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Unit 1 Our school subjects

1. Nice to see you.和Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。但用法上有区别。Nice to meet you.用于初次见面时打招呼,应答也是Nice to meet you.而Nice to see you.用于两个认识的人见面打招呼,应答也是Nice to see you.

2. subject 和lesson的区别

subject 是指学科,课程。而lesson指的是具体的一节课。它们的区别还在于lesson可接在具体科目名称后面,如 a Maths lesson一节数学课 an English lesson一节英语课。而subject一般不与科目名称一起出现。

3.学科类的单词第一个字母要大写,如English, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music, Science等。还有一些其他的用法如:He’s an English boy. 他是一个英国男孩。We’re Chinese. 我们是中国人。I like listening to music.我喜欢听音乐。

4. It’s time fo r...... 到干什么的时间了。后面跟名词。

It’s time for sth. = It’s time to do sth. 意思都是干什么的时间了,但是用法上有区别。It’s time for +名词= It’s time to+动词如:It’s time for PE=It’s time to have a PE lesson. It’s time for class.=It’s time to have class.

Unit 2 After school


对星期几进行提问,用“What day is it today?”回答:“It’s …”或是直接回答星期几。


(1) on表示“在具体某一天或某天的上、下午”

①表示在星期几,如:on Sunday. on Monday.

②表示在某天的上、下午或晚上,如: on Sunday morning

③表示节日,如:on New Year’s Day, on Children’s Day

④表示日期,如:on May 27th, on the 12th of March

(2) at表示“在某一时刻,某一时点”

①在几点钟介词用at ,如at five o’clock

② at noon在中午;at night在夜间;at Christmas在圣诞节期间;

(3) in表示“在某世纪、年、季度、月、周”以及泛指的上下午、晚上

①在某世纪,如:in the 20th century 在20世纪;

②在某年,如:in 2016 在2016年;

③在某月,如:in September 在九月;

④在某个季节,如:in winter在冬季

⑤在早晨,中午,晚上, 如 in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.

3. have和has的用法

(1) have, has意为“有”,强调所属关系

第一、二人称和复数用have (I, You, We, They, The boys)

第三人称单数用has (He, She, It, Mike, my father)

例如: I have a football match. She has a swimming lesson.

(2) 陈述句:以句号结尾,句中没有not。

例如:I have Chinese. He has English.


例如:I don’t have Chinese. He doesn’t have English.


例如:Do you have Chinese? Does he have English?

肯定回答:Yes,I do. Yes, he does.

否定回答:No, I don’t. No, he doesn’t.


例如:What lessons do you have? What lessons does he have?

回答:I have Chinese. He has English.



肯定句:I have some lessons on Saturday.

否定句:I don’t have any lessons on Saturday.

肯定句:She has some lessons on Saturday.

否定句:She doesn’t have any lessons on Saturday.


肯定句:I have some lessons on Saturday.

一般疑问句:Do you have some lessons on Saturday?

肯定句:She has some lessons on Saturday.

一般疑问句:Does she have any lessons on Saturday?


肯定句:I have some lessons on Saturday.

特殊疑问句:What lessons do you have on Saturday?

肯定句:She has some lessons on Saturday.
