



企业英语培训口语Enterprise English training conversationA: Good morning. Is this the Enterprise English training course?B: Yes, that's correct. Welcome. May I have your name?A: My name is John Smith. I am from the sales department.B: Nice to meet you, John. I'm Sarah, your trainer for this course. Have you had any English training before?A: Yes, I have attended a few lessons in the past, but I still struggle with speaking confidently in English.B: Don't worry, John. That's why we're here. Our goal is to help you improve your English speaking skills and boost your confidence.A: That's great to hear. What will we be covering in this course?B: In this course, we will focus on business communication skills such as making presentations, negotiating, and participating in meetings. We will also work on improving your vocabulary and pronunciation.A: Fantastic. Those are exactly the areas I need help with. How long will the course last?B: The course will run for six weeks, with two sessions per week.Each session will be two hours long. By the end of the course, you should notice a significant improvement in your English speaking abilities.A: I'm really excited to get started. When is our first class?B: Our first class will be next Monday at 9 am in the training room on the fourth floor. Please make sure to bring a notebook and a pen for taking notes.A: I will definitely be there. Thank you for the information, Sarah. B: You're welcome, John. I look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your English language goals.。



外企office常用英语(一)1. In the middle of something?正在忙吗?我知道有许多许多的人, 对于某一种概念学会了一种说法之后, 从此就只会 用这种说法. 例如‘你在忙吗?’这个句子, 很多人在国中起就知道要说, "Are you busy?" 讲到了来美国留学三年, 他还是只会说 "Are you busy?". 其实有时候我 们的眼界要放广一点, 对于同一个概念要有不同的变化. 就像是 "Are you busy?" 这句话, 其实老美也很常用 "In the middle of something?" , (但这句话比 较接近于 "Are you busy right now?" 是问人家‘现在’是不是正在忙? "Are you busy?" 的含意比较广, 也可指‘最近’忙不忙?) 大家不要小看这么小小的变化, 如果你除了 "Are you busy?" 之外, 有时还懂得刻意去用 "In the middle of something?" 我相信你的英文说出来就会跟别人不一样. 举个例子吧, 办公室里 想找人八卦, 又怕人家正在忙, 这时你就可以问他, "In the middle of something?" (正在忙吗?)记得在不久之前看过的一部黑人电影 Down to Earth 中也有 in the middle of something 这个用法, 只不过男主角是用这句话来提出一个论点, "The first kiss is always in the middle of something." 也就是说, 初吻总是发生在讲话讲到一半时, 或是当你们正在作其它的事情时, 通常是果不其然的. 他同时也觉得, "The first kiss is the only real kiss in your relationship." (只有初吻才是真正的吻), "The others are just protocols" (其它的都只是一种敷衍、虚应故事而已.)2. What are you up to?你正在作什么?跟上面的例子一样, ‘你正在作什么啊?’这句话通常我们就只会说, "What are you doing?" 这样子不会很无聊吗? 其实有时我们可以换句话说. 例如: "What are you up to?" 同样也是问人家你正在作什么. 承上例, 假设你在办公室 里, 你想找人八卦, 所以问同事, "In the middle of something?" 他回答, "Kind of." (算是吧.) 这时你就可以打破砂锅问到底, "What are you up to?" (那你最近在忙什 么啊?) 另外有时候老美见面时也会问 "What are you up to?" 意思就是问你最近 在作什么啊? 跟另一句问候语 "What’s up?" 意思上很接近. 但是你要听对方的 语气喔! 有时候 "What are you up to?" 指的虽然还是 "What are you doing?" 但 它却是‘你在搞什么鬼啊?’的意思喔! 例如当你看到别人在乱翻你的东西, 你就 可以责问他, "Hey, what are you up to?" 也就是骂他‘你在搞什么鬼啊?’. 或是像 电影 Blow 里毒贩的老爸骂他的儿子, "I know what you are up to." (我知道你在 干些什么勾当.) 以上这些例子里, "What are you up to?" 完全可以用 "What are you doing?" 来取代, 只不过因为我们在说话时要力求变化, 所以要多学几种不 同的讲法.其实 "What are you up to?" 还有许多其它的意思, 在此不一一列举, 不过 还有一个比较常用的解释是, ‘进展的如何了?’例如朋友告诉你他正在写一部武 侠小说, (就像我的 labmate 一样), 你就可以问他, "What are you up to?" (进展的 如何了), 而他的回答可能是, "I am writing Chapter 3 now." 我现在正在写第三章 呢.3. Can you just give me a ballpark figure?能不能给我一个大概的数字.Ballpark 指的是专供球类比赛的公园, 特别是指大型的棒球场. 例如亚特 兰大勇士队 (Atlanta Braves) 的主场, Turner Field 就是一个 ballpark. 那什么是 ballpark figure 呢? 通常在棒球比赛时不是都会报今天的观众人数, 例如是 49,132 人吗? 这个数字 49,132 就是 ballpark figure, 但这只是一个大约的估计 数字而已, 所以 ballpark figure 的意思就是指大约的估计数字. 所以在公司里如 果老板问会计, 上个月水电费总共多少钱? 之后再加上一句, "Just give me a ballpark figure." 意思就是我只要一个大略的数字就行了. 甚至有些老美懒到就 只说 ballpark, 所以老板也有可能会说, "I’ll need a ballpark of the revenue last year." (我需要去年的营收的大约数字.) 你就要自己知道这个 ballpark 是 ballpark figure 的意思.其实很多像 ballpark 这种有点俚语的讲法, 你去问美国人, 我保证他们百 分之九十九点九都知道 ballpark 的意思. 但是有很多外国人, 不管他们的英语 再流利, 不管在美国住多久, 却还是常常会有听不懂的状况. 像小笨霖的指导教 授是欧洲人, 但在美国也待超过十年了, 英语的流利自然是不在话下. 可是呢? 有一次我跟她说 "I can only give you a ballpark." 她却问我 ballpark 是什么意思. 我讲这个小故事给各位听的原因, 就是告诉你们拿这种俚语去跟美国人交谈, 通 常是没问题的, 但是如果去跟英语同样也很流利的老印, ABC, 或是在美国住了 很久的外国人, 则不保证他们能听得懂.4. Bottom line: We have to turn into profit by 2002.最重要的是: 我们必须在 2002 年前转亏为盈.大家看过财务报表没? 上面是一大堆密密麻麻的数字, 告诉你公司的资产 有多少, 折旧多少, 应收帐款多少. 但是这些都不是最重要的, 最重要的在最最 下面那一行 (bottom line), 叫净赚 (Net earnings) 告诉你这家公司总共加起来到 底是赚钱还是赔钱, (这其实才是最重要的, 不是吗?) 所以 bottom line 这个字后 来就变成了有‘最重要的是...’的意思. 例如商场上有句名言, "In business, If you don’t take care of your customers, somebody else will. And that is the bottom line." (如果你不关心你的顾客的话, 其它的人会, 这是最重要的原则. ) 另外 bottom line 也有‘最后的底限’,‘不能再退让的原则’的意思. 例如老板可以告诫员工, "Bottom line: We have to ship this order by Friday." (我最后的底限是, 我们必须在 星期五前运交这批货. )5. The new CFO was sent to bring the company out of the red.这位新的财务长被派来把公司从赤字中拯救出来.中国人喜欢红色, 所以股市大涨时盘面上都是红通通的一片. 不过欧美国家 对红色的认知则大不相同, 红色就表示亏损, 赤字. 像之前提到的 bottom line 如果是用红笔写的, 那就是表示公司整体上来说是赔钱的. 相反的如果是用黑笔 写的, 则表示是赚钱的. 所以我们常可以听到 in the red 或是 in the black 这样 的讲法, 其实就是指公司赚不赚钱. 当然啦, 我们也可以用最简单的讲法, lose money 和 make money 或是形容词 unprofitable 和 profitable 来表示赔钱或赚 钱. 例如这家公司是赚钱的, 你可以说, "This company is in the black.", "The comapny is making money." 或是 "The company is profitable." 都可以.讲到这个 profitable 让我不得不提醒大家 non­profit 这个字, 因为常常有 人会搞错. Non­profit 这个字指的并不是说不赚钱的, 而是说‘非营利性质的’, 例 如像消费者文教基金会我们就可以说他是一个 non­profit organization, 非营利机 构, 这种组织就不是以赚钱为目的. 但 nonprofitable 的话则是指不赚钱的就等于 unprofitable 或是 non­profit­making.外企office常用英语(二)6. Shelly just called in sick.Shelly 刚打电话来请病假.Call in sick 是一个在办公室内常会用到的片语, 指的是有人打电话来说他 生病了不能来上班. 有兴趣听老美讲这句话的人不妨去看 "What Women Want?" (男人百分百) 这部电影, 我记得他们就有用 "call in sick" 这个片语. 当然啦, 这 种事想也知道一定有相当的比例是偷懒而不想来上班而已, 不然就是员工找借 口集体罢工, 例如 "Some workers called in sick to have a strike." (有些工人藉由集 体打电话请病假来罢工.)那如果是正常的请病假 (sick leave/ medical leave) 要怎么讲? 你可以说, "I need a sick leave for two days." (我需要请两天病假.) 或是如果是因为老婆要分娩 了, 想要请事假 (personal leave), 你可以说, "I’m asking for a three­day paid/unpaid personal leave for my wife’s labor." (因为我老婆要生了, 我想要请三天 假.) 至于这个假是扣不扣钱? (paid/unpaid) 就看公司的政策而定了.7. I just heard that seven people are going be laid off next month.我刚听到公司下个月要裁七位员工.最近失业率不断上升, 我也就顺便来谈谈裁员的话题. 公司要裁员的讲法有 许多种, 其中最常见的不外是 layoff 这个字 (如果分开来写: lay off 是动词, 但 合起来写 layoff 则是名词) . 例如, "Cisco issues a profit warning, plans layoffs." (思科发布盈余警讯, 计划裁员.) 当然还可以用比较口语的讲法说, cut jobs 或是 slash jobs, 例如上一句我们也可以说, "Cisco plans to cut/slash jobs." (思科计划裁 员.) 据路边马路消息说, 由于 layoff 最近在英语中的出现频率排名大幅成长, layoff 这个字将会被收录在最新的英文常用 3000 字汇当中. ^__^ 要是真的不幸在美国被裁员了怎么办? 先记住两句话再说, 第一句是, "Whose decision was this?" (这是谁的决定.) 俗语说冤有头债有主, 先问清楚了是 谁动你的, 将来要把汽车轮胎放气才知道要放哪一台. 另一句话就是, "I am between jobs." 这句话在找新工作时很好用. 人家问你现在在作什么, 你不要呆 呆地说, "I just got laid off." 多难听啊! 你应该说, "I am between jobs." 我正好在 两个工作间的空档. 听起来比较委婉 这可是之前刚被裁了员的好友 Joseph 教 我的, 他就因为很会讲这句 "I am between jobs." 目前已经在德州休士顿找到新 工作了. :D8. He suggested we should go to eat after my graveyard shift.他建议说我们可以在我的大夜班之后一起去吃东西.轮班这个字在英文里叫 shift, 例如三班制就叫 three shifts. 例如, "We have to work in three shifts to keep the company running." (我们必须轮三班制来保持工 厂的运转.) 我想大家都知道三班制就是日夜, 小夜班和大夜班. 在英文里日班就 是 day shift 或是 regular shift, 小夜班是 night shift. 那大夜班呢? 有一个很有 趣的讲法, 叫 graveyard shift. 所以如果你要说明自己上的是大夜班, 就可以这 样说, "I work on the graveyard shift."至于为什么叫 graveyard shift 呢? 其中有一个广为流传的故事是这么说的, 在十九世纪时, 人们有时候会不小心把还活着的人当成死人埋掉. 为了避免这种 悲剧发生, 所以他们在每个棺材里都装上电铃, 以便让这些意外醒来的‘尸体’能够按铃求救. 也因此必须另外安排一位仁兄晚上时在墓地 (graveyard) 里巡查, 以便有人按铃时能即时通知家属. 所以大夜班后来就以此得名, 成为了 graveyard shift. 至于你相不相信这种传说呢? 就看你自己了!9. I am only a regular 9­to­5er.我只是一个平凡的朝九晚五上班族.我相信中文的‘朝九晚五’这个字应该就是从英文 9­to­5 这个字直接翻过来 的吧? 由于上班族的工作时间多半都是很固定从早上九点到晚上五点, 所以才 有 9­to­5 这个用法, 指的就是很一般上下班的工作. 记得有一次跟一个在社会 上己经工作多年又回来念研究所的老美聊到他回学校念书的动机, 他就告诉我, "I don’t want to work 9 to 5 for the rest of my life." (我不想一辈子都作朝九晚五的 工作.) 另外像这种上班族也可以自称是一个 9­to­5er, 也就是指作这种朝九晚五 工作的上班族. 但是像小笨霖我呢? 我就该自称是 10­to­3er 了. (我当然没那么 认真凌晨三点回家, 而是下午三点就回家睡午觉了!)10. I refuse to work overtime during the weekend.我拒绝在周末时加班.英文里加班叫 work overtime. 例如别人喊你今晚出去吃饭, 你说, "Sorry, I have to work overtime." 就是告诉他, 很抱歉, 我今晚要加班. 不过有趣的是, 除 了‘加班’可以叫 overtime, 加班费也可以叫 overtime. 例如你可以大声地告诉老 板, "You have to pay me overtime!" (你必须要付我加班费.) 不过现在时机歹歹, 我看还是小声讲就好了.除了这个 pay overtime 之外, 老美也常用到另外两个字, 一个叫 double time, 另一个叫 time and one­half. Double time 指的是双倍的工资, 而 time and one­half 或是 time and a half 则是指一倍半的工资. 例如老板叫你作一些额外的 工作, 你可以说, "If you pay me double time, I’ll do it." (如果你付我双倍的工资, 我就去做.) 再造一句, "I like to work on holidays because I am on time and a half." (我喜欢在假日时工作, 因为这时的工资算一倍半.)外企office常用英语(三)外企office电话英语1. ABC corporation. May I help you?ABC 公司, 我能帮你什么吗?这句话算是制式的讲法. 一般接起电话的人通常会先报公司的名字 "ABC corporation",然后再说, "May I help you?" 或是如果要更客气一点的话则可以说 "How can I help you?" (我该怎么帮你?), 因为这样的问法表示我‘该’怎么帮你, 而非我‘需不 需要’帮你? 但基本上"May I help you?" 跟 "How can I help you?" 都很常见就是了.不过如果是机器接的电话, 则听到的多半是这样, "Thanks for calling ABC corporation, ifyou know your party’s last name or extention, press 1. If you want to recieve information or publication, press 2. If you want to talk to the operator, press pound sign or remain on the line."(感谢你打电话到 ABC 来, 如果你知道你要找的人的姓或是分机号码, 请按 1, 如果是想要本公司的简介或出版品, 请按 2, 如果是要找总机, 请按 #, 或是请别挂断.2. And you are?你是?如果人家打电话来是要找你的上司, "May I talk to your manager?" (我能不能 跟你们经理讲话?) 这时你总不能糊里糊涂地就把电话拿给经理说, 说不定人家是打 电话来跟你经理勒索一百万的呢! 所以通常我们一定要先确定打电话来的是谁. 最客气的问 法是,"Whom I am speaking with?" 或是 "Whom am I talking to?" (我正在跟谁讲话呢?) 但是人家一听是像我这种小毛头打电话找他们经理, 他们就会用比较口语的说 法, "And you are?" (你是?) 如果人家这样问我, 我就可以答, "This is Benlin."像是 "And you are?" 这么口语的英文书上大概学不到, 但这却是老美天天在用的句子, 只怕你学了之后还不敢用. 其实真的不用怕. 越简单的句子老美越听得懂. 而且 事实上 "And you are?" 这句话还有许多适用的场合, 例如在公司的接待处 (reception). 来访的客人如果说, "I’m looking for Mr. Wolf." (我要找伍夫先生) 接 待小姐就可以反问他, "And you are?" (你是?) 所以像这种简单又好用的句子大家 一定要记起来喔!3. I’ll put her on the phone. Just a second.我会请她听电话, 请等一下.Put someone on the phone 这个片语就是说请某人听电话. 例如你打电话找 你女朋友, 结果女朋友的同事接了电话, 就开始跟你东扯西扯, 问你们昨天是不 是吵架了啊? 什么时候要结婚啦, 这时如果你实在不想跟她讲了, 就可以说, "Could you please just put her on the phone?" (你能不能请她来听电话啊?) 反过来 如果今天是你接到了电话, 结果要找的是别人, 你就可以说, "Ok. I’ll put her on the phone. Just a second." (好, 我会请她听电话, 请稍等一下.)上面讲的 put someone on the phone, 指的多半是只有一只电话时, 但如果像 公司里有许多分机, 则用‘转接’ transfer 或是 redirect. 会比较恰当. 例如同样的 情况你可以说, "I’m transferring your call." 或是 "I’m redirecting your call." (我帮 你转接到分机给她.) 如果是接线生转接的话, 他们有时就只简单地说, "One moment, please." 或是, "OK. I’ll put you through."4. Would you mind holding for one minute?你介不介意稍微等一分钟啊?在美国如果有机会打电话给客户服务 (Customer Service)部门, 如果没意外 的话都会听到以下的电话录音, "All of our representitives are currently busy serving their customers. Your call will be answered in approximate 5 minutes" (我们所有的 客服人员都在忙着服务他们的顾客, 请等五分钟后, 就会有人接听你的电话), 然 后十分钟过去了, "Please continue to hold, your call is very important to us." (请继 续等候, 你的来电对我们非常重要). 所以大家要知道, 老美基本上对这种无止境 的等待是深恶痛绝的. 所以要记得, 如果人家打电话来, 千万不要因为听不懂就 说, "Hold on", 然后就跑去求救兵, 这对打电话来的人是十分不礼貌的.如果万不得已一定要请他稍候, 我们要客气一点地说, "Would you mind holding for one minute?" 所以记得要给对方一个明确的时间, 例如 one second 或是 five minites 不要让对方无止境地等下去. 但是如果一分钟到了你还没忙完, 则最好再说一次, "Sorry, I am still on the phone. Could you hold for anotherminute?" (对不起, 我还在讲电话, 能不能再请你稍候一分钟.)5. He’s out for lunch. Would you like to try again an hour later?他出去吃午餐了, 你要不要一小时后再打来?受到中文的影响, 许多人要讲某人‘出去’吃午餐了常会说成, "He went out for lunch." 其实这个 went 是多余的, 通常老美只讲 be out for something 就行 了. 如果要再简化一点, 单说, "He is on lunch." 或是 "He is on (lunch) break." (他 正在休息时间.) 这样子也可以.如果别人要找的人不在, 通常我们有二种选择, 第一种是请别人晚点再打来, 除了像例句用 try again/ call again 之外, 我们也可以用 call back/ try back 这样 的讲法. 例如你可以建议别人, "Why don’t you call back in 30 minutes?" (你何不 30 分钟后再打来呢?) 第二种选择就是请对方留言, 客气一点的讲法是, "May I take your message?" 或是 "Would you like to leave a message?" (你想留言吗?)6. She is not here but you can call her machine.她不在这里, 但是你可以打她的电话答录机.老美管电话答录机叫 answering machine 或是也有少数人叫 answer machine. 但是在一般的对话中常常简称 machine. 例如 "You can call her machine." 就是说, 你可以打她的电话答录机留言. 或是你打电话给某人, 但你 想他很可能不在, 这时你就可以说, "I’m expecting a machine." (我想会是电话答 录机接的电话.) 如果是 "I want to check on my machine." 则是说我要检查电话 答录机里的留言.记得喔! 通常人家讲 someone’s machine 时百分之九十九都是指电话答录 机而言, 你可别傻傻地问人, "Answering machine?" 像六人行 (Friends) 里有一 集 Chandler 说, "I got her machine." 结果 Joey 还呆呆地问他, "Her answering machine?" Chandler 就讽刺 Joey 的无知说, "No. interestingly enough, her leaf blower (machine) picked up the phone." (很有趣喔, 不是电话答录机喔! 而是她的 吹落叶机接的电话.) 注: 美国的萿叶都不是用扫的, 而是用吹的, 很神奇吧? 而 leaf blower 就是那种背在身上拿来吹落叶的机器啦!7. I’m interested in your CRM software. Can you give me an quote?我对你们的客户关系管理软体有兴趣, 能跟我报个价吗?之前讲的都是别人打电话进来要怎么回答, 现在要讲的是如果你打电话给 别的公司要怎么讲. 通常你会打电话给别的公司不外乎以下几种状况: 询价, 下 订单, 追踪订单, 应征工作, 推销产品等等. 首先谈到询价. 如果只是要请对方 大略地估个价钱, 你可以说, "Can you give me a quote?" 或 "Can you give me an estimate?" 但是提醒大家, 这个 quote 发 /kwot/ 的音, 记得要特别强调那个 /wo/ 的音, 不然老美会以为你在说 coat /kot/ 或是 court /kort/ 这个字. 这种情 况就发生在我身上不只一次, 有一次拿车去修车厂估价, 我跟技工说, "Can you give me a quote?" 他却回答我, "You need a coat?" 扯了半天他才搞懂, 后来我才 知道原来自己 quote 的音发错了. 所以最好的办法就是用 estimate, 这个字是绝 对不会发错的.另外, estimate 和 quote 也可以指‘报价单’而言, 例如你可以要求别人, "Can you send me a sample with an estimate ASAP?" (能不能请你尽快送一份样品 和报价单给我?)8. I’d like to place an order for a DL­1100 color printer.我想要下一份 DL­1100 彩色印表机的订单.以前每次为了买东西而打电话给人家, 我都直接说, "I want to buy this, I want to buy that." 当然啦! 要买东西的人最大, 不管你说什么别人都一定会想办 法把东西卖给你的. 只是你如果直接说 buy 听来比较像是日常生活在说的对话. 如果像是公司要采购商品时, 最好正式一点用 order, 或是更完整一些说 place an order for, 例如 "I want to order a color printer." 或是, "I want to place an order for a color printer." 都是不错的用法.9. I’m calling to check my order status.我打电话来查看我订单的状况.以前我因为不知道 check order status 这个用法, 常拉拉杂杂讲了一堆才能 表达我的意思. 例如我可能会说, "I ordered something yesterday. Can you check if you’ve shipped it or not." 这句话听起来是不是蛮笨的? 后来我暗中观察, 同样的 情况原来老美居然都简简单单地说 "I want to check my order status." 或是 "I want to track my order status." 就能完整地表达这句话的意思, 真是太神奇了.这让我想到有一次在机场也是, 我想问柜台小姐我的朋友倒底坐哪一班飞 机, 那班飞机有没有慢分, 他大概几点会到, 当我好不容易讲完这么长一串时, 柜台小姐居然只回了我一句, "You wanna check passenger status?" 差点没昏到, 原来我只要用 check passenger status 就行了喔?10. I was referred to you by Mr. Gordon.我是 Gordon 先生介绍我来的.打电话到别人公司如果是有求于人的话,例如要去应征啦或是推销东西啦, 最好能先攀点关系啦! 例如最常用的招数, 我是某某人介绍来的, 就是 "I was referred to you by someone." (注意, 介绍在这里用 refer 而不是用 introduce.) 还 有呢? 如果你今天拿到了该公司的折价卷, 则最好也是开宗明义地说, "I got your number from a coupon, which says your product is 50% off today." (我是根据你们折 价卷上的号码打过来的, 它上面写着今天产品五折优待.) 这样子让他想赖都赖 不掉. 总之呢? 先表明自已是怎么搭上这条线的, 这样子别人才不会有突兀的感 觉啦在外企必会的英文单词1、background俺到外企上班了,那可是外企!像什么 IBM 什么的,用字母当公司名 的那可都是大外企,不是什么民企能够比拟的!记得到UT找工作的时候,人力 资源部(俺这叫 HR)的领导看着我的简历说,你的 background 不错,俺心里就一 阵兴奋,心想这可真到外企了呀!2、conferencecall这可是俺们的主要工作方式,有道是大call三六九,小call天天有,有 事咱就call一下,call完该干吗咱还干吗呀!3、aggressive这是俺们领导表扬和批评人用的:“小×,你最近可是很不 aggressive 啊!” 于是,俺是每天很aggressive 地上班,很 aggressive地下班。


Dialogue 4 A: Have a nice weekend! B: Thanks. You too!. A: Do you have any plans? B: Another day, another dollar. (和往常一样)
Do you know……
It’s been lovely to see you again.
Look forward to seeing you again.
All the best.
Best wishes.
Regards to your parents.
Send your parents my best.
Are you leaving for Guangzhou soon?
I guess so. Perhaps next Monday.
Dialogue 2 How are you getting along? I haven’t seen much of you lately. Keeping busy. Doing what? I am supposes to give you my oral defense(答辩) tomorrow. A: Well, keeping busy before oral defense is all in day’s work. be all in day’s work:不足为奇,司空见惯
Dialogue 2 A: I must run along now. I’ve enjoyed this evening very much. B: It was a pleasure having you. A: Every success with your research project. I hope it goes well. B: Thank. Take care then.



Learn common phrasal
Effective Communication Skills
Active Listening
Learn how to listen effectively and understand the needs and issues of
your colleagues and clients.
Introduction to the Course and
Learn about the course,
Understand how to build
Learn effective slide design
of preparation and rehearsal,
your confidence and
techniques to help make
and learn different
overcome nervousness when
Course Recap
Recap of what you learned in the
Provide feedback on the coursg key takeaways and
the instructor, and evaluate your
tone in workplace communication.



▪ 1.有...的能力,能够(做)...的
▪ ~of The girl is capable of doing it. 这女孩能办此事。
▪ 2. 有能力的,能干的,有才华的 He is a very capable administrator. 他是个十分能干的行政人员。
The people in your department seem so capable and nice to be around.
4. Negative adj. 1.否定的;否认的
He gave me a negative answer. 他给了我一个否定的答案。 2. 反面的;消极的 Their attitude was not negative. 他们的态度并不是负面的。
5.Capable adj.
6.Enthusiastic adj.热情的;热烈的;热心的 ▪ +about/over/at
David is very enthusiastic about the plan. They are enthusiastic fans of that movie star.
She's smart and enthusiastic. I've never met anyone as cheery as she is.
13. fire I don’t know why management hasn’t fired her yet.
14. gossip n.流言蜚语;爱说长道短的人 ▪ He's a te100 Topics for Business English


第二节 接待参观人员2
The Devil Wears Prada(2006)
The Devil Wears Prada(2006)
✓ You work a year for her, and you can get a job at any magazine you want. 只要为她工作一年,之后随你想去什么杂志社。
and reasonable in price. 我们很高兴能与贵公司建立商贸往来 如果您感兴趣,我会准备一份清单 所有的这些产品都是我们的畅销货 我们的产品都是物美价廉的
5) Our products have won/gained great popularity in the market.
第三节 谈论样品1
商务英语口语ຫໍສະໝຸດ The Devil Wears Prada(2006)
The Devil Wears Prada(2006)
✓ Human Resources sent her up about the new assistant job, and I was preinterviewing her. 人力资源部送她来做助理,我刚给她做预面试。
Mrs. 已婚 Ms. 不确定
Mr+姓/姓名 Sir
Professor 教授 President 总统/总裁
以小组为单位演绎Section B对话 各小组向大家介绍认为有价值的英文电影、 演讲或歌曲等视频资料,并向大家讲解 1-2句好用的句子,各小组轮流展示



Unit 3 Booking a Hotel Room 预订酒店房间
Key Words (关键词汇) hotel / hEu´tel / n.旅馆 clerk / kla:k/ n.职员 customer / ´kQstEmE / n.顾客 date / deit / n.日期 last name 姓 reserve / rizE:v / v.预订 separate /´sepErit / a.单独/分开的 shower / ´∫auE / n.淋浴 pension / ‘pen∫En / n.伙食 I nclusive / in´klu:siv / a.包括的 check / t∫ek / n.支票 deposit / di´pCzit / n.定金
这儿离机场多远? T:It′s about an hour′s drive .
开车大约1小时的路程。 P:I need to get there before eight . Can we make it ?
我得在8点前到机场。我们能赶到吗? T:I can′t promise , but I′ll do my best .
3.Which counter should I go for checking in ? 我到哪个柜台办理登机手续?
4.Can I see your ID , please ? 请您出示身份证件。
5.What time will boarding start ? 什么时候可以登机?
H:Certainly ,Two separate rooms with shower and bath .Full pension. 当然可以,两间独立的房间,带有淋浴和浴缸。伙食全包。



66、节制使快乐增加并使享受加强。 ——德 谟克利 特 67、今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也 是耽误 了。——裴斯 泰洛齐 68、决定一个人的一生,以及整个命运 的,只 是一瞬 之间。 ——歌 德 69、懒人无法享受休息之乐。——拉布 克 70、浪费时间是一桩大罪过。——卢梭
11、用道德的示范来造就一个人,显然比用法律来约束他更有价值。—— 希腊
12、法律是无私的,对谁都一视同仁。在每件事上,好的自由,因为好人不会去做法律不允许的事 情。——弗劳德
14、法律是为了保护无辜而制定的。——爱略特 15、像房子一样,法律和法律都是相互依存的。——伯克



Hotel reservation
Hotel selection
Based on the needs and budget of foreign guests, choose a suitable hotel and understand the hotel facilities and services.
Company Introduction English
Company History and Culture
Introduce the company's history, corporate culture, and development vision, helping learners understand the company's background and values.
Packaging and Transportation
Negotiating the mode of transportation and associated costs
Discussing delivery times and ensuring that the transportation schedule aligns with the needs of the business
Price Analysis
Negotiating for better terms based on the value provided by the product or service
Evaluating the cost effectiveness of the product or service compared to alternatives



Asking and Answering Questions
Develop the skills to ask and answer questions confidently. Understand different question forms, practice active listening, and build conversational fluency through meaningful exchanges.
Describing People and Places
Learn how to describe people's appearance, personality, and characteristics. Practice using adjectives, adverbs, and idiomatic expressions to vividly portray people and places in your conversations.
Final Thoughts and Review
Reflect on your progress and review key concepts from the course. Solidify your understanding of daily life vocabulary and improve your overall proficiency in English conversation.
Talking about Food and Cooking
Explore the delicious world of food and learn vocabulary for discussing culinary experiences, recipes, and dietary preferences. Share your favorite dishes and learn about international cuisines.


Small talk topics
It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? Finally we’ve gotten a beautiful day. I’m a spring/summer/autumn/winter
person. It’s lovely/sunny/warm/cold. How do you find our weather? It was dismal/cloudy/cold/damp/wet/
Small talk topics
Here is a schedule we’ve prepared. I hope it’s suitable for you.
I’m wondering whether you like this plan. You can change it if you want.
You appear well this morning. You’re in very good looks. You’re looking really good. You don’t look yourself. You have been off colour recently.

Picking up the guest
1 Welcoming
2 Introduction 3 Greetings 4 Offering 5 Hotel 6 Small talk topics
On behalf of …, I’m very glad to welcome you here.


❖ Director 厂长、主任、所长、部长 ❖ Division manager 科长 ❖ Chief engineer 总工程师、轮机长[,endʒi'niə] ❖ Engineer 工程师 ❖ Technician 技术员[tek'niʃən] ❖ Head of group 组长 ❖ Foreman 工长、领班['fɔ:mən] ❖ Inspector 检验员[in'spektə] ❖ 领读5遍,选一列学员依次读。要求学员课下背下单词。
❖ The girl was moved, but somebody told her “don’t forget HIJK!” “He is just kidding.”
❖ The girl responded: It doesn’t matter whether he lied to me. There is “LMNOP”. Love must need our patience.
▪ Haven’t seen you for ages/some time. 太久不见了。 ▪ How have you been(doing)? 最近怎么样? ▪ Hey, man. How’s it going? ▪ How are you getting on/making out?
❖ Would you mind me opening the window? 你介意我开窗 户吗?

Dialogue1 初次见面
❖ A:Are you Edward Green? 你是Edward Green 先生么? ❖ B: Yes,I am. 是的。 ❖ A: How do you do? I’m Yuanfei Chen, foreman of painting center.





课程目标1 2 3培训内容包括日常接待英语口语、礼貌用语的用法和技巧等。








第二阶段第四阶段第五阶段第三阶段02课程内容日常接待用语包括基本的“Hello”,“Good morning/afternoon/evening”等。

欢迎和问候包括“I am xxx, it's nice to meet you”等。

自我介绍包括“Thank you”,“I'm sorry”等。

感谢和道歉包括“Goodbye”,“See you later”等。























潜台词:老子很不爽,这事儿怎么这么乱七八糟,给我注意点!4.Great分析:刚才说了,老外打小受教育要多夸人、少批评人,所以老外一天到晚把“It’s great!”,“You did a great job!”挂在嘴上。





过了好久才知道是人家自己加的,意思是:For Your Information。


Making a phone call
"Hello, may I speak to [person's name], please?"
The Differences and Solutions in Learning
English Speaking
Correction of Pronunciation and Introduction
Enhance cross cultural communication skills
Professional English speakers are better able to communicate with people from different cultures and backgrounds This can help break down cultural barriers and promote mutual understanding
Summary: Mastering correct pronunciation and intonation is the key to learning spoken English.
Detailed description
Understand English Improve oral fluency
A simple and practical English speaking PowerPoint training
• The Importance of Learning English Speaking
• Simple and practical English speaking skills
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  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

❖长元音拉长,双元音饱满; ❖短元音短促有力,干净利落,收小腹; ❖连读; ❖略读; ❖咬舌头。
❖三最”法就是“最大声、最清晰、最快速” 地“反复”操练句子或短文以达成地道英语 “脱口而出”。
❖一口气训练法:深呼吸,然后在一口气里尽 量多读。
❖ I’m crazy about learning English. ❖ I enjoy losing face. ❖ I’ll do my best. ❖ Just do it!!!
manager, John Smith. B: Nice to meet you, John. I have been looking
forward to seeing you in person. C: Nice to meet you too, Jack. Would you mind
exchanging your business card with me? B: Of course. Here you are. C: Thank you. This is mine.
Sample Dialogue A
A: Hey, man. Long time no see. How’s it going? B: Pretty good/Not too bad. Thank you! How about
you? A: Same as ever! I’d like to introduce you to our
❖It’s a pleasure to see you here. ❖Welcome to… ❖Thank you for coming all this way.
❖ Self Introduction
▪ Please let me introduce myself. I’m… ▪ How do you do? My name is… ▪ May I introduce myself? I’m… ▪ It’s a pleasure to make your
Editor: (Ada.Chen)
Crazy English
❖ 中心一:以句子为中心。在句子中掌握单词、语法。 中心二:以口语为中心。通过口语突破,掌握听力、 阅读、写作、翻译,称作听说读写译一体。
❖ 标准:以脱口而出为标准。 实现脱口而出的方法: 1.掌握五大发音秘诀 2.掌握三最口腔训练法 3.掌握一口气训练法
▪ Seeing is believing. ▪ Would you mind exchanging your
▪ How do you do? ▪ Very nice to meet you. ▪ It’s nice to have you here.
acquaintance. My name is…
❖Third-party Introduction
▪ It’s my pleasure to introduce you to … ▪ I’d like to introduce you to … ▪ A, let me introduce you to … ▪ A, I’d like you to meet … ▪ This is … He’s in charge of…
❖Let me help you with your luggage. ❖May I help you with one of your bags? ❖Our car is out in the parking lot. ❖There’s a car waiting for you, so please
▪ Quite well/Pretty good/All right, thank you! ▪ I’m doing great/good. How about you? ▪ Couldn’t be better! What about you?
▪ Not too bad, thanks. ▪ Same as ever. ▪ Nothing in particular.
He looks after… He’s our … Director/Manager.
▪ I have heard a great deal /so much about you.
▪ I have been looking forward to seeing you in person.
▪ Long time no see. ▪ Great to see you again. ▪ Haven’t seen you for ages/some time. ▪ How have you been(doing)? ▪ Hey, man. How’s it going? ▪ How are you getting on/making out? ▪ What’s up?
▪ You appear well this morning. ▪ You’re in very good looks. ▪ You’re looking really good. ▪ You don’t look yourself. ▪ You have been off colour recently.
Picking up the guest
1 Welcoming 2 Introduction 3 Greetings 4 Offering 5 Hotel 6 Small talk topics
❖On behalf of …, I’m very glad to welcome you here.