






英语考试大纲规定,考生应能:(1) 理解主旨和要义;(2) 理解文中具体信息;(3) 根据上下文推断生词的词义;(4) 做出简单判断和推理;(5)理解文章的基本结构;(6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度。







想要提高阅读能力,一是要培养良好的阅读行为习惯提高分数技巧:1. 抓好限时训练同学们可以通过限时训练有计划、循序渐进地提高自己的阅读速度。


2. 养成良好的阅读习惯同学们在平时训练时要养成良好的阅读习惯。










或部分不符 , 或虽与常识、流行观点一致 ,但却与作
者观点或原文内容相悖或原文根本未提及 。
二 、命题 形式
hw o e o fn,hw m c ),数 字 ( o ay,hw t o uh hw m n o
muh) c ,选择 ( h h ,在原文 中迅速捕捉所涉及该 wi ) c
而忽略了文章的整体或 中心 内容 ,选错答 案。因此 ,
忌不 带 问题 阅读 。
考生做题时 ,既要注意文 章的某些细节 ,又要抓住文
章的主线。既要理解表层意义 ,又要看透内涵。抓点 带面 ,透表视里 。 五忌囫囵定案。
行之有效 的方法是先把测试 内容 ( 干和选 项) 题 看一遍 ,然后 带着 问题读文 章 ,边读 边选 出正确答
时间允许的话 ,一定要 回头重读一遍 或几遍 ,直至读
懂再定答案 。
继续阅读其余各项 , 就会选错答案 。 如果我们继续进行
比较 , 就会排 出似是 而非的答 案, 选出正确的答 案。
三 忌 主 观 印象 。
做题时一定要从整体上控制时间,一两处没弄懂 可 以暂时搁置 一边 ,等把全 部题做完 后 ,再 回头处 理 。因为做完题后 ,人 的心情放松了,往往会有新的
这类 题主要是针对文 中某一特定 的细节或若干细
问题的相关信息 ,略加分析 ,然后作 出正确选择 。
[ 1 . Iw shr olt e. h w s ut u. u 例 ].t a adt i rS e a js otB t . fh
h n g d t as e h o rf e o te pa o m O e ma a e o r i h r te fu e tt h lt r S e f h tb s d r o l od h rb h n n r g h r t a y tn e sc u d h l e y te a sa d da e










细节题的主要提问方式有以下几种:1)True or NOT true是非判断类型Which of the following is NOT ned in the passage?Which of the following statements is NOT true?Which of the following is NOT considered as…?According to the passage。

which of the following is NOTned as one of the reasons for。

2)特殊疑问词提问类型How many。


3)排序题类型Which of the orders is correct according tothe passage。

4)例证题类型The author gives the example in。

paragraphin order to。


the most / ~est。

the only。


同时,要注意各种提问方式,尤其是True or NOT true类型的题目,要仔细辨析文章中的信息。

Dear Disney。

My family and XXX's Magic Kingdom。

专题07 阅读理解之细节题(解析版)

专题07 阅读理解之细节题(解析版)
题干中的关键词:Georgia, sell, objects
定位:用Georgia,sell,objects寻读,在文中找到信息源——She chose to sell a few larger objects that were less often used when we promised to put the money into her school fund (基金) (our kindergarten daughter is serious about becoming a doctor).
In Save Money:Good Food,she visits a different home each week and with the help of chef Matt Tebbutt offers top tips on how to reduce food waste,while preparing recipes for under£5 per family a day.And the Good Morning Britain presenter says she’s been able to put a lot of what she’s learnt into practice in her own home,preparing meals for sons,Sam,14,Finn,13,and Jack,11.



高中英语阅读理解细节理解题40题1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Thing 1B. Thing 2C. Thing 3D. Thing 4答案:D。


在原文中依次提到了Thing 1、Thing 2 和Thing 3,而Thing 4 没有提及。

2.According to the passage, what is the main reason for something?A. Reason 1B. Reason 2C. Reason 3D. Reason 4答案:B。

原文中明确指出主要原因是Reason 2,其他选项Reason 1、Reason 3 和Reason 4 在文中并未提及是主要原因。

3.The author mentioned all of the following details EXCEPT _.A. Detail 1B. Detail 2C. Detail 3D. Detail 4答案:D。

文章中详细描述了Detail 1、Detail 2 和Detail 3,而Detail 4 并没有被提及。

4.What can we know from the passage about a certain person?A. Fact 1B. Fact 2C. Fact 3D. Fact 4答案:C。

根据文章内容,关于这个人我们可以知道Fact 3,而Fact 1、Fact 2 和Fact 4 与文章内容不符。

5.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?A. Statement 1 is true.B. Statement 2 is true.C. Statement 3 is true.D. Statement 4 is true.答案:B。


从句套从句,环环相扣式 有时,一个从句套着另一个从句,环环相扣,或并列分句中又含有从句,且可能同时还有介词短语或非谓语动词等,结构非常复杂。其实,不管句子有多长,结构有多复杂,它只由两部分构成,即主干和修饰成分。
[破解方法] (1)确定并列连词(but, and, so, or, for),从句连接词(that, which, what, when, how, whether, if, where, because, though);(2)跳读定语、状语(短语或从句)等;(3)先读懂并列句,再看主从复合句,最后看其他修饰成分。
顺序性原则:一般说来, 题序与其题眼在文章中的顺序相同。如第53题的答案信息会在第52题的答案信息之后。
定位信息点:通过寻读法(scanning), 用题干中的关键词在文中搜索, 迅速确定相关词句或信息点所在的位置, 缩小阅读范围。题干中可用来在文中搜索的关键词可能是专有名词、数词、实体名词, 以及这些词的同义表达等。



细节题是针对文中某个细节、某句话或某部分具体内容 设置问题,正确答案的根据一定可以在原文中找到,即原文 的改写往往成为正确选项。
1、对原文句子中的关键词进行替换。把原文中的一 些词换成意义相近的词,成为正确选项。
2、词性或者语态的变化。把原文中的一些词变换一 下词性,或者改变原文句子的语态,给考生制造障碍。
26. The author has discovered that people will feel happy when________. A. they offer their help B. they receive others’ help C. they feel others’ kindness D. they show their weakness
From my wheelchair experience, I see the best in people, but sometimes I feel sad because those who appear independent miss the kindness I see daily. They don’t get to see this soft side of others. Often, we try every way possible to avoid showing our weakness, which includes a lot of pretending. But only when we stop pretending we’re brave or strong do we allow people to show the kindness that’s in them.


3、无中生有。即选项内容是根据主观想象或推测得出的 结论,而文中并未涉及。
4、偷换概念。把原来做该事的“张三”换成“李四”, 所述细节确实与原文一致,一不小心就会误选。
5、文不对题。这类题最不容易辨别,选项中的描述与原 文完全一致,确属原文中的一个细节,这时要回到题 干,看该选项是否能回答题干所提的问题。
[典例3] (2014·福建·A篇第57题 5-2页)
(四)“断章取义”寻依据 要从文段中获得回答章,只需找出可能包 含所需信息的段落,迅速划定关键词语,然 后加以重点理解即可,也就是所谓的“寻读 法”。在运用此法时,应根据文段的结构和 写作顺序,有针对性地寻读,迅速锁定相关 内容。
[典例2] (2014·北京·A篇第57题 3-2页)
(三)“去伪存真”辨是非 首先浏览题目所提供的四个选项。若各选
项针对同一内容,则要注意找出各个选项之 间的差异,再带着问题去原文中核实文章的 实际内容;若各个选项陈述的内容不一致, “各自为阵”,则要根据题干或选项中提供 的线索回读原文,逐个找到相关句,最后确 定答案。注意表达上“绝对化”的选项通常 不是正确答案。
不管考点以何种形式出现,只 要问年代与数字,答案就对应于 文章中的年代和数字,一般会涉 及简单运算。
(一)同义互释定选项 细节题答案选项的表述通常不是用文章的原话,
而是使用与文中同义或近义的词语来表达。考 生一定要回到文中找出与答题内容相关的词语 和句子,在理解原文的基础上从备选项中找出 与原文意思相同或相近的词、词组或短语。

1. 阅读理解之细节理解题

1. 阅读理解之细节理解题
考生在紧张的考试过程中阅读不细,未找准题目所依据的 事实;另外,长句难句也是阅读理解的一大障碍,考生对某些 长句难句理解不透彻,造成歧义;再者,考生没有对干扰选项 回原文进行验证。
(1) 文不对题。选项中的描述与原文完全一致,确属原文
题型一 事实细节题(细节理解题)
一、题型特点与命题方式 细节理解题是指原文提到了某事物、现象或理论,题干针对
直接信息题 间接信息题 数字计算题
语意转换题 (同近义转换)
(用精炼的语言去概括原 文复杂或分散的信息)
(5)无中生有。在意思上与原文大相径庭甚至完全相反。 (6) 选项内容部分正确,部分错误。






以下是一些解答主旨题的技巧:1. 注意段落开头和结尾:通常,文章的主旨会在开头或结尾部分出现。


2. 寻找重要关键词:通过找出文章中出现频率较高的关键词,可以帮助确定文章的主旨。


3. 概括段落大意:尝试概括每个段落的主要内容,进而形成对整篇文章主旨的大致了解。


4. 排除干扰项:主旨题选项中可能会出现与文章相似但不同的表述,要细心排除这些干扰项。



以下是一些解答细节题的技巧:1. 找到关键信息:在读文章时,要注意找到与细节题目相关的关键信息。


2. 遵循顺序:大部分细节问题的答案通常在文中按顺序出现。


3. 重点关注数字、人名和地名:这些信息通常是细节题目的答案。


4. 小心否定词:部分细节题目中,文章会使用否定词,将真实细节改变或颠倒,要注意这种情况,并特别重视题目的否定词表达。










下面是一些解答细节题的步骤和技巧:1. 仔细阅读题干:在解答细节题之前,首先要仔细读懂题干,明确要求找出的具体信息或细节。

2. 标记关键词:在阅读文章时,要注意标记或划线关键词,如数字、日期、特定名词等,以便快速定位细节。

3. 找到对应的段落:根据题干中的关键词,快速浏览文章,找到包含有关细节的段落。

4. 通读细节:在定位到相关段落后,仔细阅读该段落,查找与题干相符的具体信息或细节。

5. 注意选项的干扰:有时候,选项可能包含一些与文章内容相关但不完全符合题干的信息。



Passage 1:(1) In ancient Greece, the Olympic Games were held every four years in honor of the god Zeus. (2) The first recorded Olympic Games took place in 776 BC, and only men were allowed to participate. (3) The Games consisted of various athletic competitions, such as running, jumping, and wrestling. (4) Winners were awarded olive wreaths as a symbol of victory.1. When were the first recorded Olympic Games held?A. 776 BCB. 500 BCC. 200 ADD. 1000 BC2. What was the purpose of the Olympic Games in ancient Greece?A. To honor the god ApolloB. To celebrate the harvest seasonC. To showcase artistic talentsD. To honor the god ZeusPassage 2:(1) The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous man-made structures in the world. (2) It was built over a period of several centuries to protect China from invasions. (3) The wall stretches over 13,000 miles and consists of various sections that were built at different times. (4) Somesections of the wall are well-preserved and attract millions of tourists every year.3. Why was the Great Wall of China built?A. To showcase Chinese architectural skillsB. To mark the borders of ChinaC. To attract tourists from around the worldD. To defend China from invasions4. How long is the Great Wall of China?A. 1,000 milesB. 10,000 milesC. 13,000 milesD. 100,000 miles以上是阅读理解中的细节题解析及练习题,通过针对性的练习和学习,相信您能够在阅读理解考试中更好地解答细节题。



初中阅读理解细节题解题技巧及练习(教师版)初中英语阅读理解最基本的要求是“能从一般性文章中获得和办理主要信息” 。

对这种“获得和办理主要信息” 能力的考察,主要采纳的方式就是细节判断。










其主要发问方式是:1) True or NOT true 是非判断种类Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?Which of the following statements is NOT true?Which of the following is NOT considered as, ?According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the reasons for ...? 2)特别疑问词发问种类How many ... ? What/who/when/where/how/why ...?3)排序题种类Which of the orders is correct according to the passage ?4)例证题种类The author gives the example in ...paragraph in order to ...5)表独一细节看法题种类:...the most / ~est ......the only ...2.技巧点拨做这种题的一般方法是先要找出题干或是选项中的重点字,一般为数字、大写或人名地名,再经过 scanning 快速确立该细节在文中的出处(信息源),认真比较题干要求,清除或选择。



阅读理解专项练习题一、事实细节题1. 请从文中找出作者提到的我国著名旅游景点。

2. 根据文章内容,简要描述主人公在困境中是如何自救的。

3. 文中提到的科技创新成果有哪些?4. 请列举出文中提到的几种环保措施。

5. 从文章中可以看出,作者对传统文化的态度是怎样的?二、词义猜测题1. 根据上下文,推测“瓶颈”一词在文中的含义。

2. “这片土地见证了历史的沧桑”中的“沧桑”是什么意思?3. 文中提到的“绿色出行”,请你猜测一下它的含义。

4. “他这个人很轴”中的“轴”字在这里是什么意思?5. 请解释“与时俱进”在文中的具体含义。

三、推理判断题A. 主人公最终克服了困难B. 文章主要讲述了我国的历史变迁C. 作者对现代科技持否定态度D. 文章倡导人们保护环境A. 我国旅游资源丰富B. 主人公在困境中得到了他人的帮助C. 科技创新对国家发展至关重要D. 作者认为传统文化需要传承和发扬A. 文章旨在表达对大自然的赞美B. 主人公在故事中经历了成长C. 环保意识在现代社会越来越受到重视D. 作者认为传统文化已经过时四、主旨大意题1. 请简要概括文章的主题。

2. 文章主要从哪几个方面论述了科技创新的重要性?3. 请用一句话概括文章的中心思想。

五、观点态度题1. 作者在文中对环境保护的态度是怎样的?2. 从文章中可以看出,作者对主人公的遭遇持何种态度?3. 请分析作者对传统文化的观点。

六、信息筛选题A. 旅游B. 自救C. 科技创新D. 环保E. 传统文化2. 请筛选出文中关于我国经济发展的相关内容。

七、句子理解题1. “教育的本质不是灌输,而是点燃火焰。

”这句话在文中的含义是什么?2. 文中提到的“这是一场没有硝烟的战争”,这句话是如何体现文章主题的?3. 请解释“时间就像海绵里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的”这句话在文中的意义。

八、段落作用题1. 请分析第二段在文中的作用。

3. 第三段与第四段之间有什么联系?请简要说明。




1. 细节题:这类题目主要考察考生对文章中特定细节的理解。



2. 主旨题:这类题目要求考生理解文章的整体意义和主题。



3. 推理题:这类题目要求考生根据文章中的信息进行推理和判断。





























例如,文章中提到某个人物在某个时间段 做了某件事情,那么细节题可能会问到这 个人物在哪个时间段做了什么事情。
细节题通常会涉及到文章中的时间、地点、 人物、事件、数字等具体信息,需要考生仔 细阅读文章并从中提取出正确答案。
推理题是阅读理解中比较难的 一种题型,主要考察考生对文 章中信息的推理和分析能力。
例如,文章中提到某个单词是由 两个词根组成的,那么词汇题可 能会问到这个单词的意思是什么。
阅读理解细节理解题是考试中常 见的题型,主要考察考生对文章 中具体信息的理解和把握能力。
这类题目通常要求考生根据文章 内容,对特定细节进行筛选、分
考生在解答这类题目时,需要仔 细阅读文章,准确把握关键信息, 并能够根据上下文进行推理和判
细节理解题通常会涉及到文章中的时间、地点、人物、事件、原因等方面,需要考 生准确把握。
例如,“请指出文中提到的某个 人物的出生日期。”
考生应注重提高阅读速度和理解 能力,平时多进行阅读训练,掌 握阅读技巧和方法。
此外,考生还应该注重培养自己 的逻辑思维和推理能力,以便更 好地应对这类题目。
在阅读过程中,要学会抓住文章 的主题和关键信息,对于细节部 分也要认真阅读并理解。
针对不同类型的阅读理解细节理 解题,考生可以分类练习,掌握 不同题型的解题技巧和思路。


















经典例题一2015 重庆BIn ancient Egypt, a shopkeeper discovered that he could attract customers to his shopsimply by making changes to its environment. Modern businesses have been following his lead,with more tactics(策略).One tactic involves where to display the goods. For example, stores place fruits and vegetables in the first section. They know that customers who buy the healthy food first will feel happy so that they will buy more junk food(垃圾食品)later in their trip. In department stores, section is generally next to the women’s cosmetics(化妆品) section:while the shop assistant is going back to find the right size shoe, bored customers are likely to wander over cosmetics they might want to try later.Besid es, businesses seek to appeal to customers’ senses. Stores notice that the smell of baked goods encourages shopping, they make their own bread each morning and then fan the bread smell into the store throughout the day. Music sells goods, too. Researchers in Britain found that when French music was played, sales of French wine went up.When it comes to the selling of houses, businesses also use highly rewarding tactics. They find that customers make decision in the first few second upon walking in the door, and turn it into a business opportunity. A California builder designed the structure of its houses smartly. When entering the house, the customer would see the Pacific Ocean through the windows, and then the poll through an open stairway leading to the lower level. The instant view of water on both levels helped sell these $10 million houses.41.According to Paragraph 3, which of the following encourages customers to buy?A. Opening the store early in the morning.B. Displaying British wines next to French ones.C. Inviting customers to play music.D. Filling the store with the smell of fresh bread.【解析】1.分析文章结构,总-分。











事实细节题常⽤的设问⽅式1. According to the passage,who/what/which/when/where/why/how…?2. According to the passage, which of the following is (not) true?3. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned?4. All the following are true EXCEPT _______.5. Choose the right order of the events given in the passage.6. Which of the following is NOT the result of …?7. Which of the following best describes the main feature of…?8. We can learn/know from the passage that ______.9. By saying…, the author means that ______.⼆、解答事实细节题应注意的问题1、⾸先弄懂题⼲和每个选项的含义,带着问题去阅读,做到有的放⽮。



一、细节判断题:(根据题目到文中定位、根据选项判断四选项的对错)细节题的重点是:定位定位主要从段再到具体的句如何定位:通过中心词定位到段,再根据某一方面具体到句问题一:如何将问题进行解析来定位问题二:如何将四个选项进行分析来定位总结:将一个句子拆分开1.which one is ture among the sentences?(判断四个选项的对错:其中有3个选项存在细节性的错误,在看选项时务必将每个选项可能存在的错误找出来在到文中进行比对)2.what can we infer from the passage?(四个选型那句话是对的)课堂讲解训练ATEACH DISADV ANTAGED CHILDREN IN QUITO IN ECUADORSUMMARY FACTFILEPrice: From £775, excluding flightsDuration: From 2 weeks to 6 months subject to visa requirementsStart Dates: All year round—you choose your start and finish datesRequirements: At least aged 17, no qualifications necessary, but you’ll have to be enthusiastic. You’ll need to know a little Spanish to do this project, but if you have no knowledge of Spanish at all, you can combine your project with 1-week intensive (强化的) Spanish course in Quito before starting your project.56. A member to be admitted into the project should ________.A. know English and Spanish wellB. have college certificatesC. be over 17 with enthusiasmD. afford a holiday of one year(注意:根据题目直接定位,如何将题目中的关键信息进行提取)BA U.S. dad quit his job, giving up a massive salary, after his 10-year-old daughter gave him a 22-point list outlining all the events he missed so far during the year. As the CEO of the $2 trillion global investment fund PIMCO, Mohamed El-Erian shocked the finance industry when he quit in January.El-Erian said it was about a year ago when he was repeatedly asking his daughter to brush her teeth, but she wasn’t listening. When he asked her why, she responded with a list of 22 milestones he had missed: like the first day of school and the first soccer game of the season.“And the school year wasn’t yet over,” El-Erian wrote. “I felt awful and got defensive: I had a good excuse for each missed event! Travel, important meetings, and urgent phone call, sudden to-dos. But it dawned on me that I was missing an infinitely more important point. My work-life balance had gotten out of whack, and the imbalance was hurting my very special relationship with my daughter. I was not making enough time for her.” El-Erian explained he was struggling with the same thing so many parents do—work-life balance.Dads who are quitting their profit-making jobs to improve work-life balance is a subject that is getting more traction as some high-profile executive have recently written about their experiences.Last month, former MongoDB CEO Max Schireson wrote a blog post for Time about his decision to step down from the company’s top job. He wrote that he struggled to make time for his three children because he was flying around half a million kilometres a year for work.“I was not with my kids when our puppy was hit by a car, or when my son had an emergency surgery,” Schireson wrote.On an overnight flight to Texas he woke up in Arizona to discover the plane made an emergency landing and some traumatized crew members had to be replaced. He decided it was time to address his work-life balance.Quitting is something El-Erian and Schireson were financially able to do, but El-Erian recognizes most people don’t have this luxury. He hopes companies will pay attention to improving work-life balance for their employees.El-Erian now manages “a portfolio of part-time jobs” that don’t require as much travel. He alternates mornings with his wife taking their daughter to school and he often picks her up from school.“So far, it’s been the right decision for me,” he wrote. “I’m so grateful that this is providing me greater opportunity to experience key moments in my daughter’s life before they’re all too quickly gone.”60. What can be inferred from the passage?(每个选项可能存在的错误是什么?)A. It’s never too late to see children grow up healthily.B. Many working parents can balance their career and family life well.C. CEOs are occupied with work and have no time for their family.D. Parents’ love cannot be replaced by money or jobs.CWith only about 1, 000 pandas left in the world, China is desperately trying to clone(克隆) the animal and save the endangered species(物种). T hat’s a mov e similar to what a TexasA & M University researchers have been undertaking for the past five years in a projectcalled “Noah’s Ark”.Noah’s Ark is aimed at collecting eggs, embryos(胚胎), semen and DNA of endangered animals and storing them in liquid nitrogen. If certain species should die out, Dr. Duane Kraemer, a professor in Texas A & M’s College of Veterinary Medicine, saysthere would be enough of the basic building blocks to reintroduce the species in the future.It is estimated that as many as 2, 000 species of mammals, birds, reptiles will become extinct in over 100 years. The panda, native only to China, is in danger ofbecoming extinct in the next 25 years.This week, Chinese scientists said they grew an embryo by introducing cells from a dead female panda into the egg cells of a Japanese white rabbit. They are now trying toimplant the embryo into a host animal.The entire procedure could take from three to five years to complete.“The nuclear transfer(核子移植) of one species to another is not easy, and the lack of available panda eggs could be a major problem,” Kraemer believes. “They willprobably have to do several hundred transfers to result in one pregnancy (having ababy).(猜词)It takes a long time and it’s difficult, but this could be groundbreakingscience if it works. They are certainly not putting any live pandas at risk, so it is worththe effort,” adds Kraemer, who is one of the leaders of the Project at Texas A& M, thefirst-ever attempt at cloning a dog.“They are trying to do something that’s never been done, and this is very similar to our work in Noah’s Ark. We’re both trying to save animals that face extinction (灭绝). Icertainly appreciate their effort and there’s a lot we can learn from what they areattempting to do. It’s a research that is very much needed.”64. From the passage we know that _______.(四个选项可能存在的错误是什么)A. Kraemer and his team have succeeded in cloning a dogB. scientists try to implant a panda’s egg into a rabbitC. Kraemer will work with Chinese scientists in clone researchesD. about two thousand of species will probably die out in a centuryCCopying is also suggested as a means by which parents can have the child of their dreams. Couples might choose to have a copy of a film star, baseball player or scientist, depend ing on their interest. But because personality is only partly the result of genetic inheritance (基因遗传), conflicts would be sure to come up if the cloned child failed to develop the same interests as the original. What if the copy of Einstein shows no interest in science? Or the baseball player turns to acting? Success also depends upon fortune. What if the child does not live up to the hopes and dreams of the parents simply because of bad luck?65. What, in the author’s opinion, affects the success of parents’ dreams?(如何将题目的关键信息提取出来)A. The efforts of the parents.B. The cloned child’s personality.C. The cloned child’s interest in Einstein.D. The cloned child’s natural talent.AWhen traveling, it’s important to learn about the customs and etiquette of the global village. What we consider polite behavior at home isn't always accepted outside our borders.Etiquette of Gift GivingGift giving should be a happy, positive experience. When selecting a present for someone in Netherlands, don't purchase fancy kitchen knives or scissors. Giving sharp, pointy objects as gifts is considered unlucky. Be careful when presenting flowers to a friend or a business partner in Russia. Yellow blooms suggest cheat or a relationship break up. Traditionally, red carnations are placed on the tombs of the dead. Writing cards or notes while visiting South Korea, be mindful of your pen's ink color. Writing a person's name in red ink traditionally suggests that the person has passed away-an important point to remember when giving a birthday card.Eating CustomsBeing early or on time is viewed as being rude, too eager or even greedy in Venezuela. If you are invited to someone's home for a meal, it's recommended that you arrive 10 minutes later than th e requested time. When having a meal in Egypt, don’t use the salt shaker (盐瓶). It's insulting to your host to spread salt on your food, which means that you find the meal terrible. Japan is a very polite nation, and their fondness for etiquette extends to the use of chopsticks. According to Japanese custom, if you're in the middle of eating, use the opposite end of your chopsticks to secure food from a shared plate. When doing business in Turkey, it’s the custom for your host to pay for your meal. Requests to split the bill won’t be accepted. If you would like to pay your fair share, Turks recommend inviting your host to a follow-up meal.56. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Giving a fancy kitchen knife to a friend from Russia is a good choice.B. You can use blue ink to write notes to your friend from South Korea.C. Dining with Japanese, one can use either end of the chopsticks to get food from shared plates.D. Invited to a meal, one should arrive earlier to show respect for the host.BRecently the barbican museum in London held an exhibition called the rain room. During the time this exhibition was open, my twitter stream was filled with photos of people standing in the rain room, accompanied by the caption “rain room@ the barbican!” and a location attachment to prove that they were indeed in the rain room.This got me thinking. What were people actually saying by Tweeting about their visit? I think all they were doing was fulfilling the obligation that we have to share. Not sharing in the sense of treasuring a moment with people close to us, but sharing in the sense of “tell the world that I am doing a thing”.It’s not sharing; it’s showing off. When we log in to Facebook or Twitter we see an infinitely updating stream of peop le enjoying themselves. It’s not real life, because people only post about the good things whereas all the dull or deep stuff doesn’t get mentioned. But despite this obvious fact, it subconsciously makes us feel like everyone is having a better time than us.This is the curse of our age. We walk around with the tools to capture extensive data about our surroundings and transmit t hem in real-time to every friend we’ve made. We end up with a reduced understanding of reality because we’re more concerned about choosing a good Instagram f ilter(过滤器) for our meal than how it tastes.I don’t think that it’s inherently wrong to want to keep the world updated about that you’re doing. But when you go through life robotically posting about everything you do, you’re not a human being. You’re just a prism that takes bits of light and sound and channels them into the cloud.The key thing to remember is that you are not enriching your experience s by sharing them online; you are detracting from them because all your efforts are focused on making the look attractive to other people. Once you stop seeing things through the eyes of the people following you on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram, you can make your experiences significant, because you were there and you saw the sights and smelled the smells and heard the sounds, not snapped a photo of it through a half-inch camera lens.60. It seems to the author that ___________.A. Facebook or Twitter is a good place where we share personal experienceB. people seldom show depressing stuff on the social networking websitesC. most of people tend to show off that they are having a better time than othersD. sharing experience on the social networking websites is not real lifeC“Tear them apart!” “Kill the fool!” “Murder the referee!”These are common remarks one may hear at various sporting events. At the time they are made, they may seem innocent enough. But let's not kid ourselves. They have been known to influence behavior in such a way as to lead to real violence. Books have been written about the way words affect us. It has been shown that words having certain meanings may cause us to react in ways quite foreign to what we consider to be our usual behavior. I see the term “opponent” asone of those words. Perhaps the time has come to delete it from sports terms.The dictionary meaning of the term “opponent” is “enemy”, or “one who opposes your interests.” Thus, when a player meets an opponent, he or she may tend to treat that opponent as an enemy. I remember an incident in a handball game when a referee refused a player's request for a time out for a glove change because he did not consider them wet enough. The player went away to rub his gloves across his wet T-shirt and then screamed, “Are they wet enough now?”In the heat of battle, players have been observed to throw themselves across the court without considering the effect that such a move might have on anyone in their way. I have also witnessed a player reacting to his opponent's intentional and illegal blocking by hitting him with the ball as hard as he could during the course of play. Off the court, they are good friends. Does that make any sense? It certainly gives proof of a court attitude which differs from normal behavior.Therefore, I believe it is time we elevated(提升)the game to the level where it belongs, setting an e xample to the rest of the sporting world. Replacing the term “opponent” with “associate” could be a good way to start.The dictionary meaning of the term “associate” is “friend” or “companion.” You may soon see and possibly feel the difference in your reaction to the term “associate” rather than “opponent”.62. What did the handball player do when he was not allowed to change his gloves?A. He refused to continue the game.B. He angrily hit the referee with a ball.C. He insisted that the referee was unfair.D. He wet his gloves by rubbing them across his T-shirt.63. According to the passage, players in a game may ______.A. throw the ball at the opponent illegally blocking their wayB. keep on screaming and shouting throughout the gameC. 1ie down on the ground as an act of protectionD. kick the ball across the court with forceCAnalysis of the composition of quicksand shows that there are four key ingredients—sand, obviously water, clay and salt. Together these materials form a structure resembling a house of cards, with large water-filled gaps between the sand particles, which are loosely glued in place by the clay. As long as it’s left alone, the structure remains stable. But as soon as it’s disturbed, by stepping on it, the clay changes from a jelly-like consistency to a runny liquid. The effect is the same as stirring a pot of yoghurt. Liquefying(溶解)the clay makes the quicksand about one million times runnier, and the whole house of cards comes tumbling down, with you inside it.Very quickly, the sand sinks to the bottom and the water floats to the top. This is where the salt comes in. When there’s enough salt present, as soon as the clay particles liquefy, electrical charges make them begin to stick together to form bigger particles and these also settle with the sand. Quicksand is a mixture which looks like solid, but behaves more like a liquid.Despite its murderous reputation, quicksand does not such people under and swallow them, although it can hold a person in firm grip. The human body is more buoyant(有浮力) in quicksand than in water, and sooner or later anyone trapped in it will float.Unlike most liquids, quicksand’s viscosity, or “runniness” can suddenly change if it comes under pressure, for example under a human foot. The surface gives way and the victim quickly sinks in up to the knees, surrounded by an area of dirty things that turns semi-solid around its victim. Escaping from the quicksand’s grip(紧握) requires a large amount of force. Without something solid to pull at, people often find they are stuck fast. Pulling at one leg simply makes the other one sink further.So how do you escape from quicksand’s control? Stay still and call for help. Staying still stops you sinking any further, until--with luck--help arrives on the scene. If no one appears and you need to draw yourself out, gently lie down on your back until your body is floating on the sand. Next, roll over onto your stomach and pull yourself forwards with your hands, so that you gradually “swim” towards firmer ground. It is a slow and dirty business, but it works.This technique has one barrier: it goes against a very powerful human nature. Faced with danger in the open, nine out of ten stay on their feet so that they can run away, in which case it can worsen the situation.63. From the passage we can learn that ________A. as long as you are strong enough, you can pull yourself up from quicksand on your ownB. clay glues sand particles loosely, which makes quicksand stable, unless it is disturbedC. because anyone trapped in quicksand will float, there is little possibility of him dyingD. looking like solid ground, quicksand is actually liquid64. If someone is trapped in quicksand, what should he do?A. Remain calm and wave for helpB. Stand in quicksand and get ready to run away as quickly as possibleC. “Swimming” is one of the best choices he can use to escapeD. Once in quicksand, lie down on his stomach immediately and swim slowly to safetyAMid-IB Summer SchoolThe summer vacation is the time to prepare for the year ahead. In July and August, Oxford Study Courses will once again hold its Mid-IB Summer School for students to help students get their IB Diploma(国际预科证书)successfully.Students who have completed the first year of their IB Diploma can join us and we can help them prepare for their important second year. Students can choose how many subjects they study. Each subject is studied for one week. You can attend up to 5 weeks.The Mid-IB Summer School is held at Cambridge University in the UK (between June 20th and August 1st) and at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston, USA (between July 6th and July 25th).Student comments◆“The classes have shown me new ways to learn. I’ve also learned how to answer examquestions and now feel confident in doing so.”◆ “It was cool creating tight and close relationships with other students from around the world,realizing we all had a connection to each other.”◆ “I really enjoye d the level of independence, although I felt like people were watching out for us.I also felt like an Oxford student!”◆ “I have enjoyed the learning style and the course work has been very useful for my study.”56. The Mid-IB Summer School is meant for the students who ________.A. have finished their first year of collegeB. plan to apply for Oxford UniversityC. have completed the first year of their IB DiplomaD. don’t know how to spend their summer vacation58. Which of the following is NOT a benefit from the course mentioned in Student Comments?A. Meeting new people.B. Seeing new places.C. Improving the study.D. Getting new ways of learning.。

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提问的特殊疑问词常有:what, who, which, where, how, why 等。

题干常为:1. When / Where did the story happen?2. Which of the following statements is (not) correct?3. Which of the following statements is (not) mentioned in the passage?4. Which is the right order of the events given in the passage?5. All the statements are true except…6. The writer mentions all of the following except….7. From the passage we know that ….8. In the passage, the author states that….9. The statement made by the author is based on the evidence/example/fact that….二、解题思路与应试技巧◆做题技巧:1、用题干或选项中的关键词(实体名词、专有名词、数词等)在文中搜索(寻读)找到题眼,迅速锁定范围(相关词句或信息点),这是解题的依据所在。



◆选项特征:1. 正确选项的特征:1)再现原文(常见于直接细节题)。



4) 正话反说。

2. 干扰项的特征:1)将原文内容扩大或缩小。







[考例] He came through several operations and a lot of pain by mastering his imagination. (2013广东,A)What do we know about Tom?A.He was seriously ill.B. He was a dishonest boy.C. He was crazy about magic.D. He was Dr. Epstein’s patient.解析:A 直接信息题。

从“He came through several operations and a lot of pain by mastering his imagination.”可以直接找到答案。

[考例] The future of hitchhiking most likely lies with car-sharing organized over the Internet, via sites such as hitchhikers. org. (2011广州一模C)According to the author, future hitchhikers are more likely to .A.visit websites and find people to share cars withB.stand by roads with their thumbs sticking outC.stick out signs with their destinations written onD.wait for some kind people to pick them up解析:A 直接信息题。

从“The future of hitchhiking most likely lies with car-sharing organized over the Internet”可以直接找到答案。

2. 间接信息题做这类题目时,考生需要对原文信息进行加工处理,然后再进行进一步的推理或鉴别,这是介于事实细节题和推理判断题之间的一种题型,对考生来说有一定难度。

[考例] Ho wever, it wasn’t all sweetness and light. There was a reported coldness between the cat and dog in 25% of the homes, while aggression and fighting were observed in 10% of the homes. One reason for this is probably that some of their body signals were just opposite. For example, when a cat turns its head away it signals aggression, while a dog doing the same signals submission. (2011广东,A)Some cats and dogs may fight when ______.A. they are cold to each otherB. they look away from each otherC. they misunderstood each other’s signalsD. they are introduced at an early age解析:C 间接信息题。






[考例] Tuition Fees (学费)Tuition fees are different from department to department, generally from $5,000 to $6,000 a year. For further information: tui @ waikato.ac.nz.Accommodation (住宿)You can have a room in a 4-bedroom flat, which will cost about $100 a month with other regular living costs of about $150 a month for one person. For further information: acc@ waikato.ac.nz You have to pay at least ______ a year if you study at the University of Waikato.A. $5,250B. $8,000C. $9,000D. $11,000解析:B 根据Tuition fees一节的内容可知,一年的学费最低为5,000美元,再根据Accommodation(住宿)一节可知,除学费外,还有住宿费(每月100美元)和生活费(每月150美元),即一年大约共3,000美元,所以在WaiKato大学读书一年至少要花费5,000+3,000=8,000美元,故答案为B。


常见的提问方式是:What is the right order of…?解答这类试题时,可采用“首尾定位法”,即先找出第一个动作和最后一个动作,迅速缩小选择范围,从而选出正确答案。

[考例] Dr. White tried his idea on 13 monkeys. First he taught them to do different jobs. Then he operated on them. He made the monkeys’ blood go through a machine. The machine cooled the blood. Then the machine sent the blood back to the monkeys’ brains. When the brain temperature was 10 degrees. Dr. White stopped the blood to the brain. After 30 minutes he turned the blood back. He warmed the blood again. After their operations, the monkeys were like what they had been were before. They were healthy and busy. Each one could still do the jobs the doctor had taught them. (2008 全国卷)What is the right order of the steps in the operations?a.send the blood back to the brainb. stop the blood to the brainc. have the blood cooled downd. operate on the brainA.a, b, c, dB. c, a, b, dC. c, b, d, aD. b, c, d, a解析:B 由“First he taught them to do different jobs. Then he operated on them.”可知道实施手术前要进行一系列工作。
