
艺 术 手法
想 说 让 小 孩 抓 狗 耳 朵 是 不 是 很 危 险 .可 她 居 然 不
收 稿 日期 :2017—10—19 作 者 简 介 :陈 惠 良 ,男 ,上 海 人 ,华 北 电力 大学 外 国语 学 院 教 授 、硕 士 生 导 师 ,研 究 方 向 :英 美 文 学 理 论 。
· 55 ·
敢 当着 奶妈 的 面把 自己 的想 法 说 出来 当 贝莎 要 他 的 孩 子 ,他 对 她 没 有 兴 趣 ,除 非 他 有 了 情 人 表 给 自 己的孩 子 喂饭 时 .奶 妈 很 不 高 兴 .说 孩 子 吃 饭 面 上 这 是一 句 打 趣 的话 .实 际上 说 明他 对 孩 子 没 时 .是 不 可 以换 人 的 ,在 贝 莎 的坚 持 之 下 ,奶 妈 才 有 感 情 。小 孩 名 叫小 贝 ,女 主 人 公 叫 贝 莎 ,他 们 共 勉 强 把 小 贝交 给 贝莎 。还 一 副满 脸 不 高 兴 的样 子 有 一 个 贝子 .作 者 似 乎 在 暗示 哈里 对 贝莎 的 真 正
夫妇在 自己家里宴请 朋友的故事 .展示了女主人 “曼 斯 菲 尔 德 笔 下 的少 妇 形 象 暗 藏 复 杂 的婚 姻 家
贝 莎 从 极 度 的 幸 福 跌 落 到 情 感 的 深 渊 的 一 次 心 庭 问题和深刻 的历史社会 问题 基 于她们 的本质
路 历 程 本 方 从 反 向叙 事 这 个 角 度 来 分 析 作 者 的 特 点— — 生 理 年 龄 是 成 人 .可 是 行 为 和心 理 却 是
差 效 果 .具 有 强 烈 的反 讽 与 暗示 特 色 。小 说 以《幸 际 上 .奶 妈 并 不 把 她 当 回事 。最 明显 的例 子 就 是 对

关键词:曼斯菲尔德;短篇小说;孤独感[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2012)-06-0084-01凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德(1888-1923)是20世纪初英美文坛的一位杰出的现代短篇小说大师。
凯瑟琳 曼斯菲尔德

凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德青年照凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德(Katherine Mansfield)1888年10月14日生于新西兰威灵 顿,本名卡瑟琳·包姗普,家族与俄罗斯全无瓜葛。凯瑟琳的童年在维多利亚式的文化习俗和新西兰美丽的自然 环境中度过。15岁时,她离家来到英国伦敦,进入皇后学院就学,研习法语、德语和音乐课程,她在那里爱上了 文学,并开始写作,写一些短篇的散文和诗歌。3年后她回到了故乡新西兰,进入惠灵顿皇家音乐学院学习。 1908年7月,她说服父亲同意她前往英国生活,从此走上文学道路。她用凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德这个名字作为笔名, 以一个作家的身份定居伦敦,开始写作生涯。波西米亚式的生活让她时常感到孤寂无助,现实生活也远非如她所 想。一些随机的个人交往和无所顾忌的性生活并没有带给她太多快乐。同乔治·布朗不幸的婚姻使她在结婚后的 第二天就离开了他。随后她出游巴伐利亚,1911年出版的《在德国公寓》里寄托了她幻想破灭的无奈心境。
凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德作品(一)在西方的男性作家当中,D·H·劳伦斯是真崇拜曼斯菲尔德的,他认为莫瑞 在从曼斯菲尔德的纸篓里给读者淘东西,还说是“天才之作”。无独有偶,中国诗人徐志摩对曼斯菲尔德同样也 是充满了崇敬之情,他可能是中国作家中唯一见过曼斯菲尔德的人,虽然只是一面之缘,但却被她的才貌深深打 动了。在得知曼斯菲尔德过世后,徐志摩深情切切地写下了悼念她的文章《曼殊菲尔》。那个时代已经远离了人 们的生活,但曼斯菲尔德还是非常好读的,她的很多小说只是一杯茶的功夫就可以使人回味那种恍惚的寂寞,那 种从平淡的生活中观察和琢磨的趣味。

1.女性自我意识的疑似觉醒——茨威格与林白笔下女性人物形象比较 [J], 胡泊
2.凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德与其女性主题小说人物心理特征 [J], 沈秀丽
3.暗香流动嫣女如花——对凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德的女性主义解读 [J], 关春梅
4.解读凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德的女性主义写作风格——以《莳萝泡菜》为例 [J], 李亮晶
5.解读凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德笔下女性人物觉醒之路 [J], 顾辰

1 ntOduci n .I r t0
e e s a s b l c a g s i h m a be vi r v nt nd u te h n e n u n ha o .
Kah rn a s e d wa Ne Ze l n ’ mo t t e i e M n f l s i w aa dS s fm o s wr e , o wa l s l s o it d wi H. a u i r wh s co ey a s c ae t D. t h La e c n o t i g o i a fVi i i W o l wr n ea d s meh n f rv l r n a l f o g of . M a s edS c e t e y a s we e b r e e wi n f l’ i r a i e r v r u d n d t h
Ka h r e M a s e d wa o i W e l g o ,Ne te i n n f l s b r n i n ln t n i w Ze ln . i t f aa d n o l m i d e ca s o o il a i . H e d l. ls c l n a f m l y r f t e , Ha o d Be u h mp wa f b n e a d e ah r r l a c a , s l a k r n h r
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Ab t a t I 1 a s e d p b ih dPr l d . ih r a r n e o i n f s r c : n 1 M n f l u l e e u e wh c e ra g d n t so a t r o l o a db . h a r a e 98 i s o wh taso y c u d d n e S eh sc e t d t o Ⅵ wO l s r . d — n ih n h t e n t e d r I h rd o g t t e a t o r so h e l tc lv l d p c i g t r e d y h ei l t d t e o h ri h ak. n t ewo l fl h , h u h r n g a i wo k n t e r a i i e e , e i t e a st e s n h Bu n l f mi ih t erl e g e n wi o t i p e Ho v r i h r fd r , h uh rg e t h e t fh ma r e l a l i wh c h i i o s o t u rp l. we e , n t ewo l o a k t ea t o o si o t e d p h o u n yn f h a d n p y h .r v a ig t e c a a tr ’i n r i l t n wi i e s p o tv tu t r f t e f mi ,Pr l d a e h r a e n s c e e e l h h r ce s n e s a i t n t u p r e sr cu e o h a l n o o h h i y eu e h s ln t e e d r a

曼斯菲尔德的流散身份与小说创作曼斯菲尔德(Katherine Mansfield)是20世纪最重要的短篇小说作家之一,她以其简洁而富有表现力的散文风格、对内心世界的深刻描绘而享有盛誉。

%As the major skipper of Strauss School of American famous conservatism school, the Harvard Professor and political ideologist, Harvey Mansfield constructed the unique huge political philosophy sys-tem through the many works of his, in which education occupies the important position because it involves the problems of how to tenon and transfer the metaphysical concept of political philosophy to the political reality problem.Under his conservative thinking Mansfield pulse diagnosed such actualities as grade point expansion , affirmative action and liberal arts and gave suitable remedies and provided his own educational concepts which help us have wider understanding of his integer ideological framework and the many A-merican sticking points, and have a restricted view of the whole value concept of Strauss School.【期刊名称】《教育文化论坛》【年(卷),期】2015(000)004【总页数】7页(P17-23)【关键词】列奥· 施特劳斯;保守主义;绩点膨胀;平权行动;博雅教育【作者】朱兵【作者单位】天津师范大学政治与行政学院,天津 200234; 贵州大学人文学院,贵州贵阳 550025【正文语种】中文【中图分类】D712.4年逾八旬的哈维·曼斯菲尔德(Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr., 1932 — )教授是一位积极活跃于当下美国思想界的著名保守主义政治思想家,他深受列奥·施特劳斯(Leo Strauss, 1899 — 1973)的精神启发,是一位立场坚定且声名显赫的施特劳斯主义者。

二、研究现状早期的一些评论家声称她只是契诃夫的模仿者,还有一些评论家几乎完全抹杀了她对现代主义小说发展的贡献,迈克尔·莱文森(Michael Levenson)在他非常有影响力的著作《现代主义谱系》以及路易斯·梅南德(Louis MeNand)在他的作品《发现现代主义》中都没有提到凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德的名字。
然而,凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德对短篇小说的创作形式和叙事技巧等方面的贡献最终得到了大卫·戴西斯(David Daiches)和卡普兰(Kaplan)等评论家的认可。
曼斯菲尔德作品[试论曼斯菲尔德作品的现代主义特征]凯瑟琳・曼斯菲尔德(Catherine Manthfield,1888-1923)是一位对英国短篇小说有重大贡献的现代主义作家。

曼斯菲尔德的流散身份与小说创作曼斯菲尔德,是英国著名小说家珍·奥斯汀(Jane Austen)的姐姐,与她有着相似的文学天赋和深厚的阅读素养。

曼斯菲尔德的流散身份与小说创作曼斯菲尔德(Katherine Mansfield)是一位出生于新西兰、成长于英国并在欧洲游历多年的作家,她的作品被认为是现代主义文学的代表之一。

关键词:曼斯菲尔德;写作技巧;具象性象征;意识性象征The Discussion of Symbolism in Katherine Mansfield’sShort StoryAbstractIn the early 20th century, when many a writer devoted themselves Katherine Mansfield set her affections on the short story, which in the become a great short story writer in the world. She applied the modernto the novel writing, later days made herwriting techniques to her short stories creatively and successfully, by which Mansfield made great contributions to the promotion of modernism in literary history and to the enrichment of narrative techniques. Thus more and more attention has been paid to the modernwriting techniques used in her works. This paper is intended to study symbolism in some of Katherine Mansfield's representative works--Prelude, Revelations and the Fly. The use of symbolism is divided into two types the imagery symbol including the following five categories: natural setting as symbol, animal as symbol, character as symbol, and the consciousness symbol. To sum up, it is her feminine, delicate, subtle, and exquisite way of using the modern writing techniques that hasbrought Mansfield her great reputation in literary world.Key words: Mansfield; writing techniques; imagery symbol; consciousness symbolContentsIntroduction1. A brief introduction to Katherine Mansfield1.1Katherine Mansfield’ life1.2Katherine Mansfield’s literary achievementse of symbolism2.1Definition of symbolism2.2Classifications of symbol2.3Imagery symbol2.4Consciousness symbolConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgementsIntroductionKatherine Mansfield is regarded as the master of English shortstory in the 20th century. In her short life span, she incorporated Modernism into short stories creatively and successfully and established an everlasting reputation entirely upon the ingenious and marvelous creation of short story. Ian Gordon once said that:‖ She had the same kind of directive influence on the art of the short story as Joyce had on the novel. After Joyce and Katherine Mansfield neither the novel nor the short story can ever be quite the same again. They beat a track to a higher point from which others can scan a wider horizon.‖(Gordon, 1971:8) If the great geniuses in the annals of literature focused on lashing out at the social ailment to bring the human beings of the whole world the change of mind, Katherine Mansfield was like a little lamp to give a light shining through the perplexed and lonely heart of people lost in the boundless and turbulent sea. She entered into the interior world of characters to explore the inner thoughts deep in their hearts, and to unfold the delicateness and subtlety of the feelings, as well as to expose the cruelty and coldness of human nature, the desperation and loneliness of the characters, the powerlessness of human beings towards the controlling life and destiny, and each theme she loved and hated, by means of her unique artistic style and creative writing techniques of Modernism as well as her delicate feminist way of expression. Her storesare like the stream flowing through the soul of reader bringing clearness, cleanness and awakening to readers.1 A brief introduction to Katherine Mansfield1.1 Katherine Mansfield’ lifeKatherine Mansfield (14 October 1888 –9 January 1923) was a prominent modernist writer of short fiction who was born and brought up in colonial New Zealand and wrote under the pen name of Katherine Mansfield. Mansfield left for Great Britain when she was 19 where she encountered Modernist writers such as D.H.Lawrence and Virginia Woolf with whom she became close friends. Her stories often focus on moments of disruption and frequently open rather abruptly. During the First World War Mansfield contracted extra pulmonary tuberculosis, which rendered any return or visit to New Zealand impossible and led to her death at the age of 34.1.2 Katherine Mansfield’s literary achievementsKatherine Mansfield’s life was eventful, and short—tragically short, but productive. Approximately she wrote 88 short stories that were collected in the three collections In a German Pension (in 1911), Bliss and Other Stories (1920) and The Garden Party and Other Stories (1922). Her letters and the Journal of Katherine Mansfield were published posthumously. Mansfield’s best and most characteristic works are generally considered to be contained in Bliss and Other Stories and The Garden Party and Other Stories. The success of these volumes established Mansfield as a major talent, comparable to suchcontemporaries as Virginia Woolf and James Joyce. These volumes collect many of Mansfield’s highly regarded New Zealand stories as well as the widely reprinted and often discussed ―Bliss‖, ―The Daughters of the Late Colonel‖, ―Je Ne Parle Pas Trancais‖, and ―Miss Brill‖, which are considered among the finest short stories in the English language. Mansfield, whose short-story theory is often mentioned even now, has become one of the few authors to attain prominence exclusively for short stories, and her works remain among the most widely read in world literature.2Modernity in Mansfield’s short stories2.1Use of symbolism2.1.1Definition of symbolismGenerally speaking, symbolism can be defined as ―the practice of representing things by means of symbols or attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events or relationship.‖ That is to say, symbolism can be taken as a device to represent or convey the characters’ private thought and emotion through the use of concrete images-the symbols. These concrete images can be everything-any object with life or lifeless, a person, even a scene or a place, an action can be given a specialmeaning that is larger than that of itself. While the meaning these images carrying can be the abstract ideas, an emotion, a belief, a value, a feeling or an attitude. The meaning that a symbol is carrying on is decided by writers themselves. This kind of symbol is frequently used in the works of Mansfield.In this part, the symbolism used in the short stories Revelations, Prelude, Bliss, The Garden-Party, The Fly and The Canary of Mansfield will be focused on and discussed about by means text-analysis in order to have a comprehensive understanding of this technique in her works. The expressive way of symbolism in these stories will be divided into six types: natural setting as symbol, animal as symbol, consciousness symbol, and object as symbol and character as symbol.2.1.2Classifications of symbolIn the short stories of Mansfield, she has made use of lots of concrete images as well as the consciousness such as the fantasy, dream or imagination to carry her various symbolic meanings in order to present the themes. Symbolic object, such as the cross symbolizing the Christianity or other symbols given to the definite meaning in the specific context.2.1.3Imagery symbolIn the short stories of Katherine Mansfield, the imagery symbols present as the following four types: natural setting as symbol, animal as symbol, and character as symbol. Natural setting as symbolIn most of short stories, Mansfield often uses natural setting as the symbol to convey her specific emotions and themes, such as the weather in Revelations, The Garden-Party and Miss Brill. Weather in RevelationsIn Mansfield's stories, the weather often appears to take two kinds of roles. One is to set the mood and highlight the atmosphere; another is to convey different symbolic meanings. In Revelations, the wind on one hand conveys the protagonist's feeling of anger, restlessness, and impatience because of her husband's carelessness; on the other hand, the wind symbolizes the control of the husband to the wife as well继续阅读。

我今天要从以下几个方面来介绍:Edwin Mansfield的个人简介、Edwin Mansfield的技术扩散模型及其技术变迁理论、对其理论的评价。
首先介绍一下Edwin Mansfield,这个是他的照片。
下面这些是来自宾夕法尼亚大学官方网站的资料,Edwin Mansfield一个顶级技术经济分析师和被数百万大学学生使用的经济学教材的作者,由于癌症在1997年11月17日死于宾夕法尼亚州瓦林褔德家中。
因为在技术变迁经济学方面的研究他获得了许多奖项,包括1996年获得的Kenan Enterprise Award、美国国家科学基金会科别创新奖。
Edwin Mansfield因他的技术变迁/创新扩散而出名。
他在《Technical change and the rate of imitation》一文中研究了四个行业的12项新技术存在着类似的S形新技术采纳过程。
Mansfield在另一篇关于新技术采纳的文章《The speed of response of firms to new techniques》中,他发现企业越小,企业采纳技术越慢,利润越大的技术被采用的越快。


【关键词】曼斯菲尔德、流散身份、小说创作、早期、流散主题、影响、文学价值、关系、贡献、流散文学1. 引言1.1 曼斯菲尔德的生平概况约55岁左右,逝世于1765年。
1.2 曼斯菲尔德的流散身份曼斯菲尔德的流散身份是他文学生涯中一个重要的特点。

反讽--论曼斯菲尔德的《苍蝇》梁蔚菁【期刊名称】《佳木斯教育学院学报》【年(卷),期】2014(000)004【摘要】The British writer Catherine Mansfield's short story"flies"is one of her representative works, has attracted many critics interpret and comment on it from different angles. The paper from the irony of writing, to give the textual analysis of the novel. In order to enhance the understanding of reader description complexity of the theme and characters.%英国作家凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德的短篇小说《苍蝇》是她的代表作之一,吸引了许多评论家从不同角度对之进行解读和评论。
【总页数】2页(P78-79)【作者】梁蔚菁【作者单位】广西科技大学广西柳州 545006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】I106【相关文献】1.战争的创伤——凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德《苍蝇》中老板形象分析 [J], 李星2.《新装》与《苍蝇》--评伍尔夫和曼斯菲尔德的两篇未名短篇小说 [J], 胡德映3.反讽——论曼斯菲尔德的《苍蝇》 [J], 梁蔚菁;4.论曼斯菲尔德的《苍蝇》 [J], 傅子柏5.解读凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德小说《莳萝泡菜》中的隐性进程——从单向反讽到双向反讽 [J], 朱娟娟因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

1.斯皮瓦克和她的后殖民女权主义批评 [J], 于文秀
2.幸福之光,海市幻灭-论曼斯菲尔德短篇小说《幸福》中幸福感的虚无 [J], 黄仕梅
3.幸福之光,海市幻灭——论曼斯菲尔德短篇小说《幸福》中幸福感的虚无(英文) [J], 黄仕梅
4.从女权到女性——浅析凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德作品女权意识的转变 [J], 官雪梅
5.近期女权主义电影批评的关注点探析——以《一个陌生女人的来信》、《色·戒》的女权主义电影批评为分析基础 [J], 马腾飞;顾聪颖
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REVELATIONSKatherine Mansfield (1888-1923) From: Bliss, and Other Stories by Katherine Mansfield. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1920. pp. 262-271.Editor: Mary Mark OckerbloomFROM eight o'clock in the morning until about half past eleven Monica Tyrell suffered from her nerves, and suffered so terribly that these hours were–agonizing, simply. It was not as though she could control them. "Perhaps if I were ten years younger .. ." she would say. For now that she was thirty-three she had a queer little way of referring to her age on all occasions, of looking at her friends with grave, childish eyes and saying: "Yes, I remember how twenty years ago . . . " or of drawing Ralph's attention to the girls–real girls–with lovely youthful arms and throats and swift hesitating movements who sat near them in restaurants. "Perhaps if I were ten years younger . . .""Why don't you get Marie to sit outside your door and absolutely forbid anybody to come near your room until you ring your bell?""Oh, if it were as simple as that!" She threw her little gloves down and pressed her eyelids with her fingers in the way he knew so well. "But in the first place I'd be so conscious of Marie sitting there, Marie shaking her finger at Rudd and Mrs. Moon, Marie as a kind of cross between a wardress and a nurse for mental cases! And then, there's the post. One can't get over the fact that the post comes, and once it has come, who–who–could wait until eleven for the letters?"His eyes grew bright; he quickly, lightly clasped her. "My letters, darling?""Perhaps," she drawled, softly, and she drew her hand over his reddish hair, smiling too, but thinking: "Heavens ! What a stupid thing to say!"But this morning she had been awakened by one great slam of the front door. Bang. The flat shook. What was it? She jerked up in bed, clutching at the eiderdown; her heart beat. What could it be? Then, she heard voices in the passage. Marie knocked, and, as the door opened, with a sharp tearing rip out flew the blind and the curtains, stiffening, flapping, jerking. The tassel of the blind knocked–knocked against the window. "Eh-h, voilà! " cried Marie, setting down the tray and running. "C'est le vent, Madame. C'est un vent insupportable."Up rolled the blind; the window went up with a jerk; a whitey-greyish light filledthe room. Monica caught a glimpse of a huge pale sky and a cloud like a torn shirt dragging across before she hid her eyes with her sleeve."Marie! the curtains! Quick, the curtains!" Monica fell back into the bed and then "Ring-ting [Page 264] -a-ping-ping, ring-ting-a-ping-ping." It was the telephone. The limit of her suffering was reached; she grew quite calm. "Go and see, Marie.""It is Monsieur. To know if Madame will lunch at Princes' at one-thirty to-day." Yes, it was Monsieur himself. Yes, he had asked that the message be given to Madame immediately. Instead of replying, Monica put her cup down and asked Marie in a small wondering voice what time it was. It was half past nine. She lay still and half closed her eyes. "Tell Monsieur I cannot come," she said gently. But as the door shut, anger–anger suddenly gripped her close, close, violent, half strangling her. How dared he. How dared Ralph do such a thing when he knew how agonizing her nerves were in the morning! Hadn't she explained and described and even–though lightly, of course; she couldn't say such a thing directly–given him to understand that this was the one unforgivable thing.And then to choose this frightful windy morning. Did he think it was just a fad of hers, a little feminine folly to be laughed at and tossed aside? Why, only last night she had said: "Ah, but you must take me seriously, too." And he had replied: "My darling, you'll not believe me, but I know you infinitely better than you know yourself. Every delicate thought and feeling I bow to, I treasure. Yes, laugh! I love the way your lip lifts"–and he had leaned across the table–"I don't care who sees that I adore all of you. I'd be with you on mountain-top and have all the searchlights of the world play upon us.""Heavens!" Monica almost clutched her head. Was it possible he had really said that? How incredible men were! And she had loved him–how could she have loved a man who talked like that. What had she been doing ever since that dinner party months ago, when he had seen her home and asked if he might come and "see again that slow Arabian smile"? Oh, what nonsense–what utter nonsense–and yet she remembered at the time a strange deep thrill unlike anything she had ever felt before."Coal! Coal! Coal! Old iron! Old iron! Old iron!" sounded from below. It was all over. Understand her? He had understood nothing. That ringing her up on a windy morning was immensely significant. Would he understand that? She could almost have laughed. "You rang me up when the person who understood me simply couldn't have." It was the end. And when Marie said: "Monsieur replied he would be in the vestibule in case Madame changed her mind," Monica said: "No, not verbena, Marie. Carnations. Two handfuls."A wild white morning, a tearing, rocking wind. Monica sat down before the mirror. She was pale. The maid combed back her dark hair–combed it all back–andher face was like a mask, with pointed eyelids and dark red lips. As she stared at herself in the blueish shadowy glass she suddenly felt–oh, the strangest, most tremendous excitement filling her slowly, slowly, until she wanted to fling out her arms, to laugh, to scatter everything, to shock Marie, to cry: "I'm free. I'm free. I'm free as the wind." And now all this vibrating, trembling, exciting, flying world was hers. It was her kingdom. No, no, she belonged to nobody but Life."That will do, Marie," she stammered. "My hat, my coat, my bag. And now get me a taxi." Where was she going? Oh, anywhere. She could not stand this silent, flat, noiseless Marie, this ghostly quiet feminine interior. She must be out; she must be driving quickly–anywhere, anywhere."The taxi is there, Madame." As she pressed open the big outer doors of the flats the wild wind caught her and floated her across the pavement. Where to? She got in, and smiling radiantly at the cross, cold-looking driver, she told him to take her to her hairdresser's. What would she have done without her hairdresser? Whenever Monica had nowhere else to go or nothing on earth to do she drove there. She might just have her hair waved, and by that time she'd have thought out a plan. The cross, cold driver drove at a tremendous pace, and she let herself be hurled from side to side. She wished he would go faster and faster. Oh, to be free of Princes' at one-thirty, of being the tiny kitten in the swansdown basket, of being the Arabian, and the grave, delighted child and the little wild creature. . . . "Never again," she cried aloud, clenching her small fist. But the cab had stopped, and the driver was standing holding the door open for her.The hairdresser's shop was warm and glittering. It smelled of soap and burnt paper and wallflower brilliantine. There was Madame behind the counter, round, fat, white, her head like a powder-puff rolling on a black satin pin-cushion. Monica always had the feeling that they loved her in this shop and understood her–the real her–far better than many of her friends did. She was her real self here, and she and Madame had often talked–quite strangely–together. Then there was George who did her hair, young, dark, slender George. She was really fond of him.But to-day–how curious! Madame hardly greeted her. Her face was whiter than ever, but rims of bright red showed round her blue bead eyes, and even the rings on her pudgy fingers did not flash. They were cold, dead, like chips of glass. When she called through the wall-telephone to George there was a note in her voice that had never been there before. But Monica would not believe this. No, she refused to. It was just her imagination. She sniffed greedily the warm, scented air, and passed behind the velvet curtain into the small cubicle.Her hat and jacket were off and hanging from the peg, and still George did not come. This was the first time he had ever not been there to hold the chair for her, to take her hat and hang up her bag, dangling it in his fingers as though it weresomething he'd never seen before–something fairy. And how quiet the shop was! There was not a sound even from Madame. Only the wind blew, shaking the old house; the wind hooted, and the portraits of Ladies of the Pompadour Period looked down and smiled, cunning and sly. Monica wished she hadn't come. Oh, what a mistake to have come! Fatal. Fatal. Where was George? If he didn't appear the next moment she would go away. She took off the white kimono. She didn't want to look at herself any more. When she opened a big pot of cream on the glass shelf her fingers trembled. There was a tugging feeling at her heart as though her happiness–her marvellous happiness–were trying to get free."I'll go. I'll not stay." She took down her hat. But just at that moment steps sounded, and, looking in the mirror, she saw George bowing in the doorway. How queerly he smiled! It was the mirror of course. She turned round quickly. His lips curled back in a sort of grin, and–wasn't he unshaved?–he looked almost green in the face."Very sorry to have kept you waiting," he mumbled, sliding, gliding forward.Oh, no, she wasn't going to stay. "I'm afraid," she began. But he had lighted the gas and laid the tongs across, and was holding out the kimono."It's a wind," he said. Monica submitted. She smelled his fresh young fingers pinning the jacket under her chin. "Yes, there is a wind," said she, sinking back into the chair. And silence fell. George took out the pins in his expert way. Her hair tumbled back, but he didn't hold it as he usually did, as though to feel how fine and soft and heavy it was. He didn't say it "was in a lovely condition." He let it fall, and, taking a brush out of a drawer, he coughed faintly, cleared his throat, and said dully: "Yes, it's a pretty strong one, I should say it was."She had no reply to make. The brush fell on her hair. Oh, oh, how mournful, how mournful! It fell quick and light, it fell like leaves; and then it fell heavy, tugging like the tugging at her heart. "That's enough," she cried, shaking herself free."Did I do it too much?" asked George. He crouched over the tongs. "I'm sorry." There came the smell of burnt paper–the smell she loved–and he swung the hot tongs round in his hand, staring before him. "I shouldn't be surprised if it rained." He took up a piece of her hair, when–she couldn't bear it any longer–she stopped him. She looked at him; she saw herself looking at him in the white kimono like a nun. "Is there something the matter here? Has something happened?" But George gave a half shrug and a grimace. "Oh, no, Madame. Just a little occurrence." And he took up the piece of hair again. But, oh, she wasn't deceived. That was it. Something awful had happened. The silence–really, the silence seemed to come drifting down like flakes of snow. She shivered. It was cold in the little cubicle, all cold and glittering. The nickel taps and jets and sprays looked somehow almost malignant. The wind rattled thewindow-frame; a piece of iron banged, and the young man went on changing the tongs, crouching over her. Oh, how terrifying Life was, thought Monica. How dreadful. It is the loneliness which is so appalling. We whirl along like leaves, and nobody knows–nobody cares where we fall, in what black river we float away. The tugging feeling seemed to rise into her throat. It ached, ached; she longed to cry. "That will do," she whispered. "Give me the pins." As he stood beside her, so submissive, so silent, she nearly dropped her arms and sobbed. She couldn't bear any more. Like a wooden man the gay young George still slid, glided, handed her her hat and veil, took the note, and brought back the change. She stuffed it into her bag. Where was she going now? George took a brush. "There is a little powder on your coat," he murmured. He brushed it away. And then suddenly he raised himself and, looking at Monica, gave a strange wave with the brush and said: "The truth is, Madame, since you are an old customer–my little daughter died this morning. A first child"–and then his white face crumpled like paper, and he turned his back on her and began brushing the cotton kimono. "Oh, oh," Monica began to cry. She ran out of the shop into the taxi. The driver, looking furious, swung off the seat and slammed the door again. "Where to?" "Princes'," she sobbed. And all the way there she saw nothing but a tiny wax doll with a feather of gold hair, lying meek, its tiny hands and feet crossed. And then just before she came to Princes' she saw a flower shop full of white flowers. Oh, what a perfect thought. Lilies-of-the-valley, and white pansies, double white violets and white velvet ribbon. . . . From an unknown friend. . . . From one who understands. . . . For a Little Girl. . . . She tapped against the window, but the driver did not hear; and, anyway, they were at Princes' already.。