



2018年5〜8月雅思口语题库【雅思哥版】PART1 微信公众号:雅思哥Work or study•Why did you choose to study that subject?•Is it interesting?•What subjects are you studying?•Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?•Are you looking forward to working?•Do you like your subject?•What work do you do?•Why did you choose to do that type of work?•Do you miss being a student?•Do you like your job?Home (Your Accommodation)Can you describe the place where you live?How long have you lived there?Who do you live with?Do you plan to live there for a long time?What is the difference between where you are living nowand where you have lived in the past?Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?What kind of neighborhood/environment/surroundings/home would you like to live in? Whatdo you usually do in your house/flat/room?Which room does your family spend most of the time in?What part of your home do you like the most?Are the transport facilities to your home very good?HometownWhat’s (the name of) your hometown (again)?Is that a big city or a small place?Please describe your hometown a little.How long have you lived there?Do you like it?Do you like living there?What do you like (most) about your hometown?Is there anything you dislike about it?Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? Do you plan to continue living there?Where would you like to live?Transportation• Why did you choose that form of transport?•What form of transport do you usually use?•What vehicles (or,what means of transport) do people in China most often choose to use?•What will become the most popular means of transportation in China?•What do you think of the transport situation in your hometown?•Would you say transport costs are high in your hometown?•How has the transport system in your hometown changed in the past few decades?Advertisements•Are there many advertisements in your country?•Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?•How do you feel about advertisements?•Do you like advertisements?•What kind of advertisement do you like the most?•Do advertisements (ever) influence your choice about what to buy?•Where can we see advertisements?•What are the various places where we see advertisements?•Do you prefer advertisements on TV or those in magazines?•What do you think is the purpose of advertisements)?•What do you think about the developments in advertising in China today?Sleep•How many hours are you asleep for every day?•Is it necessary to take a nap every day?•Do old people sleep a lot? Why?•What time do you usually go to bed?•Do you always have a good sleep?Dictionary•How often do you use your dictionary?•Do you like paper dictionary or electronic dictionary?•What kinds of dictionaries have you used before?•How will dictionaries change in the future?Gift•How often do you buy others gifts?•Do you like to send expensive gifts?•What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?•Why do people send gifts?News/newspaperDo you often read newspapers?Are you very interested in the news?Why do you want to know the latest news?How important is it to you to get the news every day?What sort of news are you most interested in?Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?What kinds of (types of) newspapers (or magazines) do you usually read? How old were you when you first started to read newspapers?Do you think it’s important to read newspapers? (Why?/Why not?)Why do (you think) people read newspapers?What different types of newspaper are there in China?Do you care about the news?201 8年5〜8月雅思口语题库【雅思哥版】Outdoor activities•What do you do in your spare time?•Do you like outdoor activities?•What outdoor activities do you (most) like to do?•How often do you do that?•What outdoor sports do you like? (Why?)•How much time do you spend outdoors every week?•How often do you do outdoor activities?Animal•Why do some people keep pets at home?•What kinds of animals do you like?•Have you ever had a pet before?•Do you like to see animals in the zoo?•What is the most popular animal in China?Physical exercise•What kinds of exercises do you do?•Do you think children should play sports regularly?•What was your favorite sport when you were young?•Do you like extreme sports?•What kinds of exercises are popular in your country?App•What kinds of apps do you often use?•What kinds of apps would you like to have in the future?•What’s the most popular app in your country?•What was the first app you used?•Do old people in your country like to use apps?Music•When do you listen to music?•How much time do you spend listening to music every day?•What kinds of music do you like to listen to?•What’s your favorite kind of music?•Have you ever been to a concert before?Names•Do you like your name?•Does your name have any special meaning?•What kinds of names are popular in China?•Are there many Chinese people who have the same name as you?•Is there any tradition about naming babies?Rainy days•Does it rain much in China? (Where? When?)•Is there any part of China where it doesn’t rain much?•When (in what month/season) does it rain most in your hometown?•In which season does it rain most in other parts of China?•Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown?Boat•Have you ever travelled by boat?•Do you like boats?•Would you like to have your own boat?•Is boat trip popular in your country?High school•Do you like your high school?•Which subject you like most? and dislike?•Do you still contact with your friends in high school?•What is your high school like?•What happened on your first day of high school?Friends•Do you remember your friends in primary school? why?•What do you do with friends?•How do you make friends?•Do you have many friends?•Do you like chatting with friends online?Family•How often do you meet with your family?•How do you spend the time with your family? Do you want to live with your family •in the future?•Are you close to all of your family members?•How has your family influenced you?Dream job•What was the dream job for you when you were young?•Have you changed your mind on your dream job?•What do you plan to do in the future?•What kinds of jobs are popular in China?•Have you had full-time or part-time job before?Teachers•Do you have a favorite teacher?•Do you want to be a teacher in the future?•What kinds of teachers do you like?•Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not?•Can you describe your high school teacher?•What’s the different between young and old teachers?Travel (space travel)• Do you want to travel in the outer space?•What would you do if you had that opportunity?•Do you think it’s necessary to see other planets?•When was the last time you went travelling?Do you like to travel by air?Celebrity•Who is your favorite celebrity in China?•Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?•In general, how do people become famous?•What kinds of people become famous?Do you think, to be famous, a person needs to havesome special talent (or ability)?Sports•Do you like to watch sports on TV?•Do you play any sports?•Do you have a favorite sports star?•What kinds of sports are popular in China?•What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?Punctuality•How do you remind yourself to be on time?•Why are some people always late?•Do you think it is important to be punctual?•What will you do if you are waiting for someone?•Do you think people these days are as punctual as they were in the past?Letters•Do you write many letters?•Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?•What do you usually write about?•Who do you usually write to?•Is it hard to think of what to write?•How do you feel when you receive a letter?•Do you think people will still write letters in the future?Study time•What time do you like to study?•What’s the best time for you to study?•Do you like to study alone or with your friends?•Who do you usually study with?Map•Do you often use maps?•Who taught you how to use a map?•Do you prefer electronic map or paper maps?Save money•Did you save money when you were young?•Have you ever given money to other children?•Do you think parents should teach children to save money?•Do parents give children pocket money in China?Plants•Do you keep plants at home?•What plant did you grow when you were young?•Do you know anything about growing a plant?•Do Chinese people send plants as gifts?Foreign food•Have you ever tried foreign food?•Do you like to try new food?•What kinds of new food have you tried recently?•What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?•Do you like any food from the countries near China?Being bored•What will you do when you feel bored?•When you were young, what would you do if you felt bored?•What kinds of things are boring to you?•Do you think young people are more likely to get bored?Watch•How often do you wear a watch?•What was your first watch like?•What kinds of watches do you like to wear?•Do people still wear watches in your country?Spare time•What do you usually do when you are free?•Do you like to spend time with your family?•What do you and your family like to do in spare time?•Do you think you will spend more time with your family?PART2&3APP:雅思哥微信公众号:雅思哥PART 2需改进的公共场所Describe a public place that you think need improvementsYOU should say:Where this public place is What it is likeWhy you think it needs improvements And how to make it betterPART 3Are there many public places in China?Do you like to exercise in the public places, such as parks?Do older people or younger people prefer exercising in the public place? What measures should governments and individuals take to keep public places clean?How to keep a balance between public places and private houses?PART 2PART 3 Do you like to live alone or share a room with others? What are the advantages and the disadvantages of living alone? What are the advantages of working abroad? What are the disadvantages of living in a foreign country? Would you like to live in a developed city with high salary, but with polluted air?PART 2别人说的难忘故事Describe a memorable story told by someone You should say:Who told you the story When you heard the story What the story was about Why you found it memorablePART 3What kind of stories do children like? Do you think it’s important for parents to read bedtime stories for their children?Do you think reading benefits us or not? How to keep reading habits in your busy life? What books would you recommend young people to read? PART 2 电视节目Describe a TV program You should say:What the TV program isQHow you know it What itis like Why you like itPART 3Do young people like to watch TV nowadays? What kind of TV programs do young people like? Do you think TV will be replaced by computers? What do you think of TV advertisements?What TV programs are popular in your country?PART 2童年玩具Describe a toy you had in your childhood You should say: When you had the toy Who gave you the toy What it was like How you felt about the toyPART 3Why do children like to have toys in their life? Do children like to play with toys or computer games nowadays? What can parents do if they can’t afford a toy for their kids? Do girls and boys like the same toys? What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of having too many toys at home?PART 2 重要河流/水域Describe an important river/area of water in your country You should say:How long the river is Where it is What it looks like Why it is importantPART 3Do people like that river in your country?Do you like any activities on water?Is it necessary for everyone to learn swimming?Do people in your country go to swim in their spare time?PART 2历史时期Describe a historical period that you are interested in You should say:What the historical period is How you know it What happened during that period Why you find it interestingPART 3Do young people like historical stories in your country? Which historical period do you think is important in your country? Do you think history matters in a country’s future development? What is the effective way of learning history, by reading books or watching videos? Why should we learn history? PART 2 好照片QPART 3Do you like taking photos?Why do some people like taking photos, some don’t? Would you like taking photos with strangers? What would you say when you see an undesirable picture? What kind of picture would you like to hang in your bedroom?PART 2和家中长辈的活动PART 3How much time should parents spend with their children every day? Do young people like to live with old people in your country? What’s the most important thing that young people can learn from old people?Do people nowadays spend less quality time for their family? Do Chinese families like to arrange indoor or outdoor activities? PART 2 礼貌场合Describe a situation when you had to be polite You should say:QWhat situation it was Who were there Why you had to be polite How you showed politenessPART 3Are Chinese people becoming much politer or not? In what ways do Chinese people show politeness? What are the uncivilized manners on public transportation? What would you do when this happens? Should people show politeness to friends?PART 2访客Describe a time when someone visited your home You should say:Who he or she was When it happened What you did How you felt about the visitPART 3Do young people like to visit their friends nowadays? What do Chinese people usually do when hanging out together? Do you think technology has brought us closer or not? What time do you think is suitable for visiting? How do you make new friends?PART 2 喜欢的季节Describe your favorite season of the yearYou should say:What it is When it is What you do Why you like itQPART 3Do you think weather has an influence on people’s mood?Do you like to go outside when winter comes?How you feel about the climate in recent years?What can we do to stop greenhouse effect?What are the possible results if temperature continues going up?PART 2特别的一餐Describe an unusual meal you had You should say:Who you were with Where you went When it happened Why it was unusualPART 3Do you think having dinner at home is a good idea? Do young people like to spend time with their families or friends? What do you think are the benefits of having dinner together? Do you think people are less willing to cook meals by themselves these days, compared to the past?PART 2 特别的外出Describe a special day that you went out but didn’t spend much money You should say:What day it was Where you wentWhat you did Who you were withPART 3Do teenagers spend much more money than before?How can people save money as much as possible?Did you ever have bad shopping experience?Why is online shopping so popular these days?Do you think you can buy something from a physical store without money?PART 2受欢迎的人Describe a popular personYou should say:Who the person is What kind ofperson he or she is Why you think thisperson is popular How this personinfluences the publicPART 3What are the qualities of being popular?Do you know any popular star who really likes helping other people? Do you think children should imitate their idols?What influences do popular stars have on teenagers?Do you think popular stars have more freedom or less freedom?PART 2 有名的运动员Describe a famous athlete you know You should say:Who he or she is How you know himor her What he or she has achieved Why he is famousPART 3Do teenagers like exercising in your country? Would you like to stay at home or going outside for holiday? Do you think physical education is necessary? Why? How do you thin k physical classes affect children’s development? What kind of exercises do Chinese people like?PART 2 科技产品PART 3Do you like to use new technology? Does technology deeply affect people’s life? Is there any difference between technology in cities and in small towns? Do you agree that men are more obsessed with new technology than women? How to teach older generation to use new technology? Do you think that technology always has positive effects?PART 2 省钱Part 3Do young Chinese like to save money?Why do some people like to save money?What is the best way of saving money?What are the consequences of not saving money?Do you agree with the idea that the more you save, the better life will be?PART 2重要事件Describe an important event that you celebrated You should say:What it was Where it happened Why it was important How people felt about itPART 3Do you like to plan for an important meeting or activity? Who is the most important person in your life? In your country, do you think good appearance is important while finding a job?What is the most important thing for being a teenager? What events do Chinese people like to celebrate? PART 2 优质服务Describe a good service you received You should say:What the service was When you receivedQit Who you were with How you felt about itPART 3What kinds of service are not good?How do you deal with impolite waiters?Do you think that all the waiters should be given training classes? Would you like to work in the service industry in the future?Why do some older people want to be waiters in the big cities?PART 2乐于助人Describe an occasion when you helped a personYou should say:What the situation was Who you helped How youhelpedAnd explain how you felt after giving helpPART 3Do you like helping others?In your view should children be taught to help others?How can we encourage children to help others?Do you think people are less willing to help others these days, compared to the past?How can charitable organizations help people?What do you think are the benefits of having unpaid volunteer workers?PART 2 休闲设施Describe a leisure facility (cinema、theater、sports center) you would like to have in your home town You should say: What it isWhere it isWhen you go there And how you feel about itPART 3Would people change their way of entertainment as they grow older? What do young people do for fun? Do you think entertainment methods will be home-based in the future? What kinds of leisure facilities are popular in your country? Do you think it’s important to take some time off work or study and do some leisure activities?PART 2家具Describe a piece of furniture You should say: What it is Where it is What it looks like(or what it is made of) And explain how or why you use itPART 3 In your country, where do people buy the furniture for their homes? What factors do people need to consider when buying furniture for the home? Why do some people like to buy expensive furniture? Do you think the style is important? What’s the difference between furniture in the office and furniture at home?QPART 2 好家长Describe someonewho is a good parentYou should say:Who this person is How you know this person What this person doesExplain why you think this person is a good parentPART 3If you were a parent and you were busy at work, would you take care of your children on your own or hire a babysitter? Do you think it’s fair to let mothers take care of children all the time? Some teenagers don’t like to be controlled by their parents, what do you think? What are the drawbacks if the children are looked after by their grandparents?In your country, who will take care children? Do you think you’ll be a good parent?PART 2 一个决定PART 3 Should children make decisions on their own? How should parents help their children make decisions? Do parents in your country make decisions for their children? Who will be helpful when making decision in your country? Do you think it is advisable listening to o thers’ advice when making decision? When young people are to make a decision, should they listen to some advice?QPART 2 未来的完美假期And explain why it would be perfect for you?PART 3Do you like short holidays or long holidays?Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for leisure? What’s the most popular tourist attraction in China?What’s the most important factor for a tourist attraction?Do you think we should have more public holidays?。



2018雅思试题及答案一、听力部分1. What is the man doing when the woman calls?A. Preparing a reportB. Having a meetingC. Eating lunch答案:C2. What does the woman suggest the man should do?A. Take a breakB. See a doctorC. Finish the report first答案:B二、阅读部分Passage 13. According to the passage, what is the main reason for the decline of the honeybee population?A. PesticidesB. Habitat lossC. Disease答案:APassage 24. What is the author's opinion on the use of robots in the workplace?A. They will replace human workersB. They will improve productivityC. They will cause unemployment答案:B三、写作部分Task 15. The graph below shows the percentage of people who use public transport, drive a car, and cycle to work in a European city in 2010 and 2015.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task 26. Some people believe that the increasing use of technology in the workplace is good for workers. Others think that more jobs will be lost to machines. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.四、口语部分7. Describe a book you have read recently.- What the book was about- Why you chose to read it- What you learned from it- And explain how you felt about the book8. What do you think are the benefits of learning a foreign language?。




Task 1The school decided to cancel the long summer vocation. So students have to attend school all year with some short breaks during holidays. Do you agree or disagree? Please explain the reasons.Task 2The best decision is made by groups or by individuals? Please give your explanations and examples.Task 3阅读标题: Campus Book Club for students who stay in school during summer vocation 原因1 : students can make good use of their extra time.原因2:have students keep socially connected.听力态度:disagree.原因1:Students who stay in school during summer vocation actually have many classes and they are very busy. So there is not much extra time and students will not be interested in this club.原因2: There are many other opportunities on campus that can get students socially connected like trips, movie nights. So this club is not necessary.Task 4标题:illusion of Control定义: People overestimate their effect on some random events which are actually not under their control,especially when they get some benefits.听力例子: Two groups of people were made to flip the switch of light, and the light is programed on and off randomly. The difference is the second group of people were rewarded some money if the light is on. Some of the first group think light on and flipping switch has connection, while others don’t. Most of the people in second group think there is a connection.Task 5问题: The boy has an orientation weekend for his new company in NYC and graduation ceremony for school in the same weekend.解决方案1:Go the orientation weekend缺点 : Graduation ceremony is very important and he wants to attend解决方案2:Go the graduation ceremony缺点:He doesn’t want to miss the chance to get to knew his coworkerTask 6话题: Small prey looks bigger要点1:Predators like small preys because they seem to be an easy meal. So preys have some methods to make themselves apparently larger.例子1:A kind of fish with flexible skin can swallow seawater to appears bigger. 要点2:Preys have some methods to make themselves apparently larger by using environment.例子2:A kind of spider can take advantage of the silk on web to make the legs longer.以上就是三立在线小编为大家推荐讲解的【三立更新】2018年6月30日托福考试口语真题回忆,希望能够帮助考生提升审题速度,更快更好地理解题目从而提升解题速度和效率,在托福口语部分拿到更为理想的成绩。



could always find a way to spice things up and make everything about math intriguing. It’s like making hand shadow puppets, but instead of using hands, we used small cubes. We carved three different shapes into the three faces that are next to each other, you know, the three faces that share one corner, and when you rotate this Cube, you would see the shadows of the three different shapes in turn on the wall. I still remember how thrilled we were when our teacher showed us how it worked. At fist, the small sculpture looks so abstract, I mean, we didn’t know what it was, but when the light was on, we saw a shadow in The shape of the letter ‘A’ on the wall, and then our teacher rotated the sculpture to a certain angle, and magically, the letter ‘D’ showed up on the wall. We were like ‘wow’, but there’s more, when Our teacher rotated the sculpture again, we saw the letter C. That was quite a jaw-dropping performance for a bunch of high school students, you know. 三、阅读 考试概述: 具体题目分析 Passage 1: 题目:Why good ideas fail 题型:判断题 4+填空题 6 文章大意:主要讲一个公司之前销售产品成功,但后来不太好了,然后两个专家对这个公司 的营销模式发表观点 参考答案: 判断题: 1.TRUE 2.NOT GIVEN 3.NOT GIVEN 4.FALSE 填空题: 5.暂无 7. container 8. behaviors 9. 暂无 10.straight instinct 11. race 12. 暂无 四、写作 TASK 1 The chart below shows the rate of males and females who were overweight in Australia from 1980 to 2010. Word count (150) The bar chart illustrates the percentage of overweight men and women in Australia during a 30 year period from1980 to 2010. Despite a slight decrease by 3% from 2000 to 2010, the percentage of overweight male showed a dramatically increasing trend, rising from approximately 47% in 1980 to 70% in 2000. The growth was particularly significant from 1990 to 2000, during which time the figure almost increased by 50%. Meanwhile, the figure of female also witnessed a similar trend. After rising steadily from 30% in 1980 to 50% in 2000, the overweight rate in female leveled off at nearly 50% between 2000 and 2010. Generally speaking, this 30-year period witnessed a drastic increase in overweight rate in Australia and more than half of total Australian residents were overweight in the year of 2010. Furthermore, the overweight rate in male was approximately 10% higher than that of female in this period. TASK 2 题目类别:生活方式类 提问方式:混合点 考试题目:

2018年5月至8月雅思口语题库Part 1-3完整版题目汇总

2018年5月至8月雅思口语题库Part 1-3完整版题目汇总

j五月花留学Mayflower & Consulting Company2018年5月至8月雅思口语Part 1-3题目汇总五月花留学出品Part 2话题汇总(总计51个话题|新题数量25个)人物类旧题(2018年1月至4月题库)新题名人健谈的人有名的运动员儿时的朋友2喜剧演员有趣的动物物品类旧题(2018年1月至4月题库)新题童年玩具学校规定本国重要的河流/水域第一部手机科技产品有意义的歌最喜欢的季节常逛的网站存钱买的东西想置换的东西别人给你拍的照片特定场合穿的衣服喜欢的电视节目遗失重要东西喜欢的杂志让你专注的东西有趣的工作地点类旧题(2018年1月至4月题库)新题未来居住/工作的城市/国家喜欢的建筑需要改善的公共设施街市购物想跟朋友去的地方安静的地方事件类旧题(2018年1月至4月题库)新题帮助他人的经历数学课习得的技能家有访客参加过的派对商店/公司的好服务乘交通工具的旅行礼貌场合改变计划省钱且特殊的外出最近开心事件感兴趣的历史时期想参加的比赛别人告诉的难忘故事朋友做过且自己想做的事情特殊的一餐看过并想做的体育运动校外习得的重要技能与家里老人共度时光庆祝重要事件家乡新发展&有趣的学科&完美假期Part 1话题汇总Part 1旧题•Studies (新增 1 道)1.What subject(s) are you studying?2.Why did you choose to study that subject?3.Do you like your subject? (Why? /Why not?)4.Is it very interesting?【Which is the most interesting part of your study】5.Are you looking forward to working?6.Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?7.Do you think you are working hard on the study?8.What is the impact of college major on future employment?9.Why do you want to study abroad?10.What’s your feeling on the first day at the university?•Work1.What kind of work do you do?2.Do you like your job?3.Is it very interesting?4.Why did you choose to do that kind of work?5.Will you continue doing this job in the future?6.What are your responsibilities at work?7.How do you spend your time after work?8.What was the biggest difficulty you have encountered in the work?9.What’s the best part of your job?10.Have you had any training at work?11.What kind of training will you expect in the future?•Home/Accommodation1.How far do you live from the test center? And how do you come the test center?2.What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?3.Do you live in a house or a flat?4.Who do you live with?5.How long have you lived there?6.Do you plan to live there for a long time?7.What is the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?8.Can you describe the place where you live? ’9.Which room does your family spend most of the time in?10.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?11.Are the transport facilities to your home very good?12.Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?13.Please describe the room you live in.14.What part of your home do you like the most?What can you see from the window?Mayflower & Consulting Company16.Do people like to live in a tall building?17.What house do you want to live in the future?18.What place do you want to move in the future?19.Who do you want to live with in the future?•Hometown1.What's (the name of) your hometown (again)?2.Is that a big city or a small place?3.Please describe your hometown a little.4.How long have you been living there?5.Do you like your hometown?6.What do you like (most) about your hometown?7.Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?8.Is there anything you dislike about it?9.Talk about the tourist site in your hometown.•Friend1.Do you have many friends?2.Do you prefer to have a best friend or several not so close friends?3.How often do you talk to your friends?4.Do you still have contact with your old friends?5.How do you communicate with your friends?6.What do you like to do with friends? Why?7.How can people make friends in your country?8.Do you ever help a friend by giving advice?9.Do you think it's easy for people to make friends at work?10.Is it important for people to have good relationships with colleagues at their workplace? (Why?)11.Would you say the students (at your school/university) have a good relationship with each other?12.How would you describe a ""good relationship"?13.Do you still have contact with your friends in primary school? Why?•Advertisement1.Do you know any funny advertisement?2.Do you like funny ads or serious ads?3.Did you buy things because of ads?4.What do you think of the ads online?5.What do you think of the pop-out ads?6.What do you think about the ads on the skyscraper/ tall buildings?7.Are there any advertisements in your country?8.Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?9.What are the various places where we see advertisements?10.How do you feel about advertisements?•Daily routine1.When do you get up?Mayflower & Consulting Company2.What is your daily routine?3.What was your daily routine when you were a child?4.What is your favorite thing to do in a day?5.Which is the best part of your daily routine, why?6.Do you want to change your routine?7.What’s the difference between your routine and your teenagers’ time?8.Do you like to plan what you will do each day? (Why?)9.Can you think of any improvements to your daily routine?10.(If you do not work) For you, what's the best time of day for studying?11.(If you work) For you, what's the best time of day for working?•News1.Is the news important to you?2.When do you watch the news?3.What type of news do you like?4.Do you often discuss news with your friends?5.Do you want to be a journalist or news reporter?6.Have you ever considered majoring journalism?7.Do you read news from newspaper or Internet/mobile phone?8.Do you prefer to read about domestic/local news or international news? Why?9.Do you think the Internet is a good way to get news?•Newspaper1.Do you often read the newspaper?2.Which do you prefer reading, magazines, or newspapers?3.What kinds of newspapers do you usually read?4.How old were you when you first started to read newspapers?5.Do you think it’s important to read newspapers? (why/why not?)6.Why do you think people read newspapers?7.What are the different types of newspapers there in China?8.What kinds of news do Chinese people read in newspapers?•Rainy Day1.Do you like rainy days?2.What do you like to do on rainy days?3.Do you often take raincoats or umbrellas with you?4.What will you do if you do not take raincoats or umbrellas with you on rainy days?5.Does it rain a lot in your hometown?6.Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your town?7.Do you think that the rain will affect your mood?8.Do you think raining will affect peopled behavior?9.Have you ever been involved in any activities on a rainy day?j五月花留学•Punctuality (新增一题)1.Do you like wearing a watch?2.How often do you check the time?3.How do you check time?4.Are people used to check time often?5.Are you often late for events?6.What will you do if you are waiting for someone?7.Do you think people today are as punctual as they were in the past?8.What’s the difference between the way people used to check the time and now?9.what do you think of being late for the meeting ?10.Is there any difference between the past and the present about the idea of being late?•Job1.What was your ideal job when you were little?2.What kind of jobs do you want to do now?3.Have you done any part-time or full-time job?4.What part-time job did you do?5.What kind of job will you do when finishing your study?•Sleep1.How many hours are you asleep for every day?2.How much sleep do you think people need to stay healthy?3.Do you think that excessive sleep can be dangerous?4.Is it necessary to take a nap every day?5.Do old people sleep a lot? Why?6.What time do you usually go to bed?7.Do you think studying hard helps people sleep?8.Do you always have a good sleep?9.Have you done anything to improve your sleep quality?•Dictionary1.How often do you use your dictionary?2.Do you like a paper dictionary or electronic dictionary?3.What kinds of dictionaries have you used before?4.Will you like if someone gives you a dictionary as a gift?5.Do you think it would be interesting to write a dictionary?6.What kind of person do you think can write a dictionary?7.How will dictionaries change in the future?•Animal1.Do you like animals?2.What kinds of wild animals do you like?3.Do you like to see animals in the zoo?4.Have you ever kept a pet before?5.Why some people keep pets at home?6.What is the most popular animal in China?7.Is it important to let kids know more about animals?8.Do you think farm animals are important?•Physical exerciseMayflower & Consulting Company1.Do you like to do daily exercise/work out?2.How often do you do some physical exercise?3.What kinds of exercises do you do?4.Do young people in China do enough physical exercise?5.How do you work out at school?6.Do you think children should play sports regularly?7.What was your favorite sport when you were young?8.What kinds of exercises are popular in your country?9.Do you like extreme sports?•Outdoor activity1.Do you like outside activities?2.How often do you do that?3.What outside activities do you like to do?4.How much time do you spend outdoors every week?5.Do people in your country prefer to spend time indoors or outdoors?6.What types of outdoor activities are popular in your country?•A pp1.What was the first app you used?2.What kinds of apps do you often use?3.What kinds of apps would you like to have in the future?4.Do you want to make your own app?5.What’s the most popular app in your country?6.Do old people in your country like to use apps?•Music1.Do you often (like to) listen to music?2.When do you listen to music?3.How much time do you spend listening to music every day?4.What kinds of music do you like to listen to?5.What's your favorite kind of music?6.When did you start listening to this type of music?7.Have you ever been to a musical performance?8.Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?9.Is music an important subject at school in China?10.Did you often listen to music when you were a child? (If yes, give details.)11.What kinds of music are the most popular in China?12.Do you listen to music when you are studying or working?13.Do you prefer CD or downloading music from the Internet?14.Did you get more chance to listen to music when you were little?• ~GiftMayflower & Consulting Company1.How often do you buy other gifts?2.Do you like to send expensive gifts?3.When was the last time you received a gift?4.Have you rec eived a gift you didn’t like?5.When do you send gifts?6.How do you feel when you receive a gift?7.Do you enjoy selecting gifts?8.Do Chinese people send gifts to show their generosity?9.What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?10.Why do people send gifts?•Writing1.Do you like writing?2.Did you like writing when you were little?3.Do you prefer writing by hand or typing?4.What kind of things do you need to write by hand?5.Do you think you may write something different in the future?6.Will people still write by hand in the future?7.Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?8.When do children begin to write in your country?9.How did you learn to write?10.Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)?11.How can children today improve/practice their handwriting?12.What impression does a person’s handwriting have on other people?•Travel (新增2道)1.Do you like traveling?2.Do you like long distance travel?3.Do you like traveling by plane?4.Do you like spending time on a plane?5.Do you want to travel the space?6.What would you do if you had that opportunity?7.Do you think it’s necessary to see other planets?8.Will you become a person who travels a lot?•Teacher1.Do you have a favorite teacher in primary school?2.Did you want to be a teacher when you were little?3.Do you want to be a teacher in the future?4.What kind of teacher do you like?5.Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not?6.Do you like strict teachers?1^7.Have you ever had bad teacher before ?Mayflower & Consulting Company8.What’s the difference between young and old teache rs?9.Is it important for teachers to interact with students frequently?10.Whafs the most important part in your study, teachers or classmates?•Letter1.Do you write many letters?2.Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?3.What do you usually write about?4.Who do you usually write to?5.Is it hard to think of what to write?6.How do you feel when you receive a letter?7.Do you think people will still write letters in the future?8.Will letters be replaced by emails?•Map1.Do you often use maps?2.How often do you use maps?3.When did you learn how to use maps?4.Who taught you how to use a map?5.Do you prefer an electronic map or a paper map? Which one is convenient for you?6.Have you ever asked people for directions?•Save money1.Did you save money when you were young?2.Have you ever received money from other people?3.Have you ever given money to other children as gifts?4.Do parents give children pocket money in China?5.Did your parents give money for housework?6.Do you think parents should teach children to save money?7.How do parents educate their children to spend wisely?8.Do you think it is important for kids not to waste money?9.Have you ever donated money to others?•Plant1.Do you like keeping plants at home?2.Who takes care of the plant in your home?3.What kind of plants did you grow when you were young?4.Do you know anything about how to look after plants?5.Are you good at taking care of plants?6.Do Chinese people like sending plants as gifts?7.Have you received a plant as a gift?8.Do you like to receive a plant as a gift?•Foreign foodMayflower & Consulting Company1.Have you ever tried foreign food?2.When did you eat foreign food for the first time?3.What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?4.Have you ever tried some strange foreign food?5.Do you like to try new food?6.What kinds of new food have you tried recently?•Getting bored1.Do you often feel bored?2.Do you think it’s easier to feel bored now than before?3.What kinds of things are boring to you?4.What will you do when you feel bored?5.When you were young, what would you do if you felt bored?6.What will people do to avoid feeling bored?7.Do you think young people are more likely to get bored?•City1.Describe the city you have visited recently.2.Do you like to live in the city?3.Which city do you want to go?4.Do Chinese people like living in the city?5.Do you agree that the countryside is more inconvenient than the city? •Holiday/vacation1.What is your most impressive holiday?2.What do you do on vacation?3.Where do you plan to go on your next trip?4.Is it necessary to plan a vacation in advance?5.What’s the most important thing for planning a vacation?j 五月花留学Mayflower & Consulting Company 11• Spare time1. What do you usually do when you are free?2. Do you like to spend time with your family?3. What do you like to do with friends in spare time?4. What do you and your family like to do in spare time?5. Do you think you will spend more time with your family?6. How do you balance the family and work?7. Do people have less leisure time now?12Part 2-3话题汇总人物类人物类旧题■名人Describe a popular person you know You should say: Who this person is;What kind of person he/she is;How this person influences the public;And explain why this person is popular/famous Part 3:1. What kind of student is popular at school?2. What are the qualities of being popular?3. Why do some people like to be famous?4. Why do Chinese like entertainment stars more in terms of celebrities?5. Do you know any popular star who really likes helping other people?6. Why do some people do good things that they don’t want others to know?7. What influences do popular stars have on teenagers?8. Do you think children should imitate their idols?9. Do you think popular stars have more freedom or less freedom?■有名的运动员Describe a famous sportsman you know You should say: Who this person is;How you know this person; What this person achieved;And explain why you think this person is famous Part 3:1. What sports is China good at?2. What kind of sports do Chinese people like?3. What kinds of qualities do a good sportsman need to have?4. What’s the difference between a team winner and individual winner?5. Do you think the government should fund more on sport?6. Which one do you think is more important, talent or training?7. Do you think physical education is necessary? Why?8. How do you think physical classes affect children’s development? 9. What kind of sport do you think is not good for children?10. Can people conclude a child that he will be a famous athlete in the future?Mayflower & Consulting Company 13■健谈的人Describe a talkative person you know You should say:Who this person is How you got to know this person What this person likes to talk about And explain why this person talks a lot Part 3:1. Why do some children talk more than other children?2. Should parents teach their children to express their opinions?3. Should children be encouraged to talk more?4. What jobs need employees to be talkative?5. Under what circumstances, should a child not talk too much?6. What careers often need to do a presentation in front of the public, what skills do they need?7. What are the advantages of having a strong communication ability?■儿时的朋友Describe a childhood friend you remember well You should say: Who this friend isWhen you became friends How you became friendsAnd explain why you remember this friend Part 3:1. Are you still in touch with your childhood friends?2. Why don’t people contact their old friends?3. Is it important to have friends for children?4. If children don’t have any close friends, should their parents worry?5. For teenagers, do you think they should have lots of friends or just few good friends?6. Are teens more likely to seek advice from their parents or peers?7. Are teenagers more influenced by their peer or their parents?8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of making friends on social networks?Mayflower & Consulting Company14■喜剧演员Describe a famous comic actor/actress in your country You should say: Who he/she isHow you knew him/herWhat comedies have he/she performed And explain why he/she is famous Part 3:1. What influences do actors or actresses have on young people?2. Why do young people want to be an actor?3. Do teenagers like to imitate stars?4. What is the most popular type of a movie actor in China?5. Should actors be paid more?6. Which one do you think is more important for an actor, good looking or good acting?7. What’s the difference between a comic star and a movie star?■有趣的动物Describe an interesting animal you like You should say: What it looks likeWhen you saw it for the first time Where it livesAnd explain why you like this animal Part 3:1. What should the government do to raise the awareness of protecting rare/endangered animals?2. What should we do to protect rare/endangered animals?3. Should children be taught about animals at school? Why?4. Should elementary schools set up animal-related courses?5. Does keeping a pet help children to develop their awareness of protecting animals?6. Is it good to keep animals in the zoo or in the wild?7. What’s the difference between watching animals on TV and seeing animals in the zoo?Mayflower & Consulting Company15物品类 物品类旧■童年玩具Describe a special toy you had in your childhood You should say: When you got it; Who gave it to you; What it looked like;And explain why it was special to you Part 3:1. Do you still play this toy?2. Why do children like to have toys in their life?3. Do girls and boys like the same toys?4. How are our toys different from those in the past?5. What is the difference between children’s toys in rural and urban areas?6. Should parents buy expensive toys for their kids?7. What can parents do if they can’t afford a toy for their kids? 8. What do parents need to consider when they buy toys?9. Do children like to play with toys or computer games nowadays? ■本国重要的河流/水域Describe an important river/area of water in your country You should say: Where it is; How long it is; What it looks like;And explain why it is important Part 3:1. Do people like that river in your country?2. Which river is important in China?3. Why some people like water sports?4. What are the jobs on the sea?5. Do you like any activities on water?6. Do people in your country go to swim in their spare time?7. Is it necessary for children to learn swimming?8. Is river important to the local tourism?9. Why are some rivers polluted? 10. How to save those rivers?Mayflower & Consulting Company16■科技产品Describe a piece of new technology you like using except computers You should say: What it is;How did you learn about it; What it is used for;And explain how you feel about this technology Part 3:1. What technology product is the most important one at home?2. Do you think computer is the most important technology products?3. Would the world be better off without the computers?4. Do the men and the women have same interest on computer games?5. There are people who can’t use technology products. Why?6. Why do some people dislike technology products?7. Does technology deeply affect people’s life?8. Do you think that new technology has negative effects? 9. How to teach old people to use new technology?■最喜欢的季节Describe your favorite season of the year You should say: What it is;What the weather is like at this season; What you usually do at this season; And explain why you enjoy this season Part 3:1. Do you like to go outside when winter comes?2. What kind of things do people in different seasons?3. Do most people in China like hot or cold weather?4. How do people in China deal with hot and cold weather?5. What kinds of jobs are seasonal?6. Do you think weather has an influence on peopled mood?7. How you feel about the climate in recent years?8. What can we do to stop greenhouse effect?9. What are the possible results if temperature continues going up?■存钱买的东西Describe something special that you saved money to buy You should say: What it was;How long you saved for it;Why you had to buy this particular thing; And explain how you felt after you bought itMayflower & Consulting Company17Part 3:1. Do young Chinese like to save money?2. How do young people save money?3. Who save more money, men or women?4. Who spend more money, men or women?5. Why do some people like to save money?6. Why do some people have saving problems?7. Can advertisements make people spend more money?8. What do you think about electronic payment? Will it make people to spend more money? 9. Do you agree with the idea that the more you save, the better life will be?10. Why do some people like buying things so much even though they don’t have a lot of money?■别人给你拍的照片Describe a good photo that someone took for you You should say: Who took the photo;When and where the photo was taken;What you were doing when the photo was taken; And explain why you think it is a good photo Part 3:1. Do you like taking photos?2. Are photos important?3. Do people prefer printing out photos or saving it in digital equipment?4. Why do some people like taking photos, some don’t?5. Would you like taking photos with strangers?6. Is it necessary to have a camera on mobile phones?7. Do you need an expensive camera to shoot a good photo?8. What’s the difference between a professional photographer and an amateur photographer?9. Do you think the important events need professional photographer rather than amateur photographer? 10. Do you think only a professional photographer can shoot a good photo?11. Does the addition of technology help on taking the pictures compare to the past?12. Now, people can take photo anytime anywhere with their smartphones, what do you think are the good and bad sides of it? ■喜欢的电视节目Describe a TV program that you like watching You should say: What it is ;How often you see it ; How you knew it;And explain why you like watching it ; Part 3:1. Do young people like to watch TV nowadays ?2. What kind of TV programs do young people like?3. What do you think of TV advertisements?Mayflower & Consulting Company184. What TV programs are popular in your country?5. Do you like soap operas?6. Why reality shows are getting popular now?7. Have the TV shows in China changed over the years?8. Do Chinese people like watching TV programs from other countries? 9. Why Chinese people like watching foreign films?10. Do you think more money will improve the quality of TV shows? 11. How will a TV be used on education?物品类新题■学校规定Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree You should say: What the rule isWhy the rule is neededWhat the effect of breaking the rule And explain why you agree or not. Part 3:1. Do you think strict rules are necessary in schools?2. Should students involve in rule-making?3. What kinds of rules do Chinese families have?4. Should companies have rules?5. Should companies decide how long the working hours are?6. Should employee clothes be specified?7. Why are some companies not allowed to work overtime?8. Why do students of different ages should have same or different rules?■第一部手机Describe your first cellphone You should say:When and where you got it Who gave it to you What it looked like And explain what difference it made to your life Part 3:1. Is it popular for children to use cellphones in your country?2. For children, what age do you think is suitable to allow them to use cellphone?3. What do teenagers in your country use cellphones for?4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using cellphones?5. Why are many people addicted to apps?6. How do you feel when you eat with a friend who always looks at his/her cellphone?Mayflower & Consulting Company19■有意义的歌Describe a song that is meaningful to you You should say: What song it isWhen you first heard itHow often you listen to this songAnd explain why it is meaningful to you Part 3:1. What types of songs is the most popular among today’s young people in China?2. Do you think traditional music is still popular?3. Has peopled preference in music changed over the years?4. Do schools have music courses in China?5. How can learning a new instrument help a child 、development?6. What kinds of songs do elders prefer?7. Do you think school should focus on music education? 8. Does music shape students” character?■常逛的网站Describe a website you like to visit regularly You should say: What the website is When did you know itHow often you go to visit this website And explain why you like to visit regularly Part 3:1. What websites do people use for entertainment?2. Will schools increasingly use Internet education?3. Do you think Internet will replace the library?4. How do you think the development of the website will affect your life?5. Is the information online accurate?6. Do you like to watch the news on the website or on TV, Why?7. What are the some of the different reasons why people use the internet?8. Some people say that different age groups have different tastes on internet content. What do you think? 9. What influence can (or, does) the internet have on children? And what about teenagers? 10. Do you think parents should control what internet sites their children visit on the internet?11. What do you think of people who have a computer and what do you think of those who don’t have one? 12. Compare the types of people who don’t use the internet with those who do.13. What (kinds of) people don’t use the internet and what are the disadvantages that these people suffer because they don’tuse the internet?。



2018年雅思口语话题英文回答:In the realm of interpersonal communication, theability to express oneself effectively and confidently is paramount. For many, the prospect of engaging in verbal exchanges can evoke feelings of anxiety, particularly in situations where different languages are involved. However, it is precisely in these moments of cross-cultural interaction that the true essence of human connection can be forged.As a non-native English speaker, I have experienced firsthand the challenges and rewards associated with navigating the complexities of language barriers. There were times when my words seemed to stumble and fall short, leaving me feeling frustrated and inadequate. Yet, amidst these struggles, I discovered a hidden reservoir of resilience within myself. Each misspoken word, each garbled phrase, became an opportunity for growth. With everyattempt, I chipped away at the walls of my self-doubt, replacing them with a newfound sense of determination.Embarking on a journey to improve my Englishproficiency required not only a rigorous learning regimen but also a willingness to step outside of my comfort zone.I immersed myself in a world of English literature, absorbing the works of renowned authors and immersing myself in the nuances of their language. I spent countless hours practicing my pronunciation, speaking aloud every chance I got, whether it was in the solitude of my room or in the company of patient listeners who were eager to help.Along the way, I encountered numerous individuals who extended their kindness and support, offering encouragement and constructive feedback. Their belief in my abilities gave me the confidence to keep pushing forward, even when the path seemed treacherous. With each interaction, regardless of its outcome, I felt a sense of connectionthat transcended cultural boundaries.Today, while I am still far from being fluent, I havemade significant progress in my English-speaking skills. I am able to communicate effectively in a variety of social and professional settings, and I have developed a deep appreciation for the richness and beauty of the English language. More importantly, the journey I have undertaken has been an invaluable experience that has taught me the power of perseverance, the importance of embracing challenges, and the transformative impact of human connection.中文回答:作为一名英语非母语者,我已经亲身体会到了跨语言交流的挑战。



雅思英语口试题及答案Part 1: Introduction and Interview1. Question: Can you tell me your full name, please?Answer: Yes, my full name is [Your Full Name].2. Question: Where are you from?Answer: I am from [Your Country/City].3. Question: What do you do? What is your occupation?Answer: I am currently working as a [Your Occupation].4. Question: Do you study or do you work?Answer: I am [studying/work] at [Your University/Company].5. Question: What do you enjoy about your study/job?Answer: I enjoy [specific aspects of your study/job].Part 2: Long Turn (Individual Long Turn)6. Question: Describe a place you have visited that has been particularly memorable for you.Answer: One particularly memorable place I have visited is [Name of the Place]. It was memorable because [reasons forits memorability].7. Question: Why did you choose to visit this place?Answer: I chose to visit this place because [reasons forchoosing this place].8. Question: What did you do there?Answer: While there, I [describe activities you did].9. Question: How did you feel about the experience?Answer: The experience made me feel [describe your emotions].Part 3: Discussion Topics10. Question: Do you think it's important for people to travel?Answer: Yes, I believe it is important for people to travel because [reasons supporting travel].11. Question: What are the benefits of traveling?Answer: Traveling has several benefits, such as [list benefits].12. Question: Do you think technology has changed the way people travel?Answer: Yes, technology has significantly changed the way people travel by [explain how technology has influenced travel].13. Question: What are some of the challenges people face when they travel?Answer: Some challenges people face when they travel include [list challenges].14. Question: How can people overcome these challenges?Answer: People can overcome these challenges by [suggestions for overcoming challenges].Note: The above answers are placeholders and should be personalized to reflect the candidate's own experiences and opinions.。



PART 1新题部分Films/Movies1. Do you often watch films/movies?2. Did you ofen watch films/movies when you were a kid?3. Are there any differences between the films/movies you watched now and the ones you watched when you were a child?4. Do you prefer watching films/movies alone or with friends?5. What kind of movies do you like?6. Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?Drinking water1. Do you like drinking water?2. Which one do you prefer, tap water or bottled water, why?3. How often do you drink water?4. What kinds of water do you like to drink?5. Do you drink bottled water or water from water machines?Morning Routine1.Do you usually do the same things in the mornings?2.Do you think breakfast is important?3.Did you do the same morning routines in your early ages?4.Do you want to change your daily routines in the future?5.What do you do in the mornings?6.Is breakfast important?7.What is your morning routine?8.Do you like to get up early in the morning?Seasons/Weather1. Which season do you like the most?2. Do people do the same sports in different seasons?3. What kind of weather do you like?4.Do you prefer dry or wet weather?5.What kind of weather do you like most?6.What’s your favourite season?7.What kind of weather is typical in your hometown?Shoes1.Do you prefer fashionable shoes or comfortable ones?2. Do you have a favorite pair of shoes?3. Do you buy shoes online?4. How often do you buy shoes (online)?5. What kind of shoes do you like most?6.Did you have any special shoes to wear when you were a child?7.How often do you buy shoes?8.Have you ever bought shoes online?9.Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?10.What’s your favourite type of shoes?Cooking1. Do you like cooking?2. Why do some people enjoy cooking?3. Have you cooked anything special?4. Have you ever cooked?5. Do you like cooking?6. Do you want to learn how to cook?7. Is it difficult to cook Chinese food for you?Colors1.What is your favorite color ?2. When you were a child, which color did you like the most?3. When buying a car, do you think the color is very important?4. Do you like dark colors?5. Are there any colors you dislike?6. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?Sports1. Do you like to watch sports on TV?2. Do you play any sport?3. Do you have a favorite sports star?4. What kinds of sports are popular in your country?5. What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?6. Do you want to attend Olympic Games?Transportation1. What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?2. Can you compare the advantages and disadvantages of planes and trains?3. When was the last time you took a taxi?4. What do you think of the transport in your city?5. Do you think it is important to learn driving?6. Why did you choose that form of transport?7. What form of transport do you usually use?8. What vehicles (or, what means of transport) do people in China most often choose to use?9. What will become the most popular means of transportation in China?10. What do you think of the transport situation in your hometown?11. Would you say transport costs are high in your hometown?12. How has the transport system in your hometown changed in the past few decades? Sunglasses1. Do you like wearing sunglasses?2. How often do you wear sunglasses?3. Which type of sunglasses do you like?4. Have you ever lost any sunglasses?5. Will you buy sunglasses as a gift?6. Will you buy expensive sunglasses?7. Where can you buy sunglasses?8. Do people in your country wear sunglasses?Painting1. Do you like taking pictures or painting?2. What pictures and drawings are you interested in?3. Do you think photos are better than paintings? why?4. Would you like others to draw a picture of you?5. What do you know about paintings?6. Have you learned drawing or painting?7. Is it important to hang picture at home?8. What kind of paintings do you like?Park/Gardens1. Do you like parks or gardens?2. Do you like indoor parks or open space?3. Is there any change you think need to make to the park you often visit?4. Are public parks important in China?5. Are there many public gardens in China?6. Do you think there are enough public gardens or parks in your hometown?7. What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?8. Why do people who live in cities like public gardens?Cities1. Do you like the city you are living in now?2. Which city have you been to recently?3. Do you prefer the city or the countryside?4. What kind of cities do you like?5. Which city do you want to go to?旧题部分Work1. What do you do?2. Why did you choose to do that type of work?3. Do you like your job?4. What is the most challenging thing in your job?5. Do you miss being a student?Study1. What is your major?2. Do you like your subject?3. Why did you choose to study that subject?4. Is it interesting?5. What subjects are you studying?6. Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?7. Are you looking forward to working?Hometown1.What is your hometown?2. Is that a big city or a small place?3. What do you like (most) about your hometown?4. Is there anything you dislike about it?5. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?6. Please describe your hometown a little.7. How long have your lived there?8. Do you plan to continue living there for a long time?9. Where would you like to live?Accommodation1. Where do you live?2. How long have you lived there?3. Do you think the place you live is a good place for families with kids?4. Do you plan to live there for a long time?5. What do you usually do in your home?6. Can you describe the place where you live?7. What is the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?8. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?9. In the future, what type of place would you like to live in ?10. What kind of neighbourhood/environment/ surroundings/ home would you like to live in?11. What do you usually do I your house/flat/room?12. Which room does your family spend most of the time in?13. What part of your home do you like the most?14 Are the transport facilities to your home very good?Foreign food1. Have you ever tried foreign food?2. Do you like to try new food?3. What kinds of new food have you tried recently?4. What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?5. Do you think old people like foreign food? Why?Being bored/Getting bored1. What will you do when you feel bored?2. When you were young, what would you do if you felt bored?3. What kinds of things are boring to you?4. Do you think young people get bored easily?Going Out1. When do you usually go out, in the daytime or in the evening?2. What do you always do when going out?3. Who do you usually like to hang out with?4. Do you like to go out with a big group or just few friends?Holidays1. What kind of holiday do you like?2. What do you like to do when you’re on holiday?3. Do you have many tourists in your country?4. Do you like holidays? Why / why not?5. Do you prefer to travel or stay at home during holiday periods? Why?6. What do most people do during their holidays in your country? Why?7. When do you prefer to take your holidays? Why?8. Who would you like to go on holiday with?9. Where do you plan to go for holiday in the future?Letters1. Do you write many letters?2. Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?3. What do you usually write about?4. Do you think people will still write letters in the future?5. Who do you usually write to?6. Is it hard to think of what to write?7. How do you feel when you receive a letter?Map1. Do you often use map?2. Who taught you how to use a map?3. Do you prefer electronic maps or paper maps?Music1. Do you like music? Why / why not?2. What kind of music do you listen to? Why?3. Has the music that you listen to changed since you were young?4. Do you think older and younger generations prefer different types of music?5. Do you play any instruments?6. Have you got any hobbies or interests?7. When do you listen to music?8. How much time do you spend on listening to music every day?9. What’s your favorite kind of music?10. Have you ever been to a concert before?Plants1. Do you grow plants at home?2. What plants did you grow when you were younger?3. Do you know anything about growing a plant?4. Do people in your country send plants as gifts?Punctuality1. Are you a punctual person?2. How do you remind yourself to be on time?3. Do you think it is important to be punctual?4. Why are some people always late?5. What would you do if you are waiting for someone?6. Do you think people these days are as punctual as in the past?Rainy days1. Do you like rainy days?2. What do you do on rainy days?3. Do you often change your plans because of weather?4. Do you prefer dry or wet living environment?5. Does it rain much in China? (Where? When?)6. Is there any part of China where it doesn’t rain much?7. When (in what month/season) does it rain most in your hometown?8. In which season does it rain most in other parts of China?9. Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavy in your hometown? Save money1. Did you save money when you were young?2. Do you save money now? How do you save money?3. Do you think saving money is very important?4. Do you think parents should teach children to save money?5. Do parents give children pocket money in China?Teachers1. Why do you like the teacher?2. Do you think you could be a teacher?3. Would you like to be a teacher?4. What kinds of teachers do you like?5. Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not?6. Do you like strict teachers?7. What’s the difference between young and old teachers?8. Is it important for teachers to interact with students frequently?9. What is the most important part in your study, teacher or classmates?10. Do you have a favorite teacher?11. Can you describe your high school teacher?Travelling/Trip1. Do you like travelling?2. Do you make plans before the trip?3. What is the most important thing about making plans?4.Where did you travel to in your latest trip?Celebrity1. Who is your favorite celebrity in China?2. Do you like foreign celebrities?3. Would you like to be a celebrity in the future?4. In general, how do people become famous?5. Do you think, to be famous, a person needs to have some special talent or ability?6. Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?Dream job1. What was the dream job you had when you were a kid?2. Have you changed your mind on your dream job?3. What do you plan to do in the future?Space travel1. Do you want to travel in the outer space?2. What would you do if you had the chance?3. Do you think it’s necessary to see other planets?4. When was the last time you went travelling?5. Do you like travelling by air?Spare time1. What do you usually do in your spare time?2. Do you like to spend time with your family or friends?3. What do you and your family like to do in free time?4. Do you think you will spend more time with your family?Watch1. How often do you wear a watch?2. What was your first watch like?3. What kinds of watches do you like to wear?4. Do people still wear watches in your country?Part 2 & 3新题部分——人物类Describe a person you've never met but want to know more aboutYou should say:Who this person isHow you know this personWhy you never meet this personAnd explain why you want to know this person.Part 3:∙What kinds of people do you like to be friends with?∙Do you prefer to expand your social circle or be friends with a small group of people?Describe a person you know who protects the environmentYou should say:who this person iswhat he or she does to protect the environmenthow difficult it is to do thatand explain how you feel about the things this person does.Part 3:∙What is the importance of environment education?∙How to protect the environment?∙Is it important to teach students environmental protection at school?∙Do you think it is necessary to make environmental protection as a subject?Describe a teenager you knowYou should say:who he or she ishow you got to know him or herwhat you usually do togetherand explain how you feel about him or her.Part 3:∙What’s the difference between teenagers and children?∙How do teenagers treat old people in your country?∙Do you think teenagers today are better than those 30 years ago?∙What are the differences between teenagers and old people?Describe an interesting person you would like to meetYou should say:Who this person isWhat this person doesWhy you think this person is interestingAnd what you want to do with this personPart 3:∙Do you have many friends in your community?∙How do technology help on the relationship between people?∙Do people feel safe in China?新题部分——物品类Describe a book you recently readYou should say:when and where you read this bookwhat it was aboutwhy you read this bookand explain how you felt about this book.Part 3:∙In your country, who would ask children to read, schools or parents?∙Do you prefer paper books or E-books?∙Do you think printed books will continue to exist?∙Do you think parents should continue reading?∙What kind of books do children read?Describe a gift to someone that you made by yourselfYou should say:what the gift waswho you gave it towhy you made the gift by yourselfand explain how the other person reacted to this gift.Part 3:∙Have you received anything that were made by the giver?∙When receiving a gift, do you prefer something that was self-made, or something bought in stores?∙Which is better, self-better food or food that you buy?Describe an important plant in your country (such as fruits, flowers orvegetables) that you likeYou should say:what it iswhat it looks likewhere it growsand explain why you like it.Part 3:∙Do people in your country like to grow plants at home?∙Do old people grow plants?∙How do schools teach students to grow plants?∙What is the main plant in your country?Describe a film or TV program that makes you laughYou should say:When and whereyou watch itWhat type of film or TV program isWhat it talks aboutAnd explain why it makes you laughPart 3:∙Why do children like to laugh?∙Is laughing beneficial to children, how about old people?∙What do you do when you feel sad?∙What kinds of things do Chinese people do to be happy?∙Do you think adults are likely to be happier than children?Describe something given to you that you really needYou should say:Who gave youWhen and where it is givenWhy you need itAnd explain how you felt about itPart 3:∙What things do young people like to buy?∙Why do people buy things that are not necessary?∙What should parents do when their children ask for things their friends have? ∙Is consumption important to a country?新题部分——事件类Describe an experience that you were scaredYou should say:When it wasWhere it wasWhy you felt scaredAnd explain how you felt about it.Part 3:∙Is it ok to frighten others?∙How do people usually get frightened?∙Do children like to scare others?∙Why is it easy for some people to be scared?∙What should people do when they feel scared?Describe an important decision you made with the help of othersYou should say:what it was aboutwho helped you make this decisionwhat happened after the decision was madeand explain how you felt about the decision.Part 3:∙Should we trust the advice given by stranger for making decisions?∙Who would like to make the decision, men or women?∙Who will be helpful when making decision in your country?∙Do you think it is advisable listening to others’ advice when making decision?∙When young people are to make a decision, should they listen to some advice?Describe a time someone gave you money as a giftYou should say:who gave it to youwhen this person gave it to youwhat you did with the moneyand explain how you felt about this gift.Part 3:∙In your country, do parents give children money for doing housework?∙Is it important for children to have a right attitude towards money?∙What do you think of the saying: love of money is the root of all evil?∙Is it important to teach children how to manage their pocket money?∙What kinds of occasions require people to send money as gifts?Describe an activity you do when you are alone in your free timeYou should say:what it iswhere you usually do ithow often you do itand explain how you felt about doing this activity.Part 3:∙How do you usually plan your free time?∙Do young people in your country work longer hours now than in past?∙What are the advantages and disadvantages of flexible work time?Describe a time you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result You should say:who you complained towhat you complained aboutwhy you complainedand explain how you felt about the result.Part 3:∙What products or services do people in your country like to complaint about? ∙Would you buy things in the shops which you have made complaints before? ∙Is it necessary for companies to set up customer service?∙Do you think customers’ complaints will improve products or services?∙Are there any disadvantages to set up customer service?Describe a game (not a sport) you enjoyed when you were a childYou should say:what the game waswhen and where you played ithow you played itand explain why you enjoyed this game.Part 3:∙What kinds of games do children play these days?∙Why do people play different kinds of games after they grow up?∙Do you think winning is the most important goal for playing games?∙Do parents in your country encourage children to play games?∙What kinds of games do children play at school?Describe a skill that took you a long time to learnYou should say:what skill it washow long it took you to learn ithow you learnt itand explain how useful the skill was.Part 3:∙What skills may take a long time to learn?∙Why would people spend a lot of time learning a new skill?∙Do people feel happy after they have learned a new skill?∙Why are some people unwilling to learn new skills?∙Do you think it takes a long time to learn a language?Describe a successful family business you knowYou should say:what kind of business it doeshow you got to know itwhat kind of customers they serveand explain how you feel about this family business.Part 3:∙What are the advantages and disadvantages of family business?∙How to be a successful businessman in your country?∙Do people in your country like to work for big companies or small companies? ∙Do you think globalization is a positive development?Describe an interesting talk or lecture you heard recentlyYou should say:when and where you heard itwhat the talk or lecture was aboutwho gave the talk or lectureand explain why you think it was interesting.Part 3:∙What kinds of people will be invited to give a speech?∙In what occasion would you be a good listener?∙Is listening to speeches important to children?∙What is required to be a good public speakers?∙Will Chinese people feel nervous when it comes to public speaking?Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from friends or family membersYou should say:What the thing wasWhen you borrowed itWhom you borrowed it fromAnd explain why you borrowed the thingPart 3:∙Why do some people like to borrow things instead of buying them?∙What would you do if people don’t return the money they borrowed from you?∙Why are people embarrassed when they borrow money from others?∙What do you think of the sharing economy?Describe a good law in your countryYou should say:What it isHow youknow itWho are affectedAnd explain why it is goodPart 3:∙What kind of people can become police officers?∙Do you think both men and women can be police officers?∙Is kindness the most important quality of a police officer?∙Do all Chinese people obey the law?Describe an occasion when a home appliance broke down or stopped working You should say:what the equipment washow it was brokenhow this affected your lifeand explain how you handled the situation.Part 3:∙What are the common home appliances that people use these days?∙Do you think modern technology makes people lazier?∙What can people do to protect their equipment from technical problems?∙When an electronic item of yours does not work, would you repair it or buy a new one?∙Are you good at handling problems on your own?Describe a time when you look for information on the InternetYou should say:When it isHow long it takes youWhat you look forAnd explain why you look for information on the InternetPart 3:∙What ways can people get information these days?∙What are the differences between getting information from library and getting information from newspaper?Describe a second foreign language you would like to learnYou should say:what it is and where it is spokenhow you would learn itwhat difficulties you might have when learning itand explain why you would choose to study this language.Part 3:∙What can people do to learn a second language?∙Is it popular to learn English in your country?∙What are the difficulties of learning a new language?∙What’s the best way to learn a new language?Describe a time you received something you wantedYou should say:what it waswho gave it to youwhat you wanted it forand explain how you felt when you received it.Describe a time that you had some medicineYou should say:When it happenedWho gave it to youWhy you had itAnd explain how you felt about it.Part 3:∙What do you think of buying medicine online?∙In your opinion, why do some people dislike taking medicine?∙Some people say medicine is harmful. Do you think so?∙What do you think of fake medicine?Describe a trip that you want to travel far from youYou should say:When you want to do the tripHow long it takes youWhere you want to goAnd explain why you want to do this trip.Part 3:∙Where do Chinese people like to travel to?∙Do people in your country like to have holidays?∙What are the disadvantages of working overtime?∙What kinds of activities do people like to do for holidays?∙Why do some people prefer to stay at home during holidays?Describe a class/lecture that left you a deep impressionYou should say:When it wasWho had itWhat it is aboutAnd explain why you had a deep impression.Describe the influence that primary school maths have on youYou should say:Who taught youWhere you learned itWhat you learnedAnd explain how you are influenced by primary school maths.Describe how mobile phone makes a difference to your lifeYou should say:When and where you get itHow often you use itWhat you do with itAnd explain how it makes a difference to your life.新题部分——地点类Describe a place you would like to travel to that is far away from your home You should say:where it would behow you would like to go therewhat you would do thereand explain why you would like to go there.Part 3:∙Where do Chinese people like to travel to?∙Do people in your country like to have holidays?∙What are the disadvantages of working overtime?∙What kinds of activities do people like to do for holidays?∙Why do some people prefer to stay at home during holidays?Describe an indoor or outdoor place where you can studyYou should say:where it iswhen you usually go therewhy you go thereand explain how you feel about this place.Part 3:∙Do you like to learn on your own or with others?∙Do you prefer to study at home or study in other places?∙What’s the difference between learning face-to-face with teachers and learning by yourself?Describe a beautiful city you visitedYou should say:where it waswhat it was famous forhow you got to know about the cityand explain how you felt about this city.Part 3:∙Do you think having too many tourists is a positive thing for historical attractions? ∙What can we do to stop visitors from damaging historical places?∙Are there more tall buildings than small flats in your country?∙Why do most Chinese live in apartments rather than houses?∙Why do some people like to visit historical places?Describe an interesting part of your countryYou should say:where it ishow you got to know about itwhat it is famous forand explain why you think it is interesting.Part 3:∙What’s the difference between people living in the city and people living in the countryside?∙What’s the difference between big cities and small cities?∙What the difference between the north and south part of your country? ∙What makes one country different from the other?∙Do you like living in big cities or small ones?旧题部分——人物类Describe a famous comic actor in your countryYou should say:who the person iswhich film or program he or she acted inwhat role he or she actedand explain why you like him or her.Part 3:∙Should actors be paid more?∙What influences do actors or actress have on young people?∙Are there many Chinese who want to work as an actor?∙Can you name another comic actor in your country?∙Who are more popular in China,TV stars or movie stars?Describe a talkative person you knowYou should say:who he or she ishow you got to know him or herwhat he or she likes to talk aboutand explain why this person talks a lot.Part 3:∙What communication skills are important?∙Are you talkative?∙Are most Chinese people talkative?∙What jobs need employees to be talkative?∙Should children be encouraged to talk more?Describe a childhood friend you remember wellYou should say:who he or she iswhen you became friendshow you became friendsand explain why you remember him or her well.Part 3:∙Is it important to have friends for children?∙Do you still keep in touch with friends in your childhood?∙For teenagers,do you think they should have lots of friends or just few good friends? ∙Are teenagers more influenced by their peer or their parents?∙How would you maintain friendship with a friend who’s richer than you?旧题部分——物品类Describe a magazine you likeYou should say:what it iswhen and how often you like to read itwhat the contents of the magazine areand explain why you like this magazine.Part 3:∙What kinds of magazines are the most popular?∙Do men like to read fashion magazines?∙Do people read magazines for fun or learning?∙Do you like to read news magazines?∙Do you think journalist are subjective in their reports?Describe your first mobile phoneYou should say:when and where you got itwho gave it to youwhat it looked likeand explain what difference it made to your life.Part 3:∙For children, what age do you think is suitable to allow them to use cellphones?∙Is it popular for children to use cellphones in your country?∙What do teenagers in your country use cellphones for?∙What are the advantages/disadvantages of using cellphones?∙Why are many people addicted to apps?Describe something you own that you want to replaceYou should say:what it iswhat you use it forhow long you’ve had itand explain why you would like to replace it.Part 3:∙What are other things that you want to replace?∙What kinds of things do young people like to replace?∙Do old people in china like to hoard things?。



Topics for Oral Test (2017-2018学年第二学期)1.What do you think of the concept of a healthy lifestyle? Do you agree with it?Why or why not?2.Nowadays some students on campus are so addicted to the computer games, theInternet, and smartphones, etc. that they waste a lot of time, and discard their studies. What suggestions can you give to help them get over this addiction?3.Who is your favorite athlete? Why do you like him/her?4.Euthanasia is mostly illegal in the world today. Should euthanasia be legal? Whatare the positive and negative sides of euthanasia?5.Which is more important for a graduate student, specialized knowledge or a widerange of learning?6.What do you know about sexual discrimination in job market? Can you give someexamples? What are the causes for this phenomenon?7.What do you think of the character of Mrs. Sommers? Do you think she a goodmother? Why or why not?8.With the globalization of economy and culture throughout the world, foreignlanguages have invaded the territory of Chinese people’s daily life. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese people’s exposure to different languages and cultures? Will this influence the people’s cultural identity and social morality?9.In your opinion, is Greg Mortenson a hero or a fraud? Why?10.“Just do it” has been a popular advertising slogan, which enables us think of Nikeproducts immediately. Could you work out as many advertising slogans as you can? Which one do you like best? Why?。




6⽉23⽇考情回顾: Task 1: Your friend wants to study abroad, but he will graduate one yearlater then. Do you think he should do this or not? Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With moreand more people reading in electronic format, libraries will disappear. Task 1 1. Your university is planning to allow people in the community to takecourses with students. This course will be free for them and they will notreceive feedback or grades about their papers. Do you think this is a goodprogram and why? 2. Some professors prefer to give regular quizzes. Some prefer to givesurprising quizzes. Please talk about the advantages and/or disadvantages ofsurprising quizzes. 3. University students encounter many difficult challenges in theirstudies. Which challenge do you think is the most difficult one and how do youdeal with it? 4. Your school plans to open a new section for the school newspaper, whichone of the following would you suggest they add? Explain why. 1) Film recommendation 2) Tips and advice about student travel 3) Restaurant review 5. Students often want to get better grades in their classes. Explain whatstudents should do in order to improve their performance in the class. 6. What is your opinion on the following statement: students should beallowed to take snacks and beverage into classrooms? 7. Final is coming, and your friend often oversleeps and misses the class.Will you help your friend to study while you also have a lot of exams? 8. Which of the following library volunteer would you want to choose todo? 1) helping people find the right material 2) reading to kids 3) keeping bookshelves organized 9. There is going to have students’ TV show. Which show would you like towatch? Please Give your reasons. 1) Interview school leaders 2) Students’ debate on political and social topics 3) Comedy about school life 10. If your friend is a forgetful person who always has trouble rememberingimportant things like deadlines for school assignments. What suggestions do youhave for this friend of yours? 11. How should parents teach their kids to work with others? 12. Which of the following qualities do you think is the most important fora university student to be successful? 1) Highly motivated 2) Hard-working 3) Intelligent Choose one of these qualities and explain why it is important. 13. Describe a behavior that many people may do in public that you find inconsiderate. 14. People set a variety of goals for themselves throughout their lives. Describe one goal you would like to achieve in the future, and explain why this goal is important to you. Include specific details in your explanation. 15. If you are to choose between 2 apartments to live in next semester, one apartment is near the campus but slightly expensive. The other is a little farfrom the campus but cheaper. Which one do you prefer and why? 16. Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of being active on social media. 17. Which of the following has the greatest impact on students’ life? 1) electronic books 2) smart phones 3) online courses 18. Which do you think is the best way for students to know about Italian culture? 1) cooking class 2) movie class 3) history class 19. Things always change in an unexpected way. Please describe a thing you have recently done that, ten years ago, you never imagined you would do. 20. You live in a crowded city with only one green space-the city park. The government recently proposes to build a housing complex on this only green space. Do you think this is a good idea? 1. Some students prefer to study for exam at night while other students prefer to study in the day. Which do you prefer, explain why. 2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One of the best ways to learn is by making mistakes. Use specific examples and details to support your opinion. 3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? School shouldn’t allow young students to use calculator during exam. 4. Some universities accept the students to choose a major field of study when they enter the school; while other universities wait until the second orthe third year before students deciding to choose a major field of study. Whichdo you prefer? Why or why not? 5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A university’s academic reputation is the most important thing a student should consider in deciding which university to attend. Use examples and details to support youropinion. 6. Some university students choose to take difficult classes even if they know they might not get a good grade in the class. Other students prefer to take easier classes in which they know they will get a good grade. Which do you prefer? Explain why. 7. Which one would you prefer? Go to a college in your hometown or go to a university in a new town? 8. Your school is planning to ban library computers from accessing social media websites. Do you agree or disagree with such a plan? 9. Agree or disagree: if children do well in school, parents should givethem money as rewards? 10. Do you think the boss should supervise his employee when they are working, or give his employee more freedom in work? 11. When giving feedbacks to students, some teachers would like to talk to their students in person; while some teachers would give written comments to students. Which do you prefer and why? 12. Some people say that childhood is the best time in a person’s life.Other people disagree. What is your opinion? Explain why. 13. Some people like to make decisions based on their own experience; while other people prefer to ask others for help such as family and friends. Which do you prefer and why? 14. Some people prefer to stay in touch with their friends and family members while traveling. Others prefer not to get in touch and stay alone. Which do you prefer and why? 15. Which one do you prefer? To spend money buying or owning things like clothes, computers, or to spend it on experiences like vacations orconcerts. 16. Some people prefer to buy the food that is already prepared. Other people prefer to buy fresh food and prepare meals by themselves. Which do you prefer? Explain why, using details and examples in your answer. 17. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment, people read fewer books than before. 18. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Government should ban violent TV shows and foul languages on TV? 19. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To protect the health of young children, advertisement for candy and junk food should not be shown on television. Use specific reasons and details in your response. 20. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should approach computer and other electronic devices as early as possible.。







6月2日托福口语真题回忆:Task 1学校要舍弃报纸用在线刊物代替,提出优点/一个缺点Task2你更喜欢教师何时回答学生问题,讲完课之后还是讲课期间,为什么Task3学校 announcement:下届新生改变夏季的安排,让时间安排更自由活动更多。



教授举了自己的亲身例子:他辅导女儿写的 paper 的主题在一个纪录片也看到过,然后有一次他跟她女儿出去吃饭看到一个海报贴了这个。


印证了人们会对自己学过的知识 pay more attention,所以感觉出现的频率变高了。


Task6浮游生物对海洋动物的好处,travel long distance 和躲避 predator6月2日托福听力真题回忆:Conversation1.学生网上申请借书,但过了一周都没收到邮件,职员说 2 楼的中世纪历史书被淹了,一大堆要借书,图书馆忙不过来,然后给了学生建议2.学生问教授 iceberg 能不能用到自己的作业上,教授说行,这个材料环境友好3.学生借多媒体教室教课:女学生去问男宿管借用 multifunction room 的条件。



剑桥雅思18 口语题范例

剑桥雅思18 口语题范例

剑桥雅思18 口语题范例引言概述:剑桥雅思18口语题范例是雅思考试中的一本备考资料,它提供了一系列口语题目的范例,帮助考生更好地准备口语考试。


正文内容:1. 日常生活1.1 家庭生活:谈论家庭成员、家庭活动和家庭规模等。

1.2 兴趣爱好:描述自己的爱好、为什么喜欢这些爱好以及如何参与其中。

1.3 旅行经历:分享自己的旅行经历、旅行的目的地、感受和收获等。

1.4 饮食习惯:讨论自己的饮食习惯、喜欢的食物和饮料、对健康饮食的看法等。

1.5 社交活动:谈论参加的社交活动、结交新朋友的经验以及社交活动对个人发展的影响。

2. 教育2.1 学校生活:描述自己的学校、学习的科目和学校活动等。

2.2 教育方式:探讨不同的教育方式、自主学习和传统教育的优缺点等。

2.3 学习习惯:分享自己的学习习惯、如何提高学习效率和记忆力等。

2.4 考试压力:讨论学习压力对个人的影响、应对考试压力的方法和经验等。

2.5 外语学习:谈论外语学习的重要性、学习外语的困难和克服困难的方法等。

3. 工作3.1 职业规划:描述自己的职业规划、为什么选择这个职业以及如何实现目标等。

3.2 工作经验:分享自己的工作经验、工作的内容、团队合作和个人成长等。

3.3 工作环境:讨论理想的工作环境、与同事相处的经验和工作对个人发展的影响等。

3.4 领导能力:谈论自己的领导能力、如何培养领导能力和在工作中展现领导力的方式等。

3.5 职业发展:探讨职业发展的重要性、如何提升职业竞争力和实现个人职业目标等。

4. 环境4.1 城市生活:描述自己所在城市的特点、喜欢城市生活的原因和对城市环境的改善建议等。

4.2 自然环境:讨论保护自然环境的重要性、个人如何参与环保活动以及对环境污染的看法等。

4.3 城市交通:谈论城市交通问题、交通拥堵的原因和解决方案等。





大作文题目是一道老题(20140621原题重现),同时和2018年6月7号考试题目非常类似,但是注意在第一问中限定条件young 不复存在而第二问中出现了限定条件society:如果这些点没有体现在写作中,那么最终作文是不合格的。

Task 1题型柱图题目The charts below show the precentage of males and females who were overweight in Australia between 1980 and 2010.Task 2题型复合话题—社会媒体类—工作与生活题目An increasing number of people are changing careers during their working life.What are the reasons for this? Does it have a positive or negative development for society?参考范文Relatively frequent change of job and career in youngsters is becoming increasingly common. There are several reasons to explain this trend, and generally I believe the society would benefit from it.The reason of this development is not complicated: informationis becoming more accessible, actionable, and leverage-able than ever before. In the past, if one were to switch jobs, they would have to search job openings in the newspaper, print out a resume, write a cover letter, and then mail them to a potential interview. This process can and will be repetitive, for there is no grantee that job hunting can always be as smooth as one may assume. Such endeavor, most of which will be in void, can cause great pain for every job hunter, especially those who have a family and personal life to manage. In the modern era, however, such hassle does not exist anymore due to the fundamental shift of information actionability—we can now find hundreds and thousands ofjob openings on the internet at a click of a button, not to mention the growing number of headhunters.Associated with this trend, the society would tend to be more fair, reasonable and dynamic: without being stuck with jobs, tasks, and daily routine, an individual can surely create things where one’s true passion is about, and therefore fill one’s life with joy. In fact, such change would eventually forge a society where the majority of general public can truly enjoy their lives. Some, however, would argue that a frequent change would create a sense of uncertainty, but one should also fully appreciate that the ultimate purpose of society is to ensure alife with pleasure for everyone, which is not going to happen if general public is forced doing things they do not like.Overall, although some believe changing jobs or careers should not be frequent, I believe it is beneficial, as people can now truly grasp their life and future.字数:325。



Part11.TelevisionWhatTVprogramsareyouinterestedin? WhendoyouwatchTV?InChina,havetelevisionprogramschangedmuchinrecentyears? HowdoyouthinkTVprogramsinChinacouldbeimproved?2.IndoorGamesDoyouplayanyindoorgames? Doyouprefertoplayindoorgamesoroutdoorgames? Whatindoorgamesdidyouplaywhenyouwereachild? Isthereanyparticularindoorgamethatyouliked(whenyouwereachild)? Whatsortsofindoorgamesdochildrenplaynow?3.FriendDoyouhavemanyfriends? Howoftendoyoutalktoyourfriends? Howdoyoucommunicatewithyourfriends? Howcanpeoplemakefriendsinyourcountry?4.Mirror Howoftendoyoulookatyourselfinthemirroreveryday? Haveyoueverboughtmirrors? Wouldyouusemirrorstodecoraterooms?5.WatchHowoftendoyouwearawatch? Whatwasyourfirstwatchlike?Whatkindsofwatchesdoyouliketowear? Dopeoplestillwearwatchesinyourcountry?6.HouseworkDoyoudohouseworkathome? Doyouthinkmenandwomenshouldsharehousework? Whatkindsofhouseworkdoyoudisliketodo? Didyouhelpyourparentsdohouseworkwhenyouwereyoung?7.VideogameDoyouplayvideogames? Whatkindsofvideogamesdoyouliketoplay? Isitgoodforyoungpeopletoplayvideogames?8.ShoesHowoftendoyoubuyshoes? Haveyoueverboughtshoesonline? Doyouknowanyonewholikestobuyalotofshoes?What’syourfavoritetypeofshoes?9.RobotsDoyoulikerobots? Whatkindsofrobotswouldliketohave? Willrobotschangeoursocietysignificantly?10.DreamDoyouoftenhavedreamsatnight? Haveyouhadabaddreambefore? Whatwasthestrangestdreamyouhavehad?Whatdoyouusuallydreamabout?11.Forgetthings Whatkindsofthingsdoyouhavetobringwhenyougoout Didyoueverforgettobringsomething? Howdoyouremindyourself? Doyoucarrydifferentthingsinthemorningandintheevening?Part2&312.有趣的邻居Describeaninterestingneighbor.Youshouldsay:WhothispersonisHowyouknowthispersonWhatthispersonlikestodo AndeGplainwhyyouthinkthisneighborisinterestingPart3①Doyouthinkneighborsareimportant?②Doyouthinkit'simportanttohaveagoodrelationshipwithone'sneighbors? ③Doyouthinkpeople'srelationshipswiththeirneighborstodayisthesameasit wasinthepast?④Whatarethebenefitsofbelongingtoacommunity?13.兴奋的活动Describea/annew/eGcitingactivitythatyouwanttotryforthefirsttime. Youshouldsay:WhatitisWhereyoucandoitHowyouwoulddoitAndeGplainwhyyoufeeleGcitedPart3①Doyouliketodoriskythings?②Whyisgoodtobeadventurous?③Doesitbenefitpeoplewhentheytrynewthings?④Whydosomepeopleeatthesamethingsallthetime?14.未来假期Describeaholidayyouwanttogooninthefuture Youshouldsay:WhereyouwanttogoWhenyouwouldliketogoWhatyoucandofortheholidayWhoyouwouldliketogowith AndeGplainwhyyouwanttohavethisholidayPart3①Doyoulikeshortholidaysorlongholidays?②Doyouthinkmodernlifestylesgivepeopleenoughtimeforleisure?③What’sthemostpopulartouristattractioninChina?④What’sthemostimportantfactorforatouristattraction?⑤Doyouthinkweshouldhavemorepublicholidays?15.和小孩共度时光DescribeaneGperienceyouspendyourtimewithachild Youshouldsay:WhenyouspenttimewiththischildWhothischildwasWhatyoudidtogetherAndhowyoufeltaboutitPart3①Doparentsinyourcountryspendalotoftimewiththeirchildren?②Whodidyouspendmosttimewithwhenyouwereyoung?③Whydosomeyoungpeopledislikelivingwitholdpeople?④Whatdoyouusuallydowhenyouhangoutwithyourfriends?⑤Doyouliketospendtimeonyourownorwithyourfamily/friends?16.历史事件Describeaneventinhistoryinyourcountry Youshouldsay:WhereithappenedWhenithappenedHowyouknowitWhathappenedAndhowyoufeelaboutthisevent.Part3①Howdopeopleinyourcountrylearnabouthistoricalevents?②Dopeopleliketolearnhistory?③Whatkindofpeoplecanappearinhistory?④Shouldgovernmentsspendmoneyonmuseums?⑤Doyouthinkmuseumsshouldbefree?17.商店DescribeashopthatjustopenedinyourhometownWheretheshopisWhenitopenedWhatitsellsAndhowyoufeelabouttheshopPart3①Doyoulikebigshopsorsmallshops?②Whydosomepeopleliketovisitsmallshops?③Shouldgovernmentsdevelopbigshopsorsmallshops?④Shouldshopsbelocatedincitycentersorinthesuburbs?⑤Whatcanshopsdotoattractcustomers?18.一个计划Describeaplaninyourlife(thatisnotrelatedtoworkorstudy) Youshouldsay:WhatitwasaboutWhenyoumadeitHowitworkedAndhowyoufeltabouttheresultPart3①Shouldparentssetgoalsforchildren?②Whendoyoungchildrenstarttosetgoalsforthemselves?③Whatkindsofgoalsarenotrealistic?④Whydopeoplesetgoals?⑤Whatwouldyoufeelifyoucouldn’tachieveyourgoals?19.等待DescribeatimethatyouwerewaitingforsomethingWhenithappenedWhereithappenedWhoyouwerewithWhatyouwerewaitingforAndhowyoufeltaboutitPart3①Doyouthinkpatienceisimportant?②Whyisitdifficultforchildrentobepatient?③Whatwouldyoudoifyouwaitforsomeoneforalongtime?④Wouldyoueasilyfeelangrywhenyouwaitforalongtime?⑤Haveyoueverbeenlateformeetingsomeone?20.重读的书DescribeabookyouwanttoreadagainYoushouldsay:WhatitisWhatitisaboutWhenyoureaditforthefirsttime AndeGplainwhyyouwanttoreaditagain.Part3①Howoftendoyouread?②DoChinesepeopleliketoread?③Dopeoplewithdifferentreadinglevelsbuythesamekindsofreadingmaterials ?④WhatdoChinesepeopleliketoread?⑤Whatkindsofmaterialsdoyouthinkpeopleshouldread?⑥Whatbenefitsdoyoungpeoplegetfromreading?21.有意思的住宅Describeaninterestinghouseorapartmentyouvisited Youshouldsay:WherethisplaceisWhatitislikeWhenyouwanttoliveinthere andeGplainwhyyouwanttoliveinsuchaplace.Part3①Howismodernhomedesign(bothinside&outsideappearance)inyourcountr ydifferenttothatofthepast?②Inyourcountry,whattypeofhomedomostpeoplelivein?③Dopeopleprefertoliveinmodernhomesortheolder-stylehomes(e.g.,from5 0yearsago)?④Howaremodernhomesdifferenttoolderhomes?⑤Whatdoyouimaginepeople'shouseswillbelikeinthefuture?⑥Whydopeoplesometimesmovetoliveinadifferenthome?22.不同意的决定Describeadecisionmadebyothersthatyoudisagreedwith Youshouldsay:WhatthedecisionwasHowitwasmadeWhatyoudisagreedwithAndeGplainwhyyoudisagreedwithitPart3①Whatskillsarenecessarywhenmakingdecisions?②Howcanpeopleimprovetheirdecision-makingskills?③Howdoyouthinkcomputerswillchangethewaypeoplemakedecisions? ④DoparentsinChinaallowtheirchildrentomakeimportantdecisionsaboutthe future?⑤Doyouthinkthatparentsshouldmakeimportantdecisionsfortheirchildren?23.重要影响的家人Describeafamilymemberwhohashadimportantinfluenceonyou Youshouldsay:whothepersoniswhatkindofpersonheorsheis whatthispersonhasdonetoinfluenceyou andeGplainwhyyouthinkthispersonisimportanttoyouPart3①Thesedays,peoplefromdifferentgenerationslivetogether,doyouthinkthisis aproblem?②Whydosomechildrengetspoiledathome?③Doyoungadultsinyourcountryliketocommunicatewitholdpeople?④Howmuchdoyouthinkpeopleshouldberesponsiblefor(thewelfareof)theiro wnparents?⑤Doyouthinkfamilyrelationshipsareimportant?24.乡下的愉快经历DescribeatimeyouhadgoodeGperienceinthecountryside Youshouldsay:WhereyouwentWhatyoudidWhenyoudiditWhoyouwentwithAndeGplainwhyitwasenjoyable?Part3①Doyoungpeopleenjoylivinginthecountryside?②Dooldpeopleprefertoliveinthecountrysideorinthecity?③Whydomanypeoplemovefromsmalltownstobigcities?④What’sthedifferencebetweenlivinginthecountrysideandlivinginthecity?⑤Howhaslifechangedinthecountrysideinyourcountry?25.名人Describeafamouspersonthatyouareinterestedin Youshouldsay:whothispersonishowyouknowaboutthisperson whatsortoflifetheyhadbeforetheybecamefamous。



2018年雅思考试口语加范文提前练习(13)首先,对于物品类话题,我们根据历年考试话题的汇总,为大家概括为两大类:class=“paragraph” style=“margin: 40px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; text-indent: 1.6rem; font-size: 0.8rem; color: rgb(67, 67, 67); line-height: 32px; word-wrap: break-word; font-family: “Micros oft Yahei”;”>具体类物品如:Describe a book you read、a gift you received from others、a wild animal、a handicraft、an electrical appliance that is useful to you、an important letter that you received、a game you played in your childhood等;class=“paragraph” style=“margin: 40px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; text-indent: 1.6rem; font-size: 0.8rem; color: rgb(67, 67, 67); line-height: 32px; word-wrap: break-word; font-family: “Microsoft Yahei”;”>抽象类物品如:Describe an interesting news、a useful website、a performance you saw、a organization、your future job、your future plan、something that you don’t know but would like to learn等。



2018年6月30日雅思听力考试真题(回忆版)今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是2018年6月30日雅思听力考试真题(回忆版)的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧!Section One场景:课程咨询题型:填空10内容概述:canoeing course填空10:1. swim 50 meters-基础能力要求2. rules to follow-课程内容3. a vest and a helmet provided-提供设备4. shower afterwards-课后提供5. spare cloth-自己带的东西6. fee: adult 17 pounds (干扰信息是小孩子的费用)7. with assurance included (6-7在一行里)8. 完成课程后的活动-sea出海划船9. 完成课程后的活动-take part in race10. 最近的开班日期:Tuesday,5th, JuneSection Two场景:活动题型:2+2多选+6配对内容概述:plant care center introduction11. 多选-without charge- garden glove12. 多选-without charge-rose bush trimming course13. 多选-need more volunteer-cafe14. 多选-need more volunteer-office15. 展览看点-local plants-easy to grow16. 展览看点-缺水-desert plants17. 展览看点-edible plants18. 展览看点-lawn19. 展览看点-soil nutrient20. 展览看点-design-colorSection Three场景:讨论题型:6单选+4配对内容概述:Internet impact on psychology21. why interesting-many lectures from different departments- C principles22.用什么开场?B (data, bar chart)23. 基于个人经历的消极影响-B less creative24. 关于其他消极影响-B询问老师25. 从哪里获得更多信息-A Website26. 关于研究的惊喜发现?A kinder ; understand others27. 实验Bad Noises 网站内难找28. 实验-the Stracker test 参与人多29. 实验-Personality Plus觉得很有用30. 实验-Face Up-专家推荐Section Four场景:鸟类研究题型:填空10内容概述: 鸟类研究的方式目的+New York State研究一个填空10:31. which is rare(不确定)32. estimate (31-32是关于population的讲解)33. method: mapping (computer)34. identify。

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1. Do you (or, did you) have a favorite teacher?
Yes, it’s Mr. Liu, my middle schoo l English teacher. He was then in his twenties. I’ll always remember his amiable smile in his first class.
2. Why do you like him/her?
Wow, he was really a charming gentleman. He spoke English in such a standard and fluent way, that I was soon attracted by his accent. Besides, he possessed a good knowledge of English, from whom I have learned a lot.
3. How does (or did) this teacher help you?
To me, the most important thing was that he aroused my interest in English study. His classes were so vivid and lively that I could not wait to have English classes every week. During those years, I succeeded in
memorizing a large vocabulary and some well-written English articles. I still benefit from that period of time until now.
4. Do you think you could be a teacher?
In the future, I think I could be a teacher. But at present, I haven’t become competent enough to go in for teaching. I still need to take some time to acquire more knowledge in my field.
5. Would you like to be a teacher?
Sure. In fact, it is my dream to be a university teacher. Through the teaching process, I can share with students my views and values. that’s really wonderful. In my future years, I hope I can realize my dream and devote myself to the education career.
Describe a public place that needs improvements.
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
Why you think it needs improvements
And explain how to make it better
there many public places in China?
you like to exercise in public places, such as parks?
measures should governments and individuals take to keep public places clean?
to keep a balance between public places and private houses?


