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Unit 1

At the Travel Agency

Ⅲ. Putting into Practice

●Listening interpreting

1.Vocabulary Work

Work on the following words and phrases, then write the translated version in the


英汉口译English-Chinese Interpretation

Listen to the tape and interpret the following sentences from English into Chinese:

①What's the price for this trip? 本次的旅游费用是多少?

②Is there anything worth seeing? 哪里有什么值得看的吗?

③What's the weather like there? 那里的天气怎么样?

④Are there any groups of tour I can go with? 有什么旅行团我可以参加吗?

⑤There is a special rate for 50,000RMB for this package, including everything such as air line tickets, tour guides, hotels and food. 有一个价值5万元人民币的特价套餐,包括所有费用,例如飞机票,导游,酒店和食物。

汉英口译Chinese-English Interpretation

Listen to the tape and interpret the following sentences from Chinese into English:

⑥我想到巴厘岛去。I want to go to Bali..

⑦我想看看去云南旅行有哪些路线。I'd like to look at some travel packages to Yunnan.

⑧坐飞机去的时间是5天。The transportation by air will take 5 days.

⑨我们有一些很棒的套餐。We have some great tour packages.


We will stay in Peninsula Hotel and Beach Holiday Resort. Both hotels offer perfect device.


汉英交替口译Chinese-English Alternating Interpretation

Listen to the tape and interpret the following dialogue alternatively into English and Chinese:

A: Good morning. Can I help you? 早上好。需要什么帮助吗?

B: Morning. I'd like to create a travel itinerary. 早上好。我想做个旅行计划。

A: Where do you want to go? 请问您想去哪儿?

B: I have no idea. But I hope to visit the seaside. 没想好。但我希望是个海滨城市。A: Sure, how about Qingdao? Right now is the best time of the year to visit Qingdao. 好的,青岛怎么样?现在是去青岛最好的季节了。

B: I've been there before. I think a southern city is better. 我去过那了。我想这次最好是去个南方城市。

A: How about Sanya? Blue sea, soft sand and gentle breezes. It's really relaxing. 三亚呢?蓝色的大海,软软的沙滩,柔和的微风。真的很不错。

B: Sounds great. Do you have any brochures? 听起来不错。有介绍资料吗?

● Sight interpreting

V、Acting as an interpreter

Task A Listen to the tape and interpret the following dialogue alternatively into English and Chinese:

A: Good morning. Can I help you? 早上好!我能为您效劳吗?

B: Good morning. Could you help me with a vacation plan? 早上好!你能帮我制定一个旅行计划吗?

A: Do you know where you will be traveling? 您确定了您准备到哪儿吗?

B: I don’t know where I want to go yet. Could you recommend some places to me? It’s the first time I have been in China.没有,我还不知道应该到哪里,你能为我推荐一些地方吗?这是我第一次来中国。

A: Of course, there are many scenic spots around the whole China, but would you like to travel to the cities with many historic spots, or somewhere with beautiful natural scenery? 当然,在中国有很多景点。您是想游览历史古迹的城市呢,还是观风景呢?

B: Both. 我都想看。

A: I can give you some brochures that could give you some ideas. 我可以给您一些旅游手册以供参考。

B: I will look at them right now. 我马上来看。

A: How much money is in your budget for this trip? 请问您本次旅游的预算是多少?

B: I think that I can spend about two hundred dollars a day. 大概每天200美元吧。A: Take your time choosing a destination and, when you’ve narrowed it down, I’ll be happy to help you make a reservation. 您慢慢选择目的地吧,选定后我再帮您预定!

B: Thank you very much! 非常感谢!

Task B Read the following passage and interpret it from English into Chinese:


CITS was founded in 1954, through its 57 years of development, CITS has been blooming from a foreign affairs reception unit at its early stage under the State Council into a large state owned key enterprises group integrating all inclusive service
