
An Integrated English Course IVUnit 11Text 1 Mountain Lion’s Attack!Key to ExercisesText comprehension (pp. 170-171)I. Decide which of the following best states the author's purpose of writing.AII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1. T. Refer to Paragraph2.2. T. Refer to Paragraph 4.3. F. Refer to Paragraph 15. The narrator watched this happen not because he was too frightened to move but because the wild animal acted so quickly that he had no time to understand what was happening, to say nothing of preventing it.4. F. Refer to Paragraph 17. The man was angry with the mountain lion, who was endangering the life of one of the kids, not with the other counselors, though they were of little help. Actually, in the fight against the animal, he had no time to be angry with them at all.5. F. Refer to Paragraph 17. The narrator's attack caught some attention from the animal although it failed to force it to give up the boy. The man's booting and punching enraged the animal and it growled and twisted its body as a result.6. T. Refer to Paragraph 20.III. Answer the following questions.1. Because he loved the outdoors as a life ~out and he loved kids. Moreover, he did not anticipate the difficulty in the job.2. They did not take his words seriously because they didn't think they would really run across a mountain lion and doubted whether the strategy introduced by the narrator would really work if they did run across one.3. It was a repeated voice from inside that made him take over the rear in the midway up the mountain.4. In the rear the narrator found that some kids were uninterested and slow in climbing up, so he bucked them up by telling them there were better things ahead.5. No, he didn't. Refer to Paragraph 17. The sentence "Fear for the boy wiped out my own terror and I found myself charging at the animal" tells us that he feared for the safety of the little boy and immediately took measures to fight the animal.6. When the lion backed about 8 feet and crouched for an attack, the scout did not step back and run away; instead he plucked up his courage and charged at it. This action drove the lion away. IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.1. As a life scout I had earned most credits for becoming an eagle scout.2. I dismissed the thought.3 .... the trees looking threatening on both sides of us.4. The kids screamed all of a sudden ...Structural analysis of the text (p171)The text can be divided into the following three parts:Part I: Paragraph 1; Part Il: Paragraphs 2-20; and Part m: Paragraph 21.The topical sentences are:Part I: It was my idea of the perfect summer job: working as a camp counselor in the Rocky Mountains.Part II: I realized working with the kids could also be a real pain.Part III: It means being prepared to really listen when somebody's giving me divine directions.Rhetorical features of the text (p172)To describe what he did in his attempt to fight the mountain lion, the author of the text uses two kinds of verbs, i.e. verbs expressing verbal actions and those indicating material actions.For the first kind, we can find: screaming(Paragraph 16); yelling at the top of my lungs (Paragraph 17); roared, yelling (Paragraph 18). And for the second kind, we can find: spun around to the others (Paragraph 16); ran towards the lion, charging at the animal, kicking its muscular side as hard as I could, kicked again and again, even punched it with all my might (Paragraph 17); and slammed my foot into the cougar's whiskered face, pulled back to boot it again, charged at it (Paragraph 18). The use of these verbs shows effectively that the author did everything he could in his fight against the fierce animal and his attempt to protect the child.Vocabulary exercises (pp172-173)I. Explain the underlined parts in the sentences below.1. becoming a senior scout2. reckoned3. annoying4. becoming unnaturally large5. turned round6. gave honour to me/praised meII. Choose a word that best completes each of the following sentences.1. B2. D3. B4. C5. C6. AIII. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.1. buck up2. at the top of their lungs3. was ... wiped out4. in a fit of rage5. charged at6. shrug off7. spun around 8. took overIV. Explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.1. testee2. serves3. actually4. again5. applauded/clapped excitedly6. causeGrammar exercises (pp173-175)I. Insert to, if necessary, in the following sentences.1. to2. /3. /4. to5. /6. /7. to8. to, toII. Combine the two sentences in each pair into one, using one nonfinite clause.1. I found myself charging at the animal, kicking its muscular side as hard as I could.2. He wailed, tears pouring down his cheeks.3. I was relieved to find out that I had passed the exam.4. John Alcock was the first man to succeed in flying non-stop across the Atlantic.5. I heard someone knocking.6. Left to the care of his grandmother, Ted grew to be a well-behaved boy.III. Correct the errors in the following sentences.1. While I was waiting for a bus, a brick fell on my head.2. Since I believed that I was the only person who knew about this beach, the sight of someone else on it annoyed me very much.3. When I read in bed, my hands often get very cold.4. Climbing down the tree, he broke his leg.5. We saw the first star shining in the sky.6. When planting these trees, one must take care not to damage the roots.IV. Explain the italicized parts in the following sentences.1. who were sleeping2. that are not declared3. that should be made4. When she realized5. If/When it is heated6. in order to haveV. Make sentences of your own after the sentences given below, keeping the underlined structures in your sentences.1. Flying a plane is dangerous.2. Success means working very, very hard.3. The old man was fast asleep, holding a book in his hand.4. A small boy ran past, his satchel trailing behind him.Translation exercises (p175)I. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in the brackets.1. John's friends said he was mistaken, but he stood his ground.2. The wounded elephant charged at the tree with terrific violence.3. He shrugged off our questions; he would not tell us what had happened.4. The detective discovered among them his long-sought prey.5. A good holiday will buck you up.6. He saluted, spun round and bounced out.7. He took out a gun and shot his opponent in a fit of rage.8. He jumped at any chance of getting a promotion.II. Translate the following passage into Chinese.机会不常来,只是偶尔有之。

The Garden of Harmonious Interest was modeled on a garden in Wuxi.2)他号召孩子们以 ___英雄为榜样。
He called on the children to model themselves on the PLA heroes.3)这本书应归入哲学类。
This work may be related to philosophy.4)本杰明·富兰克林不仅是政治家,而且还是科学家、发明家。
Benjamin Franklin was as much a scientist and an inventor as a statesman.5)他把每次试验的结果都记在本子上。
He set down all the findings of every experiment in his notebook.6)你能用简明的语言概括这首古诗的中心思想吗?Can you sum up the central idea of this ancient poem in plain terms?7)我们应不断地使自己的思想适应变化的情况。
We should constantly adapt our thinking to the changing conditions.8)年轻的士兵冻死在雪地里,手里还紧握着枪。
The young soldier was frozen to death in the snow, his hands still hanging on to a gun.9)该公司将为他们提供住宿和交通工具。
The said pany will furnishthem with lodging and transportation.10)车速限制在每小时55公里之内。
大学综合英语Unit 11课后答案详解

2. Word comparison 1. membership: the state of being a member of an organization e.g. He is excluded from membership of the society. member: a person, animal or thing which is part of a group e.g. The lion is a member of the cat family. number: a word or sign that represents an amount or a quantity e.g. Five was her lucky number. quantity: an amount that you can measure or count e.g. Cheap goods are available, but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand. 2. accompany: if one thing accompanies another, it happens or exists at the same time, or as a result of it e.g. Lightning usually accompanies thunder. escort: to go with someone or a vehicle especially to make certain that they arrive safely or that they leave a place e.g. Several little boats escorted the sailing ship into the harbour. attend: to go ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱo an event such as a meeting or a class e.g. Please let us know if you are unable to attend. convoy: to travel with a vehicle or a group of people to make certain that they arrive safely e.g. Two tanks convoyed the trucks across the border.

1. If your friend is in a new dress or buys a new mobile phone which you dislike intensely, and asks for your opinion about it, what will you say? Why do you think people lie?2. If somebody lies to you for your own good, how would you feel?At the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, psychology professor Bella DePaulo got 77 students and 70 townspeople to volunteer for an unusual project. All kept diaries for a week, recording the numbers and details of the lies they told.One student and six Charlottesville residents professed to have told no falsehoods. The other 140 participants told 1535.The lies were most often not what most of us would call earth-shattering. Someone would pretend to be more positive or supportive of a spouse or friend than he or she really was, or feign agreement with a relative's opinion. According to DePaulo, women in their interactions with other women lied mostly to spare the other's feelings. Men lied to other men generally for self-promoting reasons.Most strikingly, these tellers-of-a-thousand-lies reported that their deceptions caused them "little preoccupation or regret." Might that, too, be a lie? Perhaps. But there is evidence that this attitude towards casual use of prevarication is common.For example, 20,000 middle-and high-schoolers were surveyed by the Josephson Institute of Ethics — anonprofit organization in Marina del Rey, California, devoted to character education. Ninety-two per cent of the teenagers admitted having lied to their parents in the previous year, and 73 per cent characterized themselves as "serial liars," meaning they told lies weekly. Despite these admissions, 91 per cent of all respondents said they were "satisfied with my own ethics and character."Think how often we hear the expressions "I'll call you" or "The check is in the mail" or "I'm sorry, but he stepped out." And then there are professions —lawyers, pundits, public relations consultants —whose members seem to specialize in shaping or spinning the truth to suit clients' needs.Little white lies have become ubiquitous, and the reasons we give each other for telling fibs are familiar. Consider, for example, a corporate executive whom I'll call Tom. He goes with his wife and son to his mother-in-law's home for a holiday dinner every year. Tom dislikes her "special" pumpkin pie intensely. Invariably he tells her how wonderful it is, to avoid hurting her feelings."What's wrong with that?" Tom asked Michael Josephson, president of the Josephson Institute. It's a question we might all ask.Josephson replied by asking Tom to consider the lie from his mother-in-law's point of view. Suppose that one day Tom's child blurts out the truth, and she discovers the deceit. Will she tell her son-in-law, "Thank you for caring so much"? Or is she more likelyto feel hurt and say, "How could you have misled me all these years? And what else have you lied to me about?"And what might Tom's mother-in-law now suspect about her own daughter? And will Tom's boy lie to his parents and yet be satisfied with his own character?How often do we compliment people on how well they look, or express our appreciation for gifts, when we don't really mean it? Surely, these "nice lies" are harmless and well-intended, a necessary social lubricant. But, like Tom, we should remember the words of English novelist Sir Walter Scott, who wrote, "What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."Even seemingly harmless falsehoods can have unforeseen consequences. Philosopher Sissela Bok warns us that they can put us on a slippery slope. "After the first lies, others can come more easily," she wrote in her book Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life. "Psychological barriers wear down; the ability to make more distinctions can coarsen; the liar's perception of his chances of being caught may warp."Take the pumpkin-pie lies. In the first place, it wasn't just that he wanted his mother-in-law to feel good. Whether he realized it or not, he really wanted her to think highly of him. And after the initial deceit he needed to tell more lies to cover up the first one.Who believes it anymore when they're told that the person they want to reach by phone is "in a meeting"? By itself, that kind of lie is of no great consequence.Still, the endless proliferation of these little prevarications does matter.Once they've become common enough, even the small untruths that are not meant to hurt encourage a certain cynicism and loss of trust. "When [trust] is damaged," warns Bok, "the community as a whole suffers; and when it is destroyed, societies falter and collapse."Are all white lies to be avoided at all costs? Not necessarily. The most understandable and forgivable lies are an exchange of what ethicists refer to as the principle of trust for the principle of caring, "like telling children about the tooth fairy, or deceiving someone to set them up for a surprise party," Josephson says. "Still, we must ask ourselves if we are willing to give our friends and associates the authority to lie to us whenever they think it is for our own good."Josephson suggests a simple test. If someone you lie to finds out the truth, will he thank you for caring? Or will he feel his long-term trust in you has been undermined?And if you're not sure, Mark Twain has given us a good rule of thumb. "When in doubt, tell the truth. It will confound your enemies and astound your friends."New words:volunteerv. to give or offer (one's help, a suggestion, etc.) willingly or without being paidprofessv. to make a claimfeignv. to pretend to have or bepreoccupationn. the state of constantly thinking or worrying about somethingprevaricationn. the state of avoiding giving a direct answer or making a firm decisionseriala. of, in or forming a number of things, events, etc. of a similar kind, especially placed or occurring one after anotherethicsn. moral correctness; moral principlespunditn. a person who is an authority on a particular subject; an expertconsultantn. a person who gives specialist professional advice to othersfibn. a small unimportant liedeceitn. dishonest act or statementlubricantn. a substance such as oil which cause a machine to operate more easilytanglev. to make or become a mass of disordered and twisted threadswear downto reduce or become weaker until uselessperceptionn. the ability to see, hear and understand; the quality of understandingwarpv. to (cause to) turn or twist out of shapeproliferationn. a rapid increase in the amount or number of somethingcynicismn. the belief that people always act selfishlyfalterv. to lose power or strength in an uneven way, thus no longer making much progressassociaten. a person who is connected to another person as a businesspartner, colleague, or companionunderminev. to gradually make somebody or something less strong or effectiveconfoundv. to confuse and greatly surprise people, causing them to be unable to explain or deal with a situationastoundv. to make somebody very surprised or shocked, especially with (news of) something completely unexpected。

LessonElevenTheEmotionalBankAccount-SecretsofHappyFamilies一、词汇WordListemotionaladj.感情�上�的�情绪�上�的bankaccountn.银行账户financialadj.金融的�财政的financialtools财政工具depositn.存款withdrawaln.提款actionn.行动�行为buildv.�逐渐�增加�增强withdrawaln.提款发音�decreasev.减少increase增加balancen.余额communicationn.交流�交际openadj.坦诚的cultivatev.培养�养成kindnessv.亲切awakeadj.(一般作表语)醒着的wakeup醒来过去式�woke/过去分词�wokenalive活着的daddyn.�=dad�(口语)爸爸unconditionaladj.无条件的�不受�条件�制约的impactn.影响�作用unexpectedadj.没有料到的�意外的briefcasen.公文包earnv.获得�挣得capacityn.能力�才能capable有能力的�能干的becapableofdoing有能力做某事initiatev.使……开始�开始�着手sweetheartn.�夫妻之间或对孩子等的爱称�亲爱的�宝贝儿incrediblyadv.难以置信地loyaladj.忠诚的loyaltyn.忠诚beloyalto对谁忠诚nexttoprep.次于�居于……之后unawareadj.未意识到的�未觉察到的weaknessn.弱点�缺点ratheradv.更确切地说positiveadj.正面的�积极的�肯定的negative否定的thepositiven.值得肯定的地方overhearn.无意中听到�偷听到annoyv.使恼怒�使烦恼principlen.原则inprinciple原则上类似�principal首要的shiftv.转移defendv.维护�保护recallv.回想起�回忆起cabn.�美�出租汽车dragv.�时间�缓慢地流逝influentialadj.有势力的�有影响力的词根�influencen.acquaintancen.熟人ultimateadj.最终的�最后的channeln.途径,频道�海峡cleansev.使纯净obstaclen.障碍�物�consciencen.良心�道德心justifyv.证明�言语、行为等�正当、合理或公正�为……辩护miraclen.奇迹bamboon.竹子shootn.竹笋�嫩芽reachv.达到�到达dramaticadj.戏剧性的�重大的�戏剧的词根�drama形容词�dramaticgrowthn.生长supportn.支撑�支持二、课文分析1Theemotionalbankaccountislikeafinancialbankaccountinoneway:youcan make"deposits"-actionsthatbuildtrust-oryoucanmake"withdrawals"thatdecreaseit.感情银行储蓄和金融银行储蓄在一个方面是相似的�那就是你既可"存款"即做增加信任的举动�也可以"取款"�即做消弱信任的举动。

现代⼤学英语精读第三册unit_11课后答案Unit 11 Silent SpringPre-class WorkWord-buildingGive the corresponding nouns of the following.(1)suppression (2) modification (3) contender (4) restraint (5) alteration (6) desertion(7) contamination (8) radiation (9) isolation (10) reservation (11) confinement (12)adaptation More Work on the Text II Vocabulary1.Translate1 ) From Chinese into English.(1) to mold youngster's thinking (11) to work miracles(2) to restrain one's impulse (12) to acquire power(3) to spread butter (13) to desert one's friends(4) to set the stage (14) to desert the city(5) to contaminate the environment (15) to settle the dispute(6) to undergo great sufferings (16) to settle the matter(7) to spray paint (17) to delight the eye(8) to still the noises (18) to invade that country(9) to modify the tone (19) to invade someone's privacy(10) to work unknown harm (20) to sink a well2) into Chinese.(1) 妖魔所施的魔法或所下的咒语(8) 品牌名(2) 焦黄枯萎的草⽊(9) 化学战(3) 严峻的现实(10) 事先的调查(4) 空⽓的污染( 11) ⽣死⽃争(5) 致命的武器(12) 外来的物种(6) ⼈⼯合成的材料(13) ⾃然保护区(7) 有创造⼒的头脑( 14) 农业的精耕细作2. Give synonyms(1) numerous,innumerable(2) large amount,great supply,plenty,more than enough(3) to shake,to shiver,to shudder(4) big,large,considerable,abundant(5) cruel,pitiless,ruthless,severe,hard(6) to shape,to form,to remodel(7) to change,to transform,to revise,to convert,to modify,to vary(8) to use(9) prepared,adjusted,or adapted for a particular purpose(10) exactly just(11) to experience,to go through,to endure(12) useless,vain,unsuccessful(13) artificial, man-made, unnatural(14) to rise, to appear, to surface, to come up, to come into view(15) contamination(16) deadly, fatal(17) attack(18) evil, wicked, threatening, frightening(19) to alter, to change, to adjust, to adapt3. Translate1) Building a house is no joking matter. You have to check carefully at every step.2) His troops successfully checked the advance of the enemy.3) I really wanted to refute his arguments, but I checked myself because I thought it was not the right occasion.4) Are you sure that we can trust him? I think we ought to check it up on him.5) Our original intention was to check into a hotel, but our friend insisted that we should stay at his p!ace.6) Rachel Carson devoted all her life to the cause of environmental protection.7) They are devoted to each other. Nothing can separate them.8) He devoted a whole chapter to this subject in his recently published book'9) This reservoir can hold two billion cubic meters of water.10) At that time, we all held our breath. You could hear a needle drop.11) Diogenes held the view that the property people hold does not really being happiness.12) He did not intend his discovery to be used for war purposes.13) These colorful clothes are intended for the African market.14) Today there are so many cars in the streets. I'd rather walk than drive. It's quicker.15) He would rather die standing on his feet than live on his knees.16) You can use my bike , or rather my wife's bike.17) I hear that the movie is intended to be a hit. But I must confess I think it is rather silly.4.1) A. 4) D. 7) A. 10) D. 13) A.2) B. 5) C. 8) B. 11) A. 14) D.3) A. 6) B. 9) A. 12) B. 15)C.5.1) a piece of news 2) a piece of information3) a newspaper/paper 20) a jacket4) a slip/piece of paper 21) a suit (of clothes)5) a piece of advice/a proposal (suggestion) 22) a piece of land/a plot6) a song 23) a piece/bar of soap7) a piece of music 24) a piece of furniture8) a stone/a rock 25) a rope9) a piece of wood 26) a hair10) a tree 27) two fish11) a lump of sugar/a piece of candy 28) three sheep12) a piece of evidence 29) a lot of (lots of, much, a great deal of, a13) a loaf of bread large amount of, a large quantity of, large14) a piece/slice of bread quantities of) money15) a job 30) a lot of (lots of, many, a great number16) a means of, large numbers of) problems17) a fish 31) some (a little, a bit of) time18) a piece of cloth 32) some (a few, several) deer19) a piece of clothing/a garment (dress, coat)B1) a pair of (shoes, glasses, gloves etc) 9) a blade of (grass)2) a drop of (water, wine' oil etc) 10) a flock of (birds, sheep)3) a set of (teacups, books etc) 11) a pile of (books, stones, melons)4) a bunch of (keys, bananas, people .etc) 12) a roll of (film, toilet paper)5) a glass of (beer, wine, milk etc) 13) a swarm of (bees, flies)6) a cup of (tea, coffee etc) 14) a heap of (stones, money)7) a pack of (cigarettes, wolves etc) 15) a cluster of (flowers, students)8) a grain of (rice, salt, sand etc) 16) a herd of (cattle)6.1) (1) exchange (2) changed (3) exchanged, changed(4) an exchange, an exchange2) (1) except (2) Besides (3) beside (4) except3) (1) used to, is used to ( 2) am used to (3) used to4) (1) shaking (2) shivering (3) trembled/shook (4) trembled7.1) 你上⽉的电话费(bill账单)付了吗?2) 那个法案(bill法案)在国会⾥被否决了。

power and flexibility to run their schools; parents have more choices regarding the types of schools for their children. 3. What have some parents decided to do, instead of sending their children to public schools or private schools?
Unit 11 The Power of Name
Part I Listening & Speaking Activities . Part II Reading & Language Activities Part III Extended Activities
Part I Listening & Speaking Activities
- They teach their daughter in the belief that they should give her what she needs. They have no timetables for lessons and they have no fixed textbooks. They teach her anything as far as she has interest in it. 8. What did they do to fit her interest in drama?
综合英语6 unit11

Language Work 7. Psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One of theses is undue absorption in the past. --- From the psychological point of view, there are two dangerous things that old people should try to avoid. One of them is that old people should not think too much about their past. Guard against infection Guard what you say Such a high increase will impose an undue burden on the local tax payer.
3. She used to relate how she met in Italy an elderly gentleman who was looking very sad. ----- She often told me how she met in Italy an elderly gentleman who looked very sad. She related the events of the past week to the police. He relates how at the age of 23 he was interned in the prison camp.
大学英语综合教程4第二版(上海外语教育出版社)unit11-the story of an eyewitness 课后练习答案

Unit 11Text comprehensionI. BII.TTFFFTIV.1.Except for some dwelling houses on its outskirts, San Francisco has almostcompletely disappeared from the world and only remains in people’s memories.’2.Nothing could stop the forceful advancement of the flames.3.The courageous and brave deeds in the firefighting would fill up a library if relatedin writing and exhaust the Carnegie medal fund if rewarded.4.Sometimes all members of a family fastened themselves with straps to a carriage ordelivery wagon that was heavily loaded with their possessions.5.Two Untied States soldiers sat astride on their horses and calmly watched theconflagration, their shapes contrasting sharply with the wall of flame behind them. VocabularyI.1. moved slowly back and forth2. ingenious devices and protective measures3. resisting4. fill with a supply5. polite or considerate in manner6. threatII1.was weighted down2.out of gear3.wipe out4.burdened with5.crumbled6.played out7.sweep down8. a flicker ofIII1.withdrawal2.adjust3.enumerate4.hysterically5.courteous6.devastation7.disruption8.vacancyIVCDADBACBV1.invention, creation, innovation2.enormous, immense, mammoth3.economically, thriftily, frugally, sparingly4.smooth, level, even5.plod, drudge, labor6.unsociable, discourteous, ill-mannered7.plot, patch8.edge, boundary, marginVI1.way2.controlled3.for example4.finished5.be able to deal with it6.makingGrammarI1.the earthquake/came2.the suck/was3.her people/were4.trunks/were5.picket lines of soldiers/were flung6.no fire/was7.two United States cavalrymen/were8.the tottering walls of the examiner building, the burned-our Call Building, thesmouldering ruins of Grand Hotel, and the gutted, devastated, dynamited Palace Hotel/stoodII1.Under no circumstances will we tolerate that.2.So absurd was his manner that everybody stared.3.Only with full agreement of everyone can we hope to succeed.4.Here is the book you want.5.Down sprang the cat.6.Sitting at the kitchen table was the misbehaving child.7.Hidden in the cellar were several barrels of wine.8.Never have I seen such a mess.IIIBABBAIV1.All our many2.The other ten3.the few next4.Few such5.all these five6.These next two7.all these last few8.His manyV1.much of---a lot of, many---much2.much---many, many---many of3. a lot of---much, much---a lot of4.much---a lot of, many of---a lot of5.much---many6. a lot of---many, a lot of---many/a large number of7.many of---many, a lot---much, a great deal ofTranslationI1.人类所有聪明的发明创造和保护措施,在地壳震动30秒钟后便完全失效了。

Unit 11LANGUAGE STRUCTURESPRACTICE IExample:A: What do you wish you were?B: I wish I were a deep sea diver.A: What would you do if you were one?B: I’d explore the secrets of the sea.PRACTICE IIExample:A: I wish I’d been a good swimmer.B: Aren’t you one? I thought you were.A: No, I’m not. If I’d been a good swimmer, I could have saved the boy from drowning. PRACTICE IIIExample:A: What do you think you’ll do when you graduate four years from now?B: I think I’ll be a competent interpreter.A: Would you be a competent interpreter if you graduated tomorrow?B: I’m afraid I wouldn’t.DIALOGUELearning Chinese as a Foreign LanguageA: Hi, Xiaohua!B: Hi, David, how’s everything?A: Good. So far so good , I mean.B: You’ve been in China for two months. How do you like your CFL programme in the Chinese Department?A: My interest in Chinese grows with each passing day. But then so does my difficulty in learning Chinese. It’s such a difficult language! It’s so different from European languages, such as English and French.B: As a learner of English as a foreign language, I’m going through a similar ordeal. I have difficulty with spelling, pronunciation and, believe it or not, with numbers and figures.A: But you speak English so much better than I do Chinese. I wish I were able to talk to native speakers in Chinese the way you are talking to me.B: You will. Only it takes time.A: I know. “Rome was not built in a day.”B: And“只要工夫深,铁杵磨成针”,as the Chinese saying goes.A: Which means ...?B: Which means “Dripping water wears away stone.”or “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”By the way, what do you find most difficult with learning Chinese?A: The grammatical structure of Chinese doesn’t seem to be as complex as I used to think. In many ways it is simpler than most European languages. No verb agreement, no irregular verbs and nouns, very few and simple tense markers, to name just a few.B: Those are exactly the causes of some of the major problems I have with my English learning.A: But the Chinese writing system is altogether new to me. Instead of neat rows of 26 simple alphabetic letters, there are tens of thousands of unique characters formed with a varied number of strokes . Many of these characters seem complex. Although the calligraphy of Chinese characters is artistically beautiful, I won’t be able to appreciate it until I can recognize and write at least 8, 888 Chinese characters. I’m just kidding.B: How does Chinese sound to you?A: I find putonghua rather melodious, a little like singing.B: Do you have any difficulty distinguishing the four tones?A: Yes, I do. The tonal system of Chinese really bothers me. It’s a major source of difficulty with my comprehension and pronunciation. It’s so upsetting that most of the time I don’t understand what I hear and am not understood by others.B: I suggest you take advantage of living in China and go to lectures, movies, and plays “8,888 times,”and dip yourself in the language environment as much as possible. Before I forget, I have two tickets for a newly-released feature film. Would you like to go with me and improve your listening for the tones?A: Certainly! Thank you so much.B: My pleasure.LISTENING IN & SPEAKING OUTAmerican EducationEducation is an enormous and expensive part of American life. Its size is matched by its variety.Differences in American schools compared with those found in the majority of other countries lie in the fact that education here has long been intended for everyone —not just for a privileged elite. Schools are expected to meet the needs of every child, regardless of ability, and also the needs of society itself. This means that public schools offer more than academic subjects. It surprises many people when they come here to find high schools offering such courses as typing, sewing, radio repair, computer programming, or driver training, along with traditional academic subjects such as mathematics, history, and languages. Students choose their curricula depending on their interests, future goals, and level of ability. The underlying goal of American education is to develop every child to the utmost of his or her own possibilities, and to give each one a sense of civic and community consciousness.The new universities greatly expanded in size and course offerings, breaking completely out of the old, constricted curriculum of mathematics, classics, rhetoric, and music. The president of Harvard pioneered the elective system, by which students were able to choose their own course of study. The notion of major fields of study emerged. The new goal was to make the university relevant to the real pursuits of the world.The approach to teaching may seem unfamiliar to many, not only because it is informal, but also because there is not much emphasis on learning facts. Instead, Americans try to teach their children to think for themselves and to develop their own intellectual and creative abilities.Students spend much time learning how to use resource materials, libraries, statistics and computers. Americans believe that if children are taught to reason well and to research well, theywill be able to find whatever facts they need throughout the rest of their lives. Knowing how to solve problems is considered more important than the accumulation of facts.This is America’s answer to the searching question that thoughtful parents all over the world are asking themselves in this fast-moving time: “How can one prepare today’s child for a tomorrow that one can neither predict nor understand?”READING IGirls and Boys Come Out to PlayThe football sailed over the fence at least half a dozen times every lunch hour, not due to any lack of skill: a “lost”ball provided a passport into the girls’school next door. Games of tennis, tag, handball and football were all crammed into the corner of the schoolyard beside our own Maginot line.On the other side, girls sunbathed and were regularly told to pull their socks up and not hitch up their skirts. “This is not Brighton beach, you know.”Apart from the daily mêlée in the bus queue, this was our only contact with the opposite sex at school.The excuses grew more sophisticated. Divinity club, drama, mixed hockey matches for charity and other worthy causes were all surprisingly well supported. Even so, we all resented this unnatural division.If school was preparing us for life, why was it so unlike the real world? It is ironic that I now find myself defending single sex education and that I now believe that its very artificiality is its main strength.Ideally, education should provide everyone with the opportunity to develop their talents to the full.But in reality this is more difficult than it seems. Boys are often more pushy than girls and demand more than their fair share of the teacher’s attention. If this is not forthcoming, they are likely to be disruptive.To keep the peace, teachers, often unintentionally, devote more of their time to the boys.The result is that in a mixed class girls can expect no more than a third of the teacher’s time. This becomes a habit and boys get used to being assertive and in control while girls learn to give way and to play a subordinate role. Having to contend with the complications of adolescence at the same time exacerbatesthe problem. Surely this is not a desirable preparation for life.If girls and boys are kept separate, domination by one sex is not possible. In my experience, stronger boys often pushed out the weaker, dismissing them as “cissies”. Perhaps we needed todominate someone and these were our substitute girls. But at least we didn’t get used to “shouting down”the girls or assuming that they would always give way.In a girls’school, pupils get the full attention of the teacher. They are free to develop the selfassurance which later on may help them to resist discrimination. Because they are used to having influence in the classroom, they expect to have influence in the world. If reality turns out differently, then at least they can tackle it without being hampered by the difficulties of adolescence as well.At school I always favoured the arts more than the sciences and happily progressed to specialization in English. Would I have done so in a mixed school? Perhaps not. The fact is that in coeducational schools, girls dominate the arts while boys dominate the sciences. This is because in the early teenage years girls excel in language-based subjects and, rather than be beaten, boys concentrate on the sciences. Single sex schools are free from such stereotyping.I don’t think that girls and boys should be separated because they distract one another. I can’t believe that flirtation or boyish bravado poses a serious threat to classroom order. There are stronger social and educational reasons than that. Perhaps a good compromise would be to have mixed schools but to teach boys and girls separately for at least part of the time. This at least would get rid of the Maginot lines that are as much a part of my school memories as semolina and chalk dust.READING IIStudents Who Push BurgersA college freshman squirms anxiously on a chair in my office, his eyes avoiding mine, those of his English professor, as he explains that he hasn’t finished his paper, which was due two days ago. “I just haven’t had the time,”he said.“Are you carrying a heavy course load?”“Fifteen hours,”he says — a normal load.“Are you working a lot?”“No, sir, not much. About 30 hours a week.”“That’s a lot. Do you have to work that much?”“Yeah, I have to pay for my car.”“Do you really need a car?”“Yeah, I need it to get to work.”This student isn’t unusual.Indeed, he probably typifies today’s college and high school students. Yet in all the lengthy analyses of what’s wrong with American education, I have not heard employment by students being blamed.But such employment is a major cause of educational decline. To argue my case, I will rely on memories of my own high school days and contrast them with what I see today. Though I do have some statistical evidence, my argument depends on what anyone over 40 can test through memory and direct observation.When I was in high school in the 1950s, students seldom held jobs. Some of us baby-sat, shoveled snow, mowed lawns, and delivered papers, and some of us got jobs in department stores around Christmas. But most of us had no regular source of income other than the generosity of our parents.The only kids who worked regularly were poor. They worked to help their families. If I remember correctly, only about five people in my class of 170 held jobs. That was in a workingclass town in New England. As for the rest of us, our parents believed that going to school and helping around the house were our work.In contrast, in 1986 my daughter was one of the few students among juniors and seniors who didn’t work. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 40 percent of high school students were working in 1980, but sociologists Ellen Greenberger and Laurence Steinberg in “When Teenagers Work”came up with estimates of more than 70 percent working in 1986, though I suspect that the figure may be even higher now.My daughter, however, did not work; her parents wouldn’t let her. Interestingly, some of the students in her class implied that she had an unfair advantage over them in the classroom. They were probably right, for while she was home studying they were pushing burgers, waiting on tables, or selling dresses 20 hours a week. Working students have little time for homework.I attended a public high school, while she attended a Roman Catholic preparatory school whose students were mainly middle class. By the standards of my day, her classmates did not “have to”work. Yet many of them were working 20 to 30 hours a week. Why?They worked so that they could spend $60 to $100 a week on designer jeans, rock concerts, stereo and video systems, and, of course, cars. They were living lives of luxury, buying items on which their parents refused to throw hard-earned money away. Though the parent would not buy such tripe for their kids, the parents somehow convinced themselves that the kids were learning the value of money. Yet, according to Ms. Greenberger and Mr. Steinberg, only about a quarter of those students saved money for college or other long-term goals.How students spend their money is their business, not mine. But as a teacher, I have witnessed the effects of employment. I know that students who work all evening aren’t ready for studying when they get home from work. Moreover, because they work so hard and have ready cash, they feel that they deserve to have fun —instead of spending all their free time studying.Thus, by the time they get to college, most students look upon studies as a spare-time activity.A survey at Pennsylvania State University showed that most freshmen believed they could maintain aB average by studying about 20 hours a week. (I can remember when college guidebooks advised two to three hours of studying for every hour in class —30 to 45 hours a week.) Clearly individual students will pay the price for lack of adequate time studying, but the problem goes beyond the individual. It extends to schools and colleges that are finding it difficult to demand quantity or quality of work from students.Perhaps the reason American education has declined so markedly is because America has raised a generation of part-time students. And perhaps our economy will continue to decline as fulltime students from Japan and Europe continue to outperform our part-time students.。

综合英语一上册第十一课lesson-elevenLesson ElevenText The joker(Ⅱ) Jake AllsopAnyway 无论如何,即使如此Lower 使…..降低; 下降Grave 墓穴,坟墓Sadness 悲伤,忧伤Afterwards 后来,然后,以后Invitation 邀请Close 亲近的,亲密的Will 遗嘱Clear 清嗓子Throat 喉咙Ahem 用咳嗽来引起注意,或表示怀疑,或轻度警告Singsong 节奏单调的Sound 健全的,健康的Mind 头脑Testament 遗嘱Last will and testament 遗嘱Hereby 特此,藉此,兹Bequeath 立遗嘱(将…..)赠与Legal 法律上的;合乎法律的Phrase 短语,名言Audience 听众,观众Impatient 不耐烦的,无耐性的Announce 宣布,宣告Invest 投资Wisely 明智地,聪明地Gasp 屏息,喘息Narrow 使……变窄Flat (声调)无变化的Tone (声音、话语等的)调子,语气,语调Send 使……进入某种状态Competition 竞赛,比赛Judge 裁判员,评判员Surname 姓Dead 完全地; 绝对地Three——legged 三条腿的Cartoon 动画片,卡通片Bury 隐藏,埋葬Sneeze 打喷嚏,喷嚏Side (人体的)侧边(尤指腋至臀的部分) Perfectly 十分,完全地Desperately 拼命地,绝望地Unable 不能……的Sweep 在……总迅速蔓延或传播Unnecessarily 不必要地,多余地Paragraph 段落Resist 忍住,忍耐(诱惑等) Overcome (战胜,克服)Equally 均等地,平等地Fall 变成(……的状态)Useful Expressionsgo on (doing) 继续by invitation 凭请柬read out 大声读出来clear one’s throat 清清喉咙settle down 平静下来in……circumstance 在……情况下fall/be in love with sb./sth. 爱上某人或某事(tears) stream down from (眼泪)从……流下) Suggest that sb. do sth 建议某人做某事Cover up 掩盖Make one’s sides ache 让某人笑疼肚子Hold in 抑制,克制Build up 增大,增强Blow one’s nose 擤(鼻涕)Burst out laughing/crying 突然笑或突然哭In no time 不一会儿Be doubled up 笑弯了腰Die down 减弱,减息Play a joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑As for 至于……,就……而言Divide equally among 在……间平分In debt 欠债I’m in debt to Bill for 100 yuan.It’s up to sb. (to do) 由某人决定;是某人的责任Which one shall we haveStart sb. off 使某人开始(某项活动) What started him off on that project?Sink in 被理解He paused, waiting for his words to sink in.Translate1)他清了清嗓子说道: “请继续吧!”He cleared his throat to say: “ Please, go on.”2)他们平静下来,等待着结果.They settled down, waiting for the result.3)他眯缝着眼睛,用平淡的声调做了回答.He narrowed his eyes and answered in a flat tone.4)我们依次同即将离开的朋友握了手.In turn we shook hands with the friends, who were going to leave. 5)是去是留该由你决定To go or leave, it’s up to you.6)看完信后,他眼里流出了泪水After he read the letter, tears streamed from his eyes.7)嘲笑别人的缺点是不友善的It is not friendly to laugh at other’s shortcomings.8)从他红通通的脸可以看出他知道自己错了From his red face we can see that he realized his own mistakes.9)你要是错了,就说自己错了,千万不要掩盖错误Never cover up the mistakes that you have really made.10)他努力把愤怒压了下去,从而避免了(avoid)一场打斗He held in the anger so well that a fight was avoided.11)当她听到这件事后,立即大笑起来,使得大家也全部笑了起来. When she heard it, she burst out laughing which started the others off.12)为了使这句话的意思能够得到充分的理解,我把它重复了两遍. In order to let this sentences sink in, I repeated it twice.21)她喜欢游泳She likes swimming2)我记得几年前见过此人I remember meeting the person several years ago.3)那些书你都读完了吗?Have you finished reading those books?4)他正在考虑出国学习He is considering studying abroad.5)他说这台计算机堆他来说很有用.He said that this computer was very useful for him.Question on the text1)Who were invited to the funeral breakfast? What for?Twelve of Henry’s closet friends were invited to the funeral breakfast. For the will of Henry Ground.2)How did they feel when Colin announced that Henry had left at least three-quarters of amillion pounds?They fill amazed. Everyone gasped. Eyes narrowed and throat went dry.3)Who was to get the money twelve people going to tell their jokes?The one who got the most laughter would get all the money.4)In what order were those twelve people going to tell their jokes?In alphabetical order of surnames, those twelve people were going to tell their jokes.5)The first person told a very funny joke, didn’t he? Why didn’t he get any laughter at all? Yes, he did.Because, not one of them was going to laugh and give him the chance to win the competition.6)Who told the second joke? It was a funny joke, wasn’t it? What did the others do when shefinished? Why?The surname was the second in alphabetical order told the second joke.Yes, it is.The others buried their faces in their handkerchiefs, coughed, pretended to sneeze and dropped pencils under the table. Because they did anything to cover up their laughter.7)All the twelve jokes were funny, weren’t they? Why did nobody dare to laugh? Why was therea painful silence when everyone had told a wonderful joke?All of the twelve jokes were very funny, but they desperately held in the laughter which was bursting to get out. There was apainful silence when one wonderful joke had been told because all of them were afraid that the other may get all Henry’s money by the most laughter, according to Henry’s will.8)What did Colin suddenly do? What did that lead someone to do? What happened after that? He suddenly sneezed.That led someone burst out laughing, unable to hold it in any longer.That started the others off. In no time, everyone was doubled up, tears streaming from their eyes, their shoulders rising and falling as wave after wave of laughter swept the crowed.9)What was everybody laughing at?Everybody was laughing at himself.10)Why did Henry play this practical joke on twelve best friends of his?Because he wanted them to set their need to laugh against their desire for money.11)Which of the twelve people get the money? Why was there a feeling of sadness when theyheard the last part of the will?His fortune would be divided equally among them.Because all of them loved him, that day was his funeral and they lost a good friend of theirs so they felt sad for the first time.12)What kind of a person was Henry Ground? Just a joker? A good-for-nothing?He was a person who liked to play jokes on others. He was not just a joker, nor a good-for-nothing,either.。

Unit 11 Open the Door to ForgivenessKey to the ExercisesText comprehensionI.B.II.1. T;2. T;3. F;4. T.IV.1. Hate is like a vicious and uncontrollable disease that darkens our life and affects our health.2. … we must remember that we are se Idom mere victims of other people ' s sins or wrong doings. We also do wrongs to or sin against others.Structural analysis of the textIn the first five paragraphs the author gives his comment on one of our common experiences: being hurt and hating the person who hurts us. Then he moves on to give advice on the right approach to the matter: forgiving the person and healing our wound.After offering some suggestions about how to achieve forgiveness, the author presents the opposite view—“ forgivenessis a sign of weakness ”(Paragraph 19), which prepares the ground for his counter-argument in the subsequent paragraphs. The author winds up the essay with his conviction that forgiveness is a godlike act of creation.Section Four Consolidation ActivitiesVocabularyI.1. face up to: confront bravely2. let go of: stop holding something 放开,松手3. be let off the hook: be allowed to get away without being punished 摆脱困境,逃避惩罚4. eye for an eye: every injury should be paid back; retaliation 以眼还眼,以牙还牙5. vicious circle: a situation in which the effect of one problem creates another, and causes the first problem to return 恶性循环II.1. guidelines;2. promoted;3. reconciled;4. vicious circle;5. worth;6. keep;7. compelled;8. forge.III. Word derivationFill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. compelling2. acknowledgement3. promotion4. reconciliation5. mutually6. invisible7. confrontation8. denialIV.1. B;2. D;3. D;4. A;5. D;6. C;7. C;8. A.IV. Synonym / AntonymGive a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. Synonym: well-intentioned2. Antonym: outer, external3. Antonym: unfairness, partiality, injustice4. Synonym: pardon, excuse5. Synonym: discharged, dismissed, sacked6. Synonym: below, under7. Synonym: enemy, opponent8. Antonym: current, presentV. Word abbreviationProvide in each space the full form for each shortened form.1. WTO World Trade Organization / World Tourism Organization2. WHO World Health Organization3. UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization4. EU European Union5. FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation6. ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations7. DIY do it yourself8. UFO unidentified flying objectGrammar ExercisesI. Fill in the blanks with pronouns.1. all; anything; more2. all3. it4. ones5. I; I6. anything7. Anybody8. none9. it10. something; anyone/ anybodyII. Correct the errors, where found, in the following sentences.1. every one - every one2. each - every3. my whole luggage - all my luggage4. on myself -on my own 独立地/ by myself 独立5. the - a6. OK7. a little - little8. most my spare time -most of my spare timeIII.1. depict; possess2. non-unique; definite3. disapproval; fact4. informal; formal5. glass; wine6. bag / for shopping; shopping / in a bag7. vegetables; garden8. owners; existing in / England and AmericaIV. Rephrase the following sentences, using the correct possessive forms.1. I am taking a holiday for a week.I am taking a week ' s holiday.2. John and Peter 's3. two minutes ' walk4. Charles b'icycle5. Three men helped to organize the school sports day. They were the fathers of Robert, Peter and Henry.Three men helped to organize the school sports day. They were Robert 's, Peters and Henry ' s fathers.6. of my cat ' s kittens7. I had a cup of coffee in the buffet on the station.I had a cup of coffee in the station buffet.8. our heart ' s contentV.1. b;2. a;3. b;4. a;5. a;6. c;7. c;8. b.Translation exercisesI.1.承认仇恨将迫使我们做出决定,是否要对我们的灵魂进行可以称之为“宽恕”的手术。
大学英语学习系统 Level05(Book 3)UNIT11 答案

Task 7[music]I just started working at and I want to makeOne day comes up to me and says, "I've to the Laker's basketball game on Sunday. Do you wanna go?"I don't know anything aboutthe other people in the office, and I didn't want toIt was okay, 'cause there were other at the game.So I didn't and says,"Wanna go to the opera I have an extra ticket." I was like, "Okay,that'sI'd never been to an And so we went to the opera, but it was allinSo after that, I tried to in the office and I almost theweek when he yesterday in the breakroom. And nowhe's to go to the ballet. I hate the ballet! How do I get out of this situation?Task 9A:I love working here: the new policies the bosses have implemented are absolutely amazing!B:I couldn’t the changes are great. They give all employees theopportunity to create the balance they want.A:You said it! I’ve started coming to work at 6:00 am and I usually leave between 2:30 and3:30 pm. That gives me time to either at the gym or gofor a jog before supper. My energy level is so much better than it used to be.B:Yeah, mine too. I’ve started sw imming again and I am eating healthier foods because Ihave more time to focus on my diet. I must say that I’ m also a big of the company’s new free lunches. They’re scrumptious!A:I wouldn’t , but I’m certainly glad they’re free! You know,Tim,inspiring workspace that we employees are glad to be a part of – I used to have troublemotivating myself to bed for work. Now, I hope I can be part of the team here for many years to come!Task 11A:What are your thoughts on Bill, the new sales rep?B:Uh… Well, toA:That’s funny. He seems like a nice guy to me!B:Come on. He is very loud: when he speaks I can barely hear myself think! And he talks non-stop!A:So he likes to talk, big deal! He actually me as a good speaker. You know, sales reps need to have the gift of the gab.B:Well, I haven’t seen much evidence of any gift. With me, his favorite topic of conversationseems to be him self. He’s always tooting his own horn. It’s me crazy.A:Maybe it’s just a sign ofhave lowwhat it takes to seal a deal.B:My problem? He’s the one with the problem! Why are you defending this guy anyway? He’s an egotistical, self-centered fool.A:He’s my brother.。
Unit eleven课后练习参考答案

Unit 11 Enquiries and RepliesI: Listening & SpeakingTask Two: Listen to the dialogue again and fill in the missing words.1. items2. attractive3.supply4.enquiry5. requirements6. favorable7. shipment8. paymentTask Three : Listen to the dialogue the last time and answer the following questions.● Item No.10.● It can be supplied from stock.● Lowest price, CIF San Francisco.● The shipment is to be shipped in September.● Payment is to be made by an irrevocable letter of credit.PracticeComprehension of the TextI. Write “ T ” for true, “ F ” for false according to the text.1.F2.F3.T4.T5.F6.TII. Multiple choice.1.B2.A3.C4.D5.D6.C7.A8.BWord StudyIII. Match the words or phrases in Column A with those in Column B.1.e2.f3.a4.h5.g6.b7.c8.dIV. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions.1. in2. of3. for4. of5. to6. for7. of8. outV. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below.1. enable2. best3. In order to4. samples5. quote6. come to hand7. as soon as8. more than9. let us know 10. price listGrammar ExercisesVI. Complete the following sentences with the words in blanks, usingtenses.1. I was having a business talk with some foreign businessmen2. she would visit our company3. we had exported 1000 computers4. Have you been to China Import and Export Fair5. Hardly had he arrived6. He would meet a foreign guest7. He was then learning to type8. Great changes have taken place in ChinaVII. Choose the best answer.1. C2. D3. C4. A5. C6. B7. B8. C9. A 10. DBusiness Knowledge ExtensionsVIII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 我们对贵方自行车感兴趣。

A. A picnic.
B. A weatherman.
B 2. The man will be unhappy if ________. A. the weatherman has made a mistake again B. the weatherman is right
C. Weather.
A. By plane.
B. By train.
C. By ship.
B 3. Why didn’t the man see the woman?
A. Because he went to Qingdao.
B. Because she went to Qingdao.
C C. Because she’s been ill. 4. How many languages can the woman speak?
Listening Ⅱ Conversations
E. Listen to the following long conversation, and then choose the best answer for each question.
B 1. How does Mary think about the exam?
5. W: Do you have a dictionary? M: No, but I have a phrase book. Q: What does the man have?
Listening Ⅱ Conversations
B. Listen to the following long conversation, and then choose the best answer for each question.

U n i t1T e x t A Language Sense Enhancement1. the fierce resistance2. the long march3. the devastating enemy4. bleak5. launched6. military might7. mowed down8. campaign9. a painful lesson 10. the aidLanguage FocusVocabularyI.1.1 alliance 2at the cost of 3 stroke 4limp 5minus 6 regions7 declaration 8 siege 9 raw 10 bide his time 11 have taken theirtoll 12 in the case of2.1 is faced with 2get bogged down 3 is pressing on/pressed on 4drag on 5 get by 6dine out 7 have cut back 8 get through3.1 head to the conquest of cancer in the near future2 has been brought to a halt by the delayed arrival of rawmaterials due to the dock worker’s strike3 will/should never get in the way of her career4 caught the foreign minister off guard5 of the electronic calculator has rendered the slide rule outof date/obsolete4. 1 Being faced with/the occupation of/regions2 crucial to/efficient/to reckon with/weaken/be brought to ahalt3 a heroic/the decisive/turned the tide/siege/by launchingII. More Synonyms in the Context1)During the First World War; battles occurred here and there overvast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium.2)Elizabeth make careful preparations for the interview and herefforts/home-work paid off.3)I spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement;but he turned a deaf ear to all my words.4)Pneumonia had severely weakened her body; and I wondered how herfragile body could withstand the harsh weather.III. Usage1 fall ill2 lay dead from a heart attack3 dropped dead from a heart attack4 fell asleep5 marrying young6 to sit still for longer than a few minutesComprehensive ExercisesI.1.1 invasion 2 stand in the way 3 catching…off his guard 4launching 5 declaration 6 campaign 7 drag on 8 reckon with9 bringing 10 to al halt2.1 allow 2 reckoned 3 highly 4 forecasts 5 rapidly 6instant 7 delivery 8 advantage 9 observing 10 powerfulII.1.1 Mr. Doherty and his family are currently engaged in getting theautumn harvest in on the farm.2 We must not underestimate the enemy. They are equipped withthe most sophisticated weapons.3 Having been out of a job for 3 months; Phil is increasingly getting desperate.4 Sam; as the project manager is decisive; efficient and accurate in his judgment.5 Since the chemical plant was identified as a source of pollution;the village neighborhood committee decided to close it at thecost of 100 jobs.2.The offensive had lasted three days; but we had not gained muchground. The division commander instructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy at night and launch a surprise attack. To do this we have to cross a marshland; and many of us were afraid we might get bogged down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble. Luckily enough; thanks to the severely cold weather which had made the marshland freeze over;we arrived our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear. This had turned the tide of the battle. Theenemy; caught off guard; soon surrendered.Text BComprehension Check1.d d b a b dTranslation1.6月5日被选为进攻日;是因为要留下一个安全量;以防万一进攻需要推迟..2.然而;当年春夏之交大风暴异乎寻常地多;在这个时候会出现一个适合进攻的风平浪静的间隙的可能性微乎其微..3.要是在原定地区登陆的话;德军海岸炮群无疑会拼命抵抗并给盟军造成惨重伤亡;而在新登陆区的登陆几乎没有遭到任何抵抗..4.尽管困难重重;艾森豪威尔在与恶劣天气的赌博中赢得了胜利.. Language Practice1.d h b a f e c g2.1 boast 2 obstacles 3 was concerned 4 call…off 5 paid off6 was pinned down7 contesting 8 prior to 9 hold out 10 objective 11responsible 12 in caseUnit 2 Text ALanguage Sense Enhancement1. care2. impact3. orbiting satellites4. warn of5. location6. at any given time7. vibrate8. detected9. calculate 10.convertedLanguage FocusVocabularyI.4.1 expansion 2 automated 3 vapor 4take control of 5 hazards6 satellite7 vibrated8 magnetic9 bunched 10 in the air 11got/was stuck in 12 approximately5.1 send out 2 stand up for 3 pass for 4 were closing in on5starting up 6went through 7 fill out 8 fall into6.1 incorporates all the latest safety features2 two trees ten feet apart3 awarding lucrative contracts to his construction firm4 the prototype of a new model before they set up a factory tomake the cars5 are correlated in all racial groups4. 1 the application/ has turned into a reality/ are poised to2 that vibrate/can detect/frequency3 lanes/are mounted in/alert a /hazardII. Word FormationClipped Words: kilogram/memorandum/gymnasium/liberation/doctor/veterinarian/pr eparatory/ automobile/influenzaBlends:medical care/electronic mail/communications satellite/news broadcast/sky hijack/ European dollar/breakfast and lunch/television broadcast/Oxford and CambridgeIII. Usage1 swimming pool2 drawing board3 enriched Middle English4 disturbing change5 fully developed prototype6 canned food7 working population8 puzzling differencesComprehensive ExercisesI.3.1 computerized 2 start up 3 be poised to 4 alert 5 hazards 6monotonous 7 take control of 8 steer 9 lane 10 decrease 11 calculate 12 getting stuck in 14 mounted 15 detect 16 vapor 4.1 generates 2 related 3revolutionized 4 enable 5opportunities 6 overall 7 manufacturing 8 dependent 9 interact 10 fatalitiesII.3.1 There was an unusual quietness in the air; except for the soundof artillery in the distance.2 The expansion of urban areas in some African countries has beencausing a significant fall in living standards and an increase in social problems3 The research shows that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels areclosely correlated withglobal temperatures4 The frequency of the bus service has been improved from 15 to 12 minute recently.5 The diver stood on the edge of the diving board; poised to jumpat the signal from the coach.4.Automobiles have; since their invention; revolutionizedtransportation; changing forever the way people travel; and do business. On the other hand; they have brought hazards;especially highway fatalities. However; today the application of computer technology and electronic sensors in designing and manufacturing cars makes it possible to eliminate most of traffic accidents. For example; electronic sensors mounted in your car can detect alcohol vapor in the air and refuse to start up the engine. They can also monitor road conditions by receiving radio signals sent out from orbiting satellites and greatly reduce your chances of getting stuck in traffic jams.Text BComprehension Check2.a c c d b bTranslation5.这类系统易受气候变化的影响; 提供的数据不够精确;但他们不需要特别的道路设施;只需要将车道标志维护好就行了..6.然而;不用多久;其成本就能为广大车辆拥有者和驾驶者所接受;尤其是目前不少可以应用的技术已经走向市场;开始了批量生产..7.电子驾驶应用的最大障碍可能在于人们普遍认为认为这一技术的应用比实际情况更困难;更昂贵..8.考虑到这些运用安全自动化交通运输系统的经验;开发由自动控制系统操纵的公路车辆算不上什么大的飞跃..Language Practice3.c a e b f g d h4.1 en route 2 matures 3 equivalent 4 feasible 5 incooperation with 6 exposure7 at the start of 8 thereby 9 implemented 10 realistic 11component 12 by means ofUnit 3Key to Part II Reading TaskContent Questions:Pair Work:1.He runs a manufacturing company.2.Almost all of them were no.3.This applicant was ill prepared for the job he was applyingfor and therefore ill qualified.4.Prepare to win.5.They now have to switch jobs frequently.6.A 90-year-old player who wanted to work on his weakness –backhand court.7.Believe in yourself; even when no one else does.8.Because he will mention a cab driver who is different.9.His efforts to make a difference.10.He was offered a ride on a day when Minnesota was hit withone of the worst snowstorms in years and the international airport there was closed for the first time in decades.11.Because there were no tracks left in the snow; which meanshe was the first person to take off from there.12.Carlson was excited about being first; which is exactly whatthe writer recommends to job applicants.Text Organization:1.Part One. Paras. 1-6: An ill-prepared college graduate failed his interview.Part Two. Paras 7-27: Four pieces of advice on being a successful interviewee.Part Three. Paras 28-31: Make your own tracks in whatever you do.2. Suggestions Examples1 Prepare to win 1 Michael Jordan2 Never stop learning 2 a 90-year-old tennis player3 Believe in yourself; even when 3 the four-minute mile; the New YorkNo one else does. Marathon and the Vietnam veteran4 Find a way to make a difference 4 a New York cabdriverLanguage Sense Enhancement:1 checked with2 interview3 grill4 clippings5 be right for6 follow up7 indicating8 hand-delivered9 prepared 10 prospectiveVocabulary:I.1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box. Change the form where necessary.1 rude2 physically3 structure4 madea difference5 blurted out6 chuckling7 measurable 8prospective9 preparations 10 sparkled 11 took a crack at 12 partner2. Use the verb in the brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb you have learned and complete the sentence with it.1 go after2 look back on/at3 be put up4 stood for5 build in6 follow up7 be hooked up to8 closed up3. Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in the brackets; keeping the same meaning.1 grilled her about where she had been all night.2 beyond Cinderella’s wildest dreams that she could one day dance in the King’s palace.3 will be in readers’ hands soon4 do your homework before going on an interview5 was in the neighborhood of 150 dollars4. Complete the sentences; using the words or phrases in brackets.1 applicants; veteran; the prospective2 From his standpoint; has made every endeavor to go after3 as the saying goes; to have a crack at; barelyII. Words with Multiple Meanings1.behave2.keep used to avoid repetition3.clean4.get along5.perform/complete6.perform/complete7.study8.be enough9.be acceptableIII. Usage:1.There is so much to say and it is hard to know where to begin.OK;I’ll talk about myself first.2.Thank you very much; John; for your beautiful Christmas card. Bythe way; I have something here for you.3.The new computer language can be quite easily understood by anyonewho can read the daily newspaper. Now; why is this an advantage 4.I’m going to work out the outline and will let you know how itgoes. By the way;I will see you in February; as I plan to attend your seminar in Shanghai.5.OK; you got the job. Now; how to maximize your profits with aslittle effort as possible6.Chris is back from Australia. Incidentally; those pictures yousent me are wonderful.Comprehensive Exercises:I. Cloze.1. Text-related:1 prospective2 As I see it3 done your homework4 beforehand5 endeavor6 structure7 partners8 Respond9 take a crack 10 from the standpoint 11 make a difference12 follow up1. Theme-related:1 encouraging2 inquiry3 relevant4 samples5 references6 advice7 preparing8 seriously9 probably 10 exhibitII. Translation:1. Translate the sentences into English.1 Despite the inadequate length of the airstrip in this emergency landing; the veteran pilot managed to stop the plane after taxiing for only a short while.2 Grilled by the reporters; the movie star eventually blurted out that she had undergone two plastic surgeries.3 We have the technology and our partner has the capital. Working together; we’ll have the future in our hands.4 If I had know beforehand that you would bring some many friends home; I would have made better preparations. You see; I have barely enough food and drinks for a snack.5 People gave generously upon learning that new school rooms with stronger structures were to be built in the earthquake-stricken area.2. Translate the passage into English.Well begun; half done; as the saying goes. It is extremely important for a job applicant to do his homework while seeking employment. From my standpoint; whether or not one has done his homework clearly makes a difference in his chance of success.I have a friend who is earning somewhere in the neighborhood of 100;000 dollars a year in a large computer software company. He told me that from his own experience the decision makers who interview prospective employees like people who are well prepared. Those who make no endeavor to learn as much about his prospective employer as possible don’t have much of a chance of success.Unit 4Key to Part II Reading TaskContent Questions:Pair Work:1.Because he feels he is completely international.2.What he means is that if one has a network of friends and enjoyswhat one is doing; one can function well anywhere in the world.3.It refers to a member of the international business elite whotreks each year to the Swiss Alpine town of Davos for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.4.The issues include everything from post-election Iraq and HIVin Africa to the global supply of oil and the implication of nanotechnology.5.They all believe that globalization; the unimpeded flows ofcapital; labor and technology across national borders; is both welcome and unstoppable. They see the world increasingly as one vast; international marketplace in which corporations search for the most advantageous locations to buy; produce and sell their goods and services.6.He describes Davos Man as an emerging global superspecies anda threat.7.Yes; global trade has been around for centuries. In the past;the corporations and countries that benefited from global trade were largely content to treat vast parts of the world as places to mine natural resources or sell finished products.8.It predicted that four economies –Russia; Brazil; India andChina –will become a much larger force in the world economy than widely expected; based on projections of demographics and economic growth; with China potentially overtaking Germany this decade. By 2050; these four newcomers will likely have displaced all but the US and Japan from the top six economies in the world.9.It refers to low-paid migrant workers from Asia and elsewherewho are increasingly providing key services around the world.10.Unlike Davos Man; Manila Woman is strongly patriotic.11.Because he thinks that there are still too many barriersto cross-border business in Europe; let alone the world.12.Davos Man needs to figure out how to strike a balance ona global scale between being international and being nationalat the same time.Text OrganizationWorking on Your Own:1.Part One; Paras. 1-3: introduction to Davos Man and the World Economic ForumPart Two. Paras. 4-5: Debate over the impact of globalization on current society and culturePart Three. Paras. 6-8: History of globalization and its recent trands and future prospectsPart Four. Paras. 9-11: Globalization versus nationalism and the challenges it faces2. Main Events:2 Davos Man seen their identity as a matter of personal choice;not an accident of birth.3 Davos Man believes that globalization; the unimpeded flowsof capital; labor and technology across national borders; it both welcome and unstoppable.4 Davos Man sees the world increasingly as one vast;international marketplace in which corporations search for the most advantageous locations to buy; produce and sell their goods and services.Language Sense Enhancement1.1 both see their identity2 birth3 incidentally4 annual5 networking6 implications7 Whatever their considerable differences8 unimpeded flows 9 interconnected marketplace 10 advantageousLanguage FocusVocabulary:I.1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box.1 advantageous2 let alone3 witnessing…vanishing4 landmark5 entitled6 displace7 Establishment8 patriotic…strengthen9 contradictions 10 aspires 11 divorced12 pendulums2. Use the verb in the brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb you have learned and complete the sentence with it.1 come to2 dozed off3 believed in4 was set apart5 take in6 sucks in7 clean up8 turn away3. Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in the brackets.1 makes no/little difference whether we go there by train or by bus.2 overtaken General Motors as the world’s biggest car maker.3 at odds with his wife over money matters.4 been at the forefront of nanotechnology research.5 let alone cook a meal.4. Complete the sentence; using the words or phrases in the brackets.a is increasingly…to accelerate…their investmentb economy…make an earnest…strike a balance betweenc a handful of…be endorsed by…on a large scaleII. Word Formation:WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织GDP gross domestic product 国内生产总值ATM automatic teller machine 自动出纳机VAT value-added tax 增值税CAD computer-aided design 计算机辅助设计IT information technology 信息技术IDD international direct dialing 国际直拨电话MTV music television 音乐电视Radar radio detecting and ranging 雷达IOC International Olympic Committee 国际奥委会VIP very important person 贵宾、大人物Laser light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 激光CPU central processing unit 中央处理器III. Usage:1)An unusual present; a book on ethics; was given to Henry forhis birthday.2)The reason he gave that he didn’t notice the car till toolate was unsatisfactory.3)Football; his only interest in life; has brought him manyfriends.4)Cloning had been raised as a possibility decades ago; thendismissed; something that serious scientists thought was simply not going to happen anytime soon.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related:1 academics;2 networking3 a variety of4 growth5 vanish6 facilitate7 endorsing 8outlook9 sweeping aside 10 patriotic 11 erasing12 strike a balance2. Theme-related:1 aided2 effects3 distances4 connected5 invested6 features7 prevailing8 qualitatively9 volume10 DistinguishingIII. Translation1. Translate the sentences into English:1 Due to his pessimistic outlook on the European economy; John has moved his assets from Europe to elsewhere.2 I like hiring young people. They are earnest learners and committed to work.3 Unlike her girl friends who center their lives on their children; Mary cares more about her personal growth.4 The Chinese government has introduced a variety of policies to strengthen cooperation with developing countries.2. Translate the passage into English:Globalization has great implications for young Chinese. For example; young farmers are moving on a large scale to urban areas for jobs. And for those young people who aspire to study abroad or work in foreign-invested enterprises; English has become increasingly important. At the same time; a considerable number of overseas Chinese have returned home in recent years; for they hold an optimistic outlook for the long-term growth of the Chinese economy. The Internet has strengthened the links between Chinese young people and those elsewhere. They follow the latest trends can copy foreign fashions. Some of them don’t seem to care fortraditional Chinese virtues; let alone carry them forward; which has given rise to worries that the traditional Chinese culture might one day vanish.Unit 5 Text ALanguage Sense Enhancement1.struckd3.gentle4.raise it5.benign6.with point7.something of8.made every penny9.small and frail10.not bear to hurt a flyLanguage FocusVocabularyI.7.1 In a way2 in accordance with3 vacancy4 in good condition5 transparent6 rub7 spicy8 hitherto9 with a bad grace10 instinct11 pawned12 current8.1 turned up2 will stick to3 brought back4 go about5 driving at6 put; away7 turning; over8 took; aback9.1 has a very weak constitution – she may not be able to survivethe operation.2 was taken aback by the insurance company’s rejection of mycompensation claim.3 was something of a surprise when we ran into each other in a place like that.4 needs trimming /to be trimmed – it’s getting too long.5 are often deceptive.4. 1 Oddly enough; went broke; wrinkled; he had gone all to pieces2 definite; is capable of; her vanity;3 too mild; sipping; strokeII. Usage5)Except for6)Except that7)except8)except when9)except to10)except what11)except where12)except thatIII. British and American EnglishVocabulary:AME: can; candy; faculty; mail; railroad; storeBRE: flat; lift; ground floor; trousers; tube/underground; maize Spelling:AME: favorable; meter; defense; plow; tireBRE: paralyse; catalogue; leveling; programme; practice; characteriseComprehensive ExercisesI.5.1 insane2 current3 candid4 capable5 was taken aback6 in good condition7 constitution8 go all to pieces9 gone broke10 vacancy11 mild12 deceptive6.1 suspected2 pleading3 confirmed4 stunned5 lucrative6 jewellery7 wealthy8 urge9 spell10 arrestedII.5.1 I have an instinct that Henry will seek to join the expedition;because he is something of an adventurer.2 He is capable of sticking to the task at hand; even if he isexposed to noises.3 The trademark was registered in accordance with the laws hitherto in force.4 Oddly enough; many people volunteered to help organize the meeting; but only a few turned up.5 The teacher’s affectionate words; along with his candidcomments; changed the way Mike perceived the society and himself.6.For my own part; I find that appearances are all too oftendeceptive. For instance; you might be wrong if you judged by appearances only people like Edward Hyde Burton. In appearance;he seemed a man all of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow with white hair and mild blue eyes; gentle and candid. Nevertheless;he turned out to be very cruel he insulted and fooled Lenny who was down and out and made him commit himself to an insane venture.What was still more surprising was that he was completelyindifferent to Lenny’s death. Without doubt; Burton was a man with a heart of stone.Unit 6 Text ALanguage Sense Enhancement11.1 understanding2 Within the confines3reasonably4 by nature5 limitless possibilities6 our aim7 fewer desires8 play by themselves9 vet boundaries10 orLanguage FocusVocabularyI.10. 1 appliances2 comparative3 multiply4 distribution5 prosperity6 decorate7 famine8 large quantities of / a large quantity of9 streamline10 fax11 pointed the way to12 bewildered11. 1 eat into2 cling to3 stand out/ stood out4 wears away5 set about6 switch off7 will be turned loose8 poured in12. 1 is forecast to be below average next year; which at themoment is 4 percent.2 to enter the building and find the baby girl proved futile asrescuers were driven out by the heart and flames.3 was urged to divert some of its attention from expanding production and get more involved with issues of market demand.4 can really eat heavily into your profits when you are sellingsuits at $900 and resses at $2;000.5 has toiled endlessly over the exercise machine for the lasttwenty years in order to keep her body in shape.4. 1 reaction to; discontent; provoked2 Convention; evading tax; the confines of3 a burden; are always on the go/ seem forever on the go; to cope II. Confusable words1.13)nervousness14)tension15)stress; stress16)tension2.1)honorary2)Honorable3)honorable4)honorary5)honorable6)HonoraryIII. Usage1)Dealing with the extinction crisis is no simple matter. Is itsensible; we may ask; to spend large sums of money to save somespecies –be it an elephant or an orchid –in a nation win whicha large proportion of the population is living below the povertyline2)This new technology could be used anywhere large numbers of peopleneed to be quickly screened – at airports; train stations; bus terminals or border crossings. However; experts suspect; there is also the risk that people will learn to fool the machine the same way they try to fool polygraph readings by controlling their breath or taking drugs to relax themselves.3)With a high percentage of marriages ending in divorce; often dueto financial difficulties; you would say that money is a big factor in making a good marriage. But; believe it or not; it isn’t money that ensures you a happy marriage; it is your philosophy of life that does.4)Not all the risks on the Internet are sexual; you know. Sitespromoting violence are just a click away; and may include instructions for making bombs and other destructive devices. Comprehensive ExercisesI.7.1 switch off2 obliged3 on the go4 cope5 shortage6 large quantity of7 pouring in8 by nature9 fraction10 futile8.1 advantage2 wisely3 faithfully4 waking5 includes6 schedule7 sticking8 priorities9 set10 respectII.7.1 They are exploring the new frontiers of medical science in anattempt to find remedies for incurable diseases/ cures for diseases that are beyond remedy so far.2 Here unique teaching methods apart; Ms Wilson; my math teacher;never tried to cram knowledge into my head.3 The regular weather forecast by the Central TV Station keeps us up with the changes of weather wherever we go on a trip.4 The appalling explosion started a big fire and caused the partial collapse of the building.5 In the modern world; there are more ways than ever to wasteaway time; and all kinds of distractions are eating into our precious time.8.Today we are under constant pressure to work longer hours; toproduce more; and to possess more. Lots of people hold the wrong perception that happiness lies in working hard and earning well /good money.Many women today feel the same stress to work and get ahead and;at the same time; to nurture their offspring and shoulder the burden of domestic responsibilities.Research shows that workaholism tends to distance us from our immediate families. It forces us to toil longer and longer hours;leaving a minute fraction of our time to be physically and emotionally available to our loved ones. Intimacy among family members is doomed to die in the process.Unit 7 Text ALanguage Sense Enhancement1. brought down2. revolving3. circle4. wreckage5. memory6. bury7. perished8. memorials9. gaping wound 10.silver Language FocusVocabularyI.13. 1 divined 2 nerves 3 solidarity 4 sacred/mourn 5 coated6 perish7 hijack8 grief9 farewell 10 take revenge on 11revolves/revolves 12 denounced14. 1 drop…off 2 applied for 3 went off 4 are gaining on 5bring down 6 blotted out 7 think back on 8 picking /at15. 1 brought down the American housing market in 20082 what will happen after his son steps into his shoes3 not in the mood to go out4 long before the market began to show signs of weakness5 mourn the loss of the tranquil life we had in the countryside 4. 1 in the aftermath of/to blot out/the tragic2 armed/at dusk/accomplices/explosive3 in the space of/no illusionII. More Collocation17) A little of 2 a few/much of / many of 3 much 4 few 5 many6 many of7 much of8 little9 few of 10 someIII. Usage。

unit11 A friend in need
Line8 startling [‘stɑ:tliŋ]
adj. so remarkably different or sudden as to cause momentary shock or alarm. 惊人的
的, 平静的, 安静的 Synonyms: peaceful; quiet
她生性好静,喜欢平静的生活。 She has a retiring nature and loves a restful life.
unit11 A friend in need
Line24 presently= in a short time.不一会儿 不久我便了解了整个事件。 Presently I got the whole story. catch sight of= succeed in seeing.看到, 发现 别让我再看到你干这种事了! Don't let me catch sight of you doing it again!
unit11 A friend in need
Line 14 dine with sb. have dinner with sb.和某 人一起吃晚饭
He will dine with me tonight.
Line20 lounge [laundʒ] n. a room (as in a hotel or airport) with
Unit11 A Friend in Need
Made By: 乔梦
Words and phrases Grammar points Paraphrase Beautiful sentences

Unit 11 On Becoming a Better StudentKey to the ExercisesText comprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the purpose of the essay.A(The author lists the qualities of a good learner so as to give students some guidelines on how to "become a better student" instead of merely describing the qualities of a good learner. )II. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1. F (Refer to Paragraph2. All the words and theories and techniques are of no use to students who yet have to open themselves with receptivity and to take it upon themselves to practice.)2. F (Refer to Paragraph 4. Discovery is, according to Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, "looking at the same thing as everyone else but thinking something different," i.e., arriving at new understandings of things everyone sees.)3. T (Refer to Paragraph 6. According to the author, most education discourages people from venturing far enough to take risks to make mistakes.)4. F (Refer to Paragraph 7. Successful students do not expect to be spoon-fed, but take their own initiative.)5. T (Refer to Paragraph 9. One should maintain his enthusiasm and learn not to push himself too hard in his pursuit of knowledge. Because patience is essential for success; besides, we need to develop other sides of our lives as well. As F. M. Alexander said, "Give up trying too hard, but never give up.")III. Answer the following questions.1. Refer to Paragraphs 2 and 3. According to the author, the genuine learning process rests with the students' own investigation, which is the best thing a teacher can guide his students to. She believes that learning is not so much the acquisition of information as it is an investigation.2. Refer to Paragraph 5. Yes. According to the author, there is no shortcut in learning; persistence and discipline are required for a student to reach the very end and savor the full flavor of hard-won success.3. Refer to Paragraph 6. It is a problem with the current educational approach that students are discouraged from venturing far enough to take risks to make mistakes. However, if people try different approaches and do things that have no precedence, they will surely make mistakes which, as the author argues, are the stepping stone of creative people.4. It means one has to drop his prior knowledge so as to absorb new knowledge. If he refuses to do so, the old knowledge may hinder the assimilation of new knowledge. It also implies that one should learn to appreciate constructive criticism, for if he constantly fails to take criticism, he can never know where his weakness lies and grow out of it.5. "Listen with your whole body" is to get yourself fully activated both cognitively and physically. That is to say, you have to be extremely attentive to what the teacher says instead of letting your mind wander and keeping your body inert.IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences.1. When they start school, children are curious and ready to try every means to explore the unknown. However, they end up losing the pioneering spirit after years of formal education.2. "Advanced" learners are likely to make some mistakes. For example, they may become excessivelysatisfied with their progress or, on the contrary, put too much pressure on themselves to score further achievements.Structural analysis of the textThe first two paragraphs are the introductory part, in which the writer attempts to explain what teaching and learning is meant to be. In the second part, Paragraphs 3 ?9, she discusses the various factors that make a good student. In the third part, she gives advice to the aspiring student.The special devices the author uses to highlight her major points are some typographic devices -- the key words in bold to represent the most important qualities of a good student in the second part and the solid dark dot that introduces each of the nine tips in the third part.Rhetorical features of the textHere is an example: "We may even have expectations that they be endless repositories of skill and knowledge (Paragraph 1). The underlined part of the quoted sentence is an instance of the use of metaphorical language, an attempt to put across the idea that they have so much skill and knowledge that we can perpetually learn from them.The author has cited four people in the text: Nobel Prize-winning physician Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (Paragraph 4); educator Neil Postman (Paragraph 6); Jim Spira, director of the Institute for Education Therapy in Berkeley, California (Paragraph 8); and F. M. Alexander of the Alexander technique (Paragraph 9). Citing the rightly chosen people certainly strengthens the writer's argument.Vocabulary exercisesI. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1. view again at another time from a different perspective2. with immense pleasant surprise3. be provided with ready answers and ideas4. do pioneering work5. Don't let the knowledge you have acquired be a hindrance to your learning of something newII. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form.1. precedence2. stigma3. proportional4. strain5. pertinent6. injurious7. relevance 8. therapyIII. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. substantial2. motivation3. committed4. restrictions5. subtle6. thrilling7. complacently 8. unprecedentedIV. Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.1. goes out of the way2. breaking through3. consists of4. hold on to5. object to6. live up to7. gave up8. based onV. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. Synonym: demonstrate (reveal, manifest)2. Antonym: flexible3. Antonym: interesting (extraordinary, outstanding)4. Synonym: abandon (yield, renounce)5. Synonym: lead6. Antonym: dissatisfaction (discontentment)7. Antonym: mild (gentle)8. Synonym: harry (pester, harass)VI. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.1. submitted2. take care of3. attentive to4. written in honor of5. accept6. so involved7. enthralled8. began consideringGrammar exercisesI. Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the verbs given.1. Being(An -ing participle can be used as subject when the action is being considered in a general sense.)2. to spend, to make3. Hearing/To hear4. To complete5. to be6. to be7. to sit, to hear, howling8. Teasing9. Playing10. LearningII. Complete the following sentences using the infinitive or -ing participle.(Answers may vary.)III. Rewrite the underlined parts of the following sentences with the infinitive, -ing participle or -ed participle.1. sitting at the back2. for you to do as you are told3. to swim/to have swum across the Channel (An infinitive clause is used when the modified nounphrase contains such words as first, last, next, only, most.)4. to hear that he had already left the company5. To open the window6. to trifle with7. Being a qualified plumber, Paul had no difficulty in finding the leak.8. ever written9. Left to himself, he usually gets the job done quickly.10. Hoping to find the will, she searched everywhere.IV. Complete the following sentences with the -ing participle of verbs. Add a preposition if necessary.1. to his working, living2. having3. to stealing4. from doing5. for playing6. for doing7. being talked8. on becoming, from putting, for makingV. Put in the correct prepositions or adverbs.1. up, for2. out3. to4. out, of5. up, against6. round, to7. in, with8. onVI. Make sentences of your own after the sentences given below, keeping the italicized parts in your sentences.1. e.g. He is not so much ill as depressed.I haven't got so much time as I thought.2. e.g. We'll start at the point where we left off.He entered a shop where he obtained some refreshments.Translation exercisesI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 我们甚至希望老师才识卓绝,取之不竭,用之不尽。