介绍毕加索的英语作文简单英文:Pablo Picasso is one of the most famous artists in the world. He was born in Spain in 1881 and lived until 1973. Picasso was a painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and stage designer. He is known for his co-founding of the Cubist movement, which revolutionized the world of art.Picasso's work is characterized by bold colors, sharp angles, and distorted shapes. He often used everyday objects in his art, such as guitars, bottles, and chairs. One of his most famous paintings is "Les Demoisellesd'Avignon," which depicts five nude women in a brothel. This painting is considered a masterpiece of the Cubist movement.Picasso was also known for his many romantic relationships and his bohemian lifestyle. He was a prolific artist, creating over 50,000 works of art in his lifetime.He was a true innovator in the world of art and hisinfluence can still be seen today.中文:毕加索是世界上最著名的艺术家之一。
Farm woman (1908)
Farm woman (1908)
CUBISM - Portrait
Woman Mandolin (1909)
Head and shoulders of a man (1909)
CUBISM – Still Life
Pitcher and bowls (1908)
Friendship (1908)
CUBISM - Portrait
Head of a woman (1907)
Head of a man (1907)
CUBISM - Portrait
Queen Isabella (1908)
Woman with a fan (1909)
CUBISM - Portrait
(1906 – 1915)
• He created an art style called ‘Cubism’ around 1907. • He simplified form. • Presenting reality as composition of shapes. • Stripped it down to essentials. • Broke it down into blocks of color. • These artists were called ‘Cubists’. • He experimented painting portraits, still life, landscapes and sculpture in this art style.
Portrait of Ambroise Vollard (1910)
中文名:巴勃罗·鲁伊斯·毕加索外文名:Pablo Picasso国籍:西班牙西班牙画家、雕塑家。
Spanish painter, sculptor. The French Communist Party members. Is the founder of modern art, the main representative of the western modern painting.Picasso is a real genius. Twentieth Century is the century of Picasso. He is at the beginning of this changeable century came from Spain to the world art in Paris, began his brilliant artistic journey of discovery. In twentieth Century, no artists like Picasso, style variety known as. Picasso's reputation, not only because of his very early fame and "Yawei farm girl", "Guernica" and otherworks of masterpiece, but also because he is creative and colorful life, he left a lot of multi level of works of art.《梦》女人是他艺术祭台上的牺牲品,也是他艺术创造的源泉。
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5. 超现实主义 时期
这个时期的代表作 品是《梦》(1932年 )和《格尔尼卡》 (1937年)。这些作 品运用了梦幻和荒 诞的手法,表现了 人类的潜意识和无 意识
6. 抽象主义时期
这个时期的代表作 品是《吉他》 (1955年)和《斗牛 场》(1964年)。这 些作品已经完全脱 离了具象的描绘, 运用各种线条、色 彩和形状表现作者 的主观感受和情感
3. 立体主义时期
这个时期的代表作品是《少女》(1907年)和《亚维尼翁的少女》(1907年)。这 些作品打破了传统的绘画规则,运用几何形状和断裂的线条表现物体,强调了 物体的多角度和多层次
4. 古典主义时期
这个时期的代表作品是《奥尔南的葬 礼》(1914年)和《田园曲》(1914年)。 这些作品回归了传统的绘画风格,以 写实的表现手法描绘人物和风景
演示文稿是一种实用的工具,可以是演示,演讲,报告等。大部分时间,它们都是在为观众服务。演示文稿 是一种实用的工具,可以是演示,演讲,报告等。
1. 蓝色时期
这个时期的代表作 品是《青年男子头 像》(1901年)和《 蓝色自画像》 (1903年)。这些作 品以蓝色为主调, 描绘了沉重、苦闷 和忧郁的主题
2. 粉红色时期
这个时期的代表作品是《拿烟斗的男孩》(1905 年)和《年轻的女士》(1905年)。这些作品以粉红 色为主调,描绘了轻快、明亮的主题
生平简介 代表作品 影响与评价
巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso)出生于1881年,去 世于1973年,是西班牙的一 位著名画家、雕塑家、版画 家和陶艺家。他以其创新性 和颠覆传统的艺术风格,成 为了当代西方艺术史上的重
毕加索全名:中文名:巴勃罗·鲁伊斯·毕加索外文名:Pablo Picasso国籍:西班牙出生日期:1881年10月25日逝世日期:1973年4月8日职业:画家剧作家诗人巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso,1881~1973)出生在西班牙马拉加(Malaga),是当代西方最有创造性和影响最深远的艺术家,他和他的画在世界艺术史上占据了不朽的地位。
毕加索也是位多产画家,据统计,他的作品总计近 37000 件,包括:油画 1885 幅,素描 7089 幅,版画 20000 幅,平版画 6121幅,毕加索(Pablo Picasso,1881—1973),是二十世纪西方最具影响力的艺术家之一。
毕加索简介:1881—1900年童年时期1881年 10月25日毕加索出生于西班牙南部的马拉加;1889年完成第一件油画作品《斗牛士》;1894年首度展出作品;1895年进入巴塞罗那的隆哈美术学校;1897年进入马德里的皇家圣费南多美术学院就读,油画作品《科学与慈善》获马德里全国美展荣誉奖,后来又在马拉加得到金牌奖;1900—1903年蓝色时期(人生的低潮)1902年完成“蓝色自画像”;1903年完成《人生》,以浓郁的蓝色调表示贫老与孤独的苦难; 1904—1906年玫瑰时期(粉红色时期,遇见自己的爱情)1904年开始定居巴黎的“洗衣船”,玫瑰时期开始。
邂逅费尔南德·奥利维叶,并同居;1905年创作《拿烟斗的男孩》并被慈善家约翰·海惠特尼女士以3万美元重金购得;1906年结识野兽派大师马蒂斯,为美国作家兼收藏家菖楚·斯坦因画像,《斯坦因画像》是毕加索从“玫瑰时期”跃入“立体主义”的跳板;1907—1916年立体主义时期1907年结识布拉克,开始立体派风格创作,创作《亚威农少女》; 1909年解析立体派开始;创作《费尔南德头像》;1912年把上胶的纸贴到画上,进一步发展立体主义;1917—1924年古典时期1917年在意大利邂逅舞者欧嘉·科克洛娃,创作《欧嘉的肖像》;1918年与欧嘉结婚,与马蒂斯举行联展;毕加索精力充沛的作品(13张)1920年手工彩绘珂罗版《三角帽》;1922年创作《海边奔跑的两个女人》;1925—1932年超现实主义时期1927年邂逅年仅17岁的玛丽·德蕾莎·沃尔持,成为毕加索的模特。
巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso
巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso,1881-1973)是一位图画教师的儿子,由于受家庭环境的熏陶,他自小就显露出绘画天分,在巴塞罗那艺术学校中颇有神童之风。
毕加索从亨利·马蒂斯(Henri Matisse,1869-1954)、保罗·高更(Pual Gauguin,1848-1903)的作品中学到怎样用几个简单的要素去构成一张面孔或一个物体的图像。
“有没有办法既能避免这种平面性,又能使简单物体的图画不失去立体感和深度感?”正是这个问题引导着毕加索返回保罗·塞尚(Paul Cezanne,1839-1906)的作品。
巴勃罗 鲁伊斯 毕加索
4、1907—1916年 立体主义时期
《亚维农少女》始作于1906年,至1907年完成, 其间曾多次修改。画中五个裸女和一组静物,组成了 富于形式意味的构图。该画原先的构思是以性病的讽 喻为题,取名《罪恶的报酬》。这在最初的草图上一 目了然,草图上有一男子手捧骷髅,让人联想到一句 古老的西班牙谚语:“凡事皆是虚空。”然而在正式 的创作过程中,这些寓意的细节都被画家一一去除了。 其最终的震撼力,并不是来自任何文学性的描述,而 是来自它那绘画语言的感人力量。 这幅画可谓是第一件立体主义的作品。画面左边 的三个裸女形象显然是古典型人体的生硬变形,而右 边两个裸女那粗野、异常的面容及体态,则充满了原 始艺术的野性特质。在这幅画上不仅是比例,就连人 体有机的完整性和延续性都遭到了否定。因而这幅画 “恰似一地打碎了的玻璃”。在这里,毕加索破坏了 许多规则。无论是形象还是背景,都被分解为带角的 几何块面。它们由于被衬上阴影而具有了某种三度空 间的感觉。我们并不总能确定它们是凹进去还是凸出 来;它们看起来有的像实体的块面,有的则像是透明 体的碎片。这些非同寻常的块面,使画面具有了某种 完整性与连续性。
பைடு நூலகம்
3、1904—1906年 玫瑰时期 (粉红色时期,遇见自己的爱情)
1904年春,毕加索在巴黎蒙马尔特区永 久地定居下来,随着他迁居巴黎、与菲尔 南德· 奥里威尔的同居,他的蓝色风格时期 也宣告结束。柔和的粉红色调开始渗透到 他的画布上的单一蓝色中去(《扇子女 人》),很快成为他画布上主要的颜色 (《花篮女人》)。那种暖洋洋的、娇滴 滴的玫瑰红色代替了空洞抽象、沉重抑郁 的一片蓝色。青春和爱情活生生地出现在 画面上,人物形象往往是一些富有青春美 或是魁梧的人。"玫瑰红时期"就这样开始 了,毕加索的油画进入了完全新的世界, 一个与流浪艺人和杂技演员接轨的世界, 于是也有人称之为"马戏团风格"(《马上 的姑娘》)。在这时,毕加索的声望使他 得到了与众多女人接触的机会,在这个充 满欲望和希图的时代,他用公牛一般的意 志统辖着他的女人们(《玫瑰色的裸女 们》)。
介绍毕加索年龄身高体重的英语作文Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter, sculptor, and printmaker who is widely regarded as one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. Born on October 25, 1881, in Málaga, Spain, he lived a long and prolific life, leaving behind a legacy of groundbreaking artistic achievements.In terms of physical attributes, Picasso was of average height for a man of his time, standing at around 5 feet 7 inches (1.70 meters) tall. He had a slender build and was known for his intense gaze and charismatic presence. As for his weight, there are no definitive records, but it is believed that he maintained a relatively healthy and lean physique throughout his life.As a young man, Picasso showed early promise as an artist, and his talent was nurtured and developed through formal training and exposure to various artistic movements. He moved to Paris in 1904, where he became a central figure in the development of Cubism, a revolutionary art movement that challenged traditional notions of perspective and representation. Throughout his career, Picasso continued to push the boundaries of artistic expression, experimenting with different styles and techniques.In addition to his work as a painter, Picasso was also a skilled sculptor and printmaker. His sculptures often reflected the same innovative approach to form and composition that characterized his paintings. He also produced a vast number of prints, including etchings, lithographs, and linocuts, showcasing his versatility and mastery of different mediums.Despite his artistic achievements, Picasso's personal life was often tumultuous. He had multiple tumultuous relationships and marriages, and his complex love life often inspired the themes and subjects of his artwork. His paintings from the "Blue Period" and "Rose Period" are particularly notable for their emotional depth and introspective quality, reflecting the artist's own experiences of love, loss, and longing.As Picasso grew older, his artistic output continued unabated, and he remained a prolific creator until his death on April 8, 1973, at the age of 91. His impact on the art world is immeasurable, and his influence can be seen in the work of countless artists who followed in his footsteps.In conclusion, Pablo Picasso was a towering figure in the world of art, both figuratively and literally. His contributions to modern art are immeasurable, and his legacy continues to inspire and captivate audiences around the world. Whether through his iconic paintings, innovative sculptures, or groundbreaking prints, Picasso's impact on the art world will endure for generations to come.。
毕加索的英文作文English:Pablo Picasso, one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, is known for his revolutionary artistic style and constantly evolving approach to art. Born in Spain in 1881, Picasso showed early talent in drawing and painting, and his skill continued to develop as he studied art in Barcelona and later Paris. He is best known for co-founding the Cubist movement, which challenged traditional notions of perspective and representation in art. Throughout his career, Picasso also dabbled in a variety of other styles, including Surrealism and Neoclassicism, constantly pushing the boundaries of artistic expression. His work is characterized by its bold use of color and form, as well as his ability to convey complex emotions and ideas through simple yet striking imagery. In addition to his paintings, Picasso also experimented with sculpture, ceramics, and other mediums, leaving a lasting legacy as a versatile and groundbreaking artist.中文翻译:巴勃罗·毕加索,20世纪最具影响力的艺术家之一,以他革命性的艺术风格和不断发展的艺术方法而闻名。
毕加索英文简介小作文英文,Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter, sculptor,and printmaker who is considered one of the mostinfluential artists of the 20th century. He was born on October 25, 1881, in Malaga, Spain, and showed an early talent for art. He moved to Paris in 1900 and became a key figure in the development of modern art, particularly the Cubist movement. His works are characterized by bold colors, distorted shapes, and fragmented forms.Picasso's artistic career spanned over seven decades, during which he produced thousands of works in a variety of mediums, including paintings, sculptures, prints, and ceramics. Some of his most famous works include "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon," "Guernica," and "The Old Guitarist." He was also known for his collaborations with other artists, including Georges Braque and Henri Matisse.Picasso's influence on modern art cannot be overstated. His innovative use of color, form, and perspectiverevolutionized the art world and paved the way for future generations of artists. He died on April 8, 1973, in Mougins, France, at the age of 91.中文,巴勃罗·毕加索是一位西班牙画家、雕塑家和版画家,被认为是20世纪最具影响力的艺术家之一。
pablo picasso
pablo picasso巴勃罗·毕加索西班牙画家1881 - 1973生于:西班牙马拉加(Malaga)卒于:法国Mougins国家:西班牙流派:立体主义巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso,1881年~1973年)出生在西班牙马拉加(Malaga),是当代西方最有创造性和影响最深远的艺术家之一,立体画派创始人,毕加索和他的画在世界艺术史上占据了不朽的地位。
据统计,毕加索的作品总计近37000 件,包括:油画1885 幅,素描7089 幅,版画20000 幅,平版画6121幅。
Rose Period
In 1905-6, Picasso's palette began to lighten considerably, bringing in a distinctive beige or "rose" tone. The subject matter also is less depressing. Here are the first appearances by the circus performers and clowns that will populate Picasso's paintings at various stages through the rest of his long career.
Late work
In the last two decades of his long career, Picasso produced more work than at any other time of his life. During this period, some works are not only dated by month and day, but with a numeral (I, II, III, etc.) indicating multiple works created that single day!
Picasso was the most famous artist in the world. He was called upon to depict the brutality of fascist aggression in the Spanish Civil War with his monumen年时期 蓝色时期 玫瑰时期 立体主义时期 古典时期 超现实主义时期 蜕变时期(在世界大战期间) 田园时期
关于巴伯罗·毕加索的介绍毕加索(Pablo Picasso,1881年~1973年)出生在西班牙马拉加(Malaga),是当代西方最有创造性和影响最深远的艺术家之一,立体画派创始人,他和他的画在世界艺术史上占据了不朽的地位。
据统计,他的作品总计近 37000 件,包括:油画1885 幅,素描7089 幅,版画20000 幅,平版画6121幅。
人物信息巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso,1881~1973)出生在西班牙马拉加(Malaga),是当代西方最有创造性和影响最深远的艺术家,他和他的画在世界艺术史上占据了不朽的地位。
毕加索也是位多产画家,据统计,他的作品总计近 37000 件,包括:油画 1885 幅,素描 7089 幅,版画 20000 幅,平版画 6121幅。
毕加索简介Pablo PicassoPablo Picasso毕加索(Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso),全名巴勃罗·迭戈·何塞·弗朗西斯科·德·保拉·胡安·内波穆塞诺·玛丽亚德·罗梅迪奥斯·西普里亚诺·德·拉·桑蒂西玛·特里尼达·鲁伊斯·伊·毕加索(Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso),是一位西班牙艺术家,也是20世纪最著名的画家之一。
Name: Pablo Picasso Born: October 25 1881, Malaga, Spain Died: April 8 1973, Mougins, France Father: JoséRuiz Blasco (1838 - 1913) Mother: Maria Picasso Y Lopez (1855 - 1939)
Early Years
• Pablo Picasso started to paint when he was eight years old. • From the age of five on, Pablo would get drawing lessons at school, in Malaga. • As Picasso's father was an art teacher, he would take full control of Pablo's education in art. • As such, Picasso's father was ubiquitous in Pablo's life, both at home and in school.
• In 1895 his father was appointed at the art academy La Lonja in Barcelona. • Picasso's father rented him a studio in Barcelona. • With the financial aid of his uncles, Pablo went to study in Madrid at the end of 1897. • Because Madrid had nothing new to offer him, he decided to quit mid-1898. • In October 1900, at the age of 19, Pablo Picasso moved to Paris, in the company of Carlos Casagemas.
介绍毕加索年龄身高体重的英语作文(中英文版)Pablo Picasso, the renowned Spanish artist, was a man of intriguing physical attributes.Standing at a height of 5 feet 4 inches, he might not have been the tallest figure, yet his artistic stature was colossal.As for his weight, it fluctuated throughout his life, reaching an average of around 70 kilograms during his middle-aged years.His dynamic career spanned over seven decades, and interestingly, his physical appearance also went through several transformations.巴勃罗·毕加索,这位著名的西班牙艺术家,拥有着引人入胜的身体特征。
As an artist who lived to the age of 91, Picasso aged gracefully, his face weathered by time, yet still reflecting the passion and intensity that characterized his works.His blue eyes, piercing and profound, seemed to hold the secrets of his artistic genius.Right until his last days, Picasso remained a vibrant and charismatic figure, his physical presence as compelling as his artistic legacy.作为一名活了91岁的艺术家,毕加索优雅地老去,他的面容虽然被时光侵蚀,却依然展现出他作品中的热情与强烈。
That's the end of my speaking,THANK YOU FOR YOUR LISTENTING!
Байду номын сангаас
There are three parts of this book.
The first part of the book
The second part of the book
The third part of the book
2.The second part of the book
1.Biography of the author
I want to introduce the book is Pablo Picasso Picasso was the most famous living artist.He was born in Spain.He worker mostly inFrance.He showed exceptional diversity in his work.Pablo Picasso was one of the greatest artist of the 20th century, and was the cofounder of the cubist artist movement.Pablo Picasso
Biography of the author Picasso was born into a middle-class family. He took after his father, who was also a painter and a professor of art. From the age of seven, Picasso had formal art lessons from his father. Picasso threw everything into art and his school grades went down. Aged 16, the family sent Picasso to study at Madrid’s Royal Academy of Art.In the summer of 1918, Picasso married ballerina Olga Khokhlova. She introduced him to the rich people of Paris in the 1920s. He became a celebrity and a very respected artist.
毕加索简介英文作文Pablo Picasso was a renowned Spanish painter and sculptor. He was born on October 25, 1881, in Malaga, Spain. Picasso showed great talent from a young age and quickly became a prodigy in the art world. His unique style and innovative techniques made him one of the most influential artists of the 20th century.Picasso's artistic journey began with his Blue Period, characterized by melancholic and somber themes. During this period, he often used shades of blue to depict poverty, loneliness, and despair. The Blue Period reflectedPicasso's own emotional struggles and the societal issuesof the time.As Picasso evolved as an artist, he moved into his Rose Period, which was marked by warmer colors and a more optimistic tone. During this period, he focused on circus performers, harlequins, and other playful subjects. The Rose Period showcased Picasso's ability to capture humanemotions and create a sense of joy and whimsy in his art.In 1907, Picasso made a groundbreaking shift in his style with the development of Cubism. This artistic movement revolutionized the way art was perceived and created. Cubism aimed to depict multiple perspectives and dimensions simultaneously, challenging traditional notions of representation. Picasso, along with Georges Braque, pioneered this movement and became its leading figure.Throughout his career, Picasso explored various art forms, including sculpture, ceramics, and printmaking. He was constantly experimenting with different materials and techniques, pushing the boundaries of what was considered art. Picasso's versatility and willingness to take risks made him a true innovator in the art world.In addition to his artistic achievements, Picasso was also known for his colorful personal life. He had numerous love affairs and marriages, which often influenced his artwork. Picasso's relationships with women, such as Fernande Olivier and Dora Maar, were a significant sourceof inspiration for his paintings and sculptures.Picasso's impact on the art world cannot be overstated. His avant-garde approach and constant reinvention continue to inspire artists to this day. Picasso's works can be found in museums and galleries around the world, and his legacy as one of the greatest artists of all time is firmly established.。
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Picasso`s father was also a painter himself and recognized Pablo`s talent at his young age
His frist painting at age of 8(1889)
Pablo Picasso
童年时期 蓝色时期 玫瑰时期 立体主义时期 古典时期 超现实主义时期 蜕变时期(在世界大战期间) 田园时期
Early Years
Pablo Picasso was born on October , 25, 1881 in Malaga Spain
Late work
Throughout Picasso's lifetime, his work was exhibited on countless occasions. Most unusual, however, was the 1971 exhibition at the Louvre, in Paris, honoring him on his 90th birthday; until then, living artists had not been shown there. In 1980 a major retrospective showing of his work was held at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Picasso died in his villa Notre-Dame-de-Vie near Mougins on April 8, 1973.
Blue Period
Shortly after moving to Paris from Barcelona , Picasso began to produce works that were suffused in blue.
This particular pigment is effective in conveying a tone.
The End
Rose Period
In 1905-6, Picasso's palette began to lighten considerably, bringing in a distinctive beige or "rose" tone. The subject matter also is less depressing. Here are the first appearances by the circus performers and clowns that will populate Picasso's paintings at various stages through the rest of his long career.
The blue period work is quite sentimental ,
but we must keep in mind that Picasso was
still in his late teens , away from home for
the first time ,and living in very poor
10Βιβλιοθήκη Picasso was the most famous artist in the world. He was called
upon to depict the brutality of fascist aggression in the Spanish
Civil W"aGr wuitehrhnisimcoan”umental
Between the Wars
The collaboration between Picasso and Braque was ended by the First World War. After the war, Picasso, reflecting society's disillusionment and shock with the technological horrors of the war, reverted to a Classicist mode of representation. At the same time, however, he was continuing to push Cubism into new paths. During the '30s Picasso became tangentially connected with the Surrealist movement. Although Andre Breton tried to recruit Picasso, he remained ultimately aloof from any school of art throughout his career