忠犬八公 英语演讲
One day, Parker suddenly fell in a speech at the University, dying of a heart attack 有一天,帕克在大学演讲时突然倒下,因心脏病突发而死亡
Hachi waited at the train station on time, but the professor did not come out from the station on time.
In happy dreams ......Hachi closed eyes forever ... ...
To commemorate the loyal dog, after it was gone, there build a statue of Hachi in Japanese Shibuya, which stood there to replace Hachi to wait for his owner. Today the statue is still a good place for young boys and girls to date , because it is a symbol of "loyalty"
In the old place, Hachi bent over, with the last breath of power, and insisted to open his eyes, looking at the exit on the opposite... ... 在这个老地方,Hachi俯下身子,用奄奄一息的力量,撑着眼睛,望着对面出站口……
Finally, the professor came back, calling Hachi ... ...
分享忠犬八公电影英语作文English:Hachi: A Dog's Tale is a heartwarming film that tells the true story of a loyal Japanese Akita dog named Hachiko. Hachi forms a strong bond with his owner, Professor Parker Wilson, and goes to the train station with him every day to see him off to work and then returns in the evening to greet him. Their routine is disrupted when Professor Wilson suddenly passes away, but Hachi continues to go to the train station every day, faithfully waiting for his owner to return, unaware of his passing. This touching story of loyalty and love portrays the unwavering dedication of Hachi and the enduring impact of their bond.中文翻译:《忠犬八公》是一部温暖人心的电影,讲述了一只名叫忠狗八公的日本秋田犬的真实故事。
忠犬八公的作文英文回答:Hachi: A Story of Unwavering Loyalty。
Hachi, an Akita dog, is celebrated for his unwavering loyalty and devotion to his master, Professor Ueno. After Professor Ueno passed away at a train station, Hachi returned to the station every day for nine years, waiting for his master's return. Hachi's story has touched the hearts of people worldwide, becoming a symbol of loyalty, love, and the indomitable spirit of a dog.Hachi's loyalty extended beyond his master's life. Despite being taken in by other families and attempts to find him a new home, Hachi remained steadfast in his vigil at the train station. His unwavering presence became a source of comfort and inspiration for commuters and train station staff alike.Hachi's story has been immortalized in numerous books, films, and sculptures. His steadfast loyalty and devotion have become a timeless testament to the extraordinary bond between humans and animals.中文回答:忠犬八公,忠诚不渝的故事。
竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除关于忠犬八公的英语演讲稿篇一:storyabouthachiko关于忠犬八公的英语作文hachiko:ADogsstoryThemovietellsamovingstoryaboutadog.AnAkitadogwaslos tatthestation,andthenmetparker,arespectedmusicalpro fessor.parkertriedtohelpitfinditshome,butfailed.The nparkerdecidedtoadoptit,andnamedithachi.hachiisasmartandloyaldog.heseeshismasteroffinthestationever ymorning,andwaitsforhimpunctuallyeveryafternoon.Reg ardlessofseasons,regardlessofcoldorsummer.Allpeople workedatthestationlikeditandalwaysgaveitsomefood.unfortunately,onedaytheprofessordiedduetoillness,nevergoingbacktothestation,buthachididntknowaboutthecruelfactandkeptwa ittingforhimfornineyears.Inthatstation,onthattime,h ewaitedandwaited,untilfinallydied.Atlast,hachifinal lycloseditseyesslowly,layontheflowerbed.Itseemedtha thesawtheprofessorsmilingtohim.hachijumpedtohim,but touchednothing.Isitadream?ornot.Idontknow.buthachic losedhiseyesslowly...ThisisatruestoryhappenedinJapan.Regardlessofthecoun try,Ijustwanttowritesomethingaboutthedog.Afterwatch ingthemovie,Iguesseveryonecouldnotholdbacktears.Infact,hachiislucky.Itwasfatethatmadehiminahappyfam ily.heisalsoinvolvedinthefamilyineveryhappymoment.seeingparkerl ivingwithpeaceandhappinesseveryday,hachiwasalsogrow ingupinlove.soIbelievethathehadspeciallovetoeachfamilymember.Althoughwemostlyseethathachiismoreenjoyablewithparker ,Iamstillconvincedofthat.butherelieddeeperonparker. whentheprofessordied,hecouldjustkissthedaughterofth eprofessorandsaygoodbyetoher.Thatsalsowhyhegaveupth ewarmnestandbeganwanderinglife,andthenappearedatafi xedtimeeverydayatthestation,waitingforhisowner.nineyearsarealmostadogstotallife.Ittookalmosthachis wholelifetimetowaitforthepeoplewholovedit.everypass er-bywasmoved.manypeoplesayhachiwasstupid,butmostofusstillthinkth athachiwasinhappiness.becausehehadawarmfamily,becau sehemetparkerinlife.hachimayknowoldparkerwillneverc omeback,butwhatcouldhedobutwaitingforpaker?Loveisth ehappiestfaithintheworld.Astheyounggrandsonofparkersaid,thisisastoryaboutlov eandloyalty.hachiisaherointheheartofthelittleboy.ha veyoueverwonderedwhyyoucryafterthiskindofmovingstor y.wearemoved,notjustbecauseofhachisloyalty,butthatw estilldesireforthatkindofsincerelove.Istillrememberasentencefromstudentage:happinessison eselflesslydevotesandtheothersincerelyfeels.Ithinkp arkerandhachiachievedthat,sotheyarebothsatisfied.Th ereareonlyblackandwhitecolorinhachiseyes,buthecould seethemostwonderfulcoloursoftheworld.hachifelttruel ove,soitishiswillingtowaitforever.Finally,whatIwanttosayisthatdonotthinkhachiispoor,h eisfarmorehappythanus.Thepuppy,calledhachi,hadbeens urroundedbylovewhilewaittingforlove.篇二:忠犬八公演讲稿Thestoryofhachiko-----somethingAboutLoyalty,somethingAboutLove 李静毛雪伟hello,everyone!Iamgladtomakeaspeechtoeveryone.mytopicisaboutafilm--“hachiko”,whichisameltingmovieaboutanstorybetweenaloyaldogand aprofessor.IwasdeeplytouchedwhenIfirstwatcheditthre eyearsago,andIbelievethatmostpeoplewhohavewatchedthisfilmwere movedbythedog’sloyalty.Thefilmtellsaboutamannamedparker,auniversityprofess orinasmalltown.onedayheencounteredapoorpuppyandtake ithome.professoradoptedit,giveitanamecalledhachiko. Afterthat,hachikosentprofessortostationeverymorning ,waitingforhimtogobacktogethereveryevening.unfortun ately,professordiedofdiseasesuddenly,andneverwentba cktothestation.however,hachikostillwaitedforhisprof essoratthestationontime,untilhewenttoheaven…..next,Iwouldliketosharesometouchingplotsinthemovewit heveryone.Atthebeginingofthemovie,thecollegeprofess orparkerwilsonfindsalostpuppyatatrainstationandtake sithome.Atfirst,hiswifestronglyopposedhisbehivorinf act,however,parkerandthedogdevelopsucharemarkablebo ndthatcateisforcedtorelentandhachikobecomesadevoted memberofthefamily.overthenextfewmonths,parkerandhachigetalongverywell,theybecomepartners.h achiadheredtosendprofessortoworkinthemorning.ontimeeverydayat5pmatthetrainstationwaitingforhim.however ,everydayisnotsunday!oneday,parkersuddenlyfellinasp eechattheuniversity,dyingofaheartattack,hachibecame abnormalagain.hachiwaitedatthetrainstationontime,bu ttheprofessordidnotcomeoutfromthestationontime,this isanagreementbetweenthem.hachipersistedinwaitingfor hishost,dayafterdayandyearafteryear.Tenyearslater,p arker’swifecamebacktograveforherhusband,surprisedtofindth atoldhachiwasstillherewaitingforhisownerback.Atones tormynight,theelderlyhachifeltthatlifewasabouttoend ,sowithexhaustedbody,stepbystep,heslowlymovedtothet rainstation......Intheoldplace,hachibentover,withth elastbreathofpower,andinsistedtoopenhiseyes,looking attheexitontheopposite......Finally,theprofessorcam eback,callinghachi......Tightlytheyembracedeachothe ragain,andneverseparated......Inhappydreams......ha chiclosedeyesforever......ThefilmwasadaptedfromatruestoryhappenedinJapanin193 5.Therealhachikowasbornin1923.whenhismaster,Dr.eisa buroueno,aprofessoratTokyouniversitydiedinmay,1925,hachireturnedtotheshibuyatrainstationthenextdayandf orthenextnineyearstowaitanddiedin1934finally.Tocomm emoratetheloyaldog,afteritwasgone,therebuildastatueofhachiinJapaneseshibuya,whic hstoodtheretoreplacehachitowaitforhisowner.Todaythe statueisstillagoodplaceforyoungboysandgirlstodate,b ecauseitisasymbolof"loyalty".Itsyourdog,butyouareitsall.Thedistancebetweenlifean ddeath,foradog,itcannotfathom,itonlybelievesthathis masterwillcomeback.Itwaslyingthere,tenyears,andalan dscape.Ittaughtmethemeaningofloyalty,andyoushouldneverforgetanyonethatyouloved.myspeechisover,thanks!篇三:忠犬八公的故事演讲稿老师、同学们大家好,今天我想和大家分享一部电影《忠犬八公的故事》。
帕克的女儿带走了Hachi,希望Hachi能和她 好好生活 返回目录
然而,Hachi却一次次从家里逃出来,还去 了原来的房子,可是那里已经有了新主人
之后,HACHI去了车站,一直守在那里等 待着,无论什么严寒酷暑,每天傍晚五点, 八公都来到火车站里等候、凝视……第二 天、第三天……春夏秋冬,一直等到自己 变老变弱,等了整整十年
理察· 基尔饰演的大 学教授帕克在小镇 的车站上偶遇一只 可怜的小秋田犬, 它孤苦无依的身影 惹起他的怜悯,多 方寻找它的主人却 无果,只能暂时寄 养在家里
虽然妻子(琼· 艾伦饰)极力反对,并想 尽办法要把它送走
但看到丈夫和女儿对它无微不至照顾和由衷喜爱,终 于决定让它成为家庭一员 返回目录
有一天当帕克和往常一样去上班的时候,八 公突然反常对着他叫 返回目录
可能动物对未来有一定的预感,八公知道他的主人将会发 生不测,所以尽量的拖延时间希望它的主人可以留下,以 前从来不屑于玩捡球的八公一反常态的叼起了球。
然而,帕克教授却没能理解那位日本朋友说过的, 秋田犬如果捡球的话肯定是因为有特殊的原因,八 公最终无力挽回一切,只能眼睁睁的看着主人离去 ...
因为知道这只小秋田犬来自日本,并且项圈上 写着“八”,代表幸运,于是帕克为它取名“八公”
温文儒雅的帕克在自己的闲暇时间训练八公 ,甚至趴在地上自己用嘴示范捡球动作给八 公看 返回目录
This film is based[beist] on a true story . That happened in Japan in 1935.So I was moved by the spirit[ˈspɪrɪt] of Hachi!
No one has the ability[əˈbɪləti] to show his love to only one person during his whole life, let alone make friends with only one person; have the food that never changes year by year; do the same damn[dam] thing without complaining and consciousness[ˈkɒnʃəsnəs] of exhaustion[ɪgˈzɔ:stʃən]. We can’t! However, what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one we once loved.
From summer to autumn[ˈɔ:təm], in the nine-yearperiod[ˈpɪəriəd], Hachi still had no changes[tʃendʒs] in the wind and rain until it finally died .
Impression of view:
The gist of the movie
This very special friend would accompany his master to the train station every day and return each afternoon to greet him after work. Sadly his master departs one day, passes away and never returns to the station. Hachi faithfully returns to the same spot at the station the very next day, and every day for the next nine years to wait for his beloved master.
Today the bronze statue of hachi sits in his waiting spot outside the Shibuya railroad station
couple. Parker looks
happy because Hatchi is happy, and Hatchi’s happy due to Parker
Every day Parker went to work but Hachi never wanted him to leave .He wanted to stay with Parker all the time. So he fetched parker to work and stayed at the train station waiting him back from work everyday.
英语作文 狗狗八公
英语作文狗狗八公English:Dogs are often referred to as man's best friend, and my own experience with my dog, Eightball, only reaffirms this sentiment. Eightball, a charming Labrador Retriever, entered my life when he was just a puppy, and from that moment on, he became an inseparable part of our family. His boundless energy and unwavering loyalty bring joy and laughter to our home every day. Whether it's playing fetch in the park, going for long walks, or simply curling up beside me as I work or read, Eightball's presence enriches my life in countless ways. Beyond the companionship he provides, Eightball has taught me valuable lessons about responsibility, patience, and unconditional love. Taking care of him has taught me to prioritize the needs of others and to be more selfless in my actions. Additionally, watching him grow and develop over the years reminds me of the importance of nurturing and fostering growth in those we care about. Eightball is not just a pet; he is a cherished member of our family, and I am grateful every day for the love and happiness he brings into our lives.中文翻译:狗常被称为人类最好的朋友,而我与我的狗狗八公的经历只是再次证实了这一观点。
英语演讲 电影 hachi 忠犬八公
That day, parker died at university speech, he never returned to the station. After that, every
evening five o 'clock , “Hachi” came to the station waiting in the station... The next day and the day... From summer to fall, nine years, eight mr.s still rain not change, until it finally died.
Hachi’s good time with Parker
After I watched the film,my eyes filled with tears.I was moved by the emotion between them,especially the loyalty of Hachi.Hachi devoted the whole life to waiting for Parker.Nowadays,few people can love someone to this extent.Yes,We can't! What we could learn from Hachi are that what the true love is and how to love. By the way, the film was based on a true story happened in Japan in 1935.
University professor Parker at town at the station encounter a poor little akita, it nurses in figure provoke up his mercy, as his wife protested, but in the daughter's urging, the small akita finally becomes the family, Parker for it is named “hachi”. “Hachi” accompanying Parker’s family grows up together, from the puppy has become a monster. Mild-mannered 31-year-old Parker even lie on the ground with his own mouth demonstration to pick up the ball movement to “Hachi” look, but can't teach “Hachi” to pick up the ball back of actions.
推荐忠犬八公作文500字英文回答:Loyal Hachiko A True Story of Devotion.Hachiko, the loyal dog, is one of the most heartwarming and inspiring stories I have ever come across. His unwavering loyalty and love for his owner touched the hearts of people all over the world. Let me share with you why I would wholeheartedly recommend this story.Firstly, Hachiko's loyalty is truly remarkable. Despite his owner's passing, Hachiko continued to wait for him every day at the train station for nearly 10 years. This level of devotion is rare and extraordinary. It reminds us of the importance of loyalty and the unconditional lovethat animals can offer.Secondly, Hachiko's story teaches us about the power of companionship. Dogs are known to be man's best friend, andHachiko exemplifies this bond. His presence provided comfort and companionship not only to his owner but also to the people who witnessed his daily wait. In a world where loneliness is prevalent, Hachiko's story reminds us of the importance of having someone by our side, even in the toughest of times.Furthermore, Hachiko's story is a testament to the power of perseverance. Despite facing disappointment day after day when his owner did not return, Hachiko never gave up. This determination and resilience are qualities we can all learn from. It teaches us to keep going, even when things seem impossible, and to never lose hope.In addition, Hachiko's story is a beautiful example of the impact one individual can have on the lives of many. His loyalty and love touched the hearts of people from all walks of life. It is a reminder of the ripple effect that kindness and compassion can have on the world. Hachiko's story has inspired countless people to be more loving and loyal in their own lives.中文回答:忠诚的忠犬八公一段真实的奉献故事。
忠犬八公英语作文60词Loyal, brave, and full of love, Hachiko was a dog that touched the hearts of many. His story is one that will forever be remembered.Hachiko was a faithful companion. He would wait patiently for his owner, never wavering in his loyalty. Rain or shine, he would be there, his tail wagging with excitement. He taught us the true meaning of loyalty.Bravery was another trait that Hachiko possessed. He faced the world with courage, never backing down from a challenge. Whether it was protecting his owner or standing up for what he believed in, Hachiko showed us the importance of bravery.But it was his love that truly set Hachiko apart. His love for his owner was unconditional and unwavering. He would do anything to make his owner happy, even if it meant sacrificing his own comfort. Hachiko's love taught us thepower of selflessness.Hachiko's story is a reminder of the special bond between humans and animals. It is a testament to the love and loyalty that can exist between a pet and its owner. Hachiko will forever be remembered as a symbol of devotion and love.In the end, Hachiko's legacy lives on. His story continues to inspire and touch the hearts of people all over the world. He may be gone, but his spirit remains, reminding us of the power of love and loyalty. Hachiko will forever be a true hero in our hearts.。
忠犬八公的故事英文The story of Hachiko, the loyal dog。
Hachiko, also known as Hachi, was an Akita dog born in 1923 in Japan. He is remembered for his remarkable loyaltyto his owner, which continued even after his owner's death. Hachiko's story has become a symbol of loyalty and devotion, and has touched the hearts of people around the world.Hachiko's owner, Professor Ueno, was a professor at the University of Tokyo. Every day, Hachiko would accompany his owner to the Shibuya train station and wait for him toreturn from work. This routine continued for over a year, until one day, Professor Ueno suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and passed away. Despite this, Hachiko continued to wait at the train station every day, hoping to see his beloved owner return.Hachiko's loyalty and devotion soon caught theattention of the station staff and commuters, who weremoved by his unwavering commitment to his owner. They began to care for him, providing him with food and shelter. Hachiko became a symbol of loyalty and love, and his story spread throughout Japan.Hachiko's daily routine of waiting at the train station continued for nearly 10 years, until his own passing in 1935. Throughout this time, he never gave up hope that his owner would return. His story gained national and international attention, and a bronze statue was erected in his honor at the Shibuya train station. The statue has become a popular meeting spot and a symbol of loyalty and devotion.Hachiko's story has been the inspiration for books, movies, and even a Hollywood film. His unwavering loyalty to his owner has touched the hearts of people around the world and serves as a reminder of the enduring bond between humans and their pets.In conclusion, the story of Hachiko, the loyal dog, is a testament to the unbreakable bond between a pet and itsowner. Hachiko's unwavering loyalty and devotion have touched the hearts of people around the world and continue to inspire others to cherish the special relationships they have with their own pets. His story serves as a reminder of the enduring power of love and loyalty, and will continue to be celebrated for generations to come.。
忠犬八公英语作文50词英文回答:Hachiko, an Akita dog, was born in 1923 in Odate, Akita Prefecture, Japan. In 1924, he was sent to live with Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor at Tokyo Imperial University. Hachiko became Ueno's loyal companion and would greet him every morning at Shibuya Station when he went to work and wait for him to return in the evening.In 1925, Ueno died suddenly of a cerebral hemorrhage while at work. Hachiko continued to go to Shibuya Station every day, waiting for his owner to return. For the next nine years, nine months, and fifteen days, Hachiko waited for Ueno, becoming a symbol of loyalty and devotion.Hachiko's story became well-known in Japan and around the world. In 1934, a bronze statue of Hachiko was erected outside Shibuya Station. The statue is a popular tourist destination and a reminder of the dog's unwavering loyalty.中文回答:八公,一只秋田犬,1923年出生于日本秋田县大馆市。
分享忠犬八公电影英语作文The Heartwarming Tale of "Hachiko": A Loyal Dog's Unconditional Love.In the annals of cinema, few stories have captured the hearts of audiences as deeply as the Japanese film "Hachiko: A Dog's Tale of Love and Loyalty." This heartwarming tale, based on a real-life incident, tells the story of an extraordinary bond between a man and his dog, one that transcends the boundaries of species and time.The film opens with a brief prologue introducing the protagonist, Hachiko, as a young Akita dog. His initial encounter with his future owner, Professor Parker Wilson,is filled with warmth and mutual affection. ProfessorWilson adopts Hachiko, and from that moment on, their lives are intertwined in a beautiful dance of love and loyalty.The film then delves into the daily life of the professor and his loyal companion. Their relationship isdeeply rooted in mutual trust and affection. Hachiko accompanies the professor to the train station every morning, eagerly anticipating his return in the evening. This becomes a daily ritual, a testament to the dog's unwavering loyalty and love.One fateful day, however, the professor never returns. He dies unexpectedly while teaching a class, leaving Hachiko alone and confused. But still, the dog坚守在车站, faithfully waiting for his master's return. Day after day, he waits, ignoring the passing of time and the changing seasons. His stubborn loyalty becomes a symbol of his deep love for the professor.The film's narrative shifts as the years pass, and Hachiko grows old and frail. Yet, his determination to wait for his master never dims. The townspeople, moved by his loyalty, begin to treat him like a local celebrity, even setting up a donation box for him. But Hachiko's heart remains fixed on one thing: waiting for the professor to come home.The film reaches its emotional climax when, one snowy evening, Hachiko collapses while waiting at the station. His last moments are filled with the vision of his beloved master walking towards him, a testament to the enduring bond between them. His death, just like the professor's, is unexpected and shocking, leaving the townspeople and the audience in tears."Hachiko: A Dog's Tale of Love and Loyalty" is not just a film about a dog's loyalty; it's a profound exploration of the meaning of love, loss, and the unbreakable bondsthat form between humans and their pets. The film's powerful storytelling, combined with the heartfelt performances of the human and animal actors, creates an emotional experience that is both uplifting and heartbreaking.The film's success lies in its ability to evoke strong emotions from the audience. It reminds us of the pure and unconditional love that animals can offer, a love that knows no boundaries and is free from the complexities of human emotions. Hachiko's loyalty and devotion become amirror for our own relationships, reflecting the beauty of pure love and the importance of cherishing the moments we share with those we love.In the end, "Hachiko: A Dog's Tale of Love and Loyalty" is not just a film; it's a testament to the power of love and loyalty. It's a story that will forever resonate in the hearts of those who have ever loved a pet or have been touched by the unwavering devotion of an animal. Hachiko's story reminds us that love is eternal, and that the most valuable things in life are often the simplest: the unconditional love of a pet, the warmth of a home, and the comfort of knowing that someone will always be there for us, no matter what.。
StoryaboutHachiko关于忠犬八公的英语作文Hachiko: A Dog's StoryThe movie tells a moving story about a dog. An Akita dog was lost at the station , and then met Parker , a respected musical professor . Parker tried to help it find its home ,but failed. Then Parker decided to adopt it,and named it Hachi. Hachi is a smart and loyal dog.He sees his master off in the station every morning, and waits for him punctually every afternoon. Regardless of seasons , regardless of cold or summer. All people worked at the station liked it and always gave it some food. Unfortunately,one day the professor died due to illness, never going back to the station, but Hachi didn't know about the cruel fact and kept waitting for him for nine years. In that station, on that time, he waited and waited, until finally died. At last , Hachi finally closed its eyes slowly, lay on the flower bed. It seemed that he saw the professor smiling to him.Hachi jumped to him,but touched nothing. Is it a dream? Or not.I don't know. But Hachi closed his eyes slowly...This is a true story happened in Japan. Regardless of the country ,I just want to write something about the dog.After watching the movie,I guess everyone could not holdback tears.In fact, Hachi is lucky. It was fate that made him in a happy family. He is also involved in the family in every happy moment. Seeing Parker living with peace and happiness everyday, Hachi was also growing up in love.So I believe that he had special love to each family member. Although we mostly see that Hachi is more enjoyable with Parker, I am still convinced of that. But he relied deeper on Parker. When the professor died, he could just kiss the daughter of theprofessor and say goodbye to her. That's also why he gave up the warm nest and began wandering life, and then appeared at a fixed time every day at the station, waiting for his owner.Nine years are almost a dog's total life. It took almost Hachi's whole lifetime to wait for the people who loved it. Every passer-by was moved.Many people say Hachi was stupid, but most of us still think that Hachi was in happiness. Because he had a warm family, because he met Parker in life. Hachi may know old Parker will never come back, but what could he do but waiting for Paker? Love is the happiest faith in the world.As the young grandson of Parker said, this is a story about love and loyalty. Hachi is a hero in the heart of the little boy . Have you ever wondered why you cry after this kind of moving story. We are moved, not just because of Hachi's loyalty, but that we still desire for that kind of sincere love .I still remember a sentence from student age: Happiness is one selflessly devotes and the other sincerely feels. I think Parker and Hachi achieved that, so they are both satisfied. There are only black and white color in Hachi's eyes , but he could see the most wonderful colours of the world. Hachi felt true love, so it is his willing to wait forever.Finally, what I want to say is that do not think Hachi is poor, he is far more happy than us. The puppy ,called Hachi ,had been surrounded by love while waitting for love.。
Late at night, Hachi did not want to leave, still waiting for Professor This is an agreement between them.
Each day, Hachi would come to the same place on time, waiting for ... ... Behind him the leaves turned from green to yellow, yellow to green, as such is ten ythe train station on time, but the professor did not come out from the station on time.
Many years passed, Hachi didn't go anywhere but stayed at the threshold of the Train Station. The only thing he did these years was waiting, waiting for Parker.
However, Parker didn’t notice what Ken told him. In the morning of last day of Parker ’s life, Hatchi felt that something bad would happen to Parker, and it tried his best to stop Parker going to work, and Hatchi fetched ball for Parker to tell him to stop. But it was pity that Parker only paid all his attention to Hatchi ’s first fetching and ignored the special reasons of fetching.
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Themovietellsamovingstoryaboutadog.AnAkitadogwaslos tatthestation,andthenmetparker,arespectedmusicalpro fessor.parkertriedtohelpitfinditshome,butfailed.The nparkerdecidedtoadoptit,andnamedithachi.hachiisa
smartandloyaldog.heseeshismasteroffinthestationever ymorning,andwaitsforhimpunctuallyeveryafternoon.Reg ardlessofseasons,regardlessofcoldorsummer.Allpeople workedatthestationlikeditandalwaysgaveitsomefood.
station,buthachididntknowaboutthecruelfactandkeptwa ittingforhimfornineyears.Inthatstation,onthattime,h ewaitedandwaited,untilfinallydied.Atlast,hachifinal lycloseditseyesslowly,layontheflowerbed.Itseemedtha thesawtheprofessorsmilingtohim.hachijumpedtohim,but touchednothing.Isitadream?ornot.Idontknow.buthachic losedhiseyesslowly...
ThisisatruestoryhappenedinJapan.Regardlessofthecoun try,Ijustwanttowritesomethingaboutthedog.Afterwatch ingthemovie,Iguesseveryonecouldnotholdbacktears.
Infact,hachiislucky.Itwasfatethatmadehiminahappyfam ily.heisalso
involvedinthefamilyineveryhappymoment.seeingparkerl ivingwithpeaceandhappinesseveryday,hachiwasalsogrow ingupinlove.
thoughwemostlyseethathachiismoreenjoyablewithparker ,Iamstillconvincedofthat.butherelieddeeperonparker. whentheprofessordied,hecouldjustkissthedaughterofth eprofessorandsaygoodbyetoher.Thatsalsowhyhegaveupth ewarmnestandbeganwanderinglife,andthenappearedatafi xedtimeeverydayatthestation,waitingforhisowner.
nineyearsarealmostadogstotallife.Ittookalmosthachis wholelifetimetowaitforthepeoplewholovedit.everypass er-bywasmoved.
manypeoplesayhachiwasstupid,butmostofusstillthinkth athachiwasinhappiness.becausehehadawarmfamily,becau sehemetparkerinlife.hachimayknowoldparkerwillneverc omeback,butwhatcouldhedobutwaitingforpaker?Loveisth ehappiestfaithintheworld.
Astheyounggrandsonofparkersaid,thisisastoryaboutlov eandloyalty.hachiisaherointheheartofthelittleboy.ha veyoueverwonderedwhyyoucryafterthiskindofmovingstor y.wearemoved,notjustbecauseofhachisloyalty,butthatw estilldesireforthatkindofsincerelove.
Istillrememberasentencefromstudentage:happinessison eselflesslydevotesandtheothersincerelyfeels.Ithinkp arkerandhachiachievedthat,sotheyarebothsatisfied.Th ereareonlyblackandwhitecolorinhachiseyes,buthecould seethemostwonderfulcoloursoftheworld.hachifelttruel ove,soitishiswillingtowaitforever.
Finally,whatIwanttosayisthatdonotthinkhachiispoor,h eisfarmorehappythanus.Thepuppy,calledhachi,hadbeens urroundedbylovewhilewaittingforlove.
-----somethingAboutLoyalty,somethingAboutLove 李静毛雪伟
Iamgladtomakeaspeechtoeveryone.mytopicisaboutafilm--“hachiko”,whichisameltingmovieaboutanstorybetweenaloyaldogand aprofessor.IwasdeeplytouchedwhenIfirstwatcheditthre eyearsago,
andIbelievethatmostpeoplewhohavewatchedthisfilmwere movedbythedog’sloyalty.
Thefilmtellsaboutamannamedparker,auniversityprofess orinasmalltown.onedayheencounteredapoorpuppyandtake ithome.professoradoptedit,giveitanamecalledhachiko. Afterthat,hachikosentprofessortostationeverymorning ,waitingforhimtogobacktogethereveryevening.unfortun ately,professordiedofdiseasesuddenly,andneverwentba cktothestation.however,hachikostillwaitedforhisprof essoratthestationontime,untilhewenttoheaven…..
next,Iwouldliketosharesometouchingplotsinthemovewit heveryone.Atthebeginingofthemovie,thecollegeprofess orparkerwilsonfindsalostpuppyatatrainstationandtake sithome.Atfirst,hiswifestronglyopposedhisbehivorinf act,however,parkerandthedogdevelopsucharemarkablebo ndthatcateisforcedtorelentandhachikobecomesadevoted memberofthefamily.overthenextfewmonths,
parkerandhachigetalongverywell,theybecomepartners.h achiadheredtosendprofessortoworkinthemorning.ontime。