SAE J1516-1998 调节工具的参考点
SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS 3.Definitions—In addition to the definitions listed as follows, reference is made to the following definitions given in SAE J1100:a.H-pointb.H-point height (H30)c.Steering wheel diameter (W9)d.Accelerator heel point (AHP)e.Seating reference point (SgRP)3.1Class A Vehicles—Vehicles with H-point heights (H30) less than 405 mm and steering wheel diameters (W9)less than 450 mm. This class of vehicles includes passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, and vans.3.2Class B Vehicles—Vehicles with H-point heights (H30) between 405 and 530 mm and steering wheel diameters (W9) between 450 and 560 mm with treadle accelerator pedals. This class of vehicles includes heavy trucks, some medium duty trucks, and some buses.3.3The following definitions pertain to locating procedures for vehicles defined as belonging to Class A.3.3.1C LASS A V EHICLES ' A CCOMMODATION T OOL R EFERENCE L INE —Two-dimensional side view curve which defines a horizontal reference point as a function of H-point height to which driver workspace accommodation tools can be located in vehicle space. The line is appropriate to reference workspace tools to accommodate a driver population with a male-to-female ratio of 1:1. The reference line can be determined from the following equation:(Eq. 1)where:x is the horizontal reference location in mm aft of the accommodation ball of foot reference and z is the height of the H-point above the accommodation heel reference (H30) in mm.3.3.2P EDAL P LANE —A plane viewed as a line in side view which is tangent to the accelerator pedal and represents the bottom of the two-dimensional manikin's shoe.3.3.3P EDAL P LANE A NGLE —The angle between the pedal plane and the horizontal floor which is a function of manikin geometry - the 95th percentile leg links and an 87 degree foot angle with the H-point on the 95th percentile selected seat position curve at a specified H-point height (H30). The pedal plane angle, θ, can be determined from the equation:(Eq. 2)where:z is the height of the H-point above the accelerator heel point (H30) in centimeters. The equation was derived by placing the manikin's H-point on the 95th percentile selected seat position curve, moving the manikin along the curve and measuring the angle its shoe (pedal plane) made with the horizontal floor while keeping the heel on the floor and the ball of foot on the pedal.3.3.4B ALL OF F OOT —A point on a straight line 203 mm from the accelerator heel point tangent to the bottom of the manikin's shoe at the ball of foot.x 793.70.903387z 0.00225518z2–+=θ78.960.15z –0.0173z2–=3.3.595TH P ERCENTILE S ELECTED S EAT P OSITION C URVE —A two-dimensional side view curve which expresses driver selected seat position aft of the ball of foot reference for 95th percentile accommodation as a function of vehicle H-point height. The curve can be determined from the following equation:(Eq. 3)where:x is the location in mm of the 95th percentile H-point aft of the ball of foot and z is the height of the H-point above the accelerator heel point (H30) in mm.3.3.6A CCOMMODATION H EEL R EFERENCE P OINT —A point on the pedal plane that intersects the depressed floor covering below the accelerator pedal. This point is defined when the pedal plane is set up at the appropriate angle, θ, as a function of H-point height and placed tangent to a point on the pedal surface with heel on the floor. This point defines the horizontal reference plane in side view for positioning the Class A accommodation tool reference line.3.3.7A CCOMMODATIONB ALL O F F OOT R EFERENCE P OINT —A point on the pedal plane 203 mm from the accommodation heel reference point. The point is defined when the pedal plane is set up at the appropriate angle, θ, as a function of H-point height and placed tangent to a point on the pedal surface with the heel on the depressed floor covering. This point defines the vertical reference plane in side view for positioning the Class A accommodation tool reference line.3.4The following definitions pertain to locating procedures for vehicles defined as belonging to Class B.3.4.1C LASS B V EHICLES ' A CCOMMODATION T OOL R EFERENCE L INE —Two-dimensional side view line which defines a horizontal reference point as a function of H-point height to which driver workspace accommodation tools can be located in vehicle space. Three different lines are provided to reference workspace tools to accommodate truck driver populations with male-to-female ratios of 50:50, 75:25, and 90:10 to 95:5. The reference lines can be determined from the following equations.(Eq. 4)(Eq. 5)(Eq. 6)where:x is the horizontal reference location in mm aft of the accommodation heel reference and z is the height of the H-point above the accommodation heel reference (H30) in mm.3.4.2P EDAL P LANE —A plane viewed as a line in side view that is parallel to the treadle pedal surface and represents the bottom of the two dimensional manikin's shoe.3.4.3P EDAL P LANE A NGLE —The angle between the pedal plane and the horizontal floor that represents the attitude of the two-dimensional manikin's shoe (manikin ankle angle can exceed 87 degrees) with heel on the floor in contact with the base of the treadle accelerator pedal.x 95913.70.672316z 0.0019553z2–+=For 50:50 male-to-female ratio:x 798.740.446z –=For 75:25 male-to-female ratio:x 822.440.460z –=For 90:10 to 95:5 male-to-female ratio:x 855.310.509z–=3.4.4A CCOMMODATION H EEL R EFERENCE P OINT—A point on the pedal plane that intersects the depressed floorcovering below the accelerator pedal. This point is defined when the pedal plane parallels the surface of the undepressed treadle pedal. This point defines both the horizontal and vertical reference planes in side view for positioning the Class B accommodation tool reference line.4.Background—Previously, manufacturers used a seating reference point (SgRP) to locate driver workspaceaccommodation tools. Definition of the location of this reference point was left to a manufacturer's discretion.Consequently, the SgRP could vary among competitors' vehicles for similar seating arrangements leading to different indications of accommodation provided by commonly used tools. A more consistent reference point across vehicles based on how drivers used the seat travel was required to eliminate those differences.Data to define the reference line to be used in Class A vehicles were collected from fourteen different workspace studies (see Reference SAE Paper 840508). Workspaces included a range of vehicles from sports cars with 145 to 180 mm H-point heights through vans and multipurpose vehicles with 300 to 405 mm H-point heights. Steering wheel diameters were between 330 and 442 mm. Driver selected seat position of subjects stratified by stature and sex to represent the general driving population (assuming a 50:50 male-to-female mix) were collected in these workspaces. Data were converted to H-point locations relative to a manikin ball of foot reference for each package.The median H-point location, a statistically stable reference point, was determined for each package and plotted as a function of package H-point height (H30). A second degree polynomial was fit to the data. This line which gives a horizontal reference location as a function of H-point height for a driver population composed of 50% males and 50% females is the accommodation tool reference line for vehicles defined as belonging to Class A.Data to define the reference line to be used in Class B vehicles were collected from a heavy truck workspace study (see References M.S. Sanders 1983 and B.E. Shaw 1984). The workspace simulated three truck cab configurations with H-point heights of 405, 468, and 530 mm and steering wheel diameters of 457, 508, and 560 mm. All configurations had a treadle accelerator pedal and suspended clutch. Driver selected seat position of male and female heavy truck drivers were collected in the workspace. Data were converted to H-point locations relative to a manikin heel point reference for each package.Pedal configuration determined the reference points chosen for both classes of vehicles. Most Class A vehicles have suspended accelerator pedals. With a suspended pedal, the manikin's ball of foot reference is less likely to change due to the amount of seat travel provided in a workspace. The heel point location however changes with the amount of available travel. Most Class B vehicles have treadle pedals. With this configuration pedal, the manikin's heel point has a physical stop to rest against making it less likely to change as a function of pedal depression angle. Application of this practice (Class B) supposes a reasonable, typical accelerator pedal angle.A statistical technique was used to generate four populations from the original truck workspace data with thefollowing ratios of males and females; 50:50, 75:25, 90:10, and 95:5. Median H-point locations were determined for the three H-point height configurations by population mix and plotted as a function of H-point height (H30). Straight lines were fitted to each of the four mixes of data. (Second degree expressions were not used due to paucity of data). Separate equations define horizontal reference points as a function of H-point height for truck driver populations with 50:50 and 75:25 male-to-female ratios. The linear expressions for populations with 90:10 and 95:5 male-to-female ratios were very similar. Therefore, one equation, appropriate for both mixes, was developed to define a horizontal reference point as a function of H-point height. These three lines which give horizontal H-point location as a function of H-point height for populations with male-to-female ratios of 50:50, 75:25, and 90:10 to 95:5 are the accommodation tool reference lines for vehicles defined as belonging to Class B.5.Description5.1Equations—Equations are given that define horizontal reference points in vehicle space as a function ofH-point height. One second degree equation defines the accommodation tool reference line for Class A vehicles. The line is appropriate to reference workspace tools to accommodate a driver population with a 1:1 male-to-female ratio. Three first degree equations define the accommodation tool reference lines for Class B vehicles. One line is appropriate to reference workspace tools to accommodate truck driver populations with 50% males and 50% females; the second line, populations with 75% males and 25% females; the third line, populations with 90% to 95% males and 10% to 5% females. All accommodation tool reference lines are located in vehicle space relative to vertical and horizontal side view planes. In Class A vehicles, these planes are defined from the accommodation ball of foot and the accommodation heel reference points. In Class B vehicles, these planes are defined from the accommodation heel reference point only. Procedures for establishing these planes differ for Class A and Class B vehicles.5.2Application Table—A table (Table 1) is given that provides information for defining the accommodation heeland ball of foot reference points for Class A vehicles only to which the accommodation tool reference line can be located. The table provides the following:a.The horizontal distance between the accommodation ball of foot reference point and theaccommodation heel reference point (referred to as L in Table 1).b.The vertical distance between the accommodation heel reference point and the accommodation ball offoot reference point (referred to as H in T able 1).Use of the table eliminates the necessity of computing the pedal plane angle, θ, since L and H values can be used to define the pedal plane and its angle, θ.6.Locating Procedures—Different procedures are used to locate accommodation tool reference lines inClass A and Class B vehicles. Procedures are based on a given H-point height and given accelerator pedal hardware.6.1Use the following procedure to define accommodation heel and ball of foot reference points to locate theaccommodation tool reference line in Class A workspaces.6.1.1Construct a right triangle using the L and H values from Table 1 for the given or measured H-point height, z.the hypotenuse represents the pedal plane. The corner of the triangle point where the hypotenuse meets the horizontal leg represents the accommodation heel reference point. The corner of the triangle where the hypotenuse meets the vertical leg represents the accommodation ball of foot reference point. The angle between the hypotenuse and horizontal leg of the triangle represents the pedal plane angle, θ.6.1.2Determine the shape of the accelerator pedal in side view and any associated pivots that allow the pedalangle to adapt to the driver's foot.6.1.3Set the hypotenuse of the triangle (pedal plane) tangent to the pedal. Rock the pedal if geometry allowsmovement. The pedal plane may extend beyond the fall of foot for pedal contact. The horizontal leg of the triangle must be aligned with the depressed heel.6.1.4Locate the accommodation tool reference line to the accommodation heel and ball of foot reference points.Since these points do not lie in the same horizontal and vertical planes, horizontal and vertical side view lines should be constructed through the reference points. The intersection of these lines, defines the side view station to which the accommodation tool reference line is located.6.1.5For certain treadle pedal configurations in Class A vehicles, the following situations may occur: the angle the treadle pedal surface makes with the floor is less than the pedal plane angle, θ, theaccommodation heel reference point will contact the pedal surface, but the accommodation ball of foot reference point will not. (See Figure 2.) In this case, set the accommodation heel reference point in contact with the pedal, then pivot the pedal plane around this point until the accommodation ball of foot vertical reference point contacts the pedal surface. Locate the accommodation tool reference line to these points using the same procedure outlined in the angle the treadle pedal surface makes with the floor is greater than the pedal plane angle, θ, theaccommodation ball of foot reference point will contact the pedal surface, but the accommodation heel reference point will not. (See Figure 3.) In this case, define the accommodation ball of foot reference at pedal contact, even though the pedal plane may go through the pedal surface, and the accommodation heel reference does not contact the pedal surface. Locate the accommodation tool reference line to the accommodation heel and ball of foot reference using the same procedure outlined in the following procedure to define the accommodation heel reference point to locate the accommodationtool reference line in Class B vehicles.6.2.1For treadle pedal, define the pedal plane and pedal plane angle, from the treadle pedal surface and the anglethe pedal makes with the floor, and proceed to 6.2.2. If a suspended pedal is used in a Class B vehicle, the following procedure should be used to define the accommodation heel reference point. the pedal plane angle, as defined by the equation (Equation 2) given in 3.3.3. Construct a line(pedal plane) tangent to the undepressed accelerator pedal in the side view which intersects the floor at the determined angle. Rock the pedal as necessary if geometry allows movement to adapt to the driver's foot. Proceed to the accommodation heel reference point as the point where the pedal plane intersects the depressedfloor coverings. This point also represents the vertical station to which the accommodation tool reference line is to be located.6.2.3Determine population mix for design. Locate the appropriate accommodation tool reference line to theaccommodation heel reference point.TABLE 1—5.2 APPLICATION TABLEChair Height (Z) mm 95% H-Point Aftof Ball of Foot(X)mmBall of FootLength toHeel Point (L)mmBall of FootHeight AboveHeel Point (H)mm100 961.4 50.0 196.7 105 962.7 50.9 196.5 110 964.0 51.8 196.3 115 965.2 52.7 196.0 120 966.2 53.7 195.8125 967.254.7195.5 130968.155.7195.2 135968.856.7194.9 140969.557.8194.6145970.158.9194.3 150970.660.0193.9 155970.961.1193.6 160971.262.3193.2165971.463.5192.8 170971.564.7192.4 175971.566.0192.0 180971.467.3191.5185971.268.6191.1190970.969.9190.6195970.571.2190.1200970.072.6189.6205969.474.0189.0210968.775.5188.5215967.976.9187.9220967.078.4187.3225966.079.9186.6230964.981.4186.0235963.783.0185.3240962.484.5184.6245961.186.1183.8250959.687.7183.1255958.089.4182.3260956.391.0181.5265954.692.7180.6270952.794.4179.7275950.796.1178.8280948.797.8177.9285946.599.6176.9 290944.2101.3175.9 295941.9103.1174.9 300939.4104.9173.8 305936.9106.7172.7 310934.2108.5171.6 315931.5110.4170.4 320928.6112.2169.2 325925.7114.1167.9 330922.6115.9166.6 335919.5117.8165.3 340916.3119.7163.9 345912.9121.6162.5 350909.5123.5161.1 355906.0125.5159.6 360902.3127.4158.1 365898.6129.3156.5 370894.8131.2154.9 375890.9133.2153.2 380886.8135.1151.5 385882.7137.0149.8 390878.5139.0148.0 395874.2140.9146.1 400869.8142.8144.2TABLE 1—5.2 APPLICATION TABLE (CONTINUED)Chair Height (Z) mm 95% H-Point Aft of Ball of Foot(X)mmBall of Foot Length to Heel Point (L)mmBall of Foot Height Above Heel Point (H)mmFIGURE 1—TRUCK ACCOMMODATION TOOL REFERENCE LINEFIGURE 2—FIGURE 3—PREPARED BY THE SAE TRUCK AND BUS OCCUPATIONAL PARAMETERS SUBCOMMITTEEOF THE SAE TRUCK AND BUS OCCUPANT AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEESAE J1516 Reaffirmed DEC1998Rationale—Not applicable.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—Not applicable.Application—Reference lines have been developed to which driver workspace accomodation tools can be located in vehicle space. The lines describe horizontal reference point locations as a function of vehicle H-point height (H30). One reference line has been established for use in vehicles with H-point heights (H30) and steering wheel diameters (W9) less than 405 and 450 mm, respectively. (Class A Vehicles) This point can be used to reference appropriate workspace tools to accomodate a driver population witha male-to-female ratio of one-to-one. Separate reference lines have been established for use in vehicleswith H-point heights (H30) between 405 and 530 mm and steering wheel diameters (W9) between 450 and 560 mm with treadle type pedals. (Class B Vehicles) Figure 1. Three lines are available for use in Class B vehicles depending on the percentages of males and females in the population the designer wishes to accommodate. Separate points can be used to reference appropriate workspace tools to accommodate driver populations with male-to-female ratios of 50:50, 75:25, and 90:10 to 95:5.Difference procedures for locating Class A and Class B accommodation tool reference lines in vehicle space have been established based on unique packaging considerations of the two categories of vehicles.Reference SectionSAE J941—Motor Vehicle Driver's Eye RangeSAE J1052—Motor Vehicle Driver and Passenger Head PositionSAE J1100—Motor Vehicle DimensionsSAE J1517—Driver Selected Seat PositionSAE J1521—Truck Driver Shin-Knee Position for Clutch and AccelerationSAE J1522—Truck Driver Stomach PositionSAE Paper No. 840508—Driver Selected Seat Position ModelM.S. Sanders (1983), "U.S. T ruck Driver Anthropometric and Truck Workspace Study," Final Report Submitted to: Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Warrendale, PA.B.E.Shaw and M.S. Sanders (1984), "Female U.S. Truck Driver Anthropometric and Truck WorkspaceStudy," Final Report Submitted to: Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Warrendale, PA. Developed by the SAE Truck and Bus Occupational Parameters SubcommitteeSponsored by the SAE Truck and Bus Cab Occupant and Environment Committee。
汽车设计自动化——整车人机布置(UG)杨金锋/ 总体设计部2008-9-12简介NX General Packaging 是一整套汽车布置的设计软件,以车身内部布置为主。
Tool bar & Menu——工具条和菜单空间布置视野校核运动校核向导界面车身人体工程学车身人机工程学的基本内容,主要表现为:¾通过测量、统计、分析人体的尺寸,在进行车身内部布置设计时,以此为依据,确定车内的有效空间以及各零部件(仪表板、顶棚、地毯等)的布置位置和尺寸关系;¾通过对人体生理结构的研究,以使座椅设计以及人体坐姿符合人体乘坐舒适性要求;¾根据人体操纵范围和操纵力的测定,确定各操纵装置(转向盘、踏板、手刹、换档等)的布置和作用力大小,以使人体操纵时自然、迅速、准确、轻便,并降低操纵疲劳强度;¾通过对人眼的视觉特性、视野效果的研究、试验,校核驾驶员的信息系统,以保证驾驶员获得正确的驾驶信息;¾根据人体的运动学,研究汽车碰撞时对人体的合理保护,正确确定安全带的铰接点位置和对人体的约束力;研究振动时对乘坐舒适性的影响;研究人体上下车的方便,以确定车门的开口部位与尺寸;¾根据人体的生理要求,合理确定并布置空调系统;¾研究人的心理特性和要求,设计一个舒适、美观、轻松的环境。
这两种情况由机床数据MD34050 REFP_SEARCH_MARKER_REVERSE[O][ 编码器零脉冲在参考点开关的反向(编码器号)]来决定。
为了防止发生事故可以设置MD20700 REFP_NC_START_L0CK=1 (未回参考点NC启动禁止)来保护机床对于增量式来说有以下几种方式会参考点:1手动方式回参:它是通过设置相应的参数,然后点击MCP上的Reform 键触发,至于回参的方向则由MD 34010 REFP_CAM_DIR_IS_MINUS (负向逼近参考点)的值来决定。
2触发方式回参:它是通过MD11300 JOG-INC-MODE-LEVELTRIGGRD(返回参考点触发方式)来决定的将该数据设置为0时,只需要点击相应的方向键,方向还是由MD34010来决定。
其实并不只对进给轴有效,对主轴也也可以有效,那就是与机床参数MD34200ENC_REFP_M0DE[n] 有关。
如果有多个进给轴的话,它们可以按照顺序回参,顺序在MD34110 REFP_CYCLE_NR 中定义,也可以都定义为同一个那么所有的轴就是同时进行。
编号:整车设计手册H 点设计及人机布置指南校对:2022 年08 月前言汽车 H 点是与操作便利性及坐姿舒适性相关的车内尺寸的基准点,驾驶员以正常姿势入座后,其体重的大局部通过臀部由座椅和坐垫支撑,一局部通过脚作用于汽车地板上。
在汽车的这种特定的约束坐姿下,驾驶员在操作时身体上部的活动必定是绕通过 H 点的轴转动。
并且 H 点是确定眼椭圆的基准点,汽车 H 点还影响驾驶员的手控界面,并且是很多法规工程的基准,也是汽车局部操作性和舒适性设计的基准,所以正确确实立 H 点对整车设计格外重要。
目录1术语和定义 (1)1.1H 点行程路径 (1)1.2乘坐基准点〔S G RP〕、R 点、设计H 点 (1)1.3加速踏板踵点〔AHP〕......................................................................................................... 1.1.4踏板基准点〔PRP〕............................................................................................................. 1.1.5踏板平面角〔PPA〕............................................................................................................. 1.1.6地板基准点,后排乘员 ....................................................................................................... 1. 2人体尺寸选择.. (1)3驾驶员H 点设计 (2)3.1H 点布置输入........................................................................................................................ 3.3.2初步确定参数.......................................................................................................................初步确定驾驶员坐姿高度H30 (3)3.2.2确定SgRP 点Y 坐标W20 (3)3.2.3初步确定加速踏板踵点〔AHP〕位置 (4)3.2.4确定踏板平面角A47 (5)3.3 A 类车辆的定位程序............................................................................................................ 5.3.4定位方向盘中心及倾角 ....................................................................................................... 8.3.5确定驾驶员设计靠背角〔A40〕 (11)3.6确定H 点运动轨迹〔座椅导轨长度〕 (12)4后排乘员H 点设计 (14)4.1后排乘员坐姿舒适角度 ..................................................................................................... 1. 5 5乘员空间 . (15)5.1腿部空间............................................................................................................................. 1. 5 5.2顶部空间............................................................................................................................. 1. 6 5.3肩部空间............................................................................................................................. 1. 6 5.4臀部空间............................................................................................................................. 1. 7 5.5膝盖空间............................................................................................................................. 1. 8 5.6乘员脚部空间..................................................................................................................... 1. 85.6.1前排脚部空间 (18)5.6.1 后排脚部空间 (21)6人机布置 (23)6.1视野布置............................................................................................................................. 2. 36.1.1眼椭圆及眼点确定〔SAE J941〕 (23)6.1.2 视野基准点确定〔GB 11562〕 (25)6.1.3 风窗玻璃基准区 (27)5.1.4 驾驶员前方视野 (30)6.1.5遮阳板视野 (33)6.1.6组合仪表视野 (34)6.1.6视野眩目 (37)6.1.7视野障碍 (39)6.1.8侧视野 (45)6.1.9后视野 (48)6.1.10后风挡视野 (51)6.2舒适伸及范围..................................................................................................................... 5. 26.2.1驾驶员手把握区域〔SAE J287〕 (52)5.2.2 手操作范围〔EO〕 (53)6.2.3变速器换档手柄布置 (54)6.2.4驻车制动手柄布置 (58)6.2.5侧门手伸及的适宜范围 (61)6.2.6坐垫下部舒适操作区域 (63)6.2.7头顶舒适把握区域 (64)6.2.8侧关门操作区域 (65)6.3脚踏板布置......................................................................................................................... 6. 66.3.1A(Accelerator)、B(Brake)、C(Clutch)踏板布置 (66)6.3.2脚驻车制动踏板 (74)7整车H 点布置与外廓尺寸关系 (74)7.1长度尺寸关系..................................................................................................................... 7. 4 7.2高度尺寸关系..................................................................................................................... 7. 51术语和定义1.1H 点行程路径 H-point travel path本指定乘坐位置的座椅在全部的调整状态〔包括水平、垂直和倾斜〕下 H 点全部的可能位置。
SAE J1100 JUL2002机动车辆尺寸
SAE J1100 JUL2002——机动车辆尺寸1.范围——此SAE工业标准为汽车尺寸定义了一系列测量方法和标准程序。
除非另有说明,所有的尺寸测量都是垂直于三维参考系统(见SAE J182),除了地面相关尺寸是垂直于地面。
2.1.1 SAE出版物——Available from SAE,400 Commonwealth Drive,Warrendale,PA,15096-0001。
SAE J182——机动车辆标准号SAE J287——驾驶员手部控制区域SAE J826——定义和测量汽车座椅的使用设备SAE J941——机动车辆驾驶员眼睛范围SAE J1052——机动车辆驾驶员和乘客头部位置SAE J1516——设备工具参考点SAE J1517——选择驾驶员座椅位置2.1.2 ISO 出版物——Available ANSI ,NY 10036-8002.ISO 3832——乘用车——测量参考体积的方法。
2.2 相关出版物——以下提供的出版物仅作信息目的,并不是此规格的要求部分。
2.2.1 ISO出版物——Available from ANSI,25 West 43rd Street,New York,NY 10036-8002。
●参考点返回完成信号:ZPx(Zero Position)ZPnA:n=参考点号(第几参考点) A=轴号。
●参考点建立信号:ZRFx(Zero Reference)建立参考点过程中,当显示的位置坐标和机械原点位置一致时,此信号变为1。
PRM1005#1 为0时:有挡块参考点;为1时:无挡块参考点。
PRM1815#5 为0时:增量位置控制。
这篇眼椭圆修订本是SAE J941自编制以来最有意义的一次修订。
e.侧视图中眼椭圆中心位置是由一些参数(SgRP, 转向轮位置,座椅坐垫角度,及有无离合器踏板)组成的函数式确定。
g.座椅前后行程小于133mm时的眼椭圆x轴长度与先前SAE J941中是一样的。
可用这些图表信息来创建inclusive眼椭圆(附录D)B类车辆的眼椭圆和以前的 SAE J941是一样的(附录E)。
目录1.范围 (3)2.参考文献 (3)3.名词解释 (4)4.美国人群男女等比例(50/50)混合后,可调座椅时, 95%和99%眼椭圆 (6)4.1眼椭圆轴长 (6)4.2眼椭圆轴的角度……………………………………………………………… .64.3眼椭圆中心位置 (7)5.眼椭圆的确定步骤(A类车辆) (8)6.P点和E点位置的确定步骤(A类车辆) (8)附录A 身高和性别按任何比例混合后的人群,可调座椅时的眼椭圆 (10)A.1椭圆轴的角度 (10)A.2椭圆中心参考位置 (10)A.3椭圆的轴长 (10)A.4最终的椭圆中心位置 (12)A.5所选世界人口的眼椭圆 (12)附录B 男女等比例(50/50)混合后的美国人群,固定座椅下,95%和99%眼椭圆 (15)B.1背景 (15)B.2椭圆轴的角度 (15)B.3椭圆的轴长 (16)B.4椭圆中心位置 (16)附录C身高和性别按任何比例混合后的人群,固定座椅下的眼椭圆 (18)C.1轴的角度 (18)C.2轴的长度 (18)C.3椭圆中心位置 (20)附录 D 切线眼椭圆(Tangent cutoff eyellipses)和。
笔者通过分析多个车型的R点布置,并结合SAE J1516的法规要求,总结了一套行之有效的R点确定和校核方法。
【期刊名称】《南方农机》【年(卷),期】2015(000)008【总页数】2页(P55-55,64)【关键词】R点;整车设计;详析【作者】李江兵【作者单位】江铃集团轻型汽车有限公司,江西南昌 344000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U462.2随着国民经济的不断发展和人们生活水平的持续提高,汽车已逐渐成为大众生活的必需品。
因此,要求人机工程的基础一定要做好,即R 点一定要准确。
1 逆向车型的R点汽车的逆向开发过程中,先选取一台市场接受度高、口碑良好的合资车,通过整车逆向开发,仅对外观专利作一些适应性的规避,就完成整车的开发。
SAE J941 电动车辆驾驶员眼点位置.
SAE机动车辆驾驶员的眼睛位置前言---此被推荐实行的SAE 标准介绍了眼椭圆——驾驶员眼睛位置的一种统计表示法,它便于对机动车辆视野进行设计与评估。
这些应用在其他SAE 标准及ISO 标准中有讲解。
这篇眼椭圆修订本是SAE J941自编制以来最有意义的一次修订。
新的眼椭圆与旧的眼椭圆不同之处有以下几个方面:a. 俯视图和后视图中椭圆轴线与汽车轴线平行。
b. 侧视图中X 轴的角度在前部向下倾斜角更大。
c. 95%(99%)的眼椭圆:1.x轴增长了7.5(18.9)mm2.Y轴减短了44.6(63.6)mm3.Z轴增长了7.4(10.1)mm。
d. 眼椭圆中心定位在更高,更向后的位置。
e. 侧视图中眼椭圆中心位置是由一些参数(SgRP,转向轮位置,座椅坐垫角度,及有无离合器踏板)组成的函数式确定。
f. 眼椭圆不再根据驾驶员座椅靠背角来确定。
g. 座椅前后行程小于133mm 时的眼椭圆x 轴长度与先前SAE J941中是一样的。
h. P 点和E 点的位置是根据俯视图中到后视镜及A 柱的视野线来确定,但要根据新的眼椭圆形状和位置进行调整。
新增内容及附录,总结如下:a. 美国人群按男女等比例混合后95%及99%人群在固定座椅情况下的眼椭圆(附录B)。
b. 身高和性别按任何比例混合后的人群,在可调座椅和固定座椅下的眼椭圆的绘制步骤(附录A 和C)。
c. 切线眼椭圆与inclusive 眼椭圆的对比图表。
可用这些图表信息来创建inclusive 眼椭圆(附录D)B 类车辆的眼椭圆和以前的SAE J941是一样的(附录E)。
目录1.范围 (3)2.参考文献 (3)3.名词解释 (4)4.美国人群男女等比例(50/50)混合后,可调座椅时,95%和99%眼椭圆 (6)4.1眼椭圆轴长 (6)4.2眼椭圆轴的角度 (6)4.3眼椭圆中心位置 (7)5.眼椭圆的确定步骤(A类车辆) (8)6.P 点和E 点位置的确定步骤(A类车辆) (8)附录A 身高和性别按任何比例混合后的人群,可调座椅时的眼椭圆 (10)A.1椭圆轴的角度 (10)A.2椭圆中心参考位置 (10)A.3椭圆的轴长 (10)A.4最终的椭圆中心位置 (12)A.5所选世界人口的眼椭圆 (12)附录B 男女等比例(50/50)混合后的美国人群,固定座椅下,95%和99%眼椭圆 (15)B.1背景 (15)B.2椭圆轴的角度 (15)B.3椭圆的轴长 (16)B.4椭圆中心位置 (16)附录C 身高和性别按任何比例混合后的人群,固定座椅下的眼椭圆 (18)C.1轴的角度 (18)C.2轴的长度 (18)C.3椭圆中心位置 (20)附录D 切线眼椭圆(Tangentcutoff eyellipses)和。
SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS SURFACE VEHICLE400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001RECOMMENDED PRACTICESubmitted for recognition as an American National StandardJ1516REAF.DEC1998Issued 1985-10Reaffirmed1998-12Superseding J1516 MAR90Accommodation Tool Reference Point Foreword—This Reaffirmed Document has not changed other than to put it into the new SAE Technical Board format. Definitions have been changed to Section 3. All other section numbers have changed accordingly.1.Scope—Reference lines have been developed to which driver workspace accomodation tools can be locatedin vehicle space. The lines describe horizontal reference point locations as a function of vehicle H-point height (H30). One reference line has been established for use in vehicles with H-point heights (H30) and steering wheel diameters (W9) less than 405 and 450 mm, respectively. (Class A Vehicles) This point can be used to reference appropriate workspace tools to accommodate a driver population with a male-to-female ratio of one-to-one. Separate reference lines have been established for use in vehicles with H-point heights (H30) between 405 and 530 mm and steering wheel diameters (W9) between 450 and 560 mm with treadle type pedals.(Class B Vehicles) See Figure 1. Three lines are available for use in Class B vehicles depending on the percentages of males and females in the population the designer wishes to accommodate. Separate points can be used to reference appropriate workspace tools to accommodate driver populations with male-to-female ratios of 50:50, 75:25, and 90:10 to 95:5. Different procedures for locating Class A and Class B accommodation tool reference lines in vehicle space have been established based on unique packagingconsiderations of the two categories of vehicles.2.References 2.1Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specifiedherein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1SAE P UBLICATIONS —Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J941—Motor Vehicle Driver's Eye RangeSAE J1052—Motor Vehicle Driver and Passenger Head Position SAE J1100—Motor Vehicle Dimensions SAE J1517—Driver Selected Seat PositionSAE J1521—Truck Driver Shin-Knee Position for Clutch and Accelerator SAE J1522—Truck Driver Stomach PositionN. L. Philippart, R. W. Roe, A. J. Arnold, T. J. Kuechenmeister (1984), "Driver Selected Seat PositionModel," SAE Paper No. 840508, Detroit, MI.M. S. Sanders (1983), "U.S. Truck Driver Anthropometric and Truck Workspace Study," Final ReportSubmitted to: Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Warrendale, PA.B. E. Shaw and M. S. Sanders (1984), "Female U. S. Truck Driver Anthropometric and Truck WorkspaceStudy," Final Report Submitted to: Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Warrendale, PA.容纳性工具参考点前言--这个重新确认的文档没有改变除了把它放入SAE技术委员会格式。
SAE J 电动车辆驾驶员眼点位置
这篇眼椭圆修订本是SAE J941自编制以来最有意义的一次修订。
g.座椅前后行程小于133mm时的眼椭圆x轴长度与先前SAE J941中是一样的。
可用这些图表信息来创建inclusive眼椭圆(附录D)B类车辆的眼椭圆和以前的SAE J941是一样的(附录E)。
目录1.范围 (3)2.参考文献 (3)3.名词解释 (4)4.美国人群男女等比例(50/50)混合后,可调座椅时,95%和99%眼椭圆 (6)4.1眼椭圆轴长 (6)4.2眼椭圆轴的角度 (6)4.3眼椭圆中心位置 (7)5.眼椭圆的确定步骤(A类车辆) (8)6.P点和E点位置的确定步骤(A类车辆) (8)附录A身高和性别按任何比例混合后的人群,可调座椅时的眼椭圆 (10)A.1椭圆轴的角度 (10)A.2椭圆中心参考位置 (10)A.3椭圆的轴长 (10)A.4最终的椭圆中心位置 (12)A.5所选世界人口的眼椭圆 (12)附录B男女等比例(50/50)混合后的美国人群,固定座椅下,95%和99%眼椭圆 (15)B.1背景 (15)B.2椭圆轴的角度 (15)B.3椭圆的轴长 (16)B.4椭圆中心位置 (16)附录C身高和性别按任何比例混合后的人群,固定座椅下的眼椭圆 (18)C.1轴的角度 (18)C.2轴的长度 (18)C.3椭圆中心位置 (20)附录D切线眼椭圆(Tangent cutoff eyellipses)和。
汽车设计自动化——整车人机布置(UG)杨金锋/ 总体设计部2008-9-12简介NX General Packaging 是一整套汽车布置的设计软件,以车身内部布置为主。
Tool bar & Menu——工具条和菜单空间布置视野校核运动校核向导界面车身人体工程学车身人机工程学的基本内容,主要表现为:¾通过测量、统计、分析人体的尺寸,在进行车身内部布置设计时,以此为依据,确定车内的有效空间以及各零部件(仪表板、顶棚、地毯等)的布置位置和尺寸关系;¾通过对人体生理结构的研究,以使座椅设计以及人体坐姿符合人体乘坐舒适性要求;¾根据人体操纵范围和操纵力的测定,确定各操纵装置(转向盘、踏板、手刹、换档等)的布置和作用力大小,以使人体操纵时自然、迅速、准确、轻便,并降低操纵疲劳强度;¾通过对人眼的视觉特性、视野效果的研究、试验,校核驾驶员的信息系统,以保证驾驶员获得正确的驾驶信息;¾根据人体的运动学,研究汽车碰撞时对人体的合理保护,正确确定安全带的铰接点位置和对人体的约束力;研究振动时对乘坐舒适性的影响;研究人体上下车的方便,以确定车门的开口部位与尺寸;¾根据人体的生理要求,合理确定并布置空调系统;¾研究人的心理特性和要求,设计一个舒适、美观、轻松的环境。
SAE J 2064-98R-134a 制冷剂汽车空调软管美国机动车工程师协会冷却剂委员会R-134a分委员会的报告2000年12月25日1.范围——本SAE标准适用于预定用在汽车空调系统中输送液体或气态制冷剂R-134a的软管和软管总成。
标记“J2064”的软管意味着已被实验和应用,且满足SAE J2064的要求。
2.引用标准2.1 有关文件——下列版物在本规范规定的范围内构成本规范的一部分。
2.1.1 ASTM出版物——可从ASTM查得,地址:100 Barr Harbor Drive, WestConsho hocke n, PA 19428-2959ASTM D 380——橡胶软管实验方法3.制造3.1 规定——标准尺寸在表一的第一栏目中给出表一换算系数软管规格mm(in) 软管平均内径mm(in)g/day乘以所示系数得kg/m2/yg/day乘以所示系数得lb/ft2/y8(5/16) 8.1(0.320) 13.452 2.74610(13/32) 10.6(0.418) 10.280 2.10213(1/2) 13.0(0.510) 8.382 1.72316(5/8) 16.1(0.635) 6.768 1.38419(3/4) 19.4(0.765) 5.617 1.1493.2 型别——包括但不局限于以下型别。
此标准描述了车内用于驾驶员操作空间布置的布置工具的 参考线 此标准描述了在进行车内空间布置时驾驶员可选的乘坐位 置,可确定特定的驾驶员比例的调座椅的水平位置范围 此标准描述了用于95%人体比例的卡车驾驶员,在座椅可进 行水平调整的情况下,其乘坐位置的膝部二维侧视轮廓 线,其中包括离合器踏板的腿的膝部轮廓线和加速踏板的 腿的膝部轮廓线 此标准描述了用于95%人体比例的卡车驾驶员,在座椅可进 行水平调整的情况下,其乘坐位置的腹部二维侧视轮廓线
汽车人机工7 SAE J383 SAE J826 SAE J902 SAE J903 SAE J941 SAE J1050 SAE J1052 SAE J1100 SAE J1138 SAE J1516 SAE J1517 SAE J1521 SAE J1522 EEC-127 EEC-317 EEC-318 EEC-649 ECE R46 ECE R35 GB 7258-2004 GB 11556-1994 GB 11565-1989
Motor Vehicle Fiducial Marks and Three-dimensional Reference System Driver Hand Control Reach Motor Vehicle Seat Belt Anchorages-Design Recommendations Devices For Use In Defining And Measuring Vehicle Seating Accommodation Passenger Car Windshield Defrosting Systems Passenger Car Windshield Wiper Systems Motor Vehicle Drivers' Eye Locations Describing And Measuring The Driver's Field Of View Motor Vehicle Driver And Passenger Head Position Motor Vehicle Dimensions Design Criteria— Driver Hand Controls Location for Passenger Cars, Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles, and Trucks (10 000 GVW and Under) Accommodation Tool Reference Point Driver Selected Seat Position Truck Driver Shin-Knee Position for Clutch and Accelerator Truck Driver Stomach Position
SAE_J1100-2002_汽车尺寸标准【中文版】 SAE法规
2. 参考文献2.1 适用书刊——以下书刊为本标准一部分指定范围的延伸说明。
2.1.1 SAE书刊——SAE J182-机动车辆基准点SAE J287-驾驶员人工操纵SAE J826-用于定义和测量车辆座椅位置的装置SAE J941-机动车辆驾驶员视角范围SAE J1052-启动车辆驾驶员和乘客的头部位置SAE J1516-参考点工具的布置SAE J1517-驾驶员选择座椅位置2.1.2 国际标准化组织(ISO)刊物——许可由美国国家标准学会(ANSI),纽约市25ISO 3832——乘用车——长途客车——测量基准2.2 相关刊物——以下内容只提供目标信息,并不是本标准规定的一部份。
2.2.1国际标准化组织(ISO)刊物——许可由美国国家标准学会(ANSI),纽约市25ISO 1176 道路车辆:词汇及代码ISO3833道路车辆:分类及定义ISO4133道路车辆:乘用车尺寸代码3.定义3.1 机动车辆3.1.1 乘用车——机动车辆载重最多10人,包含摩托车和拖车。
Motor Vehicle Fiducial Marks and Three-dimensional Reference System Driver Hand Control Reach Motor Vehicle Seat Belt Anchorages-Design Recommendations Devices For Use In Defining And Measuring Vehicle Seating Accommodation Passenger Car Windshield Defrosting Systems Passenger Car Windshield Wiper Systems Motor Vehicle Drivers' Eye Locations Describing And Measuring The Driver's Field Of View Motor Vehicle Driver And Passenger Head Position Motor Vehicle Dimensions Design Criteria— Driver Hand Controls Location for Passenger Cars, Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles, and Trucks (10 000 GVW and Under) Accommodation Tool Reference Point Driver Selected Seat Position Truck Driver Shin-Knee Position for Clutch and Accelerator Truck Driver Stomach Position
汽车驾驶员前方视野及测量方法 汽车后视镜性能和安装要求 乘用车尺寸代码 汽车主要尺寸测量方法 汽车室内尺寸测量用三维H点装置 轿车脚踏板的侧向间距 客车车内尺寸
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SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS SURFACE VEHICLE400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001RECOMMENDED PRACTICESubmitted for recognition as an American National StandardJ1516REAF.DEC1998Issued 1985-10Reaffirmed1998-12Superseding J1516 MAR90Accommodation Tool Reference PointForeword—This Reaffirmed Document has not changed other than to put it into the new SAE Technical Board format. Definitions have been changed to Section 3. All other section numbers have changed accordingly.1.Scope—Reference lines have been developed to which driver workspace accomodation tools can be located in vehicle space. The lines describe horizontal reference point locations as a function of vehicle H-point height (H30). One reference line has been established for use in vehicles with H-point heights (H30) and steering wheel diameters (W9) less than 405 and 450 mm, respectively. (Class A Vehicles) This point can be used to reference appropriate workspace tools to accommodate a driver population with a male-to-female ratio of one-to-one. Separate reference lines have been established for use in vehicles with H-point heights (H30) between 405 and 530 mm and steering wheel diameters (W9) between 450 and 560 mm with treadle type pedals.(Class B Vehicles) See Figure 1. Three lines are available for use in Class B vehicles depending on the percentages of males and females in the population the designer wishes to accommodate. Separate points can be used to reference appropriate workspace tools to accommodate driver populations with male-to-female ratios of 50:50, 75:25, and 90:10 to 95:5. Different procedures for locating Class A and Class B accommodation tool reference lines in vehicle space have been established based on unique packaging considerations of the two categories of vehicles.2.References2.1Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1SAE P UBLICATIONS —Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J941—Motor Vehicle Driver's Eye RangeSAE J1052—Motor Vehicle Driver and Passenger Head Position SAE J1100—Motor Vehicle Dimensions SAE J1517—Driver Selected Seat PositionSAE J1521—Truck Driver Shin-Knee Position for Clutch and Accelerator SAE J1522—Truck Driver Stomach PositionN. L. Philippart, R. W. Roe, A. J. Arnold, T. J. Kuechenmeister (1984), "Driver Selected Seat PositionModel," SAE Paper No. 840508, Detroit, MI.M. S. Sanders (1983), "U.S. Truck Driver Anthropometric and Truck Workspace Study," Final ReportSubmitted to: Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Warrendale, PA.B. E. Shaw and M. S. Sanders (1984), "Female U. S. Truck Driver Anthropometric and Truck WorkspaceStudy," Final Report Submitted to: Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Warrendale, PA.3.Definitions—In addition to the definitions listed as follows, reference is made to the following definitions given in SAE J1100:a.H-pointb.H-point height (H30)c.Steering wheel diameter (W9)d.Accelerator heel point (AHP)e.Seating reference point (SgRP)3.1Class A Vehicles—Vehicles with H-point heights (H30) less than 405 mm and steering wheel diameters (W9)less than 450 mm. This class of vehicles includes passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, and vans.3.2Class B Vehicles—Vehicles with H-point heights (H30) between 405 and 530 mm and steering wheel diameters (W9) between 450 and 560 mm with treadle accelerator pedals. This class of vehicles includes heavy trucks, some medium duty trucks, and some buses.3.3The following definitions pertain to locating procedures for vehicles defined as belonging to Class A.3.3.1C LASS A V EHICLES ' A CCOMMODATION T OOL R EFERENCE L INE —Two-dimensional side view curve which defines a horizontal reference point as a function of H-point height to which driver workspace accommodation tools can be located in vehicle space. The line is appropriate to reference workspace tools to accommodate a driver population with a male-to-female ratio of 1:1. The reference line can be determined from the following equation:(Eq. 1)where:x is the horizontal reference location in mm aft of the accommodation ball of foot reference and z is the height of the H-point above the accommodation heel reference (H30) in mm.3.3.2P EDAL P LANE —A plane viewed as a line in side view which is tangent to the accelerator pedal and represents the bottom of the two-dimensional manikin's shoe.3.3.3P EDAL P LANE A NGLE —The angle between the pedal plane and the horizontal floor which is a function of manikin geometry - the 95th percentile leg links and an 87 degree foot angle with the H-point on the 95th percentile selected seat position curve at a specified H-point height (H30). The pedal plane angle, θ, can be determined from the equation:(Eq. 2)where:z is the height of the H-point above the accelerator heel point (H30) in centimeters. The equation was derived by placing the manikin's H-point on the 95th percentile selected seat position curve, moving the manikin along the curve and measuring the angle its shoe (pedal plane) made with the horizontal floor while keeping the heel on the floor and the ball of foot on the pedal.3.3.4B ALL OF F OOT —A point on a straight line 203 mm from the accelerator heel point tangent to the bottom of the manikin's shoe at the ball of foot.x 793.70.903387z 0.00225518z2–+=θ78.960.15z –0.0173z2–=3.3.595TH P ERCENTILE S ELECTED S EAT P OSITION C URVE —A two-dimensional side view curve which expresses driver selected seat position aft of the ball of foot reference for 95th percentile accommodation as a function of vehicle H-point height. The curve can be determined from the following equation:(Eq. 3)where:x is the location in mm of the 95th percentile H-point aft of the ball of foot and z is the height of the H-point above the accelerator heel point (H30) in mm.3.3.6A CCOMMODATION H EEL R EFERENCE P OINT —A point on the pedal plane that intersects the depressed floor covering below the accelerator pedal. This point is defined when the pedal plane is set up at the appropriate angle, θ, as a function of H-point height and placed tangent to a point on the pedal surface with heel on the floor. This point defines the horizontal reference plane in side view for positioning the Class A accommodation tool reference line.3.3.7A CCOMMODATIONB ALL O F F OOT R EFERENCE P OINT —A point on the pedal plane 203 mm from the accommodation heel reference point. The point is defined when the pedal plane is set up at the appropriate angle, θ, as a function of H-point height and placed tangent to a point on the pedal surface with the heel on the depressed floor covering. This point defines the vertical reference plane in side view for positioning the Class A accommodation tool reference line.3.4The following definitions pertain to locating procedures for vehicles defined as belonging to Class B.3.4.1C LASS B V EHICLES ' A CCOMMODATION T OOL R EFERENCE L INE —Two-dimensional side view line which defines a horizontal reference point as a function of H-point height to which driver workspace accommodation tools can be located in vehicle space. Three different lines are provided to reference workspace tools to accommodate truck driver populations with male-to-female ratios of 50:50, 75:25, and 90:10 to 95:5. The reference lines can be determined from the following equations.(Eq. 4)(Eq. 5)(Eq. 6)where:x is the horizontal reference location in mm aft of the accommodation heel reference and z is the height of the H-point above the accommodation heel reference (H30) in mm.3.4.2P EDAL P LANE —A plane viewed as a line in side view that is parallel to the treadle pedal surface and represents the bottom of the two dimensional manikin's shoe.3.4.3P EDAL P LANE A NGLE —The angle between the pedal plane and the horizontal floor that represents the attitude of the two-dimensional manikin's shoe (manikin ankle angle can exceed 87 degrees) with heel on the floor in contact with the base of the treadle accelerator pedal.x 95913.70.672316z 0.0019553z2–+=For 50:50 male-to-female ratio:x 798.740.446z –=For 75:25 male-to-female ratio:x 822.440.460z –=For 90:10 to 95:5 male-to-female ratio:x 855.310.509z–=3.4.4A CCOMMODATION H EEL R EFERENCE P OINT—A point on the pedal plane that intersects the depressed floorcovering below the accelerator pedal. This point is defined when the pedal plane parallels the surface of the undepressed treadle pedal. This point defines both the horizontal and vertical reference planes in side view for positioning the Class B accommodation tool reference line.4.Background—Previously, manufacturers used a seating reference point (SgRP) to locate driver workspaceaccommodation tools. Definition of the location of this reference point was left to a manufacturer's discretion.Consequently, the SgRP could vary among competitors' vehicles for similar seating arrangements leading to different indications of accommodation provided by commonly used tools. A more consistent reference point across vehicles based on how drivers used the seat travel was required to eliminate those differences.Data to define the reference line to be used in Class A vehicles were collected from fourteen different workspace studies (see Reference SAE Paper 840508). Workspaces included a range of vehicles from sports cars with 145 to 180 mm H-point heights through vans and multipurpose vehicles with 300 to 405 mm H-point heights. Steering wheel diameters were between 330 and 442 mm. Driver selected seat position of subjects stratified by stature and sex to represent the general driving population (assuming a 50:50 male-to-female mix) were collected in these workspaces. Data were converted to H-point locations relative to a manikin ball of foot reference for each package.The median H-point location, a statistically stable reference point, was determined for each package and plotted as a function of package H-point height (H30). A second degree polynomial was fit to the data. This line which gives a horizontal reference location as a function of H-point height for a driver population composed of 50% males and 50% females is the accommodation tool reference line for vehicles defined as belonging to Class A.Data to define the reference line to be used in Class B vehicles were collected from a heavy truck workspace study (see References M.S. Sanders 1983 and B.E. Shaw 1984). The workspace simulated three truck cab configurations with H-point heights of 405, 468, and 530 mm and steering wheel diameters of 457, 508, and 560 mm. All configurations had a treadle accelerator pedal and suspended clutch. Driver selected seat position of male and female heavy truck drivers were collected in the workspace. Data were converted to H-point locations relative to a manikin heel point reference for each package.Pedal configuration determined the reference points chosen for both classes of vehicles. Most Class A vehicles have suspended accelerator pedals. With a suspended pedal, the manikin's ball of foot reference is less likely to change due to the amount of seat travel provided in a workspace. The heel point location however changes with the amount of available travel. Most Class B vehicles have treadle pedals. With this configuration pedal, the manikin's heel point has a physical stop to rest against making it less likely to change as a function of pedal depression angle. Application of this practice (Class B) supposes a reasonable, typical accelerator pedal angle.A statistical technique was used to generate four populations from the original truck workspace data with thefollowing ratios of males and females; 50:50, 75:25, 90:10, and 95:5. Median H-point locations were determined for the three H-point height configurations by population mix and plotted as a function of H-point height (H30). Straight lines were fitted to each of the four mixes of data. (Second degree expressions were not used due to paucity of data). Separate equations define horizontal reference points as a function of H-point height for truck driver populations with 50:50 and 75:25 male-to-female ratios. The linear expressions for populations with 90:10 and 95:5 male-to-female ratios were very similar. Therefore, one equation, appropriate for both mixes, was developed to define a horizontal reference point as a function of H-point height. These three lines which give horizontal H-point location as a function of H-point height for populations with male-to-female ratios of 50:50, 75:25, and 90:10 to 95:5 are the accommodation tool reference lines for vehicles defined as belonging to Class B.5.Description5.1Equations—Equations are given that define horizontal reference points in vehicle space as a function ofH-point height. One second degree equation defines the accommodation tool reference line for Class A vehicles. The line is appropriate to reference workspace tools to accommodate a driver population with a 1:1 male-to-female ratio. Three first degree equations define the accommodation tool reference lines for Class B vehicles. One line is appropriate to reference workspace tools to accommodate truck driver populations with 50% males and 50% females; the second line, populations with 75% males and 25% females; the third line, populations with 90% to 95% males and 10% to 5% females. All accommodation tool reference lines are located in vehicle space relative to vertical and horizontal side view planes. In Class A vehicles, these planes are defined from the accommodation ball of foot and the accommodation heel reference points. In Class B vehicles, these planes are defined from the accommodation heel reference point only. Procedures for establishing these planes differ for Class A and Class B vehicles.5.2Application Table—A table (Table 1) is given that provides information for defining the accommodation heeland ball of foot reference points for Class A vehicles only to which the accommodation tool reference line can be located. The table provides the following:a.The horizontal distance between the accommodation ball of foot reference point and theaccommodation heel reference point (referred to as L in Table 1).b.The vertical distance between the accommodation heel reference point and the accommodation ball offoot reference point (referred to as H in T able 1).Use of the table eliminates the necessity of computing the pedal plane angle, θ, since L and H values can be used to define the pedal plane and its angle, θ.6.Locating Procedures—Different procedures are used to locate accommodation tool reference lines inClass A and Class B vehicles. Procedures are based on a given H-point height and given accelerator pedal hardware.6.1Use the following procedure to define accommodation heel and ball of foot reference points to locate theaccommodation tool reference line in Class A workspaces.6.1.1Construct a right triangle using the L and H values from Table 1 for the given or measured H-point height, z.the hypotenuse represents the pedal plane. The corner of the triangle point where the hypotenuse meets the horizontal leg represents the accommodation heel reference point. The corner of the triangle where the hypotenuse meets the vertical leg represents the accommodation ball of foot reference point. The angle between the hypotenuse and horizontal leg of the triangle represents the pedal plane angle, θ.6.1.2Determine the shape of the accelerator pedal in side view and any associated pivots that allow the pedalangle to adapt to the driver's foot.6.1.3Set the hypotenuse of the triangle (pedal plane) tangent to the pedal. Rock the pedal if geometry allowsmovement. The pedal plane may extend beyond the fall of foot for pedal contact. The horizontal leg of the triangle must be aligned with the depressed heel.6.1.4Locate the accommodation tool reference line to the accommodation heel and ball of foot reference points.Since these points do not lie in the same horizontal and vertical planes, horizontal and vertical side view lines should be constructed through the reference points. The intersection of these lines, defines the side view station to which the accommodation tool reference line is located.6.1.5For certain treadle pedal configurations in Class A vehicles, the following situations may occur: the angle the treadle pedal surface makes with the floor is less than the pedal plane angle, θ, theaccommodation heel reference point will contact the pedal surface, but the accommodation ball of foot reference point will not. (See Figure 2.) In this case, set the accommodation heel reference point in contact with the pedal, then pivot the pedal plane around this point until the accommodation ball of foot vertical reference point contacts the pedal surface. Locate the accommodation tool reference line to these points using the same procedure outlined in the angle the treadle pedal surface makes with the floor is greater than the pedal plane angle, θ, theaccommodation ball of foot reference point will contact the pedal surface, but the accommodation heel reference point will not. (See Figure 3.) In this case, define the accommodation ball of foot reference at pedal contact, even though the pedal plane may go through the pedal surface, and the accommodation heel reference does not contact the pedal surface. Locate the accommodation tool reference line to the accommodation heel and ball of foot reference using the same procedure outlined in the following procedure to define the accommodation heel reference point to locate the accommodationtool reference line in Class B vehicles.6.2.1For treadle pedal, define the pedal plane and pedal plane angle, from the treadle pedal surface and the anglethe pedal makes with the floor, and proceed to 6.2.2. If a suspended pedal is used in a Class B vehicle, the following procedure should be used to define the accommodation heel reference point. the pedal plane angle, as defined by the equation (Equation 2) given in 3.3.3. Construct a line(pedal plane) tangent to the undepressed accelerator pedal in the side view which intersects the floor at the determined angle. Rock the pedal as necessary if geometry allows movement to adapt to the driver's foot. Proceed to the accommodation heel reference point as the point where the pedal plane intersects the depressedfloor coverings. This point also represents the vertical station to which the accommodation tool reference line is to be located.6.2.3Determine population mix for design. Locate the appropriate accommodation tool reference line to theaccommodation heel reference point.TABLE 1—5.2 APPLICATION TABLEChair Height (Z) mm 95% H-Point Aftof Ball of Foot(X)mmBall of FootLength toHeel Point (L)mmBall of FootHeight AboveHeel Point (H)mm100 961.4 50.0 196.7 105 962.7 50.9 196.5 110 964.0 51.8 196.3 115 965.2 52.7 196.0 120 966.2 53.7 195.8125 967.254.7195.5 130968.155.7195.2 135968.856.7194.9 140969.557.8194.6145970.158.9194.3 150970.660.0193.9 155970.961.1193.6 160971.262.3193.2165971.463.5192.8 170971.564.7192.4 175971.566.0192.0 180971.467.3191.5185971.268.6191.1190970.969.9190.6195970.571.2190.1200970.072.6189.6205969.474.0189.0210968.775.5188.5215967.976.9187.9220967.078.4187.3225966.079.9186.6230964.981.4186.0235963.783.0185.3240962.484.5184.6245961.186.1183.8250959.687.7183.1255958.089.4182.3260956.391.0181.5265954.692.7180.6270952.794.4179.7275950.796.1178.8280948.797.8177.9285946.599.6176.9 290944.2101.3175.9 295941.9103.1174.9 300939.4104.9173.8 305936.9106.7172.7 310934.2108.5171.6 315931.5110.4170.4 320928.6112.2169.2 325925.7114.1167.9 330922.6115.9166.6 335919.5117.8165.3 340916.3119.7163.9 345912.9121.6162.5 350909.5123.5161.1 355906.0125.5159.6 360902.3127.4158.1 365898.6129.3156.5 370894.8131.2154.9 375890.9133.2153.2 380886.8135.1151.5 385882.7137.0149.8 390878.5139.0148.0 395874.2140.9146.1 400869.8142.8144.2TABLE 1—5.2 APPLICATION TABLE (CONTINUED)Chair Height (Z) mm 95% H-Point Aft of Ball of Foot(X)mmBall of Foot Length to Heel Point (L)mmBall of Foot Height Above Heel Point (H)mmFIGURE 1—TRUCK ACCOMMODATION TOOL REFERENCE LINEFIGURE 2—FIGURE 3—PREPARED BY THE SAE TRUCK AND BUS OCCUPATIONAL PARAMETERS SUBCOMMITTEEOF THE SAE TRUCK AND BUS OCCUPANT AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEESAE J1516 Reaffirmed DEC1998Rationale—Not applicable.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—Not applicable.Application—Reference lines have been developed to which driver workspace accomodation tools can be located in vehicle space. The lines describe horizontal reference point locations as a function of vehicleH-point height (H30). One reference line has been established for use in vehicles with H-point heights(H30) and steering wheel diameters (W9) less than 405 and 450 mm, respectively. (Class A Vehicles)This point can be used to reference appropriate workspace tools to accomodate a driver population witha male-to-female ratio of one-to-one. Separate reference lines have been established for use in vehicleswith H-point heights (H30) between 405 and 530 mm and steering wheel diameters (W9) between 450and 560 mm with treadle type pedals. (Class B Vehicles) Figure 1. Three lines are available for use inClass B vehicles depending on the percentages of males and females in the population the designerwishes to accommodate. Separate points can be used to reference appropriate workspace tools toaccommodate driver populations with male-to-female ratios of 50:50, 75:25, and 90:10 to 95:5.Difference procedures for locating Class A and Class B accommodation tool reference lines in vehiclespace have been established based on unique packaging considerations of the two categories ofvehicles.Reference SectionSAE J941—Motor Vehicle Driver's Eye RangeSAE J1052—Motor Vehicle Driver and Passenger Head PositionSAE J1100—Motor Vehicle DimensionsSAE J1517—Driver Selected Seat PositionSAE J1521—Truck Driver Shin-Knee Position for Clutch and AccelerationSAE J1522—Truck Driver Stomach PositionSAE Paper No. 840508—Driver Selected Seat Position ModelM.S. Sanders (1983), "U.S. T ruck Driver Anthropometric and Truck Workspace Study," Final Report Submitted to: Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Warrendale, PA.B.E.Shaw and M.S. Sanders (1984), "Female U.S. Truck Driver Anthropometric and Truck WorkspaceStudy," Final Report Submitted to: Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Warrendale, PA.Developed by the SAE Truck and Bus Occupational Parameters SubcommitteeSponsored by the SAE Truck and Bus Cab Occupant and Environment CommitteeLicensed by Information Handling Services。