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1. 耳朵是用来听声音的器官,鼻子用来闻气味,舌头用来尝滋味。The ear is the organ that is used for hearing. The nose is used for smelling. The tongue is used for tasting.
2. 要想着美好的事情,要沉浸在过去的快乐中,并满怀感激之情。Dwell on the good. Be consumed by past joys and obsessed with gratitude.
3. 一般而言,富人的确要比穷人幸福,但尽管金钱可以增加幸福,这种效应却持续不了多久。
It is true that the rich are happier, on average, than the poor. But while money boosts happiness, the effect doesn't last.
4. 关于能量,有这么一条基本的知识:相似频率的能量会互相吸引。Here is a basic fact about energy. It is attracted to energy of a similar frequency.
5. 爱美之心人皆有之,注重外表美也并没有犯什么条款,问题是凡事都要有度,超出尺度行事的人便好比买椟还珠。
Everyone loves beauty, and caring about one's physical beauty is not wrong. However, there is always a limit. Those who go beyond the limit will miss the real essence of beauty.
6. 20世纪上半叶的上海,曾经是中国工业、贸易、金融和商业中心,吸引过不少外来投资者,一度成为冒险家的乐园。
In the fist half of the 20th century, Shanghai was the industrial, trading, financial and commercial center of China. It attracted many foreign investors and once became an adventurer's paradise.
7. 人类没有食物不能生存,因此需要农民。
Human beings cannot live without food. Hence they need farmers.
8. 有一个老办法可以减少对地球的影响:简单生活,冥想,更少消
There is an old path to reducing out impact on the planet. Live simply, meditate and consume less.
9. 我爸爸是我心目中的英雄。当我需要他的时候,他总在我身边。My daddy was my hero. He was always there for me when I needed him. 10. 森林里有鹿也有狼,人民为了保护鹿,就把狼消灭了,认为这样就
Once in the woods, there were both deer and wolves. To protect the deer, people killed the wolves, taking it for granted that the deer were then saved. However it turned out to be just the opposite.
11. 54岁的他一夜成名,他说:“如果这辈子想干点什么,不要只想着会有多少困难,多想想用什么办法吧事情做成。”
At age 54, he became an overnight success. "If you have something you want to do in life, don't think about the problems,"he says. "think about the ways to get it done."
12. 我们愿意与亚欧伙伴及世界其他国家发展友好合作关系,携手并肩,不懈努力,建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐社会。
We will continue to develop friendly relations and cooperation with our Asian and European partners and other countries in the world and work with them to build a world of harmony, durable peace and common prosperity.
1. 即使是最好的厨师,有时也会做出不好的菜来。
The best cook sometimes makes bad dishes.
2. 诺基亚公司推出了全新智能手机,以期重新占领智能手机市场,与苹果与安卓抗衡。
Nokia unveiled a new crop of smartphones that could put the company back in the smartphone race with rivals iPhone and Android.
3. 十年来,亚欧双方在相互尊重的基础上,开展了广泛多样的合作,政治对话不断深化。
Over the past decade, guided by the principle of mutual respect, Asia and Europe have carried out extensive and diversified cooperation and deepened political dialogue.
4. 虽然人们可能在乘车(in transit)途中用餐,但他们却可以买到从寿
司(sushi)到有机色拉(organic salads)等越来越多的健康食品。
While the food may be eaten in transit, people are increasingly being offered healthy fare from sushi to organic salads.
5. 他家境贫寒,不得不中途退学。
The want of his family forced him to leave off school.
6. 很多国家现在大量使用英语,因此他们开始教授有自己特色的英
Many countries are now using English so much that they are starting to teach their own particular brand of the language with different forms of sentence construction, for example.