光电编码器电路图文章出处: 发布时间:| 35 次阅读| 0次推荐| 0条留言EPC-755A光电编码器具备良好的使用性能,在角度测量、位移测量时抗干扰能力很强,并具有稳定可靠的输出脉冲信号,且该脉冲信号经计数后可得到被测量的数字信号。
光电编码器原理及应用电路1、光电编码器原理光电编码譌就星一种通过光电转换将输出轴上得机械几何位移量转换成脉冲或数字■得传感器•这就蹇目 前应用最多得传感器,光电编码器就是由光栅盘与光电检测装迓组成•光栅盘就是在一走臺径得®板上等 分地开通若干个长方形孔.由于光电码盘与电动机同轴,电动机旋转时「光栅盘与电动机同速旋车专,经发光二 极■等电子元件组成得检测装迓检测输出若干脉冲信号,其原理示总S 如ffi 1所示;通过计算每秒光电编码 器输出脉冲得个数就能反映当前电动机得转速.此外为判断旋转方向,码盘还可提供相位相差90度得脉 冲碍图1光电编码S 原理示S 图ffi 1光电缩码»原理示意® 根垢检测原理编码器可分为光学貳、磁式、感应式与电容式・根揣其刻度方法及信号输出形式,可分为增量 式、绝对式以及混合式三种.1、1增量式编码器« ■式编码器就是妣利用光电转换原理输出三组方波脉冲A 、B 与Z 相;A 、B 两组脉冲相位差90度得 脉冲信号忆相为每转一个脉冲,用于墓准点走位.它得优点就是原理构适简单,机械平均寿命可在几万小时 以上抗干扰能力强「可靠性画适合于长距离传输・其缺点就麻法输出轴转动得绝对位琶信息•1、2绝対式编码器绝对竊码器就是厦接输出数字■得传感器,在它得圆形码盘上沿径向有若干同心码匾每条通上由透光与不 透光得扇形区相间组成,相邻码iS 得扇区数目就墨双倍关嬴码盘上得码通数就就墨它得二进制数码得位埶 在码盘得一侧就是光鴻另TW 对应每Fis 有Tess 元件;当码盘处于不同位迓时各光敏元件根据受光照 与否转换岀相应得电平信号■形成二进制数・这种扁码器得持原就超不耍计数器,在转轴得任倉位迓都可读 岀一个a 走得与位迓相対应得数字码•显然「码通越多■分辨率就越画对于一个典有N 位二进制分辨率得竊 码器,其码盘必须有N 条码通・目前国内已有16位得绝对编码»产品•绝对式竊码器就是利用目然二进制或循环二逬制(葛莱码)方式进行光电转换^專・绝对式编码器与1»量式编 码器不同之处在于圆盘上透光.不透光得线条a 形,绝对編码器可有若干编码,根JB 读出码盘上得編码,检测 绝对位编码得设计可采用二iS 制码.循环码•二进制补码等•它得特原就是:1、2、1可以車接读出角度坐标得绝対值;1、2、2没有累积题1、2、3电源切除后位迓信息不会丢失.但就垂分辨率就是由二进制得位数来决走得,也就就墨说精度取决 于位K 启前育10位、14位等多种・1、3混合式绝对值媾码S混合式绝対值编码器,它输出两组信息:一组信息用于检测磁极位迓滞有绝对信息功能;另一组则完全同堆量JUUI丸溝迓饿©盘 先敏元作转轴式漏码器得输岀信息.光电编码器就迅一种角度(角速度)检测装迓^它将输入给轴得角度靈利用光电转换原理转换成相应得电脉 冲或数字■,興有体积小「精度衙,:n 乍可靠,接□数字化等优原・它广泛应用于数控机床.回转台、伺服传动、 机器人•胃达、军事目标测走等需要检测角度得装畳与设备中•2、光电编码器得应用电路2、1EPC. 755A 光电编码器得应用EPC ■ 755A 光电编码器興备ft 好彳雾使用性能,在角度测量、位移测■时抗干扰能力很弭井典材穂走可靠得 输出脉;中信号且该脉;中信号经计数后可得到被测量得数字信号.因此我们在研制汽车麗驶樓拟器时,対方 向盘旋转角度得测■选用EPC - 755A 光电编码器作为传恋器,其输出电路选用集电极开路聖输出分辨率选 用360个脉冲/圈考虑到汽车方向盘转动就罡双向得,既可顺时针旋$0也可逆时针旋辑需要对镰码器得输 岀信号鉴相后才能计数・S 2给出了光电網码》实际使用得鉴相与双向计数电路,鉴相电路用1个D 触发 器与2个与非门组成计数电路用3片74LS193组成•74151si当光电编码器顺时针旋转时,通運A 输岀波形超前通道B 输出波形90^D 赃发器输出Q (波形W1)为衙电 平Q (波形W2)为低电平上面与非门打开■计数 脉冲通过(波形W 为送至双向计数器74LS193得加脉冲输 入端CU.进行加法计数;此时下面与非门关闭,其输岀为商电平(波形W4).当光电竊码器逆时针旋转时通 )1 A 输出波形比通il B 输岀波形延迟90^D 赃发器输出Q (波形W1)为低电平,Q (波形W2)为蔺电平,上面 与非门关闭(翼输出为离电平(波形W3);此时下面与非门打开,计数脉冲通过(波形W4),送至双向计数器 74LS193得减脉冲输入揣CD,进行减法计数•汽车方向盘顺时针与逆时针旋转时,翼最大旋转角度均为两H 半■选用分辨率为360个脉冲/B 得網码譌M 最OUT-L OVT-B OVT-A JI t2 PO Pl tz P3 CUCD CL MR QOQIQ2Q3 TCV TCD 顺时针瞬逆时針删oirr-AOUT-BVI*2V3V4大输出脉冲数为900个;实际使用得计数电路用3片74LS193组成在系统上电初始化时洗对集进行复位(CLR信号h再将翼初值设为800H,即2048(10信号);如此,当方向盘顺时针旋转时,计数电路得输出范00 为2048〜2948,当方向盘逆时针旋转时计数电路得输出范围为2048〜1148;计数电路得数垢输出DO〜D11摩换处理电路.实际使用时.方向盘频繁地进行顺时针与逆时针转动,由于存在量化舷工作较长一段时间后方向盘回中时计数电路输出可能不就是204&而就是有几个字得偏差;为解决这一问观我们增加了一个方向盘回中检测电路,系统工作后,数碗理电路在欖拟器处于非操作状态时,系统检测回中检测电路,若方向盘处于回中状态両计数电路得数据输出不就是204&可対计数电路进行复位疋新设迓初值.2、2光电编码器在更力测量仪中得应用采用旋转式光电编码器,把它得转轴与■力测量仪中补偿旋钮轴相连・靂力测量仪中补悽旋tfl得角位移量转化为某种电信号量旋转式光电缩码器分两种,绝对编码器与墙量编码器.« ■编码SS就是以脉冲形式输出彳辱传感器,其码盘比绝对編码器码盘要简单得多且分辨率屋衙• 一般只需要三条码a这里得码連实际上已不典有绝対勰器码il得意义•而就是产生计数脉冲.它得码盘得^卜連与中间通有数目相同均匀分布得透光与不透光得扇形区(光棚“旦就是两通扇区相互错幵半个区•当码盘转动时芯得输出信号就遷相位差为90°得A相与B相脉冲借号以及只有一条透光狭缝得第三码通所产生得脉冲信号(它作为码盘得墓准匹给计数系统提供一个初始得零位信号)•从代B两个输出信号得相位关系(超前或^^后)可判断旋转得方向・由图3(3)可见,当码盘正转时,A iS脉冲波形比B連超前n/2,而反转时人il脉冲比B a滞后n/2. S 3(b)就是一实际电路,用A iKS形波彳專下沿J»发单穂态产生彳專正脉冲与B il整形波相■与;当码盘正转时只有正向口脉冲输出「反之只有逆向口脉冲输出・因此,增■網码»就是根垢输出脉冲源与脉冲计数来确走码盘得转动方向与相对角位移量.通當,若编码器育N个(码連)输岀信号■翼相位差为n/ N,可计数脉冲为2N倍光栅釵现在N=2.圏3电路得鉄点就是育时会产生淚记脉冲适成淚塑这种1•况出现在当某一運信号处于雋'或■低・电平状态両另一通信号正处于离■与低'之间得往返变化状态’此时码盘虽然未产生位移•但就是会产生单方向得输出脉冲.例如「码盘发生掛动或手动対准位迓时(下面可以瞧到,在更力仪测■时就会有这种情况)•顾T_n_m-mj~L_rL_r mwinnrrmf 正向脈冲逆向冲mwranrrnT 74LS14Ail 道」-计'74IS14碇道二一讣;(b)图3增量光电编码《基本液形和电路逹方修Y —>正方向nwmmnnr 逆向隸沖iwranm(£(b)S 4四倍计数方式的波形和电路S 4就是一个既能防止淚脉冲又删衙分辨率得四(豳细分电路・在这里採用了有记忆功能得D 型触发 器与时忡发生电路•由a 4可见,每一通育两个D 解发器串接,这样,在时钟脉冲得间隔中■两个Q 端(如对应 B74151751^^2.7两个如期得输入状态鬲两者相同,则表示时钟间隔中无变化;杏则『 可以根JB 两者关系判断岀它得变化方向『从而产生‘正向或反向'输出脉冲•当某運由于振动在橋;•低•间往 复变化时将交■产生'正向■与反向'脉冲,这在对两个计数SS 取代数与时就可消除它们得影响仟面仪器得 读数也将涉及这原).由此可见时钟发生器得频率应大于振动频率得可能最大僮.由a 4还可W 也在原一 个脉冲信号得朋内■得到了四个计数脉冲•例如,原每圈脉冲数为1000得镰码器可产生4倍频得脉冲数就 S 4000个■翼分辨率为0、09\实际上目前这类传感器产品畤光數元件输出信号得放大整形等电路与 传感检测元件封装在一fi •所以只宴力0±细分与计数电路就可以组成一个角位移测楚系统(74159就是 4・:L6译码»)•翼她资料: 編码器如以信号原理来分/»增量型網码》,绝対型镰码器.增亚编码器(旋转型)他道XTLT^f rLrmj WfiiS正向脉冲工作飓由一个中<>有轴得光电码盘,其上育环形通、as得刻线•育光电发射与接收器件读取,获得四组正弦波信号纟且合成A、B、G D每个正弦波相差90度扌目位差(相对于—Nfl波为360度)■将C、D信号反向总加在A、B两相上,可增强穂走信号;另每转输出一个Z相脉冲以代表零位拳考位•由于A. B两相相差90度「可通过t匕较A相在前还就是B相在前「以判别編码器得正转与反转■通过零位脉沖, 可获得编码81得零位対位.編码器码盘得材料有玻璃、金厲、22料•玻璃码盘就是在玻踽上沉积很薄得刻线「翼热稳定性好,精度詣,金属码4接以通与不通刻线•不易碎,但由于金厲育 F 得厚慮精度就育限制,其热稳走性就要比玻璃得差一个数■级塑料码盘就軽济型得,其成本低,但精度、礙定性.寿命均要差一些.分辨率TR码器以每旋转360度提供多少得通或暗刻线称为分辨率,鲫解析分度.或购称多少线■一般在瞬专分度5~ 10000线・信号输出: 信号输出育正弦波(电流或电压)方波(TTL、HTL)■集电极开路(PNP. NPN),推拉式多种形式,翼中TTL为长线差分驱动(对称AA・;B,B・;ZZ・),HTL也称推拉式.推挽式输岀,編码器得信号接收设备接□应与镰码器对应・信号逵接T码器4尊脉冲信号F连接嵌81、PLC、计算机PLC与计算机连接得權块育/朗屋權块与商速權块之分幵关频率有低有码如单相联接用于单方向计数,单方向测速•A. B两相联接,用于正反向计数.判断正反向与测速•A. B、Z三相联接,用于带掺考位修正得位量测杜A. A・R B・Z Z•连接,由于带育对称负信号得连接,电流对于电缆贡献得电磁场为0,衰减最小,抗干扰銀隹可传输较远得距臥対于TTL得芾材对称负信号输出得竊码器,信号耐距禹可达150米・対于HTL得带育对称负信号输出得编码器,信号传输距离可达300米.增壘式骗码制尊问题:1»量型竊码器存在零点累计课墓抗干扰较差,接收设备得停机需断电记忆,开机应找零或势考位等问题,这些问题如选用绝对型编码器可以解决.1»量型编码器得F应用:测遶测转动方向,测移动角度.距离(相对)• 绝对型编码器(旋转型)绝对漪码器光码盘上育许多通光通通刻线,每通刻线依次以2线、4线• 8线、16线……编排,这样,在编码器得每一个位迓■通过渎取每通刻线得通、晴,获得一缜从2得零次方到2彳專n-1次方得唯一彳專2进制綢码(格■码)■这就称为n位绝对編码器•这样得编码SS就是由光电码盘彳硕械位迓决走得•它不受停电、干掀專影响・绝对编码器由机械位迓决走得每个位迓就是唯一得,它无需记忆,无耀找參考点,而且不用一直计数,什么时候需要知iliaa 什么时候就去读取它彳>{2«・这样旅码器砾干扰傩数揭得可靠廿:*:}M了.。
光电编码器基础知识培训 PPT课件
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正在发光的LED、 Lens组合件
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111870-0002 LED、Lens组合件
ABZ ASIC 整体放大图
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由A,B,Z等信号组成可以反 应出当前编码器的运行状态。
如:在单位时间内,用户接受 到的脉冲数就反应出了编码器运行 的速度,包括速率和方向。
由U、V、W等信号组成可以代 替电机中的电刷切换电机的磁极电 流方向。用来控制电机的运行。
•从机械结构分 •1组合式 2无轴承(M series) 3封闭式
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3 编码器的主要技术参数 脉冲 精度 时针方向 电源电压 消耗电流
电压输出 集电极开路 驱动器输出 信号协议 互补输出 绝缘阻抗 响应频率 启动力拒 径向跳动 轴向串动 端面跳动 时针方向 最大机械转速
Confidential and internal use only
Confidential and internal use only
2 编码器的主要分类
•从工作原理分 •1光电式 2磁电式 3机械式
•从信号分 •1增量式(F10 F14 F18) •2绝对式(AC58)
•从轴形式分 •1空心轴(F series) 2实心轴(RI41 RI58 76)
光电编码器的工作原理和应用电路1 光电编码器的工作原理光电编码器(Optical Encoder)俗称“单键飞梭”,其外观好像一个电位器,因其外部有一个可以左右旋转同时又可按下的旋钮,很多设备(如显示器、示波器等)用它作为人机交互接口。
2 WinCE提供的驱动模型WinCE操作系统支持两种类型的驱动程序。
本地设备驱动程序适合于那些集成到Windows CE平台的设备,诸如键盘、触摸屏、音频等设备。
1 光电编码器的工作原理光电编码器(Optical Encoder)俗称“单键飞梭”,其外观好像一个电位器,因其外部有一个可以左右旋转同时又可按下的旋钮,很多设备(如显示器、示波器等)用它作为人机交互接口。
图1 光电编码器的内部电路图2 光电编码器的输出波形当顺时针旋转时,光电编码器的A相相位会比B相超前半个周期;反之,A相会比B 相滞后半个周期。
2 WinCE提供的驱动模型WinCE操作系统支持两种类型的驱动程序。
本地设备驱动程序适合于那些集成到Windows CE平台的设备,诸如键盘、触摸屏、音频等设备。
显然,码道越多,分辨率就越高,对于一个具有 N位二进制分辨率的编码器,其码盘必须有N条码道。
增量式码盘输出信号为一串脉冲,每一 个脉冲对应一个分辨角,对脉冲进行计数 N,就是对 的累加,即,角位移 =N。 • 如: =0.352,脉冲N=1000,则: • = 0.352×1000= 352
2 增量式光电编码器
测量精度取决于它所能分辨的最小角度,这 与码盘圆周上的狭缝条纹数 n 有关,即最小能分 辨的角度及分辨率为:
1 光电编码器的分类
可辨向的增量 式编码器 辨别方向 不可辨向的脉 冲发生器 增量式 有零位信号 2.信号性质 零位信号 无零位信号 绝对式 — 绝对式编码器
1 光电编码器的分类
1 光电编码器的分类
拉线式角编 码器利用线轮, 能将直线运动转 换成旋转运动。
1 光电编码器的分类
3 绝对式光电编码器
辨的最小角度,这与码盘上的码道数 n 有关,即 最小能分辨的角度及分辨率为:
360 分辨力 n 2 1 n 分辨率 2
• 为了避免位置不分明而引起的粗大误差,可采用 格雷码(Groy code)图案的编码盘。
4 光电编码器的应用
•转速测量 •转子磁极位置测量 •角位移测量
2 增量式光电编码器
2 增量式光电编码器
Hale Waihona Puke 光栏板上的两个狭 缝距离是码盘上的两个 狭缝距离的(m +1/4)
倍,m 为正整数,并设
置了两组光敏元件A、B, 又称为sin、cos元件。 在前图的码盘里圈,还有一个狭缝C,每转 能产生一个脉冲,该脉冲信号又称“一转信号” 或零标志脉冲,作为测量的起始基准。
智能传感器技术将与光电编码器进一步融合,实现编码器的智能化 和集成化,提高其自适应和自我诊断能力。
通过无线通信技术,光电编码器将能够实现远程监控和数据传输, 提高设备管理和维护的便捷性。
光电转换原理的核心在于光敏元件的响应特性,即在不同光照条件下,光敏元件 能够产生相应的电信号。
信号处理原理是指对获取的原始电信号进行处理,以提取出 所需的信息。在光电编码器中,信号处理电路负责对光电转 换电路输出的电信号进行处理。
信号处理电路通常包括放大器、滤波器、整形电路等,用于 对原始电信号进行放大、滤波和整形,以便后续的解码和计 数。
光电编码器主要由光源、光敏元件、光电码盘和信号处理电路组成。当码盘转 动时,光敏元件接收到的光线会发生变化,从而产生电信号,经过信号处理电 路处理后输出相应的数字或脉冲信号。
根据码盘的不同,光电编码器可分为 绝对式和增量式两种。绝对式编码器 具有唯一对应的输出码,而增量式编 码器则输出脉冲信号。
光电编码器能够检测到的最小角度变 化量,通常以度(°)或弧度(rad) 为单位。分辨率越高,检测角度变化 的能力越强。
光电编码器实际测量的角度值与真实 角度值的偏差程度。精度越高,测量 结果越准确。
光电编码器正常工作的环 境温度范围,通常为20°C至70°C。
采用屏蔽电缆、远离干扰源等措施,减少信 号干扰。
The Design and Implementation of Universal Interface Circuit for Photoelectric EncoderDa Li, Hui Zhao, Honglin Xue, An ZouSchool of AstronauticsHarbin Institute of TechnologyHarbin, Heilongjiang Province, 150001, Chinazhaohui@Abstract - The majority of encoder signal process circuits only support one type of the specific photoelectric encoder, either absolute encoder or incremental encoder. In order to realize the compatibility for both two types of encoders simultaneously, a novel encoder signal process circuit based on FPGA is presented in this paper. Firstly, a series of universal functions are analyzed and demonstrated. On this basis, the approaches on multiplexing interfaces is designed and verified by simulation. Importantly, the compatibility is solved by multiplexing pins of the IC chip in terms of the hardware interface. As for the software interface, FPGA internal signal acquisition and processing programs deal with the different encoder protocols. Finally, two different types of encoders are concurrently connected to the circuit for system testing. The result indicates that the real-time angular position curve is smooth and the measured angle value is accurately displayed on the host computer. Consequently, the stability and compatibility are successfully proven. Besides, those expensive dedicated interface circuits could be replaced by the proposed circuit, as well as the costs can be significantly reduced. The circuit is ideal for applications requiring high resolution and fast data acquisition in industrial control fields.Index Terms - Photoelectric encoder, signal process circuit, EnDat or SSI interface, FPGAI.I NTRODUCTIONDigital drive systems and feedback loops always require fast data transfer with high system reliability from the position sensors [1].Due to high resolution and precision, excellent quality, simple connection and cost optimization, photoelectric encoders are widely applied in radar, turntable, robotics, CNC machine tool and other high precision servo control systems.Depending on differences of the working principle and output signals, generally, photoelectric encoders are mainly divided into two types: Absolute encoders and incremental encoders. As with the output encoder signals, absolute encoders always output serial Gray codes or BCD output as certain communication protocol. And incremental encoders output two-phase square wave pulses, which the number of pulses means the displacement and the phase difference indicates the direction of rotation. Fig.1 shows the coded disk patterns of the incremental encoder and absolute encoder. Therefore, the photoelectric encoder interfaces require the corresponding subsequent electronic equipment to receive and process the output encoder signals, for the host computer or the servo motor in close-loop systems. Generally, most encoder signal process circuits could only handle with one type of the specific encoder interface, i.e., either the absolute encoder or the incremental encoder.In recent years, encoder manufacturers have developed their dedicated encoder signal process circuits, which could convert the serial output data of the encoder into parallel data for motor drive or controller. For instance, the famous German Corporation HEIDENHAIN has a world-wide high reputation for producing encoders with high precision in the field of position measurement. The interpolation and counter card IK220 is designed by HEIDENHAIN. It could support two protocols including EnDat and SSI and its current version only supports up to two channels of encoders. However, it lacks functions of the conversion from the Gray code to BCD. Tosome degree, such circuits are too expensive [2].Fig. 1 Coded disk patterns of the incremental encoder and absolute encoder Therefore, if one single hardware interface for both absolute and incremental encoders can be accomplished, by multiplexing pins for the differential signals, the versatility will be much enhanced. What’s more, some early-designed circuits are quite large and complicated, meanwhile, along with the defects of more power consumption and poor reliability [3].Thus, utilizing FPGA instead of discrete electric components will be more preferable and efficient.The encoder interface protocols mainly comprise EnDat or SSI protocol for absolute encoders, as well as quadrature signals for incremental encoders. For instance, SSI is one digital bidirectional protocol, which supplies the absolute position value in synchrony with one clock pulse from the subsequent circuit. When the resolution of the encoder is determined, the number of transmitting pulses per clock cycle is also fixed. Furthermore, EnDat interface is greatly improved based on SSI. Fig.2 is the data transmission timing diagram of EnDat 2.1. It is capable of transmitting position values from absolute encoders, updating information stored in the encoder,Proceeding of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation Shenyang, China, June 29 - July 4 2014Fig. 2 Data transmission timing diagram of Protocol EnDat 2.1and saving new information. Because of serial transmission method, only four signal lines are required [4]. It is apparent that the EnDat interface has the higher system reliability and more simple connection. As to incremental encoder interface, its output differential signals consist of signal A, B and index signal Z, as presented in Fig.3. Signal A and B are quadrature square waves, whose phase difference is 90 degrees, are for counting and signing the direction of rotation. The absolute zero position is marked by index signal Z per revolution. Moreover, t he function ofclearing and resetting the counter for calibration could beaccomplished by signal Z.Fig. 3 Output waveforms of signals A, B and Z of the incremental encoderIn a word, to overcome these restrictions, it is essential to develop a universal signal process circuit compatible with both absolute encoder and incremental encoder.II. D ESIGN OF T HE M ULTIPLEXING I NTERFACESA. Demonstration of the Universal FunctionsThe versatility, compatibility and stability of the encoder signal process circuit in the engineering applications should be considering about. After demonstration, this paper identifies following functions that the circuit should implement:Firstly, multi-channel signal acquisition and processing should be applied in multi-DOF position measurement and speed measurement, such as multi-axis servo turntable, dexterous robot hand joints and other servo systems, so it is necessary to be compatible with both absolute encoder and incremental encoder simultaneously.Then, the word length of encoding value should be adjustable, according to the accuracy requirement and the type of the encoder. For incremental encoders, the word length is set as 24 bits so as to be read as three bytes. As for the absolute encoder, due to the specific product model, the word length should be ranged from 11 to 26 bits. Therefore, this function could satisfy the majority of the encoder applications.When the encoder is used as angle sensor for the motor, the circuit needs to be able to give real-time parallel angular position value for the drive to read. Since 12-bit angular position value has a resolution reached 5.27' to meet most requirements. Thereby, each channel should output high 12-bit parallel angular position value for motor drive.In addition, most absolute encoders directly adopt the BCD output after internal conversion, but some old-fashioned absolute encoders still directly output Gray code. It is essential to support the conversion from Gray code into BCD output. B. Approaches on Multiplexing Interfaces The problem of the compatibility is solved by sharing the common pins of the IC chip MAX485, for differential signals from encoder and single-ended signals from FPGA. Thus, approaches on multiplexing the interfaces are described as follows.As shown in Fig.4, data signals DATA_ENCODER_i (i=1,2,3) of the absolute encoder are multiplexed with the corresponding quadrature signal A of the incremental encoder, respectively. When the absolute encoder is connected to the circuit, the direction of data signal is determined by the enable signal OUTPUT_EN_i (i=1, 2, 3). If it is high, the mode command is transmitted from the subsequent circuit to the encoder. Otherwise, if it is low, the data transmission is conducted from the encoder to the subsequent circuit. On the other hand, while the incremental encoder is connected to circuit, the phase A or index Z signal are only received from the encoder instead of sending. Therefore, the enable signal is always low.Similarly, clock signals CLOCK_ENCODER_i (i = 1,2,3) of absolute encoder are multiplexed with the corresponding quadrature signal B of incremental encoder, respectively, as shown Fig.5. However, it is worth pointing out that signalline is always unidirectional with absolute encoder. Since the clock signal is only transmitted from the subsequent circuit to the encoder, hence, the enable signal is alwayshigh. While the incremental encoder is accessed, the phase B or index Z signal are only received from the encoder instead of delivering, so the enable signal is always low.It is clear that the approach mentioned above could resolve the compatibility for both two different interfaces. Fig. 4 Data signal DATA_ENCODER_1 of absolute encoder multiplexeswith signal A of incremental encoderFig. 5 Clock signal CLOCK_ENCODER_1 of absolute encoder multiplexeswith signal B of incremental encoderIII.E NCODER S IGNAL A CQUISITION A ND P ROCESSIn this paper, the encoder signal acquisition and process plays a significant role throughout the FPGA internal logic design. It could be divided into two sections including absolute encoder section and incremental encoder section. And each section could be classified into several modules with the corresponding functions.The former section is composed of clock and reset signal generator module, start/alarm/warning bit check module, receiving/sending module, serial to parallel codes converter module, Gray code to binary code converter module, etc. On the other hand, the latter section consists of digital filter module, frequency multiplier and phase detector module, 24-bit counter and 24-bit latch module, etc. Furthermore, the enable signals are generated and transmitted from the FPGA internal logic control module to other modules else. The schematic diagram of the signal acquisition and process is shown in Fig.6.A. Absolute Encoder SectionThe main modules of absolute encoder section among the FPGA internal logic schematic diagram are illustrated below: FPGA internal logic control module: It is the core control module both in the absolute encoder module and incremental encoder module. The main function is to set and reset enable signals that control other modules, via the value of synchronous clock counter, at different time nodes within one data transmission cycle. What’s more, each module is separately triggered according to the corresponding logical sequence, respectively, along with the requirement of the interface protocol. Accordingly, the accuracy of timing sequence within the data transmission is ensured.Clock and reset signal generator module: The frequencyof system clock requires to be divided. The clock pulse is transmitted to the encoder and the FPGA on circuit, respectively, to synchronize the data transmission. On the other hand, the counters, registers and enable signals of other modules need to be reset at the beginning of each transmission cycle.Receiving/Sending module: The identification of encoder interface is mainly completed by receiving module. The sending module is divided into two parts: one is to achieve parallel communication with the host computer via the ISA bus, the other one is to output high 12-bit parallel angular position for each channel to the motor drive.Start/warning/error bit parity module: This module is only employed for protocol EnDat 2.1/2.2, to validate whether the error bit is normal after the encoder delivers the start bit[5]. If the test is correct, then the serial-to-parallel converter is prepared to start; otherwise, the recovery time is immediately activated until the next transmission cycle.Serial-to-parallel/parallel-to-serialconvertermodule:The serial-to-parallel module is to convert the serial data into parallel data. Meanwhile, the parallel-to-serial module is only used for 8-bit parallel mode commands from host computer tobe converted into serial data, then to be sent to the encoder.B. Incremental Encoder SectionTo extract the effective signals from the input and realize the output accurately and stably, three feasible solutions are presented for this purpose: a reasonable digital filter, an effective frequency multiplier and phase detector and an accurate counting.Digital filter module: As to the orthogonal signal, the rising and falling edges of phase A and B are the key moment, which are highly sensitive to noise and disturbance[6]. The ability of eliminating jitter and noise in conventional circuits is quite poor. Therefore, it is in urgent need to be solved. Due to the causes mentioned above, such digital filter module requires to be added to filter out glitches. The insensitivity to noise can be strengthened. In our implementation, its basic thought is that if the input signals sampled by three successive sampling times are identical, so then the output would be regarded as stable and effective. It is worth pointing out that the filter clock cycle could be set by host computer, which greatly increases the flexibility and scalability.Frequency multiplier and phase detector module: There are four changes of the phase A and B signal within one signal period. Namely, it turns out to be four bounces of rising and falling edges. Thus, the input signals are disposed of four-fold frequency, so that the encoder can be increased quadruple revolution [7]. Although the signal period is uncertain, the phase difference between phase A and B signal is always 90 degrees. So the direction of rotation can be discriminated and signed by this characteristic. It is the most direct and effective way to increase the resolution of the encoder.Fig. 6 FPGA internal logic schematic diagramCounter and latch module: The output counting pulses are transmitted to the next 24-bit reversible counter. The reason why the counter digit is determined as 24 bits is that it can be exactly divided into three 8-bit latches for high, medium and low bytes, respectively. What’s more, 24 bits could meet the general encoding requirements of most encoders with the corresponding revolution. Whether the positive counting or negative counting depend on the direction signal from the phase detector module.In summary, the detailed FPGA internal logic modules are described above in detail. It is worth mentioning that several modules are common and reused for both absolute encoders and incremental encoders.IV. S IMULATION W AVEFORMSVerilog HDL is chosen as the programming language and functional and timing simulation is conducted on Quartus II platform. After that the accuracy of functions for each sub module has been verified, the synthetic simulation and timing analysis are preceded, along with the comprehensive inspection of versatility. According to the corresponding settings, main enable signals, clock signals and other data signals can be apparently observed from the simulation waveforms. The simulation waveforms are shown in Fig.7 and Fig.8, respectively, for encoders with different interfaces connected to each channel.Fig. 7 Simulation waveform of incremental interfaceFig. 8 Simulation waveform of EnDat2.2 interfaceFinally, the correctness of FPGA internal hardware logic design is validated, by the comprehensive simulation results under a variety of circumstances, to guarantee the next stage of debugging.V. S YSTEM T EST A ND R ESULT A NALYSISFirst, the parameter settings demand to be initialized on the host computer, including the base address of the ISA card, encoder number, encoder type, lines of incremental encoder, resolution of position value bits, etc. Other than those, the PC control program is supposed to be designed to realize the communication between the host computer and the circuit. After the program runs, the curve of angular position value will be presented in real time.The 17-bit absolute encoder ROC417 with EnDat 2.1 interface is adopted for the test. The output waveforms of the clock signal (A wave) and the data signal (B wave) via the ScopeMeter, as is shown in Fig.9. What’s more, Fig.10 shows the angular position curve when ROC417 is connected to the circuit. Obviously, angular position curve can be observed smoothly, as well as the output real-time angular positionvalue can be read out from the corresponding frame.Fig.9 Output waveforms of clock signal and data signalof ROC417 on ScopeMeterThe data transmission cycle is described as below. It is indicated the data transmission begins when the clock signal becomes low, as well as the enable signal OUTPUT_EN is pulled high. From the waveform, it can be observed that after two waiting clock periods, the 6-bit mode command “000111” is sent from FPGA to the encoder. Subsequently, after another three waiting clock periods, the OUTPUT_EN is reset andremains low during the rest of the cycle. Then, the data frame "11-11011100101111010-01100-1" will be transmitted from the encoder to the circuit. It should be noted that the first two bits "11", respectively, are performed as the start and warning bit, which satisfy the start/warning/error bit parity of EnDat 2.2 interface. Then, the following "11011100101111010" is the 17-bit angular position code and the subsequent 5 bits "01100" is its CRC code; finally data signal is pulled high to indicate the end of the transmission.Incremental encoders are mostly applied for calculating the number of pulses per signal period to gain speed; therefore, the accumulative counting should be actualized. Moreover, whether to access the index signal Z depends on the specific applications. Fig.11 shows the output curve of angular position without Z signal for multi-turn rotation. If without signal Z, the angular position value will be still accumulated and counted while exceeding 360 degrees. However, it will be cleared or reset until the counter exceeds 0xFFFFFF to be overflowed.Fig.10 Curve of measured angle with ROC417Otherwise, if the index Z signal is accessed, the angular position value will be reset as 0 degree, whenever the encoder runs forward to 360 degree. Similarly, it will be also settled as 360 degrees whenever the encoder rotates backward to 0 degree. Fig.12 shows the curve of the measured angle value with the index Z signal, when the encoder is in unidirectional rotating. As is shown, the function of clearing and resetting themeasured angle value within 360 degrees by the index Z signal has been validated. In a word, the compatibility for supporting both absolute encoder and incremental encoder concurrently isimplemented successfully.Fig.11 Curve of measured angle with multi-turn rotation(Without Index Z signal)Fig.12 Curve of measured angle with unidirectional rotating(With Index Z signal)VI. C ONCLUSIONIn this paper, one universal signal process circuit based on FPGA for photoelectric encoder has been designed and implemented. Especially, the proposed circuit is able to support both absolute encoder and incremental encoder concurrently. On one hand, the compatibility is solved by multiplexing pins of the IC chip MAX485. The expansion of the system could be enhanced by those FPGA pins saved by multiplexing. On the other hand, the circuit can be upgraded by modifying the FPGA internal program, instead of changing the hardware circuit structure. What’s more, the disturbance and noise can be effectively eliminated to minimize the measuring errors. Therefore, the limitation that most circuits could only support one dedicated type of encoders has been broken through.Finally, the performance of the circuit is evaluated and validated via the system test. The result obtained from the experiment is almost consistent with the simulation above. Furthermore, this design has merits of more compact structure, lower power consumption, faster speed of signal processing and more stable operation. Consequently, those expensive dedicated interface circuits could be replaced by the proposed circuit in the future, as well as the costs can be significantly reduced. The circuit is ideal for applications requiring high resolution and fast data acquisition in multi-DOF position measurement such as multi-axis servo turntable, dexterous robot hand joints and other servo control systems.R EFERENCE[1] Huang Liangdong, Chen Guilin,Wang Ganquan, “Acquisition methodsfrom precision optical encoder under protocol EnDat,” Optical Technology , Vol. 31, 2005, pp. 192-194.[2] HEIDENHAIN Corporation, “IK 220 PC Counter Card User's Manual,”/fileadmin/pdb/media/img/339_904-26.pdf, 2012.[3] Du Libin, Sun Jichang, Liu Yan, Cheng yan, “Design of Multi-channelEncoder Interface Card Based on FPGA,” Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Test Automation & Instrumentation , vol. 1, 2006, pp. 515-517.[4] Dr. Johannes Heidenhain, “EnDat 2.2 Bidirectional Interface for PositionEncoders Technical Information,” 2008,/fileadmin/pdb/media/img/383-942-24.pdf. [5] Wang, Ming-Shyan; Kung, Ying-Shieh; Lin, Tsung-Ting; Tu, Yi-Ming,“FPGA-Based Interpolation for Motor Encoders,” Sensor Letters , vol. 10, May 2012, pp. 1142-1148.[6] Ching-Hwa Ho, Ji-Hsien Ho, “Practical and User-Friendly Circuits andSystem Design for Signals’ Sensing and Generation,” Circuits and Systems , vol. 4, 2013, pp. 387-392.[7] Xia Jiakuan, Li Xiaofan, “FPGA-based communication interface designof absolute encoder RCN223,” Micromotors , vol. 43, 2010, pp. 54-56.。
光电编码器的工作原理和应用电路1 光电编码器的工作原理光电编码器(Optical Encoder)俗称“单键飞梭”,其外观好像一个电位器,因其外部有一个可以左右旋转同时又可按下的旋钮,很多设备(如显示器、示波器等)用它作为人机交互接口。
2 WinCE提供的驱动模型WinCE操作系统支持两种类型的驱动程序。
本地设备驱动程序适合于那些集成到Windows CE平台的设备,诸如键盘、触摸屏、音频等设备。
显然,码道越多,分辨率就越高,对于一个具有 N位二进制分辨率的编码器,其码盘必须有N条码道。
码盘的分辨率以每转计数(CPR-counts per revolution)表示,亦即码盘旋转一周在光电检测部分可产生的脉冲数。
光电编码器介绍 1光电编码器原理 光电编码器,是一种通过光电转换将
显然,码道越多,分辨率就越高,对于一个具有 N位二进制分辨率的编码器,其码盘必须有N条码道。
工业自动化:用于控制机械臂、机器人等设备的运动 医疗设备:用于控制医疗设备的精确定位和运动 航空航天:用于控制航天器的姿态和运动 汽车电子:用于控制汽车电子设备的运动和定位
工业自动化:用于 控制机械臂、机器 人等设备的运动
医疗设备:用于 医疗设备的精确 定位和运动控制
航空航天:用于 航天器的姿态控 制和导航系统
光电编码器的市 场分析
光电编码器广泛 应用于工业自动 化、机器人、医 疗设备等领域
随着工业4.0和 智能制造的发展, 光电编码器的市 场需求不断增长
光电编码器在精 度、稳定性、可 靠性等方面具有 优势,受到市场 青睐
光电编码器市场 竞争激烈,需要 不断创新和优化 产品性能,提高 市场竞争力
竞争策略:价 格战、技术战、
发展趋势:智 能化、小型化、
光电编码器市场 规模:全球市场 规模约100亿美 元
增长率:预计未 来五年内,光电 编码器市场将以 5%的复合增长 率增长
应用领域:主要 应用于工业自动 化、机器人、医 疗设备等领域
竞争格局:市场 竞争激烈,主要 厂商包括SICK、 Balluff、 Omron等
市场拓展:扩大 光电编码器的应 用领域,如工业 自动化、机器人、 医疗设备等
合作共赢:加强 与上下游企业的 合作,共同推动 光电编码器的发 展
环保节能:注重 光电编码器的环 保性能,降低能 耗,提高能源利 用率
光电编码器的案 例分析
案例名称:智能机器人 应用领域:工业自动化 应用原理:光电编码器用于机器人关节角度测量 应用效果:提高机器人定位精度和稳定性
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2.2 光电编码器在重力测量仪中的应用
通常,若编码器有N个(码道)输出信号,其相位差为π/ N,可计数脉冲为2N倍光栅数,现在N=2。
由图4可见,每一道有两个D触发器串接,这样,在时钟脉冲的间隔中,两个Q 端(如对应B道的74LS175的第2、7引脚)保持前两个时钟期的输入状态,若两者相同,则表示时钟间隔中无变化;否则,可以根据两者关系判断出它的变化方向,从而产生‘正向’或‘反向’输出脉冲。