/DIN FlangeFluid Outlet: 1 - 11-1/2 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1 (1 - 11 BSP , parallel)1” ANSI/DIN FlangeMax. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/8-inch (3.2-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)6661A3-, 1AF-, 1AJ-, 1AL- 20.3 (9.2)6661A4-, 1AG-, 1AK-, 1AN- 28.5 (12.9)6661B3-, 1BF-, 1BJ-, 1BL- 28.8 (13.1)6661B4-, 1BG-, 1BK-, 1BN- 37.0 (16.8)Maximum dry suction lift:15-ft (4.6-m) Rubber fitted AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66073-2Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose.Service Repair Kits |Kit No. 637118-C (air section)Kit No. 637161-XX-C (fluid section)Flange Connection Kit | Kit No. 67078 (for 1" Non-Metallic Pumps)For pumps with inlet/outlet flange manifolds. Kit meets ANSI specifications. Flange constructed of glass-filled polypropylene. Bolts, washers and nuts are stainless steel. Gasket is 4401 klinger synthetic fiber nitrile binder.*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Ordering Menu6661XXX X X CCenter BodyA AluminumB Cast IronFluid Caps/Manifold Material3Polypropylene Flange (3-piece manifold)4PVDF Flange (3-piece manifold)F Polypropylene Flange (one-piece manifold)G PVDF Flange(one-piece manifold)J Polypropylene N.P .T.threads (one piece manifold)K PVDF N.P .T. threads (one-piece manifold)L Polypropylene BSP threads (one-piece manifold)N PVDF BSP threads (one-piece manifold)Seat Material2316 Stainless Steel 3Polypropylene 4PVDF8Hard 400 Stainless SteelBall Check Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon)8PolyurethaneA 316 Stainless Steel C HytrelESantopreneDiaphragm Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene 9HytrelB Santoprene--Flange Connection Kit67078NON-METALLIC1-1/2" Non-Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:100-g.p.m. (378.5-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: .67-Gallons (2.54-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/2 - 14 N.P .T .F . - 1Fluid Inlet:1-1/2” A.N.S.I./DIN Flange Fluid Outlet:1-1/2” A.N.S.I./DIN Flange Max. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/4-in. (6.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)6661T3-X-C 62 (28.1)6661T4-X-C 92 (41.7)Note:Add 23-lbs (10.4-kg) for cast iron air motor sectionMaximum dry suction lift:14-ft (4.27-m) Rubber fittedOrdering Menu6661XXX X X CCenter BodyT Aluminum U Cast IronFluid Caps/Manifold Material3Polypropylene Flange (3-piece manifold)4PVDF Flange (3-piece manifold)Seat Material2316 Stainless Steel 3Polypropylene 4PVDF8Hard 400 Stainless SteelBall Check Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon)8Polyurethane C HytrelESantopreneDiaphragm Material3 Viton4 PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene 9 HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66084-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose.Service Repair Kits |Kit No. 637118-C (air section)Kit No. 637165-XX (fluid section)Flange Connection Kit | Kit No. 67079 (for 1-1/2" Non-Metallic Pumps)For pumps with inlet/outlet flange manifolds. Kit meets ANSI specifications. Flange constructed of glass-filled polypropylene. Bolts, washers and nuts are stainless steel. Gasket is 4401 klinger synthetic fiber nitrile binder.*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Flange Connection Kit670791-1/2" Non-Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsFor additional information contact technical support at (800)495-0276NON-METALLIC2" Non-Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:145-g.p.m. (548.8-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: 0.72-Gallons (2.7-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/2 - 14 N.P.T.F. - 1Fluid Inlet:2” A.N.S.I./DIN FlangeFluid Outlet:2” A.N.S.I./DIN FlangeMax. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/4-in. (6.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)6662A3-X-C62 (28.1)6662A4-X-C92 (41.7)Note:Add 23-lbs (10.4-kg) for cast iron air motor sectionMaximum dry suction lift:14-ft (4.27-m) Rubber fittedOrdering Menu6662X X X X X CCenterBodyA AluminumB Cast IronFluid Caps/ManifoldMaterial3Polypropylene Flange(3-piece manifold)4PVDF Flange(3-piece manifold)SeatMaterial2316 Stainless Steel3Polypropylene4PVDF8400 Stainless SteelBall Check Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon)8PolyurethaneC HytrelE SantopreneDiaphragmMaterial3 Viton4 PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene9 HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66084-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose. Service Repair Kits|Kit No. 637118-C (air section)Kit No. 637165-XX (fluid section)Flange Connection Kit| Kit No. 67080 (for 2" Non-Metallic Pumps)For pumps with inlet/outlet flange manifolds. Kit meets ANSI specifications. Flange constructed of glass-filled polypropylene. Bolts, washers and nuts are stainless steel. Gasket is 4401 klinger synthetic fiber nitrile binder. *Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Flange Connection Kit670802" Non-Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsFor additional information contact technical support at (800)495-0276NON-METALLIC[1]“Unbalanced”Major Air ValveUn balanced valve designeliminates valve centering and pump stall-out, even under low air inlet pressures. “O” Ring seals prevent wasteof expensive compressed air.Air flow stops when fluid flow stops.Maintenance is simple: justreplace the worn “O” Rings and “U”Cups.[2]Independent Pilot RodUtilizes pneumatics andmechanical action to shift Pilot Rod. Ensures positive pilot signal, avoiding stall-out.[3]Broad Material SelectionOptions allow you to optimizecompatibility between the pump and fluid being moved.Non-Metallic DiaphragmPumps are available in polypropylene, PVDF and groundable acetal. Check models for availability. Metallic Diaphragm Pumps areavailable in aluminum, stain-less steel and cast iron. Check models for availability.[4]Diaphragm/Ball Check OptionsFit your pump with thediaphragms and ball checks needed to maximize fluid com-patibility and abrasion resist-ance.1234Ingersoll Rand Diaphragm Pumps:Keys to ARO Air Motor Technology Introducing the New High-Performance Pro’s: PD05, PD03:Aro’s new Pro Series family has all new members at both ends of the delivery spectrum. In the low-to-medium flow range, we offer our new PD05 (1/2") and PD03 (3/8") models. Featuring our patented air valve technology, including Simul Shift and D-Valve designs, users are assured of stall-free operation, with optimum energy efficiency.These pumps also feature fluid deliveries previously unavailable in port sizes like these: 14.4 GPM (1/2") and 10.4 (3/8")...that’s impressive delivery in a small package! ARO pioneered the 1/2",high-demand, low-maintenance diaphragm pump in the eighties -now its time to step it up-with the new Pro PD0s.Introducing the New High-Flow Pro’s: 666250 and 666300:At the far end of the fluid delivery spectrum, the new ARO Pro Series 2" and 3"port models feature Aro’s patented “Unbalanced”, stall-free air valve design and bolted construction for leak-tight integrity. With maximum delivery rates of 172 GPM (2") and 237 GPM (3"), the new high-flow Pros are the ideal answer to big volume applications - where performance with economy are a must.MODEL1/2"1" 1-1/2"2"3" Maximum Flow123590172237 GPM (LPM)(45.4)(133)(340.7)(651)(897) MaximumDischarge100120120120120 Pressure(6.9)(8.3)(8.3)(8.3)(8.3) PSI (BAR)Fluid Ports1/2" (F) - In/Out1" (F) - In/Out1-1/2" (F)In/Out2" (F)In/ Out3" (F)In/ Out Inlet/Outlet(BSP Available)Materials Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum of Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless SteelConstruction Cast Iron Cast IronPump10.4 (4.7) PD05A-XAS-X-B19 (8.6) Aluminum*51.5 (23.4) Aluminum*65.2 (29.6)109.8 (49.8) Weight16.6 (7.5) PD05A-XSS-X-B36 (16.3)Stainless84.5 (38.3) StainlessLbs. (Kg.)8.0 (3.7) PD05R-XAS-X-B31 (14.1)Cast Iron*79.5 (36.1) Cast Iron*14.3 (6.5) PD05R-XSS-X-B*add 8-lb(3.63-kg) for*add 23-lb(10.4-kg) forcast iron center section cast iron center sectionMaximumSolids3/321/81/41/43/8 Inches (mm)(2.4)(3.2)(6.4)(6.4)(9.5) Best PD05R-AAS-STT-B666100-3C9-C666150-3EB-C666250-EEB-C666300-EEB-C Selling PD05R-ASS-STT-B666100-344-C666150-3C9-C666250-144-C666300-144-C Models PD05A-AAS-PCC-B666101-344-C666150-344-C666250-9C9-C666300-9C9-C (BSP PD05R-AAS-FTT-B666101-3EB-C666151-3EB-C666270-EEB-C666320-EEB-C Available)PD05R-AAS-FAA-B666111-244-C666151-344-C666270-144-C666320-144-C PD05R-AAS-PTT-B666112-3EB-C666152-3EB-C666270-9C9-C666320-9C9-C RecommendedFilter/P29122-600P29221-610P29241-610P29241-610P29241-610 RegulatorAir Line Kit66073-166073-266084-166********1/2" Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:12.0-g.p.m. (45.4-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: 0.039-Gallons (0.15-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/4 - 18 P .T .F . SAE Short (PD05R-X-X-B models)1/4 - 18 N.P .T .F - 1 (PD05A-X-X-B models)Fluid Inlet:1/2 - 14 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1/2 (1/2 - 14 BSP , parallel)Fluid Outlet:1/2 - 14 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1/2 (1/2 - 14 BSP , parallel)Max. operating pressure:100-psi (6.9-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:3/32-in. (2.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)PD05A-XAS-XXX-B 10.4 (4.7)PD05A-XSS-XXX-B 16.6 (7.5)PD05R-XAS-XXX-B 8.0 (3.7)PD05R-XSS-XXX-B 14.3 (6.5)Maximum dry suction lift:9.1-ft (2.8-m) PTFE fittedAccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66073-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose.Service Repair Kits |Kit No. 637428 (air section)Kit No. 637427-XX (fluid section)Wall Mount | 76763*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Ordering MenuPD05XX X SX X XBModel SeriesD StandardCenter Section MaterialA Aluminum R Polypropylene Fluid ConnectionA 1/2" N.P .T.B 1/2" BSPFluid Caps/Manifold MaterialA Aluminum S Stainless SteelHardware MaterialS Stainless SteelSeat Material F Aluminum P Polypropylene S Stainless Steel Ball Material A Santoprene C Hytrel*S Stainless SteelT PTFE (Teflon)U Polyurethane V VitonDiaphragm MaterialA Santoprene C Hytrel*T PTFE (Teflon)/Santoprene V Viton---* Hytrel replaces Nitrile producing superior chemical compatibility and diaphragm life1/2" Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsMETALLIC1" Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:35-g.p.m. (133-l.p.m.) Displacement per cycle: 0.16-Gallons (0.60-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/4 - 18 N.P.T.F. - 1Fluid Inlet: 1 - 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 1 (1-11 BSP parallel)Fluid Outlet: 1 - 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 1 (1-11 BSP parallel)Max. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/8-in. (3.2-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)666100-X-C (aluminum)19 (8.6)666101-X-C (stainless)36 (16.3)666102-X-C (cast iron)31 (14.1) Note:Add 8-lbs (3.63-kg) for cast iron air motor section Maximum dry suction lift:20-ft (6.1-m) Rubber fittedOrdering Menu6661X X X X X CCenter Body/Threads0Aluminum, N.P.T.F. 1Cast Iron, N.P.T.F. 2Aluminum, BSP 3Cast Iron, BSPFluid Caps/ManifoldMaterial0Aluminum (steelhardware)1Stainless Steel (steelhardware)2Cast Iron (steelhardware)9Stainless Steel, dualoutlet (steel hardware)A Aluminum, (stainlesshardware)B Stainless Steel(stainless hardware)C Cast Iron (stainlesshardware)D Stainless Steel, dualoutlet (stainlesshardware)SeatMaterial1Aluminum2316 Stainless3Polypropylene4PVDF5Carbon Steel8Hard 400 StainlessSteelBall Check Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon)8PolyurethaneA Stainless SteelC HytrelE SantopreneDiaphragmMaterial3Viton4PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene9HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66073-2Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose. Service Repair Kits|Kit No. 637118-C (air section)Kit No. 637119-XX-C (fluid section)*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.1" Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsMETALLIC1-1/2" Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:90-g.p.m. (340.7-l.p.m.) Displacement per cycle: 0.64-Gallons (2.42-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/2 - 14 N.P.T.F. - 1Fluid Inlet:1-1/2 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 1-1/2 (1-1/2 - 11 BSP parallel) Fluid Outlet:1-1/2 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 1-1/2 (1-1/2 - 11 BSP parallel) Max. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/4-inch (6.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)666150-X-C (aluminum)51.5 (23.4)666151-X-C (stainless)84.5 (38.3)666152-X-C (cast iron)79.5 (36.1) Note:Add 23-lbs (10.4-kg) for cast iron air motor section Maximum dry suction lift:19-ft (5.8-m) Rubber fittedOrdering Menu6661X X X X X CCenter Body/Threads5Aluminum, N.P.T.F. 6Cast Iron, N.P.T.F. 7Aluminum, BSP 8Cast Iron, BSPFluid Caps/ManifoldMaterial0Aluminum (steelhardware)1Stainless Steel (steelhardware)2Cast Iron (steelhardware)A Aluminum, (stainlesshardware)BStainless Steel(stainless hardware)C Cast Iron (stainlesshardware)SeatMaterial1Aluminum2316 Stainless3Polypropylene4PVDF5Carbon Steel8400 Stainless SteelBall Check Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon)8PolyurethaneA Stainless SteelC HytrelE SantopreneDiaphragmMaterial3Viton4PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene9HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66084-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose. Service Repair Kits|Kit No. 637118-C (air section)Kit No. 637124-XX (fluid section)Screened Inlet Kits|Kit No. 67174-15 (for 1-1/2" Metallic Pumps)Prevents unwanted material and debris from entering pump. Kit includes screen and installation hardware. *Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Screened Inlet Kit 67174-151-1/2" Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsMETALLIC2" Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:172-g.p.m. (651-l.p.m.) Displacement per cycle: 1.4-Gallons (5.3-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)3/4 - 14 N.P.T.F. - 1Fluid Inlet: 2 - 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 2 (2 - 11 BSP, parallel)Fluid Outlet: 2 - 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 2 (2 - 11 BSP, parallel) Max. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/4-in. (6.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)6662X0-XXX-C65.2 (29.6) Maximum dry suction lift:27.2-ft (8.3-m) Elastomer fittedOrdering Menu6662X X X X X CCenter Body/Threads5Aluminum, N.P.T.F. 7Aluminum, BSPFluid Caps/ManifoldMaterial0Aluminum (steelhardware)SeatMaterial1Aluminum9HytrelE SantopreneBall Check Material4PTFE (Teflon)C HytrelE SantopreneDiaphragmMaterial4PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene9HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66312Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose. Service Repair Kits|Kit No. 637434 (air section)Kit No. 637432-XX (fluid section)Screened Inlet Kits|Kit No. 67174-20 (for 2" Metallic Pumps)Prevents unwanted material and debris from entering pump. Kit includes screen and installation hardware. *Please note pumps are not included with these kits.67389 Muffler Kit (not shown) included with pumpScreened Inlet Kit67174-202" Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsMETALLIC3" Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:237-g.p.m.(897-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: 2.65-Gallons(10.03-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)3/4 - 14 N.P.T.F. - 1Fluid Inlet: 3 - 8 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 3 (3 - 11 BSP parallel)Fluid Outlet: 3 - 8 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 3 (3 - 11 BSP, parallel)Max. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:3/8-in. (9.5-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)6663X0-XXX-C109.8 (49.8)Maximum dry suction lift:17.6-f t (5.4-m) Elastomer fittedOrdering Menu6663X X X X X CCenter Body/Threads0Aluminum, N.P.T.F. 2Aluminum, BSPFluid Caps/ManifoldMaterial0Aluminum (steelhardware)SeatMaterial1Aluminum9HytrelE SantopreneBall Check Material4PTFE (Teflon)C HytrelE SantopreneDiaphragmMaterial4PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene9HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66312Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose. Service Repair Kits|Kit No. 637434 (air section)Kit No. 637433-XX (fluid section)*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.67389 Muffler Kit (not shown) included with pump。
PD05P-XXX-XXX-B 1 2 不金属空气驱动双膜泵操作手册说明书

OPERATOR’S MANUAL PD05P-XXX-XXX-B INCLUDING: OPERATION, INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE RELEASED: 8-27-08REVISED: 6-24-13(REV. F)1/2" DIAPHRAGM PUMP1:1 RATIO (NON-METALLIC)READ THIS MANUAL CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING,OPERATING OR SERVICING THIS EQUIPMENT.It is the responsibility of the employer to place this information in the hands of the operator. Keep for future reference.SERVICE KITSRefer to Model Description Chart to match the pump material op-tions.637427-XX for fl uid section repair (see page 4).637428 for air section repair (see page 6).PUMP DATAModels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see Model Description Chart for “-XXX”Pump Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Non-Metallic Air Operated DoubleDiaphragmMaterial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see Model Description ChartWeight . .PD05P-XDS-XXX-B . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.28 lbs (2.85 kgs)PD05P-XES-XXX-B . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.67 lbs (3.03 kgs)PD05P-XKS-XXX-B . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.78 lbs (3.08 kgs)PD05P-XLS-XXX-B . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.24 lbs (3.28 kgs)PD05P-XPS-XXX-B . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.21 lbs (2.36 kgs)PD05P-XRS-XXX-B . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.44 lbs (2.47 kgs) Maximum Air Inlet Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . 100 p.s.i.g. (6.9 bar) Maximum Material Inlet Pressure. . . . . . 10 p.s.i.g. (0.69 bar) Maximum Outlet Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 p.s.i.g. (6.9 bar)Air Consumption @ 40 p.s.i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 c.f.m. / gallon (approx.) Maximum Flow Rate (fl ooded inlet) . . . 14.4 g.p.m. (54.5 l.p.m.) Displacement/************.i.g. . . . . 0.039 gal. (0.15 lit.) Maximum Particle Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/32” dia. (2.4 mm) Maximum Temperature Limits (diaphragm / ball / seat material) Acetal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10° to 180° F (-12° to 82° C)Hytrel® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -20° to 150° F (-29° to 66° C) Kynar® PVDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10° to 200° F (-12° to 93° C)Nitrile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10° to 180° F (-12° to 82° C)Polypropylene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35° to 175° F (2° to 79° C)Polyurethane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10° to 150° F (-12° to 66° C)Santoprene® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -40° to 225° F (-40° to 107° C) PTFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40° to 225° F (4° to 107° C)Viton® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -40° to 350° F (-40° to 177° C) Groundable Models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD05P-XDS-XXX-BPD05P-XES-XXX-B Dimensional Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see page 8Noise Level @ 70 p.s.i., 60 c.p.m. . . . . . . . . . 75.0 db(A)cc The pump sound pressure levels published here have been updated toan Equivalent Continuous Sound Level (L Aeq) to meet the intent of ANSI S1.13-1971, CAGI-PNEUROP S5.1 using four microphone locations.NOTICE: All possible options are shown in the chart, however, certain combinations may not be recommended, consult a representative or the factory if you have questions concerning availability.MODEL DESCRIPTION CHARTP D 05 P - X X S - X X X - B Center Section MaterialP - PolypropyleneFluid ConnectionA - 1/2 - 14 N.P.T.F. - 1B - Rp 1/2 (1/2 - 14 BSP parallel)Ball MaterialA - Santoprene T - PTFEC - Hytrel U - PolyurethaneG - Nitrile V - VitonS - Stainless steelExample: Model #PD05P-ARS-SAA-BFluid Section Service Kit # 637427-AAPD05P - XXX - X X X - BBall Diaphragm637427 - X XFluid Cap & Manifold MaterialD - Groundable Acetal (single port)E - Groundable Acetal (multiple port)K - Kynar PVDF (single port)L - Kynar PVDF (multiple port)P - Polypropylene (single port)R - Polypropylene (multiple port)Diaphragm MaterialA - Santoprene T - PTFE / SantopreneC - Hytrel U - PolyurethaneG - Nitrile V - VitonSeat MaterialD - Acetal P - PolypropyleneK - Kynar PVDF S - Stainless steelHardware MaterialS - Stainless steelFluid Section Service Kit SelectionFigure 1INGERSOLL RAND COMPANY LTD209 NORTH MAIN STREET – BRYAN, OHIO 43506(800) 495-0276 FAX(800) 892-6276© 2013 CCN 15250376 d Tested with 67367 Muffler installed.Page 2 of 8 PD05P-XXX-XXX-B (en)WARNING EXCESSIVE AIR PRESSURE. Can cause personalinjury, pump damage or property damage.Do not exceed the maximum inlet air pressure as stated on the pump model plate.Be sure material hoses and other components are able to withstand fl uid pressures developed by this pump. Check all hoses for damage or wear. Be certain dispensing device is clean and in proper working condition.WARNING STATIC SPARK. Can cause explosion resulting in severe injury or death. Ground pump and pumping system.PD05P-XDS-XXX-B and PD05P-XES-XXX-B Groundable Ac-etal pumps: Use the pump ground lug provided. Connect to a 12 ga. (minimum) wire (kit is included) to a good earth ground source.Sparks can ignite fl ammable material and vapors.The pumping system and object being sprayed must be grounded when it is pumping, flushing, recirculating or spraying fl ammable materials such as paints, solvents, lac-quers, etc. or used in a location where surrounding atmo-sphere is conducive to spontaneous combustion. Ground the dispensing valve or device, containers, hoses and any object to which material is being pumped.Secure pump, connections and all contact points to avoid vibration and generation of contact or static spark.Consult local building codes and electrical codes for spe-cifi c grounding requirements.After grounding, periodically verify continuity of electrical path to ground. Test with an ohmmeter from each compo-nent (e.g., hoses, pump, clamps, container, spray gun, etc.) to ground to insure continuity. Ohmmeter should show 0.1 ohms or less.Submerse the outlet hose end, dispensing valve or device in the material being dispensed if possible. (Avoid free streaming of material being dispensed.)Use hoses incorporating a static e proper ventilation.Keep inflammables away from heat, open flames and sparks.Keep containers closed when not in use.WARNING Pump exhaust may contain contaminants. Can cause severe injury. Pipe exhaust away from work area and personnel.In the event of a diaphragm rupture, material can be forced out of the air exhaust muffl er.Pipe the exhaust to a safe remote location when pumping hazardous or infl ammable materials.Use a grounded 3/8” minimum i.d. hose between the pump and the muffl er.WARNING HAZARDOUS PRESSURE. Can result in serious injury or property damage. Do not service or clean pump, hoses or dispensing valve while the system is pressurized.Disconnect air supply line and relieve pressure from the system by opening dispensing valve or device and / or carefully and slowly loosening and removing outlet hose or piping from pump.WARNING jury or property damage. Do not attempt to return a pump to the factory or service center that contains hazardous material. Safe handling practices must comply with local and national laws and safety code requirements.y yyy yy y yy y y y yy y yyOPERATING AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONSREAD, UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW THIS INFORMATION TO AVOID INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.Obtain Material Safety Data Sheets on all materials fromthe supplier for proper handling instructions.WARNING minum parts cannot be used with 1,1,1-trichloroethane, methylene chloride or other halogenated hydrocarbon solvents which may react and explode.Check pump motor section, fluid caps, manifolds and all wetted parts to assure compatibility before using with sol-vents of this type.WARNING containing aluminum wetted parts with food products for human consumption. Plated parts can contain trace amounts of lead.CAUTION wetted parts and the substance being pumped, fl ushed or recirculated. Chemical compatibility may change with tem-perature and concentration of the chemical(s) within the substances being pumped, flushed or circulated. For spe-cifi CAUTION cal stress only. Certain chemicals will significantly reduce maximum safe operating temperature. Consult the chemi-cal manufacturer for chemical compatibility and tempera-ture limits. Refer to PUMP DATA on page 1 of this manual.CAUTION been trained for safe working practices, understand it’s limitations, and wear safety goggles / equipment when re-quired.CAUTION of the piping system. Be certain the system components are properly supported to prevent stress on the pump parts.Suction and discharge connections should be flexible con-nections (such as hose), not rigid piped, and should be compatible with the substance being pumped.CAUTION not allow pump to operate when out of material for long periods of time.Disconnect air line from pump when system sits idle for long periods of time.CAUTION sure compatible pressure rating and longest service life.NOTICE Install the pump in the vertical position. The pump may not prime properly if the balls do not check by gravity upon start-up.NOTICE Re-torque all fasteners before operation. Creep of housing and gasket materials may cause fasteners to loosen. Re-torque all fasteners to insure against fl uid or air leakage.NOTICE Replacement warning labels are available upon request: “Static Spark” pn 93616-1, Diaphragm Rupture” pn 93122.WARNINGCAUTIONy y y yPD05P-XXX-XXX-B (en) Page 3 of 8y Hytrel®and Viton® are registered trademarks of the DuPont Company y Kynar® is a registered trademark of Arkema Inc. y ARO® is a registered trademark of Ingersoll-Rand Company y y Santoprene® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company, licensed to Advanced Elastomer Systems, L.P . y Loctite® and 242® are registered trademarks of Henkel Loctite Corporation yy Lubriplate® is a registered trademark of Lubriplate Division (Fiske Brothers Refining Company) y OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSAlways fl ush the pump with a solvent compatible with the ma-terial being pumped if the material being pumped is subject to “setting up” when not in use for a period of time.Disconnect the air supply from the pump if it is to be inactive for a few hours.The outlet material volume is governed not only by the air sup-ply, but also by the material supply available at the inlet. The material supply tubing should not be too small or restrictive. Be sure not to use hose which might collapse.When the diaphragm pump is used in a forced-feed (fl ooded inlet) situation, it is recommended that a “check valve” be in-stalled at the air inlet.Secure the diaphragm pump legs to a suitable surface to insure against damage by vibration.MAINTENANCECertain ARO “Smart Parts” are indicated which should be avail-able for fast repair and reduction of down time.Provide a clean work surface to protect sensitive internal mov-ing parts from contamination from dirt and foreign matter dur-ing service disassembly and reassembly.Keep good records of service activity and include the pump in preventive maintenance program.Service kits are available to service two separate diaphragm pump functions: 1. AIR SECTION, 2. FLUID SECTION. The Fluid Section is divided further to match typical part Material Op-tions.Before disassembling, empty captured material in the outlet manifold by turning the pump upside down to drain material from the pump.y y yy yy y y yyGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe ARO diaphragm pump off ers high volume delivery even at low air pressure and a broad range of material compatibility options are available. Refer to the model and option chart. ARO pumps feature stall resistant design, modular air motor / fl uid sections.Air operated double diaphragm pumps utilize a pressure diff eren-tial in the air chambers to alternately create suction and a positive fluid pressure in the fluid chambers, ball checks insure a positive fl ow of fl uid.Pump cycling will begin as air pressure is applied and will continue to pump and keep up with the demand. It will build and maintain line pressure and will stop cycling once maximum line pressure is reached (dispensing device closed) and will resume pumping as needed.AIR AND LUBE REQUIREMENTSWARNING age, personal injury or property damage.A fi lter capable of fi ltering out particles larger than 50 microns should be used on the air supply. There is no lubrication re-quired other than the “O” ring lubricant which is applied during assembly or repair.If lubricated air is present, make sure that it is compatible with the “O” rings and seals in the air motor section of the pump.y y TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONFigure 2Page 4 of 8 PD05P-XXX-XXX-B (en)n 637427-XX Fluid section service kit includes: Balls (see Ball Option, refer to -XX in chart below), Diaphragms (see Diaphragm Option, refer to -XX in chart below) and item 19 (listed below) plus items 144, 174 and 94276 Lubriplate® FML-2 grease (pages 6).MATERIAL CODE[A] = Aluminum [B] = Nitrile [D] = Acetal [E] = E.P .R.[G A] =G roundable Acetal [G FN] = G lass fi lled Nylon [H] = Hytrel [K] = Kynar PVDF [P] = Polypropylene [Sp] = Santoprene [SS] = Stainless Steel [T] = PTFE [U] = Polyurethane [V] = Vitono “Smart Parts“, keep these items on hand in addition to the service kits for fastrepair and reduction of down time.PD05P-XXX-XXX-B (en) Page 5 of 8Page 6 of 8 PD05P-XXX-XXX-B (en)n Items included in fluid section service kit, see page 4.MATERIAL CODE[B] = Nitrile [PPG ] = G lass fi lled Polypropylene [C] = Carbon Steel [SS] = Stainless Steel [Ck] = Ceramic [Sy] = Syn-Seal [D] = Acetal[U] = PolyurethaneDIAPHRAGM PUMP SERVICEGENERAL SERVICE NOTES:Inspect and replace old parts with new parts as necessary. Lookfor deep scratches on metallic surfaces, and nicks or cuts in “O” rings.Tools needed to complete disassembly and repair:7/8” socket or wrench, 1/2” socket or wrench, 3/8” socket or wrench, 3/8” Allen wrench, T-10 Torx screwdriver, torque wrench (measuring inch pounds), “O” ring pick.FLUID SECTION DISASSEMBLYRemove (61) top manifold.Remove (19) “O” rings, (21) seats and (22) balls.Remove (60) bottom manifold.Remove (19) “O” rings, (21) seats and (22) balls.Remove (15) fl uid caps.Remove (6) diaphragm nut, (7) or (7 / 8) diaphragms and (5) washer.Remove (1) connecting rod from air motor.Carefully remove remaining (6) diaphragm nut, (7) or (7 / 8) dia-phragms and (5) washer from (1) connecting rod. Do not mar surface of connecting rod.FLUID SECTION REASSEMBLYReassemble in reverse order.Lubricate (1) connecting rod with Lubriplate or equivalent “O”ring lubricant.Connecting rod (1) should be installed using 96571 bullet, in-cluded in service kit.y y y y y Install (5) washers with i.d. chamfer toward diaphragm.When replacing PTFE diaphragms, install the 93465 Santo-prene diaphragm behind the P T FE diaphragm.AIR MOTOR SECTION SERVICEService is divided into two parts - 1. Pilot Valve, 2. Major Valve.Air Motor Section service is continued from Fluid Section repair.PILOT VALVE DISASSEMBLYRemove (123) screws, releasing (103) covers, (121) washers, (118) actuator pins and (167) pilot piston.Remove (170) spool bushing and inspect inner bore of bushing for damage.PILOT VALVE REASSEMBLYClean and lubricate parts not being replaced from service kit.Assemble (171) “O” rings to (170) bushing and assemble bush-ing into (101) center body.Lubricate and assemble (167) pilot piston assembly into (170) bushing.Assemble (173 and 174) “O” rings and (121) washers to (103) covers, then insert (118) actuator pins through assembly.Assemble (144) “U” cups (note the lip direction) and (103) cov-ers to (101) center body, securing with (123) screws. NOTE: tighten (123) screws to 4 - 6 in. lbs (0.45 - 0.68 Nm).MAJOR VALVE DISASSEMBLYUnthread (134) bolts, releasing (129) muffl er assembly.Pull (135) valve block and components from (101) center body.Remove (132) gasket, (141) valve plate and (140) valve insert from (135) valve block.Remove (134) bolts, releasing (107 and 136) plugs and (111) spool.y y y Indicates parts included in 637428 air section service kit.PD05P-XXX-XXX-B (en) Page 7 of 8Figure 4) ASSEMBLY TORQUE REQUIREMENTS (NOTE: DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN FASTENERS.(123) screw, 4 - 6 in. lbs (0.45 - 0.68 Nm).(134) bolt, torque to 15 - 20 in. lbs (1.7 - 2.3 Nm), wait 10 minutes, then re-torque to 15 - 20 in. lbs (1.7 - 2.3 Nm).LUBRICATION / SEALANTSc Apply Lubriplate FML-2 grease to all “O” rings, “U” cups and mat-ing parts.MAJOR VALVE REASSEMBLYAssemble new (139 and 138) “U” cups on (111) spool - LIPS MUST FACE EACH OTHER .Assemble (137) “O” rings to (136) large plug.Assemble (137 and 166) “O” rings to (107) small plug.Insert (111) spool into (136) large plug, then insert (136) large plug into (135) valve block, being sure the (111) spool is rotated to accept (140) valve insert. (107) small plug into (135) valve block.Assemble (140) valve insert and (141) valve plate to (135) valve block. NOTE: Assemble (140) valve insert with “dished” side toward (141) valve plate. Assemble (141) valve plate with iden-tifi cation dot toward (132) gasket.Assemble (132 and 200) gaskets, (135) valve block and (129) muffler assembly to (101) center body, securing with (134) bolts. NOTE: Tighten (134) bolts to 15 - 20 in. lbs (1.7 - 2.3 Nm). 166135 134 138139 137123103L129144 103R123111136141 200 101118121174 173130201 (optional)232129637438 (optional)171168169144118170167121 174PILOT VALVE PARTSPILOT VALVE PARTSMAJOR VALVE140132Page 8 of 8 PD05P-XXX-XXX-B (en)DIMENSIONAL DATATROUBLE SHOOTINGProduct discharged from exhaust outlet.Check for diaphragm rupture.Check tightness of (6) diaphragm nut.Air bubbles in product discharge.Check connections of suction plumbing.Check “O” rings between intake manifold and fl uid caps.Check tightness of (6) diaphragm nut.Motor blows air out main exhaust when stalled on either stroke.Check “U” cups on (111) spool in major valve.Check (141) valve plate and (140) insert for wear.Check (169) “U” cup on (167) pilot piston.y y y y y y y y Low output volume.Check air supply.Check for plugged outlet hose.For the pump to prime itself, it must be mounted in the vertical position so that the balls will check by gravity.Check for pump cavitation - suction pipe should be sized at least as large as the inlet thread diameter of the pump for proper fl ow if high viscosity fl uids are being pumped. Suction hose must be a non-collapsing type, capable of pulling a high volume.Check all joints on the inlet manifolds and suction connections. These must be air tight.Inspect the pump for solid objects lodged in the diaphragm chamber or the seat area.y y y y y y。

B QG QG--35350/0.0/0.0/0.22气动隔膜泵气动隔膜泵操 作 和 维 护 手 册执行标准:JB/T8697-1998Q/IRGT009-2009英格索兰(桂林)工具有限公司 广西桂林市朝阳路55号 邮编:541004电话:(086)773-5878119 传真:(086)773-5876565 前言前言使用本产品的用户使用本产品的用户,,请仔细阅读本说明书请仔细阅读本说明书,,以便正确使用本产品并充分发挥其优良性能良性能。
1、 气体压力过大。
① 进气压力不允许超过泵铭牌所注的最大允许值;② 务必确保软管和其他部件能承受泵所产生的液体压力。
2、 静电火花。
① 火花可能点燃易燃材料和蒸汽;② 当泵吸、冲洗、再循环或喷射易燃材料时,如油漆、溶剂、腊克漆等,或者在使用位置周围的环境大气可导致自燃时,泵送系统和喷射的物体必须接地。
将分配阀或设备、容器、软管以及将材料抽吸到其中的任何物体接地;③ 使用泵体上提供的接地端。
使用ARO 零件号66885-1接地工具箱或将适当的接地线(最小12线规直径)连接到良好的接地点;④ 确保泵体、连接头和所有接触点的安全,以避免振动和接触或产生静电火花; ⑤ 咨询当地建筑条例和电工规程中的特殊接地要求; ⑥ 接地后,定期检验接地电路的连续性。

英格索兰气动隔膜泵安全操作及保养规程1. 引言气动隔膜泵是一种常用的工业设备,广泛应用于化工、制药、石油、食品等各个领域。
2. 安全操作规程2.1 操作前准备在操作气动隔膜泵之前,应对泵进行全面检查,确保其正常工作状态。
包括但不限于以下几个方面: - 检查泵是否有损坏或异常状况,并清除泵周围的杂物; - 检查气动装置是否正常工作,气源是否稳定; - 检查电源是否连接正常。
2.2 启动和停止操作 - 在启动气动隔膜泵之前,应确保工作场所的安全,并遵循以下步骤: 1. 打开气源阀门,使气源压力逐渐增加;2. 检查气动隔膜泵各部位是否正常运行,并确保流体管路是否正确连接;3. 慢慢旋转调节阀,调整出液量;4. 将气动隔膜泵启动开关打开,开始运行; 5. 观察气动隔膜泵的运行情况,并进行必要的调整。
2.3 安全保护措施 - 操作人员应熟知使用说明书,了解和掌握相关的安全操作规程; - 操作人员应穿戴符合要求的个人防护装备,如安全眼镜、防护手套等; - 操作过程中,严禁将手指或其他物体伸入泵内; - 如有异常响声或其他异常情况,应立即停机检查并报修; - 禁止用电缆拉扯或过热,以免引起火灾。
3. 保养规程3.1 清洗和维护 - 定期清洗泵体内外的污物和杂物,并确保泵内无任何残留物; - 定期检查气动隔膜泵的密封性能,如有发现泄漏现象,应及时更换密封件; - 维护气动隔膜泵的电气系统,确保电源和控制线路的正常工作状态。
3.2 润滑和保护 - 对气动隔膜泵的活塞杆、阀体等关键部位进行定期润滑,确保运转灵活顺畅; - 在长期不使用或停机期间,应对气动隔膜泵进行防腐处理,以延长其使用寿命; - 在气动隔膜泵运行时,严禁撞击或振动泵体,以免影响其正常工作。
英格索兰操作手册Nirvana37-45 CC(中文版)

润滑剂 92837085 92692284 92692292 39433735 39433743
1升 5升 25 升 5 加仑 55 加仑
超级冷却剂 超级冷却剂 超级冷却剂 超级冷却剂 超级冷却剂
42486597 54736749
1 组件-主机轴封 1 主机(替换)
您可以用由经过全面培训的英格索兰技术人员制造的新的或翻修的主机来替换您的主机。您也将得到 主机的保修担保和 AirCare。
5.0 空压机/电机/进气系统
T5702 修改 00 版 01 年 7 月
1 进风口支撑/外壳
1 进风-入口 1 泡沫塑料 1 泡沫塑料 2 泡沫塑料 1 泡沫塑料 1 冷却器 2 支撑板 1 进风罩底板 1 支撑 1 电机
(4kw 220-550v 50Hz) 1 电机
(5hp 200v 60Hz)
7 54701461 54701453
5HP 200V TEFC 60Hz 1 风机, 电机
5HP 230/460/575V 60Hz 1 风机, 电机
5HP 380V TEFC 60Hz
1 高粉尘过滤器升级组件
1 超级冷却剂检查组件 (欧洲/非洲)
1 超级冷却剂试验组件 (美洲)
1 超级冷却剂试验组件 (亚洲)
1 补修漆 喷罐, 浅褐色
阀 54687827 54686787 54654652 54630512 54699459 54658307 39303219 39902374


VHP650E/XP825E/P950E/VHP750E/XP950E操作维修说明书OPERATING & MAINTENANCE MANUAL螺杆空气压缩机SCREW COMPRESSORS移动式低噪音PORTABLE LOWNOISE上海英格索兰压缩机有限公司SHANGHAI INGERSOLL-RAND COMPRESSOR LTD.图号 CPN: 99265860日期 DATE: 2007.3版本 REV. C欢迎您使用上海英格索兰压缩机有限公司 生产的各种牌号的螺杆压缩机SIRC有权对产品进行修改和改进,不负有对已出厂产品进行相应修改和改进的义务。
用户订单号:________________I-R公司订单号:________________为了便于查询,请将你所购的机器编号和型号记录在此型 号:________________机组编号:________________本手册介绍了电移动系列螺杆压缩机的工作原理及其主要结构,尽可能为操作人员提供有关压缩机关键部件的功能、操作、维护保养等方面的知识,目的在于让用户最有效地使用该设备。
安 全 注 意 事 项安全注意事项1. 在机组运转时,不要打开边门,或者松动、拆掉任何管路附件、接头。
2. 电动机、控制面板、控制箱都接有380V 电源,在电气系统调试、检修之前,务必切断电源。
3. 压缩机不能在高于铭牌规定的排气压力下工作,否则电动机会过载,其结果将导致电动机和压缩机停车。

选型表 PD05 P- A X S - X X X
中心段材料 P - 聚丙烯
流体接头 A - 1/2 - 14 N.P.T.F. - 1
流体盖和集合管材料 A- 铝 S - 不锈钢
五金件材料 S - 不锈钢
泵座材料 F- 铝 P - 聚丙烯 S - 不锈钢
球材料 A - 三道橡胶 G- 腈 S - 不锈钢 T - 聚四氟乙烯 V - 氟橡胶
型号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 参看 "型号说明表" 中 "-XXX" 泵的类型 . . . . . . . . . . . . 金属气动双隔膜泵 材料 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 参看 "型号说明表" 重量 . . PD05P-AAS-XXX . . . . . 8.36 磅 (3.79 公斤)
PD05P-XXX-XXX (zh)
第 3 页, 共 8 页
零件列表 / PD05P-XXX-XXX 流体段
637140-XX 成套维修件包括: 球阀 (参看球阀选项, 可参考下面图中的-XX), 隔膜 (参看隔膜选项, 可参考下面图中的-XX), 以及第2和19项 (在下 表列出) 加上93706-1润滑脂包 (第6页)。
y 通过打开分配阀或装置和/或小心缓慢地松开并卸去
出口管或泵体管路系统, 来切断供气管路, 释放系统
警告 危险物料。可能造成严重的人身伤害或财产损 失。切勿试图将含有危险物料的泵返送到工厂或维
警告 爆炸危险。如果某些型号的泵体上存在可能 和溶剂接触的铝制零部件, 则该型号的泵体不能和 1,1,1-三氯乙烷, 二氯甲烷或其它卤代烃溶剂一起使 用, 它们可能会发生反应, 引起爆炸。

BQG 矿用英格索兰气动隔膜泵

BQG-150/0.2(666170-3EB-C)气动隔膜泵操作和维护手册执行标准:JB/T8697-1998Q/IRGT009-2008英格索兰BQG型号:BQG-70/0.2BQG-150/0.2BQG-350/0.2BQG-450/0.2石家庄华煜晨化工设备有限公司河北唐山世纪龙庭邮编:063000电话:(086)315-6727795传真:(086) 315-6727795前言使用本产品的用户,请仔细阅读本说明书,以便正确使用本产品并充分发挥其优良性能。

英格索兰 ARO气动隔膜泵,广泛应用于医药、食品、环保等行业。
如输送感光材料,絮凝体,结晶液,炸药等;8. 具有自动批量泵送和计量功能;9.适用于作为板框、厢式压滤机的进料泵。

进气阀 维护包 最小压力阀 维护包 温控阀 维护包 电磁阀 维护包 电磁阀线圈 维护包 O型圈 维护包 37kW 风扇维护包 30kW 风扇维护包
24135139 24135147 24135030 35300615 19002021 19008762 46858361 46855854 46855862 46855839 46854246 46854238
1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
24186975 Rev .B 9/4/2012
压板 螺栓 油滤 直接头 壳体 弹簧 温控阀芯 螺塞 油窥镜 O型圈 安全阀 转换接头
5 冷却系统
3 4 5 6 7
46856233 46856225 46853263 46853255 46856175 46856092 24181596 24135089 96704408
1 直角接头
1 0.75"硬管
1 直角接头
1 直接头
1 直角接头Biblioteka 1 小孔接头1 回油管
1 三通接头
1 内六角螺栓M8x16
1 平垫圈
1 螺母M8
1 直角接头
4 油分系统
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
46853107 22354989 23176068 95928255 22186670 24096307 22187215 22187223 24096315 96721097 22188981 39446968
AR 尼龙管0.25"
24186975 Rev .B 9/4/2012
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阅读, 理解并遵照此处信息操作, 以避免出现伤害或财产损失。
y 在泵一段时间不使用的情况下, 如果被泵送的物料出
现 "沉淀", 那么始终要用与被泵送物料相容的溶剂对 泵进行冲洗。
y 如果泵将停止使用几个小时, 切断气源。 y 物料出口量不仅受到供气控制, 而且受到能会瘪塌的软管。
y 当隔膜泵用于强制加料 (溢流进口) 的状况时, 建议在
PD05P-XXX-XXX (zh)
第 3 页, 共 8 页
零件列表 / PD05P-XXX-XXX 流体段
637140-XX 成套维修件包括: 球阀 (参看球阀选项, 可参考下面图中的-XX), 隔膜 (参看隔膜选项, 可参考下面图中的-XX), 以及第2和19项 (在下 表列出) 加上93706-1润滑脂包 (第6页)。
y 成套修理件被划分两类, 以实现修理两种独立隔膜泵
的功能: 1. 空气段, 2. 流体段。流体段则为了与典型 物料选项匹配, 被进一步划分。
型号 PD05P-ASS-XXX (不锈钢)
型号 PD05P-AAS-XXX (铝) 图2
y 和Viton® 是杜邦公司的注册商标 y Flouraz® 是 Greene, Tweed and Company的一个注册商标 y ARO® 是英格索兰公司的一个注册商标 y y Santoprene® 是Monsanto Company的注册商标, 已授权给Advanced Elastomer Systems, L.P. y 乐泰®是汉高乐泰公司的一个注册商标 y 271™ 是汉高乐泰公司的一个注册商标 y
警告 过高的空气压力。可能导致泵体损坏, 人员伤害 或财产损失。
y 在供气时, 必须使用能滤出尺寸大于50微米颗粒的过
滤器。除了在装配或维修期时要润滑O型圈之外, 其 它时间不需要任何其他润滑。
y 如果有接触润滑油的气体存在, 那么请确保气体与泵
型号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 参看 "型号说明表" 中 "-XXX" 泵的类型 . . . . . . . . . . . . 金属气动双隔膜泵 材料 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 参看 "型号说明表" 重量 . . PD05P-AAS-XXX . . . . . 8.36 磅 (3.79 公斤)
警告 = 危险或不安全的作业, 可能会造成严重的人 身伤害, 死亡或重大财产损失。
切记 = 危险或不安全的作业, 可能会造成较轻的人 身伤害, 产品或财产损失。
注意 = 重要的安装, 操作和维护保养信息。
第 2 页, 共 8 页
PD05P-XXX-XXX (zh)
在空气压力很低时, ARO隔膜泵甚至也能泵送大量物料, 而且物料相容性的选择范围很广。请参看型号和选项 表。ARO隔膜泵具有抗失速设计和空气马达/流体段模块 化的特点。 气动双隔膜泵利用气室中的压差, 交替造成流体室内的 吸入压力和流体正压力, 阀门控制部件确保流体正向流 动。 当施加空气压力时, 泵的循环开始, 它会连续泵送物料不 断满足需求。循环将建立并维持管路压力, 一旦达到最 高管路压力 (分配装置关闭), 循环停止, 并根据需要, 重 新进行泵送。
① 这里公布的泵体声压级已被更新为一个等量连续声压级 (LAeq), 该声压级满足使用四个扩音测量位置的ANSI S1.13-1971, CAGIPNEUROP S5.1标准。
注: 表中显示了所有可能的选择项。但对于某些组合, 我们没 有推荐。如果您有关于获得这些选择件方面的问题, 请与经销 商代表或工厂联系。
选型表 PD05 P- A X S - X X X
中心段材料 P - 聚丙烯
流体接头 A - 1/2 - 14 N.P.T.F. - 1
流体盖和集合管材料 A- 铝 S - 不锈钢
五金件材料 S - 不锈钢
泵座材料 F- 铝 P - 聚丙烯 S - 不锈钢
球材料 A - 三道橡胶 G- 腈 S - 不锈钢 T - 聚四氟乙烯 V - 氟橡胶
PD05P-ASS-XXX . . . . . 14.6 磅 (6.62 公斤) 最大进气压力 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 p.s.i. (6.9巴) 最大进料压力 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 p.s.i. (0.69巴) 最大出料压力 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 p.s.i. (6.9巴) 耗气量 @ 40 p.s.i. . . . . . . . . . . 1 c.f.m. / 加仑(大约) 最大流速 (灌注进口) . . . . . . . . 13 g.p.m. (49.2 l.p.m.) 排量/循环 @ 100 p.s.i.g. . . . . . . 0.040 gal. (0.15 lit.) 最大粒径 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/32" 直径 (2.4 毫米) 最大温度极限 (隔膜/球/密封材料)
测试, 确保每个部件 (如软管, 泵, 夹头, 容器, 喷枪等)
y 如可能的话, 将出口软管端, 分配阀或装置浸没在配
y 使用带有导电丝的软管。 y 采取适当的通风措施。 y 使易燃品避开热源, 明火和火花。 y 当容器不使用时, 使其保持关闭状态。
y 吸入和排出连接管应当是柔性连接管 (如软管), 不要
用刚性接管。管件应当与被泵送的物料相容。 切记 避免对泵造成不必要的损坏。当没有物料时, 切 勿使泵长时间运转。
y 当系统长时间停用时, 将空气管道与泵断开。
切记 只能用正宗 (原装) 的ARO替换零件, 以确保相 容的压力等级和最长的使用寿命。 注意 将泵以垂直位置安装。在起动时, 如果球未受到 重力阻止, 泵可能无法正确注油起动。 注意 在操作前重新拧紧所有紧固件。外壳和密封材 料蠕变可能引起紧固件松动。重新拧紧所有紧固件 以确保无流体或空气泄漏。 注意 替换警告标志承索, 提供: "静电火花"PN\93616-1 和"膜片破裂"PN\93122。
y 检查泵马达段, 流体盖, 集合管和所有与溶剂接触的
部件, 在使用上述溶剂前, 要确保它们与泵体的相容 性。 切记 验证泵体上可能和溶剂接触的零部件与被泵送, 冲洗或再循环物料的化学相容性。该化学相容性可 能随着被泵送, 冲洗或再循环物料内化学品的温度和 浓度而变化。关于具体的流体相容性, 请向化学制造 厂商咨询。 切记 目前的最高温度只是以机械应力为根据。某些 化学品会大大降低最高安全工作温度。请向化学品 制造厂商咨询有关化学相容性和温度极限的问题。 参看本手册第1页泵的数据。 切记 请确定该设备的所有操作人员都已经得到培训, 知晓安全操作规范, 理解设备的限制, 并且在需要时, 佩戴安全护目镜/设备。 切记 切勿将泵用作管路系统的结构支撑物。确保系 统部件受到适当的支撑, 防止在泵的零部件上产生应 力。
警告 泵的排出物可能含有杂质。可能造成严重的伤 害。将排出物用管道从工作场所和操作人员附近排
y 万一发生膜片破裂, 可将物料从排气消声器强制排
y 当泵送危险或易燃物料时, 将排出物用管道排到安全
y 在泵和消声器之间使用最小内径为3/8"的接地软管。
警告 危险压力。可能造成严重的人身伤害或财产损 失。当泵在加压时, 切勿维修或清洗泵, 软管和分配
y 通过打开分配阀或装置和/或小心缓慢地松开并卸去
出口管或泵体管路系统, 来切断供气管路, 释放系统
警告 危险物料。可能造成严重的人身伤害或财产损 失。切勿试图将含有危险物料的泵返送到工厂或维
警告 爆炸危险。如果某些型号的泵体上存在可能 和溶剂接触的铝制零部件, 则该型号的泵体不能和 1,1,1-三氯乙烷, 二氯甲烷或其它卤代烃溶剂一起使 用, 它们可能会发生反应, 引起爆炸。
分配装置清洁, 工作正常。
警告 静电火花。可能引起爆炸, 造成严重的人身伤害 或死亡。将泵体和泵送系统接地。
y 使用提供的泵接地接线板。将一根12号线规 (最小)
y 火花可能会点燃易燃物料和蒸汽。 y 当泵送, 冲洗, 再循环或喷射易燃物料, 如油漆, 溶剂,
隔膜材料 A - 三道橡胶 G- 腈 T - 聚四氟乙烯 / 三道橡胶 V - 氟橡胶
流体段维修成套件选择项 范例: 型号 #PD05P-ASS-SAA 流体段成套维修件 # 637140-AA
PD05P - AXS - X X X 637140 - X X
过高的空气压力 静电火花
危险物料 危险压力
y 从供货商处取得有关所有材料的安全数据表, 遵循适
警告 过高的空气压力。可能造成泵的损坏, 人身伤害 或财产损失。
y 切勿超过泵体铭牌上说明的最大进气口压力。 y 确保物料软管和其他零部件能够承受由该泵产生的
压力。检查所有软管进行, 是否有损坏或磨损。确保