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The story is about outstanding generals Li Yunlong full of legendary life, from he served as the Eighth Route Army a independent regiment was in Shansi heroic fight against the Japanese aggressors began until he was in 1955 granted general so far. "In the face of strong opponents, even if the fall, to become a mountain, a ridge." This sentence is Li Yunlong, the "God of war" general life portrayal.
Chu Yunfei had coordinated operations with the eight army in the Anti Japanese War. At that time,he had a feeling of admiration for Li Yunlong in the process of playing against Li Yunlong many times. However,after the civil war in China, they had to meet again in the battlefield blood,They were ruthless to the other side completely destroyed,But they were real salvation hero.
古代剑客们在与对手狭路相逢时,无论 对手有多么强大,就算对方是天下第一剑 客,明知不敌,也要亮出自己的宝剑,即 使倒在对手的剑下,也虽败犹荣,这就亮 剑精神。Ancient times the swordsman and opponents met on a narrow path, no matter how big and powerful opponent was, even if the other party was the best in all the land, knowing defeat, but also flashed his sword, even if fall under the opponent's sword, though defeats still the glory, the sword spirit.
无论敌人如何强悍,逢敌必亮剑,而一旦亮剑,血溅七步,所向 披靡。亮剑精神是种过人的胆略,必胜的气势,一息尚存,战斗 不止的坚定决心。 No matter how powerful the enemy, the enemy will meet once the sword, sword, blood seven, invincible. Sword spirit is a kind of outstanding courage, win momentum, alive, firmly committed to fighting.
As the saying goes, soldiers’ vocation is to obey orders. But the hero of Drawing Sword Li Yunlong often defies orders, letting the higher leader’s direction in at one ear and out the other.To our surprise, it’s such a person that leaders still regard him highly, friend army admires him specially, enemies think highly of him.
chinese army soul
纵然是敌众我寡,纵然是身陷重围, 但是我们敢于亮剑,我们敢于战斗到 最后一个人,一句话,狭路相逢勇者 胜,亮剑精神就是我们这支军队的军 魂。剑锋所指,所向披靡! Even though outnumbered, even though we were caught, but we dare to Liangjian, we dare to fight to the last a person, a word, quitting brave victory, the sword spirit is our army's soul. Janus pointed, invincible!
♨ Zhao and Li Yunlong bumps along the way can still have to get along with the tacit understanding, because extraordinary sniper marksmanship to win the respect of Li Yunlong and Kong Jie. Be candid, high education level (Yenching University Students), is a typical idealist.
♨As Drawing Sword shows on every big TV station, the character Li Yunlong is well known by every family and every person.
Drawing Sword characters in the image of the heroine Li Yunlong