反应:受训者对培训的感觉怎么样? 学习:在培训中学到了什么原理、事实和概念? 行为:受训者的工作行为因培训改变了吗? 结果:培训的结果是什么,如成本或离职人数等因素是否降低?
《企业文化解析》 《大健康产业与共享集团板块解析》 《氛围营造与公司宣传》 《精英HR的职业形象》 《户外拓展培训》 《日常管理培训》
PART 5 人力资源管理六大模块
薪酬:雇主向雇员提供的所有物质性的报酬,以交换雇员的服务。 工资:根据雇员所提供的劳动的数量和质量,按事先规定的标准付给雇员的劳动报酬。也可以说工资是劳动的价格。 奖金:对雇员超额劳动的报酬。(作奖励用的钱) 津贴与补贴:对雇员在特殊劳动条件、工作环境中的额外劳动消耗和生活费用的额外支出的补偿。通常把与生产(工作)相联系的补偿称为津贴,把与生活相联系的补偿称为补贴。 福利:《现代汉语辞典》“对职工生活的照顾”。是劳动的间接回报。
7. 薪酬激励 8. 学习与发展
4.绩效评定 5.绩效反馈 6.个人能力发展计划
HR(Human Resource)各大模块的工作各有侧重点,但是各大模块都是紧密联系的,就像生物链一样,任何一个环节的缺失都会影响整个系统的失衡,所以,HR工作是一个有机的整体,各个环节的工作都必须到位,同时要根据不同的情况,不断地调整工作的重点,才能保证人力资源管理保持良性运作,并支持企业战略目标的最终实现。
(在国际人力资源管理中,将人力资源规划又细致的分为1、职业生涯发展理论; 2、组织内部评估;3、组织发展与变革; 4、计划组织职业发展; 5、比较国际人力资源管理综述; 6、开发人力资源发展战略计划; 7、工作中的绩效因素; 8、员工授权与监管。
人力资源6大模块英文缩写【篇一:人力资源6大模块英文缩写】人力资源规划:human resources plan:招聘和配置:employment advertise and disposition培训和开发:training and development绩效管理:achievements management薪酬福利管理salary welfare management劳动关系管理workrelations management【篇二:人力资源6大模块英文缩写】请问人力资源六大模块工作中,哪个部分比较好,事情比较少,相对悠闲一些?请详细些,谢谢本人刚准备参加工作,现在在面试阶段,用人单位说可以在六大模块中挑一个部分,希望各位能人能为小女答疑解惑,谢谢六大模块工作中模块一人力资源管理 1、职业生涯发展理论 2、组织内部评估3、组织发展和变革; 4、计划组织职业发展;5、比较国际人力资源管理综述 6、开发人力资源发展战略计划 7、工作中的绩效因素 8、员工授权和监管模块二人力资源培训和开发模块 1、理论 2、项目评估3、调查和评估4、需求评估和培训5、培训和发展6、培训建议的构成7、培训、发展和员工教育8、培训的设计、系统方法9、开发管理和企业领导;开发自己和他人 10项目管理;运作管理:项目开发和管理惯例模块三人力资源的薪酬管理(补偿,激励和收益) 1、薪酬 2、构建全面的薪酬体系 3、福利和其他薪酬问题 4、评估绩效和提供反馈模块四人力资源管理和竞争 1、人力资源管理和竞争优势2、人力资源管理的发令及环境;3、人力资源规划 4、工作分析5、人员招聘6、培训和发展员工7、员工绩效评估 8、提高生产力方案模块五员工和劳动关系 1、就业法 2、劳动关系和社会 3、行业关系和社会 4、劳资谈判5、工会化和劳资谈判模块六安全、保安和健康 1、安全和健康项目 2、安全和健康的工作环境 3、促进工作场所的安全和健康 4、管理执业健康和安全模块六简单,不大适宜于女生。
HR入门必备:一文了解HR六大模块56课堂百家号05-2011:39HR,人力资源(Human Resource),现代管理学及管理类畅销书将戴维·尤里奇(Dave Ulrich)奉为人力资源管理的开创者,他最早提出了人力资源(Human Resource,HR)的概念,在此之前,人力资源叫做人事管理(Human Management)。
识别需要提高和改善的方面,以帮助业务部门能够理解和认清他们部门在 当前状况和理想状况之间的差距。找出员工培训需求: - 根据公司经营战略和工作目标的需要; - 根据岗位要求或职责需要; - 根据员工能力现状与要求之间的差距; - 根据员工现场工作问题。 该步骤侧重点: 员工需要什么样的知识与技能? 目前存在什么样的绩效差距,为什么? 需要做什么和大家期望我们做什么?
员工关系管理(Employee Relations Management,ERM)从广义上讲,员 工关系管理是在企业人力资源体系中,各级管理人员和人力资源职能管 理人员,通过拟订和实施各项人力资源政策和管理行为,以及其他的管 理沟通手段调节企业和员工、员工与员工之间的相互联系和影响,从而 实现组织的目标并确保为员工、社会增值。从狭义上讲,员工关系管理 就是企业和员工的沟通管理,这种沟通更多采用柔性的、激励性的、非 强制的手段,从而提高员工满意度,支持组织其他管理目标的实现。其 主要职责是:协调员工与管理者、员工与员工之间的关系,引导建立积 极向上的工作环境。
培训考 核
感谢欣赏 THE END
员工 培训 不足
• • • • • • • •
高事故率 工伤 低效率 次品废品 产品质量下降 顾客投诉 公司信誉下降 ……
管理者 培训 不足
与最新管理技术 脱节 决策能力低下 对市场信息闭塞 员工管理混乱 离职率增长 ……
• • • • • • • • • 企业需要改进工作业绩:客户不满、士气低落、内部混乱、效率低下 加强生产安全:规避风险、减免事故 提升和晋级:平稳过渡 开拓新市场和新业务 招募新员工:公司使命、职责要求、企业文化 需要解决某个问题:问题解决与决策制定 引进新技术、新系统:系统操作培训 颁布新的法规:行业法规政策,引起重视 实行组织变革:目的、意图、学习新 人财——工作意愿 高、工作能力强, 能为企业创造财富、 创造价值的人,方 可称为人财。 中 高
人力资源 英语模块
![人力资源 英语模块](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/76f5868ecc22bcd126ff0c25.png)
人力资源管理:(Human ResourceManagement ,HRM)人力资源经理:( human resource manager)高级管理人员:(executive)职业:(profession)道德标准:(ethics)操作工:(operative employees)专家:(specialist)人力资源认证协会:(the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI)外部环境:(external environment)内部环境:(internal environment)政策:(policy)企业文化:(corporate culture)目标:(mission)股东:(shareholders)非正式组织:(informal organization)跨国公司:(multinational corporation,MNC)管理多样性:(managing diversity)工作:(job)职位:(posting)工作分析:(job analysis)工作说明:(job description)工作规范:(job specification)工作分析计划表:(job analysis schedule,JAS)职位分析问卷调查法:(Management Position Description Questionnaire,MPDQ)行政秘书:(executive secretary)地区服务经理助理:(assistant district service manager)人力资源计划:(Human Resource Planning,HRP)战略规划:(strategic planning)长期趋势:(long term trend)要求预测:(requirement forecast)供给预测:(availability forecast)管理人力储备:(management inventory)裁减:(downsizing)人力资源信息系统:(Human Resource Information System,HRIS)招聘:(recruitment)员工申请表:(employee requisition)招聘方法:(recruitment methods) 内部提升:(Promotion From Within ,PFW)工作公告:(job posting)广告:(advertising)职业介绍所:(employment agency)特殊事件:(special events)实习:(internship)选择:(selection)选择率:(selection rate)简历:(resume)标准化:(standardization)有效性:(validity)客观性:(objectivity)规范:(norm)录用分数线:(cutoff score)准确度:(aiming)业务知识测试:(job knowledge tests)求职面试:(employment interview)非结构化面试:(unstructured interview)结构化面试:(structured interview)小组面试:(group interview)职业兴趣测试:(vocational interest tests)会议型面试:(board interview)组织变化与人力资源开发人力资源开发:(Human Resource Development,HRD) 培训:(training)开发:(development)定位:(orientation)训练:(coaching)辅导:(mentoring)经营管理策略:(business games)案例研究:(case study)会议方法:(conference method)角色扮演:(role playing)工作轮换:(job rotating)在职培训:(on-the-job training ,OJT)媒介:(media)企业文化与组织发展企业文化:(corporate culture)组织发展:(organization development,OD)调查反馈:(survey feedback)质量圈:(quality circles)目标管理:(management by objective,MBO)全面质量管理:(Total Quality Management,TQM) 团队建设:(team building)职业计划与发展职业:(career)职业计划:(career planning)职业道路:(career path)职业发展:(career development)自我评价:(self-assessment)职业动机:(career anchors)绩效评价绩效评价:(Performance Appraisal,PA)小组评价:(group appraisal)业绩评定表:(rating scales method)关键事件法:(critical incident method)排列法:(ranking method)平行比较法:(paired comparison)硬性分布法:(forced distribution method)晕圈错误:(halo error)宽松:(leniency)严格:(strictness)反馈:(-degree feedback)叙述法:(essay method)集中趋势:(central tendency)报酬与福利报酬:(compensation)直接经济报酬:(direct financial compensation) 间接经济报酬:(indirect financial compensation) 非经济报酬:(no financial compensation)公平:(equity)外部公平:(external equity)内部公平:(internal equity)员工公平:(employee equity)小组公平:(team equity)工资水平领先者:(pay leaders)现行工资率:(going rate)工资水平居后者:(pay followers)劳动力市场:(labor market)工作评价:(job evaluation)排列法:(ranking method)分类法:(classification method) 因素比较法:(factor comparison method)评分法:(point method)海氏指示图表个人能力分析法:(Hay Guide Chart-profile Method)工作定价:(job pricing)工资等级:(pay grade)工资曲线:(wage curve)工资幅度:(pay range)福利和其它报酬问题福利(间接经济补偿)员工股权计划:(employee stock ownership plan,ESOP) 值班津贴:(shift differential)奖金:(incentive compensation)分红制:(profit sharing)安全与健康的工作环境安全:(safety)健康:(health)频率:(frequency rate)紧张:(stress)角色冲突:(role conflict)催眠法:(hypnosis)酗酒:(alcoholism)员工和劳动关系工会:(union)地方工会:(local union)行业工会:(craft union)产业工会:(industrial union)全国工会:(national union)谈判组:(bargaining union)劳资谈判:(collective bargaining)仲裁:(arbitration)罢工:(strike)内部员工关系:(internal employee relations)纪律:(discipline)纪律处分:(disciplinary action)申诉:(grievance)降职:(demotion)调动:(transfer)晋升:(promotion)。
人力资源六大模块的英文1. Recruitment (招聘)Recruitment is the process of finding and hiring suitable candidates for job openings within an organization. It involves sourcing, screening, interviewing, and selecting qualified individuals to fill the vacant positions.Recruitment Strategies•Internal Recruitment: Hiring candidates from within the organization.•External Recruitment: Seeking candidates externally, through job portals, advertisements, etc.•Campus Recruitment: Visiting educational institutions to hire fresh graduates.•Employee Referrals: Encouraging current employees to refer potential candidates.•Social Media Recruitment: Utilizing social media platforms to attract talent.2. Training and Development (培训与发展)Training and development is a crucial aspect of human resource management. It involves providing employees with the necessary skills, knowledge, and competencies to perform their job effectively.Training and Development Methods•On-the-job Training: Learning through hands-on experience and job shadowing.•Classroom Training: Conducting workshops, seminars, and lectures.•E-learning: Utilizing online platforms for self-paced learning.•Mentoring and Coaching: Pairing employees with experienced mentors or coaches.•Cross-Training: Offering employees opportunities to learn skills beyond their current job role.3. Performance Management (绩效管理)Performance management aims to ensure that employees’ work aligns with the organization’s goals and objectives. It involves setting performance expectations, providing feedback, and evaluating employee performance.Performance Management Processes•Goal Setting: Collaboratively setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals.•Ongoing Feedback: Regularly providing constructive feedback and performance updates.•Performance Appraisals: Conducting formal assessments of employees’ performance.•Rewards and Recognition: Recognizing and rewarding exceptional performance.•Performance Improvement Plans: Addressing underperformance and providing support for improvement.4. Compensation and Benefits (薪酬与福利)Compensation and benefits refer to the financial and non-financial rewards that employees receive in exchange for their work. It includes salary, incentives, bonuses, insurance coverage, retirement plans, and other perks.Compensation and Benefits Components•Base Salary: Fixed monetary compensation for the job role.•Performance-based Incentives: Bonuses and rewards based on individual or team performance.•Employee Benefits: Insurance, healthcare, retirement plans, vacation days, etc.•Stock Options: Offering employees the opportunity to purchase company shares.•Flexible Work Arrangements: Providing options like remote work, flexible hours, etc.5. Employee Relations (员工关系)Employee relations focus on maintaining a positive and productive work environment. It involves managing employee grievances, conflicts, and fostering healthy communication channels.Employee Relations Strategies•Communication and Feedback Mechanisms: Establishing open lines of communication.•Conflict Resolution: Addressing conflicts impartially and facilitating resolutions.•Employee Engagement: Creating opportunities for employee involvement and participation.•Policy and Procedure Development: Ensuring clear and fair policies and procedures are in place.•Team Building Activities: Promoting teamwork and collaboration.6. HR Analytics and Reporting (人力资源分析与报告)HR analytics involves applying data analysis techniques to gain insights into human resource management. It helps in making informed decisions and predicting future trends.HR Analytics Applications•Workforce Planning: Analyzing current and future staffing needs.•Talent Acquisition: Identifying effective recruitment sources and strategies.•Employee Performance: Analyzing performance data to improve productivity.•Employee Engagement: Using data to enhance employee satisfaction and retention.•HR Metrics and Reporting: Tracking key HR performance indicators.以上是人力资源六大模块的英文介绍。
人力资源六大模块简介HR(Human Resource)各大模块的工作各有侧重点,然而各大模块是周密联系的,就像生物链一样,任何一个环节的缺失都会阻碍整个系统的失衡,因此,HR工作是一个有机的整体,各个环节的工作都必须到位,同时要按照不同的情形,持续地调整工作的重点,才能保证人力资源治理保持良性运作,并支持企业战略目标的最终实现。
人力资源管理六大模块英文版1. RecruitmentRecruitment plays a crucial role in human resource management. It involves sourcing and hiring qualified candidates for various job positions within an organization. The recruitment process typically includes job posting, screening resumes, conducting interviews, and selecting the most suitable candidates. This module is essential for ensuring that the organization has a skilled and competent workforce.2. Training and DevelopmentTraining and development is another critical module in human resource management. It focuses on enhancing the skills, knowledge, and abilities of employees through various training programs and initiatives. This module helps in improving employee performance, fostering employee growth, and increasing overall productivity. It may include on-the-job training, workshops, seminars, and employee development plans.3. Performance ManagementPerformance management is a module that focuses on evaluating and managing employee performance. It involves setting performance goals, conducting regular performance reviews, providing feedback, and addressing any performance-related issues. This module helps in aligning employee performance with organizational goals and identifying areas for improvement. It may also include performance appraisal systems and performance-based rewards.4. Compensation and BenefitsCompensation and benefits module deals with employee compensation and rewards. It involves determining salary structures, designing employee benefits packages, and administering various compensation programs. This module ensures that employees receive fair and competitive compensation and incentives for their work. It may include salary negotiations, bonus programs, health insurance, retirement plans, and other employee benefits.5. Employee RelationsEmployee relations module focuses on maintaining positive relationships between employees and the organization. It involves addressing employee grievances, managing conflicts, and promoting a positive and inclusive work environment. This module helps in fostering employee morale, job satisfaction, andoverall employee engagement. It may include employee assistance programs, conflict resolution procedures, and employee engagement initiatives.6. HR AnalyticsHR analytics module utilizes data and analytics to make informed decisions and strategies in human resource management. It involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting HR data to gain valuable insights into workforce trends, employee performance, and organizational effectiveness. This module helps in making data-driven decisions regarding recruitment, training, performance management, and employee development. It may include data tracking systems, HR metrics, and predictive analytics.The integration of these six modules - Recruitment, Training and Development, Performance Management, Compensation and Benefits, Employee Relations, and HR Analytics - contributes to effective human resource management. Each module plays a vital role in attracting, developing, and retaining the right talent, ensuring employee satisfaction, and achieving organizational goals.Note: Markdown文本格式是一种简单的标记语言,你可以将以上内容复制到Markdown编辑器中,然后将其保存为Markdown格式的文件。
人力资源管理六大模块1、人力资源规划;Human Resources Program2、招聘与配置;Recruitment & Placement3、培训与开发;Training & Development4、绩效管理;Performance management5、薪酬与福利;Salary & Welfare6、员工关系;Staff relationship人力资源管理已经突破了传统的模式,把人上升到资源的角度进行配置和管理,如何实现对人力资源的有效管理和配置,构建一个有效的人力资源管理平台和体系成为企业HR工作的重点。
人资源六大模块(Six modules of human resources)Six modules of human resourcesBookmark:Human resource planningTwo, staff recruitment and configurationThree, performance appraisalFour, training and developmentFive, salary and welfare managementSix, labor relationsHuman resource planningTwo, staff recruitment and configurationThree, performance appraisalFour, training and developmentFive, salary and welfare managementSix, labor relationsAttached: detailed description of six modules of human resource managementHuman resource planningHuman resource planning is to enable enterprises to have stable quality and the necessary number of manpower, in order to achieve personal interests, including the organizational goals and proposed a set of measures that can be obtained between the personnel demand and personnel ownership in the future development of the enterprise in the process of mutual matching. Among them:The objectives of human resource planning: 1, obtain and maintain a certain number with specific skills, knowledge structure and ability of the staff. Make full use of existing human resources. 3, it can predict the potential surplus or lack of manpower in the enterprise organization. 4, build awell-trained, flexible workforce, enhance the ability of enterprises to adapt to the unknown environment. 5. Reduce the dependence of enterprises on recruitment in key technical links.The human resources verification: refers to the number, check the quality of human resources, structure and distribution.The human resources information including personal details, recruitment information, education information, salary information, implementation evaluation, work experience, service and turnover data, work attitude, work or job history data etc..Methods the human resources demand forecast: prediction method(Qualitative) intuition and mathematical prediction method (quantitative prediction).Job analysis: job analysis, also called job analysis and job analysis, is an important routine technology in human resource management, and is the basis of human resource management work. Job analysis is the activity of determining the nature, structure, requirements and other basic factors of work by means of certain analytical means.The analysis of the role of work: 1, selection and appointment of qualified personnel. Make effective personnel forecast plan and personnel plan. 3. Design positive personnel training and development programs. 4, provide assessment, promotion and operation standards. 5, improve work and production efficiency. 6, establish advanced and reasonable work quota and reward system. 7, improve work design and environment. 8, strengthen career counseling and career guidance.The job analysis process: preparation stage, planning stage, analysis stage, stage and using stage, operation controlThe job analysis information includes: 1, 2, 3, member name number of work units 4, 5, 6, work responsibilities knowledge intelligence requirements 7, 8, 9 and the precision of skilled experience, education and training, 10 physical requirements 11, working environment 12, and other 13 of the work, working time and shift 14, staff 15, the selection method of characteristicsThe job analysis information obtained finishing methods are:1, text 2, work list and questionnaire 3, analysis 4, determinant methodTwo, staff recruitment and configurationEmployee recruitment: in accordance with the requirements of enterprise management strategy planning, excellent and suitable person recruitment into the enterprise, put the right person in the right position. Among them:The recruitment methods are commonly used: Interview scene simulation, psychological test, labor skill testThe employee must comply with the recruitment requirements: 1, comply with relevant laws, policies and national interests in 2, 3, the principle of fairness in recruitment should adhere to equal employment. 4, to ensure the quality of hiring personnel, 5, according to the enterprise human resources planning needs and job description in the job qualification requirements, the use of scientific methods and procedures to carry out recruitment work. 6, efforts to reduce recruitment costs, pay attention to improve the efficiency of recruitment.The recruitment costs include: new hire cost; replacement cost; opportunity cost.The personnel allocation measures: 1, according to the internal and external human resources supply and demand situation of the deployment of measures. 2 carry out talent echelon construction. 3, the personnel policy of priority allocation within the enterprise. 4, the implementation of open competitionpersonnel policy.The human needs diagnosis steps: 1, by the human resources planning, unified. Or according to the long-term or short-term actual work needs, put forward manpower demand. 2. Fill out the personnel requirement form by manpower requirement department".3. Human resources audit.The personnel demand schedule includes: 1, the required personnel departments and posts; 2, the content of the work, responsibility and authority; 3, the number required and the kind of way of hiring; 4, the basic situation of personnel (age and gender); 5, education and experience; 6, hope 7, other skills and expertise; need to explain the contentWe develop recruitment plan content: 1, the number of employed staff and to be hiring rate needed. 2, the time interval between candidates and employment. 3. Employment standard. 4. Source of employment. 5, recruitment cost calculation.The recruitment cost: 1, 2, personnel costs, operating expenses. 3, enterprise general management fee.The classification of recruitment methods: 1, commissioned by the various labor employment mechanism 2, self employmentThe process of test and interview that: 1, to organize all kinds of examinations and tests. 2, finally determine the candidates to participate in the interview, release interview notice and preparation work before the interview. 3, the implementation of the interview process. 4. Analysis and evaluation ofinterview results. 5, determine the final results of personnel recruitment, if necessary for physical examination. 6. Feedback of interview results. 7, interview data archiving.The content of pre job training for employed personnel: 1. Familiar with the work content, nature, responsibility, authority, interests and norms. 2. Understand the corporate culture, policies and regulations. 3, familiar with the enterprise environment, job environment, personnel environment. 4. Familiar with the work flow and skills.Three, performance appraisalPerformance appraisal: from the connotation, it is to evaluate the status of people and their work, and to evaluate the relative value or contribution degree of people in the organization through the evaluation of human's work results. From the point of view of extension, it is purposeful, organized to observe, record, analyze and evaluate the people in daily work. Among them:The performance appraisal significance: 1, from the business objectives of the evaluation, and makes the personnel management evaluation and evaluation after treatment contribute to the achievement of business objectives. 2, as an integral part of the personnel management system, the use of a system of institutional norms, procedures and methods for evaluation. 3, the organization members in the daily work reflected in the work ability, work attitude and work performance, based on the fact based evaluation.The performance appraisal Objective: 1, performance assessment of employees. 2, establish effective performance appraisal system, procedures and methods. 3, all the staff of Achieve Inc, especially the management staff's recognition, understanding and operation of performance appraisal. 4, the promotion of performance appraisal system. 5, improve and enhance the overall performance of the company.The performance evaluation of the role: first, the company is 1, and the performance improvement. 2, staff training. 3, incentive. 4, personnel adjustment. 5, salary adjustment. 6, compare the results of the work with the objectives, and examine the performance of the staff. 7, performance comparison between employees.We charge 1, to help subordinates established occupation working relationship. 2, in order to explain the supervisor's expectations of subordinates. 3. Understanding subordinates' views on their responsibilities, objectives and tasks. 4 get the supervisor's opinion and suggestion to the company. 5. Provide managers with the opportunity to explain salary decisions to subordinates. 6. Explore the training and development needs and action plan of employees.The 1 for the employees, enhance mutual understanding of their responsibilities and objectives. 2, achievement and ability to get the boss's appreciation. 3. Get the opportunity to explain the difficulties and explain the misunderstanding. 4. Understand the implementation of policies related to yourself. 5, understand their future development. 6, get a sense of participation in the process of assessing work that has impacton you.The performance appraisal category: 1, 2, 3 annual assessment and regular assessment, special assessmentThe performance appraisal program is divided into: closed and open evaluation appraisalThe main evaluation index of the short-term performance evaluation are: the quality of written report 1, assessment action plan completion rate of 2, the 3 examination and interview and the evaluation results of 4, the superior and the attitude of the employee assessment and understanding of the role of. 5 fairness.The main index to evaluate the long-term effect of organizational performance: 1, 2, 3, the quality of the staff turnover rate of 4, the increase rate of employees of corporate identity.We give the attention of staff assessment feedback: 1, tentative 2, 3, 4 specific to listen to and respect the lower 5, comprehensive and constructive feedback 6 7, don't put too much emphasis on the employee's faults.Four, training and developmentTraining and development: the organization through learning, discipline, improve staff's ability, knowledge level and potential, maximize the individual quality and the working staff needs to match, to promote the staff present and futurework to improve the performance of. Among them:Definition: training is to train new employees or employees the skills they need to perform their work.The definition of development: development mainly refers to the management and development, all by imparting knowledge, ideas or improve skills to improve the current or future performance of the management activities.The main purpose of the training and development: 1, improve the level of performance, improve their working ability. 2. Enhance the adaptability and adaptability of an organization or an individual. 3, improve and enhance the organizational staff's identity and attribution to the organization.The characteristics of the training and development of the work of the enterprise: advanced recurrent ductility after training 2, 1, 3, the effect of training trainingThe analysis of training needs: long-term goals and short-term goals. It includes: 1. Human resource demand analysis of organization; 2; efficiency analysis of organization; 3. Analysis of organizational cultureThe personnel training needs analysis including: 1, the competence of personnel, quality and skills, according to the analysis of the 2 performanceTraining methods: 1, teaching method 2, operation demonstration method 3, case study method, etc.Five, salary and welfare managementThe definition of salary refers to the sum of various kinds of money and physical rewards provided by employees for the enterprises to provide labor. Among them:We formulate remuneration system steps: control and management of the compensation strategy 1, 2, 3, 4 of the salary survey, salary structure, salary design of 5 grade and 6 salary, salary systemThe definition of salary structure: refers to the organization of an enterprise in the position of relative value and the corresponding real pay is maintained between what kind of relationship.The factors influence the salary setting: the business nature and content, internal factors 1, 2 of enterprises, enterprise organization culture, enterprise ability to pay 3, 4 staff positions. Two, external factors 1, social consciousness 2, local living standards 3, national policies and regulations 4, human resources market situation.The job evaluation: job evaluation is a systematic review of the status of each position occupied in the internal wage structure in unit method.The job evaluation system, 1 principles: principle 2, practical principles, the principle of standardization, 3 4 level corresponds to the principle of optimization principle, 5,The five factors of job evaluation: 1, 2, 3 labor liability labor skills and labor Psychology 4, labor intensity and labor environment 5The index and classification of job evaluation: job evaluation consists of 24 indicators, according to the nature of the evaluation methods and index of the different, can be divided into: 1, evaluation index, namely labor skills and responsibility for labor and labor workers psychological index 2, 14 indexes, namely labor intensity and environment for a total of 10 indicators.The method of job evaluation are: 1, 2, 3 ranking classification, scoring 4, factor comparison methodThe post evaluation standard definition: refers to the uniform provisions for methods, the relevant departments of the post evaluation index and index system.Six, labor relationsLabor Relations: the social and economic relationship between workers and employers (including various enterprises, individual businesses, institutions, etc.) in the process of labor. Among them:The labor contract is: workers and employers to establish labor relations, defining the rights and obligations of the agreement.The labor contract: the principle of equality and voluntary, consensus.The invalid labor contract in violation of laws and administrative regulations of the labor contract is invalid and take a fraud, threats and other means of the labor contract labor contract.The definition of the probation period: refers to the selection period and agreed to not more than six months to understand each other, employers and workers.The labor contract with the terms conditions: 1 the contract term 2, work 3, labor protection and labor conditions 4, 5, 6 labor remuneration of labor discipline and termination of labor contract, liability for breach of contract 7.The classification of the labor contract term: fixed term, no fixed time limit to complete the work of a certain period.The labor contract changes: the process performance of the labor contract due to the change of the situation, the two parties through consultation, may amend or supplement of some provisions of the labor contract. The unchanged part continues to be valid.The termination of the labor contract definition: the termination condition of the expiration date of the labor contract or labor contract labor contract is terminated.The labor contract renewal: labor contract expires, the partiesmay renew the labor contract.The termination of the labor contract refers to the labor after the conclusion has not yet been fully met before, for some reason the labor contract one party or both parties in advance to interrupt legal act of labor relations.The definition of the collective contract, the collective contract is the Union (or employee representatives) on behalf of the workers and enterprises as labor remuneration, working conditions, the written agreement negotiations concluded.All the contents of the collective contract, labor conditions: 1 standard parts. 2. Transitional provisions. 3, the provisions of the collective contract text itself.The collective contract, the labor administrative department of the receipt of the text of the labor contract within fifteen days without objection, the collective contract shall take effect.The collective contract dispute: for collective consultation and collective contract dispute, the parties can be resolved through consultation, the parties may apply to the labor administrative department of labor dispute coordination mechanism put forward written negotiation process for processing; did not apply, the labor administrative department may deem necessary to coordinate treatment.The definition of labor disputes: refers to both parties due to the implementation of the right to work and fulfill labourobligations and disputes.The scope of the labor disputes: 1, dismissal, dismissal and resignation of employees, employee turnover and automatic dispute. 2. Disputes arising from the implementation of the relevant provisions of the State concerning wages, social insurance and welfare, training and labor protection. 3. Disputes arising from the performance of labor contracts. 4, the state organs, institutions and social organizations and the units to establish a labor contract relationship between employees, individual industrial and commercial households and workers, the dispute between the apprentice. 5. Other labor disputes dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the regulations on the handling of labor disputes by laws and regulations.The labor dispute handling mechanism: 1, the enterprise labor dispute mediation committee 2, labor arbitration committee and the people's court 3The labor dispute mediation committee: is the employer according to the provisions of the "labor law" and "labor dispute handling Regulations" in the internal institution, is specialized processing and the units of labor dispute organizations of the masses.The composition of the labor dispute mediation committee: 1, 2 representatives of the employees and employer representatives, 3 employer representatives of trade unions.The labor dispute arbitration committee, is a specializedagency to deal with labor disputes.The people's court is the judicial organs of the state, is also charged with the task of handling labor disputes.。
人力资源六大模块 概念
![人力资源六大模块 概念](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/74c736d4a58da0116c1749f3.png)
HR(Human Resource)各大模块的工作各有侧重点,但是各大模块是紧密联系的,就像生物链一样,任何一个环节的缺失都会影响整个系统的失衡,所以,HR工作是一个有机的整体,各个环节的工作都必须到位,同时要根据不同的情况,不断地调整工作的重点,才能保证人力资源管理保持良性运作,并支持企业战略目标的最终实现。
人力资源6大模块英文缩写【篇一:人力资源6大模块英文缩写】人力资源规划:human resources plan:招聘和配置:employment advertise and disposition培训和开发:training and development绩效管理:achievements management薪酬福利管理salary welfare management劳动关系管理workrelations management【篇二:人力资源6大模块英文缩写】请问人力资源六大模块工作中,哪个部分比较好,事情比较少,相对悠闲一些?请详细些,谢谢本人刚准备参加工作,现在在面试阶段,用人单位说可以在六大模块中挑一个部分,希望各位能人能为小女答疑解惑,谢谢六大模块工作中模块一人力资源管理 1、职业生涯发展理论 2、组织内部评估3、组织发展和变革; 4、计划组织职业发展;5、比较国际人力资源管理综述 6、开发人力资源发展战略计划 7、工作中的绩效因素 8、员工授权和监管模块二人力资源培训和开发模块 1、理论 2、项目评估3、调查和评估4、需求评估和培训5、培训和发展6、培训建议的构成7、培训、发展和员工教育8、培训的设计、系统方法9、开发管理和企业领导;开发自己和他人 10项目管理;运作管理:项目开发和管理惯例模块三人力资源的薪酬管理(补偿,激励和收益) 1、薪酬 2、构建全面的薪酬体系 3、福利和其他薪酬问题 4、评估绩效和提供反馈模块四人力资源管理和竞争 1、人力资源管理和竞争优势2、人力资源管理的发令及环境;3、人力资源规划 4、工作分析5、人员招聘6、培训和发展员工7、员工绩效评估 8、提高生产力方案模块五员工和劳动关系 1、就业法 2、劳动关系和社会 3、行业关系和社会 4、劳资谈判5、工会化和劳资谈判模块六安全、保安和健康 1、安全和健康项目 2、安全和健康的工作环境 3、促进工作场所的安全和健康 4、管理执业健康和安全模块六简单,不大适宜于女生。
01 概念定义 02 基本流程 03 模块关系 04 基本内容
第一代人力资源管理系统出现于20世 纪60年代末期,除了能自动计算人员 薪酬外,几乎没有更多如报表生成和
培训与开发,其主题是“育 人”;绩效管理是六大模块的 核心,是其他各模块的主要输 入
主旨在于帮助人、提高人,解决组织如何用 人的问题;薪酬福利,旨在激励人
解决企业留人的问题;劳动关系管理,旨在 管理人,帮助企业形成合理化人力资源配置 的有效循环 构建全面的薪酬体系,岗位评价与薪酬等级、 薪酬调查、薪酬计划、薪酬结构、薪酬制度 的制定、薪酬制度的调整、人工成本核算
1、招聘需求分析; 2、工作分析和胜任能力分析; 3、招聘程序和策略; 4、招聘渠道分析与选择; 5、招聘实施; 6、特殊政策与应变方案; 7、离职面谈; 8、降低员工流失的措施。
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人力资源管理六大模块之间相 互衔接、相互作用、相互影响 形成人力资源管理的有效体系。
招聘与配置,以人力资源规划 为输入之一,相当于组织的血 液,为组织提供营养,解决组
0 02 1 04 03
人力资源规划是人力资源管理 起点,主要通过规划帮助组织 预计未来的人员需求数量及基 本素质构成