More or less clause: The more or less clause is a clause which stipulates that the quantity delivered can be more or less within certain extent. It is often used in the trading of agricultural or mineral products. The most commonly used way is allowing some percentage more or less.Documents against acceptance: D/A calls for delivery of documents against acceptance of the draft drawn by the seller. In D/A terms the collecting bank is permitted to release the documents to the buyer against acceptance of a bill of exchange.Documents against payment: D/P calls for actual payment against the transfer of documents. In D/P term, the collecting bank releases the documents to buyer only upon full and immediate cash payment.Offer: An offer is a promise conditioned on acceptance which, no matter whether from a seller or a buyer, must be communicated to the offeree and must clearly undertake a performance definite as to all essential terms.Counter Offer: is reply to an offer in which contains additions, limitations or other modifications. Counter offer is a rejections of the offer and therefore constitutes a new offer. Once a counter-offer is made, the original offer made by the offeror loses it’s effectiveness.Processing and assembling trade : Processing and assembling trade refers to the business activity of importing all or part of the raw and auxiliary materials, parts and components, accessories, and packaging materials from abroad, and exporting the finished products after processing or assembly.Ocean (Marine) bill of lading is a document issued by a carrier which is evidence of receipt of the goods, and is a contract of carriage. It describes the goods, the details of the intended voyage, and it specifies the conditions of transportation.Enquiry is a document issued by a party interested in the purchase of goods specified therein and indicating particular, desirable conditions regarding delivery terms, etc., addressed to a prospective supplier with a view to obtaining an offer. Acceptance: Acceptance is a final and unqualified expression of assent to the terms of an offer.Fairs and sales is a trade means that combines the fair or exhibition with sales. The seller can sell goods on fairs or exhibitions.Transport packing is also called big or outer packing. It means that we put the individual or several commodities into container during the process of transport. Its main functions are to protect goods, and make the goods easy to store and ship. Selling packing: is also called small or inner or immediate packing. It’s mainly used to protest products, make the products convenient to use, and to promote sales. Distribution is a kind of international trade forms that based on a certain agreement. The seller (the supplier) authorizes the rights of purchase, sale and allocation to the buyer (the distributor) within specific areas or regions and periods.The multimodal transport document (MTD) is a document which evidences the combined transport contract and indicates that the multimodal transport operator shall take over the goods and shall be responsible for delivering the goods according to the clauses in the contract.1. Please explain the meaning and features of B/L.A bill of lading is a document issued by a carrier which is evidence of receipt of the goods, and is a contract of carriage. Features of B/L: a receipt for goods, signed by a duly authorized person on behalf of the carriers; a document of title to the goods described therein, the holder can have the right to control goods; evidence of the terms and conditions of carriage agreed upon between the two parties.2.Please summarize the conditions ……offer as per CISG:The offer shall be made to one or more specific person; The offer shall be the definite expression in which the offeror expresses that he shall conclude the transaction on the terms and conditions stipulated therein, the offer shall indicate theintention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance; Contents of the offer must be definite; The offer must reach the offeree.3. Please explain the meaning and characteristics of trade :Trade terms refer to the division of responsibilities between parties to a contract, by using abbreviation of English letters, between a buyer and a seller in a sale including selling prices, the payment of costs such as shipping, insurance and customs; the arrangement of the performance of these activities; and the determination of the transfer of title to goods. In a word, the use of trade terms considerably facilitates negotiation and signing of contracts. Characteristics of trade terms: Trade terms clearly divide the costs, risks and responsibilities of buyers and sellers with regard to the movement of goods between both parties; Trade terms clearly set out the structure of price6. explain the meaning and characteristics of docL/C.Documentary Credit means any arrangement acting at the request and on the instruction of a customer(the applicant) to pay a determinable sum, provided that the terms and conditions are compiled with according to the documents. Characteristics of documentary L/C: the issuing bank takes primary liabilities for payment; L/C serves as self-sufficient; L/C follows pure documents principle.5. Please explain the main procedures in import business.For the importer, the importing business procedure covers applying for opening letter of credit, arrangement for transportation an insurance(in case of FOB), examination of documents and making payment, applications for custom clearance, and inspection for importing cargos. Importer should open letter of credit according to the contract and make appropriate amendment if it is needed. Under FOB import contract, importer should fulfill his obligation to send ship or book space accept goods at pointed place. Then importer’s bank would examine the documents and drafts according to the L/C, decide whether or not the bank will make the payment or make an acceptance against it. After the main steps mentioned above, the importer would take up the goods at the discharging place or at destination.4. Please explain the main procedures in export business.:For the exporter, the main procedures in export business include preparation of goods, arrangement for letter of credit, arrangement for transportation and insurance, applying for the inspection of goods before shipment, application for custom clearance, making documents and settlement of exporting proceeds. The seller prepare for the goods according to the time limit stipulated in the contract and in accordance with the latest date of shipment in L/C. If the buyer fails to establish the L/C, or it does not reach the seller in time, the seller can urge him to expedite opening the L/C. The seller must examine carefully the L/C to make sure that it is in conformity with the sales contract. After receiving the relevant L/C, the seller should contact the ship’s agents or the shipping company for booking shipping spaces and prepare for the shipment in accordance with the buyer’s shipping instruction. Then the seller would submit the documents to banks for negotiating before the maturity and presenting date of L/C.1.(1)在国际贸易买卖中,确定合同的性质是至关重要的。
国际贸易 两章重点 速记小本
一、铸币平价(mint par)理论在金本位制下,各国每单位货币都规定了一定的含金量,因此各国货币的兑换比率就取决于各国货币所包含的含金量,两种货币的含金量之比即为铸币平价。
一价定律(the law of one price):同一件产品在不同国家出售,在按相同货币衡量时,应该有相同的价格。
1、绝对购买力平价理论(说明在某一时点上,汇率的决定基础)绝对购买力平价(Absolute PPP):在某一时点上,两国的一般物价水平之比决定两国货币的均衡汇率。
基本表达式为:e=p/p*2、相对购买力平价理论基本内容:相对购买力平价(Relative PPP)理论是考虑到两国出现通胀对汇率的影响。
三、利率平价(interest rate parity, IRP)理论基本思想:当货币可以在各国间自由兑换时,货币持有者会面临持有哪国货币的选择,选择的原则就是持有哪国货币的收益率高,就会选择持有哪国货币,选择所引起的各国货币间不断兑换的结果使得持有各国货币的收益率最终趋于一致,在这种情况下,汇率的预期变化率就会等于两国国内利率之差。
编号:__________2024版国际贸易操作核心知识与技巧一览甲方:___________________乙方:___________________签订日期:_____年_____月_____日2024版国际贸易操作核心知识与技巧一览合同编号_________一、合同主体甲方:____________________地址:____________________联系人:___________________联系电话:_________________乙方:____________________地址:____________________联系人:___________________联系电话:_________________二、合同前言2.1 背景和目的鉴于甲方具备丰富的国际贸易操作核心知识与技巧,乙方希望借助甲方的优势,提高自身在国际贸易领域的竞争力,双方本着平等、自愿、互利的原则,签订本合同,共同开展国际贸易业务。
2.2 合同依据本合同依据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国国际货物运输代理条例》等相关法律法规,结合双方实际情况制定。
三、定义与解释3.1 专业术语(1)国际贸易操作:指在国际贸易过程中,为实现货物买卖、货物运输、货款支付等环节所进行的一系列业务活动。
3.2 关键词解释(1)货物买卖:指甲方与乙方之间进行的国际贸易货物的购买和销售活动。
四、权利与义务4.1 甲方的权利和义务(1)甲方负责为乙方提供国际贸易操作核心知识和技巧的培训,确保乙方能够掌握相关业务知识。
因此,在国际市场上, 受布•形商品国际投资和国际贸易的影响极小。
93 .服务的基本特征是(1)服务的无形性或不可感知性(2)服务的生产和消费的不可分离性(3)服务的不可贮存性(4)服务的差异性。
94.劳动力输出国主要采取以下措施鼓励劳动力输出:(1)设立专门的劳动力输出管理机构(2)健全有关劳动力输出的法律(3)加强国际合作, 实行多渠道的劳动力输出(4)加强技术培训,为劳动力输出提供税务、外汇等优惠(5)加强对劳动力输出的金融支持。
Chapter 1General Agreement on Trade in Services服务贸易总协议Domestic regulation国内监管Individual service providers个人服务供应商Non-preferential treatment非优惠待遇MFN 最惠国待遇Public monopolies公共垄断Natural monopoly自然垄断Inadequate information信息不充分Externality 外部性Universal access普遍获得性Regulatory harmonization 监管协调Temporary migration 临时性移民NAFTA北美自由贸易区Chapter 2Business services 商业服务Communication services 通信服务Construction services建筑服务Distribution services 分销服务Educational services教育服务Environmental services 环境服务Financial services金融服务Health-related and social services健康与社会服务Tourism and travel-related services旅游服务Recreational, cultural and sporting services娱乐、文化与体育服务Transport services运输服务Government-mandated regulators 政府委托的监管部门Schedule of commitment承诺表Non-scheduled sectors非承诺部门Market access 市场准入National treatment 国民待遇Quota-type limits 数量限制Joint venture requirements合资企业要求Foreign capital participation外国资本参与Foreign equity ceilings 外国股权限制Foreign land ownership外国土地所有权Discriminatory training requirements歧视性培训要求Regulatory disciplines监管纪律Competitive safeguards竞争保护Transparency and institutional obligations透明性和制度性义务Horizontal Commitments水平承诺Sector Commitments部门承诺Discriminatory restrictions 歧视性限制Phase-in Commitments阶段性承诺Modification or Suspension of Commitments承诺的修改与取消Council for Trade in Services 服务贸易委员会Balance-of-payments difficulties国际收支困难Conditional obligations & unconditional obligations 有条件和无条件承诺Objective and transparent criteria客观性与透明性标准Market failure 市场失灵Natural monopolies or oligopolies自然垄断与寡头垄断Asymmetric information信息不对称Modalities and Procedures模型与程序Chapter 3Discriminatory taxes 歧视性税Domestic regulations 国内管制Trade barriers贸易壁垒Physical proximity物理靠近comparative advantage比较优势increasing returns to scale规模报酬递增lock-in锁定market-niche effect市场定位效应Agglomeration effect集聚效应A general concentration综合性集聚The specialized concentration专业性集聚Cores and peripheries structure中心外围结构spillover effects溢出效应labor-intensive services劳动密集型服务Modes of Supply as Substitutes供给模式的替代性Modes of Supply as Complements供给模式的互补性The Instruments of Protection保护的工具NTBs非贸易壁垒Government procurement policies政府采购政策lack of transparency of domestic regulations国内监管缺乏透明性Licensing and certification requirements许可和证书要求the firm-specific fixed costs 企业特定固定成本The plant-level fixed costs工厂固定成本Chapter 4The Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services国际服务贸易统计手册BOP statistics 国际收支平衡统计EBOPS扩展的国际收支平衡统计IMF Balance of Payments Manual国际货币基金国际收支手册Foreign Affiliates Trade in Services (FATS) statistics外国附属机构服务贸易统计Residents and non-residents Transactions 居民与非居民交易A product-based classification以产品基础分类Geographical allocations of the statistics按地理分类统计Trading partners贸易伙伴Resident affiliates of foreign firms (inward FATS)外国企业的国内附属机构Affiliates abroad of resident firms (outward FATS)本国企业的国外附属机构In establishment-level statistics 分支机构层面的统计In enterprise-level statistics企业层面的统计Net operating surplus营业盈余净额Gross fixed capital formation固定资本形成总值The geographical breakdown 地理分类The industrial activity breakdown 产业分类Services Product breakdown服务产品分类Temporary nature of the movement of natural persons暂时性人没流动I ntra-corporate transferees公司内部转移Chapter 5Tariff equivalent关税等价Measurements of trade barriers贸易壁垒测量Price and quantity measurements价格与数量测量Ad valorem tax从价税Entry regulations 进入限制Operations regulations经营限制Discriminatory and nondiscriminatory regulations 歧视性与非歧视性规制Regulations of ongoing operations对经营的规制Ownership and control restrictions所有权与控制权限制1.What are the four modes of services supply? Please give examples of each mode.2.What are the active(or benefits) and negative effects(or flaws) of services tradeliberalization?3.What are the three problems caused to market failure in services liberalization, and how tosettle these problems?4.What types of measures covered by the GATs?5.What are the services excluded from the GATS?6.What are the restrictions of Market Access?7.In what conditions the commitments can be modified or suspended, and what is theprocedure of modification or suspension of commitments.8.What are the causes of trade in services?9.Please give examples to explain the complements and substitutes of different modes ofSupply.10.What are the two statistic sources based upon internationally agreed standards in MSITS?11.Please introduce these two statistic sources.12.What is concept of the residence in statistics of international trade in services?13.How to understand the concept of tariff equivalent in international services trade?14.Please introduce the types of service barriers.15.How to understand the differences between service trade barriers and regulations.1.The four modes of services supply:(1)Cross-border (mode 1): services supplied from the territory of one Member into the territory of another. An example is software services provided by a supplier in one country through mail or electronic means to consumers in another country. (2)Consumption abroad (mode 2): services supplied in the territory of one Member to the consumers of another. Examples are tourism or education services.(3)Commercial presence (mode 3): services supplied through any type of business or professional establishment of one Member in the territory of another. The example is an domestic company establishing a foreign branch by means of FDI. (4)Presence of natural persons (mode 4): services supplied by nationals of one Member in the territory of another. This mode includes both independent service suppliers and employees of the services supplier of another Member. Examples are a doctor of one country supplying through his physical presence services in another country, or the foreign employees of a foreign bank providing services on a temporary basis.2.The active effects: (1)SECTORAL EFFECTS:Removing barriers to trade in services in a particular sector is likely to lead to lower prices,improved quality, and greater variety.(2) ECONOMY-WIDE EFFECTS: Estimates of benefits vary for individual countries-from under 1 per cent to over 50 per cent of GDP-depending on the initial levels of protection and the assumed reduction in barriers.The gains from liberalizing services may be substantially greater than those from liberalizing trade in goods. Liberalization would create spillover benefits from the required movement of capital and labor. The negative effects: (1)flaws in reform programs, if privatization of state monopolies is conducted without concern to creating conditions of competition, the result may be merely transfers of monopoly rents to private owners (possibly foreigners). Similarly, if increased entry into financial sectors is not accompanied by adequate prudential supervision and full competition, the result may be insider lending and poor investment decisions. (2) Adverse Effects on the poor: Opening up essential services to foreign or domestic competition could have an adverse effect on the poor—which is often cited as a reason for the persistence of public monopolies.If a country is a relatively inefficient producer of a service, liberalization and the resultant foreign competition are likely to lead to a decline in domestic prices and improvement in quality.Liberalization such as elimination of restrictions on entry implies an end to cross-subsidization because it is no longer possible for firms to make extra-normal profits in certain market segments.3.market failure is attributable to three kinds of problems: natural monopoly; inadequate consumer information; and considerations of equity and protecting the poor. The settlement of natural monopoly depends on trade-off between the scale economy and monopoly inefficiency, the expansion of the market or market access through regionalism can conduct competition and at the same time keep the scale economy.The settlement of inadequate consumer information usually through domestic regulation. The settlement of social equity and protecting the poor can accommodate universal-service obligations by imposing requirement on new entrants in a non-discriminatory way. However, subsidies have often proved more successful than direct regulation in ensuring universal access. 4.Measures affecting trade in services taken by governments and public authorities, as well as by non-governmental bodies in the exercise of delegated powers (e.g.government-mandated regulators or licensing bodies). This implies that purely commercial decisions without government interference are beyond the scope of the Agreement.5. There two types are excluded from the GATS, the governmental servicesand air transport services.6.All the restrictions on Market Access can be classified into 6 types, four of them are quota-type limits(what are these?), two of them are non-quantity limits(what are these?).7. In what conditions the commitments can be modified or suspended, and what is the procedure of modification or suspension of commitments.Answers: Once a country made a commitment, its costly to revoke. This does not imply, however, that governments are locked in for good,usually,the commitments can be modified or suspended in the event of serious balance-of-payments and other financial difficulties.And GATT provides cover for measures necessary to protect public morals and/or human, animal or plant life and health, the security exceptions and to accommodate some other situations.The procedure of modification: The first step is member concerned would need to notify the Council for Trade in Services of its intentions, the second is preparing to negotiate compensatory adjustments, the third is preparing to resort to arbitration in case of all attempts fail. Only once all procedural steps have been exhausted in full, the commitment concerned can be modified or withdrawn.8. There are two major explanations for trade between countries: comparative advantage, and gains from specialization arising from increasing returns to scale or agglomeration effects. The first explanation relies on fundamental differences between countries to generate trade. The second approach can explain trade between similar countries: differences may emerge because of trade, but the differences need not have been present at the outset to generate trade.4.Please give examples to explain the differences of the two types of theories: the comparative advantage and specialization trade theories in services.Answer: The first explanation is comparative advantage theory, the examples such as : call centers in India provide customer contact services for US firms; nannies from the Philippines move to Canada temporarily to provide childcare services; and Europeans travel to Peru for a week in the jungle as part of an eco-tourism package. In each of these examples, trade takes place via a different mode. However, each of these examples has something in common: trade is driven by differences between countries. The trade in both child care and call center services is driven by differences in labor costs across countries; and the Amazon has unique attributes that are not available at home to the European tourists. The second approach is specialization arising from increasing returns to scale or agglomeration effects. The differences need not have been present at the outset to generate trade. One way to think about how trade can emerge between similar countries is to consider a labor-market example. Think of two students starting university who are equally bright and talented. However, suppose one chooses to study medicine and the other chooses to study engineering.Ten years later, each student will have very different skills and they can trade with each other via the labor market, withthe doctor selling medical services and the engineer selling engineering services. 9.For some types of services, different modes of supply are substitutes. For example, a specialized surgical team could come from a foreign country to perform surgery in the home country; or the patient could go to the foreign country to receive treatment. Some different modes of supply are complementary. For example, if a firm chooses to have a physical presence in a foreign market, then the effectiveness of their operation may be enhanced if personnel are allowed to move between the home and foreign establishments.10.One is BOP statistics and the EBOP statistics; another is Foreign Affiliates Trade in Services (FATS) statistics.11.BOP statistics is under IMF Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) which displays data on trade in services between residents and non-residents (within the current account) into 11 items. MSITS proposes further breakdowns of these 11 items based on product classification in the Extended BOP statistics to respond to needs for more detailed information. Foreign Affiliates Trade in Services (FATS) statistics is about the measurement of services supplied by foreign affiliates. In fact, all the data displayed in these two statistic sources can be classified by country(the data of trading partners), by activity (by industry) and by product.FATS statistics is mainly about mode 3 and BOP statistics is mainly about the three other modes of supply.12. The residence concept is not based on nationality or legal criteria but on a transactor’s center of economic interest. An enterprise has a center of economic interest in an economy when it engages or intends to engage in economic activities within the economic territory of that country. A household has a center of economic interest where it maintains one or more dwellings within the country that members of the household use as their principal residence. A period of one year or more is suggested as a flexible guideline (the ‘‘one-year rule’’)for determining residence (center of economic interest).13.The tariff equivalent is thought of as the equivalent tax on foreign suppliers in their competition with domestic suppliers—is a useful way of quantifying a barrier to trade in services. Both price and quantity measurements are also often converted into, and reported as, tariff equivalents.14.The types of service barriers are regulations that apply to entry or establishment of firms versus their operations; and regulations that are nondiscriminatory versus discriminatory. That is, most barriers to trade in services can be placed in one of the four cells.15. Services trade is highly regulated, most of the service trade barriers come from domestic regulations. But, not all regulations of services should be viewed as protectionist, even when they do serve to reduce service imports. Many regulations serve legitimate purposes, such as protecting health and safety or preventing fraud and other misconduct. Such a regulation, if applied in a nondiscriminatory manner, is not protectionist and should not be viewed as a barrier to service trade, even though it may maintain a higher standard than prevails abroad and thus reduce imports compared to what they would be without the regulation.。
1、CFR变形:①CFR Liner Terms (CFR班轮条件,卖方负担卸货费)②CFR Landed(CFR卸到岸上,卖方负担卸货费)③CFR Ex Tackle(CFR吊钩下交接,卖方负责卸至吊钩处费用)④CFR Ex Ship's Hold(CFR舱底交接,买方负责舱底码头费用)2、CIF的变形①CIF Liner Terms(CIF班轮条件)②CIF Landed(CIF卸到岸上)③CIF Ex Ship's Hold(CIF舱底交货)④CIF Ex Tackle(CIF吊钩下交接3、FOB的变形FOB Liner Terms(班轮条件,买方船方承担装船费用) FOB Under Tackle (吊钩下交货,买方负担吊钩下装上舱费用)FOB Stowed (理仓费在内,卖方负责理仓费)FOB Trimmed(平舱费在内,卖方负责平舱费)4、在合同中明确品名的重要性(1)明确双方交易对象(2)有利于国际贸易业务的顺利进行(3)有利于国际市场营销5、表示进出口商品质量的方法:凭实货表示质量(看货成交凭样品成交)凭说明表示质量(凭规格凭等级凭标准凭说明书、图样凭商标、品牌凭产地名)6、品质机动幅度的约定约定一定幅度的品质公差约定交货品质的机动幅度约定交货品质与样品大体相同或相似7、约定数量条款的注意事项正确掌握成交数量合理约定数量机动幅度溢短装数量的计价方法要公平数量条款的规定应明确、具体8、约定包装条款的注意事项考虑成交商品所采用的运输方式考虑成交商品的特点考虑有关国家的法律规定在不影响质量的前提下注意节省包装费用考虑有关国家的消费水平、消费习惯和客户的具体要求正确运用中性包装和定牌生产不宜轻易接受按某国家央视包装的条件包装条件应该明确、具体9、租船运输的方式:定程租船定期租船光船租船10、海运提单的作用:货物收据物权凭证运输契约的证明11、海洋运输保险:海上风险(自然灾害意外事故)外来风险(一般外来险特殊外来险)12、海洋运输基本险:平安险水渍险一切险一般附加险特殊附加险(战争险罢工险)其他附加险13、买卖合同中的保险条款:保险投保人的约定保险险别的约定保险金额的约定14、正确贯彻作价原则:按照国际市场价格水平作价结合国别、地区政策作价结合购销意图作价15、票据的特点:无因性要式性流通性16、在出票时的三种写法:指示性抬头限制性抬头持票人或来人抬头17背书:记名背书空白背书限制性背书18、信用证付的特点:信用证是一种银行信用信用证是一项单据业务信用证是独立于其他合同之外的一种自足的法律文件19信用证对进口商的作用:保证出口商凭单取得货款使出口商得到外汇保证可以取得资金融通20、信用证对进口商的作用:确保取得出口商履行买卖合同的证据提供资金融通21、发盘的要件发盘内容必须十分明确表明经受盘人接受法盘人即约束的意思22、构成接受的要件:接受必须由受盘人作出接受必须是同意发盘所提出的交易条件接受必须在发盘规定的时间内作出接受通知的传递方式应该符合发盘的要求23、国际保理业务:是指在使用托收、赊销等非信用证方式结算货款时,保理商向出口商提供的一项集买方资信调查、应收款管理和追账、贸易融资及信用管理于一体的综合性现代金融服务。
FOB CIF CFR与FCA CIP CPT 的区别具体p491.适用的运输方式不同2.交货和风险转移的地点不同3.交货时间不同4.投保险别不同5.费用责任划分不同6.货交单据不同FOB CIF CRF 术语异同点p48相同点:①是装运港交货类的贸易术语②都适用于水上运输③是象征性交货④货点:都在装运港船舷⑤提单:卖方均需向买方提供已装船清洁提单⑥装船通知:装运后卖方均应及时向买方发出装船通知⑦合同性质:均为装运合同不同点:①三种贸易术语下的商品价格构成不同②买卖双方所承担的责任和费用不同③所要注意的问题不同④贸易术语后所注的港口名称不同⑤价格术语的国际惯例不同第三章商品的价格做习题第四章国际货物运输运输方式的种类p741.海洋运输:班轮运输、租船运输、2.铁路运输:国际铁路货物联运、对港澳地区的铁路运输3.航空运输:班机运输、包机运输、集中托运、航空快递业务4.公路运输和邮包运输:公路运输、邮包运输5.集装箱运输6.国际多式联运班轮运输的特点p75①“四定”:即航线固定、沿途停靠的港口(习称基本港)固定、船期固定、运费率相对固定②“二管”:这是指使用班轮运输时,有船方负责装卸,船方收取的运费中包括装卸费用,承运人和托运人双方不计装卸时间及速遣费和滞期费③在停靠港口不论货量多少及货主是谁,船公司均接受装运,对托运人而言比较灵活④船公司及托运人的义务、责任及责任豁免等均以船公司或其代理人签发的海运提单为准海运提单的作用定义种类p84定义:简称提单(B/L)是船公司或其代理人应托人运人的要求所签发的货物收据。
(五)数量的机动幅度1.溢短装条款(More or less Clause),指合同中明确规定卖方交货时可以溢交或短交合同数量的百分之几。
4.集合运输包装包括:A.集装箱(Container)20英尺集装箱,Vmax=31m3 Tmax=17.5t/25m340英尺集装箱, Vmax=67m3 Tmax=25t/65m3B.集装袋(Flexible Bales)每一袋可容1公吨重的货物。
第七章价格术语与贸易磋商Establish Business Relations本章主要内容国际贸易实务的内容安排,根据实际的进出口贸易流程而展开。
第一节世界市场的组织方式Trading Ways International一、无固定形式的贸易方式无固定形式的贸易方式,是指没有固定的地点、固定的时间、标准的合约和/或约定俗成的交易程序的贸易方式。
无固定形式的贸易方式,就是单纯的商品购销方式,也称作“逐笔售定”(sales one by one)的贸易方式。
二、无固定形式贸易方式的衍生寄售Consignment代理Agency包销Exclusive sales招投标invitation & submission tender博览会、展览会Fair & Display拍卖Auction商品交易所Commodity Exchange1.寄售Consignment寄售是出口商委托国外代销商向消费者进行现货销售的一种交易方式。
3、对外贸易依存度=对外贸易额/GNP(或CDP)×100%4、进口依存度=进口额/GNP(或CDP)×100% ,反映市场开放度。
国贸总复习第一章一、国际贸易的分类1、按货物移动方向不同:出口贸易(export trade)、进口贸易(import trade)过境贸易(transit trade)、复出口和复进口,净出口和净进口2、按划分进出口标准的不同:总贸易(general trade)、专门贸易(special trade)3、按交易对象区分,即有无第三方参加:直接贸易(direct trade)、间接贸易(indirect trade)、转口贸易(entrepot trade)4,按运输方式区分:陆路贸易(trade by roadway)海路贸易(trade by seaway)空运贸易(trade by airway)多式联运贸易、邮购贸易5、按交易内容区分:货物贸易、服务贸易、技术贸易二、总贸易体系与专门贸易体系总贸易体系:以国境作为统计货物进出口的方法专门贸易体系:以关境作为统计进出口货物的方法总贸易与专门贸易的数额是不同的:关境和国境是不一致的;三、对外贸易依存度1、对外贸易依存度也称外贸系数,是指一国在一定时期内的对外贸易总额(进口额与出口额之和)在该国国民生产总值(或国内生产总值)中所占的比重。
贸易总依存度=对外贸易额/国民生产总值(GNP)或国内生产总值(GDP)×100 2、外贸依存度可以细分为:出口贸易依存度和进口贸易依存度外贸依存度是衡量一个经济体对外开放程度大小的指标之一。
1.1 国际贸易的产生
国际贸易产生的两个条件: • 有可供交换的剩余产品; • 社会分工的扩大和国家的产生。
在原始社会末期,人类社会的第三次社会大分工 ,国家产生了,商品流通超越国界,产生了国 际贸易。
• Export Trade:将本国生产和加工的商品销往 他国市场;
• 复出口(Re-export) • Import Trade:将外国的商品输入本国市场销
售; • 复进口(Re-import) • Transit Trade:贸易货物通过一国国境,不经
• 跨国公司的发展推动了服务贸易的快速增长;
5.4 国际贸易格局集团化发展
• 各主要贸易国通过优惠贸易安排、自由贸易区、关 税同盟、共同市场等不同方式,组成区域性贸易集 团,实现区域内贸易自由化,如欧盟(EU)、北美自 由贸易区(NAFTA)和亚太经济合作组织(APEC)等。
5.2 战后国际贸易商品结构和地理结构的变化
• 商品结构的变化是:制成品的增长速度快于初级制品,而 且从1953年开始前者的比重超过了后者;在工业制成品中 ,劳动密集型的轻纺产品的比重下降,资本货物比重上升 ,高技术产品的增长加快;初级产品中,石油贸易增长迅 速,原料食品贸易发展缓慢。
• 服务贸易是无形贸易的主要组成部分,但两者不 等同。
• 服务贸易有四种提供方式: 1. 过境交付(Cross-Border Supply),如电信服务
一、1、国际结算的发展特征(Characteristics of development:)(1) cash settlement to transfer settlement and transaction of documents;(2) banks became the center in the international settlement at the end of 18th century;(3) From payments under simple price terms to payments under more complex price terms;(4) computerized2、Swift:定义:society for worldwide interbank financial telecommunications, a computerized international telecommunications system that, through standardized formatted messages, rapidly processes and transmits financial transactions and information among its members around the world.提供的服务(Services provided by SWIFT):FIN (Financial Application)报文传送服务IFT (Interbank File Transfer)银行间数据传送服务消息流的程序(Procedures of message flow):An appropriate SWIFT message type is selected, prepared, addressed and released by the sender to the SWIFT network via the bank’s SWIFT interface;The message is then sent to the sender’s local SWIFT Regional Processor;The input Regional Processor forwards the SWIFT message to a Slice Processor;If the message is properly formatted, it is sent to the Receiver’s local SWIFT Regional Processor;The output Regional Processor then sends the message to the receiver.Types of messages特征(Characteristics of SWIFT):Quick and cheap;Secure and reliable;Standardized forms.二、1、nostro account应收账户: due from account, the foreign currency account of a major bank with the foreign banks abroad to facilitate international payments and settlements.Vostro account应付账户: due to account, the account held by a bank on behalf of a correspondent bank. From the point of view of a Chinese bank, a nostro account is our bank’s account in the book of an overseas bank denominated in foreign currency; and a vostro account is an overseas bank’s account with our bank denominated in RMB.2、欧元美元清算体系的特点3、--FEDWIRE: a fund transfer system operated nationwide in the USA by the Federal Reserve System to transfer funds from one financial institution to another with an account balance held with the Fed.Real-time gross settlement system: usually operated by central banks, in which each payment order is settled immediately upon its entry into the system in its entire (gross) amount.Procedures of Fed Wire:A payer gives an instruction to a bank in which the payer has an available balance;The paying bank passes instructions on to the Fed to move value from the bank’s reserve balance account to the reserve balance account of another bank in which the payee has an account;The Fed credits the reserve account of the payee’s bank and debits the reserve account of the payer’s bank. The Fed Wire provides a confirmation number to the payer so that the transaction can be traced;When a bank receives an incoming wire, the receiving firm is given notification that value has been received. --CHIPS( Clearing House Interbank Payment System): a netting system operated by the New York Clearing House Association.A netting payment system: payment orders debiting the accounts of participants are collected for a certain time period, and then at the end of that time the net position is calculated and cleared for each participant on the basis of the payment orders sent and received. Advantages of netting payment system:lower liquidity requirement that banks need in order to settle payments of a specific value (only the difference between the value of an individual bank’s incoming and outgoing payments is settled by transferring funds) ;netting systems are more efficient from the point of view of the communications and processing capacity employed.Disadvantages of netting payment system:These systems expose participants to a settlement risk, as they are implicitly giving each other unsecured credit on the basis of payments that are not immediately settled in final terms.Components of CHIPS:Chips participation (CP) and chips universal identifier (CH)Procedures of CHIPS (P299):member banks send instructions to CHIPS regarding transfers that they wish to make to other banks in New York City;At the end of the business day CHIPS reports to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York the net amounts to debit and credit at each of CP.三、1、狭义票据的概念in the narrow sense, bills, negotiable securities with the purpose of payment in money, signed by the issuer, unconditionally paid by the issuer or another person.票据的5个特点:流通转让性NegotiabilityAssignment: share certificate, life policies, certificate of government stock, debenture;Transfer: B/L, warehouse receipt, dock warrants,quasi-negotiable instrument; Negotiation: bills of exchange, promissory notes, checks,CDs, bearer securities, negotiable instrument.Negotiable instrument is a chose in action, the full andlegal title to which is transferable by delivery of theinstrument with the result that complete ownership ofthe instrument and all property it represents passesfreely from equities to the transferee, providing the lattertakes the instrument in good faith and for value.无因性(票据是否有效与签发原因无关)Non-Causative Nature: the efficacy of the instrumentis independent on the causes for issuing.要式性(符合要求)Requisite in Form: to be effective,a bill must embody the required items.提示性Presentation: the holder must present the bill tothe payer in order to be paid.返还性Restitution主要风险(结合案例)Risks in billsForgery of bills票据的伪造(假冒他人姓名或印章出票骗取银行资金)Falsification of bills票据的变造(在转让中没有资格的人擅自变更票面记载,影响变造后的相关当事人的利益)Droit flaws所有权缺陷2、汇票的概念Bill of ExchangeA bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing,addressed by one person to another, signed by the persongiving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed topay on demand or at a specified or determinable futuretime a sum certain in money to or to the order of aspecified person or to bearer.背书:承兑Acceptance: If the drawee agrees and assents tothe order in writing addressed to him on a bill ofexchange, he will sign his name on its face, indicatingthat he will pay on due date.拒付Dishonor: a failure or refusal to make acceptanceon or payment of a draft when presented.拒绝证书Protest: A written statement under seal drawnup and signed by a Notary Public or other authorizedperson for the purpose of giving evidence that a bill ofexchange has been presented by him for acceptance orfor payment but dishonored.附条件承兑汇票conditional acceptance:AcceptedDatePayable on delivery of B/LFor (name of drawee)Signature(2)部分承兑partial acceptance:AcceptedDatePayable for amount of GBP20,000 onlyFor (name of drawee)Signature(3)指定地点acceptance at a designated place:AcceptedDatePayable at the Hambros Bank and there onlyFor (name of drawee)Signature(4)延期汇票Deferred acceptance:AcceptedDatePayable at 6 months after dateFor (name of drawee)signature3、本票的概念promissory notes :A promissory note is an unconditional promise inwriting made by one person to another signed by themaker engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed ordeterminable future time a sum certain in money to or tothe order of a specified person or to the bearer.本票与汇票的区别Difference between a promissorynote and a bill of exchange:(1)A promissory note is an unconditional promiseto pay, whereas a bill of exchange is an unconditionalorder to pay;(2)There are two parties to a promissory note,whereas there are three parties to a bill of exchange;(3)The maker is primarily liable on a promissorynote, whereas the drawer is primarily liable for a sightbill and the acceptor is primarily liable for a time bill.4、支票的概念check:A check is an unconditional order in writing, addressedby a person to a bank, signed by the person making it,requiring the bank to pay on demand a sum certain inmoney to or to the order of a specified person or to thebearer.两种划线无记名划线General crossing: the bank through whichthe check is paid is not specified. Example3-14.特定划线Special crossing: only the bank mentioned inthe check can receive payment from the drawee bank.Example3-15旅行支票的概念traveler’s checkA traveler’s check is a specially printed form of checkissued by a financial institution, leading hotels, andother agencies in preprinted denominations for a fixedamount to a customer for use when he is going to travelabroad. A traveler’s check is actually a draft on a bankor other agency.天津纺织品进出口公司出口美国ABC Trade Co. (add:Room15, the 10th floor Great Building, Revenue Street,N.Y., USA)一批货物,金额为23845美元.假定天津纺织品进出口公司于2002年12月5日签发以其指定人为为收款人、见票后60天付款的远期汇票,请代替天津纺织品进出口公司完成下列行为:1)出具汇票。
第一章1. 什么是贸易术语(P18) ?贸易术语是在长期的国际贸易实践中产生的,用来表明商品的价格构成,说明货物交接过程中的有关的风险、责任和费用划分问题的专门术语。
重点掌握六个贸易术语:FOB CFR CIF FCA CPT CIP适用于各种运输方式的贸易术语:FCA(Free Carrier):货交承运人CPT(Carriage Paid To):运费付至制左目的地CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid To):运费、保险费付至指定目的地适用于水丄运输方式的贸易术语:FOB(Free on Board):装运港上交货CFR(Cost and Freight):成本加运费CIF(Cost Insurance and Freight):成本、保险费加运费第四章1. 什么是商品的品质(P61) ?商品内在素质和外观形态的综合表现,是构成货物说明的重要组成部分。
2. 表示商品质量的方法有哪一些?(P65)(-)凭实物表示成交商品的质量:(1)看货成交,(2)凭样品成交;(二)凭说明表示成交商品的质量:(1)凭规格买卖,(2)凭等级买卖,(3)凭标准买卖;(4)凭说明书和图样买卖,(5)凭商标或品牌买卖,(6)凭产地名称买卖。
3•计算商品重量方法有哪些(P75) ?1.毛重:2•净重:(1)按实际皮重计算,(2)按平均皮重计算,(3)按习惯皮重计算,(4)按约定皮重计算:3. 公量;4. 理论重量;5. 法定重量与实物净重。
4.运输包装的标志有哪些(P81) ?重点掌握运输标志相关内容。
1. 运输标志(又称陵头):包括(1)收货人或买方名称的英文缩写字母或简称,(2)参考号,(3)目的地,(4)件号;2. 指示性标志(又称操作标志);3. 警告性标志(又称危险货物包装标志)。
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100% ,反映市场开放度。
10、产品A的相对劳动生产率=产品A的劳动生产率÷产品B的劳动生产率 11、产品A的相对成本
÷增加的小麦产量 13、新古典国际贸易理论:要素丰裕
贸易条件恶化论=出口价格指数÷进口价格指数 19、李斯特的保护贸易政策:主张以保护贸易为过度,扶持有前途的幼稚工业,促进社会生产力发展,实现自贸易。
③按差别待遇和特定的实施条件:进口附加税、反补贴税、反倾销税、紧急关税、特惠税) 25、关税保护度:名义保护率=/国际价格×100%
有效保护率=/ 1-投入所占产品价格的比例