一、连锁企业物流管理的重要性1. 提供准时交付连锁企业经营着多个分店,需要从中央仓库或供应商处将商品及时送达各个分店。
2. 管理库存连锁企业需要在各个分店之间实现库存管理的统一,以避免某个分店过量采购或缺货的问题。
3. 降低运营成本通过合理的物流管理,连锁企业可以降低运营成本。
二、连锁企业物流管理面临的挑战1. 多地点布局连锁企业的多地点布局使得物流管理变得复杂。
2. 库存管理困难连锁企业需要平衡各个分店之间的库存,以避免过量和缺货的问题。
3. 物流延误和失误由于多地点的运输和配送需求,连锁企业容易遭遇物流延误和失误。
三、连锁企业物流管理的最佳实践1. 建立合理的供应链网络连锁企业应根据不同地点的需求和物流成本,设计合理的供应链网络。
M n g m n y t m o o m d t i C l t O o h i u e m r e a e n D B a a e e t S s e f C m o iy C r U a ii f r C a n S p r a k t B s d o D l
Dm yK sNwSLM .B cu imBA e QDO akp
Dm m D s Nw SL M .B e u D v c i y vA e Q D O a k p e ie
④复制透明性 ; ④易于扩展性。
2 分布式数 据库 结构
21连锁超市 物流管理现状 . 长期以来, 在连锁超市企 业中企业对于商品货物 的管理
据的处理负担, 从而提高工作效率。数据库数据采用数据分
片, 连锁超市按照 自己的超市编号存储数据, 对数据进行水
据库 ( 图一所示) 具体的方案是把 中心服务器放在总公司 如 。 的物流 中心, 各超市服务 器放在各 自超 市。超市服务器 由本
物流管理方向专业论文题目与选题物流管理是指利用现代信息技术和设备,实现合理化服务模式和先进的服务流程的管理流程,那么该专业如何进行论文选题呢?下面小编给大家带来2021物流管理方向专业论文题目与选题,希望能帮助到大家!物流配送论文题目1、京东自建物流配送模式研究2、民用无人机在物流配送行业中的分析与设计3、基于Spark的并行遗传算法在物流配送问题中的应用4、“大数据”思维下的烟草物流配送中心设备管理系统开发与应用5、互联网+视角下农村电商物流配送运作模式分析6、 O2O模式下电商物流配送策略探析7、基于共享经济背景的农村物流配送体系构建——以新型城镇化背景下的长株潭农村地区为例8、基于无人机物流配送的战时快速卫勤保障体系探讨9、 RFID技术应用于农超对接物流配送系统的经济效应10、基于蚁群算法的物流配送路径的研究11、城市物流配送车辆调度模型及优化12、基于电商环境的农产品物流配送体系构建13、物流配送的绩效评价体系的构建——以苏宁易购为例14、我国零售业连锁经营的物流配送模式优化研究15、大型物流配送中心的主动式仓储调度策略及其性能分析16、农村电子商务物流配送改革策略分析17、浅谈京东物流配送模式的优化18、国内连锁超市物流配送优化方案研究19、大数据背景下电子商务物流配送模式研究20、 B2C电子商务企业物流配送模式比较研究21、基于组合拍卖的B2C电商物流配送研究22、国内连锁经营企业物流配送模式对库存水平影响的实证研究23、物联网技术下的农产品冷链物流配送优化研究24、基于改进自适应遗传算法的物流配送路径优化研究25、基于城市道路拥堵的物流配送车辆停车收费定价研究26、鑫威超市基于顾客满意度的物流配送管理研究27、浅析生鲜农产品电商物流配送模式的优化28、借鉴欧美城市物流配送的经验做法解决好我国城市物流“最后一公里”问题29、改进人工人群搜索算法在基于LBS物流配送中的应用30、基于层次化网络优化的烟草物流配送网络的开发与设计31、基于模拟退火算法最优物流配送问题的应用32、改进差分进化算法在物流配送中的多目标优化研究33、一种面向智慧城市的自动物流配送系统初探34、农产品电商综合物流配送模式研究——以广西海吉星电商综合配送模式为例35、茶产业发展中物流配送模式研究36、 TSP模型在蔬菜基地物流配送中的应用37、 O2O模式下物流配送研究综述38、基于Fle_sim的山区生鲜农产品冷链物流配送网络仿真分析39、 O2O模式下零售企业物流配送网络节点的优化布局40、电子商务环境下物流配送网络协同性研究41、共享经济视角下我国乡村地区最后一公里物流配送模式优化研究42、 7-11物流配送模式分析43、基于RFID&GPS/GPRS技术下的电商生鲜物流配送44、柳州融水电子商务物流配送路径优化45、基于直觉模糊集的中小型企业第三方物流配送服务商选择研究46、城市冷链物流配送车辆路径问题研究47、基于容器标准化的智能物流配送48、基于城乡双向互动的物流配送网络创新研究49、农村连锁超市物流配送问题及解决途径探究50、 O2O模式连锁企业农产品物流配送路径优化物流管理毕业论文题目1、集成化智能物流管理实验室建设研究2、现代物流管理中的信息网络化及其实施对策3、高职物流管理专业人才培养模式实践研究4、基于现代学徒制的物流管理专业实践教学体系的思考5、以学生就业为导向的中职物流管理教学探讨6、关于物流管理人才队伍建设的思考7、连锁零售企业物流管理与业务流程再造8、高职院校物流管理专业实践教学模式的思考与探索9、物流技术发展对物流管理的影响分析10、物流管理专业人才培养国际化路径探索11、物流管理专业人才培育对接区域经济岗位问题研究12、高职物流管理专业建设存在的问题及对策13、互联网时代电子商务与物流管理模式的优化14、大数据背景下企业物流管理分析15、提升高职物流管理专业毕业设计质量对策研究16、成品油物流管理对销售企业实力提升的分析17、浅析高职物流管理专业实践教学18、现代学徒制物流管理的研究19、板式家具生产物流管理研究20、河南民办高校物流管理人才培养模式改革研究21、研究海外冶金项目采购与物流管理22、浅析基于区域经济发展的交通运输物流管理途径23、低碳经济背景下的绿色物流管理策略24、电子商务环境下的物流管理创新研究25、企业采购与物流管理关系探讨26、电子商务环境下的物流管理创新探讨27、基于"互联网+"的中小企业物流管理模式研究28、基于SSM框架的物流管理系统的设计实现29、基于SSH技术的物流管理系统的设计与实现30、试析物联网在物流管理中的应用31、电子商务环境下物流管理的优化对策简析32、地方本科高校应用型物流管理人才培养模式创新研究33、VR技术在物流管理专业实践教学中的应用研究34、新时代高职物流管理专业教师培养探索研究35、汽车零部件物流管理及相关技术分析36、带领物流管理专业学生学习差分方程的一点经验37、物流管理专业转段教学衔接实践探索38、普通高校物流管理本科教学问题对策分析39、电子废物拆解企业物流管理探究40、技能大赛背景下物流管理专业课程教学研究41、企业物流管理信息化存在的问题及对策分析42、信息化背景下的物流管理课程教学模式研究43、基于GIS的武汉市物流管理系统44、职业院校物流管理职业技能竞赛方案开发与设计研究45、基于电子商务背景下物流管理的创新分析46、电子商务环境下的物流管理创新研究47、基于工学结合的高职物流管理专业课程体系研究48、物联网技术在可视化与智能化物流管理中的应用49、翻转课堂模式在物流管理课程教学中的应用研究50、基于物流技能大赛的创新创业物流管理人才培养方案研究物流管理论文题目参考1、第三方物流信息技术应用研究2、B2B电子商务对交易成本的影响的分析3、电子商务的发展对第三产业结构的影响4、电子商务时代的企业价值创新5、电子商务时代网络营销的变迁6、电子商务的发展创新与环境构筑7、电子商务环境下的敏捷制造研究8、电子商务环境下物流企业经营战略分析9、电子商务时代和信息时代的供应链管理与物流配送10、电子商务环境下物流业发展对策探讨11、电子商务时代的物流配送思考12、电子商务对企业的影响与对策13、试论企业电子商务的风险控制14、试论电子商务与高新技术产业发展战略15、网络经济时代下的传统企业电子商务化16、电子商务发展的现状、难题及对策分析17、论包装在运输过程中的作用18、浅谈运输成本控制19、论智能运输系统在我国的发展20、中国公路货物运输发展研究21、公路危险品运输管理探讨22、浅谈超载运输的危害及其对策23、浅谈超限运输的危害及其对策24、道路危险货物运输中的若干问题研究25、浅谈运输工具的选择对成本的影响26、道路运输责任划分的研究与分析27、浅谈运输线路的选择和优化28、道路货运装卸搬运合理化的研究与探讨29、浅谈运输合理化30、关于__市快速公交系统的调查与分析31、关于__市__集装箱运输公司的调查与研究32、关于公路集装箱运输经济学初步理论研究33、基于集装箱的离散型、分布式运输生产与运作初步研究34、关于公路集装箱运输企业IT战略研究35、浅议公路集装箱运输系统及关键系统需求36、公路与铁路集装箱运输相关法规调查与分析37、公路集装箱运输管理信息系统初步研究38、供应链管理环境下第三方物流企业发展策略研究39、第三方物流企业经营战略研究40、__物流信息系统规划设计41、物流企业核心竟争力研究42、__物流通道系统规划设计43、物流中心规划与设计方法研究44、物流配送路线优化的研究45、试论区域经济中的现代物流发展战略46、试析供应链管理对中国企业发展的影响与作用47、关于现代物流园区建设的思考与建议48、关于建立区域物流规划的的战略思考49、区域现代物流产业发展规划50、__企业物流系统整体规划。
案例 北京同仁堂的物流管理系统应用
建立科学的供应链管理 同仁堂连锁管理系统以E6平台信息技术为支撑,将药品
传统的商流、物流、信息流和采购、运输、仓储代理、配送、 结供应链管理。
系统开发包括四个子系统:企业总部管理系统、二级配 送中心(管理中心系统)、门店管理系统和批发销售管理系 统。几个系统互为独立,又紧密关联,形成统一的药品物流 管理系统。具体包括采购管理、配送管理、系统管理、结算 管理、价格管理、销售管理、零售管理、GSP管理、万能查 询等功能模块。
案例 北京同仁堂的物流管理系统应用
五方面见成效 通过系统的实施,同仁堂连锁药店效益有了迅速提高,主要产生了
五方面的作用: (1)规范管理流程。表现在辅助完成GSP的达标、强化首营审批的执行、
细化合同管理、统一价格管理等方面。 (2)迅速降低了运营成本。首先,引进货位管理;其次,优化了存量控
制;第三,推进效期管理。 (3)帮助规避经营风险。体现在统一销售控制和降低财务风险两方面。 (4)提高管理效率。增进总部内部、总部与门店之间的信息沟通,强化
案例 北京同仁堂的物流管理系统应用
本案例介绍的是北京同仁堂的物流管理系统的应用,该 物流管理系统主要是为企业的配送中心和下属几十家连锁店 提供一系列的管理服务。北京同仁堂连锁药店与北京佳软信 息技术有限公司合作,共同开发出了适合北京同仁堂连锁管 理的信息系统,该系统是以E6平台信息技术为支撑构架的管 理系统,其最大的特点是实现了标准化、模块化、灵活化和 知识化。该系统将药品传统的商流、物流、信息流和采购、 运输、仓储代理、配送、结算等环节按照科学的方法及手段 紧密联系起来,在实践过程中取得了具体的成效,从而形成 了北京同仁堂连锁药店完整的供应链管理。
沃尔玛(W a l-M a r t)的物流信息系统 1.沃尔玛简介沃尔玛是全球最大的大型零售连锁企业。
【摘要】根据物流配送的实际需要,基于GIS基本理论和方法,以电子地图为基础,集优化算法和仓库管理分析于一体,进行货物配送方案的优化,并以地图和报表的形式向用户提供方案,实现了配送方案和运行数据的可视化,促进了运输部门管理的科学化、信息化进程.有利于提高中小超市连锁配送的效率,降低企业运输成本. 对系统进行了详细的总体模块设计和功能设计,建立了基于GIS的物流配送系统模型,实现了系统的整体框架,此系统的构建对于物流企业来说具有重要的指导意义.
1.基于GIS区域内连锁超市物流配送系统的实现 [J], 肖定华;黄艳国
2.基于WebGIS的连锁超市物流配送系统 [J], 杨彬
3.基于GIS的物流配送系统分析 [J], 王尚如
4.基于WebGIS的连锁超市物流配送系统 [J], 杨彬
5.基于BDS/GIS协同的动态路由算法在物流配送系统中的应用 [J], 胡玉晶;黄颖
物流系统设计形成性考核册答案物流系统设计作业一一、选择题1.物流系统设计的原则有(ABCD)A.系统性原则B. 经济性原则C.可行性原则D. 社会效益原则2.在物流管理组织中直线型组织是一种(B)的物流组织。
() 2 逻辑视 图 : 于描述系统 内部 的设计 和写作情 况 , 用 显 示系统功能是如何设计 的,它利用系统 的静态结构 和动态 行
为来刻画系统功能 。静态结构通过类图 、对象 图和包 图描 述 类、 对象 和它们 之间的关 系等 ; 动态行为通过状态 图、 活动图 、
[ 基金项 目 科研基地 一 】 科技创新平台 一 现代物流信息与控 制技术研究 ( X 2 1— 12 4 0 0 6 ) P M 0 2 0 4 1— 0 0 7 【 作者简介】 董萍萍(9 5 )女 , 1 6 一 , 山东青岛人 , 硕士研究 生, 副教授 , 主要从事信息系统建设和信息化研究 。
时期 由不 同人员所建立的视 图。也就是说 U L是用 图来建立 M 系统的模 型 , 描述系统 的结构或静态特征及行为或动态特征 。
这些图被组织成视图, 以从不同的视角观察 系统。如图 l 所示。
供应 服务 的现代流通设施 。对连锁销售企业 , 配送 中心是其经 营活动的核心和基本保障 , 过高度集 中的采购和配送行 为 , 通 可以有效减 少门店 的库存 , 降低流通 费用 , 提高流通 效率 , 从
够表 达其设 计思想的系统蓝图 , 且提供一种机制 , 并 以便于不 同的人员之间可 以有效地共享和交流设计成果 。
【 稿 日期]0 2 0 — 1 收 2 1 — 2 2
所描述 的系统功能依 靠于外部用 户或另一个 系统触发激 活 ,
为用户 或另一个系统服务。该视 图主要 由用例图表示 。
— —
22 ・ 2—
董萍萍, 基于 U L 等: M 的物流配送信息系统的分析和设计
顺序图和协作 图描述对象之 间的动态协作 。 () 3 进程视 图 : 表示系统 内部 的控制机制 。进程视 图所 描
连锁便利店的互联网络信息管理 系统 .可 以辅助连锁便利店 护 等 。
经营理念的全面 实现 ,它贯穿于连锁便利店运作的方方面面 ,是
服 务 器 的 曰 常维 护 重点 在 于 软 件维 护 ,要定 期 或 不 定 期地 进
执行经营和管理决策的指挥 中 。同时 . 心 为了降低连锁便利的投 行内存监控、 磁盘空间监控 、 安全访问监控和计算机病毒检查等。
的要求越来越高 。基于互联网的连锁便利店信息管理 系统的建立
及应用势在『行 . 必 是连锁便利店在零售业激 烈的竞争中获得 良好 和网络各部分 .管理和维护 工作十分重要而又艰巨 包括服务器 效益的重要基础。 的维护 、 数据的备份 各子 系统 ( 特别是物流管理 、网上商店等) 连锁便利店互联 网信息管理系统 的规划与管理 内容 更 新 用 户 的管 理 、后 台数 据 库 的 维 护 以及 网 络 的安 全 和 维
2 连 锁 便 利 店 互联 网 信 息 管理 系统 的 设计 .
在整个 系统的模块设计上 ,应包括客户信息管理子 系统 、物 流配送管理子系统 、财务管理子系统 、人事管理子系统 、网上 商 务子系统这两个子模块 ,它们的系统功能更多。
易平台系统 要具有 网上交易平台最主要的前台商品展 示模块 、
好 的 效益 。
【 词 】连 锁 便利 店 互 联 网 信 息管理 系统 关键
连锁便利店是 不同于任何一种零售业态的独立业态 .与其他 户积分功能 、销 售排 行功能 、顾客咨询 功能等 。其做服务子系 零售方式相 比.连锁便 利店有其鲜 明的特征。它以向消费者提供 统则需要根据连锁便利所开展的其 做便 利服务来进行扩展设计 , 方便为第一原则 .并在经营管理方面追求高效。在现代商业领域 这个子 系统包括 的功能模 块应 尽可能多。 例如 连锁便利店能 中。 连锁便利店作 为零售业的新宠正异军突起 .并以前所未有的 够提供代收 电费 的服务 时 ,就要增加代收 电费 的功能模 块 .并
2.4 电子订货系统
5、应用EOS系统应注意的问题 • 订货业务作业的标准化(前提条件) • 商品代码的设计(基础条件) • 订货商品目录帐册的设计与运用(成功保证) • 计算机以及输入输出设备的添置
信息化管理是虚拟经营的重要手段。美特斯邦威投入大量资金、 人力,根据企业实际需求自建计算机信息网络管理系统。现在, 所有专卖店均已纳入公司内部计算机网络,实现了包括新品信息 发布系统、电子订货系统、销售时点系统的资讯网络的构建和正 常运作。
通过计算机网络,信息流通速度大大加快,使总部能及时发布新 货信息,全国各地的专卖店可从电脑上查看实物照片,可快速完 成订货业务;能随时查阅每个专卖店销售业绩,快速、全面、准 确地掌握各种进、销、存数据,进行经营分析,及时作出促销、 配货、调货的经营决策,对市场变化作出快速反应,使资源得到 有效配置,提高了市场的竞争能力。
2.4 电子订货 系统
电子订货系统的构成内容包括:订货系统、通讯网 络系统和接单电脑系统。
就门店而言,只要配备了订货终端机和货价卡(或订 货簿),再配上电话和数据机,就可以说是一套完 整的电子订货配置。
根据电子订货系统的整体运作程序来划分 (1)连锁体系内部的网络型 (2)供应商对连锁门店的网络型
✓ 通过统一订单提供用户整合的一站式供应链服务, 使用户的物流服务得到全程的满足
✓ 通过对订单的管理和分配,使仓储管理和运输管 理有机的结合,稳定有效地实现物流管理中各个 环节充分发挥作用,使仓储、运输、订单成为一 个有机整体,满足物流系统信息化的需求
本方案主要包括以下几个模块:1. 智能门店管理系统2. 供应链优化系统3. 大数据分析平台4. 客户关系管理系统5. 移动办公平台三、智能门店管理系统智能门店管理系统是智慧连锁解决方案的核心模块,其主要功能如下:1. 智能POS系统:通过RFID、NFC等技术,实现商品快速识别、结账,提高收银效率。
2. 智能货架系统:实时监控货架库存,自动补货,避免断货现象。
3. 智能客流分析:通过客流统计、热力图分析等手段,了解顾客消费习惯,优化门店布局。
4. 智能营销系统:根据顾客消费数据,进行精准营销,提高顾客满意度和复购率。
1. 智能仓储系统:通过RFID、条形码等技术,实现仓储管理的自动化、智能化。
2. 智能物流系统:实时监控物流状态,优化配送路线,降低物流成本。
3. 供应商协同平台:实现供应商与连锁企业的信息共享,提高供应链协同效率。
1. 销售数据分析:分析销售数据,了解市场趋势,优化产品结构。
2. 顾客行为分析:分析顾客消费习惯,制定个性化营销策略。
3. 运营数据分析:分析企业运营数据,找出瓶颈,优化运营流程。
1 0.
Co mp t r e a u e r No. 0 2 6 2 0
基于We 的 b 配送中 理信息系 C I 心管 统D MS
张 斌
( 州 商 学 院 计 算 机 与 信 息 工 程 学 院,浙 江 杭 州 3 0 3 ) 杭 10 5
进 行开发的物流配送信息 系统。
[ 旦 口
图 2
\ 羁玎罚舅霸玎 、
2 )配送中心管理信息 系统模块分解
(】订 单管 理 系统 1
包括 订单选择 、 期 订单 查询 、 过 预期订单发 货期 和所定
型号统计等。O MS通过 电子数据 交换 ( D ) 自动传真 、 E I、 电
图 l
[ 4 )接 口 系观
3 配送 中心 系统 结构 和 功能模块 分解
可采用标准 的 XML与其他子 系统进行通信 ,实现信息
计 算 机 时代
20 0 2年 第 6期
和消息服 务。选用 lt t eu 【 ad A c e i nS re ne cdy n cd mf ev r me s o
客 户的协议 收集和 自动生成 账单信息 。
()运 醑 管 理 蕞观 2
包括承运 人查 询 运单 生成 发货通知 、 输及时率 、 运 运 输 成本分析和报关记录等 :T MS能将整个物 流网络的运输 活动联 系在 一起 , 为每一个配送 中心提供运输解决方案 。具 体 的说 , MS能基 于 已有的承运 人指 标和客户定义 参数 T 自 动对每天的进货和发货 订单制定 运输 计划 ,在 制定 计划时 , T MS优 先考虑 紧急订单 . 井将订单组 合为发 货单 , 同时根据 货物的供应情况和客户 ̄ , 的交货组 织发货 。此外 , MS按 -Z l T 计划执 行订单任务 ,并髓时根据实 际情 况变化作 出确认 . 通 过 订单号查询 发货状况 、 物丢失 与损坏 索赔等 . 货 并提供 给
零售连锁店智能化管理与供应链优化方案第一章:引言 (2)1.1 项目背景 (2)1.2 目标设定 (2)1.3 研究方法 (3)第二章:智能化管理体系构建 (3)2.1 智能化管理概述 (3)2.2 管理系统设计 (4)2.2.1 系统架构 (4)2.2.2 功能模块设计 (4)2.3 系统实施与评估 (4)2.3.1 实施步骤 (4)2.3.2 评估指标 (5)第三章:供应链管理优化 (5)3.1 供应链概述 (5)3.2 供应链问题分析 (5)3.3 优化策略 (6)第四章:销售数据分析与预测 (6)4.1 数据收集与处理 (6)4.2 数据分析方法 (7)4.3 销售预测模型 (7)第五章:库存管理与优化 (7)5.1 库存管理概述 (7)5.2 库存问题分析 (8)5.3 库存优化策略 (8)第六章:物流配送系统优化 (9)6.1 物流配送概述 (9)6.1.1 物流配送的概念 (9)6.1.2 物流配送的流程 (9)6.1.3 物流配送的重要性 (9)6.2 配送问题分析 (9)6.2.1 配送效率低下 (9)6.2.2 信息化程度不高 (9)6.2.3 成本控制困难 (10)6.3 优化策略 (10)6.3.1 优化配送路线 (10)6.3.2 提高信息化程度 (10)6.3.3 强化成本控制 (10)第七章:顾客关系管理 (10)7.1 顾客关系管理概述 (10)7.2 顾客数据分析 (10)7.2.1 顾客基本信息分析 (10)7.2.2 顾客购买行为分析 (11)7.2.3 顾客满意度分析 (11)7.2.4 顾客忠诚度分析 (11)7.3 关系优化策略 (11)7.3.1 个性化沟通 (11)7.3.2 会员管理 (11)7.3.3 顾客反馈机制 (11)7.3.4 顾客关怀 (11)7.3.5 跨渠道整合 (11)7.3.6 大数据分析 (11)第八章:信息安全与隐私保护 (12)8.1 信息安全概述 (12)8.2 隐私保护措施 (12)8.3 安全防护策略 (12)第九章:实施效果评估与改进 (13)9.1 效果评估方法 (13)9.1.1 指标体系构建 (13)9.1.2 数据收集与处理 (13)9.1.3 评估方法选择 (13)9.2 改进策略 (14)9.2.1 针对性改进 (14)9.2.2 创新性改进 (14)9.3 持续优化 (14)第十章:结论与展望 (14)10.1 研究结论 (14)10.2 研究局限 (15)10.3 研究展望 (15)第一章:引言1.1 项目背景我国经济的快速发展和消费升级,零售连锁店作为市场经济中的重要组成部分,其竞争日益激烈。
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An internet-based logistics management system for enterprise chainsN. Prindezis, C.T. KiranoudisSchool of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University, 15780 Athens,GreeceReceived 13 September 2003; received in revised form 20 December 2003; accepted27 January 2004Available online 10 December 2004AbstractThis paper presents an Internet-Based Logistics Management System to coordinate and disseminate tasks and related information for solving the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem using appropriate metaheuristic techniques, for use in enterprise chain net works. Its architecture involves a JA V A Web applet equipped with interactive communication capabilities between peripheral software tools. The system was developed in distributed software fashion technology for all computer platforms utilizing a Webbrowser, focusing on the detailed road network of Athens and the needs of the Athens Central Food Market enterprises. 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Keywords: Decision support system; e-Logistics; Transportation; Vehicle routing problem1.IntroductionEnterprise chains are the business model of the present and future regarding markets that involve small and medium company sizes. Clearly, grouping activities towards a focused target facilitates an understandably improved market penetration guaranteed by a successful trade mark of a leading company in the field. Several collaboration models that basically include franchising are introduced as a part of this integrated process. When such a network is introduced in order to exploit a commercial idea or business initiative and subsequently expanded as market penetration grows, several management issues arise regarding the operations of the entire network. Such a network is the ideal place for organizing and evaluating in a more centralized way several ordinary operations regarding supply chain and logistics Infact, tools developed for organizing management processes and operational needs of each individual company, can be developed in a more centralized fashion and the services provided by the tool can be offered to each network member to facilitate transactions and tackle operations similarly. Web-based applications are an ideal starting place for developing such applications. Typically such systems serve as a central depot fordistributing common services in the field of logistics. The commercial application is stored in a central server and services are provided for each member of the group. A prototype of such a server is described in a previous work (Prindezis, Kiranoudis, & Marinos-Kouris,2003). This paper presents the completed inter net system that is installed in the central web server of the Athens Central Food Market that deals with the integrated problem of distribution for 690 companies that comprise a unique logistics and retail chain of enterprises. The needs of each company are underlined and the algorithms developed are described within the unified internet environment. The problem solved and services provided for each company is the one involving distribution of goods through a heterogeneous fleet of trucks. New insights of the metaheuristics employed are provided. A characteristic case study is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach for a real-world problem of distribution through the detailed road network of Athens.2. Distribution through heterogeneous vehicle fleetsThe fleet management problem presented in this paper requires the use of a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles that distribute goods through a network of clients (Tarantilis, Kiranoudis, & Vassiliadis, 2003, 2004).Therefore, the system was designed in order to automatically generate vehicle routes (which vehicles should de- liver to which customers and in which order), using rational, quantitative, spatial and non-spatial information and minimizing simultaneously the vehicle cost and the total distance travelled by the vehicles, subject to the following constraints:●each vehicle has a predetermined load capacity, typically different from all othervehicles comprising the fleet (heterogeneous nature),●the capacity of a vehicle cannot be exceeded,● a single vehicle supplies each customers demand,●the number of vehicles used is predetermined.The problem has an obvious commercial value and has drawn the attention of OR community. Its great success can be attributed to the fact that it is a very interesting problem both from the practical and theoretical points of view. Regarding the practical point of view, the distribution problem involved definitely plays a central role in the efficiency of the operational planning level of distribution management, producing economical routes that contribute to the reduction of distribution costs, offering simultaneously significant savings in all related expenses (capital, fuel costs, driver salaries). Its Importance in the practical level, motivated in tense theoretical work and the development of efficient algorithms.For the problem by academic researchers and professional societies in OR/MS, resulting in a number of papers concerning the development of a number of Vehicle Routing Information Systems (VRIS) for solving the problem. The problem discussed is an NP-hard optimization problem, that is to say the global optimum of the problem can only be revealed through an algorithm of exponential time or space complexitywith respect to problem size. Problems of this type are dealt with heuristic or metaheuristic techniques. Research on the development of heuristic algorithms (Tarantilis & Kiranoudis, 2001,2002a, 2002b) for the fleet management problem has made considerable progress since the first algorithms that were proposed in the early 60s. Among them, tabu search is the champion (Laporte, Gendreau, Potvin, & Semet,2000). The most powerful tabu search algorithmsare now capable of solving medium size and even largesize instances within extremely small computational environments regarding load and time. On the algorithmic side, time has probably come to concentrate on the development of faster, simpler (with few parameters) and more robust algorithms, even if this causes a small loss in quality solution. These attributes are essential if an algorithm is to be implemented in a commercial package. The algorithm beyond the system developed is of tabu search nature. As mentioned before, since the algorithms cannot reveal the guaranteed global optimum, the time that an algorithm is left to propose a solution to the problem is of utmost importance to the problem. Certainly, there is a trade-off between time expected for the induction of the solution and its quality. This part was implemented in a straightforward way. If the system is asked by the user to produce a solution of very high quality instantly, then an aggressive strategy is to be implemented. If the user relaxes the time of solution to be obtained, that is to say if the algorithm is left to search the solution space more effciently, then there is room for more elaborate algorithms.The algorithm employed has two distinct parts. The first one is a generalized route construction algorithm that creates routes of very good quality to be improved by the subsequent tabu phase. The construction algorithm takes into account the peculiarities of the heterogeneous nature of fleet and the desire of the user to use vehicles of his own desire, owned or hired, according to his daily needs.The Generalized Route Construction Algorithm employed, is a two-phase algorithm where unrouted customers are inserted into already constructed partial solutions. The set of partial solutions is initially empty, and in this case a seed route is inserted that contains only the depot. Rival nodes to be inserted are then examined.All routes employed involve single unrouted customers. The insertion procedure utilizes two criteria c1(i,u,j) and c2(i,u,j) to insert a new customer u between two adjacent customers i and j of a current partial route. The first criterion finds the best feasible insertion point (i *,j *) that minimizes the Clark and Wright saving calculation for inserting a node within this specific insertion point,C1(i,u,j)=d(I,u)+d(u,j)-d(I,j) (1)In this formula, the expression d(k,l) stands for the actual cost involved in covering the distance between nodes k and l. The Clark and Wright saving calculation introduced in this phase serves as an appropriate strong intensification technique for producing initial constructions of extremely good quality, a component of utmost necessity in tabu improvement procedure.The second phase involves the identification of the actual best node to be inserted between the adjacent nodepair (i* ,j *) found in the first phase (Solomon, 1987).From all rival nodes, the one selected is the one that maximizes the expressionC2 (i*, u, j *)=[d(0,u)+d(u,0)]- C1(i*, u, j *) (2)where 0 denotes the depot node. The expression selected is the travelling distance directly from/to the depot to/ from the customer and the additional distance expressed by the first criterion. In all, the first phase of the construction algorithm seeks for the best insertion point in all possible route seeds and when this is detected, the appropriate node is inserted. If no feasible node is found, a new seed route, containing a single depot, is inserted.The algorithm iterates until there are no unrouted nodes. It must be stretched that the way routes are filled up with customers is guided by the desire of the user regarding the utilization of his fleet vehicles. That is to say, vehicles are sorted according to the distribution and utilization needs of the dispatcher. Vehicles to be used first (regarding to user cost aspects and vehicle availability) will be loaded before others that are of lower importance to the user. Typically, all users interviewed expressed the desire for the utilization of greater tonnage vehicles instead of lower tonnage, so vehicles for loading were sorted in descending order of capacity.For the subsequent aggressive part of the algorithm a tabu search metaheuristic was implemented. The basic components of this algorithm employed in this application are the neighbourhood definition, the short-term memory and the aspiration criterion.2.1. NeighbourhoodThe neighbourhood is defined as a blend of the most favorable local search moves that transforms one solution to another. In particular, in its tabu search iteration the type of move adopted is decided stochastically. A predefined probability level is assigned to each move type. After that, it is decided whether the move operation is performed within a single route or between different routes, once more stochastically. This time, for both operations, the probability level is assigned a value of 50%. Subsequently, the best neighbour that the selected move implies is computed. The move types employed are the 2-Opt move (Bell et al., 1983), the 1–1 Exchange move (Evans& Norback , 1985), the1–0 Exchangemove (Evans & Norback, 1985), on both single route and different routes.2.2. Short-term memoryShort-term memory, known as tabu list, is the most often used component of tabu search. Tabu list is imposed to restrict the search from revisiting solutions that were considered previously and to discourage the search process from cycling between subsets of solutions. For achieving this goal, attributes of moves, more precisely the reversals of the original ones, are stored in a tabu list. The reversal moves that contain attributes stored in tabu list are designated tabu and they are excluded from the search process. Regarding the tabu search variant implemented, these attributes are the nodes involved in the move (all the moves used in the this method can be characterized by indicating only two nodes) and the corresponding routes where these nodes belong to. The number ofiterations that arcs’mobility is restricted is known as tabu list size or tabu tenure. The management of the tabu list is achieved by removing the move which has been on the tabu list longest.2.3. Aspiration criterionThe aspiration criterion is a strategy for overriding the short-term memory functions. The tabu search method implemented, uses the standard aspiration criterion: if a move gives a higher quality solution than the best found so far, then the move is selected regardless its tabu status.Tabu Search algorithm terminates when the number of iterations conducted is larger than the maximum number of iterations allowed.3. Developing the internet-based application toolWeb services offer new opportunities in business landscape, facilitating a global marketplace where business rapidly create innovative products and serve customers better. Whatever that business needs is, Web services have the flexibility to meet the demand and allow to accelerate outsourcing. In turn, the developer can focus on building core competencies to create customer and shareholder value. Application development is also more efficient because existing Web services, regardless of where they were developed, can easily be reused.Many of the technology requirements for Web services exist today, such as open standards for business to-business applications, mission-critical transaction platforms and secure integration and messaging products. However, to enable robust and dynamic integration of applications, the industry standards and tools that extend the capabilities of to days business-to-business interoperability are required. The key to taking full advantage of Web services is to understand what Web services are and how the market is likely to evolve. One needs to be able to invest in platforms and applications today that will enable the developer to quickly and effectively realize these benefits as well as to be able to meet the specific needs and increase business productivity.Typically, there are two basic technologies to be implemented when dealing with internet-based applications; namely server-based and client-based. Both technologies have their strong points regarding development of the code and the facilities they provide. Server-based applications involve the development of dynamically created web pages. These pages are transmitted to the web browser of the client and contain code in the form of HTML and JA V ASCRIPT language. The HTML part is the static part of the page that contains forms and controls for user needs and the JA V ASCRIPT part is the dynamic part of the page. Typically, the structure of the code can be completely changed through the intervention of web server mechanisms added on the transmission part and implemented by server-based languages such as ASP, JSP, PHP, etc. This comes to the development of an integrated dynamic page application where user desire regarding problem peculiarities (calculating shortest paths, execute routing algorithms, transact with the database, etc.) is implemented by appropriately invoking different parts of the dynamic content of such pages. In server-based applications all calculations are executed on the server. In client-based applications, JA V A applets prevail. Communication of the user is guaranteed by the well-known JA V A mechanism that acts as the medium between the user and code.Everything is executed on the client side. Data in this case have to be retrieved, once and this might be the time-consuming part of the transaction.In server-based applications, server resources are used for all calculations and this requires powerful server facilities with respect to hardware and software. Client-based applications are burdened with data transmission (chiefly related to road network data). There is a remedy to that; namely caching. Once loaded, they are left in the cache archives of the web browser to be instantly recalled when needed.In our case, a client-based application was developed. The main reason was the demand from the users point of view for personal data discretion regarding their clients. In fact, this information was kept secret in our system even from the server side involved.Data management plays major role in the good function of our system. This role becomes more substantial when the distribution takes place within a large and detailed road network like this of a major complex city. More specifically, in order to produce the proposed the routing plan, the system uses information about:●the locations of the depot and the customers within the road network of the city(their co-ordinates attached in the map of the city),●the demand of the customers serviced,●the capacity of the vehicles used,●the spatial characteristics of road segments of the net work examined,●the topography of the road network,●the speed of the vehicle, considering the spatial characteristics of the road and thearea within of which is moved,●the synthesis of the company fleet of vehicles.Consequently, the system combines, in real time, the available spatial characteristics with all other information mentioned above, and tools for modelling, spatial, non-spatial, and statistical analysis, image processing forming a scalable, extensible and interoperable application environment.The validation and verification of addresses of customers ensure the accurate estimation of travel times and distances travelled. In the case of boundary in the total route duration, underestimates of travel time may lead to failure of the programmed routing plan whereas overestimates can lower the utilization of drivers and vehicles, and create unproductive wait times as well (Assad, 1991). The data corresponding to the area of interest involved two different details. A more detailed network, appropriately for geocoding (approximately 250,000 links) and a less detailed for routing (about 10,000 links). The two networks overlapped exactly. The tool that provides solutions to problems of effectively determining the shortest path, expressed in terms of travel time or distance travelled, within a specific road network, using the Dijkstra’s algorithm(Winston,1993). In particular, the Dijkstra’s algorithm is used in two cases during the process of developing the routing plan. In the first case, it calculates the travel times between all possible pairs of depot and customers so that the optimizer would generate the vehicle routes connecting them and in the secondcase it determines the shortest path between two involved nodes (depot or customer) in the routing plan, as this was determined by the algorithm previously. Due to the fact, that U-turn and left-,right-turn restrictions were taken into consideration for network junctions, an arc-based variant of the algorithm was taken into consideration (Jiang, Han, & Chen, 2002).The system uses the optimization algorithms mentioned in the following part in order to automatically generate the set of vehicle routes (which vehicles should deliver to which customers and in which order) minimizing simultaneously the vehicle costs and the total distance travelled by the vehicles This process involves activities that tend to be more strategic and less structured than operational procedures. The system helps planners and managers to view information in new way and examine issues such as: ●the average cost per vehicle, and route,●the vehicle and capacity utilization,●the service level and cost,●the modification of the existing routing scenario by adding or subtractingcustomers.In order to support the above activities, the interface of the proposed system provides a variety of analyzed geographic and tabulated data capabilities. Moreover, the system can graphically represent each vehicle route separately, cutting it o? from the final routing plan and offering the user the capability for perceiving the road network and the locations of depot and customers with all details.4. Case studyThe system developed was used in the Central Food Market of Athens, Greece. The specific Market involves 2 an area of 320,000m in the south-west region of Athens greater area (Agios Ioannis Rentis, Athens, Greece) at the boundary of port of Pireaus, Greece. This Market is basically a hybrid of two submarkets; the first one involves fresh vegetables and fruits and the second one fresh meat. A Central Food Market is an organization that involves numerous small enterprises that sell and distribute fresh food products, chiefly fresh vegetables, fruits fish and meat. It is considered to be the place where supply and demand come together and where prices are determined in conditions of transparency and open exchange. Every day, the market is visited by thousands of operators and traders who consider it the best place in which to carry out their transactions. The market is used by companies specializing in the food sector, traditional retailers, the city markets, supermarkets, hypermarkets, hotel and catering establishments.The fresh vegetables and fruits market involves 690 small and medium enterprises that cover an area of 2 7,100m , while the Meat market involves 105 small 2 and medium enterprises that cover an area of 6050m . As a complementary area to the Markets, Athens Central Food Market has a Services and Warehouses Area, to serve the growing economic activity generated by the Food Unit. Cash& Carry, purchasecenters, distribution and logistics, storage, handling and packaging, cold stores available for rent, motor vehicle services .Inshort, all the services operators required. The market need for effcient logistics requires specialization and investment (trucks, cold stores, etc.), in order to be competitive and provide the growing level of service demanded. Every day, this market complex offers a selection of fruits and vegetables, both in the range of products and varieties and in the sheer volume on offer, which makes it the largest fruit and vegetable market in Greece and one of the largest in Europe. Athens Central Market responds to the challenge of effciently and reliably serving the most important food sector in Greece, offering a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, meats, meat products in unrivalled conditions of hygiene and safety. The Meat Market is concerned not only with distribution but also with production. Many farmers participate directly in the Athens Central Market, as it actively promotes products with denomination of origin and quality certificates. Athens Central Market installations involve roughly 500 parking places.The application can be found at the internet address http://www.okaa.gr/router/default.asp, through secure cookie entrance. The system was appropriately coded in the form of a java applet encapsulated in a Web page accessible by the users through the Web Server of the organization. There were several restrictions that were taken into consideration as user requirements. The application had to be compact, user-friendly, the data entered that would concern a specific enterprise could not be transparent to others, including the organization and full reports ready to use by truck drivers had to be generated.5. ConclusionsThis paper presented an system to coordinate and disseminate tasks and related spatial and non-spatial information for solving the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem using metaheuristic algorithms. This system used to automatically generate vehicle routing plans such that all customers demands were met, no constraints were violated and a combination of vehicle costs and distance travelled was minimized. The architecture of the system was based on an integrated JA V A Web Applet equipped with interactive communication capabilities between peripheral software tools. The system that was developed in distributed software fashion technology for all Web browsers running on any platform, and it was successfully applied to the area of Greater Athens for the benefits of Athens Central Food Market enterprises.基于互联网的连锁企业的物流管理系统N. Prindezis,C.T. Kiranoudis化工学院,国立技术大学,15780雅典,希腊收到2003年9月13日,在经修订的形式收到的2003年12月20号,接受2004年1月27日可在线二〇〇四年十二月十日摘要本文介绍了一种基于Internet的物流管理系统,以协调和传播解决异构车辆路径问题采用适当的启发式技术,任务和相关信息,为企业的连锁网络作品的使用。