
滙丰银行和利星行都给过我OFFER 用这个简历哦,也祝你好运。
YOUR NAMEContact InfoMobile No. : XXXXXXXXXEmail : XXXXXX@gmail.Personal Particulars(snapshot)Date of Birth : 08 Dec 1982GenderHeight : Female: 168cm Marital Status : SingleApplication ObjectiveInternational Aounting or Public RelationEmployment HistoryXX HEAVY MACHINERY SHANGHAI PANYxx/09 – presentFinance Department | Finance Analyst1. In charge of pany budget planning and banking processes2. Perform budget planning checking, contract checking3. Part of Aount debit and credit process4. Generate finance and aount management reports5. Finance analysisXX HEAVY MACHINERY BEIJING PANYxx/03 -- xx/08Finance Department | Banking CashierIn charge of pany banking processes with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China and China Minsheng Banking Corp. Ltd.Educational BackgroundXX University BEIJING xx—xxMajor: Aouting B.AMinors: Marketing, International Trade, Financial Analysis Economic, etc.XX University BEIJING xx—xxMajor: International AoutingMinors: College English, Advanced maths, Fanancial Management, Financial,Class Standing: Top Quartor, Dean’s ListQUALIFICATIONSCertificate of Aounting ProfessionalCertificate of College English Band4&6 Computer Skill Certificate Examination 2nd classSKILLGood mand of English in speaking and writingGood knowledge of EXCEL/WORD/POWERPOINT/ERP/SAP etc. office software LANGUAGESMandarin, fluent English as well as daily-use GermanPersonal SkillsPassionateGood at analysis and problem identificationStrong team skillsGood in English both oral and writingCharacter:Open minded, humble, self control and self confidence你的名字___手机 : XXXXXXEmail : XXXX@gmail.个人简介YOUR SANPSHOT出生日期 : 1982年12月8日性别身高 : 女: 168cm婚姻状况现居住地 : 未婚: 北京求职意向国际财会或公共关系工作经历xx/09 -- 至今XX重机有限公司 | 财务部 | 财务分析员1.负责公司资金计划及银行与公司间的一切贷款结算等事宜办理2.预算审核、合同审核、日常费用审核、入账3.收入确认、入账4.管理报表和财务报表的编制5.财务分析xx/03 -- xx/08XX重机有限公司 | 财务部 | 银行出纳负责公司与中国工商银行, 中国农业银行, 和中国民生银行的各项银行业务, 如电汇, 支票汇票开立支取, 信用证开立, 银行承兑汇票开立, 开/销户, 网上银行支付等.教育背景xx.9 — xx.6 XX大学会计学专业主修课程:大学英语、会计学原理、财务会计实务、高级会计学、财务管理、财务分析、管理会计、审计、国际金融、国际贸易、会计专业英语、管理信息系统、税务会计xx.9 — xx.6 XX大学国际会计专业专业水平会计从业资格证书外语水平英语基本技能: 听、说、读、写能力良好,口语交流能力突出标准测试: 通过大学英语四、六级德语日常交流,普通德语出版物阅读计算机水平基本技能:熟练掌握WINDOWS操作、并能熟练运用WORD.EXCEL.ERP.SAP等office软件等进行计算机软件应用,具有较好的计算机网络知识与技能。

◆accomplish school independently by earning salaries from part-time jobs.
◆learn to be independent and enhance the abilities of communication and coordination.
2018Social work scholarship,LeiFengClasssuccessive monitor financial aid,
Advanced individual of social work,Advanced individual of social practice
2019The secondprize scholarship, The thirdprize scholarship,Learning scholarship

篇二:中英文个人简历模板个人简历个人基本信息:姓名:×××民族:汉性别:男出生年月:×××政治面貌:党员户籍:×××学历:××身体状况:良好毕业院校:××××专业:××××××联系地址:上海市闵行区邮政编码:200240 教育经历:××~××:在××大学攻读××学士学位;××~××:在××大学攻读××硕士学位,研究方向××××××。
专业基础:《c语言程序设计》、《汇编语言程序设计》、《数据结构》、《操作系统》、《数据库》、《编译原理》、《计算机网络》、《计算机组成》、《web程序设计》、《计算机图形学》、《软件工程》、《算法分析与设计》、《组合数学》及《数据挖掘》等研究方向:1、××××;2、××××;英语能力:1、通过国家cet 6考试;2、具有不错的英语读写能力,可以很熟练地阅读英文材料;3、具有一定的口语听说能力。
个人专长:1、精通php,熟悉php web开发技术,包括开发环境的搭建和应用程序的部署运行,对php mvc(smarty)技术有比较深刻的了解;2、熟悉php领域众多开源项目,包括wordpress、mybb、zenphoto等,能够独立修改和配置这些开源项目,以实现新的应用程序开发;3、熟练掌握javascript、css等webui开发技术,熟悉jquery、dwr、ext等ajax框架的使用,对firebug、ie develop tools等ui调试工具能灵活运用,可独立承担webui 的开发工作。

个人简历表个人简历个人简历姓名:_____________________________ E _ mail :_____________________________联系电话:_____________________________联系地址:_____________________________个人概况:姓名:________________ 性别:________出生年月:____年__月__日健康状况:___________毕业院校:_______________专业:____________________电子邮件:_______________手机:____________________联系电话:_______________通信地址:_______________邮编:____________________教育背景:____年--____年___________大学__________专业(请依个人情况酌情增减)主修课程:________________________________________________(注:如需要详细成绩单,请联系我)论文情况:____________________________________________________(注:请注明是否已发表)英语水平:*基本技能:听、说、读、写能力*标准测试:国家四、六级;TOEFL;GRE.....计算机水平:编程、操作应用系统、网络、数据库......(请依个人情况酌情增减)获奖情况:________________、________________、________________(请依个人情况酌情增减)实践与实习:____年__月--____年__月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减)工作经历:____年__月--____年__月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减)个性特点:___________________________________(请描述出自己的个性、工作态度、自我评价等)另:(如果你还有什么要写上去的,请填写在这里!)*附言:(请写出你的希望或总结此简历的一句精炼的话!例如:相信您的信任与我的实力将为我们带来共同的成功!或希望我能为贵公司贡献自己的力量!姓名:E _ mail :联系电话:联系地址:个人简历(一)姓名◆个人简历毕业院校:所学专业:联系电话:电子邮箱:片个人信息姓名性别出生日期户口现居地址籍贯婚姻状况学历毕业院校专业电子邮件电话求职目标教育背景实习经历2008.1~2008.2♦积极学习业务知识2007.7~2007.8♦指导客户开户流程2006.7~2006.8♦参加过实践活动2006.9~2008.62007.7~2007.82006.9~2007.62006.3~2006.12获奖情况♦学术类:♦实践类:技能与培训♦语言水平:中级口译证书英语六级♦计算机水平:上海市电脑中级证书熟练办公软件操作姓名:_____________________________ E _ mail :_____________________________ 联系电话:_____________________________ 联系地址:_____________________________个人概况:姓名:___________________性别:________出生年月:_______________健康状况:___________毕业院校:_______________专业:____________________电子邮件:_______________手机:____________________联系电话:_______________通信地址:_______________邮编:____________________教育背景:____年--____年___________大学__________专业(请依个人情况酌情增减)主修课程:________________________________________________(注:如需要详细成绩单,请联系我)论文情况:____________________________________________________(注:请注明是否已发表)英语水平:*基本技能:听、说、读、写能力*标准测试:国家四、六级;TOEFL;GRE.....计算机水平:编程、操作应用系统、网络、数据库......(请依个人情况酌情增减)获奖情况:________________、________________、________________(请依个人情况酌情增减)实践与实习:____年__月--____年__月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减)工作经历:____年__月--____年__月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减)个性特点:___________________________________(请描述出自己的个性、工作态度、自我评价等)另:(如果你还有什么要写上去的,请填写在这里!)*附言:(请写出你的希望或总结此简历的一句精炼的话!)例如:相信您的信任与我的实力将为我们带来共同的成功!或希望我能为贵公司贡献自己的力量!。

个人简历(中英文)-模板姓名,XXX 性别,男/女。
XXXX年-XXXX年 XXXX大学本科/硕士/博士。
Personal Resume (Chinese-English) Template。
Name: XXX Gender: Male/Female。
Date of Birth: XX/XX/XXXX。
Contact Number: XXXXXXXXXXX。
Education Background。
XXXX-XXXX XXXX University Bachelor's/Master's/Ph.D.Major: XXXXX。
Degree: XXXXX。
Work Experience。
XXXX-XXXX Company Name Position。
Responsibilities: XXXXX。
XXXX-XXXX Company Name Position。
Responsibilities: XXXXX。
Professional Skills。
Project Experience。
Project Name: XXXXX。
Project Time: XXXX-XXXX。

个人简历中英文电子模板(一)Personal Information:Famlily Name: jianli-sky Name: saraDate of Birth: July 12,1996 Birth Place: BeijingSex: Male Marital Status: UnmarriedTelephone: Pager: 1234567E-mail:Work Experience:Nov. 20xx- present CCIDE Inc, as a director of software development and web publishing .Organized and attended trade shows (Comdex 99) . Summer of 20xx BIT Companyas a technican ,designed various web sites . Designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by FrontPage, Photoshop and Java as well ;Education:20xx - August 20xx Dept.of Automation,Tsinghua University, B.E. Achievements Activities:President and Founder of the Costumer CommitteeEstablished the organization as a member of BITPresident of Communications for the Marketing AssociationRepresentative in the Student AssociationComputer Abilities:Skilled in use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++,Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL softwareEnglish Skills :Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE: 2213Others :Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment . Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit. Studious na ture and dedication are my greatest strengths.个人简历中英文电子模板(二)Basic informationName: jianli-sky Gender: MaleEducation: College Height: 178 CMBirthplace: Guangdong Date of birthSkills expertise: I mainly in construction enterprises, construction supervision companies, real estate companies engaged in building construction and hotel decoration management.Career errorobjectiveSeek jobs: Building renovation / municipal buildingJob Location: Luohu, Futian, Nanshan District, Bao'an Longgang District Pingshan New District, Guangming District Yantian District Longhua DistrictSalary: 8001-10000 Yuan / monthWork Experience: Any hillockSelf-evaluation: I graduated from the 1996 civil engineering work since, mainly in construction enterprises, construction supervision companies, real estate companies engaged in building construction and hotel decoration management.Although I have not a very high degree, but, with the enthusiasm and serious work has served three hotel refurbishment, senior project manager and a one hundred meters of construction project manager, construction manager for many years I have created a very strong team collaboration and communication skills, but also has extensive experience in construction site management and problem solving skills. Involved in the management of the project has received excellent Guangdong safe and civilized construction residential zone, Shenzhen City, Five project and the Shenzhen Municipal Shuangyou engineering and so on. Html_EnCurrentPay: building renovation / municipal construction Expected Salary: 8001-10000 yuan / month current situation: I am fairly satisfied with the existing work, if a better job opportunity, and I can also be considered. (Work Experience negotiable)Direction of development:Education TrainingBeginning and ending time academic majors Institution NameJiaying University, Meizhou, Guangdong College of Civil Engineering Work ExperienceInauguration: Shenzhen Luohu Project Management Co., Ltd. Industry: Real Estate / Construction / Building Materials / EngineeringInauguration Date: March 20xx to August 20xx inauguration department: nullCompany Type: Other inaugural Position: Project Management / Quality EngineerJob Description: Responsible for construction site supervisionInauguration Company: South China International Industrial City (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Industry: Property Management / business center Inauguration Date: September 20xx to January 20xx inauguration department: nullCompany Type: Other inaugural Position: Project ManagerJob Description: Project Manager (Construction Unit), managing global logistics center of China South City project construction, renovation management (one hundred meters high)个人简历中英文电子模板(三)basic informationname: fan xx sex: femaledate of birth :1986-04-12 nationality: hanaccount is located: current wuhan: wuhangraduate institutions: the political landscape of hubei institute of economics: membershighest level of education: undergraduate professional repair by: accounting (certified public accountant)personnel types: ordinary job graduation date :XX-06-24job intentionsjob type: full-time or part-timeposition: cashier, accounting, accounting assistant, accounting clerkhope location: openwish to pay: negotiableeducation and training experienceseptember XX to XX 6 school of economics, hubei institute of certified public accountants professional undergraduateexperience to participate in social practice1,XX summer in a chain supermarket in yichang, cashiers do, i learned you have to down-to-earth, not great ambition but puny ability appears to be an unremarle thing you need to do a good job it is to be treated carefully.2,XX done in the winter vacation home, counseling students in a third language and english, his writing skills greatly improved ability to use language to enhance a level. also made me realize that teachers do is not easy, there must be analysis of problems and problem-solving abilities, but also flexible. but also my way of thinking has been tempered.shennongjia 3,XX in the summer in the land and resources management accounting practice, a simple statement at the end of填制certificate, as well as the work of a serious and responsible work has been well led. understanding of the accounting system so accounts of the processes involved in accounting work for the forthcoming laid a foundation.4,XX, in a pharmaceutical company is satisfied, is responsible for day-to-day collection and payment in cash and notes, custody, and the cost of claims, transfer, internal accounting transactions to section confirmed that the cash register in time.received awardsXX, was named outstanding members;july XX to obtain their qualification certificates;september XX university certificate in english 4;in october XX has been the practice of field grade summer title activists.may XX assistant accountant examination is expected through the acquisition of titles of assistant accountant.language proficiencyenglish: 4 passed, to carry out simple day-to-day communication, and translation have heard that the ability to read and write. accounting learned english, understanding of the accounting terminology in english. mandarin: standard mandarin, calligraphy-loving, have good copy writing skills.computer capacityproficiency in word, excel, powerpoint and other office software, financial software, such as ufida programming language. and e-commerce, and effective use of these resources.self-evaluationfeatures: a solid professional knowledge, analytical decision-making, management capacity and ability to accept new things; good at analysis and dialectical thinking, a strong organization and coordination capacity; skills, flexibility, good at analysis, the concept of a modern financial management.self-evaluation: i am careful and meticulous work, with a high sense of responsibility, be good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, being in harmony with the spirit of teamwork, strong analytical and problem-solving skills, quick to accept new things, work to adapt quickly to high-energy initiative various work environment.。

中英文双语简历模板一、个人信息Personal Information- 姓名:(Your Name)- 性别:(Gender)- 出生日期:(Date of Birth)- 籍贯:(Hometown)- 电子邮箱:(Email)- 手机号码:(Phone Number)二、教育背景Education- 学历:(Education Level) 毕业时间:(Graduation Date) - 学校名称:(Name of School) 所在地:(Location)- 专业:(Major)- 主修课程:(Core Courses)- 获得学位:(Degree Received)三、工作经验Work Experience1. 公司名称:(Company Name) 所在地:(Location) 职位:(Position) 任职时间:(Employment Period)- 负责...(Job Responsibility)- 参与...(Participation)- 完成...(Accomplishments)2. 公司名称:(Company Name) 所在地:(Location) 职位:(Position) 任职时间:(Employment Period)- 负责...(Job Responsibility)- 参与...(Participation)- 完成...(Accomplishments)四、实习经历Internship Experience1. 公司名称:(Company Name) 所在地:(Location) 职位:(Position) 实习时间:(Internship Period)- 参与...(Participation)- 完成...(Accomplishments)2. 公司名称:(Company Name) 所在地:(Location) 职位:(Position) 实习时间:(Internship Period)- 参与...(Participation)- 完成...(Accomplishments)五、项目经历Project Experience1. 项目名称:(Project Name)项目描述:(Project Description)所在团队:(Team)项目时间:(Project Period)- 负责...(Responsibilities)- 参与...(Participation)- 完成...(Accomplishments)2. 项目名称:(Project Name)项目描述:(Project Description) 所在团队:(Team)项目时间:(Project Period)- 负责...(Responsibilities)- 参与...(Participation)- 完成...(Accomplishments)六、专业技能Skills- 语言技能:(Language Skills)- 计算机技能:(Computer Skills) - 其他技能:(Other Skills)七、获奖情况Awards- 获奖名称:(Name of Award)- 获奖时间:(Date of Award)- 获奖机构:(Awarding Organization)八、自我评价Self-Assessment- 个人特点:(Personal Traits)- 目标职位:(Target Position)- 职业规划:(Career Plan)- 兴趣爱好:(Interests and Hobbies)九、参考资料References- 参考人姓名:(Name of Reference)- 联系方式:(Contact Information)以上是中英文双语简历模板的基本内容,你可以根据自己的实际情况来填写和调整各个部分。

姓名:XXX 出生年月:84年9月6日毕业时间:2006年性别:男学历:本科专业:机电一体化政治面貌:团员毕业学校:XXXXX电子邮箱:zengxin321@ 家庭住址:XXXXXXXXX 手机:XXXXXXX个兴趣及自我评价:1.具有较强的动手能力,较强的文字驾驭能力,过硬的专业知识、理论,为人诚恳,责任心强,性格开朗,自学能力强。
主要课程:《理论力学》《材料力学》《电工学》《微机原理》《机械制图》《PLC编程》《机械设计》《数控机床与编程》《机械制造工艺学》《设备维护》《通用机电设备》《液压传动与控制原理》专业知识及技能:1.能够熟练操作CAD制图软件(包括CAD,CAXA, Pro/e, Mastercam, Solidwork, UG, Autodeck Inventor),熟练操作Photoshop设计软件,熟练操作计算机,能熟练运用office等办公软件。
借助工具书能翻译和写作专业类的英语资料工作经历:2006.7-2007.7FUJIAN QUANZHOU NANQIAO HIGHWAY MECHANICAL CO.LTD主要从事机械工程车前机架的结构设计,驾驶室及一些系统的空间结构布置,绘制三维图并出工程图指导现场生产工艺,经常联系外购件,与厂家或客户打交道,在设计过程中学会产品设计的标准化,及查各种机械设计手册资料,对产品设计的整个过程有一个较明确的认知!2007.8-2008.2 XIAMEN FREET FLUID CONTROL INC从事工业阀门的开发设计,型号改进,协助完成工艺文件指导现在生产。
求职意向:机械设计制图/模具/般舶/机械工程Name: XXX Date of birth: September 6, 84 graduate hours: 2006 Sex: MaleEducation: Undergraduate: mechatronics political landscape: members graduate schools: XXXXXE-mail: zengxin321@ home address: XXXXXXXXX phone: XXXXXXX- Interest and self-evaluation:1. Has strong practical ability, strong ability to control the text, excellent professional knowledge, theory, and sincere people, a strong sense of responsibility, character cheerful, self-learning ability.2. Practical work hard, can Chikunailao, creative, good sense of team; can stick to principles, but not Moshouchengui; has strong organization and coordination capacity.3. Do things a measured, Fende Qing matter of emergency, patient and strong and good at communication and colleagues, and cooperation to complete its work and submit to management, like playing chess, reading books, mountaineering and tourism.Main course:"Theoretical mechanics", "the mechanical" and "Electrical Engineering", "computer theories," "mechanical drawing""PLC programming," "mechanical design", "NC machine tools and programming" and "Machinery Manufacturing Technology""Equipment maintenance," "universal electrical and mechanical equipment," "hydraulic transmission and control theory"Professional knowledge and skills:1. Proficiency in CAD drawing to software (including CAD, CAXA, Pro / e, Mastercam, Solidwork, UG, Autodeck Inventor), Proficiency in Photoshop design software, skilled computer operators and skilled use of office to office, and other software.2. English has a good listening, speaking, reading and writing ability. With reference to professional translation and writing in English informationWork experience:2006.7-2007.7FUJIAN QUANZHOU NANQIAO HIGHWAY MECHANICAL CO.LTDMainly engaged in mechanical engineering before the rack of structural design, cabs and some of the space layout, drawing three-dimensional map and a guide map at the scene of the production process, the outsourcing of regular contact with the manufacturers or dealing with customers, in the design process Product Design Institute of Standardization, and investigations of various mechanical design manual, on the whole process of product design have a clear understanding!2007.8-2008.2 XIAMEN FREET FLUID CONTROL INCEngaged in the development of industrial valves designed to improve models to help guide the completion of document production now.Job search intention: Drawing mechanical design / mold / as vessels / mechanical engineering。

中英文双语个人简历中英文双语个人简历(共8篇) 篇一:经典中英双语个人简历模板11 中英文个人简历模板Standard resumétemplate 标准简历模板Note: Please plete section 1 and 2 in both English and Chinese and the rest 项内容需用中英填写,其它部分需英文填写。
)in English。
请注意:第 1 和2 项内容需用中英填写,其它部分需英文填写。
请注意:1. Heading 表头Current position: 职务: 职务Employer: 工作单位: 工作单位 2. Personal details 个人详细信息Full name: 姓名: 姓名Date of birth: 出生日期: 出生日期Nationality: 国籍: 国籍Telephone (office): 办公电话: 办公电话Telephone (home): 宅电: 宅电Mobile: 手机: 手机Email: 电子邮件Address: 通讯地址(邮政编码)通讯地址(邮政编码):3. Education: (please list all academic qualification(s)) 以下部分用英文填写教育背景: 教育背景(请列出学校颁发的所有资格证书)University/institution 大学名称Courses Studied 专业名称Degree/diploma name 所获取证书Type of study 学习类型Date started 开始时间Date pleted 结束时间□全日制□半脱产□在职□全日制□半脱产□在职□全日制□半脱产□在职Hoany years’relevant surveying experience do you have since attainment of your bachelor degree or master □不足5 年□5-10 年□10 年或以上degree? 相关专业本科或硕士毕业后,相关专业本科或硕士毕业后,您有多少年相关工作经验?4. Member of any other professional organisation(s): (if it applies) 是否是其他相关专业组织的成员:(适用时)是否是其他相关专业组织的成员:Name of organization 组织名称Grade 等级Hoembership ination) 成员资格如何获得?(如通过考试)成员资格如何获得?(如通过考试)?(如通过考试Y ear gained 加入组织的时间 5. Professional experience: (Please list all employer details to date, starting ost recent, going back at least 10 years if needed.)专业经历: (请从最近的时间开始,列出至少十年以内的工作单位的详细信息.)Period 时间Job title 职务Employer 工作单位Type and scope of responsibilities (in detail) 职责类别和权限范围(详细情况详细情况) 详细情况请选择其一6. APC pathent Consultancy 管理咨询Minerals and anagement 矿业与废物管理Planning and Development 规划和开发Machinery and Business Assets 机械及商业资产Project Management 项目管理Residential Property Practice 住宅物业Commercial Property Practice 商用物业Quantity Surveying and Construction 工料测量与建造Residential survey and valuation 住宅测量与评估Environment 环境Facilities Management 设施管理Geomatics(including hydrographic)测绘(包括水文测绘)Property finance and investment 房地产金融与投资Taxation alloanagement and development 住宅管理与开发Research 研究Description of CURRENT job profile, leadership managerial experience(give a more detailed description in appendix 1)目前工作概况,领导力和管理方面的经历.(请在附件一中做较详细的阐述)Major Achievement / Assignments 主要成绩/任务Other Supporting Experiences 其他辅助经历Note:Please attach the folloe: 1.The structure chart of your current organisation and clearly mark your position and the number of the staff under your leadership. 2.A brief introduction of your current organization. 请附上以下文件:1、当前服务机构的组织结构图组织结构图,并在图上清晰标记所处位置及所领导的员工数清晰标记所处位置及所领导的员工数。
中英文 简历模板

中英文简历模板中英文简历模板如下:中文:个人信息:姓名:[XXXXX]性别:女出生年月:XXXX年XX月联系电话:XXX-XXXX-XXXX电子邮箱:[]教育背景:XXXX年XX月-XXXX年XX月 XXX大学本科 XX专业工作经历:XXXX年XX月-XXXX年XX月 XXX公司实习生主要工作内容:协助部门负责人完成日常行政工作,参与策划并执行公司内部活动。
技能:1. 熟练掌握Office办公软件,特别是Word、Excel和PPT;2. 良好的沟通能力和团队协作精神;3. 具备较强的学习能力和适应能力。
英文:Personal Information:Name: [XXXXX]Gender: FemaleDate of Birth: XX/XXXXContact Phone: XXX-XXXX-XXXXEmail: []Education:XX/XXXX-XX/XXXX: Bachelor of XX, XXX UniversityWork Experience:XX/XXXX-XX/XXXX: Intern, XXX CompanyMain responsibilities: Assist department head to complete daily administrative work, participate in planning and executing internal activities of the company.Skills:1. Proficient in Office software, especially Word, Excel and PPT;2. Good communication skills and teamwork spirit;3. Strong learning ability and adaptability.。

参考词汇:姓名:Name性别:Gender出生日期:Date of Birth手机号码:Phone Number电子邮件:Email通讯地址:Address毕业院校及日期:Educational Institution and Date学位/学历:Degree/Education Level公司名称及地址:Company Name and Address职位名称:Job Title就职期间:Employment Period工作职责:Job Responsibilities项目名称:Project Name项目描述:Project Description项目职责:Project Responsibilities技能:Skills获奖经历:Awards and Achievements兴趣爱好:Interests and Hobbies个人简介:Personal Introduction个人简历模板(英文版)Curriculum VitaePersonal InformationName:Gender:Date of Birth:Phone Number:Email:Address:EducationInstitution and Date:Degree/Education Level:Work ExperienceCompany Name and Address:Job Title:Employment Period:Job Responsibilities:---Project ExperienceProject Name:Project Description:Project Responsibilities:---Skills---Awards and Achievements---Interests and Hobbies---Personal ProfileBriefly describe your personality traits, career goals, etc.参考词汇:Curriculum Vitae: 简历Personal Information: 个人信息Name: 姓名Gender: 性别Date of Birth: 出生日期Phone Number: 手机号码Email: 电子邮件Address: 通讯地址Education: 教育背景Institution and Date: 毕业院校及日期Degree/Education Level: 学位/学历Work Experience: 工作经历Company Name and Address: 公司名称及地址Job Title: 职位名称Employment Period: 就职期间Job Responsibilities: 工作职责Project Experience: 项目经验Project Name: 项目名称Project Description: 项目描述Project Responsibilities: 项目职责Skills: 技能Awards and Achievements: 获奖经历Interests and Hobbies: 兴趣爱好Personal Profile: 个人简介。

个人简历中英文模板(一) name: jianli-sky nationality: china current residence: guangzhou, china: handomicile: guangzhou stature: 160 cm kgmarital status: single age: 26job search intention and work experiencepersonnel types: ordinary jobposition: procurement, trade with the single / with a single assistant job type: full-time arrived to date: one weeksalary requirements :3500 - 5000 hope working area: guangzhouwork experiencecompany name: guangzhou garment co., ltd.beginning and ending date :xx-09 ~ xx-05company type: private industry: trading / import & exportren position: business with a singlejob description: --- responsible cowboy series model, the production of goods, shipment follow-up.--- deal with guests daily incoming and outgoing mail, confirm the order details.--- new model costing and pricing.--- material procurement.educational backgroundgraduated: guangdong provincial economic and trade schoolhighest level of education: collegegraduation date :xx -07-01by major: business englishself-evaluationi am confident and optimistic, have the right and upward values of life. the enthusiasm and enterprising, industrious and pragmatic, the courage to challenge and exploration, has the responsibility of doing things carefully, in harmony with people, good coordination and cooperation. work, has accumulated a certain amount of work and the experience of doing things, while good at summing up experience and analysis, to make themselves continue to grow and mature.个人简历中英文模板(二) Jim JohnsonHouston, Texas 77034,(315) 525-5445Objective:An opportunity to obtain a treasury analyst position in a finance company that can allow me to apply my knowledge of accounting and finance.Education:Bachelor's Degree in Finance, University of Houston (1991)Master of Business Administration in Finance, University of Houston (1993)Special Knowledge, Abilities, Skills:Strong analytical skills to perform in depth financial analysisStrong accounting, negotiation, and influencing skillsAbility in interface with senior levels of management internally and externallyStrong knowledge of financial principles, treasury, and capital markets Proficient with MS Excel, Word and PowerPointExcellent verbal and written communication skillsExcellent customer service skillsProfessional Experience:Pfizer, Inc., Houston, TX (1997-Present)Senior Treasury AnalystResponsibilities:Performed analysis of all daily and non-daily financial treasury operations activitiesParticipated in cross-functional finance projects as necessaryAssisted in developing and performing treasury transactions according to personal goals, objectives and annual accountabilitiesWorked closely with business customers to identify, prioritize and document business requirementsPerformed treasury operational functions such as cash management, cash forecasting, interest rate monitoring and forecasting, capital funding and financial derivative analysisPrepared daily/monthly treasury journal entries and upload into SAP G/L SystemFMC Technologies, Houston, TX, (1993-1997)Treasury AnalystResponsibilities:Prepared internal treasury reportingAssisted with subsidiary capital structure managementAnalyzed operating procedures for the purpose of improving or replacing with more effective substitutesAssisted in the design, testing and implementation of new or enhanced information systemsAssisted in the provision of operational and financial analysis of proposed new investmentsProduced monthly cash forecasts and developed improvements to the forecasting modelUploaded divisional financials reports, producing monthly financial package个人简历中英文模板(三) BIRTHDATE : December 1, 1950AGE : 57GENDER : FemaleCIVIL STATUS : MARRIEDNATIONALITY : CHINATelephone:689512OBJECTIVE: To seek an excellence in profession, growth in career and be associated with an organization offering a responsible position whereby my traditional Chinese medical specialty can be utilized.KEY COMPETENCE: Traditional Chinese and western medicine experience for over 20 years, especially be skilled in treating many difficult diseases by traditional Chinese medical science, such as Cerebrovascular diseases, Rheumatism, Gynecological diseases, Immune system diseases, and so on; be good at orthopedics & traumatology of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage; Computer skill (Microsoft office), passionate, self-confidence, honest, dedicated, hardworking and can be work under pressure.POSITION DESIRED: DOCTORWORK EXPERINCES:general practitionerDatong ZhongYi Clinic (which is run by myself)Shan xi province, ChinaJune, 2020-presentTo treat clinical diseases by traditional Chinese (including Chinese traditional medicine, orthopedics & traumatology of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage) and western medicine, including:1.Pediatrics diseases2.Internal medicine diseases3.Cerebrovascular diseases4.Rheumatism5.Gynecological diseases6.Immune System diseasesresident doctor:Datong Seventh Municipal People’s Hospital (Public hospital by government)Shan xi province, ChinaSeptember, 1976-September, 1986As resident doctor in:1.internal medicine department2.pediatrics department3.obstetrics and gynecology department4.emergency departmentrural doctor:Dongguan Cun, Yangmingbao Xiang, Dai XianShanxi Province, ChinaMain work is to treat common diseases for peasants.EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT:3 Years clinical medicineGraduate Year 1976Shanxi Medical UniversityKey curriculums include Organic chemistry, Medical physics, Cell biology, Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Microbiology, Pathology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Medical Genetics, Diagnosis, internal medicine science, Surgery science, Obstetrics and gynecology science, Pediatrics science, Neurology and Psychiatry, Dermatology, Radiation Science, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Chinese traditional medicine, and so on.SPECIALTY CERTIFICATE:Attending doctor for traditional Chinese medicineAttending doctor for Chinese-western combined medicineAttending doctor for pediatrics.。

篇二:中英文个人简历模板个人简历个人基本信息:姓名:××× 民族:汉性别:男出生年月:×××政治面貌:党员户籍:×××学历:×× 身体状况:良好毕业院校:×××× 专业:××××××联系地址:上海市闵行区邮政编码:200240教育经历:××~××:在××大学攻读××学士学位;××~××:在××大学攻读××硕士学位,研究方向××××××.专业基础:《c语言程序设计》、《汇编语言程序设计》、《数据结构》、《操作系统》、《数据库》、《编译原理》、《计算机网络》、《计算机组成》、《web程序设计》、《计算机图形学》、《软件工程》、《算法分析与设计》、《组合数学》及《数据挖掘》等研究方向:1、××××;2、××××;英语能力:1、通过国家cet 6考试;2、具有不错的英语读写能力,可以很熟练地阅读英文材料;3、具有一定的口语听说能力。
个人专长:1、精通php,熟悉php web开发技术,包括开发环境的搭建和应用程序的部署运行,对php mvc(smarty)技术有比较深刻的了解;2、熟悉php领域众多开源项目,包括wordpress、mybb、zenphoto等,能够独立修改和配置这些开源项目,以实现新的应用程序开发;3、熟练掌握javascript、css等webui开发技术,熟悉jquery、dwr、ext等ajax框架的使用,对firebug、ie develop tools等ui调试工具能灵活运用,可独立承担webui的开发工作。

在校期间任职情况:1999.9—-2000.6 在班级担任班长职务2000.9——2001.6 担任系学生会副主席2001.9--2002.6 担任学生会副主席、班级体育委员2002.9—-至今担任班级组织委员社会实践和实习情况:1999.11——2000.6 辅导某初三学生各门功课,在一段时间的辅导、合作中,该学生的各门功课成绩均有提高,深受该生家长的好评。
2000.6——2000.9 在xx市电影公司实习,负责办公室的日常事务,从事人事和企业行政管理,在实习结束后,各领导给予我极高的评价并给予奖励.2001.6——2001.9 在暑假期间,在当地的市政府部门里担任办公室助理职务、处理各项管理事务,协助领导做好管理工作,受到领导们的一致好评和肯定。
2002.4-—2002.8 在xx省工商行政管理局合同处实习.主办“xx省重合同、守信用企业协会"的成立,运用熟练的办公自动化设备,起草及审查各种办公室文件;编排、打印档案;打理办公室日常事务,与其他各单位、部门做好协调,协助本部门领导做好管理工作等。

中英文版的个人简历(共9篇)中英文版的个人简历(共9篇)篇一:英文版个人简历模板curriculumvitaename:******gender:malerace:handateofbirth:may28,1977politicalaffiliation:partymemberaddress:internationalschool,xi’anjiaotonguniversity,xi’an,shaanxi,710038telephone:**********(fixedtelephone)**********(cellphone)hobbies:education:20XX—20XXtaiyuanno.5seniorschool,shanxiprovince20XX---20XXxi’anjiaotonguniversity,shaanxiprovincemajor:appliedenglish language:chineseandenglish(bothfluentinlistening,speaking,readingandwriting)mai ncourses:intensivereading,extensivereading,spokenenglish,englishlistening,english grammar,englishwriting,translationawardsandscholarships:20XX“excellentleaguemember”,jiaotonguniversity;20XX“nationalinspirationalscholarship”,jiaotonguniversityothe rtraining: qualifications:professionalexperience:20XXtutorforajuniormiddleschoolstudent;sellerofenglishweekly20XXmemberofaideducationgroupatcollege篇二:个人简历(中英文版)简历◆基本信息姓名:性别:政治面貌:学历:身高:体重:出生年月:籍贯:联系电话:民族:电子邮箱:◆教育背景20XX/09~20XX/06西南交通大学物流工程工学硕士主修课程:物流系统优化理论与方法、物流系统建模与仿真、物流金融与实务、第三方物流模式与运作、物流需求分析与系统规划、物流营销与策划、制造企业物流管理、采购与供应链管理、设施规划与物流中心设计20XX/09~20XX/06成都信息工程学院信息与计算科学理学学士主修课程:现代最优控制论、统计学、管理运筹学、数学建模、最优化算法、小波分析、数值计算、神经网络、数据结构、计算机图形学、软件工程、计算机网络及其运用、autocad制图、photoshop图象处理◆个人技能?计算机水平:国家计算机二级c证书、国家计算机三级网络证书,能够熟练操作microsoftoffice、visio等各种办公软件,掌握automod、flexsim等仿真软件、spss统计软件的使用。


简历中英文对照模板中文简历模板:姓名:联系方式:个人信息:性别:出生日期:国籍:教育背景:工作经验:技能:项目经验:自我评价:英文简历模板:NaContact Information:Personal Information:Gender:Date of Birth:Nationality:Education Background:Work Experience:Skills:Project Experience:Self-evaluation:创建与此标题相符的正文并拓展:中文简历模板:姓名:王小明联系方式:手机:185****** 邮箱:***************个人信息:性别:男出生日期:1985年7月1日国籍:中国教育背景:- 2010年毕业于清华大学,获得计算机科学与技术学士学位- 2006年至2010年就读于北京市第一中学工作经验:- 2010年至今,在ABC科技公司担任软件工程师- 负责开发和维护公司产品的后端系统- 参与了多个大型项目的开发和部署技能:- 熟练掌握Java、C++等编程语言- 熟悉数据库设计和SQL语言- 具备良好的问题解决和团队合作能力项目经验:- 参与了ABC科技公司的产品A的开发,负责设计和实现系统的核心功能- 参与了ABC科技公司的产品B的升级项目,负责优化系统性能和用户体验自我评价:- 具备较强的自学能力和快速学习新技术的能力- 有良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神- 对技术的热情和追求使我能够不断提升自己的专业能力英文简历模板:Na Xiaoming WangContact Information: Mobile: +86 185****** Email:***************Personal Information: Gender: Male Date of Birth: July 1, 1985 Nationality: ChineseEducation Background:- Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Technology from Tsinghua University in 2010- Attended Beijing No.1 High School from 2006 to 2010Work Experience:- Software Engineer at ABC Tech Company since 2010- Responsible for developing and maintaining the backend systems of company products- Participated in the development and deployment of several large-scale projectsSkills:- Proficient in programming languages such as Java, C++, etc.- Familiar with database design and SQL language- Possess good problem-solving and teamwork skillsProject Experience:- Participated in the development of Product A at ABC Tech Company, responsible for designing and implementing core functionalities of the system- Involved in the upgrade project of Product B at ABC Tech Company, responsible for optimizing system performance and user experienceSelf-evaluation:- Strong self-learning ability and the ability to quickly learn new technologies- Excellent communication skills and teamwork spirit- Enthusiasm and pursuit of technology enable me to continuously improve my professional abilities。

个人简历中英文模板个人简历中英文模板(一) name: jianli-sky nationality: chinacurrent residence: guangzhou, china: handomicile: guangzhou stature: 160 cm kgmarital status: single age: 26job search intention and work experiencepersonnel types: ordinary jobposition: procurement, trade with the single / with a single assistantjob type: full-time arrived to date: one weeksalary requirements :3500 - 5000 hope working area: guangzhouwork experiencecompany name: guangzhou garment co., ltd.beginning and ending date :xx-09 ~ xx-05company type: private industry: trading / import exportren position: business with a singlejob description: --- responsible cowboy series model, the production of goods, shipment follow-up.--- deal with guests daily incoming and outgoing mail, confirm the order details.--- new model costing and pricing.--- material procurement.educational backgroundgraduated: guangdong provincial economic and trade schoolhighest level of education: collegegraduation date :xx -07-01by major: business englishself-evaluationi am confident and optimistic, have the right and upward values of life. the enthusiasm and enterprising, industrious and pragmatic, the courage to challengeand exploration, has the responsibility of doing things carefully, in harmony with people, good coordination and cooperation. work, has accumulated a certain amount of work and the experience of doing things, while good at summing up experience and analysis, to make themselves continue to grow and mature.个人简历中英文模板(二) Jim JohnsonHouston, Texas 77034,(315) 525-5445Objective:An opportunity to obtain a treasury analyst position in a finance company that can allow me to apply my knowledge of accounting and finance.Education:Bachelors Degree in Finance, University of Houston (1991)Master of Business Administration in Finance, University of Houston (1993)Special Knowledge, Abilities, Skills:Strong analytical skills to perform in depth financial analysisStrong accounting, negotiation, and influencing skillsAbility in interface with senior levels of management internally and externally Strong knowledge of financial principles, treasury, and capital marketsProficient with MS Excel, Word and PowerPointExcellent verbal and written communication skillsExcellent customer service skillsProfessional Experience:Pfizer, Inc., Houston, TX (1997-Present)Senior Treasury AnalystResponsibilities:Performed analysis of all daily and non-daily financial treasury operations activitiesParticipated in cross-functional finance projects as necessaryAssisted in developing and performing treasury transactions according to personal goals, objectives and annual accountabilitiesWorked closely with business customers to identify, prioritize and documentbusiness requirementsPerformed treasury operational functions such as cash management, cash forecasting, interest rate monitoring and forecasting, capital funding and financial derivative analysisPrepared daily/monthly treasury journal entries and upload into SAP G/L System FMC Technologies, Houston, TX, (1993-1997)Treasury AnalystResponsibilities:Prepared internal treasury reportingAssisted with subsidiary capital structure managementAnalyzed operating procedures for the purpose of improving or replacing with more effective substitutesAssisted in the design, testing and implementation of new or enhanced information systemsAssisted in the provision of operational and financial analysis of proposed new investmentsProduced monthly cash forecasts and developed improvements to the forecasting modelUploaded divisional financials reports, producing monthly financial package个人简历中英文模板(三) BIRTHDATE : December 1, 1950AGE : 57GENDER : FemaleCIVIL STATUS : MARRIEDNATIONALITY : CHINATelephone:689512OBJECTIVE: To seek an excellence in profession, growth in career and be associated with an organization offering a responsible position whereby my traditional Chinese medical specialty can be utilized.KEY COMPETENCE: Traditional Chinese and western medicine experience for over 20 years, especially be skilled in treating many difficult diseases by traditional Chinese medical science, such as Cerebrovascular diseases, Rheumatism,Gynecological diseases, Immune system diseases, and so on; be good at orthopedics traumatology of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage; Computer skill (Microsoft office), passionate, self-confidence, honest, dedicated, hardworking and can be work under pressure.POSITION DESIRED: DOCTORWORK EXPERINCES:general practitionerDatong ZhongYi Clinic (which is run by myself)Shan xi province, ChinaJune, 2021-presentTo treat clinical diseases by traditional Chinese (including Chinese traditional medicine, orthopedics traumatology of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage) and western medicine, including:1.Pediatrics diseases2.Internal medicine diseases3.Cerebrovascular diseases4.Rheumatism5.Gynecological diseases6.Immune System diseasesresident doctor:Datong Seventh Municipal Peoples Hospital (Public hospital by government)Shan xi province, ChinaSeptember, 1976-September, 1986As resident doctor in:1.internal medicine department2.pediatrics department3.obstetrics and gynecology department4.emergency departmentrural doctor:Dongguan Cun, Yangmingbao Xiang, Dai XianShanxi Province, ChinaMain work is to treat common diseases for peasants.EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT:3 Years clinical medicineGraduate Year 1976Shanxi Medical UniversityKey curriculums include Organic chemistry, Medical physics, Cell biology, Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Microbiology, Pathology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Medical Genetics, Diagnosis, internal medicine science, Surgery science, Obstetrics and gynecology science, Pediatrics science, Neurology and Psychiatry, Dermatology, Radiation Science, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Chinese traditional medicine, and so on.SPECIALTY CERTIFICATE:Attending doctor for traditional Chinese medicineAttending doctor for Chinese-western combined medicineAttending doctor for pediatrics.。

中英文简历模板范文一:个人概况:姓名:---- 籍贯:出生年月:19xx年x月--日健康状况:良好毕业院校: **大学专业:商务管理电子邮件: ----------联系电话: 手机:通信地址: 邮编:教育背景及主修课程:20xx年x月---20xx年x月**大学商学系人力资源管理、公关与礼仪、电子商务、管理学原理、数据库设计、管理信息系统、西方经济学旅游接待英语、导游英语、旅行社经营管理、旅游市场营销、旅游资源规划与开发、旅游财务管理、旅游文化学、旅游地理学、旅游心理学? 餐饮管理、前厅客房管理、酒吧与餐饮管理、客源国概况、饭店管理个人技能:顺利通过大学英语CET-6,能熟练的用英语进行对话获得剑桥商务英语中级证书(Business English Certificate),熟悉商务英语,能阅读商务文献,并具备一定的商务英语写作能力熟练掌握饭店接待英语、旅游英语计算机CCT证书,以优异成绩获得全国计算机信息高新技术考试证书,具备Windows环境下文字处理、图文混排以及表格操作能力,熟练掌握WORD、EXCEL、PPT获奖情况:二等、三等奖学金(年份)并获系三好学生(年份)获系“*****”称号(20xx)获校“*****”称号(20xx)实践情况:参与******************心理调研活动为*************公司作市场调研分析,获得好评通信地址:**大学**分校------- 邮编:********联系方式:**************** E-mail:Name (Sex: female Age:22)ObjectiveA responsible secretary /management position which will provide challenge and freedom where I can bring my initiative and creativity into full play.Education20xx.9-20xx.6 Depts. Business Graduate School of ******** University, M.E.Academic preparation for management:Management: Principles of management, Organization theory, behavioral science. Communication: Business communication, Human resource management, Human relations.Marketing: Marketing theory, Sales management.Computer AbilitiesSkilled in use of Word, Excel, PPT, Win98, InternetEnglish SkillsHave a good command of both spoken and written English Past CET-4, CET-6 Past Cambridge Business English CertificateVantage, ability to write businessreportScholarships and Awards20xx/20xx Second-class Scholarship for graduateThe best debater of the departmentThe best debater of the UniversityQualificationsGeneral business knowledge relating to managementHave a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common senseAbility to organize marketing campaigns and to supervise employees. Effectivecommunication abilities and public relations skills.通信地址:**大学**分校------- 邮编:********联系方式:**************** E-mail:中英文简历模板范文二:于**(男 31 岁)出生日期:1980-4-24 0:00:00 户籍地址:山东-青岛婚姻状况:未婚身高(cm):178自我评价本人诚实可靠,工作认真负责,有上进心,工作效率高,学习能力强,能较快融入到新环境当中,具团队精神。
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