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1.You mustn’t go there alone; it’s too dangerous.(mustn’t/needn’t)

2.It’s so near; we shouldn’t have taken a taxi.(shouldn’t/can’t)

3.You oughtn’t_to have spent so much time playing computer games.(mustn’t/oughtn’t to)

4.—Shall I leave the room so that you two can talk?

—No, you needn’t.(mustn’t/needn’t)

5.He can’t have missed the train;he arrived at the train station two hours early.(can’t/mustn’t)

6.We’ll be very glad if you can join us in going camping.(can/may)

7.They had_to stay in the office last night because of the snowstorm.(have to/must) 8.We should have helped him; in that case, he would have been able to finish the work.(should/can)


1.— I think we’ll give Bob a ring.

— We ________.We have been out of touch with him for ages.

A.will B.may

C.have to D.ought to

解析:选D。后句句意:我们应该给他打个电话。我们很长时间没跟他联系了。ought to“应该”;will “意愿”;may “可以;可能”;have to“不得不”。根据句意,D正确。

2.— Write to me when you get home.

— ________.

A.I must B.I will

C.I should D.I can

解析:选B。答应某人做某事,要用I will表示“一定”或“我决心做某事”。根据对话的语境,B项正确。

3.— Susan doesn’t mind lending you her digital camera.

— She ________.I’ve already borrowed one.

A.can’t B.mustn’t

C.needn’t D.shouldn’t


4.— James, how did your English exam go?

— I thought I ________,but in fact I came in the top 10 in the class.

A.should have failed B.couldn’t have failed

C.might have failed D.mustn’t have failed


5.— What does the sign over there read?

—“No person ________ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.”

A.will B.may

C.shall D.must


6.You can’t imagine such a well-educated gentleman ________ be so rude to an old man.

A.might B.must

C.should D.would


7.There was a lot of fun at yesterday’s party. You ________ come, but why didn’t you?

A.must have B.should

C.need have D.ought to have

解析:选D。句意:昨天的聚会很有趣。你应该来的,但为什么没来呢?ought to have done“本应该做(而没有做)”,D项符合题意。

8.— What do you think we can do for our aged parents?

— Y ou ________ do anything except to be with them.

A.don’t have to B.oughtn’t to

C.mustn’t D.can’t


必做什么。”don’t have to相当于needn’t,意为“不必”符合句意。oughtn’t“不应该”;mustn’t“不可以”;can’t“不能”。

9.As it turned out to be a small house party, we ________ so formally.

A.needn’t dress up

B.shouldn’t dress up

C.were not necessary to dress up

D.needn’t have dressed up

解析:选D。由句意可知,事实上,我们穿得很正式去参加了一个家庭舞会,但参加了才知道是一个small house party,感觉自己没有必要穿得如此正式。needn’t have done “过去本不需要做某事(但实际上做了)”,D项符合句意。

10.— As you worked late yesterday, you ________ work this morning.

— Thank you!

A.needn’t B.mayn’t

C.can’t D.mustn’t

解析:选A。句意:“昨天你工作到很晚,所以今天上午你不必工作。”“谢谢!”needn’t do sth.“不必做某事”,符合句意。mustn’t“禁止做某事”。

11.—May I take this book out of the reading room?

—No, you________.You read it in here.

A.mightn’t B.won’t

C.needn’t D.mustn’t

解析:选D。句意:“我可以把这本书带出阅览室吗?”“不,千万不要。在这儿读吧。”由句意可知此处表示强烈禁止,mustn’t“千万别/不要”,表禁止,所以选D项。mightn’t 表示“可能不”;won’t表示“不愿意”;needn’t表示“没必要”。

12.She________have left school, for her bike is still here.

A.can’t B.wouldn’t

C.shouldn’t D.needn’t

解析:选A。句意:她不可能离开了学校,因为她的自行车仍然在这儿。can’t have done“不可能做某事”;wouldn’t have done表示虚拟;shouldn’t have done“本不该做(却
