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1.registered trademark注册商标

2.maket quotation市场行情

3.arbitral award仲裁裁决

4.entertain a claim受理索赔

5.sole / exclusive agent独家代理

6.business standing商业信用

7. sales confirmation销售确认书/合同

8.preferential tariff特惠关税

9. exclusive distribution独家经销

10.bonded area保税区

11.discrepant document不符单据

12. underwriter承保人/保险公司

13.insurance coverage保险范围

14.exchange rate兑换率

15.close an order决定成交

16. under separate cover另外邮寄

17. conclude a deal达成交易

18.withdraw an offer撤销报价


20.gross margin毛利

1.enclosed literature 内附说明书

2.down payment 预付定金

3.instalment payment 分期付款

4.pay on delivery 货到付款

5.effect\cover\take out insurance


6.dismiss a claim 驳回索赔

7.spot price 现货价格

8.forward price 期货价格

9.tax holiday 免税期

10.find a ready market 畅销

11.excute\implement a contract 执行合同

12.tie up bunds 占压资金

13.extend L/C 延长信用证

14.amend L/C 修改信用证

15.expiry date 到期日

16.deferred payment 延期付款

17.breach of contract 违约

18.resort to arbitration 诉诸仲裁

19.financial position 财务状况

20.best-selling line 畅销货

1.forwarding agent 运输代理人

2.close account 结账

3.interest-free loan 无息贷款

4.export declaration 出口报关

5.trade fiction 贸易摩擦

6.improvement trade 加工贸易

7.trade practice 贸易惯例

8.clearance sale 清仓甩卖

9.customs detention 海关扣留

10.protest note 拒付通知

11.tax avoidance 避税

12.tax abatement 减税

13.tax dodger 偷税人

14. tax evasion 逃税,漏税

15.tax heaven 免税地区,避税天堂

1.full payment 全额付款

2.account payment 应付款

3.account receivable 应收款

4.running account 流水账

5.forwarder 承运人

6.annual turnover 年营业额

7.resort to litigation 诉诸诉讼

8.invitation to bid 招标

9.service charge 手续费

10.back freight 退货运费
