数学类科技英文写作研究 毕业论文

师范大学本科毕业论文题目:第二型曲线积分与曲面积分的计算方法专业:数学与应用数学系班:数学与信息科学系2006级数本2班毕业年份:姓名:学号:指导教师:职称:教授目录本科毕业论文任务书 (1)本科毕业论文开题报告 (3)本科毕业论文登记表 (5)毕业论文论文正文文稿 (7)本科毕业论文答辩记录 (15)西北师范大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书注:1. 任务书由指导教师填写、经教研室主任及系主管教学副主任审批后,在第七学期末之前下达给学生..2. 文献查阅指引,应是对查阅内容和查阅方法的指引,即查阅什么和怎样查阅.渭南师范学院本科毕业论文(设计)开题报告注:开题报告是在导师的指导下,由学生填写。
李第二型曲线积分与曲面积分的计算方法李明松(渭南师范学院 数学与信息科学系2006级数本2班)摘 要: 本文主要利用化为参数的定积分法,格林公式,积分与路径无关的方法解答第二型曲线积分的题目;以及利用曲面积分的联系,分面投影法,合一投影法,高斯公式解答第二型曲面积分的题目.关键词: 曲面积分;曲线积分1 引 言第二型曲线积分与曲面积分是数学分析中的重要知识章节,是整本教材的重点和难点.掌握其基本的计算方法具有很大的难度,给不少学习者带来了困难.本文通过针对近年来考研试题中常见的第二型曲线积分与曲面积分的计算题目进行了认真分析,并结合具体实例以及教材总结出其特点,得出具体的计算方法.对广大学生学习第二型曲线积分与第二型曲面积分具有重要的指导意义.2 第二型曲线积分例1 求()()()sin cos x x I e y b x y dx e y ax dy =-++-⎰,其中a ,b 为正的常数,L 为从点A (2a ,0)沿曲线o (0,0) 的弧.方法一:利用格林公式法L D Q P Pdx Qdy dxdy x y ⎛⎫∂∂+=- ⎪∂∂⎝⎭⎰⎰⎰,P(x ,y),Q (x ,y )以及它们的一阶偏导数在D 上连续,L 是域D 的边界曲线,L 是按正向取定的.解:添加从点o (0,0)沿y=0到点A (2a,0)的有向直线段1L ,()()()()()()11sin cos sin cos xxLL xxL I e y b x y dx e y ax dye y b x y dx e y ax dy=-++---++-⎰⎰记为12I I I =- ,则由格林公式得:()1cos cos x xD DQ P I dxdy e y a e y b dxdy x y ⎛⎫∂∂⎡⎤=-=---- ⎪⎣⎦∂∂⎝⎭⎰⎰⎰⎰()()22Db a dxdy a b a π=-=-⎰⎰其中D 为1L L 所围成的半圆域,直接计算2I ,因为在1L 时,0y =,所以dy =0因而:()222I bx dx a b =-=-⎰ ,从而()22231222222I I I a b a a b a b a πππ⎛⎫=-=-+=+- ⎪⎝⎭方法二:应用积分与路径无关化为参数的定积分法求解(1) 若 P Q y x∂∂=∂∂(与路径无关的条件), 则 ()()()()1111000,01,,,A x y x y B x y x y Pdx Qdy P x y dx Q x y dy +=+⎰⎰⎰(2) ()(),x t y t φϕ==()()()()()()()()'',,AB Pdx Qdy P t t t Q t t t dt βαφϕφφϕϕ⎡⎤+=+⎣⎦⎰⎰ α是起点 β是终点解: ()()()sin cos x x LI e y b x y dx e y ax dy =-++-⎰()sin cos x x LLe ydx e ydy b x y dx axdy =+-++⎰⎰记为12I I I =- ,对于1I ,积分与路径无关,所以()()0,02,0sin cos sin 0xx x a eydx e ydy e y+==⎰对于2I ,取L 的参数方程sin sin x a a ty a t=+⎧⎨=⎩,t 从0到π,得()()22223230223sin sin cos sincos cos 11222Lb x y dx axdy a b t a b t t a b t a t a t dt a b a a πππ++=---++=--+⎰⎰从而 23222I a b a ππ⎛⎫=+- ⎪⎝⎭对于空间第二曲线一般的解题过程为:LPdx Qdy Rdz ++⎰若L 闭合,P,Q,R 对各元偏导数连续Ldydz dzdx dxdyPdx Qdy Rdz x y z P Q R∑∂∂∂++=∂∂∂⎰⎰⎰若L 非闭,其参数方程为()()()()()()()()()()()()()()(),,',,',,'P x t y t z t x t Q x t y t z t y t R x t y t z t z t dtβα⎡⎤++⎣⎦⎰其中: ()()()x x t y y t z z t =⎧⎪=⎨⎪=⎩α,β分别为L 的起点,终点参数值.例2 计算空间曲线积分I=()()()y z dx z x dy x y dz -+-+-⎰,其中曲线L为圆柱面222x y a +=与平面1x za h+=的交线()0,0a h >>,从X 轴正向看,曲线是逆时针方向.方法一:化为参数的定积分计算,对于这种封闭的曲线要充分利用[]0,2π上三角函数的正交性.解: 令 cos ,sin x a t y a t ==, 则()cos 111cos x a t z h h h t a a ⎛⎫⎛⎫=-=-=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭于是I=()()()(){}()sin 1cos sin 1cos cos cos cos sin sin 2a t h t a t h t a t a t a t a t h t dt a a h π--⋅-+--⋅+-⋅⎡⎤⎡⎤⎣⎦⎣⎦=-+⎰方法二:解 :2dydzdzdx dxdyI dydz dzdx dxdy x y z y zz xx y∑∑∂∂∂==-++∂∂∂---⎰⎰⎰⎰ {}()21,1,1,0,1212xyD D h h dxdy dxdy a h a a a π⎧⎫⎛⎫=-⋅=-+=-+⎨⎬ ⎪⎩⎭⎝⎭⎰⎰⎰⎰3 第二型曲面积分例 3 计算曲面积分()2z x dydz zdxdy +-∑⎰⎰,其中∑为旋转抛物面()2212z x y =+ 介于平面z=0及z=1之间的部分的下侧.方法一:利用两类曲面积分的联系()cos cos cos Pdydz Qdzdx Rdxdy P Q R ds αβγ++=++⎰⎰⎰⎰ ()1其中cos ,cos ,cos αβγ是有向曲面∑上点(x ,y ,z )处的法向量的方向余弦. 解: {},,1n x y =-,{}cos ,cos ,cos n αβγ=⎧⎫= ()()22z x dydz zdxdy z x z ds ∑∑⎡⎤+-=+-⎢⎢⎣⎰⎰⎰⎰222∑∑==()2221Dx x y ++=()22212D x x y dxdy ⎡⎤=++⎢⎥⎣⎦⎰⎰22220cos 82r d rdr πθθπ⎡⎤=+=⎢⎥⎣⎦⎰⎰方法二:分面投影法如果∑由(),z z x y =给出,则()(),,,,,xyD R x y z dxdy R x y z x y dxdy =±⎡⎤⎣⎦∑⎰⎰⎰⎰ ()2如果∑由(),x x y z =给出,则()(),,,,,yzD P x y z dydz P x y z y z dydz =±⎡⎤⎣⎦∑⎰⎰⎰⎰ ()3 如果∑由(),y y z x =给出,则()(),.,,,zxD Q x y z dzdx Q x y z x z dzdx =±⎡⎤⎣⎦∑⎰⎰⎰⎰ ()4 等式右端的符号这样规定:如果积分曲面∑是由方程()()()(),,,,x x z y y y x z z z x y ===所给出的曲面上(前,右)侧,应取“+”,否则取“-”. 解:()()22z x dydz zdxdy z x dydz zdxdy ∑∑∑+-=+-⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰()()()222z x dydz z x dydz z x dydz∑∑∑=+=+++⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰后前((22yzyzD D z dydz z dydz =--⎰⎰⎰⎰20244yzD dy π===⎰()2212xyD zdxdy x y dxdy ∑=-+⎰⎰⎰⎰22300142d r dr πθπ=-=-⎰⎰所以()28z x dydz zdxdy π∑+-=⎰⎰方法三 :合一投影法前面我们看到,按分面投影发计算曲面积分时,对不同类型的积分项必须将曲面用不同的方程表示,然后转化为不同坐标面上的二重积分,这种方式形式上虽然简单但计算比较繁琐.事实上,如果∑的方程(),z z x y =, (),xy x y D ∈,(xy D 是∑在xoy 面上的投影区域),函数,,P Q R 在∑上连续时,则单位法向量为 n e ={}cos ,cos ,cos αβγZ ⎧⎫-=± 由于投影元素 cos dydz ds α=, cos dzdx ds β=,cos dxdy ds γ=,于是得到cos cos cos cos cos cos cos cos cos cos cos cos x y dydz ds ds dxdy Z dxdy dzdx ds ds dxdy Z dxdyαααγγγβββγγγ====-====-所以()()()()()()()(){}()(),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,xyxyx y D x y D P x y z dydz Q x y z dzdx R x y z dxdyP x y z x y Z x y Q x y z x y Z x y R x y z x y dxdy P Z Q Z R dxdy∑++⎡⎤=±⋅-+-+⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎡⎤=±⋅-+⋅-+⎣⎦⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰ 等式右端的符号这样确定:如果∑是由方程所给出的曲面上侧,取“+”,否则取“-”. 当∑可用显示方程(),y y z x =或(),x x y z =表示时,只需注意到此时∑的法向 量为{},1,x x y y y ---或{}1,,y z x x --,可得相应公式. 上述方法将上式中的三种类型积分转化为同一坐标面上的二重积分,故名为合一投影法.解:()2212z x y =+,∑在xoy 面上的投影区域:xy D =(){}22,4x y x y +≤,又∑的下侧,x z x =,故由上式可得:()()()()()2222222222222200114212cos 82xy xy D D z x dydz zdxdy x y x x x y dxdyx x y dxdyr d r rdr πθθπ∑⎧⎫⎡⎤+-=-++--+⎨⎬⎢⎥⎣⎦⎩⎭⎡⎤=-++⎢⎥⎣⎦⎡⎤=+=⎢⎥⎣⎦⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰方法四:高斯公式,,P Q R Pdydz Qdzdx Rdxdy dv x y z ∑Ω⎛⎫∂∂∂++= ⎪∂∂∂⎝⎭⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰解:曲面不是封闭曲面,不能直接利用高斯公式,应补面12z =∑的上侧,则用高斯公式()1200zx dydz zdxdy dv Ω++-==∑∑⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰所以 ()()122z x dydz zdxdy z x dydz zdxdy +-=-+-∑∑⎰⎰⎰⎰又()112028xyD zx dydz zdxdy zdxdy dxdy π+-=--=-∑∑⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰所以 ()28z x dydz zdxdy π∑+-=⎰⎰4 小结从以上对试题的分析,发现不同年份的命题,多次考到相同的知识点,并且吻合于通用教材教学中的难点重点,虽然考试题目千变万化,但教材的内容相对稳定,因此只有吃透教材,抓住重点难点,克服盲点复习,达到以静制动.过本文的分析,希望对大家有一定的指导作用. (指导教师:吕国亮)参考文献[1] 华东师大数学系. 数学分析(下)[M],第三版. 高等教育出版社,2001,224-231. [2] 刘玉琏,傅沛仁等.数学分析讲义(下)[M],第四版. 高等教育出版社,2003, 375-388. [3] 林源渠,方企勤. 数学分析解题指南[M]. 北京大学出版社,2001,338-362. [4] 陈文灯. 数学复习指南[M]. 世界图书出版社,2000,276-287.[5] 田勇.硕士研究生入学考试历年真题解析[M]. 机械工业出版社,2002,175-188. [6] 华中科技大学数学系.考研特别快车—数学[M].华中科技大学出版社,2001. 204-212. [7] 孙一生. 第二型曲线与曲面积分计算的基本方法与技巧[J].《哈尔滨师范大学自然科学学报》,1989,5(2):106-112.[8] 陈少元. 第二型曲线积分计算方法与技巧[J]. 科技信息(学术版),2007(1):12-15.The Second Type Cruve Total And Song Computing Technology That Area Divide IntoLI Ming-song(Class 2 Grade 2006, Department of Mathematic and Information Science, Weinan Teachers University)Abstract :This text is it turn to make total mark law parameter to utilize mainly,Green formula,total mark answer the second type cure exercise question of integration with method that route have nothing to do;Unilize song connection that area assign,divide into the surface projection law,unify the projection law,gausses of formmula answer the second type song topic that area divide.Key words:The area of the song is divided;The total mark of curve。

本科毕业设计(论文)( 2015届 )题目:矩阵的特征值与特征向量的相关研究学院: 数理与信息工程学院专业:数学与应用数学学生姓名:学号:指导教师:职称:合作导师: 职称:完成时间: 201 年月日成绩:浙江师范大学本科毕业设计(论文)正文目录摘要 (1)英文摘要 (1)1 引言 (1)2 选题背景以及特征值与特征向量的定义与性质 (2)2. 1 选题背景 (2)2。
2 特征值与特征向量的定义 (2)2. 3 特征值与特征向量的性质 (2)3 矩阵的特征值与特征向量的求解方法 (3)3。
1 求解数字方阵的特征值与特征向量 (3)3。
2 已知矩阵A的特征值与特征向量,求与A相关的矩阵的特征值 (7)4 矩阵的特征值与特征向量的反问题的求解 (7)4。
1 矩阵的全部特征值与全部特征向量,反求解矩阵A的方法 (7)4。
2 已知实对称矩阵的全部特征值和部分线性无关的特征向量,反求矩阵A的方法 (9)5 矩阵的特征值与特征向量的应用 (9)5. 1 矩阵的特征值与特征向量在线性递推关系上的应用 (9)5。
2 经济发展和环境污染的增长模型 (14)6 结论 (16)参考文献 (16)矩阵的特征值与特征向量的相关研究摘要:矩阵的特征值与特征向量占据了高等数学中的一小块, 但是其重要性无可比拟, 它可以应用在数学和生活上,尤其是对现在的科学技术领域, 有着至关重要的作用。
本篇论文主要阐述并归纳了矩阵的特征值与特征向量的概念,性质, 解法以及应用,通过具体的例子, 来体现了矩阵的特征值与特征向量的广泛性和实用性,深刻研究了矩阵的特征值与特征向量和它相关的应用。
第一部分:阐述了它的概念和性质; 第二部分:对于它的求解方法,本篇论文叙述了几种不同的方法,并且有相关例题的作法;第三部分: 关于它的反问题, 本篇论文也有相对应的几种不同的求解方法; 第四部分:关于它在数学领域和生活上的应用.矩阵; 特征值;特征向量; 反问题;应用关键词:Correlation matrix eigenvalues and eigenvecto -rsMathematical and Information Engineering Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Chen Dong(11170126)Instructor: Lvjia Feng (Associate Professor)Abstract: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors occupy the higher mathematics in a small, but its importance is unparalleled,it can be used in mathematics and life,especially in the field of science and technology right now,has a vital role. This paper describes and summarizes the main characteristics and eigenvector matrix concept,nature,solution and applications, through specific examples, to reflect the breadth and practicality matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors,profound study of matrix eigenvalues and special Eigenvectors and its related applications.Total body is divided into four parts。

科学技术类英语作文模板Title: The Role of Science and Technology in the Modern World。
In the modern world, science and technology play a crucial role in shaping the way we live, work, and interact with each other. From the development of new medical treatments to the creation of innovative communication tools, the impact of science and technology is evident in every aspect of our lives. In this essay, we will explore the various ways in which science and technology have transformed the world and discuss their implications for the future.One of the most significant contributions of science and technology to the modern world is in the field of healthcare. Advances in medical research and technology have led to the development of new treatments and cures for a wide range of diseases and conditions. From the discovery of antibiotics to the development of life-saving surgical techniques, science and technology have revolutionized the way we approach healthcare and have significantly improved the quality of life for millions of people around the world.In addition to healthcare, science and technology have also had a profound impact on the way we communicate and interact with each other. The invention of the internet, mobile phones, and social media has transformed the way we connect with others and access information. These technological advancements have made it easier for people to stay in touch with friends and family, collaborate on projects, and access a wealth of knowledge and resources. As a result, the world has become more interconnected than ever before, and the possibilities for collaboration and innovation are endless.Furthermore, science and technology have also played a crucial role in addressing some of the most pressing environmental challenges facing the world today. From the development of renewable energy sources to the creation of more efficient and sustainable technologies, science and technology have the potential to help us mitigate the impacts of climate change and create a more sustainable future. By investing inresearch and development in these areas, we can work towards creating a world that is more environmentally friendly and resilient to the challenges of the 21st century.Looking ahead, the role of science and technology in the modern world is only set to grow. As we continue to face new challenges and opportunities, the need for innovative solutions and advancements in science and technology will become increasingly important. From addressing global health crises to developing new technologies to support sustainable development, the potential for science and technology to shape the future is immense.In conclusion, science and technology have had a profound impact on the modern world, from transforming healthcare to revolutionizing communication and addressing environmental challenges. As we look towards the future, the role of science and technology will only continue to grow, and it will be crucial for us to invest in research and development in these areas to create a better world for future generations. By harnessing the power of science and technology, we can work towards creating a more prosperous, healthy, and sustainable world for all.。

调查报告的结构主要有三种:一是横式结 构。就是把材料分成几个部分来写,每个 部分观点鲜明、中心突出。采用这种形式 要处理各部分之间的关系如并列关系、因 果关系、分总关系、主从关系等;二是纵 式结构。这种结构是按调查事件的发生、 发展的先后顺序来加以阐明;三是综合式 结构。这种结构安排是兼有横式、纵式的 特点,相互结合地安排材料。
写科技论文不要求有华丽的词藻,但要求思路清晰, 合乎逻辑,用语简洁准确、明快流畅;内容务求客观 、科学、完备,要尽量让事实和数据说话。
凡是用简要的文字能够讲解的内容,应用文字陈述。 用文字不容易说明白或说起来比较繁琐的,应由表或 图(必要时用彩图)来陈述。
表或图要具有自明性,即其本身给出的信息就能够说 明欲表达的问题。
文章题目 专业,学号,学生姓名 指导老师姓名及职称 内容摘要 关键词
主体部分 1 引言 2 正文 3 结论
参考文献: 英文摘要:
(1) 搜集整理资料; (2) 构思与拟定提纲; (3) 写作成文,并反复进行修改。
国标规定的这一章条编号方式对著者、编者和读 者都具有显著的优越性。
题名是科技论文的必要组成部分。它要求 用最简洁、恰当的词组反映文章的特定内容 ,把论文的主题明白无误地告诉读者,并且 使之具有画龙点睛,启迪读者兴趣的功能。 一般情况下,题名中应包括文章的主要关键 词。
总之,题名的用词十分重要,它直接关系到 读者对文章的取舍态度,务必字字斟酌。

科研问题的英文作文英文:Research is an essential part of my life as a scientist. Every day, I am faced with different scientific problemsthat require careful analysis and experimentation. One of the biggest challenges I face is coming up with new and innovative research ideas. It can be difficult to think outside of the box and come up with something truly unique and groundbreaking.To overcome this challenge, I often turn to my colleagues and peers for inspiration. We regularly hold brainstorming sessions where we share our ideas and bounce them off of each other. This collaborative approach has led to some of my most successful research projects.Another challenge I face is obtaining funding for my research. It can be a competitive and time-consuming process, but it is essential to securing the resourcesneeded to carry out my experiments. I have learned to be persistent and to not get discouraged by rejection. I also try to diversify my funding sources by applying for grants and fellowships from different organizations.Overall, conducting research is a challenging but rewarding experience. It requires creativity, perseverance, and a willingness to learn from both successes and failures.中文:作为一名科学家,科研是我生活中必不可少的一部分。

科技与理论英文作文英文:Technology and theory are two crucial aspects of our modern society. Technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate, while theory provides us with a framework for understanding the world around us. In this essay, I will discuss the relationship between technology and theory, and how they complement each other.First of all, technology and theory are interdependent. Technology is built on theoretical foundations, and theory is developed based on technological advancements. For example, the development of the internet was based on theoretical concepts of computer networking, which were later refined and expanded upon by researchers and engineers. Similarly, advances in neuroscience have led to new theories about the workings of the brain and how it affects behavior.Furthermore, technology and theory can be used to solve real-world problems. For instance, theoretical models can be used to predict the spread of infectious diseases, while technology can be used to develop vaccines and treatments. In this way, theory and technology work together to improve our lives and solve complex problems.However, there are also potential risks associated with technology and theory. For example, the development of artificial intelligence raises ethical concerns about the potential impact on employment and privacy. Theoretical models can also be misused to justify harmful policies or actions. Therefore, it is important to consider the ethical implications of technological and theoretical advancements.In conclusion, technology and theory are two essential components of our modern society. They are interdependent and can be used to solve real-world problems, but also carry potential risks. As we continue to advance technologically and theoretically, it is important to consider the ethical implications and strive for a balance between progress and responsibility.中文:科技和理论是我们现代社会中两个至关重要的方面。


科技题材英文作文模板英文:As a technology enthusiast, I am always fascinated by the latest advancements in the field. In my opinion, technology has revolutionized the way we live our lives and has made it easier for us to communicate, work, and entertain ourselves. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and we must use technology wisely to avoid its negative effects.One of the most significant advancements in technology has been the internet. It has connected people from all over the world and has made it possible for us to access information instantly. However, it has also led to the spread of fake news, cyberbullying, and online scams. Therefore, we must be careful about the information we consume and the people we interact with online.Another area where technology has had a significantimpact is healthcare. With the help of technology, doctors can now diagnose and treat diseases more accurately and efficiently. For example, artificial intelligence can analyze medical images and detect abnormalities that might be missed by human doctors. However, we must also be awareof the ethical implications of using technology in healthcare and ensure that it does not lead todiscrimination or privacy violations.In conclusion, technology has brought about manypositive changes in our lives, but we must also be aware of its negative effects and use it responsibly. As the saying goes, "with great power comes great responsibility."中文:作为一名科技爱好者,我总是被这个领域最新的进展所吸引。



科学技术作文英文英文:Science and technology have played an increasingly important role in our daily lives. From the invention of the wheel to the development of the internet, science and technology have changed the way we live, work, and communicate.One example of how science and technology have changed our lives is the smartphone. With a smartphone, we can easily communicate with people from all over the world, access information, and even control our home appliances.It has become an indispensable part of our daily lives.Another example is the development of renewable energy. As we face the challenge of climate change, renewable energy has become increasingly important. Solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectric power plants are just a few examples of how science and technology are helping usto reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and transition to a more sustainable future.In addition to improving our daily lives, science and technology have also contributed to the advancement of medicine. With the development of new drugs and medical technologies, we are able to treat and prevent diseases that were once considered incurable. For example, the development of vaccines has helped to eradicate diseases such as smallpox and polio.Overall, science and technology have had a profound impact on our lives and will continue to shape our future. As we face new challenges, we will rely on science and technology to help us find solutions and create a better world.中文:科学技术在我们的日常生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

数学之英文写作前言 数学不光是人类知识宝库的重要组成部分,也在所有科学技术领域中有无穷无尽的应用。
英国《卫报》2011年3月28 日报道,英国皇家学会(The Royal Society) 最近的分析表明,中国有望在2013 年超过美国成为科研成果发表的霸主。
二十年前SCI 的数学刊物不到五十种,现在至少已经翻了两番,并仍在持续增长。
由于种种原因(包括国内很多高校以发表一定数目的SCI 文章作为研究生的毕业要求),中国的作者群为这些英文期刊提供了成千上万的稿源。

代数英文作文范文英文:Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols. It is a fundamental part of mathematics, and it is used in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, economics, and finance.One of the most important concepts in algebra is the idea of variables. Variables are symbols that represent unknown quantities, and they can be used to solve equations and to express relationships between different quantities.For example, let's say we have an equation: 2x + 3 = 7. In this equation, x is a variable, and we want to find out what value of x will make the equation true. To do this, we can use algebraic manipulation to isolate x on one side of the equation. We can start by subtracting 3 from both sides of the equation: 2x = 4. Then, we can divide both sides by2 to get the value of x: x = 2.Another important concept in algebra is the use of functions. A function is a rule that assigns a unique output to each input. For example, the function f(x) = 2x + 1 assigns the value 5 to the input x = 2, because f(2) =2(2) + 1 = 5.Functions can be used to model real-world phenomena, such as population growth or the spread of a disease. By using algebraic techniques to analyze these functions, we can gain insights into the behavior of these phenomena and make predictions about their future.中文:代数是数学的一个分支,它处理符号和操纵这些符号的规则。

关键词概率论;赌博;彩票陷阱;应用ABSTRACTProbability theory is a math branch which focuses on the rules of random phenomenon. Both probability theory and mathematic statistics which is based on probability theory has important effect on many fields, such as natural science, social science, engineering, military science, industrial and agricultural production and so on. People pay more attention to probability theory because it has preciseness on its theory and be taken as a widely use math branch. As the development of the technology, probability theory will be more developed. In this paper, it will through the analysis of the facts to discuss the essence of gambling and lottery trap in different ways. For example, according to the connection between probability theory and gambling, this paper put lottery into the application of math and expatiate the revelation on probability theory. The paper divided into several parts, such as introduction, probability problem in gambling, and the analysis in lottery trap. In the introduction part mainly talk about the beginning and development of probability theory. In the probability theory and gambling part, expounding the connection of probability and gambling and analyzing the probability problem in gambling. In the analyzing of the lottery trap, it is mainly through the probability of bearing the palm in lottery to analyze the element in lottery trap and how to understand the essence in it. The purpose of the paper is deeply expatiating the math problem in gambling and lottery. It deeply understands the math problems through typical facts in order to hold the rules.Key words probability theory;gambling;lottery trap;application目录一、引言 (1)二、赌博中的概率问题 (2)(一)主要结论 (2)(二)扑克牌分析 (3)2.1洗牌问题 (4)2.2桥牌游戏 (4)2.3升级游戏 (5)2.4抽牌问题 (6)(三)其他例题分析 (6)3.1骰子游戏 (6)3.2轮盘游戏 (7)三、彩票陷阱的分析 (8)(一)定义 (8)(二)彩票的基本分析 (8)2.1传统型 (9)2.2 乐透型 (10)(三)抽奖陷阱的分析 (12)四、总结 (14)参考文献 (16)赌博中的概率问题和彩票陷阱中的数学问题分析一、引言概率论是一门研究随机现象规律的数学分支。

科研类型英语作文模板英文回答:1. Introduction。
In the realm of academic research, the articulation of a compelling research question is paramount to the pursuit of knowledge and the advancement of scientific endeavors. A well-crafted research question serves as the cornerstone of any research project, providing a clear and concise framework for inquiry and guiding the subsequent steps of the research process. To formulate an effective research question, it is essential to delve into the existing body of knowledge, identify gaps or inconsistencies, and formulate a specific and testable question that addresses these shortcomings.2. Literature Review。
A thorough literature review is indispensable forsituating your research within the broader context of the field and establishing the significance of your inquiry. Critically examining existing research enables you to identify areas where knowledge is lacking, refine your research question, and develop a sound theoretical foundation for your study. By synthesizing the findings of previous studies, you can pinpoint areas where further investigation is warranted and contribute to the cumulative body of knowledge in your field.3. Research Design。

数学之英文写作前言 数学不光是人类知识宝库的重要组成部分,也在所有科学技术领域中有无穷无尽的应用。
英国《卫报》2011年3月28 日报道,英国皇家学会(The Royal Society) 最近的分析表明,中国有望在2013 年超过美国成为科研成果发表的霸主。
二十年前SCI 的数学刊物不到五十种,现在至少已经翻了两番,并仍在持续增长。
由于种种原因(包括国内很多高校以发表一定数目的SCI 文章作为研究生的毕业要求),中国的作者群为这些英文期刊提供了成千上万的稿源。

教育科技类英语作文范文Title: The Role of Educational Technology in Modern Learning。
In today's fast-paced digital era, educational technology has emerged as a powerful tool revolutionizing the way we learn and teach. From online courses to interactive learning platforms, technology has permeated every aspect of education, reshaping traditional classrooms into dynamic and innovative spaces. In this essay, we will explore the significance of educational technology and its impact on modern learning.Firstly, educational technology facilitates personalized learning experiences. With the help of adaptive learning algorithms, students can receive customized content tailored to their individual learning styles and pace. This personalized approach ensures that students grasp concepts more effectively and efficiently, leading to improved academic performance. Additionally,educational technology offers a wide range of resourcessuch as virtual simulations, multimedia presentations, and educational games, making learning more engaging and interactive.Moreover, educational technology transcendsgeographical boundaries, providing access to quality education to students regardless of their location. Online courses and virtual classrooms enable learners to connect with educators and peers from around the globe, fostering cultural exchange and collaboration. This globalperspective enhances the learning experience by exposing students to diverse perspectives and ideas, preparing them for success in an interconnected world.Furthermore, educational technology empowers educators by offering innovative tools for instruction and assessment. Learning management systems allow teachers to organize course materials, deliver lectures, and track students' progress efficiently. Additionally, online assessment platforms enable educators to administer quizzes, assignments, and exams seamlessly, providing instantfeedback to students and facilitating data-driven instruction. By harnessing the power of educational technology, educators can create dynamic learning environments that cater to the diverse needs of their students.However, it is essential to acknowledge the challenges associated with integrating educational technology into traditional classrooms. One significant concern is the digital divide, where disparities in access to technology and internet connectivity hinder students' ability to fully participate in online learning activities. Addressing these inequalities requires concerted efforts from policymakers, educators, and stakeholders to ensure equitable access to educational technology for all students.Another challenge is the need for proper training and professional development for educators to effectivelyutilize educational technology in their teaching practices. Many teachers may lack the necessary skills and knowledge to leverage technology to its full potential, leading to underutilization or misuse of educational resources.Investing in teacher training programs and ongoing support is crucial to empower educators to harness the power of educational technology effectively.In conclusion, educational technology holds immense potential to transform education and enhance learning outcomes. By providing personalized learning experiences, transcending geographical boundaries, and empowering educators, educational technology offers a pathway to a more inclusive, interactive, and effective educational system. However, addressing challenges such as the digital divide and the need for teacher training is essential to realize the full benefits of educational technology. As we embrace the digital revolution in education, let us strive to harness technology's transformative power to create a brighter future for learners worldwide.。


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目录摘要 (1)引言 (1)1 论文题名 (2)2摘要 (2)3 引言 (4)4材料和方法 (5)5 研究结果 (7)6 讨论 (8)7 结论 (9)参考文献 (10)数学类科技英文写作研究摘要:数学类科技是科学研究成果的一种展示,是作者以论文的形式向外界公布自己的科学研究成果。
关键词:数学;科技;英文;写作Abstract: Math class technology is a showcase of scientific research, and is the author of the paper published in the form of their own scientific research to the public. Math class technology, scientific research writing and publishing is an extremely important and can not be sloppy work, for non-native speakers of English, how to accurately articulate contents and results obtained in English, how to make a smooth paper was published, becoming should issue to face. Mathematical sciences research, is reflected by the mathematical papers out. Even high-tech science and technology, in essence, is a kind of mathematical techniques. The mathematical thesis writing is a very rigorous process of creation. How mastered mathematics thesis writing techniques, planing to make a high level of mathematical papers, is worth our in-depth exploration and research. This paper describes the process of thesis writing and publishing a series of specific work to the future of all of us writing to provide some useful help.Keywords: Mathematics; Technology; English; Writing引言英语科技论文的整体组织结构和语言风格规范尤为重要,和建造楼房一样,写一篇论文也需要一份蓝图。
英语数学类科技的结构组成1 论文题名1.1 基本要求(1) 准确(Accuracy)。
为确保题名的含义准确,应尽量避免使用非定量的、含义不明的词,如"rapid","new"等;并力求用词具有专指性,如"a vanadium-iron alloy"明显优于"a magnetic alloy"。
(2) 简洁(Brevity)。
在内容层次很多的情景下,假设难以简短化,最好采用主、副题名相结合的方法,如:Importance of replication in microarray gene expression studies: statistical methods and evidence from repetitive CDNA hybridizations (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2000, 97(18): 9834 ~ 9839). 其中的副题名起补充、阐明作用,可起到很好的效果。
(3) 清楚(Clarity)。
如The effectiveness of vaccination against in healthy, working adults (N Engl J Med,1995, 333: 889-893)中,假设作者用关键词vaccination作为题名的开头,读者可能会误认为这是一篇方法性数学类文章:How to vaccinate this population? 相反,用effectiveness作为题名中第一个主题词,就直接指明了研究问题:Is vaccination inthis population effective? 标题应慎用缩写。
1.2 题名的句法结构标题通常由一个名词短语,假设有一个动词,主要词或动名词形式。
例如:Isolation of antigens from monkeys using complement-fixation techniques. 可使人误解为“猴子使用了补体结合技术”。
应改为:Using complement-fixation techniques in isolation of antigens from monkeys.即“用补体结合技术从猴体分离抗体”。
2 摘要2.1 基本要求(1 )确保IMRD简单,完全关节的论文,特别注重研究和创新,一个重要的(但不要用语言评估);尝试包括的主要论点和重要细节(重要的参数或数据)的文件。
( 2 )使用短的,简单的短语要精确,简洁明了的句子;注意代表的逻辑,用文字说明来表达文档(水平)的不同部分,如使用如使用“We found that...”表示结果;使用“We suggestthat...之类的讨论等方向。
( 3 )应避免的报价,图表,潜在读者的话应该是熟悉的。
( 4 )为便于转录和检索系统,应避免使用化学结构式,数学表达式,特殊符号和希腊指数及其他。
2.2 摘要写作的时态摘要写作时所采用的时态应因情景而定,应力求表达自然、妥当。
写作中可大致遵循以下原则:叙述结论或建议时,可使用现在式、臆测动词或may, should, could等助动词。
We suggest that climate instability in the early part of the last interglacial may have...2.3 摘要写作的人称和语态由于主动语态的表达更为准确,且更易阅读,因而目前大多数期刊都提倡使用主动态,国际知名科技期刊“Nature",“Cell"等尤其如此,其中第一人称和主动语态的使用非常普遍。
3 引言3.1 基本要求(1) 尽量准确、清楚且简洁地指出所探讨问题的本质和范围,对研究背景的阐述做到繁简适度。
(5) 适当地使用“I”,“We”或“Our”,以明确地指示作者本人的工作,如:最好使用“We conducted this study to determine whether...”,而不使用“This study was conducted to determine whether...”。
(6) 叙述前人工作的欠缺以强调自己研究的创新时,应慎重且留有余地。
可采用类似如下的表达:To the author's knowledge...;There is little information available in literature about...;Until recently, there is some lack of knowledge about...等等。