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【Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland】爱丽丝漫游仙境


A blonde English girl called Alice met a rabbit with a clock in its hands who was able to speak when she was boring beside a river.She chased the strange rabbit and fell into a hole which connected to a rum world.In this world,Alice met many strange animals and strange people.And the law of nature in her original world actually didn’t work here.In the end of her journey,she woke up and found that journey was all a dream.


This story has two main themes from my point of view.

For one thing,as a masterwork of Children’s Literature,Alice’s Adventure s in Wonderland is a perfect model showing both fun and fancy .The main character is a little girl who is full of imagination and creativity,thus her dream was illogical,rule-breaking and absurd.For example,animals could all speak,time could stand still,Mock Turtle became a creature and white roses could be painted red in order to become red roses.Maybe those thoughts are all what we tend to overlook or laugh as we grow up gradually,but they are of great significance.The book praises children’s innocence and imagination and call s on people to regain and keep a childlike innocence to face up to pressure and difficulties in real life.

For another,set in 20s,this book reflects on the social reality of the U.K. at that time.Animals and people in that world consistently obeyed social manners with great pedantry.Alice recited poems throughout the story and the mice just recited its text book but knew nothing about what it said,which satirized temporal education mode.The cruel and irritable queen and the snobbish and vulgar duchess are the symbol of the nobility the book criticizes.This book even describes a judge near the end to symbolize the chaotic Victorian court with heavy irony.

To sum up,Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is more than a children’s story and is a piece of literature with great era significance to people of all ages.

【Grimm's Fairy Tales】格林童话


When Holy Roman Empire, which was Germany’s predecessor, experienced collapsing and splitting up after Napoleonic Wars , many litterateurs wanted to save their German culture to make it unified. Linguistician Jacob Grimm and Willian Grimm, a pair of brothers, were two of those patriotic people. They collected a variety of folk stories and fairy tales then edited them into a story collection. It includes popular stories like Snow White, Cinderella, Little Red-Cap and Little Briar-Rose with typical characters such as animals, witches, royal, monsters and civilians. These fairy tales are aimed at teaching children to build nice characters and personalities, and helping them develop the ability to distinguish right and wrong.

Statements and comments书中观点和评论:

1. IN olden times when wishing still helped on, there lived a king whose daughters were all beautiful, but the youngest was so beautiful that the sun itself, which has seen so much,was
