
2010年雅思写作年终大点评文/ 上海新东方学校樊黎明(资料全部直接收集自考生回忆,十大话题分类仅供参考,转载本文请务必注明出处!)2010年中国考区的48场雅思考试已经全部落下帷幕。
一、教育(共11题,占22.9%)1.Schools should concentrate on teaching students the academic subjectsthat will be useful for their future careers. Subjects such as music and sports are not useful. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (10.05.08 ) 2.Nowadays, distance-learning programs are such common thing for us (thestudy material by post, by internet), but some people argue that courses can never be taken as good as those by attending in a college or university in person. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (10.05.15 ) 3.Some people think children should obey the rules their parents andteachers set and listen to them, but others think less control will help children to deal with their future adult life. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (10.05.20)4.Many people who leave school hold a negative attitude towards learning.Why does this happen? How to solve the problem? (10.05.29)5.Some groups, such as poor people and people from rural areas, thinkuniversities should make it especially easy for them to get access to university education. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (10.06.05)6.Some people think it is not necessary for adults to receive education inclass. Self-study is a good way for them to study more effectively. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (10.07.15)7.Some people believe that university students should pay all the cost ofstudies because university education only benefit the students themselves not the society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(10.07.31)8.Some people think parents should read or tell stories to children, whileothers think parents need not do that, as children can read books, watch TV or movies by themselves. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(10.11.04)9.Everyone should stay in school until they reach the age of 18. To whatextent do you agree or disagree? (10.11.06)10.Young people are often influenced in their behaviours and situations byothers in the same age. This is called “peer pressure". Do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages? (10.12.16)11.Some people think typical teaching of a teacher and students in the classwill not exist by the year 2050. Do you agree or disagree? (10.12.18)二、政府与城市化(共7题,占14.6%)1.In today's world, it is private companies rather than government who payfor and carry out most scientific research. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (10.01.14)2.Some people think that politicians have the greatest influence on the world.Other people, however, believe that scientists have the greatest influence.Discuss both of views and give your opinion. (10.02.11)(政府+科技)3.The movement of people from agricultural areas to cities to work cancause serious problems in both places. What are the serious problems and what measures can be taken to solve this problem? (10.07.17)4.The major cities in the world are growing fast, as well as their problems.What are the problems that young people living in cities are facing with?Give solutions to these problems. (10.08.14)5.In many cities, planners tend to arrange shops, schools, offices, andhomes in specific areas and separate them from each other. Do you think the advantages of this policy outweigh the disadvantages? (10.08.28)6.Some people think paying taxes is a big enough contribution to theirsociety, while others think people have more responsibilities as members of society than only paying taxes. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (10.10.30)7.In some countries, small town-centre shops are going out of businessbecause people tend to drive to large out-of-town stores. As a result, people without cars have limited access to out-of town stores, and it may result in an increase in the use of cars. Do you think the disadvantages of this change outweigh its advantages? (10.11.27)三、科技(共7题,占14.6%)1.Air travel can only benefit the richest people in the world. Ordinary peoplecan get no advantage with the development of air travel. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (10.02.06)2.Technological progress in the past century has its negative effect, despiteits remarkable contribution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(10.02.27)3.In today's society, more and more work is done by machines. Do you thinkthe positive effects of the development overweigh the negative effects on individuals and society? (10.03.20)4.It has been suggested that everyone in the world want to own a car, a TVand a fridge. Do you think disadvantage of such a development outweigh advantages? (10.04.25)5.Mobile phones have made life easier: anyone can use a mobile phone toanswer/make work calls or home calls at any place 7 days a week. Do you think this development has more positive effects or negative effects on the individual and society? (10.09.04)6.Some people have benefited from modern communications technology,but some people have not benefited from it at all. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (10.11.20)7.Public museums and art galleries are not needed because people can seehistorical objects and works by using computers. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (10.12.04 = 07.06.09)四、工作与生活(共6题,占12.5%)1.Some people think the governments should act to decide how people livein order to make a healthier life. Others think individuals should decide their own lifestyle. What do you concern about? Discuss both views and give your opinion. (10.04.17)2.An increasing number of people change their career and place ofresidence several times during their life time. Is this a positive or negative development? (10.06.19)3.Nowadays more and more young people hold important positions in thegovernment. Some people think that it is a good thing,while others argue that it is not suitable. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.(10.07.10)4.Some countries have introduced a law to limit working hours foremployees. Why is this law introduced? Do you think it is a positive or a negative development? (10.10.09)5.In some countries, it is illegal for companies to reject job applicants fortheir age. Is this a positive or negative development? (10.10.14)6.Scientists say that junk food is harmful to people's health. Some say theway to ask people to eat less food is to educate them, while others say education does not work. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.(10.12.11)五、社会(共5题,占10.4%)1.Some people believe that the charity organisations should give aid tothose in greatest need,wherever they live. Some people believe that the charity organisations would better concentrate on helping people who live in own country instead. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(10.01.09)2.The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming more wider, the richmore richer, the poor even more poorer. What problems can the situation cause and give the solutions? (10.01.23)3.Surveys show that in many countries, people are living longer butincreased life expectancy has many implications for the aging individuals and for society as a whole. What are the possible effects of longer living for individuals and society? (10.03.06)4.Some people think that men and women have different qualities. Therefore,some certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (10.04.15)5.Charities and organizations always give special names to particular dayssuch as 'National Children's Day' and 'National Non-smoking Day'. What are the causes of these particular days? How effective are they? (10.08.21)五、环境与动物保护(共4题,占8.3%)1.Some people think zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed.However, some people think zoos are useful to protect the rare animals.Discuss both these views and give your opinion. (10.03.18)2.Some people think the recent increase in cheap air travel brings benefits,while other people think it has drawbacks to the environment and the world's resources. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (10.04.10)3.Some people think it is necessary to use animals for testing medicinesintended for human use. Others, however, think it is cruel to do that. Discuss both of these views and give you own opinion. (10.09.11)4.Pollution and other environmental problems are resulting from a country'sdeveloping and becoming richer. Some think this cannot be avoided. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (10.10.23)七、法律与犯罪(共3题,占6.3%)1.Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-socialbehaviour and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situation? How to improve it? (10.01.30)2.In many parts of the world children and teenagers are committing morecrimes. Why is this case happening? How should children or teenagers be punished? (10.08.05)3.Society is based on rules and laws. It would not function if individuals arefree to do whatever they want to. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(10.09.16)八、文化与旅游(共2题,占4.2%)1.Societies benefit from international tourism and business. To what extentdo you agree or disagree? (10.06.17)2.International travel often leads people to have some prejudices rather thanbroad-mind. What are the main reasons of this phenomenon? What do you think people can do to get better understanding of the countries they visit?(10.06.26 =08.08.21)九、媒体(共2题,占4.2%)1. A report indicated that many children between 7 and 11 spend too muchtime watching television and/or play video games. How does the problem affect the children, their families and society? What measures can be taken to control it? (10.09.25)2.Studies suggest that children spend more time watching TV than they didin the past and spend less on doing active or creative things. Why do you think it is the case? What measures and methods can be used to tackle with it? (10.03.27)十、抽象(共1题,占2.1%)1.Most countries want to improve standard of living through economicdevelopment, however, others think social value is lost as a result. Do you think the advantages of economic development outweigh the disadvantages? (10.02.20)第二部分议论文一、基本概况雅思A类与G类在这个部分的考试类型大体相同,但是每次考试题目不一样。

原创人:钱汪海老师出处:/s/blog_4d5314250100rdqb.html转载请注明出处2010(2010.1.9) Pie ChartSome people believe that charity organizations should give the aid to those who are in great needs, some people think that charity organizations should concentrate on helping people who live in their own country.Discuss both views and give your opinion.(抽象类)IntroductionBackground – theme – viewCharity organization什么是慈善组织,它的目的是什么,它的作用是什么,什么时候会出现对于慈善组织的讨论?When people suffer some natural disasters and are confronted with difficulties, they may expect the aid from others, especially charity organizations. However, there is an opinion that charity organizations should help people of their own country instead of giving aid to whoever in need. From my perspective, the aid should be given to those in need regardless of their nationality.Natural disasters, war or social turmoil, all these factors may render people fall into poverty and diseases. The rise of charity organizations is associated with the emergence of these disasters. They relieve people from great sufferings and give people in need hope of survival. However, there is an opinion that aid from charities should only be given to people living in their countries while others think that charity should benefit all people. I tend to believe the latter is of more justification.Body 1: why we should give help to those in great needs? What is the responsibility of charity organizations?To help those in great needs is a reflection of moral obligation/duty for human beings.(意义)And this practice of helping others will have numerous/many positive effects involving/including promoting economic development and enhancing social harmony. (影响和作用)Meanwhile, the aid from charity organizations may cover a wide range of people and may be more transparent. However, there are some disadvantages of charity organizations. The money donated by charity organizations may be taken away by local officials and cannot reach those who are really in need. What’s more, charity organiz ations tend to give aid to those areas which are frequently reported by the media. This will cause regional imbalance or even regional conflict.Body 2: whether aid from charities should only be given to local people?As for those who advocate that aid for charity organization should be given to people living in their own country, I hold conservative attitude. There is no denying that it is more effective for charity organizations to give aid to local people. However, how to ensure fairness/equality among different peoples is the priority for charities. Fair distribution of resources and aid is an objective reflection of human virtues. (反证)If every individual or every organization just focus on their own interest, the world will become indifferent and unfriendly.In conclusion, charity organization should give aid to people who are in great need without considering their social background, their nationality and something irrelevant. However, the aid should be supervised and monitored by some independent organizations for fear of corruption or embezzlement. / However, the aid should be controlled or supervised by some dependent organizations so that it can reach the targeted people.(2010.1.14) TableIn today's world, it is private companies rather than governments who pay for and carry out most scientific research. Do you think the advantages outweigh disadvantages? (政府决策类)Background – theme –viewIn present society, there is an increasing tendency that private companies begin to take up numerous/ various social projects. In the past, most scientific research was carried out/ performed by the government. However, the government’s role is being replaced by private enterprises. From my perspective, /in my opinion / from my point of view, /as far as I am concerned, this trend has some merits despite some negative effects / despite some drawbacks.Body 1: advantages of private company’s conducting scientific research: it is a trend that a growing number of scientific research projects are being undertaken by private companies. Obviously, there are some advantages of this tendency. (1) high efficiency.(2) cost-saving. T he ultimate purpose/target of company’s activities is to obtain profits; therefore, they will do their utmost to reduce/lower cost of research. This practice will to some degree save resources. (3)competition will make the companies involved in technological innovation.Body 2: however, there is no denying that there remain some drawbacks concerning the private company’s involvement in scientific research solely. (1) Compared with the government’s activity, private companies cover less people. (2) Insuffici ent investment. So it is not enough to carry out large scale projects such as some space exploration programs.(2010.1.23)MapThe gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider, the rich get richer, the poor even get poorer, what problems can the situation cause and give the solutions. (社会现象/Report)回答问题,理清思路:什么导致贫富差距?贫富差距的表现形式?贫富差距的影响是什么?什么是贫富差距?What? Why? How?What is the gap between the rich and the poor?Why there is the gap between the rich and the poor?How to deal with the gap between the rich and the poor?(从社会现象入手) In today’s society, it is not uncommon that some people live a luxurious life with splendid houses, private airplanes and yachts. However, a majority of people are living in slums and they may worry about their next meal. It is obvious that the gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider. This phenomenon /this issue / this problem will cause / bring about / contribute to / give rise to some negative effects on both society and individuals, so some solutions should be found out immediately.Body 1:(1) social turmoil /damage social stability. (2) hinder the economic development. (3) this will cause a great fortune controlled by a handful of people, thus leading to the waste of resources. (4) unfair distribution of resources.Body 2:(1)widening income gap is largely associated with unfair education. Therefore, to narrow down the gap between the rich and poor, the government should first guarantee that people have equal access to education opportunities. (2) some new tax policies should be implemented. Specifically, more taxes should be levied against the wealthy people and these should be used in improving poor people’s living standard, building public facilities and infrastructure. (3) the government should provide people with more vacancies and job. In the meantime, more efforts should be made to reduce unemployment rate. (4) the government should provide adequate and cover-all social security.In conclusion, 贫富分化是当前很多国家面临的问题,这个问题会带来很多的社会负面影响,比如社会的动荡以及资源的浪费。

Some people think that politicians have the greatest influence on the world. Other people, however, believe that scientists have the greatest influence. Discuss both of views and give your opinion. The impetus behind the development of society is generated by people from all walks of life, especially politicians and scientists. People pass different judgments on them and it seems hard to define whose accomplishment is superior to the other. There is no denying that politicians exert tremendous influence on the society, regardless of eras. They are entitled to represent the country and its citizens, with the authority conferred by law. As policy makers, their decisions and instructions may manipulate the situation of the country and even the whole world. For instance, the reform and opening-up policy, proposed by the great politician — Deng Xiaoping, brings China a brand-new look; its far-reaching impact has lasted so far and will remain effective. However, it is a remarkable fact that wrong decisions sometimes leads to disasters; the war is a good case in point. Scientists are also regarded as an indispensable part in human history. Technological advancements made by them have revolutionized people’s original lifestyles and improved the quality of their lives. Yuan Longping, the “Father of hybrid rice”, dramatically boosts the production and his achievement is utilized throughout the world. Another devotion of scientists that cannot be neglected is that they shoulder the responsibility for popularity of science and technology, which helps wipe off ignorance and superstitions; geocentric theory of the universe brings a new face on people’s scientific knowledge. Unfortunately, their intentions may result in some negative consequence, out of their expectations. Whether GMF(Genetically modified food) is a blessing or curse is still under discussion. In conclusion, we should admit that both politicians and scientists are driving force behind the social developments; they make contributions in various forms in different fields. It is their combined effort that promotes the progress of human society. On the other hand, the problems arising should not be underestimated. 专家点评: 本次考试题⽬要求考⽣⽐较政治家和科学家对社会的影响。

1月10日、4月5日、4月15日、6月4日、8月5日、8月14日、9月16日、3月20日、1月10日Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to deal with. Others, however, think that each individual should take some actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.考题分析:本题是一道典型的雅思(IELTS)环境类写作考题。
由于考题的提问形式是“Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ”所以,既要讨论到个人能够采取何种行动解决一些环境问题,也要讨论为什么有些环境问题个人无法解决(即只有政府或公司才能解决)。
Sample Answer:It is true that our tiny individual actions often seem insignificant compared to the scale and complexity of global environmental problems such as pollution, deforestation and depletion of natural resources. But that does not relieve our duty as individuals to do as much as we can to deal with these problems.Individual actions, small as they may be, can prove more effective than we realize. We can avoid driving the car, and take public transit, walk, or bicycle instead. This will reduce the use of fossil fuels and cut pollution. Saving energy at home, like turning on the air conditioner only when we have to, or turning water heater down a few degrees, is also ultimately good for the environment. Individual actions can also turn into united powers when, for example, the whole neighborhood is mobilized to participate in a local campaign to oppose environmentally damaging policies.There are, however, obstacles that stand in the way of individual action towards environmental conservation. The first obstacle is the lack of professional knowledge needed to cope with serious environmental issues like soil erosion and salinity, which require a significant amount of investigation and research. Another obstacle which makes individual action almost impossible is when an environmental emergency or accident happens, e.g. an oil spill near the bord der line, which would necessitate government intervention or even international coordination.So, in conclusion, when it comes to environmental problems, individual actions are indispensable in the problem solving process. But the most pressing and complicated problems go far beyond an individual’s capability and so require the concerted effort of the government as well as the global community2010年雅思大作文点评:不够尊重老人的原因2010-6-4There is not enough respect for the elderly people. What are the causes and what problems does this phenomenon create?There is a growing tendency nowadays for some people to regard the elderly people as a troublesome group. Gradually, this leads to not revere (这是啥意思?!lead to 后面接doing !)the elderly people in diverse conditions. Yet in my opinion, instead of contempting every one should treat them as our treasure (这句话本身就有点变扭,感觉很怪!). But, what causes the promble? Here i give two major reasons (这句太废话了,把两个理由总结一下,写出来会比较好).On the one hand, some elder people (第一段用的是elderly people ,这里怎么又变了?!)live without any income. In addition, they are weak even some of them cannot look after themselves (这分明是两个句子,怎么可以写在一起!).Thus, they have to be given a hand. A recent statistics (statistics 这里好像应该是复数吧)shows that 90 percent of the elderly people need to provide (应该是被动语态吧)the allowance and nurses. It costs 80 billions (billion 不可数的!)yuan every year. So the elderly people become a burden to the society. On the other hand ,the young are to blame. Their consciousness of respecting the elderly people should be promoted. What is worse, they don't regard anyone.Nevertheness (应该是nevertheless ), for the above reasons, we also can take immediate and specific measures to cope with them. Because no one can deny the fact that a person's moral( 应该是morality 吧) is the most important aspect of the society. If we lose it,I (人称不要变来变去)can't image, (这里逗号多余)what may happen to our society. How terrible it is! As is known to everyone, we are all getting old. But, we may not being esteemed. A yeasty world is proceeding.To sum up ,the reasons and problems for respecting the elderly people are many. I have simply pointed out some of the more obvious ones. However, it is certain that if the whole of society pays more attention to the solicitude of the elderly people, the issue will not being a trouble again.语言分析:1. 整篇文章没有什么精彩的长句或复杂句,所以不太可能上7 分;2. 低级错误或者明显错误(红色部分)很多,所以也就4-5 分的水平;3. 错误岁多,但不影响理解,还是能够看得懂作者的观点,所以应该是5 分的水平。

19% 3% 3% 4% 1% 1% 1%
数目 百分 比
Why and solution
What’s your opinion
Discuss both ideas and give your
根据图表数据: 对社会话题的理解是我们2011年雅思考试准备的重点环节。 教育话题在2009年比例是46%,但是2010年是19%,可见教育话题比 重在下降,但是依然是重点。 毫无疑问,what’your opinion?题型使我们准备的重点环节。图 表显示的是61%,实际上是82%。
100306社会Wearing fashionable clothes is becoming important today. Is the attitude to wearing fashionable clothes leading to a positive development or negative development?
100410 社会 some people think that cheaper and cheaper travel by air is beneficial but other people think it has drawbacks to environment and the resources of the world. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
100327 科技 Studies suggest that children spend more time on watching TV than they did in the past and spend less on doing active or creative things. Why do you think this is a case? What measurement and methods can be used to tackle with it.

2010-1-09Some people believe that the charity organizations should give aid to those ingreatest need,wherever they live. Some people believe that the charity organizationswould better concentrate on helping people who live in own country instead. Discussboth views and give your own opinion.1话题+讨论who2人类是一个整体,有义务去帮助整体中的任何一个部分3自己国家的机构负责自己的民众.更直接,更简单4my own opinionCharity organizations are set up to help people who are in need overcome difficultiesand generally live better. In this essay, which groups of peole can be helped bythose organizations will be discussed.2010-1-14In today’s world, it is private companies rather than government who pay for andcarry out most on scientific research. To what extent do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?advantage1: 广度.每个领域都有公司负责2: 深度.每个领域都有公司间的相互竞争开头scientific researches benefit the society as many new products and methods can be derived. private companies play a vital role as opposed to government in carryingout the experiment in this field. I believe the benefits of this trend outweigh itsrisks.2010-1-23The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming much wider, the rich richer, thepoor even poorer. What problems can the situation cause and give the solutions.开头economy concerns both individuals and the society people live in. the economic disparity between different groups of people can be more clearly seen recently. inmy opinion, three main problems involving the poor and the rich can be caused bythe increasing gap.The first problem it gives rise to is that the resources in the society are not fairly distributed as expected. Because the wealthy have are capable of achievinghigh social status and more financial gains through their positions. The poor, however, have little left for them to consume as opposed to the rich. For example, there are more private schools set up to cater for the need of studentsfrom rich families. Schools may arrange for several teachers to teach less than five students in one class to carry out better performance because they pay more to learn. In most of the public schools, more than 40 students from average families have onlyone or two teachers.2010-1-30Today there is a great increase in anti-social behavior and lack of respect to others. What are the causes of this? What measures can be taken to reduce this problem? 开头Crimes and violation against the society can be more easily seen thatn before. There must be reasons why some people choose to act in an anti-social way. I believe that the gap between the rich and the poor and the pressure are the main reasons. 2010-2-06Air travel only benefits the rich people and the majority of people cannot take any advantage of the development of aircrafts.To what extent do you agree or disagree?Aircrafts, as the fastest means of transportation, have experienced many years of development. Their high speed brings people the advantage that other means can not provide. I believe only the rich people can benefit from the unique advantage they have.2010-2-11Some people think that politicians have the greatest influence on the world. Other people, however, believe that scientists have the greatest influence. Discuss both of views and give your own opinion.12领导人+给生活做重要决定 1001:领导人2:因决定层 + 范围大3决定方针政策+4国家的未来(分步)5:果国家 + 生活Some people believe that politicians in a country are more important because their jobs concern the whole nation. They work as leaders in a country and make important decisions for the whole nation. They implement policies to make sure that the society is a secure place to live in and the whole population can live better lives. Besides, they also plan out how the future of the country needs to be to make sure that the country can develop as expected. Therefore, politicians play a much more significant role than scientists for they directly influence everyone in the country and people’s lives can be guaranteed.2010-2-20Most countries want to improve the standard of living through economic development; however, others think the social value is lost as a result of economic development. To what extent do you think the advantages of economic development outweighits disadvantages?Economic development is the main way to improve people’s living condition in acountry. The financial achievement brings impacts to individuals living in the community and the society as a whole. I believe the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages.2010-2-27Technologies have developed very fast in the past 100 years. However, some people think that technological progress has brought negative effects to the humanity. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?工作: 减少个性学习:不准确,影响深入地学习娱乐:be addicted2010-3-06A recent survey shows that in many countries across the world people are generally living longer. But an increased life expectancy has many implications for the aging individuals and for the society as a whole. What are the possible effects of a longer life expectancy on individuals and the society?开头People are now enjoying a longer life than before. These changes brought by the implications will be upon individuals and the society. In my opinion, more achievements can be done by people and more burdens will be imposed on the whole community.2010-3-18Some people think zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However, some people think zoos are useful to protect the rare animals. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion开头Zoos are a place where animals are kept and shown to the public. In this essay, what influence zoos have on the animals kept inside will be discussed.Zoos are a place where animals are kept in cages or zones and live a different life from those in the nature.In this essay, the effect zoos bring to the animals will be discussed.2010-3-20More and more machines are being used in human work. To what extent do you think the positive impact of this development outweighs its negative impact on individuals or society?开头Machines are more involved in human activities as they have their own merits. Some of work that is supposed to be done by human beings is better carried out by machines.I believe the positive impacts of machines being used outweigh its negative ones.2010-3-27Studies show that children spend more time watching TV now than in the past and thus spend much less time doing active and creative things. Why do you think this is the case? What measures and methods can be employed to tackle this?1reasons2more attractive programs3children are forced/required to stay home.4most facilities are more suitable for adults52010-4-10Some people think that the increasing use of the cheap air travel has brought many benefits; others believe this development has drawbacks on the environment and world’s resources. Discuss on both sides. What is your opinion?三种开头的写法1:air travel has been increasingly applied in daily lives.How the cheap air travel influences the human beings and the world as a whole will be discussed.2:the fact that the cheap air travel has been increasing used has led to two opposing views among the public. in this essay, how the cheap air travel influenced people and the world as a whole will be discussed.3:people have opposing views on the effect that increasing use of the cheap air travel brings human beings. in this essay, how the cheap air travel influenced people and the world as a whole will be discussed.2010-4-15Some people think that men and women have different qualities. Therefore, some certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women. To what extent do you agree or disagree?男女区别的影响disagree体力脑力兴趣2010-4-17Some people think that governments should take actions to change the way individuals live.Others believe individuals should be allowed to choose their own way of life.Discuss on both sides. What is your opinion?开头The way people live can be various and can also be changed by both the government and individuals themselves. In this essay, who should decide people’s living stylewill be discussed.12正确健康(个人选的话不科学)3每个人情况不一样4个人对自己最了解,选择的健康的生活方式更加能够适应自己2010-4-24Some people suggest that everyone in the world should own a car, a TV and a fridge. To what extent do you think the disadvantages of such a development outweigh its advantages?开头more creature comforts are offered by modern way of life, which makes people wish to have, such as, a car and a fridge, etc. I believe this suggestion has more advantages than disadvantages for both individuals and the society as a whole.the improvement of people’s lives is closely related to individuals in the society. Everyone MIGHT expect to enjoy the creature comforts that facilitate their lives. In my opinion, the disadvantages of all the population using appliances such as a car or a TV outweigh its advantages.2010-5-08Schools should concentrate on teaching students the academic subjects that will be useful for their future careers. Subjects such as music and sports are not useful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?开头Subjects that students study in schools will influence their future life. The authority of a school needs to focus on some of the subjects for the sake of the students. I believe that academic subjects such as Math should be valued.2010-5-15Nowadays, distance-learning programs are such common thing for us (the study material by post, by Internet), but some people argue that courses can never be taken as good as those by attending in a college or university in person. To what extent do you agree or disagree?开头There are a large number of ways of study and different ways are favored by different students. The distance learning involving technology has brought/posed a challenge to the traditional way. However, In my opinion, the traditional way still has more benefits.2010-5-20Some people think that children should obey rules and listen to their parents and teachers; others believe less control on the part of teachers and parents will help children deal with adult life better.Discuss on both sides and give your opinion.开头Proper discipline helps children at an early age better deal with problems by themselves. In this essay, how children should be controlled by their parents and teachers will be discussed.1教有小孩的方式2 experienced3 more independent practice4 way of dealing with problems suit their own problems more.2010-5-29Many young people today leave school with a negative attitude towards learning. Why do you think this is happing?What can be done to encourage a positive attitude to learning in young people?开头Academic subjects can’t be easily applied to the future work as there are differences between the two. Therefore, graduates do not attach great importance to what they learn at school. In my opinion, there are three reasons for the negative attitude toward study.2010-6-06Students from rural areas often find it difficult to get access to university education. Some people believe that universities should make give some special treatment for these students to get college education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?开头Going to university offers students an opportunity for a better future. However, students from rural areas can not have an easy access to the further education. Therefore, I agree that those students should be given special treatment.2010-6-17To what extent do you agree that societies benefit from international tourism and business?International tourism and businesssocietyagree2010-6-19An increasing number of people today change their career and place of residence several times during their lives. Do you think this is a positive ornegative development?The way people live in modern society differs from that people used to live in the past. The untraditional way may suit most people. Therefore,I believe that it is a positive development if people change the residence and career several times.Jobs can provide people with guarantee for life and are also one part of life. Changing jobs or places of residence is one of the main ways for a better life. I believe that making new choices in this regard is a positive trend.2010-6-26International travel often make people have some prejudices about the countries they visit rather than making them broad-minded.What are the main causes of this phenomenon? What do you think should be done so that people can get better understanding of the countaries they visit?1遇到一些不好的事情2本国人不适应外国风俗习惯International travel helps travelers know more about another nation through providing a real experience. However, misunderstanding may be easily inflicted because of the difference between two forms of culture. In my opinion, the causes for the prejudice against another country are of two aspects.2010-7-10More and more young people hold important positions in government. Some people think it is not suitable but others think otherwise. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.中间段示范People believe more young people holding important positions in government is unsuitable because they are inclined to make decisions based on partial opinions. Young people have not experienced as much as middle-aged ones have, they are always inexperienced in the process of problem-solving. Therefore, they may only look at one part of the whole issue and be impulsive when important decisions have to be made. For example, officials working in the government need to well address the relationship between different departments. Young people may jump to a conclusion as for which department can carry out better teamwork and which department can not.2010-7-15Some people think adults should learn practical skills by themselves, while others think they should learn from teachers. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Practical skills are so important to the adults that they never cease to learn in order to improve themselves. In this essay, how they should learn those skills will be discussed.2010-7-17The movement of people in agricultural areas to cities has become a major trend in recent years. What are some of the problems this has given rise to?Give your suggestions as to how to solve these problems.12over populated lack enough cosuming goods3security problem4most of the land is abandoned.5 lay out the city in a more adaptable wayGive more profit to people staying in agricultural areas中间段示例:That living standard is compromised will be caused by an increasing number of people moving from agricultural areas to cities. People from rural areas give up farming to come to cities for more job opportunities and a better living standard. Therefore, the number of people living in cities will be greatly increased. To those who come to cities, they have to pay for living in cities by a low salary. Besides, to local people, they have to share some of the resources they used to have with the new comers.2010-7-31University students should pay all the costs of their studies because university education benefits only individuals but not the society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?12individuals benefit from universities3the society pays the individuals to help develop the communities4It costs a university more to provide students with good service and staff of good quality.The cost of high education needs to be paid to guarantee a stable service. I believe that students should be fully responsible for that.2010-8-05In many parts of the world children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this case happening? How should children or teenagers be punished?2010-8-14As major cities grow, there appear more problems. What are some of the problems young people living in these cities are facing with this continued growth? How can we solve these problems?12 more temptation distract young people3 laziness they are in poor physical condition4 much more pressure on young people5开头More cities become bigger as people flood into the major cities. Young people in these expanding cities are often confronted with changes that have never occurred to them before. In my opinion, pressure, poor physical condition and too much information are the main problems for them.第二段示例Firstly, young people are exposed to much more information, which poses a threat to their healthy development. Before information technology was widely used in daily lives, people did not experience fast circulated information on media. They tended to gain knowledge mainly through books or magazines. However, internet nowadays offers the public an unprecedented opportunity to have access to a large amount of information. Since young people are not experienced and unable to distinguish useful information and negative pieces, they are vulnerable to the risks brought by the internet.第四段示例One of the problems young people are faced with is the increasing pressure of study or work on them. Before the cities have been fully developed, the competition between young people was not as fierce as it is today. Young people were living a much easier life then. However, as more people come to big cities, which is also one of the symptoms of city growth, the limited enrolment in schools or posts at work involves serious competition. For example, graduates have more difficulties getting employed as more than 100 applicants are interested in one position. The pressure on young people can not be overseen.2010-8-21Many charities or organisations use a particular day, for example, National Children's Day,Non-smoking Day, to publicize their activities. Why do these organisations use these special days? How effective is this?开头Charitable activities are for disadvantaged group in the society. Some of the special days like non-smoking day are always favored in these activities. I believe there are mainly three advantages to these days being used.2010-8-28City planners locate schools, offices, hospitals and homes in specific areas which are separated from each other. To what extent do you think the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages?1 disadvantages > advantages2 stir competition3 increase the cost of living4 jam5 disadvantages > advantages2010-9-04Almost anyone can use a cell phone to answer work calls and home calls at any place 7 days a week. Some people think this development has negative effects on both individuals and society. Do you agree or disagree exposure开头Anyone in the society can be reached at any time at any place as long as he or she has a cell phone, which means people are constantly exposed to others. In my opinion, this exposure has more negative impacts than positive ones.12 relationship crisis3a waste of time and energy42010-9-11Nowadays live animals are used for the testing of newly developed medicines. Some people think this is very cruel and unnecessary. However others believe that it is justified in the interest of human beings. Discuss these two points of view and give your own opinion.12they are passive to be experimented on. Some of them may end up dying.3useful information and less loss/influence4it is necessary but more care should be shown.Animals raised in laboratory are often used for the test on the effectiveness of newly introduced medicine. In this essay, the cruelty brought to animals and the benefits to human beings will be explained. 34Animals raised in laboratory are often used for the test on the effectiveness of newly introduced medicine. In the following paragraphs, how necessary it is to sacrifice innocent animals for medicine will be analyzed. 342010-9-16Society is based on rules and laws. It would not function if individuals are freeto do whatever they want to. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010-9-25A recent study shows that children aged between 7 and 11 spend too much time watching television or playing video games.How do you think this problem influence the children, their families and the society?What measures should be taken to solve this problem?12 a waste of time3 pornography and violence from TV and games plays a negative role in educating the children, which gives parents a headache.4 the new generation would be diverted from contributing to the society to satisfying themselves.52010-10-09Many countries have introduced a law that limits the number of hours employers can have their employees work.Why do you think such a law is introduced? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?12 physically, keep in a good shape and work effectively.3 mentally, enrich their lives and better improve work efficiency.4 positive employers and employees benefit.2010-10-14In some countries , it is illegal for employers to reject someone applying for a job for his or her age,what do you think about it?is it positive or negative?12 ability counts not the age3no matter how old an employee is, they are either quick learners or experienced workers that are both valuable to the society.4negative a waste of resource and be negative to the development of a company. 开头Trying to be employed is the first step for everyone to be independent. However, people of different ages have different opportunities to be hired by employers. For the sake of the employees, therefore, I believe employers rejecting applicants for their ages should not be allowed.2010-10-23Pollution and environmental damages result from a country developing and becoming richer.And these problems can't be avoided.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?开头The evironment people live in today has been polluted because of years of humanactivities. Development of a country in terms of both economy and society has accelerated this proces. In my opnion, however, it is people’s lack of awareness that causes the damage and it can be avoided.12 more land are abused to meet the standard of developing.3more pollutants are produced in the process of manufacture.4more landscape are flooded with tourists and are damaged to some extent.52010-10-30Some people think that by paying taxes they have made enough contribution to their society, others think there are more responsibilities than paying taxes. Discuss both views and give your opinion.People should make contribution to the society as they receive multiple types of service and paying taxes is an important way to achieve this. In this essay, how people view other ways of contribution will be discussed.A citizen has responsibility for the community he or she lives in. besides paying taxes, how necessary it is for them to carry out other duties in order to create a better environment will be discussed in this essay.2010-11-04Some parents need to spend time on reading or telling stories to Children, while others think Children can read through a variety of sources, such as book, TV and internet by themselves. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.开头The way of obtaining information in children’s early ages has a major impact on their future development. In this essay, how the outside help from parents should be involved in children’s learning process will be discussed.2010-11-06Everybody should stay in school until 18. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Education helps students grow and gain knowledge to qualify themselves. Especially before going to university, students can learn in school what helps lay a foundation for their future. Therefore, in my opinion, students should stay in school being educated until 18.2010-11-20Some people have benefited from modern communication technology, and some people haven’t benefited from it at all. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this point?开头2010-11-27In some countries, small town-centre shops are out of business because people are driving to large out-of-town stores. As a result, people without cars have limit access to shops, so more and more people buy cars. Do you think advantages of this development outweigh disadvantages?2010-12-04In the past, important knowledge about culture and history was stored in museums. Nowadays, information is freely available on the internet, therefore, there is no longer any need for museums.To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010-12-11Scientists now find that people have health damage because they eat too much junk food. Some people think the answer to this problem is to educate people to eat less junk food, but some people think education will not work. Discuss these two points and give your opinion.开头Junk food is so harmful to human beings that this situation needs to be changed. In this essay, how effective education can be in solving this problem will be discussed2010-12-16Young people are often influenced in their behaviors and situations by others in the same age. This is called “peer pressures”. Do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?Young people are always influenced by what others in the same age do and sometimes follow them. This so called peer pressure changes individuals’ way they behave and the situations they are in. I believe that the advantages peer pressure brings outweigh the disadvantages.中间段示例one of the advantages of peer pressures is it gives young people the opportunity to compete with each other. Young people do not have enough self -discipline as most of them are immature. They tend to have fun instead of doing important things such as studying or getting trained. However, peer pressures are what help them concentrate their attention on things that would bring many benefits to them. With peers doing better in some fields, young people may feel they are overshadowed in some way. Therefore, pressures from peers may push young people to catch up with others and to try to do at least as well as others.2010-12-18Some people say that the teaching method with a teacher and students in a classroom will not exist by the year 2050. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Students can adopt more forms of teaching methods in order to learn more efficiently. Therefore the traditional way with a teacher and students in a classroom is now impacted on. However, I still believe this traditional way will exist by 2050.。

雅思写作分类话题论据雅思写作论据注意点如何拓展思路?三种方法第一种:以人为本身体上(健康)vs 心理上(安全、求知、自信、被尊重)物质上(生活质量,经济基础)vs 精神上(文化娱乐)例子(社会类)Some people believe that time spent on television, video and computer games can be beneficial to children. Others believe this has negative effects on a child. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.分析身体上:有害健康心理上:不良的节目内容有害心理发展例子(文化类)International travel is becoming cheaper, and countries are opening their doors to more and more tourists. Do theadvantages of increased tourismoutweigh its disadvantages?分析身体上:带动旅游地区经济发展心理上:丰富人生经历和知识第二种:具体分类法在一些情况下支持,在另一些情况下反对。
例子(教育类)Many people use distance-learning programs (study material post, TV, Internet, etc.) to study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the same benefits of attending college or university. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?分析数学地理等学科适合远程教学市场营销、人力资源管理等需要传统教学例子Individuals can do nothing to improve(环保类)the environment; only government and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?分析阻止沙尘暴,个人能力不大减少一次性垃圾污染,靠个人第三种:核心词汇法有些题目涉及较多关系复杂的因素,此时可以抽出核心词汇,思考其本质特点,获得论据。

2010雅思写作话题分类以及重点预测☆教育话题:①老师的不可替代性:1)自习还是从师;2)网络教育和课堂教育的优势各在哪里; 3)在信息时代老师是否还有价值;4)教育孩子老师和家长谁重要;5) 老师教什么6)主题演讲是否还有其意义和价值。
②选课的意义:1)体育,音乐,经济学,哲学,数学,英语,历史,地理,物理,这些课程中最值得学习和最不值得学习的课程是什么? 2)学习历史无意义还是帮助我们认识现在;3)学生们是应该学习自己感兴趣的课程还是学习政府规定的课程;4)体育课和音乐课程有没有学习的价值;5)大学是应该教授实用性的课程还是理论性的课程;6)中学生要不要学习国际新闻这门课程;7)小孩子小学还是学习外语的利弊;8)通才教育还是教学生感兴趣的课程(P75/5/9)③教育的方式和目的:1)自己学习好还是小组学习好; 2)道德教育好还是学术教育好;3)专才教育好还是通才教育好;4)男女分校的利弊;5)分班教育的利弊;6)学生评价老师的利弊;7)高中生经历间隔年的利弊;8)中学生要不要穿校服:9)中学生应不应该进行义务的社区服务;10)失业率升高,年轻人上大学还有没有意义;11)穷人家的孩子和富人家的孩子谁能更好的面对成人生活的艰辛;12)大学应不应针对用人单位的需要来培养学生;13)大学教育的目的是帮助学生找到好的工作还是对个人和社会有更广泛的影响;14)在家住好还是在学校住好;2. 社会话题:①犯罪话题: 1)延长刑期是不是降低犯罪率的最有效的办法;2)青少年犯罪的原因以及解决途径;3)已婚的女性就业,无暇照顾孩子是否导致青少年犯罪的升高;4)应该把罪犯送进监狱还是给他们提高教育和工作培训;5)要不要对传媒中的犯罪细节加以限制;②家庭话题:1)家庭关系不紧密的原因和解决途径;2)代沟的原因以及解决途径③择业话题:1)大学生择业难的原因和解决途径;2)单一职业选择还是多元职业选择;3)年轻人跳槽的原因以及利弊;4)远程办公以及网络教育的利弊;④环境保护:1)个人在环境保护中是否可以发挥作用; 2)增加油价是否是解决环境问题的办法;3. 科技传媒类话题:①广告话题:1)广告的利弊;2)儿童广告的弊端和解决办法;3)广告如何影响了消费者以及如何保护消费者;4)商品销量的提高是广告的作用而非社会的需求是否同意;②电视:1)应不应该鼓励孩子在家里和学校看电视;2)孩子们看电视玩网络游戏的利弊;③计算机:1)现代游戏和传统游戏哪种对孩子更加有利;2)计算机能否取代图书馆的作用;3)科技的应用是否已经使大班教学的形式失去意义;④手机:1)使用手机带来的问题;2)手机和网络能否取代传统的书信4. 国家政策话题:1)国家发展旅游业的利弊;2)政府应不应给教育和医疗买单;3)政府应不应该进行艺术领域的投资;4)富国应不应该帮助穷国;5)环境保护要不要加强国际合作;6)政府该不该发展太空试验;6)是否只有政府才能解决住房短缺的问题;5. 交通能源话题:1)汽车的利弊和如何解决汽车的弊端;2)要不要限制以旅行为目的飞行; 3)增加油料价格是不是解决环境问题的唯一方法;4)严惩违章驾驶是不是改善交通安全的唯一方法;5)飞机被越来越多地用于出口水果和蔬菜到非产地,讨论利弊;6. 食品话题:1)快餐能否取代传统食物;2)进口食品对人们生活造成的影响;7. 动物话题:1)人们应不应该任意的使用小动物;2)小动物试验的利弊;8. 老人话题:1)人口老龄化对社会影响的利弊;2)人们不尊重老人的原因以及影响;3)老人的传统观念对于年轻人是否还有指导意义;4)如何教会老人学会使用手机和电脑;5)55岁强制退休对不对;9. 文化抽象类话题:1)金钱是不是幸福的唯一标准;2)学习一个国家语言的时候是不是要学习该国的文化和生活方式;3)要不要创造全球性的新语言;4)英语全球化的利弊;5)古老建筑应不应该保护;6)所有的建筑是否应该按照传统的方式建造以保护文化特色;7)博物馆应该是娱乐的地方还是受教育的地方;8)国际传媒对于地方文化影响的利弊;10. 健康话题:1)关注个人健康是为了个人好还是一种社会责任:2)健康的生活方式是应该由政府负责还是个人负责;3)年轻人面对哪些压力如何解决;11. 较难的补充话题:1)竞争与合作哪个更加重要;2)现代社会,人们是更加独立了还是更加依赖他人了;3)个人和国家是否都应该着眼于未来;4)愈来愈多人选择住在大城市带来的问题; 5)是否同意女性统治世界,世界会和平;6)企业重视学历而非经验和能力的原因和影2009薛鹏教你学写作响;7)我们生活在一个用完就扔掉的社会,讨论原因以及影响。

⼆级预测之环境类 话题:Some think that these environmental problems are too big for individuals to be solved, while others think that individuals cannot solve these environmental problems unless they make some action. Discuss both views and give your opinion。
基本框架 中间段 1 个⼈做不了,政府得做。
2 个⼈⼀定要参与进来 中间第⼀段 p: A number of people hold the view that it is hard for individuals to deal with some environmental problems, which need to be tackled by governments。
For example, governments should keep on doing related surveys and bring in some practical laws or regulations to ensure that both individuals and companies do take the environment into consideration when buying or producing something. A good case in point is China's policy restricting plastic bags。
Furthermore, the government should stage laws and regulations to severely punish factories which produce a great number of pollutants and those who litter or spit deliberately。

2010年雅思大作文真题汇总2010年1月9日Some people think charitable organizations should help people in their own country while others think they should help those in the greatest need, no matter where they are. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2010年1月14日Some people think the government,instead of private companies,should be responsible for scientific research. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010年1月23日The gap between the wealthy people and the poor people is increasing. What are the causes of this problem and what are the solutions to this problem?2010年1月30日There is an increasing amount of anti-social behavior and lack of respect for others. What are the causes of this problem and what are your solutions? (report再次出现,令那些23号之后匆忙断言"不可能连续考两次report"的人大跌眼镜)2010年2月6日Air travel only brings advantages to the rich people. But the majority of people do not benefit from it. To what extent do you agree?2010年2月20日Economic development has caused some traditional values to be lost. To what extent do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?2010年2月27日Technological progress in the last century had negative effects, despite its remarkable contribution to human society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010年3月6日The life expectancy is longer in many countries, which is causing problems for society. What kinds of effect does this situation have on individuals and society as a whole?2010年3月18日Some people think zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. Some other people think zoos are useful for the protection of the rare animals. Discuss both views and give your opinion.2010年3月20日With the technology developing rapidly, machines are used widely in our lives. To what extent do the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages?2010年3月27日Many children prefer to watch TV rather than to do creative things. Why is this case? How can we solve this problem?2010年4月10日重复中国大陆2月6日考题2010年4月17日Some people think the government should help citizens adopt healthy lifestyles while others think citizens should live in ways they like. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2010年4月24日It has been suggested that everyone in the world wants to own a car, a TV and afridge. Do you think the disadvantage of such social development outweighs the advantage?2010年5月8日Schools should teach children some academic subjects which will be beneficial to their future careers. Therefore, other subjects such as music and sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (= 08.05.22 = 04.10.23)2010年5月15日(重复2009年4月25日考题)Some people think that computers and the Internet are more important to a child's education than going to school. However, others believe that schools and teachers are essential for children to learn effectively. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2010年5月22日Some people think children should be made to obey rules while others think students who are controlled too much will not be prepared for the future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2010年5月29日Many young people leave schools with a negative attitude. Why does this happen? What do you think can encourage young people to have a positive attitude?2010年6月5日大作文题Students from rural areas often find it difficult to access university education, so people think universities should make it especially easy for them to study at. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010年6月19日大作文题The world is changing rapidly. An increasing number of people change their jobs and the places they live frequently. Is this a negative or a positive development?2010 年6月26日大作文题(典型的report。

2010年雅思作文真题考试日期:2010.01.09图表作文图表种类饼图instruction考题文字:The pie charts below give information about the reasons that why people leave the UK and why people stay in the UK.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.图表要素回忆2个饼图分别介绍离开英国和留在英国的原因,分别为5个原因,有相同原因也有不同的,注意百分比的内部比较及两个饼之间关联比较。
议论文话题类别社会类考题文字:Some people believe that the charity organisations should give aid to those in greatest need,whereverthey live. Some people believe that the charity organisations would better concentrate on helping people who live in own country instead.Discuss both views,and give your opinion.本次写作考试点评:小作文属于较直观易写的饼图,侧重数据的分析和比较;相对完成难度不大,但也要注意数据的表达,切勿过于单调枯燥,平时应多加强相关训练。
考试日期:2010.01.14图表作文图表种类表格(table)图表instructionThe table gives the information about different means of transportation people choose to take in the UK in 2002.图表要素回忆表格第一横栏是交通方式的种类,分别是car/taxi, bike, motorcycle, public transport表格第一纵栏是出行的目的,分别是shopping, working, travelling (其他无回忆)。

2010年下半年写作真题回顾及论点剖析2010年7月2010.7.10 社会类More and more young people hold important positions in government. Some people think it is not suitable but others think otherwise.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.年轻人在政府身居要职的优点1 年轻人一般拥有最新的专业知识(newest specialized knowledge),如果他们能够有一定话语权可以将这些知识学以致用(gear one's study to practical use),2 年轻人思想更加有创造性(an original mind),容易接受先进理念(be readily receptive tonew ideas),推动政府将改革教育和法制作为首要任务(The Government gave priority to reforming the legal and educational system)3 年轻人更加重视科技改变人民生活,重视高科技成果转化项目(Undertaking InvestmentFund and Transformation of Scientific Research Achievements)年轻人在政府身居要职的缺点1 年轻人显得还不够成熟,(Show lack of maturity),很多想法还太激进(radical idea)或不切实际(their unrealistic notions)2 年轻人没有足够威信,势力和影响力(having authority or ascendancy or influence)所以他们的很多想法不能在合适的时候被实施(done or happening at the appropriate orproper time)2010.7.15 教育社会类Some people think adults should learn practical skills by themselves, while others think they should learn from teachers.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.成年人靠自己学习实用技能优势1 自学能增加成年人的独立性,即培养了成年人自学的独立态度又培养了成年人独立学习才能(autonomy as "both an attitude towards learning and a capacity for independentlearning)2 自学能学习并锻炼技能(learn and exercise skills),从而为年轻人的未来的事业奠定坚实的基础(lay a solid foundation for their career)成年人从老师那里学习实用技能优势1 老师有很多科学的教学课程和方法(raised the scientific curriculum,the teaching principleand the teching methodes),会使得学习更加高效更加节约时间(more efficient and lesstime-consuming)2 跟老师学习不但能学习实用技能,而且能够了解一些工作经验和社会经验,(social experience),有利于今后事业发展2010.7.17社会类The movement of people from agricultural areas to cities to work can cause serious problems in both places.What are the serious problems and what measures can be taken to solve this problem?农村人口大量涌入城市带来问题1 收入差距(the income gap between urban residents and rural areas)财富分配不平均。

2010年10月30日:Some people believe that paying taxes is a big enough contribution to the society, other people think that people have more responsibilities. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 有人认为纳税已经是为国家做贡献的体现,有人认为公民还有其他的社会责任,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见?范文:which is the citizens’governmental revenue and serving more significant functions.点评:这篇题目是要讨论两方意见,但是主题观点已经确定是要支持公民纳税以及论证公民还有其他责任,这时可以用一方的观点句引导出主题观点,但是注意词汇的替换,例如:obligation = duty = responsibility; increase = multiply; revenue = tax; profound = significant.the compelling duty of every citizen. Government is the institution representing the benefits and interests of all the citizens, its responsibility covers sponsoring the homeless people, popularizing free medical care and prospering education industry,utilized to strengthen the construction of infrastructure, to preserve the environment and even promote the comprehensive national strength.点评:二段直接套入句型提出观点句:纳税是公民应尽的义务,接下来要证明为何公民纳税是必要的以及有哪些利好。

2010年雅思作文题目汇总Task One: two pie charts describing the percentages of the people stay ing in and movin g out of UKTask Two: Someone believes that a country should help its local residents, while others b elieve that the help should be given to the most needed. Discuss both of opinions and pr esent your opinion.2010.01.14Task One: a table describing the transportations of UKTask Two: Governments are more responsible for scientific research than private compan ies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010. 01.23Task One: a map describing the change of townsTask Two: The gap between the poor and rich gets larger. What cause the phenomeno n and how to solve it?2010.1.30Task One: a bar chartTask Two: Many people believe that there is a general increase in anti-social behaviour s and lack of respect for others. What cause the phenomenon and how to solve it? 2010.2.6Task One: pie chart: the distribution of business timeTask Two: Air travel is only beneficial to the richest people. To what extent do you agre e or disagree?2010.2.20Task One: three pie charts of course selectionTask Two: Social development improves the liv ing standard of the public. However, som e social values may get lost in the process. What are the advantages and disadvantage s of this phenomenon?2010.2.27Task One: table of British Population in three yearsTask Two: Someone believes that the development of technology brings negative influen ces. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010.3.6Task One: two pie charts of the time that male and female students spend on-line Task Two: The life expectancy of mankind is lengthening. What effects does the phenom enon bring to both individuals and society?2010.3.20Task One: two bar charts introducing the percentages of male and female students in se condary and higher schoolsTask Two: Machines are gaining in popularity today. What are the positive and negative i nfluences of the phenomenon?2010.3.27Task One: a table introducing the annual income of AustralianTask Two: Children are now more interested in watching TV than creative activities. Wha t cause the phenomenon and how to solve it?2010.4.10Task One: a bar chart introducing the users and non-users of different ages in Queenslan d, AustraliaTask Two: Someone believes that cheaper air tickets benefit mankind, while other peopl e believe that it damages environment. Discuss both viewpoints and give your own opini on.2010.4.17Task One: a table introducing the percentages of male and female managers in three lev elsTask Two: Governments are responsible for helping the public with healthy lifestyle. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010.4.24Task One: a table introducing the religious and civil marriagesTask Two: Everyone wants a car, a car, and a fridge. Discuss the advantages and disadv antages of the phenomenon.2010.5.8Task One: four bar charts describing the work hours in European countriesTask Two: Schools should teach students the academic subjects, which are helpful for th eir life. Therefore, other subjects such are music and sports are not important. To what e xtent do you agree or disagree?2010. 5.15Task One: the changing functions of a room (reading room---meeting room---theatre) Task Two: Someone prefers distance education, while other people prefer attending colle ge in person. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the two ways.2010.5.20Task One: flow chart of balloonTask Two: Someone believes that children should obey their parents suggestions, while o ther people believe that the way may cause children to be ill-prepared for the future. Dis cuss both views and present your opinion.2010.5.29Task One: changes of a villageTask Two: May young people are now leaving schools with negative attitudes toward lear ning. What cause the phenomenon and how to solve it?2010.6.5Task One: a pie chart describing the changes of consumptionTask Two: Students from poor background such asrural areas often find it difficult to acc ess to university education, so people think universities should make it specially easy fo r them to study at. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010.6.19Task One: two tables describing coffee and bananaTask Two: People are now changing their jobs and liv ing places frequently. What are th e advantages and disadvantages of this lifestyle?2010.6.26Task One: two maps: layouts of a centreTask Two: Some people have prejudice against international travel, for they do not deriv e any benefits from it and broaden their own horizons. What cause the phenomenon an d how to improve the situation?2010.7.10Task One: Three Maps: changes of a villageTask Two: More young people than ever work as officials in governments now. How do y ou think about this phenomenon?2010. 7.17Task One: six pie charts describing the satisfaction level of undergraduates and post-gra duatesTask Two: More agricultural people move to cities to find jobs. What troubles does the p henomenon bring and how to solve it?2010.7.31Task One: four bar charts describing the changing of world populationTask Two: University students should pay for all of their learning cost since higher educa tion benefits individuals more than society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2010. 8.14Task One: 4 bar charts describing the sales of digital gamesTask Two: Various problems emerge, as cities develop. What problems are there with th e young and how to solve them?2010.8.21Task One: a bar chart describing the materials that Internet users downloadTask Two: More organizations have their own special days. Why do they do this and ho w effective do you think the special days are?2010.8.28Task One: a bar chart describing the materials that Internet users download(与2010.8.2 1相同)Task Two: Planners tend to build the facilities (shops, museums, etc) separately accordin g to their respective functions. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this practi ce?2010.9.4Task One: a line chart describing the GDP of a country on bases of medicine, pension, an d educationTask Two: Mobiles phones have been necessary today. What influences do they have o n both indiv iduals and society?2010.9.11Task One: a bar chart describing the sports that male youngsters doTask Two: Some people think it is necessary to use animals for testing medicines intende d for human use. Others, however, think it is not right to do that. Discuss both of these v iews and give you own opinion.2010.9.25Task One: a bar chart describing how often people v isit a villageTask Two: Some teenagers are addicted to television and games. What effects does th e phenomenon have on their families and society? What measures can be taken to solv e it?2010.10.9Task One: two line graphs describing the attending rates of male and female students i n secondary educationTask Two: Some countries regulate employees’ work time. Why do governments do thi s and what are the positive and negative influences with the practice?2010.10.14Task One: describe two stones for the making of some toolsTask Two: Ageism in employment is illegal in some countries. What positive and negativ e influences does the law bring?2010.10.23Task One: four pie charts describing the percentages of part-time and full-time studentsTask Two: Pollution and environmental problems are caused by the development of a co untry. Therefore, someone believes that it cannot be avoided. To what extent do you agr ee or disagree?2010.10.30Task One: two pie charts describing the spending on music and readingTask Two: Someone believes that a taxpayer has done his part as a citizen. However, so meone believes that a citizen should assume other responsibilities. Discuss both views an d present your opinion.2010.11.4Task One: a bar chart describing road vehicle conditionsTask Two: Someone believes that parents should read or tell stories to their children. Ho wever, some others find it unnecessary because children can read books and watch TV b y themselves. Discuss both views and present your own opinion.2010.11.20Task One: a table describing water consumptionTask Two: Someone believes that people have benefited from modern communication te chnology, while others believe that some people do not benefit at all. Which opinion do y ou agree with?2010.11.27Task One: two bar charts describing the percentages of male and female students partici pating in cultural activities and sportsTask Two: In some countries, small town-center shops are replaced by large out-of-tow n shops. As a result, the use of cars increases. What are the advantages and disadvantag es of the phenomenon?2010.12.4Task One: a pie chart and a table describing the postages of four European countries Task Two: Museums are getting less important, when people can have access to informa tion on the Internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010.12.11Task One: Two pictures describing the change of a townTask Two: Junk food does harm to people's health. Therefore, some experts find educati on an effective way to prevent/ stop people from eating the food. However, someone fin ds the education insignificant. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.。

right and wrong Children should apply themselves and work hard at school. Children should make the best of their study time when they
are young. But children should also be allowed to have sufficient free
time for leisure activities outside school hours, such activities are far from being a waste of time. Going to school earlier: A child will learn to interact with a lot of different people and some children learn to communicate very early. develop faster socially make friends and learn how to get on with other children of a similar age.
sometimes there are hundreds of applicants for one position
in a company. Young people who do not have qualifications
from a university or college will not be able to compete.
2010年2月20日雅思A类写作议论 文及点评

2010年2月20日雅思A类写作议论文及点评真题回放:Nowadays, most countries improve the standard of living through economic development, but some social values are lost as a result. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?名师点评:说随着经济的发展,人们生活水平的提高,一些社会价值观也渐渐丧失了。
第一段:It is undeniable that rapid economic development would lead to some side effects including the loss of social values. However, these problems cannot cover the outstanding achievements.As far as I am concerned, advantages of economic development and its disadvantages will coexist for a long time.首段通常都是介绍背景,给出自己观点。
In almost every nation of the world, economic progress is the basis. For instance, due to its powerful economy and the high living standard of the people , the citizens of United States could have high level of social welfare and they enjoy free medical care and free education. Even the poorest people in the States could get the social insurance, which ensures their impossibility to get starved. Take China as another example. During the years of social reform, the manufacturing industry has been improved a lot and the international trade in China was vigorous. Most multinational companies are investing in the country so that the citizens in China would have more opportunities to get a good job and their living standards would be higher.第三段:然而随着物质文明的发展,也产生了精神文明的缺失,这一点是不可忽视的。

教育类:2010年 5月 8日:Some people believe that schools should concentrate on teaching students the academic subjects that will be useful for their future careers. Subjects such as music and sports are not useful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Disagree1.教授学术性的科目诚然重要,可是还有一些东西不可以忽视,比如:培育学生的文化情操,锻炼学生的体质。
举例子:music sports2.文化情操和体质在此后的工作也是不行缺乏的。
Music sports2010年 5月 15日:courses can never be taken as good as those by attending in a college or university in person. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Agree:1.去大学学习能够和同学进一步的沟通关于课程的理解,甚至能够进行议论。
4.大学的学习气氛2010 年 5 月 20 日:Some people think children should obey the rules their parents and teachers set and listen to them, but others think less control will help children to deal with their future adult life. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.看法一:1.家长和老师拥有 be equipped with ;in possession of 丰富的经验 ,所以对事物的见解和理解就会能正确。

2010年雅思写作总汇2010.1.23 WritingTask 1地图题,两张地图,一张是现在的,一张是PROPOSED CHANGES一个城市的两个地图,现在和将来的作对比;Task 2贫富差距越来越大,会导致什么问题。
The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider. The rich is growing richer and the poor is growing poorer. What problems can the situation cause and give the solutions.G类Task 1Telephone company把你的账单寄到其他地址去了。
写信给telephone company1. Tell them how you find the problem out.2. What problems caused you by notreceiving the phone bill?3. Tell them what you want them to do Task 2Many people are moving to big cities. Why is that? Do you think it is a good trend?2010.1.30 WritingTask 1柱状图 Bar chart两年新西兰小学生上学交通的对比;The chart below shows different modes of transport for the children in New Zealand to travel to school in 1997 and 2003.Task 2:社会类反社会人群对人们缺乏尊重,分析原因提出解决方法。
Nowadays some people have the anti-social behavior and are lack of respect to others. What are the reasons?Give your suggestions.2010.2.6WritingTask 1饼图关于在办公室办公(发E-mail,看报纸等)时间的分配;The pie charts below illustrate the different ways people use in working days between 1980 and 2006. summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevantPeople use in 1980People use in 2006Task 2空中运输的发展只对富人,陈述你的观点。
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教育类:2010年5月8日:Some people believe that schools should concentrate on teaching students the academic subjects that will be useful for their future careers. Subjects such as music and sports are not useful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Disagree1.教授学术性的科目固然重要,但是还有一些东西不能忽略,例如:培养学生的文化情操,锻炼学生的体质。
举例子:music sports2.文化情操和体质在今后的工作也是不可缺少的。
Music sports2010年5月15日:courses can never be taken as good as those by attending in a college or university in person. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Agree:1.去大学学习可以和同学进一步的交流对于课程的理解,甚至可以进行讨论。
4.大学的学习氛围2010年5月20日:Some people think children should obey the rules their parents and teachers set and listen to them, but others think less control will help children to deal with their future adult life. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.观点一:1.家长和老师具有be equipped with ;in possession of 丰富的经验,因此对事物的看法和理解就会能准确。
2010年5月29日:Many people who leave school hold a negative attitude towards learning.Why does this happen? How to solve the problem?Triggers:1.2.3.大部分学校片面追求成绩,给学生过多的压力。
很多学校教授的知识对于今后的工作和学习没有和大的帮助,缺乏实际性practice .Resolution:1.政府应该制定一些措施,鼓励学校把精力放在学生的素质教育上。
例如:2010年6月5日:Some groups, such as poor people and people from rural areas, think universities should make it especially easy for them to get access to university education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Disagree1.学生有平等接受教育的权力,如果大学降低录取分数线,就会让城市的学生感觉到不公平。
2010年7月31日:Some people believe that university students should pay all the cost of studies because university education only benefit the students themselves not the society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Disagree:1.2.为社会培养人才,参与到社会的建设。
3.大学教育可以改善国民的生活水平,从而形成新的科技,从而使社会更快的向前发展.4.2010年11月4日:Some parents need to spend time on reading or telling stories to Children,while others think Children can read through various kinds of resources like books, TV programs, but not by their parents. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.观点一:1.不仅仅是讲授故事内容,更重要的是一种情感的交流。
2010年11月6日:Everyone should stay in the school until they reach the age of18. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Agree:1.不到18岁就离开学校在对于孩子的身心健康不利。
Others often influence young people in their behavior and situations in the same age. This is called "peer group pressure". Do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?坏处大于好处1.一些品德不高的学生对于其他学生的影响,可能会使他们误入歧途。
2010年12月18日:Some people says that the teaching method with a teacher and students in a classroom will not exist by the year2050. do you agree or disagree?同上科技类:2010年2月27日:Technological progress in the past century has its negative effect, despite its remarkable contribution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Agree1.互联网传播不健康,暴力和色情的内容,特别是对青少年是一种影响。
In today's society, more and more work is done by machines. Do you think the positive effects of the development overweigh the negative effects on individuals and society?负面大于正面1.人们产生懒惰的情绪。
2010年4月25日:It has been suggested that everyone in the world want to own a car, a TV and a fridge. Do you think disadvantage of such a development outweigh advantages?坏处大于好处1.2.3.2010年9月4日:Mobile phones have made life easier:anyone can use a mobile phone to answer/make work calls or home calls at any place 7 days a week. Do you think this development has more positive effects or negative effects on the individual and society?1.人与人之间距离缩短2.社会节省开支,少提供交通工具.3.有紧急事情,可以迅速取得联系,2010年11月20日:浪费能源造成污染资源浪费Disagree1.现代交流科技使每个人都得到了便利。