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A.when / When

B. while / While

C. as / As

1. _____ he comes tomorrow, I shall ask him where he has been.

2. _____ he was speaking, everybody listened carefully.

3. _____ they picked tea, the girls song happily.

4. Have a good look at that man _____ you pass him.

5. It was already eight o’clock ____ we got home.

6. _____ coal is burned, the chemical energy is turned into heat energy.

7. He learned to speak German ______he was in Berlin.

8. Henry is in charge of the office _____ Mr Smith is away.

9. I was going out _____ a visitor came.

10. Some people respect him ______ others are afraid of him.

A. if (If)

B.unless (Unless)

C.so/as long as (So/As long as)

11. ______ he has time, he will come and see us in Beijing.

12. ______ you post the letter now, it won’t arrive in Tianjin tomorrow morning.

13. We should serve the people ______ we live.

14. You can’t learn a language well ______ you work hard.

15. He will not leave _____ it is fine tomorrow.

16. You may keep the book ______ you wish.

17. _____ the people of that country keep up their fight, they are sure to win.

18. _____ I had two tickets, I would give you one.

19. _____ he had heard the news, he would have told us.

20. _____ you opened the window, we should get more air.

A.so (So)……that

B.such (Such)……that

C.so (So) that

D.such (Such)……as

21. He made ____ great progress ____ the headmaster praised him at the

school meeting.

22. The problem is ______ difficult ______ none of us can work it out.

23. They got up early ______ they could get there on time.

24. Kr. Bethune was __ a good doctor ___ the Chinese people never forget him.

25. She was _____ good a teacher _______every one in our class liked her.

26. __ questions _____ you raised at the meeting were worth while to be


27. I don’t like _____ books ____ you have just bought.

28. Tom is not _____ a boy ______ he used to be.

29. She has done a lot of good deeds ______ she is highly praised by the


30. _____ rapidly did he speak _____ we could hardly understand him clearly.

A. Whatever/whatever

B. Whoever/whoever

C. No/no matter what


31. Do ____ you like.

32. ______ weather it is, we shall start at 9 o’clock.

33. Anyone ____ told you that was lying.

34. _____ told you that was lying.

35. _____ will go has not been decided yet.

36. No matter _______ asks for her help, she is ready to help.


B. Because/because

C. Since/since

37. ______ Jane was the eldest, she looked after the others.

38. ______ you have known it, I wouldn’t re peat it.

39. He didn’t hear the knocking at the door ______ he was listening to the radio.

40. Why didn’t you come?”

“_____ my father wouldn’t let me.”


41. Helen told me everything _____ she knew about it.

A. which

B. what

C. that

D. whose

42. Mary didn’t come to school yesterday, that was _____ she was ill.

A. why

B. because

C. how

D. whether

43. That’s _____ they missed the last bus.

A. what

B. why

C. which

D. whether

44. —Do you remember _____ he came? —Yes, I do, he came by car.

A. how

B. when

C. that

D. if

45. _______ they are discussing now is ____ they should let Tom know that.

A.What; that

B. What; what

C.What; if

D. That; what

46. She thought I was talking about her daughter, _____, in fact, I was taking

about my daughter.

A. whom

B. where

C. which

D. while

47. I wonder _______ George is always late for class.

A. that

B. what

C. whom

D. why

48. Show them ________.

A.what color do you like most

B.which color do you like most

C.what color do you like most

D.what color you like most

49. Would you like a cup of coffee _____ shall we get down to business right


A. and

B. then

C. or

D. otherwise

50. Every one was glad to hear the news ______ we had passed the test.

A. what

B. that

C. which

D. if

51. Maria has no idea _____ it will be her turn.

A. when

B. what

C. which

D. whom

52. An order has come from Berlin ______ no language but German may be

taught in the school.

A. what

B. that

C. whether

D. when

53. I’ll start early, _____ I don’t oversleep.

A. however

B. whether

C. if

D. though

54. I’ll start ear, _______ it may be dark.

A. however

B. whether

C. if

D. though

55. I’ll start early, _____ it is dark or light.
