
试论英语广告中双关语地翻译广告,就是广而告之, 其目地是要在瞬间吸引人们地注意, 给他们留下深刻地印象, 激起人们地购买欲望.双关是利用某些词语或句子地语音或语义条件, 使其在特定地语境中带有明暗双重意义.英语中一般有两种双关, 一种是谐音双关,即利用拼写相似, 发音相同或相近地词构成地双关; 一种是语义双关,即利用英语一词多义地特点, 使词语或句子地多义性在特定环境下形成地双关.双关地使用可以使读者感到在幽默中见智慧, 在平淡中见新奇. 由于双关语具有简洁凝练.风趣幽默.新颖别致.耐人寻味等修辞效果, 能够突出广告地特点,所以在广告中得以大量应用.英语广告中双关语地翻译关于翻译标准, 中外翻译理论家提出了不同地主张.从严复地“信、达、雅”, 傅雷地“重神似不重形似”, 到鲁迅地“忠实通顺”; 从黜秋白地“等同概念” 到美国著名翻译理论家地“功能对等”或“动态对等”, 我们可以看出, 这些主张都是指译文要忠实准确地表达原文地意义, 保持原文地风格.而所谓忠实表达原文地意义, 指地是忠实表达原文地字面意义.隐含意义等.个人收集整理勿做商业用途作为信息传播地手段, 广告用语具有简洁、生动、形象、富于感染力地特点.广告语言是一种精练、含蓄、富有表现力和鼓动性地语言, 而双关又是双重意义地表达, 这就给英语广告中双关地翻译造成语言结构和表达上地困难.因此, 英语广告中双关地翻译应根据广告地内容和特点, 既要充分照顾到原文地语体风格, 又要尽量传达出原文地信息.个人收集整理勿做商业用途在翻译方法上, 直译与意译一直是翻译界争论地焦点.直译与意译是相对地, 两者之间相互联系, 且没有绝对地界限.一篇好地译作总是既有直译, 又有意译地, 直译与意译相结合.如果采用直译能准确传达原文多种意义地, 就直译; 如果不能翻译出原文地多种意义, 特别是不能传达出隐含意义地, 就采取意译地方法.所以, 对英语广告中双关地翻译, 应采用辨证地办法, 一方面要考虑到广告地语体特征, 另一方面要尽可能减少双关在翻译中信息地流失.本文将根据从英语广告实例中归纳出地翻译技巧, 阐述和探讨双关语地翻译方法.个人收集整理勿做商业用途对应译法如果原文中一词两义地词在汉语中也有相对应地词, 这时就可以对译过来, 保留原文地双关. 这是广告双关语翻译地最理想状态, 以下几则广告翻译就可说明:个人收集整理勿做商业用途..译文: 此酒标志成功, 黑色标志更显尊贵.这是一则威士忌酒地广告. “”有两层含义, 一为“标志”, 二为酒地牌子(黑色标志).该广告通过双关手段, 既强调了此酒与成功相联系地形象, 又便于人们对品牌地记忆.个人收集整理勿做商业用途, .译文: 智慧产品, 来自夏普.这是著名地夏普产品地广告, 在词语上运用了双关修辞. “夏普”是一种高科技产品, 而””一词大写是产品地品牌, 小写则有”精明地, 智慧地”意思. 因此, 这句广告词巧妙地把拥有高科技产品“夏普”同拥有智慧结合起来, 以赢得人们地认同.个人收集整理勿做商业用途, —!译文: 祝君旅途愉快, 拜拜快买!这是某机场商店地一则广告(买买) 与—(再见) 同音. 机场商店向旅客道别, 同时又不失时机地提醒大家, 临行之前买些礼品或其它东西带上吧. “” 幽默诙谐, 构思巧妙, 令人拍案叫绝.译文”拜拜快买”保留了英语双关语地含义.个人收集整理勿做商业用途拆译法在某些情况下,译者无法用一句话来表述双关语地双重含义,为使双关语地双层意义再现于译文中,“也可以采取变通地办法,将双关语剥开,拆成两层来表达.”(刘宓庆,)但拆译法必须以忠于原文为前提,它是广告双关语翻译中必不可少、可去可行地译法.个人收集整理勿做商业用途.译文:摩尔香烟,再来一支.这是摩尔香烟在广告语中树立地双关典范.它巧妙地使用“”一词地双重意义:此词大写即是香烟地品牌(摩尔牌),小写有“更多”地意思.在翻译地过程中,这种一语双关地效果通过一分为二地办法拆译成汉语地四字结构,读来朗朗上口,不仅使人们轻松地记住了商品地品牌,而且给人留下了深刻地印象:该产品优于同类产品.此广告也可用对应译法翻译为“再来支摩尔”,但文字效果上显得欠缺些.个人收集整理勿做商业用途. .译文:相信我们吧!历经多只耳朵地检验,有着多年地经验.这是一则助听器推销广告.它巧妙地利用了与谐音地特点,在字里行间既说明可该产品已经受到了众多消费者地考验,又充分暗示了其历史悠久、质量上乘地特点,让人回味无穷.个人收集整理勿做商业用途Canada.译文:别具风味地加拿大酒,独特地加拿大精神.这是一则刊登在加拿大《多伦多报》上地酒广告,其中一词是传神之作,它既可作“烈性酒”解,又有“精神”之意,为了保留它地双重意义,将它拆开翻译更能体现原文地内涵.个人收集整理勿做商业用途不过,从以上两例可以看出,这种翻译方法尽管保留了双关语地双重含义,但原文那种凝练、诙谐地韵味和一词两义地妙趣却丧失了.个人收集整理勿做商业用途套译法有些双关语地翻译是建立在一定地文化背景之上地.英语语言、文化在汉语中地传播形成了双语翻译之间地桥梁.套译法就是套用英语在汉语中已经沉积下来地固有模式,对英语广告进行翻译.个人收集整理勿做商业用途.译文:迟到总是丧命好.这是一则交通公益广告,它妙就妙在不仅引用了习语(晚来总比不来好) 地结构,还利用了地双关意义,在这里指.采用套译法来翻译广告语,使双关地运用在广告中产生了强大地震撼力,给司机以警示,取得了良好地广告效果.个人收集整理勿做商业用途.译文:烟蒂好,烟就好.这则广告实际上是一条英语习语,意思是“结局好,全都好”.但广告制作者把它用于香烟广告中,就具有了双重意义:动词“结束”和名词“香烟蒂”.所以翻译这则广告时也就套用了原来成语地模式,便于消费者记忆.个人收集整理勿做商业用途().这是《泰晤士报》为自己做广告时用地一句妙语,它源于地一部传世名著,报社援引该书名做广告,以标榜自己不偏不倚,主持公道,对于知道《傲慢与偏见》这部作品地人来说,这种译法地双关内涵便不言自明了.个人收集整理勿做商业用途套译法地长处在于它传递广告原文地文化内涵,同时又能基本保证原文简洁、凝练地语言特征,但双关地内涵往往不能充分展示,所以译文也就失去了原文风趣、机智、幽默地色彩.个人收集整理勿做商业用途意译法意译是指译者不得不舍弃或改变原文地形式或者修辞,使用目地语地习惯表达法,或运用目地语读者易懂地切合原文意思地词语,并选用恰当句式来传达原文地含义和精神.在翻译含有双关语地英语广告时,由于有不少双关语涉及到英语地语言习惯或文化习俗,而它们地语言形式或文化背景又不为译文读者所熟悉,因此只能意译.个人收集整理勿做商业用途.译文:尽兴地吃吧,别担心体重.这是“”冰淇淋地广告标题,这种冰淇淋是专为节食者生产地.双关不仅存在于商标名称中,广告中地””也是双关所在.“ ”地意思是“ ’ ”,即“尽兴”,而“ ’ ” 意为“破坏了体形”.这则广告通过一语双关,让欲大饱口福又担心体重者能放心食用,使减肥者在轻松幽默地语气中很自然地接受该产品.个人收集整理勿做商业用途. .译文:脸面地价值超群地皮肤护理,超值享受.这是一则护肤品广告,“ ”原意是“面值”,指票据或货币纸面上标明地价值,这里指“脸面地价值”,一语双关,意指人地脸部皮肤最重要或者说最值钱,因此必须使用超群地皮肤护理品来呵护,此处用意译法来处理较为妥当.个人收集整理勿做商业用途.译文:业余兼活,外快多多.这则兼职广告直译地意思是:业余工作,赚额外收入.广告中杜撰词“”从语音、语义和语境中可以看出是从单词“”变异而来.字母“”代替了原词中地“”,从而使原词在其本义地基础上深化了内涵意义,极大地增强了原词地表达效果.因为字母“”不仅与字母组合“”同音,而且在数学术语中表示“未知数”地含义,这样使广告语平添了新地意蕴,给人以无尽地联想.并且“”本就是“额外地,特大地”地意思,谁看了这一诱人地广告能不跃跃欲试呢?因此只一字之变就收到了新奇地修辞效果,实则妙哉!个人收集整理勿做商业用途侧重法() .译文:一切尽抛脑后.这是本田汽车所做地广告.原文中地“”具有双重含义,一指别地汽车,亦指世事、公务或烦心地事.若将“”中地双重含义都表述出来,译文就显得太长,不能给人一种快速向前飞奔地感觉.因此,翻译时只能偏重其隐含意义.文档来自于网络搜索() .译文:卓越来自东芝.这是东芝公司为自己地微机所做地广告标题.“”是扑克牌中最大地,在广告中暗示东芝公司产品地高质量,译文也只侧重其隐含意义.文档来自于网络搜索从以上两例可以看出,侧重法只侧重双关地隐含意义,而舍弃其字面意义.这样一来,双关地双重含义在译文中就很难同时顾及,所以译文也就没有双关可言了.事实上,这种译法正是双关语具有可译性障碍地例证.文档来自于网络搜索结语总之,双关是使广告文体更具吸引力、更富有内涵地有效手段,在英语广告中普遍使用.以上只讨论了英语广告中双关语翻译地几种方法,在实际翻译中,要真正做到译文和原文最大限度等值,使双关语地翻译传神而又恰如其分,必须从具体情况出发,在翻译理论地指导下辨证地选择合适地手段来传达原文地意义.由于英汉语中都经常使用双关辞格,而两种语言中词语意义往往不能对等,因而在英译汉中如实地再现英语中地双关语是十分困难地,双关语地翻译之难也一直是众多学者所公认地.广告中双关语地翻译问题值得进一步研究.文档来自于网络搜索。

英语广告中双关语的翻译是一项具有挑战性的任务,需要在保留原文意象和风 格的确保受众能够正确理解广告的含义。通过直译、意译和套用成语等技巧, 我们可以有效地翻译双关语,提高广告的传播效果。在翻译过程中,还要注意 文化差异、语境和信达雅等因素,以确保译文的准确性和可读性。通过对英语 广告中双关语的翻译进行深入研究,我们可以更好地了解广告的语言特点和文 化背景,为广告创意和传播提供有益的启示和建议。
意译法是指将英语广告中的双关语根据其内在含义进行翻译的方法。这种翻译 方法侧重于广告信息的传达和受众的理解,可能会牺牲部分原文的风格和意象。 例如,英语广告“Light as a breeze, gentle as a cloud.”中的“light” 和“gentle”是双关语,可以意译为“轻盈如微风,舒适如云朵”。这个翻 译虽然没有保留原文的所有意象,但仍然成功地传达了产品的特点和优点。
英语广告双关语通常具有押韵和节奏感,让人在短时间内记住并传播。在理解 双关语时,需要注意词语的搭配和音韵的协调。例如,一则卖汽车的广告中说: “Go for a spin with our top-down technology.”这里的双关在于 “top-down”既表示汽车的高科技配置,又表示乘车兜风的感觉,同时具有 节奏感和押韵。
套用成语法是指在翻译英语广告中的双关语时,借用目标语言中的成语或俗语 进行翻译的方法。这种翻译方法既保留了原广告的意象和风格,又能够借助目 标语言的文化元素增强广告的传播效果。例如,英语广告“Tide is in, dirt is out.”中的“tide”和“dirt”是双关语,可以套用成语“一潮平 一潮起”进行翻译。这个翻译既传达了产品去污的效果好,又借助了成语的力 量让广告更加深入人心。
英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译 Punning and the Translation of Puns in English Advertisements

Punning and the Translation of Puns in English Advertisements 英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译摘要双关语是英语广告中一种较为常见的修辞手段。
AbstractPunning is one of the most common rhetorical devices used in advertisement. There are various ways to form puns in advertisements. The translation of puns is difficult because of the double meanings, and the translation of puns in advertisements is even more difficult because one must keep both the double meanings of a pun and the style of the advertisement in mind. This paper is about the techniques of punning and the translation of puns in English advertisements. It expresses the technique of pun by the ways of homophonic pun, homographic pun, grammatical pun and idiom pun. And this paper has some preliminary discussions in punning of English advertisement through the methods of conjunct translation, nimble translation, replenishment translation, transliteration, compensate translations.[Key Words] advertising language; pun; translationContents1. Introduction (5)2. The Puns in English Advertisements (5)2.1 Homophonic Pun (5)2.1.1 Close Sound Pun (5)2.1.2 The Same Sound Pun (6)2.2 Homographic Pun (7)2.3 Grammatical Pun (9)2.3.1 Puns Created by Different Collocations (9)2.3.2 Puns Created by Different Understandings of the Same Words (9)2.4 Idiomatic Pun (10)3. Translations of Puns in English Advertisements (11)3.1 The conjunct translation (11)3.2Nimble Translation (12)3.3Replenishment Translation (13)3.4Transliteration (14)3.5Compensative Translations (16)4. Conclusion (17)1. IntroductionWhat is advertising? Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or idea by identified sponsors through the various media. [1]p4 Whether it is goods advertisement or public service advertisement, the creation of the advertisement is a comprehensive art. The creation of the advertisement involves sociology, aesthetics, psychology, sound of electricity, literature and linguistics etc. The skills needed in this art are more than other forms of writing. It shows the vivid and interesting characters by the principle of salesmanship. And it has special communication to bring the reader''s attention in a moment, stimulates the desire of buying and facilitates the behavior of buying finally. Therefore, the using of precision and appropriate in advertising literary language will make the influence of advertising language far beyond the advertisement itself. The rhetorical of pun is a common skill, in creating advertisement. The pun, in Italian, “puntiglio” means “a fine point,” hence a verbal quibble, and is most likely the source of the English punctilious. A pun is defined by Webster as “the humorous use of a word, or of words which are formed or sounded alike but have different meanings, in such a way as to play on two or more of the possible application; a play on words.”[2] As the game of words, pun will leave a deep impression on readers by its readability, wit, and humor. Therefore it is used in the advertisement with a large amount.2. The Puns in English AdvertisementsThere are many kinds of puns exist in English advertisements. In this paper, four mainly types of them are talked. There are homophonic puns, homographic pun, grammatical pun and idiom pun.2.1 Homophonic PunHomophonic means two or more words are of the similar or same sound.Because “There exist no information channels of bilingual conversion at the sound level” [3] the partial sound puns are always seen in the daily life. It concludes close sound pun and the same sound pun.2.1.1 Close Sound PunClose pun means pairs or more of words having the same sound but different meanings.(1) AN ideal marriage is one in which the wife is a treasure and the husband treasury.理想的婚姻—太太是宝贝,而先生是金库.(2) Nowadays, a pair of dice is made a paradise如今,一副股子就可以成为乐园In the two examples above, both the two advertisements successfully convey the satirical tones of the two English sentences. Nevertheless, neither“宝贝,金库”nor“股子,乐园”reflect the partial tones of “treasure, treasury”and “pair of dice, paradise”. It just put one layer of the double meaning into Chinese and the pun affect disappears without any trail.(3) Centrum with beta-caroteneFrom A to ZincMore Complete [4] P15富含胡萝卜的珍多美,从A到锌,应有尽有,营养更全,口味更新!This is one of food advertis ement named centum. “From A to Zinc” harmonics with the English phrase “From A to the Z”, the latter meaning refers “comprehensively, complete”. The pun here wants to explain this kind of food nutrition rich in prominent, all contains from Vitamin A (namely carrot element) to the zinc element, has the extreme power of persuasion..2.1.2 The Same Sound PunThe same sound pun means the words have the same sound but have different meanings.(4)Have a nice trip, buy-buy![5]祝君旅途愉快,拜拜/快买!“Buy-buy” is a varied spelling, and it unison with “bye-bye”. Airport store says goodbye to the passenger, the purpose is that reminds everybody to buy a present or other thing to bring with just before leaving. “Buy-Buy”! Forms in one''s mind ingeniously, humorous to be humor ous, makes one thump the table and shout praise.(5)Forget hot tasteOnly Kool, with pure menthol has the taste of extra coolnessCome up to Kool.[6]P49忘掉辛辣的感觉,只有“酷”牌,纯正的薄荷口味给你特别清凉的酷酷感觉,想酷你就来!This is one of the cigarette advertisements, in sentence “kool” is a unison pun, it both refer to cigarette and the cool feeling. In order to prominent product out of the ordinary cool characteristic, the advertisement maker fabricats word “kool” to take the cigarette’s name, using the “cool” unison, and the “hot” in first sentence also further strengthened this “cool” meaning, contrasts the Kool sign cigarette by the consumers to the “cool” feeling in the mouth.(6) Foyled again? Try Dillon.[7]又失望了?那就来Dillon书店看看吧。

开题报告:Research ProposalⅠ Title of My Thesis:Puns in English Advertisements and their Translation英语广告双关语及其翻译ⅡSignificance of StudyAdvertisement is an important part of our economy and culture that exerts significant impact on all walks of life. With more attention attracted by international business, most companies would like to reinforce their marketing power by investment of large quantities on advertising in the target country or area. Accordingly, the problem how the classic original version of advertisement could win the hearts of consumers in another country becomes a new studying focus in translation fields. Besides, a great amount of rhetorical skills and devices used in English ads can improve the aesthetic results and persuasive effect of ads, and then puns are more and more largely used in English advertisements.I choose this thesis as my title, because I realize that there is great significance of this study.Firstly, advertisement is a kind of brief and clear art. Studying English ads not only helps us to develop our creation, but also cultivate our thinking and abilities of appreciating and innovating ads. On the other hand, I hope that by this chance, I can get more knowledge of the colorful essence of English, and I can enhance my comprehensive and applying abilities of oral English, and I can widen my English thinking, and I can get a relatively full knowledge of English culture, and I can train my abilities of flexible translation.Secondly, using puns appropriately in advertisements can enhance advertisements’charm, bring about consumers’ imagination and consolidate their memories. Punning is a kind of play on words, which refers to a rhetoric device composed by the similarity in pronunciation and divergence in meaning, so as to produce a humorous effect. Pun is more persuasive in advertising than what has been expected, but it has never been more complete. How it is adopted in advertising to facilitate the linguistic communication and ultimately serve to reach the intended purposes, and cognitively cast influences upon the advertiser’s expression and the audience’s interpretation of the utterances in discourse is still a wonder which is worth making an attempt to have a thorough understanding.Thirdly, the study of punning in advertising may be of practical importance in that it is likely to provide guidelines for advertisers on how to employ advertising puns more forcefully. It leads us to achieve a better understanding of puns in advertising and thus enjoy them.In conclusion, rhetoric, especially punning, is an art of language, and its effect can be exerted only by faithful and vivid translation. Thus, to study translation of puns in English advertisements is of importance.ⅢLiterature ReviewMcQuarrie discussed puns in advertising broadly, as a play or twist within an advertisement’s structure that serves to produce an echo or multiplication of meaning. For example, a recent advertisement shows men’s ties, arranged to form a bouquet, with the headlines: forget me knots. Another example, this for Bucks cigarettes, shows a cigarette pack with a picture of a stag, “Herd of These?”Based on Mcquarrie (Mcquarrie: 1996), the process of constructing a resonant advertisement is straightforward.Tanaka (1994) discusses covert communication in the advertising and the inferential process of puns and metaphors. According to Tanaka, covert communication became one of the strategies the advertiser uses to make the audience “believe something about a product without her trusting in him, or indeed, despite her distrusting him”. Generally speaking, it has two advantages: (a) the audience may get a kind of pleasure out of processing some information; (b) more deeply involved in the process of interpreting, the audience pays more attention to the product advertised and shares a larger part of responsibility in recovering the advertiser’s meaning; accordingly, the advertiser advertiser can avoid taking certain responsibility for issues that are socially loaded. In their own words, “covert communication manipulates trigger to which the human mind is highly susceptible.”Puns, as Tanaka states, are an effective way of attracting the audience’s attention, for it conveys two meanings for the price of one word. It is true that in some cases the initial meaning of the puns is either rejected or just helping to obtain additional contextual effects the speaker intends. By denying initial meaning and creating unexpected consequences, they attract more attention and give the audience more psychological satisfaction. Undoubtedly, Tanaka has noticed the significance of contextual effect and the great role, which cognitive factors play in the advertiser makes in producing an advertisement; it is mostly on that to avoid social responsibility. She pays more attention to the cognitive factors than to the contextual effects, trying to survey the socially loaded aspect of the advertisers’ consideration. Tanaka does not explicitly address the question of how themass-media aspects of advertising affect Sperber and Wilson’s model, based as it is mainly on examples of one-to-one oral, linguistic, synchronic communication taking place in one spot.Working within the tradition of rhetorical analysis, most Chinese scholars focus on expressive effect of advertising puns. They all make use of many examples to illustrate how puns can contribute to advertising communication.Besides making a classification, Chen Changlai (Chen: 1994) concludes that the use of puns is the effort to meet the audience’s psychological needs; aesthetic needs and needs for good luck.Peng jiayu (peng: 1999) regards advertising puns as a form of art and employs a variety of examples to tell people how to enjoy them.Huang lei (huang: 2000) studies puns in Chinese and English advertisements by employing a variety of examples. He adopts a comparative method to investigate into the use and some negative effect of puns in Chinese and English advertising.Xue bing and li yue’s (2000) explore some characteristics peculiar to puns and their function in the context of advertising, with particular stress exerted on the pragmatic and aesthetic perspectives.Concerning puns in advertising language, li ruihe (li: 2001) focuses on the classification and functions and effect of puns. The paper states that advertisers prefer puns because puns contain profound cultural connotations which can activate the audience’s aesthetic enjoyment and desire for the advertised product.Meng lin and Zhan jinhui’s(meng and zhan:2001) paper is about the techniques of puns and the translation of puns in English advertisements. There are various ways to form puns in advertisements. The translation of puns in advertisements is difficult because one must keep both the double meanings of a pun and the style of the advertisement in mind.Articles collected in this field are scattered in magazines concerning rhetorical devices. Since most of them provide only simple generalizations at the superficial level, there will be just brief mentioning and commenting. In general, the research is lacking in a theoretical basis. Nevertheless, it may be helpful and illuminating for researchers who want to conduct further research.ⅣKey PointsIn my paper, the title of my thesis is puns in English advertisements and its translation. Obviously, my key points of this are studying punning and its translating strategies in English advertisements. I will discuss two main points in my paper. The first one is the application of punsin English advertisements. In this point, I will introduce five concepts: homophonic puns, semantic puns, idiomatic puns, grammatical puns, mimetic puns. The other one is the translation of puns in English advertisements. I will bring in five strategies of translating puns in English advertisements: corresponding translation, separating translation, emphasizing translation, and compensating translation.ⅤOutline1 Language Characteristics of English Advertisements1.1 Lexical Features1.2 Syntactical Features1.3 Discourse Features1.3.1 Body Copy of an Advertisement1.3.2 Differences in Body Copies1.4 Rhetorical Features2 A Brief Introduction to Punning2.1 Definition of a Pun2.2 Classification of Puns3 Applications of Puns in English Advertisements3.1 Homophonic Puns3.2 Semantic Puns3.3 Idiomatic Puns3.4 Grammatical Puns3.5 Mimetic Puns4 The Translation of Puns in English Advertisements4.1Corresponding Translation4.2 Separating Translation4.3 Emphasizing Translation4.4 Compensating TranslationⅥBibliography[1] Augarde Tony. The Oxford Guide to Word Game.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984,pp.67-98.[2] Chesterman Andrew(ed). Readings in Translation Theory [C]. Helsinki: Oy Finn Lectura Ab,1989, pp54-96.[3] Cook G. The discourse of advertising. London: Routledge, 1992, pp.24-58.[4] Jan de Waard & Eugene A. Nida. From One Language to Another. New York: ThomasNelson Publishers, 1986, pp.89-123.[5] Leech,G. N. English in Advertising [M]. London: Longman.1966, pp.48-114.[6] Nash, W. Rhetoric: The Wit of Persuasion, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1989, pp.81-109.[7] Newmark, Peter. A Textbook of Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language andEducation Press, 2001, pp.56-98[8] 陈文伯. “一词两义的翻译”, (中国翻译) 第4期23-25 1994[9] 侯维瑞. 英语语体[M] 上海: 上海外语教育出版社,1999[10] 孟琳. 英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译[J] 中国翻译,2001,(5)[11] 余立三. 英汉修辞比较与翻译[M] 北京商务印书馆1985[12] 张南峰, “Delabastita的双关语翻译理论在英汉翻译中的应用”, <中国翻译> 第1期:30-36,2003[13] 赵静. 广告英语[M] 北京外语教学与研究出版社,1994,10[14] 蒋柳. 英语双关语的认知研究广西大学学报哲学科学版,2007,(z2)[15] 沈晓维. 英语广告双关语的译法探讨科教文汇,2008,(23)ⅦSchedule of Writing2008.6~2008.7: Complete all the preparative work, including proposal for selecting the theme;literature research and translation;2008.8~2008.9: Complete my research proposal and reading-notes.2008.9~2008.10: Complete the first draft;2008.12~2009.1: Complete the second draft;2009.2~2009.3: Complete the final form;2009.3~2009.4: Typing, oral presentation, form filling.。

(1)GoodbuyWinter!100%Cotton Knitwear $40这是一则冬季服装削价出售的广告。

Ask for More. 再来一支,还吸摩尔。
这是摩尔香烟在广告中树立的两个双关典范,More 的广告
从而增强广告的说服性和宣传效果,最终达到广告的目的,双 语巧妙地运用了 more 一词的双重含义:一个是副词,意为“更
现代社会,广告种类繁多,无处不在。好的广告能给人留 我们就要采取分别表意法,在译文中放弃双关语。将原语中的
下深刻的印象,给观众一种惬意的享受,让消费者认可并购买 一个词译成两个词,分别表达原文中双关语的意思。
例如:I'm More satisfied. 摩尔香烟,我更满意。
双关,指在特定的语言环境中,用一种语言文字形式表达 能让消费者满意”的印象。双关语义被拆分成两层,在译文中
出一明一暗双重意义,既能引人注意又能引起联想。但由于其 翻译难度较大,国内翻译界对双关语的翻译有不同的观点,有 人认为双关语不可译,即便个别能译,也完全是巧合;另一种 观点认为双关语可译,即使有个别难译,但随着人类认知能力 的不断发展,将来一定可译。双关语确实难以翻译,这是由不 同语言的特性所决定的。但同时,双关语在广告中的作用及其 重要,不仅可以增加广告的美感、幽默感,还能帮助观众记住 广告。
分别表达。这种译法虽然不及原文精炼诙谐,但四字结构也彰 显特色。
3. 侧重译法 在很多情况下,广告中别具匠心的双关表现手法难以表述 于译文中,结果只能牺牲其形式意义、谐音寓意及暗含情态, 只能采用侧重译法,侧重于广告的内容而放弃原文的形式。 例如:Pick an Ace from Toshiba. 卓越源自东芝 这是东芝公司的广告语,其中“Ace”为双关语。Ace 有 “佼佼者”之意,在此用来暗指东芝公司的卓越地位。而中国 观众对“Ace”一词的意思并不了解,因此在翻译时应侧重 Ace 所表达的卓越,优秀的含义。中文译文短小精悍,又可准确地 表达出原文的含义。 例如:Better late than the late. 迟到总比丧命好。 英语中有句俗语“better late than never”,意为“迟做总比
最新 论析英文广告中的双关语现象及其翻译策略-精品

例如:Goodbuy Winter! 100%Cotton Knitwear $40.这是一则冬季服装减价销售的广告,广告设计者利用goodbye与goodbuy的谐音双关,不仅暗示消费者这是一桩不错的买卖,似乎又告诉消费者寒冷的冬日即将过去,温暖的春天正在向你招手,这难道不是在提示消费者不要错过了最佳的购买时机吗?其中的语音双关正可谓一箭双雕。
例如:Spoil yourself and not your figure.这是某冰淇淋品牌的广告,该广告spoil oneself为“令某人享受”的意思,而spoil one’s figure意为“破坏体形”。
例如:Coke refreshes you like no other can.译文:没有什么可以像可乐那样令您神清气爽。
英语论文 广告英语中双关语的语用功能及其翻译

Pragmatic Function andTranslation of Pun in English Advertisemen tAbstract: Advertising English is characterized by its originality, flexibility of language usage and the diversity of the forms.Apart from the distinguishing features at lexical and syntactic levels, rhetorical vehicles, as decorative devices of language, are frequently employed in advertising English. Punning, a concise way to express humor and wit, is particularly favored by advertisers to enhance the appeal of language. Drawing on existing studies in the field,the author offers five strategies in the translation of puns in advertisement, i.e. preservation, creation, compensation, explication and omission.The author argues that each of the five strategies is not always applied on its own, and sometimes two or more stratrgies are jointly employed in advertisement translation in accordance with the principle of optimal relevance depending on the situation.Key words: Advertisement; Pun; Pragmatic Function; Translation广告英语中双关语的语用功能及其翻译摘要: 广告英语的独特性在于其新颖、灵活的语及其形式多样化,除了在词汇和句法方面别具一格外,修辞手法也被广泛地运用来润色广告语言。

1、契合译法 如果 原文中 的双 关语 可以转 换为 汉语 中恰好 相对 应的 词,这时就可以对译过来,保留原文的双关。美国著名的翻译 理论家、语言学家尤金·奈达在“动态对等翻译原则”中将这种 理想 情况 称为“the closest natural equivalent to the source mes sage”(对 原语信息最自然的 对等)。这 种情况可遇不可求 ,要 求译者深厚的双语功底以发现并处理双语的偶合。 2、套译法 有些英语 广告建立在 一定的文化 背景之上 ,借 用人们喜 闻乐见的 成语、谚语、短语等进行 宣传,用诙谐的改 编给读者 留下深刻印象。例如: We take no pride in prejudice. 这是《泰晤士报》(《The Times》)为自己做广告时用的一句 妙语 ,源 于奥 斯汀的 传世名 着“Pride and Prejudice”。字 面意 思为: “ 对于您的偏见 ,我 们绝不傲慢”。即表 示“我 们虚心接 纳您 的任 何 意见 。”报社 援引 该 书名 表明 兼听 则明 、公 平公 正。 套译法 的妙处在于它能传递广 告原文的文化含义,也能 基本保证原文简炼的特征,但在 翻译过程中,由于文化背景的 不同,双关的内涵往往有所损失 ,译文也就不及原文所蕴含的 机智、幽默色彩。 3、侧重译法 侧重译法是对广告双关的多重意义的一种无可奈何的取 舍。当广告中别具匠心的双关表现手法有时难以表述于译文 中,或是受篇幅 限制,只好牺牲形 式意义、谐音寓义 及暗含情 态,侧重原文的主要意义。例如: When the wind has a bite…and you feel like a bite…then bite on a whole Nut. 这是一则全 营养坚果的广告 ,bite 一词在这 里有三层意思:刺 骨、食物、吃。它的多层含义充分描绘出全营养坚果给饥寒交 迫的人们带来的满足感受。这句广告词可译为: “当寒风冰冷 刺骨而您又想吃点儿什么的时候,嚼嚼全营养坚果”。 4、补偿译法 补偿译法 经常与侧重 用法同时使 用,当译者译 出双关语 的一层意 思后,而另一层意 思不能得到 完整表述但 极其重要 的时候,就要采取补偿译法,比如: Try our sweet com, you' ll smile from ear to ear. 这是一 则十分成 功的玉米 广告语 ,ear 在此有 双重含义 , 一是“耳朵”,一是“ 玉米穗头”。这则广 告可译为:“尝尝甜玉 米!您 会胃口大 开、笑口常开。”例句中“, from ear to ear”既表 示“一个又一个的玉米”又表示“笑得合不拢嘴”。这两个语境 都能与产 品紧密联系 起来,生动体现了 人们对这种 玉米的喜 爱。 三、结束语 由于双关语 简洁凝练 、意蕴 丰富、诙谐幽默 ,在 广告中得 到了非常 广泛的应用 。对于广告 双关语的翻译 ,我 们应以忠 实、简练、传神为原则,从具体情况出发,辩证地选择最合适的 手段来传达原文的意义,使读者得到最完全信息和审美享受。 参考文献: [1]丁衡 祁《翻 译广 告文 字 的立 体思 维》[J ] 中 国翻 译 , 2004 ,(1) [2]吴 克明,胡志伟《英语广告 词精品》[M] 北 京大学出版 社,1999 [3]王秀 娟《试析 广告 英语 的修 辞手 法》[J] 抚 州师 专学 报,2 00 1 作者简介:陆澄(1 9 9 4 .2 . 1 0),女,武汉大学外语学院翻译 系本科二年级。

例如:More sun and air for your son and heir.在这则广告中,制作者运用了sun-son, air-heir这两对谐音字,使广告语言朗朗上口,风趣、幽默,具有感召力。
例如:Spoil yourself and not your figure. 这则冰淇淋广告是专为节食者生产的。
spoil oneself意为“尽兴”;而spoil one’s figure则意为“破坏了体形”。
例如:Where there is a way, there is a Toyota.制作者巧妙地利用了“Where there is a will, there is a way.” 这一明言警句的模式吸引消费者的目光。
当消费者想要买车时,便自然而然地想起“there is a Toyota”。

英语广告中双关语的运用技巧翻译1. 引言1.1 什么是双关语A pun is a form of wordplay that exploits multiple meanings of a word or uses similar-sounding words to create humor or a play on words. It is a clever and often humorous way of using language to convey a message or provoke thought. Puns can be found in various forms of communication, including advertising, where they are used to grab the attention of the audience and make a product or service more memorable.1.2 双关语在英语广告中的重要性Double entendres play a crucial role in English advertising, serving as a powerful tool to capture the attention of the audience and leave a lasting impression. These clever language devices allow advertisers to convey multiple meanings within a single phrase or sentence, adding layers of complexity and depth to their messages.2. 正文2.1 双关语的定义和特点Double entendre, a literary device that involves a word or phrase that has two different meanings or interpretations, is commonly used in English advertising to create a sense of wit and humor. This technique allows advertisers to capture the attention of consumers and make their messages more memorable.2.2 英语广告中双关语的优势Another advantage of using puns in English advertising is their ability to create a positive association with the brand. A well-placed pun can convey a sense of creativity and playfulness, which can reflect positively on the brand's image. Puns can also help in creating a unique identity for the brand, setting it apart from competitors and making it more memorable to consumers.2.3 双关语的运用技巧Double entendre is a clever linguistic device often used in English advertising to add humor, create intrigue, and engage the audience. Here are some key techniques for effectively using double entendre in English advertisements:2.4 双关语的翻译挑战Secondly, cultural references and wordplay that are familiar and effective in one culture may not have the same impact inanother. Translators need to be aware of cultural differences and audience expectations to ensure that the humor in the puns is not lost in translation.2.5 如何有效地翻译英语广告中的双关语Effective Translation of Pun in English AdvertisementsTranslating puns in English advertisements can be a challenging task, as it requires careful consideration of both the literal and figurative meanings of the words involved. Here are some tips on how to effectively translate puns in English advertisements:3. 结论3.1 双关语在英语广告中的重要性不容忽视In English advertising, the use of puns is essential and cannot be overlooked. Puns not only grab the attention of the audience but also make the advertisement more memorable and engaging. They add a touch of humor and creativity to the message being conveyed, making it more appealing to the target market.3.2 翻译双关语需谨慎处理,保持原意和幽默感Translating puns requires careful handling to ensure that the original meaning and humor are preserved. It is crucial for translators to fully understand the cultural context and linguistic nuances of both languages in order to effectively convey the double meanings present in puns. Additionally, translators must possess a creative mindset and a good sense of humor to successfully recreate the wit and cleverness that are characteristic of puns.。

1. "Say it with flowers" - 以花传情这个双关语的广告口号暗示了送花作为表达情感的方式。
2. "You're worth it" - 你值得拥有这个双关语广告语在化妆品行业非常常见。
3. "Breakfast of champions" - 冠军的早餐这个双关语广告语用于推广某个早餐食品。
4. "When it rains, it pours" - 这下倒霉了这个双关语广告语常用于推广食品或调味品。
5. "Life's a journey, enjoy the ride" - 人生是一场旅程,享受骑行吧这个双关语广告语常用于推广交通工具或旅游产品。

双关语(Double entendre)是指在一个句子中,意思同时可以读出
比如,可口可乐宣传口号“Open happiness”,直译:“打开快乐”,双关语的
的技巧来激发大家的共鸣,比如说,微软的宣传语“Where do y ou want
to go today?”,直译:“今天你想去哪里?”这里强调不仅仅是今天,

一、商业广告中的双关语英语Advertisement(广告)源于拉丁语, 原义为“唤起大众对某种事物的注意,并诱于一定的方向所使用的一种手段。
英汉中的双关语(pun),运用同音异义或是同形异义的形式使句子具有几种不同的含意“谐音双关是用拼写相似,发音相同或相近的词构成的” 。
一则关于面包的商业广告是这样写的:“She is the nimblest girl around. Nimble is the way she goes. Nimble is the way she eats. Light, delicious and nimble.”面包的名字叫Nimble.牛津高阶字典这样解释nimble: able to move quickly and easily with light neat movements. (聪慧敏捷).在翻译的时候, 就要适度地展开联想, 认识到广告本意在于暗示人们食用健康的nimble面包可以使人变得行动敏捷,思想活跃。
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试论英语广告中双关语的翻译广告,就是广而告之, 其目的是要在瞬间吸引人们的注意, 给他们留下深刻的印象, 激起人们的购买欲望。
双关是利用某些词语或句子的语音或语义条件, 使其在特定的语境中带有明暗双重意义。
英语中一般有两种双关, 一种是谐音双关,即利用拼写相似, 发音相同或相近的词构成的双关; 一种是语义双关,即利用英语一词多义的特点, 使词语或句子的多义性在特定环境下形成的双关。
双关的使用可以使读者感到在幽默中见智慧, 在平淡中见新奇. 由于双关语具有简洁凝练。
风趣幽默.新颖别致.耐人寻味等修辞效果, 能够突出广告的特点,所以在广告中得以大量应用。
1.英语广告中双关语的翻译关于翻译标准, 中外翻译理论家提出了不同的主张。
从严复的“信、达、雅”, 傅雷的“重神似不重形似”, 到鲁迅的“忠实通顺”; 从黜秋白的“等同概念”到美国著名翻译理论家Nida的“功能对等”或“动态对等”, 我们可以看出, 这些主张都是指译文要忠实准确地表达原文的意义, 保持原文的风格。
而所谓忠实表达原文的意义, 指的是忠实表达原文的字面意义.隐含意义等。
作为信息传播的手段, 广告用语具有简洁、生动、形象、富于感染力的特点。
广告语言是一种精练、含蓄、富有表现力和鼓动性的语言, 而双关又是双重意义的表达, 这就给英语广告中双关的翻译造成语言结构和表达上的困难。
因此, 英语广告中双关的翻译应根据广告的内容和特点, 既要充分照顾到原文的语体风格, 又要尽量传达出原文的信息。
在翻译方法上, 直译与意译一直是翻译界争论的焦点。
直译与意译是相对的, 两者之间相互联系, 且没有绝对的界限.一篇好的译作总是既有直译, 又有意译的, 直译与意译相结合。
如果采用直译能准确传达原文多种意义的, 就直译; 如果不能翻译出原文的多种意义, 特别是不能传达出隐含意义的, 就采取意译的方法。
所以, 对英语广告中双关的翻译, 应采用辨证的办法, 一方面要考虑到广告的语体特征, 另一方面要尽可能减少双关在翻译中信息的流失。
本文将根据从英语广告实例中归纳出的翻译技巧, 阐述和探讨双关语的翻译方法。
1.1对应译法如果原文中一词两义的词在汉语中也有相对应的词, 这时就可以对译过来, 保留原文的双关. 这是广告双关语翻译的最理想状态, 以下几则广告翻译就可说明:(1)The label of achievements.Black Label commands more respect.译文: 此酒标志成功, 黑色标志更显尊贵。
这是一则威士忌酒的广告. “Label”有两层含义, 一为“标志”, 二为酒的牌子---Black Label (黑色标志)。
该广告通过双关手段, 既强调了此酒与成功相联系的形象, 又便于人们对品牌的记忆。
(2)From sharp minds, come Sharp products.译文: 智慧产品, 来自夏普。
这是著名的夏普产品的广告, 在词语上运用了双关修辞. “夏普”是一种高科技产品, 而”sharp”一词大写是产品的品牌, 小写则有”精明的, 智慧的”意思. 因此, 这句广告词巧妙地把拥有高科技产品“夏普”同拥有智慧结合起来, 以赢得人们的认同。
(3)Have a good trip, buy—buy!译文: 祝君旅途愉快, 拜拜/快买!这是某机场商店的一则广告,buy--buy (买---买) 与bye—bye (再见) 同音。
机场商店向旅客道别, 同时又不失时机地提醒大家, 临行之前买些礼品或其它东西带上吧。
“Buy--buy”幽默诙谐, 构思巧妙, 令人拍案叫绝。
(4)Ask for more.译文:摩尔香烟,再来一支。
(5)Trust us. Over 5,000 ears of experience.译文:相信我们吧!历经5000多只耳朵的检验,有着5000多年的经验。
(6)The Unique Spirit of Canada.译文:别具风味的加拿大酒,独特的加拿大精神。
1.3 套译法有些双关语的翻译是建立在一定的文化背景之上的。
(7)Better late than the late.译文:迟到总是丧命好。
这是一则交通公益广告,它妙就妙在不仅引用了习语Better late than never (晚来总比不来好) 的结构,还利用了late的双关意义,the late在这里指the dead。
(8)All is well that ends well.译文:烟蒂好,烟就好。
(9)We take no pride in prejudice.这是《泰晤士报》为自己做广告时用的一句妙语,它源于Jane Austin的一部传世名著Pride and Prejudice,报社援引该书名做广告,以标榜自己不偏不倚,主持公道,对于知道《傲慢与偏见》这部作品的人来说,这种译法的双关内涵便不言自明了。
(9)Spoil yourself and not your figure.译文:尽兴地吃吧,别担心体重。
“Spoil yourselt”的意思是“enjoy oneself to heart’s content”,即“尽兴”,而“spoil one’s figure”意为“破坏了体形”。
(10)FACE V ALUEExceptional skin care. Excellent value.译文:脸面的价值超群的皮肤护理,超值享受。
这是一则护肤品广告,“face value”原意是“面值”,指票据或货币纸面上标明的价值,这里指“脸面的价值”,一语双关,意指人的脸部皮肤最重要或者说最值钱,因此必须使用超群的皮肤护理品来呵护,此处用意译法来处理较为妥当。
(11)Part-time JobEarn Xtra Money.译文:业余兼活,外快多多。
并且“extra”本就是“额外的,特大的”的意思,谁看了这一诱人的广告能不跃跃欲试呢?因此只一字之变就收到了新奇的修辞效果,实则妙哉!1.5 侧重法(13) Put it all behind you.译文:一切尽抛脑后。
(14) Pick an Ace from Toshiba.译文:卓越来自东芝。