
Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices
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– Diodes – Transistors (Bipolar; Field-Effect Transistor)
Types of Instrumental Methods
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• signal generators • detectors (input transducers) • signal processors (circuits & electrical
devices) • readout devices

化学课程英文名称对照表磁共振实验Magnetic Resonance Experiment磁共振在化学和生命科学中应用Application of Magnetic Resonance inChemistry and Life Science核磁共振波谱学Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy核磁共振新技术及其应用Movdern Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and its Application角动量理论与原子结构Angular Momentum Theory & Atomic Structure聚合物改性原理与流变学The Principle of Modification and Theology of Polymer量子化学Quantum Chemistry量子化学计算方法Quantum Chemistry B谱学原理和应用Principles of Spectroscopes and TheirChemical Applications群论及其在量子化学中的应用Group Theory and Its Application to QuantumChemistry材料化学导论Introduction of Material Chemistry分析化学Analytical Chemistry高等无机化学Advanced Inorganic Chemistry高等有机化学Advanced Organic Chemistry结构化学Structural Chemistry结构化学Structural Chemistry无机化学Inorganic Chemistry无机化学Inorganic Chemistry无机及分析化学Inorganic and Analytic Chemistry无机及分析化学Inorganic and Analytic Chemistry物理化学Physical Chemistry物理化学Physical Chemistry物理化学Physical Chemistry物理化学Physical Chemistry物理化学Physical Chemistry仪器分析Instrumental Analysis仪器分析Instrumental Analysis仪器分析Instrumental Analysis有机化学Organic Chemistry有机化学Organic Chemistry有机化学Organic Chemistry有机化学Organic Chemistry量子无机化学Quantum Inorganic Chemistry量子有机化学Quantum Organic Chemistry植物生长与发育的化学调整Chemical Adjustment of Plant's Growth分析化学Analysis Chemistry分析化学及实验Analytical Chemistry and Experiment分析化学实验Experiment of Analytical Chemistry计算机基础(C语言) Computer Basis C Language普通物理学General Physics无机化学实验Experiment in Inorganic Chemistry无机化学实验Experiment in Inorganic Chemistry无机化学实验Experiment in Inorganic Chemistry无机化学实验Experiment in inorganic Chemistry物理化学实验Experiment of Physical Chemistry物理化学实验Experiment of Physical Chemistry物理化学实验Experiment of Physical Chemistry物理化学实验Experiment of Physical Chemistry仪器分析实验Experiments of Instrument Analysis有机化学实验Organic Chemistry Experiment有机化学实验Organic Chemistry Experiment有机过渡金属化学Organotransition Metal ChemistryX射线晶体结构分析Crystal Structure Analysis by X-ray电分析化学实验Experiment in Electroanalytical Chemistry分子发光分析Molecular Luminescence Analysis分子发光分析进展Advances in Molecular Luminescence Analysis 高分子材料化学Polymer Chemistry高分子材料研究方法Research Methods of Polymeric Materials高分子合成与分子设计Polymeric Synthesis and Molecular Design 高分子化学实验Experiment of Polymeric Chemistry高分子物理实验Experiment of Polymer Physics化学分离法Chemical Method of Separation化学计量学Chemometrics化学统计力学和应用Statistical Mechanics and Applications in Chemistry化学文献Chemical Document化学文献Scientific Literature in Chemistry化学文献Chemical Literature化学文献Chemical Literature Searching金属有机高聚物Metallic Organic Polymer近代电分析Electroanalytical Chemistry近代分离分析Analytical Separation and Chromatography近代光分析Modern Light Analysis配位化学* Coordination Chemistry配位化学选读Selective Topics on Modern Coordination Chemistry无机材料化学The Chemistry of Inorganic Materials无机材料实验Experiment in Inorganic Materials无机材料物理Polymeric Materials Physics无机合成与研究方法Synthesis and Research Methods for Inorganic Substance无机物研究法Research Methods of Inorganic Substance 无机元素化学Inorganic Elements Chemistry物化专门化实验Physical Chemistry Experiment物化专门化实验Physical Chemistry Experiment物化专门化实验Physical Chemistry Experiment物理有机化学Physical Organic Chemistry仪器分析选读Advanced Instrumentation in Chemistry有机分析Analysis and Structure Determination of Organic Compounds有机分析实验Organic Analytic Experiment有机合成Organic Synthesis有机合成化学Synthetic Organic Chemistry有机合成实验Organic Synthesis Experiment有机化学文献Document of Organic Chemistry专业英语(分析) Scientific English on Analytical Chemistry 专业英语(无机) Specialty English专业英语(有机) Subject English专业英语(物化) Chemistry English生物无机化学Bioinorganic Chemistry生物无机化学Bioinorganic Chemistry材料工程导论Introduction of Materials Engineering 环境分析化学Environmental Analytical Chemistry 界面化学Surface Chemistry应用电化学Applied Electronic chemistry荧光分析法Flueremetry普通化学General Chemistry普通化学实验General Chemistry Experiments。

化学课程英文名称对照表磁共振实验Magnetic Resonance Experiment磁共振在化学和生命科学中应用Application of Magnetic Resonance inChemistry and Life Science核磁共振波谱学Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy核磁共振新技术及其应用Movdern Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and its Application角动量理论与原子结构Angular Momentum Theory & Atomic Structure聚合物改性原理与流变学The Principle of Modification and Theology of Polymer量子化学Quantum Chemistry量子化学计算方法Quantum Chemistry B谱学原理和应用Principles of Spectroscopes and TheirChemical Applications群论及其在量子化学中的应用Group Theory and Its Application to QuantumChemistry材料化学导论Introduction of Material Chemistry分析化学Analytical Chemistry高等无机化学Advanced Inorganic Chemistry高等有机化学Advanced Organic Chemistry结构化学Structural Chemistry结构化学Structural Chemistry无机化学Inorganic Chemistry无机化学Inorganic Chemistry无机及分析化学Inorganic and Analytic Chemistry无机及分析化学Inorganic and Analytic Chemistry物理化学Physical Chemistry物理化学Physical Chemistry物理化学Physical Chemistry物理化学Physical Chemistry物理化学Physical Chemistry仪器分析Instrumental Analysis仪器分析Instrumental Analysis仪器分析Instrumental Analysis有机化学Organic Chemistry有机化学Organic Chemistry有机化学Organic Chemistry有机化学Organic Chemistry量子无机化学Quantum Inorganic Chemistry量子有机化学Quantum Organic Chemistry植物生长与发育的化学调整Chemical Adjustment of Plant's Growth分析化学Analysis Chemistry分析化学及实验Analytical Chemistry and Experiment分析化学实验Experiment of Analytical Chemistry计算机基础(C语言) Computer Basis C Language普通物理学General Physics无机化学实验Experiment in Inorganic Chemistry无机化学实验Experiment in Inorganic Chemistry无机化学实验Experiment in Inorganic Chemistry无机化学实验Experiment in inorganic Chemistry物理化学实验Experiment of Physical Chemistry物理化学实验Experiment of Physical Chemistry物理化学实验Experiment of Physical Chemistry物理化学实验Experiment of Physical Chemistry仪器分析实验Experiments of Instrument Analysis有机化学实验Organic Chemistry Experiment有机化学实验Organic Chemistry Experiment有机过渡金属化学Organotransition Metal ChemistryX射线晶体结构分析Crystal Structure Analysis by X-ray电分析化学实验Experiment in Electroanalytical Chemistry分子发光分析Molecular Luminescence Analysis分子发光分析进展Advances in Molecular Luminescence Analysis 高分子材料化学Polymer Chemistry高分子材料研究方法Research Methods of Polymeric Materials高分子合成与分子设计Polymeric Synthesis and Molecular Design 高分子化学实验Experiment of Polymeric Chemistry高分子物理实验Experiment of Polymer Physics化学分离法Chemical Method of Separation化学计量学Chemometrics化学统计力学和应用Statistical Mechanics and Applications in Chemistry化学文献Chemical Document化学文献Scientific Literature in Chemistry化学文献Chemical Literature化学文献Chemical Literature Searching金属有机高聚物Metallic Organic Polymer近代电分析Electroanalytical Chemistry近代分离分析Analytical Separation and Chromatography近代光分析Modern Light Analysis配位化学* Coordination Chemistry配位化学选读Selective Topics on Modern Coordination Chemistry无机材料化学The Chemistry of Inorganic Materials无机材料实验Experiment in Inorganic Materials无机材料物理Polymeric Materials Physics无机合成与研究方法Synthesis and Research Methods for Inorganic Substance无机物研究法Research Methods of Inorganic Substance 无机元素化学Inorganic Elements Chemistry物化专门化实验Physical Chemistry Experiment物化专门化实验Physical Chemistry Experiment物化专门化实验Physical Chemistry Experiment物理有机化学Physical Organic Chemistry仪器分析选读Advanced Instrumentation in Chemistry有机分析Analysis and Structure Determination of Organic Compounds有机分析实验Organic Analytic Experiment有机合成Organic Synthesis有机合成化学Synthetic Organic Chemistry有机合成实验Organic Synthesis Experiment有机化学文献Document of Organic Chemistry专业英语(分析) Scientific English on Analytical Chemistry 专业英语(无机) Specialty English专业英语(有机) Subject English专业英语(物化) Chemistry English生物无机化学Bioinorganic Chemistry生物无机化学Bioinorganic Chemistry材料工程导论Introduction of Materials Engineering 环境分析化学Environmental Analytical Chemistry 界面化学Surface Chemistry应用电化学Applied Electronic chemistry荧光分析法Flueremetry普通化学General Chemistry普通化学实验General Chemistry Experiments。

化学专业课程中英文对照,已搜索,无重复! 普通化学 General Chemistry 分析化学Analytical Chemistry 有机化学 Organic Chemistry 物理化学 Physical Chemistry 谱学导论 Introducton of Spectroscopy 无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry 普通化学和分析化学实验 Experiments of General and Analytical Chemistry 现在基础化学 The Principle of Mordern Chemistry 现在基础化学实验 Experiments of Modern Fundamental Chemistry 有机化学实验 Experiments of Organic Chemistry 仪器分析和物理化学实验 Experiments of Instrumental Analysis and PhysicalChemistry 合成化学实验 Experiments of Synthetic Chemistry 现代化学专题 Topic of Modern Chemistry 化学综合实验 Experiments of Comprehensive Chemistry 化工原理 Principle of Chemical Engineering 化工原理实验Experiments of Chemical Engineering 应用化学实验 Experiments of Applied Chemistry 无机合成化学Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry 近代分析化学Modern Analytical Chemistry 分离分析化学Separation Analytical Chemistry 有机化合物波谱鉴定Spectrum Identification of Organic Compounds 有机合成及反应机理 Organic Synthesis and Mechanics 化学进展Progress in Chemistry 化学反应工程Chemical Reaction Engineering 应用电化学 Applied Electrochemistry工业催化Industrial Catalysis 环境化学Environmental Chemistry 环境监测Environmental Monitoring 化学科技英语 Scientific English for Chemistry 数理方法在化学中的应用 Mathematical Statistics for Chemistry 化工制图 Chemical Engineering Cartography 计算机与化学测量实验 Computer and Chemical Measurement 化学信息学Chemoinformatics or Chemical Informatics 应用化学专题 Special Topics in Applied Chemistry 化工装置常用词汇 1 一概论 introduction 方案(建议书) proposal 可行性研究 feasibility study 方案设计 concept design 工艺设计 process design 基础设计basic design 详细设计 detail design 开工会议 kick-off meeting 审核会议 review meeting 外商投资 foreign investment 中外合资 joint venture 中外合营 joint venture 补偿贸易 compensation trade 合同合同附件 contract 卖方 vendor 买方 buyer 顾客client 承包商 contractor 工程公司 company 供应范围 scope of supply 生产范围production scope 生产能力 production capacity 项目 project 界区 battery limit 装置plant 公用工程utilities 工艺流程图process flow diagram 工艺流程方块图process block diagram 管道及仪表流程图 piping and instrument drawing 物料及热量平衡图 mass & heat balance diagram 蒸汽及冷凝水平衡图 steam & condensate balance diagram 设备布置图 equipment layout 设备表 equipment list 成品(产品) product(final product) 副产品 by-product 原料 raw-material 设计基础数据basic data for design 技术数据 technical data 数据表 data sheet 设计文件 design document 设计规定 design regulation 现场服务 site service 项目变更 project change 用户变更 client change 消耗定额 consumption quota 技术转让 technical transfer 技术知识technical know-how 牋牋牋牋technical knowledge 技术保证technical guarantee 咨询服务 consultative services 技术服务 technical services 工作地点location 施工现场 construction field 报价 quotation 标书 bidding book 公司利润company profit 固定价合同 fixed price contract 固定单价合同 fixed unit price contract 成本加酬金合同 cost plus award fee contract 定金 mobilization 银行保证书bank guarantee letter 保留金 retention 所得税 income taxes 特别承包人税 special contractor's taxes 城市和市政税 city and municipal taxes 工作手册 work manual 工作流程图 work flow diagram 质量保证程序 QA/QC procedures 采购计划 procurement plan 施工计划 construction plan 施工进度 construction schedule 项目实施计划 project execution plan 项目协调程序 project coordination procedure项目总进度计划 project master schedule 设计网络计划 engineering network logic 项目质量保证 project quality assurance 项目质量控制 project quality control 采购procurement 采购周期 procurement period 会签 the squad check 计算书 calculation sheets 询价inquiry 检验inspection 运输transportation 开车start up / commission 验收 inspection & acceptance 校核 check 审核 review 审定 approve 版次version 部门 department 专业 specialty 项目号 project number 图号 drawing number 目录 contents 序言 foreword 章 chapter 节 section 项 item MR material requisition SPEC engineering specification DATA SHEET(技术表) technical data sheet TBA(技术评标) technical bid analysis PDP preliminary design package PM (项目经理) project manager LDE(专业负责人lead discipline engineer MRQ(材料询价单) Material requisition for quotation MRP(材料采购单) material requisition for purchase BEP(基础工程设计包) basic engineering package P&ID(管道及仪表流程图) piping and instrument drawing(diagram) PFD process flow diagram NNF normally no flow FO failure open FC failure close C/S/A civil/structure/architecture DDP(详细设计阶段) detail design phase化工装置词汇二. 工艺流程连续过程 continuous process 间歇过程 batch process 工艺叙述process description 工艺特点process feature 操作operation 反应reaction 副反应 side reaction 絮凝 flocculation 浮洗 flotation 倾析 decantation 催化反应catalytical reaction 萃取extraction 中和neutralization 水解hydrolysis 过滤filtration 干燥drying 还原reduction 氧化oxidation 氢化hydrogenation 分解decomposition 离解dissociation 合成synthetics 吸收absorption 吸附 adsorption 解吸 desorption 结晶 crystallization 溶解 solution 调节 modulate 控制 control 悬浮 suspension 循环 circulation 再生 regeneration 再活化 reactivation 沥取 leaching 破碎 crushing 煅烧 caloination 沉降 sedimentation 沉淀 precipitation 气化 gasification 冷冻 refrigeration固化,结晶 solidification 包装 package 升华 sublimation 燃烧 combustion 引烧ignition 蒸馏 distillation 碳化 carbonization 压缩 compression 三,化学物质及特性固体 solid 液体 liquid 气体 gas 化合物 compound 混合物 mixture 粉 powder 片状粉未 flake 小粒 granule 结晶 crystal 乳化物 emulsion 氧化物 oxidizing agent 还原剂reducing agent 有机物 organic material 真空 vacuum 母液 master liquor 富液 rich liquor 贫液 lean liquor 萃出物 extract 萃余物 raffinate 絮凝剂 flocculants 冷冻盐水 brine 酸度 acidity 浓度 concentration 碱度 alkalinity 溶解度 solubility 凝固点solidificalion point 沸点boiling point 熔点melting point 蒸发率evaporation rate 粘度 viscosity 吸水的 water absorbent(a) 无水的 anhydrous(a) 外观 appearance 无色的 colorless(a)透明的transparent(a) 半透明的translucent 密度density 比重specific gravity 催化剂catalyst 燃烧combustion 引燃ignition 自然点self-ignition temperature 可燃气体combustible gas 可燃液体inflammable liquid 易燃液体volatile liquid 爆炸混合物explosive mixture 爆炸性环境explosive atmosphere(environment) 爆炸极限 explosive concentration limit 废水 waste water 废液waste liquid 废气off-gas 噪声noise pollution 成分composition 挠度deflection 力和力矩force and moment 弯矩bending moment 应力-应变曲线stress-strain diagram 百分比 percentage 环境温度 ambient temperature 工作温度operating 设计温度 design temperature(pressure) 相对湿度 RH=relative humidity 油渣,淤泥 sludge 杂质 impurity 四,化工设备泵 pump 轴流泵 axial flow pump 真空泵vacuum pump 屏蔽泵 canned pump 柱塞泵 plunger pump 涡轮泵 turbine pump 涡流泵vortex pump 离心泵 centrifugal pump 喷射泵 jet pump 转子泵 rotary pump 管道泵inline pump 双作用往复泵 double action reciprocating pump计量泵 metering pump 深井泵 deep well pump 齿轮泵 gear pump 手摇泵 hand(wobble) pump 螺杆泵 screw (spiral) pump 潜水泵 submersible pump 斜转子泵 inclined rotor pump 封闭式电磁泵 hermetically sealed magnetic drive pump 气升泵 air-lift-pump 轴承 bearing 叶轮 impeller 虹吸管 siphon 高压容器 high pressure vessel 焚化炉incinerator 火焰清除器 flame arrester 工业炉 furnace 烧嘴 burner 锅炉 boiler 回转窑 rotary kiln 加热器 heater 电加热器 electric heater 冷却器 cooler 冷凝器condenser 换热器 heat exchanger 反应器 reactor 蒸馏釜 still 搅拌器 agitator 混合器 mixer 静态混合器 static mixers 管道混合器 line mixers 混合槽 mixing tanks 破碎机 crusher 磨碎机 grinder 研磨机 pulverizer 球磨机 ballmill 过滤器 filter 分离器separator 干燥器drier 翅片fins 烟囱stack 火炬flare 筛子screen 煅烧窑calciner 倾析器 decanter蒸发器 evaporator 再沸器 reboiler 萃取器 extractor 离心机 centrifuger 吸附(收)器adsorber 结晶器crystallizer 电解槽electrolyzer 电除尘器electric precipitator 洗涤器 scrubber 消石灰器 slaker 料仓 bin 料斗 hopper 加料器 feeder 增稠器 thickener 澄清器 clarifier 分级器 classifier 浮洗器 flocculator 废液池sump 喷射器 ejector 喷头 sprayer 成套设备 package unit 仪器设备 apparatus 附属设备 accessory 旋转式压缩机 rotary compressor 往复式压缩机 reciprocating compressor 水环式压缩机 nash compressor 螺杆式压缩机 helical screw compressor 离心式压缩机centrifugal compressor 多级压缩机 mutiple stages compressor 固定床反应器 fixed bed reactor 流化床反应器 fluidized bed reactor 管式反应器 tubular reactor 列管式换热器tubular heat exchanger 螺旋板式换热器spiral plate heat exchanger 萃取塔extraction column 板式塔 plate column 填料塔 packed column 洗涤塔 scrubber 吸收塔absorber 冷却塔 cooling tower 精馏塔 fractionating tower 汽提塔 stripper 再生塔regenerator 造粒塔 prill tower塔附件 tower accessories 液体分配(布)器 liquid distributor 填料支持板 support plate 定距管 spacer 降液管 downcomer 升气管 chimney 顶(底)层塔盘 top (bottom) tray 挡板 baffle 抽出口 draw nozzle 溢流堰 weir 泡罩 bubble cap 筛板 sieve plate 浮阀 float valve 除沫器 demister pad 塔裙座 skirt 椭圆封头 elliptical head 高位槽head tank 中间槽 intermediate tank 加料槽 feed tank 补给槽 make-up tank 计量槽measuring tank 电解槽 cell 溜槽 chute 收集槽 collecting tank 液滴分离器 knockout drum 稀释罐 thinning tank 缓冲罐 surge drum 回流罐 reflux drum 闪蒸罐 flash drum 浮顶罐 floating roof tank 内浮顶罐 covered floating roof tank 球罐 spheroid 气柜gas holder 湿式气柜 wet gas-holder 干式气柜 dry gas-holder 螺旋式气柜 helical gas-holder 星型放料器,旋转阀 rotary valve 抽滤器 mutche filter 压滤器 filter press 压滤机 pressure filter 板框压滤器 plate-and-fram filter press 转鼓过滤器rotary drum filter 带式过滤器 belt filter 翻盘式过滤器袋滤器 bag filter 旋风分离器 cyclone separator 盘式干燥箱 compartment traydrier 真空干燥器 vacuum drier 隧道式干燥器 tunnel drier 回转干燥器 rotary drier 穿流循环干燥器through circulation drier 喷雾干燥器spray drier 气流干燥器pneumatic conveyor drier 圆盘式加料器 dish feeder 螺旋式加料器 screw feeder 颚式破碎机 jaw crusher 回转破碎机 gyratory crusher 滚洞破碎机 roll crusher 锤式破碎机hammer crusher 冲击破碎机 rotor impact breaker 气流喷射粉碎机 jet pulverizer 棍磨机 rod mill 雷蒙机 raymond mill 锤磨机 hammer mill 辊磨机 roller mill 振动筛vibrating screen 回转筛 rotary screen 风机 fan 罗茨鼓风机 root's blower 起重机crane 桥式起重机 bridge crane 电动葫芦 motor hoist 发电机 generator 电动机 motor 汽轮机 steam turbine 五,管道工程 piping engineering 1 阀门 valve 阀杆 stem 内螺纹阀杆 inside screw 阀座 valve seat (body seat) 阀座环,密封圈 sealing ring 阀芯(包括密封圈,杆等)trim 阀盘 disc 阀体 body 阀盖 bonnet 手轮 hand wheel 手柄 hand level (handle)压盖 gland 闸阀 gate valve 平行双闸板 double disc parallel seat 楔形单闸板split wedge 截止阀 globe valve 节流阀 throttle valve 针阀 needle valve 角阀(角式截止阀)angle valve Y 型阀(截止阀)Y-valve(Y-body globe valve) 球阀 ball valve 三通球阀 3-way ball valve 蝶阀 butterfly valve 对夹式(薄片型)wafer type 偏心阀板蝶阀offset disc (eccentric) butterfly valve 斜阀盘蝶阀 canted disc butterfly valve 连杆式蝶阀 link butterfly valve 止回式蝶阀 combined non-return butterfly valve 柱塞阀 piston type valve 旋塞阀 plug valve 三通旋塞阀 three-way plug valve 四通旋塞阀four-way plug valve 旋塞 cock 衬套旋塞 sleeve cock 隔膜阀 diaphragm valve 橡胶衬里隔膜阀 rubber lined diaphragm valve 直通式隔膜阀 straight way diaphragm valve 夹紧式胶管阀 pinch valve 止回阀 check valve 升降式止回阀 lift check valve 旋启式止回阀 swing check valve 落球式止回阀 ball check valve 弹簧球式止回阀 spring ball check valve 底阀 foot valve 切断式止回阀 stop check valve 活塞式止回阀 piston check valve 翻板止回阀 flap check valve 蝶式止回阀 butterfly check valve 安全泄气阀 safety[SV] 安全泄放阀 relief valve[RV] 安全泄压阀 safety relief valve 杠杆重锤式 lever and weight type 罐底排污阀 flush-bottom tank valve 波纹管密封阀 bellow sealed valve 电磁阀 solenoid (operated) valve电动阀 electrically(electric-motor)operated valve 气动阀 pneumatic operated valve 低温用阀cryogenic service valve 蒸汽疏水阀steam trap 机械式疏水阀mechanical trap 浮桶式疏水阀 open (top) bucket trap 浮球式疏水阀 float trap 倒吊桶式疏水阀 inverted bucket trap 自由浮球式疏水阀 loose float trap 恒温式疏水阀thermostatic trap 压力平衡式恒温疏水阀 balanced pressure thermostatic trap 热动力式疏水阀 thermodynamic trap 脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀 impulse steam trap 放汽阀(自动放汽阀)(automatic) air vent valve 换向阀 diverting (reversing) valve 呼吸阀 breather valve 减压阀 pressure reducing valve 控制阀 control valve 执行机构 actuator 差压调节阀 differential pressure regulating valve 切断阀 block (shut-off, stop) valve 调节阀 regulating valve 快开阀 quick opening valve 快闭阀 quick closing valve 隔断阀 isolating valve 三通阀 three way valve 夹套阀 jacketed valve 非旋转式阀non-rotary valve 2 管子,管件,法兰管子 pipe(按标准制造的配管用管) tube(不按标准规格制造的其它用管) 钢管 steel pipe 铸铁管 cast iron pipe 衬里管 lined pipe 复合管clad pipe 碳钢管carbon steel[C.S.]pipe 合金钢管alloy steel pipe 不锈钢管stainless steel[S.S.]pipe 奥氏体不锈钢管 austenitic stainless steel pipe 铁合金钢管 ferritic alloy steel pipe 轧制钢管 wrought-steel pipe 锻铁管 wrought-iron pipe无缝钢管 seamless[SMLS] steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管electric-resistance-welded steel pipe 电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管electric-fusion(arc)-welded steel-plate pipe 螺旋焊接钢管 spiral welded steel pipe 镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 排污阀 blowdown valve 集液排放阀 drip valve 排液阀drain valve 放空阀 vent valve 卸载阀 unloading valve 排出阀 discharge valve 吸入阀 suction valve 取样阀 sampling valve 手动阀 hand operated(manually-operated) valve (水)龙头 bibb;bib;faucet 抽出液阀(小阀)bleed valve 旁路阀 by-pass valve 软管阀 hose valve 混合阀 mixing valve 破真空阀 vacuum breaker 冲洗阀 flush valve 根部阀 root (primary, header) valve 水煤气钢管 water-gas steel pipe 塑料管 plastic pipe 玻璃管 glass tube 橡胶管 rubber tube 壁厚 wall thickness[WT] 壁厚系列号schedule number[SCH.NO.] 加厚的,加强的 extra heavy (strong) 双倍加厚的,双倍加强的double extra heavy (strong) 弯头 elbow 异径弯头 reducing elbow 长半径弯头 long radius elbow 短半径弯头 short radius elbow 长半径 180°弯头 long radius return 短半径180°弯头short radius return 三通tee 异径三通 reducing tee 等径三通straight tee 带支座三通 base tee 45°斜三通 45°lateral Y 型三通 true"Y" 四通cross异径管 reducer 同心异径管 concentric reducer 偏心异径管 eccentric reducer 管接头 coupling;full coupling 活接头 union 短管 nipple 预制弯管 fabricated pipe bend U 型弯管"U"bend 法兰端 flanged end 万向接头 universal joint 对焊的 butt welded[BW] 螺纹的 threaded[THD] 承插焊的 socket welded[SW] 法兰 flange[FLG] 整体管法兰 integral pipe flange 钢管法兰 steel pipe flange 螺纹法兰 threaded flange 滑套法兰 slip-on flange 平焊法兰 slip-on-welding flange 承插焊法兰 socket welding flange 松套法兰 lap joint flange[LJF] 对焊法兰 weld neck flange[WNF] 法兰盖 blind flange;blind 异径法兰 reducing flange 压力级 pressure rating(class) 突面 raised face[RF] 凸面 male face 凹面 female face 全平面;满平面 flat face;full face[FF] 3.管道特殊件 piping speciality 粗滤器 strainer 过滤器 filter 临时过滤器 temporary strainer(cone type) Y 型过滤器 Y-type strainer T 型过滤器 T-type strainer 永久过滤器 permanent filter 洗眼器及淋浴器 eye washer and shower 视镜 sight glass 阻火器 flame arrester 喷咀;喷头 spray nozzle 喷射器 ejector 取样冷却器 sample cooler 消音器 silencer膨胀节 expansion joint 波纹膨胀节 bellow 补偿器 compensator 软管接头 hose connection[HC] 快速接头 quick coupling 金属软管 metal hose 橡胶管 rubber hose 挠性管 flexible tube 特殊法兰 special flange 漏斗 funnel 8 字盲板 spectacle (figure 8) blind 爆破板rupture disk 4,其它材料碳素钢carbon steel [C.S.] 不锈钢stainless steel[S.S.] 铸铁 cast iron[C.I.] 铝 aluminum 铜,紫铜 copper 钛 titanium 抗拉强度 tensile strength 非金属材料 non-metallic material 塑料 plastic 陶瓷ceramic 搪瓷 porcelain enamel 玻璃 glass 橡胶 rubber 垫片 gasket[GSKT] 平垫片flat gasket 填料 packing 型钢 shaped steel 角钢 angle steel 槽钢 channel 工字钢I-beam 宽缘工字钢或 H 钢 wide flanged beam 扁钢 flat bar 圆钢 round steel; rod 钢带 strap steel 网络钢板 checkered plate 材料表 bill of material[BOM] 材料统计material take-off[MTO] 散装材料 bulk material 综合管道材料表 consolidated piping material summary sheet[CPMSS]汇总表summary sheet 5.设备布置及管道设计中心线center line 装置边界boundary limit[BL] 区界 area limit 设备布置 equipment arrangement (layout);plotplan 标高,立面 elevation[EL] 支撑点 point of support[POS] 工厂北向 plant north 方位 orientation 危险区 hazardous area classification 净正吸入压头 net positive suction head 绝对标高 absolute elevation 坐标 coordinate 管道研究 piping study 管道布置平面 piping arrangement plan[PAP] 管道布置 piping assembly; layout 详图detail "X"视图 view "X" "A-A" 剖视 section "A-A" 轴测图 isometric drawing 索引图key plan 管道及仪表流程图 piping and instrument diagram[P&ID] 管口表 list of nozzles 地上管道 above ground piping 地下管道 under ground piping 管线号 line number 总管 header; manifold 旁路 by pass 常开 normally open 常闭 normally closed 取样接口 sampling connection 伴热管 tracing pipe 蒸汽伴热 steam tracing 热水伴热hot-water tracing 电伴热 electrical tracing 夹套管 jacketed line 全夹套管 full jacketed 比例 scale 图 figure 草图 sketch 图例 legend符号 symbol 件号 part no1。

Analytical Chemical T erms分析化学术语analytical chemistry 分析化学qualitative analysis 定性分析quantitative analysis 定量分析chemical analysis 化学分析instrumental analysis 仪器分析gravimetric analysis 重量分析volumetric analysis 容量(体积)分析colorimetric analysis 比色分析electroanalysis 电分析mean(arithmetic mean, average)平均值median 中值precision 精度absolute deviation 绝对偏差relative deviation 相对偏差standard deviation 标准偏差accuracy 精确性absolute error 绝对误差relative error 相对误差precipitation method 沉淀法volatilization method 挥发法interference干扰剂calibration 标定gravimetric method 重量分析法volumetric method 体积(容量)分析法titration 滴定back-titration 返滴定standard solution 标准溶液primary standard 基准试剂standardization 标定end point 终点titration error 滴定误差indicators 指示剂pipets 移液管burets 滴定管volumetric flasks 容量瓶desiccator 干燥器crucible 坩埚precipitation titration 沉淀滴定complexometric titration 络合滴定/配位滴定neutralization titration 中和滴定oxidation-reduction titration 氧化还原滴定electroanalytical chemistry 电分析化学electrogravimetric method 电重量法petentiometric titration 电位滴定conductometric titration 电导滴定coulometric titration 库仑滴定methods based on absorption of radiation 基于吸收辐射的方法mass spectrometer 质谱计calorimeter 热量计barometer 气压计manometer 压力计diffraction (X-rays, electrons, neutrons)衍射(X-射线,电子,中子)infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy红外和紫外光谱学Biochemical Terms生物化学术语hydrophobic 疏水的hydrophobic property 疏水性hydrophilic 亲水的carbohydrate 碳水化合物saccharide 糖类monosaccharide 单糖aldose 醛糖ketose 酮糖glucose 葡萄糖starch 淀粉glycogen 糖原cellulose 纤维素amino acid 氨基酸peptide bo肽键enzyme 酶substrate (反应)底物ribose 核糖deoxyribose 脱氧核糖alanine 丙氨酸arginine 精氨酸aspartic acid 天冬氨酸cysteine 半胱氨酸glutamic acid 谷氨酸glycine 甘氨酸isoleucine 异亮氨酸leucine 亮氨酸物理化学术语Physical Chemical T ermsevaporation蒸发vaporization汽化sublimation升华condensation冷凝liquefaction液化melting point熔点fusion熔化viscosity 粘度surface tension 表面张力crystalline soild 结晶体amorphous soild 无定形,非晶体crystal 晶体hexagonal / cubic closest packing立方最密堆积coordination number 配位数space lattice 空间点阵crystal structure 晶体结构unit cell 晶胞primitive unit cell 素单位multiple unit cells 复单位theoretical density 理论密度polymorphous 多形态的radius ratio 半径比isomorphous 同晶型的non-stoichiometric compounds非化学计量化合物saturated solution 饱和溶液solubility 溶解度unsaturated solution 不饱和溶液super-saturated solution 过饱和溶液miscibility 相容性infinitely miscible 完全互溶immiscible 不混溶的ideal solution of a molecular or an ionic 分子或离子的理想溶液standard solution 标准溶液mass(weight) percent 质量分数molarity 体积摩尔浓度molality 重量摩尔浓度Raoult’s law 拉乌尔定vapor pressure lowering 蒸气压下降colligative property依数性semipermeable membranes 半透膜osmosis 渗透osmotic pressure 渗透压colloidal dispersion 胶态分散colloid 胶体adsorption 吸附sol 溶胶gel 凝胶emulsion 乳状液foam 泡沫aerosol 气溶胶elementary reaction 基元反应reaction mechanism 反应机理intermediate 中间体chemical kinetics 化学动力学transition state (activated complex)过渡态(活性复合物)free radical 自由基activation energy 活化能molecularity 反应分子数bimolecular or termolecular reaction双/三分子反应reaction rate 反应速率initial reaction rate 初始反应速率rate equation 反应方程式rate constant 速率常数overall reaction order 总反应级数reactant reaction order 反应物反应级数rate-determining step 速率控制步骤homogeneous or heterogeneous reaction catalyst 均相/非均相反应催化剂physical or chemical adsorption 物理或化学吸附inhibitors 抑制剂promoters 助剂equilibrium constant 平衡常数reaction quotient 反应系数hydrolysis of an ion 离子common ion effect 同离子效应buffer solution 缓冲溶液stoichiometric (equivalent) point 化学计量indicator 指示剂end point 终点titration curve 滴定曲线solubility product 溶度积ion product 离子积dissociation constants (complex ions) 解离常数entropy 熵absolute entropy 绝对熵free energy change 自由能变化half-reactions 半反应ion-electron equations 离子电子redox couple 氧化还原电对electrochemistry 电化学electrochemical cell 电化学电池cell reaction 电解反应half-cell 半电池electrode reaction 电极反应voltaic cell 伏打electrolytic cell 电解池electrolysis 电解anode 阳极cathode 阴极faraday 法拉第cell potential (electromotive force or emf) 电池电动势standard potentials 标准电势overvoltage 过电压storage batteries(accumulators, secondary cells)蓄电池fuel cells 燃料电池couple action 电池腐蚀。

化工专业英语词汇化学专业课程中英文对照普通化学General Chemistry分析化学Analytical Chemistry有机化学Organic Chemistry物理化学Physical Chemistry谱学导论Introducton of Spectroscopy无机化学Inorganic Chemistry普通化学和分析化学实验Experiments of General and Analytical Chemistry现在基础化学The Principle of Mordern Chemistry现在基础化学实验Experiments of Modern Fundamental Chemistry有机化学实验Experiments of Organic Chemistry仪器分析和物理化学实验Experiments of Instrumental Analysis and Physical Chemistry 合成化学实验Experiments of Synthetic Chemistry现代化学专题Topic of Modern Chemistry化学综合实验Experiments of Comprehensive Chemistry化工原理Principle of Chemical Engineering化工原理实验Experiments of Chemical Engineering应用化学实验Experiments of Applied Chemistry无机合成化学Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry近代分析化学Modern Analytical Chemistry分离分析化学Separation Analytical Chemistry有机化合物波谱鉴定Spectrum Identification of Organic Compounds有机合成及反应机理Organic Synthesis and Mechanics化学进展Progress in Chemistry化学反应工程Chemical Reaction Engineering应用电化学Applied Electrochemistry工业催化Industrial Catalysis环境化学Environmental Chemistry环境监测Environmental Monitoring化学科技英语Scientific English for Chemistry数理方法在化学中的应用Mathematical Statistics for Chemistry 化工制图Chemical Engineering Cartography计算机与化学测量实验Computer and Chemical Measurement 化学信息学Chemoinformatics or Chemical Informatics应用化学专题Special Topicsin Applied Chemistry一、化工装置常用词汇一概论introduction方案(建议书) proposal可行性研究feasibility study方案设计concept design工艺设计process design基础设计basic design详细设计detail design开工会议kick-off meeting审核会议review meeting 外商投资foreign investment中外合资joint venture中外合营joint venture补偿贸易compensation trade合同合同附件contract卖方vendor买方buyer顾客client承包商contractor工程公司company供应范围scope of supply生产范围production scope生产能力production capacity项目project界区battery limit装置plant公用工程utilities工艺流程图process flow diagram工艺流程方块图process block diagram管道及仪表流程图piping and instrument drawing物料及热量平衡图mass & heat balance d iagram蒸汽及冷凝水平衡图steam & condensate balance d iagram 设备布置图equipment layout设备表equipment list成品(产品) product(final product)副产品by-product原料raw-material设计基础数据basic data for design技术数据technical data数据表data sheet设计文件design document设计规定design regulation现场服务site service项目变更project change用户变更client change消耗定额consumption quota技术转让technical transfer技术知识technical know-howtechnical knowledge技术保证technical guarantee咨询服务consultative services技术服务technical services工作地点location施工现场construction field报价quotation标书bidding book公司利润company profit固定价合同fixed price contract固定单价合同fixed unit price contract成本加酬金合同cost plus award fee contract 定金mobilization银行保证书bank guarantee letter保留金retention所得税income taxes特别承包人税special contractor's taxes城市和市政税city and municipal taxes工作手册work manual工作流程图work flow diagram质量保证程序QA/QC procedures采购计划procurement plan施工计划construction plan施工进度construction schedule项目实施计划project execution plan项目协调程序project coordination procedure 项目总进度计划project master schedule设计网络计划engineering network logic项目质量保证project quality assurance项目质量控制project quality control采购procurement采购周期procurement period会签the squad check计算书calculation sheets询价inquiry检验inspection运输transportation开车start up / commission验收inspection & acceptance校核check审核review审定approve版次version部门department专业specialty项目号project number图号drawing number目录contents序言foreword章chapter节section项itemMR material requisitionSPEC engineering specificationDATA SHEET(技术表)technical data sheetTBA(技术评标)technical bid analysisPDP preliminary design packagePM (项目经理) project managerLDE( 专业负责人) lead discipline engineerMRQ( 材料询价单) Material requisition for quotationMRP(材料采购单) material requisition for purchaseBEP( 基础工程设计包) basic engineering packageP&ID( 管道及仪表流程图) piping and instrument d rawing(diagram) PFD process flow diagramNNF normally no flowFO failure openFC failure closeC/S/A civil/structure/architectureDDP (详细设计阶段)detail design phase二、工艺流程连续过程continuous process间歇过程batch process工艺叙述process description工艺特点process feature操作operation反应reaction副反应side reaction絮凝flocculation浮洗flotation倾析decantation催化反应catalytical reaction萃取extraction中和neutralization水解hydrolysis过滤filtration干燥drying还原reduction氧化oxidation氢化hydrogenation分解decomposition离解dissociation合成synthetics吸收absorption吸附adsorption解吸desorption结晶crystallization溶解solution调节modulate控制control悬浮suspension循环circulation再生regeneration再活化reactivation沥取leaching破碎crushing煅烧caloination沉降sedimentation沉淀precipitation气化gasification冷冻refrigeration固化、结晶solidification 包装package升华sublimation燃烧combustion引烧ignition蒸馏distillation碳化carbonization压缩compression三、化学物质及特性固体solid液体liquid气体gas化合物compound混合物mixture粉powder片状粉未flake小粒granule结晶crystal乳化物emulsion氧化物oxidizing agent还原剂reducing agent有机物organic material真空vacuum母液master liquor富液rich liquor贫液lean liquor萃出物extract萃余物raffinate絮凝剂flocculants冷冻盐水brine酸度acidity浓度concentration碱度alkalinity溶解度solubility凝固点solidificalion point 沸点boiling point熔点melting point蒸发率evaporation rate 粘度viscosity吸水的water absorbent(a) 无水的anhydrous(a)外观appearance无色的colorless(a)透明的transparent(a)半透明的translucent密度density比重specific gravity催化剂catalyst燃烧combustion引燃ignition自然点self-ignition temperature可燃气体combustible gas可燃液体inflammable liquid易燃液体volatile liquid爆炸混合物explosive mixture爆炸性环境explosive atmosphere(environment) 爆炸极限explosive concentration limit废水waste water废液waste liquid废气off-gas噪声noise pollution成分composition挠度deflection力和力矩force and moment弯矩bending moment应力-应变曲线stress-strain diagram百分比percentage环境温度ambient temperature工作温度operating设计温度design temperature(pressure)相对湿度RH=relative humidity油渣、淤泥sludge杂质impurity四、化工设备泵pump轴流泵axial flow pump真空泵vacuum pump屏蔽泵canned pump柱塞泵plunger pump涡轮泵turbine pump涡流泵vortex pump离心泵centrifugal pump喷射泵jet pump转子泵rotary pump管道泵inline pump双作用往复泵double action reciprocating pump计量泵metering pump深井泵deep well pump齿轮泵gear pump手摇泵hand(wobble) pump螺杆泵screw (spiral) pump潜水泵submersible pump斜转子泵inclined rotor pump封闭式电磁泵hermetically sealed magnetic drive pump 气升泵air-lift-pump轴承bearing叶轮impeller虹吸管siphon高压容器high pressure vessel焚化炉incinerator火焰清除器flame arrester工业炉furnace烧嘴burner锅炉boiler回转窑rotary kiln加热器heater电加热器electric heater 冷却器cooler冷凝器condenser换热器heat exchanger反应器reactor蒸馏釜still搅拌器agitator混合器mixer静态混合器static mixers 管道混合器line mixers 混合槽mixing tanks破碎机crusher磨碎机grinder研磨机pulverizer球磨机ballmill过滤器filter分离器separator干燥器drier翅片fins烟囱stack火炬flare筛子screen煅烧窑calciner倾析器decanter蒸发器evaporator再沸器reboiler萃取器extractor离心机centrifuger吸附(收)器adsorber结晶器crystallizer电解槽electrolyzer电除尘器electric precipitator洗涤器scrubber消石灰器slaker料仓bin料斗hopper加料器feeder增稠器thickener澄清器clarifier分级器classifier浮洗器flocculator废液池sump喷射器ejector喷头sprayer成套设备package unit仪器设备apparatus附属设备accessory旋转式压缩机rotary compressor往复式压缩机reciprocating compressor 水环式压缩机nash compressor螺杆式压缩机helical screw compressor 离心式压缩机centrifugal compressor 多级压缩机mutiple stages compressor 固定床反应器fixed bed reactor流化床反应器fluidized bed reactor管式反应器tubular reactor列管式换热器tubular heat exchanger螺旋板式换热器spiral plate heat exchanger 萃取塔extraction column板式塔plate column填料塔packed column洗涤塔scrubber吸收塔absorber冷却塔cooling tower精馏塔fractionating tower汽提塔stripper再生塔regenerator造粒塔prill tower塔附件tower accessories液体分配(布)器liquid distributor填料支持板support plate定距管spacer降液管downcomer升气管chimney顶(底)层塔盘top (bottom) tray挡板baffle抽出口draw nozzle溢流堰weir泡罩bubble cap筛板sieve plate浮阀float valve除沫器demister pad塔裙座skirt椭圆封头elliptical head高位槽head tank中间槽intermediate tank加料槽feed tank补给槽make-up tank计量槽measuring tank电解槽cell溜槽chute收集槽collecting tank液滴分离器knockout drum稀释罐thinning tank缓冲罐surge drum回流罐reflux drum闪蒸罐flash drum浮顶罐floating roof tank内浮顶罐covered floating roof tank 球罐spheroid气柜gas holder湿式气柜wet gas-holder干式气柜dry gas-holder螺旋式气柜helical gas-holder星型放料器,旋转阀rotary valve抽滤器mutche filter压滤器filter press压滤机pressure filter板框压滤器plate-and-fram filter press 转鼓过滤器rotary drum filter带式过滤器belt filter翻盘式过滤器袋滤器bag filter旋风分离器cyclone separator盘式干燥箱compartment tray drier真空干燥器vacuum drier隧道式干燥器tunnel drier回转干燥器rotary drier穿流循环干燥器through circulation drier 喷雾干燥器spray drier气流干燥器pneumatic conveyor drier圆盘式加料器dish feeder螺旋式加料器screw feeder颚式破碎机jaw crusher回转破碎机gyratory crusher滚洞破碎机roll crusher锤式破碎机hammer crusher冲击破碎机rotor impact breaker气流喷射粉碎机jet pulverizer棍磨机rod mill雷蒙机raymond mill锤磨机hammer mill辊磨机roller mill振动筛vibrating screen回转筛rotary screen风机fan罗茨鼓风机root's blower起重机crane桥式起重机bridge crane电动葫芦motor hoist发电机generator电动机motor汽轮机steam turbine五、管道工程piping engineering1阀门valve阀杆stem内螺纹阀杆inside screw阀座valve seat (body seat)阀座环、密封圈sealing ring阀芯(包括密封圈,杆等) trim阀盘disc阀体body阀盖bonnet手轮hand wheel手柄hand level (handle)压盖gland闸阀gate valve平行双闸板double disc parallel seat楔形单闸板split wedge截止阀globe valve节流阀throttle valve针阀needle valve角阀(角式截止阀) angle valveY 型阀(截止阀) Y-valve(Y-body globe valve) 球阀ball valve三通球阀3-way ball valve蝶阀butterfly valve对夹式(薄片型) wafer type偏心阀板蝶阀offset disc (eccentric) butterfly valve 斜阀盘蝶阀canted disc butterfly valve连杆式蝶阀link butterfly valve止回式蝶阀combined non-return butterfly valve 柱塞阀piston type valve旋塞阀plug valve三通旋塞阀three-way plug valve四通旋塞阀four-way plug valve旋塞cock衬套旋塞sleeve cock隔膜阀diaphragm valve橡胶衬里隔膜阀rubber lined diaphragm valve 直通式隔膜阀straight way diaphragm valve夹紧式胶管阀pinch valve止回阀check valve升降式止回阀lift check valve旋启式止回阀swing check valve落球式止回阀ball check valve弹簧球式止回阀spring ball check valve底阀foot valve切断式止回阀stop check valve活塞式止回阀piston check valve翻板止回阀flap check valve蝶式止回阀butterfly check valve安全泄气阀safety[SV]安全泄放阀relief v alve[RV]安全泄压阀safety relief valve杠杆重锤式lever and weight type罐底排污阀flush-bottom tank valve波纹管密封阀bellow sealed valve电磁阀solenoid (operated) valve电动阀electrically(electric-motor)operated valve 气动阀pneumatic operated valve低温用阀cryogenic service valve蒸汽疏水阀steam trap机械式疏水阀mechanical trap浮桶式疏水阀open (top) bucket trap浮球式疏水阀float trap倒吊桶式疏水阀inverted bucket trap自由浮球式疏水阀loose float trap恒温式疏水阀thermostatic trap压力平衡式恒温疏水阀balanced pressure thermostatic trap 热动力式疏水阀thermodynamic trap脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀impulse steam trap放汽阀(自动放汽阀) (automatic) air vent valve换向阀diverting (reversing) valve呼吸阀breather valve减压阀pressure reducing valve控制阀control valve执行机构actuator差压调节阀differential pressure regulating valve切断阀block (shut-off, stop) valve调节阀regulating valve快开阀quick opening valve快闭阀quick closing valve隔断阀isolating valve三通阀three way valve夹套阀jacketed valve非旋转式阀non-rotary valve2管子,管件,法兰管子pipe( 按标准制造的配管用管)tube( 不按标准规格制造的其它用管)钢管steel pipe铸铁管cast iron pipe衬里管lined pipe复合管clad pipe碳钢管carbon steel[C.S.]pipe合金钢管alloy steel pipe不锈钢管stainless steel[S.S.]pipe奥氏体不锈钢管austenitic stainless steel pipe铁合金钢管ferritic alloy steel pipe轧制钢管wrought-steel pipe锻铁管wrought-iron pipe无缝钢管seamless[SMLS] steel pipe焊接钢管welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管electric-resistance-welded steel pipe电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管electric-fusion(arc)-welded steel-plate pipe 螺旋焊接钢管spiral welded steel pipe镀锌钢管galvanized steel pipe排污阀blowdown valve集液排放阀drip valve排液阀drain valve放空阀vent valve卸载阀unloading valve排出阀discharge valve吸入阀suction valve取样阀sampling valve手动阀hand operated(manually-operated) valve(水)龙头bibb;bib;faucet抽出液阀(小阀) bleed valve旁路阀by-pass valve软管阀hose valve混合阀mixing valve破真空阀vacuum breaker冲洗阀flush valve根部阀root (primary, header) valve水煤气钢管water-gas steel p ipe塑料管plastic pipe玻璃管glass tube橡胶管rubber tube壁厚wall thickness[WT]壁厚系列号schedule number[SCH.NO.]加厚的,加强的extra heavy (strong)双倍加厚的,双倍加强的double extra heavy (strong) 弯头elbow异径弯头reducing elbow长半径弯头long radius elbow短半径弯头short radius elbow长半径180°弯头long radius return短半径180°弯头short radius return三通tee异径三通reducing tee等径三通straight tee带支座三通base tee45°斜三通45° lateralY 型三通true"Y"四通cross异径管reducer同心异径管concentric reducer偏心异径管eccentric reducer管接头coupling;full coupling活接头union短管nipple预制弯管fabricated pipe bendU 型弯管"U"bend法兰端flanged end万向接头universal joint对焊的butt welded[BW]螺纹的threaded[THD]承插焊的socket welded[SW]法兰flange[FLG]整体管法兰integral pipe flange钢管法兰steel pipe flange螺纹法兰threaded flange滑套法兰slip-on flange平焊法兰slip-on-welding flange承插焊法兰socket welding flange松套法兰lap joint flange[LJF]对焊法兰weld neck flange[WNF]法兰盖blind flange;blind异径法兰reducing flange压力级pressure rating(class)突面raised face[RF]凸面male face凹面female face全平面;满平面flat face;full face[FF]3.管道特殊件piping speciality粗滤器strainer过滤器filter临时过滤器temporary strainer(cone type) Y 型过滤器Y-type strainerT 型过滤器T-type strainer永久过滤器permanent filter洗眼器及淋浴器eye washer and shower 视镜sight glass阻火器flame arrester喷咀;喷头spray nozzle喷射器ejector取样冷却器sample cooler消音器silencer膨胀节expansion joint波纹膨胀节bellow补偿器compensator软管接头hose connection[HC] 快速接头quick coupling金属软管metal hose橡胶管rubber hose挠性管flexible tube特殊法兰special flange漏斗funnel 8 字盲板spectacle (figure 8) blind 爆破板rupture disk4,其它材料碳素钢carbon steel [C.S.]不锈钢stainless steel[S.S.]铸铁cast iron[C.I.]铝aluminum铜,紫铜copper钛titanium抗拉强度tensile strength非金属材料non-metallic material 塑料plastic陶瓷ceramic搪瓷porcelain enamel玻璃glass橡胶rubber垫片gasket[GSKT]平垫片flat gasket填料packing型钢shaped steel角钢angle steel槽钢channel工字钢I-beam宽缘工字钢或H 钢wide flanged beam扁钢flat bar圆钢round steel; rod钢带strap steel网络钢板checkered plate材料表bill of material[BOM]材料统计material take-off[MTO]散装材料bulk material综合管道材料表consolidated piping material summary sheet[CPMSS]汇总表summary sheet5.设备布置及管道设计中心线center line装置边界boundary limit[BL]区界area limit设备布置equipment arrangement (layout);plot plan标高,立面elevation[EL]支撑点point of support[POS]工厂北向plant north方位orientation危险区hazardous area classification净正吸入压头net positive suction head绝对标高absolute elevation坐标coordinate管道研究piping study管道布置平面piping arrangement p lan[PAP]管道布置piping assembly; layout详图detail"X"视图view "X""A-A" 剖视section "A-A"轴测图isometric drawing索引图key plan管道及仪表流程图piping and instrument diagram[P&ID] 管口表list of nozzles地上管道above ground piping地下管道under ground piping管线号line number总管header; manifold旁路by pass常开normally open常闭normally closed取样接口sampling connection伴热管tracing pipe蒸汽伴热steam tracing热水伴热hot-water tracing电伴热electrical tracing夹套管jacketed line全夹套管full jacketed比例scale图figure草图sketch 图例legend 符号symbol 件号part n。

Follow your nose. 一直走。 inexact numbers: 不准确数字 oexample: any measurement. o例:任何量测
Follow your nose. 一直走。 If I quickly measure the width of a piece of notebook paper, I might get 22 mm (2 significant figures). o假如我快速量测一张笔记本纸的宽度,我可能得到22 mm (2位有效数字)。
Follow your nose. 一直走。 Conclusion: The number of significant figures is directly linked to a measurement. 结论:有效数字的位数与一次量测直接相关。
Follow your nose. 一直走。
Follow your nose. 一直走。 It includes one estimated digit. So, does the concept of significant figures deal with precision or accuracy? 它包括了一位估计的数字。因此,有效数字的内容是讨论精确 度和准确度?
Follow your nose. 一直走。 I'll answer this question after you peruse the next example. 你了解下一个例子后,我将回答这个问题。
Follow your nose. 一直走。 Let's look at an example where significant figures is important: measuring volume in the laboratory. 让我们来看一个有效数字很重要的例子:实验室里测量 体积

第一章绪论分析化学:analytical chemistry定性分析:qualitative analysis定量分析:quantitative analysis物理分析:physical analysis物理化学分析:physico-chemical analysis仪器分析法:instrumental analysis流动注射分析法:flow injection analysis;FIA顺序注射分析法:sequentical injection analysis;SIA化学计量学:chemometrics第二章误差的分析数据处理绝对误差:absolute error相对误差:relative error系统误差:systematic error可定误差:determinate error随机误差:accidental error不可定误差:indeterminate error准确度:accuracy精确度:precision偏差:debiation,d平均偏差:average debiation相对平均偏差:relative average debiation标准偏差(标准差):standerd deviation;S相对平均偏差:relatibe standard deviation;RSD变异系数:coefficient of variation误差传递:propagation of error有效数字:significant figure置信水平:confidence level显著性水平:level of significance合并标准偏差(组合标准差):pooled standard debiation 舍弃商:rejection quotient ;Q化学定量分析第三章滴定分析概论滴定分析法:titrametric analysis滴定:titration容量分析法:volumetric analysis化学计量点:stoichiometric point等当点:equivalent point电荷平衡:charge balance电荷平衡式:charge balance equation质量平衡:mass balance物料平衡:material balance质量平衡式:mass balance equation第四章酸碱滴定法酸碱滴定法:acid-base titrations质子自递反应:autoprotolysis reaction质子自递常数:autoprotolysis constant质子条件式:proton balance equation酸碱指示剂:acid-base indicator指示剂常数:indicator constant变色范围:colour change interval混合指示剂:mixed indicator双指示剂滴定法:double indicator titration第五章非水滴定法非水滴定法:nonaqueous titrations质子溶剂:protonic solvent酸性溶剂:acid solvent碱性溶剂:basic solvent两性溶剂:amphototeric solvent无质子溶剂:aprotic solvent均化效应:differentiating effect区分性溶剂:differentiating solvent离子化:ionization离解:dissociation结晶紫:crystal violet萘酚苯甲醇: α-naphthalphenol benzyl alcohol奎哪啶红:quinadinered百里酚蓝:thymol blue偶氮紫:azo violet溴酚蓝:bromophenol blue第六章配位滴定法配位滴定法:compleximetry乙二胺四乙酸:ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid,EDTA 螯合物:chelate compound金属指示剂:metal lochrome indcator第七章氧化还原滴定法氧化还原滴定法:oxidation-reduction titration 碘量法:iodimetry溴量法:bromimetry ]溴量法:bromine method铈量法:cerimetry高锰酸钾法:potassium permanganate method条件电位:conditional potential溴酸钾法:potassium bromate method硫酸铈法:cerium sulphate method偏高碘酸:metaperiodic acid高碘酸盐:periodate亚硝酸钠法:sodium nitrite method重氮化反应:diazotization reaction重氮化滴定法:diazotization titration亚硝基化反应:nitrozation reaction亚硝基化滴定法:nitrozation titration外指示剂:external indicator外指示剂:outside indicator重铬酸钾法:potassium dichromate method第八章沉淀滴定法沉淀滴定法:precipitation titration容量滴定法:volumetric precipitation method 银量法:argentometric method第九章重量分析法重量分析法:gravimetric analysis挥发法:volatilization method引湿水(湿存水):water of hydroscopicity包埋(藏)水:occluded water吸入水:water of imbibition结晶水:water of crystallization组成水:water of composition液-液萃取法:liquid-liquid extration溶剂萃取法:solvent extration反萃取:counter extraction分配系数:partition coefficient分配比:distribution ratio离子对(离子缔合物):ion pair沉淀形式:precipitation forms称量形式:weighing forms《分析化学》下册仪器分析概述物理分析:physical analysis物理化学分析:physicochemical analysis仪器分析:instrumental analysis第十章电位法及永停滴定法电化学分析:electrochemical analysis电解法:electrolytic analysis method电重量法:electtogravimetry库仑法:coulometry库仑滴定法:coulometric titration电导法:conductometry电导分析法:conductometric analysis电导滴定法:conductometric titration电位法:potentiometry直接电位法:dirext potentiometry电位滴定法:potentiometric titration伏安法:voltammetry极谱法:polarography溶出法:stripping method电流滴定法:amperometric titration化学双电层:chemical double layer相界电位:phase boundary potential金属电极电位:electrode potential化学电池:chemical cell液接界面:liquid junction boundary原电池:galvanic cell电解池:electrolytic cell负极:cathrode正极:anode电池电动势:eletromotive force指示电极:indicator electrode参比电极:reference electroade标准氢电极:standard hydrogen electrode 一级参比电极:primary reference electrode 饱和甘汞电极:standard calomel electrode银-氯化银电极:silver silver-chloride electrode液接界面:liquid junction boundary不对称电位:asymmetry potential表观PH值:apparent PH复合PH电极:combination PH electrode离子选择电极:ion selective electrode敏感器:sensor晶体电极:crystalline electrodes均相膜电极:homogeneous membrance electrodes非均相膜电极:heterog eneous membrance electrodes非晶体电极:non- crystalline electrodes刚性基质电极:rigid matrix electrode流流体载动电极:electrode with a mobile carrier气敏电极:gas sensing electrodes酶电极:enzyme electrodes金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管:MOSFET离子选择场效应管:ISFET总离子强度调节缓冲剂:total ion strength adjustment buffer,TISAB永停滴定法:dead-stop titration双电流滴定法(双安培滴定法):double amperometric titration第十一章光谱分析法概论普朗克常数:Plank constant电磁波谱:electromagnetic spectrum光谱:spectrum光谱分析法:spectroscopic analysis原子发射光谱法:atomic emission spectroscopy质量谱:mass spectrum质谱法:mass spectroscopy,MS第十二章紫外-可见分光光度法紫外-可见分光光度法:ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometry;UV-vis 肩峰:shoulder peak末端吸收:end absorbtion生色团:chromophore助色团:auxochrome红移:red shift长移:bathochromic shift短移:hypsochromic shift蓝(紫)移:blue shift增色效应(浓色效应):hyperchromic effect减色效应(淡色效应):hypochromic effect强带:strong band弱带:weak band吸收带:absorption band透光率:transmitance,T吸光度:absorbance谱带宽度:band width杂散光:stray light噪声:noise暗噪声:dark noise散粒噪声:signal shot noise闪耀光栅:blazed grating全息光栅:holographic graaing光二极管阵列检测器:photodiode array detector 偏最小二乘法:partial least squares method ,PLS 褶合光谱法:convolution spectrometry褶合变换:convolution transform,CT离散小波变换:wavelet transform,WT多尺度细化分析:multiscale analysis供电子取代基:electron donating group吸电子取代基:electron with-drawing group第十三章荧光分析法荧光:fluorescence荧光分析法:fluorometryX-射线荧光分析法:X-ray fulorometry原子荧光分析法:atomic fluorometry分子荧光分析法:molecular fluorometry振动弛豫:vibrational relexation内转换:internal conversion外转换:external conversion体系间跨越:intersystem crossing激发光谱:excitation spectrum荧光光谱:fluorescence spectrum斯托克斯位移:Stokes shift荧光寿命:fluorescence life time荧光效率:fluorescence efficiency荧光量子产率:fluorescence quantum yield荧光熄灭法:fluorescence quemching method散射光:scattering light瑞利光:Reyleith scanttering light拉曼光:Raman scattering light第十四章红外分光光度法红外线:infrared ray,IR中红外吸收光谱:mid-infrared absorption spectrum,Mid-IR远红外光谱:Far-IR微波谱:microwave spectrum,MV红外吸收光谱法:infrared spectroscopy红外分光光度法:infrared spectrophotometry振动形式:mode of vibration伸缩振动:stretching vibration对称伸缩振动:symmetrical stretching vibration不对称伸缩振动:asymmetrical stretching vibration弯曲振动:bending vibration变形振动:formation vibration面内弯曲振动:in-plane bending vibration,β剪式振动:scissoring vibration,δ面内摇摆振动:rocking vibration,ρ面外弯曲振动:out-of-plane bending vibration,γ面外摇摆振动:wagging vibration,ω蜷曲振动:twisting vibration ,τ对称变形振动:symmetrical deformation vibration ,δs不对称变形振动:asymmetrical deformation vibration, δas特征吸收峰:charateristic avsorption band特征频率:characteristic frequency相关吸收峰:correlation absorption band杂化影响:hybridization affect环大小效应:ring size effect吸收峰的强度:intensity of absorption band环折叠振动:ring prckering vibration第十五章原子吸收分光光度法原子光谱法:atomic spectroscopy原子吸收分光光度法:atomic absorption spectrophotometry,AAS 原子发射分光光度法:atomic emmsion spectrophotometry,AES原子荧光分光光度法:atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry,AFS第十六章核磁共振波谱法核磁共振:nuclear magnetic resonance,NMR核磁共振波谱:NMR spectrum核磁共振波谱法:NMR spectroscopy扫场:swept field扫频:seept frequency连续波核磁共振:continuous wave NMR,CW NMRFourier变换NMR:PFT-NMR,FT-NMR二维核磁共振谱:2D-NMR质子核磁共振谱:proton magnetic resonance spectrum,PMR 氢谱:1H-NMR碳-13核磁共振谱:13C-NMR spectrum,13CNMR自旋角动量:spin angular momentum磁旋比:magnetogyric ratio磁量子数:magnetic quantum number,m进动:precession弛豫历程:relaxation mechanism局部抗磁屏蔽:local diamagnetic shielding屏蔽常数:shielding constant化学位移:chemical shift国际纯粹与应用化学协会:IUPAC磁各向异性:magnetic anisotropy远程屏蔽效应:long range shielding effect结面:nodal plane自旋-自旋偶合:spin-spin coupling自旋-自旋分裂:spin=spin splitting单峰:singlet,s双峰:doublet,d三重峰:triplet,t四重峰:quartet,q五重峰:quintet六重峰:sextet七重峰:septet/heptet, h八重峰:octet, o多重峰:multipet,m偕偶:geminal coupling邻偶:vicinal coupling远程偶合:long range coupling磁等价:magnetic eqivalence自旋系统:spin system一级光谱:first order spectrum二级光谱(二级图谱):second order spectrumC-H光谱:C-H correlated spectroscopy,C-H COSY第十七章质谱法质谱分析法:mass spectrometry质谱:mass spectrum,MS棒图:bar graph选择离子检测:selected ion monitoring ,SIM直接进样:direct probe inlet ,DPI接口:interface气相色谱-质谱联用:gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS高效液相色谱-质谱联用:high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry,HPLC-MS电子轰击离子源:electron impact source,EI离子峰:quasi-molecular ions化学离子源:chemical ionization source,CI场电离:field ionization,FI场解析:field desorptiion,FD快速原子轰击离子源:fast stom bombardment ,FAB质量分析器:mass analyzer磁质谱仪:magnetic-sector mass spectrometer四极杆质谱仪(四极质谱仪):quadrupole mass spectrometer原子质量单位:amu离子丰度:ion abundance相对丰度(相对强度):relative avundance基峰:base peak质量范围:mass range分辨率:resolution灵敏度:sensitivity信噪比:S/N分子离子:molecular ion碎片离子:fragment ion同位素离子:isotopic ion亚稳离子:metastable ion亚稳峰:metastable peak母离子:paren ion子离子:daughter含奇数个电子的离子:odd electron含偶数个电子的离子:even eletron,EE均裂:homolytic cleavage异裂(非均裂):heterolytic cleavage半均裂:hemi-homolysis cleavage重排:rearragement分子量:MWα-裂解:α-cleavage第十八章色谱分析法概论色谱法(层析法):chromatography固定相:stationary phase流动相:mobile phase超临界流体色谱法:SFC高效毛细管电泳法:high performance capillary electroporesis,HPEC 气相色谱法:gas chromatography,GC液相色谱法:liquid cromatography,LC超临界流体色谱法:supercritical fluid chromatography,SFC气-固色谱法:GSC气-液色谱法:GLC液-固色谱法:LSC液-液色谱法:LLC柱色谱法:column chromatography填充柱:packed column毛细管柱:capillary column微填充柱:icrobore packed column高效液相色谱法:high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC平板色谱法:planar平板色谱法:plane chromatography纸色谱法:paper chromatography薄层色谱法:thin layer chromatography,TLC薄膜色谱法;thiin film chomatography毛细管电泳法:capillary electrophoresis,CE分配色谱法:partition chromatography吸附色谱法:adsorpion chromaography离子交换色谱法:ion exchange chromatography,IEC空间排阻色谱法:steric exclusion chromatography,SEC亲和色谱法:affinity chromatography分配系数:distribution cofficient狭义分配系数:partition coefficient凝胶色谱法:gel chromatography凝胶渗透色谱法:gel permeation chromatography,GPC凝胶过滤色谱法:gel filtration chromatography,GFC渗透系数:permeation coefficien;Kp化学键合相色谱法:chemically bonded-phase chromatography分配系数:distribution coefficient靛菁绿:indocyanine气相色谱-傅立叶变换红外光谱:GC-FTIR第十九章经典液相色谱法薄层色谱法:TLC吸附:adsorption活化:activation脱活性:deactivation交联度:degree of cross linking交换容量:exchange capacity薄层板:thin layer plate展开剂:developing solvent ,developer临界胶束浓度:criticak micolle concentration ,CMC相对比移值:relative Rf, Rr分离度:resolution ,R分离数:separation number,SN煅石膏:Gypsum羧甲基纤维素钠:CMC-Na吸收光谱联用:TLC-UV薄层色谱-荧光联用:TLC-F薄层色谱-红外吸收光谱联用:TLC-IR薄层色谱法:TLC-MS纸色谱法:paper chromatography上行展开:ascending development下行法展开:descending development双向展开:two dimensional develoooment第二十章气相色谱法气相色谱法:gas chromatography前延峰:leading peak拖尾峰:tailing peak对称因子:symmetry factor,fs保留时间:retention time保留体积:retention volume死时间:dead time调整保留时间:asjusted retention time半峰宽:peak width at half height,W1/2 or Y1/2峰宽:peak width,W等温线:isotherm理论塔板高度:height equivalent to atheoretical plate化学键合相:chemically bonded phase丁二酸二乙二醇聚酯:polydiethylene glycol succinate,PDEGS,DEGS 高分子多孔微球:GDX苯乙烯:STY乙基乙烯苯:EST二乙烯苯:DVB涂壁毛细管柱:wall coated open tubular column,WCOT载体涂层毛细管柱:supprot coated open tubular column,SCOT热导检测器:thermal conductivity detector,TCD氢焰离子化检测器:hydrogen flame ionization detector,FID电子捕获检测器:electron capture detector ,ECD噪声:noise,N漂移:drift,d灵敏度:sensitivity检测限(敏感度):detectability,D,M分离度:resolution归一化法:normalization method外标法:external standardization第二十一章高效液相色谱法高效液相色谱法:high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC高速液相色谱法:high speed LC,HSLC高压液相色谱法:high pressure LC,HPLC高分辨液相色谱法:high resolution LC,HRLC液固吸附色谱法(液固色谱法):liquid-solid adsorption chromatography,LSC 液液色谱法:liquid-liquid chromatography,LLC正相:normal phase,NP反相:reversed phase,RP化学键合相色谱法:bonded phase chromatography,BPC十八烷基:octadecylselyl,ODS离子对色谱法:paired ion chromatography,PIC反相离子对色谱法:RPIC离子抑制色谱法:ion suppression chromatography,ISC离子色谱法:ion chromatography,IC手性色谱法:chiral chromatography,CC环糊精色谱法:cyclodextrin chromatography,CDC胶束色谱法:micellar chromatography,MC亲和色谱法:affinity chromatography,AC固定相:stationary phase化学键合相:chemically bonde phase封尾、封顶、遮盖:end capping手性固定相:chiral stationary phase,CSP恒组成溶剂洗脱:isocraic elution梯度洗脱:gradient elution紫外检测器:ultraviolet detector,UVD荧光检测器:fluorophotomeric detector,FD电化学检测器:ECD示差折光检测器:RID光电二极管检测器:photodiode array detector ,DAD三维光谱-波谱图:3D-spectrochromatogram蒸发光散射检测器:evaporative light scattering detector,ELSD安培检测器:ampere detector,AD高效毛细管电泳法:high performance capillary electrophoresis,HPCE 淌度:mobility电泳:electrophoresis电渗:electroosmosis动力进样:hydrodynamic injection电动进样:electrokinetic injection毛细管区带电泳法:capillary zone electrophoresis,CZE胶束电动毛细管色谱:micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography,MECC毛细管凝胶电泳:capillary gel electrophoresis,CGE筛分:sieving。

化学专业课程中英文对照普通化学 General Chemistry 分析化学 Analytical Chemistry 有机化学 Organic Chemistry 物理化学 Physical Chemistry 谱学导论 Introducton of Spectroscopy 无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry 普通化学和分析化学实验 Experiments of General and Analytical Chemistry 现在基础化学 The Principle of Mordern Chemistry 现在基础化学实验 Experiments of Modern Fundamental Chemistry 有机化学实验 Experiments of Organic Chemistry 仪器分析和物理化学实验 Experiments of Instrumental Analysis and Physical Chemistry 合成化学实验 Experiments of Synthetic Chemistry 现代化学专题Topic of Modern Chemistry 化学综合实验 Experiments of Comprehensive Chemistry 化工原理 Principle of Chemical Engineering 化工原理实验 Experiments of Chemical Engineering 应用化学实验 Experiments of Applied Chemistry 无机合成化学 Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry 近代分析化学 Modern Analytical Chemistry 分离分析化学Separation Analytical Chemistry 有机化合物波谱鉴定 Spectrum Identification of Organic Compounds 有机合成及反应机理 Organic Synthesis and Mechanics 化学进展Progress in Chemistry 化学反应工程 Chemical Reaction Engineering 应用电化学Applied Electrochemistry 工业催化 Industrial Catalysis 环境化学 Environmental Chemistry 环境监测 Environmental Monitoring 化学科技英语 Scientific English for Chemistry 数理方法在化学中的应用 Mathematical Statistics for Chemistry 化工制图Chemical Engineering Cartography 计算机与化学测量实验 Computer and Chemical Measurement 化学信息学 Chemoinformatics or Chemical Informatics 应用化学专题Special Topics in Applied Chemistry化工装置常用词汇 1一概论 introduction 方案(建议书) proposal 可行性研究 feasibility study 方案设计concept design 工艺设计 process design 基础设计 basic design 详细设计 detail design 开工会议 kick-off meeting 审核会议 review meeting 外商投资 foreign investment 中外合资 joint venture 中外合营 joint venture 补偿贸易 compensation trade 合同合同附件 contract 卖方 vendor 买方 buyer 顾客 client 承包商contractor 工程公司 company 供应范围 scope of supply 生产范围 production scope生产能力 production capacity 项目 project 界区 battery limit 装置 plant 公用工程utilities 工艺流程图 process flow diagram 工艺流程方块图 process block diagram 管道及仪表流程图 piping and instrument drawing 物料及热量平衡图 mass & heat balance diagram 蒸汽及冷凝水平衡图 steam & condensate balance diagram 设备布置图equipment layout 设备表 equipment list 成品(产品) product(final product) 副产品by-product 原料 raw-material 设计基础数据 basic data for design 技术数据technical data 数据表 data sheet 设计文件 design document 设计规定 design regulation 现场服务 site service 项目变更 project change 用户变更 client change 消耗定额 consumption quota 技术转让 technical transfer 技术知识 technicalknow-how technical knowledge 技术保证 technical guarantee 咨询服务 consultative services 技术服务 technical services 工作地点 location 施工现场 construction field 报价 quotation 标书 bidding book 公司利润 company profit 固定价合同 fixed price contract 固定单价合同 fixed unit price contract 成本加酬金合同 cost plus award fee contract 定金 mobilization 银行保证书 bank guarantee letter 保留金retention 所得税 income taxes 特别承包人税 special contractor's taxes 城市和市政税 city and municipal taxes 工作手册 work manual 工作流程图 work flow diagram 质量保证程序 QA/QC procedures 采购计划 procurement plan 施工计划 construction plan 施工进度 construction schedule 项目实施计划 project execution plan 项目协调程序project coordination procedure 项目总进度计划 project master schedule 设计网络计划 engineering network logic 项目质量保证 project quality assurance 项目质量控制project quality control 采购 procurement 采购周期 procurement period 会签 the squad check 计算书 calculation sheets 询价 inquiry 检验 inspection 运输transportation 开车 start up / commission 验收 inspection & acceptance 校核 check 审核 review 审定 approve 版次 version 部门 department 专业 specialty 项目号project number 图号 drawing number 目录 contents 序言 foreword 章 chapter 节section 项 item MR material requisition SPEC engineering specification DATA SHEET (技术表) technical data sheet TBA(技术评标) technical bid analysis PDP preliminary design package PM (项目经理) project manager LDE(专业负责人) lead discipline engineer Material requisition for quotation MRQ(材料询价单) MRP(材料采购单) material requisition for purchase BEP(基础工程设计包) basic engineering package P&ID(管道及仪表流程图) piping and instrument drawing(diagram) PFD process flow diagram NNF normally no flow FO failure open FC failure close C/S/Acivil/structure/architecture detail design phase DDP(详细设计阶段)二. 工艺流程连续过程 continuous process 间歇过程 batch process 工艺叙述 process description 工艺特点 process feature 操作 operation 反应 reaction 副反应 side reaction 絮凝flocculation 浮洗 flotation 倾析 decantation 催化反应 catalytical reaction 萃取extraction 中和 neutralization 水解 hydrolysis 过滤 filtration 干燥 drying 还原reduction 氧化 oxidation 氢化 hydrogenation 分解 decomposition 离解dissociation 合成 synthetics 吸收 absorption 吸附 adsorption 解吸 desorption 结晶 crystallization 溶解 solution 调节 modulate 控制 control 悬浮 suspension 循环 circulation 再生 regeneration 再活化 reactivation 沥取 leaching 破碎crushing 煅烧 caloination 沉降 sedimentation 沉淀 precipitation 气化gasification 冷冻 refrigeration 固化、结晶 solidification 包装 package 升华sublimation 燃烧 combustion 引烧 ignition 蒸馏 distillation 碳化 carbonization 压缩 compression三、化学物质及特性固体 solid 液体 liquid 气体 gas 化合物 compound 混合物 mixture 粉 powder 片状粉未 flake 小粒 granule 结晶 crystal 乳化物 emulsion 氧化物 oxidizing agent 还原剂 reducing agent 有机物 organic material 真空 vacuum 母液 master liquor 富液rich liquor 贫液 lean liquor 萃出物 extract 萃余物 raffinate 絮凝剂 flocculants 冷冻盐水 brine 酸度 acidity 浓度 concentration 碱度 alkalinity 溶解度solubility 凝固点 solidificalion point 沸点 boiling point 熔点 melting point 蒸发率 evaporation rate 粘度 viscosity 吸水的 water absorbent(a) 无水的anhydrous(a) 外观 appearance 无色的 colorless(a) 透明的 transparent(a) 半透明的translucent 密度 density 比重 specific gravity 催化剂 catalyst 燃烧 combustion 引燃 ignition 自然点 self-ignition temperature 可燃气体 combustible gas 可燃液体inflammable liquid 易燃液体 volatile liquid 爆炸混合物 explosive mixture 爆炸性环境 explosive atmosphere(environment) 爆炸极限 explosive concentration limit 废水 waste water 废液 waste liquid 废气 off-gas 噪声 noise pollution 成分composition 挠度 deflection 力和力矩 force and moment 弯矩 bending moment 应力-应变曲线 stress-strain diagram 百分比 percentage 环境温度 ambient temperature 工作温度 operating 设计温度 design temperature(pressure) 相对湿度 RH=relative humidity 油渣、淤泥 sludge 杂质 impurity四、化工设备泵 pump 轴流泵 axial flow pump 真空泵 vacuum pump 屏蔽泵 canned pump 柱塞泵plunger pump 涡轮泵 turbine pump 涡流泵 vortex pump 离心泵 centrifugal pump 喷射泵 jet pump 转子泵 rotary pump 管道泵 inline pump 双作用往复泵 double action reciprocating pump 计量泵 metering pump 深井泵 deep well pump 齿轮泵 gear pump 手摇泵 hand(wobble) pump 螺杆泵 screw (spiral) pump 潜水泵 submersible pump 斜转子泵 inclined rotor pump 封闭式电磁泵 hermetically sealed magnetic drive pump 气升泵 air-lift-pump 轴承 bearing 叶轮 impeller 虹吸管 siphon 高压容器 high pressure vessel 焚化炉 incinerator 火焰清除器 flame arrester 工业炉 furnace 烧嘴burner 锅炉 boiler 回转窑 rotary kiln 加热器 heater 电加热器 electric heater 冷却器 cooler 冷凝器 condenser 换热器 heat exchanger 反应器 reactor 蒸馏釜 still 搅拌器 agitator 混合器 mixer 静态混合器 static mixers 管道混合器 line mixers 混合槽 mixing tanks 破碎机 crusher 磨碎机 grinder 研磨机 pulverizer 球磨机ballmill 过滤器 filter 分离器 separator 干燥器 drier 翅片 fins 烟囱 stack 火炬flare 筛子 screen 煅烧窑 calciner 倾析器 decanter 蒸发器 evaporator 再沸器reboiler 萃取器 extractor 离心机 centrifuger 吸附(收)器 adsorber 结晶器crystallizer 电解槽 electrolyzer 电除尘器 electric precipitator 洗涤器 scrubber 消石灰器 slaker 料仓 bin 料斗 hopper 加料器 feeder 增稠器 thickener 澄清器clarifier 分级器 classifier 浮洗器 flocculator 废液池 sump 喷射器 ejector 喷头sprayer 成套设备 package unit 仪器设备 apparatus 附属设备 accessory 旋转式压缩机 rotary compressor 往复式压缩机 reciprocating compressor 水环式压缩机 nashcompressor 螺杆式压缩机 helical screw compressor 离心式压缩机 centrifugal compressor 多级压缩机 mutiple stages compressor 固定床反应器 fixed bed reactor 流化床反应器 fluidized bed reactor 管式反应器 tubular reactor 列管式换热器 tubular heat exchanger 螺旋板式换热器 spiral plate heat exchanger 萃取塔 extraction column 板式塔 plate column 填料塔 packed column 洗涤塔 scrubber 吸收塔 absorber 冷却塔 cooling tower 精馏塔 fractionating tower 汽提塔 stripper 再生塔regenerator 造粒塔 prill tower 塔附件 tower accessories 液体分配(布)器 liquid distributor 填料支持板 support plate 定距管 spacer 降液管 downcomer 升气管chimney 顶(底)层塔盘 top (bottom) tray 挡板 baffle 抽出口 draw nozzle 溢流堰weir 泡罩 bubble cap 筛板 sieve plate 浮阀 float valve 除沫器 demister pad 塔裙座 skirt 椭圆封头 elliptical head 高位槽 head tank 中间槽 intermediate tank 加料槽 feed tank 补给槽 make-up tank 计量槽 measuring tank 电解槽 cell 溜槽 chute 收集槽 collecting tank 液滴分离器 knockout drum 稀释罐 thinning tank 缓冲罐 surge drum 回流罐 reflux drum 闪蒸罐 flash drum 浮顶罐 floating roof tank 内浮顶罐covered floating roof tank 球罐 spheroid 气柜 gas holder 湿式气柜 wet gas-holder 干式气柜 dry gas-holder 螺旋式气柜 helical gas-holder 星型放料器,旋转阀 rotary valve 抽滤器 mutche filter 压滤器 filter press 压滤机 pressure filter 板框压滤器plate-and-fram filter press 转鼓过滤器 rotary drum filter 带式过滤器 belt filter 翻盘式过滤器袋滤器 bag filter 旋风分离器 cyclone separator 盘式干燥箱compartment tray drier 真空干燥器 vacuum drier 隧道式干燥器 tunnel drier 回转干燥器 rotary drier 穿流循环干燥器 through circulation drier 喷雾干燥器 spray drier 气流干燥器 pneumatic conveyor drier 圆盘式加料器 dish feeder 螺旋式加料器 screw feeder 颚式破碎机 jaw crusher 回转破碎机 gyratory crusher 滚洞破碎机 roll crusher 锤式破碎机 hammer crusher 冲击破碎机 rotor impact breaker 气流喷射粉碎机jet pulverizer 棍磨机 rod mill 雷蒙机 raymond mill 锤磨机 hammer mill 辊磨机roller mill 振动筛 vibrating screen 回转筛 rotary screen 风机 fan 罗茨鼓风机起重机桥式起重机电动葫芦发电机电动机汽轮机 root's blower crane bridge crane motor hoist generator motor steam turbine五、管道工程 piping engineering1 阀门 valve阀杆 stem 内螺纹阀杆 inside screw 阀座 valve seat (body seat) 阀座环、密封圈sealing ring 阀芯(包括密封圈,杆等) trim 阀盘 disc 阀体 body 阀盖 bonnet 手轮hand wheel 手柄 hand level (handle) 压盖 gland 闸阀 gate valve 平行双闸板 double disc parallel seat 楔形单闸板 split wedge 截止阀 globe valve 节流阀 throttle valve 针阀 needle valve 角阀(角式截止阀) angle valve Y 型阀(截止阀)Y-valve(Y-body globe valve) 球阀 ball valve 三通球阀 3-way ball valve 蝶阀butterfly valve 对夹式(薄片型) wafer type 偏心阀板蝶阀 offset disc (eccentric) butterfly valve 斜阀盘蝶阀 canted disc butterfly valve 连杆式蝶阀 link butterfly valve 止回式蝶阀 combined non-return butterfly valve 柱塞阀 piston type valve 旋塞阀 plug valve 三通旋塞阀 three-way plug valve 四通旋塞阀 four-way plug valve 旋塞 cock 衬套旋塞 sleeve cock 隔膜阀 diaphragm valve 橡胶衬里隔膜阀 rubber lined diaphragm valve 直通式隔膜阀 straight way diaphragm valve 夹紧式胶管阀 pinch valve 止回阀 check valve 升降式止回阀 lift check valve 旋启式止回阀 swing check valve 落球式止回阀 ball check valve 弹簧球式止回阀 spring ball check valve 底阀foot valve 切断式止回阀 stop check valve 活塞式止回阀 piston check valve 翻板止回阀 flap check valve 蝶式止回阀 butterfly check valve 安全泄气阀 safety[SV] 安全泄放阀 relief valve[RV] 安全泄压阀 safety relief valve 杠杆重锤式 lever and weight type 罐底排污阀 flush-bottom tank valve 波纹管密封阀 bellow sealed valve 电磁阀 solenoid (operated) valve 电动阀 electrically(electric-motor)operated valve 气动阀 pneumatic operated valve 低温用阀 cryogenic service valve 蒸汽疏水阀 steam trap 机械式疏水阀 mechanical trap 浮桶式疏水阀 open (top) bucket trap 浮球式疏水阀 float trap 倒吊桶式疏水阀 inverted bucket trap 自由浮球式疏水阀 loose float trap 恒温式疏水阀 thermostatic trap 压力平衡式恒温疏水阀 balanced pressure thermostatic trap 热动力式疏水阀 thermodynamic trap 脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀 impulse steam trap 放汽阀(自动放汽阀) (automatic) air vent valve 换向阀 diverting (reversing) valve 呼吸阀 breather valve 减压阀 pressure reducing valve 控制阀control valve 执行机构 actuator 差压调节阀 differential pressure regulating valve 切断阀 block (shut-off, stop) valve 调节阀 regulating valve 快开阀 quick openingvalve 快闭阀 quick closing valve 隔断阀 isolating valve 三通阀 three way valve 夹套阀 jacketed valve 非旋转式阀 non-rotary valve2 管子,管件,法兰管子 pipe(按标准制造的配管用管) tube(不按标准规格制造的其它用管) 钢管 steel pipe 铸铁管 cast iron pipe 衬里管 lined pipe 复合管 clad pipe 碳钢管 carbonsteel[C.S.]pipe 合金钢管 alloy steel pipe 不锈钢管 stainless steel[S.S.]pipe 奥氏体不锈钢管 austenitic stainless steel pipe 铁合金钢管 ferritic alloy steel pipe 轧制钢管 wrought-steel pipe 锻铁管 wrought-iron pipe 无缝钢管 seamless[SMLS] steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe 电阻焊钢管 electric-resistance-welded steel pipe 电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管 electric-fusion(arc)-welded steel-plate pipe 螺旋焊接钢管 spiral welded steel pipe 镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 排污阀 blowdown valve 集液排放阀 drip valve 排液阀 drain valve 放空阀 vent valve 卸载阀 unloading valve 排出阀 discharge valve 吸入阀 suction valve 取样阀 sampling valve 手动阀 hand operated(manually-operated) valve (水)龙头 bibb;bib;faucet 抽出液阀(小阀) bleed valve 旁路阀 by-pass valve 软管阀 hose valve 混合阀 mixing valve 破真空阀 vacuum breaker 冲洗阀 flush valve 根部阀 root (primary, header) valve 水煤气钢管water-gas steel pipe 塑料管 plastic pipe 玻璃管 glass tube 橡胶管 rubber tube 壁厚 wall thickness[WT] 壁厚系列号 schedule number[SCH.NO.] 加厚的,加强的 extra heavy (strong) 双倍加厚的,双倍加强的 double extra heavy (strong) 弯头 elbow 异径弯头 reducing elbow 长半径弯头 long radius elbow 短半径弯头 short radius elbow 长半径 180°弯头 long radius return 短半径 180°弯头 short radius return 三通 tee 异径三通 reducing tee 等径三通 straight tee 带支座三通 base tee 45°斜三通 45°lateral true"Y" Y 型三通四通 cross 异径管 reducer 同心异径管 concentric reducer 偏心异径管 eccentric reducer 管接头 coupling;full coupling 活接头 union 短管nipple 预制弯管 fabricated pipe bend U 型弯管 "U"bend 法兰端 flanged end 万向接头 universal joint 对焊的 butt welded[BW] 螺纹的 threaded[THD] 承插焊的 socket welded[SW] 法兰 flange[FLG] 整体管法兰 integral pipe flange 钢管法兰 steel pipe flange 螺纹法兰 threaded flange 滑套法兰 slip-on flange 平焊法兰 slip-on-welding flange 承插焊法兰 socket welding flange 松套法兰 lap joint flange[LJF] 对焊法兰weld neck flange[WNF] 法兰盖 blind flange;blind 异径法兰 reducing flange 压力级pressure rating(class) 突面 raised face[RF] 凸面 male face 凹面 female face 全平面;满平面 flat face;full face[FF]3.管道特殊件 piping speciality粗滤器 strainer 过滤器 filter 临时过滤器 temporary strainer(cone type) Y 型过滤器 Y-type strainer T 型过滤器 T-type strainer 永久过滤器 permanent filter 洗眼器及淋浴器 eye washer and shower 视镜 sight glass 阻火器 flame arrester 喷咀;喷头spray nozzle 喷射器 ejector 取样冷却器 sample cooler 消音器 silencer 膨胀节expansion joint 波纹膨胀节 bellow 补偿器 compensator 软管接头 hose connection[HC] 快速接头 quick coupling 金属软管 metal hose 橡胶管 rubber hose 挠性管 flexible tube 特殊法兰 special flange 漏斗 funnel 8 字盲板 spectacle (figure 8) blind 爆破板 rupture disk4,其它材料碳素钢 carbon steel [C.S.]不锈钢 stainless steel[S.S.] 铸铁 cast iron[C.I.] 铝aluminum 铜,紫铜 copper 钛 titanium 抗拉强度 tensile strength 非金属材料non-metallic material 塑料 plastic 陶瓷 ceramic 搪瓷 porcelain enamel 玻璃 glass 橡胶 rubber 垫片 gasket[GSKT] 平垫片 flat gasket 填料 packing 型钢 shaped steel 角钢 angle steel 槽钢 channel 工字钢 I-beam 宽缘工字钢或 H 钢 wide flanged beam 扁钢 flat bar 圆钢 round steel; rod 钢带 strap steel 网络钢板 checkered plate 材料表 bill of material[BOM] 材料统计 material take-off[MTO] 散装材料 bulk material 综合管道材料表 consolidated piping material summary sheet[CPMSS] 汇总表 summary sheet5.设备布置及管道设计中心线 center line 装置边界 boundary limit[BL] 区界 area limit 设备布置equipment arrangement (layout);plot plan 标高,立面 elevation[EL] 支撑点 point of support[POS] 工厂北向 plant north 方位 orientation 危险区 hazardous area classification 净正吸入压头 net positive suction head 绝对标高 absolute elevation 坐标 coordinate 管道研究 piping study 管道布置平面 piping arrangement plan[PAP] 管道布置 piping assembly; layout 详图 detail "X"视图 view "X" "A-A" 剖视 section"A-A" 轴测图 isometric drawing 索引图 key plan 管道及仪表流程图 piping and instrument diagram[P&ID] 管口表 list of nozzles 地上管道 above ground piping 地下管道 under ground piping 管线号 line number 总管 header; manifold 旁路 by pass 常开 normally open 常闭 normally closed 取样接口 sampling connection 伴热管tracing pipe 蒸汽伴热 steam tracing 热水伴热 hot-water tracing 电伴热 electrical tracing 夹套管 jacketed line 全夹套管 full jacketed 比例 scale 图 figure 草图sketch 图例 legend 符号 symbol 件号 part n。

Inorganic chemistry 无机化学Organic chemistry 有机化学Physical chemistry 物理化学Analytical chemistry 分析化学Polymer chemistry 高分子化学Biochemistry 生物化学Radiochemistry 放射化学Theoretical chemistry 理论化学Matter ['mætə] n 物质Mass [mæs] n 质量V olume ['vɔljuːm] n 体积Pure substance 纯净物Element ['elim(ə)nt] n 元素Compound ['kɔmpaund] n 化合物Mixture ['mikstʃə] n 混合物Homogeneous [,hɔmə(u)'dʒiːniəs; -'dʒen-] 均匀的Homogeneous mixture 均匀混合物Solution [sə'luːʃ(ə)n] n 溶液Heterogeneous mixture 非均匀混合物Solid ['sɔlɪd] n 固体Liquid ['likwid] n 液体Gas [gæs] n 气体Plasma ['plæzmə] n 等离子体Excited state 激发态Physical property 物理性质Physical change 物理变化Chemical property 化学性质Chemical change 化学变化Separation of mixture 混合物分离Molecule ['mɔlikjuːl] n分子Chemical element 化学元素Atomic number 原子序数Technetium [tek'niːʃɪəm] n 锝Promethium [prə'miːθɪəm] n 钷Bismuth ['bizməθ] n 铋Radioactive decay 放射性衰变Nucleosynthesis [,njuːkliəʊ'si nθisis] n 核合成Artificial [ɑːtifiʃ(ə)l] adj 人工的Synthetic [si n'θet ik] adj 合成的Molecular compound 分子化合物Ionic compound 离子化合物Ionic bond 离子键Cation 阳离子Anion 阴离子Polyatomic ion 多原子离子Chemical formula 化学式Empirical formula 实验式Molecular formula 分子式Elemental analysis 元素分析Physical quantity 物理量Accuracy 准确度Precision 精确度Reproducibility [riprə,dju:sə'biliti] 再现性Repeatability [ri'pi:tə'biliti] 重复性Valid ['vælid] n 有效Bias ['baiəs] n 偏差Error ['erə] n 错误Random error 随机误差Systematic error 系统误差Significant figure有效数字Addition [ə'diʃ(ə)n] n 加法Subtraction [səb'trækʃn] n减法Multiplication [,mʌltipli'keiʃ(ə)n] n 乘法Division [di'viʒ(ə)n] n 除法Scientific notation/ Standard form / Exponential notation 科学计数法Coefficient [,kəui'fiʃ(ə)nt] n 系数Significant [sig'nifɪk(ə)nt] P10Mantissa [mæn'tisə] P10Minus sign 减号United States Customary System 美国习惯体系British Imperial Units P10Metric ['metrik] adj 公制的Decimalized system 十进制系统SI system 国际单位制Derived quantities 导出量Length [leŋθ] n 长度Density ['densiti] n 密度Temperature ['temp(ə)rətʃə] n 温度Potential energy 势能Kinetic energy 动能Heat [hiːt] n 热量Specific heat 比热Force [fɔːs] n 压力Pressure ['preʃə] n 压强Factor-lable/united-factor method量纲分析Dimensional analysis 量纲分析Conversion factor 转换因子Numerator ['njuːməreitə] n 分子Denominator [di'nɔmineitə] n 分母。

化学专业英语前沿讲座Seminar专业英语Professional English现代分析化学Modern analytical chemistry生物分析技术Bioanalytical techniques高分子进展Advances in polymers功能高分子进展Advances in functional polymers有机硅高分子研究进展Progresses in organosilicon polymers高分子科学实验方法Scientific experimental methods of polymers高分子设计与合成The design and synthesis of polymers反应性高分子专论Instructions to reactive polymers网络化学与化工信息检索Internet Searching for Chemistry & Chemical Engineering information有序分子组合体概论Introduction to Organized Molecular Assembilies两亲分子聚集体化学Chemistry of amphiphilic aggregates表面活性剂体系研究新方法New Method for studying Surfactant System微纳米材料化学Chemistry of Micro-NanoMaterials分散体系研究新方法New Method for studying dispersion分散体系相行为The Phase Behavior of Aqueous Dispersions溶液-凝胶材料Sol-Gel Materials高等量子化学Advanced Quantum Chemistry分子反应动力学Molecular Reaction Dynamic计算量子化学Computational Quantum Chemistry群论Group Theory分子模拟理论及软件应用Theory and Software of Molecular Modelling & Application 价键理论方法Valence Bond Theory量子化学软件及其应用Software of Quantum Chemistry & its Application分子光谱学Molecular Spectrum算法语言Computational Languange高分子化学Polymer Chemistry高分子物理Polymer Physics药物化学Medicinal Chemistry统计热力学Statistic Thermodynamics液-液体系专论Discussion on Liquid-Liquid System配位化学进展Progress in Coordination Chemistry无机材料及物理性质Inorganic Materials and Their Physical Properties物理无机化学Physical Inorganic Chemistry相平衡Phase Equilibrium现代无机化学Today's Inorganic Chemistry无机化学前沿领域导论Introduction to Forward Field in Inorganic Chemistry量子化学Quantum Chemistry分子材料Molecular Material固体酸碱理论Solid Acid-Base Theory萃取过程物理化学Physical Chemistry in Extraction表面电化学Surface Electrochemistry电化学进展Advances on Electrochemistry现代电化学实验技术Modern Experimental Techniques of Electrochemistry金属-碳多重键化合物及其应用Compounds with Metal-Carbon multiple bonds and The ir Applications叶立德化学:理论和应用Ylides Chemistry: Theory and Application立体化学与手性合成Stereochemistry and Chiral Synthesis杂环化学Heterocyclic Chemistry有机硅化学Organosilicon Chemistry药物设计及合成Pharmaceutical Design and Synthesis超分子化学Supramolecular Chemistry分子设计与组合化学Molecular Design and Combinatorial Chemistry纳米材料化学前沿领域导论Introduction to Nano-materials Chemistry纳米材料控制合成与自组装Controlled-synthesis and Self-assembly of Nano-materials 前沿讲座Leading Front Forum专业英语Professional English超分子化学基础Basics of Supramolecular Chemistry液晶材料基础Basics of Liquid Crystal Materials现代实验技术Modern analytical testing techniques色谱及联用技术Chromatography and Technology of tandem发光分析及其研究法Luminescence analysis and Research methods胶束酶学Micellar Enzymology分析化学中的配位化合物Complex in Analytical Chemistry电分析化学Electroanalytical chemistry生物分析化学Bioanalytical chemistry分析化学Analytical chemistry仪器分析Instrument analysis高分子合成化学Polymers synthetic chemistry高聚物结构与性能Structures and properties of polymers有机硅化学Organosilicon chemistry功能高分子Functional polymers有机硅高分子Organosilicon polymers高分子现代实验技术Advanced experimental technology of polymers高分子合成新方法New synthetic methods of polymers液晶与液晶高分子Liquid crystals and liquid crystal polymers大分子反应Macromolecules reaction水溶性高分子Water-soluble polymers聚合物加工基础The basic process of polymers聚合物复合材料Composite materials高等化工与热力学Advanced Chemical Engineering and Thermodynamics高等反应工程学Advanced Reaction Engineering高等有机化学Advanced Organic Chemistry高等有机合成Advanced Organic synthesis有机化学中光谱分析Spectrum Analysis in Organic Chemistry催化作用原理Principle of Catalysis染料化学Dye Chemistry中间体化学与工艺学Intermediate Chemistry and Technology化学动力学Chemical Kinetics表面活性剂合成与工艺Synthesis and Technology of Surfactants环境化学Environmental Chemistry化工企业清洁生产Chemical Enterprise Clean Production化工污染及防治Chemical Pollution and Control动量热量质量传递Momentum, Heat and Mass Transmission化工分离工程专题Separation Engineering耐蚀材料Corrosion Resisting Material网络化学与化工信息检索Internet Searching for Chemistry & Chemical Engineering information新型功能材料的模板组装Templated Assembly of Novel Advanced Materials胶体与界面Colloid and Interface纳米材料的胶体化学制备方法Colloid Chemical Methods for Preparing Nano-materials脂质体化学Chemistry of liposome表面活性剂物理化学Physico-chemistry of surfactants高分子溶液与微乳液Polymer Solutions and Microemulsions两亲分子的溶液化学Chemistry of Amphiphilic Molecules in solution介孔材料化学Mesoporous Chemistry超细颗粒化学Chemistry of ultrafine powder分散体系流变学The Rheolgy of Aqueous Dispersions量子化学Quantum Chemistry统计热力学Statistic Thermodynamics群论Group Theory分子模拟Molecular Modelling高等量子化学Advanced Quantum Chemistry价键理论方法Valence Bond Theory量子化学软件及其应用Software of Quantum Chemistry & its Application计算量子化学Computational Quantum Chemistry分子模拟软件及其应用Software of Molecular Modelling & its Application分子反应动力学Molecular Reaction Dynamic分子光谱学Molecular Spectrum算法语言Computational Languange高分子化学Polymer Chemistry高分子物理Polymer Physics腐蚀电化学Corrosion Electrochemistry物理化学Physical Chemistry结构化学structural Chemistry现代分析与测试技术(试验为主)Modern Analysis and Testing Technology(experimetally)高等无机化学Advanced Inorganic Chemistry近代无机物研究方法Modern Research Methods for Inorganic Compounds萃取化学研究方法Research Methods for Extraction Chemistry单晶培养Crystal Culture固态化学Chemistry of Solid Substance液-液体系专论Discussion on Liquid-Liquid System配位化学进展Progress in Coordination Chemistry卟啉酞箐化学Chemistry of Porphyrine and Phthalocyanine无机材料及物理性质Inorganic Materials and Their Physical Properties物理无机化学Physical Inorganic Chemistry相平衡Phase Equilibrium生物化学的应用Application of Biologic Chemistry生物无机化学Bio-Inorganic Chemistry绿色化学Green Chemistry金属有机化合物在均相催化中的应用Applied Homogeneous Catalysis with Organometa llic Compounds功能性食品化学Functionalized Food Chemistry无机药物化学Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry电极过程动力学Kinetics on Electrode Process电化学研究方法Electrochemical Research Methods生物物理化学Biological Physical Chemistry波谱与现代检测技术Spectroscopy and Modern Testing Technology理论有机化学theoretical Organic Chemistry合成化学Synthesis Chemistry有机合成新方法New Methods for Organic Synthesis生物有机化学Bio-organic Chemistry药物化学Pharmaceutical Chemistry金属有机化学Organometallic Chemistry金属-碳多重键化合物及其应用Compounds with Metal-Carbon multiple bonds and The ir Applications分子构效与模拟Molecular Structure-Activity and Simulation过程装置数值计算Data Calculation of Process Devices石油化工典型设备Common Equipment of Petrochemical Industry化工流态化工程Fluidization in Chemical Industry化工装置模拟与优化Analogue and Optimization of Chemical Devices化工分离工程Separation Engineering化工系统与优化Chemical System and Optimization高等化工热力学Advanced Chemical Engineering and Thermodynamics超临界流体技术及应用Super Cratical Liguid Technegues and Applications膜分离技术Membrane Separation Technegues溶剂萃取原理和应用Theory and Application of Solvent Extraction树脂吸附理论Theory of Resin Adsorption中药材化学Chemistry of Chinese Medicine生物资源有效成分分析与鉴定Analysis and Detection of Bio-materials相平衡理论与应用Theory and Application of Phase Equilibrium计算机在化学工程中的应用Application of Computer in Chemical Engineering微乳液和高分子溶液Micro-emulsion and High Molecular Solution传递过程Transmision Process反应工程分析Reaction Engineering Analysis腐蚀电化学原理与应用Principle and Application of Corrosion Electrochemistry腐蚀电化学测试方法与应用Measurement Method and Application of Corrosion Elect rochemistry耐蚀表面工程Surface Techniques of Anti-corrosion缓蚀剂技术Inhabitor Techniques腐蚀失效分析Analysis of Corrosion Destroy材料表面研究方法Method of Studying Material Surfacc分离与纯化技术Separation and Purification Technology现代精细有机合成Modern Fine Organic Synthesis化学工艺与设备Chemical Technology and Apparatuas功能材料概论Functional Materials Conspectus油田化学Oilfield Chemistry精细化学品研究Study of Fine Chemicals催化剂合成与应用Synthesis and Application of Catalyzer低维材料制备Preparation of Low-Dimension Materials手性药物化学Symmetrical Pharmaceutical Chemistry光敏高分子材料化学Photosensitive Polymer Materials Chemistry纳米材料制备与表征Preparation and Characterization of Nanostructured materials溶胶凝胶化学Sol-gel Chemistry纳米材料化学进展Proceeding of Nano-materials Chemistry。

常用分析化学专业英语词汇1. Analytical chemistry - 分析化学2. Sample - 样品3. Analyte - 分析物4. Instrument - 仪器设备5. Chromatography - 色谱法6. Spectroscopy - 光谱学7. Mass spectrometry - 质谱法8. Gas chromatography - 气相色谱9. Liquid chromatography - 液相色谱10. UV-visible spectroscopy - 紫外-可见光谱11. Infrared spectroscopy - 红外光谱12. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy - 核磁共振光谱13. Atomic absorption spectrometry - 原子吸收光谱14. Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry - 火焰原子吸收光谱法15. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry - 电感耦合等离子质谱法16.pH-酸碱度/pH值17. Standard solution - 标准溶液18. Calibration - 校准19. Quantitative analysis - 定量分析20. Qualitative analysis - 定性分析21. Accuracy - 准确性22. Precision - 精密度23. Sensitivity - 灵敏度24. Selectivity - 选择性25. Limit of detection (LOD) - 检测限26. Limit of quantification (LOQ) - 定量限27. Method validation - 方法验证28. Method development - 方法开发29. Quality control - 质量控制30. Analytical technique - 分析技术31. Chemical reaction - 化学反应32. Titration - 滴定33. Electrochemistry - 电化学34. Ion chromatography - 离子色谱35. Atomic force microscopy - 原子力显微镜36. Analytical balance - 分析天平37. Data analysis - 数据分析38. Statistical analysis - 统计分析39. Error propagation - 误差传递。

基本概念1.分析化学 (Analytical Chemistry): 一门通过利用实验方法和仪器设备来揭示物质组成和特性的科学。
2.样品 (Sample): 被选中用于分析或实验的物质。
3.分析 (Analysis): 通过实验手段对样品进行检验和测量以获取定性和定量的信息。
4.示性 (Indicator): 溶液中使用的化学物质,能够通过改变颜色、产生沉淀等方式指示物质之间发生的反应。
5.仪器 (Instrument): 用于进行化学分析的设备或仪器,如光谱仪、质谱仪等。
常见分析方法1.光谱分析 (Spectroscopic Analysis): 利用与物质相互作用的电磁辐射进行分析的方法,如紫外可见光谱、红外光谱等。
2.色谱分析 (Chromatographic Analysis): 通过物质在固定相和移动相之间的分配系数差异实现分离和分析的方法,如气相色谱、液相色谱等。
3.质谱分析 (Mass Spectrometry): 通过测量物质离子质量-电荷比来进行分析的方法,可用于物质的结构鉴定和定量分析。
4.电化学分析 (Electrochemical Analysis): 利用电化学技术进行分析的方法,如电位滴定、电化学计量等。
5.化学计量法 (Volumetric Analysis): 通过加滴定液或碰撞试剂进行浓度确定的分析方法,如酸碱滴定、氧化还原滴定等。
分析仪器和设备1.气相色谱仪 (Gas Chromatograph): 一种用于气相色谱分析的设备,能够对复杂混合物进行定性和定量分析。
2.液相色谱仪(Liquid Chromatograph): 一种用于液相色谱分析的设备,广泛应用于药学、环境和化学领域。

✓Many of these problems will apply only within one of these systems, justifying the breakdown (细目分类) into these categories. ✓Two major environmental disturbances
Analytical Chemistry 分析化学
Text:Environmental Engineering ❖What Is This Book About? ❖Some important definitions ❖Interaction of systems ❖Environmental disturbances
smelter [ smeltə] n. 熔炉,冶金厂,冶炼者 aqueduct [ kwi ′d kt] n. 渠,水管, dysentery [ disəntri] n. 痢疾 cholera [ k lərə] n. 霍乱 typhoid [ taif id] n./adj. 伤寒,似班伤疹伤寒 sulfur dioxide 二氧化硫 nitrogen oxide 氮氧化物 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
Analytical Chemistry 分析化学
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Analytical Chemistry 分析化学
Analytical Chemistry 分析化学

专业英语 Professional English现代分析化学 Modern analytical chemistry 生物分析技术 Bioanalytical techniques高分子进展 Advances in polymers功能高分子进展 Advances in functional polym ers有机硅高分子研究进展 Progresses in organosi licon polymers高分子科学实验方法 Scientific experimental methods of polymers高分子设计与合成 The design and synthesis o f polymers反应性高分子专论 Instructions to reactive p olymers网络化学与化工信息检索 Internet Searching f or Chemistry & Chemical Engineering information有序分子组合体概论 Introduction to Organize d Molecular Assembilies两亲分子聚集体化学 Chemistry of amphiphilic aggregates表面活性剂体系研究新方法 New Method for stu dying Surfactant System微纳米材料化学 Chemistry of Micro-NanoMater ials分散体系研究新方法 New Method for studying dispersion 分散体系相行为 The Phase Behavior of Aqueou s Dispersions溶液-凝胶材料 Sol-Gel Materials高等量子化学 Advanced Quantum Chemistry 分子反应动力学 Molecular Reaction Dynamic 计算量子化学 Computational Quantum Chemistr y群论 Group Theory分子模拟理论及软件应用 Theory and Software of Molecular Modelling & Application价键理论方法 Valence Bond Theory量子化学软件及其应用 Software of Quantum Ch emistry & its Application分子光谱学 Molecular Spectrum算法语言 Computational Languange高分子化学 Polymer Chemistry高分子物理 Polymer Physics药物化学 Medicinal Chemistry统计热力学 Statistic Thermodynamics液-液体系专论 Discussion on Liquid-Liquid S ystem配位化学进展 Progress in Coordination Chemi stry无机材料及物理性质 Inorganic Materials and Their Physical Properties物理无机化学 Physical Inorganic Chemistry 相平衡 Phase Equilibrium现代无机化学 Today's Inorganic Chemistry 无机化学前沿领域导论 Introduction to Forwar d Field in Inorganic Chemistry量子化学 Quantum Chemistry分子材料 Molecular Material固体酸碱理论 Solid Acid-Base Theory萃取过程物理化学 Physical Chemistry in Extr action表面电化学 Surface Electrochemistry电化学进展 Advances on Electrochemistry 现代电化学实验技术 Modern Experimental Tech niques of Electrochemistry金属-碳多重键化合物及其应用 Compounds with Metal-Carbon multiple bonds and Their Applications叶立德化学:理论和应用 Ylides Chemistry: The ory and Application立体化学与手性合成 Stereochemistry and Chir al Synthesis杂环化学 Heterocyclic Chemistry有机硅化学 Organosilicon Chemistry药物设计及合成 Pharmaceutical Design and Sy nthesis超分子化学 Supramolecular Chemistry分子设计与组合化学 Molecular Design and Com binatorial Chemistry纳米材料化学前沿领域导论 Introduction to Na no-materials Chemistry纳米材料控制合成与自组装 Controlled-synthes is and Self-assembly of Nano-materials前沿讲座 Leading Front Forum专业英语 Professional English超分子化学基础 Basics of Supramolecular Che mistry液晶材料基础 Basics of Liquid Crystal Mater ials现代实验技术 Modern analytical testing tech niques色谱及联用技术 Chromatography and Technolog y of tandem发光分析及其研究法 Luminescence analysis an d Research methods胶束酶学 Micellar Enzymology分析化学中的配位化合物 Complex in Analytica l Chemistry电分析化学 Electroanalytical chemistry生物分析化学 Bioanalytical chemistry分析化学 Analytical chemistry仪器分析 Instrument analysis高分子合成化学 Polymers synthetic chemistry高聚物结构与性能 Structures and properties of polymers有机硅化学 Organosilicon chemistry功能高分子 Functional polymers有机硅高分子 Organosilicon polymers高分子现代实验技术 Advanced experimental te chnology of polymers高分子合成新方法 New synthetic methods of p olymers液晶与液晶高分子 Liquid crystals and liquid crystal polymers大分子反应 Macromolecules reaction水溶性高分子 Water-soluble polymers聚合物加工基础 The basic process of polymer s聚合物复合材料 Composite materials高等化工与热力学 Advanced Chemical Engineer ing and Thermodynamics高等反应工程学 Advanced Reaction Engineerin g高等有机化学 Advanced Organic Chemistry 高等有机合成 Advanced Organic synthesis 有机化学中光谱分析 Spectrum Analysis in Org anic Chemistry催化作用原理 Principle of Catalysis染料化学 Dye Chemistry中间体化学与工艺学 Intermediate Chemistry a nd Technology化学动力学 Chemical Kinetics表面活性剂合成与工艺 Synthesis and Technolo gy of Surfactants环境化学 Environmental Chemistry化工企业清洁生产 Chemical Enterprise Clean Production化工污染及防治 Chemical Pollution and Contr ol动量热量质量传递 Momentum, Heat and Mass Tr ansmission化工分离工程专题 Separation Engineering耐蚀材料 Corrosion Resisting Material网络化学与化工信息检索 Internet Searching f or Chemistry & Chemical Engineering informa tion新型功能材料的模板组装 Templated Assembly o f Novel Advanced Materials胶体与界面 Colloid and Interface纳米材料的胶体化学制备方法 Colloid Chemical Methods for Preparing Nano-materials脂质体化学 Chemistry of liposome表面活性剂物理化学 Physico-chemistry of sur factants高分子溶液与微乳液 Polymer Solutions and Mi croemulsions两亲分子的溶液化学 Chemistry of Amphiphilic Molecules in solution介孔材料化学 Mesoporous Chemistry超细颗粒化学 Chemistry of ultrafine powder分散体系流变学 The Rheolgy of Aqueous Dispe rsions量子化学 Quantum Chemistry统计热力学 Statistic Thermodynamics群论 Group Theory分子模拟 Molecular Modelling高等量子化学 Advanced Quantum Chemistry价键理论方法 Valence Bond Theory量子化学软件及其应用 Software of Quantum Ch emistry & its Application计算量子化学 Computational Quantum Chemistr y分子模拟软件及其应用 Software of Molecular Modelling & its Application分子反应动力学 Molecular Reaction Dynamic 分子光谱学 Molecular Spectrum算法语言 Computational Languange高分子化学 Polymer Chemistry高分子物理 Polymer Physics腐蚀电化学 Corrosion Electrochemistry物理化学 Physical Chemistry结构化学 structural Chemistry现代分析与测试技术(试验为主) Modern Analysi s and Testing Technology(experimetally)高等无机化学 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 近代无机物研究方法 Modern Research Methods for Inorganic Compounds萃取化学研究方法 Research Methods for Extra ction Chemistry单晶培养 Crystal Culture固态化学 Chemistry of Solid Substance液-液体系专论 Discussion on Liquid-Liquid S ystem配位化学进展 Progress in Coordination Chemi stry卟啉酞箐化学 Chemistry of Porphyrine and Ph thalocyanine无机材料及物理性质 Inorganic Materials and Their Physical Properties物理无机化学 Physical Inorganic Chemistry 相平衡 Phase Equilibrium生物化学的应用 Application of Biologic Chem istry生物无机化学 Bio-Inorganic Chemistry绿色化学 Green Chemistry金属有机化合物在均相催化中的应用 Applied Ho mogeneous Catalysis with Organometallic Compounds功能性食品化学 Functionalized Food Chemistr y无机药物化学 Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemi stry电极过程动力学 Kinetics on Electrode Process电化学研究方法 Electrochemical Research Met hods生物物理化学 Biological Physical Chemistry 波谱与现代检测技术 Spectroscopy and Modern Testing Technology理论有机化学 theoretical Organic Chemistry 合成化学 Synthesis Chemistry有机合成新方法 New Methods for Organic Synt hesis生物有机化学 Bio-organic Chemistry药物化学 Pharmaceutical Chemistry金属有机化学 Organometallic Chemistry金属-碳多重键化合物及其应用 Compounds with Metal-Carbon multiple bonds and Their Applications分子构效与模拟 Molecular Structure-Activity and Simulation过程装置数值计算 Data Calculation of Proces s Devices石油化工典型设备 Common Equipment of Petroc hemical Industry化工流态化工程 Fluidization in Chemical Ind ustry化工装置模拟与优化 Analogue and Optimizatio n of Chemical Devices化工分离工程 Separation Engineering 化工系统与优化 Chemical System and Optimiza tion高等化工热力学 Advanced Chemical Engineerin g and Thermodynamics超临界流体技术及应用 Super Cratical Liguid Technegues and Applications膜分离技术 Membrane Separation Technegues溶剂萃取原理和应用 Theory and Application o f Solvent Extraction树脂吸附理论 Theory of Resin Adsorption 中药材化学 Chemistry of Chinese Medicine 生物资源有效成分分析与鉴定 Analysis and Det ection of Bio-materials相平衡理论与应用 Theory and Application o f Phase Equilibrium计算机在化学工程中的应用 Application of Com puter in Chemical Engineering微乳液和高分子溶液 Micro-emulsion and High Molecular Solution传递过程 Transmision Process反应工程分析 Reaction Engineering Analysis 腐蚀电化学原理与应用 Principle and Applicat ion of Corrosion Electrochemistry腐蚀电化学测试方法与应用 Measurement Method and Application of Corrosion Elect rochemistry耐蚀表面工程 Surface Techniques of Anti-cor rosion缓蚀剂技术 Inhabitor Techniques腐蚀失效分析 Analysis of Corrosion Destroy 材料表面研究方法 Method of Studying Materia l Surfacc分离与纯化技术 Separation and Purification Technology现代精细有机合成 Modern Fine Organic Synthe sis化学工艺与设备 Chemical Technology and Appa ratuas功能材料概论 Functional Materials Conspectu s油田化学 Oilfield Chemistry精细化学品研究 Study of Fine Chemicals催化剂合成与应用 Synthesis and Application of Catalyzer低维材料制备 Preparation of Low-Dimension M aterials手性药物化学 Symmetrical Pharmaceutical Che mistry光敏高分子材料化学 Photosensitive Polymer M aterials Chemistry纳米材料制备与表征 Preparation and Characte rization of Nanostructured materials溶胶凝胶化学 Sol-gel Chemistry 纳米材料化学进展 Proceeding of Nano-materia ls Chemistry●化学常用词汇汉英对照表1●氨 ammonia氨基酸 amino acid铵盐 ammonium salt饱和链烃 saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon苯 benzene变性 denaturation不饱和烃unsaturated hydrocarbon超导材料superconductive material臭氧 ozone醇 alcohol次氯酸钾potassium hypochlorite醋酸钠 sodium acetate蛋白质 protein氮族元素nitrogen group element碘化钾potassium iodide碘化钠 sodium iodide电化学腐蚀electrochemicalcorrosion电解质 electrolyte电离平衡ionization equilibrium电子云 electron cloud淀粉 starch淀粉碘化钾试纸starch potassium iodide paper二氧化氮nitrogen dioxide二氧化硅silicon dioxide二氧化硫sulphur dioxide二氧化锰manganese dioxide芳香烃 arene放热反应exothermic reaction非极性分子non-polar molecule非极性键non-polar bond肥皂 soap分馏fractional distillation酚 phenol复合材料 composite干电池 dry cell干馏 dry distillation甘油 glycerol高分子化合物 polymer共价键 covalent bond官能团functional group光化学烟雾photochemical fog过氧化氢hydrogen peroxide合成材料synthetic material合成纤维synthetic fiber合成橡胶synthetic rubber核电荷数nuclear charge number核素 nuclide化学电源chemical power source化学反应速率chemical reaction rate化学键 chemical bond化学平衡chemicalequilibrium还原剂 reducing agent磺化反应sulfonation reaction霍尔槽 Hull Cell极性分子polar molecule极性键 polar bond加成反应addition reaction加聚反应addition polymerization甲烷 methane碱金属 alkali metal碱石灰 soda lime结构式structural formula聚合反应 po1ymerization可逆反应reversible reaction空气污染指数air pollution index勒夏特列原理 Le Chatelier's principle离子反应ionic reaction离子方程式ionic equation离子键 ionic bond锂电池 lithium cell两性氢氧化物amphoteric hydroxide两性氧化物amphoteric oxide裂化 cracking裂解 pyrolysis硫氰化钾potassium thiocyanate硫酸钠sodium sulphide氯化铵ammonium chloride氯化钡barium chloride氯化钾potassium chloride氯化铝aluminium chloride氯化镁magnesium chloride氯化氢hydrogen chloride氯化铁iron (III)chloride氯水 chlorine water麦芽糖 maltose煤 coal酶 enzyme摩尔 mole摩尔质量 molar mass品红magenta或fuchsine葡萄糖 glucose气体摩尔体积 molar volume of gas铅蓄电池lead storage battery强电解质strong electrolyte氢氟酸hydrogen chloride氢氧化铝aluminium hydroxide取代反应substitution reaction醛 aldehyde炔烃 alkyne燃料电池 fuel cell弱电解质weak electrolyte石油 Petroleum水解反应hydrolysis reaction四氯化碳carbon tetrachloride塑料 plastic塑料的降解plastic degradation塑料的老化plastic ageing酸碱中和滴定acid-base neutralization titration酸雨 acid rain羧酸 carboxylic acid碳酸钠 sodium carbonate碳酸氢铵 ammonium bicarbonate碳酸氢钠 sodium bicarbonate糖类 carbohydrate烃 hydrocarbon烃的衍生物 derivative of hydrocarbon烃基 hydrocarbonyl同分异构体 isomer同素异形体 allotrope同位素 isotope同系物 homo1og涂料 coating烷烃 alkane物质的量 amount of substance物质的量浓度amount-of-substance concentration of B烯烃 alkene洗涤剂 detergent纤维素 cellulose相对分子质量 relative molecular mass相对原子质量 relative atomic mass消去反应 elimination reaction硝化反应 nitratlon reaction硝酸钡 barium nitrate硝酸银 silver nitrate溴的四氯化碳溶液 solution of bromine in carbon tetrachloride溴化钠 sodium bromide溴水 bromine water溴水 bromine water盐类的水解 hydrolysis of salts盐析 salting-out焰色反应 flame test氧化剂 oxidizing agent氧化铝 aluminium oxide氧化铁 iron (III) oxide乙醇 ethanol乙醛 ethana1乙炔 ethyne乙酸 ethanoic acid乙酸乙酯 ethyl acetate乙烯 ethene银镜反应silver mirror reaction硬脂酸 stearic acid油脂 oils and fats有机化合物 organic compound元素周期表 periodic table of elements元素周期律 periodic law of elements原电池 primary battery原子序数 atomic number皂化反应 saponification粘合剂 adhesive蔗糖 sucrose指示剂 Indicator酯 ester酯化反应 esterification周期 period族 group(主族:main group)Bunsen burner 本生灯product 化学反应产物flask 烧瓶apparatus 设备PH indicator PH值指示剂,氢离子(浓度的)负指数指示剂matrass 卵形瓶litmus 石蕊litmus paper 石蕊试纸graduate, graduated flask 量筒,量杯 reagent 试剂test tube 试管burette 滴定管retort 曲颈甑still 蒸馏釜cupel 烤钵crucible pot, melting pot 坩埚pipette 吸液管filter 滤管stirring rod 搅拌棒element 元素body 物体compound 化合物atom 原子gram atom 克原子atomic weight 原子量atomic number 原子数atomic mass 原子质量molecule 分子electrolyte 电解质ion 离子anion 阴离子cation 阳离子electron 电子isotope 同位素isomer 同分异物现象polymer 聚合物symbol 复合radical 基structural formula 分子式valence, valency 价monovalent 单价bivalent 二价halogen 成盐元素bond 原子的聚合mixture 混合combination 合成作用compound 合成物alloy 合金organic chemistry 有机化学inorganic chemistry 无机化学derivative 衍生物series 系列acid 酸hydrochloric acid 盐酸sulphuric acid 硫酸nitric acid 硝酸aqua fortis 王水fatty acid 脂肪酸organic acid 有机酸hydrosulphuric acid 氢硫酸hydrogen sulfide 氢化硫alkali 碱,强碱ammonia 氨base 碱hydrate 水合物hydroxide 氢氧化物,羟化物hydracid 氢酸hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物,羟anhydride 酐alkaloid 生物碱aldehyde 醛oxide 氧化物phosphate 磷酸盐acetate 醋酸盐methane 甲烷,沼气butane 丁烷salt 盐potassium carbonate 碳酸钾soda 苏打sodium carbonate 碳酸钠caustic potash 苛性钾caustic soda 苛性钠ester 酯gel 凝胶体analysis 分解fractionation 分馏endothermic reaction 吸热反应 exothermic reaction 放热反应 precipitation 沉淀to precipitate 沉淀to distil, to distill 蒸馏distillation 蒸馏to calcine 煅烧to oxidize 氧化alkalinization 碱化to oxygenate, to oxidize 脱氧,氧化 to neutralize 中和to hydrogenate 氢化to hydrate 水合,水化to dehydrate 脱水fermentation 发酵solution 溶解combustion 燃烧fusion, melting 熔解alkalinity 碱性isomerism, isomery 同分异物现象hydrolysis 水解electrolysis 电解electrode 电极anode 阳极,正极cathode 阴极,负极catalyst 催化剂catalysis 催化作用oxidization, oxidation 氧化reducer 还原剂dissolution 分解synthesis 合成reversible 可逆的1. The Ideal-Gas Equation 理想气体状态方程2. Partial Pressures 分压3. Real Gases: Deviation from Ideal Behavior 真实气体:对理想气体行为的偏离4. The van der Waals Equation 范德华方程5. System and Surroundings 系统与环境6. State and State Functions 状态与状态函数7. Process 过程8. Phase 相9. The First Law of Thermodynamics 热力学第一定律10. Heat and Work 热与功11. Endothermic and Exothermic Processes 吸热与发热过程12. Enthalpies of Reactions 反应热13. Hess’s Law 盖斯定律14. Enthalpies of Formation 生成焓15. Reaction Rates 反应速率16. Reaction Order 反应级数17. Rate Constants 速率常数18. Activation Energy 活化能19. The Arrhenius Equation 阿累尼乌斯方程20. Reaction Mechanisms 反应机理21. Homogeneous Catalysis 均相催化剂22. Heterogeneous Catalysis 非均相催化剂23. Enzymes 酶24. The Equilibrium Constant 平衡常数25. the Direction of Reaction 反应方向26. Le Chatelier’s Principle 列·沙特列原理27. Effects of Volume, Pressure, Temperature Changes and Catalystsi. 体积,压力,温度变化以及催化剂的影响28. Spontaneous Processes 自发过程29. Entropy (Standard Entropy) 熵(标准熵)30. The Second Law of Thermodynamics 热力学第二定律31. Entropy Changes 熵变32. Standard Free-Energy Changes 标准自由能变33. Acid-Bases 酸碱34. The Dissociation of Water 水离解35. The Proton in Water 水合质子36. The pH Scales pH值37. Bronsted-Lowry Acids and BasesBronsted-Lowry 酸和碱38. Proton-Transfer Reactions 质子转移反应39. Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs 共轭酸碱对40. Relative Strength of Acids and Bases 酸碱的相对强度41. Lewis Acids and Bases 路易斯酸碱42. Hydrolysis of Metal Ions 金属离子的水解43. Buffer Solutions 缓冲溶液44. The Common-Ion Effects 同离子效应45. Buffer Capacity 缓冲容量46. Formation of Complex Ions 配离子的形成47. Solubility 溶解度48. The Solubility-Product Constant Ksp 溶度积常数49. Precipitation and separation of Ions 离子的沉淀与分离50. Selective Precipitation of Ions 离子的选择沉淀51. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 氧化还原反应52. Oxidation Number 氧化数53. Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Equations 氧化还原反应方程的配平54. Half-Reaction 半反应55. Galvani Cell 原电池56. Voltaic Cell 伏特电池57. Cell EMF 电池电动势58. Standard Electrode Potentials 标准电极电势59. Oxidizing and Reducing Agents 氧化剂和还原剂60. The Nernst Equation 能斯特方程61. Electrolysis 电解62. The Wave Behavior of Electrons 电子的波动性63. Bohr’s Model of The Hydrogen Atom 氢原子的波尔模型64. Line Spectra 线光谱65. Quantum Numbers 量子数66. Electron Spin 电子自旋67. Atomic Orbital 原子轨道68. The s (p, d, f) Orbital s(p,d,f)轨道69. Many-Electron Atoms 多电子原子70. Energies of Orbital 轨道能量71. The Pauli Exclusion Principle 泡林不相容原理72. Electron Configurations 电子构型73. The Periodic Table 周期表74. Row 行75. Group 族76. Isotopes, Atomic Numbers, and Mass Numbers 同位素,原子数,质量数77. Periodic Properties of the Elements 元素的周期律78. Radius of Atoms 原子半径79. Ionization Energy 电离能80. Electronegativity 电负性81. Effective Nuclear Charge 有效核电荷82. Electron Affinities 亲电性83. Metals 金属84. Nonmetals 非金属85. Valence Bond Theory 价键理论86. Covalence Bond 共价键87. Orbital Overlap 轨道重叠88. Multiple Bonds 重键89. Hybrid Orbital 杂化轨道90. The VSEPR Model 价层电子对互斥理论91. Molecular Geometries 分子空间构型92. Molecular Orbital 分子轨道93. Diatomic Molecules 双原子分子94. Bond Length 键长95. Bond Order 键级96. Bond Angles 键角97. Bond Enthalpies 键能98. Bond Polarity 键矩99. Dipole Moments 偶极矩100. Polarity Molecules 极性分子101. Polyatomic Molecules 多原子分子102. Crystal Structure 晶体结构103. Non-Crystal 非晶体104. Close Packing of Spheres 球密堆积105. Metallic Solids 金属晶体106. Metallic Bond 金属键107. Alloys 合金108. Ionic Solids 离子晶体109. Ion-Dipole Forces 离子偶极力110. Molecular Forces 分子间力111. Intermolecular Forces 分子间作用力112. Hydrogen Bonding 氢键113. Covalent-Network Solids 原子晶体114. Compounds 化合物115. The Nomenclature, Composition and Structure of Complexes 配合物的命名,组成和结构116. Charges, Coordination Numbers, and Geometries 电荷数、配位数、及几何构型117. Chelates 螯合物118. Isomerism 异构现象119. Structural Isomerism 结构异构120. Stereoisomerism 立体异构121. Magnetism 磁性122. Electron Configurations in Octahedral Complexes 八面体构型配合物的电子分布123. Tetrahedral and Square-planar Complexes 四面体和平面四边形配合物124. General Characteristics 共性125. s-Block Elements s区元素126. Alkali Metals 碱金属127. Alkaline Earth Metals 碱土金属128. Hydrides 氢化物129. Oxides 氧化物130. Peroxides and Superoxides 过氧化物和超氧化物131. Hydroxides 氢氧化物132. Salts 盐133. p-Block Elements p区元素134. Boron Group (Boron, Aluminium, Gallium, Indium, Thallium) 硼族(硼,铝,镓,铟,铊)135. Borane 硼烷136. Carbon Group (Carbon, Silicon, Germanium, Tin, Lead) 碳族(碳,硅,锗,锡,铅)137. Graphite, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide 石墨,一氧化碳,二氧化碳138. Carbonic Acid, Carbonates and Carbides 碳酸,碳酸盐,碳化物139. Occurrence and Preparation of Silicon 硅的存在和制备140. Silicic Acid,Silicates 硅酸,硅酸盐141. Nitrogen Group (Phosphorus, Arsenic, Antimony, and Bismuth) 氮族(磷,砷,锑,铋)142. Ammonia, Nitric Acid, Phosphoric Acid 氨,硝酸,磷酸143. Phosphorates, phosphorus Halides 磷酸盐,卤化磷144. Oxygen Group (Oxygen, Sulfur, Selenium, and Tellurium) 氧族元素(氧,硫,硒,碲)145. Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide 臭氧,过氧化氢146. Sulfides 硫化物147. Halogens (Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine) 卤素(氟,氯,溴,碘)148. Halides, Chloride 卤化物,氯化物149. The Noble Gases 稀有气体150. Noble-Gas Compounds 稀有气体化合物151. d-Block elements d区元素152. Transition Metals 过渡金属153. Potassium Dichromate 重铬酸钾154. Potassium Permanganate 高锰酸钾155. Iron Copper Zinc Mercury 铁,铜,锌,汞156. f-Block Elements f区元素157. Lanthanides 镧系元素158. Radioactivity 放射性159. Nuclear Chemistry 核化学160. Nuclear Fission 核裂变161. Nuclear Fusion 核聚变162. analytical chemistry 分析化学163. qualitative analysis 定性分析164. quantitative analysis 定量分析165. chemical analysis 化学分析166. instrumental analysis 仪器分析167. titrimetry 滴定分析168. gravimetric analysis 重量分析法169. regent 试剂170. chromatographic analysis 色谱分析171. product 产物172. electrochemical analysis 电化学分析173. on-line analysis 在线分析174. macro analysis 常量分析175. characteristic 表征176. micro analysis 微量分析177. deformation analysis 形态分析178. semimicro analysis 半微量分析179. systematical error 系统误差180. routine analysis 常规分析181. random error 偶然误差182. arbitration analysis 仲裁分析183. gross error 过失误差184. normal distribution 正态分布185. accuracy 准确度186. deviation 偏差187. precision 精密度188. relative standard deviation 相对标准偏差(RSD)189. coefficient variation 变异系数(CV)190. confidence level 置信水平191. confidence interval置信区间192. significant test显著性检验193. significant figure 有效数字194. standard solution 标准溶液195. titration 滴定196. stoichiometric point 化学计量点197. end point 滴定终点198. titration error滴定误差199. primary standard 基准物质200. amount of substance 物质的量201. standardization 标定202. chemical reaction 化学反应203. concentration 浓度204. chemical equilibrium 化学平衡205. titer 滴定度206. general equation for a chemical reaction 化学反应的通式207. proton theory of acid-base酸碱质子理论208. acid-base titration酸碱滴定法209. dissociation constant解离常数210. conjugate acid-base pair共轭酸碱对211. acetic acid 乙酸212. hydronium ion 水合氢离子213. electrolyte 电解质214. ion-product constant of water水的离子积215. ionization电离216. proton condition 质子平衡217. zero level 零水准218. buffer solution缓冲溶液219. methyl orange甲基橙220. acid-base indicator酸碱指示剂221. phenolphthalein 酚酞222. coordination compound配位化合物223. center ion中心离子224. cumulative stability constant累积稳定常数225. alpha coefficient酸效应系数226. overall stability constant总稳定常数227. ligand 配位体228. ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid乙二胺四乙酸229. side reaction coefficient副反应系数230. coordination atom配位原子231. coordination number 配位数232. lone pair electron孤对电子233. chelate compound 螯合物234. metal indicator 金属指示剂235. chelating agent 螯合剂236. masking 掩蔽237. demasking 解蔽238. electron 电子239. catalysis催化240. oxidation 氧化241. catalyst 催化剂242. reduction还原243. catalytic reaction催化反应244. reaction rate反应速率245. electrode potential电极电势246. activation energy 反应的活化能247. redox couple 氧化还原电对248. potassium permanganate 高锰酸钾249. iodimetry 碘量法250. potassium dichromate 重铬酸钾251. cerimetry 铈量法252. redox indicator 氧化还原指示253. oxygen consuming 耗氧量(OC)254. chemical oxygen demanded 化学需氧量(COD) 255. dissolved oxygen 溶解氧(DO) 256. precipitation 沉淀反应257. argentimetry 银量法258. heterogeneous equilibrium of ions 多相离子平衡259. aging 陈化260. postprecipitation 继沉淀261. coprecipitation 共沉淀262. ignition 灼烧263. fitration 过滤264. decantation 倾泻法265. chemical factor 化学因数266. spectrophotometry 分光光度法267. colorimetry 比色分析268. transmittance 透光率269. absorptivity 吸光率270. calibration curve 校正曲线271. standard curve 标准曲线272. monochromator 单色器273. source 光源274. wavelength dispersion 色散275. absorption cell 吸收池276. detector 检测系统277. bathochromic shift 红移278. Molar absorptivity 摩尔吸光系数279. hypochromic shift 紫移280. acetylene 乙炔281. ethylene 乙烯282. acetylating agent 乙酰化剂283. acetic acid 乙酸284. adiethyl ether 乙醚285. ethyl alcohol 乙醇286. acetaldehtde 乙醛287. β-dicarbontl compound β–二羰基化合物288. bimolecular elimination 双分子消除反应289. bimolecular nucleophilic substitution 双分子亲核取代反应290. open chain compound 开链族化合物291. molecular orbital theory 分子轨道理论292. chiral molecule 手性分子293. tautomerism 互变异构现象294. reaction mechanism 反应历程295. chemical shift 化学位移296. Walden inversio 瓦尔登反转n297. Enantiomorph 对映体298. addition rea ction 加成反应299. dextro- 右旋300. levo- 左旋301. stereochemistry 立体化学302. stereo isomer 立体异构体303. Lucas reagent 卢卡斯试剂304. covalent bond 共价键305. conjugated diene 共轭二烯烃306. conjugated double bond 共轭双键307. conjugated system 共轭体系308. conjugated effect 共轭效应309. isomer 同分异构体310. isomerism 同分异构现象311. organic chemistry 有机化学312. hybridization 杂化313. hybrid orbital 杂化轨道314. heterocyclic compound 杂环化合物315. peroxide effect 过氧化物效应t316. valence bond theory 价键理论317. sequence rule 次序规则318. electron-attracting grou p 吸电子基319. Huckel rule 休克尔规则320. Hinsberg test 兴斯堡试验321. infrared spectrum 红外光谱322. Michael reacton 麦克尔反应323. halogenated hydrocarbon 卤代烃324. haloform reaction 卤仿反应325. systematic nomenclatur 系统命名法e 326. Newman projection 纽曼投影式327. aromatic compound 芳香族化合物328. aromatic character 芳香性r329. Claisen condensation reaction克莱森酯缩合反应330. Claisen rearrangement 克莱森重排331. Diels-Alder reation 狄尔斯-阿尔得反应332. Clemmensen reduction 克莱门森还原333. Cannizzaro reaction 坎尼扎罗反应334. positional isomers 位置异构体335. unimolecular elimination reaction 单分子消除反应336. unimolecular nucleophilic substitution 单分子亲核取代反应337. benzene 苯338. functional grou 官能团p339. configuration 构型340. conformation 构象341. confomational isome 构象异构体342. electrophilic addition 亲电加成343. electrophilic reagent 亲电试剂344. nucleophilic addition 亲核加成345. nucleophilic reagent 亲核试剂346. nucleophilic substitution reaction亲核取代反应347. active intermediate 活性中间体348. Saytzeff rule 查依采夫规则349. cis-trans isomerism 顺反异构350. inductive effect 诱导效应 t351. Fehling’s reagent 费林试剂352. phase transfer catalysis 相转移催化作用353. aliphatic compound 脂肪族化合物354. elimination reaction 消除反应355. Grignard reagent 格利雅试剂356. nuclear magnetic resonance 核磁共振357. alkene 烯烃358. allyl cation 烯丙基正离子359. leaving group 离去基团360. optical activity 旋光性361. boat confomation 船型构象362. silver mirror reaction 银镜反应363. Fischer projection 菲舍尔投影式364. Kekule structure 凯库勒结构式365. Friedel-Crafts reaction 傅列德尔-克拉夫茨反应366. Ketone 酮367. carboxylic acid 羧酸368. carboxylic acid derivative 羧酸衍生物369. hydroboration 硼氢化反应370. bond oength 键长371. bond energy 键能372. bond angle 键角373. carbohydrate 碳水化合物374. carbocation 碳正离子375. carbanion 碳负离子376. alcohol 醇377. Gofmann rule 霍夫曼规则378. Aldehyde 醛379. Ether 醚380. Polymer 聚合物。

化学专业课程中英文对照普通化学General Chemistry分析化学Analytical Chemistry有机化学Organic Chemistry物理化学Physical Chemistry谱学导论Introducton of Spectroscopy无机化学Inorganic Chemistry普通化学和分析化学实验Experiments of General and Analytical Chemistry现在基础化学The Principle of Mordern Chemistry现在基础化学实验Experiments of Modern Fundamental Chemistry有机化学实验Experiments of Organic Chemistry仪器分析和物理化学实验Experiments of Instrumental Analysis and Physical Chemistry合成化学实验Experiments of Synthetic Chemistry现代化学专题Topic of Modern Chemistry化学综合实验Experiments of Comprehensive Chemistry化工原理Principle of Chemical Engineering化工原理实验Experiments of Chemical Engineering应用化学实验Experiments of Applied Chemistry无机合成化学Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry近代分析化学Modern Analytical Chemistry分离分析化学Separation Analytical Chemistry有机化合物波谱鉴定Spectrum Identification of Organic Compounds有机合成及反应机理Organic Synthesis and Mechanics化学进展Progress in Chemistry化学反应工程Chemical Reaction Engineering应用电化学Applied Electrochemistry工业催化Industrial Catalysis环境化学Environmental Chemistry环境监测Environmental Monitoring化学科技英语Scientific English for Chemistry数理方法在化学中的应用Mathematical Statistics for Chemistry化工制图Chemical Engineering Cartography计算机与化学测量实验Computer and Chemical Measurement化学信息学Chemoinformatics or Chemical Informatics应用化学专题Special Topics in Applied Chemistry化工装置常用词汇1一概论 introduction方案(建议书) proposal可行性研究 feasibility study方案设计 concept design工艺设计 process design基础设计 basic design详细设计 detail design开工会议 kick-off meeting审核会议 review meeting外商投资 foreign investment中外合资 joint venture中外合营 joint venture补偿贸易 compensation trade合同合同附件 contract卖方 vendor买方 buyer顾客 client承包商 contractor工程公司 company供应范围 scope of supply生产范围 production scope生产能力 production capacity项目 project界区 battery limit装置 plant公用工程 utilities工艺流程图 process flow diagram工艺流程方块图 process block diagram管道及仪表流程图 piping and instrument drawing物料及热量平衡图 mass & heat balance diagram蒸汽及冷凝水平衡图 steam & condensate balance diagram 设备布置图 equipment layout设备表 equipment list成品(产品) product(final product)副产品 by-product原料 raw-material设计基础数据 basic data for design技术数据 technical data数据表 data sheet设计文件 design document设计规定 design regulation现场服务 site service项目变更 project change用户变更 client change消耗定额 consumption quota技术转让 technical transfer技术知识 technical know-howtechnical knowledge技术保证 technical guarantee咨询服务 consultative services技术服务 technical services工作地点 location施工现场 construction field报价 quotation标书 bidding book公司利润 company profit固定价合同 fixed price contract固定单价合同 fixed unit price contract成本加酬金合同 cost plus award fee contract 定金 mobilization银行保证书 bank guarantee letter保留金 retention所得税 income taxes特别承包人税 special contractor's taxes城市和市政税 city and municipal taxes工作手册 work manual工作流程图 work flow diagram质量保证程序 QA/QC procedures采购计划 procurement plan施工计划 construction plan施工进度 construction schedule项目实施计划 project execution plan项目协调程序 project coordination procedure 项目总进度计划 project master schedule设计网络计划 engineering network logic项目质量保证 project quality assurance项目质量控制 project quality control采购 procurement采购周期 procurement period会签 the squad check计算书 calculation sheets询价 inquiry检验 inspection运输 transportation开车 start up / commission验收 inspection & acceptance校核 check审核 review审定 approve版次 version部门 department专业 specialty项目号 project number图号 drawing number目录 contents序言 foreword章 chapter节 section项 itemMR material requisitionSPEC engineering specificationDATA SHEET(技术表) technical data sheetTBA(技术评标) technical bid analysisPDP preliminary design packagePM (项目经理) project managerLDE(专业负责人) lead discipline engineerMRQ(材料询价单) Material requisition for quotationMRP(材料采购单) material requisition for purchaseBEP(基础工程设计包) basic engineering packageP&ID(管道及仪表流程图) piping and instrument drawing(diagram) PFD process flow diagramNNF normally no flowFO failure openFC failure closeC/S/A civil/structure/architectureDDP(详细设计阶段) detail design phase二. 工艺流程连续过程 continuous process间歇过程 batch process工艺叙述 process description工艺特点 process feature操作 operation反应 reaction副反应 side reaction絮凝 flocculation浮洗 flotation倾析 decantation催化反应 catalytical reaction萃取 extraction中和 neutralization水解 hydrolysis过滤 filtration干燥 drying还原 reduction氧化 oxidation氢化 hydrogenation分解 decomposition离解 dissociation合成 synthetics吸收 absorption吸附 adsorption解吸 desorption结晶 crystallization溶解 solution调节 modulate控制 control悬浮 suspension循环 circulation再生 regeneration再活化 reactivation沥取 leaching破碎 crushing煅烧 caloination沉降 sedimentation沉淀 precipitation气化 gasification冷冻 refrigeration固化、结晶 solidification 包装 package升华 sublimation燃烧 combustion引烧 ignition蒸馏 distillation碳化 carbonization压缩 compression三、化学物质及特性固体 solid液体 liquid气体 gas化合物 compound混合物 mixture粉 powder片状粉未 flake小粒 granule结晶 crystal乳化物 emulsion氧化物 oxidizing agent 还原剂 reducing agent有机物 organic material 真空 vacuum母液 master liquor富液 rich liquor贫液 lean liquor萃出物 extract萃余物 raffinate絮凝剂 flocculants冷冻盐水 brine酸度 acidity浓度 concentration碱度 alkalinity溶解度 solubility凝固点 solidificalion point沸点 boiling point熔点 melting point蒸发率 evaporation rate粘度 viscosity吸水的 water absorbent(a)无水的 anhydrous(a)外观 appearance无色的 colorless(a)透明的 transparent(a)半透明的 translucent密度 density比重 specific gravity催化剂 catalyst燃烧 combustion引燃 ignition自然点 self-ignition temperature可燃气体 combustible gas可燃液体 inflammable liquid易燃液体 volatile liquid爆炸混合物 explosive mixture爆炸性环境 explosive atmosphere(environment) 爆炸极限 explosive concentration limit废水 waste water废液 waste liquid废气 off-gas噪声 noise pollution成分 composition挠度 deflection力和力矩 force and moment弯矩 bending moment应力-应变曲线 stress-strain diagram百分比 percentage环境温度 ambient temperature工作温度 operating设计温度 design temperature(pressure)相对湿度 RH=relative humidity油渣、淤泥 sludge杂质 impurity四、化工设备泵 pump轴流泵 axial flow pump真空泵 vacuum pump屏蔽泵 canned pump柱塞泵 plunger pump涡轮泵 turbine pump涡流泵 vortex pump离心泵 centrifugal pump喷射泵 jet pump转子泵 rotary pump管道泵 inline pump双作用往复泵 double action reciprocating pump计量泵 metering pump深井泵 deep well pump齿轮泵 gear pump手摇泵 hand(wobble) pump螺杆泵 screw (spiral) pump潜水泵 submersible pump斜转子泵 inclined rotor pump封闭式电磁泵 hermetically sealed magnetic drive pump 气升泵 air-lift-pump轴承 bearing叶轮 impeller虹吸管 siphon高压容器 high pressure vessel焚化炉 incinerator火焰清除器 flame arrester工业炉 furnace烧嘴 burner锅炉 boiler回转窑 rotary kiln加热器 heater电加热器 electric heater冷却器 cooler冷凝器 condenser换热器 heat exchanger反应器 reactor蒸馏釜 still搅拌器 agitator混合器 mixer静态混合器 static mixers管道混合器 line mixers混合槽 mixing tanks破碎机 crusher磨碎机 grinder研磨机 pulverizer球磨机 ballmill过滤器 filter分离器 separator干燥器 drier翅片 fins烟囱 stack火炬 flare筛子 screen煅烧窑 calciner倾析器 decanter蒸发器 evaporator再沸器 reboiler萃取器 extractor离心机 centrifuger吸附(收)器 adsorber结晶器 crystallizer电解槽 electrolyzer电除尘器 electric precipitator洗涤器 scrubber消石灰器 slaker料仓 bin料斗 hopper加料器 feeder增稠器 thickener澄清器 clarifier分级器 classifier浮洗器 flocculator废液池 sump喷射器 ejector喷头 sprayer成套设备 package unit仪器设备 apparatus附属设备 accessory旋转式压缩机 rotary compressor往复式压缩机 reciprocating compressor水环式压缩机 nash compressor螺杆式压缩机 helical screw compressor离心式压缩机 centrifugal compressor多级压缩机 mutiple stages compressor固定床反应器 fixed bed reactor流化床反应器 fluidized bed reactor管式反应器 tubular reactor列管式换热器 tubular heat exchanger螺旋板式换热器 spiral plate heat exchanger 萃取塔 extraction column板式塔 plate column填料塔 packed column洗涤塔 scrubber吸收塔 absorber冷却塔 cooling tower精馏塔 fractionating tower汽提塔 stripper再生塔 regenerator造粒塔 prill tower塔附件 tower accessories液体分配(布)器 liquid distributor填料支持板 support plate定距管 spacer降液管 downcomer升气管 chimney顶(底)层塔盘 top (bottom) tray挡板 baffle抽出口 draw nozzle溢流堰 weir泡罩 bubble cap筛板 sieve plate浮阀 float valve除沫器 demister pad塔裙座 skirt椭圆封头 elliptical head高位槽 head tank中间槽 intermediate tank加料槽 feed tank补给槽 make-up tank计量槽 measuring tank电解槽 cell溜槽 chute收集槽 collecting tank液滴分离器 knockout drum稀释罐 thinning tank缓冲罐 surge drum回流罐 reflux drum闪蒸罐 flash drum浮顶罐 floating roof tank内浮顶罐 covered floating roof tank球罐 spheroid气柜 gas holder湿式气柜 wet gas-holder干式气柜 dry gas-holder螺旋式气柜 helical gas-holder星型放料器,旋转阀 rotary valve抽滤器 mutche filter压滤器 filter press压滤机 pressure filter板框压滤器 plate-and-fram filter press转鼓过滤器 rotary drum filter带式过滤器 belt filter翻盘式过滤器袋滤器 bag filter旋风分离器 cyclone separator盘式干燥箱 compartment tray drier真空干燥器 vacuum drier隧道式干燥器 tunnel drier回转干燥器 rotary drier穿流循环干燥器 through circulation drier 喷雾干燥器 spray drier气流干燥器 pneumatic conveyor drier圆盘式加料器 dish feeder螺旋式加料器 screw feeder颚式破碎机 jaw crusher回转破碎机 gyratory crusher滚洞破碎机 roll crusher锤式破碎机 hammer crusher冲击破碎机 rotor impact breaker气流喷射粉碎机 jet pulverizer棍磨机 rod mill雷蒙机 raymond mill锤磨机 hammer mill辊磨机 roller mill振动筛 vibrating screen回转筛 rotary screen风机 fan罗茨鼓风机 root's blower起重机 crane桥式起重机 bridge crane电动葫芦 motor hoist发电机 generator电动机 motor汽轮机 steam turbine五、管道工程 piping engineering1 阀门 valve阀杆 stem内螺纹阀杆 inside screw阀座 valve seat (body seat)阀座环、密封圈 sealing ring阀芯(包括密封圈,杆等) trim阀盘 disc阀体 body阀盖 bonnet手轮 hand wheel手柄 hand level (handle)压盖 gland闸阀 gate valve平行双闸板 double disc parallel seat楔形单闸板 split wedge截止阀 globe valve节流阀 throttle valve针阀 needle valve角阀(角式截止阀) angle valveY型阀(截止阀) Y-valve(Y-body globe valve)球阀 ball valve三通球阀 3-way ball valve蝶阀 butterfly valve对夹式(薄片型) wafer type偏心阀板蝶阀 offset disc (eccentric) butterfly valve 斜阀盘蝶阀 canted disc butterfly valve连杆式蝶阀 link butterfly valve止回式蝶阀 combined non-return butterfly valve柱塞阀 piston type valve旋塞阀 plug valve三通旋塞阀 three-way plug valve四通旋塞阀 four-way plug valve旋塞 cock衬套旋塞 sleeve cock隔膜阀 diaphragm valve橡胶衬里隔膜阀 rubber lined diaphragm valve直通式隔膜阀 straight way diaphragm valve夹紧式胶管阀 pinch valve止回阀 check valve升降式止回阀 lift check valve旋启式止回阀 swing check valve落球式止回阀 ball check valve弹簧球式止回阀 spring ball check valve底阀 foot valve切断式止回阀 stop check valve活塞式止回阀 piston check valve翻板止回阀 flap check valve蝶式止回阀 butterfly check valve安全泄气阀 safety[SV]安全泄放阀 relief valve[RV]安全泄压阀 safety relief valve杠杆重锤式 lever and weight type罐底排污阀 flush-bottom tank valve波纹管密封阀 bellow sealed valve电磁阀 solenoid (operated) valve电动阀 electrically(electric-motor)operated valve气动阀 pneumatic operated valve低温用阀 cryogenic service valve蒸汽疏水阀 steam trap机械式疏水阀 mechanical trap浮桶式疏水阀 open (top) bucket trap浮球式疏水阀 float trap倒吊桶式疏水阀 inverted bucket trap自由浮球式疏水阀 loose float trap恒温式疏水阀 thermostatic trap压力平衡式恒温疏水阀 balanced pressure thermostatic trap 热动力式疏水阀 thermodynamic trap脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀 impulse steam trap放汽阀(自动放汽阀) (automatic) air vent valve换向阀 diverting (reversing) valve呼吸阀 breather valve减压阀 pressure reducing valve控制阀 control valve执行机构 actuator差压调节阀 differential pressure regulating valve切断阀 block (shut-off, stop) valve调节阀 regulating valve快开阀 quick opening valve快闭阀 quick closing valve隔断阀 isolating valve三通阀 three way valve夹套阀 jacketed valve非旋转式阀 non-rotary valve2管子,管件,法兰管子 pipe(按标准制造的配管用管)tube(不按标准规格制造的其它用管)钢管 steel pipe铸铁管 cast iron pipe衬里管 lined pipe复合管 clad pipe碳钢管 carbon steel[C.S.]pipe合金钢管 alloy steel pipe不锈钢管 stainless steel[S.S.]pipe奥氏体不锈钢管 austenitic stainless steel pipe铁合金钢管 ferritic alloy steel pipe轧制钢管 wrought-steel pipe锻铁管 wrought-iron pipe无缝钢管 seamless[SMLS] steel pipe焊接钢管 welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管 electric-resistance-welded steel pipe电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管 electric-fusion(arc)-welded steel-plate pipe 螺旋焊接钢管 spiral welded steel pipe镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe排污阀 blowdown valve集液排放阀 drip valve排液阀 drain valve放空阀 vent valve卸载阀 unloading valve排出阀 discharge valve吸入阀 suction valve取样阀 sampling valve手动阀 hand operated(manually-operated) valve(水)龙头 bibb;bib;faucet抽出液阀(小阀) bleed valve旁路阀 by-pass valve软管阀 hose valve混合阀 mixing valve破真空阀 vacuum breaker冲洗阀 flush valve根部阀 root (primary, header) valve水煤气钢管 water-gas steel pipe塑料管 plastic pipe玻璃管 glass tube橡胶管 rubber tube壁厚 wall thickness[WT]壁厚系列号 schedule number[SCH.NO.]加厚的,加强的 extra heavy (strong)双倍加厚的,双倍加强的 double extra heavy (strong) 弯头 elbow异径弯头 reducing elbow长半径弯头 long radius elbow短半径弯头 short radius elbow长半径180°弯头 long radius return短半径180°弯头 short radius return三通 tee异径三通 reducing tee等径三通 straight tee带支座三通 base tee45°斜三通 45°lateralY型三通 true"Y"四通 cross异径管 reducer同心异径管 concentric reducer偏心异径管 eccentric reducer管接头 coupling;full coupling活接头 union短管 nipple预制弯管 fabricated pipe bendU型弯管 "U"bend法兰端 flanged end万向接头 universal joint对焊的 butt welded[BW]螺纹的 threaded[THD]承插焊的 socket welded[SW]法兰 flange[FLG]整体管法兰 integral pipe flange钢管法兰 steel pipe flange螺纹法兰 threaded flange滑套法兰 slip-on flange平焊法兰 slip-on-welding flange承插焊法兰 socket welding flange松套法兰 lap joint flange[LJF]对焊法兰 weld neck flange[WNF]法兰盖 blind flange;blind异径法兰 reducing flange压力级 pressure rating(class)突面 raised face[RF]凸面 male face凹面 female face全平面;满平面 flat face;full face[FF]3.管道特殊件 piping speciality粗滤器 strainer过滤器 filter临时过滤器 temporary strainer(cone type) Y型过滤器 Y-type strainerT型过滤器 T-type strainer永久过滤器 permanent filter洗眼器及淋浴器 eye washer and shower 视镜 sight glass阻火器 flame arrester喷咀;喷头 spray nozzle喷射器 ejector取样冷却器 sample cooler消音器 silencer膨胀节 expansion joint波纹膨胀节 bellow补偿器 compensator软管接头 hose connection[HC]快速接头 quick coupling金属软管 metal hose橡胶管 rubber hose挠性管 flexible tube特殊法兰 special flange漏斗 funnel8字盲板 spectacle (figure 8) blind爆破板 rupture disk4,其它材料碳素钢 carbon steel [C.S.]不锈钢 stainless steel[S.S.]铸铁 cast iron[C.I.]铝 aluminum铜,紫铜 copper钛 titanium抗拉强度 tensile strength非金属材料 non-metallic material塑料 plastic陶瓷 ceramic搪瓷 porcelain enamel玻璃 glass橡胶 rubber垫片 gasket[GSKT]平垫片 flat gasket填料 packing型钢 shaped steel角钢 angle steel槽钢 channel工字钢 I-beam宽缘工字钢或H钢 wide flanged beam扁钢 flat bar圆钢 round steel; rod钢带 strap steel网络钢板 checkered plate材料表 bill of material[BOM]材料统计 material take-off[MTO]散装材料 bulk material综合管道材料表 consolidated piping material summary sheet[CPMSS]汇总表 summary sheet5.设备布置及管道设计中心线 center line装置边界 boundary limit[BL]区界 area limit设备布置 equipment arrangement (layout);plot plan标高,立面 elevation[EL]支撑点 point of support[POS]工厂北向 plant north方位 orientation危险区 hazardous area classification净正吸入压头 net positive suction head绝对标高 absolute elevation坐标 coordinate管道研究 piping study管道布置平面 piping arrangement plan[PAP]管道布置 piping assembly; layout详图 detail"X"视图 view "X""A-A" 剖视 section "A-A"轴测图 isometric drawing索引图 key plan管道及仪表流程图 piping and instrument diagram[P&ID]管口表 list of nozzles地上管道 above ground piping 地下管道 under ground piping 管线号 line number总管 header; manifold旁路 by pass常开 normally open常闭 normally closed取样接口 sampling connection 伴热管 tracing pipe蒸汽伴热 steam tracing热水伴热 hot-water tracing电伴热 electrical tracing夹套管 jacketed line全夹套管 full jacketed比例 scale图 figure草图 sketch图例 legend符号 symbol件号 part n。

I. vocabularyabsorbance吸光度absorption 吸收acetic acid 乙酸acetone 丙酮acetonitrile 乙腈aliquot 等份(试液)aluminum foil 铝箔American Chemical Society (缩写ACS) 美国化学会ammonium acetate 乙酸铵analyst 化验师,化验员analytical chemistry 分析化学aqueous 水的,含水的argon 氩(气)autosampler 自动进样器beaker 烧杯bibliography 参考书目blender 混合器,搅拌机buffer solution 缓冲溶液burette 滴定管cartridge 柱管centrifugation 离心Chemical Abstracts (缩写CA) 化学文摘chemical analysis 化学分析chromatograph 色谱仪chromatogram色谱图cloud point extraction(缩写CPE)浊点萃取collision gas 碰撞气confidence level 置信水平conical flask 锥形瓶cone voltage 锥电压daughter ion 子离子desolvation gas 脱溶剂气derivatization 衍生化,衍生(作用)dichloromethane 二氯甲烷Diode array detector (缩写DAD)二极管阵列检测器dilution 稀释(n.)disperser solvent 分散剂dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction 分散液液微萃取distilled water 蒸馏水dropping pipet 滴管electrochemical analysis电化学分析electrode 电极electrolyte 电解质electromagnetic spectrum 电磁波谱electrospray ionization (缩写ESI ) 电喷雾离子化eliminate 消除(v.)eluate 洗出液eluent 洗脱剂elute 洗脱(v。

实用文档1.The Ideal-Gas Equation 理想气体状态方程2. Partial Pressures 分压3. Real Gases: Deviation from Ideal Behavior 真实气体:对理想气体行为的偏离4. The van der Waals Equation 范德华方程5. System and Surroundings 系统与环境6. State and State Functions 状态与状态函数7. Process 过程8. Phase 相9. The First Law of Thermodynamics 热力学第一定律10. Heat and Work 热与功11. Endothermic and Exothermic Processes 吸热与发热过程12. Enthalpies of Reactions 反应热实用文档13. Hess’s Law 盖斯定律14. Enthalpies of Formation 生成焓15. Reaction Rates 反应速率16. Reaction Order 反应级数17. Rate Constants 速率常数18. Activation Energy 活化能19. The Arrhenius Equation 阿累尼乌斯方程20. Reaction Mechanisms (机制 ) 反应机理21. Homogeneous Catalysis ( catalysis 英 [kə'tæləs Is] n.催化作用) 均相催化剂22. Heterogeneous Catalysis 非均相催化剂23. Enzymes 酶24. The Equilibrium Constant 平衡常数25. the Direction of Reaction 反应方向实用文档26. Le Chatelier’s Principle 列沙特列原理27. Effects of Volume, Pressure, TemperatureChanges andCatalysts 体积,压力,温度变化以及催化剂的影响28. Spontaneous Processes 自发过程( spontaneous [spɒnˈte ɪniəs] adj. 自发的;自然的;天然产生的;无意识的)29. Entropy (Standard Entropy) 熵 (标准熵)30. The Second Law of Thermodynamics 热力学第二定律31. Entropy Changes 熵变32. Standard Free-Energy Changes 标准自由能变33. Acid-Bases 酸碱34. The Dissociation of Water 水离解35. The ProtoninWater 水合质子36. The pH Scales pH 值37. Bronsted-Lowry Acids and Bases Bronsted-Lowry 酸和碱实用文档38. Proton-Transfer Reactions 质子转移反应39. Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs 共轭酸碱对40. Relative Strength of Acids and Bases 酸碱的相对强度41. Lewis Acids and Bases 路易斯酸碱42. Hydrolysis of Metal Ions 金属离子的水解43. Buffer Solutions 缓冲溶液44. The Common-Ion Effects 同离子效应45. Buffer Capacity 缓冲容量46. Formation of Complex Ions 配离子的形成47. Solubility 溶解度48. The Solubility-Product Constant Ksp 溶度积常数49. Precipitation and separation of Ions 离子的沉淀与分离50. Selective Precipitation of Ions 离子的选择沉淀实用文档51. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 氧化还原反应52. Oxidation Number 氧化数53. Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Equations 氧化还原反应方程的配平54. Half-Reaction 半反应55. Galvani Cell 原电池56. Voltaic Cell 伏特电池57. Cell EMF 电池电动势58. StandardElectrode Potentials 标准电极电势59. Oxidizing and Reducing Agents 氧化剂和还原剂60. The Nernst Equation 能斯特方程61. Electrolysis 电解62. The Wave Behavior of Electrons 电子的波动性63. Bohr’s Model of The Hydrogen Atom 氢原子的波尔模型实用文档64. Line Spectra 线光谱65. Quantum Numbers 量子数66. Electron Spin 电子自旋67. Atomic Orbital 原子轨道68. The s (p, d, f) Orbital s ( p,d,f)轨道69. Many-Electron Atoms 多电子原子70. Energies of Orbital 轨道能量71. The Pauli Exclusion Principle 泡林不相容原理72. Electron Configurations 电子构型73. ThePeriodic Table 周期表74. Row 行75. Group 族76. Isotopes, Atomic Numbers, and Mass Numbers 同位素,原子数,质量数实用文档77. Periodic Properties of the Elements 元素的周期律78. Radius of Atoms 原子半径79. Ionization Energy 电离能80. Electronegativity 电负性81. Effective Nuclear Charge 有效核电荷82. Electron Affinities 亲电性83. Metals 金属84. Nonmetals 非金属85. Valence Bond Theory 价键理论86. Covalence Bond 共价键87. Orbital Overlap 轨道重叠88. Multiple Bonds 重键89. Hybrid Orbital 杂化轨道实用文档90. The VSEPR Model 价层电子对互斥理论91. Molecular Geometries 分子空间构型92. Molecular Orbital 分子轨道93. Diatomic Molecules 双原子分子94. Bond Length 键长95. Bond Order 键级96. Bond Angles 键角97. Bond Enthalpies 键能98. Bond Polarity 键矩99. Dipole Moments 偶极矩100. Polarity Molecules 极性分子101. Polyatomic Molecules 多原子分子102. Crystal Structure 晶体结构实用文档103. Non-Crystal 非晶体104. Close Packing of Spheres 球密堆积105. Metallic Solids 金属晶体106. Metallic Bond 金属键107. Alloys 合金108. Ionic Solids 离子晶体109. Ion-Dipole Forces 离子偶极力110. Molecular Forces 分子间力111. Intermolecular Forces 分子间作用力112. Hydrogen Bonding 氢键113. Covalent-Network Solids 原子晶体114. Compounds 化合物115. The Nomenclature, Composition and Structure of Complexes 配合物的命名,组成和结构实用文档116. Charges, CoordinationNumbers, andGeometries 电荷数、配位数、及几何构型117. Chelates 螯合物118. Isomerism 异构现象119. Structural Isomerism 结构异构120. Stereoisomerism 立体异构121. Magnetism 磁性122. ElectronConfigurations inOctahedral Complexes 八面体构型配合物的电子分布123. Tetrahedral and Square-planar Complexes 四面体和平面四边形配合物124. General Characteristics 共性125. s-Block Elements s 区元素126. Alkali Metals 碱金属127. Alkaline Earth Metals 碱土金属实用文档128. Hydrides 氢化物129. Oxides 氧化物130. Peroxides andSuperoxides 过氧化物和超氧化物131. Hydroxides 氢氧化物132. Salts 盐133. p-Block Elements p 区元素134. BoronGroup(Boron, Aluminium, Gallium, Indium, Thallium) 硼族(硼,铝,镓,铟,铊)135. Borane 硼烷136. Carbon Group (Carbon, Silicon, Germanium, Tin, Lead) 碳族(碳,硅,锗,锡,铅)137. Graphite, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide 石墨,一氧化碳,二氧化碳138. Carbonic Acid, Carbonates and Carbides 碳酸,碳酸盐,碳化物139. Occurrence and Preparation of Silicon 硅的存在和制备实用文档140. Silicic Acid,Silicates 硅酸,硅酸盐141. Nitrogen Group (Phosphorus, Arsenic, Antimony, and Bismuth) 氮族(磷,砷,锑,铋)142. Ammonia, Nitric Acid, Phosphoric Acid 氨,硝酸,磷酸143. Phosphorates, phosphorus Halides 磷酸盐,卤化磷144. OxygenGroup(Oxygen, Sulfur, Selenium, andTellurium) 氧族元素(氧,硫,硒,碲)145. Ozone, HydrogenPeroxide 臭氧,过氧化氢146. Sulfides 硫化物147. Halogens (Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine) 卤素(氟,氯,溴,碘)148. Halides, Chloride 卤化物,氯化物149. The Noble Gases 稀有气体150. Noble-Gas Compounds 稀有气体化合物151. d-Block elements d 区元素实用文档152. TransitionMetals 过渡金属153. Potassium Dichromate 重铬酸钾154. PotassiumPermanganate 高锰酸钾155. Iron Copper Zinc Mercury 铁,铜,锌,汞156. f-Block Elements f 区元素157. Lanthanides 镧系元素158. Radioactivity 放射性159. Nuclear Chemistry 核化学160. Nuclear Fission 核裂变161. Nuclear Fusion 核聚变162. analytical chemistry 分析化学163. qualitative analysis 定性分析164. quantitative analysis 定量分析实用文档165. chemical analysis 化学分析166. instrumental analysis 仪器分析167. titrimetry 滴定分析168. gravimetric analysis 重量分析法169. regent 试剂170. chromatographic analysis 色谱分析171. product 产物172. electrochemical analysis 电化学分析173. on-line analysis 在线分析174. macro analysis 常量分析175. characteristic 表征176. micro analysis 微量分析177. deformation analysis 形态分析实用文档178. semimicro analysis 半微量分析179. systematical error 系统误差180. routine analysis 常规分析181. random error 偶然误差182. arbitration analysis 仲裁分析183. gross error 过失误差184. normal distribution 正态分布185. accuracy 准确度186. deviation 偏差187. precision 精密度188. relative standard deviation 相对标准偏差( RSD ) 189. coefficient variation 变异系数( CV )190. confidence level 置信水平191. confidence interval 置信区间192. significant test 显著性检验193. significant figure 有效数字194. standard solution 标准溶液195. titration 滴定196. stoichiometric point 化学计量点197. end point 滴定终点198. titration error 滴定误差199. primary standard 基准物质200. amount of substance 物质的量201. standardization 标定202. chemical reaction 化学反应203. concentration 浓度204. chemical equilibrium 化学平衡205. titer 滴定度206. general equation for a chemical reaction 化学反应的通式207. proton theory of acid-base 酸碱质子理论208. acid-base titration 酸碱滴定法209. dissociation constant 解离常数210. conjugate acid-base pair 共轭酸碱对211. acetic acid 乙酸212. hydronium ion 水合氢离子213. electrolyte 电解质214. ion-product constant of water 水的离子积215. ionization 电离216. proton condition 质子平衡217. zero leve 零水准218. buffer solution 缓冲溶液219. methyl orange 甲基橙220. acid-base indicator 酸碱指示剂221. phenolphthalein 酚酞222. coordination compound 配位化合物223. center ion 中心离子224. cumulative stability constant 累积稳定常数225. alpha coefficient 酸效应系数226. overall stability constant 总稳定常数227. ligand 配位体228. ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid 乙二胺四乙酸229. side reaction coefficient 副反应系数230. coordination atom 配位原子231. coordination number 配位数232. lone pair electron 孤对电子233. chelate compound 螯合物234. metal indicator 金属指示剂235. chelating agent 螯合剂236. masking 掩蔽237. demasking 解蔽238. electron 电子239. catalysis 催化240. oxidation 氧化241. catalyst 催化剂242. reduction 还原243. catalytic reaction 催化反应244. reaction rate 反应速率245. electrode potential 电极电势246. activation energy 反应的活化能247. redox couple 氧化还原电对248. potassium permanganate 高锰酸钾249. iodimetry 碘量法250. potassium dichromate 重铬酸钾251. cerimetry 铈量法252. redox indicator 氧化还原指示253. oxygen consuming 耗氧量( OC )254. chemical oxygen demanded 化学需氧量(COD) 255. dissolved oxygen 溶解氧(DO)256. precipitation 沉淀反应257. argentimetry 银量法258. heterogeneous equilibrium of ions 多相离子平衡259. aging 陈化260. postprecipitation 继沉淀261. coprecipitation 共沉淀262. ignition 灼烧263. fitration 过滤264. decantation 倾泻法265. chemical factor 化学因数266. spectrophotometry 分光光度法267. colorimetry 比色分析268. transmittance 透光率269. absorptivity 吸光率270. calibration curve 校正曲线271. standard curve 标准曲线272. monochromator 单色器273. source 光源274. wavelength dispersion 色散275. absorption cell 吸收池276. detector 检测系统277. bathochromic shif 红移278. Molar absorptivity 摩尔吸光系数279. hypochromic shift 紫移280. acetylene 乙炔281. ethylene 乙烯282. acetylating agent 乙酰化剂283. acetic acid 乙酸284. adiethyl ether 乙醚285. ethyl alcohol 乙醇286. acetaldehtde 乙醛287. β -dicarbontl compound β–二羰基化合物288. bimolecular elimination 双分子消除反应289. bimolecular nucleophilic substitution 双分子亲核取代反应290. open chain compound 开链族化合物291. molecular orbital theory 分子轨道理论292. chiral molecule 手性分子293. tautomerism 互变异构现象294. reaction mechanism 反应历程295. chemical shift 化学位移296. Walden inversio 瓦尔登反转 n 297. Enantiomorph 对映体298. addition rea ction 加成反应299. dextro- 右旋300. levo- 左旋301. stereochemistry 立体化学302. stereo isomer 立体异构体303. Lucas reagent 卢卡斯试剂304. covalent bond 共价键305. conjugated diene 共轭二烯烃306. conjugated double bond 共轭双键307. conjugated system 共轭体系308. conjugated effect 共轭效应309. isomer 同分异构体310. isomerism 同分异构现象311. organic chemistry 有机化学312. hybridization 杂化313. hybrid orbital 杂化轨道314. heterocyclic compound 杂环化合物315. peroxide effect 过氧化物效应 t 316. valence bond theory 价键理论317. sequence rule 次序规则318. electron-attracting grou p 吸电子基319. Huckel rule 休克尔规则320. Hinsberg test 兴斯堡试验。
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I. vocabularyabsorbance吸光度absorption 吸收acetic acid 乙酸acetone 丙酮acetonitrile 乙腈aliquot 等份(试液)aluminum foil 铝箔American Chemical Society (缩写ACS) 美国化学会ammonium acetate 乙酸铵analyst 化验师,化验员analytical chemistry 分析化学aqueous 水的,含水的argon 氩(气)autosampler 自动进样器beaker 烧杯bibliography 参考书目blender 混合器,搅拌机buffer solution 缓冲溶液burette 滴定管cartridge 柱管centrifugation 离心Chemical Abstracts (缩写CA) 化学文摘chemical analysis 化学分析chromatograph 色谱仪chromatogram色谱图cloud point extraction(缩写CPE)浊点萃取collision gas 碰撞气confidence level 置信水平conical flask 锥形瓶cone voltage 锥电压daughter ion 子离子desolvation gas 脱溶剂气derivatization 衍生化,衍生(作用)dichloromethane 二氯甲烷Diode array detector (缩写DAD)二极管阵列检测器dilution 稀释(n.)disperser solvent 分散剂dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction 分散液液微萃取distilled water 蒸馏水dropping pipet 滴管electrochemical analysis电化学分析electrode 电极electrolyte 电解质electromagnetic spectrum 电磁波谱electrospray ionization (缩写ESI ) 电喷雾离子化eliminate 消除(v.)eluate 洗出液eluent 洗脱剂elute 洗脱 (v.)elution 洗脱(n.)Encyclopedia of analytical chemistry 分析化学百科全书The Engineering Index (缩写EI )工程索引enrichment factor 富集因子Evaporative Light Scattering Detector (缩写ELSD) 蒸发光散射检测器extract 萃取(v.)、萃取物 (n.)extraction efficiency 萃取效率filter 过滤(v.)、过滤器(n.)filtrate 滤出液filtration 过滤fluorescence荧光fluorometry荧光分析法formic acid 甲酸funnel 漏斗gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (缩写GC–MS) 气相色谱-质谱gas chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (缩写GC–MS/MS)气相色谱-串联质谱gel filtration chromatography凝胶过滤色谱法gel permeation chromatography凝胶渗透色谱法graduated cylinder 量筒high performance liquid chromatography (缩写HPLC) 高效液相色谱homogenate 匀浆 (n.)homogenize 使均质,将……打成匀浆hydrophobic 疏水的identification 鉴定Impact Factor影响因子incubation time 温育时间Index to Scientific Technical Proceedings (缩写ISTP)科技会议录索引indicator 指示剂instrumental analysis 仪器分析inter-day precision 天间精密度intra-day precision 天内精密度interference 干扰internal standard 内标ion exchange chromatography离子交换色谱法ion source 离子源limit of detection (缩写LOD)检出限limit of quantitation (缩写LOQ)定量限linearity 线性linear range 线性范围linear regression equation 线性回归方程liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (缩写LC-MS/MS)液相色谱串联质谱liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (缩写LC-ESI-MS/MS)液相色谱电喷雾串联质谱liquid-liquid partition chromatography 液液分配色谱法liquid-solid adsorption chromatography 液固吸附色谱法mass analyzer 质量分析器Mass Spectrometer 质谱仪mass spectrum 质谱图mass-to-charge ratio 质荷比matrix effect 基质效应maximum absorption 最大吸收maximum value 最大值measuring pipet 吸量管methanol 甲醇micelle 胶束microwave assisted extraction 微波辅助提取minimum value 最小值mobile phase 流动相molar concentration摩尔浓度molarity 摩尔浓度mole 摩尔monograph专著Multiple-reaction monitoring 多反应监测(缩写MRM)negative ionization mode 负离子(化)模式nitrogen 氮(气)normal phase liquid chromatography正相液相色谱法nominal concentration 标示浓度optimization 优化outlier 离群值parent ion 母离子pipette 移液管polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 多环芳烃positive ionization mode 正离子(化)模式potentiometry电位法preconcentration 预浓缩precursor ion 前体离子(又称母离子)primary literature一次文献product ion 产物离子(又称子离子)quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry 四极杆-飞行时间质谱(缩写Q-TOF MS)qualitative analysis 定性分析quality assurance and quality control (缩写QA/QC)质量保证和质量控制quantification 定量quantitative analysis 定量分析reconstitute 重组、复溶(v.)recovery 回收率refractive index detector 折光指数检测器,示差折光检测器relative abundance 相对丰度relative standard deviation (缩写RSD)相对标准偏差reproducibility 重现性reversed phase liquid chromatography(缩写RPLC)反相液相色谱法Royal Society of Chemistry(缩写RSC)英国皇家化学会Science Citation Index (缩写SCI )科学引文索引Science Citation Index Expanded (缩写SCIE) 科学引文索引扩展版Scientific notation 科学计数法signal to noise ratio (缩写S/N)信噪比size exclusion chromatography尺寸排除色谱法secondary literature二次文献solid-phase extraction (缩写SPE)固相萃取solid-phase microextraction (缩写SPME)固相微萃取spike 添加(v.)standard solution标准溶液stationary phase 固定相stirring bar 搅拌棒stoichiometric point化学计量点surfactant 表面活性剂supernatant 上清液syringe 注射器tap water 自来水Teflon 聚四氟乙烯tetrahydrofuran 四氢呋喃titrant 滴定剂titration滴定trace analysis 痕量分析Ultra performance liquid chromatography (缩写UPLC) 超高效液相色谱Ultraviolet/Visible Spectrophotometry 紫外/可见分光光度法vacuum 真空vessel 容器volumetric flask 容量瓶volumetric analysis容量分析法voltammetry 伏安法nanometer 纳米(nm)microgram 微克( g)picogram 皮克(pg)milligram 毫克(mg)femtogram 飞克(fg)II. Terms and their definitionsAccuracy 准确度 A measure of the agreement between an experimental result and its expected value.Analysis 分析A process that provides chemical or physical informationabout the constituents in the sample or the sampleitselfAnalyte 被测物,被分析物The constituent of interest in asampleCalibration curve 校准曲线 The result of a standardization showinggraphically how a method’s signal changes withrespect to the amount of analyte.Calibration method 校准方法The basis of quantitative analysis: magnitude ofmeasured property is proportional to concentrationof analyteChromophore 生色团A functional group which absorbs a characteristicultraviolet or visible wavelengthGradient elution 梯度洗脱T he process of changing the mobile phase’ssolvent strength to enhance the separation of bothearly and late eluting solutes.Gravimetric analysis重量分析 A type of quantitative analysis in whichthe amount of a species in a material is determinedby converting the species into a product that can beisolated and weighed.Isocratic elution 等度洗脱the use of a mobile phase whose composition remains constant throughout theseparation.Matrix 基质All other constituents in a sample except forthe analytesMethod blank 方法空白 A sample that contains all components of thematrix except the analyte.Outlier 离群值Data point whose value is much larger or smaller thanthe remaining data.Precision 精密度 An indication of the reproducibility of ameasurement or resultQuantitative analysis 定量分析The determination of the amount of asubstance or species present in a material. Quantitative transfer 定量转移The process of moving a sample from onecontainer to another in a manner that ensures allmaterial is transferred.Selectivity 选择性A measure of a method’s freedom from interferences asdefined by the method’s selectivity coefficient. Significant figures 有效数字The digits in a measured quantity, including alldigits known exactly and one digit (the last) whosequantity is uncertain.Spectrophotometry 分光光度法. An analytical method that involves how lightinteracts with a substanceStock solution 储备液 A solution of known concentration from which other solutions are prepared.Titration curve 滴定曲线 A graph showing the progress of a titration as afunction of the volume of titrant added.Validation (方法)确证,验证The process of verifying that aprocedure yields acceptable results.Titration error 滴定误差The determinate error in a titration due to thedifference between the end point and theequivalence point.Robust method 广泛适用的方法A method that can be applied toanalytes in a wide variety of matricesRugged method 稳健的方法 A method that is insensitive to changes inexperimental conditionsMass Spectrometry 质谱法An analytical method which is based on ionization of gasphase molecule followed by analysis of the masses of theions producedIII. Common knowledges1.Some key journals in Analytical Chemistry:Analytical ChemistryTrends in Analytical ChemistryJournal of Chromatography AJournal of Chromatography BAnalystAnalytica Chimica ActaTALANTACritical Reviews in Analytical ChemistryAnalytical and Bioanalytical ChemistryELECTROPHORESIS2. Types of articles published in scientific journals:Full Length Research PapersRapid CommunicationsReviewsShort CommunicationsDiscussions or Letters to the Editor(Some journals publish all types of articles, while others are devoted to only a single type.)3. The structure of a scientific paper:•Title• Authors (with affiliations and addresses)• Abstract (summary)• Key words• Introduction• Experimental• Results and discussion• Conclusion• Acknowledgement• References4. How to Read a Scientific Paper:Five Helpful Questions•1) WHY did they do this set of experiments?•2) HOW were the experiments actually done?•3) WHAT are the results?•4) WHAT can be concluded from the results?•5) Did they do everything correctly?5. Five-step analyzing process1) Identify and define the problem.2) Design the experimental procedure.3) Conduct an experiment and gather data.4) Analyze the experimental data.5) Report and suggestion.6.What are the main parts of a mass spectrometer?1)sample introduction system2)ion source3) mass analyzer4)detector5)vacuum system。