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Accommodation Signs: Be Careful When Using The Bath (structure→?function →? ) 使用此浴室时小心 Booking Made Through Most Travel Agents (structure→ function→? ) 可通过各地旅游代理商订票 Cleanliness And Comfort Assured (structure→?function →? ) 保证干净舒适 Conference Facilities (structure→?function →? ) 会议设施 Extremely Well Equipped (structure→?function →? ) 设施配备精良 Fully Centrally Heated (structure→?function →? ) 中央暖气全部开放
Order(命令)/ Rule(规定) No Smoking NO PARKING ANY TIME; NO QUEUE-JUMPING We do not buy at this door Direction(指示/指南/指导) KEEP RIGHT NO U TURN Instruction(指令) Fragile/Glass STOP FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELT Specification(说明) DANGEROUS INTERSECTION ROAD CONSTRUCTION AHEAD ACCESS ALL DAY Tip (提示) EXIT; DEAD END
Parking Permitted (structure→? function →? ) 允许停车 Strictly No Parking (structure→? function →? ) 严禁停车 Bus Stand (structure→? function →? ) 公共汽车停车处 In Case of Fire, Stay in Vehicle(structure→?function →? ) 如遇火警,请呆在车内 Check in Area (Zone) (structure→? function →? ) 办理登机处 Customers Lounges (structure→? function →? ) 旅客休息室 Departure Time (structure→? function →? ) 离港时间
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Savings and Discounts all Around the Store 店内所有商品均削价处理 Special Offer(structure→?function →? ) 特价 Try Before You Buy(structure→?function →? ) 先试后买 Company Signs: Close the door Behind You(structure→?function →? ) 请随手关门 Interview in Progress(structure→?function →? ) 正在面试
Sale Promoting Signs: 50% Off on Selected Lines(structure→?function →? ) 部分商品降半价 Accessories & Spares Delivered to Your Door 配件送货上门 Free Delivery to Your Door(structure→?function →? ) 免费送货上门 Offer is subject to availability(structure→?function →? ) 现货优惠,卖完为止 As Many Repairs As You Need, Free of Charge随时免费维修 Best Choice and Best Discounts(structure→?function →? ) 最佳选择,最大优惠 Big Sale 大甩卖
Translation of Signs
Key Points
The Genres(Sorts) of Signs
The Language Features of Signs
The Skills Applied in Translation
1.Diagrams with symbolic information (图形/图案) 2.Signs (符号) 3. General Features: attractive (catch people’s eyes) intuitive (easy to follow) precise (accurate and easy to follow) impressive(unforgettable)
Language Features
1.Use of simple words: nouns,adjectives,adverbs,prepositions, verbs… 2. Use of phrases: noun phrases,gerund phrase,… 3.Capitalized letters or the first letter is capitalized(if it is a complete sentence) BUT NO PUNCTUATION (MARK ),NO ARTICLE IS USED 4.Use of imperative sentences 5.Use of minimum words:one world sign,a letter or a figure with a word
Genres of Signs
Business Travel Signs: Avoid the Jams(structure→? function →? ) 避免交通赌塞 Dangerous Bend(structure→? function →? ) 弯道危险 Entry to Motorway(structure→? function →? ) 高速入口 No Stopping At Any Time(structure→? function →? ) 任何时间不准停车 Pedestrian Crossing(structure→? function →? ) 人行横道 Road Closed(structure→? function →? ) 此路封闭 No Parking In Front of This Gate(structure→? function →? ) 门前禁止停车
No Littering(structure→?function →? ) 勿乱扔废弃物 This is a smoke free building (structure→?function →? ) 楼内禁止吸烟 We do not buy at this door(structure→?function →? ) 谢绝推销 Floor Cleaning in Progress(structure→?function →? ) 正在清扫地板 General Affairs Department(structure→?function →? ) 总务部 Finished Product Area(structure→?function →? ) 成品部 Planning Department(structure→?function →? ) 企划部
Night Porter On Duty (structure→?function →? ) 夜间有行李搬运服务生 Room Service (structure→?function →? ) 送餐服务 Function Room (structure→?function →? ) 宴会厅 Conference Room (structure→?function →? ) 会议厅 Average Room Rate (structure→?function →? ) 平均房价 DND=Do Not Disturb (structure→?function →? ) 请勿打扰 Housekeeping Department (structure→?function →? ) 客房部
Brighter Shopping, Brighter Prices(structure→?function →? ) 明智的购物,透明的价格 Buy One and Get Anyone Free(structure→?function →? ) 买一赠一 Buy Two Get One Free(structure→?function →? ) 买二增一 Closing Sale(structure→?function →? ) 关门大甩卖 Customer Care is Our Top Priority(structure→?function →? ) 顾客至上 Final Clear Out(structure→?function →? ) 清仓大甩卖 Sale at Breakdown Price(structure→?function →? ) 跳楼价甩卖 Save Up to 40%(structure→?function →? ) 6折优惠
Skills Applied in Translation
amplification/deletion/conversion You are to conclude by yourselves the samples given.