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产品介绍product introduction

地理范围geography scope

核保要求underwriting requirement


附加条款/特别约定rider/special agreement

资料清单data list

付款须知payment notice

付款条件payment conditions

批单流程endorsement process

续保流程 renewal process

理赔流程claim process

技术部备注remarks/notes from technology department

合同目的aim of contract

我们的目标客户是哪类客户who are our target clients

险种一览a view of insurance kind

险种介绍insurance kind introduction

水箱水管爆裂扩展条款 water tank and pipe crack extension

地震扩展条款earthquake extension

洪水扩展条款flood extension

露天存放及简易建筑内财产扩展条款extension of property outdoors or in simply constructed building

消防队灭火费用扩展条款fire department extinguishment payment extension

碰撞除外条款collision exclusion clause

受益人条款beneficiary clause

防盗措施说明条款anti-theft measures illustration /instruction clause 72小时条款72 hours clause

违反条件条款condition breach clause

消防保证条款firefighting guarantee clause

发货、置货、安装货物责任条款goods consignment,disposition, and installation liability clause

电梯责任条款elevator liability clause

泳池责任条款swimming pool liability clause

停车场责任保险条款parking lot liability insurance clause

停车服务条款parking service clause

意外和短期健康accident and short- term health

附加人身意外死亡险personal accidental death extension

附加人身意外伤残险personal accidental disability extension

保险金额计算sum insured calculation

室内财产indoor property

MPI核保、查勘简化流程 a simplified process of MPI underwriting and prospection

技术部不需现场查勘可接受标的acceptable object without onsite prospection o f technical department

技术部不需要进行现场查勘GMI标的GMI object without onsite prospection

o f technical department

核保流程underwriting process

重要的核保信息important underwriting information

理赔条件claim condition

赔款支付indemnity payment

投保单样本proposal sample

上限及免赔表table of upper limits and deductibles

短期健康险的特别约定special agreementonshort-termhealthinsurance

定点医院designated hospitals list
