



二、词汇与语法知识从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选择出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。25 分

11. He ___ a lazy man when he was young.

A. used to being B. used to be C. was used to being C. was used to be

12 We communicate with each other _____ language.

A. use of

B. with the help

C. for instance

D. by means of

13. It is no use ___ him ___the matter.

A. arguing with;about

B. argue; for

C. to argue with; for

D. to argue ; against

14. He pretended ____ everything about it, but in fact he knew nothing.

A. to know

B. know

C. knowing

D. known

15. Every time she arrives home and sees her daughter, she will be ____.

A. in good mood

B. in a good mood

C. in the good mood

D. in better mood

16. He hasn’t passed the exam .Nor _____.

A. is his sister

B. does his sister

C. has his sister D .his sister has

17.These tools ______ the fields.

A. used to plough

B. are used to plough

C. used for plough

D. used to ploughing

18.Fast-food restaurants _____ greens or blues because they don’t want peopl e

in stay long in their restaurant.

A. avoid

B. rid

C. escape

D. free from

19. The Egyptian kings had Pyramids(金字塔)____for them on the west bank for

the river.

A. build

B. to build

C. building

D. built

20. You should avoid _____ late for the meeting.

A. being

B. to be

C. be

D. is

21.He____ himself ___ the cleverest man in the world.

A. regards ; to

B. thinks; to

C. consider ;with

D. regards;as

22. _____ , I’m in favor of the idea.

A. With the whole

B. In the whole

C. On the whole

D. As the whole

23.We all know oranges ___ vitamin C.

A. are low on

B. are poor in

C. are rich in

D. are high on

24.Mr. Smith ____ our school tomorrow.

A. intends to visit

B. intends of visiting

C. will intend to visit


is intend to visit

25. ---I went to Dalian for holiday last week.

---- _______.

A. So did I

B. So was I

C. So I did

D. So I was

26. The child ____ have the candy.

A. eager to

B. is eagerly to

C. is eager

D. Is eager to

27. We communicate with each other by ____ of language .

A. means

B. translation

C. speaking

D. tools

28.The skirt ____ at the black.

A. is done up

B. does up

C. fix up

D. clean up

29..My father ____ 12 hours a day.

A. is used to work

B. used to working

C. used to work

D. used to be


30. The vote was completed。 The president ____ the result.

A. announced

B. spoke

C. talk

D. said


When I was a child, my family 31 a road trip every summer. We 32 from our home in New York City to my grandmother's home in Missouri, the 1580-kilometer trip

33 two or there days.

I always thought my family had 34 on road trip .Many times our car broke down . It was always very hot. Sometimes the air conditioner 35 . My brother ,my sister and I sat in the back.My sister,the youngest,alwayssat 36 . She would 37 . Then her little 38 would fall onto my shoulder . I would always push her head 39 my brother's shoulder, and he would push it back. She just slept though everything. Road trip were long and boring, but we had some good laugh along the way . Like the time a buffalo attacked our car ! Now when I remember our road trips, I 40 .

()31.A.had take B. were taking C. took D. takes

()32.A. drove B.drive C. Come D.came

()33.A. spent B. cost C.paid D.took

()34.A.luckily B. bad luck C. good luck D. lucky

()35.A.didn't work B. don't work C. worked D. works

()36.A. in the fornt B. in front

C. in the middle

D.in middle

( ) 37.A. fall sleep B. fall asleep C. slept D. fell asleep

( ) 38.A. head B. hand C. should D .arm

()39.A. into B.for C.over D. onto

( )40.A. smiling B.smiled C smiles D. smile



Very soon a computer will be able to teach you English. It will also be able to translate any language for you too. It's just one more incredible result of the development of microprocessors-those tiny parts

of a computer commonly known as "silicon chips".So give up going to classes, stop buying more textbooks and relax. In a couple of years you won't need the international language of English.

Already Texas instruments in the United States are developin g an electronic translation machine. Imagine a Spanish secretary,for example, who wants to type a letter from the boss to a business man in

Sweden. All he or she will have to do is this : first type the letter will appear on another television screen in Stockholm in perfect Swedish.

And that's not all. Soon a computer will be able to teach you English,if you really want to learn the language. You'll sit in front of a television screen and practice endless structures. The computer will tell you when you are correct and when you are wrong. It will even talk to you because the silicon chips can change electrical impulses into sounds. And clever programmers can predict the responses you, the learner, are likely to make.

So think of it. You will be able to teach yourself at your own pace. You will waste very little time, and you can work at home. And if after all that, you still can't speak English you can always use the translating machine. In a few years, therefore, perhaps there will be no need for BBC Modern English, or BBC English by Radio programs—no more textbooks or teachers of English. Instead of buying an exciting new textbook, the computer will ask you to replace it with microprocessor one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four. Fast, reliable and efficient language learning and translating facilities will be available to you. Think of that no more tears or embarrassing moments. One little problem is that a computer can’t laugh yet-but the scientists are working on it. Happy learning!

36. Silicon chips are_________.

A microprocessors

B the result of the development of microprocessors

C the computer

D parts of microprocessors

41. According to the writer, "you won't need the international language

of English" because_______.

A learning English will no longer be a difficult task

B textbooks are no longer necessary

C it's better to buy a computer than to go to classes

D the computer will be able to translate any language for you

42. "Texas Instruments" in the 2nd paragraph is probably________.

A those instruments used to fit computers

B electronic translation machines

C a corporation-producing computing machines

D something other than computers

43. Which of the following is NOT true?_________.

A A computer will be able to teach you English

B All computers speak English

C Electrical impulses can be turned into sounds

D The learner's responses can be predicted


Zhao Wenxuan, a film star from Taiwan has been fond of seeing films since his childhood. He would sometimes go to the cinema for the same

film four or five times. He also enjoys literature(文学)and art. Before he took the film acting as his career(职业),he has been on the staff (工作人员)of an airline in Taibei. His change of job to acting was quite by chance.

One day, he came across in the paper an advertisement for a leading actor to appear in the film named "Wedding Feast" . Full of excitement,he answered the job and by telephoning the director of the film, Mr. Li An. It was this telephone call that had changed all his l ife. At last the director decided him to be the very person for the role. That he could be chosen owed much to his good command of English, natural manners and low pay for this work in the film.

The film "wedding Feast" proved to be a hit. It won the Ger man Golden Bear Award and entered the competition for one of the Oscar Academy Awards. Also, it was the first Taiwan film that was permitted to be shown in the U.S. Thanks to the film Zhao Wenxuan became popular in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.

In 1994, Mr. zhao acted as leading role in the Hongkong film "Red Rose and White Rose", in which many film stars like Ms. Chen Chong from U.S and Mr. Ye Yuqing from the local area took parts in it. This film was named for 10 prizes of the Taiwan Golden Horse Prize and at last it was awarded five prizes for the best play, actress and music. Zhao has regarded the film as one of his favorite films since he stepped into the acting circle.

Sine 1993, Mr. Zhao has taken part in the shooting of 13 films,most of which are highly thought of.

Mr. Zhao said that Taiwan should think to cooperate(合作) mush with the mainland in the film producing industry and it would benefit each other. In recent years he often came to the mainland for film shooting. He has just completed his performance in the film "Love Affairs" directed by Mr. Li Xin, a director from Shanghai Film Studio.

44. When he was very young, Zhao Wenxuan__________.

A was a movie fan

B wanted to be a photographer

C would love to be an actor

D was eager to be a painter

45. Why could Zhao Wenxuan play the leading role in the movie "Wedding Feast"?

A Because he liked to see films very much.

B Because he could speak English very well,acted naturally and cared

little about the pay for his work.

C Because he was a famous actor at that time.

D Because the director of the movie knew him very well.

46. The text suggest that________.

A "Wedding Feast" is just an ordinary film

B the film “Wedding Feast” disappointed people gr eatly

C Zhao Wen xuan became a famous movie star because of the film "Wedding


D a lot of Taiwan films are shown in the U.S every year


Kleptomania is an illness of the mind that gives a person the desire to steal. Such a person is not really a thief. They are sick and cannot help themselves. All small children act naturally and as they grow up they normally learn to control their actions, People with kleptomaniac for certain medical reasons have failed to develop control over their desire to take things that do not belong to them. With medical help they may become normal citizens again. The things that a kleptomaniac steals are seldom of great value. They often give away what they have stolen or collect objects without using them.

47. What is the topic of the text?________.

A Young thieves.

B An unusual illness.

C Reasons for stealing.

D A normal child's actions

48. From the text we learn that small children_______.

A have little control of themselves

B usually steal things but grow up honest

C are usually kleptomaniacs

D like to give things away

49. Kleptomaniacs usually steal things that________.

A are valuable

B are unimportant

C their friends like

D they themselves need

50. Which of the following words can best replace(替代) the word

desire in the first sentence?_________.

A chance

B power

C right

D wish


An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man,and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon he had nothing left. Of course, when that happened, all his friends left him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles. "My money has finished and my frie nds have gone,” said the young man. "What will happen to me now?""Don't worry, young man," answered Nasreddin. "Everything will soon be all right again. Wait and you will soon feel much happier." The young man was very glad. "Am I going to get rich agai n then?” He asked Nasreddin. "No, I didn't mean that," said the old man.” I meant that you would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends."

51.An old man died and left his son_____.

A. nothing

B. some gold

C. much money

D. only a house

52.When the son was_____ , he went to see Nasreddin.

A. short of money

B. quite poor and sick

C. in trouble

D. quite poor and alone

53.The young man was very glad because Nasreddin said that____.

A. he would become rich again

B. he would soon feel much happier

C. he would become clever

D. he would have more friends

54.Nasreddin meant the young man______.

A. would get rich again

B. would get used to having nothing

C. would get used to being in trouble

D. would get out of poorness

55.What this story tells us is________.

A. that money is everything

B. that money makes the mare go

C. to save each penny

D. that misfortune tests the sincerity of friends


About 300 years ago man began to study the nature’s color. The famous English scientist, Issac Newton, did the experiments in 1665, which are even the basis for much of our knowledge of colors today. He found that when he passed a narrow beam of sunlight or “white light” through a prism(棱镜),the white split into a colored beam. This colored beam was made up of violet, blue, green, indigo, yellow, orange and red. People called it a spectrum later.

He also found that he could pass the color spectrum through another prism and produce white light. Thus, Newton first discovered that white light was a mixture of all the colors.

56. When did man begin to study nature‘s colors?

A. For 300 years.

B. In 1700’s.

C.300 years later

D. in 1970’s

57. How many colors make up the colored beam that was called a spectrum?

A. Five

B. Six

C. Seven

D. Eight

58. Can you guess the meaning of the word “spectrum”?

A. 光线




59. Which of the following titles can be best summarize the passage?

A. Newton’s Discovery

B. Nature’s Colors

C. How to use a prism

D. What is color?

60. Which of the following is not included in a white beam?

A. Red b.

B. Brown

C. Yellow

D. Green


It is 8:00at night, and Rose is usually at home by now. But she isn’t today. Her father is very worried about her. He has called everyone who may know where Rose is. Below is what Mr. Bronte has heard on the phone.

Uma, Rose’s teacher:

“I saw her wa lking with Pam after school. It was about four thirty in the afternoon .”

Pam, Rose’s classmate:

“Rose was with me on my way home, and she said she was going to see her boyfriend.

I got home at five.”

Tony, who lives next door:

“I saw Rose carrying some fo od just half an hour ago. She was with a red-haired boy. They were in a burry, talking about buying tickets or something.”

Peter, the shopkeeper:

“Rose? She bought some snacks and drinks around seven in the evening with a red-haired boy called …Ray.”

Rache l, Ray’s sister:

“Ray? Ray went out to meet his girlfriend. They were going to a party in the park next to Best Buy Supermarket. The party started at eight, I think.”

Now Mr. Bronte knows what happened. How dare she do that? He is irritated and waits for Rose to come home.

( )61. Why was Rose’s father worried?

A. Because Rose didn’t call him at 8:00

B. Because Rose didn’t finish her homework.

C. Because Rose didn’t come back on time.

D. Because Rose spent much time on computer games.

( )62. Where does Mr. Bronte think Rose is now?

A. In a park.

B. At pam’s house

C. At a snack shop.

D. In a supermarket.

( )63. The underlined word “ irritated” probably means .

A. excited

B. angry

C. interested

D. sad

( )64. Who did NOT see Rose today?

A. Ray.

B. Peter.

C. Tony.

D. Rachel.

( )65. What do we know from the material?

A. Rose is at a party with a friend.

B. Rose left school at noon.

C. Rose usually gets home late.

D. Mr. Bronte went out to look for Rose.

五、英汉互译 40分




4.We can talk with with the help of eye contact.

5.Life is all about choices.

6.A football team is made up of 23 players.

7.Each time something happens, I can choose to learn a good lesson.

8.An association is the mental connection we make between two things or ideas.


职高三年级 英语模拟试题 说明: 一、本试卷包括三部分,共120分。其中第一部分和第二部分为选择题,第三 部分为非选择题。 二、答题前请仔细阅读答题卡上的“注意事项”,按照“注意事项”的规定答题。 所有试题均须在答题卡上作答。在试卷和草稿纸上作答无效。 三、做选择题时,如需改动,请用橡皮将原选涂答案擦干净,再选涂其他答案。 四、考试结束后,将本试卷与答题卡一并交回。 第一部分英语知识运用(共分三节,满分40分) 第节第一节语音知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共5分,每小题1分) 1. weather A. weak B. break C. season D. feather 2. expert A. exactly B. expect C. expensive D. export 3. usually A. sugar B. season C. pleasure D. safety 4. question A. dictation B. station C suggestion D. action 5. change A. machine B. check C. headache D. stomach 第节第二节词汇与语法知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共25分,每小题1分) ( ) 6. Lao Wang is ___old man and he usually walks his dog after _____ dinner. A. the, an B. an, the C. an, / D. the, the ( ) 7. Your hair is too long, you’d better _____ it _____ this morning. A. had, to cut B. have, to cut C. have, cut D. had, cut ( ) 8. Many a student _____ busy doing their homework. A. is B. are C. have been D. were ( ) 9. I prefer reading in the classroom _____ chatting in the dormitory. A. in B. to C. than D. for ( ) 10. It was in _____ when he was in _____ that he went to Yan’an. A. the 1940’s, the forties B. the 1940’s, his forties C. 1940’s, his forties D. 1940’s, the his forties ( ) 11. The teacher with his students _____ morning reading every day. A. do B. to do C. does D. doing ( ) 12. The classroom ______ by students every day. A. should clean B. are cleaned C. should be cleaned D. is cleaning ( ) 13. With so much work on hand, you_____ to see the game last night. A. mustn’t go B. sh ouldn’t go C. couldn’t have gone D. shouldn’t have gone ( ) 14. _____ my homework , I went home. A. Having finished B. Finished C. Being finished D. Finish ( ) 15. I wish I ______ you. A. was B. is C. am D. were ( ) 16. _____ is none of our business. A. If he succeeds or fails B. Whether he will succeed or fail C. Whether will he succeed or fail D. That he will succeed or fail ( ) 17. It won’t be long _____ his father ____ home. A. when, will come B. before, comes C. before, will come D. after, has come ( ) 18. She has two sons, both of _____ work as drivers. A. whom B. them C. they D. who ( ) 19. The _____ words and idioms you know, the ______ English becomes. A. more, more B. more, better C. more, easier D. easier, easier ( ) 20. Hardly _____ the office when it began to rain. A. did I leave B. I had left C. I left D. had I left ( ) 21. _____ good time we had at the party yesterday! A. What B. How C. How a D. What a ( ) 22. I don’t think he is an Englishman, _____? A. isn’t he B. do I C. don’t I D. is he ( ) 23. The speech was very _____ , and we were _____ to tears.


第七周 Topic Unit 4 Education Total16 Language goals Words & expressions: university intermediate advanced cooking register Key sentences: I want to enroll my child in your school. All of the regular courses are open. 8000 yuan per year. We offer three levels of scholarship. We only accept students from 15to 19. Ability goals Enable the students to listen to materials that describe education. Enable the students to talk about education. Emotion & attitude goals Enable the students to share their happiness with others Strategy goals Learn how to summarize information Culture awareness goals Learn the western attitude about education. Teaching important points Listening Teaching procedures and ways Steps Teacher’s activities Students ’ activities Teaching Time reference Step11 T: Do you offer any answer the questions Brainst5min Lead in scholarships 2. Learn the new words orming s Write the activities and phrases. that Ss talk about and read and tick the teach the phrases in activities they did Activity 1before in Activity 1 Step2 1. Play the tape and Listenin get the Ss to finish g Activity21. Ss read the sentences Tape5min and get the meaning of recordi s each sentence.ng 2. Ss listen and match. Step 3Which university will 1.Look and talk about Tape12 Listenin Mary study in the pictures.recordi mins g When will Mary begin 2.Ss listen and tick .ng


高一英语期末测试题(2015——2016学年度下)时间:2016.6.19 命题人:白智敏王晓峰 一..词组互译。(1*20=20分) 1.等候,等待 11.take it easy 2.是否 12.lose one’s temper 3.不知道 13.in anger 4.放弃 14.on purpose 5.使某人想起某事 15.The Olympic Games 6. 燃放,出发 16.be good at 7. 挂起来 17.keep on 8. 与…分享 18.each other 9. .尽快地 19.get ready for 10. 指着 20.dress up 二.选择题。(1*20=20分) 1. The bus_________ people. A is full of B is fill with C full of D filled with 2. We _________our teacher. A agree to B agree on C agree with D agreed to 3. Computers are ____________popular in our daily life. A more and more B less and less C more and less D less and more 4. He is not a teacher________ a writer. A or B and C but D so 5. They make you _______and feel happy. A smile B to smile C smiling D smiled 6. He kept on__________ today morning. A reading B read C to read D read to 7. Could you help me sweep ______the snow? A in B on C to D out 8. There are some trees ______both sides of the road. A on B to C in D with 9 .My teacher speaks loudly ________everyone can hear clearly. A such that B so that C such…that D so….that 10. The fans ran to the pop star ________gave him the flowers. A and B so C or D but 11._________I got home, he was having supper. A for B when C before D after 12. It is about 20 minutes’walk ______our school to the station. A from B of C with D about 13. ______is the man over there? ——He is our English teacher. A why B when C where D who 14. The earth_______ round the sun. 页脚.


职高高一英语试题(外研社)(Ⅱ) 一.Match the words with their meanings. 15% A 1.Beautiful A. many 2. nice B. good-looking 3. all over the world C. around the world 4. a lot of D. drive somebody to a place 5. give somebody a ride E. good and friendly B 6. library A. 教学楼 7. workshop B. 篮球 8. dining hall C. 办公楼. 9.office building D. 食堂 10. student apartment E 图书馆 11.teaching building F 车间 12. playground G 学生公寓 13. basketball H. 操场 14. a tour guide I 从周一到周五 15. from Monday to Friday J 导游 二.Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions in the box. 10% 2.The weather report it usually___________ 3.You have a good idea. I’ll take your ________. 4.It’s a _________ day. Let’s have a walk in the sun. 5.Let’s go to the park. The air after the rain is so __________. 6.Look, it is _________. It’s going to rain. Let’s take our raincoats. 7.Don’t drive on a ________ day. You can’t see the road clearly. 8.It is very dangerous to drive on a _________ day. 9.Money is _________, but we don’t live for money. 10.He always goes to work on ___________. 三.Choose the best answer. 20% 1.I like your class. You _____________ a very good teacher. A. is B. are C. am 2.There ____________ a lot of trees in my hometown.


基础模块单项选择(选) 1 Italy is ______European country. A an B a C the D.\ 2 which is ____ , Canada or Australia? A. large B. larger C. the larger D. the largest 3 When we saw his face , we know ____was good . A. a news B. a many news C. news D. the news 4 Thefamily__together is important during the Spring festival. A. getting B. to get C. got D. geting 5 Did you carry your notebook ? . Yes, I remembered ___it with me. A. to take B. to bring C. taking D. Picking 6 What’s the weather like today? It’s_________. A. sun B. suny c. sunny D. Wind 7.________of the students are girls, and the rest______ boys. A. Two third, is B. The two third, are C. Two thirds, are D. Two thirds, is 8.Look! Someone _______ the classroom A has swept B is sweeping Care sweeping D. have swept 9.The more you practice , the ______ you draw. A. good B. better C. well D. best 10. The doctor asked the old man to give_______ smoking. A .to B. up C. off D. in 11. I hope ______ successful in your study. A. you to be B. it will be C. it to be D. you will be 12. _____ can I keep the dictionary? ---A week. A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How far 13. Watching TV too much is bad ____ your eyes. A. at B. to C. for D. with 14.The film ____ him ____ what he had seen in London. A. remind?-of B. reminded?-to C. reminded?-of D. remind?-to 15.I?ˉm looking forward to _____ from you . A hearing B. to hear C. to be heard D. to have heard 16.The girl ____ to bed until very late last night. A. went B. didn't go C. go D. don't go 17. He is _____ _____ to join the Army. A enough old . B. old enough C enough young D. young enough 18.He was born ______ December 24,1990. A in B on C at D by


职高高一年级组英语月考(二)试卷分析 (2014-2015学年第一学期) 一、整体情况分析 本次考试总分为120分,考试时间为100分钟,考试内容主要以职高英语基础模块上Unit 1-4为主,重点考查学生应该掌握的英语基础知识和基本能力,旨在夯实学生的基础,注重阶段内知识的考查和消化。试卷选材上注重题材、体裁的多样性,所选文章内容贴近生活,贴近实际,具有时代感,体现了职高英语新课程的理念。 三、试题和答题情况分析 1.单选 本部分重点考查语音、词汇、语法知识以及交际用语等,主要是最近学过的内容,所以大部分学生得分较高,少数学生在某些词汇用法和语法运用方面,以及语音方面还存在着不少问题。一部分学生的1-5题, 6. 20. 21. 25题的得分率较低。由此可见,经常复习以前的知识从而达到使学生巩固已学内容并能熟练运用是非常重要的,而且有必要强化语音知识的理解和积累。 2.完形 完型填空考查学生在阅读理解的基础上对语篇、词汇和语法知识掌握情况,要求学生综合运用所学知识,选出最佳选项,是综合性较强的题型。从试卷可以看出,学生在某些句子的理解和具体语境的处理上还欠缺能力,特别是对第32.36.38.39题学生理解不到位。学生读题不够细心,不注意上下文相关联内容,容易犯习惯性错误,由此可见,应该指导学生做题的严谨性, 同时要增加完型练习量。 3.阅读 本次阅读理解有三篇,文章比上次月考难度适当增加,题量适宜。一部分学生得分较高,丢分的主要是对49题和50题判断失误。但是对于基础较差者,失

分较多。很明显学生在概括要点、细节理解、推理判断上还需要加强训练。 4.词义搭配得分相对较高。 5.补全对话的67题和69题是这次容易丢分题,而且分值很高,主要是学生分辨能力还有待提高。 6.单词考查 本次单词考查题中所填单词主要是以1-4 单元为主要选择范围,因为是刚刚学过,大多数学生得分在及格以上。但是基础较差的学生不注意单词词形变化,甚至写不出原词,得分仍然困难。 7.改错 多数学生得分8分或高于8分。少数学生对这种题型的把握较差,不注意规范答题。因此,在今后的教学中应该加强这方面的练习,这也体现了学生基础知识较差的现状,在今后应该加强对学生基础知识的巩固和提高。 8.书面表达 这次考试的书面表达题是给自己的父母写封信,汇报自己在新的学校里的生活和学习,以及自己的打算等情况。选材非常贴近学生的生活实际,学生有话可说,应是易得分题,但学生忽视了书信语言的表达,内容缺乏有序性和连贯性,对句子不能灵活处理,语法知识欠缺;部分学生审题不清,所表达内容与要求话题不符;还有部分学生书写潦草,卷面涂抹,导致失分;同时还有少许学生东抄西拼,抄袭阅读,以图蒙混过关。时态运用错误是普遍现象。有些虽然得分较高,但是完全写得清楚的同学也不是很多。 三、对下一阶段英语教学工作的思考和建议 1、夯实语言基础知识 从学生在单项填空、完形填空部分的解答以及单词拼写可以看出,很多学生的词汇和语法知识仍不够扎实,还存在较多问题,因此,强调基础知识的学习是关键。但需要注意的是,此处的基础知识指的是语言知识(语法和词汇)的灵活运用,而非一条条的语法规则,必须结合具体语境,倡导在语境中教学,在语境中学习,语境中运用。另外,在平时词汇教学中,抓重点单词,特别是动词的教学,适当扩充该词的其他相关用法。并把检查单词记忆等情况落实,使学生真正养成学习语言的习惯。 2、培养阅读能力 新课标在谈到教学中应该注意的几个问题时,明确说明加强“听、说、读、写”综合运用,侧重培养阅读能力。因为阅读是理解和吸收语言信息的最重要手段,它能给学生提供更为丰富的教育教学资源,有助于他们开阔视野、丰富语言知识、扩大词汇量和了解英语国家的社会及文化等。在平时教学中,应争取让学


职高高一英语期中考试试题 一.Multiple choice. 1.I like your class. You _____________ a very good teacher. A. is B. are C. am 2.There ____________ a lot of trees in my hometown. A. is B. are C. am 3.There is _________ in the room. A. two Americans B. one Chinese C. many Australians 4.Some girls help ________ the rooms clean. A. keep B to clean C. do 5.It is already April, but it is still_________ in the north of China. A. warm B. cold C. rainy 6.The boy runs ________ fast as his sister. A. as B. so C. much 7.Neither you _______ I will go to the meeting tomorrow. A. or B. nor C. and 8.The tour guide_________ the tourists around the city. A. show B. shows C. lead 9.What do you usually have ___________ breakfast? A. to B. for C. from 10.Thank you_________. A. to send me the photos B. for sending me the photoes C. for sending me the photos 11.Would you like ______ to drink? ---No, thank you. A. Nothing B. something C. everything 12.I’m not ready________ yet. A. to order B. order C. order food 13.Just_______ water, please. A. a bottle of B. a bottle C. a 14.Boys play________ sports than girls. A. more B. many C. much 15.You’ll find ________ not easy to give up the bad habit. A. it B. that C./ 16.I________ like computer games. A. don’t B. not C. am not 17.Do you feel ________ today? A. Well B. better C. best. 18.Sometimes I watch TV __________ long time. A. for a B. with a C. / 19.In the evening we often do ________. A. jog B. some jogging C. many jogging 20._________, and you will be healthy and fit.


I. 选择画线单词正确含义(10分) 1. When people greet each other, they also address each other A. 地址 B. 称呼 C . 演说,讲话 D.打招呼2.Treat your guests as you want them to treat you when you’re in their home A. 治疗 B. 招待,款待 C. 对待,看待 D. 把…看作3.Daniel is delivering letters to his neighbors A.投递 B . 解救,释放C给接生 D. 发送 4. We’re all looking forward to seeing you A 向前看 B. 照顾 C. 期待 D 探寻 5.A van was parked in Windsor Hill, close to the traffic light A 关上,关闭 B. 靠拢、接近 C. 亲近、亲密 D 6 People are attracted to the forests for different reasons and purpose A 吸引 B. 迷人 C. 喜欢 D. 引向 7. He drove away Buddy., his dog A 驾驶 B 趋赶 C. 迫使 D. 踢开 8.It takes up too much of our time A 花费 B 乘 C 占用 D. 搭载 9. Would you prefer Italian food ? A 提供 B 喜欢 C 宁愿 D. 接受 10. It’s a way to begin a conversation with someone. A 手段,方法 B 道路 C 方向 D. 说明 II. 用所给介词或介词短语填空(10分) across;in time;on;at;since;for;on time,in,about,to,1. She is usually at the office in the day, but she’s almost at home ____ night. 2. He made a political speech _____ the Fourth of July. 3 . Mrs brown has lived in the same house _____ 1987. 4. I asked them to come and stay _____ a weekend. 5. The movie began at eight o’clock ,and we arrive ________. 6. She didn’t arrive ______ to say goodbye to him. 7. I know that his birthday was ______. 8. The woods are ______ the river. 9. How ______ going to the cinema? 10. I’m not used _____ eating such hot food. III. 选择最佳答案(40分) ()1 The third month of the year is ______ A. March B. January C. February D. September ()2.Tom is interested ______ maths while Betty prefers English____ maths A .at , on B, in , to C. about. on D. at , with ( )3. What about ______ reports for the newspaper? Good idea A. giving B. making C. writing D. to write ( )4. Would you please ______ the letter to John ? His home is next to yours A. delivery B. deliver C, maid D. post ( )5. Road accidents have increased ________ the report from the Safety Board. A. according to B. according as C. according to D. accord with ( )6. We didn’t go to the party on Sunday because we _______ A. weren’t invited B. are not invited C.weren’t D. didn’t invited ( )7. Before liberation my grandfather was made _______from morning till night A. working B. worked C to work D. work ( ) .8 Jim is ill , his bad health ______ him ______ China A. stops; traveling in B.stops; from traveling in C.stopped; travel in D. stopped; from traveling ( )9.---I don’t know ______to go. ---- By plane , of course A. where B.when C. how. D. why ( )10. The Woods park is _______ park that we c ome here once a week A. so lovely B. too lovely C. very lovely D. such a lovely ( )11.We spent a couple of days ____ vollleyball on the beach last summer


职高英语基础模块模拟试卷 第一部分选择题(共60 分) 一、单项选择题(本大题共40 小题,每小题1 分,共40 分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请选出正确答案并将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。 ()1. It was ____ who helped Tom out when he was in trouble. A. me B. I C. us D. ours () 2. What are you doing now? ______ you _______ TV? A. Is··· watch B. Are··· watching C. Are··· watch D. do··· watch () 3. We heard a terrible noise _____ night. A. in B. at C. on D. since ()4. She never had ______ before she became a teacher. A. a lot of work's experiences B. much experience of work C. a lot of work experience D. many experiences of work () 5. The young man wanted to know ______ I know. A. all what B. which C. that D. what () 6. -----"I can't find my mobile-phone. " -----You _____ it in the office. A .must have lost B. might lose C. could lose D. must lose ()7. Difficult _____ the problem is, we should try to work it out. A. however B. as C. although D. that ()8. The train from Beijing _______ this station on time this morning. A. arrived in B. arrived at C. reached to D. get ()9. You must write a _____ composition tomorrow. A. eight-hundred-word B. eight-hundred-words C. eight- hundreds- word D. eight- hundreds- words ()10. ______ he has lived in London, he writes in Chinese. A. As B. Because C. Although D. As if ()11. You_____ put the fruits in the icebox for a longer time. A. mustn't B. needn't C. may not D. don't have to ()12. He said that his job _____ by the end of last week. A. was done B. will be done C. had been done D. is being done ()13. The young woman spent all money that she has ______ the beautiful coat. A. buy B. to buy C. on buying D. buying ()14. If he had known the truth, he _____ us early. A. has told B. had told C. would tell D. would have told ()15. -----What is the woman? -----She is _____. A. a dancer and a fashion designer B. dancer and fashion designer C. a dancer and fashion designer D. the dancer and fashion designer ()16. Shall we stay here or ______ to the park.


宝应中专2015年秋学期第二次考试15级英语试卷 考试时间:150分钟分值:150分 第一部分:语言知识运用(共40小题,每小题1分,共40分) 第一节在本节中,你将读到10个句子,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑。 ( )1. There is _______ with my computer. It needs repairing. A. anything wrong B. nothing wrong C. something wrong D. wrong something ( )2. The dress is worth _______. A. to be bought B. to buy C. buying D. being bought ( )3. _____ you have heard the song , you will never forget it . A. Because B. Once C. while D. When ( )4.Making good preparations for an interview ___________. A. is very important B. is of very importance C. are great important D. are quite importantly ( )5. Last year I _____ the 100-meter race and _____ the second place. A. took part in ; beat B. joined ; won C. took part in ; won D. attend ; won ( )6.The doctor suggests we’d better not stay in a place ____ somebody is smoking. A.that B.which C.when D.where ( )7. The selfish man never offers help to his friends, ______? A. is he B. isn’t he C. does he D. doesn’t he ( ) 8.______ it is to go for a picnic on such a fine day ! A. What a fun B. What fun C. What a funny D.How fun ( ) 9.The necklace , _____ with pears , must be very valuable. A.decorated B. decorating C. to decorate D.decorates ( )10.The coat is _____ large for me . would you give me a smaller one. A. too many B. much too C. too much D.many too 第二节在本节中,你将读到15个短对话或片段,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑。 ( )11.—Ellen,how about going to Hong Kong Ocean Park together? —___! A.Enjoy yourself B.Good luck C.Have a good trip D.Sounds fantastic ( )12.—____,Emma? —I need help.What should I get my mom for her birthday? A.How's it going B.What's on C.What's up D.How's your mother ( )13.—The documentary A Bite of China Ⅱ is quite popular around China recently.How do


职高英语基础模块教案 【篇一:中职英语基础模块1 教学设计】 中职英语基础模块1 教学设计(教案、学案)unit 6 第三课时unit 6 would you like to order? (第三课时教学设计) 一、教材分析 1.教学内容本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第六单元的第三课时,即reading and writing 部分。本部分的主要活动是读懂菜单,在前两课时的基础上,学生已经了解了一些菜名,本部分内容要求学生通过就菜品的价格用英语进行比较,从而让学生学会在口头和书面表达中正确运用形容词比较级和最高级比较事物,进一步增加学生的学习词汇以及增强学生实际运用语言的能力。 2.教学重点、难点 (1)教学重点 ①通过阅读菜单和表格,学生能总结并掌握形容词比较级和最高级的变化规 律。 ②学生能在口头及书面表达中正确运用形容词比较级和最高级比较不同餐 厅 ③学生能根据阅读材料,纠正错误信息的表达。 (2)教学难点 ①学生通过文中给出的线索,猜出词义 ②学生能够运用阅读表格的策略对餐厅进行比较 二、教学目标 1. 知识目标 (1)学生能理解并运用形容餐厅的词汇如,delicious, cheap, expensive 等 (2)学生能够正确运用形容词比较级和最高级比较各餐厅情况 2. 能力目标 (1)学生能够读懂菜单,并通过文中给出的线索,猜出词义,归纳形容词比较级和最高级规律。 (2)学生能够运用形容词的比较级和最高级以书面形式简单介绍餐厅的基本

情况,如路程远近,饭菜价格及质量。 3. 情感目标 通过对餐厅的比较,学生外出就餐时能做出理智选择。 三、教学步骤 step one lead-in (1min) teacher shows the situation: if you invite your friend to meiwei restaurant to eat out, what would you like to order for your friend ? (设计意图:教师设定情境,让学生想象邀请朋友用餐。自然进入到下面菜单的阅读阶段。) step tworeading (22min) 1. read and circle ( activity 13 ) students read the menu and circle what you may order for your friend. then teacher asks several students , using the sentence pattern “ what would you like to order ? ” as an example. at last, students as k each other, using the sentence pattern “ what would you like to order ? ”.(设计意图: 让学生选择自己喜爱的食品,在点菜中熟悉菜单。老 师运用本 单元的重点句型进行提问,以巩固本句型的运用。) 2. read and guess students work in pairs and read the price of the food on the menu of activity 13 again , guessing the meanings of the underlined words of activity 14. teacher asks some pairs to tell the class what are the meanings of the underlined words. if the students can’t get the correct meanings, teacher should explain them. (设计意图:阅读菜单,在合作中比较价格,通过文中的线索猜出词意,了解形容词比较级和最高级的运用,并培养学生阅读策略。) 3. read and choose teacher tells the students situation: zhang qing is helping sara, wang yang and li xiaonian to choose the right restaurants. students: (1) read the table individually and the statements of three people. ask the following question. “what kind of restaurant does sara/
