



2023外研社国才杯全国英语演讲比赛题目1. Introduction2023外研社国才杯全国英语演讲比赛,是一项旨在提高我国学生英语口语表达能力的盛会。



2. The Importance of Dreams梦想是人们前进的动力之一,它激励着我们不断努力、追求更好的未来。



3. The Reality of Dreams然而,现实往往给了我们重重的打击,使梦想变得遥不可及。



4. Balancing Dreams and Reality要实现梦想并不是一件容易的事情,但也不是不可能。



5. Conclusion“梦想与现实”不仅仅是一个话题,更是我们每个人都需要经历的人生阶段。



Personal Perspective在我看来,梦想与现实的关系如同星空与大地般纷繁复杂,既有绚烂的梦幻,又有沉实的土地。







(一)ChinaThe capital of China is Beijing. Beiing is in the north of China. People in China speak Chinese. Haikou is in the south of China. Tibet( 西藏) is in the west of China. Shanghai is in the east of China. These cities are all very beautiful. I want to visit them one day.( )1. ________is the capital of China.A. Washington DCB. Beijing( )2. Beijing is in the ________of China.A. northB. south( )3. Shanghai is in the_______ of China.A. eastB. west( )4. Tibet is in the________ of China.A.eastB. west( )5. Haikou is in the________of China.A. northB. west(二)AustraliaI'm Bob from Australia. It is a country in the south of the earth (地球) . The weather in Australia is warm and sunny. There are many farms in Australia. I live on a farm. I don't go to school, but I can listen to my teacher online. I like the Great Barrier Reef (大堡礁) . It's really a beautiful place. It's in the northeast of Australia. Many kinds of corals (珊瑚) live in the sea. They are colourful.1.Australia is ___.A. a cityB. a countryC. a town2.The weather in Australia is____.A. cold and dryB .warm and wetC. warm and sunny3.Bob lives________.A. in the cityB.on a farmC. by the seaThe Great Barrier Reef is____ of Australia.A. in the eastB. in the northC. in the northeast5.You can see_______under the sea of the Great Barrier Reef.A. treesB. flowersC. corals(三)My Cousin’s ComputerMy cousin(堂表兄弟)has a computer. But I don’t have a computer. So I often go to my cousin’s home.I draw pictures and play computer games on my cousin’s computer. I can draw chickens, tables, chairs and so on(等等).But my cousin can’t draw pictures on the computer. I like playing the Harry Potter game best(最好), because it’s very exciting(令人兴奋的).I like computers very much and I want a computer, too.根据短文内容填空I often go to my home because my cousin hasa .I draw and play games on his computer.But my cousin can’t draw on the computer. I like the Harry Potter game ,because it’s very .(四)A train stops at a station(车站)A young man wants to come out, but it is raining. A boy is standing under a big umbrella. The young man says to the boy. “Can you go and get us two hambuger s, one for you and one for me? Here are two dollars.” “Great!” say the boy and he goes to buy hamburgers. After some time, the boy is back. He is eating a hamburger. “Where is my hamburger?” asks the young man. “Oh, there is only one hamburger left. So I’m eating mine. Here is your dollar. ”1.Where is the young man ?A At a stationB Under a big umbrellaC On the train2.What does the young man want to buy ?A UmbrellaB HamburgersC Dollars3.Who helps the young man ?A A boyB A manC .Nobody4.Does the young man get a hambuger ?A No ,he doesn’tB Yes ,he doesC .No ,he does5.Is the boy clever(聪明的)?A Yes ,he isn’tB Yes ,he isC .No ,I’m not(五)ShanghaiShanghai is one of the largest cities in China and it is also the business and financial center of our country. The Huangpu River flows through the city. There are many new constructions and buildings in the Pudong district including the famous Oriental Jewel Tower. There are many great shops and stores along the Nanjing Road, the main commercial(商业的) road in the city. Millions of tourists and business people come to the city every day and enjoy Shanghai's food, scenery, and life.Read and Judge(T/F)()1.The Changjiang River flows through the city.()2.There are many great shops and stores along the Nanjing Road. ()3.Nanjing Road is the main commercial road in the city.()4.There aren’t many tourists and business people in Shanghai. ()5.The tourists enjoy the food.(六)WuhanMy favourite city is Wuhan. It sits by Yanzi River, and it is in the center of China. Wuhan has many natural beauty spots(景点), such as East lake and Moshan Mountain. Its cultural relics are famous too. Yellow Crane Tower(黄鹤楼) is my favorite one. I like it not only because of its fame, but also because that the view I had on the top of Yellow Crane Tower is great. Besides, Wuhan has many kinds of breakfast. Hot dry noodles(热干面)is the one that every visitor will taste. It is very delicious indeed. Read and Answer:1.My __________city is Wuhan.2.Why does the writer like Yellow Crane Tower?___________________________________________________3.Every visitor will taste __________.4.What’s the name of the river?___________________。



【外研社杯全国英语大赛阅读题2023】一、比赛介绍1.1 比赛概述外研社杯全国英语大赛是我国著名的英语竞赛之一,旨在培养学生的英语阅读能力、写作能力和思辨能力,提升学生的综合英语水平。

1.2 参赛对象比赛面向全国范围内的中小学生,分为初中组和高中组两个年级组别,分别考查学生的英语阅读理解和写作能力。

1.3 比赛形式初赛阶段为线上笔试,考生需要在规定时间内完成阅读理解和写作题目。


二、比赛内容2.1 阅读理解比赛涵盖了各种类型的阅读理解题目,包括新闻报道、广告宣传、科技文献等。


2.2 写作能力比赛还考察了学生的写作能力,要求学生在有限的时间内完成一篇英语短文,内容涉及个人见解、社会热点、学习经验等。

2.3 口语表达决赛阶段的口语表达环节是比赛的重要组成部分,通过一些口头交际和综合应用题目,考察学生的口语表达能力、思维反应速度和语言流利度。

三、比赛意义3.1 培养英语阅读兴趣英语阅读是学习英语的重要组成部分,通过参加英语大赛,学生可以接触到更多优质的英语原版文章,培养对英语阅读的兴趣和热情。

3.2 提升英语综合能力比赛的题目旨在考查学生的英语阅读理解、写作表达和口语能力,通过参与比赛,学生可以在这些方面得到锻炼和提升,全面提高自己的英语综合能力。

3.3 增强竞争意识和自信心参加英语大赛可以让学生在竞争中成长,比赛过程中的挑战和压力可以激发学生的竞争意识,同时也增强他们的自信心,为将来的学业和工作打下良好基础。

3.4 开拓国际视野英语是国际通用语言,通过参与英语大赛,学生可以更好地了解世界各地的英语使用情况和文化背景,开拓国际视野,促使学生更好地融入全球化的教育和社会环境。

四、比赛准备4.1 提前备战参加英语大赛需要提前进行充分的准备,包括扩充词汇量、背诵范文、加强阅读训练、提高听说能力等,学生需要有计划、有目标地进行全面的准备。




























二、大赛日期和地点1. 大赛日期:2023年5月20日至5月25日2. 大赛地点:各省会城市中心会场三、参赛对象1. 初中组:全国各地初中学生2. 高中组:全国各地高中学生四、参赛方式和报名程序1. 参赛方式:学校组织报名2. 报名程序:a. 学校组织学生填写报名表和缴纳报名费;b. 学校统一汇总报名信息,逐级报送至教育部指定电流信箱。

五、参赛内容和要求1. 参赛内容:a. 初中组:阅读《红楼梦》选段并撰写读后感;b. 高中组:阅读《平凡的世界》选段并撰写读后感。

2. 参赛要求:a. 作品内容要求准确、清晰、具体,语言规范,表达流畅;b. 作品题目自拟;c. 字数要求:初中组3000字以上,高中组5000字以上。

六、评选标准和奖励政策1. 评选标准:a. 内容(30%):反映对作品的理解和解读;b. 文笔(30%):语言准确性、流畅性以及表达能力;c. 思想(40%):反映对人生、社会、文化等方面的思考。

2. 奖励政策:a. 一等奖:奖金5000元、奖杯一座、获奖证书;b. 二等奖:奖金3000元、奖杯一座、获奖证书;c. 三等奖:奖金1000元、奖杯一座、获奖证书;d. 其他优秀作品:奖杯一座、获奖证书。

七、大赛规则1. 参赛者必须按时提交参赛作品,逾期不接受;2. 一经发现抄袭者,取消参赛资格;3. 大赛组委会有权对参赛作品进行审查,并对结果最终解释权。






外研社国才杯全国英语阅读The Importance of Reading and Participating in the National English Reading CompetitionIntroduction:Reading plays a crucial role in language acquisition and personal development. The National English Reading Competition, organized by the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, or Foreign Language Press, aims to promote English reading skills among students across the country. This article will discuss the significance of reading and participating in the National English Reading Competition.I. Enhancing Language Proficiency:Reading extensively can greatly enhance language proficiency. By engaging in various texts, such as novels, newspapers, and magazines, readers are exposed to a wide range of vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and grammatical structures. The National English Reading Competition provides participants with valuable reading resources, including both fiction and non-fiction works, which can expand their language skills.II. Improving Comprehension Skills:Reading helps develop comprehension skills, such as summarizing, inferring, and analyzing. Through exposure to different genres and writing styles, readers learn to extract relevant information, identify the main ideas, and draw logical conclusions. Participating in the National English ReadingCompetition challenges students to think critically about the texts they encounter, thus improving their overall comprehension abilities.III. Cultivating Cultural Awareness:Reading provides insights into different cultures. Through literature and informational texts, readers are exposed to diverse perspectives, traditions, and customs. The National English Reading Competition offers a platform for participants to explore various cultural themes and gain a deeper understanding of the world. This exposure fosters empathy, tolerance, and appreciation for cultural diversity.IV. Enhancing Creativity and Imagination:Reading stimulates creativity and imagination. It transports readers to different realms, allowing them to visualize characters, settings, and events. The National English Reading Competition introduces participants to literary works that inspire imagination and encourage creative thinking. This not only enhances their language skills but also nurtures their ability to think outside the box.V. Developing Critical Thinking Skills:Reading cultivates critical thinking skills. It encourages readers to question, analyze, and evaluate information. The texts provided in the National English Reading Competition are carefully selected to challenge participants' thinking and encourage them to form their opinions. This develops their ability to think critically and make informed decisions.VI. Fostering a Lifelong Habit:Participating in the National English Reading Competition cultivates a lifelong habit of reading. By engaging in the competition, participants are motivated to read regularly, which has numerous benefits beyond language acquisition. Reading expands knowledge, broadens perspectives, and facilitates personal growth. The competition serves as an incentive for students to continue their reading journey even after the competition has ended.Conclusion:Reading is essential for language development, personal growth, and cultural understanding. The National English Reading Competition provides a platform for students nationwide to enhance their English reading skills, develop critical thinking abilities, and foster a love for reading. This competition plays a vital role in shaping the future generation of linguistically and culturally aware individuals. Let us embrace the power of reading and actively participate in the National English Reading Competition.。





二、阅读理解1. 阅读下面的短文,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。

The Great Wall of China is over two thousand years old and is about 6,400 kilometers long. It is called the "Great Wall" because it is very long. The Great Wall is 7 meters high and 5 meters wide. There are steps on the wall. It is said that you can see the Great Wall from the moon.1. What is the Great Wall of China?A. A bridgeB. A wallC. A buildingD. A city2. How old is the Great Wall of China?A. Over one thousand years oldB. Over two thousand years oldC. Over three thousand years oldD. Over four thousand years old3. Why is the Great Wall called “the Great Wall”?A. Because it’s very longB. Because it’s very highC. Because it’s very oldD. Because it’s very wide2. 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。







一、阅读理解部分1. 阅读理解阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容选择合适的选项回答问题。

When ites to taking care of your teeth, there are a lot of myths and misinformation that can cause confusion. But if you want to keep your teeth healthy, it’s important to know the truth.Myth: You only need to see a dentist if you have atoothache.Truth: Regular dental check-ups are important to keep your teeth healthy. A dentist can check for signs of tooth decay and gum disease and can provide treatment before the problem bes serious.Myth: Brushing harder and more often is better for your teeth.Truth: Brushing too hard can actually damage your teeth and gums. It’s important to brush for at least two minutes twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush.Myth: Sugar is the main cause of tooth decay.Truth: While sugar is a factor, the real cause of tooth decay is acid produced by bacteria in your mouth. This acid can eat away at the enamel on your teeth, leading to cavities.1. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of regular dental check-ups.B. The harmful effects of sugar on teeth.C. The right way to brush your teeth.D. The myths and truths about dental care.2. According to the passage, what can a dentist do for you?A. Provide treatment for toothache.B. Check for signs of tooth decay and gum disease.C. Help you brush your teeth properly.D. Advise you to eat less sugar.参考答案:D、B2. 阅读下面的短文,并根据文章内容判断正(T)误(F)。








(1) Bilingual education is a system of teaching aimed at students who are not proficient in the language of instruction when they enter the educational system.(2) In bilingual education, the first language, also known as the native language or mother tongue, is used to receive instruction while the second language is learned.(3) Bilingual education has become more popular in recent years.(4) Proponents argue that this system benefits students by allowing them to continue their education in their mother tongue while learning the second language.(5) Critics argue that bilingual education may delay the acquisition of the second language.(6) However, research shows that bilingual education does not hinder language development and can even enhance cognitive abilities.A) Furthermore, bilingual education can help students develop better problem-solving skills.B) Additionally, bilingual education can promote cultural diversity.C) Moreover, bilingual education improves students' overall academic performance.D) On the other hand, bilingual education can be costly to implement.解析:本文主要介绍了双语教育的概念和论点。



1. About a month passed when one morning in March, Mrs. Bunting heard noises outside her bedroom window. “Wake up! Wake up!” she whispered to her sleeping husband, the Reverend, “Someone‟s in the house!”He got up, took a poker from the fireplace and crept out into the hallway. He heard the sound of sneezing downstairs. The Reverend and Mrs. Bunting slowly made their way down the stairs. They heard the sound of paper rustling in the study.They came to the door and peered in. What should have been a dark room was now lit by a candle. In the light, they could see that one of the drawers had been opened, but there was no sign of a burglar in the room. Suddenly, there was a sound. Clink!Clink!2.As soon as Turandot arrived, the guards started beating my father. Liu cried out, “Please do not hurt him. He is only an old man. Only I can tell you what you want to know.” I tried to run to Liu to stop her from speaking but some guards stopped me. Turandot ordered, “Take her and torture her until she tells you his name.”“I will never tell you,” Liu screamed. “I will die before I tell you his name.” I was so stunned by Liu‟s devotion to my father and myself, and even Turandot asked her, “Why do you care so much about him? Why are you so willing to sacrifice yourself for this man?” Liu answered, “Lovegives me courage. Your heart is made of ice but it will be warmed by the love he can give.”3. So I lived all alone, without anyone I could really talk to, until I had to make a crash landing in the Sahara Desert six years ago. Something in my plane‟s engine had broken. Since I had neither a mechanic nor passengers in the plane with me, I was preparing to undertake the difficult repair job by myself. For me it was a matter of life or death: I had only enough drinking water for eight days.The first night, then, I went to sleep on the sand a thousand miles from any inhabited country. I was more isolated than a man shipwrecked on a raft in the middle of the ocean. So you can imagine my surprise when I was awakened at daybreak by a funny little voice saying, “Please… draw me a sheep…”4.“No, not ill,” said Valjean. “I am dying. But to die is nothing. Not to live is terrible.”Valjean‟s breathing b ecame difficult. He pointed to a nearby table.“Cosette, I want you to have those silver candle-sticks. The person who gave them to me is watching us now. I hope he is pleased. Now, Cosette, the time has come for me to tell you about your mother. Her name was Fantine. You mustn‟t forget it. She loved you very much and suffered greatly. Her great sorrow was as much as your great happiness isnow. God balances things that way. I will leave you now, but remember to always love each other. Love is the onl y thing that matters in life.”5.Johnsy got pneumonia, and it made her very ill. She lay, hardly moving, on her iron-framed bed, looking through the small window at the brick wall of the building next door.One morning, the busy doctor invited Sue into the hallway. His eyes were sad under his bushy gray eyebrows.“She has one chance in ten,” he said, as he looked at his clinical thermometer. “And that chance depends on her will to live. Sometimes when people give up trying to live, it doesn‟t matte r what medicines I give. Your friend has decided, for some reason that she is not going to get well.”6. This gentleman was not a wealthy man, but rather a hidalgo. A hidalgo was a landowner who was richer than a peasant, but poorer than a nobleman. His name was Senor Quixano.Senor Quixano lived modestly with his house-keeper and his young niece. He was a tall, thin man in his fifties. He was a strong and healthy man, who went hunting every morning.However, he started to read adventure stories all the time. His best friends, the local priest and the village barber, were worried. Their friend suddenly began spending night and day in his chair, reading adventurebooks through crazed, bloodshot eyes.Soon he started thinking these stories were true. Finally he went completely crazy.7. Without really knowing what he was doing, Fernand sat down on the grass and drank the wine. “So your lovely cousin Mercedes has decided, has she?‟ said Danglars. “She‟s going to marry Edmond Dantes, is she?” “Yes, and I can‟t stop it!” cried Fernand angrily.“But you can if you want to. My friend,” said Danglars. “Let me show you what to do. Just write a short letter to Monsieur Villefort, the crown prosecutor. In the letter you say that Dantes is an enemy of our King, because he‟s visited the wicked Napoleon on the island of Elba, and even carries a letter from him. You see? It‟s easy!”“But if I do that, Edmond will die!” “Who knows? Perhaps he‟ll go to prison. But what does it matter? You‟ll have the lovely Mercedes!” And to hi mself, Danglars was thinking, “This will stop Dantes becoming captain of the Pharaon!”8.“There‟s a young lady to see you,” she informed us. “Miss Mary Morstan.”“Mary Morstan,” Holmes repeated. “I don‟t recognize the name. Please ask her to come in, Mrs. Hudson.” He turned to me. “Don‟t go, Doctor. Please stay and listen to the lady‟s story.”I was happy to do as he said. When Miss Morstan came into the room, she seemed calm, but it was clear that she didn‟t want to waste any time. She was a young woman, small, with fair hair. Her clothes showed good taste, but they weren‟t expensive. She had a pleasant face and beautiful blue eyes. She looked serious and intelligent, but not, I thought, rich. Holmes invited her to sit down and, as she took her seat, for the first time she seemed worried. Mrs. Hudson left us, and our visitor began her story.“Mr. Holmes,” she said, “I find myself in a very strange situation. I don‟t understand it at all.”9. Most people know that the climate of the Earth is always changing. In the past it had changed because of natural causes. Recently, however, the changes are caused by what humans are doing. Scientists say that future changes, as far ahead as 80 years, are also the result of human factors. The greenhouse effect is very important when we talk about climate change as it is about the gases which keep the Earth warm. It is the extra pollution which humans have caused that is regarded as the biggest problem. An Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was set up in 1988 to look at climatic change and its impact. The newest report predicts global temperature will rise by the end of the century, of between 1.4℃ and 5.8℃. Although the issue of the changing climate isvery complex and some changes are uncertain, temperature rises are expected to affect countries throughout the world and will affect other things like the amount of rain that will fall and the level of the sea.10.I‟ve been learning English for the last five years and one of the things that has helped me to improve is reading. I love reading and often read during my free time. First, I started reading easy things in English, like recipes for cooking and short stories that are written especially for language learners. Then I moved onto longer stories and newspaper articles. At first I found reading difficult because of the variety of vocabulary and the grammar, but this soon became easier and I found that I could understand more and more of what I was reading. I didn‟t worry if I didn‟t know all the words, as I could still understand the main ideas. Reading has helped improve my English in many ways. I‟m not only a better and quicker reader, but my spelling, writing, punctuation, grammar and vocabulary are all much better. I think I‟ve improved faster than some of my friends who have been learning at the same time as me. So, I would say that everyone who wants to learn a language quickly should read.11.But little by little, the piles of gold coins in his cottage grew higher. The harder he worked, the less he spent on himself. He counted the coins into piles of ten, and wanted to see them grow into a square, and then intoa larger square. He was delighted with every new coin, but it made him want another. His gold became a habit, a delight, a reason for living, almost a religion. He began to think the coins were his friends, who made the cottage less lonely for him. But it was only at night, when he had finished his work, that he spent time with them. He kept them in two bags, under the floorboards near the loom.12. …I‟ve got a letter from Father!‟ cried Mrs. March. It was a letter to cheer them up, and the special message for the girls came at the end: Give them all my love and a kiss. I think of them every day. I know they will be loving children to you, and that when I come back, I will be prouder than ever of my little women. A tear dropped off the end of Jo‟s nose. Amy hid her face on her mother‟s shoulder. “I‟m selfish,” she cried, “but I‟ll try to be better.” “We all will!” cried Meg. “I think too much about the way I look, and hate to work, but I won‟t anymore.” “And I‟ll try to be a …little woman‟,” said Jo, “and not be rough and wild.” Beth said nothing, but she began to work hard at a blue army glove she was making. So the four girls decided that they would all try very hard to be good. They would never be cross, or lazy, or selfish--and they would all help each other.13. The poor, brave captain! His clothes looked very old and worn, but he seemed as bright as ever, unless he was asked about hi s elder daughter‟shealth. “She‟s in great pain,” he replied, “though we do what we can.”Miss Matty told me that, in fact, he and his younger daughter had done everything possible to make the patient comfortable, whatever the cost. “And Miss Jessie‟s a wo nderful nurse. My dear, if you saw her as I have, you‟d never laugh again at her childish pink ribbons.”I felt ashamed and spoke to Miss Jessie with twice as much respect next time we met. She looked exhausted, but she pushed back the tears in her pretty eyes. “What a good town Cranford is!” she said. “Everyone sends my sister presents.”14. In the first half of the nineteenth century there lived in New York a very successful doctor. His success was for two reasons. He was, without doubt, a good doctor, intelligent and honest, and he also knew how to please his patients. He gave long, careful explanations about the illness, and always gave them some medicine to take. Indeed, his patients were fond of saying that they had the best doctor in the country.By the time he was fifty, Doctor Austin Sloper was quite a famous person in New York. His conversation was clever and amusing, and no fashionable party in the city was complete without him.He was also lucky. In 1820, at the age of twenty-seven, he had married, for love, a very charming girl, who had a fortune of ten thousand dollars a year. For about five years Doctor Sloper was a very happy husband; he continued to workas a doctor and each15. I returned to my flat at about three o‟clock on that May a fternoon very unhappy with life. I had been back in Britain for three months and I was already bored. The weather was bad, the people were dull, and the amusements of London seemed as exciting as a glass of cold water. “Richard Hannay,” I told myself, “you have made a mistake, and you had better do something about it.” It made me angry when I thought of the years I had spent in Africa. I had spent those years working very hard and making money. Not a lot of money, but enough for me. I had left Scotland when I was six years old, and I had never been home since. For years I had dreamt of coming home to Britain and spending the rest of my life there, but I was disappointed with the place after the first week. And so here I was, thirty-seven years old, healthy, with enough money to havea good time, and bored to death.16. Mr. Utterson the lawyer was a quiet, serious man. He was shy with strangers and afraid of showing his feelings. Among friends, however, his eyes shone with kindness and goodness. And, although this goodness never found its way into his conversation, it showed itself in his way of life. He didn‟t allow himself many enjoyable things in life. He ate and drank simply and, although he enjoyed the theatre, he had not been to a play for twenty years.However, he was gentler towards other men‟s weaknesses, and was always ready to help rather than blame them. As a lawyer, he was often the last good person that evil-doers met on their way to prison, or worse. These people often carried with them memories of his politeness and fairness.17.HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that stops your body from fighting illness. You can have the virus for many years, before becoming ill. The disease that one gets from HIV is called AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). But slowly the virus wears down your immunity and you start to become sick from various illnesses such as flu or infections in different parts of your body. When you have become ill in this way, you then have AIDS. There are medicines that can slow down HIV developing into AIDS. But there is no cure for the AIDS infection. HIV is passed from person to person through body fluids. HIV can therefore be passed on through having unsafe sex, getting a blood transfusion from an infected person and sharing needles when injecting drugs.18. Most mammals seem to enjoy play, but dolphins seem to like making their games as challenging as possible. On a beautiful day in 1997, researchers working at a beach, off the southern coast of Brazil, observed a little dog going into the sea and swimming towards the dolphins. Totheir surprise, the dolphins approached the dog and then started throwing it into the air. The dog seemed to enjoy the “game” and continued playing with the dolphins for more than an hour. From then on, different dogs were seen trying to interact with the dolphins.Dolphins live in a very different world to ourselves, but they are very good at our “intelligence tests”. For example, they will jump out of the water when they hear a whistle noise. They do this because they will get a fish as a reward. There is still much to learn about these flexible problem-solvers, but from the evidence so far, it would seem as though dolphins are very intelligent.19. He tried to stop Carmen from leav ing. “Let me go or kill me,” she demanded. Then, she took off the gold ring that Don Jose had given her and threw it at him. “Don‟t ever give me anything ever again,” she snapped.At that moment, Don Jose took out his knife and pushed it into her heart. She fell into his arms, and he wept into her hair. His heart was truly broken. Perhaps another man may have tried to escape but he didn‟t. He stayed there with her so the police could find him. “My life is over. My life finished when she stopped loving me and now I have killed the most precious thing in the world. My life is worthless so it doesn‟t matter what happens to me,” he wept. The police came and took him to prison.Carmen was given the most beautiful funeral. She is dead but her love for life and freedom will always be alive.20.My name is Aida. I became a slave in the Egyptian palace after I was caught in a battle. Noone really knows who I am. I am an Ethiopian princess.When I first came here, it was a horrible time for me. Everyone treated me terribly. Every night, I used to cry from homesickness.Now I keep my pain deep inside and do not let anyone see it. And I have to be careful that no one finds out I‟m a princess.Sometimes I wonder how I can continue with my life in this palace. But there is one thing that even though it gives me pain, it also gives me happiness. I am in love with Radames. So I have two secrets that I must keep. Both are very hard to keep.。



2023年外研社阅读大赛样题一、题目:阅读以下材料,回答问题The Reading PromiseOne day, a father and his two sons were sitting in the living room, talking about their day. The younger son, who was eight years old, was reading a book, while the older one, aged twelve, was watching TV."You know, I feel proud when you read books," said the father to the younger son. "Reading is one of the best ways to learn new things and improve your knowledge." The younger son smiled and continued reading. However, the older son rolled his eyes and said, "Reading is just a waste of time. It's much more fun to watch TV."The father looked at his older son and said, "Son, you're wrong. Reading is not a waste of time. It can help you become more intelligent and knowledgeable."The younger son looked up and asked, "Dad, can you promise me that we'll always read together?"The father hugged his son and said, "I promise."(1)Who was sitting in the living room and talking about their day?A. The father and his two sons.B. The younger son and his father.C. The older son and his father.D. The two sons were not mentioned in the passage.(2)How old was the younger son when he was reading a book?A. Eight years old.B. Nine years old.C. Six years old.D. There is no mention in the passage.(3)What did the father say about reading?A. It's just a waste of time.B. It's more important than watching TV.C. It's one of the best ways to learn new things and improve your knowledge.D. It's less important than watching TV.(4)Who made the promise to read together?A. The younger son made the promise to read together with his father.B. The older son made the promise to read together with his father and younger brother.C. The father made the promise to read together with his two sons.D. The younger son made the promise to read together with his father and older brother. (5)What can be inferred from the passage?A. The younger son enjoyed reading books more than watching TV.B. Both sons preferred watching TV to reading books.C. The father enjoyed reading books more than watching TV.D. Both father and sons preferred watching TV to reading books in their free time.答案:(1)正确答案是:A. The father and his two sons.原文中提到"a father and his two sons were sitting in the living room,talking about their day",即一位父亲和他的两个儿子坐在客厅里谈论他们的一天。



2023外研社阅读样题以下是2023年外研社阅读样题:Title: The Power of ReadingReading has the power to open our minds, expand our horizons, and transform our lives. It is through reading that we can travel to different worlds, gain knowledge and wisdom, and experience emotions beyond our own.Reading allows us to explore new ideas and perspectives. It exposes us to different cultures, beliefs, and ways of thinking. By reading books written by authors from diverse backgrounds, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world and its inhabitants.Moreover, reading can provide us with valuable life lessons. Through the stories we read, we can learn about overcoming challenges, persevering through hardships, and the importance of empathy and kindness. These lessons can help us become better individuals and make positive changes in our lives.Additionally, reading has the ability to improve our language skills and expand our vocabulary. By reading regularly, we can enhance our comprehension, increase our knowledge of grammar and sentence structure, and improve our writing skills.Finally, reading has the power to bring joy and entertainment. Whether it's a thrilling novel, a heartfelt poem, or a captivating memoir, reading can provide an escape from the ordinary and give us moments of pure enjoyment.In conclusion, the power of reading is immeasurable. It has the potential to make us more knowledgeable, understanding, and empathetic individuals. By making time to read regularly, we can open ourselves up to a world of possibilities and enrich our lives in ways we never imagined.。






一、经济发展1. 当代我国经济的快速发展随着改革开放的持续推进,当代我国的经济得到了迅猛的发展。


2. 经济发展带来的影响经济的快速发展给我国社会带来了许多积极的影响,如提高了人民的生活水平、改善了社会福利制度等。



二、文化传统1. 我国传统文化的特点我国拥有悠久的历史和丰富的文化传统,这是当代我国的重要特点之一。


2. 传统文化与现代社会的关系随着社会的不断发展,传统文化在当代我国的地位也在发生改变。



三、社会价值观1. 社会的多元化当代我国社会的多元化表现在许多方面,如思想观念、生活方式、宗教信仰等方面。


2. 社会价值观的变迁随着社会的变化,当代我国的社会价值观也在发生着变迁。









二、样题解析1. 题目一:阅读理解第一道题目是一篇关于环保的短文,该短文主要围绕着“减少塑料污染”的话题展开。





2. 题目二:语法填空第二道题目是一篇关于环保行动的报道,该报道主要介绍了一群志愿者的环保活动和成果。



3. 题目三:信息匹配第三道题目是一篇短文,该短文主要介绍了国外某个城市的城市规划和交通规划。








阅读材料一:Today, the Great Wall is a popular tourist attraction. Millions of people from all over the world come to visit it every year. Some people even climb on top of the Great Wall. It is a magical experience to walk on the ancient stone steps and look down at the vast expanse of Chinese land.以上就是2023外研杯阅读大赛的样题内容,希望大家能够通过阅读材料,理解文章内容并做出正确的选择。

祝大家在外研杯阅读大赛中取得好成绩!第二篇示例:2023外研杯阅读大赛样题一、阅读理解Passage 1:Climate change is a global issue that has been causing serious concern around the world. The rising temperatures, melting glaciers, and extreme weather events are all evidence of the impact of climate change. It is crucial that we take action to reduce our carbon footprint and protect the environment for future generations.3. Where is the Great Barrier Reef located?A. AustraliaB. BrazilC. ChinaD. Canada二、词汇理解三、长篇阅读Title: The Benefits of Reading以上是2023外研杯阅读大赛的样题,希望大家在备考比赛时能够注重阅读理解、词汇理解和长篇阅读的综合能力训练,提高自己的阅读水平,取得优异的成绩。










【序号三】阅读样题编写原则1. 符合教学大纲:阅读样题的编写需要符合教育部相关课程标准和教学大纲,确保内容的科学性和合理性。

2. 突出实用性:阅读样题需要与学生的实际学习和生活紧密相连,能够激发学生的兴趣和提高实际阅读能力。

3. 调整难度:阅读样题的设计需要考虑到学生的芳龄、能力等因素,合理调整难度,避免过于困难或简单。

【序号四】阅读样题编写流程1. 确定题材:根据教学大纲和学生芳龄特点,确定阅读样题的题材和内容。

2. 编写题目:根据题材和内容,编写符合教学大纲要求的阅读题目。

3. 设计选项:编写题目的需要设计相应的选项,确保选项的合理性和可选择性。

4. 审定修改:编写完成后需要经过专家的审定和修改,确保题目的科学性和合理性。

5. 发布使用:经过审定修改后的阅读样题可以发布使用,帮助学生提高阅读能力。




“外研社·国才杯”全国英语阅读大赛样题赛题分值说明:1. 线上初赛:题型仅为客观题,即Read and Know,Read and Reason,Read and Question三个模块,共40题,答题时间为110分钟,满分100分。


2. 复赛和决赛:题型包含客观题和主观题,即Read and Know,Read and Reason,Read and Question,Read and Create四个模块,共41题,答题时间为150分钟,满分100分。



Part I Read and KnowIn Part I, you will read short texts of various kinds. Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions. (Time allowed: 20 minutes)Questions 1-3 (Suggested completion time: 3 minutes)Directions: Read the following quotes. Match the quotes with the people. Please note there are two extra options you do not need.Question 4 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)Directions: Read the text and answer the question according to the text.To ensure the high standards of facilities we need to build new wards, laboratories and consulting rooms. In short, we need your help now. Complete the coupon today and rest assured that your donation is going to the best possible cause.4. Where is the piece of text taken from?A. an advertisementB. an instruction bookletC. a storyD. a newspaperQuestion 5 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)Directions: Read the text and answer the question according to the text.Few corners of the world remain untainted by intrepid tourists, and their impact is often devastating. Too frequently they trample heedlessly on fragile environments, displacing wildlife and local populations in their insatiable quest for unexplored locations.5. What is the best title for this text?A. The Future of TourismB. The Role of TourismC. The Price of TourismD. The Benefits of TourismQuestion 6 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)Directions: Read the text and answer the question according to the text.With E-book sales increasing by more than 300% for the second year, publishers delivering new revenue streams through E-book Apps, and academic publishers long having derived some 90% of their revenue online, it is a travesty to describe all this as the publishing world being "in denial" about digital.6. What is the main idea of this text?A. Publishers are making profits from E-book sales.B. Not all publishers are threatened by digital storms.C. E-books become a main source of revenue for publishers.D. Traditional publishing industry is dying out.Question 7 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)Directions: Read the text and answer the question according to the text.With our travel agency, the holiday you book is the holiday you get. If you arrive and find we've failed to live up to our promises, let us know what the problem is within one day of your arrival. We'll spend 24 hours doing everything possible to sort the problem out. In the unlikely event that we can't resolve your problem and make you happy within 24 hours, we'll fly you home and give your money back.7. The text could best be described as__________.A. a commitmentB. an appealC. a warningD. a vowQuestion 8 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)Directions: Read the text and answer the question according to the text.The new digital cameras are great fun and very easy to use. They let you review your pictures the moment you take them, so you can re-shoot right away if you're not satisfied. But remember, a digital camera is just a computer ***. It's not a replacement for your ordinary camera.8. What is the meaning of the missing word XXXX in the text?A. "something that is poor quality"B. "an item that is not essential, something extra"C. "something expensive but good value for money"D. "a fashion which always remains popular"Question 9 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)Directions: Read the text and answer the question according to the text.She had gone alone, but the children were to go to the station to meet her. And loving the station as they did, it was only natural that they should be there a good hour before there was any chance of Mother's train arriving, even if the train were punctual, which was most unlikely.9. What can you say about their mother's train?A. It would probably be early.B. It would probably be on time.C. It would probably be late.D. It had been cancelled.Question 10 (Suggested completion time: 5 minutes)Directions: The bar chart shows the number and proportion of undernourished people in the developing regions, from 1990-1992 to 2014-2016. Answer the question according to the information in the chart.Source: The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Report 201510. Choose the INCORRECT description about the chart.A. The latest estimates suggest that nearly one in nine individuals do not have enough to eat between 2014 and 2016.B. Projections indicate that the 2015 MDG target is nearly reached, with 12.9 per cent of undernourished population.C. The situation noticeably improved during the years 1995-1999, but went down in the first five years of the new millennium.D. The proportion of undernourished people in the developing regions has fallen by almost half since 1990.Part II Read and ReasonIn Part II, you will read short texts on different subjects. Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions based on logical inference and reasoning. (Time allowed: 55 minutes)Question 11 (Suggested completion time: 4 minutes)Directions: Read the following definition of a logical fallacy. Answer the question according to the definition.11. Which of the following provides a typical example of poisoning the well?A. That's my stance on funding the education system, and anyone who disagrees with me hates children.B. You are so weird. That means—we are pretty much sure—that your whole family is weird, too.C. God exists because the Bible says so. The Bible is inspired. Therefore, we know that God exists.D. I don't care what you say. We don't need any more bookshelves. As long as the carpet is clean, we are fine.Question 12 (Suggested completion time: 4 minutes)Directions: Look at the following picture and then answer the question.12. Which of the following logical fallacies does the picture illustrate?A. False Dilemma: an argument that presents a limited set of two possible categories and assumes that everything in the scope of the discussion must be an element of that setB. Guilt by Association: a fallacy used to discredit an argument for proposing an idea that is shared by some socially demonized individual or groupC. No True Scotsman: an argument coming up after someone has made a general claim about a group of things and then been presented with evidence challenging that claimD. Hasty Generalization: a fallacy committed when one forms a conclusion from a sample that is either too small or too special to be representativeQuestions 13-14 Reasoning (Suggested completion time: 10 minutes)13. Many people report that exposure to certain foods and drinks such as cheese, chocolate, and red wine, is associated with the onset of migraine headaches. Other people report that exposure to certain smells (especially strong perfumes) seems to trigger a migraine headache, and some note that exposure to bright and flickering lights can be followed by a migraine. It would seem that a person with a tendency to get migraines should try to find out which of these situations is associated with the onset of the headache and then avoid this stimulus.All of the following, if true, would make the above recommendation impractical except:A. The time delay between the trigger and the onset of the headache can make it exceptionally difficult to identify the trigger.B. The presence of a known trigger doesn't always cause a migraine.C. In a high proportion of cases the patients report multiple triggers for their headaches.D. Most of the known triggers are common and almost unavoidable features of modern life.14. Richard: The national budget should provide significant increases in all levels ofeducation in the upcoming year.Natalie: That's not fair. A reduction in defense spending in peacetime may bring us excessive risks. We can't afford it.Which of the following is the best interpretation of Natalie's argument?A. Funds saved from defense have been diverted to all levels of education.B. Highlighting spending on education dangerously impacts on spending on the military.C. The size of the military budget reflects a state's ability to fund educational activities.D. Compared with military spending, investing in education will create a financial crisis.Questions 15-17 (Suggested completion time: 6 minutes)Directions: Read the text about a science discovery. Answer the questions according to the text.Manipulating MemoryMemory is notoriously malleable. Our recollections fade and take on new meanings; sometimes we remember things that never even happened. But 15 .Recently, however, scientists have started to grasp and tinker with memory's physical basis. Last year, in work evocative of films such as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Inception, researchers discovered ways to manipulate specific memories in mice using optogenetics, a powerful technique that can trigger nerve cells in animals' brains by zapping them with beams of laser light. In a series of experiments, they showed that they could delete existing memories and "incept" false ones.This year, researchers went even further: switching the emotional content of a memory in mice from bad to good and vice versa. Under the laser, for example, male mice that had once associated a certain room with being shocked were tricked into acting as though they had once met friendly female mice there instead.Whether the mice in these experiments actually experienced vivid false memories or just a fuzzy sense of pleasure or fear is unclear. Nor is it clear whether the findings apply to the tricks of memory so familiar to people. Long-sought therapeutic advances, such as treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder, could remain far off. One thing is certain, however: Once considered beyond scientific dissection, memory is finally starting to yield its secrets.15. Which of the following best fits the numbered space in the text?A. what is really happening in our brain as memories are remodeled remains mysteriousB. scientists are curious about why people are oblivious to what have happened to themC. advanced technology has helped scientists discover the workings of our brainD. some scientists argue that what we observe about human memory is not what it really is16. The word "incept" is closest in meaning to ________.A. operateB. startC. detectD. occupy17. Which of the following can be inferred from the text?A. People's false memories result from the impact of different emotion provoked by later experience on the same spot.B. The success in research indicates that it won't be long that a therapy is worked out for people disturbed by painful memory.C. By zapping the brain cells of mice with light, researchers are able to create, erase, or alter their memories, good or bad.D. Many fancy ideas in science fictions or movies that are based on them actually draw greatly upon scientific achievement.Questions 18-19 (Suggested completion time: 4 minutes)Directions: Read the text about cholera. Decide whether the statements are True or False according to the text.A child receives the oral cholera vaccine ShancholCholera is caused by a bacterial infection of the intestine. Approximately one in 20 people infected with cholera has a serious case, with symptoms including severe diarrhea, vomiting, and leg cramps. These symptoms quickly cause dehydration and shock, and can result in death within hours if the infected person doesn't receive treatment. Cholera is typically transmitted by contaminated food or water. In areas with poor treatment of sewage and drinking water, the feces of people with cholera can enter the water supply and spread quickly, resulting in an epidemic. The cholera bacterium may also live in the environment in some coastal waters, so shellfish eaten raw can be a source of cholera in affected areas.18. Cholera is known to be a life-threatening disease which easily causes death of most of the patients.True ( ) False ( )19. Cholera typically occurs in areas near the sea or the river where contaminated food is a major source of the disease.True ( ) False ( )Questions 20-21 (Suggested completion time: 5 minutes)Directions: Read the abstract of a research paper from the DeepMind website. Decide whether the statements are True or False according to the abstract.Teaching Machines to Read and ComprehendAuthors: K. M. Hermann, T. Kočiský, E. Grefenstette, L. Espeholt, W. Kay, M. Suleyman, P. BlunsomPublished: NIPS 2015Abstract: Teaching machines to read natural language documents remains an elusive challenge. Machine reading systems can be tested on their ability to answer questions posed on the contents of documents that they have seen, but until now large scale training and test datasets have been missing for this type of evaluation. In this work we define a new methodology that resolves this bottleneck and provides large scale supervised reading comprehension data. This allows us to develop a class of attention based deep neural networks that learn to read real documents and answer complex questions with minimal prior knowledge of language structure.20. Previous studies didn't take constant effort to evaluate the reading ability of artificial intelligence machines, which was why the present research was conducted.True ( ) False ( )21. One implication of the research is that a methodology that helps gather and handle big data is indispensable to artificial intelligence related studies.True ( ) False ( )Questions 22-23 (Suggested completion time: 6 minutes)Directions: Read the text about the "Think small" advertising campaign. Answer the questions according to the text.Think SmallI f you're interested in marketing and advertising, Volkswagen's "Think small" campaign for the Beetle when it was first introduced to North America in 1959 looms large as one of the greatest advertising campaigns of all time. It wasn't just a revolution in automotive advertising; it changed the entire industry.Until the Beetle hit the market, automotive marketing copy was full of bluster, and the images were flights of fancy, emphasizing low, long lines and a fantasy lifestyle.The clean, simple photography on a white background that emphasized the Beetle's compact, practical form may seem commonplace these days, but it was a revolution in a world where Americans grew up obsessed with muscle cars, horsepower, and tire smoke. Making the car small, when the convention was to makeit fill the page, was also novel. The simplistic approach to design and layout was totally contrary to the advertising conventions of the time.__ __22_____ The text was minimalist in both look and content, presenting the facts simply instead of trying to weave tall tales and fantasies; and instead of bluster, it ushered in an intelligent sense of humor that made readers feel like they were in on the joke. The message was one of smart anti-luxury, and took gentle aim at an industry obsessed with superficiality and styling, rather than the substance underneath the car bodies.Not only does "Think small" continue to inspire Volkswagen advertising to this day, it ushered in a creative revolution in the advertising business and changed the world of marketing forever. "Think small" showed the power of humor and honesty, and its photographic and design principles brought about a major shift in the look and feel of marketing around the world.22. Which of the sentences below best fits the numbered space in the text?A. What defined the ad even more than its visual style was the tone of its copy.B. This ad starts off doing the exact opposite of what you would expect in a car ad.C. This was an exercise in minimalism and a very accurate reflection on the product itself.D. The car wasn't depicted as an integral piece of the daily lives of a middle class family.23. It can be inferred that the advertising conventions of the 1950s were reflected in the following except that ___________.A. The ads in the 1950s typically showed proud owners and passengers evoking great joy about new shiny big acquisitions.B. The marketing concept then focused on providing as much information as possible to the reader such as the way it's created.C. The marketing schemes associated the advertised product with an idea or a way of living from average consumers' perspective.D. The marketing practice may attach importance to a sense of humor brought by the use of exaggerated language.Questions 24-25 (Suggested completion time: 4 minutes)Directions: Read the following six remarks concerning the crowd. Four of them are taken from Gustave Le Bon's book, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind. Choose the two remarks that may NOT be taken from the book.24-25. _______The CrowdA. In crowds it is stupidity and not mother wit that is accumulated.B. Crowds most envy the lonely man who walks confidently as if he is walking with the great crowds!C. A crowd is not merely impulsive and mobile. Like a savage, it is not prepared to admit that anything can come between its desire and the realization of its desire.D. I walked with them, as crowds have that effect on me, I want to do what they do, to journey towards some point of revelation, which of course never comes.E. Crowds, being incapable both of reflection and of reasoning, are devoid of the notion of improbability; and it is to be noted that in a general way it is the most improbable things that are the most striking.F. …the individual forming part of a crowd acquires, solely from numerical considerations, a sentiment of invincible power which allows him to yield to instincts which, had he been alone, he would perforce have kept under restraint.Questions 26-28 (Suggested completion time: 5 minutes)Directions: Read the text about a fly. Answer the questions according to the text.The FlyAt that moment the boss noticed that a fly had fallen into his broad inkpot, and was trying feebly but desperately to clamber out again. "Help! Help!" said those struggling legs. But the sides of the inkpot were wet and slippery; it fell back again and began to swim. The boss took up a pen, picked the fly out of the ink, and shook it on to a piece of blotting-paper. For a fraction of a second it lay still on the dark patch that oozed round it. Then the front legs waved, took hold, and, pulling its small, sodden body up, it began the immense task of cleaning the ink from its wings. Over and under, over and under, went a leg along a wing, as the stone goes over and under the scythe. Then there was a pause, while the fly, seeming to stand on the tips of its toes, tried to expand first one wing and then the other. It succeeded at last, and, sitting down, it began, like a minute cat, to clean its face. Now one could imagine that the little front legs rubbed against each other lightly, joyfully. 27 .26. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?A. The boss saved the fly out of his broad inkpot.B. The fly was trapped by the thick ink on its wings.C. The passage describes how a fly survived an accident.D. The passage shows how a fly conquered a challenge.27. Which of the following statement can best fit in the numbered space?A. The horrible danger was over; it had escaped; it was ready for life again.B. The boss was relieved now, reassured that the fly had been out of danger.C. But the front legs waved, caught hold, and, more slowly this time, the task restarted.D. But such a grinding feeling of wretchedness seized him that he felt positively frightened.28. The tone of the text can be described as a complex mixture of anything but _______.A. sympatheticB. humorousC. cheerfulD. depressingQuestions 29-30 (Suggested completion time: 7 minutes)Directions: Read the text about Chaco Culture. Answer the questions according to the text.The "Chaco Culture", as modern-day archaeologists call it, flourished between roughly the 9th and 13th centuries A.D. and was centered at Chaco Canyon in what is now New Mexico.The people of the Chaco Culture built immense structures that at times encompassed more than 500 rooms. They also participated in long-distance trade that brought cacao, macaws (a type of parrot), turquoise and copper to Chaco Canyon.29_______, researchers have to rely on the artifacts and structures they left behind, as well as oral accounts that have been passed on through generations, to reconstruct what their lives were like.Archaeologists generally agree that Chaco Canyon was the center of Chaco Culture. Today the canyon is a national park and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The National Park Service estimates that there are about 4,000 archaeological sites in the park, including more than a dozen immense structures that archaeologists sometimes call "Great Houses". Archaeological research has revealed many discoveries, including a system of roads that connected many Chaco Culture sites, and evidence of astronomical alignments that indicate that some Chaco Culture structures were oriented toward the solstice sun and lunar standstills.“There has been more archaeological research conducted in Chaco and o n the subject of Chaco than on any other prehistoric district in North America,” says a National Park Service statement posted on Chaco Culture National Historical Park's website."Today, twenty Puebloan groups in New Mexico, as well as the Hopi in Arizona, claim Chaco as their ancestral homeland and are tied to this place through oral traditions and clan lineages. A number of Navajo clans are also affiliated with Chacoan sites through their traditional stories," the National Park Service statement says.Despite the fact that there has been an immense amount of archaeological research carried out at Chaco Canyon, and at other Chaco Culture sites in the American Southwest, modern-day archaeologists disagree over what the people of the Chaco Culture were like.Some archaeologists think that the people of the Chaco Culture were not politically united, while some think they controlled an empire centered on Chaco Canyon. "What was Chaco? Opinions vary widely, perhaps wildly. Interpretations range from a valley of peaceful farming villages to the monumental capital of an empire," wrote Stephen Lekson, a professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, in an article published in the book The Architecture of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (University of Utah Press, 2007).Lekson noted that there are different interpretations among archaeologists as to what the Great Houses were. Some archaeologists believe that they were villages inhabited by thousands of people, while others think that they were elite residences that housed a small number of residents.29. Which of the following best fits in the numbered space in the text?A. The people of the Chaco Culture did not use a writing system and as suchB. While archaeologists are not certain what caused this dramatic population bumpC. When thinking about archaeological sites, we tend to think of them as deadsilentD. Since Chaco's national monument status may not protect it from development pressures30. Which of the following statements can we know from the text?A. The people of the Chaco culture were good at foreign trade.B. "Great Houses" were built from approximately the 9th to 13thcentury A.D.C. Most descendants of ancient Chaco people live in New Mexico now.D. Archaeologists hold different ideas about how the people of the Chaco Culture lived.Part III Read and QuestionIn Part III, you will read passages on the same subject. You will be required to identify the writer's position and evaluate the effectiveness of the writer's arguments. (Time allowed: 35 minutes)Questions 31-40 (Suggested completion time: 35 minutes)Directions: Read three passages about fashion. Answer the questions according to the passages.Passage AIt's not that easy to answer the question, "what is fashion?" because it means different things to different people. Fashion is an art. It's a religion. It's a job. It's a peek into a personality. It's playfulness. It's an escape or a disguise. It is a feast for the eyes. But ultimately, 32 . French fashion designer Coco Chanel once said, "Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."It's true. Fashion isn't defined solely by our clothing choices, but is also conveyed through the way we carry ourselves, our personalities and our views of the world. At its most fundamental, fashion is simply the prevailing style or custom, as in dress or behavior.So, who exactly answers the question "what is fashion"? Who decides what's fashionable and what isn't? What's in or what's out?Fashion Designers. The iconic fashion houses—Prada, Gucci, Chanel—are referred to as haute couture, French for "high sewing". These designers lead the way in creating trend-setting fashion. While some of their designs are outrageous andcompletely unrealistic when it comes to everyday wear, generally the theme is adapted into versions suitable for wearing.Media. Fashion trends are often sparked by characters on popular television shows and movies as well as adopted from magazine pages. "Sex and the City", "The Devil Wears Prada", these shows introduced us to new, cutting-edge designs. While you might not be caught dead wearing a Carrie Bradshaw original, you might take ideas inspired from her look and piece together your own creation.Celebrities. A prime example of a celebrity-driven fashion trend? UGGs. Until Kate Hudson and Jessica Simpson were spotted wearing them around L.A. several years ago, no one had given any thought to UGG boots. Now they are everywhere.Musicians. Musicians have always been very influential when it comes to dictating fashion. Rock 'n' roll is fashion. Elvis is an iconic example. In the 1950s, everyone wanted to dress like Elvis. What about the heavy metal hair bands so popular in the 1980s? Axl Rose reinvented the head bandana while Poison, Motley Crue and Bon Jovi set the pace for big, rocker hair.Just because you don't know if a Prada bag is fall 2007 or spring 2008 doesn't matter. All that matters is that you like it and it's an expression of you. That is fashion. Passage B[A]Fashion is more prevalent in modern society than in primitive tribes or peasant communities. The modern society is an open society where class distinctions are not so rigid as in primitive society. Its urban and mobile class structure enables people to cultivate individual taste and adopt new course. [B]Our standards of judgment have also changed. Today the individual is rated more by observable externalities than by his ancestry, his character or his genuine accomplishments. The clothes a man wears, the language he speaks, the manners he shows have more weight in ascribing a status than his simplicity, patriotism and integrity.If he can keep himself up to date in the matters of his dress, speech and manners, he will assure himself a high social esteem. [C]Not only the mobile and urban character of modern society but its affluence also speaks for greater prevalence of fashion in it. Men today are richer than their ancestors and have more leisure. They have the necessary means and time to play with luxuries and to think of fashion. Maclver writes: We do not think of fashion in overalls; there is more of fashion in the body of an automobile than in its chassis. There is no fashion in steam shovels.[D]Consequently the higher the standard of living the more material there is for fashion to operate upon.Passage CAs summer has officially faded into the colder weather of autumn, I assumed the days of Nike shorts, comically large T-shirts and polos would be only a memory of yesterday. This has not been the case.。

外研社 国才杯多语种比赛样题

外研社 国才杯多语种比赛样题

外研社国才杯多语种比赛样题《外研社国才杯多语种比赛样题》1. 引言国才杯多语种比赛作为一项重要的语言能力比赛,一直备受广大学生的关注。



2. 国才杯多语种比赛样题的内容和要求外研社国才杯多语种比赛样题包括英语、俄语、法语、德语、西班牙语、意大利语、阿拉伯语、日语、韩语、葡萄牙语和土耳其语等多国语种,涵盖了广泛的语言种类。




3. 外研社国才杯多语种比赛样题的价值和意义外研社国才杯多语种比赛样题的举办对提高学生的语言能力和综合素质具有重要的价值和意义。




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5. 总结外研社国才杯多语种比赛样题作为一项重要的语言能力比赛,具有丰富多彩的内容和重要的意义。

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